This Devotional Belongs To:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Iamaseed preparingtogrowinto divinefruit
I need for you to hear my voice and obey and understand my love has been with you and all your ways. All I want is your true worship and allow me to pour my love into you so you may be able to pour it out over the land. The people's heart has waxed cold. I am the promise. I have allowed you to do your will, I now need you to allow my will to be done in your life. Turn from your wicked ways, look up and live. My word is your guide to life more abundantly. I will move in your life when you change your ways and trust me. I am love and I love you! Trust my ways and follow me.
How can I apply this in my life?
My Prayers for Others: Gratitude:
How has God worked through me today?
Today's Reading: Verse:
Wateryourmindwithpositivethoughtsand watchbeautifulflowersofgreatnessgrow
Yourdayswillbelong livedandyourbest daysareontheway.
My beloved I am here for you even when you don't think that I am I heard your prayers I have cleansed you from all your sins you are a new creature your heart is clean you ' re now ready to step out on faith and allow me to carry you don't turn to the east west north or south turn to me look up and live I will lead and guide you by my spirit. Beloved the tree is not moved no matter what is going on
How can I apply this in my life?
My Prayers for Others: Gratitude:
How has God worked through me today?
Today's Reading: Verse:
Wateryourmindwithpositivethoughtsand watchbeautifulflowersofgreatnessgrow
Icameintothis worldwithapurpose Iwillfulfill
Sometimes there are no words just tears in your prayer time he knows your every thought just listen. Faith it (not fake it) until you make it Know me and your faith were carry you No me and you will have to fake it and try to carry yourself. I know you are afraid and don't know which way to go at this point my burden is light and know I will guide you. You have taken a major Faith step you took the first step now I will walk you through. My grace is sufficient my favor upon you is better than anyone ' s money.
How can I apply this in my life?
My Prayers for Others: Gratitude:
How has God worked through me today?
Today's Reading: Verse:
Wateryourmindwithpositivethoughtsand watchbeautifulflowersofgreatnessgrow
Trustmyleadand restinpeace.
Did you close your eyes did you feel me when I passed down your way. I left a Cool breeze as my shadow passed your way did you hear me when I said I love you as you started to smile and tears of joy fell from your eyes. I am Jehovah I have done what you ' ve ask of me now I need you to love me and thank me for your life the life I gave up for you. You are my beloved and my will for you is perfect look back over your life and see all is well know that you can trust me even if you can't trace me.
How can I apply this in my life?
My Prayers for Others: Gratitude:
How has God worked through me today?
Today's Reading: Verse:
Wateryourmindwithpositivethoughtsand watchbeautifulflowersofgreatnessgrow
Youwillfindlovein themostunopportune place.
I will heal you and this land once you turn your heart back to me for I am jealous and I will have no one before me you are important to me and my love for you will never cease my arms are open run to me. No matter how hard or bad the pain is just know I have bored and carried all your pain I am your God Amen so be it.
How can I apply this in my life?
My Prayers for Others: Gratitude:
How has God worked through me today?
Today's Reading: Verse: