Daniel Abarca.pig Erika Cisneros.hols Teacher Ana Lizeth Benavides.
Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. Triple RRR It is an Adoption and promotion of an approach to the waste problem summarized by the phrase "reduce , reuse and recycle". Reuse:.It is despite efforts to reduce the amount of waste generated, consumers and businesses still create substantial waste For example: Use washable dishware over paper and plastic Most restaurants are willing to fill your reusable trav el mug instead of a disposable cup.
Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. Choose durable goods over disposable ones – One h igher quality razor creates much less waste than m ultiple disposables.
Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. Reduce: It is the first and most effective compone nt of the waste hierarchy is reducing the waste cr eated. For examples: purchase products packaged with less waste – Alwa ys chose easily recycled products over wasteful on es, buy larger containers that you can divide your self rather than single serve that use excess pack aging, and reconsider bottled water. Remember your grocery bags – Instead of taking ho me bundles of plastic bags, consider bringing reus able bags to the store. Most stores also offer pap er and plastic bag recycling bins.
Reuse, Reduce and Recycle.
Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. Recycle:It is when waste is eventually discarded, segregating items for recycling from other waste i s important. For examples: Paperboard Food Boxes and Cartons Plastic Bottles and Jugs labeled for recycle 1 and 2 Containers and Cups labeled recycle 1 and 2