Designed by Lyzaveta Boltava Brand of kid’s textile and decor “DADA” MASA Technology College of Beer Sheva Summer 2016
Contents Inspiration........................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 History of Logotype................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Logotype............................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Colors Palette............................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Fonts......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Additional Characters......................................................................................................................................................... 13 Business Cards.............................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Corporait Documents........................................................................................................................................................... 17 Teaser # 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 19 Teaser # 2 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 21 Teaser # 3 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 23 Poster ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Gift box Vizualization ........................................................................................................................................................... 27 Paper bag Vizualization .................................................................................................................................................. 29 Kids Wallpaper “DADA” .................................................................................................................................................... 31 Website “DADA” ........................................................................................................................................................................ 35
Inspiration “DADA” is a creative kid’s brand of decor, textile, furniture and toys. It’s a project of sunlight, warmth and plenty of opportunities for the curious little souls. This company proposes design products for kid’s all ages and brings comfort and happyness to the homes. Company name ‘DADA” means rocking horse for kids from franch language - dada (/”da: da: /). One of inspire for brand name is french proverb : “Horses frolic in the meadow “, that means fun and carefree. ‘DADA” gets inspiration from Nordic design, eco-friendly lyfestyle and natural materials and soft colors.
History of Logotype Before the final version of logo was prepared there was a lot of work and started it from simple handdrawing with colors pencils. Name of brand “DADA” means a toy-horse, that’s why the logotype shows a rocking horse. The polka dot pattern symbolizes children’s world and reminds us a “piered horse”. Horse on a logotype should be simple, looks like kids drawing and must have a speacial funny character.
Logotype Logo shows the company name DADA and company symbol- rocking horse with polka dot pattern. The color logotype uses grey contour and light yellow color. This logo can use in black-and-white color for fax, black and wite printer etc. You cann’t use other colors in logo.
Colors Palette “DADA” uses only pastel and soft colors: light-grey, pink, yellow and blue. They are looking very friendly and nice for kid’s products. Light pink and blue colors are baby’s colors and yellow brings bright and sunshine.
Fonts In company style used two typefaces: Champagne&Limousines Regular and Little Days. Champagne&Limousines is used in the logo and in basic text materials. It round, light and easy. Little Days loos like kid’s handwriting and is used in tagline, headers and in some decor products such as posters.
Additional Characters The main character of the company is rocking yellow horse. But it’s not alone :) There are two additional characters yet: rocking blue-polka-dot Giraffe and rocking pink-polka-dot Deer.. Moreover, there are the little details such as lollypop, tiny bow, whirligig and ducky-toy. It’s possible to use it in additional products such as gift boxes, packages, posters and decor.
Business Cards Brand “DADA” has two types of business cards: individual and general. Design of business cards includes logo, contact details on back side and decorative elements on front side. It’s use the main yellow color in business card design. On a front side of individual card is painted whirligig, that’s sybmolize energy and activity of the brand-creator Liza Boltava. On a front side of general card is painted paper airplane. that’s symbolize communication and creativity of personal.
Corporait Documents Brand materials look likes better together. Here we can see official form, folder, bussiness cards and envelope laying on the table. Design of envelope and official form includes logo and contact detailes and decorated using corporate colors and decorative elements- paper airplane. Design of corporate folder includes logo, contact details and decorated with company colors and print. Print was specially create for DADA and look like blue sky with clouds in which the paper airplane is flying. On the back side of the folder is written a company tagline.
Teaser # 1 Every teaserr of this company shows wonderfulll, cute and comfortable products for kids and one of additional character. Teasers include taglines with different calls to childrens and all fo them end with words :little one” All teasers are made in the same style, use corporate pastel colors and are very recognizable with the brand. The product range of ‘DADA’ is a big enough and includes of furniture ( colorful chest, shelves, armchairs and chairs with tender color upholstery), interesting pillows, eco-friendly textile creative lights and cute soft and wood toys.
Teaser # 2
Teaser # 3
Poster Company poster show us a wonderfull picrure, which is half-real and half-painted. It’s a little tiny girl, who sits among the drawing furniture, that can become a real, when you come to DADA- shop. Also on the poster is an information about store opening.
Gift box Vizualization Here you can see the set of gift boxes for some products such as accesories, toys and cadies. It’s all includes company logo, corporate pattern, decor element that explains what kind of present is in the box. Each box is made in one color and decorated with textile bow in the same color. The box with candies includes ingredients and weight. It’s really very pleased to get such cute gift.
Paper bag Vizualization Purchased products can be packed on this paper shop bag. There are two kind of bags: general and gift bag. The general bags include only company logo and main corporate color on the side. The gift bag is yellow color with drawing giraffe, whose head looks beyond the package. It’s funny and it’s really nice to get a gift in that giraffe-bag. The company logo is placed on a little card on the bag arms.
Kid's wallpaper «DADA» One of the brand products is a kid wallpaper. They are made from 100% paper, eco-friendly and have a nice matte surface. The wallpaper print includes pattern of corporate dada-horse on different colors. Those wallpaper can be use in boy and girl room. “DADA-” plans to creative a new collection of wallpaper with others characters.
Kid's Wallpaper The blue-horse wallpaper is nice to use in boy’s room, playroom, kindergarden They are well-used with blue or white monocgrome wallpaper or polka dot pattern in the same colors.
Here you can see how looks the corporate site www.dada-shop.com It’s minimalistic, simple and made in the same style with the brand. Site uses corporate decorative elements and colors. It’s easy in use. The home pages shows us a menu and all promotions and offers in the shop. You can choose category and go to galerry with products.
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