1 minute read
We need prayer warriors in our lives! People who will truly see what the spiritual nature of our oppression whether it is bondage to sin, despair in the face of grief and loss, or the general dread and disappointment we so often experience living in a fallen world. The God of the Bible instructs us to intercede for each other because we have a God who knows and cares about our needs. Not only that, but He has the power to help us, and He does! There is no greater need in our community than for men and women to intercede in prayer for each other’s needs faithfully. In this act, we go before the Father, through Jesus' blood, and ask Him to work His spiritual hand to open eyes and change lives from the inside out.
The subsequent book offered to us by Victoria Belton was born out of a desire to see fathers receive God’s comfort and love, with victory over problems too deep for a mere mortal to tread alone. Christ’s work of interceding on another’s behalf before the Father has been and will always be the source of the spiritual movement in the lives of our fellow man.
He gave us this model for prayer and in following His commands to pray always, not giving up, and persisting in prayer for the needs of the brothers. We obey God and participate in the coming of God’s Kingdom. From intercession and lament to thanksgiving, we have the Holy Scriptures given perfectly to us by God to guide us. Victoria Belton has taken her knowledge of God’s word and responded with beautiful, authentic, intercessory prayer. She fights the enemies with the armor of Christ, the only offense we have been given: God’s truth. This book offers a guide to praying for the real spiritual needs of others and gives us a resource for a powerful need in our community.
The spiritual health of the fathers changes the direction of families and communities where sickness and sin infect; there will be bondage and decay. But where the Spirit of life reigns, there will be lively prayer, preaching of God’s word for the building up of the Saints; the flourishing and growth of Christ’s people, His whole church to be a blessing, salt, and light in a dying world.
Rev. Kyle Schmidt