LivingNow's NSW Sep 2014 issue 175

Page 1

6 FANTASTIC COURSES TO BE WON FOR 2015 – TOTAL VALUE $50,000+ Improve your career at Academy of Hypnotic Science, Institute of NeuroEnergetic Kinesiology and 4 more – see pages 32 & 33.

Stepping up creates magic YOUR VISION Could glasses be making it worse?

TANTRIC SEX For a woman, first she opens her heart to herself


HEALTH 10 ways to reduce sugar

STRESS Has your OFF switch gone missing?

SHINING Not for the fainthearted

ABUNDANCE How to have an enriched life

5 words a man most dreads How he can avoid them september 2014


w w w. AcademyHypnotic


TRAIN AT VICTORIA’S HOME OF CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY Study at Victoria’s home of Clinical Hypnotherapy. This training is now delivered with state and federal funding for eligible applicants We are the ĮƌƐƚ, ďŝŐŐĞƐƚ and ďĞƐƚ Victorian-based training school that is government-accredited. Take our course and be eligible to ũŽŝŶ ƵƐƚƌĂůŝĂ͛Ɛ ,LJƉŶŽƚŚĞƌĂƉLJ ƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂů ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶƐ ĂŶĚ ŐĞƚ your own Private Healthcare Provider Number. Our course teaches you:


O p e n E ve n in g

Thursday 25 th September

s How to induce and deepen trance ͻ ĚǀĂŶĐĞĚ Ericksonian Hypnosis techniques BOOK ͻ sŝƌƚƵĂů 'ĂƐƚƌŝĐ ĂŶĚŝŶŐ ͻ ZĂƉŝĚ ŝŶĚƵĐƟŽŶƐ ͻ ŐŽ ^ƚĂƚĞ dŚĞƌĂƉLJ ͻ ,Žǁ ƚŽ ƵƐĞ counselling skills ƚŽ ĂĐŚŝĞǀĞ ďĞƩĞƌ ƌĞƐƵůƚƐ ǁŝƚŚ LJŽƵƌ ĐůŝĞŶƚƐ ͻ ,Žǁ ƚŽ ƐƚŽƉ ƐŵŽŬŝŶŐ͕ ŵĂŶĂŐĞ ǁĞŝŐŚƚ ĂŶĚ ƚƌĞĂƚ ŝŶƐŽŵŶŝĂ͕ ĂŶdžŝĞƟĞƐ͕ ƉĂŝŶ ĂŶĚ ƉŚŽďŝĂƐ ͻ ,Žǁ ƚŽ ĞƐƚĂďůŝƐŚ͕ ŵĂƌŬĞƚ ĂŶĚ ŐƌŽǁ LJŽƵƌ ŽǁŶ ůŝŶŝĐĂů ,LJƉŶŽƚŚĞƌĂƉLJ ƉƌĂĐƟĐĞ ĐĂĚĞŵLJ ŽĨ ,LJƉŶŽƟĐ ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞ ǁĞůĐŽŵĞƐ ĂƉƉůŝĐĂŶƚƐ ĨƌŽŵ ĚŝǀĞƌƐĞ ĐƵůƚƵƌĂů ďĂĐŬŐƌŽƵŶĚƐ

NOW! YYou may qualify for Government subsidised training – and SAVE more than $4,000 OFF the cost of the course! Finding out takes only a phone call to 1300 665 362 or email us: Dr Steve Carey ŝŶĨŽΛ,LJƉŶŽƟĐ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞ ĐĂĚĞŵLJ͘ĐŽŵ͘ĂƵ PRINCIPAL

$200 /^ KhEd͊ ƩĞŶĚ ŽƵƌ &Z KƉĞŶ ǀĞŶŝŶŐ ŽŶ dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJ 25th September & qualify for an exclusive LivingNow $200 discount bookings at Žƌ ǀŝƐŝƚ ŽƵƌ ǁĞďƐŝƚĞ ĨŽƌ ĨƵƌƚŚĞƌ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY


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t, d zKh͛>> ' d ✓ Latest advances in h^/E ^^ h/> /E' ^dZ d '/ ^ for a ƐƵĐĐĞƐƐĨƵů ƉƌĂĐƟĐĞ͕ ĞƐƐĞŶƟĂů ĨŽƌ LJŽƵ ƚŽ ŐĂŝŶ ƚŚĂƚ ƚŚƌŝǀŝŶŐ ƉƌĂĐƟĐĞ ✓ ,Kt dK ďƵŝůĚ LJŽƵƌ ĐŽŶĮĚĞŶĐĞ and Ks Z KD your fears ✓ ,Kt dK ĂƩƌĂĐƚ ŵŽƌĞ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐ into your business ✓ ^LJƐƚĞŵĂƟĐ Z & ZZ > D Z< d/E' ✓ Ensuring your y/^d/E' >/ Ed^ gets ƚŚĞ ŵŽƐƚ ŽƵƚ ŽĨ LJŽƵ ✓ Z s > ͗ ƚŚĞ ƚĞŵƉůĂƚĞ ƚŽ ZK^^Ͳ WZKDKd and :K/Ed-s EdhZ with ŽƚŚĞƌ ŽŵƉůĞŵĞŶƚĂƌLJ dŚĞƌĂƉŝƐƚƐ ✓ ,Kt dK ŐĞŶĞƌĂƚĞ ŵŽƌĞ ĐůŝĞŶƚƐ ĨƌŽŵ LJŽƵƌ t ^/d ✓ ,Kt dK create your own E/ , D Z< d ✓ Opening doors to the KZWKZ d tKZ> – learn how to get past the gatekeeper ✓ ,Kt dK ďƵŝůĚ LJŽƵƌ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌ ĞŶŐĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ >ŝƐƚ͘ ✓ 'ĞƫŶŐ ƚŚĞ D / to love you Plus much, much more


Sheila Granger LIVE in Australia!

ƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ dƌĂŶƐĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ tĞĞŬĞŶĚ ϮϬϭϰ ^LJĚŶĞLJ ϭƐƚ Θ ϮŶĚ EŽǀĞŵďĞƌ DĞůďŽƵƌŶĞ ϴƚŚ Θ ϵƚŚ EŽǀĞŵďĞƌ tĞ ĂƌĞ ĚĞůŝŐŚƚĞĚ ƚŽ ǁĞůĐŽŵĞ Sheila Granger to present this fastpaced, packed two day event for the VERY FIRST TIME in Australia Sheila has spent thousands of hours over the past few years building up a bank of knowledge about what works (and what doesn’t) – about ƚŚĞ ƐƉĞĐŝĮĐ ŵĂƌŬĞƟŶŐ ƐƚƌĂƚĞŐŝĞƐ ĂŶĚ ƚĂĐƟĐƐ ƚŚĂƚ ĂƩƌĂĐƚ ŚLJƉŶŽƚŚĞƌĂƉLJ ĐůŝĞŶƚƐ͘

✓ ŝŵŝŶŝƐŚ ĂůĐŽŚŽů ✓ WƌĞƐĞŶƚĂƟŽŶ ƐŬŝůůƐ ✓ &ĞĂƌ ŽĨ ŇLJŝŶŐ ✓ Sleep ✓ džĂŵ ƐƚƌĞƐƐ ✓ Pain control ✓ Stress ✓ Blushing


^Ž ǁŚĞƚŚĞƌ LJŽƵ͛ƌĞ ũƵƐƚ ƐƚĂƌƟŶŐ ŽƵƚ ĂŶĚ ĂƌĞ ůŽŽŬŝŶŐ ƚŽ ŐĞƚ LJŽƵƌ ǀĞƌLJ ĮƌƐƚ ĐůŝĞŶƚƐ͖ Žƌ LJŽƵ͛ƌĞ already out there, and want to take your ƉƌĂĐƟĐĞ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ŶĞdžƚ ůĞǀĞů͖ Žƌ LJŽƵ͛ƌĞ ďƵƐLJ ĂŶĚ ũƵƐƚ ǁĂŶƚ ƚŽ ŵĂŬĞ ƐƵƌĞ LJŽƵƌ ĚŝĂƌLJ ƐƚĂLJƐ ĨƵůů ůŽŶŐͲƚĞƌŵ͙ ǁŚĂƚĞǀĞƌ LJŽƵƌ ƐŝƚƵĂƟŽŶ͕ LJŽƵ͛ůů ĐŽŵĞ ĂǁĂLJ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚŝƐ ǁĞĞŬĞŶĚ ǁŝƚŚ Ă ƉĞƌƐŽŶĂůŝƐĞĚ ϵϬ ĚĂLJ ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵ ŽĨ d/KE that ǁŝůů ŐĞƚ LJŽƵ ǁŚĞƌĞ LJŽƵ ǁĂŶƚ ƚŽ ŐŽ͘

✓ ŶdžŝĞƚLJ ✓ EĂŝůďŝƟŶŐ ✓ Fear of spiders ✓ Driving nerves




^ŚĞŝůĂ 'ƌĂŶŐĞƌ creator of Sheila Granger’s Virtual Gastric Band Program

(1st & 2nd Sydney; 8th & 9th


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ǯ ϐ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Ǧ Ǧ Ȃ personalised 90 day action planǤ ϐ ǫ ǫ Ǩ Ǩ

er 2014 t, Z ͗ Sydney & Melbourne, Novemb t, E͗ Saturday & Sunday 9am-5pm Melbourne)

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ĞͿ $599 ;ůŝŵŝƚĞĚ ĂƌůLJ ŝƌĚ ďŽŶƵƐ ƟĐŬĞƚƐ ĂǀĂŝůĂďů


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TEAM EDITOR & CEO: Elizabeth Jewell Stephens FOOD EDITOR: Bianca Fauré PRODUCTION: Belynda Simpson, Emma Stephens ART: Belynda Simpson, Sonya Murphy, Adriana Cortazzo, Karah Edwards, Calvin Mousavi ADMINISTRATION/SALES: Emma Stephens, Justine Dyas, Michele Stevens, Bianca Fauré BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER: Tracy King SENIOR ACCOUNTS MANAGER: Margaret Sherrard, 0423 780 253 ACCOUNTS MANAGER: Betty Ennis COVER PHOTO: Damien Vincenzi photo of Jessica Bell COVER DESIGN: Verve Design STORY PHOTOS: Most are by DeathtoStock

PHONE: 1300 730 326 or 03 9842 1896 EMAIL: WEB: ADDRESS: 46 Tunstall Road, Donvale, 3111 Established 1989

Personal Development

08 Taking responsibility creates magic by Jess Ball J ess B all lives with a chronic condition. through her experiences, she has learned to let go of limiting beliefs about her condition, and is realising the beauty and magic. H ere she shares her conscious creation.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: Visit or under and click ‘Subscribe’ in the top left of the home page. Or simply write to 46 Tunstall Road Donvale 3111, Australia, and enclose a cheque or money order made payable to Living Now Publishing Pty. Ltd. Subscribers can choose to be Enthusiastic for 12 issues and pay $45, or Passionate for 12 issues and pay $95. More details page 27 of this issue. READERSHIP: Our reader surveys regularly show around 2.5 to 2.8 readers per copy, ie 200,000. DISTRIBUTION: Distributed freely in WA, VIC, NSW and QLD to health food shops, holistic book shops, healing clinics and centres, theatres, coffee shops, bars and restaurants, clothing shops, etc. EDITORIAL POLICY & DISCLAIMERS: We provide a vehicle for the interchange of ideas and experiences by which we hope to inspire, nurture and empower the human spirit. We do this in a non–doctrinal way and therefore accept submissions and advertising from a broad spectrum of people. No responsibility is accepted by Living Now Publishing P/L for the accuracy of the information contained herein. Expressed or implied authors’ and advertisers’ opinions and beliefs are not necessarily those of the Editor and/or Publisher. It is up to you, the reader, to make your own evaluation and judgement and take your own path; and seek professional advice when appropriate. No responsibility will be accepted where publication is delayed or prevented by factors beyond our control. LIMITED LIABILITY: Our liability for any error is limited to the cost of the space and is applicable only damages if, for any reason, we fail to publish an ad. Advertisers agree to assume all responsibility and liability for all claims arising from their advertisements and will protect the publisher from same. SUBMISSIONS: Our intention is that by informing, nurturing and inspiring our readers, we can complementary health and wellbeing, relationships, spiritual living, metaphysics, environment and social issues. We publish independent articles that contain a gift to the reader by presenting welltheir own lives. © 2014 Living Now Publishing Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. ACN 098 519 236. ABN 47 199 260 765. ISSN 1445-8381 INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED BY LIVING NOW PUBLISHING PTY LTD

4 september 2014

12 Shining is not for the fainthearted by Julian Noel When you listen deeply to the quiet place within, you are reminded of a power far greater than you can imagine. This power wants out; begging for expression, it will not let you rest until you appease it. 22 How to have an abundant and enriched life by Paramahamsa Nithyananda When we take the decision to enrich others with our life, we also enrich our own lives, and ultimately may experience enlightenment.


Living & Learning

14 Reconnecting to yourself for healing and well-being by Eric Pearl Adversity is often the trigger for people to begin the reconnection process. It is often a disappointment or great loss that makes people reassess their lives, and quest for something more. 34 The epic play of opposites – playing out in your life by Michael Sternfeld The punch line for life is ready to be revealed: evolution proceeds through a play of opposites. It is not a ‘problem’ to be rid of. it is simply one value emerging.

Health & Healing

16 Ten ways to reduce sugar by Michèle Wolff Simple to apply, down to earth suggestions for a replacing and avoiding sugar, leading to a healthier, happier body and putting a bounce in your step. 18 Tantric sex for women by Annette Baulch For a woman to get the most out of her sexuality the pathway begins with her going inside herself and connecting with who she is, opening her heart to herself and accessing the container for ecstasy that lies within. 26 Common or garden superfoods with a powerful punch by Casey Conroy Many herbs and spices double as surprisingly effective disease-fighting

superfoods. plus they’re potent, delicious, and far more affordable than many other foods being marketed as superfoods. 37 The business woman and the stress factor by Drs John & Judy Hinwood Many of us have lost the ability to work out how to have down time. our off switch seems to have gone missing. 38 Let your skeleton out of its closet – the Feldenkrais Method® by Jenni Evans Real stories of people whose lives have been changed with Feldenkrais. 40 What reading glasses do to your eyes by Leo Angart Of course, the idea that glasses make your vision worse is resisted by the optical industry.

Living with Spirit

29 Interview How do you live your spirituality? We asked d r Eric Pearl, the man behind the reconnection – indeed the man who discovered it as a powerful healing force – how he lives his spirituality.


18 Tantric sex for women by Annette Baulch For a woman to get the most out of her sexuality the pathway begins with her going inside herself and connecting with who she is, opening her heart to herself and accessing the container for ecstasy

that lies within. 30 A man’s five most dreaded words in the english language – and how he can avoid them by Steven Stosny If a judge were to give you a choice of talking to your woman about your relationship or spending a weekend behind bars, you might be tempted to ask what they serve for lunch. 42 NSW guide 46 NSW ripple news News and promotions from our advertisers and supporters. 49 Reviews – books, music and more 50 Food reviews 53 September stargazer by Stella Woods

Course Giveaway 32 Win one of six courses

september 2014



Dear Fellow Adventurers

THE PER SONAL GR OWTH movement from the second half of last century has given us many gifts – innumerable actually. However, there is one bit of fallout that I’m aware of, and that is that it left a lot of us thinking we were broken, deficient in some respect, or maybe that we had a gruesome shadow side to somehow combat, remedy, or purify. Good news!If you’ve been labouring under that sort of misapprehension, feel free to change your mind now, because you’re actually whole, and even incredible. In these very pages you’ll find out how amazing you are. Michael Sternfeld, a cool multitalented guy from the US, tells us (p.34) that we actually evolve from an interplay of opposites in our lives, and the shadow (or whatever you call your bogey-man) is not a problem to be rid of. Yes – you’re good to go! Julian Noel, another cool and multitalented guy whose turf is Sydney, tells us that not only are we good to go, but we were actually born for great things. If you’re looking for a way into those great things, read the article, p.12. Julian’s got a couple of brilliant ways to achieve this – simple to perform, and with a huge outcome: “Your gift and highest purpose [will] flourish before your eyes.” Another person with a simple and brilliant recipe for a good life – indeed a rich and abundant life – is Paramahamsa Nithyananda. He explains how, when he thought the world was out to cheat him, that’s what he got, but when he enriched others, he became enriched. Q uite a story – read it on pages 22 and 24.

The more I read this magazine ;-), the more I am convinced that life is absolutely meant to be simple, and yet we often don’t allow ourselves to believe that. I’m constantly bowled over by people, on a path of personal and/or spiritual development, who cannot believe that we do create our realities – really!So Nithyananada’s story, just mentioned, brings more solidity to that notion. Closer to home, and a person more like you and me, or the chick next door, is Jessica Ball, the beautiful young Melbourne woman on our cover. R eading her story (p.8), you’ll see how, by not accepting her life and body the way they were, she was creating an uncomfortable life. Jess now understands:“We are the creators of our own realities, and when we take responsibility for ourselves and our journey, magic undoubtedly happens.” What’s more, once she accepted that her ‘disability’ was a gift, she had a ‘ticket to freedom’. D r Eric Pearl, founder of The R econnection (pp.14 and 29), agrees with this:“Our most daunting challenges may be our greatest gifts.” Speaking of daunting challenges, do you have a challenge with a partner of the opposite sex? (Ssshhh... I heard that!) There’s an absolutely brilliant story by Steven Stosny on pages 30 and 31. I love simple recipes – as you can see from the above – and Steven has the answer to nearly all heterosexual relationship issues – truly!I’ve been following his work for a few years now, and his notions come in handy all the while. As you may know, the other issues we might have in relationship are


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Will Shannon

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6 september 2014

Why do people come from all around the world to Pinnacle Health Clinic?

sexual in nature. So in this case, turn to Annette Baulch’s article (p.19) to read about tantra for women. D id I hear you say there’s something for everyone in this issue? Yep – and you also can read about reducing your sugar in easy ways; superfoods in your cupboard or garden; alleviating stress; seeing better without glasses; and using Feldenkrais to free up a locked body. Gees, I’ve been sitting here, just about tied to my computer, while getting out this magazine for many hours now, and similarly for the past few days. So perhaps I should be taking a leaf out of my own book and going to a Feldenkrais session – but I admit I want to hang out with my man and go for a walk in the sunshine. Feldenkrais can wait for another day (apparently it’s good for anti-ageing too – so I’d better not leave it too long!). Happy reading. Oh, by the way, our magazine is now available on both Google Play and the Apple store – plus the pages from issue 174 onwards are more interactive. Oh, and we’ve reduced the price to $1.29 – and there are some beaut bonus articles in each issue, so that it is an even better read than the printed version. With love

Elizabeth Jewell Stephens P.S. See the six lif e-enhancing,careerenriching coursesbeing given away – page 32.




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T ak ing responsibility creates magic J ess liv es w ith a ch ronic cond ition. T h rough h er ex periences, sh eh as learned to let go of limiting belief s about h er cond ition, and is realising th e beauty and magic. H ere sh e sh ares h er conscious creation. B Y J ESS BALL


I f ound someone else w h o I L E AR N E D T O L O V E O T H E R S ad ty pe 1 , but sh ed id nt because I w anted to belong. also h talk about it; so I learned to At th e age of 1 2 I w as h av e sh ame and d id nt w ant d iagnosed w ith ty pe 1 to go into it v ery much eith er. d iabetes. I w as told I w ill be I could tell y ou th e mech anics inj ecting my self f our times and logistics of management, ad ay w ith insulin, w h ich but I certainly could n t tell w as a h uge sh ock . As my ou h ow it f elt, as I h ad bod y sh ut d ow n, I sh ut d ow n y no id ea and d id n t realise f rom my bod y . I t caused a w as d isconnected . complete d isconnection and I T h e need f or connection f ractured my relationsh ip ternally to my self w as w ith my self . I d id n t trust my ex th e biggest crav ing I h ad . bod y to support me; so w e I w anted nourish ing and split up. And I f elt alone. bod y w asn t coming to So, f rom th at ex perience, my th e party . So I search ed w h en it came to my sense I h ad buried th e maj or k ey of belonging, I d ecid ed to in th e sacred trine, w h at I lov e instead , as it meant call th e alch emy of spirit th at I w as w orth someth ing bod y , mind and soul. I w ent th rough oth ers ey es, and search ing on a path f or truth I h ad a purpose. I d id nt and k now led ge at 1 7 , and k now w h ere th is sense came d iv ed into f ind ing meaning, f rom, and I d id n t care to reason and a solution. I d id nt entertain th e ex ploration at now at th at time th eq uestion th at time. So I w ent w ith it, k I w as h unting th e answ er to, and unconsciously created an but I k new it w as a big one. ex ternal f illing of my need f or I w as med itating, d oing signif icance ( w h ich ultimately y oga, look ing at astrology , lead s to d isappointment, as h ealing, acupuncture no one else can f ill th e illusoryenergy w ork ing w ith cry stals, h ole insid e ex cept ourselv es) . and amongst oth er v ery At parties, as I w ould nt h ealing, d eeper learning d rink th at much , I w ould be f or me. Alth ough I w as th ed esignated d riv er, or at ex perimenting w ith v arious least th ek eeper of memories tech niq ues, ph ilosoph ies and secrets f rom th e nigh t and practices th at w ork ed bef ore . At celebrations, I w ith my d iabetes, I w asn t w ould h av e a bit of party d oing it to be a v ictim. f ood and cak e( luck ily I d on t I nev er consid ered my self h av e a sw eet tooth ) . U nd er a sick person. I w as simply th e surf ace my h eart w as try ing to f ill th eh ole as I f elt break ing, as I w asn t being lik eh av ing d iabetes w as a ask ed or consid ered in th e I h ad been told it ch oices th at w ere being mad e curse ( w as a lif e sentence ) , and it f or th e maj ority of people e me d if f erent, w h en all th ere, w h od id nth av ed ietary mad I w anted to d ow as belong. req uirements lik eI d id . september 2014

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september 2014


P eR S O nal D eV elO P M ent C O ntinU eD

i realised, when the house of cards came tumbling down, that i had never taken responsibility, or honoured my mind, body, spirit connection, as i was denying it was a dis-ease in my functioning at a deeper level. i desperately wanted to belong, and the diabetes made me feel separate in every way i looked at it. living, quite literally, in survival, in a constant state of fight/ flight and on the ready for any small wrong move that could see me die, has been exhausting for 20 years. it has stayed in my nervous system and has fed into every aspect of my existence until those cards fell down and i screamed stop. the reconnection came when that threat finally became real, earlier this year. i ended up in hospital for the first time since being diagnosed, and had to be resuscitated. About ten minutes away is close enough to death for most i can imagine, and instead of controlling it and denying the reality, i had to go with the flow. that was the ultimate surrender. the ultimate pause and refresh button that was triggered. i remember, as i was going in and out of consciousness at home, i spoke to my body and told Her i was listening, and if there was something i needed to pay attention to, i would call an ambulance. she understood, and i got that message back loud and clear… it was a graceful conversation, and there was no fear of death. it felt like time and space stood still, and there was a beautiful flow of energy around me. the ultimate connection back to my wholeness happened as i had finally realised the complete disconnection and lack of respect for myself. We are in this together. in that moment i experienced the most intense and indescribable feeling of oneness and incredible love. And from there the help came (which had also been hard for me to ask for, particularly in relation to the diabetes) as i am a giver and didn’ t receive very well. that changed when i realised i could trust myself and my body, and i felt the love from within. At times my mind and i have had our strong discussions too, and i have certainly learned in this chapter of my journey that, if i look after my body, my mind will follow and i will uncover the peace. AlWAYs. our minds, bodies and souls are all one, and are all connected at such a deep, foundational level, which i never quite felt. i understood it in my head, but when i came fully back into my heart, the feeling was something i’ d never felt before. After coming out of hospital, and getting back into work, after a few weeks of not feeling great and absolutely exhausted from the major trauma i’ d experienced, my body went into adrenal fatigue (similar to chronic fatigue) and i couldn’ t do much at all. i kept trying to show up for work, for friends, for family, as i didn’ t want to let people down by not being able to give.

instead, and this is where the clincher happened and the penny dropped – i needed to honour myself and my body, and connect in to hear what she was saying to me. not just dropping by to visit occasionally, but to always recognise and honour the connection, and know we are safe together. she was telling me to stop, pull back, be still… so i really listened this time… i had been working for years on my mindbody-soul connection, and i realised that the biggest key i had been missing, was the feeling, connection to the physical body and this realm. in the search for the ultimate sense of freedom from my diabetes, i investigated different professional treatments – acupuncture, chiropractic, osteopathy, reiki,

theta healing, etc., and i felt the connection periodically, but i could never maintain it, mainly because i didn’ t realise that it was what i was craving all this time, and i totally mistook the feelings for other emotions. i am now having a love affair with myself, with my body, mind and soul, and all the beautiful parts to it. And in denying that connection, or rather not knowing until i was ready to understand at the divine time i learned it, i felt so disconnected from my world. Yes it had impacts on my relationships, both intimate, and also friends and family, but that’ s what i was attracting subconsciously, as i did not accept living with diabetes, and saw it as a failure instead of the blessing it is. My inner guidance has now been heard by me – i have my voice back, and it is beautiful and wise. At times i slip back into the habit, but i know it is just that, and i certainly am on a strong and powerful quest to help others find and listen to their inner wisdom again after disconnection. i learned to love myself after being in hospital; peaceful because, for the first time in my life, i had listened to my body and we decided we were on the same team. i am whole, and living with diabetes has absolutely nothing to do with any outcome, but instead is my reconnection point.

My search for me, and the circle completion of finding the doorway in and unlocking it, happened when i reconnected through the diabetes. i walked over the threshold into the most wonderful place of love and wholeness – and i was holding the key all along. it has been a big journey so far, and i am excited to see what other magical pathways lie in this new world. We are all teachers and students at the same time, and i truly believe the lessons i will continue to learn on this journey will continue to uplift and liberate, now that i have accepted my responsibility and taken myself into my own hands. i unlocked my heart and listened to my inner wisdom from the cracks of imperfection, where the true beauty lies, and it was my ticket to freedom. i have had amazing guides along the way who have been helping me get closer to seeing the lock and big walls, and have all done their thing to help me knock them down for myself and show me where the door was – i was so blind i had no idea. From the major trauma my body has endured, i am now honouring the process, the resilience, trust and protection i undoubtedly know i have, and i am moving out of survival, which has been held in my nervous system ‘ just in case’ something happens. C learing the body memory of trauma in the nervous system, subtle energy system, and other systems operating in there, is a big process, and one which is ultimately the most rewarding when everything is flowing again. i am learning what my body is saying, and the messages are loud and crystal clear. And i have an awesome support crew around me who, now that i have taken responsibility for myself and my path, and stepped into my role as the creator, are helping me at deep levels, working on my mind, body and my soul. i am paying that forward, in my work as a life balance coach, working with people to unlock their creative potential. C oming from the place of giving from being whole instead of the desperation of wanting to be filled up, is the biggest gift i could give myself and those i support. Helping beautiful souls realise their wings and giving to others has AlWAYs been the biggest reward for me, and it is my mission here. My big WHY… Above all, through living with diabetes, i have learned to love myself and others. And what a massive blessing that is. We are the creators of our own realities, and when we take responsibility for ourselves and our journey, magic undoubtedly happens. Jess Ball is a life balance coach and communications specialist. She works with creative people to uncover their true purpose, shifting beliefs that no longer serve them. She guides them to move forward and realise their unique potential.

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!"#$#$%&#'& &&&$()&*(+&)",& *-#$)",-+),. When you listen deeply to the quiet place within, you are reminded of a power far greater than you can imagine. This power wants out; begging for expression, it will not let you rest until you appease it. !"#$%&'(&)'%"*'%*'+,)'++%",%,-.+% /0123%+412/5067%08%8/099067%:22;%06%/52%52<9/8% 4=%;24;>2?%0/%5<8%<%8/9<672%=<10>0<90/@% <A4B/%0/%54C29067%06%4B9%<D<926288E% 06808/26/E%A277067%=49%<//26/0463%,4%F412% 06/4%0/8%;92826F2%D2%1B8/%26/29%C0<%/52% :449%1<9G2:%80>26F23%./%08%46>@%/594B75% 80>26F2%/5</%D2%F<6%52<9%<6:%1<9G%0/8% <6F026/E%8/9<672%<6:%=<10>0<9%1288<723%./% 06C0/28%@4B%/4%8/4;%<6:%92121A29H%@4B9% ,508%92121A29067%F4128%D0/5%744:E% <6:%A<:E%62D83%I098/%/52%A<:H%0/J8%/012%/4% 92121A29%@4B%1<:2%<%;9410823%,52%744:% 62D8H%@4B%D292%A496%=49%792</%/506783

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Reconnecting to yourself for healing and well-being By Eric Pearl

Adversity is often the trigger for people to begin the reconnection process. It is often a disappointment or great loss that makes people reassess their lives, and quest for something more. Though it may not seem it at first, this is truly a gift because it forces us to reconnect with who we desire to be and who we were intended to be. SOMEWHERE IN MY 12TH YEAR OF practice, I went home on a Thursday thinking that I was a Doctor of Chiropractic, and when I came back on that Monday, I was something else. Mind you, my parents had always told me that I was something else, but this probably wasn’t what they had in mind. Strangely, my patients began reporting healings. What I had inadvertently discovered was a method of being a catalyst for people to experience mental, physical and emotional healing that became known as Reconnective Healing. By opening ourselves to a Universe that conveys corrective energy, light and information into our systems, we restore that connection to our original, pure self. This enables us to make better, healthier and wiser choices. It is a matter of being willing to let go of behaviours that mask who we are and embrace an energy or power that knows our true self. When we do this, it often presents us with the opportunity to discover our life purpose, one of the most empowering changes in our lives. When we know our life purpose and follow that path, it allows us to experience a real sense of happiness. Happiness is our true nature. When we reconnect with our true self, we recognise and accept our own perfection. Instead of seeing ourselves as insufficient, as many of us are taught to believe, we again see that we are indeed

14 September 2014

whole and perfect beings, and can strive to remain as close to that vision of ourselves as possible. How do we grow more deeply into our true self? The answer is in the questioning. By admitting we don’t know the answers and are willing to not know, suddenly all the possibilities and the potential in the world open up to us. We say, “I don’t know, but I see this possibility and this and this…”, and when we put the possibilities together, we discover what at first seem to be better answers… As we allow ourselves to not know, we discover that we observe more and more. This deepens our self-knowledge and allows new wisdom to come through that points us towards our greater truth and our natural state of connection.

Health challenges are often a result of disconnection with this original state of ultimate health. Health challenges are often a result of disconnection with this original state of ultimate health. What we need to understand is that we take on these health challenges for many reasons of which we are not consciously aware. Asking the right questions, observing, and being open to the self-healing power of reconnection begins the physical healing process. Our most daunting challenges may be our greatest gifts.

Adversity is often the trigger for people to begin the reconnection process. It is often that ‘dark night of the soul’, a disappointment or great loss that makes people reassess their lives, and quest for something more. Though it may not seem it at first, this is truly a gift because it forces us to reconnect with who we desire to be and who we were intended to be. As you reconnect with your higher inner self, you vibrate at a higher level of light. We are not alone. We are not individuals; we are all connected. So everyone with whom we interact shares this and all are brought up to a higher level of light vibration, a higher level of interaction with the healing spectrum of energy, light and information. Whether it is shared via a tone of voice, via a light touch, via a smile, or just being in the presence of someone else who is in that state, it somehow reminds us subliminally that this is our natural state of balance. And we return to it without often even being aware of that change having taken place. We are then able to assist others in remembering and returning to their own original fullness as human beings and seemingly restore them to a more complete reconnection with the Universe. Dr Eric Pearl is the founder of Reconnective Healing. He will be presenting workshops in Australia in October, 2014.


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september 2014


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R e l at i O n S H i P S


18 september 2014


For a woman to get the most out of her sexuality the pathway begins with her going inside herself and connecting with who she is, opening her heart to herself and accessing the container for ecstasy that lies within.

I F Y O U L IS T E N I N T O A C O N V E R S A T IO N B E T W E E N WO M E N A B O U T S E X these days you will find orgasm is the topic most commonly focussed on. Whether she had one, how many she had, whereabouts she had them- clitoris, gspot, uspot, aspot, deep spot, heart, throat, anal, full body, skin, energetic; how she got there and how good her partner/ vibrator was in getting her there. sex has become about peak and performance, heavily influenced by visual and orgasm-based pornography. tantric sex focuses on the inside. it is much more about what you feel than what you see, and it feels wonderful. Inner radiance v s ex ternal b eauty some years ago after the completion of one of my women’ s tantric workshops i took the participants out for a celebration dinner. the day happened to coincide with the running of a local race meeting. As we trouped up to the restaurant i noticed a couple of tables containing women who, given the tres chic way they were dressed, had obviously been out to this fashionable event. i noticed the women looked wonderful on the outside, quite ready for a spot in Vogue or C osmo, but even allowing for the fact that they’ d probably had a long

day, the inner spark, the radiance i look for in a woman’ s beauty was missing. it seemed that the outfits were wearing the women rather than the other way around. unlike this, the post workshop attendees who (after also having had a full day) were looking totally radiant, beaming with life and love from the inside out, and what they were wearing, while also very nice, was taking a back seat to the women themselves. i have never forgotten this striking comparison as it was a reminder for me of what tantra is all about for a woman - connecting to and experiencing all of who she is from within. this takes sex to a whole new dimension – a place of surrender, expansion, ecstasy and union with spirit. A woman’ s j ourney is to find herself A woman spends a lot of her life looking for who she is. she learns very early in life that life is about how she looks and how she fits in to what is expected of her. this is because woman is ‘ the other’ , supposedly made from Adam’ s spare rib – mankind is the centre of life and woman is created to reflect in man’ s image. she is born without a sense of herself and spends the remainder of her life trying to find it. the model for success she is given is masculine based, focussed on external motivations taking

her further away from her feminine essence. With feminine qualities seen as ‘ less than’ by the majority of society, she quickly loses contact with her innate way of being. in her uncertainty she embraces the external world of doing, of achieving, trying to ‘ have it all’ , or feels guilty for not doing so. this is how she approaches sex as well. T he good woman role model society has also skewed the essence of woman for its own purposes in praising her for her ability to nurture, to feel love and compassion at the expense of her other qualities. this has led woman, in her need for love and approval, to over focus on those around her to the detriment of herself. this takes her further away from her core strengths and leaves her vulnerable, depressed and insecure, or with a wall of pseudo confidence and independence yet unfulfilled within. it leaves her empty. T antra is the k ey this is where tantra and tantric sex come in. tantra invites a woman to more fully embody her feminine state, giving her access to the qualities that nurture, sustain and fill her up. this process is about surrendering rather than effort. it doesn’ t mean that she needs to september 2014


R e l at i O n S H i P S C O ntinU eD

abandon her drive for independence and achievement but offers a way to help her sustain it. tantric sex is more fulfilling than a tension-focussed performance, straining an already empty tank. What are these much maligned feminine qualities? Feeling, emotion, intensity, sexuality, vitality, nurturing, intuition, creativity, beingness, spontaneity, movement, receptivity, softness, vulnerability, fullness, submission, yielding, surrender, play, mystery, fluidity, changeability, connection, magnetic attractiveness, inner radiance, beauty, wisdom, embodied spirit.

with herself and her heart experiences sees sex from this holistic and tantric perspective, rather than merely a physical or mental one. it can be sex for pleasure, for procreation, making love, or experiencing sexuality as her vital life force, feeling it alive and vibrant inside her as she goes about her day.

Yes, we can have sex that focuses on the physical mechanics of peak orgasm – this is a great beginning place. it would be a tragedy if this were all a women ever sought, as exploring the nature of her feminine qualities will open a woman to her sense of self, and her body to pleasure the way the predictability of a vibrator cannot. i suggest you take time out to explore the qualities listed above and find ways to experience them. You’ ll have a sense of remembering who you are and fall more and more in love with yourself, leading to greater life and sexual confidence, openness and pleasure.

H ow does it relate to sex ? You might ask what does all of this have to do with sex? i say everything, as a woman who is fully connected

What is meant b y this “ connecting with, or b eing inside yourself” ? it is mostly a mindset. putting your attention on what is going on inside


T he feminine is not fragile Many of these qualities are denigrated as weakness or fragility. B ut is she fragile, being some one who is capable of carrying and giving birth to a new life (whether she chooses to or not?) is she a weakling, being some one who is capable of a wild, intense fury to chase after the one trying to steal her child? is she somehow deficient, being some one who is fully in a moment of spontaneous and revitalizing play? is she pathetic being that can surrender into her heart and softly nurture your deepest wounds? is she helpless, being some one who can magnetically attract you with her beauty and radiance, then vulnerably receive you into her body and the deepest, most intimate recesses of her heart and soul? is she merely irrelevant, being some one that can offer wisdom from her intuition spirit and years of experience? perhaps it is a misunderstanding of these qualities that leads us to deny what they offer. As women we are guilty of supporting the societal view of the feminine as we too are disconnected from ourselves and our truth. We fear vulnerability as a loss of control and see it as a source of suffering, we see surrender as a loss of power. From this place of disconnection we put up barriers to keep others (especially lovers) out of our hearts. We forget that these barriers keep us out of our own hearts and our sense of self.

20 september 2014

you, rather than on what is happening around you, paying attention to the physical sensations that you can feel in your body and enjoying them, imagine your body is a house and you are inside it walking from room to room noticing not colours and furnishings but feelings and sensations like relaxation, softness, tingling, excitement, feeling the walls of the house as the boundaries of your body. After a while you become less aware of your surroundings, more aware of yourself, like you are inside the house looking out. B reathing slowly and deeply helps this. initially it can take some time to get this, but it is well worth the effort practising as it gets much easier. And to take yourself to the heights of your sexual possibilities you need to go inside yourself this way; trust, connect and surrender to your flow (imagine an ocean) that lies within you – this is the unending of orgasmic ecstasy you are capable of. T hings that stop us from connecting with ourselv es in sex 1. not making the effort to spend time with ourselves, to get familiar with the connection process. 2. Worrying we have to perform, doing it instead of feeling it, then faking it because we’ re taking too long. 3 . Focussing on our partner’ s pleasure, leaving ourselves behind. 4. thinking that not feeling anything means nothing is going to happen. it doesn’ t – it just means you need a little more time. 5 . something that stops many women from feeling their bodies is that their minds are very active, taking their attention continually to their thoughts where it is harder to feel. simple visualisation will help. As you breathe deeply try imagining your head is filled with a solid white light, blanking out all the thoughts. After a while imagine there are drops of redness melting off the white, falling down through the centre of your body and landing inside your genitals, with rings of red expanding outwards like ripples of water after a stone has been dropped in it. 6 . C arrying past hurt and blocked emotions in the body, especially the heart, making us feel tense, distracted or numb. emotions like pleasure are energy in the body. if you are blocked up you can’ t feel. Write in a diary, talk to a friend or professional, get those feelings unblocked any way you can.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRY THIS SENSUAL MEDITATION? it will help you learn to connect with yourself and wake up the pleasure in your body. the more you practice the easier and more powerfully it happens. try it with yourself first (allow a minimum of 3 0 mins, with practice it will take a few mins only) then when you get more confident, with your partner: T he following steps will b egin this ex ploration of what lies within you. try them with yourself first and then share with your partner: (allow a minimum of 3 0 mins, with practice it will take a few mins only.) 1. B reathing – the more you breathe the more you feel and connect to yourself. B reathe deeply down into your belly and let go or relax as you exhale through your mouth. Allow your body to relax. 2. drop your attention from your mind into your body. notice your breath; scan your body and notice the sensations and feelings. if you are not feeling anything don’ t make it WRonG! this will just create more thinking. J ust keep noticing and allowing what is, trusting that it will change. it can feel like you

are dropping into nothing. this is where you need to trust yourself. 3 . then do the same with your attention to your genitals – breathe, notice and allow. 4. C ontinue deep breathing and now drop into your heart. When you do you will feel your body become soft, safe and receptive. if you feel any resistance or fear just allow it to be there; accept it and it will shift. take as much time as you need here. 5 . You may be noticing tingling sensations in your body. this is the activation of your ecstatic energy. B egin to breathe in through your open mouth as you rock your hips forward; breathe out through your nose as you rock your hips back. imagine you are filling yourself full of breath, energy or love. 6 . Relax and play with the size, speed and rhythm of your breath and movements. if you like, add in some pelvic floor squeezes (the ones you use to stop the flow of urine). enjoy yourself and see what happens. 7 . Give yourself permission to make sounds. don’ t fake it like a porn star. J ust ask yourself if there is a sound there that wants to be expressed; start gently. the vibrations in your throat amplify the ones in your body.

8 . Allow yourself to feel whatever comes, without expectations – don’ t judge what happens. 9. Above all stay connected with yourself. once you get this, adding in touch will feel electric and super pleasurable. From this place move on to explore your normal orgasmic spots and feel the increased intensity. 10. enjoy for as long as you like. sometimes not much happens – this is just your body taking longer to wake up. K eep practising as it will change. this is the beginning of the tantric approach to sex for a woman. Look out for more articles in this series in future issues, and look up last month’s article on Search under the title, Tantric sex for men, or author name, Graeme Sudholz.

Annette Baulch is a transpersonal counsellor and tantra facilitator offering Power of Yoni workshops for women. She and her partner Graeme Sudholz facilitate Oztantra workshops and retreats; and also work with individual couples in enhancing their relationships.

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Photo: by M ihael Pok os

How to have an abundant and enriched life by Paramahamsa Nithyananda

When we take the decision to enrich others with our life, we also enrich our own lives, and ultimately may experience enlightenment. !"#$%%"&'(")*'+"+&"',-"$./$*!$-0$1" 2345"!"6478646"93:9":5;"24:<93"23873" =:934>?":>@A56"B4"8?"C@>"@934>?1"934"7@?B@?" ?3@24>46"B4"2893"B@>4"24:<93"93:5"!" 54461"4D45"C@>"934"2@>E"!":B"6@85=F !"3:D4":<?@"6478646"93:9":<<"B;"E5@2<46=4"8?" C@>"@934>?G"!":B"5@9"=@85="9@"E44H":5;I 9385="?47>49F"!"3:D4"6478646"93:9":<<"B;" E5@2<46=4"8?"C@>"@934>?1":56"!"94<<";@A1"934" 7@?B@?"=@4?"@5"?3@24>85="B@>4":56"B@>4" E5@2<46=4"@5"B4F"$D45"!"6@"5@9"E5@2" 3@2"!":B"=8D85="542"7@574H9?"4D4>;"6:;1" =8D85="644H4>":56"644H4>"85?8=39?J" K47864"93:9"<8C4"8?"C@>"@934>?1":56":<<"934" L4?9"9385=?"28<<"L4"?3@24>46"@5";@AJ" 934":9989A64"93:9"934"2@><6"8?"@A9"934>4"9@" 734:9"B4J"$D45"2345"!"2:?"85"B;"@25" 3@A?41"!"C4<9"<8E4":"H@@>"L4==:>F"M9"934":=4" @C"NO1"!"<4C9"934"3@A?41"LA9"2893"7@BH<4I 98@51":56"934":9989A64"@C"45>87385="B;?4<C" :56"@934>?F"#3@A=3"!"<8D46":?":"2:564>85=" B@5E"C>@B"934":=4"@C"NO"9@"PQ1"L4==85=" 4D45"C@>"B;"C@@61"!"C4<9":56"<8D46"@5<;"<8E4" :"E85=F"!"2459"@5"45>87385="H4@H<41"4D45" 93@A=3"!"54D4>"3:6":5;9385="85"B;"3:56?" :56"2:?"64H456459"@5"@934>?"C@>"4D4>;9385=F" !"?:2"93:9"!"2:?":<2:;?":6685="9@"23@4D4>" 7:B4"859@"B;"L>4:9385="?H:74F"!"C4<9"@5<;"

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In any dimension of your life where you want expansion, just start enriching.

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Just decide, ‘life is for others’ and you will be showered by life with wealth, knowledge and energy. K &.98#,+;,+#(),+1."8.+9).2)#8,)#,"8+.R$,5) S,"./,)01*;)#8.2);*;,+#()<&.0,).2)0*1) *#8,12?@)=-,1'#8.+9):.&&)/.2%77,%1)L) '*$1).+2,"$1.#'()0,%1()%+9,1()91,,/@)!&&) '*$1)1**#)7%##,1+2):.&&)4,"*;,)1**#&,22) 7%##,1+2@ T$2#)/,"./,()<&.0,).2)0*1)*#8,12?)%+/)'*$) :.&&)4,)28*:,1,/)4')&.0,):.#8):,%&#8() C+*:&,/9,)%+/),+,19'@) This article was adapted by Ramanujam Desikan from a discourse given by Paramahamsa Nithyananda in a daily talk broadcast on YouTube. Ramanujam Desikan is inspired by teachings of the living enlightened Master Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda, a global leader in the science of enlightenment and the founder of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam. Ramanujam conducts free meditation classes around Australia.

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Photo: by Elena Schweitzer

Common or garden superfoods with a powerful punch by Casey Conroy Many herbs and spices double as surprisingly effective disease-fighting superfoods. Plus they’re potent, delicious, and far more affordable than many other foods being marketed as superfoods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september 2014


Photo: by Elena Schweitzer

That yellow-flowered weed that grows along your back fence was deemed by the USDA as the second most nutritious plant evertested, trumped only by parsley.

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Find something that you can give to one person that might make them smile each and every day.

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How do you live your spirituality? We asked Dr Eric Pearl, the man behind The Reconnection – indeed the man who discovered it as a powerful healing force – how he lives his spirituality. We were delighted to see that his answers fitted in with another article in this very issue: ‘How to have an abundant and enriched life’. Q. How do you live your spirituality?

i live my spirituality by learning to observe, by learning to witness, and by learning to observe and witness with as little judgment as possible. in doing so i allow myself to recognise even more.

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Based on the fundamental principles of quantum physics and the regeneration techniques of

Q. Do you have any rituals or a special spiritual practice?

The Russian “Miracle Workers”

Q. Do you believe you have to live by certain rules to be your spiritual self?

Learn how to ‘embody’ your organs and systems and allow them to speak. Each organ has a ‘blueprint of optimal functioning.’ Once this blueprint is activated and within minutes, the organ will tell you it has a whole new operating system and has started the process of regeneration.

i think my spiritual practice would be considered quite simple by some, and it is simply that i say thank you to God, to love, to the universe, every morning. once in a while, i forget, and i don’ t beat myself up for forgetting. i say thank you again the next morning.

i believe that when we recognise that we are everyone and that everyone is us, suddenly we don’ t need to learn about or focus on ‘ rules’ because our natural behaviour falls in to perfect alignment with the universe.

Q. What do you recommend to people who are struggling with finding their place?

Dr Eric Pearl is the founder of The Reconnection and will be in Australia conducting classes in October, 2014.

2 Day Basic Course 15-16 November 2014 • Heal your organs & systems • Transform defective DNA • Reprogram Stem Cells for regeneration

5 Day Personal Healing Intensive/Practitioner Certification 17-21 November 2014 • Heal a whole lifetime of traumas in ONE session • Heal your genetic lineage • Transform your relationships with planets negatively affecting your health • Restore lost codes in telomeres for youth & vitality • Quantum boost your finances & relationships

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i would say to them, look at every person that you see – people you know and people who are strangers to you – and ask yourself, “How can i recognise myself in that person? How can i give something of me, if only in a smile, to another person?” Find something that you can give to one person that might make them smile each and every day. You will find that you are giving it to more and more people. And somewhere in that practice you will begin to discover what you have to give, what makes your heart sing, and the next thing you know you will be on your most wondrous path.

with Carol Roberts • Coolangatta Beach QLD

Call Carol on 07 5535 7889 or 0407 972 277 Go to for videos & testimonials Photo by AA Xpose Media:

september 2014


R e l at i O n S H i P S

©shutterstock, by solominviktor

A man’s five most dreaded words in the English language – and how he can avoid them If a judge were to give you a choice of talking to your woman about your relationship or spending a weekend behind bars, you might be tempted to ask what they serve for lunch. BY STEVEN STOSNY

it’ s A sentenC e tHAt makes most men cringe: “Honey, we need to talk”. When a man hears these awful words, he knows that he’ s about to be blamed for every negative feeling the woman in his life has ever had. He’ s going to be told how he’ s failing as a husband or boyfriend. she’ s about to recite, in chronological order, all the things he’ s ever done wrong. And it won’ t matter if he starts doing what she wants, because he didn’ t think to do what she wanted without being told! no wonder that so many men regard ‘ relationship talk’ as an alternative jail sentence. if a judge were to 30 september 2014

give you a choice of talking to your woman about your relationship or spending a weekend behind bars, you might be tempted to ask what they serve for lunch. it may come as a big surprise to most women, but research shows that men are right. talking about your relationship is more likely to make it worse than better. that’ s because talking about feelings and relationships lowers anxiety and discomfort for women but raises them for men. “i’ d feel okay if you would just talk to me”, she says. “i’ d feel okay if you would just give it a rest”, he counters. A large part of his

discomfort is purely physical. When males feel emotion, they have significantly more blood flow to organs and muscles and a lot more electrical activity surging through them. When a man feels something, he wants to do something, not sit and talk. if he tries to suppress his discomfort, which he’ s likely to do at first to keep from making things worse, he fidgets or squirms and seems not to be listening even when he is. this just makes her madder and him more frustrated. B elieve it or not, your woman doesn’ t put you through the ordeal of ‘ relationship talk’ because she likes to see you squirm. she

doesn’ t enjoy endless verbal wrestling matches any more than you do. it’ s just that, when she feels emotionally disconnected, she needs to talk – and here is a huge difference between women and men. Women talk about emotions and relationships to forge a connection, which seems especially important if they feel anxious or isolated. if you make them feel more anxious or isolated, you make them want to talk more. What’ s more, if you fidget or squirm while she’ s talking, she will get more anxious and talk still more. When it comes to relationship talk, it’ s pay me now and pay me later. the trick here is to think

prevention. if you don’ t want to have those cursed relationship talks you have to make her feel connected. the following is an amazingly successful formula to avoid the dreaded words, “Honey, we need to talk”, before she can utter them: • Be aware of how important she is to you. she gives meaning to your life. J ust think of how empty it would be without her. • Feel connected to her. C onnection is a mental state and a choice. You like yourself better when you choose to feel connected, and you like yourself less when you choose

to feel disconnected. • Think positive thoughts about her when you’ re not with her. that will make you want to connect when you’ re together. • Come home looking forward to connecting with her. • Make small connection gestures a part of your daily routine. say or do something brief to let her know that she’ s important to you at four crucial transitional times: when you wake up, leave the house, as soon as you come in, and the last thing at night. • Hug at least six times a day, holding each for a minimum of six seconds – this gets the

connection chemicals flowing. • Surprise her. Unlike men, who love routine, women like to be surprised. • Help her around the house. she’ ll feel isolated and want to complain more if you don’ t. All of this takes a surprisingly small amount of time, if done on a daily basis. it will take nowhere near the amount of time you’ ll spend talking about your relationship when she feels disconnected. the good news is that most men actually like to talk about emotions, if they feel connected. so if she feels connected, she’ ll be less anxious and talk less. And if

you feel connected, you’ ll talk more – the two of you will meet in the middle!

Steven Stosny, PhD, is the founder of CompassionPower in suburban Washington, DC, and author of several books on improving relationships. He has offered hundreds of workshops all over the world and has presented at most of the leading professional conferences. He has treated over 6,000 clients for various forms of resentment, anger, abuse, and violence. He will be presenting workshops in Australia in November, 2015.


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Would you like a unique and valuable course to enrich your life in 2015? LivingNow have proudly selected six life-changing courses, from some of the best training institutions in Australia.

Academy of Hypnotic Science

Stress Management Institute

Feldenkrais Institute

– a place on one of our Certificate IV courses in 2015, worth $9,673.95

10420NAT Certificate IV – Stress Management Practitioner worth $8,800

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Have you experienced the power of hypnotherapy, or know someone who has – perhaps to stop smoking, lost weight, get rid of a phobia or become calmer? If so, you won’t need persuading of its ability to help us find our resourceful state and get far more motivated than we might have believed possible. What you may not know is that Clinical Hypnotherapists have a wonderful, extraordinarily rewarding career – and that YOU could become one in 2015! That’s right. You can take governmentaccredited training in hypnotherapy, set up your own private practice seeing as many or as few clients as you like, become a member of one of the national professional hypnotherapy associations, get insurance to practice and even get your own private health insurance provider number. And if you’re going to train to become a clinical hypnotherapist, you’ll want to train with the best. That’s us, the Academy of Hypnotic Science. Based in Melbourne, we’re the biggest and best training school for hypnotherapists in Australia. We offer government-accredited training. Naturally, there are a few terms and conditions and these are on More course details on

With this certificate you will help individuals and organisations with their stress management. You’ll learn about the science behind stress relief and stress management, and develop many tools and strategies to support the cross section of your future client base. This course is taught by experienced practitioners, and includes plenty of hands-on experience with stressed individuals, so that course graduates will find it easy to transition into their new career, consulting with their own clients. Students can complete the practical training component of the course from their office or home, in person or via telephone or Skype. This training gives you the opportunity to work with clients, either locally, interstate, or overseas. Those interested in a career or a business in stress management will note that the course also includes 60% of the course BSB40212 Certificate IV in Business. This not only enables graduates to use this knowledge to build and market their own business, but also provides credit towards further business certification should graduates wish to pursue it. More details and terms and conditions for entry on and more course details on

32 september 2014

Change can be easy. The Feldenkrais Method® is the gentle way to profound change. In this practical training program, you begin learning through the movement of body. As you get to understand human potential through your own experience, you naturally walk taller with less effort. Your life becomes easier as you prepare to assist others realise their potential. Feldenkrais practitioners work in both individual hands-on and group settings. They work with children with developmental challenges, teens with behavioural issues, people who have had accidents, injuries or neurological impairments to optimise their rehabilitation and reduce pain. They help musicians, artists, sports people and performers to get more out of themselves and everyday people who sit at computers, drive cars and get stressed, find their way back to comfort. Feldenkrais practitioners are supported by the Australian Feldenkrais Guild for professional development activities and access professional indemnity insurance. The Feldenkrais Institute of Australia is a world leader in innovative teaching and learning methods, constantly looking for ways to increase the effectiveness of our training programs. All teaching staff maintain a private practice and are chosen for their experience and presentation skills. Closing date 20th October, 2014.

You could WIN one of these courses! To enter go to Winners will be announced in the December magazine Closing date is 20th November for all except Feldenkrais, which is exactly a month earlier

The Psychosomatic Therapy College and A’asian Institute of Body Mind Analysis & Psychosomatic Therapy 10484NAT Cert III in Psychosomatic Ther Psychosomatic Therapy is a technique of accessing the mind/body communications and its affects on the structural alignment of the human body. This 10-day training enables you to quickly identify the reasons why a person has shifted out of balance by analysing the condition of the body, shape, size, tissue restriction or protection. A person’s response to their emotional history becomes clear. Psychosomatic Therapy locates those core issues where stress, tension and discomfort can be identified before they become disease. Psychosomatic Therapy trainings are designed to create a successful career as a psychosomatic therapist, enhance your existing practice and complement all other modalities of natural therapies. The core purpose of our trainings is to improve your professional and personal life while learning to enhance the dynamic qualities which bring passion and success into your life. The principles taught involve self improvement, self empowerment and self worth for your fuller expression and to create aligned mental, emotional and physical focus for improved health and enhanced relationships. and We invite you to our open day at the National conference in Melbourne, Oct 25th.

Awareness Institute Industry accredited Diploma of Energetic Healing worth $8,880 Energetic healing is the practice of creative, intuitive and soul-centred ways of working with self and others for awareness, wellbeing and empowerment. Many modalities are explored within this transformative, powerful program including developing intuitive awareness, working with the etheric bodies, utilising crystal/colour therapy, reiki, soul-centred communication and meditation. At the completion of the program you will also receive a Certificate in Intuitive Awareness and the Transformative Meditation Facilitator’s Certificate which will enable you to train groups in a variety of meditation techniques. If you are drawn to the energy state of healing and awakening, and wish to assist others in their journey then this course if for you. This program is specially designed to be practical and experiential. You will be developing your hands on skills right from the start. Structure – This is an 18 month part/time program comprised of weekly classes and weekend intensives based in Sydney. “People are not just looking for a course, they are also looking for a connected community to share their journey. It is so rewarding to see strangers spontaneously share excitement over something they have just learnt or experienced.” Jody Haywood, Director. Find out more at

Institute of NeuroEnergetic Kinesiology Join our Certificate IV in Kinesiology HLT42812 in 2015 FREE (worth $7,200) – Offered in various campuses across the East Coast of Australia and internationally Have you ever wanted to understand the intricate energy systems of the human body and how they impact our daily experience, our relationships and how we form behavioural patterns as a result? Imbalances in these interactions can result in disease, pain and dysfunction. With kinesiology we test the body’s muscles as indicators for deeper stresses held within the body, causing illness. More importantly we learn the correction techniques to relieve these burdens and create health plans specific for individuals. At NK we give you the opportunity to; – study with world leaders and educators – develop a deep understanding of kinesiology and its many applications – study the latest findings and innovations – be supported whilst developing your practice – access an international network of experts and opportunities Our graduates find NeuroEnergetic Kinesiology to be the best, extremely successful with their clients health needs, and continue studying even more advanced training with us. You too can begin this rewarding pathway to excellence at the NK Institute.

september 2014


R e l at i O n S H i P S

The epic play of opposites – playing out in your life The punch line for life is ready to be revealed: Evolution proceeds through a play of opposites. It is not a ‘problem’ to be rid of. It is simply one value emerging. Then it’s opposite value appears... and then transcendence. BY MICHAEL STERNFELD

liFe And All sAC Red stoRies seem to be filled with a play of opposites. the patterns of life display a neverending rhythmic dance of light and dark, peace and agitation, love and fear, coherence and chaos. even though everybody acknowledges this ebb and flow of life, we try to suppress the shadow side— that which we do not want. We imagine that if we are disciplined enough or use all ‘ the secret’ manifestation techniques, we can somehow get rid of the ‘ negative’ side of the equation. B ut the more we try to hold onto the ‘ good’ , the more the dragon wags its tail. How does this translate into everyday life? We may meet someone that we love deeply, but as the intimacy grows, so may some deep resistance and fear of surrender. We then may swing towards the opposite – if we could only love more deeply, that would ‘ solve the problem,’ but, so, too, the resistance may increase. or on a more practical level, we may be manifesting great enthusiasm in living our purpose, but are pulled from it by our equal commitment to our family. the heart is deeply connected to family, but

our vision wants to stretch out to fulfill our destiny that, for example, may require extensive travel. this dynamic is the play of opposites. When most people experience the conflicts of this play (or ‘ lila’ in sanskrit), they try to minimise the inner conflict by decreasing the polarity. We soften our grip on one end of our desire, often relinquishing some deep longing, such as fulfilling our vision or purpose. Maybe there is another way. there can be great power in holding the dynamic tension of this play of opposites. Hold it long enough until it resolves in a new, third field of life, that somehow embraces both opposites. this is not some new, modern-age dilemma. it is as old as the sun. All the great heroes who have gone before us have encountered the challenges of the play of opposites. Whether it is odysseus, longing to return home, but pulled in the opposite direction by the call of adventure and obstacles...or Frodo, longing for the simplicity of the shire, but compelled to go on the most dangerous of missions by carrying the one Ring of power...all those on great

quests find themselves trying to ground their truth amidst life’ s exalted pulls. Great epic myths take us into this sacred world of archetypal depth where all these values are magnified in the extreme. B y following these heroes’ footsteps, we gain their knowledge, transformations and victories, even though it may be played out on the smaller scale of our personal lives. one of my favourite heroes’ journeys that illustrates this theme is known as the Ramayana. the Ramayana – considered to chronicle events that really happened – is also a classic of world literature, and one of the most well-known sacred stories of india and southeast Asia. over 3 ,000 years old, the Ramayana is the most ancient epic myth – the first ‘ heroic quest’ – and has provided source material for many Western myths and fairy tales. the Ramayana is the story of a divine being or avatar, who comes to earth as a man – Rama – to purify the world of the dark forces of ignorance. Along the way, Rama encounters an extraordinary ‘ lila’ of opposing forces – apparently excruciatingly irreconcilable opposites – until his ultimate victory.

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let’ s see what we can learn from following Rama on his journey. imagine you are Rama’ s father, K ing dasharatha, who is torn between the love of his son and his duty to uphold his word. He wishes to crown his beloved son as the prince regent, but in the past he has promised Rama’ s stepmother K aikeyi two boons. C unningly, she now calls upon those boons – demanding that her own son be crowned and that Rama be exiled to the forest for 14 years. or imagine yourself as Rama, who has just fought the greatest of battles to reunite with his beloved wife, sita, who had been abducted by the K ing of demons, Ravanna. even though he knows in his heart that sita is pure, he must banish his precious wife from the kingdom to satisfy the doubts of the people from the impression that the king has reunited with a woman who may have been corrupted by living in a demon’ s household for almost one year. in this situation, we feel the tremendous pull of emotion of the tug between heart and mind. How could Rama do this? B ut so many of life’ s challenges come down to this theme — the never-ending pull between our heart and mind. Herein lies the secret of the Ramayana. this story is so vast, profound, and multi-

layered that it contains virtually every level of relationship and the unfolding dynamic between heart and mind. As we follow its epic journey, we explore every swing of emotion – from the depths of despair to supreme ecstasy and everything in between. Again and again we encounter its apparently irreconcilable values, and we shake until we must transcend to a deeper level of synthesis which embraces the opposites in a new way. our consciousness expands exponentially in the process. the punch line for life is ready to be revealed: evolution proceeds through this play of opposites. it is not a ‘ problem’ to be rid of. it is simply one value emerging. then its opposite value appears… and then transcendence. these are the actual mechanics by which we grow in life. that is why the heroic quests such as the Ramayana are such profound teaching vehicles for life. B y following this lila on the magnified, mythic level of Ramayana, we train our consciousness to embrace, rather than resist, this exquisite play within our own life. We are also Rama, who, after banishing sita, grieves deeply at his loss. His grief climaxes after sita asks divine Mother to allow her to return home and she is swallowed up by the earth. Rama is

only consoled when the Grandsire of the universe himself (B rahma) arrives on the scene to remind Rama of his divine origins. B rahma is able to shift Rama’ s whole perception by reminding him that his separation from sita is only a flicker in eternity. Rama transcends and realises that he will be ‘ momentarily’ re-united with sita when he returns to heaven. Are we not all like Rama, forgetting our divine nature and grieving over our ‘ momentary losses’ ? Remember to be steady in your self the next time you are confronted by the challenging illusion of opposing forces. B reathe into the ‘ fullness’ of the opposition. B y embracing this, you will transcend into a deeper fullness that encompasses both. inside that we find the truth of who we really are! Michael Sternfeld is a body-centered therapist, who has combined his professional dance background, with bodywork training, and an MA in Vedic Psychology, to create an integrated embodiment approach called, Body Presence. He is also a world-class producer of epic events. One of his most epic was the first complete audio production of the Ramayana, which, at 75 hours, is the world’s longest audio book.

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H e a lt H & H e a l i n g

You can decrease stress by taking your dog for a walk

©DeathtoStock, 110

The business woman and the stress factor Many of us have lost the ability to work out how to have down time. Our OFF switch seems to have gone missing. BY DRS JOHN & JUDY HINWOOD

t H eRe i s no d ou B t AB ou t i t – living in the ‘ modern’ world has its benefits. not long ago, women had the homemaker role and had to wash the family’ s clothes in a copper over a fire, use an outhouse instead of a toilet, and always cook everything from scratch. Women now appreciate how good it is to be able to access the internet any time and to get a virtually instant response to letters. if you have family overseas you can stay in touch via skype and see their faces and talk to them virtually whenever you want for free, instead of saving up for the once-a-fortnight phone call. this is absolutely phenomenal! it’ s hard to imagine (or remember) that, just a generation ago, none of this would have been possible. today, we have the convenience of ‘ labour-saving’ appliances in our homes, cars that can take us almost anywhere at speeds that would have blown our grandparents’ minds, and computers, tablets and smart phones that keep us in touch with the entire world from the comfort of our own homes or on the road. With these benefits, however, have come some pretty amazing downsides. Modern technology has changed human society so quickly and profoundly that a person who was born 100 years ago or even less would have trouble understanding almost anything we do routinely today. techno stress now runs hand in hand in the high pressure business world. For a woman working in some professions, the dog-eat-dog and full-on business culture is a high stress generator. life for some has become an exercise in survival as they work really hard for ridiculously long hours (often from 7 in the morning until 9.3 0 or later at 36 september 2014

night) and short to no holiday breaks. in past times, not so long ago, once you arrived home, your job was left behind. At night and on the weekend, you were your own person. no emails followed you home; no mobile phone keeping you in touch with work at all hours of the day or night. You were your own person and enjoyed that time off – the release of doing what you wanted and only being responsible to yourself – even if only for the weekend. looking back, friends will share that they read at least one novel a week, took long walks, they had relaxing weekends away with family and friends, and all with no electronic pollution to deal with. Activities just don’ t seem to fit into people’ s lives as easily today as they did then. even with a stressful job, people had many precious opportunities to relax and let off the steam that had built up during the week. in a landmark paper, ‘ Hard to get a break?’ published by the Australia institute, the authors tell us that one in five workers is too stressed to take a lunch break as they are so busy. Many find it hard to make that break between work and home and between stressful situations and relaxation. And if you actually work from home – well – the travel time is fantastic but many never do manage to leave the ‘ office’ . do you? it’ s no wonder that stress-related illnesses are at an all-time high as many workers are reaching the boiling point. these illnesses include (but are not limited to) heart disease, asthma, obesity, diabetes, chronic headaches, gut issues, sleeping problems, dementia, depression and anxiety, premature ageing and even death. Many of us have lost the ability to work out how to have down time. our

oFF switch seems to have gone missing. so it is vital that we find ways to get some relief from these pressures for our health and our sanity. How we choose to do that will probably be as unique as each of us. Maybe relaxing can be sitting down and reading, knitting or getting out on your push bike or motorbike with no particular destination in mind – just going for the ride. do you do yoga or take the dog for a long run? Would you prefer to meditate or organise your photos? Would you prefer some escapism in front of the tV, or does exercise really ‘ do it’ for you? these are all activities that can recharge your batteries and get you back to work with a clear mind and renewed energy. in an article in the london daily Mail Roger dobson reported a hug or two a day may be more effective than an apple for keeping doctors at arm’ s length. Regular embraces can lower the risk of heart disease, combat stress and fatigue, boost the immune system, fight infections and ease depression, according to a new study. J ust ten seconds of hugging can lower blood pressure and, after this time elapses, levels of feel-good hormones such as oxytocin increase, while the amounts of stress chemicals, including cortisol, drop. “the positive emotional experience of hugging gives rise to biochemical and physiological reactions”, says psychologist dr J an Astrom, who led the study report published in the J ournal of C omprehensive psychology. Drs John and Judy Hinwood are principals of the Stress Management Institute, offering Cert IV courses from Brisbane and online.

Manifest the miracle of healing within you By Master Stephen Co

These are powerful words from the modern founder of PRANIC HEALING, GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui. I would not have believed it if not for my own personal experience. In 1988, my wife had fallen 14 feet straight down onto hard concrete and had several compound fractures of her right hip. The orthopedic surgeon who put her in traction to align the bones said it would take at least three-and-ahalf months before she could even begin to learn to walk again. I would not accept that and started looking for an alternative to accelerate the healing. That is when I found GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui’s PRANIC HEALING. With a friend’s strong prompting, I hesitantly signed up for the two-day workshop. Given my engineering training and background, I had a technical, skeptical mind. This was hindered further by a strict Southern Baptist belief system that did not look favorably upon energy healing. Out of desperation, I learned the techniques and began applying PRANIC HEALING on her three times daily. Subsequent visits to the orthopedic surgeon revealed that her hip was healing rapidly. In only five weeks — one-third the minimum time her doctor projected — she was not only up, but literally running. If someone as skeptical, and mentally and spiritually rigid, as I was, can learn to heal, anyone can awaken his or her innate healing abilities with PRANIC HEALING. I have gone on to teach thousands from all walks of life to do the same. PRANIC HEALING operates on the principle of self-recovery, and the principle of life force or prana as

healing fuel. The principle of selfrecovery means the body has the ability to repair itself. The principle of life force or prana as healing fuel means that the body needs fuel, in the form of prana or chi (energy), to bring about this healing. The body extracts this prana or vital force from the sun, air, ground, food, as well as other people. Increasing the energy level of the body — enhancing the amount of healing fuel — accelerates the healing rate. The simple steps of energy healing in PRANIC HEALING are cleansing, energizing and stabilizing. First, we clean the aura and chakras to remove blockages and prevent dirty or diseased energies from being shoved deeper into the aura during the energizing phase of healing. Without cleansing, prana is pumped into a dirty aura and can create what we call a ‘detoxification reaction’, such as diarrhea, fever or aches and pains. This general feeling of becoming worse before feeling better is the body expelling dirty energy quickly, but it can be avoided by beginning every healing with cleansing. Next, we energize or project prana into the affected area using what we call the ‘water pump technique’. Instead of using our own life force, which would drain our energy, we absorb prana through our chakras and focus it like a lens through our hands to the affected area. We then stabilize the projected energy to prevent it from leaking out of the aura. Energy is extremely fluid, so stabilizing prevents wasting energy.

Everyone has the innate ability to heal and relieve pain.

spoken by the founder of modern PRANIC HEALING, GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui.

Another very important step for everyone is decontamination. Have you ever experienced fatigue, irritability, emotional heaviness, itching or insomnia after being in someone’s company or after healing someone? In Master Choa Kok Sui’s PRANIC HEALING clairvoyant experiments, we have observed these diseased energies as movement of dark-grayish or cloudy-colored energies transferring from healer to practitioner and recipient to client. This phenomenon occurs even with the most powerful healers and spiritual practitioners, who have extremely vibrant and radiant auras several miles wide. Unfortunately, many people dismiss the concept of diseased energies. They believe that ignoring their existence makes them harmless. However, if you

do not address them with proper extracting techniques and protect yourself afterwards, these diseased energies could later manifest as different ailments, depending on the chakras and organs in which they become lodged. They could also be absorbed by the astral/emotional and mental bodies and manifest as irritability, emotional turmoil and confusion. If the whole aura is wrapped in this cocoon of dirty energy, then it becomes a gigantic magnet for similar vibrations and can manifest as bad luck. In PRANIC HEALING, we learn how to expel these dirty energies and to erect a protective barrier around our auras and chakras to eliminate and protect against contamination. This is done through the practice of ‘energetic hygiene’. You can easily learn how to manifest the miracles of Pranic Healing in your life now.

Master Stephen Co is a personal disciple of GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui & co-author of “Your Hands Can Heal You”. Master Stephen Co is visiting Australia in late November and early December presenting workshops in Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Melbourne.

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september 2014


H E A L T H & H E A L I N G

©2005, Photography by Rosalie O’Connor

Let your skeleton out of its closet – the Feldenkrais Method® Real stories of people whose lives have been changed with Feldenkrais. BY JENNI EVANS

T HE FELDENK R AIS MET HOD IS about the learning response of unique individuals, using movement as the stimulus. It is about building sufficient awareness of what we do, so that we can act spontaneously in efficient, comfortable and satisfying ways. It is best understood from the stories of experience. Nicholas was born 16 weeks early, spending 9 months in intensive care. He came home with bilateral brain damage, chronic lung disease and total dependence on oxygen and a feeding tube. His prognosis was ‘high risk of never walking, talking or having independent skills’. His mum says, “We began Feldenkrais sessions with Louise within a few months. He couldn’t move at all; so she introduced tiny gentle movements with him, always looking to improve anything he could do. Gradually as he began to move she would follow him, looking for the chance to create learning opportunities. Other therapists tried to fix him, and force him to do the things he couldn’t do, but she always built on his strengths. We liked the idea of giving him a chance to rewire his brain so he‘d have the best chance of some function. Now after 3 years he’s walking, talking and eating and his specialists are blown away. We don’t go to therapy – we go to play!” Sean was 15 when he first came to Feldenkrais. “I was having trouble because my shoulder hurt when I was playing cricket. I didn’t realise till my practitioner started moving my chest how tightly I was holding myself. I discovered that I was holding my breath every time I bowled; so the longer I played, the tighter and less flexible I got. Now that I know what I’m doing, we’ve worked together to increase my speed and power and it doesn’t hurt.”

38 september 2014

Belinda had a background of traumatic abuse. After several sessions she wrote, “Something really significant changed in me. I will never forget that moment of realisation that change was not only possible, but had actually begun. In Feldenkrais you often talk about the quality of the practitioner’s touch. I think you understand about my difficulties with human contact. Although I yearned for it for years, my experience was that, more often than not, it was horrendously unpleasant. Part of the reason that Feldenkrais was initially so difficult was that your touch was so obviously unlike any of the past demons. There is something caring about it, which makes it stand apart from the usual handful of doctors, etc., whose touch I may put up with from time to time. I want you to know that there is something in the way you do this work which is quietly reassuring, and which gives the doubting and frightened parts of me permission to let it happen. I’ve figured out why walking was easier last night. I had no pain in my left foot, which must mean that somehow I was distributing the weight differently and off those shitty bones. Now this is amazing, and makes me think that I should hold out for a while before I go back for more surgery.” Lorraine lived with chronic pain: “I was a total mess when I arrived. The pain was indescribable and I was suffering from anxiety. I had tried everything, and nothing seemed to make any real difference. When she first put her hands on me it was so gentle I cried with relief. But there was also a kind of strength and precision in the touch as well. It felt like sometimes she just supported different places and within a few moments they somehow let

go. When she began to work with my feet I could feel it all the way through to my jaw and I could feel things changing. After a couple of sessions she asked if it would be okay to touch my neck and jaw, and by then I trusted her totally. It’s really making a difference and I can laugh again.” Others find what they need in verbally directed Awareness Through Movement® classes. Milana says, “I’ve learnt that when I’m in pain I don’t have to simply suffer. I can do tiny movements to get more comfortable and even if I have to move again in ten minutes. I’m not a victim any more. I have something I can do.” Helen says, “Through practising spreading my attention and exploring options, I find that meetings go better now and I think more clearly.” Pat Cash attributes a recent Master championship to Feldenkrais, while actor Robyn Nevin says, “Theatre requires an almost athletic strength. The work is very intense and your body doesn’t know the emotions you’re going through aren’t real; so I do Feldenkrais once a week wherever I am. You know, old people fall over and break a bone, go to hospital, get pneumonia and die. So when I was looking ahead, balance, flexibility and strength were major strategies.” Both forms of Feldenkrais can help reduce unnecessary tension, find skeletal support and improve the efficiency of the movement. Alan says “I re-­‐‑discovered that, when my muscles are really free to move me in any direction and I can feel my skeleton supporting me, I like being me!” For a Feldenkrais practitioner near you, see the listings on the facing page.

Representing the Feldenkrais Method in Australia


1800 001 550




O’CONNOR Cassandra Morrow

0408 389 234

WAHROONGA Jill Schuberg

BRUNSWICK The Feldenkrais Studio 03 9387 6503


02 6247 5770

WYONG Elisabeth Schmidt-Davies 02 4351 2496

CASTLEMAINE Miranda Foyster

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BARDON Susie King


0412 974 367

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0403 924 488

0410 689 636

Renée Pinshaw

0407 494 658

0425 742 048

Tracey Stewart

0417 842 820

COORPAROO Beverley Anne Jansen 0421 221 127

MELBOURNE Ralph Hadden PRAHRAN Leonie Hearn

03 9533 6448

0418 398 986

02 9489 8565

MALENY Hummingbird Dojo

07 5435 2075

03 9421 5290

BRUNSWICK HEADS Stephanie Stone 02 6685 1925

MALENY Rhonda Ohlson

RICHMOND Anna Mortley

07 5435 2764

03 9737 9945

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SILVAN Jenni Evans

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0415 363 313

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02 4862 1527

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HOBART Wendy Leewood

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september 2014


H e a lt H & H e a l i n g

What reading glasses do to your eyes Of course, the idea that glasses make your vision worse is resisted by the optical industry. This has ominous overtones, as we all remember how tobacco smoking was not considered harmful by the tobacco companies. BY LEO ANGART

Most people do not question the widely held assumption that wearing glasses is the best thing that can be done for their eyesight problems. Very few of us take time to consider what really happens when we put their glasses on, and why this may not be the best solution. Vision is not static. Your eyesight is in a constant state of change. this is a fact that most people are familiar with. For instance, all of us have felt our eyes getting tired after a long day in front of the computer. Glasses are fitted with the purpose of correcting refractive error. in other words, the lens is supposed to focus the image that we see precisely onto the retina. However, glasses compensate for the refractive error in an inflexible way. When worn, the particular level of refractive error must be constantly maintained in order for you to be able to see through them. this is further aggravated, as is generally the case, if your prescription is for a 100% correction at the exact time of measurement. this is because your eyes will have to adapt to the external conditions at the moment when your eyes were tested. so, if you happen to have your eyes tested in the evening after work, your eyes will always be forced to adapt to those conditions, even if you are walking about in broad daylight. You may have experienced this effect when donning new glasses for the first time, only to find that the prescription hurts your eyes. When you complain about this, the answer is usually, “You will get used to them in a few days.” so how does this continuing saga affect your eyesight? obviously, your eyes have 40 september 2014

to keep adapting to maintain the refractive error in exactly the way it was on that evening when your eyes were measured. in other words, your eyesight is forced to deteriorate, just so the glasses will have the correct prescription! Importance of the optic centre lenses in all glasses have only one point of best vision – the optic centre. this means that because of the way they are constructed, it is as if you are always looking through the dead centre of the lenses, with this centre located directly in front of your eyes as you look straight ahead. When you look through the glasses and turn your eyes away from this centre, the lenses become more like prisms. You have probably seen this effect on photographs taken using wide angle lenses. the edges of the image get distorted. this, along with the fact that glasses also have some sort of frame, encourages you to keep your eyes locked into the position that produces the best vision. What reading glasses do to your eyes A frequently used practice in the attempt to control diverging eyes is the fitting of strong plus lenses. this is a treatment that sadly ends up driving the vision further downhill. the optic centre also plays a role when you use lenses for reading. Remember, your glasses are prescribed with the intention of correcting your distance vision. When you look at the horizon, your eyes point straight out through the optic centre of the glasses. However, when you read, you

turn your eyes in and down in order for them to converge on your book. unless you wear special reading glasses, or have them incorporated into your glasses, the optic centre of each lens will be further apart than required. the result is additional strain on your eyes – and the more you read the greater the damage. Does wearing glasses affect the size of your eyes? shockingly, there is ample scientific evidence that lenses fitted on young primates do affect the development of their eyes. While conducting research at a new York university, Wallman and Winawer (2004) demonstrated that wearing a minus lens (normally prescribed for near-sightedness) actually causes the elongation of the eyeball; in other words, it causes near sight to deteriorate. the same is the case with plus lenses fitted for presbyopia or far sight. this research into emmetropisation, the natural ability of the eyes to develop clear vision, goes back to the early 1990s. of course, the idea that glasses make your vision worse is resisted by the optical industry. this has ominous overtones, as we all remember how tobacco smoking was not considered harmful by the tobacco companies. This article is based on the author’s book, Read again without glasses. Leo tours the world teaching people how to throw away their glasses, visiting Australia twice a year. He is in Australia next in September & early October, 2014.

Learn Practical Techniques toto Learn Practical Techniques Boost Vitality, Experience Rapid Healing, Boost Vitality, Experience Rapid Healing, Psychic Protection, Awaken Prosperity Psychic Protection, Awaken Prosperity and Intensify Your Divine Connection! and Intensify Your Divine Connection!


d n e y -eNwe w S ySdyney-N S oSuotuhthWW a laelse s 27 Nov 27 Nov

Healing Power of the “I AM” Nature with You (Free Evening Talk Meditation) Healing Power of the “I AM” Nature with You (Free Evening Talk & &Meditation) Experience evening of Meditation, Healing and Divine Connection Experience an an evening of Meditation, Healing and Divine Connection

29 Nov 28 |28 29|Nov

Achieving Oneness with Higher Soul (open the pubic) Achieving Oneness with thethe Higher Soul (open to to the pubic) Step step techniques Connecting Your Higher Self through Step by by step techniques onon Connecting to to Your Higher Self through Mantras, Meditation and Awakening Chakras KundaliniShakti Shakti Mantras, Meditation and Awakening of of thethe Chakras && Kundalini

30 Nov 29 |29 30|Nov

Kriyashakti , the Spiritual Science Materializing Prosperity Kriyashakti , the Spiritual Science of of Materializing Prosperity Learn Practical Techniques of Using Pranic Energy MaterializeProsperity Prosperity Learn Practical Techniques of Using Pranic Energy toto Materialize and Abunance. Balance Your Material and Spiritual Life. and Abunance. Balance Your Material and Spiritual Life.

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r i s b a n-eQu - Qeueenesl na s lnadn d B r iBsbane 2 Dec 2 Dec

Spiritual Essence of Man and the Inverted Tree of Life (open to the public) Spiritual Essence of Man and the Inverted Tree of Life (open to the public) Awaken and harness the Powers of the Sephiroth in Mystical Tree of Life ! Awaken and harness the Powers of the Sephiroth in Mystical Tree of Life !

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Healing Power of the “I AM” Nature with You (Free Evening Talk & Meditation) Healing Power of the “I AM” Nature with You (Free Evening Talk & Meditation)

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Inner Teachings of Buddhism Revealed (open to the public) Inner Teachings of Buddhism Revealed (open to the public) Discover the Esoteric aspects of Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path Discover the Esoteric aspectsthoughts of Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path to quickly purge negative and take control of our life! to quickly purge negative thoughts and take control of our life!

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september 2014




SPA VILLAGE RESORT, TEMBOK – Review by Emma Stephens, LivingNow The phrase “in the lap of luxury” is very fitting for the beautiful, peaceful, nurturing Spa Village, Tembok, located on a beach in North East Bali. Not only is it visually very pleasing, but the attentive staff take every opportunity to help the guests feel relaxed and cared for. There is a definite sense of luxury, and, more than that, a feeling that one can really let go of the stresses of everyday life, and let the treatments, great food and luscious surroundings work their magic. The Spa Village pre-treatment ritual is an integral part of the entire spa experience. The ‘Segara Giri’ is how they greet guests on their arrival, and preludes every treatment; it’s the cleansing of the feet with black volcanic sand. Segara means ‘ocean’ and Giri means ‘mountain’ in the Balinese language – and Spa Village Resort Tembok rests between the mountain and the ocean. The Balinese believe that the feet act as a conduit between the earth and the self; so washing the feet is a way of purifying the self of any negativity. Another treatment is called ‘Mesipat’ (which means ‘natural facial’); it uses local herbs (kayu cendana – sandalwood) and tamarind leaves, then incorporates a Balinese-style facial massage using mini floral pouches. It leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth, and your soul soothed! There are seven treatment rooms, a foot steam room and a yoga / fitness room which looks out to the ocean. Spa treatments include Balinese and Malay massage, body wraps (cucumber, lapis lapis or papaya), manicures, pedicures, herbal rejuvenation, foot treatments... Even massage under the stars! The spa uses organic coconut oil, and its other products are made from fresh herbs, fruits and spices. The rooms are a pleasing blend of comfortable Western elegance with traditional Balinese beauty. All rooms give you an environment of comfortable luxury, imbued with the serenity that abounds at Spa Village Resort. The resort’s ‘Wantilan Restaurant’ provides a delicious dining experience, with views of the ocean. It offers selections from Indonesian fusion and healthy Western cuisine. The menu changes daily, with the food locally sourced wherever possible. And they have a fantastic juice menu – we tried several of them, all delicious! Complimentary activities include Balinese dance and healing, or yoga sessions, or you could go on a ‘Balance’ or ‘Creativity’ walk, or join in one some of the many classes; cooking, learning how to make Balinese offerings, do Lontar Palm drawing, ‘Pencak silat’ (Balinese martial art form) or weaving.

46 september 2014

Starlight gazing is another experience they offer – and trust me; it’s much more than it seems, and one of the most wonderful experiences I had there! Another highlight of the property is their main swimming pool; adjacent to the beach, surrounded by majestic palm trees is the large midnight blue infinity pool. Cool waters blend seamlessly with views of the ocean and the Balinese sky. It is surrounded by thatched pavilions, where guests can thoroughly relax. It’s hard to really convey the beauty of this place; you’d be best to just go there, and experience the bliss for yourself! There is more information at:, and for reservations contact Spa Travel – 03 5254 1411.



IS THERE AN ALTERNATIVE TO JOINT REPLACEMENT? Dr Ngu says “yes! Prolozone”. If you’ve ever suffered from any type of joint or muscle pain, then I’m about to share with you this amazing healing & innovative technique called Prolozone. Prolozone is a non-surgical technique that combines the principles of neural (nerve) therapy, Prolotherapy & ozone therapy that has been established for more than 30 yrs in Europe & USA. It involves injecting combinations of Procaine, homeopathic anti-inflammatory medications, vitamins, minerals, & ozone/ oxygen gas into & around the joints or areas of pain. The injected ozone increases blood supply & helps with increasing the flow of nutrients into the damaged joints, ligaments, tendons & tissues to help with regeneration. The combination of vitamins, minerals & oxygen is vital for regeneration as the tissues are fed exactly what they need with re-establishment of circulation & regeneration to the affected area. X-rays show a knee joint with bone-tobone osteoarthritis before therapy & then, 12 months after Prolozone treatments, you can see evidence of regeneration of cartilage & increased joint space. (Ref: Journal of Prolotherapy | Vol 3 632, issue 2 | May 2011). (http:// prolozone-regenerating-joints-andeliminating-pain/) These treatments are now available at Transformational Medicine Australia in Melbourne. Dr Ngu is a specialist integrative medical doctor of 31 years, combining the best of medical with nutritional, botanical, oxidative, acupuncture & bio-energetic therapies. Clinic: 305 Warrigal Rd, Burwood. 03 9808 2188.

Need relief from: aged/tired skin, hormonal breakouts, chronic rosacea? Uplift skincare is a small multi-functional range formulated for mature skin. Visible results are immediate & long lasting. Benefits include diminished lines & wrinkles, soft luminous skin, improved tone & texture & clear healthy skin. “At 49 years old I had regular hormonal breakouts & had tried every product available for my sensitive dry skin. Nothing has nourished my skin like Uplift Skincare. My skin is smooth, plump & there is no more dry stretching feeling, & there are no more breakouts either. Finally, a natural product that actually works.” Janelle Saunders Plants Science Alchemy To receive 20% off with LivingNow offer enter coupon code amb20 at the checkout at or phone Diane: 0402 432 179.

DO YOU HAVE CLIENTS WITH CANCER? Are you a massage therapist? Are you confident that you know what you can do for them, or are you referring them on? Oncology Massage Ltd train qualified massage therapists to work safely with people with cancer. We run courses nationally in Australia and in NZ, and offer you specialised training to ensure that you can improve the wellbeing of your clients, even after a cancer diagnosis. For symptom management, research has shown oncology massage improves the quality of life for people with a history or diagnosis of cancer. It reduces the side effects experienced from conventional treatment like fatigue, anxiety, nausea and depression (Cassileth & Vickers, 2004). OM Ltd area also a not for profit charity and maintain a national database of qualified practitioners, so that people with cancer can access this therapy in their area. Visit au or contact Kylie on 0410 486 767.


A SUSTAINABLE AND SOCIAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY The first of the Sun Villages, ‘new model of housing’ projects, in Queanbeyan, is 10 minutes away from Parliament House, Canberra. We welcome anyone who shares the vision of a better future, and wants to be a part of a global movement called the New Earth Nation. It’s time for us to transcend the old ways and move into a new way of living on the planet, taking only the beautiful connectedness found in the ‘old sustainable walkable villages’, and placing it in a modern urban setting – grounding heaven and earth together. Individual households are generally built as autonomous units fitted with (costly) environmental features. As we are tribal by nature, together we will integrate into our village the very best environmental, economic and social-researched outcomes available to us; create places where we can build a secure credit account of ‘social capital’ that will hopefully support us with a quality of life that money just can’t buy. This first multi-unit housing venture is connected to the coast, and will also be connected to farmland, so that we can not only save heaps of money, but maybe just save ourselves and the planet as well. For more info: au and like us on Facebook, Sun Village Canberra Queanbeyan, or ring Stina 02 6297 3401 or Greg 0404 880 834.

LET’S CREATE A COLLECTIVE MESSAGE OF PEACE On Sunday 21st September, 1,200 people will come together to celebrate the Sydney Peace Day Festival, hosted at the Bondi Pavilion from 10am to 8pm The festival is an all-day music, art exhibition and health and well-being festival aligned with the International Peace Day and is aligned with the global focus to share message of peace throughout the world. To acknowledge your own definition, the Sydney Peace Day Festival has also launched a Selfi4Peace competition – and you can win a ticket to the day. Visit the website for more details. Or you can purchase your tickets today, at the early bird price of $35 for half day and $65 for full day, If you want more details, please visit us on or visit our Facebook page, https://www. september 2014


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48 september 2014




meditate read relax


a seat for your soul


VIBRATIONAL ENERGY ORACLE CARDS Debbie A. Anderson 52 cards and guide book You know you are dealing with a unique oracle deck when one of the cards is called “The F Word”. It’s about letting go of excuses and taking ownership. Whether it be “fat”, “fixated”, “frustrated” or “frightened”, this is the card that calls you to account. Beautifully illustrated, the images by Heather Brewster are ethereal and lightfilled; the interplay between layers of texture, imagery and pattern infusing them with a very tactile quality. The guidebook offers a brief interpretation of each of the individual 52 cards, in addition to outlining an individual spread which will enable you to make comprehensive readings. What makes this deck unique is that the bespoke spread offers mind and body as well as chronological indications for past, present and future, and then breaks down five dimensions of the soul: what we used to know and accept; what we need to grasp right now; what we no longer need in our life; our own self awareness; and what we know and recognise at this time. These elements make up the core advice that can be gleaned from the cards using the custom spread, but Anderson suggests that readers are free to use other spreads as well.

GREAT BODY, NO DIET: Practical Solutions for Reaching Your Ideal Weight and Maintaining it For Life


Racha Zeidan

Chants of Love and Light is Orenda Blu’s follow up to the popular Sacred Chants, another highly enjoyable musical exploration into the devotional ecstacy of traditional chant. The album is a musical journey through time and space, featuring chants from Hawaiian, Native American, Japanese, Arabic and Maori tribal cultures entwined with Orenda Blu’s own lyrics in English; a warm and funky fusion of the contemporary and traditional.

Paperback 184 pages I hold a special place in my heart for diet books that advocate eating cheesecake for dinner. It sounds strange, but it is this unconventional approach to food and eating that makes this book such a great read. And it’s not actually a diet book. So if it’s not a diet book, what exactly is Great Body, No Diet about? Racha Zeidan is staunchly against conventional wisdom that diets provide the only path to weight loss, offering a different approach that is sensible and flexible enough to work for most people. At the core is the notion that you should ideally be eating 70% healthy food and 30% indulgence over the course of any particular week. The book advocates skipping meals if you overeat during the day, argues against eating a set number of meals per day if you aren’t hungry; promotes never eating by the clock and suggests only two sessions of exercise per week instead of daily workouts. It’s very clear that this book is not aimed at people trying to become ‘skinny’; rather, it is aimed at people who are realistic about their desired weight and are prepared to make some very simple changes to daily habits; things like drinking water before a meal, eating from all food types, asking your body what food it needs, saying no to artificial sugar and throwing away your scales.

Orenda Blu Music CD 48 minutes

Fans of well-known mantra singers Deva Premal and Donna De Lory will find a lot to love here; there is a lightness and fluidity in Orenda Blu’s voice that she shares with her fellow chant divas. Album highlights include opener, “He Moe Uhane”, the Hawaiian chant to the dream children of the rainbow, and “Aho Mitakuya Oyasin”, which is a Lakota Nation chant thanking “the Great Spirit in thee”. Album closer, “I am Light”, is a joyous, radiant mantra; it is impossible not to sing along with the repeated refrain “I am light/I am peace/I am joy/I am divine/We are one in the Light of the One”. The album also takes you on an eclectic musical journey through the use of instruments from around the world – dumbek, djembe, spike fiddle and flute, to name just a few. It all adds to the diverse, cosmopolitan feel of the recording.

One of the strengths of this deck is that the card descriptions are succinct and evocative without being prescriptive or dogmatic. It really allows the reader to engage with the deck in an intuitive and free-flowing way, relying on the artwork and the card titles to extrapolate meaning from the reading without being restricted too much by the author’s interpretation.

It’s unconventional in parts but Great Body, No Diet is a great resource for people who want to lose weight without punitive diets and workout regimes.

The extended track lengths, ethereal female vocals, acoustic instrumentation and relaxed tempo make this album ideal for visualisation, meditation and relaxation. I can very easily imagine this album being played in lots of hip yoga studios and highend day spas; the soothing, languid grooves create a hypnotic ambience to help facilitate restorative rest and rejuvenation.

Reviewed by Mel Sorini

Reviewed by Mel Sorini

Reviewed by Mel Sorini september 2014




wonderful to have bread that filled with flavour, love and real people-power. Elizabeth says it’s her favourite brand of bread in Melbourne – nutritious and delicious. They also make an amazing fruit cob which is so full of fruit that it’s hard to spot the bread in between – sensational.


Available at good cafØ s, health food shops, delis and independent groceries in Victoria – see www.agbakehouse. to ®nd your closest distributor.

A very delightful mix of poppy seed, sesame seed, linseed, and kibbled rye. Baker Andreas’ Northern European style of bread has superb texture and flavour coming only from experience, talent and love. He uses all natural ingredients. Therefore his bread has no preservatives, flavours or colours. The bread is not only so great because it reminds you of your nanna’s bread, with a crisp crust and dense texture (especially good when warmed in the oven)but it is also made with rye, which is good for people that have gluten intolerances. It is not gluten free, but it’s close to, when comparing to white bread. It keeps you feeling fuller for longer. W ith so many different types of bread around, it’s so

50 September2014

PADDY TH E BAK ER’S IRIS H S O DA BREAD This was my first Irish bread experience. I initially tried it with some avocado and wasn’t really a fan. So I tried it again toasted with honey, then another with some awesome homemade fig jam. It was after

this that I was a little bit sad to find the bread is available only in Sydney. Everyone in Sydney, have a go at Paddy’s Irish bread! It’s in heaps of markets around Sydney. It’s texturally quite different, and the flavour is unique, and it is absolutely packed with goodness. Also because this one was made with buttermilk, I preferred it with a sweet topping. I think that if sliced thin and toasted it would make a seriously great base for a canapØ . Eating ‘Seriously Seedy’ feels really nutritious and authentic, which is surprising when talking about eating bread, not unexpected though, as it’s made with wholemeal wheat flour, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, linseed and sesame seeds – so much goodness in one slice, you really feel good when eating it, and of course with all of this goodness, it also has a low GI, keeping your feeling fuller for longer. Yes please! Paddy’s range includes brown, white, spelt, sultana and seed bread, with added favourites of potato bread and buttermilk scones. They also cater for coeliacs and vegans. S ee to ®nd your closest market.

Personally, I missed the freshness and the texture of Thai food in it; so I added a bunch of fresh vegetables, and some cheeky chicken to make it a complete meal.

NO RBU – TH E ANCIENT NATU RAL S WEETENER, MADE FRO M MO NK FRU IT Non-sugar sweeteners usually have that funny bitterish or chemical aftertaste, and, although some are much better for you than real sugar (and some much worse as well), I unfortunately still prefer the extra calories to the funny taste – that is, until I discovered this Australian-made delight!Norbu have developed a sweetener that not only keeps the calories to a sweet low, but also leaves the bitter aftertaste out as well!It’s 100% natural, low GI and has low carbohydrates. It’s easily digestible and tooth friendly. Next time you’re making a sweet treat, try Norbu, and see if you can tell the difference. W e tried it in a couple of different concoctions and our ‘guinea pigs’ didn’t know. Norbu is available at Coles and Aussie H ealth Products.

S ILLY YAK – G LU TEN-FREE BREAD Bread would have to be one of the most missed food items for a coeliac; I imagine it would be like a newly decided vegetarian missing bacon. Silly Yak produce some amazing products for coeliac sufferers, bread being one of them. Although it doesn’t have the fluffy white bread texture and is dense when compared with ‘ordinary’ breads, it not so crumbly as many other GF breads I’ve had. W e warmed our dinner rolls in the oven for a few minutes, and they came out surprisingly well. W e had a loaf of Silly Yak bread as well, which has a good texture, and lovely crust. It was not as soft and spongy as regular wheat bread, but the flavour was there, and I was really quite impressed. Some gluten-free breads are gritty – this was not. I prefer this bread when it’s toasted, as I do all gluten free bread. Like all of Silly Yaks products, this is a good ‘un. Available at various health food stores and independent groceries – see their website for stockists: www.sillyyaks.

TAS TY BITE – RED CU RRY VEG ETABLES I found these satchels very convenient. They are a quick and easy meal, simple, yet satisfying. I really enjoyed the red curry. It is quite spicy – s o we cooked up some basmati rice with a teaspoon of coconut oil, just to add a hint of cooling coconut. Delightful. These are intended for having as a side dish. However, Tracy’s sons apparently come home at night and eat them straight from the packet (after heating).


TAS TY BITE – PAD TH AI VEG ETABLES The flavour of Tasty Bite’s pad Thai is also pretty good. However, I think that this should be used as a base sauce. I like to use it as a base for a very quick complete meal. There are vegetables in the sauce already, but by adding fresh veggies, and noodles or rice they can become so much more. I found there was a lack of texture otherwise. Still the flavour is good, and in the busy lives we all live, you can’t deny their convenience. Both the above products are part of Tasty Bite’s Thai range and are available at health food stores and independent groceries. S tockists can be found on

You just can’t beat that warm smoky flavour!C ommonly associated with duck, salmon, chicken... Salt!Not even sure if you should call this just a salt – it’s more like a seasoning that can be used on anything, with anything, at any possible time!On toast with butter if you ask Emma!I like to think of it as a seasoning, because there are so many different kinds of salt already, used for flavour of garnish, pink salt, sea salt, black salt, rock salt, and now smoked salt! Simply add this salt to anything and you can achieve a smoky flavour without the work involved in actually smoking. G o to to ®nd details of market outlets. Bianca FaurØ , LivingNow’s food editor, has worked for four years as sous chef in some great restaurants in Melbourne’s C BD. Now she is combining her passion for food with writing at LivingNow. September 2014


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september 2014

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September Stargazer

Stone circles in Australia BY STELLA WOODS

Spring equinox The 23rd September marks the spring equinox as the sun moves from Virgo into Libra, a dynamic and inspirational





meditate read relax


a seat for y our soul


of Australian astro-physicists have confirmed that the Wurdi Youang ‘stone arrangement’, a roughly egg-shaped ring, about 50 metres in diameter, with about 100 basalt stones, is a type of sundial, with CSIRO astrophysicist Professor R ay Norris claiming the precise alignment of the stones proves the circle was constructed to map the path of the sun. Most of the basalt stones forming the main arrangement are quite large and heavy (some exceed 500 kg) and it is thought they were quarried in the nearby You Yangs. The three largest stones in the circle are placed together at the western end and a number of small outlying stones indicate the setting position of the sun at the solstices and equinox. “This can’t be done by guesswork”, says Professor Norris. “It required very careful measurements. If it goes back, let’s say, 10,000 years, this circle could even predate

spot a triangular stone artefact with sharp edges, casually lying on the ground inside the circle and clearly manmade. R eg explained that the exact age of the stone circle was yet to be determined and there were various theories on how it was used (including initiation and marking the seasons), but that research was ongoing. Who knows what secrets may be revealed in years to come? With the advent of the internet and the ability to share knowledge, we are finally beginning to appreciate the wonders of our indigenous culture. Thank you to R eg and the Wathaurong Aboriginal Cooperative for making me welcome and sharing your stories.


photo by Andrea Trevisan

the Egyptians, the pyramids, Stonehenge, all that stuff.” But there were no CSIRO scientists in sight on the day we visited. Instead, we were warmly welcomed by the locals and after some tree planting and a delicious lunch of barbecued eel caught from the local creek, a small group of us was led to a sloping hillside where we solemnly marched into the stone circle through a special entrance. Cultural officer R eg Abrahams gave us a fantastic tour of the site, pointing out how stones at various points in the circle lined up, not only with the solstices and equinoxes, but also mirrored prominent landmarks on the horizon, such as Mount Blackwood, Mount Macedon and the You Yangs. K angaroos hopped about in the distance; the river flowed lazily by and the whole atmosphere was magical. I was excited to


IN JUNE THIS Y EAR , A WEEK before the winter solstice, I was delighted to receive an invitation to attend a tree planting day at Wurdi Youang (a protected Aboriginal Heritage Site near Little R iver, Victoria) hosted by the Wathaurong Aboriginal Cooperative. I was particularly excited that we would be visiting their ‘stone arrangement’, as I’d wanted to visit this special astronomical alignment for many years. The Wathaurong (WaddaWarrung) was a tribal community consisting of some 25 family groups until their way of life was destroyed in the 1830s following white settlement. The Wathaurong traditional boundaries stretched from the Werribee R iver all the way to the Lorne peninsula and inland towards Ballarat. They inhabited this region for more than 25,000 years. The Wathaurong Cooperative was formed in 1978 with an aim of supporting the social, economic and cultural development of Aboriginal people and to “uphold the dignity of our ancestors; respect our elders and instil a sense of cultural pride and belonging for our children and children’s children”. We now know that celestial knowledge played a major role in the culture, social structure and oral traditions of the hundreds of distinct Aboriginal groups that existed prior to British colonisation. After years of study, a group

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september 2014



time of year when the days become longer than the nights. Symbolically this is a time to remain open physically and emotionally to prevent stagnation of energy and consider what changes or improvements you would like to see in your life over the coming months. Many people choose to lead a healthier lifestyle or change their diet. What better time than spring to reinvent yourself? Here are a few ideas to get you started. To see Stella’s seven top tips for a great spring, and for a simple ritual to do at home, see the full version of this article at September full moon The September full moon occurs in the sign of the fishes at 16-17° Pisces, on the 9th September. The Sabian symbol for this degree of the zodiac shows an Easter parade, representing the importance of joining together with others to celebrate important social and religious or spiritual occasions. Cultural rituals and traditions promote a sense of belonging and group solidarity, something we tend to forget in this age of individuality and independence. As Pisces is a water sign and the moon conjuncts Chiron (the healing planet) at this full moon, emotions will be running high. September new moon New moons are all about new beginnings. This month’s new



september 2014

moon falls on the 24th in air sign Libra. The Sabian symbol for this degree of the zodiac (1-2° Libra) speaks of the need to take the fruits of past material and practical experience and transform them into the seed of the creative spirit. The quality of your creative and spiritual output rests on the quality of the life you have led to date. Libra is also the sign of relationships; so the Libran new moon is a wonderful opportunity to revisit your current relationship and make positive changes, or if you are looking for love, a great time to meditate on the type of partner you would like to attract. Featured sign – Virgo The sun travels through earth sign Virgo from 23rd August until 23rd September, the spring equinox. Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac with keywords ‘I discern’ and ‘I seek order’. Virgo’s symbol is the virgin, the independent woman who answered to no man, but served the Goddess herself. Born to serve and heal, Virgos are noted for their calm demeanour, attention to detail, healing energies, love of nature and mastery of art and craft. When in balance, they are one of the most practical, kind-hearted and caring zodiac signs with an intuitive understanding of the mind-body connection. Usually blessed with fine minds, they are masters of research, data and language. Negatively, the Virgo individual can suffer from hypochondria, be over-

critical, especially of self, highlystrung and prone to permanent worry and anxiety. Virgo rules the abdomen, intestines, spleen and central nervous system. When Virgos are out of balance they can suffer from nervous problems, and digestive disorders. Meditation, relaxation, gentle stretching, nourishing food and time in nature will help Virgo stay centred. The Virgo colours are earthy tones, green and dark brown. Virgo’s greatest lesson is to learn to be perfectly imperfect and accept imperfection in both self and others. Key astrological events – Sept Communication planet Mercury heads into air sign Libra from the 2nd to 28th September, promoting balanced and clear communication, especially in personal relationships and friendships. If you need to apologise to someone, now is the time to sort things out, rather than waiting for the Mercury retrograde transit through Libra in mid-October. Meanwhile, relationship planet Venus moves from Leo to Virgo on 6th September and will remain in Virgo throughout the month. While Virgo is a caring and healing energy, she also has a critical and self-righteous side; think twice before finding fault with those close to you or you might just get a taste of your own medicine. Venus in Virgo likes to focus on the practical side of relationships; so if you want to take your relationship

to the next level, start talking to your partner now. On the other hand, if you are in a difficult or unsustainable relationship, September could be the month you decide to say goodbye. Venus in Virgo is also good for updating your wardrobe, beautifying home and garden and any kind of physical or health makeover. And with Venus and Mercury in mutual reception (in each other’s home signs) from the 6th to 28th September, the overall energy this month is calm, balanced and grounded. Take this opportunity to review all relationships, both professional and personal. Action planet Mars moves from ruling sign Scorpio into adventurous Sagittarius on 14th September. Sagittarius and Mars are happy bedfellows, meaning you can move ahead confidently with any plans for travel, study, adventure, outdoor pursuits or legal matters in the second half of the month. Mars will be in Sagittarius until the end of October. September moon calendar can be viewed online at

Stella Woods is an astrology teacher and consultant based in St Kilda, Melbourne. Contact Stella for private readings and course details on 03 9534 5021 or Visit for Stella’s online column.

Transformational Medicine Australia

NEW Regenerative Breakthrough Treatments that have helped people heal: Cancer, Arthritis, Chronic Infections, Diabetes, Heart, Disease, Anxiety, Stress & Depression For another patient, by using the same technique, this very sad lady with a painful, inflamed arthritis of her knee joint avoided a conventional knee replacement, and saved her the cost, associated trauma of invasiveness and hospitalisation for a procedure which in itself had no guarantee of success.

The clinic at Transformational Medicine Australia is leading the way for implementing medical & complementary medicine breakthroughs available in the world today. Dr Margaret Jiin Ngu, an Integrative Medicine specialist for 30 plus years paves the way for innovative therapies for both physical and mental health attracting patients from all over Australia to her clinic in Burwood, Melbourne. Some of her patients remark that if not for Dr Ngu’s clinic they would have to fly to Germany, USA or Mexico for treatments of their chronic disease.

Some people suffering with chronic fatigue can improve the quality of their lives with rejuvenative therapies. Karla is happy to tell us that not only has she returned to normal living but also the Transformational Journey Retreat with Dr Ngu has changed her to a more confident, joyful and more purposeful life. A patient with stage 4 lung cancer that had metastasised to her heart ,causing arrhythmia, has shocked everyone by still being alive today after two years. Oncologists thought she would not have survived more than a few weeks to a maximum 12 months.

An expressively thankful patient with asthma allergies to cat hair and dander could come off Most patients are either referred her steroid drugs and have her by their practitioners, friends or family members who know about Burmese cats again. Her brother is even more grateful that his cervical and who have benefited from Dr Ngu’s amazing healing modalities. disc protrusion impacting on his nerves, and thus the use of his There is an increasing number arms and hands, was cured within of patients that search on the three weeks of treatments. internet and find that Dr Ngu is the only doctor in Australia able to There are many more stories deliver these therapies. like these ones and some patients have been happy One of Dr Ngu’s patients in to tell their story on the particular had fallen 8 metres from a truck, hospitalised for back clinic website. Integrative care involves an agreement injury and been given morphine between the doctor and the for 5 days with no pain relief is patient as to how to address the now symptom free after only four treatments of Prolozone injections. illness in all its facets: especially

how to target the diseased tissue; how to heal an overwhelmed immune system; and how to make lifestyle changes to make a body less hospitable to disease. A complete integrative approach looks at bringing the internal milieu back into balance addressing issues of tissue oxygenation, acidity, hydration, toxicity, pollutions, infection, EMR, hormones, stress and its hormones and neurotransmitters. Foremost is the recognition that degenerative illnesses usually takes hold in a body depleted of nutrients so the use of dietary supplements to replenish vitamins, minerals, and amino acids is recommended. So too is dietary counselling. The breakthrough treatments that are attracting better success rates at overseas clinics and hospitals include: t .FEJDBM P[POF UIFSBQJFT t 6MUSBWJPMFU MJHIU CMPPE irradiation t 1SPMP[POF UFDIOJRVF t *15-% JOTVMJO QPUFOUJBUFE targeted low dose therapies) t 1PMZ.7"¥ t )JHI EPTF WJUBNJO $ QSPUPDPM .FEJDBM P[POF UIFSBQJFT, which eliminates hypoxia and low ATP cell energy by improving cellular oxygen, have been proven to kill cancer cells, so there can be less reliance on chemo and a stronger defence against infections. 6MUSBWJPMFU MJHIU CMPPE JSSBEJBUJPO 6#* to kill bugs

associated with cancer and degenerative disorders. Insulin potentiated targeted MPX EPTF *15-% UIFSBQZ to

target a low dose of botanical medicines or chemo agents to cancer cells or cells with bugs and viruses largely bypassing healthy cells thus decreasing toxic side effects.

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Use PolyMVA®, and other detoxifying agents to help sweep out the cellular debris present when a tumour is successfully shrinking or the toxicity from infections. Use of high dose intravenous vitamin C to kill cancer cells and other nutrients and homeopathic remedies to help support the liver that has the all-important job of detoxification during treatment. Most importantly we recognise that cancer & chronic illness often have an emotional and spiritual component; addressing suppressed emotions can be an immense help in overcoming any degenerative illness or cancer long term. The old paradigm was that we ‘fight’ cancer, lymes or any illness and consider our bodies an enemy to be attacked and vanquished. The new paradigm respects our body’s innate healing powers and recognises that, ultimately, our cellular function, our immune system and our consciousness are the protection we have against cancer and all degenerative diseases.

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56 september 2014

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