2 minute read
The Angry Dad
Let all bitterness, wrath, and anger, clamor and slander be put away from You along with all malice. Ephesians 4:31
Lord, I pray You will speak to the father that is angry. Let him know that it is okay to be angry, but sin not. Lord, allow him to control his emotions rooted in anger. Lord, I pray that if the father is angry with society, a job, or a co-worker, that he will not take it out on his children. Replace the spirit of anger with the spirit of self-control, gentleness, and kindness. I pray that if the father is angry with himself about past mistakes and regrets, that he will get over it, and forgive himself, and move forward with his life. Don’t allow him to take his frustration out on his child.
Lord, allow the Angry Dad to give a gentle answer to a question that his child may have to keep the peace. Teach him how to deal with his anger, and not bottle his anger up, which may cause him to explode all at once, and the damage is not able to be reversed. Don’t let the dad do anything in his anger that will jeopardize his life or the life of his children. Don’t let the dad continue to think about bad incidents that will keep him angry. Let him keep his mind stayed on You, so You
will keep him in perfect peace. Create in the Angry Dad a clean heart, so his decision-making will come from a place that is positive, and able to produce good choices when he is deciding. Allow him to know that he cannot be an angry man and make decisions for his family. Take away the stony places in the Angry Dad’s heart and give him a pliable heart. Give him an outlet to eliminate anger, frustrations, and/or disappointments. Let him do activities (not drugs or alcohol) to relieve stress, like play sports, walk, jog, or talk to a trusted friend. Let him be able to handle new situations that frustrate or make him angry.
Lord, I pray You will bless the child raised by an angry dad. Build them up where they are hurting. Allow healing to take place for the child. Don’t allow them to have the same spirit of their earthly father but give them Your spirit of love. I pray they will get to know that you are not an angry dad. You are a gentle dad. Allow them to know that You are slow to anger. Lord, I pray that everything the devil meant for their bad, You will turn it around for the good. Don’t allow the child to have a fear of getting to know You. Let them know they can receive Your unconditional love just because they are special to You.