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Design for RESPECT and EQUITY. My journey A student




Imagination Open-minded

Design thinking

Observation Focus on different fields

Systematic vision


Teamwork Workshop



I studied industrial design and now I am a service design student at AHO.

A prison officer (2016-2018)

I got to know there are many social problems and negtive things in the world.


Storytelling Interview

A product designer (2018-2019)

I find sometimes a problem need to be solved by a service or a system, from a systematic perspective.

A volunteer teacher (2019)

I know more about rurual children and education, as well as the wide gap between rural and urban areas.

Practical ability

Prototype Sketch

Product & service designer

Service design

Shonect Design for connection through shoes

Xiaoyuan Design for dementia patients and carers

Canteen system innovation Design for diners and staff in canteen

Mrs. Liu’s clothes alteration shop Design for low-income tailors

Product design

Mengmeng Design for lonely pets and owners


Design for connection through shoes

I designed a sustainable system to connect rural children, urban children and citizens through an online platform and low-cost shoe material toolkits. The goal is to help poor children who lack shoes, and to enable more people to communicate and exchange value.

#system design


Service design in 3 months

#rural children


Desk research Education Examination-oriented education makes students lack personality, creativity, practical ability and cognition of the world. Another big problem is education inequality between urban and rural areas.

Psychology Poor children

Urban children

Sustainability of shoes

Lack of shoes and communication with others

Lack of hands-on ability and cognition of the

Low recycling and reusing rate of shoes

Rural left-behind children feel lonely and inferior, and are not willing to communicate with others1. Urban children lack cognition of the real world and contact with the new environment 2.

Environmental impact of footwear An estimated 20 billion shoes get produced each year and about 300 million of those shoes end up in landfill3. Only a very small proportion of shoes can be recycled.

How might we provide children in need with suitable shoes, enhance urban children’s hands-on ability and reduce the environmental impact of shoes?

More than two-thirds of a running shoe’s carbon impact can come from manufacturing processes4.

20B pairs

300M pairs

Around 300 million of shoes end in landfill every year


1.Causes and performance of the inferiority complex of rural left-behind children, Deyong Li 2.Psychological problems of urban school-age children and intervention strategies of social workers, Dongcang Zhu 3.The shoe industry,https://theshoeindustry.weebly.com/disposal-alternatives.html 4.Footwear’s (carbon) footprint,Jennifer Chu

Field research Interview

1 mother

1 rural teacher

1 urban teacher

I interviewed a parent, a teacher in a rural primary school and a teacher in a urban primary school, in order to knowing their view on and problems of family educatoin, rural school education and urban school education respectively.

Many parents spoil their children too much, so these children can’t live independently well.

Family education Sun, a parent


Rural school education Li, a rural teacher

Rural schools are in shortage of teachers. The facilities are also worse than those in urban

Urban school education Yan, an urban teacher

Children lack natural places to play. Parents and teacher pay too much attention to test skills .

4 children

I organized a workshop with four children in urban areas and rural areas to know their opinions on and expections for school and family education, as well as their ideas about shoes. Half of them don’t have manual-training-related classes, although all of them want this kind of lesson. They want to have more means of being educated, in a more enjoyable and relaxed way. My math teacher is quite rigid, she even repeat a question for 20 times.

Li, a 12-year-old pupil

I wanna have class outside classroom in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

Yin, a 10-year-old pupil





Value chain of footwear

Design & development









Long development cycle

Material is not eco-friendly

Air pollution

Space occupation

Personalized needs

Shoes damage

Skip repairing

No collection place

Low recycling rate

High cost (time and funds)

High cost (time and funds)

Damage workers’ health (glue)

High cost (employees, store rent)

Hard to separate different materials

High cost

Online try-on

Donation shoes

55.6% of the children received shoes that were not suitable for their feet size1, because the donators did not know the size and the quantity of shoes, and the children’s feet grew fast at growth stage. Some people are not willing to donate because they do not know whether their money and donations will be given to the people in need. organization






poor children

People can not track their donation’s information from institution, and institution lacks of research on children in need

1.‘Investigation report on shoes shortage of pupils in poor areas’, on two underdeveloped counties of Southwest China, CFPA(China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation)


Persona My shoes were my old brother’s, they have been worn. I wanna a pair of suitable shoes.

I love playing mobile games on my phone. I have hardly been to rural areas.

Sometimes, I give up donating because I don’t trust the institution or platform.

Wang Kang

Liu Lei

Sun Ying

AGE: 10 PROFESSION: a pupil in Grade Four LOCATION: a remote mountainous area of Yunnan

AGE: 14 PROFESSION: a middle school student LOCATION: Guangzhou

AGE: 32 PROFESSION: a designer LOCATION: Shanghai

Wang Kang

Liu Lei

Sun Ying

Wang Kang is a pupil who lives in a poor village in remote mountainous areas, in Yunnan. His parents go to a big city to work to support his family, and now his grandparents look after him. Because of his poor family economy condition, he has to share clothes and shoes with his brothers, and some of the shoes are unsuitable and worn. Wang sometimes talk with his parents through telephone, and he rarely meet his parents.

Liu Lei is a middle school student who live in Guangzhou city. He is under great pressure from his parents and teachers, who foucus much on his academic results. He is required to attend various kinds of extra-curricular calss, with heavy homework. As a result, he has little time to relax and attend outdoor activities. During his leisure time, he likes to playing mobile games on phone with his friends.

Sun Ying is a designer who works in Shanghai. She cares for the children in need in the southwest of China and wants to do something for those children. However, sometimes she gives up donating, because she thinks many institurions and platforms are not reliable. After work, she often does volunteer work in her community and makes some crafts for interest. As an environmentalist, she tries her best to live a green life and reduce carbon footprint.






-bad living condition -lack of suitable shoes and clothes -lack of communication with parents -lack of information and broad vision

-higher family income -suitable shoes and clothes -more caontact with parents -more channels of information

-more leisure time -more contact with nature -attend practical activites -more interesting activities

-lack of reliable donating platform -lack of new ideas and information -lack of communication with children in need

-a reliable platform -communication with others -more caontact with children

A day in life

walk to school 7 a.m.

A day in life

attend class

play with friends 3 p.m.

walk to home

do do housework homework

5 p.m.

9 p.m.

go to school 7 a.m.

A day in life

attend class

attend extra class 5 p.m.

do homework

use smart phone 11 p.m.

cycle to work 8 a.m.


do exercise 6 p.m.

browse websites

make crafts 10 p.m.


The new design connects rural children, urban children and citizens, exchanges the value and strengthen communication between the three. Rural children can get the materials they need and urban children can improve ability. Citizens can also have a platform for donation and communication.

cation, information,h muni oriz on com

munication, empat hy com

Needs: hands-on ability; cognition of nature and the real world

Needs: shoes and other daily necessities; information and knowledge

a m


em iev ch y f a abilit o e ns on se nds- l ha teria ity ma ativ cre



as ns ide natio do

urban children


material rewards information

donations ideas

info rma tio n , id ea s

Needs: a reliable platform to help people in need; new ideas and information


rural children ment hieve f ac o e ns se n,

urban children



se ma nse cre teria of ac ati l s hie vit up ve y po me rt nt


rural children

rt ppo su l ia ter

I co-designed with a teacher, parents and children to come up with more ideas based on their real needs.

Design opportunity

info rm at io




System map This system enables rural children, urban children and citizens to obtain products and materials they need. Through selling products and financial support from other organizations, this system can achieve commercial sustainability. Different people and organizations also build strong ties among them through exchanging information.

Material flow

Monetary flow


Shonect = Shoes+Connect

Information flow

This platform connects rural children, urban children, citizens and organizations, through product,co-creation platform, course and donation. Media

Third party



Rural children



Urban school

Rural school

Rural teacher

Co-creation platform

Shonect Government

Urban teacher

Urban children


Product development Weak ankle

Design principle Unstable arch



The rear of the shoe needs supporting structure to protect.


The toe cap needs to be broad. The material should be soft and flexible.

I consider the cost of manufacturing and materials, recyclability of materials, the environmental impact during manufacturing process, the replaceability of shoes’ parts and the extension of shoes’ life.

The bottom of the shoe needs to fit the shape of arch. The sole can absorb shock.

Made of one piece of material

Module design with replaceable parts

Adjustable inner-bootie and outer-shoe

Simple technology and no mold to reduce cost Easy to transport and recycle

Integral moulding of plastics lower cost Change broken or small soles to increase working life

Inner-bootie makes users comfortable Outer-shoe can protect feet and be replaceable


Prototype Made of one piece of material

Module design with replaceable parts

Adjustable inner-bootie and outer-shoe

These shoes are made of one piece of rubber, which is low-cost and environmentally friendly. One piece of rubber is folded according to appearance of foot, then maker connect this rubber with elastic bands. With elastic bands, users can adjust the size of shoes.

When parts of these shoes are worn, these parts can be replaced by new module ones, which can reduce waste and cost. Different parts(including protection parts and durable parts) can be made of different materials, and these parts can be connected by velcro or elastic.

These shoes consist of cloth inner-bootie and rubber outer-shoe, which makes it suit and protect users’ feet. Two parts can be combined togather or used separately, to adapt to different environments and seasons.

The upper with wide elastic is more comfortable The thin elastic is easier to adjust size The back with wide elastic is more stable

Adjustable width would be better Two parts should be connected stably

Reduce the production cost of two parts Outer-shoe should provide more protection and fit foot

Integrated molding with thick sole of smallest size

Put shoe into the outsole with elastics

Head part and back part can be adjusted by elastic and Velcro



There are many possibilities of forms of these concept shoes. To validate their rationality and feasibility, I invited people to make, wear and use these shoes on rugged roads. Through the test, I compare the comfort, usability, adjustment and protection among different shoes.

I love this concept, and these shoes are easy to wear.

These shoes are very comfortable, but they may be worn out easily.

These shoes are flexible and soft, but they may be out of shape when I walk.


Final design

Simple and eco-friendly package

Easily recycable materials and replaceable parts

Instruction manual of shoes

Improved value chain

Design & development





Silica gel is flexible, low-cost and recyclable

No glue is less harmful to workers and environment

Flaky materials can save space

People can design and make unique styles creatively


Maintenance Broken parts can be replaced easily


Recycle Shoes can be taken aprat easily to recycle


Online platform Product Homepage

User can find and buy various types of shoes. He can also know details of shoes which user is interested in.

Introduction to concept and impact of the shoes and shonect platform

Get material package

Donation information User is able to track the location and information of donations and children in need, to receive feedback in time and find poor children to help.

Activities User can find interesting activities and communicate with fun people who share the same hobbies with him.


Customer journey map

Impact People

Rural children

Urban children


Rural children

Urban children


Improve hands-on ability Understand nature and real world Learn new things Communicate with others

Find a platform to help others Gain new ideas and information Communicate with others Sense of achievement

Get shoes in class

Get shoes in class

Buy shoes from platform

Improve living standard Broaden horizons and learn new things Communicate with others Learn thanksgiving

Make shoes in school or at home

Make shoes in school or at home

Make shoes at home

Education Narrow the gap between rural and urban education

Wear shoes

Wear shoes

Wear shoes

Rural school

Urban school

Improve manual training courses Educate students to be helpful Make students know the world and nature Replace broken or small parts

Replace broken or small parts

Get interesting courses Receive donations(like books) Get assistance from urban school

Design shoes on platform

Environment Use coupons from platform Reduce the use of glue

Offline workshop/class Check recipient’s information

Check recipient’s information

Communicate via letter/e-mail

Communicate via letter/e-mail

Society Communicate via letter/e-mail

Raise the rate of recycling and reusing shoes

Value chain of shoes become more eco-friendly

Enable more people to help people in need Strengthen relationships between people



Design for dementia patients and carers

I designed a product to remind dementia patients by voice and odour, and an application for carers to know the patients’s location and communicate with the patient, other carers and experts. The goal is to retain dementia patients’ independence and gain their confidence, and to reduce carers’ stress.

#the elderly


Service design in 3 months

#product design

Context Elderly and dementia population

Social cognition of demetia

China is becoming an aging society. By the end of 2017,there were 241 million people aged 60 and over, accounting for 17.3% of the total population1. The number of dementia patients in China is around 9.5 million, and there are over 47 million people live with dementia worldwide2.

Many people have misconception and a prejudice about dementia. Dementia is hampered by beliefs that it is a natural part of the ageing process. Stigma around dementia was characterized by fear, reluctance and avoidance to engage with people with dementia.

Caring and diagnosis In China ,about 80% of patients are taken care of at home, and most of caregivers at home feel depressed and anxious for lack of energy and skills. In China, only 26.9% of people with dementia had received a diagnosis, and only 2% take medication3.

Source: . Alzheimer’s Disease International

Estimated numbers of people with dementia, China Source: World Alzheimer Report 2015 Men










25% of dementia patients feel ashamed and discriminated.

2015 2020 2025 2030

40% of caregivers feel excluded.

home care

institutional care

Challenge How to improve dementia patients’ independence and reduce their carers’ stress, as well as strengthen contact between patient and carer? 1.National Bureau of Statistics

2. World Alzheimer Report 2016

3. World Alzheimer Report 2016


Research Research methods

Desk research



Cultural probe

Engagement tools

Dementia patient


The Carer uses this tool to reccord the patient’s problems and emotions through carer’s perception, as well as problems this carer meets during caring.

This engagement tool encourages the interviewee to communicate more with me and think more deeply of her ralationship with the patient.

Reflection on research

Because of the particularity of dementia patients, it is hard to communicate with them who can hardly express themselves. When I approach the patient for observation, he may also behave differently as usual, so I encourage the patient’s closest person to apperceive and record the patient’s emotions and problems.


Analysis Brief introduction to dementia Dementia is a broad category of brain diseases that cause a long term and often gradual decrease in the ability to think and remember that is great enough to affect a person's daily functioning. Dementia is progressive, meaning that the symptoms will gradually get worse.

Early stage Forget what he ate and drank

Late stage

Middle stage Forget to take pills

Forget how to use products

Forget the location of item

Problems with eating

Sleep disorders


Forget to drink and eat


Have difficulty in concentrating, have a decreased memory of recent events


Can not find stuff Behavior


Sometimes feel depressed and angry Emotion

Picture source: Documentary: 1.The long goodbye

Have more profound memory deficiencies, and have confusion about time and location; Fail to recognize other people Wander off and become lost; Activities become more challenging, need frequent reminders



Sometimes feel frustrated and anxious Emotion

2. Medical Revolution: Preventing Dementia

Mobility difficulties

3. The elderly with dementia

Lose memories severely may not be able to recognize close people Require extensive assistance during daily activities; Have physical deterioration and difficulties with eating Suffer from mood swing





Weak practical ability Behavior


Poor hearing Can not understand others


After the death of her husband, her daughter lives with her daughter together in her daughter’s flat. In recent years, her memory gets worse and worse. She often forget things, and sometimes can not find the way home. She went to hospital for examination last year, and she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in mid stage.

I often worry about my mom when I go to work and I am afraid she loses her way.

Care for mom Feel worried and stressed

Lack caring skills

Liu Ping AGE: 72 PROFESSION: A retired worker PHYSICAL CONDITION: suffers from Alzheimer and high blood pressure

Can not express clearly


I often can’t find my keys and wallet, and do not remember what I planned to do.

Forget things Feel frustrated and anxiuous


Wang Hua AGE: 48 PROFESSION: An office clerk RELATIONSHIP: Daughter of Liu Ping

Lack communication with other carers Speaking

After her father died, to take care of her mother, she brought her mother to live with her. However, she and her husband are usually busy with work, and they have little time to care for her mother. After her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, she is really worried.





-Forget things -Negtive emotions -Can not do things independently -Lose the way to home

-Reminders -More communication -More independence -GPS and reminder s

-Be worried about her mom -Lack time and energy -Feel stressed -Lack caring knowledge and skills

-Know her mom’s activity -Reduce caring stress -Communicate with others -Gain knowledge and skills

Lack information about dementia Hearing

Insight Patient


Need reminders of planned activities and how to complete tasks Need reminders about where stuffs are Need to eat and rest regularly Need to be able to find way home Need to communicate with family and friends

Need to know where and how mother is Need more free time Need communicate and interact with mom


A day in life

Cogitional problem

Time cognition

Mrs. Liu’s activity






Behavioral problem

Poor appitite

Mrs. Liu’s mood

Mrs. Wang’s mood

Time cognition


7:30 a.m.

8:50 a.m.

9:30 a.m.

10:50 a.m.

2:30 p.m.

5:30 p.m.

2:30 a.m.

Mrs. Liu wakes up

Plan to go outside but can not find keys

Forget what to buy

Forget how to cook

Forget to play cards with friends

Forget to have dinner

Get up and go to toilet


Mrs. Wang’s activity


Emotional problem

12:30 p.m.

7:30 p.m.

Communicate through phone

Take a walk together

Heavy work


7:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

8:30 p.m.

12:30 a.m.

Pewpare breakfast

Worried about mom

Leave sticky notes to mom

Worried about mom’s waking up

Positive mood Normal mood Negative mood


Design concept Knowledge Skill Advice

Location Activity




Communication Voice reminder Smell reminder Voice assistant


The elderly

Communication Knowledge Skill Product

Communication Knowledge Skill Product


Dementia patient

Nursing home staff





Concept development Current popular products for dementia patients

Clear display

Simple interface GPS locator

Design points

Music player

Clock and calendar

Voice&word reminder Simple phone


Pill dispenser

Voice assistance

to remind what to do and help complete tasks

GPS location and time display

to know where the user is and what the time is

Call function

to communicate with families

Aroma releases

to remind user to eat


An intelligent watch which can help patients find way home and call family

A smart wallet which can help patients check out and go home

An electronic product which reminds patients to do activities by voice and smell


Product design Voice reminder

Remind planned activities

Voice assistant

Ask Xiaoyuan for help

Family call

Call family by pressing button

GPS locator

Know user’s location on family’s phone

Aroma release

Prompt appetite by olfactory stimulation

Time display

Improve user’s cognitive ability

Speaker and Mic

Charging connect

Emergency Button


Indicator Light

Infrared sensor

Voice interaction

Press and call family

Lights on when working


Display time when lifting it

Charge on charging base

Press the button and open it Aroma capsule is replaceable

Additional tags

Light with inductive swith

Light is on at night when patients get up

Indicator light

Light is on when charging

It will release fragrance to improve appetite by PTC component heating fragrant capsules.

Tags are connected with Xiaoyuan by bluetooth When users ask Xiaoyuan where the keys are the tags would ring and users can find them easier.


Application design This application is aimed to help carers know the patient’s condition and communicate with the patient, other carers and experts. Knowledge and skill

your life assistant









Ask expert

Loss and love on the dementia journey


“My mother Elizabeth passed away last year after living with dementia for about fifteen years. Mum had always been my ‘wise woman’ , so I really... ”

What stages are there in dementia? “It’s quite common to hear the dementia journey described as a series of ‘stages’ in which different symptoms and challenges can emerge...”


Battery powered day clock

“Good value for money. Now my mom knows what day it is...”

Why poetry can help you deal with dementia

User can gain knowledge, skills and advice from articles or experts.

¥ 50.00

“Many carers tell us that the hardest part of caring for a loved one with dementia is the loneliness. They feel isolated, as if nobody really…”

Simple music player

“Good value for money. Now my mom can kill her time by listening to music...”

¥ 80.00

Shopping mall Montreal Cognitive Assessment

User can buy products which are appropriate for dementia patients.




9:20 a.m Xiaoyuan, what am I going to buy? Naming

Mrs. Liu, at 8:30 a.m., you said ‘I am going to…’

Carer community

Elderly community

My mom got Alzheimer... “My mom is 73 years old this year. Last year, she couldn’t find her wayto home for seeral times and she was diagnosed with Alzheimer last month... ”

What really helps me look after Mum “In 2012, after many memory tests and finally a CT scan, my dear mum was diagnosed with Mixed Dementia. I had suspected things weren’t right for some time... ”


User can communicate with other carers to enquire skills and reduce stress, as well as check the elderly’s activity in his communicty. Music had the most magical effect on Gran

“It was Christmas day and Joyce Peel smiled happily as her family all arrived with gifts. She told everyone she loved them… ”

Homepage User can call the patient, know the patient’s location and what the patient has said.

Assessment The senior citizen can take tests and play games to measure and train his cognitive ability.


Storyboard 1

Good morning, Mrs. Liu. Have a nice day!


Designed product




Xiaoyuan, which way is to my home?


Xiaoyuan, how to make fried eggs with tomatoes ?

Mrs. Liu

Dementia patient

Mrs. Wang Carer


Xiaoyuan, where are my keys? Mrs. Liu, it’s time to have meal. Mrs. Liu, go straight for 100 meters, then…


Mrs. Liu is gong to market.

I am looking them for you, Mrs Liu.

Mrs. Liu, firstly, you should...

6:30 a.m.

9:00 a.m.

9:25 a.m.

10:20 a.m.

10:50 a.m.

11:30 a.m.

Xiaoyuan plays music and light on the base on gradually to wake Mrs. Liu up.

Mrs .Liu is going to go out, but she can't find the keys.

Mrs. Liu is away from home more than 1000m. Mrs. Wang’s phone rings and receives a message. Mrs. Wang check her mom’s position and what she said on APP.

Mrs. Liu is going home, but she forgets the way home.

Mrs. Liu is preparing for meal, but she forgets how to cook the dish.

Xiaoyuan release fragrance to remind Mrs. Liu to eat and increase her appetite.


Yeah,daughter.I am good…




Xiaoyuan, I would have haircut tomorrow morning.



Mrs. Liu is getting up.

Hi,mom,how are you? Have you had lunch?

12:30 p.m. Mrs. Wang calls her mom.

Mrs. Liu, you should take pills now.

2:00 p.m. Xiaoyuan rings to remind Mrs. Liu to take blood pressure pills.

Mrs. Liu,at 3:00 p.m., you planned to play cards with

2:50 p.m. Xiaoyuan rings to remind Mrs. Liu of the planned activity.

Okay, I got it, Mrs.

8:30 p.m.

3:20 a.m.

3:20 a.m.

Mrs. Wang talks with her mom what to do the next day, and set reminders on APP.

Mrs. Liu gets up to toilet. Xiaoyuan senses it and lights up.

Mrs. Wang’s phone rings and receives a message that Mrs Liu gets up.


Prototype & Feedback The yellow button for calling family is easy to find and use. The time displayed on screen is also clear.

In the ideation process, I made 6 prototypes to compare different ideas, and test whether the form is easy to hold and the button is user-friendly.

The prototype of final design was 3D printed and I found senior citizens to validate whether this product is user-friendly for the elderly.

Reflection In the research phase, I should spend more time in observing the elderly with denmentia and communicating with them and their carers, to find their needs an problems. The final prototype does not show all the concept of this design, so that it can not be tested completely and receive enough feedback. I lack systematic thinking in this design need to consider more about the community, other institutions and the public, so that the problem of dementia can be realized and solved better.


Canteen system innovation

Design for diners and staff in canteen

I designed a new plate and a mobile application to order dishes and check calories, as well as a new service process.The goal is to encourage diners in canteen to have a healthy diet and enjoyable dining experience. Also, this design can make staff’s work easier and the service more efficient.

#system design

#healthy diet

Service design in 2 months

#product design


Context People’s concerns about dining When people choose where to dine, they will consider whether this place is clean and serve delicious and healthy food at reasonable price. They are also concerned about the quality of service provided by this place.

Chinese eating habits Chinese tend to choose two or three dishes and one soup, and eat rice, steamed bread or noodles as their staple food. Some people prefer to mix dishes or soup with rice, to pour soup or dish into rice, sometimes they have to tilt the plate.

How might we improve the service in canteen and diners’ and staff’s experience?

Current situations of canteen There are some problems in a common canteen, such as few types of dishes, much food waste, high labor cost, food safety and low service efficiency. Normally, public agencies and big companies are equipped with a canteen, such as government agencies, schools, factories and big companies.

Food waste Lack info

Long queue

Few types

Labor cost

2/3 dishes + 1 soup + rice

#Canteen system innovation

Field research



Research content:

Research content:

Results: 1.It is not convenient to hold bowl with soup in one hand and plate in the other,

Results: 1. It is not user-friendly for diner to hold the plate and put a bowl on it.

Diner’s behaviour of eating and waiting in a queue; The staff’s behaviour of serving meals and communicating with diners

some diners may return to get soup. 2. To move dishes and soup, some diners slant the plate. 3. Some diners bow their heads to make mouths close to plates, to eat the left rice.

Different types of touchpoint; How these touchpoints are used; Problems of these touchpoints

2. The staff can not hold the plate in one hand stably and comfortably when they serve dishes. 3. The staff may make mistakes and waste some time when charging.

Service process Research content:

Different stages of service process; Rationality of each stage

Results: 1. Diners have to queue for a long time because of the low efficiency of

service. 2. Diners may spend some time considering what to order, which may waste some time. 3. There are some food waste when diners finish their meals.

#Canteen system innovation

System analysis Stage

Diner’s activity


Serve meals

Wait for a long time Do not know dishes

Consider what to order Do not know names



Pay by card

Ladle soup

Go to table


Send plate back





Can not bring a bowl with Some return to ladle soup soup conveniently


Card reader

Hold in one hand uncomfortably



The bowl with soup is easy to fall off from the plate

Plate It is not convenient to carry plate with bowl

To move dishes and soup some diners slant the plate

Staff’s activity Hold plate in one hand

Calculate the cost

Clean the table

Diner’s emotion

Satisfied Anxious

Staff’s emotion

Waste some food







System innovation New dining process 1


Know and order dishes: Diners order on phone in queue/ look at the screen and know the dishes in the queue/ order dishes by telling the corresponding numbers

Screen shows information Dishes’ name, calories and price Mobile payment by QR code

Pay: Diners use mobile payment by scanning QR code/ pay by card


Serve dishes: Indicator light beside chosen dish lights on and promote staff to ladle this dish Diners get dishes, soup and chopsticks


Enjoy the meal: Diners enjoy the food


Indicator light reminds staff





Serve dishes

Know and order dishes

Order dishes in mobile app

Leave: Diners sand the plate back and leave



Enjoy the meal



Indicator light





#Canteen system innovation

System map

Information flow

Material flow

Monetary flow


Screen Price Calories

Light on








Manager can know quantity of dishes which were ordered by diners, diners’ fvourite dishes, advice and what diners want to eat from applicaion.

Diners receive information about taste, price, calories of dishes from screen and app, diners can also achieve points if they have a healthy diet or do not waste food.




Staff can know which dish diners order through indicator lights or numbers told by diners.


Card Taste

This system encourage diners to have a healthy diet and reduce food waste by providing dishes’ information and rewards. The service efficiency can also be improved through ordering dishes in app, paying by sanning QR code and reminding by indicator light.Last bu not least, manager can decide what and how many ingrdients to buy according to data from app, which is also beneficial for improving diners’ experience and saving food.




Scan QR code




#Canteen system innovation

Sketch Product sketch

Test of prototype 1


Both sides of No.5 are easy to hold.

Diner A


The flat triangular area of NO.4 is easy to hold for staff.

Diner B



Two sides of NO.4 and No.5 are easy to hold.

Diner C



The flat area for holding in one hand is good. The two sides of NO.4 are not bad.


Both sides need to be held comfortably and stably. The plate should hold a bowl with soup steadily.

APP sketch

The concept of rewarding diners who have few leftovers is hard to realize.

The route of diners in canteen can be improved to save their time.

This app has four main function: Ordering dishes; Checking consumed calories; Rating dishes and voting; Achievement system

#Canteen system innovation

Using scenario Green dots prompt more vegetables Montreal Cognitive Assessment

Fried eggs with tomatos 173 kcal 짜 3.0

+400g +200g

Bouilli 470 kcal 짜 5.0

+400g +200g

Stir-fried shredded potato 244 kcal +400g

짜 2.0

887 kcal


짜 10.0


The flat area is easy to hold for staff

Order dishes in queue Diner can see and order dishes when he is waiting in queue. This APP shows taste, calories and price of different dishes, diner can also choose weight of dishes they want.

Serve dishes Staff can hold this plate in one hand comfortably and the green dots on the plate encourage diners to order more vegetables.

This area can hold a bowl steadily Two sides can be holden in one or two hands easily Yang

Protein 86g

876 kcal Fats 38g

Carbs 134g 783 kcal burned -146 kcal

-125 kcal -98 kcal

Grooves connect areas enable diners to mix rice with dishes easily

Go to table with plate Diner can hold this plate comfortably and it can also hold a bowl of soup stably.

Enjoy food and check calories When diner is eating, he can check calories of this meal and he consumed, as well as protein, fats and carbs he has taken in.

#Canteen system innovation

Storyboard 1




1 2






d eg

gs w






Steamed fish 210kcal ¥ 5.0









d po





ith to





6 173 470 244










+200g +400g

1 Go to canteen

2.1 See and order dishes on phone

Diner can check what dishes are served today iin mobile APP on his way to canteen.

Diner can see and order dishes when he is waiting in queue. Diner shows QR code on his phone to This APP shows taste, calories and price of different dishes, diner can also choose scanner, to complete payment. weight of dishes they want. The corresponding indicator lights on and remind staff to ladle dishes diner ordered.


2.2 Pay by phone


3.1 See dishes on screen

3.2 Pay by card

When diner waits in queue, he can see dishes(including number,taste calories and price of each dish) to think what they will order in advance.

Diner tells staff the number of dishes he wants to order and pays by card. Staff serves dishes according to number.




325pts Protein 86g


876 kcal 32

Fats 38g

Carbs 134g

+ 20 points


A healthy meal No leftover


4 Go to table with plate

5 Enjoy the meal and check calories

6 Send plate back and get points

7 Leave and Rate

Diner goes to table with plate and soup.

When diner is eating, he can check calories of this meal, as well as protein, fats and carbs he has taken in.

When diner finishes his meal, he sends the plate back to staff. He shows the QR code to the scanner. And if he had a healthy and no or few leftovers, he will get points which can be exchanged as money during ordering dishes.

Diner leaves the canteen. He can rate and give advice to the dishes he ordered in this APP, he can also vote for the dishes he likes, which is a reference for the manager of canteen.

#Canteen system innovation

Service blueprint Physical evidence

Mobile APP

Customer actions

Check dishes

Walk into canteen

Mobile APP /Screen

Indicator lights

Phone Card

Plate Bowl

Plate Bowl

Mobile APP Plate Bowl

Plate Bowl

Oder on phone /look at screen

Scan QR code /Order by number


Bring soup

Go to table

Eat Check energy

Pour leftovers

Help pay

Ladle soup

Mobile APP

Check Vote Interact


Line of interaction

Onstage contact person

Ladle dishes

Collect plates


Line of visibility

Backstage contact person

Edit APP information

Edit APP and screen information

Design APP

Design APP and screen

Display Arrange

Prepare food

Prepare soup

Arrange and clean table

Edit APP information


Disinfect Clean

Edit APP information

Line of internal interaction

Support process

Paying system Statistical system

Data system

Statistical system Data system

#Canteen system innovation

Mrs. Liu’s clothes alteration shop Design for low-income tailors

The aim of this design is to improve tailors’ work environment and service process, and encourage people to mend and alter clothes, so that tailors can promote their professional dignity and people live a more sustainable lifestyle.

#service design

#design reserch

Service design in 6 weeks



Context Changes of Chinese economy With development of economy and living standard, Chinese tend to buy clothes instead of mending or making clothes.

How might we improve tailor’s professional dignity, strengthen contact between tailor and residents and change people’s awareness to extend clothes’ life?

Current situation of tailor Most Chinese tailors have low education degree, low income and low social status.

Methodology Environmental impact of clothing Extended three months of clothing life would reduce by 5-10% of their carbon and water footprints, as well as waste generation1. Polyester production for textiles released about 706 billion kg of greenhouse gases in 2015, the equivalent of 185 coal-fired power plants' annual emissions2.

Research (2 weeks)

Analysis (1 week)

Design (1 week)

Prototype (1 week)


(1 week)

Participant 3 months

706B kg








GHG water

Desk research



1.The Balance Small Business.https://www.thebalancesmb.com/textile-recycling-facts-and-figures-2878122 2.World Resources Institute.https://www.wri.org/blog/2017/07/apparel-industrys-environmental-impact-6-graphics


Contextual interview

A day in life

Service process

Visual model

Role play

Customer journey map


Tangible model

#Mrs. Liu’s clothes alteration shop

Desk research Types of tailor (in shanghai)

Development of tailor industry

New service about clothes

In shanghai, tailors are made of local people and migrant people.

With development of technology and economy,people prefer to buy new clothes in shopping center or on shopping website. Tailor industry has declined.

With development of technology and economy, companies pay more attention to user experience and continuously provide new and better service to consumers and customers, which is changing the clothing industry.

Tailor shop consist of indoor tailor shop and outdoor tailor stall.

1 laid-off workers 2 retired workers 3 unemployed people

number of tailor shops

Local tailors

Migrant tailors 1 tailors from areas around Shanghai 2 people who migrated from the countryside 3 people who moved with family

Heyday of tailors

Rent wardrobe

Try on service

AR dressing

Enterprises reduced the staff Private economy was forbidden

Reform and opening



1980 1990 2000

Door-to-door measurement

#Mrs. Liu’s clothes alteration shop

Field research

Observe 3 days

Role play I experienced the service in tailor shop

I observed tailors’ work, behavior, interaction with customers and working conditions in 3 tailor shops.

I went to tailor shop as a customer to alter my trousers, in order to experiencing and finding problems in the service process.

Engagement tool

Interview 3 tailors 4 young renters 3 local elders 1 officer

I interviewed tailors, customers, residents and member of residents’ committee, to understand residents relationship with tailors and their views on tailor.

#Mrs. Liu’s clothes alteration shop

I designed engagement tools to help me interview and observe tailors and customers.

Analysis Activities chat

customer mutually needed

neighbour reciprocal

measure size

tailor clothes



go to work

sew clothes

iron clothes

go to home

Old community tailor shop Corner of street tailor stall New community

Working conditions administrator administrative small space Tailor has to spend much time sitting in front of sewing machine and completing repetitive tasks everyday.Normally, tailors almost work everyday all the year without holidays, unless in bad weather. Because of this, most tailor lack rest and exercise.

elusive messy

peer competitive

many materials

#Mrs. Liu’s clothes alteration shop


Needs Analysis

suitable clothes

It is hard to find a tailor shop when I need it. The service of tailor shop is not good.

the location of tailor shop

better service process

customer Yang Chao 28 years old, engineer Shanghai

Yang Chao is a mechanical engineer who comes from Henan Province. He rents a small room in Shanghai. Sometimes, the clothes which he bought on shopping website are not fit. He wants to alter them but he find it hard to find a tailor shop and he thinks the service in tailor shop is not attentive and attractive.

strenthen contact and communication

We are the people at the bottom of society. This job is hard and we have low income. tailor Liu Ying 63 years old, tailor Shanghai

Liu ying is a tailor who has worked for more than 20 years.She lives in and works around an old community in Shanghai. Liu works in a small room which she rents. Although she is often busy with work and spends much time in working, her income is quite low.

better work environment

gain new konwledge

higher income

higher work effciency

We want to provide the service:

strenthen the contact between tailors and customers

#Mrs. Liu’s clothes alteration shop


Build brand identity to impress and attract more customers

Improve service process to boost customers’ experience and strengthen contact between tailor and customer





Create new tools to enhace work efficiency

Change mindset to promote professional dignity

#Mrs. Liu’s clothes alteration shop

Customer Journey Map / before design Stage Customer’s problem

Customer’s behavior



Do not know the altering process and whether the clothes have been altered

Do not know the price, altering method and altered effect

Tell tailor his requirements


Ask tailor how to alter his clothes

Measure his size



Describe how to alter this clothes and altered effect

Measure size

Know when he can pick up clothes



Wait for tailor to look for his clothes

Back to tailor shop

sewing machine

Wait for tailor to find his clothe


Can not try on the altered clothes No after-sales service

Pay for the service and leave with clothes



Tailor’s behavior Tailor’s problem

Understand requirements

May forget customer’s requirements

Have to describe altering method and altered effect

Tell customer when he can pick up

Alter clothes

May lack suitable cloth Spent some time looking for suitable string Do not have a good way to store and classify clothes

Look for Give back clothes and customer’s clothes receive money

Can not find customer’s clothes easily

#Mrs. Liu’s clothes alteration shop

Customer Journey Map / after design


Closer relationship

Clear Communication


Tell tailor his requirements

Ask tailor how to alter his clothes

Measure his size

Know when he can pick up clothes

Stronger connection

Back to tailor shop


Sustainable contact

Wait for tailor to find his clothe

Pay for the service and leave with clothes


Customer card



Customer card

Service end

QR code card

Price card

Record card

Tailor’s behavior

QR code card

Understand requirements

Record card Sticker

Describe how to alter this clothes and altered effect

Measure size

Tell customer when he can pick up

Storage box of strings

Storage box of tools

Alter clothes



Look for Give back clothes and customer’s clothes receive money

#Mrs. Liu’s clothes alteration shop

Co-design Co-design with Mrs Liu (concept and design)

Touchpoint design 1

Poster (with service time,phone number and QR code)


Service card (with services of cartoon images)


QR code card (with QR code of Alipay and Wechat)


Poster (with shop’s name and services)


Sticker (with clothes’ number being written on it)


Storage box of tools (with tools, cards and phone in it)


Price card (with price of different services of clothes)


Bag (with shop’s name, services,adress and phone number)


Customer card (with clothes’ number,time of taking clothes and tailor’s phone number)


Storage box of strings (with strings of different colours in it)


Record card (with clothes’ number, customer’s requirement,time of taking clothes, customer’s phone number and service price)


Sometimes, I do not remember whether customer has paid. Clothes could be classified.

Prototype with Mrs Liu (usability and details) 10 1


2 3 8 4

The words on the poster are not clear The storage box of strings should be fixed on the wall firmly.


7 6

#Mrs. Liu’s clothes alteration shop


Customer sees the shop

Customer sees the poster on windows and know this shop’s services,open time and phone number.


Customer knows the service price

Tailor taikes out cards from storage box of tools

Customer looks at price card and talks with tailor to know the service price.

Tailor takes out record card and customer card form storage box of tools.



Tailor uses record card and customer card

Tailor writes customer’s requirement on record card to remind her and writes time of taking clothes on customer card.


Customer receive customer card

Tailor gives customer card to customer, so that customer know when to take clothes and tailor’s phone number.


Tailor puts sticker on clothes

Tailor uses sticker with number to mark and knows owner of this clothes.



Story board


with service time,phone number and QR code

Price card

with price of different services of clothes

Storage box of tools

with tools, cards and phone in it

Record card

with clothes’ number, customer’s requirement, time of taking clothes and service price

Customer card

with clothes’ number,time of taking clothes and tailor’s phone number


with clothes’ number being written on it

#Mrs. Liu’s clothes alteration shop


Tailor takes out strings she needs Tailor takes out strings of colour she needs quickly from the storage box of strings and alter the clothes.



Customer comes back and shows customer card

Tailor looks for customer’s clothes

Customer comes back and shows the number on customer card.

Tailor looks for customer’s clothes according to the number.


Tailor gives clothes to customer

Tailor gives clothes to customer with package bag and service card.


Customer pays for the service

Customer can scan the QR code on the windows/card to pay for the service.


Customer leaves

Customer leaves with clothes and package bag.



Story board

Storage box of strings

with strings of different colours in it

Customer card

with clothes’ number,time of taking clothes and tailor’s phone number


with clothes’ number being written on it

Service card

with services of cartoon images

QR code card

with QR code of Alipay and Wechat


with shop’s name, adress and phone number

#Mrs. Liu’s clothes alteration shop


This design is nice and thoughtful. It makes my shop more attractive. The storage boxes are also very convenient, which helps me find strings and tools quickly.

#Mrs. Liu’s clothes alteration shop


Design for lonely pets and their owners

The aim of this design is to relieve pets’ loneliness and strengthen the contact between pets and oweners when pets are at home alone, through long-distance interaction and entertainment by built-in projector.


#concept design

Service design in 2 months

#product design

Research How might we relieve pets’ loneliness and strengthen the contact between pets and oweners when pets are at home alone?


Current products for dogs Electronic She stays at home alone for 8 or 9 hours on weekday. I am worried she gets bored, injures herself.

Miss Jian and Jimmy



Non-electronic Talking to him and hugging him are the best communication.



Mrs. Zhang and Beibei Mr. Li and Pipi

I am most worried about his loneliness and his unbalanced diet.





During the design process, I tried different schemes to determine the position and structure of the projector, camera and drive system, to make the product more reasonable. This product consists of three main parts: camera, projector and treat tosser. With drive ball, this product is hard to fall down, if a dog push it.

In order to make the structure of the product feasible and user-friendly for dogs, I carefully considered the position of different parts iinside the product. Blue is a friendly color for dogs, which refers to the spectrum of color seen by the dogs.


Final design

Voice interaction

360-degree camera

Treat tosser


to communicate with pets

to capture moments

to feed pets or give treats

to display videos and games

This product(Mengmeng) is designed for lonely pets and their owners who have to leave their pets at home alone for a long time. Mengmeng creates fun interactions and long-distance connections between pets and their owners. Through mengmeng, owners can watch pets, talk to pets, train and give pets a treat, feed pets, play videos or start games for pets; Mengmeng can track pets automatically and record pets’ activities, learn and recognize pets’ sounds, behavior and moods, and then send data to the owners. When mengmeng finds pets are in gloomy mood, he can also pacify and entertain pets proactively.



Speaker & charging pad

360-degree camera

Projector Microphone Indicator light

Heat dissipation holes Treat entrance

Treat tosser Speaker

Treat entrance

Charging connector Infrared sensor Driving ball

360-degree panoramic camera &projector lens



Mengmeng plays video for pet

Owner and pet enjoy videos from mengmeng together

Pet plays touch game through mengmeng

Owner trains pet by voice and gives him a treat

Owner finds pet’s situation through phone


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