2 minute read
The downpour soaks half of my hair in less than 2 seconds that it took for me to run from the car to the open reception. The boutique hotel is stunning. Hard to find, kind of in the middle of the rainforest but absolutely beautiful. The view of the forest with the ocean blending into the horizon is breathtaking. “This is your room, and here we have all the amenities and an outdoor shower”, - the concierge’s kind eyes smile. “Will you be joining us for dinner today”?
My head nods as my eyes smile back. This mask-wearing thing definitely took communication to a whole new level.
…“Help me understand, are we are supposed to model, too?”- it is taking all of my concentration to understand the response. The connection overseas is always a challenge. WhatsApp keeps breaking the call. Mike, a partner we are supposed to work with in Costa Rica, sounds angry.
“Please, calm down. I am simply asking for an itinerary.” - a mix of confusion and apprehension runs through my mind. Mike’s raised tones on the other side of the line are not welcomed.
“We always do what we agree to. I personally sign off on every itinerary. We made an exception for you, and I am simply asking for you to put down on paper all that has been discussed, so everyone is on the same page. Can you, please, email it to me?” - a seemingly simple and logical question unleashes another burst of fury from Mike.
“Ok, let’s continue this conversation tomorrow when we meet in person”, - a quick polite good-bye leaves my lips and fingers hit the “end conversation” button.
Another fraction of a second, and decision is made in mind: “Bobby, what do you think if we completely rearrange our plans? Something’s off about this guy. I can’t put my finger on it, but it just feels… uneasy” A pause sets in as thoughts rush in my mind. A shade of a doubt gains more and more strength. Am I jumping to conclusions prematurely? Maybe, he just simply overreacted. Yes. Probably. My conscious and subconscious minds try to reason with each other.
“How about this. Let’s meet him and see how we feel. And then I make a decision. Sounds good?” - my eyes refocus on Bobby. His head nods in agreement. Good. We have a plan B. The thought is comforting. It takes me extra mental power to shake off the heavy feeling. I will deal with everything tomorrow. My eyes close in exhaustion. It’s been a long day...