For Families and Kids in the
OC and Greater Long Beach
Party FAB’
100s of
Best THE
Best Readers’ Tips
MONSTERS ...and more
looking back
to the Circus
tons of
Celebrate with us.Woohoo!
Aquatics & Water Polo ������������������������ 5 Archery ������������������������������������������������ 8 Arts & Crafts ���������������������������������������� 8 Attractions ����������������������������������������� 12 Baseball & Softball ���������������������������� 16 Basketball ������������������������������������������ 17 Beauty & Etiquette ���������������������������� 17 Biking ������������������������������������������������ 18 Boating ���������������������������������������������� 18 Bowling ���������������������������������������������� 20 Calendar �������������������������������������������� 92 Camps ������������������������������������������������ 21 Cheerleading ������������������������������������� 38 Child Care & Baby Sitting ������������������ 38 Clothing ��������������������������������������������� 40 Computers ����������������������������������������� 40 Cooking ���������������������������������������������� 41 Dance ������������������������������������������������� 42 Emergency & Family Services ���������� 44 Fencing ���������������������������������������������� 46 Fishing ����������������������������������������������� 46 Fitness & Health �������������������������������� 46 Football ���������������������������������������������� 47 Golf ���������������������������������������������������� 47 Gymnastics ���������������������������������������� 48 Horseback Riding ������������������������������ 49 Languages ����������������������������������������� 51 Magic ������������������������������������������������� 52 Martial Arts ���������������������������������������� 52 Miscellaneous ����������������������������������� 53 Museums ������������������������������������������� 53 Music ������������������������������������������������� 55 Orthodontists ������������������������������������� 79 Parent Education ������������������������������� 59 Parties ������������������������������������������������ 61 Pets ���������������������������������������������������� 67 Photography �������������������������������������� 67 Play Groups ��������������������������������������� 67 Playgrounds �������������������������������������� 68 Pre/Private School Directory �������72, 74 Private School Directory ��������73, 75, 77 Recreation Departments ������������������� 69 Recreation & Parks ��������������������������� 70 Rock Climbing ����������������������������������� 70 Schools ���������������������������������������������� 71 Science ���������������������������������������������� 76 Skateboarding ����������������������������������� 79 Skating & Hockey ������������������������������ 80 Soccer ������������������������������������������������ 81 Special Needs ������������������������������������ 82 Support Groups ��������������������������������� 82 Surfing ����������������������������������������������� 83 Teens �������������������������������������������������� 83 Tennis ������������������������������������������������ 84 Theater Arts ��������������������������������������� 85 Toys ���������������������������������������������������� 87 Track & Field �������������������������������������� 87 Trains ������������������������������������������������� 87 Tutoring ��������������������������������������������� 88 Volleyball ������������������������������������������� 89 Volunteering �������������������������������������� 89 Youth & Family Groups ���������������������� 89 Zoos ��������������������������������������������������� 91
2 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
publisher’s note What is life without celebration? Here at KG HQ, we’re partiers! We like to celebrate, whether it’s a simple accomplishment or a major milestone. We call them our “Woohoo Moments,” and this is a biggie—our 25th birthday—Kidsguide’s Silver Anniversary! We plan on celebrating all year long, but not without first taking the opportunity to: Look Back: We’ve spent the past four months culling through issues of Kidsguide, 1987 to the present, and found gems, hundreds of them, so many in fact that writer Steve Lowery has finally come up for air with his (first round) of the “Best of the Best.” His editorial is filled with old favorites: places to go, riddles to solve (with chances to win), games to play, facts to digest, tickets to redeem and tips you won’t want to live without! We’ve even posted the “History of Kidsguide” on our website. It displays all our covers, designed by the likes of Mort Drucker from Mad Magazine, Jack E. Davis, from the Zack Files and many other famous illustrators. Log on to see how many covers you recognize. Look Forward: We’re already changing. Our spring/summer issue features the ongoing calendar only. All the day-to-day events are going online! That way you will have access to the most up-to-date information. So be sure to sign up on our website for The Buzz (our weekly calendar e-mail), friend us on Facebook, and follow our tweets. We’ll be posting tons of events, more “favorites,” and a few big announcements (hint: may involve makeovers, blogs and apps). Appreciate Where We Are: We’ve saved the best for last (tissue, please). Kidsguide is here for one simple reason: You…our readers, our advertisers, our distributors. You make this all possible. You allow us to do what we do every day, and for that we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
If you would like information on affordable and effective advertising in Kidsguide, give us a call at (562) 799-0140. We would be happy to send you our rates. The deadline to advertise in the summer calendar is May 1. The deadline for fall/winter is August 1.
legalstuff: “Kidsguide™ Copyright 2011 Liz Davis. All rights reserved. No portion of this magazine may be used for a derivative work, reproduced or copied—mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying—distributed, or displayed without prior written permission of the publisher. The materials herein are provided on an “as is” basis and the publisher of this magazine, KIDSGUIDE, Inc., expressly disclaims all warranties, including without limitation the warranties of currentness, correctness, completeness, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, noninfringement of intellectual property, and freedom from errors. KIDSGUIDE, Inc. assumes no liability or responsibility for any loss or injury arising out of errors, omissions, uses, or participation as a result of publication of all magazine editions to the fullest extent permitted by law. KIDSGUIDE, Inc. is not in any way recommending or endorsing any program, business, activity, or advertiser listed within this magazine. Names, addresses, fees, descriptions, and services listed in KIDSGUIDE are subject to change. We sincerely request that any errors be brought to the publisher’s attention so that they may be corrected in future editions.”
To comment on editorial or program changes, call (562) 799-0140 or e-mail: 10313 Los Alamitos Blvd., Los Alamitos, CA 90720
was August of 1986 when Liz Davis, a onetime roadie for Kid ‘n Play, launched a magazine in the living room of her Long Beach home armed with little more than a dream and a vicious ankle-snapping dog. The magazine was called Kidsguide and its premise was simple: provide kids and their parents with tons of ideas of things to do and how to do them. In the 25 years since, Kidsguide has remained true to its original intention of offering literally thousands of ideas, opportunities and tips, whether it was things to do with your kids over the summer, on a road trip or on the cheap. There has
more compact and aerodynamic product in 2009. But the basic premise has never changed in 25 years. Here’s a little sampling of how we got to where we are today …
1987: The first issue of Kidsguide is published. The magazine is yellow to mimic the phone book and features a single handprint on the cover, the hand belonging to Liz Davis’s daughter, Lauren. Among the sections presented is something called “Have You Done It?” Of the 72 activities featured, 55 are still featured in the magazine. One that isn’t was, you guessed it, “Trout Fishing.” So, for all of you
ideas on how to make those trips less disaster-ish, suggesting not only the obvious “Pack a favorite lunch…saves time and money,” the necessary “Pack wipes, a blanket and water,” but also the creative, “Pipe cleaners and aluminum foil are a great distraction in the car to make jewelry, glasses and animals.” It should be noted that we did NOT tell your kids to play Slug Bug, that’s on you.
Vicious dogs, Frankenstein’s hand and the best readers anyone ever exploited for ideas been a cavalcade of educational programs, park proceedings, camps and more events than you can shake a stick at, including stick shaking which is just another type of activity the staff at Kidsguide would not only tell you where to do, but how and why (“Stick shaking has a long and colorful history …”) In those 25 years, Davis has assembled a crack staff capable of sniffing out great deals, unique ideas and fun facts. Each issue has been themed around a topic and that topic is gone into in depth in the magazine’s opening editorial, usually written by Steve Lowery, who Davis lured to the paper on the strength of her reputation and willingness to forgive certain gambling debts. In that time, there have been some change. The magazine went online in 2003 and it became a
who have been picking up Kidsguide the last 24 years in hopes of finding out where the trout are biting—do trout bite?—here’s a couple tips: Trout Dale Inc., ( offers a bamboo fishing pole, bait and a bucket for $7 bucks. 2468 Troutdale Road, Agoura. (818) 889-9993. Mt. Baldy Trout Pools ( allows you to bring your own pole ($1) or use theirs ($2). The two bucks includes bait, cleaning and packaging of whatever you catch. 6945 Mt. Baldy Road, Mt. Baldy. (909) 982-4246. 1988: In a section called “Great Day Trips,” we started the practice of not only telling folks great things to do but, mindful that even dream destinations can become nightmare voyages (cue screaming 3-year-old at Disneyland), began to give lots of
By Steve Lowery
1990-91: First issue with a “Miscellaneous” section. Random. 1992-93: The first of many appearances of one of our favorite parks, Adventure Playground located in Huntington Beach’s Central Park. Adventure Playground is the kind of filthy, dirty masterpiece constructed with kids specifically in mind. There are mud pools and rope bridges and a wooden city in constant need of construction with hammers and saws and lots of stuff most parks won’t go near for fear—in these hyper-litigious times—that a kid might get a splinter. 7111 Talbert Ave., (714) 8427442. Open this summer, June 20 – August 19. 1994: Five years into Kidsguide and two things were evident: 1) You truly and deeply love your kids, and they you; and 2) You truly and deeply need a break from your kids, and they from you. We presented you with safe, fun options to places where your kids could spend the evening away from you. Places where your kids can do fun stuff like playing games, watching movies and/or eating pizza, known as Kids’ Night Out. We still feature these and you can find them all over: Cypress, Irvine, Long Beach, Huntington Beach, etc. Go to Kidsguide’s Calendar on page 95 to check out where and when. 1995: Another thing we’ve grown attached to over the years are spray pools, those free little water parks that offer a safe and fun way for kids to stay cool during the summer. Since we first started writing about them more than 15 years ago, spray pools’ popularity have grown as has their scope and wild designs, evidenced by Westminster’s Splash Pad with 10-foot-tall, water-dispensing pelicans, squirting palm trees and sea horses. Bellflower, Cerritos, Fullerton and Lakewood also feature spray and wading pools. Check them out under “Wading and Spray Pools,” page 8. 1996: Ten years in, we decide to let the readers do our job, featuring their suggestions in the “Tips” section of the magazine. We got a lot of great stuff, like this one from Kathy Briscoe: “Keep a Sick Sack for when kids wake up feeling under the weather. Fill the sack with some of their favorites, such as ginger ale, Jell-O, soup and a new movie. You’ll feel organized and prepared while they rest and recuperate.” kidsguide spring/summer 2011 3
1997: Perhaps our favorite reader suggestion came from Chris Bittner and involved a homemade product called Monster-Be-Gone. “Decorate a spray bottle with colorful monster stickers and fill it with water. Add a dash of vanilla for scent and voila…instant Monster-Be-Gone. You can spray under the bed, the closet, etc.” Thanks Chris, great idea, though we found it totally ineffective in combating vicious, ankle-snapping dogs. 1998: You weren’t the only one with great tips. We stumbled upon a great pool/beach game called Grease the Watermelon, which is kind of a cross between the Farmer in the Dell and water polo. First, get a melon and coat it in vegetable shortening to make it nice and slippery. Throw the melon in the water and have two teams attempt to maneuver the melon into their opponent’s goal. Hilarious, fun, a great workout and the winners get to split the melon. 1999: Hey, it’s not all monsters and melons at Kidsguide. Mindful that a lot of people may just be picking up the mag for a few minutes in a dentist office, we made sure to always throw in, as Liz Davis put it, “crazy tips at the end of each chapter…kind of Guinness-Book-of-World-Records stuff.” A favorite runs this year with a updated profile of Mr. Eat-It-All. While that could describe just about any teenage boy, we’re actually talking about Frenchmen, Michael Lotito, who ate metal, glass, rubber and other substances thought to be indigestible. Lotito ate bikes, shopping carts, TVs and, in his most famous stunt, a Cessna 150 that took him two years to finish. Lotito said he never felt any ill-effects from his eating conquest, though he did say bananas and hard-boiled eggs made him nauseous. Lotito, who is estimated to have eaten one ton of metal in his lifetime, died in 2007 at the age of 57 of what was called “natural causes.” Natural? Sounds fishy. 2000: A teacher in Norwalk named Marci Chants began using Kidsguide as a way to teach kids about planning and budgeting. She would hand out copies of the mag to her students and direct them to choose five activities taking into consideration cost, location and age-appropriateness. They were given a worksheet to fill out that asked “Why I want to go,” “How will I get there?” and “How will I pay for my activity?” They stapled this to their copy of Kidsguide. We thought this was great a idea for parents to do at home too! You may find new interests you did not know your kids had. Note to teachers: if you would like to do something similar and need extra copies of Kidsguide, give us a call at (562) 799-0140. 4 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
2005: Kidsguide produces its onemillionth magazine. Man, imagine if we’d been charging a buck a copy? That’d buy a lot of Mentos. 2006: In the spring/summer issue, a reader named Tiffany Salter sent a tip suggesting folks keep a “costume box.” After every Halloween or school play, she said to add that year’s costume to a box of hats, kid-friendly jewelry, etc. for year-round play. We liked the idea so much we hired Tiffany Salter in 2007.
2001: We introduce you to Baby’s First Circus, and, no, that doesn’t involve toddlers in tights— though that would be adorable. Actually, it’s part of a Ringling Bros. promotion that continues to this day that allows parents with kids up to a year old to get a free ticket to any performance, anytime, anywhere. Go to and click on “Special Offers” to check it out. 2002: We featured a little something called “Where Am I, Who Am I, What am I?” which anyone in their 40s can tell you, is pretty much how you wake up each morning. But, for Kidsguide readers, it was also an opportunity to put the kids through some brain teasers like the one below. If you think you can solve the problem, go to to enter your answer and be eligible to win prizes: “I am a whole number less than 100. I am not divisible by 2,3,4,6,7,8,9 or 10. People call me a palindrome because I am the same number read forwards or backwards. If you find the sum of my digits, you will get the smallest 2-digit number. What number am I?” 2003: Kidsguide: The Website launches with a lot of the stuff you’ve come to expect from the magazine––calendar, directory––and at least one thing you haven’t. Yes, the website initially featured a hidden blue squirrel on the home page that kids were challenged to find for prizes. 2004: In something called “Fascinating Finds,” we offered what I believe is the single greatest scientific discovery this side of Mentos and Diet Coke. OK, while sitting at your desk, lift your right foot and rotate it clockwise. Now, while doing this, trace the number “6” in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction and there’s nothing you can do about it. NOTHING!
2007: We launch The Buzz, our weekly e-mail blast that flies from Kidsguide headquarters every Thursday and is filled with the latest and greatest activities coming up each week. Absolutely free. Sign up at 2008: In a section we called “Camp Tricks,” there was this: “Ask a friend to think of a number. Tell her to add 1, then multiply the answer by 2. Now add 3. Multiply by 2 again. Finally subtract 10. Ask your friend for the answer. You can now tell her the number she first thought of by dividing the answer by 4. It works on any number.” It’s true, it does, which just goes to show what I’ve always said: LIZ DAVIS IS A WITCH! 2009: In our “Fun On The Cheap” issue, we gave great ideas for cheap movies, free days at local museums and discounts at theme parks. But our two favorites are cheap boat rides, especially when the weather is warm. For $1, the AquaBus water taxi stops at four locations in Long Beach: the Aquarium of the Pacific, the Queen Mary, Catalina Landing and Pine Avenue Dock 7. For $5, AquaLink catamaran stops at three waterside attractions: the Queen Mary, the Aquarium of the Pacific and scenic Alamitos Bay Landing. For schedules, visit www. or call (562) 591-2301. 2010: We feature lots of fun and sometimes messy (i.e. fun) science experiments that kids can do at home. Experiments such as “Frankenstein’s Hand” and “Homemade Lightning.” And, when you think about it, Kidsguide has been an experiment also, lots of fun and sometimes stressful (i.e. vicious anklesnapping dog) that owes any of its success to the continued and very real support of our readers. You keep reading—and sending in those ideas!—and we’ll keep doing whatever it is we do. Thanks! Now, one question: Where Am I, Who Am I, What am I?
Instructional classes (5+) include water safety, first aid and CPR, and lifeguarding (15+), plus referrals to Red Cross-certified swim programs and instructors.
aquatics& waterpolo Swim instruction, teams, Junior Lifeguards, camps, recreational swimming and wading/ spray pools; plus water polo classes, clubs and camps. Also see: “Boating,” “Camps” and “Surfing.” • Alpert JCC Swim Instruction and Water Polo 3801 East Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1035 Swim Instruction - Group and private lessons in a heated junior Olympic-sized pool. Beginner and advanced swim teams are also offered. Water Polo - Enjoy the JCC’s Junior Olympic pool while learning the basics of ball-handling and shooting. Improve swim skills, work on treading water and strokes specific for water polo. For ages 5-8 and 9-12; all levels welcome. American Red Cross Greater Long Beach (562) 595-6341 Orange County (714) 481-5300,
Boys and Girls Club Long Beach (Wallace/Petrolane) and Fullerton branches offer beginning to advanced Red Crosscertified instruction (6-17), summer only. Yearround recreational swimming is available at the Wallace/Petrolane branch. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Colleges and Universities Cerritos College - Summer swim lessons, diving and water polo. New aquatics pool. (562) 4675050. CSULB - Swim instruction (3-12), summer only, (562) 985-4674. • Cypress College - Kids’ College - Spring and summer water polo program for beginning and intermediate players, plus year-round water polo at the Fullerton campus. Summer swim includes lessons, Parent and Me (6 mos-4 yrs), Jr. Lifeguards, competitive swim and spring board diving. (714) 484-7038. See ad on page 9. • Golden West College Swim Lessons - See listing in this section; ad on page 7. Long Beach City College - Red Cross-certified swim lessons (5+), infant/preschool aquatic program (6 mos-4 yrs). Two-week sessions, Monday - Thursday,
Year-Round Aquatics Fun with Los Al Water Polo Club! Boys & Girls • All Skills • Ages 4 & Up • Programs for Elementary, Middle, High School, College & Adult Athletes
Benefits of Water Polo
• Children have fun in the water.
Rated #1 !
• Kids of all abilities, areas and backgrounds play. • Encourages safety in and around water. • Promotes fitness, teamwork and confidence.
Free Intro Class for Groups! Great for schools, scouts & more. Call to schedule your event today!
• Provides a positive atmosphere that encourages learning and fun.
Camps, Clinics & Teams • Groups are divided by gender and age. • Program for beginners and intermediates to learn the basics. • Club & Travel Teams for the committed athlete. • Fun, friendly, competitive games & tournaments. • Mention “Kidsguide” and your first class is free!
Olympic Facility of USA Water Polo, Joint Forces Training Base Pool, 11200 Lexington Dr., Los Alamitos • • Call or Text: (949) 533-5216 kidsguide spring/summer 2011 5
Family Swim Nights. Pool rental available. Mayfair and McCormick pools. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine Beginning to intermediate swim instruction (3+); year-round. Specialty programs include: parent and child, (9 mos-3 yrs), diving (7-18), private/semi-private lessons and recreational swimming. Belmont Plaza Pool, (562) 570-1806; King Pool, (562) 5701718; Silverado Pool, (562) 570-1721. Most city recreation departments offer aquatics programs for all ages and levels. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information.
30-minutes per day, $45. Boys and girls water polo (8+), two-week sessions, one-hour per day, $60. (562) 938-4249. E-mail:
Newport Beach (949) 675-8420 Swim tests held annually in February; program (9-15) runs Monday - Thursday.
Orange Coast College - Lessons (4-17) and OCC Children’s Swim Team (5-17). (714) 432-5880.
Seal Beach (562) 431-1531 Swim tests held May 31 and June 2, 5-7 p.m.; and June 4, 7-10 a.m. McGaugh Elementary School, 1698 Bolsa Ave.
• UCI - See listing in this section for aquatics programs. See ad on page 36. • Diving Instruction at PDA Sports Training Center 15064 Shoemaker Ave., Sante Fe Springs (562) 229-1927 PDA offers group and individual diving classes for kids (6+), from recreational to the competitive level. At PDA, they know that diving can be a great sport for kids, possibly leading to scholarships at the university level, and are dedicated to helping your child succeed. See “Gymnastics” for complete listing. See ad on page 22. • Golden West College Swim Lessons 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach (714) 895-8228 Group and private swim lessons are offered June August at Golden West College’s new aquatic facility. Class offerings include: Parent and Me, Preschool (ages 3-5), Level 1-5 (6+) and water polo. Classes vary from 30 to 45 minutes depending on level and are offered every half hour between 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Online registration begins May 1st. In-person registration will take place June 11th and 18th at 8 a.m. on the pool deck. See ad on page 7. Junior Lifeguards The following cities offer summer Junior Lifeguard programs for boys and girls (9-17). Also see: Colleges and Universities, Recreation Departments and YMCA listings in this section. Huntington Beach (714) 374-1501 Swim tests held from 8 a.m. - noon, May 7, 14, 21 and 22 at Fountain Valley High School; eight-week program. Long Beach (562) 570-1360, (562) 570-8550 Swim tests held at the Belmont Plaza Pool, April 2, 16, May 21 and 28, 8-10 a.m.; and May 20, 6-8 p.m.; six-week program. 6 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
• Los Alamitos Water Polo Club (949) 428-7576 Both competitive and non-competitive programs, serving all communities, offered for kids as young as 3, and youth in the following age divisions: 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U, 20U, as well as adults. In their youth programs, kids get used to the water, strengthen their swimming skills, and are taught the basic fundamentals of water polo in a fun, safe setting. There are nine different age divisions; for older kids and teens, there are gender- and agegrouped programs, from the swimming novice to the experienced water polo player. Camps, clinics and swimming lessons are also offered. Discounts and payment plans may be available; check their website for specials. Classes held at the Olympic facility of USA Water Polo, Joint Forces Training Base Pool, 11200 Lexington Drive, Los Alamitos. Mention “Kidsguide” and your first try-out is free! Also see “Camps.” See ad on page 5. • McCormick Divers Belmont Plaza Pool, Long Beach (714) 846-5731 A year-round springboard and platform diving program for all ages and levels. They offer the only fully-equipped indoor facility on the West Coast! The coaches are currently looking for talented kids (6+), from learn-to-dive beginners, to high school divers, to elite national competitors. The use of spotting equipment and a bubble system help to ease the fear of landing incorrectly. Also see “Camps.” See ad on page 7. Recreation Departments • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Swim instruction (4+) in two-week sessions, May September. Specialty programs include: parent/child (6 mos-7 yrs), Junior Lifeguards (12-15) and recreational swimming. $24-50. Special events include
• Rocket Fish Swim Team and Swim Lessons (562) 972-7946 Rocket Fish Swim Team - Rocket Fish is a highquality swim team experience focusing on stroke development for swimmers ages 5-14. As the kids progress, speed swimming is balanced with sportsmanship, team concept and self-awareness. The swim teachers/coaches are educated and enthusiastic water-people who return each year providing brilliance and continuity. Well-organized swim meets and spirited social events make the Rocket Fish Swim Team an epic experience for the whole family. In summer Rocket Fish is a morning swim team experience. During the school year practices are held twice a week in the afternoon. Swim Team meets at Belmont Plaza in Long Beach. To register, visit the website or e-mail: Private Swim Lessons - Swim Focus offers private or semi-private lessons for beginning to advanced swimmers. Start your child’s swim lifestyle with a smile, in a positive environment, with outstanding instructors. Ages 2 and 3 learn the basics of swimming––floating, breath control, kicking and beginning freestyle. Ages 4-12 learn the basics of swimming, plus the four competitive swim strokes, as well as diving, treading water and water safety skills. Classes are taught at South Coast Athletic Club in Huntington Beach, 15132 Bolsa Chica Road (near Bolsa Ave). Parents watch their child’s lesson or workout as their child swims. To register, visit the website or e-mail: swimfocus.swimlessons@gmail. com. See ad on page 5. • Rossmoor Swim School and Children’s Center 4161 Green Ave., Los Alamitos (562) 431-6553 Specializing in children’s swimming lessons since 1965. Their goal is to have children enjoy their swimming experience. They use a gentle approach considering the emotional, psychological and physical well being of the children. Youngsters ages 3-9 are taught in a heated outdoor pool (90 degrees), in groups of four, by Red Cross-certified instructors. Summer sessions begin every two weeks and run Monday through Thursday. Parents are welcome to observe lessons. Full and half-day preschool programs are also offered. See ad on page 7.
Southern California Swim Teams (800) 824-6206 Southern California Swimming (SCS) oversees more than 150 city and community club teams. Swimmers (4+) are grouped according to age and ability for year-round weekday workouts and weekend competitions, culminating in the Junior Olympic Championships. Monthly club dues apply. Visit the website for local team information. • Splash Ball - Long Beach Water Polo Club CSULB Campus Pool 1250 North Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach (562) 472-5032 Splash Ball is a safe, no-contact sport for girls and boys, ages 4-9 (beginner swimmers). It’s like soccer meets basketball in the pool! Certified coaches teach the game and stroke techniques. Lifeguards are constantly present. Beginners can use flotation devices, provided by the club. Once older players get experience, they will be moved up to the water polo program. One weekly practice. $100 per two month session. Sign-ups are ongoing, via the club’s website. Spring session begins April 1st. See ad on page 6. • Splash! La Mirada Regional Aquatics Center 13806 La Mirada Blvd., La Mirada 90638 (562) 902-3191 The following programs are offered at Splash in their heated 25-yard pool. Special rates are available for schools and camps. Also see “Parties” and “Special Needs” for additional programs. See ad on the back outside cover; coupon on page 95.
Rossmoor Children's Center & Swim School
Rossmoor Swim School • • • •
Pool Heated to 90˚ Gentle Approach Red Cross Certified Instructors Ages 3 and up • 4 Children Per Class
• Splash and Play:
Enroll Now! June - August
Children enrolled in our preschool play in our wading pool all summer long for FREE!
Rossmoor Children's Center Preschool - Year Round
• • • •
Ages 2-5 Hot Lunch Large Grassy Areas Clean, Safe Environment
• • • •
(562) 431-6553
Hours: 6:30am - 6pm
Garden, Bunnies Academics Professional Staff Music, Art, Science 4161 Green Street, Los Alamitos
Lessons - Red Cross swim lessons from Parent and Me through pre-competitive levels. Group or private instruction. Parents can get in shape while kids are taking their lesson by lap swimming in another lane. Board Diving - The class is designed to teach kids (ages 6+) the basics of one-meter and three-meter spring board diving.
Monday - Friday 3:30 - 4:15 pm Session 1: June 20 - July 1
Diving Summer Camps for Kids Kiddie Camp for kids 7 and under Intro to Diving for kids 8+
Call Today! (714) 846-5731
Session 2: July 5-15 Session 3: July 18-29 Session 4: August 1-12 Session 5: August 15-26 kidsguide spring/summer 2011 7
• Junior Olympic Archery Development Program at El Dorado Park 7550 E. Spring St., Long Beach (562) 688-9666 Free instruction (8+) and equipment use on Saturday mornings. A safety orientation, required prior to participation, begins at noon. Party packages and youth organizations/group lessons are available; call Althea for details. $7 park entry fee. Program accepts donations. Synchronized Swimming - Classes (ages 6+) cover basic skills culminating in a routine set to music. This class can prepare you to join the La Mirada Aquabelles Synchronized Swim Team (ages 7-18), which is also held at Splash! Aquabelles, for ages 7-18, provides athletes a fun and safe environment to learn the beauty of this growing sport. Adult masters program is also offered. Junior Lifeguards Academy - This structured academy (ages 9-17) includes training in Red Cross lifeguarding skills, swimming, aquatic sports, first aid and CPR. Each two-week session includes a one-day beach trip. La Mirada Armada Swim Team - Year-round team for beginning to advanced swimmers. Armada swimmers have competed in USA Olympic Trials and other national and state competitions. Whether you are a beginning or advanced swimmer, the Armada has a year-round program for you. www. Water Polo at Splash! - For ages 6-16. Come join the fun and learn the basic skills and strategies of the game. This class will help prepare you to play on an organized team or with your school. For more information or to register for a class, call Splash! or check out their website at www. See ad on the back outside cover. • UC Irvine Aquatics Programs (949) 824-6120 Competitive swim camps and clinics for kids (7-17). One-day clinics are offered in breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly and freestyle. Camps are offered half-day, full-day and overnight; one-week sessions, May - August. Sibling, multiple week and early registration discounts are available. Also see “Camps.” See ad page 36. U.S. Synchronized Swimming (317) 237-5700 Organization offers activities and training videos, plus information on local clubs (3+). USA Diving (317) 237-5252 Divers (under 18) can join and compete in USAD’s junior program year-round in regional, zone and national-level events.
8 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
USA Water Polo (714) 500-5445, (719) 634-0699 Provides information on local clubs, camps and tournaments for boys and girls (7+). Wading Pools and Spray Parks Wading and spray pools (3-8) are open during the summer months at the following locations: Bellflower, Caruthers Park (wading), (562) 866-5684; Buena Park, Carl Brenner Park (wading) and Larwin Park (spray), (714) 236-3860; Lakewood, Bloomfield, Boyar, Del Valle, Mayfair, Palms and San Martin parks (wading), (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408; Westminster, Sigler Park, (spray), (714) 895-2860; Cerritos, Liberty Park (spray), (562) 916-8565; and Fullerton, Lemon, Valencia and Adlena parks (spray), (714) 738-6575. YMCA Bellflower, Downey, Fullerton, Lakewood, Long Beach (Los Altos and Fairfield), Newport Beach and Orange (summer only) branches offer yearround swim instruction (3 mos+). Additional programs include: Fullerton, water polo teams; Long Beach - Los Altos, water polo skills, summer Junior Lifeguards and school-year swim club; WeingartLakewood Family, pool rental, scuba course, swim teams and summer guards; and Newport Beach, year-round water polo, Junior Lifeguards, pre-swim team, swim team, Special Olympics swim team and adaptive swim lessons. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.
archery Clubs, lessons and ranges. Archery Ranges The following private ranges offer instruction (5+), tournaments, league activities, target practice and private lessons. Summer camps may be offered. Party packages available. Archery Outpost, (562) 598-3444, 10714 Reagan St., Ste. B, Los Alamitos,; Hi-Tech Archery, (714) 449-9744, 1912 W. Commonwealth Ave., Fullerton,; and Orange County Archery, 18792 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley, (714) 9651125, and 2112 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, (949) 548-0500,
arts&crafts Arts and crafts instruction, workshops, classes and camps. Also see: “Museums.” • Alpert JCC Creative Arts Camps 3801 East Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1047 Gifts from the Heart Crafters’ Camp - A homemade gift shows you took time to think about someone. In this great new camp, kids will craft personalized gifts to give all year round, including soap, candy jars, note cards, candles, food gifts and more. Campers will create two or three different gifts each day. Ages 6-12. Week of July 11th. Alpert JCC Digital Filmmaking Camp - Hands-on, immersive experience in digital filmmaking. Students work in small groups to make a film, learning all aspects of production including writing, planning, shooting, editing and scoring. Camp will culminate with a private film screening on Friday afternoon for family and friends. For grades 6 and up. • Art Smart 3823 E. 7th St., Long Beach (562) 439-4777 Monthly art classes for children and adults that provide the opportunity to explore painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, watercolors, mosaics and many other art mediums. Classes are offered at the studio or at your location. Classes are tailored to various age groups from 5 years to adult. After-school enrichment program for ages 5 and up is also available. Check for special summer art camps and all-day camps. See ad on page 9. • Averyboo Arts 3908 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach (562) 912-4800 A creativity center and gallery for children (18 mos9 yrs). They offer affordable art classes for toddler to elementary aged kids and unique birthday parties. They also offer Open Studio time, where children can drop-in by the hour and explore various creativity stations, including: easel painting, craft tables, a variety of building blocks, creative writing desk, art appreciation installations, dress-up with
a mini stage and more. They also have an indoor “chalk walk” where kids can literally draw on the walls! Grown-ups can take part in the fun or enjoy comfortable seating, complimentary tea and water, reading materials and free WiFi. Please call or see website for available drop-in hours and class schedule. Groups of five or more children require an advanced reservation. Also see “Parties.” See ad on page 8. • Bowers Kidseum 1802 N. Main St., Santa Ana (714) 480-1520 The Bowers Kidseum: a place where children and their families can discover exciting cultures from around the world. At Kidseum, they encourage hands-on exploration of authentic cultural relics. The whole family can discover their inner artist with new art projects every week. Most projects reflect the subject of current Bowers Museum exhibitions. For more information, visit their website. See ad on page 29; coupon on page 93. Boys and Girls Club Arts and crafts classes are offered at most branches (5-17). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • California Arts Center at OCHSA 1010 N. Main St., Santa Ana (714) 560-0900, Ext. 5630 “Best Arts Program in Orange County” for kids grade 3 and up. The “Preparatory Arts Academy” (Saturday classes) offers two twelve-week sessions (grade 3 and up) during the school year in various areas, including painting and drawing. Summer camps in painting/drawing, ceramics, animation and graphic design begin June 20. Their “Evening Arts Program” (13+, Mondays), offered throughout the year, includes classes in ceramics. Also, see listing in “Camps” for full program descriptions. Ceramics Studios The following organizations offer ceramics for kids. Items such as plates, mugs and figurines are priced individually ($6+). Studios charge a sitting fee (costs vary) that typically includes painting, glazing, supplies and firing. Party packages are usually offered as well as discounted studio sessions. Also see: “Studio Art Instruction” listed in this section. Art Waves - Weekly classes in ongoing monthly sessions. Drop-in studio is sometimes available. 18910 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley. (714) 965-0669. • Clay on First - See ad and listing on this page. Color Me Mine - Locations: Brea, (714) 671-2808; Costa Mesa/Metro Pointe, (714) 241-8072; Huntington Beach, (714) 960-3834; Long Beach, (562) 433-4177; Tustin, (714) 505-3975; and Whittier, (562) 789-5600. Hidden Talents Ceramics Studio - $6 flat rate for kids, plus the cost of an item. Summer day camp available.
16917 Algonquin St., Ste. E, Huntington Beach. (714) 840-6833. • Paint ‘N’ Glaze - See listing in this section; ad on page 66; coupon on page 94. • Clay on First 406 East 1st St., Unit B, Long Beach (562) 495-4362 This unique full-service ceramics studio offers group and individual pottery classes for kids (5+) and adults. Instruction is offered in wheel, hand-sculpting and paint-a-pot. They offer studio space, day passes, creative workshops, and even have professional pottery for sale. Clay on First also offers birthday parties, Girl Scout badge programs and special events. Check out their fun and welcoming atmosphere. Call for more information or visit online. Also see “Camps” and “Parties.” See ad on this page.
Colleges and Universities Cerritos College - Cartooning, drawing and painting classes offered year-round. Summer art classes expand to include ceramics, sculpture, illustration, 3D Odysseys, sewing and photography (5-17). (562) 467-5050. • Cypress College, Kids’ College - Draw and Paint Animals (5+), Creating Small Sculptures (6+), Mosaic Masterpieces (8+), Intro to Origami, Practical Summer Crafts (grades 7-12), Cartoon Drawing, Drawing and Sketching, Drawing and Painting, Watercolors, Fun with Clay, Costume Illustration, Photography (7+), Art Experiences for Children, History of Fashion, and Fashion Illustration. Expanded summer programs include several art camps, such as Create Art From Around The World, Anime Drawing, Art Techniques, Fun With Clay, Digital Crafting and Paint-A-Rama. Campuses in Anaheim, Cypress and Fullerton. (714) 484-7038.
3823 E. 7th St. Long Beach
(562) 439-4777
9:30am - 2:30pm Different Theme Each Week
Art • Swim Lessons • Outings • Sports Extended Hours Available
8:30am - 5:30pm
– ONGOING – BIRTHDAY PARTIES • WORKSHOPS • MOBILE ART kidsguide spring/summer 2011 9
Golden West College for Kids - Cartooning (8-14) and Adobe Photoshop for Kids (8-14), summer only. 15744 Golden West St. (714) 895-0800. Orange Coast College - Drawing, Painting and Exploring Drawing. 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. (714) 432-5880, Press 1. Santa Ana College - Drawing, pastels and painting, (8-12). (714) 564-6594. Craft Instruction The following organizations offer craft classes, workshops or drop-in activities for kids (5+). Class and materials fee may be required. Also see: “Knitting Instruction” and “Sewing Instruction” listed in this section. Build-A-Bear - Kids create an animal or doll, then add clothes and accessories. Visit their website for Bearemy’s Book Club, the virtual world of Buildabearville and event calendar. Anaheim, at Downtown Disney, (714) 776-5980; Newport Beach, at Fashion Island, (949) 640-0865; Torrance, at Del Amo Fashion Center, (310) 921-2327. Home Depot - Free workshops for kids (5-12) offered at all locations the first Saturday of each month, 9 a.m. - noon. Parent participation required. (800) 553-3199. Lowe’s - Free Build and Grow kids’ (5-12) clinics offered monthly. Parent participation required. Free. Visit for clinic locations, upcoming projects and online sign-up. (800) 44-LOWES. Michael’s - All locations offer the Knack Kids’ Club which offers one-day workshops and classes for beginning to advanced crafters, starting at $5, plus materials. The club also includes special projects, discounts and Imagination Saturdays, half-hour projects offered throughout the day. (800) MICHAELS. Piecemakers Country Store - Christian-based store offers a wide range of children and teen classes including sewing, knitting, glycerin soap and quilt making, beading and braided rugs. 1720 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa. (714) 641-3112. Tall Mouse - One-day workshops and ongoing classes, starting at $5, plus materials. Mighty Marick Kids’ Club (3-12) every Saturday from 2-3 p.m., $3; see their website for details. Summer kids’ camp also offered. 17506 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda. (714) 996-0101. The Long Beach Depot for Creative Reuse - Free craft classes where kids make things from recycled items, plus a hand-sewing class (8+). 320 Elm Ave., Long Beach. (562) 437-9999. Fullerton Museum Center 301 N. Pomona Ave., Fullerton (714) 738-6545 Art Camp (grades 1-6) offered in August; The Idea Place for Teens Music Camp (grades 7-12) is also available. Check website for dates. 10 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Huntington Beach Art Center 538 Main St., Huntington Beach (714) 374-1650 Quarterly classes and workshops (3 yrs-adult) in drawing, painting, dance and more; one-day to eight-week sessions, plus weekly summer art day camps (6+). • IncrediFlix Summer Camps (949) 548-5424 IncrediFlix brings you the ultimate in arts and crafts. This year they are offering children, ages 7 and up, an opportunity to bring their artwork to life in all different kinds of animation camps, including Lego and more. See “Camps” for a complete listing; also see ad on page 27. • Jammin’ Music and Arts 4228 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach (562) 490-0222 Long Beach’s only multi-art learning center is now offering visual arts training for students ages 8 and up! Drawing, painting and anime classes are taught by university-trained professional artists. Group and private class options available. Summer camps are also offered, see “Camps.” See ad on page 59. • Just Think Art Location: Cypress, CA (714) 827-0630 or (714) 747-7073 Weekly art classes for children (5 and above), young adults and adults, covering various mediums such as watercolors, acrylics, charcoal, oil pastels, oil paints, colored pencils and more. Also offering instruction in different subjects including sketching, calligraphy, cartooning, illustration and design. Imagine new ideas. Explore new directions. Duration: 90 minutes. Small class size. Call for inquiries and spring and summer schedule. Follow them on Facebook! E-mail: See ad on page 9. Knitting Instruction Alamitos Bay Yarn Company - Kids’ lessons offered in the summer. 174 Marina Drive, Long Beach. (562) 799-8484. Stitches in Time - Kids knitting and crocheting classes for all ages, Wednesdays, 2:30-4 p.m. and Saturdays, 10-11:30 a.m.; $5 per person, plus materials. 16525 Bellflower Blvd., Bellflower. (562) 804-9341. • Life Without Limits Pediatric Center (949) 333-6408, Irvine Art classes for children and teens with developmental disabilities. See “Special Needs” for complete listing. Muckenthaler Cultural Center 1201 W. Malvern Ave., Fullerton (714) 738-6595 A variety of kids’ and family art classes and workshops are offered year-round, including ceramics,
watercolors, pastels, music, dance and theater art. Summer camps for kids (grades 1-8); four-week sessions, June - September; $60+. • Museum of Latin American Art (MoLAA) 628 Alamitos Ave., Long Beach (562) 437-1689 MoLAA offers summer art camps, July 11 - August 5; see “Camps” for details. See ad on page 21. • Pacific Conservatory Costa Mesa Campus (714) 545-1217 Orange Campus (714) 545-1217 KinderARTS is a 2.5 hour integrated visual and performing arts program for 3-5 year olds. Children are introduced to music, art and drama through musical instruments, singing, dancing, fairytale theatre with costumes and props, poetry, storytelling, art history, appreciation and the creation of projects using techniques of the Masters. Five-year curriculum covers all the major artistic periods. Drop-off program with Parent Share Days. Call today to schedule your complimentary class. Please see “Camps” listing for art classes during school vacations. Locations: 151 Kalmus, G-1, Costa Mesa, 92626; and 1311 E. Katella Ave., Orange, 92867. Formerly Pacific School of Music and the Arts. See coupon on page 95. • Paint ‘N’ Glaze 3960 Studebaker Road, Long Beach (562) 421-8000 Let your creative side show! Paint ‘N’ Glaze has a large selection of ceramics and a variety of colors to choose from. Figurines, bowls, glasses, coffee mugs, plates, picture frames, skateboards and surfboards are just a sample of the items in stock. Perfect for custom gifts for mom, dad, grandparents or special friends. They even offer a year-round seasonal section where you can work on Christmas gifts now! The friendly and creative staff is willing and happy to help with tips and pointers. Convenient hours allow you to drop in after school, during vacation breaks, or even late nights on Friday and Saturday. Discount studio fees Tuesday through Friday. Birthday parties (see “Parties”) and groups rates available. What a great place to relax and enjoy! Check out their new Parent’s Night Out, offered on the first Friday of each month where parents can drop their kids (5+) off from 6:30-9:30 p.m. for ceramic crafts, pizza and fun! Call to reserve your spot. See discount coupon on page 94; ad on page 66. Recreation Departments • Anaheim Community Services Department - Artables (1½-8), Fun Acrylic Painting for Kids (6-12), Preschool and Elementary Drawing (3-12), Cartoon Drawing (6-12), Enchanted Academy Camp (6-12) and Digital Scrapbooking Camp (9-13). (714) 7655191. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Acrylic Painting (8-12), Creative Clay (5-12), Young Rembrandts Drawing and Cartooning (3-12), Preschool Picassos (3-5), Edible Art (10 mos-3 yrs), and a variety of one- or two-day craft workshops, $12-48.
kidsguide spring/summer 2011 11
Sewing Instruction The following organizations offer private and group classes for all skill levels. Also see: “Craft Instruction” and “Knitting Instruction” listed in this section. All Brands Sewing Center - One-day kids’ (8+) workshops as well as beginner to advanced classes and kids’ sewing clinics. Locations in Buena Park, Foothill Ranch, Garden Grove, Irvine and Mission Viejo. (714) 636-1322. • Sewing with Jane - Hand sewing (6+) and machine sewing (9+); machines provided. Weekly, 1½ hour classes are held in five-week sessions. E-mail: See listing in this section. Sew Vac Ltd. - One-day classes and ongoing monthly clubs for beginning to advanced sewers in subjects such as sewing machine use, quilting, applique and clothes-making. Spring and summer camps may be available. 1762 Clark Ave., Long Beach. (562) 498-6684. • Sewing with Jane 6243 E. 5th St., Long Beach (562) 431-1943 Hand sewing for ages 6 and up. Machine sewing for ages 9 and up (machines provided). Small, project-based group classes for beginning through intermediate sewers. Hand sewers complete craftbased projects. Machine sewers complete simple clothing or crafts. Weekly, 1½-hour classes are held in five-week sessions. Please call for a mailer on upcoming projects. E-mail: Summer classes expand to include Creative Arts and Crafts Camp (5-12). (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine Amazing Art (5-16), Imagination and Creation (510), Little Artists (2-5) and Express with Imagination and Creativity 2D and 3D Art (7-12). Expanded programs during the summer include Young Artists (6-12) and Basic Sewing (9-16). $25-50. Many Long Beach parks offer arts and crafts on a drop-in basis. (562) 570-3100. Most city recreation departments offer arts and crafts classes for all ages that typically include painting, drawing, crafts and ceramics, plus preschool programs. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. Scrapbooking Stores The following stores offer kids scrapbooking classes, workshops and camps. Custom Impressions Scrapbooking - Teen Scene (9+) meets monthly. Summer programs (8+) offered. Preregistration required. 9737 Flower St., Bellflower. (562) 925-5927. Scrapbooking Heaven - Kids’ summer scrapbooking classes and Girl Scout programs throughout the year. 15176 Goldenwest St., Westminster. (714) 891-4664.
12 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Studio Art Instruction Also see: “Ceramic Studios,” “Craft Instruction,” “Knitting Instruction” and “Sewing Instruction” listed in this section. Art House - Classes in drawing and painting (5-18). 415 E. Imperial Hwy., Fullerton. (714) 870-7119. Art Waves - Classes in drawing (5+) and painting (7+) in ongoing monthly sessions. Drop-in studio time available by appointment. Party packages and seasonal workshops are also offered. 18910 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley. (714) 965-0669. Barbel’s Art Center - Ongoing classes in fine art instruction (6+), including sketching, watercolor, pastels, oils and acrylics. $17 per class. 17055 Newland St., Huntington Beach. (714) 847-5414. • California Arts Center at OCHSA - See complete listing in this section. Chuck Jones Center for Creativity - Drop-In and Draw, Saturdays, 9 a.m. - noon. 131 W. Chapman Ave., Orange. (949) 660-7793. Fibonacci “Fibo Art” - Drawing and painting (grades K-12), portfolio development and summer camps. 3960 Prospect Ave., Unit C, Fullerton. (714) 5791929.
Irvine Fine Arts Center - Quarterly classes (3+), include drawing, painting, ceramics, culinary and other media; one-day to eight-week sessions. Art camps (6-17): Spring, April 4-22, and summer, June 20 August 22. Kids Arts Club (3-5) and Family Art Time (5+) also offered. 14321 Yale Ave., Irvine. (949) 7246880. Pacific Studio of Art - Individual classes in drawing and painting (8+), starting at $10. 1122 Lake St., Huntington Beach. (714) 960-2856. • SURFPUPPS Puppetry Workshops (562) 896-3625 Outdoor puppetry workshops for kids (8-11) include creating puppets, props and backgrounds; writing scripts; and performing. See complete listing in “Camps.” See ad on page 22.
attractions Attractions and theme parks for all ages throughout Southern California. Also see: “Museums” and “Zoos.” • Adventure City 1238 S. Beach Blvd., Anaheim (714) 236-9300 Adventure City in North Orange County is guaranteed to entertain young families, with 16 exciting rides and attractions including the exhilarating roller coaster “Tree Top Racers” and the “Drop Zone,” a 50-foot free fall tower. You’ll also find a live interactive children’s theater, a petting farm, a 25-foot climbing wall, an arcade, a Thomas the Tank Engine™ and Friends play area, great food and much more. What a great place to have a company picnic, birthday party or team party! The price is right too. All-day unlimited rides: adults or children, $13.95; seniors (55 and over), $10.95. AAA discount available for up to six regular-price admissions per card. Free parking. See discount coupon on page 93. Aquariums The following aquariums offer guided and selfguided tours. Also see “Science” for a listing of aquarium educational programs. • Aquarium of the Pacific (562) 590-3100 More than 11,000 ocean animals are featured in three main galleries with 19 major habitats and 32 focus exhibits including over 500 different species. Exhibits include: Shark Lagoon, with sharks and ray touch tanks; the Lorikeet Forest aviary; and the “Whales: Voices in the Sea,” kiosk exhibit. A new exhibit will open in May, “Arctic and Antarctic: Our Polar Regions in Peril,” in the Aquarium’s changing gallery space. Educational programs also available (see “Science”) as well as annual events (see “Calendar”). Admission: adults, $24.95; kids (3-11), $12.95; seniors (65+), $21.95. 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach. See ad on page 13; discount coupon on page 93.
• Cabrillo Marine Aquarium (310) 548-7562 Exhibits include: 35 saltwater tanks and many smaller tanks in the Aquatic Nursery and Exploration Center; a larger touch tank outside the main Exhibit Hall; plus discovery labs and an Aquatic Nursery with baby sea animals. Activities include guided tidepool walks on some weekends. Home to Virginia Reid Moore Marine Research Library, open to the public. Also offered are youth docent programs (grades 7-12), Sea Rangers (grades 5+) and Sea Clubs (grades K-6) as well as volunteer opportunities. Suggested donation of $5 for adults, $1 for kids, supports aquarium programs and research on marine life. Reservations required for groups. 3720 Stephen White Drive, San Pedro. Also see “Boating,” “Camps,” “Science” and “Volunteering.” See coupon on page 94. Sea Life Carlsbad (760) 918-LEGO An interactive aquarium geared for kids ages 2-12 features play zones, fun facts and quiz trails, as well as sea horses, stingrays and sharks. New this year, Octopus Garden, opening May 6. One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad. Santa Monica Pier Aquarium (310) 393-6149 A small aquarium exhibiting more than 100 species, featuring touch tanks with tidepool animals from the Santa Monica Bay. Sunday shark feedings occur at 3:30 p.m. throughout the year. Kids’ classes and public event days are also available. Party packages and group field trips are offered yearround. Adults (13+), $5 suggested donation or a $3 minimum admission; kids (12 and under), free; groups of 10 or more, $2 per person regardless of age. 1600 Ocean Front Walk, Santa Monica (beach level, beneath the carousel at the Santa Monica Pier). Family Fun Centers The following locations offer a variety of activities that may include miniature golf, arcades, batting cages, carnival rides, go-carts and bumper cars. Most offer party packages; some offer all-day passes and discounted group or family rates. Bay Arcade (949) 673-0324 Video and redemption games. 706 E. Bay Ave., Newport Beach. Boomers 3405 Michelson Drive, Irvine (949) 559-8336 16800 Magnolia St., Fountain Valley (714) 842-1111 Arcade, batting cages, bumper boats, mini golf, rock wall, go karts, kiddie rides and laser tag (Irvine only). Camelot Golfland (714) 630-3340 Arcade, miniature golf, miniature bowling, laser tag and water slide. Party packages are offered. Check website for discounts. 3200 E. Carpenter Ave., Anaheim. Go-Kart World (310) 834-3800 Six racing tracks, including tracks for younger kids (3+), bumper cars and arcade. 21830 Recreation Road, Carson.
kidsguide spring/summer 2011 13
• Golf ‘N’ Stuff (562) 863-8338 See listing in this section; ad on this page.
(562) 864-7706 10555 E. Firestone Blvd., Norwalk
The ideal place for Birthday Parties, Team Parties & Group Field Trips! Schools and doctor’s offices, ask about our free incentive program for kids! Golf N’ Stuff - Norwalk
2 for 1 Attraction Buy 1 Round of Miniature Golf or 1 Ride; Get the 2nd Round or Ride, FREE! Must present coupon before purchase. Limit one offer only. Groups of 10 or more, reservations required. Not valid with other discounts. No cash value. Expires 9/30/11.
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summer calendar Pick up the ultimate guide to summer activities–Kidsguide’s Calendar! It lists tons of day-by-day family events, June through August. Available for free in early June— it’s out of this world! 14 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Hollywood Sports Park (562) 867-9600 Seven paintball fields, laser tag, indoor soccer, beach volleyball, two-story arcade, airsoft and a rockwall. 9030 Somerset Blvd., Bellflower. www. K1 Speed Indoor Go Kart Racing Kids (5+) go-kart racing, league and party packages. Discounts available on the website. Anaheim, 1000 N. Edward Ct., (714) 632-6999; Irvine, 17221 Von Karman Ave., (949) 250-0242; and Torrance/Gardena, 19038 S. Vermont Ave., (310) 532-2478. Kitchen Den Bar (562) 308-7529 Bowling, arcade and prize-redemption games. Nightlife tends to a mature crowd. 10 Aquarium Way, Long Beach. Nickel! Nickel! Five Cent Games 10912 Katella Ave., Anaheim (714) 638-5012 9111 Valley View, Cypress (714) 761-5515 10912 Katella Ave., Garden Grove (714) 638-5012 7454 Edinger, Huntington Beach (714) 847-2191 10033 Whittwood Dr., Whittier (562) 902-0993 Video and redemption games. $1.95-2.95 admission; free and five-cent games available. Pelican Pier Pavilion (562) 980-1415 Video and prize-redemption games. 411 Shoreline Village Drive, Long Beach. Putting Edge Fun Center (310) 348-9770 18 holes of glow-in-the-dark mini-golf and arcade, glow bracelet included in admission. Online reservations and party/group packages available. 6081 Center Drive, #119, Los Angeles. The Power House (562) 497-1192 Video games, laser tag and Bowlingo. 7589 Carson Blvd., Long Beach. • Fillmore and Western Railway Santa Clara and Central Ave., Fillmore (800) 773-8724, (805) 524-2546 The Fillmore and Western Railway is in its 15th year of scenic tourist excursions departing from Fillmore’s Central Park station. 1950’s-era diesel locomotives and a restored 1913 Baldwin Steam Engine power the train rides. There are Weekend Scenic Excursions, departing Saturdays and Sundays at 11:30 a.m. to travel through the Heritage Valley’s orchards and fields. Diner service is available onboard. Selected Saturday nights feature Southern California’s only Murder Mystery Dinner Train spoofing the classics of the last several decades. Specialty trains and family events are scheduled monthly. Holiday luncheon trains are scheduled for Easter, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. See ad on page 12. • Golf N’ Stuff Family Fun Park 10555 E. Firestone Blvd., Norwalk (562) 868-9956
Take a break and have fun at Golf N’ Stuff Family Fun Park! Offers challenging miniature golf, exciting rides including go-karts, bumper boats, bumper cars, Disk’O Thrill ride and kiddie train. While you’re there, check out the latest in arcade games, great prizes, snack bar, and party facilities for birthday or team parties (see “Parties”). Ask about their free school and doctor’s office incentive programs. Where the 5 and 605 freeways meet. See ad with discount coupons on this page. Orange County Great Park Balloon 1 Civic Center Plaza, Irvine (866) 829-3829 A tethered, 118-foot-high, helium-filled balloon allows passengers to soar between 250-400 feet for a bird’s eye view of Orange County Great Park. Free. • Pretend City Children’s Museum 29 Hubble, Irvine (949) 428-3900 An interconnected city designed just for children (infant-10), where they learn through role play based on real-world experiences as they dress up as a police officer, deliver the mail, create art, compose music or put out a fire. See “Museums” for complete listing. See ad on back outside cover. Queen Mary 1126 Queens Hwy., Long Beach (562) 435-3511 Offering a variety of historic, paranormal and educational tours. A Russian submarine is docked next to the ship and can be toured separately. Theme Parks The following parks offer rides, tours, entertainment, season passes and party packages for all ages. Picnic areas, lockers and stroller rentals may be available. Parking ranges from free to $18. Park hours vary throughout the year. Admission tickets may be purchased on most websites; some offer online-only discounts. • Adventure City (714) 236-9300 $13.95 general admission with unlimited rides. Kids (under 12 mos.) free with paid adult; seniors (ages 55 and over), $10.95. AAA discount available for up to six regular-price admissions per card. Free parking. See listing in this section; discount coupon on page 93. Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure (714) 781-4565 In 2011, Disneyland Resort hopes to share families’ memories with “Let the Memories Begin.” Every day, PhotoPass Photographers will be looking to capture special memories to be featured in their newest show, “The Magic, the Memories and You.” Check out their website for more information. 1313 Harbor Blvd., Anaheim. Knott’s Berry Farm (714) 220-5200 8039 Beach Blvd., Buena Park.
Legoland California (760) 918-LEGO New this year, re-launching of the Police and Fire Academy ride and Hero Factory. One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad. Six Flags Magic Mountain (661) 255-4111 Three new coasters debut this summer. Their website offers buy-ahead meal vouchers good for specific eateries within the park. 26101 Magic Mountain Pkwy., Valencia. SeaWorld (800) 25-SHAMU New this summer is Sea Turtle Bay that features more than 60 endangered and threatened sea turtles in a 300,000-gallon aquarium; plus thousands of tropical fish; an interactive game; a touch screen map where guests can track turtles in the wild; and a new ride. 500 SeaWorld Drive, San Diego. Universal Studios Hollywood (800) UNIVERSAL New this year is King Kong 360-3D experience. Adjacent to the park is Universal Citywalk, featuring the indoor skydiving wind tunnel “iFLY Hollywood” and Fountain Court (bring your kids a change of clothes, they will get soaked!). 100 Universal City Plaza, Universal City. Water Parks The following parks offer water rides for all ages. Party packages, tube and board rentals, picnic areas and lockers may be available. Knott’s Berry Farm’s Soak City (714) 220-5200 Open May 21 - September 18. 8039 Beach Blvd., Buena Park. Legoland Water Park (760) 918-LEGO Open daily, March 12 - April 30; weekends in May; daily, May 27 - September 5; and weekends in September and October. One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad. Newport Dunes Aquatic Fun Park (949) 729-DUNE The park features a “mother’s beach” with calm waves and fun toys for kids (4 and under) or novice swimmers. Bigger kids can romp on water trampolines, a mountain with a slide and other water features. Prior to Memorial Day, the park is open weekends only; daily, Memorial Day - Labor Day. 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Hourly, $9; half-day, $15; fullday, $20. 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach. Raging Waters (909) 802-2200 Weekends only, May 14-29. Open daily starting June 4 - September 11. 111 Raging Waters Drive, San Dimas. Six Flags Hurricane Harbor (661) 255-4111 Season passes are available. Open May to September. 26101 Magic Mountain Pkwy., Valencia. • Splash! Waterpark (562) 902-3191 Guaranteed to entertain everyone; choose to spend the day in the lazy river, dare to plunge down the water slides or swim in the heated 25-yard pool. kidsguide spring/summer 2011 15
Adults can spend time with the little ones in the zero-depth play structures, spray pads and smaller slides. Free use of life jackets and inner tubes are always included with admission. Splash! is the best value, with free parking, picnic areas, all-day park access, lockers and tasty food. The 18-acre park is beautifully landscaped with palm trees, lush green grassy areas, lounge chairs and umbrellas. 13806 La Mirada Blvd., La Mirada, 90638. (562) 9023191. See ad on the back outside cover; coupon on page 95.
Next Level Training Facility (562) 630-6300 16460 Paramount Blvd., Paramount.
• Wild Rivers Waterpark 8770 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine (949) 788-0808 $34.98 general admission and $19.98 junior (under 48” tall but over age 2); ages 2 and younger and ages 65 and over are free. Season passes are $69.98 for an individual and $269.98 for a family of four. Passes are subject to sell-out. The park is open May 21 September 25. Monday Night Carload is $70 for up to 8 guests per vehicle, plus $10 per person if more than 8; June 27 - August 22, 4-8 p.m. on Mondays only. Guests must be safely seated with seatbelt in vehicle. No buses or RVs permitted for this promotion. Prices are subject to change without notice. See ad on page 13; discount coupon on page 93.
The Hitting Zone (714) 773-4300 1020 S. Cypress St., Unit A, La Habra.
baseball&softball Leagues, camps and clinics, plus batting cages. Also see: “Camps.” Batting Cages All Star Park (562) 925-7787 17911 Bellflower Blvd., Bellflower. The Baseball Academy (714) 835-9031 1430 South Village Way, Santa Ana. Ruth R. Caruthers Park (562) 866-5684 10500 Flora Vista St., Bellflower. Boomers 16800 Magnolia, Fountain Valley (714) 842-1111 3405 Michelson Drive, Irvine (949) 559-8341 Five Star Sports Academy (714) 962-5553 10530 Lawson River Ave., Fountain Valley. Home Run Park 711 S. Beach Blvd., Anaheim.
(714) 229-8850
Lakewood Batting Cages (562) 496-4488 3901 Paramount Blvd., Lakewood.
16 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
On Deck Batting Cages (562) 426-4487 2499 E. Willow St., Long Beach. The Cage at Los Alamitos (562) 598-CAGE 10554 Humbolt St., Los Alamitos.
Boys and Girls Club Baseball: Anaheim, Cypress, Long Beach and Santa Ana. Softball: Long Beach and Stanton. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Colleges and Universities Cerritos College - Softball (grades 1-10), summer only. (562) 467-5050. Chapman University Panther Baseball Camps One-week sessions (6-12), June 27 - July 1, July 11-15, 18-22 and 25-29; 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., $190. Advanced camp (10-13), August 1-4, $200. (714) 997-6662. CSUF - Titan Baseball Elite - Skills camp for youth (6-11), junior high (12-14) and high school (15-18), June - August. (657) 278-3789. www. CSULB Dirtbag Baseball Camps - Weeklong day camps for boys and girls. Kids’ Camp (7-13): June 27 - July 1, July 5-8, 18-22, 25-29 and August 1-5, Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., $150 per week. Hitters Clinic, Monday - Friday, 3:30-4:30 p.m., $20 per day or $40 per week. (562) 985-4661. CSULB Softball fundamentals camp for girls (7-14): June 20-23, July 18-21 and 25-28, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., $185. 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach. (562) 985-1506. • Cypress College - Kids’ College - Peewee baseball clinics (4+) offered year-round; six to eight-week sessions, $50-60. (714) 484-7038. Long Beach City College Baseball Camp - Boys and girls (8+), one-week sessions, 2½ hours per day. Girls’ Softball Camp (7+) - One-week summer session, 2½ hours per day. Extended supervision available. $60. (562) 938-4249 or e-mail: • UCI Baseball Camps - Baseball day camps available for boys (6-12). Instruction covers outfield and infield play, base running and sliding. Catered lunch and complimentary extended care included. One week sessions, June 27 - July 28, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. $250. (949) 824-6120. Also see “Camps” and “Track and Field.” See ad on page 36.
League Baseball and Softball Bobby Sox Softball (714) 522-1234 Girls’ league (4-18) in seven age divisions. No tryouts; participants play and bat in every game. Register November to January for spring season; register in August for fall season. Little League Baseball and Softball Boys’ and girls’ baseball in seven age divisions (518), softball for girls (5-18) and Little League Challenger teams for boys and girls (5-21) with special needs. Register in August for fall/winter season and November for spring season. Visit the website for local district contact information. Pony Baseball and Softball Coed leagues in seven age divisions (5-18). Registration begins in November for March - June season. The website offers a partial listing of local teams, to find additional options, Web search your city plus “Pony Baseball.” Recreation Department Programs • Anaheim Community Services Department - Kidsports T-Ball (3-5); eight-week sessions, $69. Sessions begin in early April. Visit their website for information about summer T-ball camps and classes. (714) 765-3960. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Baseball league and T-ball, summer only; softball league and peewee, spring and summer; and T-ball, summer only. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - T-ball Skills (3-7 yrs); six-week sessions, $70. Summer camp also available. (562) 570-3100. Most city recreation departments offer baseball and softball. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. Softball Associations The following associations offer referrals for local leagues and tournaments: American Fastpitch Association, (714) 952-931,; and Amateur Softball Association, • Tom Hicks Baseball Camps, LLC P.O. Box 15963, Long Beach 90815-0963 (562) 425-2446 The 21st annual THBC prides itself on being the area’s best fundamental baseball camp. Camps offered during Summer and Christmas break focus on individual instruction and improvement. For only $110, campers receive 30 hours of fundamental teaching, drills, daily games, individualized evaluation, photos, daily prizes and lots of fun activities. Early Bird Discounts are available, as well as a multiple-week discount package. Over 14,300 campers in 2003-2010 alone! A low student-to-teacher ratio guarantees a wonderful experience. Camps are available in Long Beach and the South Bay. Check their website for further information. YMCA T-Ball (3-5) offered at Fullerton, Long Beach - Fair-
field (3-6), Santa Ana (2-7) and Yorba Linda. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.
basketball Leagues, clinics and camps. Also see “Camps.” • Alpert JCC Pete Davis Legends Basketball Camp 3801 East Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1047 Two weeks of summer hoops at the J led by former Michigan State and NBA player Pete Davis. Players ages 6-14 years old learn basketball fundamentals and skills through individual and group instruction, scrimmages, lectures and coaching by former NBA pros, including Pete Davis and Mike “Crusher” Davis. Expect surprises, like last summer’s special guest coach Joe “Jellybean” Bryant! Players will receive Pete Davis Legends jerseys. Weeks of July 11 and 18; choose one or both weeks! Boys and Girls Club Basketball leagues, clinics and pick-up play (5+) are available at most branches. See “Youth and Family Groups” for locations. Colleges and Universities Chapman University - Sunday Fundamental Clinics (717) covering basic skills: April - May, 8:30 a.m. - noon; $50 or $135 for all three. Summer camp: June - August, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m, $185-275, lunch provided and extended care available. (714) 532-6083. CSULB - Boys and girls (7-14), June 27-30 and August 1-4; $200. 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach. (562) 985-1610.
• Cypress College - Kids’ College - Basketball Clinics (4+) are offered year-round in three age divisions; six to eight-week sessions, $50-60. Summer camp (8-15) also available, $125. Call for dates. (714) 484-7038. Long Beach City College Basketball Camps - Boys’ and girls’ (8+), one-week sessions, 2½ hours per day, $60. Peewee Camp for boys and girls (5-7), 2 hours per day, $45. Extended hours available. (562) 938-4249 or e-mail: Santa Ana College - Youth Basketball Camp (8-12), (714) 564-6594. • UCI Basketball Camps - Day camps available for boys (6-14) and girls (6-13). Pool activities, catered lunch and complimentary extended care included. Boys, June 27 - August 12, $325; girls’ program offered in half- or full-day sessions, June 20 - July 29; $150-300. Teen Girls Bootcamp (14+), August 1-4, $150; and Overnight Camp, August 5-6, $125. (949) 824-6120. Also see “Camps” and “Track and Field.” See ad on page 36. Professional Teams/Players Camps Michael Jordan Flight School - Camps (8-18), August 1-5 (boys) and August 6-10 (coed); $599-750. UC Santa Barbara. (503) 803-0208. www.mjflightschool. com. Lakers Basketball Camp - Camps (9-18), June 28 - July 1 and July 5-8; $350. Roybal Learning Center, 1200 W. Colton St., Los Angeles. (310) 426-6055. Recreation Department Programs • Anaheim Community Services Department Basketball Skills for boys and girls (3-12) teaching basic fundamentals is offered in six-week sessions, $65. (714) 765-5227. East Anaheim Gymnasium Youth Basketball League (4-13) is offered June 20 - August 20; Youth Basketball Clinic (4-7), July 9; and Youth Basketball Camp (6-13), June 20 - August 11. (714) 765-3960.
• Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Future Stars Basketball Clinics (3-5) at Palms, Del Valle, San Martin and Biscailuz parks, plus summer camps. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Basketball skills class (5-12); six-week sessions, $70. (562) 570-3100. Most city recreation departments offer basketball programs. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. YMCA Coed basketball in age divisions (5+). Register in the spring for summer season and in the fall for winter season. Anaheim (6-16), Downey, Fullerton, Orange (6-14), Newport Beach, Weingart-Lakewood (3-13) and Yorba Linda (3-5). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.
beauty&etiquette Beauty and self-improvement classes, plus kids’ hair salons. • Burgess Cotillion Golden Sails Hotel, Long Beach (323) 874-7393 With Burgess Cotillion, manners and etiquette are emphasized throughout their program. Students (grades 3-10) are taught how to introduce themselves, how to go through a reception line, how to ask a lady to dance, and how to sit properly. A demonstration on table manners is also provided. They cover telephone, cell phone and computer manners. Kids are encouraged to make new friends while the program emphasizes fun in a structured environment. E-mail: Also see “Dance.”
Sunday, May 15, 2011 Martha Knoebel Theatre Cal State University, Long Beach Cash prizes up to $1,000 • Crown and sash
Mr. California & Miss Southern California Pageants Whether new to the pageant world or a pageant pro, please attend the orientation: April 17, 2011 • 2pm • Ayres Hotel, Seal Beach
Winners and their courts represent their titles. Participants are involved with Special Olympics, Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC), Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, OC Food Bank and more.
(310) 720-1681 kidsguide spring/summer 2011 17
Classes and Workshops • Anaheim Community Services Department Manners for Young Ladies and Gentlemen, (610). $40. Instant Manners for Teens and Tweens workshops (11-15). $19. (714) 765-5191. www. • Cypress College - Kids’ College - Please Pass the Manners (5-7), How to Be a Best Friend (5-8), Dining and Party Etiquette (8-12), and Teen Etiquette (13-17); $30-40. (714) 484-7038. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Back to Basic Good Manners (10-14): four-week sessions; and Model Boot Camp, summer only. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine Fashion Modeling (7-18); $38. (562) 570-3100. Hair Salons The following salons cater to children, generally offering a selection of video games, toys and books, kid-size chairs and baby’s first haircut packages that may include a photo, a certificate and a lock of hair. Cool Cuts 4 Kids Locations in Brea, Buena Park, Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Laguna Niguel and Mission Viejo. First Cut (949) 640-0956 2700 E. Coast Highway, Corona Del Mar; and 720 The Shops at Mission Viejo. Fun Cuts 4 Kids 6875 Katella Ave., Cypress.
(714) 826-7000
Kiddy Kastle 4460 Lincoln Ave., Cypress.
(714) 527-0527
Rainbow Kids Fullerton, 127 W. Orangethrope Ave., (714) 4411016; Huntington Beach, (714) 963-8860; Irvine, (949) 551-6691; Orange, (714) 921-0191; and Westminster, (714) 842-4440. • Mr. California and Miss Southern California Pageants (310) 720-1681 A community- and service-focused program that is devoted to helping kids (5+), teens, and young men and women develop character. The program culminates in a spring pageant, where participants compete to be named “Mr. California” and “Miss Southern California” in four age divisions: 5-8, 9-12, 13-17 or 18-25. Participants are taught skills in etiquette, grooming, communication and developing interview experience; they are heavily involved in community service and charitable events throughout the region, including Juvenile Diabetes, Special Olympics, CHOC, Relay for Life, OC Food Bank and more. See ad on page 17.
18 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
biking Biking paths, plus extreme BMX courses. Also see: Skate Parks under “Skateboarding” for parks that have BMX sessions. American Bicycle Association (480) 961-1903 ABA hosts district, state and national races and cruises. Website offers information on the sport, including a rule book, plus referrals to local tracks and teams. Bike Paths For paved trails and paths in Los Angeles and Orange counties, visit and BMX Tracks Bellflower BMX (562) 716-0487 Hollywood Sports Park, 9030 Somerset Blvd., Bellflower. Kearny Moto Park BMX Course (619) 561-3824 3170 Armstrong St., San Diego. Lake Perris BMX (951) 657-4917 18700 Lake Perris, Gate E, Perris (in the Lake Perris Fairgrounds). Orange Y BMX (714) 502-2269 2241 E. Palmyra, Orange. Whittier Narrows Park BMX (626) 324-2473 1000 Durfee Ave., South El Monte. • Vans Skate Park The Block at Orange, 20 City Blvd. West, Orange (714) 769-3800 Large indoor/outdoor street courses, 80-foot-wide mini-ramp, and beginners course. BMX sessions: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, 6-10 p.m. See ad on page 15.
boating Sailing, rowing, canoeing and kayaking classes and camps, plus rentals and cruises. Also see: “Camps,” “Fishing” and “Science.” Boat Cruises The following locations offer 45 to 90-minute boat cruises for families. Schedules vary. • Cabrillo Marine Aquarium (310) 548-7562 Various day-long cruises includes a narrated
voyage, observing sea life along the way, then a naturalist-led hike at one of the Channel Islands. Catalina Above and Below voyage departs from Ports O’Call and features an all-day adventure on the 93-foot First String, capture and release a multitude of fascinating ocean creatures, explore the isthmus of the island and then head-out to the mid-channel to bait for sharks. See “Attractions” for general information. 3720 Stephen M. White Drive, San Pedro. www.cabrillomarineaquarium. org. See coupon on page 94. Catalina - The following companies offer passenger service to Catalina Island: Catalina Express, ports in Dana Point, Long Beach and San Pedro, (800) 995-4386,; and Catalina Passenger Service, Newport Bay Harbor only, (949) 673-5245, Long Beach - Long Beach Transit operates two water “buses”: Aqua Bus ($1) in Queensway Bay, which includes stops at the Aquarium of the Pacific and the Queen Mary; and Aqua Link ($5) which runs across the Long Beach Harbor, from the Queen Mary and the Aquarium of the Pacific to Alamitos Bay Landing. (562) 591-2301. Ocean Institute - Various tours exploring different aspects of marine life, including offshore whales, dolphins and sea lions (January - April); bioluminescent ocean plants and animals (spring and summer); and blue whales (June - August). Specialty cruises are also offered. Reservations required. Dana Point. (949) 496-2274. Spirit Cruises - Narrated tours around Long Beach and Los Angeles harbors featuring points of interest, including seasonal whale watching cruises. (310) 548-8080. S.S. Lane Victory - Historic Merchant Marine vessel offers harbor tours, July 23, August 27-28 and September 24-25. Cruises include a mock aerial attack. The S.S. Lane Victory Museum is open daily at the dock. Party packages available. (310) 5199545. Boy Scouts of America 5875 Appian Way, Long Beach (562) 427-0911 Boating program where boys and girls (14-21) learn boat handling under power and sail, piloting and navigation, knot tying and splicing, plus develop skills in boat maintenance. • Catalina Tallship Adventure Summer Camp Children’s Maritime Foundation (714) 970-8800 Camps (10-18) aboard the 130-foot Tallship American Pride. See listing on page 26; ad on page 24. Coast Guard Auxiliary (800) 869-7245 Boating safety classes (5+). Nominal fee for materials; instruction is free. Call for referrals to youth classes (8-18) offered by local flotillas.
Colleges and Recreation Departments Newport Beach Recreation (949) 644-3151 Sailing camps include: Beginning Sailing on the Bay (6-9), Intermediate Sailing (13-17), Sailing and Tennis (5-12), Parent-and-Me Sailing (6+), plus Sailing and Tennis Camps (6-9); one-week sessions throughout summer. OCC Junior Sailing - Basic to advanced sailing and Learn-to-Sail, year round (7-16). Intermediate and advanced levels meet for one week, June 13 - August 13. $150-295. 1801 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412. • Leeway Sailing Center Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine 5437 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach (562) 570-1719 Classes are offered year-round for beginner to intermediate sailors, including canoeing (9+); bay kayaking (10+); sailing using Sabot (8+), Keelboat and Capri 14’ boats (13+); and board sailing (16+). Summer programs expand to include Sabot Race Team (8-16) and Little Leewhalers, an introduction to sailing, canoeing and kayaking for younger kids (7-9). Party packages and group, private or semiprivate lessons are available. Long Beach Junior Crew Marine Stadium, Long Beach (562) 431-1644 Rowing instruction for boys and girls (14-18). Summer, winter and spring camps available (1218). Competitive teams practice September - May. Summer camp, June 20 - August 26.
Summer Sailing Camps for Kids! • Multiple-week sessions, starting June 21
Huntington Harbour Yacht Club 3821 Warner Ave. Huntington Beach
• Parent's Info Night: June 2, 7pm
(562) 592-2186
• Ages 6-16
Sailing camps for kids (6-16) are offered June, July and August. Year-round program can include cruises, sleepovers, sailing days, movie nights, regattas and their annual Junior Ball. Leadership opportunities also available with fundraisers and planning events. Access to a wide variety of sailboats is available through the Huntington Harbor Yacht Club Juniors program, for experience in sailing competitively in regattas or just cruising weekends. Weeklong summer camp sessions begin June 21; preregistration recommended as class size is limited. Parent’s Night, June 2, 7 p.m. Also see “Camps.” See ad on this page.
Watercraft Rentals The following locations offer hourly rentals yearround (weather permitting). Most vendors are open daily during school vacations and weekends during the school year; reservations are required in the off-season. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
United States Sailing Center 5489 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach (562) 433-7939 Spring, summer and fall sailing programs for teens, as well as weekly summer sailing camps (8-14) teaching the basics of sailing, knot tying and seamanship. Scholarships are available.
Orange - Irvine Regional Park: paddleboats, (714) 997-3636.
Long Beach - Alfredo’s Beach Club: kayaks (Belmont Shore), aqua cycles (Rainbow Lagoon), (562) 434-1542, El Dorado Park East: pedal boats (weekends only), (562) 824-7717.
Newport Beach - Newport Aquatic Center: kayaks (Upper Newport Bay), (949) 646-7725, www. Paddle Power: kayaks and SUP paddle boards (Newport Harbor), (949) 675-1215,
Newport Aquatic Center 1 Whitecliffs Drive, Newport Beach (949) 646-7725 Junior Rowing (high school), September - June; and Outrigger Paddling (11+), April - September. Summer camps include Rowing (high school), Paddle (8-12) and Stand Up (12+). Hourly public kayak, canoe and stand-up rentals are also available. Newport Beach Sea Base 1931 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Newport Beach (949) 642-5031 Programs for boys and girls (8-20) include sailing, canoeing, kayaking, rowing, fishing, motor boat driving, environmental studies and oceanography. Weekly Junior Aquatics Camps, July 5 - August 19. OC Sailing and Events Center 34451 Ensenada Place, Dana Point Harbor (949) 923-2215 Sailing classes (8+) for all levels. Rides and lessons (sailing and rowing) for groups are available. • Sailing Camps for Kids at Huntington Beach Sailing Foundation 3821 Warner Ave., Huntington Beach (562) 592-2186 kidsguide spring/summer 2011 19
Sunset Beach/Huntington Harbor - Sunset Beach Yacht Sales: kayaks and SUP, (562) 592-5537. Whittier - Alfredo’s Beach Club: paddle boats for rent at Whittier Narrows, (562) 434-1542, www. Whale Watching Boat Cruises Dana Wharf Sportfishing, Davey’s Locker and Newport Landing offer whale watching. See “Fishing” for contact information. Captain Dave’s Dolphin and Whale Safaris in Dana Point also offers cruises. (949) 488-2828. Yacht Club Classes The following clubs offer sabot sailing instruction to non-members. Boats may be available for rent: Balboa Yacht Club - Year-round sailing instruction (6+). Summer camps available, June 27 - August 4. 1801 Bayside Drive, Corona Del Mar. (949) 6733515. • Huntington Beach Sailing Foundation - Summer only (6-16). (562) 592-2186. See complete listing in this section; ad on page 19. Seal Beach Yacht Club - Year-round program. 255 Marina Drive, Long Beach. (562) 594-6337. www. Shoreline Yacht Club - Jr. sailing classes (10-17), June and July. 386 Shoreline Drive South, Long Beach. (562) 627-1726.
bowling Leagues, classes and recreational play.
Cerritos Lanes (562) 924-9363 18811 Carmenita Road, Cerritos. Concourse Bowling Center (714) 666-2695 3364 E. La Palma Ave., Anaheim. University Student Union Conference and Game Center at CSULB (562) 985-5205 On-campus games center offers bowling, billiards, game consoles, table tennis and foosball. Lanes are subject to closure for special events. 1212 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach. Del Rio Lanes (562) 927-3351 7502 E. Florence Ave., Downey. Fountain Bowl (714) 963-7888 17110 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley. Irvine Lanes (949) 786-9625 3415 Michaelson Ave., Irvine. Keystone Lanes (562) 868-3261 11459 E. Imperial Highway, Norwalk. La Habra 300 Bowl (714) 526-2058 370 E. Whittier Blvd., La Habra. Linbrook Bowling Center (714) 774-2253 201 South Brookhurst St., Anaheim. Lucky Strike Lanes (714) 937- 5263 Family bowling daily, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. The Block, 20 City Blvd., Orange.
• 300 Anaheim 321 W. Katella Ave., Anaheim (714) 783-2810 Birthdays, leagues and team building events— no matter the occasion, it’s always more fun in bowling shoes! 300 Anaheim offers bowling, with a twist. It’s everything entertainment under one roof: state-of-the-art lanes, floor to ceiling video screens, casual-dining and a great place to throw your child’s next birthday party, too (see “Parties” for details). At 300 Anaheim, it’s all there so you and your family can celebrate exactly the way you want. See ad on page 61.
Titan Bowling (714) 278-2144 Free bowling, Thursdays, 3-5 p.m. Also offers Kids Learn-to-Bowl (5-16). 800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton.
Bowling Centers The following locations may offer junior and parent/ child leagues, bumper and recreational bowling, and party packages.
Yorba Linda Bowl (714) 777-3818 18171 Imperial Hwy., Yorba Linda.
• 300 Anaheim (714) 783-2810 See complete listing in this section; ad on page 61. Bowlmor Orange County (714) 258-2695 2405 Park Ave., Tustin. 20 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Cal Bowl (562) 421-8448 Visit their website for special discounts. 2500 E. Carson St., Lakewood.
Tustin Lanes (714) 731-5022 Daily junior (10 and under) rates. 1091 Old Irvine Blvd., Tustin. Valley View Lanes (714) 898-2507 12141 Valley View St., Garden Grove. Westminster Lanes (714) 893-5005 6471 Westminster Ave., Westminster.
Lawn Bowling Centers Long Beach Lawn Bowling Center (562) 433-9063 Year-round lessons and kids’ classes (8+), plus special tournaments. Wear flat-soled shoes. Kids lessons every Saturday at noon. Free. Anaheim St. and Park Ave., Long Beach.
Newport Beach Lawn Bowling (949) 640-1022 Year-round lessons for all ages. 1550 Crown Drive North, Corona Del Mar. U. S. Bowling Congress Youth Leagues (800) 514-2695 The organization provides sanctioned league and tournament opportunities, performance recognition, scholarships and instruction for young bowlers.
camps Sport, activity, and specialty day and overnight camps. Camps are listed throughout Kidsguide; check your area of interest for additional listings. • 49er Camp at CSULB 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach (562) 985-4049 Celebrating their 47th year! All-sports camp for boys and girls ages 5-12, includes instruction in gymnastics, rhythms, archery, tennis, track, bowling, soccer, volleyball, softball, basketball, kickball, racquetball, elementary games and daily swim lessons. Each student will be assigned to one of four age groups. Assignment will be based upon the chronological age of each camper. Each activity will be selected for its contribution to the needs and abilities of the group. 2011 sessions: June 20 - July 15 and July 18 - August 12. Monday - Friday, 12:30-5 p.m. Registration begins March 15. $490. Space is limited to the first 525 campers with a completed application and deposit. Morning programs are available for parents seeking all day activities. See ad on page 25 for additional campus programs. • Academic Camps with Young Ambassadors 5862 Bolsa Ave., #108, Huntington Beach (714) 803-9200 Young Ambassadors offers programs that help students (grades 1-8) develop strong cognitive abilities, excellent study habits and advanced leadership skills. Their summer camp is lead by certified teachers and covers one hour in each of the following: reading, writing and math. Enrollment has begun for the summer program, which runs Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Call for details on classes; mention “Kidsguide” for $10 off registration. See “Tutoring” for complete listing. See ad on page 28. • Academic Enrichment Camp 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach (562) 985-2570, (562) 985-2216 Various academic subjects covered. Kindergarten Preparedness Program and 1st through 4th gradelevel academic curriculum as well as art and computers. 5th-8th grade math, computers, language arts, writing and art. Children will be divided by grade level kidsguide spring/summer 2011 21
with a student/teacher ratio of 12:1. Camp runs June 20 - July 15 with a second session, July 18 - August 12. Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - noon, $485. Morning supervision is available, 7:30-8:30 a.m. (additional fee). Free supervision is also provided during lunch for those children attending the 49er Sports Camp. Applications are available March 15. Enrollment confirmed with a completed application and payment. Credit card payment available. See ad on page 25. • Alley Kat Music Center 9205 Valley View St., Cypress (714) 229-8528 Two, one-week summer sessions for piano students (grades 3-6) will include enrichment, games, prizes and a field trip to the Museum of Making Music. July 11-15 and/or July 18-22. Also see “Music.” See ad on page 55.
• Create your own puppets • Make props & backgrounds • Write scripts & music • Rehearse for shows • Perform for friends & family (562) 896-3625
Shoot for the Stars Competitive Gymnastics Recreational Day Camps
June - August
Competitive Camps: ages 5 & up Day Camps: ages 3 & up Choose 1 or many - half & full days
Fun outings include ice skating, bowling & swimming. Gymnastics, Diving, Tumbling Classes also available. Call for free trial lesson!
(562) 229-1927 Cerritos • 22 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
• Alpert JCC in Long Beach 3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601 JCC Camp Komaroff - Summer fun for kids, ages 6-12 in fall of 2011. Daily swimming, field trips, overnights, sports, arts and crafts, cooking, team building, Judaic/Israeli experiences, science and more. ACA accredited for over 20 years! Ext. 1047. Teen Camp J Crew - For teens entering grades 6 and up in fall 2011. Day trips Monday - Thursday, including theme parks, beaches, indoor skydiving, OC Fair, kayaking and Universal Studios. Fridays include swimming, sports, cooking, team building, Judaic experiences, community service, science and more. ACA accredited for over 20 years! Ext. 1205. See ad on page 21. American Camp Association (800) 428-2267, National association offers referrals and recommendations for accredited camps. The ACA also provides information to parents on how to choose a camp and how to prepare a child for the camp experience. • Anaheim Community Services (714) 765-5227 CampVenture Day Camp (6-13) includes daily activities, such as crafts, games, movies, nature, science, cooking, sports, special events, song and skits, and a weekly excursion. Spring camps April 4-8, April 11-15, and April 18-22, are held Monday - Friday with an option of 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., $90; or 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m., $110. Summer camps are held weekly, June 20 - August 29, Monday - Friday, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., $90; or 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m., $110. Specialty summer camps include “Fear Factor Summer Camp,” where kids can participate in activities such as slackline (tightrope) walking and suspension bridge traverses; and “Rockets, Illusions and Mentos,” where kids learn about scientific principles while having fun. (714) 765-4425. See ad on page 23.
• Aquarium of the Pacific Summer Day Camp Adventures 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach (562) 590-1630, (888) 826-7257 Go behind the scenes at the Aquarium and prepare food for the animals, participate in games and crafts, and conduct marine biology experiments. The opportunities are endless during ten weeks of summer camp! Call today to learn about the fun activities available for children of all age levels, from toddlers through 9th graders. Summer camps begin June 20 and run through August 26. See ad on page 13; discount coupon on page 93. • Aquatics and Specialty Camps Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine (562) 570-1888, (562) 570-3100 Spring Aquatics Camp at the Bay (5-12; must have kindergarten experience): one-week session, April 25-29, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., $150 (extended day care for an additional fee). Sailing, canoeing, kayaking, sports, crafts, excursions and games. Belmont Junior Aquatics Camp (5-8; must have completed kindergarten): one-week sessions, June 20 - September 2, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. $150 per week; extended care at an additional fee. Beach fun, swimming lessons, arts and crafts, games, sports and excursions. Located on the beach side patio at Belmont Pool. Bayshore Marine Biology Camp (9-12; must have completed 3rd grade): one-week sessions, June 20 - September 2, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. $150 per week; extended care at an additional fee. Aquatic sports and activities, excursions, arts and crafts, environmental activities, canoeing, sailing and kayaking. Located on Alamitos Bay at Bayshore Beach. Bay Club Teen Camp (13-17; must have completed 7th grade): one-week sessions, June 20 - August 19, noon - 5 p.m. $115 per week. Sailing, windsurfing, canoeing, kayaking, sports, excursions and games. Counselor-in-Training (completed grade 8+): threeweek session, July 11-29, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Teens learn team-building activities, child development and boating skills. Sailing, kayaking and canoeing also included. $345. Whaley Park Music and Arts Day Camp - Specialty day camp (5-12) with six rotations of music, dance, voice, theatre, art and sports/games, June 20 - September 2; Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (562) 570-1710. Other specialty camps include, Pre-engineering (56), British Soccer Camp (3-16), Glee Camp (7-16), Engineering Fundamentals (7-12), Survivor Camp (7-12), Top Chef Camp (7-12), Filmmaking (7-13), Magic Camp (6-12), Claymation (7-13) and Digital Photography (8-15); one-week sessions, June 21 August 20. (562) 570-3100. • Art Smart Studio for Kids 3823 E. 7th St., Long Beach (562) 439-4777
kidsguide spring/summer 2011 23
play will be used to develop skills in a fun and energetic atmosphere. TOPSPIN Tennis Academy at Billie Jean King Tennis Center - Afternoon camps, Monday - Friday, 1-3 p.m. 1040 Park Ave., Long Beach, 90804. El Dorado Park Tennis Center Summer Camps - Directed by Kevin Garrett and Westcoast Tennis. Kevin has taught in the Long Beach area for over 17 years and has trained some of the area’s top players. Kevin offers beginner/intermediate camps and a separate advanced summer camp for the more experienced players.
Join Art Smart Studio for Kids for 11 weeks of Summer Art Camps and All Day Camps. Camps begin in June and continue each week through August. All Day Camps run from 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. daily and are designed to keep kids busy, active, and engaged in sports, swim lessons, outings, hikes and art. Call for camp themes, times and registration information––or check them out online. See ad on page 9. • Banzai Surf Camp (714) 499-3315 Banzai is a family-run surf camp located near the border of Huntington and Newport Beach. They are open year-round, offering surf camps during spring and summer to kids, ages 6-60. Camps run weekdays from 9 a.m. - noon, or 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.. Banzai Surf Camp provides instruction, surfboards, wetsuits, and all the sand you can eat! Lessons also available; see “Surfing.” See ad on this page. • Beach, Activities, Lifestyle, Fun Beach Camp in Long Beach (562) 972-7946 Beach, Activities, Lifestyle, Fun Summer Beach Camp is a dynamic, extremely fun junior waterman experience in Long Beach that includes SUP paddling, bodysurfing, body boarding, Big Red Bus trips, and beach games based at the Granada Street launch ramp. Led by accomplished waterman Hank Wise (Catalina Channel swimmer) and Jeff Nesmith (NCAA water polo champion), students learn new
skills in the ocean environment with excellent supervision and a qualified staff. Campers ages 6-10 can choose from the four two-week sessions of BALF activities that will leave your child with a love of the beach and ocean environment. Session begins June 20th through August 10th. To register, visit the website or contact for camp information. See ad on page 22. • Billie Jean King and El Dorado Park Tennis Center’s Summer Camps Billie Jean King Tennis Center (562) 438-8509 1040 Park Ave., Long Beach, 90804 El Dorado Park Tennis Center (562) 425-0553 2800 Studebaker Road, Long Beach, Youth Tennis Camps (4-17) are offered in one-week sessions spring-break, April 25-29 and summer, June 20 - September 3. Hours: 9 a.m. - noon; daily drop-in rates are available. Instruction is provided by USPTA certified teaching professionals in a small group setting. Beginners will be taught the basic fundamental strokes. The intermediate player will work on developing their ground strokes, serves and volleys. The advanced players will focus on fine-tuning their overall game. Daily refreshments and a complimentary T-shirt are included. See ad on page 85. Billie Jean King Tennis Center Summer Camp - Kids learn from some of the area’s best tennis professionals, including Valter Paiva, USPTA Pro of the Year 2009. Each child will have lots of fun discovering the game of tennis! Drills, on-court games and match
CATALINA ADVENTURE CAMP Join us aboard the 130’ Tall Ship, American Pride for an exciting & memorable camp at sea/Catalina Island. • Sailing • Basic Navigation • Marine Biology • Scientific Testing
• Snorkeling • Kayaking • Island Exploration Hikes • Nautical Arts & Song
Beach Parties, Barbeques, Games & Fun!
$455 - Five Day Sessions - Book Early! Small groups offer a unique educational experience. DON’T MISS THE BOAT!
Children’s Maritime Foundation Long Beach
24 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
American Pride
(714) 970-8800
Bommer Canyon Cattle Camps in Irvine (949) 724-6738 Summer day camps: July 27 - August 22, ages 5-16; and July 5 - August 15, ages 9-12. Subjects include Animal Athletes, Wildlife Warriors, Marvelous Migrations and Wacky Weather. • Bowers Kidseum 1802 N. Main St., Santa Ana (714) 480-1520 Summer Art Camp Adventures 2011: Travel back in time on exciting expeditions to discover art and cultures from all over the world. Children (6-12) explore Bowers’ exhibitions, hands-on studio art, archaeological digs, history and geography, and more. Come along the journey of invention, innovation and mysteries of ancient civilizations where art and science come alive! Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Extended camp hours are available for additional fees. Weekly fee: members, $160; general, $185. Extended camp fee is $85 per week, per child. For more information, visit the website. See ad on page 29. Boys and Girls Club Day camps (5-18) are offered at most branches during vacation breaks and school holidays, usually Monday - Friday, 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. (hours vary). Most clubs also offer overnight and leadership camps (13-18) during school breaks. See “Youth and Family Groups” for information on vacation drop-in programs and club locations. Buena Park Recreation 8150 Knott Ave., Buena Park (714) 236-3860 Summer camps (4+) include Glee, Star Wars, photography, jewelry making, magic, cheer, Mad Science, Lego, and song and dance. June 27 - August 19, weekly sessions, $124-129. • Cabrillo Marine Aquarium 3720 Stephen White Drive, San Pedro (310) 548-7562 Kids (grades K-6) explore the seashore, go crab fishing, create ocean projects, learn about migratory animals, and explore the effects of storms. Teens (grades 7-12) explore oceanography using
College Fun at California State University, Long Beach • 1250 Bellflower Blvd. , Long Beach
Academic Enrichment Camp Basic skills and activities in math, computers, June 20 - July 15 language arts, writing and art July 18 - Aug 12 • Student/teacher ratio of 12 :1. Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - noon, $485 • Children will be divided by grade level Credit card payment available • Boys and girls ages 5-12 Morning supervision, 7:30-8:30 a.m. (additional fee) • Application online: (562)
985-2570 or
YOUNG SCIENTISTS CAMP Creepy Crawlers • Ecosystem Explorers • Life at the Edge of the Sea • Crime Solving Chemists Focus on life sciences • Learn to do science like a scientist Experiment in real university laboratories For entering 3rd-8th graders • August 8-19, 2011 Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon, $300 ($25 sibling discount) Early supervision (7:30-8:30 am) is available at an additional cost.
Call 562-985-4801 or visit the website at
49er Camp The Premiere All-Sports Camp in Long Beach
Basketball • Track • Soccer • Gymnastics • Rhythms • Tennis • Archery Elementary Games • Racquetball • Volleyball • Bowling • Kickball • Softball • DAILY SWIM LESSONS
Boys and Girls ages 5-12 • Mon - Fri, 12:30-5 pm June 20 - July 15 • July 18 - August 12 • $490 Credit Cards Accepted Call (562) 985-4049
Celebrating 47 Years
Applications are available March 15
Choose one of our morning camps featured above then take advantage of our supervised lunch period and transportation to 49er camp in the afternoon.
DAY CAMP (9-noon) June 20-24 and July 11-15 July 12-16 • Boys & Girls
RESIDENTIAL ACADEMY (ages 9-13) June 27-30 • Girls only
(ages 14-18) July 26-29 • Girls only For Information call 562-985-1858 kidsguide spring/summer 2011 25
research, technology and by studying animal behavior. One-week sessions, July 5 - August 20. See “Attractions” for general information. • California Arts Center at OCHSA 1010 N. Main St., Santa Ana (714) 560-0900, Ext. 5630 “Outstanding Six-Week Summer Program” returns this year beginning June 20 (grade 3 and up). One, three and six-week arts enrichment program in music and theatre, ballroom dancing, dance, guitar, ceramics, painting and drawing, creative writing, animation, graphic design, film/TV and more. All classes are taught by OCHSA artist teachers and are held on the Orange County High School of the Arts campus. Limited space. For classes offered during the school year, see additional listings in “Arts and Crafts,” “Computers,” “Dance,” “Music” and “Theater Arts.” • California Heights United Methodist Children’s Center 3759 Orange Ave., Long Beach (562) 595-0056 California Heights United Methodist Children’s Center offers a nine week summer camp for children ages 2-13, June 20 - August 19, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. The school-age program is a full-day schedule with activities, field trips, and special events on site. The preschool program offers half or full day, 5, 3 or 2 days per week. The theme this summer is “Music All Around Us,” where children will journey around the world with music, dances, instruments, costumes and song. Camp is divided into three sessions and fees are paid per session. Session I: June 20 - July 1 (two weeks). Session II: July 6-29 (four weeks). Session III: August 1-19 (3 weeks). A complete calendar with fees and events will be available April 15 when registration opens. Please call the center or visit the website for additional information. See ad on page 74. Camp Fire USA 7070 E. Carson St., Long Beach (562) 421-2725 Spring day camp, April 25-29. Summer camps include: Backyard Bunch (grades K-8) and Explorers Day Camp (grades 6-9), June 20 - August 26. • Camp Pegasus and Middle School Leadership Camp at The Pegasus School 19692 Lexington Lane, Huntington Beach (714) 964-1224 Camp Pegasus at The Pegasus School is proud to introduce the new Middle School Leadership Camp for students entering grades 5-8 beginning June 27: Lego Robotics, Summer Shakespeare Theater, Pegasus Global Youth Summit, and Film and Television Production Studio. These exciting programs foster critical thinking, creativity and collaboration. In its 32nd year, the popular Camp Pegasus for ages 4-13 also offers unique and fun classes, beginning June 27. Call or visit them on the web today! See ad on page 31. 26 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Camp Pinniped at the Pacific Marine Mammal Center 20612 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach (949) 494-3050 Day camp (8-12): one-week sessions, June - August. Campers learn about marine biology and animal rehabilitation, create ocean art and make fish smoothies (there is no direct contact with animals). $295. Educational programs available year-round. • Catalina Tallship Adventure Summer Camp Children’s Maritime Foundation (714) 970-8800 Tallship adventure camp for children (10-18) offers a unique sailing adventure and educational experience. Campers spend five days aboard the ship and on Catalina Island. The program includes a visit to the Aquarium of the Pacific, Avalon Glass Bottom Boat, basic sail and navigation, plus marine biology/ activities that include scientific testing and island discovery hikes, snorkeling, fishing, beach parties, swimming, nautical music/arts, and many other exciting activities. See ad on page 24. • Clay on First 406 East 1st St., Unit B, Long Beach (562) 495-4362 Kids (7+) can join Clay on First for day camp all summer long! Their camps run in one-week sessions, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., daily. Campers will journey through various pottery making techniques, from pinching pots and handbuilding, to working on a real potter’s wheel. In an era of e-summers, Clay Summer Camps allow your child to interact with other children and express their creativity! Call for more information or visit online. Also see “Arts and Crafts” and “Parties.” See ad on page 9. • ClimbX Indoor Rock Climbing Camps 18411 Gothard St., Unit I, Huntington Beach (714) 843-9919 Rock climbing is an exciting way for children to develop problem solving skills while building confidence and self-esteem. In a safe and controlled environment, your child can learn the fundamentals of the sport. Day camps (9+) for 2011: June 27, 29 and July 1; July 11-15; July 25, 27 and 29; August 8-12; and August 22, 24 and 26. Sessions run Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 a.m. - noon; three-day camp, $90, five-day camp, $150. Call for information on youth climbing clubs. See ad on page 71; coupon on page 94. Costa Mesa Community Services (714) 754-5158 Spring camp (grades 1-6): April 11-15, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., extended hours, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m., $164. Summer day camp (grades 1-6): one-week sessions, June 27 - August 26, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., $164. Extended hours available. Camp themes include sports, dance, cheer, fairytale princess, Buckaroo Horse, aqua, skateboarding and Camp Hollywood. Teen Camp (grades 7-9): June 27 - August 19, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., $125.
• CSULB – Young Writers’ Camp 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach 90840 (562) 985-1696 The Young Writers’ Camp teaches and supports writing in a fun, relaxed, non-threatening environment. With the slogan “Everyone Writes With Smiles,” the Writing Camp welcomes young writers (entering grades 1-12) to the college campus to shape their ideas and experiences into meaningful written communication. Often working next door to college students, budding writers have the opportunity to learn new strategies to discover ideas and ways to perfect their writing. Lessons and mini-lessons from the area’s very best K-12 and university teachers will cover all aspects of writing instruction—from developing and organizing ideas to editing and making the writing correct. The area’s most exceptional teachers, along with outstanding teacher candidates from the university, conduct classes of no more than 20 students in fun, dynamic ways. It is a place that welcomes enthusiastic and accomplished writers as well as those who need to improve their skills to excel academically. All sections of the camp are modeled on the Writing Workshop approach with lots of small group and oneon-one instruction. Campers will publish at least one piece of their writing in the YWC anthologies of celebrated writing. Two three-week sessions are offered this summer: June 27 - July 15, 8:45 a.m. - noon and July 18 - August 5, 9 a.m. - noon. Cost is $350 for the first student and $325 for each additional sibling. Note that the upper grades of The Young Writers’ Camp are designated as the South Basin Writing Academy at CSULB. See ad on page 27. • Cypress College - Kids’ College Anaheim, Cypress and Fullerton campuses (714) 484-7038 Themed day camps (5+): one-week sessions, June 20 - August 12. Camps include reading, writing, science, math, foreign language, computer, Internet and digital media (Web Design, Powerpoint, Photoshop, Movie Maker), tennis, junior sports, gymnastics, basketball, volleyball, music, dance, drama, art, cooking, and Kindergarten Readiness and Review. $100-175. See ad on page 19. Cypress Recreation and Parks (714) 229-6780 Camp Cypress (grades 1-6): one-week sessions. Spring camp, April 4-8, 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m., $21 a day. Summer camp, June 20 - August 26, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. $105 per week, plus cost of excursions. Extended hours available, $25 per week. Basketball Camp: July 11-15 and 25-29; and Baseball Camp: July 18-22, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., $65 per week. • Discovery Science Center 2500 North Main St., Santa Ana (714) 913-5012 Day camp (5-10): multiple one-week sessions, June - August; subjects are divided by age group. Subjects include: Science Sizzles, Ultimate Exploration (at DSC); The Zoo and You, Zoo Camp (at Santa
Young Writers’ Camp & High School Writing Academy for SUMMER 2011 on the beautiful campus of Cal State Long Beach Session 1
June 27 - July 15 8:45 am - Noon
Session 2
July 18 - August 5 9:00 am - Noon
Fees: $350 1st Student / $325 each additional sibling “Writing with Smiles” has always been the motto of YWC activity. It is time for young writers to extend what they can already do in writing, and a time to risk, to create breakthroughs, and to become full fledged members of “The Literacy Club.”
For more information, or a brochure and application, please call 562-985-1696 or go to our website at
About 75% of first time campers return for additional summers. See our listing on page 26.
Cutting edge writing instruction for over 20 years kidsguide spring/summer 2011 27
Young Ambassadors
Don't waste your summer. Learn, Improve, and Get Ahead Academically. Immersive Reading, Writing & Math Summer Camp: M-Th, 9am-12pm.
$10 OFF
Registration with ad
Lead by certified teachers. One-on-one time. Enrollment for summer camp is now open!
Ana Zoo); Summer Smiles, and Project Discovery (at San Joaquin Marsh). See ad on page 55.
Kids’ camps also offered. 52500 Temecula Road, Idyllwild. (951) 659-2171.
• Diving Camps at McCormick Divers Belmont Plaza Pool, Long Beach (714) 846-5731 The following day camps are offered in two-week sessions, June 20 - August 26. McCormick Divers provides a safe environment and a six-to-one student/teacher ratio. Please see their website to download registration forms and reserve your space in advance. Year-round diving program also offered (see “Aquatics”). See ad on page 7.
Family Vacation Center - A family camp on the UC Santa Barbara campus offered during school vacations. Weeklong summer sessions, June 25 - August 27. Adults, $917 and kids, $407-849. (805) 893-3123.
Kiddie Diving Camp (up to age 7); 3:30-4:15 p.m.
Skylake Yosemite Camp - Wishon, Bass Lake in the Sierra National Forest. Weekend family camps: adults, $215; kids (5-12), $150. One-week family camps, June 29 - August 13; adults, $525; kids (5-12), $365; and kids under 5 are free. Weeklong kids-only camps are also offered in the summer. (559) 642-3720.
Introduction to Diving Camp (8+); Divers will learn basic skills, safety and body awareness. 3:30-4:15 p.m. Downey Community Services (562) 904-7238 Camp Wilderness (6-10) and Adventure and Sports Camp (10-14): one-week sessions during school vacations, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Summer, June 27 - August 26. Extended hours available. Themed camps: Performing Arts Camp (8-13), June 22 - August 26; and Specialty Camp (7-13), July 11-29. • Fairmont Summer Programs 1575 W. Mable St., Anaheim (714) 765.6300 With locations throughout Orange County, Fairmont Summer Programs offer academic camp, school and enrichment workshops customizable to any family’s schedule. In summer school, students benefit from individualized instruction with teachers who love to make learning fun. In summer camp, campers enjoy a blend of academic adventure that will spark students’ love for learning and keep their mind engaged all summer long. Fairmont provides a balance of academic preparation for the upcoming grade level with the summertime fun kids love! Experience a summer to remember at Fairmont! See ad on page 23. Family Vacation Camps Idyllwild Arts - Family camp that combines the outdoors and art, July 2-8; $2150-4465 (2-6 persons).
28 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Montecito-Sequoia Family Vacation Camp - Weeklong family camp, June 19 - August 27. Family Adventure Mini Weeks, 4 nights, beginning May 30, June 5, 12 and August 28; 60% off regular rates. (800) 227-9900.
First Congregational Church 241 Cedar Ave., Long Beach (562) 436-2256 Day camp (4-15): six-week program, registration July 6-8; camp July 11 - August 19, 8:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. Swimming, excursions, crafts and one hour of study per day. $5 per child. Fountain Valley Community Services (714) 839-8611 Summer day camps (6-12) include Claymation, Culinary, Pirate, Digital Scrapbooking, Web Design, Video Game Design, NASA-Jr. Astronauts, Science in Motion, Crazy Chemworks, Lego Engineering, Performing Arts, Cheer, Glee, SNL, Gymnastics, Tumbling, Soccer, Multi Sport, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Martial Arts, Rock Climbing, Star Wars, CSI Detective, Magic, Top Chef and Dessert Shop. Days and time vary, June - August, $75-191. Fullerton Parks and Recreation 303 W. Commonwealth Ave., Fullerton (714) 738-6575 Camp Hillcrest Spring Day Camp for kids (5-12), April 11-15, Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., $120 or 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m., $180. Summer camps, June 27- August 19, Monday - Friday, include Top Chef Jr. Cooking (6-9), Star Wars, CSI, Architecture, Junk Yard, You’ve Got a Minute! (6-12), Saturday Night Live Kids’ Edition and Top Chef Teen Cooking (12-16). Call for times and fees.
Garden Grove Recreation (714) 741-5200 Summer Day Camp (5-12): one-week themed sessions; June - August. Games, crafts, sports, music, and excursions. $120-135. Extended care available. Golden West Community College 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach (714) 891-3991 Camps include The Rockit Robot, CSI Crime Scene Investigation (7-12) and experiments in Science, Part I and 2 (8-11). Call for dates, times and fees. • Gryphon Fitness Studio 971 Via Rodeo, Placentia (714) 519-1343 Summer offers one-week variety enrichment programs where students have an opportunity to develop a new skill each day (e.g. capoeira, Eastern martial arts, fencing, dance, yoga). The overarching philosophy of Gryphon is to help each child stretch themselves and build their confidence while supporting each other through a team-based approach. Email: See ad on page 47. • Heritage Montessori School 15881 Goldenwest St., Huntington Beach (714) 891-9921 Heritage Montessori School offers “Camp Heritage” during the summer months for children (age 2 4th grade). Camp programs include activities such as academic focus, weekly themes, crafts, dance, gymnastics, athletics, water play, field trips and more. Also see “Schools.” See ad page 73. Huntington Beach Recreation (714) 536-5486 Spring specialty camps, April 18-22, include chess (7-14), skateboarding (6-16), soccer (4-14), and tennis (6-16). Summer day camps are offered (612) in one-week sessions, June - August; 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., extended hours available, $155. Roller skating, games, swimming, excursions, and a trip to a major amusement park included. Specialty camps are also available and include engineering, chess, video game design, beach volleyball, surf, tennis and art. • iD Tech Camps - Summer Tech Fun! 1-888-709-TECH (8324) Experience the world’s #1 summer technology program. Over 120,000 students worldwide have learned to create video games, websites with Flash, C++ and Java programs, iPhone and iPad apps, 3D models and animations, robots and digital movies with products experts use in their professions. Ages 7-18 enroll in these fun and challenging, weeklong, day and residential summer camps located at 60 universities in the U.S. This includes UC Irvine, UCLA, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, Stanford, Princeton, NYU and more. Check out Teen programs at select universities: iD Gaming Acad-
emy, iD Programming Academy and iD Visual Arts Academy. Free year-round learning with iD 365! Save with CAD9L. See ad on page 31. • IncrediFlix Summer Camps (949) 548-5424 IncrediFlix offers children, ages 7-16, an opportunity to bring imagination and creativity to life! Camps center around making movies using arts and crafts, acting, writing, directing, special effects and operating a camera. Whatever the vision, Incrediflix does their best to turn it into reality. Camps are broken up into age appropriate groups, and after they edit and produce the DVD from the work created, they mail out a copy to every student! Camps are held in one-week sessions, Monday - Friday, either in the morning or afternoon for three hours a day. See ad on page 27. Incredi-Mation - Join them for the ultimate in animation creation. Each day you’ll make a new movie, with different styles of stop-motion animation. Furniture may run across the floor, clay stars may explode, or your favorite toy may even come to life! This is the ultimate arts and crafts camp where you will create, direct and film. Incredi-Mate You - Do you want to be the star of your own cartoon? In this more advanced stop-motion animation class, you’ll start your movie with a live action skit, which will segway into a paper-animated flick starring your own cartoon character with your face and voice! See website for an example. Incredi-Lego Animation - We know you love Legos and we know you can create incredible worlds. Now it’s time to bring those worlds to life in Lego animated flix! They provide the Legos, you provide your imagination. Students will create a Lego set with Lego characters for a movie they storyboard, write, shoot and voice-over. Incredi-Film - Are you the next star director? Actor? Writer? Cameraman? Of course you are, and you get to do it all in these live action flix! You’ll work in groups to make your vision come true in these movies where you’ll act, write, direct and more. Incredi-Action Film - Are you the next bank robber or special agent trying to bring the criminal down? In this intense camp, you’ll be doing tumbles, karate moves, and flying kicks in these Jackie Chan-style movies that you create. Don’t worry about the martial arts, as they have somebody to show you the basics, and camera tricks will do the rest! Incredi-Acting - So you want to be on camera? Whether you’re completely new at this, or want to improve your skills, this camp is designed to bring you to the next level. They have practice casting calls and training, and at the end you’ll make your own commercial! Incrediflix will send it all to you on DVD, so you have it for your reel or just to use for practice. Irvine Recreation 1 Civic Center Plaza, Irvine (949) 724-6600, kidsguide spring/summer 2011 29
Spring camps include teen camp, art, chess, horseback riding, soccer, multi-sport, tennis and iCamp, April 18-22 (year-round schools, April 4-22). Summer camps include 60+ themes, such as art, science, theater, film, video games, dance, sports, cheerleading, cooking and Lego, June 20 - September 7. • Jammin’ Music & Arts 4228 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach (562) 490-0222 Long Beach’s only multi-art center has an array of summer camps to choose from in music, art and theater. Choose one or two for a part-day experience, or choose all three for a full day experience in all of the art offerings (music training in guitar/ piano/vocals; drawing and painting; acting and singing). Camps are by the week, Monday - Friday, July 18 - August 5. All camps are taught by university trained, professional artists and musicians. See website or call for full schedule. See ad on page 59. • Kick It Up 8129 East Wardlow Road, Long Beach (562) 430-1812 Dance camps at Kick It Up are a blast and are a wonderful and magical way to spend your child’s summer! They offer many camps: Once Upon A Dream for ages 4-8 includes all varieties of dance, acting and tumbling lessons, craft time and snacks. Once Upon A Dream is every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in July and August, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Jazz, Lyrical and Broadway Theatre Workshops, as well as other teen dance camps, are offered throughout the summer. For more information, visit the website at Come join Kick It Up this summer! (Interested in dance, fitness, cheerleading or birthday parties? Check out listings in those sections.) See ads on pages 31, 43 and 65. • Kidnastics 10712 Reagan St., Los Alamitos (562) 431-1102 Are you looking for a fun-filled exciting program for your children to get into this summer? Well, look no further. Kidnastics offers exciting summer day camp programs for children ages 4 years and up. With flexible day camps for either half day or full day your child will enjoy instructional gymnastics along with arts, crafts, games and much more. Please visit the website ( or call the number listed above for more program information. See ad on page 48. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408 Family camp: Parents and kids (3-11) camp overnight at Monte Verde Park, May 14-15 and July 16-17. Games and campfire. $17 per pair, $8 for third person. Spring Tennis Camp: (5-19), April 18-21, April 25 28, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., $112. Spring Skateboarding Camp: (6-14), April 25-29, 2:30-5:30 p.m., $159. Student Counselors Summer Day Camp (13-14): one-week sessions, June 20 - September 2. Par30 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
ticipants assist camp staff in the planning, preparation and implementation of camp activities. Sports Camp (8-13): one-week sessions, June 20August 26. Swimming, softball, ultimate Frisbee, baseball, whiffle ball, basketball and excursions. Mayfair Park. Summer Day Camp (6-12): one-week sessions, June 20 - September 6. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Weekly themes and excursions. Extended hours available. Monte Verde Park. • LangoKids - Irvine 800 Roosevelt, Ste. 311, Irvine (714) 864-4680 CampLango is an immersion summer camp designed to give children a unique summer experience. Kids will get to spend their summer having fun, acquiring a second or third language, and taking pretend trips—along with a “passport”—to different destinations in Latin America, France or China. At CampLango, each week is a new destination that ends with a celebration for parents, family and friends. The best thing is they don’t have to fly! Without the hassle of lost luggage, they are able to “visit” these places and learn about their language, traditions, recreation and cuisine. Extended care in the morning and afternoon is available for free. See ad on page 51. • Liberty Theater Summer Camp (714) 827-9141 Summer camp for kids (7-18) includes acting, audition preparation, basic lighting and theatrical make-up technique, dance and vocal instruction, and participation in the current production along with lots of fun. This summer’s production is Beauty and the Beast, and the performer’s costume, camp T-shirt, swim days, and a cotillion are also included. The camp runs weekdays, June 20 - August 5, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. $495, registration covers the entire seven weeks of camp; sibling discounts and payment plans available. Liberty Theater, Joint Forces Training Base, Los Alamitos. Registration meeting for parents, Wednesday, June 15, 7:30 p.m. See ad on page 33. Long Beach City College Sports Camps 4901 E. Carson St., Long Beach (562) 938-4249 Day camps: June 20 - July 28 (Monday - Thursday). May include: baseball, basketball, cheerleading, flag football, soccer, softball, track/cross country and volleyball. See individual sports sections in Kidsguide for details. Great Games Camp (10+) is also available, focusing on intramural style games such as dodge ball, washers and kickball. Extended hours available. Fees vary. Limited number of grant opportunities offered. E-mail: • Long Beach Marine Institute (562) 431-7156 The following oceanography and marine biology
camp offers exciting programs aimed at various age groups. Day camps run from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Monday - Friday, beginning June 20 and ending August 19, 2011. Extended care is available, plus volunteer opportunities for high school students. See ad on page 35. Ocean Adventure Camp - Ages 5-7, 8-9 and 1012. These weekly camps include activity-driven programs that will amaze your child, introducing them to marine life and the ocean with hands-on projects, crafts and field trips. There are four distinct weekly programs available in two sessions, with a special bonus week, July 5-8. Register for a single week, or up to 9 weeks (including the bonus week). June 20 - August 19. $190/week or $720 for four weeks. Call for information about their Teen Volunteer and Counselor-in-Training programs. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine General day camps (5-12): Arts and crafts, sports, recreational activities and field trips. Spring day camp, April 25-29, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., $90. Summer day camps, Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. in one-week sessions, June 20 - September 2, $90. Extended hours available, morning (7-9 a.m.) and afternoon (4-6 p.m.), $25 per session or $5 per hour on a day-to-day basis. Call individual park for registration details. El Dorado West Park, (562) 570-3225; Silverado Park, (562) 570-1675; Stearns Park, (562) 570-1685; and Veterans Park, (562) 570-1695. Peewee Camp (5-8): Arts and crafts, sports, recreational activities and field trips. $90. Wardlow Park, 3457 Stanbridge. (562) 570-1705. Music and Arts Day Camp (5-12): Art, drama, music theory, vocal, theater, dance, fitness and games. Applications available in April. Preregistration in early May. $100 per week due at time of registration and $15 deposit on additional weeks. Whaley Park. (562) 570-1710. Hi-Five Sports Camp (5-12): Different sports each week, recreational swimming, excursions and crafts. $100 per week. Pan American Park, 5157 Centralia. (562) 570-1660. For additional camps, see listing in “Science.” See ad on the front inside cover. • Long Beach Playhouse Summer Theatre Conservatory 5021 E. Anaheim St., Long Beach 90804 562-494-1014, Ext. 500 Long Beach Playhouse Theatre Conservatory is a rigorously fun, full day two-week performing arts conservatory, July 11-22 and July 25 - August 5. Students entering third grade through high school receive age-appropriate training in acting, movement, text analysis, improvisation, Shakespeare and much more! For more information, see their listing on page 86; ad on page 87.
kidsguide spring/summer 2011 31
2011 Performing Arts Camp J 10 Days of Training by Top Professionals
Small groups • Individualized instruction in Dance, Voice & Acting Beg/Adv: July 11-22, Ages 6-19 • Int/Adv: August 8-19, Ages 10+
Orange Co. Song & Dance Co. 5860 Westminster Blvd., Westminster
(714) 897-4475 • • Long Beach Shakespeare Co. Drama Camps 4250 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach 90807 (562) 997-1494 Spend spring-break and summer with Shakespeare! Drama camp is designed to introduce kids (grades K-12) to acting and Shakespeare in a fun and engaging way. Program includes acting, movement, singing, Shakespeare history, costume and set design. A final presentation will be held the last day of camp. Spring break: April 25-29; $165. Summer: July 20 - July 1 and July 18-29; $265 per session. Both camps run Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. 2 p.m.; extended care is available for an additional fee. Advanced camp (by audition only for camp alumni) will be held August 1-5; $165. Campers will participate in an adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. See ad on page 35. • Long Beach State Girls’ Volleyball Camps 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach (562) 985-7352 Head Coach, Brian Gimmillaro, conducts a variety of summer volleyball camps for girls, ages 7 and up, that include: Skills Camps, July 16-19 and July 22-25; Setters Camp, July 19-22; and Kids Camp (ages 7-11), July 19-22. See “Volleyball” for a complete listing. • Long Beach State Junior Tennis Camp 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach (562) 985-4336 Drills, games, and match play are included in this instructional camp, conducted by Long Beach State Head Coach, Jennifer Hilt, for ages 5-15. Eight, one-week sessions, June 20 - August 12, 9 a.m. 12 p.m. Supervised lunch and escort is provided for 49er participants. See ad on page 85. • Long Beach State Soccer Academy Long Beach State Soccer Academy is held during the summer months. See “Soccer” for details; see ad with camp dates on page 25. Los Alamitos Recreation (562) 430-1073 Spring camp (5-15), April 25 - 29, $25-30 per day. Summer Funtime Camp (5-12): one-week sessions, June 20 - August 29, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Games, swimming, excursions and a trip to a major amusement park. Day and weekly rates, plus extended hours.
32 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
• Los Alamitos Water Polo Club (949) 428-7576 In their school-break camps, serving all communities, focus is on getting kids (4-14) used to the water in a non-competitive environment. In their youth program, kids strengthen swimming skills and are taught the basic fundamentals of water polo in a fun, safe setting. See listing in “Aquatics” for details. See ad on page 5. • Los Caballeros Racquet & Sports Club 17272 Newhope St., Fountain Valley 92708 (714) 546-8560 Los Cab Summer Camp is held on 17 acres of beautifully landscaped gated property in Fountain Valley. Your child will participate in a variety of sports taught by trained instructors, such as tennis, racquetball, volleyball, basketball and swimming. All sports are played in a non-competitive atmosphere. Campers are placed in fully supervised groups according to age. All sessions include a last-day themed party. Enrollment options include extended care and catered lunch. See ad on page 33. • MOLAA’s Summer Art Camp 628 Alamitos Ave., Long Beach (562) 216-4108 A bilingual, creative environment for children ages 6-12. Learn about Latin American art and culture through art workshops, dance, martial arts, cooking, songs and more! Camp hours: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sessions are offered: July 11-15, July 18-22, July 25-29 and August 1-5. Cost: members $100 per child per week; non-members, $150 per child per week. Partial and full need-based scholarships are available. Contact Gabriela Martinez at the number listed above or e-mail education@molaa. org. See ad on page 21. • My Gym 3287 Industry Drive, near Redondo and Stearns (562) 986-0066 My Gym Children’s Fitness Center offers one of the best camp programs in town. Children of all ages can enjoy a day of camp with hands-on arts and crafts, music, dance, games, and overall emphasis on learning solid skills and fundamentals in sports and gymnastics. Themed days and activities add to the fun and atmosphere of the program. Call for details! See ad on page 69.
Newport Beach Recreation Services (949) 644-3151 Newport Beach Recreation offers more than 10 different camps for kids (3-17) during spring break, April 11-15; and more than 75 during summer, June 27 - September 2; including art, surfing, skateboarding, science, cooking, engineering, sailing, sports, yoga, cheer, dance, computer and film, plus camps for teens (13-17), such as Digital Filmmaking and Video, Counselor-in-Training, Beach Activity Camps and city-run camps with excursions once a week. Early bird discounted price on most camps from March 24 - May 5. Ocean Institute 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point (949) 496-2274 Day Camps: Ocean-themed weeklong camps include: Sea Squirts (5-6); Neptunes Nautiloids (6-7), using children’s literature to teach students about the ocean; Buccaneer Adventure (7-8); Ocean Discovery (8-9); Seafarer’s Odyssey (9-10), featuring helmsmanship, treasure hunts and sea-cave exploration; Coastal Explorer (10-12); Ocean Investigator (12-14); and Marine Sciences Careers/Internship Academy (14-17) where successful graduates may qualify to become Ocean Institute interns. Overnight camps include Island Bound Camp (11-12). Orange Coast College - Extended Education 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa (714) 432-5880 Camps include Basketball (7-14), Crime Scene Investigations (12+) and Criminal Justice Exploration (14+). • Orange County Song and Dance Co. Camp ‘11 5860 Westminster Blvd., Westminster (714) 897-4475 An opportunity for students of the performing arts to have ten full days of instruction with professionals from Hollywood and New York. Participants work with musical directors on audition songs and vocal techniques. TV, musical theatre and commercial workshops will be presented by agents, actors and directors. Students receive instruction in tap, jazz, ballet and current dance trends from leading choreographers. See ad on this page. • Pacific Conservatory Costa Mesa Campus (714) 545-1217 Orange Campus (714) 545-1217 Your child (ages 3-12) will experience music, art and drama each fun-filled day at DiscoveryARTS Camps available during summer, spring and winter vacations. These popular camps introduce children to the joys of artistic expression. Younger campers enjoy singing, dancing, related arts/crafts projects and Fairytale Theatre with provided costumes. Older campers participate in music theatre productions. Parent performances each week. You won’t want to miss these memory-making camps! Etiquette classes and instrumental camps are also available. Locations: 151 Kalmus, G-1, Costa Mesa, 92626; and 1311 E.
Katella Ave., Orange, 92867. Formerly Pacific School of Music and the Arts. See coupon on page 95. • Page Private Schools Summer Program Garden Grove (714) 971-5533 Costa Mesa (949) 642-0411 Page Private School is looking forward to a summer of fun. Page takes pride in incorporating academic enrichment classes into fun-filled days. Page summer program has many exciting activities for students including sports, arts and crafts, theme weeks, water activities, computer lab and much more. With an on-campus swimming pool, students will have daily swim instruction, as well as free swim. Summer Program hours are from 6:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. to accommodate working parents. Please call for additional information or visit the website at See ad on page 75. • Peter Smith Trojan Tennis Camp Seal Beach Tennis Center 3900 Lampson Ave., Seal Beach (562) 598-8624 Peter Smith Trojan Tennis Camp are five day clinics during school holidays and summer break for kids (5-14); drinks, games and prizes are included. Sessions are offered weekly ($185) or even daily ($40), Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - noon, June 27 - August 19. Sibling discount is 10% off for the second child. Also, Dartfish video with comparison to top pros is available. Peter Smith is the USC Men’s Tennis Coach; he was named 2010 NCAA Coach of the Year; and 2009 and 2010 NCAA Team Champion. Peter has coached more than 10 national junior champions, more than 20 AllAmericans, and has coached thousands of happy kids in over 24 years of running junior summer tennis camps. See ad on page 84. • Prentice School Summer Program 18341 Lassen Drive, Santa Ana (714) 244-4600
Sports Camp 2011 • • • • • •
A multi-sport day camp for 4-12 year olds (must be potty trained) 2 week sessions beginning June 20, 2011 - August 26, 2011. No camp Monday, July 4, 2011 Half and full day available Extended morning and afternoon care available Activities include: swimming, racquetball, basketball, tennis, arts & crafts, karate, volleyball • 2-for-1 discount available and can be applied to multiple children or sessions (must be a sibling to qualify) expires 6/4/11 • Organization fundraiser available
Los Caballeros Racquet & Sports Club 17272 Newhope Street, Fountain Valley, CA. 92708
(714) 546-8560 ext. 303 kidsguide spring/summer 2011 33
(gymnastics on horseback). Each camper has a horse to care for during the week. Horsemanship skills are taught by qualified instructors. Oneweek sessions are offered during spring break and summer, Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - noon. See ad on page 51. • Rawhide Ranch 6987 W. Lilac Road, Bonsall (760) 758-0083 A Southern California summer camp tradition since 1963. Coed, overnight program for ages 7-15. The camp features daily Western riding lessons, animal and horse science classes, animal care time and vaulting lessons (gymnastics on horseback). To round out the day there are plenty of activities to choose from––archery/ riflery, intro to rodeo, ranch activities, cooling off at the pool, learning to harness/drive pony carts and so much more. Accredited by American Camp Association and Certified Horsemanship Association. Member of the Western Association of Independent Camps. See ad on page 37.
Sign up for Camp by April 15th and receive $75 off the total cost of Camp
The Prentice School offers a four-week Slingerland Summer School program. The Slingerland Approach to Language Arts is the focus with instruction in reading, handwriting, spelling and oral and written language. Also offered in conjunction with the summer program are “Fun with Language” sessions conducted by a speech and language pathologist designed to assist students with oral language, phonemic awareness, reading comprehension, and visualizing and verbalizing. Call for summer dates. See ad on page 73. • Rancho Rio Verde Horsemanship Camp 1000 W. Carson St., Long Beach (310) 830-2060 Small group instruction in riding and vaulting 34 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
• Rock Your Summer at Girlfriends Camp (562) 608-8807 It’s great to be a girl. It’s even better to be a girl with skills! Check out the awesome activities Girlfriends Camp designed just for you: cooking, fashion, art, beauty tips, hip hop, self-defense, girlfriend talk, money fun, etiquette, independence, community cheer, get organized, knitting, special outings and much more! Sessions for girls (ages 6-13) are held June 20 - July 1, July 5-15 and July 18-29. Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sign up now! Call or visit the website to register. Each girl receives a Girlfriend T-shirt and Girlfriends workbook. See ad with early enrollment discount on this page. • Sailing Camps for Kids Huntington Beach Sailing Foundation 3821 Warner Ave., Huntington Beach (562) 592-2186 Sailing camps for kids (6-16) are offered June, July and August. They foster confidence and self-reliance in their students while promoting the sport of sailing. Week-long summer camp sessions, which run Tuesdays - Fridays, begin June 21. Pre-registration is recommended as class size is limited. Parent’s Night is June 2. Also see listing in “Boating.” See ad on page 19. Seal Beach Community Services (562) 431-2527, Ext. 344 A variety of summer camps (6-15), June - August, including sports, cooking, volleyball, marine biology, Avatar Camp, magic, surfing, skateboarding, theater arts, Bugs and Slugs, etiquette, photography, Lego Engineering, sand castle and dance. $40-199.
• Sewing with Jane Summer Camp 6243 E. 5th St., Long Beach (562) 431-1943 Weekly summer camps are held Monday - Friday. Morning or afternoon sessions. Hand sewing ages 6 and up, machine sewing for ages 9 and up. Machines are provided. Hand sewers complete craft projects. Machine sewers complete simple clothing or crafts. Please e-mail for a summer schedule. Weekly classes are also available (see “Arts and Crafts”). E-mail: • Shoot for the Stars Camps at PDA Sports Training Center 15064 Shoemaker Ave., Sante Fe Springs (562) 229-1927 Competitive Gymnastics Camps (5+) are offered at the facility, June 2-14 and June 27 - July 1. Recreational Day Camps (3+) are offered June 20 August 12. Choose one week, or multiple weeks; half-day and full-day options. Field trips will include ice skating, bowling and swimming. Also see “Gymnastics.” See ad on page 22. Signal Hill Community Services (562) 989-7325, (562) 989-7334 Spring-break camps (6-12) at Signal Hill Park, April 25-29, 10 a.m.- 5 p.m., free. Free summer park program for kids (6-12) at Discovery Well Park, CalBrisas Park and Signal Hill Park, Monday - Friday. Dates and hours vary at each site. Fees for optional excursions. • Silver Gan Israel Day Camp 14401 Willow Lane, Huntington Beach 92647 (714) 898-0051, (562) 596-1681 Silver Gan Israel Day Camp offers everything to provide your child a rich and wonderful Jewish summer experience. Sports such as swimming, soccer, baseball, basketball and field hockey teach teamwork and sportsmanship. Field trips, arts and crafts, and an award-winning computer lab offer something for every camper. New this year: on-site laser tag and a huge human hamster ball! Their exceptional campus houses a junior Olympic-size pool, arcade rooms and a brand new Cyber Room. ACA accredited for 35 years, SGIDC features experienced staff dedicated to your child’s safety and enjoyment. No wonder SGIDC has become the largest Jewish camp in the area with over 800 campers annually. Located right off the 405, transportation is available from most areas. Hurry! Camp starts June 27 with nine, one-week sessions. See ad on page 37. • Skateboarding Camps with Skatedogs (562) 343-1095 Kids will make new friends, advance their skateboarding skills, and most importantly, have fun, at Skatedogs’ school-break skateboarding camps offered through city parks and recreation departments. They also offer after-school and weekend classes, private lessons and birthday parties, see “Parties” and “Skateboarding.”
• South Coast Fencing Center 3518 W. Lake Center Drive, Suite C, Santa Ana (714) 549-2946 The South Coast Fencing Center will be hosting fencing camps this summer for all levels. Learn and develop the skills necessary to attack and defend yourself. This fun camp will include conditioning, coordination activities, challenging games, footwork, handwork and plenty of time to suit up and fence with others! Advanced camps are also offered. See ad on page 47; discount coupon on page 93. • Southern California Dance Academy Variety Summer Dance Camp 4410 Greenmeadow Road, Long Beach (562) 496-1766 Beginners to Intermediate dancers are welcome to participate in a fun-filled variety summer dance camp for just one day, a week, or the full four weeks. Each day holds a dance theme in a dance style such as ballet, hip hop, hula, belly dancing and many more styles. The camp begins Tuesday, July 5 and ends on Thursday, July 28. A final performance will be held on Friday, July 29 at 7 p.m. SPCAla’s Friends for Life Camp 7700 East Spring St., Long Beach (323) 730-5300, Ext. 320 Spring Day Camp (9-12): April 4-8 and 18-22, $250 (Hawthorne spcaLA). Summer Day Camp (613): eight one-week sessions, June 20 - September 2; 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., $250 (Long Beach spcaLA). Three age groups learn basic care and responsibility for pets, respect for animals and the beginnings of dog training. Camp Counselor-in-Training (14-16) for returning campers also available. Early reservations recommended, registration starts April 18; camps fill up fast! Spring-Break Camp at Newport Sea Base 1931 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach (949) 642-5031 Kids (8-14) help a team analyze realistic artifacts and specimens to learn the Secrets of Skeleton Cove, use an underwater camera to discover what lives beneath the docks at Newport Sea Base, use Native-American tools and native shells to make jewelry. April 11-14, 18-21 and 25-28. Monday Thursday. Hours: 9 a.m. - noon for ages 8-9; and 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. for ages 10-14. Preregistration is required. • Summer Adventures at Rancho Los Cerritos 4600 Virginia Road, Long Beach (562) 570-1755 Campers (6-11) will learn about life in Old California through games, crafts, chores, stories and handson activities like churning butter, dipping candles, punching tin, tooling leather, washing clothes and stomping adobe. There will also be a special guest each week, plus tons of good old-fashioned fun!
Join us this summer for an exciting, hands-on camp for ages 5-12! Dive into the fascinating world of sharks, explore the mysteries of the deep, journey with a gray whale as it travels 10,000 miles, spend a day in the life of an octopus and swim through the liquid jungles of the Pacific Ocean! This unique experience allows campers to explore Southern California’s amazing marine habitats, through projects, weekly field trips and expeditions aboard our research vessel. Call us about our Teen Programs!
Summer 2011 Camp Sessions: June 20 - August 19 Register Today!
DRAMA CAMPS for Grades K-12 Spring Break: April 25-29 Summer: June 20-July 1 & July 18-July 29 M-F • 9am- 2pm • After-care available
August 1-5 by audition M-F 9-12pm
Acting • Movement • Singing • Shakespeare history Design: Costumes, set, sound and lighting • Camp T-shirt
Spend Spring-Break & Summer with Shakespeare! • 562.997.1494
kidsguide spring/summer 2011 35
July 18-22, July 25-29 and August 1-5, 10 a.m. 2 p.m. $90 per week. See ad on page 29.
shows; and perform for friends and family. E-mail: See ad on page 22.
• Summer at Westerly School 2950 E. 29th St., Long Beach (562) 981-3151 Westerly School is offering a comprehensive and enriching summer experience on its five-acre campus this summer. Summer with Westerly 2011 will give students the opportunity to choose from a variety of project-based academic courses to fill the morning hours followed by afternoons comprised of sports, games and engaging activities. Last summer’s 75-foot Slip and Slide was the talk of the campus and its return has been confirmed. Sessions begin June 27th and run through August 26th. For additional information, contact the program coordinators Dave Perram or Pedro Jimenez at (562) 480-2842 or e-mail summerprograms@ See ad on page 33.
• Team OC Gymnastics, Cheer and Dance 385 Clinton St., Costa Mesa (714) 444-1144 Summer, spring and winter camps for kids (3-14) in full- or half-day sessions. Activities include gymnastics, trampoline, inflatable obstacle course and much more! Ask about their sibling and multiple camp discounts. See “Gymnastics” for complete listings. See ad on page 20.
• Summer Theatre Workshop for Youth and Teens at South Coast Repertory 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa (714) 708-5577 Newcomers (grades 3-12) get their first taste of acting in SCR’s Summer Theatre Program. Two camp sessions: July 25 - August 6 and August 8-20; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. or 1-4 p.m. Graduates may enter the year-round program. Following year two, students may audition for the SCR Players, a players ensemble group that culminates with public performances. Tuition, $315 per session, with discounts for additional siblings. Summer Musical Theatre Workshop is open to all in grades 7-12, from beginners to young pros. This exciting and lively class teaches students how to audition for a musical role and then prepares them to perform that role. They’ll learn what it means to “act” a song and “sing” a scene. This is the class young students have been asking for! August 8-20, grades 7-9, 9 a.m. - noon and grades 9-12, 1-4 p.m. Tuition, $340. • SURFPUPPS Puppetry Workshops (562) 896-3625 Presented by Poe Puppets, these three-week, outdoor puppetry workshops for kids (8-11) are available in six sessions, beginning June 20th. Participants will create their own puppets, props and backgrounds; write their own scripts and music; rehearse their
36 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
The Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center 2 Irvine Park Road, Orange (800) 436-2119 Within the 210-acre center, kids will explore, create, learn and discover life in the outdoors. Year-round camping opportunities include overnight and day use. Features include mining, ranch and astronomy camp as well as a nature center, archery and BB gun ranges, aquatic center, a challenge course with dual zip lines, open-air amphitheater and dining hall. Operated by the Orange County Council, Boy Scouts of America. Titan Youth Sports Camp CSUF, 800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton (657) 278-7529 Day camp (5+): Fundamental skills and strategies in baseball, basketball, soccer, gymnastics, swimming and bowling, plus social activities. Six oneweek sessions, June 20 - July 29; 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., extended hours available. Rock wall camp (13-17), June 20 - July 29 in eight one-week sessions also available. Early registration begins late April. • Tom Hicks Baseball Camps, LLC P.O. Box 15963, Long Beach 90815-0963 (562) 425-2446 The 21st annual THBC prides itself on being the area’s best fundamental baseball camp. Camps, offered during Christmas and Summer vacations, focus on individual instruction and improvement. Camps are available in Long Beach and the South Bay. For more information, see their listing in “Baseball,” or visit their website. • Town and Country Day Camp Huntington Beach/Westminster (714) 894-4036 Cerritos (562) 865-0482 Town and Country Day Camp, celebrating over 60
years of summer fun! The facility covers 2 ½ acres with its own campgrounds, swimming pool, pony and farm animals. Each week has been carefully planned for your grade school child (grades K-6). Daily activities include Red Cross-certified swim lessons, horses and ponies, archery, sports, crafts and themed camp days. Weekly field trips, four per week, are included to places such as the beach, miniature golf, museums, zoos, ice skating, bowling, rollerskating, mud park, aquarium and arcades. Site directors have 25 years teaching experience; camp staff has been trained in child development. Camp hours: Monday - Friday, 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. $150-165 per week. Swim lessons and field trips are included at no extra charge. 14203 Willow Lane, Westminster. See ad on page 37. • UCI Sports Camps 903 W. Pelatson Drive, Irvine (949) 824-6120 UCI’s Anteater All-Star Sports Camps: Boys and girls (7-13) focus on the fundamentals of various sports, with an emphasis on sportsmanship: basketball, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis and more. Weekly field trips and catered lunch included. Weeklong sessions, July 5-29, $325. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., extended care available. Also see individual sports sections throughout Kidsguide. See ad on this page. • Vans Skatecamps The Block at Orange, 20 City Blvd. West, Orange (714) 769-3800 Vans Skatecamps are a great way for boys and girls, ages 6 and up, to learn skateboarding basics. The Skatecamps are designed for kids who have never skated before or are at beginner level. All participants must have a waiver signed on-site by a parent or legal guardian. Space is limited and pre-registration is strongly recommended. Please call for camp schedules. See ad on page 15. Westminster Community Services and Recreation (714) 895-2860 Summer camps (6-12), June 20 - August 26, including CSI-Spy Kids, Summer of Art, Star Wars, Top Chef, Lego Engineering, Magic, Glee, SNL - Kids Edition, Dessert Shop, Rockets and Claymation. • Windsong Farm Summer Camp 18381 Golden West St., Huntington Beach (714) 847-5093 Windsong Farm offers English riding camps in June, July and August. One-week sessions are offered Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Camp includes basic grooming and care of horses, as well as 1½-2 hours of riding instruction per day. The final day of camp includes a mini-horse show with prizes for all. Ages 5-13 are welcome; no experience is necessary. See ad on page 50. YMCA,
Individual branches offer day camp (5-15) during traditional and year-round school vacations. Overnight camp (7-18) is also available, and may be offered throughout the school year. Family Camp (all ages) is held Labor Day weekend; locations at Big Bear Lake, Lake Mohave, Colorado River and Catalina Island. Financial assistance is available. Call individual branches for camp dates and details. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Young Readers, Writers, Mathematicians and Scientist Camps UCI, 2003 Berkeley Place, Irvine (949) 824-5922 Young Writers Camp (entering grades K-12) and
Young Mathematicians/Scientists Camp (entering grades K-9): three-week sessions, June 27 to August 25. Locations in Aliso Viejo, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Ladera Ranch and Tustin. $325 and up. • Young Scientists Camp California State University, Long Beach (562) 985-4801 Two exciting weeks of science investigations. Students (entering grades 3-8) will do experiments and lab projects in college science laboratories. This year’s focus is on life sciences, with topics that include Creepy Crawlers, Ecosystem Explorers, Life at the Edge of the Sea, and Crime Solving Chemists. The camp will
Rawhide Ranch A Southern California Summer Camp Tradition Since 1963
Western Riding Lessons • Vaulting Lessons Animal Care • Intro to Rodeo Ranch Activities...and much more Great for beginners! Camp dates: June 19-August 20 Overnight Program Ages 7-15 Week-long Sessions
be held August 8-19, weekday mornings, 8:30 a.m. noon, $300 ($25 sibling discount, $25 CSULB faculty/ staff discount). Join them for two weeks of engaging science investigations which will help kids learn to think scientifically, communicate more effectively, and improve their science process skills. Outstanding student-teacher ratio of less than 10:1. Call for more information or visit their website. See ad on page 25. Youth Center Camp in Los Alamitos (562) 493-4043 Summer day camp (5-12) includes arts and crafts, games, sports, field trips, cultural enrichment days, contests and water days. Fees start at $25. Weekly or daily options with extended hours available.
Town & Country Day Camp 2 1/2 Acre Camp with Swimming Pool, Pony and Farm Animals Red Cross Swim Instruction and Field Trips included with Enrollment $150-$165 Per Week, M-F, 6:30-6. Daily Rates Available, Ages 5-12 Daily Activities: Swimming Archery Horses & Ponies Sports Crafts Themed Camp Days Four field trips each week to the beach, museums, zoos, Chuck E. Cheese, bowling, rollerskating, mud park, aquarium, miniature golf & more!
The ranch is located in the beautiful grove area of North San Diego County, near Fallbrook.
Preschool also available.
For more info contact us at (760)758-0083 x 0
14203 Willow Lane, Westminster/Huntington Beach Off 405 Fwy near Springdale & Westminster Blvd.
Westminster/Huntington Beach
(714) 894-4036
Cerritos, near Del Amo & Norwalk Blvd. (562) 865-0482
(562) 493-3921
The best camp for your child. Over 4 decades of experience.
DAY CA M P (714) 898-0051 (562) 596-1681 Huntington Beach (Right off the 405)
Camperships Provided by Allen Alevy & Brian Chisick & Families
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11 Acre Campus Cyber Room Arts and Crafts Drama and Judaics Field Trips
n n n n n
Outdoor Athletic Fields Spacious Swimming Pool Experienced, SpiritedCounselors On-site Laser Tag & Hamster Balling And much, much more!
One-week sessions, June 27 - August 26 Early Bird Registration Discount before May 11 Programs for ages 2-14 Transportation available from most areas kidsguide spring/summer 2011 37
Comprehensive Child Development, Inc. Child Care and Education for Children Age 4 Mos to Kindergarten Infant, Toddler & Preschool Child Care • Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Family Child Care Home Education Network • Los Angeles Universal Preschool (LAUP) Child care spaces on a sliding fee basis through CA Dept. of Ed. funding
26 Years of Service • 5 Locations • Call 562-427-8834
2565 Pacific Ave., Long Beach • 622 E. Hill St., Long Beach • 769 W. 3rd St., San Pedro 2205 San Gabriel Ave., Long Beach • 909 W. "D" St., Wilmington • Teen camp (12+) includes sports, games and excursions to destinations based on choices kids make as group. Limited enrollment. Extended hours available.
cheerleading Classes, camps and squads. Also see: “Football,” “Dance” and “Gymnastics.” • Alpert JCC Presents Webby Beginning Cheer Camp 3801 East Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1047 This great new camp offers beginner cheer skills and routines in a supportive atmosphere. This class will provide basic cheer skills, including splits, bridges, kicks, jumps, formations and hip hop/ cheer routines to age-appropriate music. Perfect for kids with lots of team spirit! Ages 6-12. Week of August 22nd. Boys and Girls Club Year-round cheerleading: Fountain Valley (6-11), Fullerton (6-12) and Westminster (7-11) branches. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Cheerleading at Football Games Friday Night Lights Cheerleaders perform at games during the spring and fall seasons. Cheer program also offered. Los Alamitos/Seal Beach, (562) 756-5307, www.; and Huntington Beach, (714) 2900794, Junior All-American Cheer (626) 964-4044 Cheerleaders (4-14) perform at Junior All-American football games, July - December, and participate in cheerleading competitions. Registration available year-round. King Conference Football (323) 295-2944 Girls (3-15) perform at King Conference football games, August - November, and participate in parades and competitions. Registration begins in July. Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc. Flag and tackle football cheerleaders (5-15) perform at Pop Warner games and participate in cheerleading competitions. Registration starts in February for August - November season. 38 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Colleges and Universities • Cypress College - Kids’ College - Cheer classes include pom-poms. (714) 484-7034. Long Beach City College - Boys and girls (5+) cheerleading camp; one-week summer session, 2½ hours per day. $60. Extended supervision available. (562) 938-4249. E-mail: • Kick It Up 8129 East Wardlow Road, Long Beach (562) 430-1812 Go, fight, win with the Kick It Up All-Star Cheer Squad. This noncompetitive, performing group meets weekly to work on non-stunted cheers and cheer/dance performance. Great for kids who have always wanted to cheer, but can only commit to one practice per week and one performance per month. Reasonable in price and geared for girls who just wanna have fun! Spaces are limited, so call today to reserve your child’s spot. For girls ages 5-11. (Interested in dance, fitness, birthdays or camps? Check out listings in those sections.) See ads on pages 31, 43 and 65. National Cheerleaders Association (800) 533-8022 National organization hosts and promotes championships, camps and events (10+) throughout Southern California. • PDA Sports Training Center 15064 Shoemaker Ave., Sante Fe Springs (562) 229-1927 PDA offers gymnastic instruction for boys and girls (1+), cheer tumble, and round-off back handspring classes. PDA also offers rental space for cheer and dance groups and gymnastics birthday parties. See “Gymnastics” for complete listing. See ad on page 22. Recreation Departments • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Cheerleading (12-18), $45; and Cheer Summer Camp, weeklong sessions, $50. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. Most city recreation departments offer cheerleading programs. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information.
• Team OC Gymnastics, Cheer and Dance 385 Clinton St., Costa Mesa (714) 444-1144 Classes for boys and girls (4+) include Intro to Cheer, Cheer Fundamentals, Tumbling Backhandspring Bootcamp and more. They also offer a cheer dance team with additional performing opportunities. See “Gymnastics” for complete listing. See ad on page 20. YMCA Anaheim branch offers cheerleading (5-18) by session and year-round competition cheerleading. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.
child care & babysitting Child care providers in and outside of the home, plus information and referrals. Also see: “Schools,” “Youth and Family Groups,” and Tot Lots under “Play Groups.” • Alpert JCC in Long Beach 3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1205 AJCC’s acclaimed Kids’ University for kids in grades K-8! Just like a real university…choose from an assortment of classes and activities, including music and art, aquatics, martial arts, cooking, dance, fitness, digital movie-making, and sports, like basketball, flag football, soccer and more! Leave the driving to the AJCC…let their buses pick your child up from Long Beach area schools and provide homework assistance and snack. Monday - Friday, till 6 p.m. Fees vary with number of days and transportation. Call Ext. 1205 or e-mail to reserve one of the limited slots for your child. See ad on page 71. • Belmont Heights United Methodist Church Preschool 317 Termino Ave., Long Beach (562) 438-1466 Before and after-school child care is now available for kindergartners. Transportation is available for neighborhood schools. See ad on page 72. Child Care, School Age Child-care programs often include before and afterschool care provided at youth agencies, child-care centers, recreation departments and school sites. Full-day care is usually available during vacation breaks and federal holidays. Be sure to check with your child’s school for before and after-school care offered on the campus or in neighboring family homes. • Anaheim Community Services Department Tiny Tots Program for pre-school-aged children
to develop social skills needed for kindergarten and beyond. Stories, games, crafts, motor skill development, music and art are used to create an environment that fosters individual growth. Locations in West Anaheim and Anaheim Hills. Spring and summer, seven-week sessions, $186-436. Sessions begin April and June. (714) 765-5191 Boys and Girls Clubs - All branches offer before and/or after school care (5/6-18). Most branches offer full days with supervised activities during school breaks. Transportation is provided to and from select school sites. Scholarships are available for qualifying families. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services The Lakewood After-School Activity Zone is a free after-school program (8+) at eight city parks. Sports, crafts, games and cooking included. Extended hours during vacation breaks. Also open most weekends. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Nocost, drop-in after-school programs are available at 16 local elementary and middle schools. A.S.A.P. After-School Activity Program, available at 27 local parks and two community centers, Monday - Friday, 3-6 p.m.; features games, crafts, homework help, movies and holiday celebrations. (562) 570-3100. Los Alamitos Youth Center - Free drop-in program (7-17), 2-6 p.m. Games, arts and crafts, sports and movies. The Learning Center provides a quiet, supervised place to complete homework assignments and get help when needed. Computers, books and printers available. 10909 Oak St. Los Alamitos (562) 493-4043. Recreation Departments - Most city recreation departments offer before and/or after-school programs at local parks or school campuses. Many programs are operated on a drop-in basis and are free of charge. Extended hours are offered during school breaks. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. YMCA - Before and after-school programs (grades K-6 or 12) are available at all branches and selected school sites. Hours and ages vary. Transportation may be available to and from schools at selected sites. Expanded program hours are offered during school vacations. Financial assistance is available for qualifying families. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • Children’s Home Society of California Greater Long Beach (562) 256-7490 Orange County (714) 817-8673 A coordinating link for child care, child development and community services. Parents can obtain free information on child-care providers matched to their needs for infants through school-age children. Child-care referrals and resources are also available to parents who have children with special needs. Listings are maintained on licensed child-care centers, fam-
ily child-care homes, before and after-school programs, public and private preschools, and child-care assistance programs. Resources are also available for parents to assess the quality of child-care services. See ad on this page. • Comprehensive Child Development (562) 427-8834 Celebrating 26 years of service! CCD has provided child care and support services in Long Beach, San Pedro and Wilmington since 1984. Children ages six months to kindergarten are cared for and educated in centers and four months and up in a network of licensed family child care homes. CCD also reimburses licensed providers for meals served to children in care. Five locations to serve you: 2565 Pacific Ave., Long Beach; 622 E. Hill St., Long Beach; 2205 San Gabriel Ave., Long Beach; 769 W. 3rd St., San Pedro; and 909 W. ”D” St., Wilmington. All programs offer free and reduced cost to eligible families. See ad on page 38.
Information and Referrals The following organizations offer information about, and referrals to, various child-care programs (infants+) and providers. Child Care Connection - Resource line for parents to locate child care in their area. (800) 543-7793. Family Child Care Association - Free referrals to licensed family child care in the provider’s home (infants - school-age). Greater Long Beach/Lakewood. (562) 804-7474. Long Beach Childcare Network - Their mission is to share child-care experiences and education through training sessions and promoting community resources to families. (562) 428-0079. Orange County Child Care Association - A free referral service for parents seeking licensed in-home child care. Includes referrals to care providers for
The mission of Children’s Home Society of California (CHS) is to reach out to children and families at risk with a range of services to ensure that every child has the opportunity to develop within a safe, healthy and secure environment.
All Services are free of charge or low cost.
• Resource and Referral (R&R) – Provides a central coordinating link for child care and child development services. R&R offers a wide range of services to parents, existing and potential licensed child care providers and other community groups who are concerned with child care issues. • R&R Hotline – Parents can obtain information about available child care providers matched to their needs and preference. The general community can call the R&R Hotline to access child care resources. • Health and Safety Reimbursement – Reimburses child care providers for the cost of the Health and Safety training required by Community Care Licensing. • Educational Resource Lending Library – Toys, materials, as well as books and videos are available to the community. • Child Care Assistance Program – CHS helps pay for child care services for eligible parents who need child care while they work, seek work, or attend school or job training programs. Families are enrolled in order of greatest need. • CalWORKS Program – Assists parents to locate and pay for child care as they transition from welfare to work.
Greater Long Beach: 330 Golden Shore, Ste. 20, Long Beach • (562) 256-7490 Orange County: 505 N. Euclid Street, Ste. 100, Anaheim • (714) 817-8673 kidsguide spring/summer 2011 39
American Red Cross - Greater Long Beach, (562) 595-6341; Whittier, (562) 945-3944; and Orange County, (714) 481-5300., • Anaheim Community Services Department - Oneday workshops offered year-round. Receive a training binder with information about child-care issues and creative ways to market your baby-sitting business. $49, material fee. (714) 765-5191. www. Recreation Departments and College - Anaheim, (714) 765-5191; Huntington Beach, spring only (714) 536-5486; Santa Ana College, (714) 5646594; Fullerton, (714) 738-6575; and Irvine, (949) 724-6600. Safe Sitter offers a standard course at various local sites, including St. Jude Medical Center in Fullerton, (800) 870-7537, Ext. 2; and CHOC in Orange, (714) 532-8887. Additional locations at
clothing Children’s new and gently-used clothing and accessories that include books, toys and furniture. children with special needs. (714) 893-0390. www. Trustline Background Checks - State-operated agency conducts background checks on potential childcare providers. (800) 822-8490. • Long Beach Day Nursery 3965 Bellflower Blvd. (562) 421-1488 1548 Chestnut Ave. (562) 591-0509 Long Beach Day Nursery is dedicated to providing the finest programs and services for young children. Since 1912, LBDN has offered the highest quality early care and education with the most affordable rates possible, thanks to the support of many individuals and foundations in the community. The Nursery’s nationally accredited program combines elements of a well-trained staff, optimum teacher/child ratios, nutritious meals, parent education and spacious facilities to enrich the lives of the children enrolled and their families. See ad on page 72. Sitter Training Training for boys and girls (10+) is available through the following community and city agencies. Most classes offer instruction in basic first aid, child behavior and hazard awareness; some may offer CPR and first aid.
40 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
• Belmont Kidz, Children’s Consignment Boutique 2734 E. Broadway, Long Beach (562) 433-9151 The premier source for upscale, gently-used children’s items. Belmont Kidz offers new and resale clothing, shoes, books, toys and baby equipment for infants, toddlers, girls and boys. By hand-selecting their entire inventory, choosing only the best products from parents and local designers, they provide families with high-quality, premium-brand children’s items at an affordable price. And, because they’re “recycling” gently-used products, they’re also helping the environment. For a consignment appointment, please call ahead. See ad with discount coupon on page 41. • Inch by Inch 3585-A Los Coyotes Diagonal, Long Beach (562) 425-KIDS Resale boutique that offers gently used, new and custom items. They offer clothing (sizes preemie kids’ size 8), shoes, indoor/outdoor toys, baby gear, furniture, books, puzzles, diaper cakes for baby showers, brand new school uniforms, hair bows and much more. Call for details on selling your items for cash. Buy, sell and save. As your children grow “inch by inch,” they are here to serve you. Mom owned. Go green and save green! E-mail: Also see “Toys.” See ad on this page.
• Little M Creations (323) 375-4562 Welcome to the house of children’s clothing, tutus and wings, infant crochet beanie hats (0-6 months), infant cotton beanie hats (0-12 months), toddler cotton beanie hats (1-8 years) and assorted custom headbands and hair clips. All products are embellished with a beautiful selection of silk flowers, ribbons and tulle. Custom orders are welcome! Wholesale discounted prices are available for orders of $150 and more. You can “like” and follow us on Facebook too! ( Little M’s Creations—Creating a fancy world for our little Prince and Princesses! See ad on page 41. • Love Child 11194 Los Alamitos Blvd., Los Alamitos (562) 485-7040 A unique and fun boutique / If gifts are what you seek / Clothing for the young with heart / Be a piece of moving art / Candy bouquets to sweeten your day / Toys and games for children to play / Party favors, piñatas and more / Shopping here is never a bore / With customer service that others are lacking / You’ll leave here with free gift wrapping! Mom owned and kid approved. Operation School Bell Assistance League branches can help in-need children (K-12) get school uniforms or school clothes through the league’s national philanthropic project. (818) 846-3777.
computers Instructional classes, camps and computer use. Also see: “Tutoring” for computer training. • Academic Enrichment Camp See listing on page 21; ad on page 25. Apple Computer Classes and Camps Brea Mall, Brea (714) 255-5610 Cerritos Mall, Cerritos (562) 356-1555 Fashion Island, Newport Beach (949) 729-4433 Irvine Spectrum, Irvine (949) 255-1500 South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa (714) 424-6331 Apple stores offer free computer workshops (5+) teaching the basics of Macs and their software. Classes fill quickly. Some stores also offer kids’ summer camps and field trips for schools and groups. Boys and Girls Club Computer instruction and use (5+) is available at most branches. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • California Arts Center at OCHSA 1010 N. Main St., Santa Ana (714) 560-0900, Ext. 5630 Offers a six-week arts enrichment program, be-
ginning June 20, in a variety of computer/graphic courses, including animation, graphic design and film/TV. See listings in “Arts and Crafts” and “Camps” for full program descriptions. Community College Programs • Cypress College - Kids’ College - For ages 8 and up: Computer Keyboarding, Intro to Computers, Microsoft Word, Intro to Power Point, Create Your Own Web Page, plus Photoshop and Creative Images camps. For grades 5-8: Intro to Computer Programming, Computer Game Design, and Computer Animation and Games. Additional classes include: Photoshop Magic (grades 4-8), 3-D Design (grades 2-8) and Create Your Own Web Page Using HTML (12+). Classes, $65; camps, $120-175. (714) 484-7038. Golden West College - Guiding Kids on the Internet, Photoshop for Kids and Web Design for Kids, plus online computer workshops. (714) 895-0800. • iD Tech Camps - Summer Tech Fun! 1-888-709-TECH (8324) Learn to create video games, websites with Flash, C++ and Java programs, iPhone and iPad apps, 3D models and animations, robots and digital movies with products experts use in their professions. For details, see ad on page 31; and complete listing on page 28. Recreation Departments • Anaheim Community Services Department - Summer Camps (9-13) include Video Game Design, Web Design, Digital Scrapbooking and Basic Computing. $199 per week. (714) 765-5191. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Video Game Design Camp, summer only, (562) 8669771, Ext. 2408.
Little M Creations
Children’s Clothing • Tutus • Wings • Custom Hats Headbands • Hair Clips & more • Special orders • Wholesale prices! We would love to send you a list of new creations via e-mail!
(323) 375-4562 • CREATING A FANCY WORLD FOR OUR LITTLE PRINCES AND PRINCESSES! Boys and Girls Club Huntington Beach offers cooking and nutrition; Irvine offers Teen Cuisine (12-18); Santa Ana offers Junior Chefs; Tustin offers various classes; and Westminster offers Teen Cooking (13-18). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Colleges and Universities Cerritos College - Summer classes include Introduction to Professional Cooking and Introduction to Professional Baking (12-17). (562) 467-5050. • Cypress College - Kids’ College - Making Yummy Snacks (6-10), and Mommy and Me Cooking Class; summer camps also available. Classes held at the Anaheim campus. (714) 484-7038. Santa Ana College - Mini Chefs (8-12). (714) 5646594. UCI - Cooking (8+), June - August. Irvine. (949) 824-3738. Recreation Departments • Anaheim Community Services Department Cooking classes and workshops (3-14). Picnic and Tea Parties, Parent and Me Cooking, Introduction to Baking, Kids in the Kitchen and Cooking Summer Camps. Classes offered year-round. (714) 7655191.
Many city recreation departments offer computer courses, such as keyboarding, publishing and Web design. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information.
• Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Little Mini Chefs (2-5) and Jr. Chefs (6-10); four-week sessions, $45, plus Kids Cookie Decorating workshop (5-12), $8. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine Mini Chefs (2-5) and Jr. Chefs (6-10); four-week sessions, parent participation required, $45. (562) 570-3111. Many city recreation departments offer cooking classes. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. Retail Store Classes The following retail stores offer themed cooking classes and workshops throughout the year. Camps are often available. Cookamation (714) 849-9164 Also offers in-home meal prep parties and organic baby food instruction. 2845 Mesa Verde, Ste. 3, Costa Mesa. Prep Kitchen Essentials (562) 430-1217 Kids Supper Club (8-13), monthly hands-on instruction preparing dinner menus, plus Parents and Kids Cook monthly classes. Prep Kids summer camps every week, June - August. 12207 Seal Beach Blvd., Seal Beach.
11am - 5pm
cooking Instructional classes, camps and workshops. • Alpert JCC Fresh from the Garden Cooking Camp 3801 East Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1047 Great new “Fresh from the Garden” cooking camp for kids ages 6-12. Young chefs prepare and taste healthy, delicious and easy-to-prepare meals, desserts and snacks in the JCC’s professional kitchen, and bring home a garden-patch full of recipes at the end of the camp. Week of June 27.
Dresses, tutus & hair clips
Like Roxy, Quicksilver, Everything you need! Tea, Lucky, Gymboree, Strollers, bouncers, swings, etc. Juicy, Boden, Gap & more at a fraction of the price We pay more ... call for details and appointment New & gently-used toys, books and dvd’s
kidsguide spring/summer 2011 41
Sur La Table (949) 640-2330 832 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Young Chefs Academy (949) 679-8390 15435 Jeffrey Road, #132, Irvine. YMCA Long Beach - Fairfield offers cooking and nutrition advice. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.
dance Classes and camps for boys and girls, plus baton and drill teams for all ages. Also see: “Cheerleading,” “Gymnastics” and “Theater Arts” for related activities. Boys and Girls Club Cypress branch offers dance classes (grades 1+). Garden Grove branches offer Introduction to Dance (5+), Dance for Toddlers (2½-5), Cultural Dance and Hip Hop. Fountain Valley offers ballet, tap, jazz and contemporary dance classes (5+), plus Pre-school Dance (2½-4). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • Burgess Cotillion Golden Sails Hotel, Long Beach (323) 874-7393 Monthly dances (grades 3-10) with instruction in popular and ballroom styles and etiquette. The three basic ballroom dances, waltz, foxtrot and swing, are taught every season, along with a Latin dance, such as the samba or tango, as well as other forms of dance, such as the Charleston or polka. Mother-son or father-daughter dances and waltz contests are also offered. Runs monthly, Monday nights, September - April. Registration begins in May, sign-up early, space is limited. Email: Also see “Beauty and Etiquette.” • California Arts Center at OCHSA 1010 N. Main Street, Santa Ana (714) 560-0900, Ext. 5630 Offers two twelve-week sessions on Saturdays during the school year in dance (grades 4-8). Also, summer camps in dance, including ballroom dancing, begin June 20 (grade 4 and up). See listings in “Arts and Crafts” and “Camps” for full program descriptions. California Baton Council CBC provides its members with referrals to coaches, judges, competitions and camps for boys and girls (4-22). For membership, contact Tina Allman, e-mail: 42 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
• Center Stage Dance Academy 3418 Los Coyotes Diagonal, Long Beach (562) 497-1181 Annual student recital is held at the Richard and Karen Carpenter Performing Arts Center at CSULB. Look for their Children’s Performing Company at Knott’s Berry Farm, national competitions, and local community events. Many current students have careers in the performing arts. Classes are continuously forming. The first class is free! See ad on page 45. Colleges and Universities Cerritos College - Summer classes include Jazz/ Hip Hop (grades 1-4). (562) 467-5050. www. • Cypress College - Kids’ College - Creative Dance and Exercise (3-6), Ballet (3+), Ballet and Tap (5+), Intro to Dance (3-4), Tap (10+), Multi-Cultural Dance and Music (6 mos-4 yrs), Musical Theater (7+), and Jazz/Hip Hop (4+); six-week sessions year round, $60. (714) 484-7038. Golden West College - Dance for Teens (13-18) Ballroom, Caribbean Latin Dance, Salsa, Argentine Tango, Bachata, West Coast Swing and Belly Dancing. (714) 895-0800. Santa Ana College - Hip Hop (8-12) and Modern Dance (8-12). (714) 564-6594. UCI - Street Dance (8+), June - August. Irvine. (949) 824-3738. • Elevation Studio 1900 E. 27th St., #101, Signal Hill (562) 424-2711 Elevation Studio offers a complete roster of dance classes ranging from “creative movement” and “combo” classes for 3-4 year olds to professional and pre-professional classes, workshops and competition/performance teams led by resident and guest faculty who regularly work and teach in Hollywood and New York. The end-of-the-year performance is optional and rehearses outside of regular class time, though all students are welcome to participate. Regularly scheduled classes remain strictly focused on technique throughout the year so students continue learning and growing. See ad on page 43. Irish Dancing Claddagh School of Irish Dance (949) 457-6121 - Find teachers, schools, suppliers and dress makers. North American Feis Commission - Provides resources on Irish dancing, referrals to local instruction and information on competitions. www.
• Kick It Up 8129 East Wardlow Road, Long Beach (562) 430-1812 Come dance, sing, act and perform at Kick It Up, a noncompetitive, friendly dance, music, fitness and party studio for all ages. Classes are offered for all ages and ability levels; no one is turned away. Intro to Dance, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Musical Theatre, Salsa, Bellydance, Ballroom, Cheerleading and Hula are some of the many dance classes offered. In addition, Kick It Up also offers music and voice lessons. As a parent, they offer many fitness and dance classes at the same time your children or teens are in class. All classes perform in a familyoriented and affordable annual dance recital. Performing Teams, Brownie/Girl Scout events, camps and birthday parties are offered throughout the year. It’s never too early or late to Kick It Up! (Interested in fitness, camps, cheerleading or birthday parties? Check out listings in those sections.) See ads on pages 31, 43 and 65. • Life Without Limits Pediatric Center (949) 333-6408, Irvine Dance and yoga classes for children and teens with all developmental disabilities. See “Special Needs” for complete listing. • Los Altos Dance Center 5531 Spring St., Long Beach (562) 429-7486 For the past 30 years, the studio has offered Ballet, Jazz and Hip Hop classes for pre-schoolers, children, teens and adults. Afternoon and evening classes are available during the week and morning classes on Saturday. The studio emphasizes proper dance technique in a fun environment. See discount coupon on page 44. • Melodie’s Dance Theatre 3381 Cerritos Ave., Los Alamitos (562) 431-8582 Performance opportunities are available for everyone at Melodie’s Dance Theatre. For over 33 years, the studio has offered Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Lyrical, Hip Hop and Acrobatic instruction (2+) in a positive, friendly, family-oriented environment. Their studio offers award-winning choreography, plus reasonable rates including family and multiple class discount plans. Mention this ad and receive two months tuition for the price of one month (new students only). See ad on page 43. • My Gym Hip Hop Dance 3287 Industry Drive, near Redondo and Stearns (562) 986-0066 Hip hop dance (ages 4.5-11) in a fun, explosive, high energy class where children learn the coolest moves set to today’s most popular music. In a safe, age-appropriate environment, students enhance endurance, agility and strength. Learn about the dance, history and culture while having fun! See ad on page 69.
Ages 2 to Adult
Two Months for the Price of One with this ad
Since 1977 Beginning through Advanced Levels Performance Opportunities for Everyone Family-Oriented & Positive Environment
New Students Only
Family & MultiClass Discounts
3381 Cerritos Avenue, Los Alamitos • (562) 431-8582 • kidsguide spring/summer 2011 43
Los Altos Dance Center Ballet, Jazz & Hip-Hop Pre-schoolers • Children • Teens • Adults
Afternoon, evening & Saturday classes One Free Dance Class
5531 Spring St., Long Beach • (562) 429-7486 • • National Dance Alliance (800) 533-8022 National organization hosts championships, special events and camps throughout Southern California. • Orange County Song and Dance Company 5860 Westminster Blvd., Westminster (714) 897-4475 A 6,000-square-foot performing arts studio for children ages 2 to young adult. Classes are taught in a comfortable environment by professionals chosen for their ability to work with young people. Instruction is offered in tap, jazz, ballet, hip hop and voice, with an emphasis on technique presented in a positive manner. Boys’ classes are available in dance and voice. Sessions in drama and musical theatre are scheduled throughout the year. Performance opportunities for all students. Summer performing arts camp also offered (see “Camps”). See ad on page 32. Recreation Departments • Anaheim Community Services Department - Parent and Me Dance, Tiny Tot Dance and Hip Hop (25). Plus, Ballet and Tap (3+), Hip Hop (5+) and Ballroom/Latin Dance (4-18). (714) 765-5191. www. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Ballet (3-10), Ballet/Tap (2-6), Cutie Pie’s Dance (510), Polynesian Dance (5-13), Teeny Wahine Hula (2), Baby Hula (3-4), Hip Hop (6+), Baby Hip Hop (3-5) and Dance Like Michael Jackson (10+); three to eightweek sessions, $18-40. Summer program includes dance camp (7+). (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Baby Dance (6 wks-20 mos), Dance for Fun (2-3, spring only), Pre-Ballet and Character Class (3-6), First Steps (3-5), Giggles and Wiggles (20 mos-4 yrs), Dance Workshop (4+), Dance Combo (5-10), Ballet I (7-12), Mexican Folk Dance (4+), Tap/Ballet/Jazz (6-13), Tap and Ballet (3-6), and Music and Movement (2-4, spring only). Weekly at the Homeland Cultural Center: Kids Break Dance with Iceman (5+), Tuesdays, 4-6 p.m., and African Drum and Dance, Saturdays, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. (562) 570-3111. Most city recreation departments offer dance classes that include ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, com44 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
bination, cultural, creative, and parent and me. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. • Southern California Dance Academy 4410 Greenmeadow Road, Long Beach (562) 496-1766 Professional training program in Ballet, Pointe, Pas de Deux/Variations and Jazz for ages 2 to adult. Friendly, professional staff. Competitive tuition rates. Performance opportunities with the Southern California Dance Theater, such as The Nutcracker Ballet and a Story Ballet Production in June. Summer Dance Camps are available for all ages and training levels (see “Camps”). Receive a 50% discount off first month tuition (new students only) and first class is always free! For additional information, please refer to their website. E-mail:
emergency& familyservices Also see: “Parent Education” and “Support Groups.” Emergency Numbers Emergency, Fire, Police, Medical 911 Childhelp USA (800) 422-4453 Poison Control Center (800) 222-1222 Safely Surrendered Baby (877) BABYSAFE Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-8255 Suicide Hotlines (877) 7-CRISIS, (800) SUICIDE Suicide Hotline for LGBTQ Teens (866) 488-7386 Child Abuse Call for help or to report abuse or suspected abuse. Information and referrals are available; most are bilingual. Children of the Night (800) 551-1300 National, 24-hour hotline and shelter for youth (1117) affected by sexual abuse, exploitation, prostitution or pornography. For The Child (562) 427-7671, (562) 422-8472 Prevention of and treatment for child abuse for victims and their families.
• Team OC Gymnastics, Cheer and Dance 385 Clinton St., Costa Mesa (714) 444-1144 Classes for boys and girls (2+) include jazz, ballet, tap, hip hop and combination classes. They also offer a competitive dance team for the committed and focused dancer for additional performing opportunities. See “Gymnastics” for complete listing. See ad on page 20.
L.A. County Child Protection Hotline
• The Dance Co. 4205 Montair Ave., Long Beach (562) 425-7231 Contemporary Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Ballet, Pointe, Theatre Dance, Lyrical and Pilates (3+); beginner to advanced levels with an emphasis on technique. An annual studio production and children’s performing company are available, plus a complete adult program. The Dance Co. is a complete performing arts studio. See discount coupon on page 93.
Counseling Alateen/Al-Anon (888) 4AL-ANON (425-2666) Support groups and referrals for families and children of alcoholics. En español, (562) 948-2190.
YMCA Anaheim, ballet and tap (7+); Downey, Fullerton and Long Beach - Fairfield, ballet (3+), hip hop and jazz. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.
(800) 540-4000
Miller Children’s Abuse and Violence Intervention Center (562) 933-5437 Evaluation and treatment center for children and parents involved in child abuse, family violence or violence in the community. Serving LA and Orange Counties. OC Child Abuse Hotline
(714) 940-1000
Boys and Girls Club Arches (714) 532-7940 Counseling, family support, outreach and referrals. Community Family Guidance Center (562) 924-5526 Therapy for children (3-17). Healthy Families and Medi-Cal accepted. Families Anonymous (800) 736-9805 Free weekly meetings for families and friends of an addict or alcoholic. Family Services (562) 493-1496, (562) 867-1737 Fees based on a sliding scale.
Help Line Youth Counseling (562) 864-3722 Youth and family counseling. Fees based on a sliding scale. Interval House (562) 594-4555, (714) 891-8121 Group and individual counseling for youth and adult victims of domestic violence. Programs include teen dating violence education, legal assistance for adult victims of abuse, and domestic violence education classes for adults or teens. JADE (949) 303-9016 The Juvenile Alcohol and Drug Education and Decisions program is offered by the Tustin Boys and Girls Club for Orange County residents to provide drug-awareness counseling. Jewish Family and Children Services Long Beach (562) 427-7916 Orange County (714) 445-4950, (949) 435-3460 Nonsectarian. Fees based on a sliding scale.
Mental Health Services for Children and Families
Case Management, Children’s System of Care, Crisis Intervention, Intensive Mental Health Treatment, Individual, Group & Family Therapy & Psychiatric Medication Services available in English and Spanish • We Accept Medi-Cal. 211 L.A. and Orange Counties 211 Referrals to health and human services agencies., Baby Line (949) 764-2229 Baby care and breast-feeding questions answered by on-duty nurses at Hoag Hospital. Free. California Youth Crisis Line (800) 843-5200
Long Beach Women’s Shelter (562) 437-4663 Counseling for victims of domestic violence.
Domestic Violence Hotline (562) 437-4663 Referrals to counseling and legal aid for low-income individuals and families.
Magnolia Park Family Resource Center (714) 530-7413 Counseling, parenting classes and referrals.
Drug Use Is Life Abuse (714) 647-4593 Free referral program through the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.
Straight Talk Clinic (714) 828-2000 Individual and peer counseling for children and families. Fees based on a sliding scale.
First 5 LA Connect (888) FIRST5-LA (347-7855) Information and referrals for parents of kids under 5. A collaborative effort with 6,000 LA organizations to help families raise kids who are physically and emotionally healthy, safe and ready to learn.
• The Guidance Center (562) 485-3085 In Long Beach since 1946, the agency provides English/Spanish mental health assessment and treatment, including individual, group, and family counseling and psychotherapy, medication, and psychological testing for children, teens and their families for a wide range of behavioral, social, emotional, family and school problems. Also services for co-occurring mental health and substance abuse problems. Clinic locations in Long Beach, San Pedro, Compton and Avalon. See ad on this page.
Hotline of So. California (562) 596-5548, (714) 894-4242 Help, intervention and referrals for any crisis. Mental Health America
(800) 273-TALK (8255)
National Alcohol and Drug Abuse Referral Line (800) 252-6465, (800) 454-8966 National Domestic Violence Hotline (800) 799-SAFE National Eating Disorders Assoc. (800) 931-2237 National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline (866) 331-9474 Nine Line (800) 999-9999 Bilingual crisis intervention. RAINN (800) 656-(HOPE) 4673 The Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network’s hotline automatically connects to a local rape crisis center. Stand Up For Kids (800) 365-4KID (4543) Provides children in crisis with food and clothing. Teen Lines (310) 855-4673 Peer counseling for teens. Daily, 6-10 p.m. Missing/Runaway Children Help, information, referrals and message-relay services for runaways, abducted children and/or their parents.
Emergency Shelters Temporary shelter for children and families in crisis. Residential care, counseling, referrals and bilingual assistance available. Youth Shelters: Casa Youth Shelter (800) 914-CASA (2276) Children of the Night (800) 551-1300 Community Service Programs (949) 494-4311 Boys Town (800) 448-3000 Laural House Teen Shelter (714) 832-0207 Family Shelters: 1736 Family Crisis Center (310) 379-3620 Human Options (949) 854-3554 Interval House (562) 594-4555, (714) 891-8121 Long Beach Women’s Shelter (562) 437-4663 Orange Coast Interfaith Shelter (949) 631-7213 Help Lines and Hot Lines Crisis intervention, information, listening/counseling and referrals for any need. Most hotlines operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. kidsguide spring/summer 2011 45
PEDIATRIC MEDICAL CENTER INFANT, CHILDREN, AND ADOLESCENT MEDICINE COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL PEDIATRIC CARE ALLERGY MANAGEMENT DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY OF ADD John H. Samson, M.D., F.A.A.P. • Michael L. Goodin, M.D., F.A.A.P. • L. Philippe Theriot, M.D., F.A.A.P. Peter W. Welty, M.D., F.A.A.P. • Shanna R. Cox, M.D., F.A.A.P. • Lori A. Livingston, M.D., F.A.A.P. • Sandra Smith, Ph.D.
(562) 426-5551 • Fax: (562) 426-9977
2921 Redondo Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90806 • California Missing Children Hotline (800) 222-3463 Child Quest International (888) 818-4673 Assists law enforcement and families in recovery of missing, abused, runaway and/or exploited children. Find the Children (888) 477-6721 Provides help for families of abducted children. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (800) 843-5678 National Runaway Switchboard (800) RUNAWAY Support and intervention. Operation Lookout (800) 566-5688, (800) 782-7335 Serving the families of missing children.
fencing Youth fencing instruction, competition, camps and parties. • Gryphon Fencing Club 971 Via Rodeo, Placentia (714) 519-1343 Do your kids love to swordfight like a musketeer, Jedi or pirate? Then fencing is the sport for them! Fencing develops stamina, discipline and coordination. Gryphon Fencing Club has a beautiful facility with state-of-the-art electronic fencing equipment. They offer fun fencing classes for kids ages 5 and older. They also offer youth, teen and adult fencing classes continuously during the year and weeklong camps during the summer. Fencing-themed birthday parties and special events are also available. Gryphon Fencers compete locally and nationally. Learn fencing at Gryphon Fencing; fun, safe and affordable! E-mail: See ad on page 47. United States Fencing Association The website for the Pacific Coast Section of the United States Fencing Association features the ba-
46 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
sic terms and rules of the sport, tips on competitive fencing and details on how to participate in youth/ junior championship tournaments. • South Coast Fencing Center 3518 Lake Center Drive, Ste. C, Santa Ana (714) 549-2946 Home of the largest fencing center in Orange County! They offer training in all three weapons for all levels of interest, from beginning through advanced. The center is open to ages 7 and up; no experience is necessary. Youth and adult classes are available throughout the year, and weeklong training camps are held in the summer (see “Camps”). Fencing offers a strong cardiovascular workout and increases strength, balance, agility and eye-hand coordination. Take a virtual tour of the facility by visiting the website. See ad on page 47; see discount coupon on page 93. More Fencing Orange Coast Fencing Academy (714) 773-9988 1025 S. Placentia Ave., Fullerton.
fishing Local fishing lakes, plus fishing information, referrals, classes/workshops and charter boat excursions. Charter Boats The following businesses offer fishing charters for half, three-quarter and full days. A fishing license, sold on site, is required (16+). Dana Wharf Sportfishing - See listing in this section for contact information. Davey’s Locker and Newport Landing Sportfishing $10 off any trip for Kidsguide readers. Balboa and Newport Beach. (949) 673-1434; (949) 675-0551., Pierpoint Landing - Kids Fish Free (with paying adult) available during summer. 200 Aquarium Way., Long Beach. (562) 983-9300. Dana Wharf Sportfishing Kid’s Clinic 34675 Golden Lantern, Dana Point (949) 496-5794, Ext. 7
A free sportsfishing clinic for kids (12 and under) to learn and enjoy the sport of fishing. No reservations are needed. Sundays only, noon - 12:30 p.m. Department of Fish and Game (562) 342-7148, Free information includes maps to local lakes, fishing events, stocking guides and sportfishing regulations, plus publications geared for children. Free fishing days in 2011: July 2 and September 2. Fishing Spots Camping and party packages are also available. Corona Lake - Admission: adults, $22; kids (4-13), $9. 12510 Temescal Road, Corona. (951) 2774489. Irvine Lake (Santiago Reservoir) - Designated fishing lagoon for kids 12 and under. Admission: adults, $22; kids (4-12), $11. 4621 Santiago Canyon Road, Silverado. (714) 649-9111. Santa Ana River Lakes - Three stocked lakes, plus the Huckleberry Fish Pond just for kids. Admission: adults, $22; kids (4-12), $9. 4060 E. La Palma Ave., Anaheim. (714) 632-7830. Many regional parks also offer fishing; most are bank fishing only and do not offer equipment rental or tackle. See “Recreation and Parks” for locations. Recreation Department Fullerton Parks and Recreation offers instruction (3+), including Mommy and Me Fishing, Kids Fishing Basics, Family Fishing Basics and Fly Fishing. Summer Fishing Club and Fishing Camp (8-12) also offered. (714) 738-6575. United Anglers of Southern California 1933 Temple Ave., Signal Hill (562) 494-9900 Regional organization sponsors youth fishing programs and fishing events for all ages.
fitness&health Classes and training in exercise, fitness, yoga and nutrition. • Alpert JCC Let’s Get Physical: Fit Camp for Kids 3801 East Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1047 Getting fit and staying fit can be a blast! At the AJCC, the new Fit Camp for kids combines circuit training, games, art and nutrition education for a great weeklong camp! Circuit training components may include: Skillastics, yoga, Zumba, X-Box Kinect, Wii, light weights, and much, much more! Ages 6-12. Week of August 8th.
Boys and Girls Clubs Buena Park, Cypress, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Irvine and Santa Ana offer a variety of health and fitness programs. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Colleges and Universities • Cypress College - Kids’ College - Positive Living Skills (7-11) includes proper nutrition and exercise. (714) 484-7038. Long Beach City College – Instruction in proper use of exercise or weight training equipment (11+), two-week summer sessions, Monday - Thursday, one hour per day, $40. (562) 938-4249. • UCI - Fitness (8+). June - August. Irvine. (949) 824-3738. Health Services The following agencies provide referrals or services for medical and/or dental care to low-income families. Bilingual. Boys and Girls Club Pediatric Vision Care (714) 532-7940 Children’s Clinic (562) 933-0400 Children’s Dental/Orthodontic Clinic (562) 933-3141 Children’s Eye Clinic (562) 933-0442 Healthy Smiles (714) 638-7637 Orange County Dental Society (714) 634-8944 Free to low-cost immunizations for infants and kids. Immunization Shot Line (562) 570-SHOT Immunization Clinics (800) 427-8700 Healthy Families (800) 880-5305 Low-cost medical, dental and eye care insurance coverage for children. The program, subsidized by the federal and state governments, helps working families who do not qualify for free Medi-Cal, but do not have employer-paid insurance. Tooth Fairy (714) 634-8944, press 4 A recording of the tooth fairy giving dental care tips, sponsored by the Orange County Dental Society. Recreation Departments • Anaheim Community Services Department - Youth Fitness (3-6) and Teen Boot Camp (13-18), eight-week sessions, $50. (714) 765-5191. “Kids in Motion” is a free program emphasizing character development, teaching kids to lead a healthy lifestyle through recreational sports and activities. Mondays and Wednesdays, 3-5 p.m. at various parks in Anaheim. (714) 765-5219. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Boot Camp in the Park (5+), 4-6 week sessions, $2435. Rynerson Park. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Yoga for Youth (3-11), (562) 570-3100; and Family Fitness and Fun (10+), four-week sessions, (562) 570-3111. Many city recreation departments offer fitness classes that often include yoga, strength training and nutrition. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information.
YMCA Anaheim offers Youth Fitness (3-6) and Teen Boot Camp (14+). Bellflower offers Friday Night Family Fitness. Downey offers Sport Aerobics (5-13), Fun and Fit (5-13) and H.I.P. Kids (Healthy Intervention Program (9-13). Fullerton offers Teen Fitness Training (13-17). Newport Beach offers Yoga (4-12). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.
football Flag and tackle football leagues, camps and clinics. Boys and Girls Club Coed flag football (6-17) is available at the following branches: Costa Mesa, Cypress, Fountain Valley, Fullerton, Huntington Beach, Long Beach (7-14), Newport Beach (grades 3-8), Tustin and Whittier. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Football Leagues Friday Night Lights Youth flag football program (grades K-8); spring and fall seasons. Cheer also offered. Los Alamitos/Seal Beach, (562) 756-5307,; and Huntington Beach, (714) 290-0794, Junior All-American Football (626) 964-4044 Tackle and flag football league (5-14) in eight age divisions. Leagues run July - December. Equipment provided with registration; scholarships are available. Visit website for team locations. King Conference Football (323) 295-2944 Tackle football league (7-14) in four divisions. Signups begin in January for August - November season. Call for team locations.
(6+) and Santa Ana (4-9). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.
golf Junior golf classes, camps, recreational play and referrals. Colleges and Universities Long Beach City College - Instruction in basic golf fundamentals and skills for boys and girls (8+); two-week sessions, 60 minutes per day, Monday Thursday, $40. Extended supervision available. (562) 938-4249. E-mail:
Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc. Flag and tackle football league (5-15). Registration begins as early as January for the fall season. Pop Warner requires its participants to meet academic standards before permitting them to play. Visit the website for your city’s contact information. Long Beach City College Flag Football Day Camp, fundamentals for boys and girls (7-13), one-week sessions; 2½ hours per day, $60. Extended hours available. (562) 938-4249. Recreation Departments • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services August registration for fall league, (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. Most city recreation departments offer football programs. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. YMCA The following branches offer flag football: Fullerton
• UCI Golf Camp - Boys’ and girls’ (7-14) day camps for all skill levels; covers everything from the rules of golf and course etiquette, to playing a nine-hole round
Fun, safe and affordable classes for youths, teens and adults. Summer camps for youths and teens. Birthday parties available too!
FIRST CLASS FREE! For class information see or call (714) 519-1343 kidsguide spring/summer 2011 47
Beginning - Intermediate - Advanced Totnastics Early Motor Development for 12-42 months Academy Gymnastics for ages 3 1/2 yrs and up Tumbling Classes for Recreation or Cheer HSC All-Star Competitive Cheer Teams Kid’s Birthday Parties!
10712 Reagan St. Los Alamitos, 90720 at a local course. One-week sessions, June 27 - July 22, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. $290. (949) 824-6120. www. See ad on page 36. Long Beach Jr. Golf Association The following programs offer golf instruction held at Heartwell Golf course, 6700 E. Carson St., Long Beach. (562) 570-1272, (562) 421-8855. Long Beach Jr. Golf Association - A year-round program where kids (7-17) receive instruction in techniques, rules, score keeping and course etiquette; Fridays, 3-6 p.m. $5, plus a $40 annual fee. Group instruction and vacation camps and are also available at the following courses: El Dorado, (562) 4305411; and Recreation Park Nine, (562) 494-5000. Long Beach Little Linksters - As a summer program, PGA and LPGA professionals introduce kids (8-12) to golf during a one-week program, July 11-15 and July 18-22. Participants receive a set of starter golf clubs and shirt. $85 for residents and $100 for non-residents; scholarships are available. To be eligible, players may not have played golf or own golf equipment and must submit a one-paragraph paper on why they would like to participate. Sign-ups begin April 1. Miniature Golf See Family Fun Centers in “Attractions.” Recreation Departments • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Jr. Golf, (8-17), two-week sessions, $47. Ironwood Nine Golf Course, plus spring and summer camps. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Golf Play for Tots and Parent/Tot EDUPlay (4-6), four-
48 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
week sessions, $35, (562) 570-3111. Many city recreation departments offer junior golf programs. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. SCPGA Foundation Junior Golf Program (951) 845-4653 Competitive playing opportunities, instructional programs and vacation camps for youth SCPGA members (7-18) offered at various golf courses.
• Gymnastics at PDA Sports Training Center 15064 Shoemaker Ave., Sante Fe Springs (562) 229-1927 PDA offers gymnastic instruction for boys and girls (1+). They offer gymnastic teams for levels 1-7, as well as recreational classes. They are dedicated to helping your child succeed, whether they are interested in gymnastics, diving, cheerleading or simply burning off extra energy. PDA also offers rental space for cheer and dance groups and gymnastics birthday parties. Also see “Aquatics,” “Camps,” “Cheerleading” and “Parties.” See ad on page 22. Gymnastics Centers The following centers offer gymnastics for all levels. Some may offer tumbling, cheerleading, camps and birthday party packages. Open gym may be available. American Gymnastics Academy (562) 494-0087 1901 Obispo Ave., Signal Hill. EuroGymnastics (949) 933-4402 Specializes in rhythmic gymnastics. 1500 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim. Giants Gymnastics (949) 756-2GYM 1801 Dyer Road, Santa Ana. • Kidnastics See complete listing in this section; ad on this page. Kips Gymnastics (714) 779-1888 Summer camp and parties available. 4622 E. La Palma Ave., Anaheim. Lakewood YMCA Gymnastics (562) 272-4884 4118 South St., Lakewood.
gymnastics Classes, camps, competitive teams and referrals. Also see: “Cheerleading” and “Dance.” Boys and Girls Club Fountain Valley branch offers beginning to intermediate gymnastics for girls and boys (3+) and Tiny Tumbler classes (walking-4 yrs, with parent). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Colleges and Universities Cerritos College - Year-round gymnastics on Saturdays: Tootsie Rollers Gymnastics (18 mos-3 yrs, with parent participation), Tumble Stars gymnastics (2-4, with parent participation) and Kartwheel-N-Kids gymnastics (5-8). (562) 467-5050. • Cypress College - Kids’ College - Beginning to intermediate gymnastics (5+), Tiny Tots Tumbling (18 mos-3 yrs), Moms, Pops and Tots Tumbling (3-5), plus summer gymnastics camp; six to eight-week sessions, $40-55. (714) 484-7038.
The Little Gym 15891 Goldenwest, HB (714) 373-0700 20914 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance (310) 370-2100 New Hope Academy (714) 556-8050 17270 Newhope, Fountain Valley. • My Gym - Long Beach See complete listing in this section; ad on page 69. • PDA USA Academy See complete listing in this section; ad on page 22. SCATS Gymnastics (714) 895-2909 Also offers parents night out and sleepovers. 5742 McFadden Ave., Huntington Beach. www. So. Coast Gymnastics Training Center (949) 833-0077 17850 Sky Park Circle, Irvine. • Team OC Gymnastics See listing in this section; see ad on page 20.
Wild Fire Gymnastics (714) 832-1315 14761 Bentley, Tustin. • Kidnastics Quality Gymnastics and Cheer 10712 Reagan St., Los Alamitos (562) 431-1102 Kidnastics has been pleased to offer quality gymnastics instruction for over 30 years. As a recreational gymnastics facility with over 23,000 square feet of full-line gymnastics equipment and spring floors, they offer nothing but the best instructional classes for your children. Here children learn the basic foundation of gymnastics. Known for their quality and effective instructional classes, they strive to provide a positive and fun experience by teaching the importance of staying fit and having fun with gymnastics and cheer. They offer a variety classes for children 12 months through the teen years. Programs include Totnastics, their early motor development and coordination classes designed for children 12-42 months, gymnastics and tumbling classes for ages 42 months and up. In addition to their great gymnastics program they also offer competitive cheer programs: HSC All Stars for ages 3 years and up, plus a summer camp (see “Camps”). Please visit the website ( or call the number listed above for more program information. See ad on page 48. • Life Without Limits Pediatric Center (949) 333-6408, Irvine Gymnastics and yoga classes for children and teens with developmental disabilities. See “Special Needs” for complete listing. • My Gym 3287 Industry Drive, near Redondo and Stearns (562) 986-0066 My Gym Long Beach has moved! They are just off Redondo Avenue, north of Stearns. My Gym has helped thousands of children, ages 6 weeks through 13 years, gain confidence and selfesteem in a loving and caring environment. The innovative, non-competitive tumbling and gymnastics program incorporates age-appropriate games, relays, fitness exercise, sports skills, group activities, and song and dance. Along with the constantly changing equipment setups, excellent student to teacher ratio and the experienced and caring staff, My Gym is the best place for your children! Call to sign up for a free guest class today. See ad with coupon on page 69.
Beginners to Advanced • Ages 7 and up
• Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Tumbling and gymnastics. (562) 570-3100. Most city recreation departments offer gymnastics. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. • Team OC Gymnastics, Cheer and Dance 385 Clinton St., Costa Mesa (714) 444-1144 Their 45,000 square-foot, state-of-the-art facility is filled with the latest and safest equipment for kids (3+). Programs include parent/child classes, boys and girls recreational gymnastic classes, girls competitive team, tumbling, cheer, dance, martial arts and even birthday parties with a rock wall. Also see “Camps,” “Cheerleading,” “Dance,” “Martial Arts” and “Parties.” See ad on page 20. USA Gymnastics (800) 345-4719, (317) 237-5050 Website provides information and resources for all areas of gymnastics, including artistic/rhythmic, acrobatic, trampoline and tumbling. YMCA Beginning to advanced gymnastics (3+) and teams. Anaheim (18 mos+), Downey (no teams) and Lakewood (includes summer camps) branches. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.
horsebackriding English and/or Western riding instruction, pony club, camps, and pony and trail rides. Also see: “Camps.” • Ann’s Lakewood Pony Rides and Ponies for Parties (626) 350-3049 Clean, decorated ponies are delivered to your home, school, fair or company picnic. Birthday parties are their specialty! Petting zoos, too! Studio rentals are also offered. Burbank party location available. Ann’s Lakewood Pony Rides was formerly located on Carson Street in Lakewood. See ad on page 62. Equestrian Centers The following locations offer beginning to advanced English and/or Western riding instruction (5+). Boarding is also available. Monthly leases for students who do not own a horse may be offered. • Anaheim Equestrian Center (949) 285-5286 Riding and horsemanship instruction (5+), plus school vacation camps and party packages with farm animals, by Fun With Horses. See additional listing in this section. 1370 Sanderson Ave., Ana-
Recreation Department Gymnastics • Anaheim Community Services Department - Parent and Me Gymnastics, Tiny Tot Gymnastics, Tumbling and Cheerleading (1½-16). $60-80. Rhythmic Gymnastics (6-11), six-week sessions, $90. (714) 765-5191. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Service More than 15 different gymnastics classes offered for kids (12 mos-18 yrs), $34-100, plus summer camp. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408.
HORSEBACK RIDING AT FIRST FIELD FARM English Riding & Jumping Instruction Beginning through Advanced • Horses Provided
• 18299 DUMONT AVE., CERRITOS • 562-924-2217 kidsguide spring/summer 2011 49
Windsong Farm Horseback Riding Lessons
H.B. Central Park Equestrian Center 18381 Golden West St.
One-hour lessons Tuesday - Sunday Beginning to Advanced Ages 5 to Adult Equitation • Horse Care • Grooming
$10 OFF First Lesson • New Students Only For more information and to sign up,
call 714-847-5093 heim. See ad on this page. Huntington Beach Central Park Equestrian Center (714) 848-6565 Also offers trial rides, party packages, saddle seat, dressage and therapeutic riding. 18381 Golden West St., Huntington Beach. Imperial Equestrian Center (562) 761-2552 Walk-in riding lessons. Summer day camp available. 5543 Leeds St., South Gate. Irvine Regional Park (714) 973-6835 Also offers trail rides. 1 Irvine Park Road, Orange. Orange County Fairgrounds (714) 708-1652 88 Fair Dr., Costa Mesa. • First Field Farm 18299 Dumont Ave., Cerritos (562) 924-2217 First Field Farm offers instruction in English horseback riding and jumping for beginning through advanced students. Beginner lessons include care of the horse as well as the basics of position and control. Private lessons are 30 minutes; group lessons, 45-50 minutes. Horses are provided. See ad on page 49.
50 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Fun with Horses at Anaheim Equestrian Center Riding Lessons for Kids that Love Horses Farm Life & Buckaroo Time
Rancho Del Rio Stables • (949) 285-5286 Anaheim Equestrian Center • 1370 S. Sanderson Avenue, Anaheim
• Fun With Horses 1370 Sanderson Ave., Anaheim (949) 285-5286 Offers a wide variety of programs for kids that love horses. Private lessons, preschool classes, parties, scout badge programs, day camps and field trips are available. Also in Silverado Canyon. See additional listing in this section, and in “Parties.” See ad on this page.
class includes safety and basic in-hand care of the horse as well as riding—all in a quiet, country setting. See ad on page 49.
Orange County Polo Club 23401 Via Pajaro, Coto de Caza (714) 791-8369 Opportunity for kids to learn polo skills and to eventually compete as polo players. No riding experience is required.
Country Trails and Riding School (714) 538-5860 1 Irvine Road, Orange.
• Rancho Rio Verde 1000 W. Carson St., Long Beach (310) 830-2060 Group and private English and Western riding instruction (6+) includes basic horsemanship, jumping and ring time. Leases are available. Small horse shows and play days are held throughout the year. Lessons are scheduled Tuesday through Sunday. Vaulting (gymnastics on horseback) and Horsemanship Camp (see “Camps”) available. Special programs and discounts for youth groups. Family-friendly atmosphere. See ad on page 51.
Lakewood Pony Adventure 11369 Carson St., Lakewood
Recreation Departments • Anaheim Community Services Department Horse Fun for Kids (3-12); four-week sessions, $60, plus $15 material fee. Parent participation is required for 3-6 year-old classes. (714) 765-5191. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Instruction at Lakewood Equestrian Center. (562) 425-1905. Many city recreation departments offer classes and camps in basic riding and horse care. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. • Sandie Mercer Ranch 11369 Carson St., Lakewood (562) 425-1905 Private and group instruction (7+) for Western, English and Jumping. Beginners through advanced lessons can be arranged to fit your schedule. Lessons are available seven days a week on your horse or theirs. The new Sunday “Introduction to Horses”
Trail and Pony Rides The following locations offer horseback riding along scenic routes for kids (7+) and adults. Kids must be accompanied by a parent or an adult guide will be provided. No double riding. Reservations may be required. Availability is weather permitting.
Horse Play Rentals (714) 848-6565 One-hour guided trail rides; reservations required. 18381 Golden West St., Huntington Beach. (562) 544-4010
Sunset Ranch Hollywood Stables (323) 469-5450 Located under the Hollywood sign. 3400 Beachwood Drive, Los Angeles. Wagonwheel Ranch Horseback Rides (310) 567-3582 Guided trail rides along Palos Verdes Peninsula. U.S. Pony Club (859) 254-PONY (7669) Educational program offering English riding instruction and competitions. Participants may lease a horse or use their own. • Windsong Farm Huntington Beach Equestrian Center 18381 Goldenwest St., Huntington Beach (714) 847-5093 English-style horseback riding lessons are offered at the beautiful Huntington Beach Equestrian Center. Tracy Baer, professional horse trainer and instructor, provides quality lessons for children, ages 5 and up—adults too! One hour lessons are conveniently scheduled Tuesday through Saturday. Each lesson includes basic equitation skills for all levels, plus horse care, grooming and tack. Horses are provided and carefully selected for each student. Come and enjoy the fun and challenge of English riding in a country setting! Mention this ad and new students will receive $10 off their first lesson. See ad on this page.
A Little Dynasty (Chinese) Irvine.
languages Instructional classes and schools. Also see: “Tutoring.” Colleges and Universities Cerritos College - Introduction to Spanish (6-17). (562) 467-5050. • Cypress College - Kids’ College - Spanish for Kids, Rock ‘N’ Learn Spanish, A Touch of Spanish, Sing and Learn Chinese, Spanish Camp and English as a Second Language (5-7 and 8+). Also offered at Anaheim and Fullerton campuses. (714) 4847038. Golden West College - Speed Spanish for Kids, summer only (9-14), (714) 895-0800. Santa Ana College - Spanish (8-12), (714) 5646594. • LangoKids Irvine 800 Roosevelt, Ste. 311, Irvine (714) 864-4680 LangoKids Irvine offers dynamic, fun and engaging Spanish, French and Mandarin Chinese immersion classes and summer camps for kids (ages 1-12). With their native speaking instructors, your child will acquire another language in a small group setting, gain exposure to new cultures, and have a blast in the process. Their classes incorporate original music, dance, games, storytelling and more to keep kids immersed and engaged in their target language. Open up windows of opportunity in your children’s lives with LangoKids Irvine. New classes available every 10 weeks. Call to join them for a free demo class. See ad on this page. • Portal Languages 2790 Harbor Blvd., #309, Costa Mesa 92626 (714) 979-1655 Portal Languages offer a language program for ages 5 and up for non-native speakers. Parents will find the program fun and entertaining as the language comes alive through music, puppets, books, theater and games. Research shows that preschool and elementary school children are at an optimal age for a second language, and that children who speak a second language test higher, speak better and retain languages longer. Portal offers instruction in Spanish, German, Portuguese, French, Italian and Mandarin. Call to find out about a free demo class. See ad on this page. Private Language Instruction The following schools offer language instruction for kids (3+), plus additional cultural activities and classes:
(949) 509-0288
Berlitz Jr. - Multiple Languages Costa Mesa Torrance
RIDING LESSONS Handicapped Riding Program
(888) 324-2123 (888) 471-9064
Horse Camp
German-American School Assoc. (562) 693-0223 Various locations.
Special Discounts for Youth Groups
German at Old World (714) 240-9662 Huntington Beach.
Japanese Lessons for Kids (949) 232-8739 Newport Beach. Language Door (949) 833-0900 Multiple Languages. Irvine. Long Beach Japanese School
(562) 598-4539
Southeast Japanese School Norwalk.
(562) 863-5996
Recreation Departments • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Conversational Spanish (6-11), six-week sessions, (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Hola Niños, Spanish for Kids (2-4); five-week sessions, $65. (562) 570-3100. Many city recreation departments offer language instruction. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information.
Leases Available
RANCHO RIO VERDE RIDING CLUB 1000 West Carson (East of Santa Fe) LONG BEACH, CA 90810
310/830-2060 • Young Ambassadors 5862 Bolsa Ave., #108, Huntington Beach (714) 803-9200 Help your child learn a second language that will be useful in the future! Young Ambassadors offers exciting and interactive after-school programs for students (grades 1-12) to learn Chinese culture and language. Each student will learn to read, speak and write Chinese through class instruction and computer lab time. Call for details on classes. See “Tutoring” for expanded list of course offerings and $10 off registration. See ad on page 28.
CLASSES & SUMMER CAMPS Spanish, French & Mandarin Chinese Immersion Programs • Ages 1-12
• Native speaking instructors • Small group settings • Original music, dance, games, storytelling & more • Group, in-school & private classes • Call for a FREE Demo Class! 800 Roosevelt, Ste. 311, Irvine • (714) 864-4680 •
( 7 1 4 ) 9 7 9 - 1 6 5 5 • w w w. p o r t a l l a n g u a g e s . c o m kidsguide spring/summer 2011 51
magic Instruction, clubs, stores and magicians for hire and referrals. Also see: “Parties.” • A-Life of the Party (562) 860-7797, (714) 903-7689, (626) 333-8764 Owned and operated by magician Dave Skale, this company features a network of LA’s best magicians. Performers offer a variety of specialities, including birthday parties, educational school shows (anti-drug, nutrition, etc.), fairs and festivals, company picnics and events, and much more. Over 20 years of experience. Call for a free consultation on how to make your party great! See ad on page 62. Golden West College for Kids 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach (714) 891-3991 The basics of magic in a three-meeting workshop (10-14); summer only. $64, plus materials fee. Magic Clubs The following clubs offer activities and instruction (7-18). Monthly meetings and club offerings vary. Annual dues may apply. International Brotherhood of Magicians, (636) 724-2400,; Orange County Magic Club,; and Society of Young Magicians, Magic Stores The following locations offer supplies and lessons for young magicians: Best Magic, Gags and Costume, 625 S. Magnolia Ave., Anaheim, (714) 827-6442,; Magic Galore and More, 6471 Westminster Ave. (inside Westminster Lanes), Westminster, (714) 891-6488, www.; Magicopolis, theater and party packages, 1418 Fourth St., Santa Monica, (310) 451-2241,; and Presto Books and Magic, 4195 Viking Way, Long Beach, (562) 425-4318.
martialarts Karate, judo, boxing, kickboxing, wrestling and self-defense classes (3+). Also see “Fencing.” • Alpert JCC Martial Arts Camps with Sensei Mac 3801 East Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1047 Two weeks of martial arts instruction for ages 3-12, led by premiere area instructor Sensei Mac. During 52 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
the week of July 25, the focus is on Mixed Martial Arts and Self Defense; during the week of August 1, kids will learn Jiu Jit Su, Grappling and Ground Sparring. Choose one or both weeks! All levels, including beginners, welcome. The AJCC also offers classes and private lessons with Sensei Mac throughout the year, for pre-schoolers through adults. • ATA Black Belt Academy TaeKwondo USA and Karate for Kids 5412 Bolsa Ave., Unit E, Huntington Beach (714) 899-1000 Classes for adults and children; group or private instruction. Children’s program begins at age 3. Classes are held Monday through Saturday. While learning self-defense and coordination, participants also learn life skills such as respect, self-esteem, discipline and self-confidence. Call today for a free lesson! Boxing for Kids DG Boxing - Fitness, self-defense classes and competition (6+). 5660 Pacific Coast Hwy., Long Beach. (562) 986-9421. Police Activities League (PAL) - Boxing (5-17). Yearly membership applies. Downtown Youth Center, 225 S. Philadelphia St., Anaheim. (714) 533-8255. USA Boxing - National Olympic governing body provides referrals to programs for boys and girls (8+). (719) 866-2300. Boys and Girls Club Fountain Valley offers beginning to advanced Karate and Tae Kwon Do (5+). Stanton offers a Saturday program by the Young Olympians. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • Kempo Karate, Jiu-Jitsu, Kick Boxing at Martial Arts Training Alliance 4184 Woodruff Ave., Lakewood 90713 (562) 425-9945 Let Martial Arts Training Alliance show you how the magic of the martial arts can significantly improve the quality of your child’s life. There are many advantages to participating in martial arts instead of team sports. Martial arts provide a way to learn not only the physical skills of athletics through self defense, but also develop mental skills like concentration, memory and self control. Great family rates, because the family that kicks together, sticks together! • Life Without Limits Pediatric Center (949) 333-6408, Irvine Martial arts classes for children and teens with developmental disabilities. See “Special Needs” for complete listing. • My Gym - Long Beach 3287 Industry Drive, near Redondo and Stearns (562) 986-0066
As students, ages 4-13, strive for different belt levels, they learn about setting goals and the discipline needed to reach them. Their successes give them the confidence to take on new challenges. Their improved levels of concentration and self-control help at home and school. Students enjoy learning in a safe, caring and fun atmosphere. By learning the kicks, punches and blocks, karate classes improve your child’s strength, flexibility, stamina, balance and coordination. See ad on page 69. Recreation Departments and College Classes • Anaheim Community Services Department Karate for Kids, Tae Kwon Do, and Parent and Child Karate (4-18); four to seven-week sessions, $39-60. Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian Jujitsu (5+) are also offered; $45-80. (714) 765-5191. Cerritos College - Kung Fu for Kids (5-12); summer only. (562) 467-5050. www.cerritoscommunityed. com • Cypress College - Kids’ College - Intro to Martial Arts/Parent and Me (4-6), Kung Fu (7-17), Karate as Self Defense (6-14) and Judo/Jujitsu (6-13). Classes offered in Anaheim and Fullerton. (714) 484-7038. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Karate, beginning - intermediate (5-15), Kempo Karate (5+), Little Dragons Kung Fu (5-12), Tae Kwon Do, beginning - advanced (5+); six and eight-week sessions, $37-50. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Boxing, year-round; Jujitsu and Karate, spring only; Mixed Martial Arts, summer only; and Shogun Discipline (7-14), (562) 570-3100. Homeland Cultural Center’s Ancient Khmer Martial Arts (tae kwon do), Wednesdays and Thursdays, 7 p.m., free to all ages. (562) 570-1655. • UCI - Martial Arts and Fencing (8+). June - August. (949) 824-3738. Most city recreation departments offer martial arts classes ranging from karate to self-defense. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. • Team OC Gymnastics, Cheer and Dance 385 Clinton St., Costa Mesa (714) 444-1144 Shu Jì martial arts is a unique 10-level program that blends martial arts and acrobatics. It is designed to develop strength, conditioning, flexibility and agility, while promoting the core values of martial arts: focus, discipline and respect. Classes for boys and girls (5-17). See “Gymnastics” for complete listing. See ad on page 20. Wrestling for Kids California USA Wrestling - Statewide governing body provides information about and links to clubs, camps and competitions.
Southern California Wrestling Academy - Programs and summer camp. E-mail: socalcamps@gmail. com.
Options can include make-up, fashion and dance boutiques. They serve Orange County, the Long Beach area, and the South Bay. See ad on page 63.
YMCA Anaheim offers Kempo (6+); Fullerton (4+) and Long Beach (Downtown, Fairfield, Los Cerritos) (5+) offer mixed martial arts; Orange offers Karate, Judo and Mixed (3+); and Yorba Linda offers Karate (5-12). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.
Lacrosse Beach Cities Youth Lacrosse for girls and boys (grades 3-8); fall practice, winter season. Serves Los Alamitos, Seal Beach, Long Beach and surrounding areas.
miscellaneous Products, services and sports that do not fit into Kidsguide’s traditional categories. • Art and Murals by Richard Bartoletti (562) 665-4528 E-mail: Kids’ rooms should be an enjoyable space for them to grow in. Full of fairy tales, story book characters and images that are important to them and stimulate their imaginations. Richard Bartoletti can create that “special” something you have been looking everywhere for. Whether it is Children’s Wall Art, Hand-painted Furniture, Kids Room Decor or a Hand-painted Mural. Mr. Bartoletti, an artist by trade, can create images that stimulate your children’s imaginations and transport them to magical worlds. See ad on this page. • DippyCups Kids eat more veggies when they dip! Fill these new, colorful silicone DippyCups with your child’s favorite sauce or salad dressing. Each DippyCup holds two tablespoons of dip; the perfect amount for kids. Bright, cheerful colors and teddy-head shape make meal times fun while teaching portion control! Great for snacks too. DippyCups are made of 100% FDA-grade silicone. They’re slip resistant, non-breakable and dishwasher safe. Invented by a local Long Beach Mom! Buy a Rainbow Pack today: $14.95, with free shipping. See ad on this page. Disc Golf The following parks offer courses for disc golf, which is played with a Frisbee following rules similar to golf. Most courses are open daily until sunset. Cerritos, Liberty Park, 9-basket course, (562) 9168565; Huntington Beach Central Park, 18-basket course, disc rental available, (714) 425-9931; Irvine’s Deerfield Park, 9 baskets, free disk rental with ID, (949) 724-6725; La Mirada Regional Park, 27-basket courses, (562) 902-5645; and Long Beach, 18-basket course, El Dorado Park West, (562) 570-3225. • Fundraising by Lorena, Independent Mary Kay Consultant (310) 525-0634, (424) 246-1047 Fundraisers offered for schools, dance studios, mom’s clubs, scouts, sports teams and more, offered by Lorena, Independent Mary Kay Consultant.
Southern California Youth Rugby Youth rugby for boys and girls (grades K-12) in Los Angeles and Orange counties. USA Badminton The governing body for the sport of badminton. Visit the website for local club contact information. USA Field Hockey Official organization of USA Field Hockey. Find local teams and local leagues. USA Table Tennis USATT-affiliated table tennis clubs offer training, tournaments and camps for all ages. Visit the website for local club contact information. YMCA Santa Ana - Lacrosse (5-13). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.
museums Museums in Southern California featuring permanent kid-friendly exhibits. Most museums offer group tours for schools and scouts. Visit the “Calendar” section (in print and online at for museum special events. Also see: “Science,” “Surfing” and “Trains” for additional museums. • Bowers Kidseum 1802 N. Main St., Santa Ana (714) 480-1520 The Bowers Kidseum presents an exciting and unique museum experience where children and their families interact with arts and cultures from around the world. Kidseum’s exhibits change monthly and are themed according to the treasures currently exhibited at the Bowers Museum. There is something new each time you visit! Programs include: Summer Art Camp Adventures, preschool classes, birthday parties, school tours, archaeological digs, art classes, second Friday story presentations and scout merit badge opportunities. Hours: Friday - Sunday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; (closed Mondays). General admission: free for Bowers members and children under 2 years; $6 per guest. See ad on page 29; coupon on page 93.
• Children’s Museum at La Habra 301 S. Euclid St., La Habra (562) 905-9693 Ride a kid-sized carousel, take a walk in T-Rex’s footprints, pet an arctic fox, a bear and a raccoon, pump your own gas, put on a show, drive a bus and dig for fossils—all in one afternoon! At the Children’s Museum at La Habra you’ll experience 10,000-squarefeet of hands-on exhibits for the entire family. Plus you can enjoy Super Saturday and Sunday programs and performances. Schools and youth groups receive special tours and/or curriculum. Birthday parties are also available (see “Parties”). New changing exhibit for 2011: “Water, Water Everywhere!” through May 31, learn about our planet’s water systems, how different cultures around the world deal with their water usage, some fun science facts regarding water, and how we can conserve water in our homes. Coming Summer 2011: “Art Escape,” June 14 - September 4. Be prepared to become an art genius and learn his-
• Easy portion control • Reusable • Less Mess
Long Beach Mom-Invented kidsguide spring/summer 2011 53
Family Room is open daily to stimulate kids’ interest in art through art projects. The villa’s activities include Art Odyssey for Families, Family Forum and TimeScape rooms. Getty Center: 1200 Getty Center Drive, Los Angeles. Free admission. Getty Villa: 7985 Pacific Coast Highway, Pacific Palisades. Free; advance timed tickets are required. One ticket includes up to three kids (15 and under). (310) 440-7300. Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens (626) 405-2100 Visit the interactive Children’s Garden (2-7) and the Conservatory for Botanical Science with hands-on science activities (8+). 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino. Free admission: first Thursdays, with reserved tickets. Japanese American Nat’l Museum (213) 625-1770 Focus on Japanese-American culture. 369 E. First St., Los Angeles. Free admission: Thursday, 5-8 p.m., and all-day every third Thursday. Kidspace Children’s Museum (626) 449-9144 Educational exhibits and interactive programs and activities in the arts, sciences and humanities. 480 N. Arroyo Blvd., Pasadena. tory’s most famous artists and create some fantastic art for yourself. Museum hours: Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sunday, 1-5 p.m.; and closed Mondays and major holidays. Admission: $7 per person, ages 3 and up. Closed September 5-30 for renovations. See ad on this page; coupon on page 95. Historical Sites Heritage Museum of OC (714) 540-0404 3101 West Harvard St., Santa Ana. Mission San Juan Capistrano (949) 234-1300 26801 Ortega Highway, San Juan Capistrano. www. Rancho Los Alamitos (562) 431-3541 6400 E. Bixby Hill Road, Long Beach. Rancho Los Cerritos (562) 570-1755 4600 Virginia Road, Long Beach. • Museum of Latin American Art (MoLAA) 628 Alamitos Ave., Long Beach (562) 437-1689 A collection of modern and contemporary Latin American art. Summer camps are offered for kids; see ad on page 21. • Newport Harbor Nautical Museum/ExplorOcean 600 E. Bay Ave., Newport Beach (949) 675-8915 Located on the waterfront of the Balboa Peninsula. Whether you’re a sailor or surfer, a diver or skimboarder, you’ll learn something new that will inspire a greater appreciation of that vast expanse of salt 54 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
water we all love. Experience their live marine animal touch tank or dive to the ocean’s depths in their “Alvin” submersible deep-sea diving simulator. A world of new experiences awaits! Also see “Parties.” • Pretend City Children’s Museum 29 Hubble, Irvine (949) 428-3900 Pretend City Children’s Museum is an interconnected city designed just for children (infant-10). The city is comprised of a grocery store, farm, doctor’s office, art studio, amphitheater, beach, marina, construction site and many other exhibits. At Pretend City, children learn through role play based on real-world experiences as they dress up as a police officer, deliver the mail, create art, compose music or put out a fire. Designed to align with the California State Standards and Preschool Learning Foundation, Pretend City’s educational programs engage children (pre-school - 3rd grade) through school field trips, where the museum is the classroom and learning comes to life! Also see “Parent Education,” “Parties” and “Special Needs.” See ad on back inside cover. Museums Autry National Center (323) 667-2000. Family programs explore the American West. Griffith Park, 4700 Western Heritage Way, Los Angeles. Free admission: second Tuesdays. Calif. African American Museum (213) 744-7432 History and culture with a focus on the African American journey from the west coast of Africa to the U.S. Free admission. 600 State Drive, Exposition Park, Los Angeles. Getty Center and Getty Villa - The center offers Family Art Stops and Art Adventures for Families, plus the
LACMA (323) 857-6000 Family Guides for kids (6-12) are available at the box office. NexGen LACMA is a free youth membership program that offers free general admission for kids 17 and under as well as one accompanying adult. 5905 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles. Free admission: second Tuesdays and everyday after 5 p.m. March Field Air Museum Home to more than 70 historic aircrafts and displays with more than 2,000 artifacts. 22550 Van Buren, Riverside. Marconi Auto Museum (714) 258-3001 A collection of historical, exotic and classic cars. 1302 Industrial Drive, Tustin. MOCA (213) 626-6222 Contemporary art from 1940 to the present. Free admission: Thursday evenings, 5-8 p.m. Museum of Tolerance (310) 553-8403 Interactive exhibits encourage visitors (recommended for 10+) to find solutions to social problems, learn about hate groups and experience the events leading up to the Holocaust and World War II. 9786 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles. Muzeo (714) 956-8936 Current exhibits include “Gold” and “Chocolate.” 241 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (213) 763-3466 The “Age of Mammals” exhibit and the Dino Lab allow visitors to watch the assemblage of real dinosaur fossils. The new Dinosaur Hall, opens July 2011. Summer day camp (grades pre-K-6), “Adventures in Nature,” weeklong sessions, July and August. Exposition Park, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles. Free admission day: Tuesdays.
Newport Sports Collection (949) 721-9333 More than 10,000 pieces of sports memorabilia. Free admission. 100 Newport Center Drive, Ste. 100, Newport Beach. Page Museum at the La Brea Tar Pits (323) 934-7243 Interactive displays of the Tar Pits and Southern California during the Ice Age. Visitors can watch fossil excavation and assembly. Adventures in Nature day camp is offered for kids (grades pre-K-8) in weeklong sessions during school breaks. Hancock Park, 5801 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles. Free admission: first Tuesdays. Petersen Automotive Museum (323) 930-2277 More than 300 vehicles, plus photographs, artwork and the Hot Wheels Hall of Fame. Summer camps are offered. 6060 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles. Skirball Cultural Center (310) 440-4500 Music, theater, comedy, film, family and literary programs, plus an interactive Noah’s Ark, where kids can play, climb and problem-solve. 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles. Free admission: Thursdays. Tankland (626) 442-1776 Tanks and military vehicles on display. 1918 Rosemead Blvd., South El Monte. The Paley Center for Media (310) 786-1000 Radio listening room, a working radio station and 60 computer terminals with more than 150,000 television and radio programs. Free admission. 465 N. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills. Wells Fargo History Museum (213) 253-7166 An original Concord Coach, a historically re-created agent’s office, working telegraphs, Western artifacts and a 27-ounce gold nugget are on display. Free audio guide and admission. 333 South Grand Ave., Los Angeles.
music Instrument instruction, bands, orchestras, choirs, camps and music-appreciation classes. Also see: “Theater Arts” for vocal instruction and “Calendar” for live performances. • Alley Kat Music Center 9205 Valley View St., Cypress (714) 229-8528 Private music lessons with experienced and highly recommended teachers including a variety of teachers with MTAC certification if so desired. Offered for kids (ages 4+) through adult. Areas of expertise include: piano, flute, sax, percussion, clarinet, oboe, French horn, trumpet, organ, accordion, violin, cello, voice, guitar, bass and ukulele. All rentals are school-approved instruments
Alley Kat Music Center
Lessons in Piano, Guitar, Wind, String, Percussion, Worship & Rock Band • Ages 4 & up • Summer Camp
FREE GUITAR WITH 3 MONTHS PAID LESSON! Instrument rental, sing-along CDs, accessories & sheet music 9205 Valley View St., Cypress • • (714) 229-8528
Want a weekly calendar of family events e-mailed to you each week?
SIGN UP FOR THE BUZZ kidsguide spring/summer 2011 55
KIDSGUIDE ADVERTISING PROOF Applied Music Studio Violin • Voice • Guitar Piano • Cello • Woodwinds • Ages 3+ • “Keyboard for Kids” • New & Used Instruments • School Approved Rentals • Rent with an Option to Buy • Music Professionals with Degrees • State Certification Available • Private, Semi-private & Group Lessons
FREE MUSIC LESSON Schedule one today! (562) 596-1287
New students only. Not valid with other coupons. Exp. 9/15/11.
10900 Los Alamitos Blvd, Ste. 203, Los Alamitos (corner of Florista & Pine) Email: and come with an option to buy. Alley Kat Music Center offers everything the beginner musician9/7 revised needs to get started. Also see “Camps.” See ad on page 55. • Applied Music Studio 10900 Los Alamitos Blvd., Ste. 203, Los Alamitos (562) 596-1287 Enhance your child’s (3+) education by trying a free lesson at Applied Music Studio. They offer instruction in violin, voice, guitar, woodwinds, viola, theory, piano, as well as a “Keyboard for Kids” program, all taught by degreed professionals. Applied Music Studio has new and used instruments for sale, and school-approved instruments for rent with an option to buy. Mention Kidsguide to book your free lesson today! Located at the corner of Florista and Pine. E-mail: appliedmusicstudio@ See ad on this page.
Boys and Girls Club Anaheim (6+): piano and voice lessons. Buena Park (6-18): piano (keyboard attached to computer). Fountain Valley: guitar (8+), piano (6+) and voice. Long Beach: guitar, drums, bass, keyboard and digital recording (6-18). Stanton: youth choir, school year only. Tustin: chorale group, guitar and music appreciation. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • California Arts Center at OCHSA 1010 N. Main St., Santa Ana (714) 560-0900, Ext. 5630 Offers two twelve-week sessions on Saturdays during the school year in guitar and choral voice. Also, summer camps in musical theatre and guitar begin June 20 (grade 3 and up). See listings in “Arts and Crafts” and “Camps” for full program descriptions.
Does your child love to sing?
• California Music Studios Jennifer Paterson, President (800) 227-6222 Did you know that music students have better math and science skills, score 61% higher on the SAT’s, and are 52% more likely to attend college than the average student? California Music Studios invites your family to enjoy all the benefits that learning music has to offer, through private instruction in the comfort of your home or in one of over 300 locations. CMS offers lessons in all instruments and styles of music, and will find you the highly trained, university graduate teacher that best suits your needs. Their friendly staff is available to assist students seven days a week, and their teachers are happy to set a lesson schedule that is convenient for you. California Music Studios’ free recital program keeps students motivated, and with over 65 performances a year, students are able to perform regularly. Please call or visit their website today to see what makes them different. See ad on page 57. Classics for Kids Foundation (508) 740-8331 The foundation helps students find musical instrument loan programs and assists music education and performance programs by providing grants for quality instruments. Colleges and Universities Cerritos College - Piano (three levels, 6-14) and beginning and intermediate guitar (8-17), plus Community Band and Community Orchestra (10+). (562) 467-5050. • Cypress College - Kids’ College - Bass Guitar for Kids (10+), Playing the Cello (7+), KeyboardPiano/beginning through intermediate (7+), Guitar for Kids (6+), Violin (4+), Vocal for Kids (7+), Guitar (9+), Songs of Guitar Hero (7+), Intro to the Harp (7+), Music, Dance and Me (1-5) and Songs of the Disney Channel (7+); four to eight-week sessions. $35-80. Also offered at Anaheim and Fullerton campuses. (714) 484-7038. Golden West College for Kids - Beginning Drums (9-16) and Beginning Guitar (8-12); summer only. (714) 891-3991.
a proof of your ad that will appear in Kidsguide’s 2010/11 fall/winter issue. Please check one of the Kids 5-18 • Each child represents a different country and heritage. Santa Ana College - Singing (8-12) and Guitar (10following boxes andPerformances fax or mailheld thelocally, SIGNED proof form ASAP. 15). (714) 564-6594. nationally & worldwide. Auditions held regularly; call for an appointment.
• Dexter Music Academy (949) 400-4664 • The Dexter Music Academy, based out of Newport Beach, helps its students—no matter how nov____________________________________________ Date _____________________________ ice or seasoned—realize their artistic goals in a relaxed, productive setting in your own home. All music programs custom-tailored to meet the NOTE: You are 100% responsible for proofreading your ad. Remember to double-check phone are numneeds of each student, ranging from casual playesses, logos and spelling. If you have any corrections, please mark them clearly on this andaspirations, fax with an overall view ers to proof professional Past President of MTAC Long Beach back to us as soon as possible. We willInstruction send you for a revised proof for approval. Our policy is to send toward long-term goals. Performance recitals twice Ages 8 - Adult per year give each student an opportunity to showd proof at no charge. Additional changes may incur a fee (minimum $25). case their skills in front of family, peers and friends. Comprehensive Program including Certificate of Merit Quarterly progress reports are provided so that parents can look back and track how each student Call for a free interview 562-493-1580 • 1873 Chatwin Ave., Long Beach
[ ] I approve of my ad with the corrections marked (562) 421-8776 [ ] I approve of my ad without corrections
Katherine Panian Piano Studio
Kidsguide • FAX: 562.799-0142 • PHONE: 562-799-0140
56 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Exp. 9-15-11
has grown over time. Best of all, the Dexter Music Academy offers busy parents a break by providing in-home lessons that give students the ultimate in personal attention, while giving parents a break from driving and waiting. The Dexter Music Academy operates for families in the Orange County and Long Beach areas. See ad on this page. Four Seasons Youth Orchestra (714) 374-3766 Three orchestras for kids (6-25). Now rehearsing at Saddleback College; performances are held throughout Orange County, including the Irvine Barclay Theatre. Placement is available for all ensembles, strings, winds and brass. Scholarships available. Auditions by appointment through May;
auditions for 2011-2012 season in mid-September. New York City performance tour in June. • International Children’s Choir (562) 421-8776 Dressed in authentic costumes from around the world, members (5-18) of the International Children’s Choir delight audiences through song and dance, promoting peace and cultural unity. Kids have opportunities to perform year-round at many local venues as well as the possibility of performing nationwide and worldwide, or even recording and television appearances. Each member represents a different country and heritage. Auditions are held regularly; call for an appointment. E-mail: See ad on page 56.
International Peace Choir Quest Learning Center, 11976 Artesia Blvd., Artesia (562) 420-6818 Peace Ambassadors (5-18) perform songs and dances from around the world in local, national and international performances. Ongoing auditions. Mondays, 6:15 p.m. • Jammin’ Music & Arts 4228 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach (562) 490-0222 Long Beach’s coolest music center has classes for all ages! From private lessons to group classes, students develop solid skills and technique in a fun, supportive atmosphere. Private lessons (piano, guitar, bass,
kidsguide spring/summer 2011 57
prove their singing ability are offered by Kelly Summer Vocal Studio. Kelly Summer is a career singer and voice teacher with a Masters Degree in vocal performance from USC and over 20 years experience in the music business. Her specialization is in contemporary jazz, rock and hip hop/R&B. Students learn vocal technique, repertoire, audition/performance skills and musicianship, all in a private studio setting. Also see “Special Needs.”
340 Members 7 Chorus Levels - Ages 5-20 (949) 250-9114
drums, voice, cello, violin, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet and flute) are tailored to your skill level whether you’re just beginning or a more advanced player. Group instruction includes guitar, keyboard, Rock School (ages 10-adult, learn how to groove together in a band!), string ensembles, Melody Time (ages 1-2), Little Music Makers (ages 3-6) and Little Musicians (ages 5-7). All lessons are taught by professional musicians with performing and recording experience that know how to make learning music fun! Summer camps are also offered, see “Camps.” See ad on page 59. • Jazz Angels (562) 223-0086 Level specific jazz bands comprised of young musicians ages 11-17. Musicians learn to play (or improve how they play) this great American music through a unique method of music mentoring. Three, eight-week sessions throughout the school year. E-mail: • Katherine Panian Piano Studio (562) 493-1580 Katherine Panian, born in Germany and raised in a family with a rich musical history, specializes in teaching children ages 8 and up, as well as adults. As a member, past president and honorary advisor of the Music Teachers’ Association, she offers her students the Certificate of Merit Program, a comprehensive plan that develops performance skill, techniques, ear-training, sight reading skills, and an understanding of music theory. Lessons are conveniently scheduled on weekdays, with two recitals held annually. As a church organist with over 25 years experience, Katherine knows how to motivate students to enjoy and excel in the world of music. See ad on page 56. • Kelly Summer Vocal Studio (562) 833-6444, Long Beach Voice lessons for kids and adults who want to im-
58 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
• Kick It Up 8129 East Wardlow Road, Long Beach (562) 430-1812 Learn to play the piano, guitar, flute, (and more) or sing at Kick It Up. Their noncompetitive environment allows students to achieve and excel in music. Beginning at age 5 and through adults, their students enjoy practicing, become involved in school orchestra and bands, participate in the OCSHA program and perform with the CSULB madrigal choir. Classes are affordable, family-priced based, offered seven days a week, and offer the opportunity to perform in a spring recital. See ads on pages 31, 43 and 65. • Life Without Limits Pediatric Center (949) 333-6408, Irvine Music classes for children and teens with developmental disabilities. See “Special Needs” for complete listing. Long Beach Junior Concert Band 3221 Industry Drive, Signal Hill (562) 498-4300 Concert band for kids (12+) who play an instrument or are interested in pageantry (banners, shield bearers, flag drill and dancers). Drums, tuba and baritone instruments provided. Performances and competitions are scheduled throughout the year. $10 per month; one-time uniform fee, $38.50. • Music Teachers’ Association of California (562) 493-1580 Free referrals to qualified instructors in keyboard, winds, guitar, strings and vocals. Contact Katherine Panian at above number. • Music Together at the Beach (562) 223-0089, Kendra Cogert Music Together ® is a squeal of delight, a grateful parent, a toddling drummer, an infant “coo.” Research-based and beautifully developed, this national program is based on the premise that all children are musical, and parents and other primary care-givers play a crucial role in activating and nurturing their child’s music development. Weekly parent-child classes offer 45 minutes of engaging and fun music-making experiences that allow children to develop tonal and rhythm competence with ease. Activities include songs, rhythmic rhymes, movement and instrument play. Classes are informal and non-performance oriented. They are developmentally appropriate for children newborn through age 4, and easy for adults, regardless
of musical ability. Music Together may offer you and your child the most satisfying music experience ever! For information about other Music Together locations, visit See ad on page 59; coupon on page 95. • Pacific Conservatory Costa Mesa Campus (714) 545-1217 Orange Campus (714) 545-1217 Group and private instruction is available for piano, guitar, drums, violin, cello, flute, sax, singing (traditional and musical theatre vocal). Elementary piano classes (ages 3-11) include singing, ear training, reading and lots of fun! All instrumental classes (ages 5-14) include technic and performing opportunities. Private lessons are available for all instruments. Classes and private lessons cover beginning through advanced levels. Comprehensive musicianship programs provide pre-professional training. Call today to schedule a free introductory class! Locations: 151 Kalmus, G-1, Costa Mesa, 92626; and 1311 E. Katella Ave., Orange, 92867. Formerly Pacific School of Music and the Arts. See coupon on page 95. Recreation Departments • Anaheim Community Services Department - Parent and Me and youth music classes (4 mos-12 yrs), including Kids Love Music, Bouncing Babies, Toddler Tunes, Family Music, Singing, Guitar, Piano, Drums and Musical Theater. (714) 765-5191 www. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Drums for Fun (6-12), guitar (10+), piano (4+), plus a performance class for instrumentalists; three or tenweek sessions. $65-105. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Piano (4+), guitar (10-17), ukulele (10+), Music and Movement (2-4), percussion (10+), Melody Time (1-2) and Little Music Makers (3-6). (562) 570-3111. Homeland Cultural Center: drums, Tuesdays; guitar, Thursdays; music improvisation jam, Saturdays, 4-6 p.m., free to all ages. (562) 570-1655. Most city recreation departments offer music classes that may include drums, guitar, piano, parent and me, singing/voice/choir and music appreciation. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. • Southern California Children’s Chorus (949) 250-9114 The SCCC is dedicated to meeting the musical education and performance needs of children. Currently 340 singers are enrolled, ranging from 5-20 years of age and encompassing seven levels of sequential vocal and choral instruction. Directed by a highly skilled staff of directors, the choristers are immersed in compositions in multiple languages from many cultures, with themes ranging from the classics to folk and contemporary music. Weekly rehearsals are held September to May. $370-809 per year. See ad on this page.
Suzuki Association of the Americas, Inc. (888) 378-9854 The Suzuki method emphasizes teaching by sound and repetition before learning to read music. The association offers free referrals to instructors. • The Singing Workshop Belmont Shore, Long Beach (562) 252-2522 The Singing Workshop welcomes students (grades 1-5) to group singing lessons in a fun and supportive environment. Classes are held in six-week sessions, one hour per week. No prior singing experience or audition is required. Students learn proper vocal technique covering a variety of musical styles. Classes are taught by professional musicians and are limited in size. Sign-ups are being accepted now for spring and summer; cost is $100 per six-week session. Private instruction is also available. For more information, call or send e-mail to
Wanna Sing? Draw? Act? Play Guitar? all it o D at...
Parenting classes and workshops, plus a resource library. Also see: “Emergency and Family Services” and “Support Groups.” Boys and Girls Club Fullerton, Garden Grove and Huntington Beach offer classes in parenting skills. Garden Grove also offers a family literacy class. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Camp Fire USA 1505 E. Seventeenth St., Ste. 225, Santa Ana (714) 547-5200 Sharing Healthy Adolescent Parent Experiences (S.H.A.P.E) classes are designed to educate preteens, teens (9-16) and their parents about sensitive issues concerning healthy development. Topics include puberty, personal hygiene and peer pressure. • Children’s Home Society of California (CHS) Resource and Referral 330 Golden Shore, Ste. 20, Long Beach (562) 256-7490 Resource and Referral offers a variety of child care resources to the community, such as child care referrals, resources for assessing the quality of child care services, workshops, and a lending library that offers age-appropriate activities, toys and parenting videos. See ad on page 39. • Connie Wax, Certified SENG Facilitator 4050 Katella Ave., Ste. 203, Los Alamitos (714) 300-3163 Specializing in therapy for gifted and talented children, adults and their families. Connie came to appreciate the unique needs of this group while raising her own gifted children. Her personal experience blossomed
J AMMIN ’ M USIC & A RTS Private & Group Lessons i n: ART
Piano, Guitar, Voice Drawing & Painting Anime Drums, Violin Saxophone, Flute MUSICAL THEATER Clarinet, Trumpet Drama & Improv Cello Vocal Coaching Rock School Rock Musicals Preschool Music
Choose from music, art & drama/musical theater (or do all three!) FULL DAY OR PART-DAY OPTIONS AVAILABLE see our website for full schedule
Café on site serving light snacks and healthy drinks 4228 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach, CA 90807
Connie Wax, Therapist
(562) 490-0222
Individual • Marriage Family & Children
Is parenting becoming too much? Are you struggling with your child? ARE YOU FEELING? IS YOUR CHILD FEELING? • Confused • Misunderstood • Alone • Lonely • Resentful • Different/Odd • Burned Out • Discouraged • Out of Control • Alienated Expertise in working with gifted children and adults.
(714) 300-3163 MSW, ACSW #21515 • Supervised by Kate Nulty, LCSW #19816 kidsguide spring/summer 2011 59
Casa Youth Shelter (800) 914-2272 CASA Classes for parents of teenagers. Sliding scale fee. Bilingual. 10911 Reagan St., Los Alamitos. www.
Overwhelmed? Debra A. Hill, M.D.
understands parenting can be difficult Specializing in: • Parenting Strategies • Early Mother/ Child Bond • Treatment of Early Trauma Offices in Laguna Hills & Irvine
Se´ habla español
Private Coaching Group Discussions • Reference Materials Behavioral Observations Professional Referrals Practical Solutions to Daily Problems
Diplomat of American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology
5374 East Village Road Long Beach
(949) 833-7993
Specializing in parent empowerment and educational evaluations for children ages 5-14 with characteristics related to learning disabilities, inattention/ hyperactivity, and autism. Services are home-based to allow for familiarity. Free initial consultation. Services range from:
into a passion for helping parents of the gifted guide and support their children towards a fulfilling and meaningful life. Connie is committed to assisting parents navigate the often rough waters of child rearing. Her own personal experiences, along with 10 years of clinical expertise, make her a unique resource for the community. Connie is certified to facilitate SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted) parent groups; ten-week SENG parent discussion groups begin in September and January. In addition to working with the gifted, she treats all life issues. Also see “Support Groups.” See ad on page 59. • Debra Hill, M.D. 2212 Dupont, Ste. I, Irvine (949) 833-7993 Dr. Debra Hill understands that raising children is difficult and frustrating at times. She helps parents to find and appreciate unique traits in each child. In this process she enables parents to discover their own abilities and strengths. Dr. Hill is a physician, board certified in adult, adolescent, child and infant psychiatry. She works with problems in early motherchild bonding, early emotional trauma, families going through divorce, as well as many other emotional and behavioral difficulties, through individual psychotherapy, family therapy, parent therapy, play therapy with children, and psychoanalysis. Locations in Irvine and Laguna Hills. See ad on this page. • Engage – Parent Coaching and Education 5374 E. Village Road, Long Beach (562) 881-0815 60 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Children’s Hospital of Orange County (714) 532-8887 Free and low-cost bilingual classes and workshops for parents and families, plus free, pre-recorded advice on health and parenting issues available at (714) 912-8927. Find a complete list on their website under “Community.” • Cypress College (714) 484-7038 Homework Tips for Parents and Parenting Tips and Tricks. Exchange Club Family Support Center (562) 904-9590 Nine and three-week sessions. Bilingual. 8320 Iowa St., Downey.
Traveling Educational Psychologists
✩ Consultation to assist with parent self-advocacy and parent empowerment skills ✩ Simple intervention building ✩ Full evaluations to determine educational disabilities and/or giftedness ✩ Independent evaluations as a second opinion ✩ Building school, home, and community based interventions based on formal assessment.
Child Abuse Prevention Center of Orange County (714) 543-4333 Free, in-home parenting programs. Bilingual services. 500 S. Main St., Ste. 1100, Orange. www. 562-912-5232
Parenting can present as many challenges as it does joys. A parent coach can provide quick, practical solutions to daily problems, assist in the development of long term goals, and let you know how to combat behaviors that are “just developmental.” A little direction and a fresh perspective can, quickly, take you from struggle to celebration. See ad on this page. • LHD, Inc. Psychological Services 2140 W. Chapman Ave., Ste. 253, Orange (714) 264-9446 With over 20 years of experience, LHD, Inc. Psychological counseling team offers high-quality, lowcost mental health services to women, men and families who otherwise would be unable to afford the help they so desperately need. They offer individual, couple, group, child and family counseling; substance abuse prevention, education, treatment and recovery; domestic violence and divorce recovery counseling and support; and parenting, life skills and anger management training. Also, Director La’Tonda Davis recently appeared in the Discovery Health Network’s “My Strange Addictions.” Parenting Classes Through Community Agencies • Anaheim Community Services (714) 765-5191 Baby and Parent Sign Language, six-week class sessions or one-day workshops are offered.
• Long Beach Parks Recreation and Marine (562) 570-3100 Parent Talk: Family Communication 101; six-week sessions, $65. Mariposa Women and Family Center (714) 547-6494 Bilingual. 812 W. Town and Country Road, Orange. Orange Coast College (714) 432-5880, Ext. 1 Search “Parenting” on their website. Parent Education Classes at Miller Children’s Hospital (800) 636-6742 Bilingual. Long Beach. • Pretend City Children’s Museum 29 Hubble, Irvine (949) 428-3900 Parents are invited to attend a monthly conversation led by local parent educators and a Pretend City Early Childhood Educator. Topics may include: parenting styles, child development, parent advocacy, school readiness, health topics and more. Learn new parenting techniques that will bring more peace into your home; discover how your parenting style influences your child’s behavior; learn creative ways to increase harmony among family members. Check their website for a schedule of topics. Also see “Museums” for complete listing. See ad on the back inside cover. • Traveling Educational Psychologists (562) 912-5232 Empowering parents in the often confusing and sometimes frustrating maze of support for children with giftedness, learning or intellectual
disabilities, inattention, hyperactivity and autistic-like characteristics. On staff they have both licensed educational psychologists as well as a speech/language pathologist who specializes in educational consultation, evaluations, home/ school/community intervention building, and parent empowerment for children ages 5-14. Evaluations and consultations are completed inhome to better assess skills with the reduction of anxiety. Call today for a free initial consultation. See ad on page 60.
parties Party packages and entertainment at your home or party facility. Also see: your area of interest. Party packages are listed throughout Kidsguide. • 300 Anaheim 321 W. Katella, Anaheim (714) 783-2810 Throwing your child’s birthday party? Well, take a break this year and let someone else take care of the details. Invitations. Decorations. Catering. Games. At 300 Anaheim, it’s all there so you and your guests can celebrate exactly the way you want. Choose from a variety of birthday packages
or consider reserving Club 300, a private suite soundproofed for kids. See ad on this page. • A-Life of the Party (562) 860-7797, (714) 903-7689, (626) 333-8764 “The best children’s entertainers in Southern California!” Their expert staff features top performers including magicians, clowns, super heroes, princesses and fairy tale and holiday characters. Plus they offer karate parties, dress-up/glamour parties, karaoke sing-alongs, puppet shows, reptile shows, pony rides/petting zoos and much more. Over 20 years of experience. Call for a free consultation on how to make your party great! See ad on page 62. • Adventure City 1238 S. Beach Blvd., Anaheim (714) 236-9300 What a day of excitement! Play in Adventure City as long as you like; enjoy one-hour in the whimsical Party Station eating pizza and other treats served by your own party hostess; take a private train ride with your child as the engineer, and much more. Adventure City provides everything from invitations to wonderful memories. Parents can relax and enjoy the party. See “Attractions” for more information. See discount coupon on page 93. • Anaheim Community Services Department (714) 765-5219 Art Mobile Party Packages can take your party to
the next level! Perfect for birthday parties, but can be custom tailored for your special occasion. Each package is designed for children 5 years and older. Packages accommodate up to 12 participants and may include crafts, face painting, goodie bags, balloons and pictures. Packages available Saturdays and Sundays, and must be in Anaheim. Price $95 per hour, with options to accommodate your party. Choose from “The Champions Party,” for the sports enthusiast; “Fit for a Knight, Pretty as a Princess,” a fairytale come true; or “Bubble, Bubble,” a fun-filled time with bubbles! Call to make a reservation. • Anaheim Equestrian Center 1370 Sanderson Ave., Anaheim (949) 285-5286 Fun With Horses at Anaheim Equestrian Center and in Silverado Canyon offers birthday parties and scouting badge programs. Site rental available for corporate events as well. Also see “Horseback Riding.” See ad on page 50. • Ann’s Lakewood Pony Rides and Ponies for Parties (626) 350-3049 Clean, decorated ponies delivered to your home, school, fair or company picnic. Birthday parties are their specialty! Petting zoos, too. Studio rentals are also offered. Burbank party location available. Ann’s Lakewood Pony Rides was formerly located on Carson St. in Lakewood. Serving LA and Orange counties since 1976. See ad on page 62.
kidsguide spring/summer 2011 61
Adventures in Marine Biology Educational & Fun Live Tidepool Animals • Camps Field Trips • Birthday Parties Special Events We Come To You!
• Aquarium of the Pacific 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach (562) 951-1630 Let the Aquarium supply all the ingredients for an unforgettable party, with the selection of a shark, marine mammal or turtle theme! Birthday parties include a one-hour classroom program featuring animal touch time, biofact discovery and a takehome souvenir craft project. The party concludes with an additional half hour in the classroom for the birthday celebration. Guests are welcome to bring their own cake; juice and ice cream can be provided for an additional cost. All you need to do is call at least two weeks prior to reserve a date (subject to availability) and then invite your guests. Birthday sleepovers are also offered. Cost: $39 per person (minimum 15 guests). Members discount available. See ad on page 13; discount coupon on page 93. • Art Smart Studio for Kids 3823 E. 7th St., Long Beach (562) 439-4777 Book your birthday party with Art Smart Studio for Kids and pick from one of their themed party options. Each child will receive a goody bag and will take home their completed projects the same day. Parties are scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays at the studio, in your home or at a park. See ad on page 9. • ATA Black Belt Academy TaeKwondo USA and Karate for Kids (714) 899-1000 The academy offers birthday parties, along with Girl and Boy Scout meetings. Rental space is available for groups, aerobics, kickboxing, yoga, etc. See “Martial Arts” for more information.
We deliver clean decorated ponies anywhere... home, school, event, etc. Birthdays are our specialty! Preschool & Weekday Specials Studio Rentals
62 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
• Averyboo Arts 3908 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach (562) 912-4800 Plan a unique party for your child at Averyboo Arts. Guests can enjoy easel painting, craft tables, building blocks, art appreciation installations, dress-up with mini stage and more during the party. There’s even an indoor “chalk walk” where party guests can literally draw on the walls. Customize your party further by adding face painting, a creative art project or themed activity. Complimentary party consultation available. Recommended for ages 2 and up. Also see “Arts and Crafts.” See ad on page 8. • Birthday Parties at PDA Sports Training Center 15064 Shoemaker Ave., Sante Fe Springs (562) 229-1927 PDA offers private birthday parties where kids can bounce, run and jump in lots and lots of space. A big hit at their birthday parties is the Giant Pit, where kids can leap into a pool of soft, pillow-like foam wedges. Their party packages are offered Friday evenings and weekend afternoons. See “Gymnastics” for complete listing. See ad on page 22.
• Blue Submarine (888) 218-8085 The Blue Submarine offers fun, educational adventures in marine biology. They bring live tidepool animals to you, adding an unforgettable experience to your birthday party or special event. The Blue Submarine allows your guests to visit the tidepool without getting wet! Call today to book your party or special event! See ad on this page. • Bowers Kidseum 1802 N. Main St., Santa Ana (714) 480-1520 Bowers Kidseum offers an exciting and unique museum experience for children to interact with arts and cultures from around the world (see “Museums”). They present an exciting and affordable place to host birthday parties and festive celebrations. Arrange for storytellers, unique art projects and face painting centered on your celebration theme! Throughout the celebration, enjoy Bowers Kidseum with its new, interactive exhibits as well as the permanent hands-on treasures, including international masks, musical instruments, exotic costumes and more! See ad on page 29; coupon on page 93. • California Pets 1807 E. Chapman Ave., Orange (714) 289-7755 If your child likes things that slither and slide, jump and wiggle, then a party at California Pets’ Party Shack is just the thing. This full-service pet store offers fun and unique children’s parties and educational scout outings on site, including puppy parties and reptile parties. See ad on page 63. • Children’s Museum at La Habra 301 S. Euclid St., La Habra (562) 905-9793 “Create Your Own” birthday parties are held on Saturdays and Sundays. Party includes museum T-shirt and bag, birthday buttons, invitations, child’s name on the birthday throne, table and chair party room set up, 12 helium balloons and lots of fun in the museum exhibits. Call for prices. See ad on page 54. • Choo Choo Train Company (877) 424-6624 The Choo Choo Train is a wonderful addition to kids’ parties, festivals, parades, fairs, schools and corporate events. It can ride up to 18 kids or 12 adults. Call now to book your party and receive 10% off when you mention “Kidsguide.” Also see “Trains.” See ad on page 63. • Clay on First 406 East 1st St., Unit B, Long Beach (562) 495-4362 Hold your next birthday party, special event or even a workshop for your daughter’s Girl Scout’s ceramics badge at Clay on First, which has a fun and welcoming atmosphere. Small or large groups can be accommodated for wheel, hand-sculpting and
paint-a-pot parties. Call for more information or visit online. Also see “Arts and Crafts” and “Camps.” See ad on page 9. • ClimbX Indoor Rock Climbing Party 18411 Gothard St., Unit I, Huntington Beach (714) 843-9919 ClimbX is an indoor rock climbing facility that caters to all ages and skill levels. They provide a safe and controlled environment where your children can enjoy the thrill of competing with their friends to make it to the top. If you’re looking for a new and exciting way to celebrate the big day, try a rock climbing party! See ad on page 71; coupon on page 94. • East West Ice Palace 11446 Artesia Blvd., Artesia (562) 809-6200 Fun party package includes public skating session admission and use of a private party room. They provide the pizza, cake, soft drinks and party supplies. You can even add on a skating lesson for your party guests. Also see “Skating and Hockey.” See ad on page 81; coupon on page 95. • Frogg’s Bounce House 16121 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley (714) 418-0442 Party guests will bounce, slide and leap at the newest 9,000-square-foot indoor inflatable play zone. They’ll also enjoy the playhouse, train table and disco karaoke tiki hut. There’s even a special toddler-only area for younger guests. Have your next birthday party or special event in Frogg’s Bounce House’s large party room, complete with dance area. Comfortable seating and free WiFi for the grown-ups. See “Calendar” for Date Nights. Also see “Playgrounds.” See ad on page 65. • Fundraising Parties by Lorena, Independent Mary Kay Consultant (310) 525-0634, (424) 246-1047
Parties • Festivals • Parades • Fairs Schools • Corporate Events 1-877-4-CHOO-CHOO 1-877-424-6624
Seatbelts & realistic train whistle. Rides up to 18 kids or 12 adults. Our trackless train can be ridden on any flat surfaces.
Fundraising parties are offered for schools, dance studios, mom’s clubs, scouts, sports teams and more, by Lorena, Independent Mary Kay Consultant. Options can include make-up, fashion and dance boutiques. They serve Orange County, the Long Beach area, and the South Bay. See ad on this page. • Golf N’ Stuff Family Fun Park 10555 E. Firestone Blvd., Norwalk (562) 868-9956 Have your child’s next birthday party, team party or scouting event at Golf N’ Stuff Family Fun Park! Pizza Party packages can include easy or challenging miniature golf and exciting rides, including go-karts, bumper boats, bumper cars, Disk’O Thrill ride and kiddie train. While there, guests also enjoy the latest in arcade
games, great prizes, snack bar and party facilities. Where the 5 and 605 freeways meet. Also see “Attractions.” See ad with discount coupons on page 14. • Gryphon Fitness Studio (714) 519-1343 Knights, pirates, Jedi or Zorro? Fencing is a fun activity for all ages. Gryphon Fencing offers fencing-themed birthday parties for kids and adults. The birthday person and guests will play games, learn basic fencing moves and cap the event with a fencing match using Olympic-style electric scoring equipment. The typical birthday party is two hours with 1½ hours for the fencing activities and the last half hour set aside for cake or refreshments. Call for rates and availability.
kidsguide spring/summer 2011 63
Mystical Vibrations Entertainment Add a twist to your child’s birthday party • Allow us to create & unfold a birthday memory • Be part of the “Coolest Two Interactive DJs” Plus We Will Rock You! The Kids DJ Show!
K i d s D i s c Jo cke y s
Let us “Roll Out the Show” with the birthday celebrant leading the role. Favorite songs, with interactive dances to include: The Hokey Pokey, Chicken Dance, Conga Line, Limbo and more. Add music and some wild and crazy props – hula hoops, special effects , sing alongs We bring a foam machine and a bubble machine – and your party is set.
Serving all Southern California • 714-381-1516 E-mail: See ad on page 47. • IncrediFlix Parties (949) 548-5424 You have three choices of IncrediFlix birthday parties. Dress and lip sync like a star in Idol or Music Video parties, or bring Legos to life in Lego animated flix. DVD’s of the edited movies are mailed to everybody who attends. See ad on page 27. • Jessica Lake Photography 4549 Cerritos Ave., Ste. A, Cypress (562) 483-3337 Jessica Lake Photography makes enjoying—and preserving—your little one’s birthday parties stress-free. Their “First Birthday Cake Smash” session with a real cake is a unique service, and great for thank you cards or invitations. Plus, digital files are included for you on a CD. They also offer on-location photography services for birthday parties. Be sure to visit their website to see the variety of services and specialty shoots they have available. Also see “Photography.” See ad on page 67. • KHS Ice Arena 1000 E. Cerritos Ave., Anaheim (714) 422-1236 Have your next birthday party or youth event at KHS Ice Arena. Birthday party packages include: party room for one hour, balloons and paper goods, two cheese pizzas and two pitchers of soda, and public session for 10 children and 2 adults; skate rental is included. Call KHS and ask for extension 253 to book your party. Have you ever tried Broom-ball? It’s fun for all ages, it’s like hockey without the skates. A fun event for scouts, churches, schools and colleges. Call KHS and ask for extension 225 to schedule your event. Please bring ad with you. See ad on page 81. • Kick It Up 8129 East Wardlow Road, Long Beach (562) 430-1812 Have a magical party at Kick It Up, where they put the happy back into the birthday. A variety 64 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
of parties and options are offered, including the Enchanted Princess Ballerina’s Ball, Fairy Dream Dance, Pineapple Princess Hula Party, Pop Princess Hip Hop Party, Go...Fight...Win Cheer Party and the Dancing Princess Party! All birthday parties include exclusive use of their fully decorated studio, glitz and glam session, fun dancing and games, and a personalized cookie cake! Great for your daughter’s birthday, Girl Scout troop or soccer team. They can do it all from start to finish. Customized parties are also available for tweens, teens and adults. Parties can be held any day of the week. Call or e-mail today for more details. (Interested in dance, fitness, cheerleading or camps? Check out listings in those sections.) See ads on pages 31, 43 and 65. • Kidnastics 10712 Reagan St., Los Alamitos (562) 431-1102 Kidnastics has always been the place to be for your child’s birthday party. With over 20,000 square feet of gymnastics equipment, your child and their friends can enjoy over several hours of active-play in a fun and safe environment. With exciting attractions like astro-jumps, tumbling tracks, castle playhouse, games and so much more, your child will enjoy his/her best birthday party yet! Come join them for a fun-filled and most memorable event of your child’s life. Their birthday party sessions are only offered on the weekends so hurry and call to reserve your spot today! Please visit the website ( or call the number listed above for more program information. See ad on page 48. • Leeway Sailing Center 5437 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach (562) 570-1719 Custom designed parties (7+) to fit your needs and desires. Choose between canoeing, kayaking, sailing, beach play and barbecuing, or do them all! Groups up to 30 may be accommodated. Perfect for youth groups, scout merit badges and adult groups too. Parties available January - May and September - December.
• Let’s Have a Cart Party (310) 246-1230 Since 1970, Let’s Have a Cart Party has been preparing fresh food at your party site in front of your guests. Kenny Baines, owner and head chef, handselects only the finest produce for your occasion. Meats are fresh and never frozen. Carts include: kosher hot dogs, gourmet pizza, chicken nuggets, french fries, baked potato bar, cotton candy, ice cream sundaes, fresh hot cookies, crepes, chocolate fountains and many more. Their antique-style carts add a unique character to any celebration. Entertainment is available upon request. See ad on page 65; coupon on page 94. • My Gym - Long Beach 3287 Industry Drive, near Redondo and Stearns (562) 986-0066 Easy, fun, all-in-one parties! Exclusive use of the entire gym. Convenient and easy for parents. Games, games, games...and so much more. With a birthday right around the corner, why not give your child the experience of a lifetime. Celebrate at My Gym with captivating games, rides and unique activities customized for your child. The caring and energetic staff will handle everything. See ad on page 69. • Mystical Vibrations Entertainment Mobile Disc Jockeys Serving all Southern California (714) 381-1516 Allow Mystical Vibrations to set the mood, produce the magic, and come to you to enhance and unfold a unique afternoon of birthday fun: including your child’s favorite songs, and having them lead group dances and games. They specialize in children’s birthday parties. Kids love the attention they get. Imagine your child leading the conga line, complete with maracas, dancing the hokey pokey, having fun with the chicken dance, or handling six hula-hoops at one time. Why play the traditional “Pin-the-Tail” when you can sit back and enjoy the show too, and let two interactive disc jockeys entertain your child’s guests. Children love the fog and bubble machines, which are both included. Mystical Vibrations contribute outstanding high morals and represent a clean-cut modern image. Call for more information. See ad on this page. • Newport Harbor Nautical Museum/ExplorOcean 600 East Bay Ave., Newport Beach (949) 675-8915 Their preschool program, “Sea Tales,” is now offered as a birthday event available for groups of up to 30 people. They have six different themes to choose from. The program typically lasts one hour and 15 minutes (parties are booked at least two weeks in advance, depending on availability). The program includes a sign-in name tag making session, storybook time, outside activity, such as sidewalk chalk or bubbles, a craft, and then a trip to the touch tank. E-mail: Also see “Museums” and “Science.”
• Oasis Arts (714) 737-4769 Oasis Arts creates amazing full face, half face, and arm designs with washable face paints. The artists have over a decade of experience and sharpened their skills while working at Disneyland. They’ll bring the face paint magic of “The Happiest Place on Earth” to your event! Check out Oasis Arts’ website for other fantastic party activities like 100% natural Henna Body Art or Princess Hair Styling. Whether you’re having a family party, fundraiser, grand opening or corporate event, Oasis Arts friendly and reliable artists are a great addition everyone will love! See ad on page 66. • Paint ‘N’ Glaze 3960 Studebaker Road, Long Beach (562) 421-8000 Let your creative side show! Paint ‘N’ Glaze has a large selection of ceramics and a variety of colors to choose from. This is the place to host a party for you and your guests. An area is set up for your party needs. Parties include balloons and candy. They offer discount studio fees Tuesday through Friday and have groups rates. What a great place to relax and enjoy! See discount coupon on page 94; ad on page 66. • Parties by Erin & Co. (562) 901-0111 Want a themed party? With over twelve years experience, the men and women of Parties By Erin & Co. can make it happen. All ages, all occasions. Character shows, face painting, balloons, magic and much more. Older can kids work directly with the party coordinator to plan the “cool” birthday, so mom and dad don’t have to do all the work. Ask about their space ranger, super hero training, dance and dressup parties. They also entertain at corporate events and picnics. See ad on this page. • Party Supplies at Love Child 11194 Los Alamitos Blvd., Los Alamitos (562) 485-7040 A unique and fun boutique / If gifts are what you seek / Clothing for the young with heart / Be a piece of moving art / Candy bouquets to sweeten your day / Toys and games for children to play / Party favors, piñatas and more / Shopping here is never a bore / With customer service that others are lacking / You’ll leave here with free gift wrapping! Mom owned and kid approved. • Pretend City Children’s Museum 29 Hubble, Irvine (949) 428-3900 Celebrate where education and imagination come to play! Pretend City offers exciting and engaging parties for children (infant-10). With a variety of packages and customized offerings, your child’s party is sure to be memorable and unique. See “Museums” for complete listings. See ad on the back inside cover.
Gourmet Food Prepared Fresh in Front of Your Guests on Antique Style Food Carts
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kidsguide spring/summer 2011 65
Revised 2/21/11
P • ( 1 w B i h b t l ( g
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C • F
The Bear Builders BRINGS THE GREEN BEAR FACTORY TO YOU! • Bearday Pawtys start at $15.99 • Includes paw-ty hostess • Includes all bear-making supplies • Birth certificate station, outfits & other accessories available. • Eco-educational company • Great for fundraisers!
CALL TODAY! (310) 697-3020 • Signal Hill Soccer Indoor Center 1138 E. Willow St., Signal Hill (562) 209-8498 Signal Hill Soccer is an indoor facility that is a unique place to rent out for a team or birthday party. Also see “Soccer.” See ad on page 83. • Skateboarding Parties with Skatedogs (562) 343-1095
Skatedogs comes to your home with portable ramps and rails to create a custom skatepark for a one-of-a-kind birthday party. Guests can ride ramps and get skateboarding tips from an experienced instructor. All parties include a T-shirt for the birthday boy or girl, with the option of including a T-shirt for all participants. Also see “Camps” and “Skateboarding.” • Splash! Waterpark 13806 La Mirada Blvd., La Mirada 90638 (562) 902-3191 Splash! provides the best party packages for all ages. Packages include special discounted admission for your group; the birthday child is free! The basic package includes two hours in a semi-private birthday picnic area, and party invitations. Special meal packages are offered and you may bring in your own cake. Deluxe packages and full park rentals are also available. Admission includes all session access to the waterpark for all party members. Choose to spend the day in the lazy river, or dare to plunge down the water slides. The little ones can spend time in the zero-depth pool and play in the play structure with smaller slides. The 18-acre park is beautifully landscaped with palm trees, lush green grassy areas, lounge chairs, and umbrellas which make for the perfect background for your party pictures. Free parking, and the free use of life jackets and inner tubes, are always included. For more information or to book your party, call Splash! Or check out their website at
PARTIES FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Birthday parties include personalized table(s), balloons, candies and discounted studio fee.
Weekly discounted studio rates School fundraisers, church & Scout group discounts
562/421-8000 • 3960 Studebaker Road, Long Beach • Coupon on page 94
$20 or 15% OFF
Whichever is Greater
Must mention Kidsguide to receive your special discount. Not valid or cannot be combined with another offer.
66 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011 See ad on the back outside cover; discount coupon on page 95. • Team OC Gymnastics, Cheer and Dance 385 Clinton St., Costa Mesa (714) 444-1144 Have your next birthday party with Team OC at their 45,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art facility with an energized staff. Activities for boys and girls (3+) include tumbling, cheer and dance, and even a rock wall. See “Gymnastics” for complete listing. See ad on page 20. • The Bear Builders (310) 697-3020 The Bear Builders is a local, home-grown company that provides you with everything your child and their friends need to design their own teddy bear. Guests make their bear come to life using the stuffing machine. Before closing up their bear, each child gets to kiss the special heart that will be placed inside. Bear Builders does more than provide entertainment and a furry friend for your child. It is also a “green” company that provides eco-education to kids; Bear Builders provides an all-natural, finished product made from renewable and sustainable soybean fiber. Great for parties, carnivals, and fundraisers! See ad on this page. • TJ’s Party Jumpers (562) 852-5867 TJ’s Party Jumpers is the ultimate party jumper experience! They offer affordable and unique entertainment for any event or age group. Your little ones can hop, jump, bounce, climb or slide in their wonderful, clean, state-of-the-art inflatable units. They also offer classic party packages that include tables and chairs; you can even upgrade your party to include popcorn, cotton candy and snow-cone machines, too. Call today and mention Kidsguide to receive $20 or 15% off, whichever is greater. Coupon cannot be combined with any other offer. See ad on this page. • Vans Skatepark Birthday Parties The Block at Orange, 20 City Blvd. West, Orange (714) 769-3800 The Vans Skatepark is a great place to have a birthday party. The skatepark has a few different party packages to choose from. Some even include private lessons. There is plenty of room for parents to watch as well as a video game area. Please contact the park for details. See ad on page 15. • Wild Rivers Waterpark Birthday Parties 8770 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine (949) 788-0808 Come celebrate your birthday party with a Splash! Wild Rivers’ birthday party package includes everything you’ll need to make your
child’s party a success––you will receive park admission for the day, a reserved party area for one hour and lunch. (More guests may be added for an additional charge.) Party times are subject to sell-out, so don’t delay! Call for reservations. See ad on page 13; discount coupon on page 93.
pets Pet products and pet parties for kids. • California Pets 1807 E. Chapman Ave., Orange (714) 289-7755 Full-service pet store offers puppies, kittens, parrots and fish, plus their supplies and grooming services. Fun and unique children’s parties and educational scout outings are offered on site, including puppy parties and reptile parties. See ad on page 63.
photography Photography studios specializing in children, families and maternity.
that you can print and frame all of your favorites. First birthdays are perfect for their “messy cake” session. Packages also available for engagements, weddings, senior personality pictures and other special events. On location or in the studio. Be sure to visit their website and blog to see the variety of services and specialty shoots they have available. Sign up for their newsletter on the blog and be the first to hear about their events and specials. Also see “Parties.” See ad on this page. • Vangie Ogg Photography 3930 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach 90807 (562) 715-1692, Vangie’s kids and family sessions are highly personalized, creating a fun and relaxed setting at your home or at her studio in Bixby Knolls. She will capture the beauty of your family in magazine-style photographs that you will want to proudly display in a coffee table book or on a large wall canvas. Vangie’s headshot photogra-
phy work can be seen in local print publications, small business websites, and talent-casting websites. See ad on page 39.
playgroups Organized classes and groups for kids with varying parent participation. Also see: “Parent Education” and “Support Groups.” • Bowers Kidseum 1802 N. Main St., Santa Ana (714) 480-1520 On Friday mornings, children 2.5 to 6 years of age are invited to participate in Preschool Discoveries classes (must be accompanied by an adult). They
• Dodgen Photography (562) 856-2755 Jeremy Dodgen’s expertise centers on photographing children and families in their natural environments. Portrait sessions are held where children are most comfortable (your home, a favorite park, an extracurricular activity). In their surroundings, Jeremy is able to capture natural expressions and a range of emotions without the children feeling the pressure of posing or “performing.” For school and playgroup portraits, Jeremy endeavors to create photographic images that capture the true essence of children in their learning environments, with all of the props (tools, toys, books) and sets (playgrounds, playrooms and classrooms) that fill their childhood. By entering into the child’s world, Jeremy is able to record realistic photographs that are touching, beautiful and truly unique. View samples and learn more by visiting the website. See ad on this page. • Jessica Lake Photography 4549 Cerritos Ave., Ste. A, Cypress (562) 483-3337 Jessica Lake Photography makes preserving the memories of your child’s early years stress-free. They specialize in maternity and newborn, children, families and first birthdays. They provide a CD with digital files from the portrait session, so kidsguide spring/summer 2011 67
will be engaged in music and movement, storytelling and an art project. 10:30 a.m. - noon. Registration is not required and walk-in participation is welcomed. Group classes scheduled upon request. See ad on page 29; coupon on page 93. Colleges and Universities Coastline Community College - Weekly toddler and preschool education classes for parent and child. Field trips included. Costa Mesa locations. (714) 241-6213. • Cypress College Parenting Education - Kinder Gym (1-5) and Joyful Parenting: Creative Art, Music and Movement (1½-5); six to ten-week sessions. Also offered in Anaheim and Fullerton. (714) 4847038. Gymboree Play and Music (877) 449-6932 Parent participation, age-appropriate play, music and arts classes (newborn - 6 yrs). Party packages available. Locations in Anaheim Hills, La Habra, Lakewood/Long Beach and Santa Ana/Irvine. • Life Without Limits Pediatric Center (949) 333-6408, Irvine Developmental play group for parents and their infants and toddlers (birth - 36 months). See “Special Needs” for complete listing. Mom and Dad (Parents) Groups Parents and kids meet for park play dates or field trips. Multiple play groups available to suit your schedule. Holiday parties for the whole family and “moms or dads only” social activities are typically included. Meetup Playgroups Web resource offering links to local specialized play and parent groups. MOMS Club Moms Offering Moms Support with more than 70 Southern California chapters. Local Long Beach/Lakewood MOMS meet Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m. Childcare is provided. Bethany Church, Long Beach. (562) 597-2411. and MOPS (800) 910-6677 Mothers of Preschoolers. Mothers and More (630) 941-3553 Also provides advocacy for fair parenting policies and practices in the workplace. North Orange County Mommies Mothers of Multiples,, Orange County Dads Group Dads, grandpas and uncles are all welcome. Join their mailing list to find meetings in your area.
68 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
• My Gym Join in the fun and attend one of their wonderful My Gym classes or call to set up a play date for your play group. Locations: 3287 Industry Drive, near Redondo and Stearns, (562) 986-0066; and 6030 Warner Ave., Huntington Beach, (714) 842-2486. See ad on page 69. Recreation Department Tot Lots • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Del Valle and Mayfair parks, school year only (2-5). (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Tiny Tot park programs (2 yrs 9 mos-5 yrs) are available at Admiral Kidd, Bayshore, Colorado Lagoon, Somerset and Wardlow parks; parent participation is required. Additional preschool classes include: I am Special with Beth (3-5), Signing Playtime (136 mos), Tots and Talks with Beth (2-4), Toddlers and Talks with Beth (1-2), Infant Explorers (6-18 mos), Creative Play (1-3), Motor Movement (2½4), Preschool Prep (33 mos-4 yrs), Tales and Trails at the Nature Center (18 mos-5 yrs), and day and evening sessions of Giggles and Wiggles (1½-4). (562) 570-1620. Many city recreation departments offer parent/child classes for infants, toddlers and preschoolers that may include music, movement and play. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information.
playgrounds Indoor and outdoor playgrounds offering unique facilities. • Frogg’s Bounce House 16121 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley (714) 418-0442 Bounce, slide and leap at the newest 9,000square-foot indoor inflatable play zone. Kids can also enjoy the playhouse, train table, disco karaoke tiki hut, frog-themed books, bean bags and toys. They even have a special toddler-only area. Check out their party packages online, complete with a large party room and dance area (see “Parties”). Comfortable seating and free WiFi for the grown-ups. Walk-ins always welcome. See ad on page 65. Playgrounds - Indoor The following indoor playgrounds offer play equipment with unique features. AdventurePlex (310) 546-7708 1701 Marine Ave., Manhattan Beach. BounceU Huntington Beach, 5445 Oceanus Drive, #114, (714) 892-4842; and Orange, 428-A W. Katella Ave., (714) 744-JUMP.
Fun City Bounce (562) 926-7864 14545 Valley View Ave., Ste. F, Santa Fe Springs • Frogg’s Bounce House (714) 418-0442 See listing in this section, ad on page 65. Fun City Bounce (562) 926-7864 14545 Valley View Ave., Ste. F, Santa Fe Springs. Kid Concepts U.S.A (310) 465-0075 22844 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance. Pump it Up Anaheim Hills, (714) 693-9663; Huntington Beach, (714) 847-9663; and Irvine, (949) 261-7867. Scooter’s Jungle Placentia, 921 Via Rodeo, (714) 223-5730; and Aliso Viejo, 25 Journey, (949) 349-9090. www. Sky High Sports (714) 437-5867 Jump sky high with trampoline floors and walls. $10 per hour. Special discount days on their website. Parties, AIRobics and dodgeball are also offered. 2970 Airway Ave., Costa Mesa. Playgrounds - Outdoor The following outdoor playgrounds offer unique features and play areas as listed: Bellflower Pirate Park (562) 804-1424, Ext. 2268 Pirate-themed playground features a fort and pirate-ship play equipment. Friendship Square, Bellflower Blvd. at Belmont St. Cerritos Heritage Park (562) 916-8570 An island surrounded by a moat, with a kid-sized New England town; the buildings have play areas inside, some with slides. Plenty of ducks, plus a large playground area. 18600 Bloomfield Ave. Cerritos Liberty Park (562) 916-8565 A pirate ship playground featuring swings, slides, ladders, a small climbing wall and a water fountain. South St. and Studebaker Road. Costa Mesa’s Angels Playground (714) 327-7527 Universally accessible playground created for kids with special needs. TeWinkle Park, 885 Junipero. Garden Grove Atlantis Play Center (714) 892-6015 A fully-enclosed and gated 4½-acre playground themed after the lost city of Atlantis. Adults are not admitted without a child; the park is staffed during all open hours. Admission: $1 for ages 2 and up. 13630 Atlantis Way, Garden Grove. Huntington Beach Adventure Playground (714) 842-7442, open hours
(714) 536-5486, closed hours Supervised playground features a pond with rafts and play structures, including a rope bridge, a mud slide and a fort-building area. Open June 20 - August 19. $4 per child. Enter from the Central Library parking lot at 7111 Talbert Ave. Irvine Castle Park (949) 724-6728. Large castle structure featuring a twisting slide. Northwood Community Park, 4531 Bryan Ave. KABOOM Start Your Own Playground (888) 789-7529 Assists individuals in planning, financing and building safe playgrounds (skateparks too) in “child-rich, playground-poor” neighborhoods. La Habra Guadalupe Park (562) 905-9700 Universally accessible playground for children with special needs, as well as a hopscotch climber and climbing wall. 381 S. Walnut St. • Long Beach Marina Park (562) 570-3111 Waveless beach, known as “Mothers Beach,” plus a playground, grassy areas with shade trees and watercraft rentals. 5839 Appian Way. • Long Beach Bayshore (562) 570-1715 Fenced playground on the sand near waveless beach, plus play equipment and roller hockey rink. 54th Place/Ocean Blvd. • Long Beach Colorado Lagoon (562) 570-3100. Waveless beach, playground and picnic area. 5119 E. Colorado St., Long Beach. Sigler Park (714) 895-2860 Splash Pad water features include ten-foot-tall pelicans, palm trees and sea horses. Open June - September, noon - 5 p.m. 7200 Plaza St., Westminster.
Buena Park Recreation 8150 Knott Ave.
(714) 236-3860
Costa Mesa Recreation Services 77 Fair Drive (714) 754-5300 Cypress Recreation and Parks 5275 Orange Ave. (714) 229-6780 Downey Community Services 11111 Brookshire Ave., 2nd Floor (562) 904-7238 Fountain Valley Community Services 16400 Brookhurst St.
(714) 839-8611
Fullerton Parks and Recreation 303 W. Commonwealth Ave. (714) 738-6575 Garden Grove Community Services 11222 Acacia Parkway (714) 741-5200 Huntington Beach Community Services 2000 Main St., 5th Floor
(714) 536-5486
Irvine Recreation 1 Civic Center Plaza (949) 724-6600, • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services 5050 Clark Ave. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408 • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine 2760 Studebaker Road (562) 570-3100 Los Alamitos Recreation and Community Services 10911 Oak St. (562) 430-1073 Newport Beach Recreation Services 3300 Newport Blvd. (949) 644-3151 Seal Beach Community Services 211 8th St. (562) 431-2527, Ext. 1344 Signal Hill Community Services 2175 Cherry Ave. (562) 989-7330 Westminster Community Services 8200 Westminster Blvd. (714) 895-2860
Supervised Playgrounds Many city recreation departments offer supervised playgrounds, weekdays and weekends, at park and school sites. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. Tustin Pioneer Road Park (714) 573-3327 Pioneer-themed play equipment and water features. 10250 Pioneer Road.
recreation departments • Anaheim Community Services 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 4th Floor (714) 765-5191 Bellflower Parks and Recreation 16600 Civic Center Drive (562) 925-1331
• • • •
Award winning programs for children 6 weeks to 13 years Enhance strength, flexibility & self-esteem Noncompetitive gymnastics, fitness, song, dance & more Awesome Birthday Parties, Parents Night Out & Special Events • Excellent student to teacher ratio Present this coupon and receive 7205
Present this coupon and receive
Plus 25%OFF your first 4 weeks of classes ! May not be combined with any other offers Expires 9/15/11
May not be combined with other offers. Only valid on Premiere & Deluxe Packages. Expires 9/15/11 Hip-Hop Class, Karate Program, Cardio Kids, & Special Needs Classes too! 4th Degree Black Belt Instructor on Staff!
(562) 986-0066
3287 Industry Drive Near Redondo and Stearns kidsguide spring/summer 2011 69
recreation&parks Arboretums, parks and nature centers, plus ongoing activities for kids and families. Arboretums The following arboretums offer walking and selfguided tours, workshops, family and kids programs and plant sales. Fullerton Arboretum (657) 278-3407 $3 suggested donation for entry. 1900 Associated Road, Fullerton. Los Angeles County Arboretum (626) 821-3222 Summer camps available. 301 North Baldwin Ave., Arcadia. Nature Centers The following nature centers offer hiking trails, family and kids’ workshops and guided nature walks. Summer camps and scout programs may be available. Also see “Science.” • El Dorado Nature Center (562) 570-1745 Adult and children’s workshops, art and science classes, evening campfires, museum, gift shop and birdwatching on a 102.5-acre site, with more than two miles of trails, two lakes and a stream featuring California native plants. Summer camps are offered (see “Science”). Vehicle entry fee, $5-8. 7550 E. Spring St., Long Beach. Environmental Nature Center (949) 645-8489 Closed Sundays and holidays. 1601 E. 16th St., Newport Beach. Irvine Open Space Preserve (949) 724-6738 Free admission and parking. 1 Sunnyhill Drive, Irvine. Norwalk Nature Center (562) 929-5566 Features a variety of animals including mini-horses, lambs, sheep, bunnies, peacocks, pigs and donkeys. Open 2nd and 4th Saturday, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Free. 13000 Clarkdale Ave. Oak Canyon Nature Center (714) 998-8380 Center is open Saturdays, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; trails are open daily for hiking. 6700 E. Walnut Canyon Road, Anaheim Hills. Peter and Mary Muth Interpretive Center (949) 923-2290. Walking, boat and school-group tours available. Upper Newport Bay, 2301 N. University Drive, Newport Beach. San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary (949) 261-7963 Summer camps (7-16), and school and group tours are available. 5 Riparian View, Irvine. www. 70 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Parks Carbon Canyon Regional Park (714) 973-3160 124-acre park featuring a variety of sport fields and courts, five playgrounds, a 1.1-mile bike trail, a four-acre lake with two fishing piers (fishing license required for 16+) and picnic areas. The undeveloped area includes a ten-acre grove of Coastal Redwoods. 4442 Carbon Canyon Road, Brea. www. Craig Regional Park (714) 973-3180 124-acre park with three separate playgrounds including a handicapped-accessible playground, baseball diamonds, basketball courts, an equestrian trail, horseshoe rings, racquetball, volleyball, stocked lakes for fishing and a lake for model sailboating (electrical only). 3300 North State College Blvd., Fullerton. Crystal Cove State Park (949) 494-3539 Swimming, surfing, hiking, biking and underwater diving, plus tidepools, guided hikes and a wildlife gallery. Vehicle entry fee, $15. Wilderness camping is available three miles inland; reservations required. 8471 Pacific Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. • El Dorado Regional Park East (562) 570-1773 West (562) 570-3225 More than 870 acres include the El Dorado Park Express Railroad, a duck pond, trails for biking, skating and walking, an archery range, public library, fishing lakes, paddle boat rentals (see “Boating”), two playgrounds, disc golf, ball fields, roller hockey, tennis center, a golf course, hay rides (by appointment), a skate park (see “Skateboarding”), and the El Dorado Nature Center (see Nature Centers in this section). Vehicle entry fee for El Dorado East, $5-7. Annual passes available. Huntington Beach Central Park (714) 960-8847 The city’s largest park covers more than 350 acres. Features include Frisbee golf course, lakes for fishing, equestrian center (see “Horseback Riding”), playgrounds, picnic tables and barbecues, six miles of trails for biking and walking, Adventure Playground (summer only), public library, and the Shipley Nature Center and Interpretive Museum offering self-guided and ranger-led tours. Golden West St. and Talbert Ave. Irvine Regional Park (714) 973- 6835 California’s oldest county park features the Orange County Zoo (see “Zoos”), train rides (see “Trains”), equestrian center and pony rides (see “Horseback Riding”), nature center (see Nature Centers in this section), and paddle boat and tandem bike rentals (see “Boating”). Parking rates vary. 1 Irvine Park Road, Orange. www. Los Angeles Griffith Park (323) 913-4688 Features include an antique carousel, playgrounds, picnic areas, golf courses (including a
kids’ course with driving range), tennis courts, pony rides, an equestrian center, hiking trails, a bird sanctuary, the Batman bat cave in Bronson Canyon and train rides. The park is also home to historic locomotive museum Travel Town (see “Trains”), the Western-themed Autry National Center (see “Museums”), the Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens (see “Zoos”), and the Griffith Observatory (see “Science”). 4730 Crystal Springs Drive. • Pearson Park (714) 774-6230 More than 19 acres, including cactus and water gardens, an amphitheater, ball field stadium grandstand, lighted softball field and tennis courts, volleyball court, playgrounds, swimming pool, lagoons, barbecues and picnic areas. 400 N. Harbor Blvd. Ralph B. Clark Regional Park and Interpretive Center (714) 973-3170 The center combines a traditional park with a paleontology museum. The free Family Fossil Day is held four times a year, featuring a three-hour journey through fossil history conducted by the park’s on-site paleontologist. Features include a stocked lake for fishing and a lake for model sailboating. 8800 Rosecrans Ave., Buena Park. Whittier Narrows Recreation Area (626) 575-5526 More than 1,400 acres of park includes fishing lakes (fishing license required for 16+), picnic areas, playgrounds, BMX course, nature center, an equestrian facility, trails, a military museum, soccer fields, tennis and volleyball courts, and archery, skeet, pistol, rifle and trap ranges. Boats, surreys, bikes and group picnic areas are available for rent. 823 Lexington-Gallatin Road, South El Monte.
rockclimbing Indoor climbing facilities offering classes, camps and party packages. Boys and Girls Club Buena Park offers a rock wall climbing and instruction program (6-18); Wednesdays and Fridays. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • ClimbX Indoor Rock Climbing 18411 Gothard St., Unit I, Huntington Beach (714) 843-9919 The after-school program is designed to introduce the sport of rock climbing as an activity to teach all the skills necessary to climb safely in an indoor environment. The program, designed by a physical education specialist with a master’s degree in education, focuses on a safe progression of skills. Children can start on the first Monday of any month. The program lasts for three months and meets on Mondays from
4-6 p.m. When climbers can demonstrate specific skills (proper climbing knots, use of commands and belay technique) they may come any other weekday they wish to climb. A special six-week session is available for more serious climbers. Youth classes, clubs, camps (see “Camps”) and birthday party packages (see “Parties”) are also available. Please call for further information. See ad on this page; coupon on page 94. Rock Climbing Facilities Rockcity Climbing Center (714) 777-4884 Ropes course and zip line also offered. 5100 E. La Palma St., Ste. 108, Anaheim. Rockreation Climbing Center 1300 Logan Ave., Costa Mesa.
(714) 556-ROCK
schools Child development centers, preschools, elementary and secondary schools. Also see: “Child Care.” • Belmont Heights United Methodist Church Preschool 317 Termino Ave., Long Beach (562) 438-1466 The goal at Belmont Heights United Methodist Church Preschool is to provide a safe and loving learning environment for young children. They are a developmental learning center offering a variety of activities that encourage growth in children at the individual stages of their personal development. They believe children learn by “doing” and offer free exploration of learning materials. The main emphasis in cognitive education for young children is offering experiences that encourage brain pathway connections and development. The primary approach develops skills in the areas of problem solving, decision making, positive social skills, effective communication and most importantly, gaining a sense of confidence and competence in oneself. Before and after-school child care is now offered for kindergartners. Transportation is available for neighborhoods schools. Contact Christy-Ann Soriano at the number listed above. See ad on page 72.
complete homework assignments daily before sport and free choice activities. Transportation is provided to and from local schools. Summer program is also available, see “Camps.” See ad on page 74.
Birthday Parties Day Camps
• Creative Day Academy 8740 Ramona Ave., Bellflower (562) 634-7527 Creative Day Academy offers an accelerated academic program with a “hands-on” approach to learning. Students learn computer skills and go on educational field trips. Enrichment activities such as karate, swimming, piano, dance and gymnastics are offered. Lic. 191598510. See ad on page 74; coupon on page 95. • Fairmont Private Schools 1575 West Mable St., Anaheim (714) 765-6300 Since 1953, Fairmont Private Schools has partnered with parents who seek the best opportunities for their children. With five campus locations, Fairmont is the oldest, largest, nonsectarian private school in Orange County. Known for exceptional academic student outcomes, Fairmont serves preschool through high school students and provides an individualized educational experience for each student to help them reach their full potential. Their students benefit from passionate educators, an accelerated curriculum, competitive sports, awardwinning arts programs, and character development training. Fairmont also offers extended daycare, academic assistance, transportation, and summer programs (see “Camps”). See ad on page 23. • Heritage Montessori School 15881 Goldenwest St., Huntington Beach (714) 891-9921 Heritage Montessori School (age 2-4th grade) pro-
After-School Program • Lessons • Gift Certificates • Day Passes & Memberships • Youth Climbing Team •
714.843.9919 Unit I, 18411 Gothard St. Huntington Beach vides a safe and loving environment that will enrich your child’s mind and spirit. Located in the historic former family home of Senator John Murdy, the school was custom designed and constructed to facilitate the educational philosophies of Dr. Maria Montessori, enabling the staff to help cultivate the full potential of each child. They serve the child’s intellectual, social, emotional and physical needs, and partner with parents to develop the child’s independence, responsibility, respect, self-confidence and nurture a love of learning. Heritage Montessori also offers enrichment programs in music, gymnastics, athletics and dance, as well as a summer camp! Also see “Camps.” See ad page 73. • Holy Cross Lutheran School 4321 Cerritos Ave., Cypress (714) 527-7928, (562) 596-5914
• California Heights United Methodist Children’s Center 3759 Orange Ave., Long Beach (562) 595-0056 The center offers carefully planned preschool and pre-kindergarten curriculum that helps to develop your child’s social, emotional, cognitive and spiritual awareness. Classroom time is divided into work time and free choice time. Your child will learn through hands-on experiences in science, art, music, motor development, language and literacy activities, and outdoor play. The School-Age Program is well staffed and supervised. All students kidsguide spring/summer 2011 71
The caring staff recognizes the uniqueness of each child. The staff offers many opportunities for growth by providing the children with a Christ-centered, positive and stimulating environment in which to develop and learn. The goal is to use each child’s God-given talents to produce well-rounded, well-educated, happy, and self-confident individuals who are prepared to be the leaders of tomorrow. Check out their website for more information. See ad on page 74. • Kid Works Children’s Center 3621 E. Broadway, Long Beach (562) 438-4904 Kid Works offers preschool, pre-K and after-school kindergarten programs. Curriculum and environment are designed to stimulate, challenge, and allow chil-
dren time and space to work. Kid Works’ definition of the child’s day of work is “Play with a Purpose.” Everything they do or offer children has a purpose, which is key to the child’s development. The staff is dedicated to the idea that children develop and learn best in an atmosphere that is warm, safe, encouraging, understanding, motivating and fun! Visit their website for detailed information, including daily activity schedules. E-mail: See ad on this page.
Since 1912, LBDN has offered the highest quality early care and education with the most affordable rates possible, thanks to the support of many individuals and foundations in the community. The Nursery’s nationally accredited program combines elements of a well-trained staff, optimum teacher/ child ratios, nutritious meals, parent education, and spacious facilities to enrich the lives of the children enrolled and their families. See ad on this page. • Mariners Christian School 300 Fischer Ave., Costa Mesa (714) 437-1700, Ext. 146 A National Blue Ribbon School for kindergarten through grade 8. Are you interested in a school with strong academics or a school that emphasizes spir-
• Long Beach Day Nursery 3965 Bellflower Blvd. (562) 421-1488 1548 Chestnut Ave. (562) 591-0509 Long Beach Day Nursery is dedicated to providing the finest programs and services for young children.
preschool & private school directory Long Beach Day Nursery Counting down to 100 years – 1912 - 2012
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If you have ever attended Long Beach Day Nursery or know anyone who did, please contact Eileen Factor at (562) 591-0509, ext 112
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N ew L o c ati o n A ft er 2 0 Y ea r s o f S er vi c e
317 Termino Ave., Long Beach 72 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Now offering Preschool through Grade 3 Open Year Round, 7am - 6 pm • Professional Piano, Violin, Dance and Spanish Instruction On-Site • Abacus Math 14121 Coteau Dr., Whittier Private Tutoring During Vacation Breaks 562-944-5210
RIGHT NoW... … A Heritage Montessori Education is waiting for him.
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preschool & private school directory OAKWOOD ACADEMY SCHOOLS • • • • • • •
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CALIFORNIA HEIGHTS UNITED METHODIST CHILDREN’S CENTER Quality care since 1972 • Ages 2 - 13 • 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
• Part time & full day schedules for preschool • Qualified and experienced teaching staff • Developmentally appropriate curriculum with interactive learning • School age homework sessions with staff, field trips, art activities • Transportation to/from Longfellow, Cerritos and Burroughs Schools • Before and after-school child care • Extra curricular activities - Dance
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We Offer a Full-Day Kindergarten
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714-549-3803 •
Costa Mesa: Preschool: 1701 W. Baker St. • Elementary: 3025 Deodar Ave. 74 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Preschool and Kindergarten 3850 Long Beach Bl., Long Beach
Christ-Centered Education Geared Toward Academic Excellence Since 1983 Pre-school Full and Enriched Curriculum Caring and Qualified Teachers Reasonable Tuition • Extended Day Care Call for Enrollment Information
(714) 527-7928 • (562) 596-5914 4321 Cerritos Ave., Cypress (at Bloomfield)
itual development? Why not have both by choosing Mariners Christian School? For over twenty years, MCS has provided Orange County students with an outstanding K-8 education delivered in a Christian environment. Accredited by WASC and ACSI, Mariners gives students all the extras one would expect from a top tier school. Call today for more information. See ad on page 73. • Montessori Children’s House Infant Care, Preschool & Elementary School 5550 Atherton St., Long Beach (562) 431-8880 1901 Palo Verde Ave., Long Beach (562) 594-6911 5454 Atherton St., Long Beach (562) 494-3777 Year-round program for children (2½-12) in preschool and kindergarten through grade 6. Students are in a multi-age group environment working individually and independently. Without a traditional grading system, classes help students to progress at their own pace. Curriculum emphasizes reading phonetically and early exposure to mathematics. Art, music, geography and social science are also included. Conveniently located with large play areas. The infant program at the Palo Verde location is for children ages 6 weeks and up. Visit their magical facility, complete with “Dreamland,” a comforting room set with cribs for napping, and playrooms that look like they are out of Alice in Wonderland. You will love the pink and blue atmosphere rich with creativity! Montessori Children’s House has been serving the community for more than 40 years. See ad on page 74. • Montessori Harbor-Mesa Elementary 3025 Deodar Ave., Costa Mesa (714) 549-3803 The Montessori Harbor-Mesa School is committed to provide an excellent education as an important part of an individual. This wonderful method of education is highly recognized all over the world. The children discover the joy and enthusiasm for learning. Subjects covered include language, grammar, geography, arithmetic, social studies, science, computer, music and botany. Extra activities, such as piano and soccer, are available. The students systematically exceed the California state level requirements and perform above grade level. See ad on page 74. • Montessori Harbor-Mesa Preschool 1701 West Baker St., Costa Mesa (714) 549-3803 The Montessori-Harbor Mesa school is celebrating 40 years of operation. They are proud of the excellent service to the community. The Montessori method of education focuses on the total development of the children, ages 2.5-5 years, socially and academically. Dr. Montessori refers to students as “young explorers” who will refine and educate the visual, tactile, auditory, olfactory and stereognostic senses. The children develop the joy and enthusiasm for learning and are guided by loving and caring teachers who are trained in the Montessori method. See ad on page 74. • Montessori School - Eureka 5306 E. Arbor Road, Long Beach (562) 421-5505 Montessori School - Eureka is a private school offerkidsguide spring/summer 2011 75
ing a full-time Montessori educational program for children ages 2 to 10. The teacher-directress, Petra Pijpaert, is a graduate of the Saint Lucia Montessori College, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (1969) and the A.M.I. Montessori Institute of Los Angeles (1974), and her elementary diploma is from the A.M.I. Ohio Training Institute (1992). See ad on page 74. • Oak Tree Preschool and Kindergarten 1710 Redondo Ave., Long Beach (562) 597-8611 Oak Tree Preschool and Kindergarten offers an accelerated academic program with a “hands-on” approach to learning. Students learn computer skills and go on educational field trips. Enrichment activities such as karate, swimming, piano, dance and gymnastics are offered. Lic. 191601050. See ad on page 74; coupon on page 95. • Oakwood Preschool and Academy 2951 Long Beach Blvd., Long Bch (562) 424-4816 3850 Long Beach Blvd., Long Bch (562) 426-6264 Oakwood Preschool and Academy offers an accelerated academic program with a “hands-on” approach to learning. Students learn computer skills and go on educational field trips. Enrichment activities such as karate, swimming, piano, dance and gymnastics are offered. Lic. 198011608. See ad on page 74; coupon on page 95. • Page Private Schools Garden Grove Campus (714) 971-5533 Newport Mesa Campus (949) 642-0411 Founded in 1908, Page Private School is a coeducational, nonsectarian school offering students a strong academic foundation with small classes and individual attention. Page education opens up a world of wonder for each student, striving to provide student and family-centered education to all families. Page advanced academic curriculum is enriched by music, foreign language, art, technology and physical education. Page offers extended day care hours, affordable tuition program, summer school and camp, pre-school with potty training, and infant and toddler program (Newport Mesa campus). See ad on page 75 • Park Montessori School 14121 Coteau Drive, Whittier 90604 (562) 944-5210 Dedicated to non-sectarian Montessori education for children (2 yrs 9 mos-grade 3). The school follows the methods developed by Dr. Maria Montessori to instill “the love for learning” in children. Classrooms are equipped to enhance each child socially, as well as academically, in a home-like setting. Piano, violin, and dance instruction are provided in addition to their well-rounded academic program. See ad on page 72. • Prentice School 18341 Lassen Drive, Santa Ana (714) 244-4600 Ages served: pre-K through 8. Complete academic program intended for students with language learning 76 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
differences (dyslexia, dysgraphia and other processing difficulties) to develop strategies in reading, spelling, handwriting, oral and written language through research-based Multisensory Slingerland Approach. Small class size (12-16). Additional services on-site include: occupational therapy, psychological guidance, social skills training, speech and language sessions, and after-school childcare. WASC accreditation with state-certified curriculum. A safe, positive school for different learners. See ad on page 73. • Preschools - Long Beach and Orange County Belmont Shore (562) 439-3369 Cerritos (562) 865-0482 Cerritos/Artesia (562) 860-6302 Cypress, south (714) 828-9000 Cypress, north (714) 527-2744 Fullerton (714) 526-7855 Los Alamitos/Rossmoor (562) 431-6553 Westminster (714) 894-4036 Year-round preschools, for ages 18 months - 5 years, offer an accelerated academic program that includes science, math and language development. Potty training, hot lunches, pre-kindergarten and summer camp program are available. Instruction is provided by skillful, creative teachers that offer partday and full-day classes. • The Hebrew Academy 14401 Willow Lane, Huntington Beach 92647 (714) 898-0051, (562) 596-1681 The Hebrew Academy is a national Blue Ribbon, WASC accredited, private day school serving Long Beach and Orange County. Students from early childhood through high school are provided an enriched, challenging curriculum. Small classes enable teachers to group children and individualize instruction. Located close to the 405 and 22 freeways, their 11-acre site is easily accessible and transportation is available. Extended day care, school hot lunches and after-school enrichment programs are offered. A junior Olympic-size pool, a fully integrated, award-winning technology program, Judaic Studies, conversational Hebrew classes, and specialty programs in music, fine arts and PE complement the curriculum. Summer camp is also available; see “Camps.” See ad on page 37. • The Pegasus School 19692 Lexington Lane, Huntington Beach (714) 964-1224 The Pegasus School where bright minds soar is an independent coeducational school for pre-kindergarten through grade eight dedicated to academic excellence and to the development of lifelong learners who are confident, caring and courageous. The
Pegasus School offers gifted educational programs, rich in opportunities, through which students develop their talents and passions. It is accredited by the California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) and is a proud member of National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS). See ad on page 31. • Valley Christian Schools Valley Christian Schools, Cerritos Business Office (562) 860-0556 Join a Christian community over 75 years strong and committed to providing excellence in Christian education. Valley Christian Schools offers outstanding educational outcomes through a well-rounded approach to learning. VC students are offered training in music, the arts, sports and technology. 97% of Valley Christian High School students pursue universities and colleges, the majority of which attend America’s top-tier universities. The four campuses, preschool, elementary, middle school (grades 7 and 8) and high school are located near the LA and Orange County border. Bus service is offered as far as Gardena, La Mirada, Downey, Naples and Westminster. The school-wide average student-to-faculty ratio is 14to-1 and the student body and faculty are ethnically diverse. See ad on page 75. • Westerly School of Long Beach 22950 E. 29th St., Long Beach (562) 981-3151 Why Westerly? Why do parents choose to send their children to Westerly School with its tuition structure? Current families give these top seven reasons: 1) The Westerly School mission which is to develop each child’s full potential. 2) A balanced education that integrates the arts, foreign language, ethics, and realworld experience into the core academic curriculum. 3) Personalized classroom attention with an average class size of 15 students and a highly engaged faculty. 4) Future success in the area’s most competitive and high-performing high schools. 5) A safe and nurturing environment that encourages risk-taking and builds confidence. 6) A diverse community, both socio-economically and ethnically, that is committed to education. 7) Great value. For more information go to www. Community visits will be held on April 5 and May 3, please call to reserve your space. See ad on page 77.
science Classes, camps and destinations. Also see: “Attractions,” “Museums,” “Zoos,” and for science camps and classes, Nature Centers listed under “Recreation & Parks.” • Alpert JCC Science Camps 3801 East Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1047 Alpert JCC Engineering FUNdamentals with LEGOS® - Youngsters explore concepts in physics,
engineering and architecture in weeklong camps offered by the AJCC and Play-Well TEKnologies. In Pre-Engineering with LEGOS®, kids ages 5-7 build towns, cities and star bases. In Engineering FUNdamentals with LEGOS®, 8-12 year-olds design and build motorized machines, houses, pyramids, bridges, catapults, buildings and other constructions. Neither the Alpert JCC nor Play-Well TEKnologies are affiliated with the LEGO® group. Offered two weeks; June 20 and August 22; choose one or both.
private school directory
Alpert JCC Presents Mad Science - The World, Science and You! Discover how to send secret messages to your friends using special codes. Learn about your surrounding environment and how science will help us protect our planet. Explore how Newton’s laws are at work in your favorite sport. Become a young astronaut for a day while exploring the mysteries of the solar system. Ages 5-12 years old. Mornings, week of August 15th. Alpert JCC Presents Mad Science - Red-Hot Robots: Learn the many uses of robots in our world as we experiment with sound-sensing robots, line-tracking robots, amphibious robots, even robots that can play soccer! It’s “Robots 101” as you learn the science of circuits, Asimov’s Laws of Robotics, and applications of robotic technology. Use all of this knowledge and skill to build your very own working robot to take home with you at the end of camp! Ages 8-12 years old; afternoons, week of August 15th. • Aquarium of the Pacific 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach (562) 590-3100 The aquarium offers numerous year-round programs: Preschool Programs (ages 4-5), $24; Aqua Tot (ages 2-3, with parent), $30; Job Shadow (grades 7-12), $29; Saturday Family Fun (ages 4-6, with parent), $36; Seals and Sea Lions/Sea Otter Encounter (ages 10+), and Shark Encounter (ages 13+), $90; and Junior Biologist (ages 7-12), $24. Whale watching (in season) and family sleepovers are also offered. Hourlong, behind-the-scenes tours (ages 7+) offer a look at running a world-class aquarium, $15 (plus admission). Pre-registration is required for all programs. Ocean exploration is available for school field trips, with handson, grade-specific programs. Member discounts are available. See “Attractions” for more information; ad on page 13, discount coupon on page 93. • Blue Submarine (888) 218-8085 The Blue Submarine is a marine biology outreach program offering classes and activities for students pre-K through 8th grade. Topics are presented in an interactive format and live tidepool animals are available for certain classes. Let The Blue Submarine take your students on a field trip to the beach without leaving school! For more information, call the number listed above. See ad on page 62. Boys and Girls Club Buena Park offers Ultimate Journey (environmental education), gardening (agriculture) and Club Recycle. Irvine offers Dragonfly Quest (6-13), investigations using the scientific method. Tustin
FULL PRESCHOOL CURRICULUM Ages 2-6 7am-6pm Mon-Fri PRESCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN POTTY TRAINING 2 LOCATIONS “The Best in Education & Care For Your Child” 4300 Bellflower Blvd., Lakewood, 90713 Lic#198006164 • Methodist Church Lkwd. (562) 377-1300
5730 South St., Lakewood, 90713 Lic#198008598 • Trinity Church (562) 461-7311 kidsguide spring/summer 2011 77
features environmental education that includes Green Thumb, Enviro-club, Hiking Club, Nature Adventures, Circle of Life and Ultimate Oceans. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • Cabrillo Marine Aquarium 3720 Stephen M. White Drive, San Pedro (310) 548-7562 Ongoing science programs include daily exhibit tours, marine science workshops, ocean outreach classes and annual events, including summer Grunion Runs (see “Calendar”). Programs also include youth docents (grades 7-12), Sea Rangers (grades 5+) and Sea Clubs (grades K-6). See “Attractions” for general information. See coupon on page 94. California Science Center 700 Exposition Park Drive, Los Angeles (213) 744-7400 New exhibit this year is “1001 Inventions,” May 27 December 31. Plus, explore the science of everyday life with more than 100 interactive exhibits. Summer camps offered, June 20 - August 19. Admission, free. IMAX theater on site; ticket prices vary. Parking, $8. Colleges and Universities Cerritos College - Summer classes (ages vary) include Kitchen Chemistry; Little Hands Big Experiments; Rocks, Tornadoes, Volcanoes and More; Adventures in Physics and Chemistry; Get Going Green; Is There a Doctor in the House?; CSI; and Rocketry. (562) 467-5050. • Cypress College - Kids College - Workshops include Chemistry for Young Scientists (grades 1-3), Sea Animal Adventures, Jammin’ Chemistry (grades 3-5), Designing with Science (grades 4-6), Science Explorers (grades 2-4), Toy Factory (grades 2-4), Fun with Magnets (grades 2-6), Popping, Colliding and Flashy Physics (grades 3-6), Awesome Air and Water Pressure (grades 3-6), Shockingly Fun Electronics (grades 4-6) and Hands-on Biology (grades 7-10). Summer science camps include Wonders of Science Camp (grades 3+) and Earth Science Explorers (grades 3-5). (714) 484-7038. Golden West College for Kids - Hooked on Science (8-11), The Rockit Robot and CSI - Crime Scene Investigation (7-12); five meetings. (714) 895-0800. Orange Coast College - Young Scientists Young Engineers summer camp. (714) 432-5880, Press 1.
program their own Lego robots, an airplane and shuttle landing simulator, a paper airplane making station with launcher, a drop tower and a scale that gives kids their weight on all of the planets. Tuesday Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. $5 per person (3+). • Discovery Science Center 2500 North Main St., Santa Ana (714) 542-2823 Imaginations turn, twist and fly through 120 exciting hands-on science exhibits at Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana. Guests can play a game of Virtual Volleyball, make music on a Laser Beam Harp, climb a Rock Wall, watch an indoor Geyser erupt, ride out an earthquake in the Shake Shack, participate in fun science experiments, and more. There’s always something new to see! Visit the new exhibits: Spring 2011: “Sesame Street Presents: The Body” and “Bubblefest.” Summer 2011: “The Adventures of Mr. Potato Head” and “WaterWorks.” Fall 2011: “Bug Invasion II.” Admission: adults, $12.95; ages 3-17, $9.95; under age 2, free. See ad on page 55. • Future Scientists and Engineers of America 2500 North Main St., Santa Ana (714) 542-2823 Students (grades 4-12) learn about science, engineering and technology through fun and challenging projects, such as building bridges, catapults or working motors. Part of Discovery Science Center. Griffith Observatory 2800 E. Observatory Road, Los Angeles (213) 473-0800 The observatory features six astronomy exhibits, a planetarium, a theater featuring shows and news programs, plus a high-powered refracting telescope and three solar telescopes. Observatory, shows and news programs are free and are first-come, firstserved. Special programs and events are also offered. Free monthly “Star Parties” and changing of the seasons events are offered throughout the year. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (818) 354-4350 Web resources and activities for kids plus various science clubs, programs and competitions. JPL also offers a summer internship for high school students (16+); application submissions start in November.
Santa Ana College - Forensic Science Camp (10+), Vehicle Engineering, Bridge and Windmill Building, Rockets and Robots, and Catapults (9-13). (714) 564-6594.
• Long Beach Marine Institute Camps (562) 431-7156 A variety of summer programs, that include Ocean Adventure Camp and Teen Volunteer Programs, are offered to various age groups, June 20 through August 19. For detailed camp information, see listing on page 30. Also see ad on page 35.
Columbia Memorial Space Science Learning Center 12400 Columbia Way (Clark Ave.), Downey (562) 231-1200 The center includes a robotics lab where kids can
• Newport Harbor Nautical Museum/ExplorOcean 600 East Bay Ave., Newport Beach (949) 675-8915 Located on the waterfront of the Balboa Peninsula.
78 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Whether you’re a sailor or surfer, a diver or skimboarder, you’ll learn something new that will inspire a greater appreciation of that vast expanse of salt water we all love. Experience their live marine animal touch tank or dive to the ocean’s depths in their “Alvin” submersible deep-sea diving simulator. A world of new experiences awaits! Also see “Parties.” Ocean Institute 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point (949) 496-2274 Interactive exhibits, marine life, touch tanks and ecology cruises, plus ongoing presentations and Sunday tours aboard the tallship Pilgrim. Single day programs include Jr. Neptunes (6-8), Jr. Oceanographer (9-12) and Jr. Seahawks (9-12). Parentchild programs include Pilgrim Overnight (8+) and Family Science Nights (4+). Summer camps are offered. The Institute is open to the public weekends only. Admission: adults, $6.50; kids (3-12), $4.50. Odyssey of the Mind (856) 256-2797 Groups purchase a membership and form small teams (K-college) to solve competitive problems. Teams work on solutions throughout the school year and present them in spring competitions. Recreation Departments • Anaheim Community Services - Rockets, Illusions and Mentos Camp, where kids learn about scientific principles while having fun. (714) 765-4425. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Mad Science Mania (3-5), Mini Mad Science (3-5), Mighty Mad Science (6-12), Wonders of Science (612) and science summer camps; one to four-week sessions, $45-100. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. Many city recreation departments offer science classes such as Mad Science and rocketry. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. Southern California Rocket Association (714) 529-1598 Monthly model rocketry classes (10+, younger with adult) cover multi-staging, boost-gliders, scale modeling, design and stability. Every student builds a model rocket. $10. Classes are held at Iacoboni Library in Lakewood. Controlled launches are held throughout the year at the Santa Fe Dam recreation area. Star Eco Station 10101 Jefferson Blvd., Culver City (310) 842-8060 Star Eco Station is an environmental science museum and exotic rescue facility. Visitors experience hands-on ecology lessons and encounters with tropical birds, exotic reptiles, wildcats and ocean life in a tropical jungle setting. Summer camps available. Adults, $8; kids, $6.
T.E.A.M. Science Summer Camp (562) 321-9021 Summer Science Camp is a six-day learning adventure for students (K-12) with math, science and technology; July 15-16, 22-23 and 29-30. $195; scholarships available. Held at Buena Park Junior High. Tessman Planetarium at Santa Ana College 1530 W. 17th, Building M, Santa Ana (714) 564-6672 Tour the cosmos and learn about the space program. $5-6, by reservation only, for individuals or groups. • Young Scientists Camp at CSULB See listing on page 37; ad on page 25. Youth Science Center 16949 Wedgeworth Drive, Hacienda Heights (626) 854-9825 Summer science instruction (grades K-8): June 27 July 30. Registration begins in late April. • Youth Super Science Workshops at El Dorado Nature Center 7550 E. Spring St., Long Beach (562) 570-1745 Spring-break workshops include: Mud Mania; Potions, Lotions and Strange Plant Notions; Weaving and Wearing; Butterfly Bonanza; and Birds, Blooms and Bees. April 25-29, grades K-1, 9:30-11:30 a.m.; and grades 2-4, 1-3 p.m. $10 per class. Spark a love for science and nature in your child that will last a lifetime. Join them for summer vacation fun at El Dorado Nature Center. Participation will broaden your child’s understanding of the natural world through a variety of exciting and educational activities. Classes fill up fast; register early to avoid disappointment at closed classes. Kids 3-5, $45 per week, and kids 6-9, $50 per week; June 20 - September 2.
skateboarding Lessons, camps, party packages and skate parks. California Amateur Skateboard League (909) 883-6176 Regional association promotes skateboarding while helping communities provide skaters with safe skateboarding environments. Hosts ongoing competitions. Recreation Departments • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Skateboarding (6+), five-week sessions, $112; Spring Skateboarding Camp (6-14), April 25-29, $159, and Summer Skateboarding Camp, one-week sessions, $164. Call for dates. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine Skateboarding class (6-16) in four-week ses-
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4608 Katella Ave., Suite 201, Los Alamitos ™
(562) 430-0541
sions, $125; skateboarding camp, $34 per day. (562) 570-3100.
Cerritos Skatepark (562) 916-8590 Cerritos Sports Complex, 19900 Bloomfield Ave.
Skate Parks The following locations offer skateboarding and/or inline skating facilities, some offer BMX sessions. Most parks are open during daylight hours, free and unsupervised. Helmets, knee and elbow pads are required. For additional park information, visit
Costa Mesa Volcom Skate Park (714) 754-5326 Clinics and summer camps. 900 Arlington Drive.
• Anaheim Downtown Skate Zone (714) 765-4501 6,000 square-feet of ramps, pipes and ledges for skateboarders and inline skaters. Open daily 10 a.m. - dusk. Broadway Ave. between Olive and Philadelphia Street. • Anaheim West (714) 765-4501 10,000 square-feet of street skating with planters and pool. Open daily 10 a.m. - dusk. 2271 W. Crescent Ave.
Cypress Skate Plaza 4554 Avenida Grenada.
(714) 229-6780
Downey Independence Skate Park (562) 803-0402 12334 Bellflower Blvd. Etnies Skatepark of Lake Forest (949) 916-5870 Skateboard and BMX sessions. Lessons and spring and summer camps. 20028 Lake Forest Drive. www. Fullerton’s Independence Park (714) 738-5365 801 West Valencia Drive.
Arovista Skate Park (714) 990-7100 Elm St. and Sievers Ave., Brea.
Huntington Beach Oak View Skate Park, 17261 Oak Lane, (714) 5365486; and Murdy Community Center, 7000 Norma Drive, (714) 960-8895.
Bellflower Skate Park (562) 866-5684 Caruthers Park, 10500 E. Flora Vista.
Irvine Harvard Skate Park 14701 Harvard Ave.
Buena Park Peak Park 7225 El Dorado Drive.
KABOOM Start Your Own Skatepark (888) 789-7529 KABOOM assists individuals in planning and building skateparks and playgrounds in “child-rich, playground-poor” neighborhoods.
(714) 236-3860
Santa Fe Springs Center Court (562) 929-6341 10340 Orr and Day Road.
(949) 337-6577
kidsguide spring/summer 2011 79
• Long Beach 14th Street Park Skate Plaza, Chestnut Ave. and 14th St., (562) 570-1600; Silverado Park Skate Plaza, 1545 W. Santa Fe Ave, (562) 570-1675; Drake Park Skate Plaza, 951 Maine Ave, (562) 570-1625; El Dorado Skate Park, 2800 Studebaker Road, (562) 5703225; Houghton BMX Bike/Skate Park, skate and BMX bike park with ramps, rails and other obstacles, 6301 Myrtle Ave., (562) 570-1640. Norwalk Skatepark 13000 Clarkdale Ave.
(562) 929-5566
Paramount Village Skatepark (562) 220-2121 7718 Somerset Blvd. Santa Ana Skatepark 3000 W. Edinger Ave.
(714) 571-4200
Simi Valley Skate Lab (805) 578-0040 Air-conditioned indoor skate park. On-site skate school and skateboard museum. Summer skate camps offered. 4226 Valley Fair St. • Vans Skate Park (714) 769-3800 Large indoor/outdoor street courses, in-ground cement pool, 80-foot-wide mini ramp, and beginner’s course. Skateboard and safety equipment rentals available. Open daily, 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. $15 to skate all day. $25 annual memberships which include specials and discount rates. Skate lessons and party packages also offered. The Block at Orange, 20 City Blvd. West, Orange. See ad on page 15. Westminster Liberty Park (714) 895-2860 13900 Monroe St. Whittier Skate Park 76030 Washington Ave.
(562) 464-3430
• Skatedogs (562) 343-1095 After-school and weekend classes in skateboarding, one of the world’s fastest growing sports. Offered in conjunction with the recreation departments of Huntington Beach, Irvine, Lakewood, Long Beach, Los Alamitos, Fountain Valley, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Redondo Beach, Seal Beach and Tustin. They offer classes for all ability levels. Kids (6-13) will make new friends, advance their skateboarding skills, and most importantly, have fun, all in Skatedogs’ private skatepark. They also offer private lessons, birthday parties (see “Parties”) and camps during school breaks (see “Camps”). • Vans Skatepark at The Block at Orange The Block at Orange, 20 City Blvd. West, Orange (714) 769-3800 The Vans skatepark is open daily, 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. The park offers a Pee-Wee area that is specifically designed for young kids and beginners in order to develop their skills in a less intimidating environment. For the more advanced skateboarder, they offer the Pro Street Course, a 20,000-square-foot indoor street course with an array of skateable features, including a combination of quarter-pipes and banks, adjustable 80 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
height hand-rails, fun boxes and pyramids. Please call for rental information. See ad on page 15.
skating&hockey Roller/ice skating and hockey classes, camps and leagues, plus skating rinks, skating paths and national referral agencies. Also see: “Skateboarding.” Boys and Girls Club Buena Park, floor hockey, July - November; Costa Mesa branch, fall and spring hockey league (grades 1-8); and Fullerton, street hockey. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • East West Ice Palace 11446 Artesia Blvd., Artesia (562) 809-6200 Ice rink offers public skating, and classes in skating and figure skating for kids (3+) and adults. Youth and adult hockey leagues, stick time for kids and adults, learn-to-play hockey classes, are all offered. Competitive synchronized skating teams and synchro classes also available. A museum gallery is on site which displays a collection of Michelle Kwan memorabilia, trophies and medals. Check website for special holiday events and details for on-location fitness center. Also see “Parties.” See ad on page 81; coupon on page 95. Hockey Associations Southern California Amateur Hockey Association (949) 859-9735 Ice hockey league (6-18), September - March. USA Hockey and USA Hockey Inline (719) 576-8724 National governing body offers referrals to local programs. • KHS Ice Arena 1000 E. Cerritos Ave., Anaheim (714) 422-1236, Ext. 253 KHS is proud to present free hockey and skating classes. The program is designed to provide children ages 5-8 a positive learning experience, emphasizing sportsmanship, team concepts and skating skills. In association with the Anaheim Ducks, this ongoing, four-week program is free to any child (boy or girl) with no previous experience in skating or the sport of ice hockey. All equipment will be provided. Their free Learn-to-Skate program is available to all ages (3-adult). This four-week program is for the first-time skater and includes a half-hour group lesson, skate rental and public session. Additional skating programs at KHS include public sessions, instruction for all levels (tots through adult), including freestyle, Power Stroking, Synchronized Skating and Ballet. Hockey pro-
grams include Future Stars In-house League for Mites (5-6) and Squirts (7-9), pick-up hockey, 3-on-3, men’s leagues, travel teams, and beginning and elite teams. Call KHS and ask for extension 253 to schedule your class. Please bring ad with you on the first day of class. See ad on page 81. Recreation Departments • Anaheim Community Services Department - Beginning and Advanced Hockey (5+); five-week sessions, $40. Ice Hockey Skating Skills (6-16); fourweeks, $39. Ice Skating classes include Parent and Me, Tots Skating and Beginning Skating Skills. (714) 765-5191. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Skating clinics and peewee, Mommy and Me Skating (ice), and Hockey (ice only). (562) 570-3100. Most city recreation departments offer ice/roller skating classes and hockey classes and leagues. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. Roller Derby Long Beach Roller Derby - Girls (3-17) in two age divisions. No skating experience necessary. Roller Dome at the Queen Mary. (760) 4450903. E-mail: OC Roller Girls - Jr. roller derby (8-17). (877) 6233729. For coed (2-10) roller skating instruction, visit Skating Associations USA Roller Skating Association (317) 347-2626 National association provides referrals to coaches and rinks. USA Roller Sports Association (402) 483-7551 Provides information on competitions, including speed skating, hockey, figure skating, inline and roller derby. Skating Paths For paved trails/paths in Los Angeles and Orange counties, visit: Skating Rinks The following rinks offer roller and/or ice hockey programs (3+), including classes, clinics, camps and leagues, plus public and specialty skating sessions. Pick-up play and party packages may be available. 949 Roller Hockey Center (949) 559-9949 3150 Barranca, Irvine. Center Court (562) 929-6341 Roller hockey leagues and inline skating classes. 10340 Orr and Day Road, Santa Fe Springs. Cerritos Skate Depot (562) 924-0911 Roller only. Radio Disney Skate, Saturday, noon - 3 p.m.; Family night, Sunday, 5:30-8:30 p.m. 11113 E. 183rd St. • East West Ice Palace (562) 809-6200 Ice rink offers public skating, and classes in skat-
ing and figure skating for kids (3+) and adults. They also offer hockey leagues and stick time for kids (6+) and adults. 11446 Artesia Blvd., Artesia. www. See complete listing in this section. See ad on this page; coupon on page 95. Fountain Valley Skating Center (714) 847-0022 Roller only. Coupons on their website. 9105 Recreation Circle. Glacial Gardens Ice Arena (562) 429-1805 Ice only. Hockey (all levels). 3975 Pixie Ave., Lakewood. Holiday Skating Center (714) 997-5283 Roller only; no hockey. Teen Skate Night and Kids Skate morning sessions are offered. 175 N. Wayfield Ave., Orange. • KHS Ice Arena (714) 502-9185 See listing in this section; see ad on this page. Orange County Ice Palace (714) 692-8776 23641 La Palma Ave., Yorba Linda. Paramount Iceland (562) 633-1171 Ice only. Skating school, freestyle and broomball. 8041 Jackson St. The Cage Roller Hockey (714) 748-7529 Roller hockey only (4+). 12722 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove. The Rinks Anaheim ICE (714) 535-7465 Ice only. 300 W. Lincoln Ave., Anaheim. www. The Rinks Huntington Beach Inline (714) 901-2629 Roller only. 5555 McFadden Ave., Huntington Beach. The Rinks Westminster ICE (714) 248-9611 Ice only. 13071 Springdale St., Westminster. www.
register online to get a free Challenger Sports Soccer Jersey, a $40 value! Week of June 27. Boys and Girls Club Indoor soccer leagues and pick-up play (3½-14) are available at most branches. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Colleges and Universities • Cypress College - Kids’ College - Year-Round Peewee Soccer (4-8) from beginning to intermediate level. (714) 484-7038. Long Beach City College Soccer Sports Camps Coed day camps (7+); one-week summer sessions, 2½ hours per day, $60. Pee Wee Camp (4-7), $45. Extended hours are available. (562) 938-4249. Email: • UCI Soccer Camps - Boys’ and girls’ (5-12) soccer camps for all skill levels, focusing on skill development, games, competitions and sportsmanship. June 20 - August 19; $95-175 per one-week session, half- or full-day programs, discounts available for siblings or multiple-week registration, complimentary extended care offered. Advanced player camps, including optional overnight program: boys (14-19) and girls (14-18), July 25 - August 4, $150-550; and July 18-20, $395. (949) 8244690. Also see listings in “Camps” and “Track and Field.” See ad on page 36. • Long Beach State Soccer Academy (562) 985-1858 Long Beach State Women’s Soccer invites you to participate in the 2011 Long Beach State Soccer Academy during the summer months. You can choose from a variety of camps depending on your child’s age and ability level. The coed youth day academy is designed for the beginning or intermediate soccer player looking to develop a basic technical and tactical understanding of the game. In the residential academies, players who are already technically proficient will train in sessions that emphasize tactical awareness and decision making. Residential campers will live, eat and train on campus just like the Long Beach State Women’s soccer players do throughout the school year. Long Beach State coaches will direct the camps along with staff and players on the Long Beach State campus at George
Home of the OC Skating Academy Beginning to Advanced Classes Parent & Me, Tots, Adults, Hockey, Ballet, Stroking, Moves in the Field, Axel, Dbl Jump Spin and much more. Freestyle and Public Skating all day
Home of the Anaheim Wildcats Beginning lessons, Pick-up hockey 3-on-3, Future Stars, Adult Leagues. Elite Teams, Stick Time, Clinics. Stick Time and Pick-Up all day.
Birthday Parties • Scouts • Private Parties Corporate Events
1000 E. Cerritos, Anaheim
714 - 422-1236 Allen Field. See you at The Beach! See ad on page 25 for camp dates. Recreation Departments • Anaheim Community Services Department - Introductory classes and leagues year-round (2½-7 years). Classes held at various parks throughout Anaheim. (714) 765-5191. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Year-round soccer league, (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Indoor soccer, Mommy/Me (2-3), Tot (3-4), PreSoccer (4-5) and Soccer 1,2,3 (5-11); eight-week sessions, $95. (562) 570-3100.
Indoor and outdoor soccer leagues, clinics, classes and camps. Also see: “Camps.” • Alpert JCC Presents Challenger Sports British Soccer Camp Westerly School, 2950 E. 29th St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1047 The Alpert JCC and Challenger Sports partner to offer an array of soccer camps for ages 3-16, ranging from one hour for the youngest players to six hours. In this unique cross-cultural experience, the British coaching staff helps kids experience soccer as never before, with an emphasis on individual skill development, a daily World Cup-style tournament, and much more! Call Ext. 1047 and find out how to kidsguide spring/summer 2011 81
Most city recreation departments offer soccer leagues and/or clinics. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information.
9025,; and Team of Advocates for Special Kids (TASK), (866) 828-8275,
• Signal Hill Soccer Indoor Center 1138 E. Willow St., Signal Hill (562) 209-8498 Recently opened in February of this year, Signal Hill Soccer is an indoor facility with four fields. They offer classes for kids (4+) including a pre-K and a kindergarten class every weekday, along with beginner’s classes for any age. They also offer skills training, freestyle, pick-up games, as well as the space for your team to practice and scrimmage. Also see “Parties.” See ad on page 83.
• Kelly Summer Music Therapy Studio (562) 833-6444, Long Beach Music therapy for children with developmental disabilities is offered with Kelly Summer Music Therapy Studio. Music therapy is the clinical and evidenced-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic environment. Music therapy can help your child to reach educational/IEP goals, improve communication, improve gross/fine motor skills, express feelings, and improve emotional and affective development. Also see “Music.”
Soccer Association The following associations offer boys’ and girls’ leagues (4-19), summer camps and special needs programs.
Learning Disabilities and Autism Programs Information and resource organizations for autism, dyslexia and ADD/ADHD. Autism Society of America, (800) 328-8476,; Autism Solutions for Kids, (949) 221-0126, www.; Autism Speaks, (323) 549-0500,; Dyslexia Foundation, (941) 807-0499,; Learning Disabilities Association, (949) 673-3612,; TACA, Talk About Curing Autism, (949) 640-4401,; and International Dyslexia Association, (410) 296-0232,
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO)
(800) USA-AYSO
California Youth Soccer Association (888) 429-2972 Soccer Parks The following parks are indoor facilities: Arena Soccer Parks - 13631 Deordara Drive, Garden Grove, (714) 890-0259; and 2190 N. Canal St., Orange, (714) 974-1993. Deft Touch Soccer Center - 3842 Catalina St., Los Alamitos, (562) 354-7592, YMCA Boys’, girls’ and coed indoor soccer teams at the following branches: Anaheim (3-6), Fullerton (314), Weingart-Lakewood, Santa Ana (3-14) and Yorba Linda (3-5). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.
specialneeds Referral agencies, support groups and recreational activities. Programs throughout Kidsguide are often open to those with special needs, see your area of interest and call to inquire. Family Resources and Referrals Comprehensive directories and/or referrals are available for parents of children with special needs through the following agencies: Comfort Connection, (714) 796-5100,; Family Resource Center at Miller Children’s Hospital, (800) 636-6742; Family Support Network, (714) 854-7762, www.familysupportnetworkca. com; Harbor Regional Center, (888) 540-1711,; Help Me Grow, (866) 476-
• Life Without Limits Pediatric Center 980 Roosevelt, Ste., 100, Irvine (949) 333-6408 An experienced team of instructors provide afterschool classes for children and teens with all types of developmental disabilities. Classes are offered in art, dance, music, yoga, gymnastics and martial arts at the United Cerebral Palsy of Orange County’s Life Without Limits Pediatric Center. They offer “Let’s Grow!,” a developmental play group for parents and their infants and toddlers (birth-36 months), as well as parenting classes for children who have challenging behaviors, including social skills classes for children. Check their website for a class schedule. • Pretend City Children’s Museum 29 Hubble, Irvine (949) 428-3900 Special autism events are offered monthly for families with children whose developmental abilities fall on the Autism Spectrum. These events allow children and their parents/caretakers to play in an autism-friendly environment along with other families. See “Calendar” and “Museums” for complete listings. See ad on the back inside cover. • Rancho Rio Verde 1000 W. Carson St., Long Beach (310) 830-2060 Special-need students of all ages can participate in a vaulting program (gymnastics on horseback); Mondays, 2-7 p.m. No experience necessary. See ad on page 51. Recreation Departments Most city recreation departments offer various
82 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
adaptive programs for kids with special needs. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. • Splash! La Mirada Regional Aquatics Center Adaptive Swim Class 13806 La Mirada Blvd., La Mirada 90638 (562) 902-3191 Designed for ages 3 and over with mental or physical disabilities, this class provides the opportunity to learn and improve swimming skills.
supportgroups Parent, caregiver and child support groups. Also see: “Emergency and Family Services,” “Parent Education” and “Play Groups.” AD/HD Support Group (714) 490-7022 Children and adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) offers an AD/HD general support group for parents, teachers and caregivers. Last Tuesday of the month, 7-9 p.m. St. Paul’s Lutheran School, 901 E. Helm, Orange. Free. Boot Camp for New Dads (949) 754-9067 Led by Boot Camp veterans and their babies, a trained coach conducts workshops to help new fathers step up to the challenges of being a dad. Breast Feeding Support Breast Feeding Clinic (562) 427-3782 Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m., $20; preregistration required. 2840 Long Beach Blvd., Ste. 425, Long Beach. La Leche League (800) 525-3243 Free support and information for women who are or want to learn more about breastfeeding. Bilingual. Child Support Services The following organizations offer assistance, information and referrals relating to child support and custody: Orange County Child Support Services, (866) 901-3212,; and Single Parents United ‘N’ Kids (SPUNK), (562) 432-8802, • Connie Wax, Certified SENG Facilitator 4050 Katella Ave., Ste. 203, Los Alamitos (714) 300-3163 Confused about parenting a gifted child? Certified SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted) facilitator, Connie Wax helps parents gain skills and strategies for parenting a gifted child, through consultation, therapy and workshops for individuals and families. Her ten-week support groups (new
sessions begin in September and January) allow parents to discuss the unique challenges that a gifted child brings to a family. Also see “Parent Education.” See ad on page 59. Doulas of North America (888) 788-3662, Ext. DONA Referrals to certified doulas, individuals providing support for women and their families during pregnancy, labor/delivery and post-partum. English and Spanish. Helping Kids Cope (with Divorce) 500 South Main St., Ste. 1100, Orange (714) 543-4333 A one-time workshop designed to teach parents how to minimize the negative effects of separation or divorce. Support group referrals are also available. Mom and Baby Support Group (562) 933-8117 Ongoing, nurse-led support group for new mothers; moms are encouraged to bring their baby. Wednesdays, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Free. Parents Without Partners (800) 637-7974 Provides single parents and their children with an environment for support, friendship and the exchange of parenting techniques. Seriously Ill and Bereavement Support Groups Support for children and families who have lost or are losing a loved one. Art and Creativity for Healing (949) 367-1902 Kids Connected
(800) 899-2866
Mariposa Women and Family Ctr. (714) 547-6494 New Hope (888) 490- HOPE, (562) 429-0075 Includes Kids Club (5-12),Teen Grief In Focus (13+) and Family Camp. 3443 San Anseline, Long Beach. Pathways Volunteer Hospice
(562) 531-3031
SHARE! Self-Help and Recovery Exchange (310) 846-5270 Provides free referrals to more than 700 self-help support groups serving all needs. Weekdays, 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Pre-recorded referrals to more than 60 support groups available after hours. Bilingual. The Center 2017 E. 4th St., Long Beach (562) 434-4455 The Center offers support programs for gay fathers
and lesbian mothers as well as a center and support group for LGBTQ teens (13-18).
surfing Group and private instruction, camps, party packages and rentals, plus a surfing museum. Also see: “Aquatics and Water Polo.” • Banzai Surf Camp (714) 499-3315 Banzai is a family-run surf camp located near the border of Huntington and Newport Beach. They are open year-round, offering surf camps during spring and summer to kids, ages 6-60. Camps run weekdays from 9 a.m. - noon, or 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. They also offer standard two-hour lessons seven days a week from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Banzai Surf Camp provides instruction, surfboards, wetsuits, and all the sand you can eat! See ad on page 24. Beach Closure Hotline Up-to-date information on water quality and beach closures in Los Angeles County, (800) 525-5662; and Orange County, (714) 433-6400. For weekly and annual beach reports, visit www. and Huntington Beach International Surfing Museum 411 Olive Ave., Huntington Beach (714) 960-3483 Changing exhibits celebrate the history of surfing and surf culture. Tours by reservation. Concerts are offered April 10 - September 25. Free, donations accepted. Recreation Department Classes The following city recreation departments offer kids’ surfing classes and camps: Huntington Beach, camps only, (714) 536-5486; Newport Beach, (949) 6443151; and Seal Beach, (562) 431-2527, Ext. 344. Surfboard Rentals The following businesses offer surfboards, bodyboards and wetsuit rentals: Bruce Jones Surfboards, Inc. (888) 592-2314 16927 Pacific Coast Highway, Sunset Beach. www. Huntington Surf and Sport 300 PCH, Huntington Beach (714) 841-4000 3801 Warner Ave., Huntington Bch (714) 846-0181 Zach’s Beach Food Fun (714) 536-0215 PCH and Main St., Huntington Beach PCH and Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach Also rents umbrellas, chairs, bicycles, tandems, roller blades and volleyballs.
Surfing America (949) 276-4660 Sponsors competitions and events for amateur surfers of all ages. The website features a list of recommended surf schools.
teens Resources and activities geared specifically for teens. Also see your area of interest as teen activities are listed throughout Kidsguide. Boys and Girls Clubs Most branches offer teen centers and/or programs that typically include games, movies, field trips, community service activities and tutoring. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Colleges and Universities Cerritos College - Year-round SAT Preparation weekend courses. Summer classes include SAT Writing, SAT Math, Writing a Research Paper, Algebra I and II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Intro to Calculus, Intro to Professional Cooking and Baking, Zoom Into the Auto Industry and Engineering Design with AutoCad. (562) 467-5050. www. • Cypress College - Kids’ College - SAT Math Prep (grades 10+), Math CAHSEE (grades 10+), Algebra and Geometry Tutoring (grades 7+), PreCalculus (grades 10+), Calculus (grades 10+), Improve Your Reading and Writing (grades 7-10), Intensive Writing Camp (grades 7+), Grammar for Successful Grades (grades 7+), Photoshop for Teens (grades 9-12), Helping Teens Find, Obtain and Keep a Job (13-16), and Teen Cooking Camp (13+). Offered at Anaheim and Fullerton campuses. (714) 484-7038. kidsguide spring/summer 2011 83
WEEKLY SESSIONS: Mon.–Fri. 9am–12pm WEEKLY OR DAILY: $185/week $40/day SIBLING DISCOUNT: 10 % off 2nd child ABOUT PETER SMITH: • USC Men’s Tennis Coach • 2010 NCAA Coach of the year • 2009 & 2010 NCAA Team Champion • Peter has coached more than 10 national junior champions and more than 20 All-Americans • Peter has coached thousands of happy kids in over 24 years of running junior summer tennis camps
Santa Ana College - Online Driver’s Education course and SAT Preparation (15+). (714) 5646594. • Girlfriends (562) 608-8809 Have your child experience some new innovative ideas, such as cooking, career guidance, selfdefense, fashion talk/tips and professional speakers, plus fun activities and goodies. Plus it’s a great place to meet friends! The group is limited to 25. Visit the website to find a Girlfriends meeting near you; or for an enrollment form. Rock Your Summer at Girlfriends Camp is also offered; see “Camps” for details. See ad on page 34. • Northstar Learning Center 8123 Wardlow Road, Long Beach (562) 431-3111 Northstar Learning Center offers college counseling, including: planning for PSAT, SAT, ACT, SAT subject tests, AP classes and tests, and college application essays. For more information and a current class schedule, please call or visit their website. Also see “Tutoring.” Recreation Departments • Lakewood Youth and Teen Centers - Programs offered through the Lakewood Youth Center include Teens In Lakewood Care and Teen Board. The Youth 84 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Center (grades 6-12) offers a variety of weekly activities, including electronic gaming, homework assistance, open game room, teen volunteer program, karaoke, cable crew and more. Special activities include excursions, classes and Totally Friday Nights, a series of dances and special events (grades 6-8). The Teen Resource Center in Bloomfield Park offers a game room with video and board games, lounge area, computer lab, book club, homework help and year-round free events. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine Teen Centers - The following parks offer teen centers featuring a variety of activities on a drop-in basis, free of charge. Centers are open weekdays, 3-7 p.m. Call parks for a schedule. California Recreation Center, (562) 5701606; Chavez Park, (562) 570-8890; El Dorado Park West, (562) 570-3225; Houghton Park, (562) 5701640; and Silverado Park, (562) 570-1675. Teen Camps: Bay Club Teen Camp (13-17; must have completed 7th grade): one-week sessions, June 21 - August 20, noon - 5 p.m. $105 per week. Sailing, windsurfing, canoeing, kayaking, sports, excursions and games. (562) 570-1888. Glee Camp (12-16) is also offered, $135. (562) 570-3100. Teen Volunteer The following organizations offer volunteer programs for teens: Assisteens,; Casa Youth Shelter Youth Development Program, (800) 914-CASA,; Volunteer with Animals at Clinico, (562) 346-4392, www.; and Rancho Los Cerritos, (562) 5701755. Toastmasters International Youth Leadership (949) 858-8255 Chairmanship, public speaking, listening and vocabulary development for teens (11-18); some programs offer competitions.
tennis Lessons, camps, leagues and teams. • Billie Jean King and El Dorado Park Tennis Centers - Junior Tennis Academy Billie Jean King Tennis Center (562) 438-8509 1040 Park Ave., Long Beach El Dorado Park Tennis Center (562) 425-0553 2800 Studebaker Road, Long Beach USPTA-certified professional instruction is provided for all levels. Year-round classes, for ages 3 and up, include Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. Classes are 60-120 minutes in length, 1-4 times per week. Junior tournaments are scheduled throughout the year. Tennis camps (4-17) are available in one-week sessions during spring, summer
and winter breaks (see “Camps” for a complete description); daily drop-in also offered. Both locations offer a full-service pro shop. See ad on page 85. Colleges and Universities Cerritos College - Summer tennis classes include instruction for beginning to advanced players (6-18). (562) 467-5050. • Cypress College Kids’ College - Year-round classes and summer camps (6+), beginner to highschool level. (714) 484-7038. Long Beach City College - Beginning to advanced summer instruction (5+); two-week sessions, Monday - Thursday, one hour per day, $45. Extended supervision available. (562) 938-4249. E-mail: • UCI Tennis Camps - Day camps (8-17) for boys and girls, whether novice or an experienced tournament player. Camps include pool activities, catered lunch and complimentary extended care. June 27 August 12, $240-375; one-week sessions offered in half-day and full-day options. (949) 824-6120. See ad on page 36. • Long Beach State Junior Tennis Camp 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach (562) 985-4336 Drills, games and match play are included in this instructional camp, conducted by Long Beach State Head Coach, Jennifer Hilt, for ages 5-15. Eight oneweek sessions, June 20 - August 12, 9 a.m. - noon. Supervised lunch and escort is provided for 49er participants. See ad on page 85. • Peter Smith Trojan Tennis Camp Seal Beach Tennis Center 3900 Lampson Ave., Seal Beach (562) 598-8624 Peter Smith Trojan Tennis Camp are five day clinics during school holidays and summer break for kids (5-14); drinks, games and prizes are included. Sessions are offered weekly ($185) or even daily ($40), Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - noon, June 27 - August 19. Sibling discount is 10% off for the second child. See “Camps” for complete listing. See ad on this page. Recreation Departments • Anaheim Community Services Department - Beginning and intermediate classes, and summer camps (4-17), $50-95. Anaheim Tennis Center and Olive Hills Tennis Courts. (714) 765-5191. www. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Classes and camps (4+); one to eight-week sessions, $33-112. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Clinics and classes. (562) 570-3100. Most city recreation departments offer tennis programs for all ages and levels. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information.
Personalized instruction by Head Coach Jenny Hilt-Costello & Assistant Coach Hannah Grady
Summer 2011 • June 20 - August 12 EIGHT 1-WEEK SESSIONS • 9AM TO NOON Boys & Girls ages 5-15 and all skill levels SPECIAL OFFER FOR MULTI-WEEK OR MULTI-CHILD PARTICIPANTS 2002, ’04, ’05, ’06, ’07, ’08 & ‘09
(562) 985-4336 •
Southern California Tennis Association (310) 208-3838 Programs for junior players (10-18), including teams, clinics and tournaments, at various locations. Scholarships available.
Boys and Girls Club The following branches offer drama classes and workshops (6+): Cypress offers TNT Drama Matters (grades 3+). Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach host Clubhouse Theater. Garden Grove branches offer drama production and a talent show. Tustin offers Drama Club. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.
• California Arts Center at OCHSA 1010 N. Main St., Santa Ana (714) 560-0900, Ext. 5630 Offers two twelve-week sessions (grade 4 and up) on Saturdays during the school year in musical theatre. Also, musical theatre summer stock productions begin June 20. See listings in “Arts and Crafts” and “Camps” for full program descriptions.
Classes, camps and performing groups. Also see: “Camps,” “Dance” and “Music” for related activities. • Alpert JCC Musical Theater Camp and Teen Summer Stock 3801 East Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1047 Local musical theater company MYART brings its acclaimed program to the J, offering two different opportunities for kids to explore their musical and theatrical sides. From June 20 - July 24, teens entering grades 6 and up can join the JCC’s Teen Summer Stock program in the original high school musical, “FAME,” and from July 25 - August 12, kids ages 6-12 can strut their stuff in “Honk,” the musical take on the story of the Ugly Duckling, who takes a long journey on the way to finding his own inner beauty.
Community College Programs Cerritos College - Superhero Theatre, Sketch Comedy Kids and Theatre Jam Camp (6-14). (562) 4675050. • Cypress College - Kids’ College - Drama for Imagination (3-6), Musical Theater, Vocal for Kids, plus summer camp. (714) 484-7038. • GO-FAME Long Beach (562) 884-7077 GO-FAME provides children performing arts opportunities through classes and theatrical produc-
tions. They offer acting, musical theater, show choir and stage craft classes for children (5+) taught by entertainment industry professionals. During their show season, children (8-18) receive professional training and perform in their fully-staged theatrical productions with top-quality sets and costuming. Past shows include Alice in Wonderland, The Jungle Book and The Velveteen Rabbit. Their shows are reasonably priced and great family-fun. Watch your child gain the confidence and focus necessary for theater and beyond while experiencing the teamwork and camaraderie of this collaborative art form. GO-FAME is a non-profit theatrical education program which serves Los Angeles and Orange counties. Visit for a class schedule and upcoming show information. See ad on page 87. • IncrediFlix Summer Camps (949) 548-5424 If you like acting, IncrediFlix has got you covered! They are offering children, ages 7 and up, camps in acting, live-action filmmaking, and action filmmaking (everybody gets a DVD!). See “Camps” for a complete listing; also see ad on page 27. • Jammin’ Music & Arts 4228 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach (562) 490-0222 Long Beach’s only multi-art learning center is now offering musical theater classes for students ages 8 and up! University-trained, professional actors/
1040 Park Ave. Long Beach (562) 438-8509
2800 Studebaker Rd., Long Beach (562) 425-0553
JUNIOR TENNIS CAMPS Kids will have LOTS OF FUN while discovering the game of tennis! SPRING BREAK: April 25-29. SUMMER: June 20-Sept. 2 • Beg - Adv • Ages 4-17
Plus: Junior Tennis Academy • Year-round Classes • Tournaments Daily Drop-In Available •
kidsguide spring/summer 2011 85
Acting and Modeling
• Commercials • Television • Film • Print • Voice/Singing Lessons Enhance Self-Esteem and Confidence! Christian • 562.833.6494
Personal attention by Lizz Nicholson Talent Advisor, Mentor, Agent Preparation & Interview singers provide training in monologues and scene study, dramatic/comedic timing, building characters, improv, vocal technique, dramatic singing and more. Group and private options available. Summer camps are also offered, see “Camps.” See ad on page 59. • Liberty Theater Summer Camp (714) 827-9141 Productions throughout the year, as well as summer camp for kids (7-18) includes acting, audition preparation, basic lighting and theatrical make-up technique, dance and vocal instruction, and lots of fun. This summer’s camp production is Beauty and the Beast. June 20 - August 5, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. $495, registration covers the entire seven weeks of camp; discounts for siblings; payment plans offered. Liberty Theater, Joint Forces Training Base, Los Alamitos. Registration meeting for parents, Wednesday, June 15, 7:30 p.m. See complete listing in “Camps.” See ad on page 33. • Lizz Nicholson Celebrity Development (562) 833-6494 Get your “act” together for commercials, television, film acting and print modeling! Lizz Nicholson has over 30 years experience in the entertainment industry. She is a “young” grandmother of a working 13-year-old actor. Lizz gives parents peace of mind as she educates you about the ins and outs of the business. She prepares children for on-camera work, agent representation, interviews, and builds life skills of self-esteem and confidence. Most of her clients lead to agent representation. Check out Lizz’s website first, then give her a call before spending any money! See ad on this page. • Long Beach Playhouse Summer Theatre School 5021 E. Anaheim St., Long Beach, 90804 562-494-1014, Ext. 500 Ready for the fun to begin, again? Long Beach Playhouse Theatre Conservatory is a rigorously fun, full day two-week performing arts conservatory, July 11-22 and July 25 - August 5. Students entering third grade through high school receive age-appropriate training in acting, movement, text analysis, improvisation, Shakespeare and much more! This is a unique opportunity for students of all experience levels to develop their creativity and confidence in a highly professional environment. The exceptional faculty is comprised of professional actors, directors, playwrights and theatre educators. Supporting the faculty are committed collegiate and graduate students in theatre. Enroll 86 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
now to ensure your child will experience some of the finest theatre training available to the youth of Long Beach. Registration is available on their website. See ad on page 87. • Long Beach Shakespeare Co. Drama Programs 4250 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach 90807 (562) 997-1494 The youth program is designed to promote literacy and theater education in a fun and entertaining manner. The program encompasses studying theater, acting, Shakespeare history, text and characters; all culminating in a showcase presentation of Shakespeare scenes. Acting classes for kids, after-school programs, theater tours, and a summer drama camp (see “Camps”) are offered. All classes are taught by industry professionals with many years of experience. See ad on page 35. • Pacific Conservatory Costa Mesa Campus (714) 545-1217 Orange Campus (714) 545-1217 Musical Theatre Performance and Musical Theater Vocal classes experience the thrill of performing scenes from Broadway musicals. Performance class students focus on scripts, acting and stage directions. Vocal students work on technic, stage presence and choreography. Each class will create and perform in two live performances. This class is a sure hit for every child dreaming of being a star! Call today to schedule your complimentary class. Please see “Camps” listing for drama classes during school vacations. Locations: 151 Kalmus, G-1, Costa Mesa, 92626; and 1311 E. Katella Ave., Orange, 92867. Formerly Pacific School of Music and the Arts. See coupon on page 95. Recreation Department Classes • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Acting for Film and TV (10-15); five-week sessions, $65. Reader’s Theater (11-14); three-week sessions, $35-45. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408.
• South Coast Repertory Kids and Teen Acting Classes 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa (714) 708-5577 Classes, workshops, and peer groups (grades 3-12) in acting, beginning to advanced levels. Three ten-week sessions during the school year, and camps during the summer. Summer Theatre Workshops (grades 3-12), July 25 - August 6 or August 8-20. $315, with discounts for additional siblings. Also see “Camps.” • SURFPUPPS Puppetry Workshops (562) 896-3625 Outdoor puppetry workshops for kids (8-11) include creating puppets, props and backgrounds, writing scripts and performing. See complete listing in “Camps.” See ad on page 22. Youth Theater Production Programs Also see theater arts programs listed in this section. Arts and Learning Conservatory (714) 623-1907 Kids (5-16) learn voice, acting and multimedia. Summer camps offered. Broadway on Tour Children’s Theatre 625 French St., Santa Ana. Buena Park Youth Theatre 8150 Knott Ave. Buena Park.
(714) 542-6939
(714) 236-3869
Fullerton Children’s Repertory Theater (714) 671-1084 201 E. Chapman Ave., Fullerton. International City Theater (562) 495-4595, Ext. 10. Summer Youth Conservatory, July 5 - August 11. Laguna Playhouse Youth Theater (949) 497-2787 School-year classes (6+), conservatory (10+) and acting and musical theater summer camp (7+). 606 Laguna Canyon Road. Muckenthaler Cultural Center (714) 738-6595 A variety of kids’ (7+) theater arts workshops are offered year-round. 1201 W. Malvern Ave., Fullerton.
• Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Improv for Teens (12+) and Musical Theatre Workshop (8-16); songs, choreography, acting, stage blocking and performance experience. (562) 570-3111.
Musical Theatre Academy of Orange County (949) 955-3737 Summer camps, ages 7-13, August 8-20, performances August 19-20; kids ages 10-18, July 18-30, performances July 29-30. 3935 Birch St., Newport Beach.
Some city recreation departments offer theater arts programs. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information.
MYART (800) 400-2985 Classes and summer camps. Long Beach. Orange County Children’s Theatre (714) 502-2244
Performing Arts Conservatory
toys Educational toys available through specialty stores and toy lending centers. • Belmont Kidz Children’s Consignment Boutique 2734 E. Broadway, Long Beach (562) 433-9151 As the premier source for upscale, gently-used children’s items, Belmont Kidz Boutique offers new and resale toys, clothing, shoes, books and baby equipment for infants, toddlers, girls and boys. And, because they’re “recycling” gentlyused products, they’re also helping the environment. For a consignment appointment, please call ahead. See “Clothing” for details. See ad on page 41. • Inch by Inch 3585-A Los Coyotes Diagonal, Long Beach (562) 425-5437, (562) 425-KIDS Resale boutique that offers gently used, new and custom items, including indoor/outdoor toys, books, puzzles and much more. Call for details on selling your items for cash. Go green and save green! Mom owned. E-mail: Also see “Clothing.” See ad on page 40. • Love Child 11194 Los Alamitos Blvd., Los Alamitos (562) 485-7040 A unique and fun boutique / If gifts are what you seek / Clothing for the young with heart / Be a piece of moving art / Candy bouquets to sweeten your day / Toys and games for children to play / Party favors, piñatas and more / Shopping here is never a bore / With customer service that others are lacking / You’ll leave here with free gift wrapping! Mom owned and kid approved. • Pixie Toys 3930 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach 90807 (562) 490-0702 Pixie Toys carries a wide selection of unique and affordable toys. Some of the lines they carry are Infantino, Trumpette Socks, Baby Dolls by Corolle, Bruder Trucks, Papo Knights, Alex Art supplies, Plasma Cars and Eco friendly tea sets and trucks. Free gift wrapping and card with purchase. Follow @PixieToys on Twitter to get up-to-the-minute updates on events and new products. Find them on facebook, Twitter and Yelp. See ad on page 39. • Toy Lending Centers Long Beach (562) 256-7490 Anaheim (714) 817-8673 Educational Resource Lending Library at Children’s Home Society of California offers a toy loan for all ages, where toys are loaned for up to four weeks. 330 Golden Shore, Ste. 20, Long Beach; and 505 N. Euclid St., Ste. 100, Anaheim. See ad on page 39.
Two Sessions: July 11-22 and July 25 - August 5 9am-5pm • Grades 3 - High School Instruction in Acting, Movement, Improvisation, Text Analysis, Shakespeare from professional actors, directors, playwrights and theatre educators.
Register online at 562-494-1014 ext. 500 • 5021 E. Anaheim St., Long Beach
Classes, clubs, meets and camps. Also see: “Camps.”
Train rides and travel, plus train museums.
Colleges and Universities CSULB Track and Field - Clinics (8+) are held throughout the year. E-mail: (562) 618-1020. Long Beach City College - One-week summer session, coed (10+), two hours per day, $45. Extended supervision available. (562) 938-4249. E-mail: • UCI - True Speed Camp for boys and girls (718) includes training in sprinting and technique. This camp also helps develop sports-specific speed to be used in other sports such as soccer, basketball, football and baseball. 0ne-week sessions, July 11-22, 9 a.m. - noon, $110. (949) 824-6120. Also see “Camps.” See ad on page 36. Recreation Departments The following recreation departments offer spring programs in track and field. Lakewood Recreation and Community Services, (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408; and Los Alamitos Recreation, Peewee (5-7) and clinics (8-14), (562) 430-1073. USA Track and Field Association (562) 941-2621 Referrals to local youth track and cross-country clubs and competitions. YMCA Fullerton offers track and field (9+). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.
Amtrak One-Day Train Rides (800) USA-RAIL Short day-trips to Los Angeles, San Diego, San Juan Capistrano and other cities are available from local stations in Anaheim, Fullerton, Irvine and Santa Ana. A shuttle provides round-trip transportation from the San Diego station to Sea World and the San Diego Zoo. Up to two kids (2-15) receive a 50% discount on the lowest available adult rail fare with each fare-paying adult. • Choo Choo Train Company (877) 424-6624 The Choo Choo Train is a wonderful addition to kids’ parties, festivals, parades, fairs, schools and corporate events. Their colorful trackless train can be ridden on any flat surfaces: grass, asphalt, gravel and pavement. The train is gas powered by a locomotive that pulls three padded passenger cars, equipped with seatbelts and realistic train whistle, and can ride 18 kids or 12 adults. Call now to book your party and receive 10% off when you mention “Kidsguide.” See ad on page 63. • Filmore and Western Railway Santa Clara and Central Ave., Fillmore (800) 773-8724 The Fillmore and Western Railway, now in its 15th year of scenic excursions in the Heritage Valley, features trains you’ve seen in the movies and on television. Ride onboard 1920’s-30’s era vintage restored coaches or an open air flat car to enjoy views of some of the last thriving citrus and avocado orchards in the state. Regular departures Saturday and Sunday at 11:30 a.m. from the Fill-
We offer instruction in: Acting • Auditioning Musical Theater • Dance • Stage Craft Our Show Season offers: Family-friendly shows Performance Opportunities • Stage crew experience For information or to be added to our mailing list, please contact Kathy McGuire & Elaine Zofrea, co-founders (562) 884-7077 • • kidsguide spring/summer 2011 87
more Central Park station. Specialty trains and excursions are scheduled monthly. A fleet of 1950’s era diesels and a restored 1913 Baldwin Steam Engine pull the train along the historic tracks that were once the mainline between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Saturday nights offer the experience of murder mystery dinner onboard the train in its historic dining cars in fine railroad tradition. A parlor car dating back to 1928 serves as a diner onboard the Weekend Scenic Excursions. Reservations are required for dinner trains and for all other excursions. See ad on page 12. Metro-Railway (323) 466-3876 Trains run daily and frequently, 4 a.m. - 1 a.m. The website features a trip planner to help plot routes to and from popular family destinations. Train Museums, Displays and Rides The following locations offer exhibits of working, model and replica locomotives and cabooses, and/ or rides and party packages. El Dorado Park Express Railroad - El Dorado Regional Park, Long Beach. (562) 824-7725. www. • Fillmore and Western Railway - Adults, $24; seniors, $22; children ages 4-12, $14; child ages 2-3, $10; infants under age 2 are free on lap. See listing in this section; see ad on page 12. Griffith Park, Los Angeles - Travel Town Museum, (323) 662-5874,; Griffith Park and Southern Railroad, train rides, (323) 664-6788, Irvine Park Railroad at Irvine Regional Park - One Irvine Park Road, Orange. (714) 997-3968. www. Lomita Railroad Museum - 2137 250th St., Lomita. (310) 326-6255. Orange County Model Engineers - Free rides on the third weekend of every month, 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Fairview Park, 2480 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa. (949) 54-TRAIN. Orange Empire Railway Museum - Demonstrations, tours and rides on historic trains. 2201 South A St., Perris. (951) 657-2605. San Diego - San Diego Model Railroad Museum features the one of the world’s largest indoor displays, (619) 696-0199, www.sdmodelrailroadm. com; Balboa Park Miniature Railroad, a three-minute, half-mile trip on a rare model train, (619) 239-0512, Santa Ana Zoo at Prentice Park - Train is inside the zoo. 1801 E. Chestnut Ave., Santa Ana. (714) 836-4000.
88 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Scholarships available. (562) 985-4991. www.
tutoring& academics Individual and group tutoring, including academic enrichment classes and workshops. • Academic Enrichment Camp at CSULB See listing on page 21; ad on page 25. • Alpert JCC Handwriting & Young Writers’ Workshops 3801 East Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1047 Write On: Handwriting the Right Way! - Is your child struggling with letter reversals or letter formation? Do you want to give your child a head start on the fundamental skills necessary for successful handwriting for school? At the AJCC’s new Write On: Handwriting the Right Way!, a certified and licensed pediatric occupational therapist will use games, songs, crafts and the acclaimed Handwriting Without Tears® program to help kids improve their fine motor skills for successful handwriting. Small group size and fun themes make the hour-long classes fly by! Ages 4-7; call for schedule and prices. Young Writers’ Workshop - Writing can be fun! Young writers, ages 6-12, discover the magic of the written word in this exciting camp focusing on prose and poetry, play writing and more. Campers will write in a workshop setting, exploring, sharing and listening, while learning technique and style along the way. Week of July 18. Boys and Girls Club All branches provide homework tutoring, story hours, computer time and library visits. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Chess Palace 12872 Valley View St., Ste. 5, Garden Grove (714) 899-3421 Classes, tournaments and camps. Colleges and Universities Cerritos College - Academic enrichment classes in reading and writing, math (basic to calculus), public speaking, test taking and study skills. (562) 4675050, Ext. 2521. Chapman University - Reading and writing tutoring program (grades 1-6), taught by students earning their teaching credentials. (714) 997-6613. California State University Long Beach - Educational Psychology Clinic offers assessment and tutoring for school-age children (6-17) and developmental assessment for children ages 3-6.
• Cypress College Kids’ College - Academic classes (4+) in kindergarten and first grade readiness, math (from grade 1 math to calculus), study skills, phonics, reading, spelling, study and memory skills, creative writing, chess and writing reports. Specialty classes include: Public Speaking (8-12), Bringing Reading Alive (grades 1-2), Reading Comprehension (grades 3-6), Improve Your Reading and Writing (grades 7-10), Puppetry and Storytelling (3-6), and Joy of Reading (grades 1-2), plus a variety of specialty workshops; five to eight-week sessions. $40-70. Summer camps include: Pre-Reading Skills for Kindergarten, Celebrate A Book A Day, Reading, Writing and Math Review (grades 1-4), Bringing Reading Alive and Intensive Writing Camp; one-week sessions, half day. $85-125. (714) 484-7038. Golden West College for Kids - Math (all levels), reading, writing, spelling, grammar and composition, SAT practice and study skills, plus a variety of academic summer camps. (714) 895-0800. www. Orange Coast College - Summer classes in math (all levels), writing, reading and comprehension, study skills, and SAT prep. (714) 432-5880, Press 1. Santa Ana College - Reading, Speed Reading and Vocabulary, Study Skills, English Composition, Basic Math, Fractions, Pre-Algebra, Algebra (8-15) and Chess (8-12). (714) 564-6594. • CSULB - Young Writers’ Camp 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach (562) 985-1696 Young Writers’ Camp teaches writing in a relaxed, non-threatening environment. Two, three-week sessions are offered for students entering grades 1-12. For detailed information, see listing in “Camps” and ad on page 27. • Math Zone Learning Center 3613 East 10th St., Long Beach (562) 434-2521 Math Zone Learning Center offers professional, personalized math instruction for students, elementary grades through calculus. The center is now offering chemistry tutoring as well. The instructors are credentialed teachers dedicated to the success of each student. All sessions are held after school and early evenings. The scheduling is flexible. Rates are reasonable and there are never testing fees, enrollment fees, or long contracts. If a high level of math achievement is what you want for your child, please call today. The sooner your child is enrolled, the sooner their grades will begin to improve. See ad on page 89. • Northstar Learning Center 8123 Wardlow Road, Long Beach (562) 431-3111 Northstar Learning Center helps students improve
their academic skills in reading, writing, math, science and CST Test Prep. They provide a studenttailored learning environment (grades K-12). Experienced teachers work with students in small classes or individual tutoring sessions. They also counsel high school students on their college path: planning for PSAT, SAT, ACT, SAT subject tests, AP classes and tests, and college application essays. For more information and a current class schedule, please call or visit their website. Also see “Teens.” Recreation Departments • Anaheim Community Services Department - Math Zoom Club at East Anaheim Community Center is a week-long camp in August nurturing your child’s critical thinking skills and prepping them for the start of the school year. (714) 765-5191. www. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Free after-school tutoring programs are available at some parks throughout the school year. (562) 8669771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine Sound Start Reading (grades K-1), Reading Development (grades 2-6) and Math Development (grades 2-6); nine-week sessions, $29-220. Chess classes are also available. (562) 570-3100. Most city recreation departments offer academic enrichment classes. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. • Young Ambassadors 5862 Bolsa Ave., #108, Huntington Beach (714) 803-9200 Young Ambassadors Academic Camp is lead by certified teachers and covers one hour in each of the following: reading, writing and math. They also offer year-round programs that help students (grades 1-8) develop strong cognitive abilities, excellent study habits and advanced leadership skills, such as fundamental skills (math and critical reading), Chinese as-a-second language, leadership (leadership, time management and public speaking). Through obtaining these lifelong abilities, parents find that their children become motivated and gain focus, confidence, and respect in school and beyond. Call for details on classes; mention “Kidsguide” for $10 off registration. Also see “Camps.” See ad on page 28.
volleyball Instruction, indoor and outdoor leagues, camps and club teams. Boys and Girls Club Buena Park, open gym with pick-up play only. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Colleges and Universities • Cypress College - Kids’ College - Summer volleyball camp only. (714) 484-7038.
FIRST LESSON FREE with minimum enrollment. New students only. Now Offering Chemistry Tutoring
A better math grade is just a phone call away!
3613 E. 10th St., Long Beach • Long Beach City College - Girls’ and coed (10+) summer camps; one-week sessions, 2½ hours per day, $60. Plus, boys’ and girls’ Pee Wee Camp (8-10). Extended supervision available. (562) 9384249. E-mail: • UCI Volleyball Camps - Boys’ and girls’ (7-13) day camps focus on the fundamentals for all skill levels, technique and strengthening confidence; July 18 August 19, $175-300; complimentary extended care offered. Residential camp is for players (1318) who want to take their game to the next level: boys, July 21-23, $450-575; girls, including Advanced, Elite and Individual Skills Camp, July 7-16. (949) 824-6120. Also see “Camps.” See ad on page 36. • Long Beach State Girls’ Volleyball 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach (562) 985-7352 Over the years, Long Beach State has asserted itself as one of the premiere volleyball programs in the country. With three National Championships, eight trips to the Final Four, and 42 All-Americans, this program is rich in tradition. Long Beach is offering their Women’s Volleyball Camps this summer that include: Skills Camps, July 16-19 and July 22-25; Setters Camp, July 1922; and Kids Camp (ages 7-11), July 19-22. For more information, please visit the website. For other inquiries, please e-mail or call (562) 985-7352. Recreation Department Programs • Anaheim Community Services - Volleyball programs at East Anaheim Gymnasium. Youth volleyball clinic (11-17) beginning July 7, youth volleyball camps (8-14), June 20 - August 11. Call (714) 765-3960 for more information. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Summer camp only, (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine Spring and summer indoor classes, beginning and intermediate. (562) 570-3100. Many city recreation departments offer leagues and/ or clinics. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. United States Youth Volleyball League (888) 988-7985 Eight-week instructional volleyball league for boys and girls (7-15). Visit the website to find a local league.
Volleyball Associations California Beach Volleyball Assoc. (800) 350-2282 Boys’ and girls’ (18 and under) beach volleyball tournaments; four age divisions. So. California Volleyball Assoc. (714) 917-3595 Club indoor volleyball teams for boys and girls (1018).
volunteering Local volunteer opportunities for all ages, plus Web resources. • Cabrillo Marine Aquarium 3720 Stephen White Drive, San Pedro (310) 548-7562 Learn about indigenous vegetation and the human impact on the ocean with the Native Garden Workday and Beach Clean-up held the first Saturday of the month. Sea Rangers (grade 5+) train youth volunteers to teach others about the coastline; parent/child teams are encouraged. Summer Docent Program (grades 7-12) enables students to lead tours, give talks and demonstrations. In the Grunion Research Program, teens help to interpret CMA’s grunion program to the public. Train to be a whale watch naturalist, volunteer in the Aquatic Nursery or assist in the gift shop. See “Attractions” for general information. Volunteer Match Website offers a search to find volunteer opportunities for kids and families.
youth& familygroups Groups offering activities, camps or child care. Also see: your area of interest, as youth group activities are listed throughout Kidsguide. 4-H Youth Development Program (323) 260-3854, (714) 708-1612, kidsguide spring/summer 2011 89
Los Angeles and Orange County programs (5-19) offer guidance in good citizenship, leadership and life skills through projects and community service. Big Brothers, Big Sisters Local branches of the national organization match boys and girls, many from single-parent homes, with adult mentors who provide friendship and guidance. Volunteers are extensively screened. Catholic Big Brothers offers bilingual, deaf and hearing-challenged programs. Free. Greater LA County (800) 207-7567 Orange County (714) 544-7773 Catholic Big Brothers (213) 251-9800 Jewish Big Brothers (323) 761-8675 Boy Scouts of America Long Beach (562) 427-0911 Orange County (714) 546-4990, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts (grades 1-12) participate in a variety of activities and earn badges for completing projects and challenges. This character-building program provides family values through outdoor fun and adventure. Career-based Exploring programs are offered for young men and women (14-21) with specialty areas including fire fighting, law enforcement, and animal care services. Camps and boating programs are also available. Registration fees and unit dues apply. Boys and Girls Club Supervised activities (5 or 6-18) after school and during school vacations (see “Camps”), including crafts, field trips, homework help, career development, dance classes, sports, teen programs, leadership groups, clubs, community service and before-school care. Some branches offer meals and/ or snacks. Continuous enrollment; scholarships are available for qualifying families. Anaheim C.V. Taormina Allan B. Hughes Paseo Village Schweitzer Elementary W. Anaheim Youth Center
(714) 491-3617 (714) 484-3617 (714) 991-9172 (714) 527-3390 (714) 761-2422
Buena Park (714) 522-7259 Costa Mesa West Side Lou Yantorn (Upper Bay)
(949) 631-7724 (949) 642-8372
Cypress (714) 527-2697
90 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Fountain Valley ClubHouse Academy (714) 593-0753 Kingston (714) 531-2582, Fullerton Commonwealth School Main Richman Valencia Park
(714) 871-5428 (714) 525-8241 (714) 992-2933 (714) 992-1912
Garden Grove ACRHES (714) 532-7940 Clinton Branch (714) 537-8833 School IMPACT (714) 530-5399 Edgar Branch (714) 898-5254 Family Campus Preschool (714) 741-0970 Family and Youth Outreach Program (714) 741-5895 Main Branch (714) 537-1465 Patton Branch (714) 893-0649 Stanford Branch (714) 539-8380 Garden Grove also offers a free family literacy program at ten local schools, (714) 530-5399, Ext. 17. Huntington Beach (714) 374-2600, Huntington Beach also offers two preschool child development centers: Robert Mayer Child Development Preschool at Golden West College: 15744 Golden West St., (714) 899-5900; and Learning Center Preschool: 16081 Waikiki Lane, (714) 856-1303. Irvine Long Beach Admin. Office Cowan/Washington Eastman/Fairfield Wallace/Petrolane Fairfield/Westside
(949) 551-8214
(562) 595-5945 (562) 591-1133 (562) 428-9188 (562) 599-2916 (562) 435-1621
Newport Beach
(949) 640-6650
Santa Ana
(714) 543-7212
Stanton (714) 891-0740 Tustin (714) 838-5223 Special needs inclusion; teen leadership and legal awareness programs are available. Westminster
(714) 379-0097
Whittier Main Clubhouse
(562) 945-3787
Camp Fire USA (562) 421-2725, (714) 547-5200 Long Beach Area Council - Clubs provide children and teens with opportunities in leadership skills, community service, environmental and arts programs. Camp Fire also offers a challenge course and archery on site for ages 7 and up. 7070 E. Carson St., Long Beach. (562) 421-2725. Orange County Council - Kids and teens can participate in community service opportunities, such as “Special Sitters” and “S.H.A.P.E.” (see “Parent Education”). After-school clubs and day camps are available for participating school districts; some open enrollment may be offered. 1505 E. Seventeenth St., Ste. 225, Santa Ana. (714) 547-5200. Girl Scouts Greater Los Angeles (626) 677-2835 Orange County (949) 461-8800, Girls (5-17) participate in projects in arts, science, community awareness, health, safety, nature study, leadership and career exploration. Camping, workshops and badge projects are offered throughout the year. Continuous registration; $12 annual fee. Local adult volunteers are needed to form new troops. Girls Inc. of Orange County 1815 Anaheim Ave., Costa Mesa (949) 646-7181 Year-round, after-school programs and spring (April 11-15) and summer camps (June 27 - August 26) for girls (5-18). Programs include educational enrichment, economic literacy, college prep, career and life planning, health and fitness, leadership and character development, personal safety, science, math and technology. Jewish Community Centers The following centers offer after-school enrichment programs in various areas. Additional programs include family events, support groups, vacation-break camps and teen-specific programming. • Barbara and Ray Alpert Jewish Community Center (562) 426-7601 3801 East Willow St., Long Beach. See ads on pages 21 and 71. Chabad Jewish Center (949) 721-9800 3412 Via Oporto, Newport Beach. Merage Jewish Community Center of Orange County (949) 435-3400 1 Federation Way, Irvine. Los Alamitos Youth Center 10909 Oak St., Los Alamitos (562) 493-4043 After-school and school-break recreational programs for youth (8-18). Activities include sports, games, arts and crafts, homework clinic with com-
puters, tutoring and camps. Financial assistance available for qualifying families.
for non-members. Call for hours. lakewood.
Police Activities League (PAL) (800) 622-5725 Year-round youth (5-17) program sponsored by police departments; activities include arts and crafts, sports, computers, community service, homework help and field trips. Locations in Anaheim, Norwalk and Santa Ana. Free. Also see “Martial Arts.”
Long Beach Camp Oakes (Big Bear) (909) 585-2020 Community Development: 525 E. 7th St. (562) 624-2376 Downtown: 225 E. 6th St. (562) 436-9622 Fairfield: 4949 Atlantic Ave. (562) 423-0491 Los Altos*: 1720 Bellflower Blvd. (562) 596-3394 Los Cerritos: 15530 Woodruff Ave. (562) 925-1292 Preschool - Early Education: 3605 Long Beach Blvd. (562) 624-2376 *Also serves Belmont Shore, Los Alamitos, Rossmoor and Seal Beach. and for camping services,
Power 4 Youth (562) 435-2352 Middle-school students are matched with a volunteer for one-on-one academic mentoring at supervised locations in Lakewood and Long Beach; yearround. Regular field trips are offered, plus career guidance for teens. $10 registration fee.
Orange 2241 E. Palmyra
(714) 633-9622
YMCA Programs for the entire family include child-care, fitness, teen clubs, day and resident camps (see “Camps”), youth sports, aquatics and gymnastics. Parent/child programs (grades K+) are also offered to promote companionship between parents and their children (father/mother and son/daughter). The Trailblazer program is available for older children (917) and their parents. Many YMCAs also offer off-site programs at schools and recreation facilities, and accept third party funding such as GAIN or CAL Works.
Santa Ana 2100 W. Alton Ave. (714) 444-4004 Serves Santa Ana, Tustin and Westminster.
Anaheim 240 S. Euclid St. (714) 635-9622 2045 W. Ball Road (714) 635-4537 Teen Center with ping-pong, book club and Wii. Also serves Cypress, La Palma and Stanton.
Bellflower Los Cerritos: 15530 Woodruff Ave. (562) 925-1292 Also serves Paramount, Cerritos and Artesia. www. Central Orange Coast Newport Beach 2300 University Drive (949) 642-9990 Serves Corona Del Mar, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, Irvine and Newport Beach. Downey 11531 Downey Ave. (562) 862-4201 Serves the cities of South Gate, Norwalk and Pico Rivera. Fullerton 2000 Youth Way
(714) 879-9622
Lakewood Weingart-Lakewood: 5835 E. Carson St. (562) 425-7431 Gymnastics Center: 4118 E. South St. (562) 272-4884 Also offers a Kids’ Club (6 weeks+), parents must remain in the facility. Free for members, $2 per hour
Yorba Linda/Placentia 18333 Lemon Drive (714) 777-9622 Serves Anaheim Hills, Placentia and Yorba Linda.
Zoos, animal habitats, farms and care centers, plus camps. Also see: “ Attractions” and “Science.” Animal Care Centers Marine Mammal Care Center - Outreach and educational programs. 3601 S. Gaffey St., San Pedro. (310) 832-4352. Pacific Marine Mammal Center - Classes and presentations are available for groups, school and scouts. After-school kids’ club and summer camp also offered. Adopt an animal and view their release back into the wild. 20612 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. (949) 494-3050. Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens 5333 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles (323) 644-4200 Covering 133 acres, the Los Angeles Zoo is home to more than 1,100 animals from around the world. Plus, visit the new Elephants of Asia habitat that opened last summer. Picnicking is permitted. Spring and summer camps also offered. Open daily, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; last admission is 4 p.m. Admission: adults, $14; kids (2-12), $9. Orange County Zoo Irvine Regional Park, 1 Irvine Park Road, Orange (714) 973-6847 A variety of animals, plus a petting area. Check website for story time schedule, special events and toddler classes. School tours and scout programs available. Open daily, weekdays, 10 a.m. 3:30 p.m; weekends, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. General admission: $2; free for ages 2 and under. Petting Zoos and Farms Amy’s Farms (909) 393-2936 Farm group tours of 10 or more; smaller groups can be added on to other tours, call for availability. Tours include milking cows and feeding pigs. $7 per person. 7698 Eucalyptus Ave., Ontario. Centennial Farm (714) 708-1618 Educational farm with sheep, goats, llamas, pigs, donkeys, cows, chickens, peacocks, oxen and rabbits. Milking takes place daily. Weekends, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; weekdays, 1-4 p.m. Free, (unless there is an all-ground event at the fairgrounds, then admission applies). 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. Lakewood Pony Adventure (562) 544-4010 Petting zoo/pony rides. 11369 Carson St., Lakewood. Norwalk Nature Center (562) 929-5702 The center is home to a variety of animals including mini-horses, lambs, sheep, bunnies, peacocks, pigs and donkeys. Open second and fourth weekends, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Free. 13000 Clarkdale Ave., Norwalk. Zoomars Petting Zoo (949) 831-6550 Kids can ride a pony, hop on board the miniature train and bounce between petting pens. Adults, $6; kids, $5. Open daily, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 31791 Los Rios St., San Juan Capistrano. www. San Diego Wild Animal Park 15500 San Pasqual Valley Road, Escondido (760) 747-8702 Like a safari, guests can see herds of African animals—rhino, giraffe, antelope and gazelle—roaming the hills of the San Pasqual Valley. Camp and sleepover programs offered. Open daily. San Diego Zoo 2920 Zoo Drive, San Diego (619) 231-1515 A sanctuary to more than 4,000 exotic, rare and endangered animals and plants. Camps, sleepovers and family events are also offered. Open daily. Santa Ana Zoo Prentice Park, 1801 E. Chestnut Ave., Santa Ana (714) 835-7484, (714) 836-4000 “Home of the 50 Monkeys” with over 150 animals (some endangered). Children’s farm, train and carrousel available. A camel exhibit and ride are offered in the summer. Open daily.
kidsguide spring/summer 2011 91
kidsguidecalendar ongoing • Anaheim Community Services (714) 765-5297, Cinco de Mayo Fiesta on April 28 - May 1. Children’s Art Festival on May 21. Ballet at Pearson Park on August 5. Anthony the Magic on August 11. The Fenians on August 12. See ad on page 23. • Aquarium of the Pacific 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach (562) 590-3100, Sundays: Summer Late Nights. The public is invited to enjoy the Aquarium after-hours while taking advantage of special savings. During Sundays in the Summer, admission will be just $12.95 per person after 5 p.m., and the Aquarium will remain open until 9 p.m. Visitors will have the opportunity to journey through the Pacific Ocean to meet over 11,000 different species, including more than 150 sharks they can touch. In addition, the Aquarium’s short films will be shown in the Honda Theater throughout the evening. Please note: the Lorikeet Forest aviary closes at 4:30 p.m. Check their website for a list of dates. Fridays: Free Shark Lagoon Nights. The public is invited to get up-close with the ocean’s ultimate predators. Guests will have the opportunity to touch more than 150 sharks, and see large sharks such as the sandtiger, on select Friday evenings, 6-9 p.m. Guests can also shop, purchase drinks and snacks, and enjoy live music. Check their website for a list of dates. Additional events: Noche de Estrellas/Bilingual Late Night on April 8. Earth Day Celebration on April 9 and 10. Easter Brunch on April 24. International Children’s Day on April 30 and May 1. Pacific Islander Festival on June 4-5. Father’s Day BBQ on June 19. July 4th BBQ on July 4. Moompetam: Native American Festival on September 17-18. See ad on page 13; coupon on page 93. • Averyboo Arts 3908 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach (562) 912-4800, Saturdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays: Little Picassos. Kids (4-6) learn fundamental art concepts by creating a fun and unique work of art each week. This class introduces kids to historic and modern art; enhances vocabulary, fine motor and handwriting skills; and increases understanding of basic shapes, colors and more. Saturdays, 9-9:45 a.m., Tuesdays, 4-4:45 p.m., or Thursdays, 3:45-4:30 p.m. $60 for four classes. Preregistration required. Tuesdays: Pee Wee Art. Kids (2-3) and their accompanying adult socialize, play with blocks, paint and
participate in a variety of open-ended art activities that encourage exploration and discovery; every class ends with a story and group activity. 1010:45 a.m. or 5:30-6:15 p.m. $50 for four classes. Pre-registration required. First Fridays: On the first Friday of every month, Averyboo Arts makes it special for little ones out strolling with their grown-ups in Bixby Knolls, Long Beach. There may be a theme for the night, something to sample, a special activity planned or a collaborative art piece to take part in; each month is different. Some activities require a fee, please call for more information. 6-9 p.m. See ad on page 8. • Bowers Kidseum 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana. (714) 480-1521, First Sundays: Free afternoon fun for the whole family! Explore different cultures through dance, food, art activities, workshops and demonstrations. Cultural theme changes monthly: Native American North and South Family Festival on April 3. Japanese Cherry Blossom Family Festival on May 1. Russian White Nights on June 5. Americana Family Festival on July 3. International Family Festival on August 7. Latin American Family Festival on September 4. Museum hours: 10 a.m.- 4 p.m.; family festival, 12-3:30 p.m. Free. See ad on page 29; coupon on page 93. • Cabrillo Marine Aquarium 3720 Stephen White Drive, San Pedro (310) 548-7562, Ongoing: Tidepool Walks. Come along on the naturalist led ramble on the rocks to see animals in their natural habitat. Young children must be accompanied by adults. Call for dates and times. Reservations required for groups. Additional events: Meet the Grunion on April 5, May 5 and 19, June 3 and 17, and July 16. Floating Lab on April 9. Science at the Seashore: Eggs Along the Shore on April 9. Earth Day on April 23. Channel Islands Adventure: Santa Cruz Island on April 30. Channel Islands Adventure: Anacapa Island on May 7. World Ocean Day on June 4. Salt Marsh Open House on June 5, July 16, August 14. Catalina Above and Below on June 11. Sunday Story Studio on June 19, July 10, August 21, September 11. Family Sandcastle Building Day on July 9. Robotics by the Sea on August 6. Channel Islands Adventure: San Miguel Landing on September 10. See coupon on page 94. • City of Lakewood (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408 Fridays, April 8 - September 26: FUN-tastic Family Night features dinner and a family-friendly show. Be entertained with interactive performances of musical rhythm, magic, science, nature and more. 6:30-8 p.m. General admission, $7; kids (3 and
under), $5. Preregistration required; seating is on a first-come basis. The Centre at Sycamore Plaza. Additional events: Daddy/Daughter Date Night on April 1. Kids and Personal Safety Workshop on April 12. Pan-American Fiesta at Mayfair Park on May 6-8. Mother/Daughter Tea in Lakewood on April 30. Family Campout on May 14-15, July 16-17. Kids (10+) Video Editing Workshop on May 14. Public Safety Expo on June 18. Movie Nights at the Park on June 22, July 15. Civic Center Block Party on June 25. Family Game Night on July 1. Summer Ice Festival on July 22, August 19. Celebrate Nature on August 28. Visit their website for details. See ad on page 15. • Children’s Museum at La Habra 301 S. Euclid St., La Habra. (562) 905-9793, June 14 - September 4: “Art Escape” exhibit opens. This summer, be prepared to become an Art Genius! What is Impressionism? When (and where) did the Renaissance occur? Did you know that DaVinci only created about 30 paintings in his lifetime? That Donatello is not a Ninja Turtle in real life? That art itself is as old as mankind? Welcome to Art Escape, the Children’s Museum at La Habra’s Summer 2011 changing gallery exhibit. Come and learn incredible information about art, interesting facts about artists, cool and unusual art techniques, ancient-to-new art history, and maybe create some fantastic art for yourself in the “Hands-On-Art” area. Sundays: Snack Attack Sundays! Little ones will make fun, yummy and healthy snack creations. Join the staff for an edible craft that kids will assemble, then nibble on! Among the delicious snacks featured will be Pineapple Flowers, PB & J Butterflies, Green Apple Frogs and more. It all happens in the Family Art Center, 1:30-3:30 p.m., while supplies last. Please check the museum website for weekly selections (note some of the snacks may contain peanut products). Fridays: Hip Hop Hooray! Preschoolers explore movement as they hip hop, skip, move and put their body in motion. Each child will learn dance rhythms, distinctive movements and fun dance routines to spark the child’s imagination and nurture individual creativity in a very expressive and unique way. Fridays, 1111:30 a.m. (No class June 17, 24, July 1 and 8.) Wednesdays: Little Picassos. Join the museum for a “paint date” in the Family Art Center for lots of creative play for the right side of the brain. There are easels, washable paints, brushes and paint smocks ready for little artists to use. Additional events: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! on April 2. Earth Day “I’m Green!” on April 22. Ukrainian Egg Decorating on April 21. The Magic of Music at the
More events & details at • Sign up online for The Buzz, a weekly calendar sent to your inbox! 92 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Children’s Museum on May 7. Family Arts Festival Day on May 14. Jump Into Summer on June 4. Sumie Painting Workshop on June 14. July is Just For Fun on July 2. Fun and Discovery with Bubbles Show on July 9. August Animal Adventures on August 6. Fun and Discovery with a Magic Show on August 16. Visit their website for details. See ad on page 54; coupon on page 95. • Discovery Science Center 2500 N. Main St., Santa Ana (714) 542-CUBE, Through May 1: Grab the kids and run, jump and play your way through an interactive exhibition all about the human body as “Sesame Street Presents: The Body” comes to Discovery Science Center. This exhibit will cover everything from fingers and toes to your ishy squishy insides. May 28 - September 11: The Adventures of Mr. Potato Head. The much-loved Mr. Potato Head character will lead young visitors and parents on a number of fun and educational adventures. From trips to outer space to jungle safaris and archeological digs, each activity will provide children with engaging learning experiences. May 20 - September 11: It’s H20 from A-2-Z at WaterWorks: Soak Up the Science, a new special exhibition at Discovery Science Center. Immerse yourself in stimulating, hands-on learning experiences that bring home the playful, powerful and precious world of water. See ad on page 55.
$2 OFF ADMISSION Present this coupon at the ticket window. Good for up to six general admissions - the more the merrier.
1238 S. Beach Blvd., Anaheim • (714) 236-9300 Admission includes unlimited use of all 17 rides, shows & attractions (except climbing wall & arcade). Discount applies to full price admission of $13.95. Cannot be combined with any other discounts, offers or used in combination with our birthday party program. #KG01
• Fillmore and Western Railway 351 Santa Clara St., Fillmore (800) 773-8724, Weekends: Weekend Scenic Excursions. Take a four hour, round-trip train ride through the citrus and avocado groves of the Heritage Valley on vintage coaches with an open-air observation car. Onboard lunch available for purchase. Saturdays and Sundays, noon - 3:45 p.m. Select Saturday nights year-round: Family Murder Mystery Dinner Theater. A comical murder-mystery dinner set onboard a moving vintage train. Families (6+) can listen carefully to the costumed performers for clues, then help figure out whodunit. Departures at 6:30 p.m. Adults, $61; youth 13 and under, $32; prices include tax. Reservations required. Additional events: Day Out with Thomas on April 8, 9, 10, 15, 16 and 17. Easter Sunday Lunch Train on April 24. “Throw Mama on the Train” Mother’s Day Lunch Train on May 8. Father’s Day Train on June 19. Firecracker Train on July 4. Visit their website for details. See ad on page 12. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine (562) 570-3100, Liars, Thieves and Chocolate Storytelling on June 11. The Butterfly Ball Parent and Me Workshop on April 13. Family Campfires on June 3, 17, July 1, 15, 29, August 12, 26. Summer Concerts at the Nature Center on July 7, 21, August 4, 18. A Moonlit Night at the Nature Center on June 14. Sounds of the Night at the Nature Center on June 28. Night Flight at the Nature
562-425-7231 4205 Montair Ave., Long Beach Bellflower & Carson (Triangle)
$5 OFF Annual Registration Professional Faculty • Performing Company Complete Adult Program • Four Large Dance Rooms
SOUTH COAST FENCING CENTER $25 Off Introductory Class New Students Only. See our ad on page 47 • (714) 549-2946 3518 W. Lake Center, Suite C, Santa Ana. kidsguide spring/summer 2011 93
MARINE SCIENCE FOR KIDS Present this coupon at the CMA Gift Shop and get 10% off your purchase. 3720 STEPHEN M. WHITE DRIVE, SAN PEDRO
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Half Off Day Pass or 10% off a Party Package Expiration date: 9/15/11
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See pages 26, 63, 70 & 71 for information about parties, camps & rock climbing.
18411 Gothard St., Unit I, Huntington Beach • Center on July 12. The Nose Knows at the Nature Center on July 26. Kids’ Fishing Rodeo on July 29. Chinese Dragon Boat Races and Festival on July 3031. Family Play Day at the Parks on August 6. Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark at the Nature Center on August 9. A Bug’s Night Out at the Nature Center on August 23. See ad on the front inside cover. • PDA Sports Training Center 15064 Shoemaker Ave., Santa Fe Springs (562) 229-1927, Fridays: Teen Nights. Teens (12-19) enjoy a night of jumping on the trampoline, and into “The Pit.” 7-9 p.m. No reservations or membership required. Monthly: Open Gym Night for Kids. The kids (3+) enjoy a night of jumping on the trampoline and hanging on the bars, while parents enjoy a few hours of free time on a Saturday night. Activities include open equipment with coaches at each station and parachute games. Don’t miss “The Pit.” Saturdays, 7-10 p.m. April 9, May 7, June 4, July 9, August 6 and
September 10: $15 if registered by 3 p.m., $20 at the door. See ad on page 22. • Pretend City Children’s Museum 49 Hubble, Irvine (949) 428-3900, Monthly: Enjoy story times and special exhibits. Upcoming themes include: Go Green in April; When I Grow Up in May; Summer in the City in June; Under the Sea and Summer Sun in July; Back to School in August; National Literacy Month in September. Call for daily activity or visit their website for more details. Last Mondays: Family Autism Play Days. Spend an evening of family play. For families with children on the Autism Spectrum. April 25, June 27, July 25, and August 29. $15 per family. See ad on back inside cover. • Wild Rivers Waterpark 8770 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine (949) 788-0808,
Let’s Have A Cart Par ty! Gourmet Food Prepared Fresh in Front of Your Guests on Antique Style Food Carts. See our ad & listing on pages 64 & 65. Order 2 Carts and Get the 3rd Cart FREE.
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For information about our store and party packages, see ad and listings on pages 10, 65 & 66.
3960 Studebaker Road, Long Beach
June 27 - August 22: The Monday Night Carload special is only $70 for up to 8 guests per vehicle, plus $10 per person if more than 8. Mondays only, 4-8 p.m. Guests must be safely seated with seatbelt in vehicle. No buses or RVs permitted for this promotion. Prices are subject to change without notice. Additional events: Wild Rivers Celebrates 4th of July on July 4. See ad on page 13; coupon on page 93.
daily Discount Movies Theaters Ongoing: Catch a movie for a discounted price. Most movies shown are at the end of their run: Charter Centre Cinemas Huntington Beach, 7822 Warner Ave., (714) 596-3456, $3 daily; Super Savers Norwalk, 13917 Pioneer Blvd., (562) 804-5615, $2-5 daily; Starplex Cinemas: 15296 Rosecrans Ave., La Mirada, (714) 739-1010 and 4626 Barranca Parkway, Irvine, (949) 733-0980, $2 daily, discount Tuesdays, $1, $2 extra for 3D; Four Stars Cinemas (showing new movies), 12111 Valley View St., Garden Grove, (714) 934-6377, discount Tuesdays and Thursdays, $4 all day. Free Admission Day at Museums Daily: California African American Museum, California Science Center, Getty Center, Getty Villa and The Paley Center for Media. First Sundays: The Bowers Kidseum. Second Sundays: Orange County Museum of Art. First Tuesdays: Natural History Museum, Page Museum at the La Brea Tar Pits. First Tuesday nights: Kidspace. Second Tuesdays: Autry National Center and Los Angeles County Museum of Art (also, daily after 5 p.m.). Thursdays: Skirball Cultural Center. Thursday evenings: Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA). First Thursdays: The Huntington: Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens. Fridays: Long Beach Museum of Art. Parking fees may apply. Free Concerts in the Parks The following cities offer free concerts in local parks. Bring a blanket and a picnic dinner. Wednesdays: Buena Park: June 22 - July 27, 7-9 p.m. at Boiserranc Park, 7520 Dale St. (714) 236-3867. Fullerton: July 13 - August 17, 6:30-8:30 p.m. 560 E. Silver Pine. (714) 738-6545. Signal Hill: July 6 - August 25, 6:30-8 p.m. Signal Hill Park. (562) 989-7330. Thursdays: Fountain Valley: July 7-28, 6-8 p.m. Great Lawn at the Recreation Center. (714) 839-8611. Garden Grove: July 7 - August 25, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Eastgate Park; last show will be held at the Village Green, (714) 741-5280.
Lakewood: June 23 - August 11, 6:30 p.m. Del Valle Park. (562) 866-9771.
Splash La Mirada Regional Aquatics Center
Long Beach: June 23 - August 23, 6-8 p.m. Call for park locations and concert genre. (562) 570-1745. SINGLE DAY ADMISSION Offer expires September 25, 2011. Valid for up to 10 admissions. Void if duplicated.Cannot be combined with any other offer.
Sundays: Huntington Beach: April 10 - September 25, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Rotates between Pier Plaza, 315 PCH and the HB International Surfing Museum’s parking lot. (714) 960-3483.
FREE SKATE RENTAL with purchase of General Admission.
Exp. 9/30/11 • Limit 4 per coupon
Kids’ Eat Free Ongoing: Visit under the “Calendar” section for a list of Kids’ Eat Free Nights.
(562) 809-6200
Kids’ Night Out, Parents’ Night Off The following community agencies and businesses provide an activity-filled, drop-off evening for kids on select Fridays or Saturdays for 3-6 hours. Cypress Recreation, (714) 229-6780; Frogg’s Bounce House, (714) 418-0442; Irvine Recreation, (949) 724-6600; La Mirada Parks and Recreation, (562) 902-316; Little Gym, Huntington Beach, (714) 373-0700; My Gym, Long Beach, (562) 986-0066; Paint ‘N’ Glaze, Long Beach, (562) 421-8000; PDA Sports Training Center, Santa Fe Springs, (562) 229-1927; and SCATS, Huntington Beach, (714) 895-2909. Newport Dunes Aquatic Fun Park Ongoing: The park features a “mother’s beach” with calm waves and fun toys for kids (4 and under) or novice swimmers. Bigger kids can romp on water trampolines, a mountain with a slide and other water features. Prior to May 24, park is open weekends only. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Half-day, $15; full-day, $20. (949) 729-DUNE. Orange County Fair 2011 July 15 - August 14: The “Let’s Eat!” theme encourages fair-goers to celebrate food fare including giant turkey legs and deep-fried fare, plus midway games, exhibits, petting zoos, concerts and a special kiddie carnival with games and activities. Adults, $11; kids (6-12), $6; parking, $7-12. See their website for discount days. OC Fair and Event Center, Costa Mesa. (714) 708-1500. Pavilion of Wings in LA April 10 - September 5: Stroll through the outdoor, landscaped butterfly enclosure to discover hundreds of free-flying butterflies of more than 30 different species. Adults, $3; kids (5-17), $2; plus museum admission. Natural History Museum, LA. (213) 763DINO. Summer Reading Programs June - August: Throughout the summer, libraries offer reading programs for kids to promote recreational reading. At most LA and OC libraries, young readers enjoy a “cultural” theme; for kids, the theme is “One World, Many Stories,” and for teens, the theme is “You Are Here.” Various community agencies of-
562.905.9793 |
P acific Conservatory Discovery ARTS Camps Music, Art & Drama for ages 3-16 Costa Mesa & Orange Locations
(714) 545-1217
See page 32 for details.
a Register bya April 15th & receive $15 off camp registration
OAKWOOD ACADEMY SCHOOLS Long Beach & Bellflower Locations (562) 426-6264 Limit 1 per student • Exp 9/30/11
$30 OFF
Registration New Students Only
See our ad on page 74.
Saturdays: Cypress: June 11 - August 27, 6-8 p.m. Civic Center Green. No concerts on June 25, July 2 or 23. (714) 229-6780.
Expires 9/15/11.
kidsguide spring/summer 2011 95
fer incentives and prizes for program participants. In addition, free weekly entertainment is available at most branches and includes music, puppets, magic and storytelling. Check with your local libraries for enrollment details. MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE COMMUNITY
Mr. California & Miss Southern California Pageants Orientation: April 17 | Pageant: May 15
Summer Sounds at the Hollywood Bowl July 5 - August 12: The six-week festival of music and arts for kids (3-11) takes place weekday mornings. Monday - Friday, 10 and 11:15 a.m. Performances, $7; fine arts outdoor studio, $5. Preregistration recommended. Hollywood. (323) 850-2000.
For ages 5 and up
weekly • Cow Sorting in Anaheim Saturdays and Thursdays: If your child (5+) can walk, talk and ride, Have Fun With Horses’ cattle sorting, a popular rodeo sport, can be fun for the entire family! 6-8 p.m. $20. Anaheim. (949) 285-5286. www. See ad on page 50. • Date Night by Frogg’s Bounce House Fridays: Every Friday night is Date Night with Frogg’s Bounce House. Drop the kids off and enjoy a night out! 5-8 p.m. $8 per hour for first child, $5 per hour for additional children within same family; includes pizza. (714) 418-0442. See ad on page 65.
We’ve Got That! Most Up-to-Date, Comprehensive & Easy-to-Use Calendar
Free Craft Clinics Saturdays: Lakeshore Learning offers free crafts for kids (3+). 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Reservations required. Carson, (310) 537-4778; Fountain Valley, (714) 9638255. Saturdays: Long Beach Depot for Creative Reuse offers free craft and sewing classes. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. (562) 437-9999.
A-Z Directories including Camps, Parties & Schools Sign Up for The Buzz Contests & Giveaways Libraries & Story Times Coupons & More
First Saturdays: Home Depot Kids’ Clinics free craft workshops for kids (5-12), with adult. 9 a.m. noon. (800) 553-3199.
It’s All Online at
Movies On the Cheap and Free Mondays: Krikorian Premiere Theatres creates a baby-friendly environment so you can enjoy a movie with your child without the worry of disrupting others. 10 a.m. Check their website for prices, movies titles and locations.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, July 7 August 31: Alfredo’s Beach Club in Long Beach
96 | kidsguide spring/summer 2011
Second and fourth Saturdays: Lowe’s Free Build and Grow kids’ clinics for kids (5-12), with parent participation. (800) 44-LOWES. Family Clay Time in Irvine Saturdays: Families (5+) work on artistic creations each week guided by professional art instructors. 10-11:30 a.m. $8 per person. Irvine Fine Arts Center, 14321 Yale Ave. (949) 724-6880. www.
presents classic family movies while lounging under the stars eating free popcorn. Show up early and catch cartoon and television shows before each feature film. Free. Visit website for locations and movie titles. (562) 434-1542. June 20 - August 26: Long Beach parks will be offering free family movies. Call for dates, locations and movie titles. (562) 570-3150. Fridays and Saturdays, Memorial Day through Labor Day: Newport Dunes brings family movies to the beach. Call for movie titles. Dusk. Free; parking, $10. (949) 729-3863. Tanaka Farms U-Pick Strawberry and Watermelon Tours Weekends: Families enjoy a real working farm in the heart of Orange County. Visitors can pick and taste different fruits and vegetables while seeing how they grow, plus Tanaka Farms offers fantastic seasonal tours, year-round. $13 per person; ages 2 and under free. The produce stand is open year-round. 5380-3/4 University Drive, Irvine. (949) 653-2100, for reservations, Ext. 204. www.
monthly Free Train Rides at Fairview Park Third weekends: Free model train rides are offered by Orange County Model Engineers. Saturdays and Sundays, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 2400 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa. (949) 54-TRAIN. Free Art Workshop in Newport Beach Second Sundays: All-day family fun with a different theme each month. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Orange County Museum of Art. (949) 759-1122. Family Art Workshop in Long Beach Third Sundays: Free drop-in workshops. Adults and kids work together to create artwork inspired by the art on display. Sunday, 1-3 p.m. Free. Long Beach Museum of Art. (562) 439-2119, Ext. 228. • Museum of Latin American Art 628 Alamitos Ave., Long Beach (562) 437-1689, Second Thursdays: Free Drop-In Art Workshops. Young artists are invited to participate in a handson workshop facilitated by an art educator. Projects are based on current exhibitions. 5-6:30 p.m. For more information, contact the Education Department at the number listed above, or e-mail: Third Sundays: Target Free Sundays. Hands-on family arts workshops, sponsored by Target, for all ages, are led by visual artists. Family festivals with live performances: July, September, October and December. Sundays, 1-4 p.m. Free.
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