2 minute read
The Returning Dad
And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers lest fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction. Malachi 4:6
Lord God, help the Returning Dad to be patient with the child, after the Dad has been separated from the family that was either his fault or the Mom’s fault. God, let him even be patient with himself, and let him realize that it will take time to build a relationship with his child. Allow him to ask questions that will allow the child to express their feelings, desires, likes, and dislikes. God, give him the strength not to give up and separate from the child again even if they are grown. Allow him to continue to keep getting to know his offspring. Lord, let them realize that Dad’s matter--even if society has said and done differently. You’ve never intended for families to have Dads missing in action. Allow the Returning Dad to know that first the child may put up a front: like they don’t want to be bothered because they are still mad about him not being available in the first place. They may be shielding their hurt just in case they are afraid he will walk away again, or they may be dealing with how they handle their emotions of him returning.
Lord, I pray for the Dad that is returning, and now his child is grown with a family of their own. Allow the Dad not to feel a sense of entitlement just because he is the child’s father, and the child has a successful career and a great family. Don’t let the Returning dad speak any negative talk about the past. Allow him to take responsibility for his actions. Lord, Let the dad make the first step in making arrangements to meet his child.
Father God, help the child whose father comes into their life after being separated. Lord God, I pray in the name of Jesus that You will help the child to find forgiveness in their heart toward the absent parent. Lord, I pray that they will forgive the father that abandoned them, rejected them, and/or did not even acknowledge that they were the child's father. Lord, I pray that any anger and resentment will be removed from their heart, and they will be able to let the past be in the past. Allow them to spend time together regardless of how old the child is or how many years have passed.