1 minute read
by livvyjai
The Chanel consumer currently identifies as a stylish, intellectual woman, and one of middle to high class with a high disposable income. Chanel consumers are of a varied age due to the range of products the brand sells therefore the consumer is said to be approx. 20-80 years old (Industries, 2022). However, the more dominant consumer is said to be young Boomers or Gen Xer’s who enjoy a comfortable life of luxury and the independence this brings. They have a love for and uninterrupted understanding of luxury brands, valuing their status and history. This consumer wants to identify with the traditional Chanel values of elegance, class and simplicity whilst feeling part of an exclusive community. Chanel’s consumer knows what to expect and almost relies upon this safety and consistency within the brand – a reliance which is perhaps holding the brand back. They spritz the No5 Perfume in the morning to enjoy the scent of a confident women, before applying their Chanel makeup wanting to feel youthful yet classical in their look. The timelessness of Chanel’s clothing and luxury status means that few items are bought by this consumer, but they are worn again and again to many events, a drastically different outlook on clothing to the younger generations who follow a throw away culture. This consumer is also very trusting of the Chanel brand, enhancing the brands value and overall power. The distinguished CC logo creates a sensation and ability for consumers to connect and relate to the brand, trusting the name, price, and quality attributing to their overall loyal view of the brand. (Prospect, 2020)
Despite this being the present consumer profile, the fact that this consumer is of an older age means they will soon lose much of their extensive disposable income, consequently they will have to give up such expensive luxuries. Hence Chanel will need to be open to newer, younger consumers to fill this widening economic and social gap.