SOGA News - St Mary's Shaftesbury Old Girl's Association

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Shaftesbury Old Girls’Association


Relaunched 2020 - for the Old Girls of St Mary’s Shaftesbury


SOGA is back

will be of interest and assistance to you in re-connecting with old friends and new from St Mary’s School, Shaftesbury, and will be a source of help and support to all of you mourning the sudden closure of a school which has been providing first-class Catholic education for girls for the last 75 years. When the heart-breaking news was confirmed in July 2020 that insufficient numbers of new pupils had been registered in order for the school to re-open in the autumn and remain viable, there was a huge feeling of shock and sadness. Those of us who had been involved in the original creation of SOGA, and several more former pupils since, decided to resurrect the Association which had been run by the school since 1999. The present, new committee (which I have the honour to chair) was quickly assembled and includes representatives of co-opted staff and several former parents. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking those Old Girls and staff who quickly offered their services and talents to form a new committee, but also worked tirelessly with the Steering Committee set up to try to rescue the school. I am delighted that Sr Jane Livesey (Campion) has agreed to be SOGA’s President. As a former headmistress, I know she is the perfect figurehead and ambassador for SOGA. More about the Committee is on page 2 and 4, and we have included an appeal for regional and foreign representatives, covering as many generations as possible, to form a supportive communication network across the globe. I realize that this

Flickr: St Mary’s School Shaftesbury. Courtesy of Dorset Council

Welcome to the first edition of SOGA News, which we hope

Friends re-united in the Chapel at the school’s 75th anniversary in 2019. Old Girls came from all over the world and SOGA plans to organise regional get-togethers, see page 3. is an ambitious task, but we have ambitious plans for the new Association and have no doubt that as Mary Ward (founder of the IBVM/Congregation of Jesus) famously said: ‘Ther is no such difference between men and weomen that weomen may not doe great matters, as we have seen by example of many Saints who have done great things: and I hope in God it will be seene that weomen in tyme to come will doe much’ We hope you enjoy this first edition of SOGA News and that you will spread the word that ‘SOGA IS BACK’. Corinne Gibbons (Simmonds 1969)

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Dorset Council purchases St Mary’s

Dorset Council purchased St Mary’s for £10.5 million on 15th January following its closure in July last year. Cllr Spencer Flower, Leader of Dorset Council, said: “This is a significant investment and I am pleased that we have been able to secure it for the benefit of our community....We are very

ambitious for the site. St Mary’s School comprises 165,000 sq ft of accommodation set within grounds of 55 acres. It is suitable for a broad range of services and community uses, which could include provision for Dorset children, supported living for our Dorset care leavers, provision for adults with disabilities, as well as a possible site for businesses to boost our local economy and more besides. We are committed to working with local people and stakeholder groups to get the mix of activity right.” “I realise people are asking how can we afford it, but this is a clear example of investing to save in the longer term. I don’t want to pre-empt any decisions about the site, as we want to work with local people and groups first, but I can say that building a facility like this from scratch would cost considerably more. This is a unique opportunity to create something new that will greatly benefit our community.” The Council has added SOGA to its list of stakeholders for consultation.

SOGA News: Liz Moore (Emberson 1971)

From SOGA’s President Elect

Despite the inevitable sadness felt by us all at the closure of

St Mary’s last summer, I am delighted that those who loved – and continue to love – the school are coming together to find ways suitable for a social media age of maintaining the bonds between all of us who have that in common. The explosion on the old girls’ Facebook page in the days immediately following the news was testament to the affection in which the school is held and to the friendships it has fostered over many decades. As we continue to adjust to the shifting of the tectonic plates of our world, of which the loss of St Mary’s is one, I am reminded,

Cambridge Evening News

as ever, of that stalwart of many a Monday Assembly during my time as Headmistress, “The Velveteen Rabbit”. In the story the velveteen rabbit poses this question to the Skin Horse: “What is real?” to which the Skin Horse replies “Real isn’t how you are made… It’s a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but really loves you, then you become real”. Later in the conversation the Horse goes on to say that “It doesn’t happen all at once…You become. It takes a long time…; but once you are Real you can’t become unreal again. It lasts for always”. Whilst St Mary’s as a school is no more, it did indeed, during the 75 years of its existence, play a significant part in helping many of us to become “real”. In so doing it became “real” itself (and becoming “real” is sometimes difficult and painful as the story tells us) – and in that sense it too will “last for always” in the hearts of those whose lives it influenced so profoundly, not least my own. And I end these few words with the words with which Mary Ward ended almost all her communications with her companions in the early days of our Institute – “may Jesus continue to have you [each one] in His keeping”, especially during these difficult pandemic days.

Srs. Jane Livesey and Gemma Simmonds (1973) riding up to Newnham College, as First Year undergratuates in 1977.

Sr Jane Livesey (Campion)

SOGA news from the committee As you would expect from Shaftesbury Old Girls, the

Mission Statement and Rules of the Association

committee (see page 4) sprang into action after its first meeting via Zoom on 12th November 2020. Chloe is building a website, Gina is recruiting Regional Reps, Vicki opened a bank account and is working on a budget, Miranda navigated the committee through the choppy waters of GDPR, a mission statement and rules were written (see opposite) and Corinne spoke with the receivers, the school’s new owners, and the CJs, among many others. We are also seeking ways to promote SOGA members’ businesses. In the past, not everyone could get to reunions in Shaftesbury or London, but with regional groups we hope people can meet more often and support each other when needed. There are many year groups already set up via social media, largely since 2005. So the regional groups will be an extra way to keep in touch, meet up for coffee, a picnic, a walk and Zoom evening drinks! These are tricky times: the world’s economy is in “intensive care”, Old Girls are struggling with university studies on-line, job-hunting in a market where so many are being laid off, coping with working from home and home-schooling, seeing pensions and savings dwindle. So in January the committee agreed, that although SOGA cannot run on air indefinitely, now is not the time to ask Old Girls for membership fees. So for 2021 SOGA membership is completely FREE - go to

“Let your love at all times be rooted in God and then remain faithful to your friends”, Mary Ward.

SOGA is a not-for-profit association, run by former pupils for the Old Girls of St Mary’s Shaftesbury. It aims to connect Old Girls around the world both regionally and nationally, be a platform for the exchange of ideas and professional support for its members.

Rules 1) To maintain and foster connections among Alumnae. 2) To provide and support a mentoring network for Alumnae. 3) To share Alumnae news and information. 4) To arrange events and reunions on a national and regional basis.

We promise to keep you fully informed about budgets and accounts asap, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

5) To reinforce Christian values. 2

Free 2021 membership - simply join up on and you will receive: • • • •

Contact details of your local Regional Rep. SOGA News published bi-annually. Invitations to local and national events. Invitations to networking groups in your professional sphere.

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Unique personal access to SOGA’s website. Updates on SOGA’s plans and developments and the school’s legacy. Photos of regional and national gatherings. Ability to promote your business via SOGA. You can unsubscribe at any time.

SOGA reconnects

I’ve had an amazing response to my Facebook post, below from Old Girls all over the world, and locally here in the UK, volunteering to be Regional Reps, and we are truly thankful and so happy that there’s so much positivity for keeping the spirit of St Mary’s Shaftesbury going. We now have Regional Reps in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, USA (Florida / Virginia), Bali, New

Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai; and then various counties here in the UK. A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who volunteered. We do still need more from other countries, so please get in touch if you’re interested, or know an Old Girl who might be interested. Our ultimate goal is to have a network of SOGAs who’d like to re-connect, meet locally and support each other if needs be. Thank you again so much. Gina x Gina Marchesi (Mellotte 1990)

SOGA plans to support business We are looking at ways to support SOGA

members’ businesses. These are hard times and as the pandemic drags on, more and more businesses are feeling the pinch. Advertising on the website and in SOGA News seems an obvious route but we are looking for a better path. One option is an affinity scheme. Vicki Atherton (Stringer 1982-1990) and Hon Treasurer has had first hand experience of an affinity scheme in the automotive sector. An affinity scheme is where an organisation offers

exclusively to its members, a number of products and services at a discounted rate from other selected businesses or organisations. Many St Mary’s girls have gone on to work in a vast range of professions and we are hoping to help facilitate connecting their businesses with our membership. Whether it’s to find a new yoga class or you need help designing a website, we hope SOGA Affinity will bring real value to your membership. It is early days but the scheme does look promising. More to follow asap.

SOGA Reconnect - Join - Stay in Touch - go to: SOGA News: Liz Moore (Emberson 1971)

Flickr: St Mary’s School Shaftesbury. Courtesy of Dorset Council

SOGA: Reconnect - Join - Stay in touch

SOGA Committee

We first met on 12th November 2020 and catch up every month via Zoom as well as emailing almost daily with ideas and progress. The group includes Old Girls from all decades. In case you are wondering, we are .....

Chair Corinne Gibbons (Simmonds 1963-1969) Corinne was instrumental in SOGA’s early days in the 1980s. Since retiring from full-time work as a University Administrator & PA in three private schools in NW London, she runs Sussex Secretaries providing freelance admin services to a large number of businesses in the SouthEast. In addition, she runs the family rented property business in Hampstead, London. Hon. Treasurer Vicki Atherton (Stringer 1982-1990) Vicki is the managing director of a group of companies whose principal activities are in the fields of Commercial Property Investments and Automative Retail. She went to Oxford Brookes University and is a qualified Chartered Surveyor and a Fellow of the Institute of Directors. She is based in Hampshire and West Sussex. Hon. Secretary Briony Venn (2006-2013) “I am a technology consultant with Accenture, specialising in the Sustainability and Defence sectors. SMS gave me the confidence to break into a male-dominated industry, and I love it. I read Italian and Spanish at Bristol University and spent 6 months establishing an NGO in Medellin, Colombia that 3D-prints prosthetic limbs as part of my course. I’ve recently relocated to St Ives, Cornwall from London and it’s the best lifestyle change!” Regional Reps Liaison Officer Gina Marchesi (Mellotte 19821990) “I’m a Voiceover Artist, working for a variety of TV, Radio, Corporate clients. I’m now based in Keynsham, Somerset, having been in London for 25 years. I mostly work from my home studio, but also with (pre-Covid) regular trips to London and elsewhere to work with clients directly. My business name is Voice G Ltd. and I’ve been selfemployed for about 20 years”. Website & Publicity Chloe Battle (1998-2005) Chloe went to the University of St Andrew’s, where she got an MA in French and Psychology. Having started the school’s first blog back in 2004, she returned to London six years later to pursue a career in Digital Communications. Ready to try something different, she now leads a split life between London and Dorset, where she runs a small food business. St Mary’s girls are still a huge part of her life.

Keeper of the Alumnae Dee Webb, (Colclough) Dee’s roles over her 30 years at St Mary’s include Mary Ward Housemistress, Head of Modern Languages and Hockey Coach. We are delighted that she has agreed to continue as Keeper of Alumnae details and ex-officio member of SOGA’s committee. Lily Earle (2004-2009) Founder and Director of CELLRETURN UK, which works to bring the latest LED health and beauty devices to the UK market, and a trustee of two charities. Lily is also recovering from a severe chronic illness, which caused her to leave her previous job in the media and ultimately become an entrepreneur. Now she uses her social media to raise awareness and talk about living with chronic pain. Miranda Litchfield (1963-1972) Miranda has worked in the voluntary sector since 1994, having previously run her own catering business. She has been in her current role as Director of the Society of the Little Flower UK, a Carmelite charity raising funds for their work around the world since 2008 and prior to that worked with single homeless and unaccompanied asylum seekers in West Sussex. During this time she has also been a trustee of various charities. Priscilla Sharp (Richardson 1948-1955) “I am nearly retired but still managing to do a small amount of paid work! I am a Trustee of the local Almshouses and Safeguarding Officer for the Chapel at St John and St Elizabeth Hospital. In addition I am a Trustee of the Catholic Union Charitable Trust”. Belgian Rep Henriette t’Kint de Roodenbeke (2012-2014) Originally from Belgium, I graduated from UCL in history of art and now I specialise in Arts Management in Maastricht. Besides my studies, I’m a tutor for teenagers with school difficulties and I also work in a museum for contemporary culture in the Netherlands. With my little capabilities, I hope to keep the memory of St Mary’s alive.

SOGA News Editor and Archives Liz Moore (Emberson 19631971) Freelance Picture Researcher and Editor - Liz has worked on a great many illustrated books, advertising campaigns and exhibitions. She has designed and edited magazines and leaflets for a number of charities and is currently providing admin services to a large estate in Kent and East Sussex.

Consultant to the committee Lucy Blyth (2012-2019) Lucy is studying psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam and is working as a nanny/English tutor to 3 children on the side. She loves sailing, trekking, travelling, music, languages, virtually anything! “Future plan is to be in the humanities sector, in some position where I can make a significant difference to people’s lives/the world around”.

Keeper of Memorabilia Bev Roberts Former Housemistress at St Mary’s Shaftesbury and ex-officio member of the SOGA committee. We are delighted Bev has agreed to continue to be Keeper of Memorabilia.


SMS heritage collection

Flickr: St Mary’s School Shaftesbury. Courtesy of Dorset Council

Gibbons (Simmonds 1969), with Dr Thomas, Bev Roberts and Liz Moore (Emberson 1971) are exploring ways to preserve the items which are of interest to Old Girls. It is hoped that the collection can be scanned and made available on line, but at the moment all this material is the property of Dorset Council.

When the announcement of the school’s closure was made,

Above left: Old Girls at the 75th Anniversaty at Shaftesbury in 2019 and above, the Bar Convent, York where the Shaftesbury Collection is being relocated.

members of the CJ community quickly embarked on a rescue mission to save some heritage and archive items which are precious to the CJ order, but will be of little interest to the new owner. In particular the painting in the Lady Chapel, paintings of Mary Ward and Sr Gillian Orchard’s memorial bench. The collection was put into storage and is now in-transit to the Bar Convent at York where it will be preserved as part of the Shaftesbury Collection along with one of England’s largest collections on church history, including books dating from 1508. It is all under the custodianship of Dr Hannah Thomas, the Special Collections Manager. Naturally there is still a lot of material at Shaftesbury - school photos and other two-dimensional objects, and Corinne

Latterly, the late Sr Gregory Kirkus, former headmistress of St Mary’s Shaftesbury, spent endless hours in the library at York sorting through historic records gathered over the years. Dr Thomas, who is a Research Associate at the Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies at the University of York and author of a number of scholarly works, was appointed Manager of the Special Collections department in 2017.

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Check out SOGA’s FB page There are several sites to see photos of life at St Mary’s Shaftesbury, including snaps taken at the 75th anniversary in 2019.

From the Editor’s desk A magazine like this is only a good read when there are lots

of contributions from its readers. So I urge you to please let us know what you are up to, who you have seen, any new additions to your family, and with vaccines being rolled out, perhaps there will be some weddings this summer! We want to hear from Old Girls who have set up businesses, particularly those started during the pandemic and how we all coped in our true Shaftesbury way. The next issue will be published mid-late September, so copy deadline will be 1st September. Please write to


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