Lizaveta Shylichava
Portfolio of Selected Works
Combining European professionalism, Russian drive and Belarusian soul, I gained extensive experience supervising our projects from the initial phases of design to their final construction. This enhanced my understanding on developing methodology, the intersection between physical form and function, materials and construction, and clarity in architectural language. As an architect, I am most interested in engaging with projects of various scales in the contemporary urban context. My motivation to pursue a Master’s degree in Urbanism emerged from the belief that contemporary architecture overlaps with city form, shaping intricate urban issues, public spaces and social justice in cities. During my years at the Architecture School, I was also heavily involved in leading lectures, exhibitions, and forums to bring research into our design education. I continue to be inspired by architectural firms that support research and interdisciplinary perspectives on the design of our complex urban fabric.
Date of birth Place of birth
Tel: Email:
2011-2017 2015
28.11.1993 Minsk, Belarus
Lizaveta Shylichava
+46 73 926 33 17
Contact information
BNTU (Minsk, Belarus) Architecture/Bachelor’s degree
TU Delft (Delft, The Netherlands) Spatial Planning and Strategy
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden) Master of Science/Urbanism studies
2014 2015-2017 2017 2017-2018
Children’s art studio/Painting teacher «Architectural bureau 35»/ Architect BNTU/Urban Planning department/TA Studio 11/ Architect
Professional experience
2015 Exhibition platform “Minsk is the open city” 11th National Architectural Festival “Minsk 2015” 2015 The 5th Minsk Architectural Forum 2014 The 4th Minsk Architectural Forum 2015 Architectural Summer School in Minsk
Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Revit AutoCAD 3dsMAX SketchUp Rhino QGIS
2014 2013 -
EASA (Bulgaria) Applied techniques in restoration summer practice in Kreva, Belarus 3rd International Forum of Architecture “ArchEvolution”, Brest, Belarus 3rd Minsk Architectural Forum “Living/residential area” 2nd Minsk Architectural Forum “Museum transformer”
Acknowledgment from the Ministry of Architecture for organization of the youth platform “Minsk is the open city” within the framework of 11th National Architectural Festival, Minsk 2015
Russian (native), Belarussian (native), English (fluent), Swedish (beginner)
Candidate for master of sports (high jump) keen on Russian poetry
2013 2013 2012 -
Planning layouts for gallery type building: Open international competition for alternative layout design in standard housing
Alternative apartment layouts take into consideration various requests of potential residents: from basic needs to socialization and selfdevelopment. Adaptability, human scale, balance of spaces, functional zoning, economic expediency, environmental friendliness are fundamental principles. Human scale: maintainig confortable proportions of residential and -non-residential premises: depth, spread along the facade, ceiling height, elaborate dimensions of every separate room, considering the position of the furniture. Functional zoning: allocation of corresponding zone or a separate room for each of the possible functions in the apartment in order to avoid mixing of such functions; elaboraite circulation between zones. Balance of spaces; increasing the efficiency of the use of the apartment space by providing adjusted configuration and elaborate interposition of all rooms.
Axonometric view
The configuration of the building separate two fundamentally different types of space: public and semi-private. A courtyard can be used by neignbors as a playground for children, urban garden and other activities. According to the climate, he block of stairs and galleries can be left open without walls.
Plan of the ground-floor level 0
Технико-экономические показатели: Общая площадь этажа - 628,7 м.кв. Площадь мест общего хранения - 24,2 м.кв Площадь общественных пространств - 54,6 м.кв
Modul 2 1R+2R
Modul 1 Studio+3R
ะกollective space for events with summer kitchen
Modul 2 1R+2R
Modul 1 Studio+3R
Courtyard Kindergarden
Rental space
Rental space Gym Entrance group
Hybrid zone Axonometric view of the ground-floor level
Rental space Co-working
0.6 3.6
3-комнатная квартира:1-комнатная квартира:
2-комнатная квартира:
Площадь общая - 25,1 м.кв. Площадь жилая - 14,1 м.кв. Площадь нежилая - 11 м.кв
Площадь общая - 44,0 м.кв. Площадь общая - 84 м.кв. жилая - 28,2 м.кв. Площадь жилая - 51,4Площадь м.кв. Площадь Площадь нежилая - 32,1 м.кв. нежилая - 15,7 м.кв.
Площадь общая - 63 м.кв. Площадь жилая - 38,5 м.кв. Площадь нежилая - 24,3 м.кв
я - 44,0 м.кв. я - 28,2 м.кв. лая - 15,7 м.кв.
The general view of the buiding illustrates a compact human-scale valume with active ground floor. Open balconies provide connection with outdoor surroundings. Deepened entrances create Квартира-студия: 2-комнатная квартира: space to hide from rain and heat. Wide groundобщая - 25,1 м.кв. Площадь общая - 63 м.кв. floor windows are Площадь designed toм.кв. support safe and Площадь жилая - 14,1 Площадь жилая - 38,5 м.кв. Площадь нежилая - 24,3 м.кв enjoyable walks. Площадь нежилая - 11 м.кв 0
0.6 1.8
1-комнатная квартира: 3-комнатная квартира: Площадь общая - 44,0-м.кв. Площадь общая 84 м.кв. Площадь жилаяжилая - 28,2-м.кв. Площадь 51,4 м.кв. Площадь нежилая - 15,7-м.кв. Площадь нежилая 32,1 м.кв.
The Unite d’Habitation in Minsk: from a residential gallery type building to a student dormitory
Belskogo, 17 is the only experimental gallery type residential building in Minsk for small families designed in 1974-1976. The 9 floor’s building is made from a prefabricated threedimentional block. A special feature of the building is the removal of the staircase-lift sections into separate blocks placed at an angle to the house, and corridors opened to the courtyard facade.
Construction system: the gallery-type apartment building on Belsky Street, 17 is made of 3-dimensional blocks produced by DSK-3. A drawback of the construction system produces inflexibility of plans. To be sustainable and resilient a building’s layout should be easily adopted to new functions. The load is distributed over four corners, which makes it possible to change interior space.
Gallery type building and separated staircase blocks create the autonomy and non sense of ownership. As a result, broken windows, garbage, graffiti and unsafe atmosphere live there. Many windows facing galleries are clogged.
The first floors of the building are unprofitable for dwelling. They can be adapted to public functions, office spaces, service areas becoming a neighborhood center and surrounded by public space.
To diversify housing typology and a student campus is proposed on 3-8 floors. Three-storey self-contained blocks with their own kitchens, working rooms, laundry will replace a corridor system. These blocks will function as separate houses.
View from the courtyard
Axonometric view
Axonometric view
Plan of the groundfloor level
Plan of the residwntial levels
Three-stored block is an attempt to create a type of ÂŤsocial condeserÂť, promoted by Soviet constructivists and Rem Koolhaas.
Second life of Osmolovka: Sustainable development of a neighbourhood in Minsk
Cities should grow and develop. However, the lack of urban development strategies leads to spontaneous actions of developers and rash decisions, where qualitative parameters of the urban environment concede to quantitative ones. The inefficiency of such decisions, based only on the economic aspect, in today’s Minsk can be traced on examples of the demolished old museum of the Second World War, bus station Moskovskaya and unfinished hotel Kempinski. The loss of historical districts, neighborhoods, streets and buildings (due to physical wear and tear, economic inexpediency, discrepancy between density and scale indicators) leads to impoverishment of urban environment, quality of which depends on the number of preserved historical layers. The lack of historical environment in Minsk is evident. The absence of strategies for urban development leads to the fact that the small part of existing Minsk history is disappearing. The old city is replaced by frozen objects of the hotel business and offices.Question: is it possible to develop city increasing its density and preserve historic environment at the same time? The aim of the project is development of a territory through the preservation of existing buildings and environment, taking into account social, cultural and economic aspects. Two blocks of Osmolovka were being under threat of demolition and local inmates were trying to protect it from destruction, therefore Osmolovka was an ideal place for research and design within such framework.
Housing typology
Urban biodiversity
Urban mobility
Public space
Sufficient land use
Diversity of functions
Visual points analysis
Social engagement
Sport Centre Adaptive reuse of a manufactory building
Horizonville Preservation of existing buildings 6.8 as creative clusters Complex of wide-span buildings Cultural centre
«Osmolovka ring» To turn existing yards and kurdounners to public space Axonometric view of a proposal
The concept of the project is aimed at the development of Osmolovka’s blocks through its preservation in the context of the whole district (within Independence avenue, Masherov avenue, Bogdanovicha street and the water-green diameter of Minsk). Methodology consists of analysis of the whole district, including two blocks of Osmolovka, based on 8 parameters of sustainable urban environment. These parameters are: efficient land use, quality of public space, sustainable mobility, habitability in housing and buildings, diversity of uses and functions, historic preservation, social cohesion, urban biodiversity. The project works with the scale of the whole neighbourhood and the scale of the block.
New residential buildings To separate existing residential semi-private space from public space.
alley with historic greenery barbecue area infopoint
ул. Б огдан ович а
м Ком ул.
е Кис ул.
museum of architecture pedestrian street
ул. Ку й
lectorium Axonometric view
Two-storeyed buildings of Osmolovka with its scale and architecture has become a good neighbor for buildings, having the status of historical and cultural value, supporting the existing structure of streets with their red lines. The historical character of Osmolovka is determined by the composition of houses’ location, organization of the courtyard, preserved historical alley. The territory of existing kindergartens falls out of the general structure.
View from the courtyard
ул. Коммунистическая
ул. Киселева
ул. Чичерина
Masterplan ул. Куй
View from Chicherina street
The Kattsvansens Torg: Neighborhood square as part of the waterfront re vival in SÜdertälje
New shared space is created to enhance the integration of the the SÜdertälje canal into the city center and unite an urban block, cutting the highway off. This public space is based on three fundamental elements: a fireplace, a bicycle station and water-activities for children provided by Tom Tits museum. Designed from two different scales, the fireplace will become a collective point for the residents of the neighborhood, at the same time the bicycle station and the water-sculptures will serve for the whole city center. The shared space tackles the issue of canal isolation from the city and the neighborhood itself.
Axonometric view
Panoramic view
2 4
5 6
Apartment in Minsk: Debut completed project by RADICAL PASSIVE
The unit is located in the historical heart of Minsk, with a unique atmosphere that recalls the historic narratives of its previous residents. This context sets the direction of a future project to design not just a living space, but a space as a place of memories. With this concept in mind, we introduced architectural principles in the interior scale, creating a contemporary universal apartment.
Layout A new plan dismantles an enclosed and cellular layout system, where communication between rooms is organized in one single way — through a corridor. The design proposal is based on a functional zoning of the apartment which is divided into a living space — where the individual spends most of the time, and an entry area that is framed by a wardrobe and a bathroom. The living space combines the living room, kitchen and a private bedroom, connected through two doorways. Such layout provides unimpeded connection of main living spaces. The entrance to the bedroom is provided by two sliding doors. When opened, they achieve the visual unity of the living space, while closed they ensure the privacy of the bedroom. This flexibility allows for variations in movement from kitchen to dining and living room. The entry area is equipped with a wardrobe and a bathroom with a built-in laundry block there. All storage systems, domestic appliances for the laundry and the kitchen block are installed inside the wall surfaces, maximizing the functionality of the unit. On the other hand, the increased thickness of the walls enhances sound-insulation.
Materials One of the fundamental design principles implemented deals with the use of natural materials and innate character of its usage. The choice of materials is closely connected with all design solutions, and intended to reveal main architectural fundamentals. Complex texture of the wall plaster serves as a background for wood veneer facades with compound shades of red. Textiles and furniture inherit the color scheme of large interior surfaces. For example, the color of curtains mimics the background walls, and the carpet blends into the wooden floors.
Space Embedded components are perceived visually not as separate elements, but as parts of walls, maintaining the unity of space perception. The coherence of vertical elements forms a clear orthogonal system of space revealing and organizing two main planning edges — two parallel enfilades connecting kitchen, living room and bedroom. Clarity and visual connectivity of the enfilade’s perspective is achieved by the height of doorways. Instead of standard doorways, the expansion of the sliding doors to the ceiling allows for vertical uniformity. Structural unity of elements and the flexibility to configure movement in the space allows for stronger connectivity between the defined spaces.
Furniture and elements The continuity of the essence and history of the preceding interior is a meaningful feature of some elements. Renovated ceiling cornices recreate the original interior decor. Upholstered furniture, a floor mirror, a ceiling lamp in the kitchen and other details were restored and sufficiently integrated into a renovated interior. Meanwhile, a series of metal furniture of two coffee tables and night stands were designed based on rethinking and inheriting Modernism principles. Two works of art generally capture the essence of the design: a gray canvas in the spirit of abstract expressionism, and a fragment of Bartolomeo Cavarozzi’s “The Holy Family with St. Helena�.
PandaDoc office, studio 11
PandaDoc office, studio 11
Tennis pavillion, Architectural bureau 35
Residential complex, Architectural bureau 35