Lifestyle Excellence Issue No. 73

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editor’s message Torrential Rain. Floods. Wind. Certainly everyone can agree that so far 2011 has been wet & wild. Around the country and indeed the world people are experiencing complete life changing events in a moment of time. It doesn’t always take a natural disaster to cause these life-changing instants though. Health issues can sneak up on us very quietly and explode on our well-ordered existence and change it in a flash. That is why being aware of our body’s needs and keeping informed on how best to take care of them is so vitally important. The storm of debate over saturated fats in the daily diet is one of those areas of dispute that is vitally important to understanding and experiencing excellent health. Gary Martin ND presents the amazing benefits of butter in the primary article “Butter is Better”. Our supporting articles cover topics that range from the wellness of our Central Nervous System by Dr Tim Moran, to yet another interesting article on Simple Natural Remedies by our resident SNR-Queen, Julie Palmer. Stay safe and I hope you enjoy our Winter 2011 Lifestyle Excellence

April Patane

Butter is better! cont. By Gary Martin ND.

dehydrate creating a need to drink more water.

found in other fats and oils. The short and medium chains of butter allow it to be directly absorbed from the intestines for energy.15,16,17 Furthermore, because butter is rich in nutrients and saturated fats, it offers a feeling of satisfaction, thus reducing cravings and binge eating. The short and medium chain fatty acids also contribute to the health of the immune system18 and provide antimicrobial properties, which protect the gut from viruses, yeasts, and pathogenic bacteria.2,18 Increased butter consumption has been renowned for improving digestion and reversing conditions, from dyspeptic stomach through to itchy anus.

Butter has properties that protect the heart, unlike margarine and other fabricated fats that are it’s real threat. Stearic acid, found in beef fat and butter, is actually a preferred food for the heart.10,11 This is why the fat around the heart is highly saturated. A Medical Research Council survey showed that men eating butter ran half the risk of developing heart disease compared to those using margarine.12 A study in India, published in the 1976 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, compared two populations in India (northern is found and southern), "...low cholesterol levels Cholesterol in all body tissues where the notable difference in the have been linked to poor and comprises an integral part of cell diet was the type moods, depression and membranes. It is of fat consumed. Those in the north aggressive behaviour" necessary for repair and maintenance, consumed meat and hormone production, brain function, ghee as their main sources of protein and fat. The southern population used immune function, eye development, margarine, did not eat meat, yet had a transportation of antioxidants and heart disease rate 15 times greater than elimination of fat-soluble toxins. the northern group despite the fact Cholesterol is also necessary in the the “feelthey had lower cholesterol levels.13 A metabolism of serotonin, 19 follow-up study was completed 20 years good” brain chemical. This explains later and reported similar statistics.14 why low cholesterol levels have been Without doubt, the substitution of linked to poor moods, depression natural saturated fats with processed and aggressive behaviour. The body tries to maintain a balance between vegetable oils has proven to be a major the amount of cholesterol consumed health disaster! and the amount manufactured by the Butter consists of both short and liver. If too little is consumed through medium chain fatty acids, being shorter food, the liver will produce more. If in length than most of the fatty acids adequate amounts are eaten, the liver REFERENCES 1. Price, Weston, DDS “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” 1945, Price Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, Inc., La Mesa, California. 2. Enig, Mary PhD and Fallon, Sally. ”The Skinny on Fats.” Found at Published 1999. Found on January 5, 2004. 3. Enig, Mary Ph.D. and Fallon, Sally. “The Skinny on Fats.” Found at Published 1999. Found on Dec. 18th 2001. 4. Rimm EB, et al. Vitamin E consumption and the risk of coronary heart disease in men, N Engl J Med 1993;328:1450-6 5. Aro, A., S. Mannisto, I. Salminen, M. L. Ovaskainen, V. Kataja, and M. Uusitupa. "Inverse Association between Dietary and Serum Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Risk of Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Women." Nutr Cancer 38, no. 2 (2000): 151-7. 6. Belury, M A, Nutr Rev, April 1995, 53:(4)83-89; Kelly, M L, et al, J

Dairy Sci, Jun 1998, 81(6):1630-6 7. Satter, Larry. USDA ARS US Dairy Forage Research Center. 1950 Linden Lane. University of Wisconsin, Madison WI Found at www. on September 11, 2003 8. Levin, Buck, PhD. R.D. 1994. Intestinal Permeability and Nutritional Support for Intestinal Integrity. Quarterly Review of Natural Medicine. Nutrition Research Review 9. Ross, Julia, MA. The Mood Cure. Viking Publishing. 2002. 10. L D Lawson and F Kummerow, “B-Oxidation of the Coenzyme A Esters of Vaccenic, Elaidic and Petroselaidic Acids by Rat Heart Mitochondria,” Lipids, 1979, 14:501-503 11. Lawson, L D and F Kummerow, Lipids, 1979, 14:501-503; Garg, M L, Lipids, Apr 1989, 24(4):334-9 12. Nutr Week, Mar 22, 1991, 21:12:2-3



"Eat butter first, and eat it last, and live till a hundred years be past." Old Dutch proverb

Book Review produces less. This is why even drastic decreases in dietary cholesterol intake often produce only small drops in blood cholesterol.20 Also, lecithin in butter assists in the proper assimilation and metabolism of cholesterol.2 Butter and cream contain very little lactose or casein, the two substances that cause dairy intolerance in some people. Accordingly, those who are lactose intolerant may tolerate these foods. Those with extreme intolerance for milk protein (casein) can often take butter in the form of ghee from which the milk solids have been removed.21 These days, the challenges of selfsufficiency have been superseded by the perplexing world of the supermarket - especially in the dairy section. Many artificially manufactured products, such as butter substitutes, margarines and spreads have replaced foods ordained by God to promote health and prolong life. In 1912, Professor Paul Sabatier shared the Nobel Prize in chemistry for developing a method, using nickel oxide as a catalyst, whereby liquid oils could be solidified. The process, called hydrogenation, converts vegetable oils into margarine which is used in most processed foods, including breads, biscuits, fast food, cakes and most 13. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1967, 20:462-75 14. Bihari S. Raheja of the Jaslok Hospital in Bombay. Lancet. Letter November 1987. 15. Fife, Bruce, M.D. “The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil.” Healthwise, Colorado Springs, CO. 2001 16. Portillo, M P, et al, Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord, Oct 1998, 22(10):947-9; Dulloo, A G, et al, Metabolism, Feb 1995, 44(2):273-9 17. NAS Panel: Only Safe Intake of Trans Fat is Zero" Centre for Science in the Public Interest, 7/10/02, 18. Kabara, J J, The Pharmacological Effects of Lipids, The American Oil Chemists' Society, Champaign, IL, 1978, 1-14; Cohen, L A, et al, J Natl Cancer Inst ,1986, 77:43 Copyright © 2004 Vitamin Cottage Natural Grocers, Inc. Originally published in the Vitamin Cottage Health Hotline October 2004

fried foods. For decades, these phonyfats have been promoted as “healthy alternatives” to butter. However research shows they promote disease and shorten life. Vegetable oils are refined, emulsified and subjected to high temperatures, then reacted with the nickel. Dyes and flavours are added to make the product resemble butter.22 This process produces trans-fatty acids which penetrate cell membranes, disrupt white cells, aggregate red cells and increase the risk of many diseases. In the 1940’s researchers reported a strong correlation between cancer and the consumption of fat. While hydrogenated fats were the only fats on which these studies were based, the blame was placed on saturated fat.23 Since then fears associated with butter consumption have been generated by the fact that butter contains saturated fat, a health promoting, yet falsely maligned nutrient. Saturated fats are stable. They support immune function24 and help maintain cell integrity.3 The latest research on fat clearly shows that it is harmful to consume damaged fats, such as hydrogenated oils or those produced using high temperatures. Hydrogenated Continued on page 5 19. H Engelberg, “Low Serum Cholesterol and Suicide,” Lancet, March 21, 1992, 339:727-728 20. Enig, Mary, Ph.D. Know Your Fats. Bethesda Press, Silver Spring, MD. 2000 21. Fallon, Sally. Nourishing Traditions. New Trends Publishing. 2001. 22. Kabara, J J, “The Pharmacological Effects of Lipids”, The American Oil Chemists' Society, Champaign, IL, 1978, 1-14; Cohen, L A, et al, J Natl Cancer Inst ,1986, 77:43 23. Enig, Mary G, PhD, Nutr Quarterly, 1993, 17 :(4):79-95 24. Kabara, J J, The Pharmacological Effects of Lipids, The American Oil Chemists Society, Champaign, IL, 1978, 1-14; Cohen, L A, et al, J Natl Cancer Inst, 1986, 77:43 25. Enig, Mary G, PhD, Trans Fatty Acids in the Food Supply: A Comprehensive Report Covering 60 Years of Research, 2nd Edition, Enig

The Five Languages of Apology By Gary Chapman and Jennifer Thomas If you enjoyed The Five Love Languages you will love The Five Languages of Apology. Learn how to recognize your own primary apology language while speaking the languages of those wyou love. ‘Real life involves real people who make real mistakes. Sometimes saying, “I’m sorry” just isn’t enough. The need for apologies impacts all human relationships.’ Stop Alzheimer’s Now! By Bruce Fife ND. This cutting-edge book from popular author Bruce Fife outlines a program that is supported by decades of medical and clinical research, and has proven successful in restoring mental function and improving general health. Learn how to prevent and even reverse symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, epilepsy and more. Associates, Inc, Silver Spring, MD, 1995, 148-154; Enig, Mary G, PhD, et al, J Am Coll Nutr, 1990, 9:471-86 26. Fallon, Sally. Nourishing Traditions. ProMotion Publishing. San Diego, CA. 1995. 27. Enig, Mary Dr. Health Risks from Processed Foods and Trans Fats. Interview with Richard Passwater, Ph.D. Whole Foods Magazine. Found at on Nov. 18th 2001. 28. Enig, Mary G, PhD, Trans Fatty Acids in the Food Supply: A Comprehensive Report Covering 60 Years of Research, 2nd Edition, Enig Associates, Inc, Silver Spring, MD, 1995; Watkins, B A et al, Br Pouli Sci, Dec 1991, 32(5):1109-1119 29. Mozaffarian D, Katan MB, Ascherio A, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC (2006). “Trans fatty acids and cardiovascular disease”. N. Engl. J. Med. 354 (15): 1601-13.



Keeping it Simple... THE SKIN - BY JULIE PALMER

nline Visit o safe or store f le skin & simp cts. produ

Before departing on our Kenyan adventure I read several thick books on various wee beasties waiting to ambush the unwary visitor. Everything from small microbial nasties in water and dirt to worms of all lengths, to the ever-present threat of the Malaria carrying Mozzie; it was enough to give you nightmares. One unforgettable example of an African Nasty is the Guinea Worm. These worms grow up to 2m in length and tend to wander about the body heading for the lower limbs over a 12-month period. They then make a blister on the skin and poke their bottom end out to lay eggs. The only remedy for those unfortunate enough to co-habit with this fellow is to grab the live worm and wrap it around a small stick, pulling it out a little further

each day. This process can take several weeks or months until the worm is out‌ now that is one Simple Natural Remedy (SNR) I do not wish to experience! During our time in Kenya my very active and adventurous kids were vulnerable to all sorts of dire consequences if they ventured outside without shoes on or consumed any water, fluids or food that I had not dispensed. Thanks to the use of common sense and SNR's we survived our visit without major mishap.

Along with SNR’s such as poulticing, we also included a daily steam sauna and sunbath. Our steam room was a rough timber hut complete with a small courtyard that sported very high walls for privacy. Regular use helped our immune systems stay in top form and was also the best de-stressor! Another SNR we have found to be beneficial is clay. This natural detoxifier can help the whole system or be used locally as a poultice. Alternately, throw a handful of clay in a nice warm bath, smooth on a white clay face mask and soak for an hour or so. Add to this a regular steam or sauna plus a daily dose of sunshine, and you have a SNR for improved health!


5 "The simplest things are often the truest." Richard Bach

Butter is better! cont. By Gary Martin ND.

trans-fats block the body’s ability to use essential fatty acids, such as DHA. This can lead to increased blood cholesterol and immune system dysfunction.25 Consumption has also been associated with coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, liver dysfunction, decreased visual

acuity, infertility and problems with bones and tendons.26,27,28,29 In 2002 the National Academy of Sciences attempted to set a safe intake level for trans-fatty acids and concluded, "the only safe intake of trans-fat is zero."17 Butter is indeed better and can be eaten with confidence. Organic

U.S. Butter & Margarine Consumption 1909 - 1998

0 40 0 30 0 20 0 10 0

lbs per person per year

per 100,000 population

U.S. Heart Disease Mortality 1900 - 2000


0 19


1 19


2 19


3 19


4 19


5 19


6 19


7 19


8 19

butters are available in most supermarkets. I recommend the unprocessed solid block butter. Spread it over vegetables, add it to cooking and mash it with potatoes. However you use it, enjoy this God-given delicacy and reap a multitude of health benefits.


9 19


0 20


Butter Margarine

15 10 5 0

09 915 921 927 933 939 945 951 957 963 969 975 981 987 993 998 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


References: 1. “NHLBI FY 2002. Fact Bk. Ch 4. Dis.Stats. Vital Stats of the U.S., NCHS. 2. Adapted from Nat. Heart, Lung and Blood Inst. Morbidity & mortality: 1998 Chartbook on cardiovascular, lung, and blood diseases. Rockville, Maryland: US Dept. of Health and Human Services, National Inst. of Health, 1998.

Butter Resources Eat Fat Look Thin By Bruce Fife, N.D.

Nourishing Traditions By Sally Fallon

Back to Cooking Basics By Nutrition Diagnostics

‘Eat Fat – Look Thin’ promotes a safe and natural way to achieve permanent weight loss: Not just another “Diet” but a complete lifestyle change. Rediscover some of those previously misunderstood fats and begin including them as a vital part of a daily eating plan. Learn how to jump-start your metabolism and end those aggravating food cravings.

Nourishing Traditions offers modern families a fascinating guide to wise food choices and proper preparation techniques. Filled with delicious recipes and fundamental information, this book shares a diet that recalls the culinary customs of our ancestors and gives hope for a healthier and brighter future.

Nutrition Diagnostics has produced this cookbook as a straight forward guide to preparing nutritious and satisfying meals that incorporate whole foods, cultured dairy, good fats such as butter and organic meats. With ‘Back to Cooking Basics’, creating healthy meals does not have to be time consuming or complicated and can be enjoyed by the entire family.

rrP $31.95 (promo 10% off $28.75*)

rrP $45.95 (promo 10% off $41.35*)

rrP $34.00 (promo 10% off $30.60*)

See page 11 for more information on the benefitS of good fatS



Central Nervous System By Dr. Tim Moran DC.

The very first embryonic structure appearing after conception is the Central Nervous System (CNS), including the brain and its complex tail. In reality, the brain is not merely the cranial organ that sits inside the head. It has a multifaceted appendage comprising the Spinal Cord, Spinal nerves and Peripheral nerves. This core structure is responsible for the function and maintenance of every aspect of our being. As the embryo develops, various organs, glands, bones and tissues appear along the CNS. Spinal misalignment can interfere with this flow of information. The result can be quite subtle or severe in cases of acute nerve compression. 'Pain, muscle spasm, restriction of motion and interference with visceral function are symptoms of spinal misalignment. Often symptoms not associated with spinal pain syndromes may occur, such as bowel or bladder disturbances, fatigue, pruritus (itchiness), and visual disturbances to name a few. There are numerous factors that can impact on the spine, including physical, environmental and emotional stressors. This will ultimately affect the function of

Chiropractic is a health modality that focuses on correcting spinal function to free up restrictions or compressions of the CNS. Chiropractic care involves the treatment of spinal syndromes such as sciatica, headache, dizziness/ vertigo and referred pain. By correcting abnormal spinal function Chiropractic is able to remove interference and promote optimal communication between the brain and the body, via the CNS. This allows the best possible nervous system function and hence, general improvements in overall health. In the case of all disease, the condition of the spine and CNS should be addressed as a foremost priority. DISCOUNTE

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The CNS controls the functions of every tissue, organ and system in the body. Structure governs function and this applies to the nervous system. The spine allows upright posture, yet its main function is to protect the spinal cord. Alterations to spinal alignment or structure can impact on the function of the nervous system, restricting neuron supply from the brain to various organs and systems within the body, resulting in disease. In addition, the CNS relays messages from the body to the brain, providing intelligence as to the functioning of every part. Hence there is a continual flow of information back and forth.

the CNS. Ways of maintaining a healthy spine include regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, developing strategies to manage stress and Chiropractic care.

The Zen Chi Massager's infinite rhythmic motion is core driven, producing a metrical displacement. This Internationally Patented movement sends a balanced energy wave through the body, relieving stress and tension placed on the spinal column. The oscillation of the spine becomes more prominent as you relax; this has a stimulating effect on internal organs and their function. The boost assists relief from insomnia, back pain, weight problems and nervous tension, as well as enhancing breathing, digestion, performance of anti-oxidants and the elimination of toxins. rrP $295.00 (15% off $250.75) * Promotions valid until 31st August 2011 or while stocks last. For full product listings and extended details see or call 1800 644 733


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“In all affairs it’s a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.” Bertrand Russell


By Loraine Johnson It was the 23rd August 2001 and my specialist who had examined tissue taken from my breast informed me that it was a 32mm carcinoma, about the size of a marble. Armed with his report, I returned to my GP. “Oh dear”, he said. “Well we do have excellent results these days with treatment, but we need to move swiftly”.

to the surgeon’s advice, I refused to have a mastectomy and requested a simple lumpectomy to take out the carcinoma, while leaving the breast in place. On the 11th September 2001 (yes 9/11) I was in hospital having the cancer and 17 lymph nodes removed. That was followed by recommendations for more immediate surgery and radiation. Now what do I do? “Mr Radiotherapist, I really want to go to Living Valley Springs NOW! I will look at the radiation treatment later,” I said. He said, “If you do that, you might as well not have it at all, because it will be too late.” Oh! No! My use-by date is 2002!

Of course my head was in a whirl. What does this mean? Why a mastectomy? What does radiation do? I’m only 54; no one in my family has ever had cancer. Where did this come from? What can I do?

In 2001 I decided to go to Living Valley Springs and it was the turning point for my cancer and my life. The program included a thorough treatment regime designed to cleanse my system and build up my immunity, while I was educated in basic physiology and nutrition. I was given instructions in relation to exercise and healthful cooking and was nurtured to the highest degree. I was even given valuable emotional support.

My Naturopath at Alpha Natural Health Centre advised me to go to Living Valley Springs for a 10 day cleanse and rejuvenation treatment program. Fear of the ravages of the disease motivated me to want to get it cut out ASAP. Contrary

Living Valley Springs operates like Sherlock Holmes. The naturopaths investigate to search out the cause of cancer, rather than just cutting it out or killing it with radiation or chemo. In my case, they found some very serious dental


To Win Melbourne 28th & 29th June 2011 BooKinGS CALL 1800 644 733

issues that appeared to be related to my state of ill-health. I was referred to Dr. Eric Davis, who arranged extensive blood chemistries and other tests to confirm the connection. He then performed total dental revision, while his nutritionist fine-tuned my diet. Dr. Davis is a genius, who really cares about his patients! Alleluia! Now, ten years later, I am alive and extremely well. Once the interference was removed, my body was able to eradicate the remaining cancer cells and I have had no recurrence. No radiation and no chemo! Now in 2011, I have returned to Living Valley Springs for maintenance, a really good cleanse and a vibrant health boost. Once again, an exceptional experience! The Living Valley Springs team of professional heath care workers encourage, nurture and support in a most wholesome environment. My Father who art in heaven has guided me, healed me, and blessed me with His abundance and I am truly grateful. Thank you Lord.

Dr Eric K Davis BDSc. DipClinNutr. DipAc. FACNEM. ND: The link between dentistry and cardiovascular, auto-immune, neurological and digestive diseases. These presentations will also deal with the vital aspects of nutrition essential for the restoration of health. Gary Martin ND. AFAIM: The balance between detoxification and optimal nutrition; the role of protein and fat in the elimination of toxins; detailed meal planning; individual nutritional needs. The information is accumulative and presented over two nights. Both speakers will be presenting each night. CPE Points (5 hours) will be awarded to those Practitioners who are eligible. Seminar Fee: $70. Early bird special: $50 if paid before 21st June 2011. For more information: Web: Email:




BLUE CHEESE & ASPARAGUS Ingredients, serves 4-5 • • • • • • • • •

120 gms Blue vein cheese 400 gms Asparagus, fresh or tinned A little salt Cayenne pepper 50 gms Butter 200 mls Coconut milk 3 Tbs Corn flour 6 organic eggs (separated) Parsley – chopped

Method 1. Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil. Add in the asparagus and boil until tender, around 3-5 minutes. 2. Drain, allow to cool and chop finely. 3. Preheat the oven to 190°C. 4. Melt the butter in a large, heavybased saucepan and add in the chopped asparagus, cooking it for 1-2 minutes, allowing excess moisture to evaporate. 5. Add in the corn flour and cook very gently for a further minute.

6. Stir in the coconut milk, season with salt and cayenne pepper and slowly bring to the boil, stirring often. Reduce the heat and cook gently, stirring, until thickened. 7. Once ready, cool slightly and then gradually beat in the egg yolks, adding in a little at a time and 60g of the blue cheese. 8. In a separate mixing bowl, whisk the egg whites until stiff and gently fold into the asparagus mixture. 9. Place the asparagus mixture in a well-buttered 1.3 litre soufflé dish, or individual ramekins and sprinkle with the remaining blue cheese and parsley. 10. Bake in the middle of the oven for 25-30 minutes until well risen. Serve immediately.

Salad Suggestion Chop and combine the following ingredients to create a light and delicious salad to perfectly compliment the soufflé. Add baby spinach and nasturtium leaves once you have chopped the other ingredients. Then top with a simple dressing. • • • • •

Avocado Snow peas Red apples (thinly sliced) Walnuts Watercress

Dressing • Apple cider vinegar • Lemon • Celtic salt

Coconut Almond Crunchies Method

Ingredients • 55g chemical-free almonds (dry roast almonds on a tray in an oven at 100°C for 20 minutes or until a light tan colour inside) • 85g virgin coconut oil • 2 tsp organic carob or cocoa powder • 2 Tbs coconut sugar

1. Line a 33 x 23cm swiss roll tin with non-stick paper. Place the tin in the freezer to chill while you prepare the mixture. 2. Grind almonds in coffee grinder or food processor until fairly fine, but not a powder. 3. Melt coconut oil in a saucepan over a gentle heat, taking care not to let it get too hot. 4. Remove from heat and stir in the carob or cocoa powder, almonds & coconut sugar to taste. 5. Pour the mixture into the tin, tipping

the tin so that the mixture spreads out thinly. Make sure the nuts are fairly evenly distributed. 6. Put into the freezer until it has set. It will then break with a crisp ‘snap’. Keep in the freezer, either in the tin or broken into pieces in a suitable container.


Try making this with a few drops of peppermint oil for a Mint Choc flavour. All ingredients are available at Living Valley Health Call: 1800 644 733 /



“The greatest wealth is health”


Springs, and within four days I was there. I arrived in such a state that at first I found it hard to join in with the other attendees and keep up.


By Peta-Lyn Farwagi It was at age 67 when I returned to Australia in a burnt out state, that I reflected on my life, having been a confident, adventurous world traveller, author, travel writer and yoga teacher. There I was, full of anxieties and fears. For the first time in my life, my body and mind were not doing what I asked! Maybe it was my age. Was I was falling apart, in spite of a life of fitness and yoga? I was so exhausted, I just couldn’t cope. A friend told me about Living Valley

Living Valley Springs provides a detox program involving some fasting and amazing vegetarian meals, but the naturopath took one look at me and said I needed building up. I was tested, checked and given a nutrition program that included things I had been advised to give up years ago. I started eating loads of fats. I was like a child in a lolly shop, organic butter on my eggs, organic lamb chops for breakfast, buckwheat waffles... Then the treatments, the walks, massages, hydrotherapy, facials and clay wraps, all of which were included in the package. I also enrolled in private Personal Training sessions, which started building up my strength again. The lectures were amazing. I was so impressed with the cutting-edge depth of knowledge in every area of health and

nutrition. Above all, the real magic at the root of this place is the kindness and goodness that sits at its foundation. It is something I have never experienced in such abundance. It just keeps coming, day after day, one offering after another. I was basking in something so primal it just got underneath my selfprotection. I began to come alive again. After the completion of ten days, I decided to stay for another fourteen, and then ultimately extended to a total of 36 days. I have met some wonderful people, but this level of kindness and goodness, so freely offered, so unconditionally, has been a unique and extraordinary experience. It has got me back on my feet. Thank you, Living Valley Springs, for reconditioning my whole life.

From Cancer to Wellness A Book Review & Testimony

Wayne and Kristine Matheson are cancer survivors. Both in their 60’s, they are fit and fabulous! Kristine was awarded the International Women’s Day Outstanding Inspirational role Model Award, 2011 in recognition of her tireless support and inspiration to many. In 2005, Kristine was diagnosed with stage four Melanoma with malignant lymph and lung tumors. She researched 'alternate' health protocols, and with encouragement from Wayne, who had beaten testicular cancer in 1980 using only natural means, she created her own wellness program. Kristine also received therapy at Living Valley Springs and recommends the ten day program to the readers of her book, ‘From Cancer to Wellness – The Forgotten Secrets’. Kristine is a remarkable woman who has meticulously recorded her journey from terminal illness to abundant health. She has gathered a wealth of life changing information that has proved effective in her own case, and also in the lives of many others. Kristine questioned the conventional

medical protocols for treating disease with drugs and surgery. She investigated the cause of her sickness, implemented lifestyle changes then assisted nature in her efforts to expel impurities and reestablish right conditions in her system. The result – a vibrant, healthy cancerfree health educator who is willing to share her gems of light with you. “From Cancer to Wellness is a comprehensive, yet simple guide for anyone who is willing to take responsibility for their own health".

Available at:



“These products by Winalite... are simply put, the most amazing feminine hygiene products I've seen, EVER.” ~ Pam Colley

The Winalite Story Safely Sanitary

Founded in 2007, Winalite International began in Gaungzhou, China as a hightech enterprise of female healthcare sanitary products. Scholars and experts had already poured years of hard work and development in this effort, obtaining major breakthroughs in the research and development of anionic technology and its effect on the body. Their creation was the innovative Love Moon Anionic Sanitary Napkin, which was granted two national patents in China.

permeability and cleanliness’. Natural absorbent agents turn liquid discharge into a jelly-like state, providing all-day dryness, comfort and safety. Night pads are also available along with panty liners for use during the rest of the month.

genital diseases while eliminating odour, enhancing comfort and improving general health.

Men are using the panty liners in their shoes or underpants to reap the healthful benefits generated by the anion strip.

WINALITE Anion Sanitary napkins are the healthy alternative to conventional tampons and sanitary pads which can harbour toxins and breed bacteria, if not changed at least every two hours. Toxic shock syndrome, infections, inflammation, infertility and even cervical cancer have been linked to the use of these necessary, but risky absorbers. WINALITE Anion Sanitary Napkins have a strontium ferride strip which emits a steady flow of negative anions, annihilating all forms of bacteria on the napkin. The strip can release up to 5800 negative ions per cubic centimetre, providing powerful protection against

The negative ions increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the red blood cells, and the excretion of carbon dioxide when wearing the pads. Women/young girls have reported that period pain completely disappeared while using the pads. The product conforms to the three main principles of genital care and infection control; ‘dryness, air

Products Available: Day Pads, 10 Pads - RRP $10.00 Night Pads, 8 Pads - RRP $10.00 Panty Liners, 30 Liners - RRP $12.00

The sterile production plant is of international advanced standard for fully automated sequential production, with fully automated packaging. Each sanitary napkin is individually wrapped in easy-to-open, airtight adhesive aluminium packaging to ensure the product is free from contamination.

Surface layer: Made of thin silk and soft cotton materials to keep the delicate skin dry and comfortable. Middle layer: Contains highly effective super strong natural absorbent agents that can turn the liquid discharge into a jelly-like state to eliminate the sticky feeling. Holds over 150mls of fluid and pad remains dry. Base layer: Made of air permeable materials that allow diffusion of water molecules in the gaseous state to rapidly drive away moist air, thus effectively reducing moisture and heat between the napkin and the skin to maintain a dry and comfortable feeling.

*Promotions valid until 31st August 2011 or while stocks last. For full product listings and extended details see or call 1800 644 733

Anion Chip


11 “Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.”

interesting Facts


Butter for Detoxification

Fat soluble toxins such as petrochemicals, heavy metals, organic solvents and pesticides are mostly eliminated via bile, then the bowel. In order to effectively cleanse the body of these contaminants, the gallbladder must be stimulated. If the diet is low in fat, the gallbladder shrinks. Subsequently, a diet that is low in fat cannot adequately eliminate fat soluble toxins. Butter is an effective detox agent against a multitude of toxins. Not only does butter stimulate the gallbladder, it also up-regulates biotransformation and

the cytochrome P450 system to break up toxins into smaller particles, convert them into a water soluble state, dissolve them in bile, then eliminate them via the bowel.

Mollycoddle Mania at Living Valley Springs!

New 5 & 7 day programs! Living Valley Springs is excited to introduce 5 and 7 day mini cleanse programs in conjunction with our world-renowned and time tested 10 day cleanse program.

Cleanse & Refresh Naturopathic care, life coaching, pamper treatments, fitness, organic meals, empowerment, lifestyle planning and more....

Two Studies Show Low-Fat & Fat-Free Milk Linked to Prostate Cancer Two new studies published in the American Journal of Epidemiology showed a positive correlation between low-fat and nonfat milk consumption and the risk of prostate cancer. One study looked at questionnaires by 82,483 men in the Multiethnic Cohort Study, 4,404 of whom developed prostate cancer over a mean followup of eight years. Whether in the form of food or supplements, there was no association between calcium and vitamin D intake and prostate cancer risk. However, consuming 1 cup or more per day of low-fat or nonfat milk showed a positive association for developing prostate cancer, while whole milk consumption showed a decreased

risk for total prostate cancer (includes nonadvanced, advanced, and fatal cases). The other study assessed food frequency questionnaires among 293,888 participants of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-AARP Diet and Health Study, 10,180 of whom were total prostate cancer cases. Skim milk consumption at two or more servings per day was positively associated with an increased risk of advanced prostate cancer. - Posted 1/09/08

REFERENCES: Park S, Murphy SP, Wilkens LR, et al. Calcium, vitamin D, and dairy product intake and prostate cancer risk: the Multiethnic Cohort Study. Am J Epid. 2007;166:1259-1269.Park Y, Mitrou PN, Kipnis V, et al. Calcium, dairy foods, and risk of incident and fatal prostate cancer: the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study. Am J Epid. 2007;166:1270-1279

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Lifestyle Excellence

Extra Support for You!


Living Valley Springs is pleased to announce an even higher level of service. Two Naturopaths have recently joined our team creating extra care for our guests and more appointment times for outpatient lifestyle consultations, Cellular Health and Live Blood Analysis.

The Kin Kin Community Group fundraiser, raising funds to stop the MEGA Quarry in Kin Kin, was drawn 16th March 2011.

Jessica Gaunt ND. BHSc. I have come to Living Valley Springs with a passion to educate, equip and empower you to implement the tools that are needed to obtain optimum health and vitality. With a strong focus on identifying the cause of illness, our programs are designed to treat the whole person on every level. I am so excited to be part of such a vibrant and specialised team and look forward to hearing from you soon; because Living Valley Springs does health best!

Elise Dulhunty - BHSc. Nutr. Med. With a background in hospitality I have come to Living Valley Springs with a combined love of food and people. The ingredients to great health begin with nutrition. We can help you identify the right ingredients and give you the tools to achieve optimal health. With practical solutions and individualised programs we understand the need to get to the cause of your health concerns. It’s wonderful to be a part of such a professional and caring team here at Living Valley Springs. Our holistic and integrative approach to healthcare ensures our ongoing focus is you!

Outpatient Service If you have any health issues and you cannot attend a Living Valley Springs program at this time, or if you wish to review your existing Lifestyle Plan, you can make an appointment by calling 07 5485 4344. Choose to either visit our consultation offices at Living Valley Springs, or arrange a time to consult directly with a naturopath over the phone. Please note that Cellular Health and Live-cell Blood Analysis are not available via phone consultation. Wellness has never been simpler!

the prize: A ten day health holiday donated by Living Valley Springs, including a superior queen room with private facilities, naturopathic consultations, therapeutic care, six remedial treatments, organic meals, juices and more. On behalf of the Kin Kin Community Group, congratulations to the winner Sharon Pearl, and a big thank you to all those who supported the massive effort to protect the beautiful Noosa Hinterland. For further information on the quarry see:

Lifestyle Excellence Editor: April Patane Design: Heather North Publisher: Living Valley Springs

Living Valley Springs PO Box 35, Kin Kin, QLD 4571, Australia Ph: 1800 644 733 (or +61 75485 4344) Fax: 07 5485 4346 Email:

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