3 minute read
The Non-Visiting Dad
Have not I commanded You? Be strong, vigorous, and courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed for the Lord Your God is with You wherever You go. Joshua 1:19
Lord, I pray You will bless the Non-Visiting Dad. He is the father that states he is going to visit his children, but he breaks his promises each and every time. Remind him how it feels to have someone break a promise to him. Allow him to feel the disappointment that the child feels when he does not show up. Allow him to see how important it is for him to visit his children. Give him the desire in his heart to visit his children. If he is working a lot, allow him time off to see his children. If he lives out of town, allow him to make frequent road trips to see his children.
Give him traveling mercies and bless him as he travels. If the mother is upset with the Dad because he has moved on and is in another relationship, I pray she will move on and allow him to be at peace to live his life. Lord, I pray against wives or girlfriends blocking him from coming to visit his own seed. Allow them to have compassion, and put the needs of the child ahead of her desires or plans when the Dad will be visiting the child. Bind up the hand of the enemy that would
allow the father to get re-involved with the child’s mother again. The father will strictly deal with the child. Allow them to meet at a public location to drop off the children. I pray that the father will be consistent in his visits with his child. He will not start and stop seeing his child. If they are unable to visit face to face, allow them to make phone calls, facetime, etc in order to stay connected with their children. Lord, I pray that the child’s mother will not prevent the Dad from visiting his child due to the fact that he may not be paying child support.
Lord, bless the child that has been affected by the NonVisiting Dad. Remove hatred, pain, and disappointment. Let them give their father another opportunity to get it right during the time the father did not visit. Lord, I pray that You will shield and protect the child from all hurt, harm and danger if they go to visit their father at their father’s house and stay over-night. Lord, I pray that the father will not keep the child past the agreed time for visitation. Give the mother peace with the fact that the child is visiting their Dad. Lord don’t allow the wife or girlfriend to be mean or any other family or friend abuse the child.
Lord, I pray You will give the child peace in their heart with the Non-Visiting Dad if he chooses never to visit his child. Let it be well with the child's soul. Allow the child to keep
communications with the Dad, and don’t allow hatred, pain, disappointment to re-enter their heart.
I pray that once the dad is visiting with his children the mother will not keep the child from visiting with his dad, due to her being jealous or her speaking negatively about the dad in the past. Keep the mom from putting pressure on her to tell his father that he has to take his siblings along, that's not the father’s child. If the father does find it in his heart, allow the mother to send money for the other child's expenses.