AACs: PECS versus Proloquo2GO
The most common AACs currently utilized at the Lizard Centre are Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and Proloquo20Go. The latter program is a nonverbal communication software for individuals who use manual or oral speech. These software types emphasize detailed communication about each user's needs, skills, and abilities. People with early childhood developmental delay, those diagnosed with autism, and those with specific learning difficulties are all examples of individuals who can benefit from using these systems.
1. Picture Exchange Communication System PECS is a developmentally based communication system for children with early childhood developmental delay. As a communication system, it focuses on the child's eye-hand coordination, increasing their ability to exchange pictures with other children using written or oral descriptions. PECS consists of pictorial symbol markers, which
are basic geometric shapes and symbols for actions. The symbols have common letters used to represent the child's words. The markers are placed in a frame above the child's head. The child creates their sentences by placing markers at different places on the screen and drawing lines, arrows, etcetera to indicate actions.
Pros - It is a reliable and efficient method for teaching language and selfhelp skills to children. - The program has been developed to include more than 50 pictures, which can help form more sentences by providing the child with more choices. - The PECS therapist determines the rate of language acquisition and progress, which allows for much flexibility in the learning process. -Several similar pictures reinforce new vocabulary before allowing the child to make choices with markers between sessions.
Cons - Because of the pictorial symbols, some children might find it difficult to express their thoughts and emotions. - Due to the pictorial symbols and pictures, this method is not always easy for people who don't know how to read or write.
2. Proloquo20Go Proloquo20Go is a nonverbal communication software program for an individual with early childhood developmental delay. The software contains an electronic board, which is identified by pictures. Each picture represents a category with a specific vocabulary for the user. The categories include family, places and travel, friends, hobbies and interests, activities and games, school and learning,
music and dance, conversation, fun phrases, etcetera. There are thousands of such categories available in over 30 languages.
Pros - This software enables users to communicate directly with the computer, which blind people can easily understand. - The system is easy to install and operate. - The effects of this software are more effective when combined with other therapeutic programs for individuals who use manual or oral speech.
Cons - The computer will not understand some forms of writing; therefore, it would be necessary to adapt the form of writing and spelling used in correspondence before sending it electronically. The advantages and disadvantages of both of these software systems are similar. These programs can, in turn, help to improve the functionality of an individual with early childhood developmental delay. Not only that, but they allow the individual to communicate in their way and at their rate.
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