3 minute read
The Non-working/ Lazy Dad
Poor is he who works with a negligent hand, But the hand of the diligent makes rich. Proverbs 10:4 NASB
Lord, bind the hand of the enemy that has allowed society to say it is okay for a man not to work. That someone else should take care of him and his family. Lord, cancel the assignment of the enemy that has destroyed the role of the man and father as a provider in our society.
I pray You will help the Non-Working/lazy Dad be inspired to work and take care of his family. I pray that he will not try to be a part of any get - rich - quick scam: let him know that a fool will soon depart from his money. I pray he will not want to try to get rich by selling drugs. I pray he does not choose to sell drugs. Let him know that if he starts selling drugs, he may not want to pay the consequences of his actions if he gets caught. Let him know that he may lose his life, or be the cause of other family members losing their lives. I pray that if the father has already started selling drugs, You will allow him to get out now. Please Jesus create a way of escape for him without any hurt or harm being done. When You create the way, I pray that he is sensitive to Your leading and he will leave for his family sake.
Lord, let the Non-Working/Lazy Dad have a desire to make an honest living. I pray that he will not have the mindset that he does not want to work for minimum wage. I pray
You will put in his spirit that if he is faithful over the small things, You will bless him with more. I pray he will have a strong work ethic. Teach him how to be on time and do the right things, not just when his boss is looking. I pray that his employer will give him a raise that will make a difference on his check. I pray the minimum wage will be raised across the board in all 50 states, and that health insurance will be affordable and accessible to everyone that is working a job.
Give the government empathy for people that are making less money than them. Don't let them decrease the minimum wage, instead allow them to raise it. Lord, I pray once he starts working, he will enjoy working. I pray that it will not take years for the minimum wage to be increased. Bind up the stingy, non-empathic government officials that will not raise the minimum wage. Loose empathic government officials that will quickly raise the minimum wage in order that people can have affordable housing.
Lord, I pray that you will allow the non-working lazy dad child to be lazy. Don’t allow him to take on the trait of begging like his father, Lord I pray that you will speak to their heart early in their life about the benefits of working. Don’t allow him to
follow in his dad's steps. Lord, allow his children to know that having a non-working lazy dad is not part of your plan. If they are in school, allow them to do their very best. Let them do their homework, study, and listen to their teachers. Allow him to do chores around the house without being asked. Let him go above and beyond at school and chores in the home. Don’t let the work go unnoticed.