L i z a r d Ne ws
Your mental health not ok?
By Matthew FarrellUOKBRO? Your mental health not ok? Come and have a yarn In recent months, locals in Te Puna and elsewhere have noticed a colourful car parked up, with a sign offering the most basic human need Conversation

The driver, in more ways than one, is registered social worker Scott Harvey He’s on a mission to meet head-on what he says is a growing demand for mental health support in the community
“My goal is for my car to be there every Saturday or Sunday at Māramatanga Park, depending on the season I just talk to people about their mental health, their anything and everything “I have people come along and say ‘what’s this about boy’, especially old fellas on their push bikes I say I’m making sure everybody is ok - how are you? One old guy said, ‘I’m fine I’m old school ’ How’s your family? ‘My wife’s dying, she’s got three months to live ’ How are you, mate? He burst out crying 45 mins later, I have talked to him about it I’m just a random person with two seats, helping people open up in a different way, a holistic way ”
Te Tuinga Whānau welcomes people of all ethnicities with short and long-term social support Everything from advice and advocacy to professional mentoring and transitional housing options And potentially life-saving roadside chats TTW translates as ‘weaving family
(and community) together’ Chief Imagination Officer Tommy Wilson says Scott is walking the talk that needs to be spoken
“We must take the solutions to those that need it most, not wait for them to come at the last minute to get help Scotty is a mobile crisis centre, especially for at-risk youth with mental health and addiction issues They feel comfortable sitting under a tree at Māramatanga Park to open up
“We are seeing some amazing results for taking that approach, meeting the crisis before it gets past the tipping point. Most times, people just want to kōrero because they can’t deal with challenges on their own Nobody wants to fly solo, so Scotty flies with them,” says Tommy Scott is currently preparing for a major road trip at Christmas time
“I want to go Tauranga to Bluff and back in my car and trailer Between here and the South Island and back, doing what I do in Te Puna Pull over on the side of the road somewhere I have never been with my two signs and two seats and let people drive past They’ll either give a big smile or pull over and ask what it’s about,” says Scott
The car registration plate and relatable vehicle messages are his conversation starters
“I’ve looked in my rearview mirror and seen them saying, ‘You OK, bro?’ so I don’t have to engage everyone; they are already starting to talk about it ”
“I was at Bayfair when I saw a gentleman standing looking at the writing on the bonnet, and he said, ‘This is amazing I wish my son had seen it; he suicided last year ’ We spoke for 20 minutes
“I said, ‘If you need support, come and see me at Te Tuinga Whānau I can help you, mate We have a Tāne group, and I’m there if you ever need me ’ He said, ‘I have family and the right support, but thank you ’
“If it had been a normal car, I would have never met the man or had that conversation where he told me things you wouldn’t normally tell a stranger
“I randomly ask people, ‘Are you ok? How’s your day going?’ Maybe today’s fine How was their week at work? Some workers have a manager who is an arse Maybe they are getting bullied and need some social work advice to give a go at work next week ”
I decide to turn the tables and ask Scott how he is doing How is your boss, the shepherd?
“Tommy is a guy that cares He wants people to see and feel hope, whatever that is to them I have an amazing manager, Piki Russell, who supports our work with up to 100 people a month It’s everything from homelessness to addiction, gambling, domestic violence issues, sexual abuse, and anxiety; everything society hands out to people
“It fills my cup to know that people find hope with us We have a tree out the
back of the office with a table and chair We sit out there for a cuppa, smoko, a bitch and moan, and a debrief
“As I’m talking to you on the phone, seven people are looking at my car now A hundred people have written names all over my car of people who have passed

“Their messages say ‘Keep Alive, Don’t Die, You Are Loved,’ and I’m going to take all the names and messages on holiday with me to Bluff in December”
Scott would like to run a social work bus in 2024 for farmers grappling with suicide
“We need to get out of the office and go to the people in isolated areas Listening to the ZB show, the farmers on the East Coast have massive mental health needs,” he says
Scott has a UOKBRO givealittle page to accept donations for his kaupapa/ cause

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matthew@lizardnews net
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Letters to the Editor
SH2 roundabout
Can you get a timeline from the Western Bay of Plenty District Council for work to start?

I was led to believe it was October, but was told yesterday it is still being designed
Why are they recreating the wheel when Waka Kotahi have already designed something?
Jim DunseathDistrict Council response:
Our priority is delivering an intersection that is safe and cost-effective for our Ōmokoroa community, and we appreciate the community is keen to see progress on this important infrastructure
We continue to meet with neighbours to ensure those affected are kept up to date on the process, including the designs and the timeline for work
The roundabout is not a standalone project An interim roundabout would eventually be replaced with a significant structure with on and off-ramps and an overbridge under Tākitimu North Link Stage Two It’s important the design of both projects complement each other, and we are taking this into account as we develop solutions that address the community’s needs and align with our priorities
Western Bay of Plenty District Council and its partners, including Waka Kotahi, expect to share the final design with the public before the end of the year
Food bank appeal
This is an urgent appeal from the Ōmokoroa Food Bank for non-perishable food donations
There has been a huge increase in demand for food parcels this year, and therefore, the food bank has run out of stock of most food items
We have placed a box outside the church entrance for donations of any kind
A list of the general items that make up a standard food parcel will be available on our website and on the box
We appreciate your support and hope
that we can continue to assist many families in need
For any queries or more information, please contact me on 07 548 2515
Tanya Van HeerdenNo records, no rates?
This letter outlines my objection to the latest property rating valuation I am hoping logic will prevail I am happy to pay once logic prevails The short version is property rating is linked to Council records The Council record is about what is on the property Why should I pay for improvements on my property when, according to the Council, I have none and no way to correct what is obviously wrong? Tauranga City Council has an amnesty of sorts of “this is how the property was at this date onwards” with plans and inspection
The long version is that I, along with many other people in the Western Bay of Plenty Council area, had their building’s records “burnt” in a fire at the Council offices in the 1980s
Yes, I bought that property “ as is” at the time In my defence, I had only previously part-owned a property on Waiheke Island, where the only compliant houses on the island were recently built mega-mansions We judged on what we saw and what we were going to do
My real estate agent has had real problems because of this and tried several ways to see if this can be changed, but has hit a brick wall At one stage, he says he’s had more properties without records than with records
My question is, why can reason not prevail? I am more than happy to pay rates, but it needs to reflect what is actually on Council records If I am offering to provide all the information at my cost Why is the Council not jumping at the opportunity to rectify an issue that they have essentially caused?

District Council response:
Western Bay of Plenty District Council rates cover a range of vital services for our region, from animal control and recycling centres to safe water, playgrounds, and pensioner housing

We are keen to speak to Tracey about her personal situation more We would encourage her to please contact our friendly team via info@westernbay govt nz
For information about property valuations or to query a specific valuation, ratepayers can also reach out to QV by free phoning 0800 787 284
Ōmokoroa Scottish Country Dancing
Hooray, it’s going to happen. Scottish Country Dancing on Tuesday 26th September, 1pm, Ōmokoroa Community Church Hall

Great music and good movements to sharpen up your brain while having fun No charge, but the donation of a durable food item for the Community Food Bank would be appreciated

Contact 021 259 8770 for further information
Linda CarterŌmokoroa
We at the shed, have been overwhelmed by the generosity of the Ōmokoroa community since we started the shed Tools and equipment, building timber, and treated timber have all been donated in quantity To make the things we wish to make, we still require some hardwoods, which, unfortunately, are very expensive and hard to get as most have to be imported New Zealand does not grow many hardwood trees as these are mostly deciduous trees and grown in Asia, and North and South America
We are again sending out a request to our community If you are storing away any of this precious commodity in your basements and find you have no need or use for it anymore, We will gladly take it off your hands, being very thankful for any donations of these woods to our shed Please contact Rob Lyons 020 474 0797
Gratefully yours, the guys
Choirs on song

Just thought I will give some feedback Our festival (see Lizard News, August) was a roaring success, with a full house on both days, and it is now definitely becoming an annual event
The choirs, if possible, even improved at the Sunday performance, so we are so grateful to all of the Villages who participated along with Ōmokoroa Country Estate Thank you for your support
Helena van der MerweNo
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