Kidsguide Fall/Winter 2014-15

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KIDSGUIDE Making Family Life Better in OC & Greater Long Beach



1000s of Resources That Are Out of This World

Win Big! See Page 76 for details


tableofcontents Academics & Tutoring ��������������������������6 Aquatics & Water Polo ��������������������������8 Archery ������������������������������������������������10 Arts & Crafts ���������������������������������������10 Attractions ������������������������������������������13 Baseball & Softball �����������������������������16 Basketball �������������������������������������������17 Beauty & Etiquette ������������������������������18 Biking ��������������������������������������������������18 Bowling �����������������������������������������������18 Calendar ����������������������������������������������71 Camps �������������������������������������������������19 Cheerleading ���������������������������������������21 Child Care & Baby Sitting �������������������22 Clothing �����������������������������������������������23 Cooking �����������������������������������������������24 Dance ��������������������������������������������������24 Dentists & Orthodontists ��������������������33 Emergency & Family Services ������������28 Fencing ������������������������������������������������29 Fishing & Boating �������������������������������29 Football �����������������������������������������������30 Golf ������������������������������������������������������72 Gymnastics �����������������������������������������31 Health Services �����������������������������������32 Horseback Riding �������������������������������34 Languages ������������������������������������������35 Magic ��������������������������������������������������74 Martial Arts �����������������������������������������36 Museums ��������������������������������������������36 Music ���������������������������������������������������41 Parent Education & Support Groups ����� 43 Parties �������������������������������������������������45 Photography ����������������������������������������50 Playgrounds ����������������������������������������50 Play Groups �����������������������������������������50 Recreation Departments ��������������������51 Recreation & Parks �����������������������������52 Safety ��������������������������������������������������53 Schools �����������������������������������������������54 Skateboarding ������������������������������������58 Skating & Hockey �������������������������������60 Soccer �������������������������������������������������61 Special Needs �������������������������������������62 Sports, Miscellaneous ������������������������62 STEM ���������������������������������������������������63 Teens ���������������������������������������������������64 Tennis ��������������������������������������������������64 Theater Arts ����������������������������������������65 Toys �����������������������������������������������������67 Track & Field ���������������������������������������67 Trains ��������������������������������������������������67 Volleyball ���������������������������������������������68 Volunteering ����������������������������������������68 Youth & Family Groups �����������������������68 Zoos �����������������������������������������������������70 2 • fall/winter 2014/15





publisher’s note Life was simple. You walked to whatever elementary school was closest to home, and followed that same plan through middle school and high school. Most parents never questioned whether it was the right school–– it was the only school. Now, we have a galaxy of choices to navigate through––and lucky for us, we get to do this at least three times before sending our kids to college. So let’s come up with a game plan and get good at doing it now! Because starting early is key. First step: Read pages 3 and 4. The editorial will help you figure out the type of school that is best for your child—and your family. Then it guides you through the choices at each level and gives solid tools on what to look for, questions to ask and how to compare. Our “Schools” section (pages 54-58) offers a great list of local options you’ll want to consider. Then, don’t miss “The Insider Scoop” on page 71. This is especially helpful if you plan on doing any kind of district transfer. We would love to have your input on the subject, too. What words of wisdom would you pass on to other parents? How did you make your school choices? Go to and please chime in. We’d love to hear from your kids, too. We know bribery has to be involved and we’re willing to pay. If they fill out the fun questionnaire (you’ll probably want to keep a copy for their scrapbook) on page 76, they’ll be entered to win cool prizes. Plus, everyone who enters gets a surprise that is out of this world. The other 74 pages inside—all intergalactic goodness. Enjoy.




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fter birthing, bathing, burping and pampering the most beautiful baby on the planet, sending him off to school may be as conceivable as catapulting him to Mars. Who could possibly care for your offspring as much as you do? Plenty of places! Unlike the days when your mom launched you down the street with a baloney sandwich, today’s students can choose from a universe full of preschools, academies, magnet schools and immersion programs ready to rocket your little one to the moon. Or if you’re up for a solo mission, you’ll find a wealth of resources to help you teach your child on your own home planet. Kidsguide is here to help you make the perfect landing!

Your Kids’ Needs Whether you’re starting preschool or shopping for a high school, your first step is to size up your student. Easy-going, plain-vanilla kids may be perfectly content attending the local school with neighborhood buddies.

What about transportation? Is there bus service, can your kid ride a bike, or can you patch together a carpool program? What will you do if your kid forgets his science project—and you’re half an hour away, at work? And will you really have the energy to attend PTA meetings and school events if you have to drive across town in the dark?

The School Once you’ve zeroed in on a few great options, poke around their websites to get a feel for their philosophy and curriculum. See if the school is accredited (and by which agency) and whether the teachers hold credentials or special training. At the elementary level or higher, look for a full-time librarian, on-site nurse and support staff. For public schools, check out their Academic Performance In-


By Audrey Eftychiou

separate lunchroom, and space for presentations and PE. All schools should also have good emergency and safety plans in place. Finally, ask about parent involvement. It’s a good sign when the school has an active parent group (PTA), foundation or booster clubs to bring extra resources and activities to the school. They’re also a sign that parents (and you!) are welcome. Ready for takeoff? Keep reading to learn about your options.

Intergalactic Guide toFindingtheRightSchool But other kids may benefit from schools of a different sort. Are you looking for a multicultural experience? Does your sensitive scholar need smaller classes? Would your daughter raise her hand more at a single-sex school? Does your kid have a passion for music, a talent for sports or hardwiring for computers? Does your whiz kid constantly need a challenge, or your budding skater need more time on the ice? Does the high school you’re eyeing have “feeder” elementary and middle schools that you should get in on now? Ask past teachers for input.

Your Family’s Needs School is a family affair, so make sure everyone’s needs are met. Can you afford the preschool or private school tuition, and bankroll more than one kid? Are scholarships or financial aid available? Is there on-campus child care, or do YMCA or the Boys and Girls Club offer pick-ups? Ask about homework. A reasonable amount is fine, but mountains of it affect the entire family, with added stress, midnight runs to the craft store and less together time. lots more fun at

dex (API) scores and School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs). Next, be sure to plan a visit. “I ask parents to tap into their intuition,” said Chris Rodenhizer, Head of School at Westerly School in Long Beach. “If the staff is friendly in the front office, it means that people are treated well and happy. It’s the first litmus test.” Many preschools welcome drop-ins, most districts offer school choice fairs, public schools offer back-to-school and open house nights, and many private schools offer community visit days, buddy programs and tours by appointment. Find out about student-teacher ratios, discipline policies, how often the educational materials are updated and how they measure student achievement. Are the facilities kept up? Preschool kids should look cared for, well supervised and busy. For elementary schools on up, look for a well-stocked library, computer lab with updated equipment, a

A Universe of Choices Whether your student is a budding rocket scientist, a future ambassador to Chile or the next Food Network star, there’s a school out there that’s perfect for your family. Here’s a rundown of your choices.

Preschool Primer In California, a little one can start kindergarten if his fifth birthday falls on or before September 1. (But school isn’t legally required until he turns six.) Before then, most kindergarten teachers would love to hear that your child has a year or two of preschool under his size 6 belt. Here are the options: Public - Three- to five-year-olds from income-qualified families can receive free and low-cost part-time and full-time preschool through the California State Preschool Program or Head Start. Call your local school district or visit the California Department of Education kidsguide fall/winterfall/winter 2014/15 •| 13

at for locations and eligibility. Some school districts also offer reasonably priced tuition-based preschool programs on elementary campuses. Pre-Kindergarten - Many school districts offer transitional kindergarten programs for kids with birthdays between September 1 and December 2. Students receive a tuition-free year of transitional kindergarten followed by a year of standard kindergarten. Check with your local district for sites or visit Private - Hundreds of private preschools are available for kids ages 2-5 at churches, college campuses, employment centers and other locales. Some are play-based while others more academic. All should be licensed by the state Department of Social Services. Flip to pages 54-58 for a local list, or visit and click on “Find Licensed Care.” For tips on choosing a great one, visit and click on “Education” then “Going to School.” Parent Participation and Co-ops - At a parent participation or cooperative preschool, parents pitch in working rotating shifts to help a professional teacher. You’ll get to share in your child’s day, gain parenting skills and maybe even earn college credit or a break on tuition. Get started at www. or

Public Schools This fall, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, about 50 million American kids will head off to 99,000 public schools, where $591 billion will be spent on their education. Free of charge, public schools promise high standards, rigorous curriculum, certificated teachers and equal opportunity for any kiddo, regardless of race, religion or ability. Guaranteed funding and a large pool of students allow for a wide range of programs, facilities like gyms and science labs, plus a long list of extracurricular clubs and sports teams. And many public schools now offer specialized magnet programs and pathways to prepare students for college and high-demand careers.

Charter Schools A slice of public schools are known as “charter schools” or “independent public schools,” usually created by a group of teachers or parents looking for more freedom to offer specialized programs. Students at the award-winning El Sol Science & Arts Academy in Santa Ana, for instance, will be fluent in Spanish and English before they graduate. And the little ones at the Dr. Theodore T. Alexander, Jr. Science Center School in Los Angeles study science, math and technology in partnership with the nearby California Science Center and University of Southern California. Charter schools are publicly funded, and leaders are required to ink an agreement (or charter) with the local school board 4 • fall/winter 2014/15

or county office of education detailing their goals and operating procedures. Talk to your local district or visit California Charter Schools Association at or California Department of Education at www. to find one near you.

Private Schools Another 700,000 kids attend one of the country’s 2,000-plus private (or “independent”) schools, according to the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS). Run as a business or non-profit, private schools aren’t tied to the California Department of Education (except for submitting a yearly affidavit). They’re free to adopt their own curriculum and testing measures, work at their own pace, pilot innovative techniques and keep classes small. “Private is a big continuum just like public is,” said Greg Endelman, principal of Prentice School, which serves about 250 students at its Tustin campus. “We choose to be fully accredited, we actively search out the highest level of independent academic rigor (and) all of our teachers are fully credentialed.” Private schools are able to provide faithbased and other specialized instruction, and they can invest in programs that may have been cut at the local public school. The worldly students at Lycée International de Los Angeles (LILA), for instance, follow rigorous curriculum from the French Ministry of Education that also lets them regularly partake in reading, history, cooking and art while immersed in a foreign language. “The French feel strongly that you must taste all of the joys,” said Admissions Director Juliette Lange. “The children want to come and learn.” And for 80 years, the team at Valley Christian Schools in Cerritos has integrated faith into all aspects of its curriculum and numerous service projects. “We are really focused on developing a strong community,” said Superintendent Ron Taylor. “We’re here to develop the gifts, talents and abilities of every child.” Of course, this freedom comes at a price. According to NAIS, the median annual tuition is $19,100, but with an eye on boosting diversity, today’s private schools offer plenty of assistance. Valley Christian Schools alone gift a million dollars to students each year, and NAIS reports that 22 percent of private school students receive some kind of aid. (Find out more at “When I was growing up in Connecticut, private schools were considered unobtainable for me and my peer group,” said Chris Rodenhizer of Westerly School, where 40 percent of kids

receive assistance. “But (our school is) very accessible for parents and kids of all walks of life. If a family identifies with our mission and philosophy and the applicant meets our grade level standards, then quite possibly with a little assistance from us, you can come to Westerly.”

Home & Virtual Schools Just ask your local truancy officer: any kid between the ages of 6 and 18 is required to attend school full-time. But there are exemptions! For many reasons—social, academic, religious, medical or the need for a flexible schedule for sports or acting—many kids study at home. Parents who’d like to teach their own children can register with a home-school program offered through a charter school, school district or county office of education. The Community Home Education Program (CHEP) in Orange County, for instance, provides curriculum and textbooks, guidance from a credentialed teacher, workshops and field trips, standardized testing, computer labs and more. You’ll find similar perks at the Home Education/Independent Study Academy at the Las Flores Educational Center in Bellflower, plus Enrichment Fridays, science and math labs, and the option of enrolling your child three days a week. Call your local district to learn about your options, and find plenty of other home school resources and meetup groups online. A similar arrangement is online learning, with both private (tuition-based) and public (free!) options. One of the state’s biggest online public schools is California Virtual Academies (or CAVA), which operates 13 online charter schools that serve more than 13,000 students ages five to 22, tuition-free. Supervised by a parent or other adult who pledges to stay home with them, students are matched with certificated teachers who lead them through on-line lessons and testing, including honors, Advanced Placement and college-prep courses in the later years. Now that you’re forming your game plan, a good place to start is right here. The Kidsguide “Schools” section on pages 54-58 lists lots of great local options to consider. And don’t miss our insider tips on school transfers (page 71). This is one small step for your family, one giant leap for mankind.

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fall/winter 2014/15 • 5

Tutoring and academic enrichment classes and workshops. Also see “Languages” and “Schools.” • Allison Tutoring 4102 South St., Lakewood (562) 822-6488 See how the dedicated team at Allison Tutoring combines old-school with new schools of thought; where high-tech meets hands-on; and where all students’ learning styles are encompassed. They offer year-round small group tutoring, as well as their renowned one-on-one private tutoring program that incorporates individualized lessons tailormade to fit your child’s learning style and academic needs. See ad on page 7. • Bee Smart Scholars (562) 712-5373 Bee Smart Scholars offers a personalized approach for every learner. They have a customized curriculum that combines academic private tutoring, mentoring, test prep and more, with four essential skills, a method dubbed TheScholarSystem: organization, time management, resources and study skills. Their system includes a personalized scholar instructor, certified child life coach/specialist, teacher involvement and family support. They believe that if you take the time to educate and nurture a learner’s natural strengths, they will become a better learner in no time. See ad on page 8. Boys and Girls Club Homework tutoring and computer time. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Chess Palace 5246 Lampson Ave., Garden Grove (714) 899-3421 Classes, tournaments and camps.

Recreation Departments and Colleges Anaheim Community Services Department - Magical, Mystical, Wonderful Words (8-17). (714) 765-5191. Cerritos College - Natural “A’s” (grades 4-11) and Study Skills (grades 5-8). Math tutoring is offered every six weeks, September to June (grades 3-12). (562) 467-5050.

• Foreign Languages Academy & Tutoring Services (714) 504-0235 Give your child the gift of success. Foreign Languages Academy and Tutoring Services offers tutoring for students (K-12 and college level) in all academic subjects. They also offer foreign language tutoring (see “Languages”) and classes for students (6 mos - adult), test preparation, and ESL classes. They specialize in working with students with special needs. Try a free demo class today!

Chapman University - Reading and writing tutoring (grades 1-6), taught by students earning their teaching credentials. (714) 997-6613. www. California State University Long Beach - Educational Psychology Clinic offers assessment and tutoring for school-age kids (6-17), plus developmental assessments (3-6). Scholarships available. (562) 9854991. • Cypress College, Kids’ College - Writing Better Reports (9+), Research Techniques (9+), Phonics (5+), Spelling and Writing Enrichment (6+), Reading and Comprehension (9+), Public Speaking (8-12), Career Exploration (9-12), Write Your Own Newspaper (grades 4-6), Being the Leader (11-12), Math Mania (6+), Master Math (6+), Algebra and Geometry Tutoring (grades 7+), Pre-Calculus (grades 10+), Calculus (grades 10+), Improve Your Reading and Writing (grades 7-10), Intensive Writing Camp (grades 7+) and Grammar for Successful Grades (grades 7+). Also offered at Anaheim and Fullerton centers. (714) 808-4909.

• Kumon Math & Reading Center of Lakewood East 4324 South St., Lakewood (562) 412-6802 For more than 50 years, Kumon’s after-school academic enrichment program has instilled in children the desire to achieve, and the motivation to learn on their own. Whether your child is seeking enrichment, needs help catching up, or is just beginning his academic career, Kumon is designed to help him develop a love of learning. Students advance through the program at their own pace, and their emphasis on individualized learning helps your child become focused, motivated and self-reliant. The Kumon Math Program is a comprehensive curriculum that develops the necessary skills to help students progress from counting through calculus, and the Kumon reading program begins with basic phonics and progresses all the way through advanced reading comprehension. With a strong academic foundation, critical thinking and problem solving abilities, your child will have the potential to achieve whatever he desires. See ad on page 7 with coupon for 50% off enrollment.



ARE COMING OUT. Help Your Student Today in Reading, Math & Writing.

6 • fall/winter 2014/15

Libraries Many libraries offer homework help, including academic workshops and story times. See “Libraries” under the “Directory” on for contact information.

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Cypress Recreation and Community Services - Tutoring Club (grades pre-K-12) arranged by individual appointment. $140 for four, one-hour sessions; continuous registration. (714) 229-6780. Fountain Valley Community Services - Reading and Math Development (6-11), After-School English and Math (4-12), After-School Chinese and Spanish (4-12), Tiny Tots (3½-5), Get Ready for Preschool (2-4½), Sign Language (12+), Spanish (14+) and Driver’s Education (14-18). (714) 839-8611.

$50 FREE TUITION with Ad Atlantic Ave

academics & tutoring

• Club Z! In Home Tutoring Services (562) 425-2177 Club Z! In-Home Tutoring Services, the world’s largest in-home tutoring program, helps your child reach his/her full potential. They tutor pre-K through adult in all subjects: LD/ADD, reading, writing skills, math, science, foreign languages, SAT/ACT prep and study skills. All tutors are certified teachers or degreed professionals who will customize a program for your child using the school’s curriculum. Club Z! offers affordable rates. Call or visit their website. Serving Los Angeles and Orange Counties. See ad on page 8.

Carson St.

4215 Atlantic Avenue Long Beach, CA 90807 (Behind Trader Joe’s; NEXT to Domino’s Pizza)


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Huntington Beach Community Services - Youth Leadership and Public Speaking (7-9). (714) 536-5486. Irvine Community Services - Abacus and Mental Math (5-11), Leadership and Public Speaking (7-14), Math Development (grades 1-6), Olympic/Singapore Math (grades 2-6), Reading Development (grades 2-6), Reading Readiness (3-6), Reading, Math and More Preschool (3-6), Robotis Kids Lab (7-11), Young Math Olympiad (7-11), LegoAlpha (3-5), Preschooler Chinese Conversation (3-6), Shapes, Numbers and Colors, and Tiny Trekkers Play School (3-5). (949) 724-6610. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Free after-school tutoring programs are available at some parks throughout the school year. Academic classes taught by Readwrite, Inc. also offered. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Reading, Math and More Preschool (3½-5), Experiential Writing (8-12), Math Development (6½-10), Narrative Essays (8-12), Reading Development (6½-10), Sound Start Reading (4½-7), The Wonders of Science (512), Elements of Narrative Writing (12-16), SAT Prep and Test Strategies (13-18), and Argumentative Essay (12-17). (562) 570-3100. Los Alamitos Recreation - Reading, Math and More (3½-5½), Narrative Essays (8-12), Experiential Writing (8-12), Argumentative Writing (8-12), Math and Reading Development (6½-11), Jr. Engineering (4-6), Lego Robotics (7-14) and SAT Prep (14-18). (562) 430-1073. Los Alamitos Youth Center - Free tutoring services (717) in math, science, reading and more. Monday - Friday, 12:30-6 p.m. Participants can print their projects and are provided with supplies necessary to complete their homework. (562) 493-4043. 10909 Oak St., Los Alamitos. Saddleback Recreation (Mission Viejo area) - Sound Start Reading (grades K-1), Math and Reading Development (2-6), Academic Origami (grades K-6), Academic Chess and Chess Club (grades 1-6). (949) 768-0981, Ext. 1. Seal Beach Community Services - Reading and Math Development (6½-11), SAT Prep and Test

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Strategies (14-18). (562) 431-2527, Ext. 344, • The Tutoring Center 4215 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach (562) 653-4380 Are you happy with your child’s grades? Call The Tutoring Center today to schedule your Free Diagnostic Assessment. The Tutoring Center uses a unique system known as “The Rotational Approach to Learning.” Your child will receive intense one-to-one instruction in reading, math (all levels) or writing to rapidly increase academic skills while also improving concentration, focus and attention span. See ad with discount coupon on page 6. YMCA - Youth and Government and Model United Nations The following branches offer Youth and Government (9-12) and/or Model United Nations (grades

Academic Private Tutoring

WE BELIEVE. WE EDUCATE. SCHOLARS EXCEL. Call or Text: (562) 712-5373 •

• mentoring • test prep & study skills • organization • time management • special needs • student athlete support services • certified child life coach/specialist

6-9): Anaheim, Downey and Long Beach (Fairfield and Los Altos) branches. Learn more about government, develop leadership skills and debate issues.

aquatics & water polo Swim instruction, teams, camps and recreational swimming; plus water polo classes, clubs and camps. Also see: “Fishing and Boating” and “Camps.” • Alpert JCC Swim Instruction and Water Polo 3801 East Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1035 Swim Instruction - Group and private lessons in a heated junior Olympic-sized pool. Beginner and advanced swim teams are also offered. Water Polo - Enjoy the JCC’s Junior Olympic pool while learning the basics of ball-handling and shooting. Improve swim skills, work on treading water and strokes specific for water polo. For ages 5-8 and 9-12; all levels welcome. See ad on page 11.

Year-Round Aquatics Fun with International Water Polo Club! Boys & Girls • All Skills • Ages 3 & Up • Programs for Elementary, Middle, High School, College & Adult Athletes

Benefits of Water Polo

• Children have fun in the water. • Kids of all abilities, areas and backgrounds play. • Encourages safety in and around water. • Promotes fitness, teamwork and confidence. • Provides a positive atmosphere that encourages learning and fun.

Camps, Clinics & Teams • Groups are divided by gender and age. • Program for beginners and intermediates to learn the basics. • Club & Travel Teams for the committed athlete.

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Great for Beginners! SPLASHBALL

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Games, Fridays, Drop-in

• Mention “Kidsguide” and your first class is free!

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Olympic Facility of USA Water Polo, Joint Forces Training Base Pool, 11200 Lexington Dr., Los Alamitos • • Call or Text: Cell (949) 533-5216, Office (949) 428-7576 8 • fall/winter 2014/15

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American Red Cross Greater Long Beach (562) 595-6341 Orange County (714) 481-5300 Classes (5+) include water and small craft safety, first aid and CPR, plus referrals to Red Cross-certified swim programs and instructors. Enter your zip code on their website to find a location near you.

sons are offered to all ages and focus on fun and safety in and around the water. Deep Blue is passionate about the lifelong benefits that swimming lessons provide. Call to arrange a free trial lesson and start your aquatic journey today! See ad on this page.

Boys and Girls Club Year-round recreational swimming is available at the Wallace/Petrolane branch in Long Beach. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.

Diving Instruction McCormick Divers - Long Beach. (714) 846-5731, PDA Sports Training Center - 15064 Shoemaker Ave., Sante Fe Springs, (562) 229-1927, USA Diving - Provides resources for finding teams, coaches and events, (317) 237-5252,

• Deep Blue Swim School 11-39th Place, Long Beach (562) 434-1644 Deep Blue Swim School offers private lessons, parent and me swim classes, pre-competitive swim team, snorkeling clinics, and scuba for kids year round in their 92 degree indoor and ozone-filtrated pool. Les-

• International Water Polo Club (949) 428-7576 Both competitive and non-competitive programs, serving all communities, offered for kids as young as 3, and youth in the following age divisions: 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U, 20U, as well as adults. Kids get used to the water, strengthen their swim-

ming skills, and are taught the basic fundamentals of water polo in a fun, safe setting. For older kids and teens, there are gender- and age-grouped programs, from the swimming novice to the experienced water polo player. Camps, clinics and swimming lessons are also offered. Their newest programs, Splashball (3-9) and Aquaball (10-14) are offered Monday - Friday, 6:15-7:30 p.m., and are lots of fun for just $100 per month. They will soon offer free weekend waterball leagues. Discounts and payment plans may be available; check their website for specials. Olympic facility of USA Water Polo, Joint Forces Training Base Pool, 11200 Lexington Drive, Los Alamitos. Mention “Kidsguide” and your first try-out is free! Also see “Camps.” See ad on page 8. Recreation Departments and Colleges • Cypress College, Kids’ College - Water polo program for beginning and intermediate players, plus yearround water polo at the Fullerton center. Water Polo for Kids, beginning (9-14), ten weeks, $95. (714) 8084909.

Don’t Fall Back...On Your Swimming! $20 OFF New Bixby Knolls Location Coming Soon!

Private Lessons and Parent & Me Classes


20-Minute Swim Lesson

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Swim Team & Snorkeling Clinics Scuba for Kids!

All Ages Welcome! Starting at 3-6 Months

Ozone Filtered Indoor 92ºF Pool

(562) 434-1644 • 11 - 39th Place, Long Beach (next to the Long Beach Belmont Pier) lots more fun at

fall/winter 2014/15 • 9

• Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Beginning to intermediate swim instruction (3+); year round. Specialty programs include: parent and child, (9 mos-3 yrs), diving (7-18), private/semi-private lessons, recreational swimming and water exercise classes. Belmont Plaza, (562) 570-1806; King Pool, (562) 570-1718; and Silverado Pool, (562) 5701721. Most city recreation departments offer aquatics programs for all ages and levels. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. Southern California Swim Teams (800) 682-0135 Southern California Swimming (SCS) oversees city and community club teams. Swimmers (4+) are grouped according to age and ability for year-round, weekday workouts and weekend competitions, culminating in the Junior Olympic Championships. Monthly club dues apply. Visit the website for local team information. U.S. Synchronized Swimming Provides resources and information on local clubs (3+). USA Water Polo Provides information on local clubs, clinics, camps and tournaments for boys and girls (7+). YMCA Anaheim, Bellflower, Downey, Lakewood, Long Beach (Los Altos and Fairfield), Newport-Mesa, Fullerton, Mission Viejo and Santa Ana branches offer year-round swim instruction (3 mos+). Additional programs include: Anaheim, Parent and Me, water polo and lifeguards. Downey, splashball (5-9), water polo and swim team. Long Beach (Fairfield and Los Altos) swim teams. Newport-Mesa, Fullerton, Mission Viejo and Santa Ana, parent/child swim, youth swim, swim team and water polo. Weingart-Lakewood, swim teams. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.

archery Clubs, lessons and ranges. • El Dorado Regional Park Archery Range 7500 E. Spring St., Long Beach (562) 570-3148 Get pointers to improve skills and consistent shooting technique. Groups of five or more, call (562) 6889666. Equipment provided. Saturday classes include, advanced, 9 a.m.; intermediate, 10 a.m.; and beginner, 11 a.m. Safety class required. Vehicle entry fees, Monday - Thursday, $5; Friday, $6; Saturday and Sunday, $7; and holidays, $8.

• Gryphon Fencing & Fitness Studio 971 Via Rodeo, Placentia (714) 519-1343 Archery teaches focus, concentration and coordination. Gryphon Fencing and Fitness Studio offers beginning archery classes for kids 7 and older. Students will learn about the history and equipment in archery and safe shooting skills. During the course, students will try several styles of archery tournaments and play fun games. Email: See ad on page 29. U.S.A. Archery The national governing body for archery coordinates the Junior Olympic Archery Development (JOAD) program, giving youth (8-18) the opportunity to compete. Free referrals to local archery clubs, tournaments and camps. Find Junior Olympic Archery Development link under the “Archers” tab on their website. More Archery Ranges The following private ranges offer instruction (5+), tournaments, league activities, target practice and private lessons. Camps may be offered. Party packages available. Archery Outpost, 10714 Reagan St., Ste. B, Los Alamitos, (562) 598-3444, Hi-Tech Archery, 1912 W. Commonwealth Ave., Fullerton, (714) 449-9744, HSS Sports Academy, 610 Roosevelt, Irvine, (949) 5528486, Orange County Archery, 18792 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley, (714) 965-1125,

arts & crafts Arts and crafts instruction, workshops, classes and camps. Also see: “Museums.” Boys and Girls Club Arts and crafts are offered at most branches (5-17). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Ceramics Studios Art Waves - 18910 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley. (714) 965-0669. Clay on First - 406 E. 1st St., Long Beach. (562) 4954362. Color Me Mine - Brea, (714) 671-2808; Costa Mesa, (714) 241-8072; Long Beach, (562) 433-4177; Mission Viejo, (949) 367-9757; Tustin, (714) 505-3975; and Whittier, (562) 789-5600. Hidden Talents Ceramics Studio - 16917 Algonquin St., Ste. E, Huntington Beach. (714) 840-6833. www. Paint ‘N’ Glaze - 3960 Studebaker Road, Ste. 102, Long Beach. (562) 421-8000. Craft Instruction Build-A-Bear - Kids create an animal or doll, then

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add clothes and accessories. Anaheim, (714) 7765980; Mission Viejo, (949) 347-6992; and Torrance, (310) 921-2327. Home Depot - Free workshops for kids (5-12) offered at all locations the first Saturday of each month, 9 a.m. - noon. Parent participation required. (800) 466-3337. Lowe’s - Free Build and Grow kids’ (5-12) clinics offered second and fourth weekends. Parent participation required. Free. (800) 44-LOWES. www. Michaels - Kids explore their creativity while parents shop. Saturdays, 10-11:30 a.m., sessions start every half hour. $2. Available at all locations. Piecemakers Country Store - Sewing, knitting, and fiber arts and crafts. 1720 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa. (714) 641-3112. • RideMakerz - Make a model car. Downtown Disney, 1540 S. Disneyland Drive, Ste. 103, Anaheim. (714) 776-0216. See ad on page 59. The Long Beach Depot for Creative Reuse - Free meetup on Saturdays, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., where kids make things from recycled items (8+). 320 Elm Ave., Long Beach. (562) 437-9999. • Museum of Latin American Art 628 Alamitos Ave., Long Beach (562) 437-1689 Target Free Sundays offer free admission to all visitors every Sunday. Free admission every fourth Friday evening (6-9 p.m.) of the month. See ad on page 39. • Pacific Conservatory, Music and Arts Education Costa Mesa and Orange (714) 545-1217 KinderARTS is a two-hour integrated visual and performing arts program for 3-5 year olds. Children are introduced to music, art and drama through musical instruments, singing, dancing, fairytale theater with costumes and props, poetry, storytelling, art history, appreciation and the creation of projects using techniques of the Masters. Five-year curriculum covers all the major artistic periods. Drop-off program with Parent Share Days. Call today to schedule your complimentary class. See “Camps” listing for art classes during school vacations. Locations: 151 Kalmus, G-1, Costa Mesa, 92626; and 1311 E. Katella Ave., Orange, 92867. Formerly Pacific School of Music and the Arts. See ad on page 41. • Picasso on the Go (714) 363-8676 Picasso on the Go is a mobile pottery and ceramic studio serving the Orange County and Long Beach areas. They bring all of the paint, brushes and pottery you need to host any special event, including birthday parties, holiday parties, mom’s night out, scouts and school fundraisers. Rates start as low as $12/person. Available all hours, seven days a week. See ad on page 49. lots more fun at

lots more fun at

Recreation Departments and Colleges Cerritos College - Drawing and Painting (grades 1-6). (562) 467-5050. ®

(562) 864-7706

10555 E. Firestone Blvd., Norwalk

Field Trips!

Birthday & Team Parties

• Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Creative Clay (5-12); five classes, $30. (562) 8669771, Ext. 2408.

Free Incentive program for schools and doctors’ offices.

Golf N’ Stuff • Norwalk

2-for-1 Attraction

Buy 1 Round of Miniature Golf Get a 2nd Round Free or Buy 1 Ride and Get 2nd Ride Free *Must present coupon(s) before purchase. Limit one offer only. Groups of 10 or more, reservations required. Not valid with other discounts. No cash value. Expires 3/31/15 Promo Code KG2014/15-1

Golf N’ Stuff • Norwalk

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Helping Little People with Big Feelings

12 • fall/winter 2014/15

• Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine Paint and Play (2-3½), PeeWee Art (2-3½) and Glitter Landscape Painting (7-12). Many Long Beach parks offer arts and crafts on a drop-in basis with supervised recreation programing during after-school hours. (562) 570-3100. www. Most city recreation departments offer arts and crafts classes. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. Sewing and Knitting Instruction All Brands Sewing Center - Beginner to advanced classes and clinics (8-16). Locations in Buena Park, Foothill Ranch, Garden Grove, Irvine and Mission Viejo. (714) 636-1322. Angel Threads Sewing School - Sewing classes (7+) where students work independently on their own projects. Make-and-Take Workshops also available. Newport Beach. (949) 548-6070. Fashion Camp - Sewing classes (7+) include design and sketching. 2477 Park Ave., Tustin. (714) 2590946. Sewing Lab Los Alamitos - Sewing classes and workshops (7+). 3841 Catalina St., Ste. H, Los Alamitos. (562) 296 8021. Sew Vac Ltd. - Classes and clubs for beginning to advanced sewers, plus summer camps. 1762 Clark Ave., Long Beach. (562) 498-6684. Stitches in Time - “Mom and Me” knitting and crocheting classes for all ages, Wednesdays, 2:30-4 p.m. and Saturdays, 10-11:30 a.m.; en Español, Fridays, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. $5 per person, plus materials. 16525 Bellflower Blvd., Bellflower. (562) 8049341.

Child-Centered Mental Health Services Valerie Wilson-Lindberg LCSW, Reg. Play Therapist

• Cypress College, Kids’ College - Wonderful Arts and Crafts, Draw and Paint Animals, Cartoon Drawing, Drawing and Sketching (5+), Creating Small Sculptures (6+), Mosaic Masterpieces (8+), Intro to Origami, Money Origami, Drawing and Painting, Watercolors, Fun with Clay, Photography (7+), Art Experiences for Children, Basic Clothing Construction (grades 8-12) and Fashion Illustration (12+). Centers in Anaheim, Cypress and Fullerton. (714) 808-4909.

5500 Atherton St. Suite 300 Long Beach

(562) 986-9300

Studio Art Instruction Art Exchange Long Beach - Kids classes, workshops and drop-in studios. 354 E. 3rd St., Long Beach. (562) 491-0278. Art House - Classes in drawing and painting (5-18). 1380 S. Harbor Blvd., La Habra, (714) 870-7119; and 34085 PCH, Ste. 104, Dana Point, (949) 3502285.

Art Smart Studio - Monthly classes (5+) in painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, watercolors and mosaics. 3823 E. 7th St., Long Beach. (562) 439-4777. Art Steps - Drawing and painting. 18212 Imperial Highway, Yorba Linda; and 24000 Alicia Pkwy., #31, Mission Viejo. (714) 524-2248, (949) 454-9555. Art Waves - Weekly classes and occasional drop-in studio. 18910 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley. (714) 965-0669. Averyboo Arts - Painting, drawing, mixed media, watercolor and open studio (2-12). 3908 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach. (562) 912-4800. Chuck Jones Center for Creativity - Drop-In and Draw Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. 3321 Hyland Ave., Costa Mesa. (949) 660-7793. Color My World Art Studio - Drawing and painting. 11960 Artesia Blvd., #101, Artesia. (562) 2194566. (562) 879-5972. Fibo Kids Art Academy - Drawing and painting classes (grades pre-K-12). Locations in Brea, Tustin and Yorba Linda. (714) 579-1929. Fullerton Museum Center - Art programs and workshops, year round. 301 N. Pomona Ave., Fullerton. (714) 738-6545. Huntington Beach Art Center - Classes and workshops (2+) in drawing, painting, dance and more; one-day to eight-week sessions. 538 Main St., Huntington Beach. (714) 374-1650. Inspyr Arts - Fine arts drawing and painting studio (5+). School-break camps also offered. 3910 E. 4th St., Long Beach. (562) 342-6172. Irvine Art and Music - Young Artists Series (4-8) and Fine Art classes (8+). 15315 Culver Drive, #150, Irvine. (949) 559-3069. Irvine Fine Arts Center - Classes and workshops (3½+) include drawing, painting, ceramics, culinary and mixed media. School-vacation camps are also offered. 1432 Yale Ave., Irvine. (949) 724-6880. Muckenthaler Cultural Center - A variety of kids’ and family art classes and workshops are offered year round. 1201 W. Malvern Ave., Fullerton. (714) 7386595. Museums - Many offer art classes for kids and teens that may include drawing, painting, cartooning, sculpture and other mixed media. See “Museums” for details and contact information. Pacific Studio of Art - Drawing and painting (8+). 1122 Lake St., Huntington Beach. (714) 960-2856. The Art Studio - Painting, drawing, cartooning, sculpting and mixed media. (7+). 6450 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. (714) 458-2800. www. lots more fun at

The Drawing Board - Drawing, painting and sculpting (2+), plus family workshops and ceramics. 4945-C Yorba Ranch Road, Yorba Linda. (714) 693-7156. Timree Paint Studio - Painting classes, workshops and camps for kids (6+). Locations in Newport Beach and Tustin. (949) 723-1300.

attractions Attractions and theme parks for all ages throughout Southern California. Also see: “Museums,” “STEM” and “Zoos.” • Adventure City 1238 S. Beach Blvd., Anaheim (714) 236-9300 Adventure City in North Orange County is guaranteed to entertain young families, with 17 exciting rides and attractions including the “Drop Zone,” a 50-foot free-fall tower. You’ll also find a live interactive children’s theater, a petting farm, a 25-foot climbing wall, an arcade, a Thomas the Tank Engine™ and Friends play area, great food and much more. What a great place to have a company picnic, birthday or team party! The price is right too. All-day unlimited rides: adults or children, $16.95; seniors (55 and over), $11.95. AAA discount available for up to six regular-price admissions per card. Free parking. See discount coupon on page 73. Aquariums Also see “STEM” for a listing of educational aquarium programs. • Aquarium of the Pacific (562) 590-3100 More than 11,000 ocean animals are featured in three main galleries with 19 major habitats and 32 focus exhibits including over 500 different species. Exhibits include Shark Lagoon, with sharks and ray touch pools; the Lorikeet Forest aviary; the “Whales: Voices in the Sea” kiosk; Ocean Science Center, featuring NOAA’s Science on a Sphere; the June Keyes Penguin Habitat; and the Wonders of the Deep gallery and Ocean Exploration Hub. Educational programs are also available (see “STEM”) as well as annual events (see “Calendar”) and camps (see “Camps”). Admission: adults, $28.95; kids (3-11), $14.95; seniors (62+), $25.95. 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach. See ad on this page; coupon on page 68. Cabrillo Marine Aquarium (310) 548-7562 Thirty-five saltwater tanks and touch tanks, plus discovery labs and an Aquatic Nursery with baby sea animals. Family and kids’ classes, workshops, walks, grunion runs, youth docents and other educational programs are available. Suggested admission donation: $1-5. 3720 Stephen White Drive, San Pedro. Roundhouse Aquarium (310) 379-8117 Touch tanks, sea horses, shark and eel tanks, and lots more fun at

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kids activities. Classes, camps and parties also offered. $2 per person; $5 per family. Manhattan Beach Pier. Santa Monica Pier Aquarium (310) 393-6149 Exhibits more than 100 species, featuring touch tanks with tide pool animals, plus year-round field trip programs, kids’ classes, party packages and special-themed event days. Adults, $5; and kids (12 and under), free. 1600 Ocean Front Walk, Santa Monica. Sea Life Aquarium at Legoland (760) 918-5346 An interactive aquarium geared for kids (2-12) features play zones, hands-on touch pools, fun facts and quiz trails, as well as sea horses, stingrays and sharks. One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad. The SEA Lab (310) 318-7438 A hands-on coastal science education center that offers free and low-cost programs, touch-tank tours, public fish feeding, field trips and parties. Admission: $2 per person or $4 per family. 1021 N. Harbor Drive, Redondo Beach. • Big Air Trampoline Park 23251 Avenida de la Carlota, Laguna Hills 92653 (949) 305-9788 Over 17,000 square feet of jumping space at South Orange County’s best indoor trampoline park. Unique features include Climbing Wall, Battle Beam, L’il Air (for jumpers age 6 and younger), Open Main Court, Dodgeball Courts, Foam Pit, Slam Dunk Basketball and The Bullpen. Great location for groups, corporate team building, birthday and team parties. Seasonal park promotions and specials listed on website. Reservations for groups of 15+ are required and made online or by calling Event Sales. Big Air locations include Laguna Hills, Redlands, and the newest location opening in Buena Park in late 2014. See ad with party package discount on page 47. • Buena Park Exhibitions Center: Titanic and Bodies 7711 Beach Blvd., Buena Park Bodies explores the systems of the human body: skeletal, muscular, nervous, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive, endocrine and circulatory. Titanic The Experience features over 250 authentic artifacts that have been recovered from the wreck site of the Titanic, plus recreations of famous rooms as well as actors dressed in period clothing portraying notable passengers and crew members. See ad on page 76. • Columbia Memorial Space Center 12400 Columbia Way, Downey (562) 321-1200 Hands-on learning center that is dedicated to bringing the wonder and excitement of space science to children of all ages. It also serves as the national memorial for the Space Shuttle Columbia’s seven crew members, lost in 2003. The 20,000-squarefoot visitor center is equipped with not only amaz-

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ing technology and visual teaching exhibits, it is constantly holding classes and workshops. The Space Center also hosts the only Challenger Learning Center in the greater Los Angeles area, where you can: “Return to the Moon,” “Rendezvous With a Comet,” or go on a “Voyage to Mars,” and experience the real-life excitement of working in Mission Control or in the Spacecraft; available for field trips, team-building exercises and parties of 16 or more. Tuesday - Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Sunday and Monday. $5 per person (3+). Also see “Calendar,” “Museums,” “Parties” and “STEM.” See ad on page 15. Family Fun Centers Arcades, airsoft, go-karts, flight simulation, laser tag, miniature golf, RC raceways and paintball parks. Most offer party and group packages. Check websites for coupons and discounts. Also see Golf N’ Stuff in this section. Bay Arcade (949) 673-0324 Video and redemption games. 706 E. Bay Ave., Newport Beach. Boomers 3405 Michelson Drive, Irvine (949) 559-8336 16800 Magnolia St., FV (714) 842-1111 Arcade, batting cages, bumper boats, mini golf, rock wall, go karts, kiddie rides and laser tag (Irvine only). Buena Park Raceway (714) 827-9979 Slot car racetrack. Rent a car or bring your own. 6161 Lincoln Ave., Buena Park. Camelot Golfland (714) 630-3340 Arcade, miniature golf, miniature bowling, laser tag, go-karts and water slide. 3200 E. Carpenter Ave., Anaheim. Chuck E. Cheese Arcade and redemption games, rides and ball pit, food and entertainment, plus, party packages. Visit their website for locations. Dave and Buster’s of Orange (714) 769-1515 Arcade and restaurant. Nighttime tends to a mature crowd. The Outlets at Orange, 20 City Blvd. West, Orange.

Irvine Lake RC Park (714) 649-9111, Ext. 305 Natural off-road track. All scales welcome. 4621 Santiago Canyon Road, Silverado. John’s Incredible Pizza Company (714) 236-0000 Bowling, bumper cars, Twister ride, laser tag and over 100 video and redemption games. 8601 On The Mall, Buena Park. K1 Speed Indoor Go Kart Racing Go-kart racing, league and party packages. Open to everyone, four-foot tall and above. Anaheim, 1000 N. Edward Court, (714) 632-6999; Irvine, 17221 Von Karman Ave., (949) 250-0242; and Torrance/ Gardena, 19038 S. Vermont Ave., (310) 532-2478. Laser Quest (714) 449-0555 Laser tag (5+). 229 E. Orangethorpe Ave., Fullerton. Nickel! Nickel! Five Cent Games (714) 847-2191 Video and redemption games. 7454 Edinger, Huntington Beach. OCRC Raceway (714) 892-6699 Practice and race sessions. Rent a RC or bring your own. 15282 Jason Circle, Huntington Beach. www. Pelican Pier Pavilion (562) 980-1415 Over 40 video and prize-redemption games. Shoreline Village, Long Beach. SC Village (562) 867-9600 Paintball and airsoft (10+). 8900 McCarty Road, Corona. Tac City (657) 888-6111 Airgun scrimmages (10+). 2430 Artesia Ave., Fullerton. The Paintball Park (866) 985-4932 Splatmaster (6-10) and Paintball (10+). 1700 Vandegrift Blvd., Oceanside. The Power House (562) 497-1197 Video games, laser tag and Bowlingo. 7589 Carson Blvd., Long Beach.

Howie’s Game Shack Socially interactive PC and XBox gaming centers. 8308 On the Mall, Buena Park, (714) 676-7455; and 27741 Crown Valley Pkwy., Mission Viejo, (949) 3670019.

• Golf N’ Stuff Family Fun Park 10555 E. Firestone Blvd., Norwalk (562) 868-9956 Take a break and have fun at Golf N’ Stuff Family Fun Park! Offers challenging miniature golf and exciting rides, including go-karts, bumper boats, bumper cars, Disk’O Thrill ride and kiddie train. While you’re there, check out the latest in arcade games, great prizes, snack bar, and party facilities for birthday or team parties (see “Parties”). Ask about their free school and doctor’s office incentive programs. Where the 5 and 605 freeways meet. See ad with coupons on page 12.

Hollywood Sports Park (562) 867-9600 Two-story arcade, laser tag, rockwall, BMX course, futsal and volleyball. Plus, paintball and airsoft (10+). 9030 Somerset Blvd., Bellflower.

Orange County Great Park Balloon and Carousel Sand Canyon and Marine Way, Irvine (866) 829-3829 A tethered, 118-foot-high, helium-filled balloon allows

Flightdeck (714) 937-1511 Flight simulation (10+). 1650 S. Sinclair St., Anaheim. Go-Kart World (310) 834-3800 Six racing tracks, including tracks for younger kids (3+), bumper cars and arcade. 21830 Recreation Road, Carson.

lots more fun at

passengers to soar 400 feet in the air for a bird’s-eye view of the Orange County Great Park and surrounding areas. The carousel offers rides approximately three minutes long (riders under 42˝ must be accompanied by an adult). The Great Park Balloon and carousel are both wheelchair-accessible. Fees apply. Check in is required at the Visitors Center Pavilion. Military Ships S.S. Lane Victory (310) 519-9545 Built in 1945, in Los Angeles, the victory-class cargo ship was used in World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam War. The ship was preserved in 1998 to serve as a museum ship. Friday - Wednesday, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.; closed Thursday. Adults, $5; kids, $2. Berth 49, San Pedro. USS Iowa (877) 446-9261 Tour Battleship Iowa for a journey through World War II, the Korean War and the Cold War, including the 16” main guns, the Tomahawk missile decks, crew’s living quarters, and the captain’s cabin with the only battleship bathtub installed for President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Plus, a kids’ scavenger hunt. 250 S. Harbor Blvd., San Pedro. USS Midway Museum (619) 544-9600 Exhibits include crew’s sleeping quarters, galley, engine room, the ship’s jail, officer’s country, post office, machine shops, pilots’ ready rooms, primary flight control and the bridge high in the island over the flight deck. Plus, an aircraft gallery and flight simulators. Tours and special events also available. 910 N. Harbor Drive, San Diego.

Parks and Playgrounds For indoor and outdoor playgrounds, see “Playgrounds” and for arboretums, nature centers and parks, see “Recreation and Parks.” • Pretend City Children’s Museum 29 Hubble, Irvine (949) 428-3900 Pretend City Children’s Museum is an interconnected city designed just for children (infant-8). The city is comprised of a grocery store, farm, doctor’s office, art studio, amphitheater, beach, marina, construction site and many other exhibits. At Pretend City, children learn through role play based on real-world experiences as they dress up as a police officer, deliver the mail, create art, compose music or put out a fire. See “Museums” for complete listing. See ad on page 21. • Queen Mary 1126 Queens Highway, Long Beach (877) 437-2934 Transport yourself back in time aboard the legendary Queen Mary. Once the grandest ocean liner in the world, the Queen Mary is now a full-service hotel, historical landmark and entertainment venue. Current family-friendly exhibits and tours include Diana: Legacy of a Princess showcasing Princess Diana and the Royal Family; Ghosts and Legends; Her Finest Hour: a WWII Tour; Scorpion Tour, which includes a tour of the Scorpion submarine docked next door, giving the rare opportunity to get a first-hand glimpse of what life was like aboard a Russian submarine

during the Cold War; a self-guided tour and more. Also see “Calendar.” See ad on page 5. Theme Parks • Adventure City (714) 236-9300 $16.95 general admission with unlimited rides. Kids (under 12 mos) free with paid adult; seniors (ages 55 and over), $11.95. AAA discount available for up to six regular-price admissions per card. Free parking. www. See listing in this section; discount coupon on page 73. Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure (714) 781-4565 Halloween season, September 12 - October 31, includes Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy, ghostly encounters at The Twilight Zone’s Tower of Terror, dance at the Mad T Party and Halloween Carnival at Big Thunder Ranch. Join trick-or-treaters at Mickey’s Halloween Party on September 26, 30, October 3, 6, 8, 10, 14, 17, 20, 22, 24, 27, 29 and 31; special ticketing required, call (714) 781-4400. During the Christmas holiday, enjoy Tim Burton’s “Nightmare Before Christmas” at the Haunted Mansion, a 60-foot Christmas tree, Christmas Fantasy Parade, seasonal fireworks and holiday decor throughout the park, plus the Christmas Fantasy Parade. 1313 Disneyland Drive, Anaheim. Knott’s Berry Farm (714) 220-5200 “Knott’s Scary Farm Halloween Haunt” (13+), September 25 - November 1, features mazes, scare zones and thousands of costumed monsters, while Camp Spooky will have younger kids

City of Downey Columbia Memorial Space Center


MISSION CONTROL lots more fun at

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Please visit our website to learn about our upcoming events, how to book your next birthday party, meeting, field trip, and/or group visit, and much more. Our center also hosts the only Challenger Learning Center in the greater Los Angeles area—real life excitement of working in Mission Control and in Spacecraft during simulated missions “Return to the Moon,” “Voyage to Mars,” or “Rendezvous with a Comet.”

Tuesday-Saturday 10am -5pm Admission Fee: $5 (3 years & younger are FREE)


12400 Columbia Way, Downey, CA 90242 (562) 231-1200

fall/winter 2014/15 • 15

(3-12) celebrating daytime cheer rather than fear with shows, activities and trick-or-treating. Knott’s Berry Farm transforms into Knott’s Merry Farm for the holidays with seasonal entertainment and spectacular decorations, including a 65-foot-tall Christmas tree, seasonal productions and a beautiful tree lighting show. 8039 Beach Blvd., Buena Park. Legoland (760) 918-5346 Seasonal events include Brick-or-Treat Festival in October, and Holiday Snow Days and Winter Nights starting November 22, plus a New Year’s Eve Cele-bricktion. One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad. Six Flags Magic Mountain (661) 255-4111 Halloween-themed “Fright Fest” runs Fridays - Sundays, September 27 - November 1, with low-scare areas for younger kids. During “Holidays in the Park,” November 28 - January 4, the park is transformed into a winter wonderland with lights, carolers and personalized meet-and-greets with Santa. 26101 Magic Mountain Parkway, Valencia. SeaWorld (800) 257-4268 Saturdays and Sundays in October, Halloween Spooktacular includes silly and spooky shows including the Clyde and Seamore’s Spooky Adventure sea lion and otter show and sea-inspired trick-or-treat stations. On select dates between November 15 - January 4, enjoy SeaWorld’s Christmas Celebration, Shamu’s Christmas, Clyde and Seamore Save Christmas, The Pets Rule Christmas, Elmo’s Christmas Wish and SnowWorld. 500 SeaWorld Drive, San Diego. www. Universal Studios Hollywood (800) UNIVERSAL New ride: Despicable Me: Minion Mayhem. For the older kids (13+), Halloween Horror Nights, September - November. During the Christmas holiday, Grinchmas takes over the park with celebrity story times, tree lightings and snow. 100 Universal City Plaza, Universal City. www.

baseball & softball Leagues, instruction, camps and clinics, plus batting cages. Also see: “Camps.” Batting Cages All Star Park (562) 925-7787 17911 Bellflower Blvd., Bellflower Ruth R. Caruthers Park (562) 804-1424, Ext. 2261 10500 Flora Vista St., Bellflower. Boomers 16800 Magnolia, Fountain Valley (714) 842-1111 3405 Michelson Drive, Irvine (949) 559-8341

Central Park Batting Cages (714) 375-3960 181000 Goldenwest St., Huntington Beach

Register in August for fall/winter season and November for spring season. Use your zip code to find a local league on their website.

Critical Baseball and Fitness (714) 461-8260 Reservation required. 614 W. Katella Ave., Orange

Pony Baseball and Softball Coed leagues in age divisions (5-18). Registration begins in November for March - June season. The website offers a partial listing of local teams, to find additional options, web search your city plus “Pony Baseball.”

Home Run Park 711 S. Beach Blvd., Anaheim

(714) 229-8850

Lifeletics (714) 843-1989 16702 Burke Lane, Huntington Beach Next Level Training Facility (562) 630-6300 16460 Paramount Blvd., Paramount On Deck Batting Cages (562) 426-4487 2499 E. Willow St., Long Beach Pitch N’ Hit Sports 23200 Del Lago, Laguna Hills

(949) 813-3256

Power Alley (714) 525-8448 1430 E. Walnut Ave., Fullerton. Pure Fast Pitch (714) 842-9300 16662 Gothard St., Huntington Beach Surf City Futsal (714) 274-5120 16091 Gothard St., Huntington Beach

• Quakes Baseball Academy 25332 Jeronimo Road, Lake Forest A 10,000-square-foot, private instructional facility that teaches the fundamentals of baseball while instilling in each player the benefits of hard work, goal setting, self-control, self-confidence and positive thinking. From functional strength and core conditioning to hitting, pitching and catching, the academy instructors are highly skilled and hold multiple certifications. No other facility in Orange County is as committed to providing quality baseball instruction, in addition to offering travel teams, batting cages and summer camps. Plus, during the winter months, there are about 15 professional baseball players that come to the facility for conditioning and training. What a great opportunity for your athlete to see the pros train, hit and throw bull pens, and learn from their experiences. The academy is devoted to athletes who want to play at the next level. See coupon for two weeks of free training on page 67.

The Cage at Los Alamitos (562) 598-2243 10660 Humbolt St., Los Alamitos

Recreation Departments and Colleges • Cypress College, Kids’ College - Pee Wee Baseball (4+); year round, six-week sessions, $50. (714) 8084909.

The Hitting Zone (714) 773-4300 1020 S. Cypress St., Unit A, La Habra

• Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - T-ball Skills (3-5); four-week sessions. (562) 570-3100.

Xcel Baseball and Softball (562) 795-9235 10714 Reagan St., Unit A, Los Alamitos

Most city recreation departments offer baseball and softball. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information.

Boys and Girls Club Baseball: Cypress, Long Beach, Santa Ana and Westminster branches. Softball: Long Beach and Stanton. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.

Softball Associations The following associations offer referrals and information for local leagues and tournaments: American Fastpitch Association, (714) 952-9311,; and Amateur Softball Association,

League Baseball and Softball Bobby Sox Softball (714) 522-1234 Girls’ league (4-18) in age divisions. No tryouts. Register November to January for spring season; August for fall season. Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Baseball (800) 880-3142 League for ages 4-18. Offers Buddy Baseball for kids (8-14) with special needs. Little League Baseball and Softball Boys’ and girls’ baseball in age divisions (4-18), softball for girls (4-18) and Little League Challenger teams for boys and girls (4-21) with special needs.

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The Miracle League (770) 760-1933 Baseball for boys and girls with special needs. www.

• Tom Hicks Baseball Camps, LLC P.O. Box 15963, Long Beach 90815-0963 (562) 425-2446 The 25th annual THBC prides itself on being the area’s best fundamental baseball camp. Camps offered during Summer, Easter and Christmas break focus on individual instruction and improvement. For only $115, campers receive 30 hours of fundamental teaching, drills, daily games, individualized evaluation, photos, daily prizes and lots of fun activities. Early Bird Discounts are available, as well as a multiple-week discount package. Over 14,300 campers lots more fun at

in 2006-2013 alone! A low student-to-teacher ratio guarantees a wonderful experience. Camps are available in Long Beach and the South Bay. Check their website for further information. YMCA T-Ball (2½-6) offered at Anaheim, Fullerton, Laguna Niguel, Newport-Mesa and Santa Ana. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.

basketball Leagues, clinics and camps. • Alpert JCC Basketball in Long Beach 3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1035 AJCC/Pete Davis Youth Basketball League for boys and girls, ages 5-13 years. Sunday, October 12, 12-5 p.m. is League Registration Day for all new and returning players. Games held Sundays, 12-6 p.m. Winter league begins January 18, 2015, Spring league begins April 12, 2015. For more information, email See ad on page 11. Boys and Girls Club Basketball pick-up play (5+) is available at most branches. Costa Mesa offers leagues. See “Youth and Family Groups” for locations. National Junior Basketball (714) 765-6567 Boys’ and girls’ leagues in age divisions (grades 1-12). Registration begins in September for December to February season. Academy training is available year round (grades 3-12). Various locations. Recreation Departments and Colleges • Cypress College, Kids’ College - Basketball Clinics (4+) are offered year round in three age divisions; six-week sessions, $50. (714) 808-4909. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Lakewood Youth Sports sign-ups November 1522. Ages 6-17. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. www. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine Tiny Ballers (3-7) and Ballers (7-14). Free co-ed leagues (9-14). Register at park community centers beginning December 1. Leagues run from late January to early March. (562) 570-3100. www. Many recreation departments offer basketball programs. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. YMCA Coed basketball in age divisions (5+). Register in the fall for winter season and in the spring for summer season. Anaheim, Downey and Weingart-Lakelots more fun at

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wood (3-13). Year-round leagues (6-14) at Laguna Niguel, Fullerton, Mission Viejo, Newport-Mesa and Santa Ana. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.

beauty & etiquette Beauty and self-improvement classes, plus kids’ hair salons. • Burgess Cotillion Golden Sails Hotel, Long Beach (323) 874-7393 With Burgess Cotillion, manners and etiquette are emphasized throughout their program. Students (grades 3-12) are taught how to introduce themselves, how to go through a reception line, how to ask a lady to dance, and how to sit properly. A demonstration on table manners is also provided. They cover telephone, cell phone and computer manners. Kids are encouraged to make new friends while the program emphasizes fun in a structured environment. Email: Also see “Calendar” and “Dance.”

(949) 640-0956; and 720 The Shops At Mission Viejo, Mission Viejo, (949) 364-7006. Hair Bears Salon (714) 731-5057 14161 Newport Ave., Ste. G, Tustin Kiddy Kastle (714) 527-0527 4460 Lincoln Ave., Cypress. Rainbow Kids Hair Locations in Fullerton, (714) 441-1016, www.; Irvine, (949) 5516691; Huntington Beach, (714) 842-4440, www.; and Yorba Linda, (714) 693-1520, Sharkey’s Cuts for Kids (714) 665-4297 Tustin Courtyard, 635 E. First St., Tustin

biking Bike paths, plus BMX courses and national associations. Also see: Skateparks under “Skateboarding” for parks that offer BMX sessions.

bowling Leagues, classes, parties and recreational play, plus lawn bowling. • Irvine Lanes 3415 Michelson Drive, Irvine (949) 786-9625 Irvine Lanes is Southern California’s premiere bowling center, with 40 lanes, complete with automatic scoring system, full arcade and snack bar. The second floor introduces a unique concept in bowling centers featuring a number of quiet, private rooms for elegant meetings and catered special events. They offer fun, easy-to-plan, and affordable birthday parties for kids (see “Parties”). See ad on page 19. Lawn Bowling Center Newport Beach Lawn Bowling (949) 640-1022 Year-round free lessons for all ages. 1550 Crown Drive North, Corona Del Mar. Recreation Departments and Colleges Some city recreation departments offer bowling instruction for kids (4+) that may include bumper bowling. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information.

• Etiquette and Tea Time at Dream Come True Party Room 3962 Studebaker Road, Ste. 204, Long Beach (562) 270-1400 Weekly tea time at Dream Come True Party Room includes etiquette, tea or juice served in fancy teacups, mini muffins, storytelling, and dress-up play from the Castle Wardrobe. Offered most Wednesdays, 4-5 p.m., contact to confirm. $12 per child; reservations required. Also see “Calendar” and “Parties.” See ad on page 47.

American Bicycle Association (480) 961-1903 ABA hosts district, state and national races and cruises. Website offers information on the sport, including a rule book, plus referrals to local tracks and teams.

College Classes • Cypress College, Kids’ College - Clutter Buster (grades 3-12), Be Bigger Than a Bully (8-12), Please Pass the Manners (5-7), Dining and Party Etiquette (8-12), and Teen Etiquette (13-17); $30-50. (714) 808-4909.

BMX Tracks Bellflower BMX (562) 716-0487 Clinics are offered on Mondays and Saturdays. Hollywood Sports Park, 9030 Somerset Blvd., Bellflower.

Bowlmor Bowlmor Orange County, The District at Tustin, 2405 Park Ave., Tustin, (714) 258-2695; and Bowlmor Anaheim, 400 W. Disney Way, Anaheim, (714) 7832810.

San Diego (619) 561-3824 Kearny Moto Park BMX Course, 3170 Armstrong St., San Diego,; and Cactus Park BMX, 10610 Ashwood St., Lakeside, www.

Cal Bowl (562) 421-8448 2500 E. Carson St., Lakewood.

Hair Salons The following salons cater to children, generally offering a selection of video games, toys and books, kid-size chairs and baby’s first haircut packages. Coco’s Fantasy Studio Kids’ Salon (562) 408-2733 8807 Alondra Blvd., Paramount Cool Cuts 4 Kids Locations in Brea, Buena Park, Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Laguna Niguel and Mission Viejo. www. First Cut 2700 E. Coast Hwy., Corona Del Mar (Newport Beach),

18 • fall/winter 2014/15

Bike Paths For paved trails and paths in Los Angeles and Orange counties, visit, www., and

Orange Y BMX (714) 502-2269 2241 E. Palmyra, Orange. Whittier Narrows Park BMX (626) 692-6055 1601 N. Rosemead Blvd., South El Monte. www. • Vans Skatepark 20 City Blvd. West, Orange (714) 769-3800 Large indoor/outdoor street courses, 80-foot-wide miniramp and beginners course. BMX sessions: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, 6-10 p.m. See ad on page 59.

United States Bowling Congress Youth Leagues (800) 514-2695 Leagues, tournaments, scholarships and instruction. More Bowling Centers The following locations may offer junior and parent/ child leagues, bumper and recreational bowling, and party packages.

Cerritos Lanes 18811 Carmenita Road, Cerritos

(562) 924-9363

Concourse Bowling Center 3364 E. La Palma Ave., Anaheim

(714) 666-2695

CSULB Student Union (562) 985-5201 On-campus games center offers bowling, billiards, game consoles, table tennis and foosball. Lanes are subject to closure for special events. 1212 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach. www.tinyurl. com/CSULBStudentUnion Del Rio Lanes (562) 927-3351 7502 E. Florence Ave., Downey. lots more fun at

Forest Lanes 22771 Centre Drive, Lake Forest

(949) 770-0055

Fountain Bowl (714) 963-7888 17110 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley Keystone Lanes (562) 868-3261 11459 E. Imperial Highway, Norwalk Linbrook Bowling Center (714) 774-2253 201 South Brookhurst St., Anaheim Lucky Strike Lanes (714) 937-5263 Nighttime tends to a mature crowd. Outlets at Orange, 20 City Blvd. West, Orange. Round One (562) 408-2937 401 Lakewood Center Mall, Lakewood Saddleback Lanes (949) 586-5300 25402 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo Tavern+Bowl (949) 438-2320 1875 Newport Blvd., Ste. L1-111, Costa Mesa Titan Bowling (657) 278-2144 800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton Tustin Lanes 1091 Old Irvine Blvd., Tustin

(714) 731-5022

Valley View Lanes (714) 898-2507 12141 Valley View St., Garden Grove Westminster Lanes (714) 893-5005 6471 Westminster Ave., Westminster

camps Sport, activity and specialty camps held during winter and/or spring breaks. Camps are also listed throughout Kidsguide; check your area of interest for additional listings. • Acting Out (562) 901-0111 Save your “drama” for camp! This weeklong, school-break camp celebrates creativity through drama skills workshops, ensemble building and a whole lot of fun. Activities include improv, scene study, stage combat, costumes, props, movement, voice over, monologue and dance. Check website for dates. Email: Also see “Theater Arts.” lots more fun at

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• Alpert JCC in Long Beach 3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1205 When school’s out, the JCC is the place to be. Kindergarten - 8th graders can spend Thanksgiving break, winter break, spring break and other school vacation days at camp! Program includes exciting daily themes, swimming, sports, arts and crafts and more. Covers LBUSD school vacation days, Thanksgiving break, winter break and spring break, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., each day; extended hours available. See website for more information and pricing. See ad on page 11. • Aquarium of the Pacific Winter Camp Adventures 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach (562) 590-1630 Aquarium of the Pacific offers two winter camps: Sea Squirt Camp, where kids (ages 5-6) discover the underwater world of sea creatures, December 22-24; and Winter Day Camp (ages 7-9), a marine life exploration through behind-the-scenes tours, interaction with Aquarium husbandry staff members, games, crafts and hands-on time with various sea animals, all documented in a keepsake camp journal, December 29-31. See ad on page 13; coupon on page 68. Boys and Girls Club Day camps (5-18) are offered at most branches during vacation breaks and school holidays. See “Youth and Family Groups” for information on vacation drop-in programs and club locations. Costa Mesa Recreation Services (714) 754-5300, (714) 754-5083 Winter Camp (grades K-6): one-week sessions, December 22 - January 2. President’s Day Camp (grades K-6): February 17-20. Spring Break Camp: April 6-10. Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., $136-141 per week; extended hours, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m., $165-170 per week. Cypress Recreation and Parks (714) 229-6780 Spring Camp: Camp Cypress (grades 1-6), 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. $21 per day, plus cost of mini excursions. March 30 - April 3. • Elevation Studios Winter-Break Intensive 1900 E. 27th St., #101, Signal Hill (562) 424-2711 Two day intensive dance program during winter break, December 27-28. Intermediate to advance levels for ages 10 and up. For information about their dance program, see listing on page 25; ad on page 27. • Gryphon Fencing & Fitness Studio 971 Via Rodeo, Placentia (714) 519-1343 Go from Zero to Zorro! Vacation-break camps will

20 • fall/winter 2014/15

teach your child the sport of fencing. In the popular “Go Medieval” camp, kids learn archery, fencing and build a working catapult. Camps offer the chance to have fun, meet new friends, learn new skills and build confidence. Email: See ad on page 29.

Los Alamitos Recreation (562) 430-1073 Rockin’ Reindeer Day Camp (5-15) - Games, art and movies. December 22-24, 26, 29-31 and January 2. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., $25; 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. $40 per day.

• International Water Polo Club (949) 428-7576 In their school-break camps, serving all communities, focus is on getting kids (3-14) used to the water in a non-competitive environment. In their youth program, kids strengthen swimming skills and are taught the basic fundamentals of water polo in a fun, safe setting. See listing in “Aquatics and Water Polo” for details. See ad on page 8.

• Mad Science (714) 668-9174 No one does spring (and summer break) camps like Mad Science! From building bridges and digging dinosaurs to readying rockets and cracking codes, children in Mad Science camp participate in scientific explorations that are so much fun, they forget they’re learning! Join them in summer 2015 for: Galaxy Defenders, Crazy Chemworks, Secret Agent Lab, Robots 101, Science in Motion, NASA Jr. Astronauts and more. Call to find a camp near you! Also see “Parties” and “STEM.” See ad on page 49.

Irvine Community Services 1 Civic Center Plaza, Irvine (949) 724-6610 Fall and winter camps (6-12) include art, chess and iCamp. Teen camp includes leadership and debate. Lake Forest Community Services 25550 Commercentre Drive, Lake Forest (949) 461-3450 Holiday Hoopla Rockin’ Winter Camp (7-11) and Winter Teen Camp (12+), December 22-24 and 29-31. Spring Camp (7-11) and Teen Spring Camp (12+) also offered. Call for dates, times and fees. • LangoKids Irvine 9070 Irvine Center Drive, Ste. 135, Irvine (714) 864-4680 Camp Lango is a Spanish immersion camp offered during winter and summer breaks designed to give children (5-10) a unique experience. Kids get to spend time having fun, acquiring a second or third language, and taking pretend trips along with a passport to different destinations in Latin America or Europe. The best thing is they don’t have to fly! Without the hassle of lost luggage, they are able to visit these places and learn about their language, traditions, recreation and cuisine. Each week at Camp Lango is a new destination that ends with a celebration for parents, family and friends. Extended care in the morning and afternoon is available for free. See ad on page 35. • Lil’ Chef School 15435 Jeffery Road, #132, Irvine (949) 679-8390 Lil’ Chef School offers hands-on cooking fun and culinary adventures in their school-break camps. Two three-day Christmas camps will be offered where your lil’ chef will learn how to cook everything from winter desserts to traditional holiday dishes. Visit their website for menus, and early bird- and multiple-week discounts. Offered December and January, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. $59-179. Also see “Calendar,” “Cooking” and “Parties.” See ad on page 24.

• My Gym Children’s Fitness Center Long Beach 3287 Industry Drive, Signal Hill (562) 986-0066 My Gym Children’s Fitness Center offers one of the best camp programs in town. Children of all ages can enjoy a day of camp with hands-on arts and crafts, music, dance, games, and overall emphasis on learning solid skills and fundamentals in sports and gymnastics. Themed days and activities add to the fun and atmosphere of the program. Call for dates. See ad on page 19. • Pacific Conservatory, Music & Arts Education 151 Kalmus, G-1, Costa Mesa (714) 545-1217 Your child (ages 3-12) will experience music, art and theater each fun-filled day at DiscoveryARTS Camps available during winter, ski-week, spring and summer vacations. These popular camps introduce children to the joys of artistic expression. Younger campers enjoy singing, dancing, related art projects and Fairytale Theatre with provided costumes. Older campers participate in music theater productions and art classes. Parent performances are held each Friday. Fast-track musicianship camps and Musical Madness Instrumental Introduction camps are also available. See ad on page 41. • Rancho Rio Verde Horsemanship Camp 1000 W. Carson St., Long Beach (310) 830-2060, (714) 624-5754 Small group instruction in riding and vaulting (gymnastics on horseback). Each camper has a horse to care for during the week. Horsemanship skills are taught by qualified instructors. Oneweek sessions are offered during spring break and summer, Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - noon. See ad on page 34. • Shared Science (562) 522-0595 Kids (grades K-9) engineer fun through inventive and playful constructor and robotics camps. “Crazy Constructors” combines LEGO Ed with simple machines lots more fun at

and physical science concepts that captivate K-5 brains by investigating the way things work. “Radical Robotics” campers (grades 4-9) explore robot programming, animation, mission design and putting fun mathematics to work. Greater Long Beach locations. Also see “Parties” and “STEM.” See ad on page 63. • Skatedogs (714) 313-8787 Kids will make new friends, advance their skateboarding skills, and most importantly, have fun at Skatedogs’ school-break skateboarding camps offered through city parks and recreation departments. They also offer afterschool and weekend classes, private lessons and birthday parties; see “Parties” and “Skateboarding.” • Southern California Tennis Academy 2800 Studebaker Road, Long Beach (562) 704-2241 Weekly Holiday Camps (ages 5-16) are offered during winter, spring and summer vacation. Instruction is provided by USPTA-certified teaching professionals with college playing experience. All kids are taught competitive technical and mental skills while training in a fun and challenging environment. See ad on page 65. • Tom Hicks Baseball Camps, LLC P.O. Box 15963, Long Beach 90815-0963 (562) 425-2446 The 25th annual THBC prides itself on being the area’s best fundamental baseball camp. Camps, offered during Easter, Summer and Christmas vacations, focus on individual instruction and improvement. Camps are available in Long Beach and the South Bay. For more information, see their listing in “Baseball and Softball,” or visit their website. • Vans Skatepark 20 City Blvd. West, Orange 92868 (714) 769-3800 Vans Skatepark in Orange offers skate camps and clinics yearly. Instruction is offered for beginner to advanced street skateboarders, ages 6-16. Space is limited and preregistration is required. All participants must have a waiver signed on-site by a parent or legal guardian. Please call the park for camp schedules and details; private lessons also available. Holiday Clinics will be held December 13 and 20. Also see “Skateboarding.” See ad on page 59. • Wagonwheel Ranch Horseback Rides 4057 Via Opata, Palos Verdes (310) 567-3582 Camps, offered daily, are four hours long, and include two hours of Western trail ride time. It’s the perfect place for your child to experience country values and horsemanship, where real riding experience is emphasized—there’s no baby sitting at this camp! Campers will enjoy the many sights to see along the Palos Verdes Peninsula with their guided horseback rides, including hillside views, meadows of wildflowers and wildlife. Riders learn to tack the horse; hoof care and the proper way to bridle the horse is also lots more fun at

demonstrated with hands-on experience. Their horses are gentle and suited for the beginner to experienced riders. Class sizes are kept small so that your child receives quality guidance. Recommended for ages 8 and up. Camp can be scheduled by the day or week, 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. or 1:30-4:30 p.m. For more information, call anytime. Also see “Horseback Riding” and “Parties.” Westminster Community Services and Recreation (714) 895-2860 Free winter and spring break drop-in Parks and Playgrounds Program. Call for dates and times. YMCA, Individual branches offer day camp (5-15) during traditional and year-round school vacations. Overnight camp (7-18) may be offered throughout the school year. Family Camp (all ages) is held Halloween and Thanksgiving. Financial assistance is available. Call individual branches for camp dates and details. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.

cheerleading Classes, camps and squads. Also see: “Football,” “Dance” and “Gymnastics.” Boys and Girls Club Year-round cheerleading: Huntington Valley (5+) and Westminster (7-11) branches. See “Youth and Family Groups“ for contact information. Cheerleading at Football Games American Youth Football and Cheer - Cheerleading (515) at AYF games. Friday Night Lights - Cheerleaders perform at football games during the spring and fall seasons. Garden Grove,; Huntington Beach,; Los Alamitos/Seal Beach,; and Newport Beach/Costa Mesa, King Conference Football - Girls (3-15) perform at King Conference football games, August - December, and participate in parades and competitions. Call for team locations. (323) 295-2944.

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Pop Warner Little Scholars - Flag and tackle football cheerleaders (5-15) perform at games and participate in cheerleading competitions. Registration starts in February for August - November season. Visit the website for your city’s contact information. • HSC All Stars Cheerleading Program Kidnastics, 10712 Reagan St., Los Alamitos (562) 431-1102 HSC All Stars made their all-star cheerleading debut in the season of 2007. Since then, they have won


Get Acquainted Pet Examination New customers with this coupon fall/winter 2014/15 • 21

Ocean Blvd., Ste. 300, Long Beach; 333 South Anita Drive, Ste. 350, Orange. See ad on page 23.

numerous regional and national championships. As a competitive cheerleading program for girls and boys (4 yrs and up), HSC All Stars teaches all levels of cheer from their prep teams to senior-level advanced teams. Now with more than five competitive teams from various ages and levels, they are preparing for another successful season. For enrollment information, please email: See ad on page 31. National Cheerleaders Association (800) 533-8022 Hosts and promotes championships and camps (10+). Recreation Departments and Colleges Most city recreation departments offer cheerleading. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information.

childcare & babysitting Child care resources and referrals. Also see: “Schools,” “Youth and Family Groups,” and Tot Lots under “Play Groups.” • Alpert JCC Kids’ University 3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1205 AJCC’s Kids’ University for kids in grades K-8! Just like a real university––kids choose from an assortment of classes and activities, including art, aquatics, martial arts, creative writing, digital movie-making, and sports, like basketball, flag football, soccer and more! Transportation from Long Beach area schools. Homework assistance and snack provided. Monday Friday, till 6 p.m. Fees vary with number of days and transportation. Call Natalie Chernik at the number listed above, or e-mail

to reserve one of the limited slots for your child. See ad on page 11. Child Care, School Age Boys and Girls Clubs - All branches offer before- and/ or after-school care (5/6-18). Most branches offer full days with supervised activities during school breaks. Transportation is provided to and from select school sites. Scholarships are available for qualifying families. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Nocost, drop-in after-school programs are available at seven local elementary and middle schools. A.S.A.P. (After-School Activity Program) is available at 26 local parks. After-school programs run Monday - Friday, 3-6 p.m., and feature games, crafts, homework help, movies and holiday celebrations. (562) 5703100. Recreation Departments - Most city recreation departments offer before and/or after-school and school vacation programs at local parks or school campuses. Many programs are operated on a drop-in basis and are free of charge. Extended hours may be offered. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. YMCA - Before and after-school programs (grades K-6 or 12) are available at all branches and selected school sites. Hours and ages vary. Transportation may be available to and from schools at selected sites. Expanded program hours are offered during school vacations. Financial assistance is available for qualifying families. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • Children’s Home Society of California Greater Long Beach (562) 256-7490 Orange County (714) 543-2273 A central coordinating link for child care and child development services. Parents can obtain free information on licensed child-care facilities that match their needs. Listings are maintained on licensed child-care centers, family child-care homes, before and after-school programs, public and private schools, and child-care assistance programs. 249 E.

Comprehensive Child Development, Inc. Child Care and Education for Children Age 4 Mos to Kindergarten Infant, Toddler & Preschool Child Care • Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Family Child Care Home Education Network Child care spaces on a sliding fee basis through CA Dept. of Education funding

30 Years of Service • 5 Locations • Call 562-427-8834

2565 Pacific Ave., Long Beach • 622 E. Hill St., Long Beach • 769 W. 3rd St., San Pedro 2205 San Gabriel Ave., Long Beach • 909 W. “D” St., Wilmington • 22 • fall/winter 2014/15

• Comprehensive Child Development (562) 427-8834 Celebrating 30 years of service! CCD has provided child care and support services in Long Beach, San Pedro and Wilmington since 1984. Children ages six months to kindergarten are cared for and educated in centers, and four months and up in a network of licensed family child care homes. CCD also reimburses licensed providers for nutritious meals served to children in care. Five locations to serve you: 2565 Pacific Ave., Long Beach; 622 E. Hill St., Long Beach; 2205 San Gabriel Ave., Long Beach; 769 W. 3rd St., San Pedro; and 909 W. “D” St., Wilmington. All programs offer free and reduced cost to eligible families. See ad on this page. Hourly Baby Sitting The following websites provide a search for sitters in your area:,, www. and Information and Referrals The following organizations offer information about, and referrals to, child-care programs and providers. First 5 California - Resource line to locate child care in your area. (800) 543-7793. Greater Long Beach - Family Child Care Association provides free referrals to licensed family child care in the provider’s home (infants - school age), (562) 8047474,; and Long Beach Childcare Network, shares child-care experiences and education through training sessions and promoting community resources to families, (562) 428-0079. Orange County Child Care Association - A free referral service for parents seeking licensed in-home child care. Includes referrals to care providers for children with special needs. (714) 893-0390. www. • Kid Works Children’s Center 3621 E. Broadway, Long Beach (562) 438-4904 After-school kindergarten for children (5-6) who are attending the local kindergartens in the area. Held in its own special area, children have lunch then are immersed in activities to bring to life what they have learned that day in math, science, language and fine motor skills through gardening, cooking, digging, singing, painting and lots more. The program is held Monday - Friday, 11:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Space is limited and some transportation is available. See ad on page 57; listing on page 54. • Long Beach City College Child Development Centers Liberal Arts Campus (562) 938-4253/4251 Pacific Coast Campus (562) 938-3079/3082 Child-care services are provided for a fee at PCC and LAC (some subsidized funding is available). Highquality preschool education for children between 2-5 years of age is available for students, staff and community on either campus. The centers have semiflexible schedules and are open Monday - Friday, 7 lots more fun at

a.m. - 5:30 p.m. For further information on rates, hours, registration and space availability, call either campus. Liberal Arts Campus, 4630 Clark Ave., Long Beach; Pacific Coast Campus, 1305 E. Pacific Coast Hwy., Long Beach. See ad on page 22. • Long Beach Day Nursery 3965 Bellflower Blvd. (562) 421-1488 1548 Chestnut Ave. (562) 591-0509 Long Beach Day Nursery is dedicated to providing the finest programs and services for young children. Since 1912, LBDN has offered the highest quality early care and education with the most affordable rates possible, thanks to the support of many individuals and foundations in the community. The Nursery’s nationally accredited program combines elements of a well-trained staff, optimum teacher/ child ratios, nutritious meals, parent education and spacious facilities to enrich the lives of the children enrolled and their families. See ad on page 58. Sitter Training Training for boys and girls (10+) is available through the following community and city agencies. Most classes offer instruction in basic first aid, child behavior and hazard awareness. American Red Cross - Greater Long Beach, (562) 5956341 and Orange County, (714) 481-5300, www. Anaheim Community Services, (714) 765-5191. Irvine Community Services (11+), (949) 724-6600. Lake Forest Community Services, (949) 461-3450. Newport Beach Recreation, (949) 6443151. Orange Community Services, (714) 744-7274.

clothing Resale shops that offer kids’ gently-used clothing and accessories that include books, toys and furniture, plus a philanthropic program that provides school clothes for those in need. • Belmont Kidz, Children’s Consignment Boutique 2734 E. Broadway, Long Beach (562) 433-9151 The premier source for upscale, gently-used children’s items. Belmont Kidz offers new and resale clothing, school uniforms, shoes, books, toys and baby equipment for infants, toddlers, girls and boys. By handselecting their entire inventory, choosing only the best products from parents and local designers, they provide families with high-quality, premium-brand children’s items at an affordable price. And, because they’re “recycling” gently-used products, they’re also helping the environment. For a consignment appointment, please call ahead. See ad on this page. • Kidz Head 2 Toe 5467 E. Carson St., Long Beach (562) 627-5438 Kidz Head 2 Toe is the largest children’s resale shop in Long Beach. They specialize in gently-used namelots more fun at

The mission of Children’s Home Society of California (CHS) is to reach out to children and families at risk with a range of services to ensure that every child has the opportunity to develop within a safe, healthy and secure environment.


All Services are free of charge or low cost.

• Resource and Referral (R&R) – Provides a central coordinating link for child care and child development services. R&R offers a wide range of services to parents, existing and potential licensed child care providers and other community groups who are concerned with child care issues. • R&R Hotline – Parents can obtain information about available child care providers matched to their needs and preference. The general community can call the R&R Hotline to access child care resources. • Health and Safety Reimbursement – Reimburses child care providers for the cost of the Health and Safety training required by Community Care Licensing. • Educational Resource Lending Library – Toys, materials, as well as books and videos are available to the community. • Child Care Assistance Program – CHS helps pay for child care services for eligible parents who need child care while they work, seek work, or attend school or job training programs. Families are enrolled in order of greatest need.

Greater Long Beach: 249 E. Ocean Blvd., Ste. 300, Long Beach • (562) 256-7490 Orange County: 333 South Anita Drive, Ste. 350, Orange • (714) 543-2273

New and Resale Boutique Hand-made Designs Premium Brands Recyclable hair clips, snack Roxy, Quicksilver, bags, baby blankets & infant Tea, Lucky, Juicy, Gymboree, Boden, knitted hats. Gap & more at a Learning Products fraction of the price. New & gently-used toys, books and dvds.

Baby Gear

Strollers, bouncers, swings, etc. Everything you need!

Ready to Consign?

We pay more…call for details and appointment.

School Uniforms • Halloween Costumes • Special Dresses 15% off one item (uniforms excluded). New Sales Monthly!

2734 E. Broadway, Long Beach • 562.433.9151 •


International au pairs • Quality childcare One-year placements available • Affordable at $7.75/hour Experienced, well-trianed au pairs from around the world

Apply Today! 800.428.7247 fall/winter 2014/15 • 23

brand fashions and accessories for boys and girls, infant through size 8. They also have a large selection of baby gear, transports, toys, books and handmade accessories. Contact them for more information about selling your gently-used clothing, toys and baby equipment. See ad on page 25.

Parties • Scouts At-School Classes • Field Trips Make-N-Take Dinners

Winter Camps

December & January From Winter Desserts to Holiday Dishes & More! THANKSGIVING CAMP, too! 949-679-8390 15435 Jeffrey Road, #132, Irvine

• Oh Very Young 4378 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach (562) 492-6200 Large selection of carefully curated, pre-loved clothing, shoes, toys, books, gear, handmade goods and much more is offered at this resale shop. All items are gently used and in very good condition. Contact them about their buying program; they open up a limited number of appointments every month and will purchase your gently used children’s items for cash or store credit! They also offer an exclusive shopping event for the whole family every other month; check their Facebook page for upcoming events, and see “Calendar” for Mommy Happy Hour. See ad on this page. Operation School Bell (818) 846-3777 Assistance League branches can help in-need children (K-12) get school uniforms or school clothes through the league’s national philanthropic programs.

cooking Instructional classes, camps and workshops. Boys and Girls Club Huntington Valley offers Cooking and Nutrition. Tustin and Whittier offer Healthy Habits. Westminster offers Teen Cooking (13-18). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.

Large selection of carefully curated pre-loved clothing, shoes, toys, handmade goods, books, gear & much more. •••••••••••••• Fun Events for the Lil Ones Mommy Happy Hour

Oh Very Young

562.492.6200 • 4378 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach

The Buzzz Best Family Calendar 24 • fall/winter 2014/15

• Lil’ Chef School 15435 Jeffrey Road, #132, Irvine (949) 679-8390 Weekly classes with a different menu each week. Jr. Chefs (5½-12) meet for 90 minutes of hands-on cooking full of learning and fun. Children learn cuisines of the world and enhance their experience with fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices while gaining confidence and experience in the kitchen that will last them a lifetime! Master Chefs (11+, or with instructor approval) have “mastered” the basics of cooking, kitchen etiquette and safety. They are ready to take their culinary skills to the next level. Lil’ Chef School’s program for teens allows for more independence in the kitchen with planning and organizing tasks and operating kitchen equipment/tools. They are encouraged to practice a creative approach while interpreting recipes. See ad on this page. Recreation Departments and Colleges • Cypress College, Kids’ College - Mommy and Me Cooking (5-7), and My First Cooking Class (6-8). Classes held in Cypress or Fullerton. (714) 8084909.

Many city recreation departments offer cooking classes and camps. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. Store-Based Classes and Workshops The following locations offer themed cooking classes and workshops throughout the year. Camps are often available. Chef Tech, 3842 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach, (562) 989-CHOP (2467), www.cheftechcookingschool. com. Prep Kitchen, 12207 Seal Beach Blvd., Seal Beach, (562) 430-1217, Sur La Table, locations in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, (800) 243-0852,

dance Classes and camps. Also see: “Cheerleading,” “Gymnastics” and “Theater Arts” for related activities.. Boys and Girls Club Huntington Valley (2½+) offers preschool, ballet, hip hop, jazz, musical-theater dance, pre-pointe and tap. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • Burgess Cotillion Golden Sails Hotel, Long Beach (323) 874-7393 Monthly dances (grades 3-12) with instruction in popular and ballroom styles and etiquette. The three basic ballroom dances, waltz, foxtrot and swing, are taught every season, along with a Latin dance, such as the samba or tango, as well as other forms of dance, such as the Charleston or polka. Mother-son or father-daughter dances and waltz contests are also offered. Runs monthly, Monday nights, September - April. Registration begins in May—sign-up early, space is limited. Email: Also see “Beauty and Etiquette” and “Calendar.” • Center Stage Dance Academy 3418 N. Los Coyotes Diagonal, Long Beach (562) 497-1181 Annual student recital is held at the Richard and Karen Carpenter Performing Arts Center at CSULB. Look for their Children’s Performing Company at Knott’s Berry Farm, national competitions, and local community events. Many current students have careers in the performing arts. Classes are continuously forming. The first class is free! See ad on page 26. • Dance Company 4205 Montair Ave., Long Beach (562) 425-7231 Contemporary, Jazz, Tap, Hip-Hop, Ballet, Pointe, Theatre Dance, Lyrical, Fit Ball and Pilates (3+); beginner to advanced levels with an emphasis on technique. Two annual studio productions and children’s performing company are available, plus a complete adult program. The Dance Company is a complete performing arts studio. See ad on page 27. lots more fun at

Monday thru Friday Buying & Consignment Service

LB’s Largest Kids’ Resale Shop Name-Brand Children’s Clothing & Accessories Baby Gear & Equipment New Inventory Daily

562-627-5438 5467 E. Carson St., Long Beach • Elevation Studios 1900 E. 27th St., #101, Signal Hill (562) 424-2711 Ages 3 through adult, beginning through professional. Full recreational program as well as a highly competitive competition team. Owners and professional dancers, Alex and Robert Lee are extremely connected and involved in the dance world, which allows the studio to bring in master instructors from hit shows like “So You Think.” Over 85 guest instructors and specialty classes were taught last year. Robert and Alex’s credits include: Britney Spears, Madonna, Celine Dion, Michael Jackson, and a BFA in dance. The innovation of this studio sets it apart from the rest, and

Ages 2 to Adult Since 1977 Beginning through Advanced Levels Performance Opportunities for Everyone

the value of dance education they provide is priceless. Check out their website for more information and full details. Winter-break intensive (December 27-28) will be offered, along with three weeks of summer camps. See ad on page 27. • Flamenco for Kids at Naranjita Flamenco 423 S. Brookhurst St., Ste. R, Anaheim (323) 687-4300 Kids (4+) can learn flamenco! Introduce your children to musicality, coordination, language and culture with bright costumes, singing, dancing and lots of fun. Classes for kids Tuesdays and Thursdays. Check their website for schedules. See ad on page 26.

• Kick It Up 8129 East Wardlow Road, Long Beach (562) 430-1812 Come dance, sing, act and perform at Kick It Up, a noncompetitive, friendly dance, music, fitness and party studio for all ages. Classes are offered for all ages and ability levels; no one is turned away. Intro to Dance, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Musical Theatre, Salsa, Bellydance, Cheerleading and Hula are some of the many dance classes offered. In addition, Kick It Up also offers music and voice lessons. As a parent, they offer many fitness and dance classes at the same time your children or teens are in class. All participants have the opportunity to perform in a family-oriented and affordable dance recital in June and December.

Two Months for the Price of One with this ad New Students Only

Family-Oriented & Positive Environment

Celebrating 37 Years of Dancing!

Family & Multi Class Discounts

Tap • Jazz • Ballet • Acrobatics • Lyrical • Hip Hop Contemporary • Combination 3381 Cerritos Avenue, Los Alamitos • (562) 431-8582 • lots more fun at

fall/winter 2014/15 • 25

Performing Teams, Brownie/Girl Scout events, camps and birthday parties are offered throughout the year. Also see “Music” and “Parties.” See ad on page 27.

• Melodie’s Dance Theatre 3381 Cerritos Ave., Los Alamitos (562) 431-8582 Performance opportunities are available for everyone at Melodie’s Dance Theatre. For over 37 years, the studio has offered dance classes for ages 2 to adult. Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Lyrical, Hip Hop, Acrobatic, Contemporary and Combination are offered in a positive, friendly, family-oriented environment. Their studio offers award-winning choreography, plus reasonable rates including family and multiple class discount plans. Adult classes, such as Zumba, are also available. Mention this ad and receive two months tuition for the price of one month (new students only, excludes Zumba). See ad on page 25.






School for the Performing Arts


• Preschool Dance • Boys on the Move • Performance Opportunities for All • May 2015 Recital

...................... ......................




• My Gym Children’s Fitness Center Long Beach 3287 Industry Drive, near Redondo and Stearns (562) 986-0066 Dance Fitness (ages 4½-11) in a fun, explosive, highenergy class where children learn the coolest moves set to today’s most popular music. In a safe, age-appropriate environment, students enhance endurance, agility and strength. Learn about dance, history and culture while having fun! See ad on page 19.

1st Lesson FREE! ENROLL NOW!

714.897.4475 • 30 Years

Los Altos Dance Center Ballet, Jazz & Hip-Hop Pre-schoolers • Children • Teens • Adults

Afternoon, Evening & Saturday Classes One Free Dance Class

5531 Spring St., Long Beach • (562) 429-7486 • 26 • fall/winter 2014/15

• Los Altos Dance Center 5531 Spring St., Long Beach (562) 429-7486 For the past 30 years, the studio has offered Ballet, Jazz and Hip Hop classes for pre-schoolers, children, teens and adults. Afternoon and evening classes are available during the week and morning classes on Saturday. The studio emphasizes proper dance technique in a fun environment. See ad on this page.

• Orange County Song and Dance Company 5860 Westminster Blvd., Westminster (714) 897-4475 A 6,000-square-foot performing arts studio for children ages 2 to young adult. Classes are taught in a comfortable environment by professionals chosen for their ability to work with young people. Instruction is offered in tap, jazz, ballet, hip hop and voice, with an emphasis on technique, presented in a positive manner. Boys’ classes are available in dance and voice. Sessions in drama and musical theatre are scheduled throughout the year. Performance opportunities for all students. Summer performing arts camp also offered. Email: See ad on this page. Recreation Departments and Colleges • Cypress College, Kids’ College - Introduction to Dance (3-4), Ballet (3+), Ballet and Tap (5+), MultiCultural Dance and Music (2-4), Musical Theater (7+) and Jazz/Hip Hop (4+); six-week sessions, $55. Zumba for Kids, six-week sessions, $50. Teen Ballroom Dancing (grades 7-12) is also offered. (714) 808-4909. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services - Ballet (3-10), Ballet/Tap (2-6), Cutie Pie’s Dance (5-14), lots more fun at



Contemporary, Jazz, Ballet, Hip Hop, Tap, Pilates, Fit Ball & Preschool ClassesP Professional Faculty Performing Company Complete Adult Program Large Dance Rooms Annual Recitals: Summer - Karen Carpenter Theater Winter - Downey Theater

$5 OFF

Annual Registration New Students Only

lots more fun at

fall/winter 2014/15 • 27

Polynesian Dance (5-17), Teeny Wahine Hula (2-3), Baby Hula (3-4), Hip Hop (6+) and Baby Hip Hop (3-5); three to eight-week sessions, $24-56. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Baby Dance (5mos-1yr 5mos), Ballet and Tap (3-5), Dance for Fun (1½-6), Mini Movers (2½-6), Pre-Ballet and Character Class (2½-5), Webby Dance (2½5), Webby Dance - Mommy and Me (1½-3), Ballet, Tap and Jazz (6-13), Ballroom Social Dance (5-8), Dance Workshop (4-14), Hip Hop (5-12), Mexican Folk Dance (5-11), Rockstar Popstar (5-8) and Musical Theater Stars (5-12). Free weekly classes at the Homeland Cultural Center: Kids Break Dance with Iceman (5+), Tuesdays, 4-6 p.m.; Cambodian Dance, Saturdays, 10 a.m. - noon; and African Drum and Dance, Saturdays, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. (562) 570-3111. Most city recreation departments offer dance classes that include ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, and parent and me. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. YMCA Anaheim offers Ballet (3+), Hip Hop (7+) and Musical Theater (10-16). Long Beach - Fairfield offers ballet (4+). Laguna Niguel and Mission Viejo offer Ballet (416), Hip Hop (6-16), Jazz (6-16) and Mommy and Me classes. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.

emergency & family services Also see: “Health Services” and “Parent Education and Support Groups.” Emergency Numbers Emergency, Fire, Police, Medical 911 Childhelp USA (800) 422-4453 Poison Control Center (800) 222-1222 Safely Surrendered Baby (877) BABYSAFE (222-9723) Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-8255 Suicide Hotlines (877) 727-4747, (800) 784-2433 Suicide Hotline for LGBTQ Teens (866) 488-7386 Child Abuse Call for help or to report abuse or suspected abuse. Information and referrals are available. Bilingual. Also see Help Lines and Hot Lines in this section. Children of the Night (800) 551-1300 National, 24-hour hotline and shelter for youth (1117) affected by sexual abuse, exploitation, prostitution or pornography. For The Child (562) 427-7671, (562) 422-8472 Prevention of and treatment for child abuse for victims and their families.

Department of Children and Family Services of L.A. County (800) 540-4000 OC Child Abuse Prevention Center (714) 543-4333 14 different programs designed for kids to live in violence-free homes. Social Services Agency of Orange County (800) 207-4464 24-hour child abuse hotline. Counseling Alateen/Al-Anon (888) 4AL-ANON (425-2666) Support groups and referrals for families and children of alcoholics. En español, (562) 948-2190. Aspiranet Programs include family counseling and behavioral health as well as adoption, foster care and transitional-age-youth programs. Boys and Girls Club Arches (714) 532-7940 Counseling, family support, outreach and referrals. Community Family Guidance Center (562) 924-5526 Therapy for children (3-17). Healthy Families and Medi-Cal accepted. • Connie Wax, Individual, Couple, Family and Child Counselor (714) 300-3163 See listing on page 44; ad on page 43. Families Anonymous (800) 736-9805 Free weekly meetings for families and friends of an addict or alcoholic. Help Line Youth Counseling (562) 864-3722 Youth and family counseling. Fees based on a sliding scale. Hoag Community Medicine Department Mental Health and Psychotherapy Programs (949) 764-6542 Individual, family and couples counseling; fees are based on a low-sliding scale. No one turned away due to lack of funding. Interval House (562) 594-4555, (714) 891-8121 Group and individual counseling for youth victims of domestic violence. Programs include teen dating violence education, legal assistance, and domestic violence education classes. JADE (949) 303-9016 The Juvenile Alcohol and Drug Education and Decisions program is offered by the Tustin Boys and Girls Club for Orange County residents to provide drugawareness counseling. Jewish Federation and Family Services Long Beach (562) 427-7916 Orange County (949) 435-3460 Nonsectarian. Fees based on a sliding scale., Magnolia Park Family Resource Center (714) 530-7413

28 • fall/winter 2014/15

Counseling, parenting classes and referrals. www. Straight Talk Clinic (714) 828-2000 Individual and peer counseling. Fees based on a sliding scale. • The Guidance Center (562) 485-3085 In Long Beach since 1946, the agency provides English/Spanish mental health assessment and treatment, including individual, group and family counseling and psychotherapy, medication, and psychological testing for children, teens and their families for a wide range of behavioral, social, emotional, family and school problems. Clinic locations in Long Beach, San Pedro, Compton and schoolbased services in Avalon. See ad on page 29. Women’s Shelter of Long Beach (562) 437-4663 Counseling for victims of domestic violence. www. Emergency Preparedness Resources American Redcross offers checklists and classes.; and CPR and First Aid University Training Center offers classes. Emergency Shelters Temporary shelter for children and families in crisis. Residential care, counseling, referrals and bilingual assistance available. Youth Shelters: Casa Youth Shelter (800) 914-CASA (2272) Children of the Night (800) 551-1300 Community Service Programs (949) 250-0488 CSP Huntington Beach (714) 842-6600 CSP Laguna Beach (949) 494-4311 Boys Town (800) 448-3000 Laurel House Teen Shelter (714) 832-0207 Family Shelters: 1736 Family Crisis Center (310) 379-3620 Gilchrist House (949) 492-8477 Human Options (877) 854-3594 Interval House (562) 594-4555, (714) 891-8121 Laura’s House (866) 498-1511 Orange Coast Interfaith Shelter (949) 631-7213 Women’s Shelter of Long Beach (562) 437-4663 Help Lines and Hot Lines Crisis intervention, information, listening/counseling and referrals for any need. Most hot lines operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 211 L.A. and Orange Counties 211 Referrals to health and human services agencies., Baby Line (949) 764-2229 Baby-care and breast-feeding questions answered by on-duty nurses at Hoag Hospital. Free. www. California Youth Crisis Line (800) 843-5200 CHOC’s Parent Advice Line (714) 912-8927 Prerecorded information on health topics including lots more fun at

sickness, nutrition and behavior. Find the list on their website under the “Community” tab.

Mental Health Services for Children and Families

Domestic Violence Hotline (562) 437-4663 Referrals to counseling and legal aid for low-income individuals and families.

Case Management, Crisis Intervention, Intensive Mental Health Treatment, Individual, Group & Family Therapy, Field Capable Clinical Services, Full Service Partnership, School-Based Services, Psychological Testing & Psychiatric Medication

Drug Use Is Life Abuse (714) 647-4593 Free referral program through the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. First 5 LA Connect (888) FIRST5-LA (347-7855) Information and referrals for parents of kids under 5. A collaborative effort with 6,000 LA organizations to help families raise kids who are physically and emotionally healthy, safe and ready to learn. GLBT Youth Talkline (800) 246-7743 Telephone/internet peer counseling. Hotline of So. Cal. (562) 596-5548, (714) 894-4242 Help, intervention and referrals for any crisis. Mental Health America (800) 273-TALK (8255) National Alcohol and Drug Abuse Referral Line (800) 252-6465, (800) 454-8966 National Domestic Violence Hotline (800) 799-7233 National Eating Disorders Assoc. (800) 931-2237 National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline (866) 331-9474 RAINN (800) 656-HOPE (4673) The Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network’s hotline connects to a local rape crisis center. Stand Up For Kids (800) 365-4KID (4543) Provides children in crisis with food and clothing.


English/Spanish • Medi-Cal Accepted

Operation Lookout

(800) 566-5688

fencing Youth fencing instruction, competition, camps and parties. • Gryphon Fencing & Fencing Studio 971 Via Rodeo, Placentia 92870 (714) 519-1343 Do your kids love to swordfight like a musketeer, Jedi or pirate? Then fencing is the sport for them! Fencing develops stamina, discipline and coordination. Gryphon Fencing Club has a beautiful facility with state-of-the-art electronic fencing equipment. They offer fun fencing classes for kids age 5 and older. They also offer youth, teen and adult fencing classes continuously during the year and vacation-break camps (see “Camps”). Fencing- and archery-themed birthday parties (see “Parties) and special events are also available. Gryphon Fencers compete locally and nationally. Learn fencing at Gryphon Fencing––fun, safe and affordable! Email: info@gryphonfencing. com. See ad on this page.

USA Fencing Website features resources for local clubs and membership opportunities.

fishing & boating Sailing, rowing, canoeing, kayaking and fishing classes, whale watching, boat cruises and fishing excursions. Plus, local fishing lakes, fishing information and referrals. Boat Cruises and Whale Watching • Aquarium of the Pacific’s Whale and Sea Life Cruise - Adventurers will explore nearby seas


Teen Lines (310) 855-4673, (800) 852-8336 Peer counseling for teens. Daily, 6-10 p.m. Missing/Runaway Children Help, information, referrals and message-relay services for runaways, abducted children and/or their parents. Also visit California Missing Children Hotline (800) 222-3463

Fun, safe and affordable classes for youths, teens and adults.

Child Quest International Find the Children

More Fencing Centers Golubitsky Fencing Center, 1652 Edinger Ave., Tustin, (310) 880-6086, Laguna Fencing Center, 26062 Merit Circle, Ste. 103, Laguna Hills, (949) 215-4112, M Team Fencing So Cal, 4372 E. La Palma Ave., Anaheim Hills, (714) 996-8880, www.mteamfencingsocal. com. South Coast Fencing Center, 3518 Lake Center Drive, Ste. C, Santa Ana, (714) 549-2946, www.

(888) 477-6721

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (800) 843-5678 National Runaway Safeline (800) 786-2929 (RUNAWAY) Support and intervention. lots more fun at

Camps for youths & teens. Birthday parties available too!

FIRST CLASS FREE! For class information, visit or call (714) 519-1343

Gryphon Fitness Studio

971 Via Rodeo Placentia, CA 92870

Where the 55 and 91 Freeways meet in Orange County fall/winter 2014/15 • 29

aboard the specialized Harbor Breeze Cruises whale-watching boats to seek out whales, various dolphin species, sea lions, and migratory seabirds. The ocean adventure will include educational interpretation by an Aquarium of the Pacific marine expert as well as a variety of bio-facts for all to explore. Two daily departures, noon and 3 p.m. Cost includes aquarium admission, $59.95 adult (12+), $39.95 child (3-11) and $55.95 senior (62+). Discounted prices available for members. Times and prices vary by season. RSVP: (562) 590-3100 or See ad on page 13: coupon on page 68. Capt. Dave’s Dolphin and Whale Watching Safari Whale watching cruises year round. 24440 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point. (949) 488-2828. Catalina - The following companies offer passenger service to Catalina Island: Catalina Express, from Dana Point, Long Beach and San Pedro ports, (800) 995-4386,; and Catalina Flyer, from Newport Bay Harbor, (800) 830-7744, Dana Wharf Sportfishing - Seasonal whale watching cruises. 24200 Dana Point Harbor, Dana Point. (949) 496-5794. Harbor Breeze Cruise - Whale watching cruises year round. 100 Aquarium Way, Dock #2, Long Beach. (562) 432-4900. Newport Landing Whale Watching - Whale watching. 309 Palm St., Ste. A, Newport Beach. (949) 6750551. Ocean Institute - Whale watching, tall ship, pirate and bioluminescence night cruises, year round. cruises year round. 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point. (949) 496-2274. Spirit Cruises - Narrated one-hour harbor cruises year round, departing from Long Beach and Los Angeles harbors. Whale watching from January to March only. (310) 548-8080. Coast Guard Auxiliary Boating safety classes (4+). Nominal fee for materials; instruction is free. Visit their website for referrals to youth classes (8-18) offered by local flotillas. Fishing Charter Boats The following businesses offer fishing charters for half, three-quarter and full days. A fishing license, sold on site, is required (16+). Dana Wharf Sportfishing - Every Tuesday, ½- and ¾-day fishing trips are half-off the regular price. Free Kids’ Sportfishing Clinics (12 and under) are held on Sundays at noon. Kids Fishing Club, school-break camps and parties are also offered. Dana Wharf Sportfishing, 34675 Golden Lantern, Dana Point. (949) 496-5794.

30 • fall/winter 2014/15

Davey’s Locker and Newport Landing Sportfishing - Full and half-day deep sea fishing trips. Departs from Newport Beach. (949) 673-1435, (949) 675-0551. www., Fishing Organization Department of Fish and Game - Free information includes maps to local lakes, events, stocking guides and regulations, plus publications geared for children. (562) 342-7148., Fishing Spots Camping and party packages are also available. A fishing license may be required for ages 16 and up. Corona Lake - Admission: adults, $25; kids (4-13), $12. 12510 Temescal Road, Corona. (951) 2774489. Irvine Lake (Santiago Reservoir) - Lake, plus kids’ (12 and under) lagoon. Admission: adults, $24; kids (4-11), $11. Rod rental, $10. 4621 Santiago Canyon Road, Silverado. (714) 649-9111. Laguna Niguel Lake - Admission: adults, $28; kids (3-11), $18; parking, $3-10. Check website for daily specials. 28241 La Paz Road, Laguna Niguel. (949) 362-9227. Mt. Baldy Trout Pools - Bring your own pole, $1; use their pole, $2; includes bait, cleaning and packaging on ice. Separate fee, $6-18, for caught fish. 6945 Mount Baldy Road, Mount Baldy. (909) 982-4246. Santa Ana River Lakes - Three stocked lakes. Admission: $25; kids (4-12), $12. Huckleberry Fish Pond just for kids, admission, $3; and rod rental, $6. Gemstone and fossil panning are also offered. 4060 E. La Palma Ave., Anaheim. (714) 632-7830. Trout Dale - $7 per person (2+), includes bamboo fishing pole, corn bait and bucket. Separate fee, $611 for any fish caught. 2468 Troutdale Road, Agoura. (818) 889-9993. Pier fishing is available in Long Beach, Newport Beach, San Pedro and Seal Beach. Many regional parks also offer fishing. See “Recreation and Parks.” • Leeway Sailing Center Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine 5437 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach (562) 570-1719 Classes are offered year round for beginner to intermediate sailors, including canoeing (9+), bay kayaking (10+) and sailing using Sabot (8+), Keelboat and Capri 14’ boats (13+). Party packages, plus group, private or semi-private lessons are available. On-The-Water-Instruction Boy Scouts of America - Year-round swimming, canoeing, kayaking, sailing, rowing, motor boating and fishing (6-21). Programs are also available for teens (14-21) to learn boat handling under power and sail, piloting and navigation, knot tying and splicing. Sea

Scout Base and Aquatic Center, 5875 Appian Way, Long Beach. (562) 427-0911. Newport Aquatic Center - Junior Rowing (high school), September - May; and Outrigger Paddling (11+), year round. 1 Whitecliffs Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 6467725. Newport Beach Sea Base - Programs for youth (7+) include sailing, canoeing, kayaking, fishing and stand-up paddle boarding. Additional land-based classes offered. 1931 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. (949) 642-5031. OCC Junior Sailing - After-school sailing classes (712) are offered Wednesdays in fall and spring. 1801 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412. OC Sailing and Events Center - Sailing, SUP and kayaking classes (8+), year round. 34451 Ensenada Place, Dana Point Harbor. (949) 923-2215. US Rowing - Resources to find rowing instruction, a club or crew. Yacht Club Classes - Alamitos Bay Yacht Club - 7201 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, (562) 434-9955, www. Balboa Yacht Club - 1801 Bayside Drive, Corona del Mar. (949) 673-3515, www. Seal Beach Yacht Club - 255 Marina Drive, Long Beach, (626) 807-6500, www. Shoreline Yacht Club - 386 Shoreline Drive South, Long Beach, (562) 435-4093,

football Flag and tackle football leagues and clinics. Boys and Girls Club Coed flag football (6-17) at the following branches: Cypress, skill development and pick-up play only; Fullerton, flag-football pick-up play; and Long Beach (7-14), year-round, pick-up play. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Football Leagues American Youth Football and Cheer - Tackle football (5-15). Friday Night Lights - Flag football (grades K-8); spring and fall seasons. Cheer program also offered. Garden Grove,; Huntington Beach, www.hbfnl. com; Los Alamitos/Seal Beach,; and Newport-Mesa, King Conference Football - Tackle football league (714) in four divisions. Sign ups begin in January. Season runs from August - December. (323) 295-2944. Pop Warner Little Scholars - Flag and tackle football league (5-15). League registration begins as early as January for the fall season. Visit their website for your city’s contact information. lots more fun at

Recreation Departments and Colleges • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Fall league. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. www.

Boys and Girls Club Huntington Valley offers beginning to intermediate gymnastics for girls and boys (3½ +). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.

• Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine Football Skills (4-12). (562) 570-3100. www.

• Kidnastics Quality Gymnastics and Cheerleading Training Center 10712 Reagan St., Los Alamitos (562) 431-1102 Kidnastics has been pleased to offer quality gymnastics instruction for over 37 years. As a recreational gymnastics and cheerleading facility with over 23,000 square feet of full-line gymnastics equipment and various levels of spring floors, they offer nothing but the best instructional classes for your children. Here, children learn all levels of gymnastics and cheer. Known for their quality and effective instructional classes, they strive to provide a positive and fun experience by teaching the importance of staying fit and having fun with gymnastics and cheer. They offer a variety of classes for children 12 months through the teen

Many recreation departments offer football programs. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information.

gymnastics Classes, camps, competitive teams and referrals. Also see: “Cheerleading” and “Dance.”

lots more fun at

years. Programs include ToTnastics, their early motor development and coordination classes designed for children 12-36 months, and gymnastics and tumbling classes for ages 3 years and up. In addition to their great gymnastics program, they also offer competitive cheer programs: HSC All Stars for ages 4 years and up, plus their seasonal summer day camps. Visit the website or call the number listed for more program information. Also see “Cheerleading,” and “Parties.” See ad on this page. • My Gym Children’s Fitness Center Long Beach 3287 Industry Drive, near Redondo and Stearns (562) 986-0066 My Gym has helped thousands of children, ages 6 weeks through 13 years, gain confidence and selfesteem in a loving and caring environment. The innovative, non-competitive tumbling and gymnastics program incorporates age-appropriate games, relays, fitness exercise, sports skills, group activities, and song and dance. Along with the constantly changing

fall/winter 2014/15 • 31

PEDIATRIC MEDICAL CENTE R INFANT, CHILDREN, AND ADOLESCENT MEDICINE F COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL PRACTICE PEDIATRIC CARE F SCHOOL UNDERACHIEVEMENT F John Samson, M.D., F.A.A.P. • Michael L. Goodin, M.D., F.A.A.P. • L. Philippe Theriot, M.D., F.A.A.P. Peter W. Welty, M.D., F.A.A.P. • Lori A. Livingston, M.D., F.A.A.P. • Brinda Singh, M.D., F.A.A.P. • Sandra Smith, Ph.D.

(562) 426-5551 • Fax: (562) 426-9977

2921 Redondo Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90806 • equipment setups, excellent student to teacher ratio, and the experienced and caring staff, My Gym is the best place for your children! Call to sign up for a free guest class today. See ad on page 19. Recreation Departments and Colleges Cerritos College - Year-round gymnastics on Saturdays: Tootsie Rollers (1½-3 yrs), Tumble Stars (3½-5), Acro-Gymnasts (7-12) and Jammin’ Gymnasts (6-8). (562) 467-5050. • Cypress College, Kids’ College - Beginning to Intermediate Gymnastics (5+), Tiny Tots Tumbling (18 mos-3 yrs), and Moms, Pops and Tots Tumbling (35); year-round, six-week sessions, $55. (714) 8084909.

New Hope Academy - 17270 Newhope, Fountain Valley. (714) 556-8050. PDA USA Academy - 15064 Shoemaker Ave., Santa Fe Springs. (562) 229-1927. SCATS Gymnastics - 5742 McFadden Ave., Huntington Beach. (714) 895-2909. So. Coast Gymnastics Training Center - 17850 Sky Park Circle, Irvine. (949) 833-0077. www. Team OC Gymnastics, Cheer, Dance, and Trampoline 385-B Clinton St., Costa Mesa. (714) 444-1144. www.

• Lakewood Recreation and Community Service More than 14 different gymnastics classes are offered for kids (12 mos-18 yrs), $34-100. (562) 8669771, Ext. 2408.

The Little Gym - 15891 Goldenwest, Huntington Beach, (714) 373-0700; 17291 17th St., Tustin, (714) 505-5855; and 21203-A Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance, (310) 543-2333.

• Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Tiny Tumblers (8 mos-4yrs), and Gymnastics beginning, intermediate and advanced (4-16). (562) 570-3100.

Us Too Gymnastics - Classes for kids with developmental disabilities. 25 Spectrum Pointe Drive, #405, Lake Forest. (949) 716-1970.

Most city recreation departments offer gymnastics. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. USA Gymnastics (800) 345-4719, (317) 237-5050, Website provides information and resources for all areas of gymnastics, including artistic/rhythmic, acrobatic, trampoline and tumbling. YMCA Beginning to advanced gymnastics, tumbling and teams. Anaheim (18 mos+), Downey (3-17), Fullerton, Lakewood and Mission Viejo. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. More Gymnastics Centers Most centers offer tumbling, cheerleading, camps, parties and parents’ night out. Open gym may be available. AGA - 1901 Obispo Ave., Signal Hill. (562) 4940087. Azarian US Gymnastic Training Center - 1 Argonaut, Aliso Viejo. (949) 455-1020. Kips Gymnastics - 4622 E. La Palma Ave., Anaheim. (714) 779-1888. National Gymnastics Training Center - 4 Journey, Aliso Viejo. (949) 831-7300. 32 • fall/winter 2014/15

Wild Fire Gymnastics - 14761 Bentley Circle, Tustin. (714) 832-1315.

health services Health service providers and referrals. Boys and Girls Clubs Anaheim, Buena Park, Costa Mesa, Cypress, Huntington Valley, Santa Ana and Whittier offer a variety of health and fitness programs. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • Chang Orthodontics 4608 Katella Ave., Ste. 201, Los Alamitos (562) 430-0541 Their goal is to provide patients with the right combination of advanced orthodontic technology and a personal human touch. By placing an emphasis on communication, they strive to ensure every patient understands what it takes to make a healthy, beautiful smile. They also want to provide you with the highest quality orthodontic care in a family-friendly,

fun and cooperative environment. Drs. Russell Chang and Christine Chung use only proven techniques and technology and tailor treatment for each patient’s specific needs and concerns. See ad on page 33. • Healthy Smiles for Kids of Orange County 10602 Chapman Ave., Ste. 200, Garden Grove (714) 638-7637 Healthy Smiles for Kids of Orange County is a specialized pediatric dental and advanced sedation clinic for the underserved and special needs population of Orange County. Healthy Smiles is dedicated to improving the oral health of children through collaborative programs directed at prevention, outreach, education, access to treatment and advocacy. One of the largest nonprofit dental health providers for children, Healthy Smiles aims to give every child in Orange County a healthy smile by offering visual dental screenings, sealants, complete evaluations, comprehensive treatments, specialty services and dental education for the entire family. See ad on page 17. Health Services The following agencies provide medical/dental referrals or services to low-income families. Bilingual. Boys and Girls Club Pediatric Vision Care (714) 532-7940 Children’s Clinic (562) 933-0400 Medical, dental/orthodontic, optometric/ophthalmic and behavioral/mental health services available. Call center open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Locations in Long Beach and Bellflower. CHOC’s Children’s Clinics (714) 509-4707 Medical services, including specialties. Locations in Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Newport Beach, Orange and Santa Ana. Cypress Community College Dental Clinic (714) 484-7292 Low-cost teeth cleaning and oral disease exam performed by student hygienists. 9200 Valley View St., Cypress. Healthy Families (800) 880-5305 Low-cost medical, dental and eye care insurance coverage for children. The program, subsidized by the federal and state governments, helps working families who do not qualify for free Medi-Cal, but do not have employer-paid insurance. Immunization Referrals Free to low-cost immunizations for infants and kids. Long Beach only, (562) 570-SHOT; Orange County, (800) 564-8448; Los Angeles County, (800) 427-8700. Orange County Dental Society

(714) 634-8944

So Cal College of Optometry (714) 449-7401 Low-cost exams. 2575 Yorba Linda Blvd., Fullerton. Tooth Fairy (714) 634-8944, Ext. 22 A recording of the tooth fairy giving dental care tips, sponsored by the Orange County Dental Society. lots more fun at

dentists & orthodontists directory Making braces more enjoyable! Most authorities agree that 7 or 8 is a good age for your first orthodontic visit. Early evaluation may prevent more extensive treatment at a later date! Voted #1 Orthodontist in Long Beach Press Telegram Reader’s Choice 2014


New 3-D Imaging Eliminates Goopy Impressions! Elite Provider for Teen Invisalign Braces • Convenient Appointments Most Insurances • Payment Plans 439-4553

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horseback riding English and/or Western riding instruction, horse care, camps, parties, pony club and polo association, plus trail rides.

H orseback r iding

at F irst F ield F arm English Riding & Jumping Instruction Beginning through Advanced • Horses Provided

• 18299 dumont ave., cerritos • 562-924-2217

For free and low-cost clinics in Orange County, visit; and for Los Angeles County, visit • Mark A. Garlington D.D.S. Orthodontics for Children and Adults 5479 E. Abbeyfield, Ste. #1, Long Beach (562) 439-4553 At Garlington Orthodontics, you are always greeted with a smile and a warm welcome when you set foot in their office. They take pride in providing the best care in both a friendly and comfortable environment. Some of the latest technological advances, such as digital imaging, advanced computer graphics and iTero (Digital Impression System) have allowed them to become experts in a variety of treatments. They believe that every patient should be treated like family with the utmost attention and care. Whether you are a child, teen or adult, their knowledgeable doctor, and team are committed to helping you achieve your dream smile. See ad on page 33. • Orange Kids Dental 245 N. Glassell St., Orange (714) 538-5582 Eduardo Correa, DDS and associates specializes in

RIDING LESSONS Handicapped Riding Program Horse Camp Special Discounts for Youth Groups Leases Available Sales

rancho rio verde riding club

Since 1981 1000 West Carson (East of Santa Fe) LONG BEACH, CA 90810

310/830-2060 • 714/624-5754 34 • fall/winter 2014/15

the dental and orthodontic treatment of kids of all ages––infants to adolescents. They also offer hospital dentistry services to children with special medical needs and those with extensive dental treatment needs. Services include braces for children and adults to align and straighten teeth and jaws. The environment is nurturing, safe and fun for kids, teens and parents alike. Serving the cities of Orange, Villa Park, Anaheim, Tustin, Placentia, Fullerton, Santa Ana, Yorba Linda, Anaheim Hills, Irvine, Costa Mesa, Garden Grove and surrounding areas. See ad on page 33; discount coupon on page 66. • Pediatric Medical Center 2921 Redondo Ave., Long Beach (562) 426-5551 PMC provides comprehensive medical care for patients from birth through college with special expertise in: school underachievement and complex diagnostic and management problems. The team of physicians offer greater than one hundred twenty years of cumulative clinical pediatric experience and expertise. Each physician is active in the education and training of pediatric residents and medical students. This allows them to offer a unique combination of skills for the care of your child based on both academic and community pediatric medical experience. Their informative website offers wide range of articles on parenting and health issues. See ad on page 32. • Stephen C. Kim, DDS, MSD, APC and Raymond M. Sugiyama, DDS MS 3551 Farquhar Ave., Ste. 202, Los Alamitos (562) 598-8543, (714) 750-3302 For over thirty years, their practice has successfully helped residents of Orange and Los Angeles counties in achieving the smile of their dreams. Doctors Kim and Sugiyama, along with a friendly and caring staff, are committed to providing the highest quality orthodontic care in a professional and comfortable environment. Serving Los Alamitos, Seal Beach, Long Beach, Cypress, Huntington Beach and surrounding areas, Dr. Stephen Kim and Dr. Ray Sugiyama are your orthodontic specialists providing complete orthodontic care for children, teens and adults. See ad on page 33. Weight Watchers Offers a weight-loss, nutrition program for kids 10-17.

• Ann’s Lakewood Pony Rides and Ponies for Parties (626) 350-3049 Clean, decorated ponies are delivered to your home, school, fair or company picnic. Birthday parties are their specialty! Petting zoos, too! Studio rentals are also offered. Burbank party location available. Ann’s Lakewood Pony Rides was formerly located on Carson Street in Lakewood. See ad on page 46. Equestrian Centers and Trail Rides The following locations offer English and/or Western riding instruction (5+) and trail rides (7+). Monthly leases for students who do not own a horse may be offered. For referrals to therapeutic riding programs, visit www. under the “Health Care” tab. Anaheim Equestrian Center (714) 535-3510 Also offers therapeutic riding and field-trip opportunities. No trail rides. 1370 Sanderson Ave., Anaheim. Country Trails and Riding School (714) 538-5860 Trail rides available. 1 Irvine Park Road, Orange. Huntington Beach Equestrian Center (714) 848-6565 Therapeutic riding, guided trail rides and horse-care clinics. 18381 Golden West St., Huntington Beach. Orange County Fairgrounds (714) 708-1652 Lessons only; no trail rides. 905 Arlington Ave., Costa Mesa. Serrano Creek Ranch Equestrian Center (949) 768-5891 Also offers an equine-therapy program and trail rides. 25200 Trabuco Road, Lake Forest. www. Sunset Ranch Hollywood Stables (323) 469-5450 Located under the Hollywood sign. Visit their website for coupons and specials. 3400 N. Beachwood Drive, Los Angeles. • Wagonwheel Ranch Horseback Rides (310) 567-3582 Guided trail rides along Palos Verdes Peninsula. Also offers camps during school breaks and therapeutic riding. See complete listing in this section. • First Field Farm 18299 Dumont Ave., Cerritos (562) 924-2217 First Field Farm offers instruction in English horseback lots more fun at

riding and jumping for beginning through advanced students. Beginner lessons include care of the horse as well as the basics of position and control. Private lessons are 30 minutes; group lessons, 45-50 minutes. Horses are provided. See ad on page 34. • Rancho Rio Verde 1000 W. Carson St., Long Beach (310) 830-2060, (714) 624-5754 Group and private English and Western riding instruction (5+) includes basic horsemanship, jumping and ring time. Leases are available. Lessons are scheduled Tuesday through Sunday. Vaulting (gymnastics on horseback) and Horsemanship Camp (see “Camps”) available. Special programs and discounts for youth groups. Family-friendly atmosphere. See ad on page 34. Recreation Departments • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services - Instruction at Lakewood Equestrian Center. (562) 4251905. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Horse Fun (3-12). Classes in Anaheim. (562) 570-3100. Many city recreation departments offer classes/camps. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. • Sandie Mercer Ranch Lakewood Equestrian Center 11369 Carson St., Lakewood (562) 425-1905 Private and group instruction (7+) for Western, English and jumping. Beginners through advanced lessons can be arranged to fit your schedule. Lessons are available seven days a week on your horse or theirs. The new Sunday “Introduction to Horses” class includes safety and basic in-hand care of the horse as well as riding–– all in a quiet, country setting. See ad on this page. U.S. Pony Club (859) 254-7669 English-riding instruction and competitions. Participants may lease a horse or use their own. US Polo Association (800) 232-8772 Resources for junior polo programs, clubs and clinics. • Wagonwheel Ranch Horseback Rides 4057 Via Opata, Palos Verdes (310) 567-3582 Offers one- and two-hour Western trail riding, party packages (see “Parties”) and year-round camps (see “Camps”). There are many sights to see along the Palos Verdes Peninsula with their guided horseback rides, including hillside views, meadows of wildflowers and wildlife. They help riders with tacking the horse; hoof care and the proper way to bridle the horse is also demonstrated with hands-on experience. Their horses are gentle and suited for the beginner to experienced riders, no matter the age, and special needs individuals as well. They are community-minded and donate to local fundraisers. Open 365 days a year. So, saddle up and enjoy a scenic trail ride! For more information, call anytime. lots more fun at

Sandie Mercer Ranch Lakewood Equestrian Center

Private & Group Instruction

Beginners to Advanced • Ages 7 and up

English • Western • Jumping Horsemanship & Fundamentals • Open 7 Days

Year-Round Riding Lessons

11369 Carson St., Lakewood • (562) 425-1905

languages Instructional classes and schools. Also see: “Academics and Tutoring.” • Foreign Languages Academy & Tutoring Services (714) 504-0235 An essential part of acquiring 21st century skills is speaking a foreign language. Foreign Languages

Academy and Tutoring Services provides students (6 mos - adult) the opportunity to take private and group classes in various languages (Spanish, French, Mandarin, Arabic, Romanian, Japanese, English and more). Classes are taught by nativespeaking teachers in the target language. Ask about their free demo class. Also see “Academics and Tutoring.” • LangoKids Irvine 9070 Irvine Center Drive, Ste. 135, Irvine (714) 864-4680 LangoKids Irvine offers dynamic, fun, and engaging Spanish and French Immersion classes (1-10) and camps for kids ages 5-10 (see “Camps”). With their native speaking instructors, your child will acquire

Bachus Office Park 9070 Irvine Center Drive Ste. 135, Irvine (714) 864-4680

Spanish & French Immersion Classes (1-10) & Camps (5-10) Children have a blast learning about another language & culture through:

P Native Speaking instructors. P New classes available every 10 weeks. Small group setting for P beginning to very advanced levels. music, dance, games, P Original storytelling, etc. receive a learning kit P Families to continue acquisition at home. P We use only the target language. P Results guaranteed!


fall/winter 2014/15 • 35

another language in a small group setting, gain exposure to new cultures, and have a blast in the process. Their classes incorporate original music, dance, games, storytelling and more to keep kids immersed and engaged in the target language. Open up windows of opportunity to your children with LangoKids Irvine. New classes available every 10 weeks. Call to join them for a free demo class. See ad on page 35. • Lycée International de Los Angeles (LILA) Orange County Campus 2625 North Tustin Ave., Santa Ana (626) 695-5159 LILA is an international, preschool through 12th grade school with five campuses: Orange County, Los Feliz, Pasadena, West Valley and Burbank. Each provides a nurturing and intimate environment that encourages personal initiative, creativity and curiosity. For more information, see their listing on page 56, ad on page 57. • Pacific Conservatory, Music & Arts Education Costa Mesa and Orange (714) 545-1217 In our fast-moving global society, speaking a foreign language is becoming essential. French and Spanish classes and private tutoring are adapted to students from age 3 to university level with individual, partner and group lessons available. A strong foundation (conversation, grammar, literature, phonics) will prepare students for college and career as well as opening their minds to discovering different cultures, foods, art and music. See ad on page 41. Recreation Departments and Colleges • Cypress College, Kids’ College - Rock ‘N’ Learn Spanish (5-7), A Touch of Spanish (8-12), and Sing and Learn Chinese (infant-6 yrs); year-round, sixweek sessions. (714) 808-4909. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services - Super Spanish for Kids (6-11); six-week session. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Bamboleo Bebe, Music and Spanish for Babies (10-23 mos). (562) 570-3100. Many city recreation departments offer language instruction. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. More Private Language Instruction In addition to the listings in this section, the following schools offer instruction for kids, plus cultural activities. A Little Dynasty - Chinese school (15 mos - high school). 6829 Quail Hill Parkway and 9844 Research Drive, Irvine. (949) 509-0288. Berlitz Jr. - Multiple language classes (4+). Costa Mesa and Torrance. (866) 423-7548. Fondazione Italia - Italian classes (pre-K-12), including Mommy and Me. (310) 739-9350. www. German-American School Assoc. of So. Cal. - (562) 693-0223. 36 • fall/winter 2014/15

Language Door - Multiple languages. 18103 Skypark Circle, Ste. D2, Irvine. (949) 833-0900. www. Long Beach Japanese Language School - Classes (5+) year round. 1766 Seabright Ave., Long Beach. (562) 598-4539. The Language Experts - Japanese, Chinese, Spanish and ESL. Call for free trial. 4500 Campus Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 424-9714. Portal Languages - A variety of language instruction for kids (3+). 2790 Harbor Blvd., #203, Costa Mesa. (714) 662-5696. Southeast Japanese School - Japanese classes for kids (5-13). 14615 S. Gridley Road, Norwalk. (562) 863-5996.

martial arts Karate, judo, boxing, kickboxing, wrestling and self-defense classes. Also see “Fencing.” • Alpert JCC Martial Arts with Sensei Mac 3801 East Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1035 The AJCC offers classes and private lessons with Sensei Mac throughout the year, for pre-schoolers through adults. Mixed Martial Arts, Jiu Jitsu, Sparring, Parent and Me, Cardio Kickboxing and Self Defense. All levels, including beginners, welcome. See ad on page 11. Boxing for Kids Local Boxing Committee - Provides referrals to boxing programs for boys and girls (8+). (323) 9216139. Boys and Girls Club Huntington Valley offers Karate and Tae Kwon Do for kids and their parents (3½+). Stanton offers the Young Champions Saturday program. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • My Gym Children’s Fitness Center Long Beach 3287 Industry Drive, Signal Hill (562) 986-0066 As students, ages 4-13, strive for different belt levels, they learn about setting goals and the discipline needed to reach them. Their successes give them the confidence to take on new challenges. Their improved levels of concentration and self-control help at home and school. With a Master Karate instructor on staff, students enjoy learning in a safe, caring and fun atmosphere. By learning the kicks, punches and blocks, karate classes improve your child’s strength, flexibility, stamina, balance and coordination. See ad on page 19.

• Cypress College, Kids’ College - Intro to Martial Arts/Parent and Me (4-6), Kung Fu (7-17), Karate as Self Defense (7-17) and Judo/Ju-jitsu (6-18); year-round, six-week sessions. $50-60. Classes also in Anaheim and Fullerton. (714) 484-7038. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Karate, beginning and intermediate (5-15), Karate Pee Wee Tiger (3-5) and Kenpo Karate (5+). (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Jujitsu (7-12), Shotokan Karate (7-16) and Traditional Karate (5-15). Homeland Cultural Center offers Ancient Khmer Martial Arts (Tae Kwon Do), Wednesdays and Thursdays, 7 p.m., free for all ages. (562) 570-1655. Most city recreation departments offer martial arts classes ranging from karate to self-defense. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. Wrestling for Kids California USA Wrestling statewide governing body provides information about and links to local clubs, camps and competitions. YMCA Anaheim offers Kempo and Judo (6+); Downey offers Tae Kwon Do (6+); Long Beach - Fairfield offers Little Dragons (3-5) and Kung Fu (6+); Orange offers Karate (8+); and Huntington Beach, Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo and Yorba Linda/Placentia offer Karate (5-17), Judo (5-13), Martial Arts (4-18) and private classes (4+). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.

museums Museums in Southern California featuring kid-friendly exhibits. Most museums offer group tours for schools and scouts. Visit the “Calendar” section (in print and online at for special events. Also see: “Attractions,” “STEM” and “Trains” for additional museums. • Bowers Kidseum 1802 N. Main St., Santa Ana (714) 480-1520 A unique, hands-on cultural arts museum experience for young children and families with interactive exhibits and programs that include: Friday Morning Storytelling, Music and Art with new themes each week, merit badge sessions for girl and boy scout groups, school tours for pre-K - grade 2, art classes and workshops, birthday party packages (see “Parties”), family events and camps. Open Friday - Sunday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Closed Monday - Thursday to accommodate scheduled school tours and art classes, extended hours

Recreation Department And College Classes Cerritos College - Year-round Kung Fu for Kids (5-12). (562) 467-5050. lots more fun at

lots more fun at

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may apply. To schedule your tour or art class, email or call (714) 480-1520. Admission: $6, children under 2, free. See ad on page 37. • Columbia Memorial Space Center 12400 Columbia Way, Downey (562) 321-1200 Hands-on learning center that is dedicated to bringing the wonder and excitement of space science to children of all ages. It also serves as the national memorial for the Space Shuttle Columbia’s seven crew members, lost in 2003. The 20,000-squarefoot visitor center is equipped with not only amazing technology and visual teaching exhibits, it is constantly holding classes and workshops (see “Calendar”). The Space Center also hosts the only Challenger Learning Center in the greater Los Angeles area, where you can: “Return to the Moon,” “Rendezvous With a Comet,” or go on a “Voyage to Mars,” and experience the real-life excitement of working in Mission Control or in the Spacecraft; available for field trips, team-building exercises and parties of 16 or more. Tuesday - Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Sundays and Mondays. $5 per person (3+). Also see “Attractions,” “Calendar,” “Parties” and “STEM.” See ad on page 15. • Discovery Cube Los Angeles Opening November 13, Discovery Cube Los Angeles will be the first major museum in the San Fernando Valley featuring interactive, hands-on science exhibits, events and educational programs. The new facility features exciting exhibits catered specifically to the Los Angeles community and offers educational resources including field trips, lesson plans, and in-school programs aligned with California State and Next Generation Science Standards. Visit to learn more! • Discovery Cube Orange County 2500 North Main St., Santa Ana (714) 542-2823 Discovery Cube Orange County is filled with interactive and hands-on exhibits in themed areas including: Discovery Theater, Planetary Research Station, Boeing Rocket Lab, Eco Challenge, Dino Quest and Science of Hockey. Visitors will explore science like never before with a virtual earthquake, hurricane simulator, a cloud maker and more! This fall, check out Thomas & Friends: Explore the Rails, Spooky Science and Science of Gingerbread. Coming in the spring, don’t miss LEGO Travel Adventure and National Geographic Earth Explorers. There’s always something new to explore at the Cube! Field trips, outreach, special events, scout programs, sleepovers, home-school days and teacher workshops are also available. See ad on back inside cover. Historical Sites Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum (310) 603-0088 Tours, weekend activities and workshops, plus yearly family events and living history programs, including battle reenactments. School and scout tours are available. 18127 S. Alameda St., Rancho Dominguez.

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Heritage Museum of OC (714) 540-0404 Visit a working blacksmith shop, a rancho home, the Kellogg House and gardens. Tours also offered. Adults, $5; kids, $4. 3101 West Harvard St., Santa Ana. Homestead Museum (626) 968-8492 A six-acre look at Southern California’s history from the 1840s-1920s. Free guided tours. Family-friendly events throughout the year. 15415 E. Don Julian Road, City of Industry. Mission San Juan Capistrano (949) 234-1300 Tours and ongoing family events. Adults, $9; kids, $6; includes audio tour. 26801 Ortega Highway, San Juan Capistrano. Pio Pico Historic Park Adobe (562) 695-1217 The El Ranchito adobe offers self-guided and ranger-led tours, plus annual family-friendly events. Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Free admission and parking. 6003 Pioneer Blvd., Whittier. Point Fermin Lighthouse (310) 241-0684 Guided tours of the historic 1874 lighthouse, oldfashioned toys and dress-up clothes. Tuesday - Sunday, 1-4 p.m. Donations requested. 807 W. Paseo Del Mar, San Pedro. Rancho Los Alamitos (562) 431-3541 Yearly family events, workshops, and guided- and self-guided tours. Free admission. 6400 E. Bixby Hill Road, Long Beach. Rancho Los Cerritos (562) 206-2040 Yearly family events and guided- and self-guided tours. Free admission. The Banning Museum (310) 548-7777 Tours of the 1864 mansion and 20 acres of grounds. Adults, $5; kids, $1. 401 East M St., Wilmington. • Japanese American National Museum 100 North Central Ave., Los Angeles (213) 625-0414 Established in 1985, the Japanese American National Museum promotes understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Japanese American experience. JANM is a hybrid institution that straddles traditional museum categories and strives to provide a voice for Japanese Americans as well as a forum that enables all people to explore their own heritage and culture. Open Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.; and Thursday, noon - 8 p.m. Also see “Calendar.” See ad on page 39. • Museum of Latin American Art 628 Alamitos Ave., Long Beach (562) 437-1689 MOLAA is the only museum in the United States dedicated to modern and contemporary Latin American art. On the fourth Friday of each month, they offer free admission from 6-9 p.m. Target Free Sundays are held every Sunday and offer free admission and gallery tours. See ad on page 39.

Presidential Libraries The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library (805) 410-8354 Visitors take a self-guided tour through the grounds, including Air Force One (inside too) and the Reagan Museum with interactive exhibits, such as acting in a movie with Mr. Reagan, delivering a speech on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, playing six economic-based games and riding a horse alongside the president. New exhibit, “Amazing Automobiles: The Ultimate Car Exhibit,” October 28 - May 1. 40 Presidential Drive, Simi Valley. The Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum (714) 993 5075 Explore nine acres encompassing over 20 high-tech presidential museum galleries, movie and interactive video theaters, the First Lady’s Garden, President Nixon’s restored 1910’s birthplace, and the flower-ringed memorial sites of President and Mrs. Nixon. Visit their website for schedule of weekly concerts. 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda. • Pretend City Children’s Museum 29 Hubble, Irvine (949) 428-3900 Pretend City Children’s Museum is an interconnected city designed just for children (infant-8). The city is comprised of a grocery store, farm, doctor’s office, art studio, amphitheater, beach, marina, construction site and many other exhibits. At Pretend City, children learn through role play based on real-world experiences as they dress up as a police officer, deliver the mail, create art, compose music or put out a fire. Designed to align with the California State Standards and Preschool Learning Foundation, Pretend City’s educational programs engage children (pre-school - 3rd grade) through school field trips, where the museum is the classroom and learning comes to life! Also see “Parent Education and Support Groups,” “Parties” and “Special Needs.” See ad on page 21. More Museums Autry National Center (323) 667-2000 Collections of the American West and Native Americans. Family activities include Family Days, gold panning, festivals and storytelling. Located in Griffith Park. 4700 Western Heritage Way, Los Angeles. www. Free admission day: second Tuesdays. Beall Center for Art and Technology (949) 824-6206 Reopens in October after a renovation. Revolving exhibits explore relationships between art, science and engineering. Special family events throughout the year. 712 Arts Plaza, University of California, Irvine. Calif. African American Museum (213) 744-7432 History and culture with a focus on the African American journey from the west coast of Africa to the Western United States. Special events and family days throughout the year. Free admission. Exposition Park, 600 State Drive, Los Angeles. Chapman University Permanent Exhibits (714) 997-6815 California’s Gold Exhibit and Huell Howser Archive includes images, text and artifacts, which outline Howser’s career and legacy in California. Located in lots more fun at

the basement level of Leatherby Libraries. Tuesday Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; and Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Free. Plus, Sala and Aron Samueli Holocaust Memorial Library located on the 4th floor. One University Drive, Orange. Children’s Museum at La Habra (562) 383-4236 Experience 10,000-square-feet of hands-on exhibits for the entire family. Plus, enjoy Target Free Sundays on the first Sunday of each month. New fall exhibit: “Destination Space,” September 30 - March 8, kids learn about space, stars and their planets. Spring Exhibit 2015: “California Full of Life,” March 31 - August 24. Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; and Sunday, 1-5 p.m. Closed Mondays and major holidays. 301 S. Euclid St., La Habra. Flight Path Learning Center and Museum (424) 646-7284 View the tarmac to watch planes take-off and land, plus model airplanes, including a full-size WWII-era DC-3. Closed Sunday and Monday. Free. 6661 West Imperial Hwy., Los Angeles. Getty Center and Villa Getty Center offers seasonal family activities including Family Festivals, plus the Family Room is open daily to stimulate kids’ interest in art through projects. The Villa’s activities include the Family Forum and the TimeScape room. Both locations offer free GettyGuide family audio tours on iPod Touches and Family Art Detective Cards. Getty Center: 1200 Getty Center Drive, Los Angeles. Getty Villa: 7985 Pacific Coast Highway, Pacific Palisades. Admission is free; parking is $15. The “Pay Once, Park Twice” program provides a flat $15 parking fee for a same-day visit to both locations. An advance timed ticket is required for the Getty Villa; one ticket includes up to three kids (15 and under). (310) 440-7300. Hammer Museum (310) 443-7000 Family programs include Hammer Kids programs and art workshops, family days and family flicks. Plus, download a family or teen guide from their website for an interactive experience in the galleries. 10899 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles. Closed Monday. Free admission daily. Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens (626) 405-2100 Visit the interactive Children’s Garden (2-7) and the Conservatory for Botanical Science with handson science activities (8+). 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino. Free admission: first Thursday, with reserved tickets.

NexGen LACMA is a free youth membership program that offers free general admission for kids 17 and under as well as one accompanying adult, including access to permanent collection galleries and selected special exhibitions. Family Days and tours also available. Closed Wednesdays. 5905 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles. www. Free general admission day: Monday - Friday, after 3 p.m. to Los Angeles County residents. Lyon Air Museum (714) 210-4585 Airplanes, automobiles, military planes, vehicles and motorcycles on display. Floor to ceiling view of John Wayne Airport runway. 19300 Ike Jones Road, Santa Ana. March Field Air Museum (951) 902-5949 Home to more than 70 historic aircrafts and displays with more than 2,000 artifacts. Family Day, with activities included with admission, every last Saturday. 22550 Van Buren, Riverside.

a.m. - 5 p.m. Adults, $8; students, $5. 5790 Armada Drive, Carlsbad. Museum of Tolerance (310) 553-8403 Interactive exhibits encourage visitors (recommended for 10+) to find solutions to social problems, learn about hate groups and experience the events leading up to the Holocaust and World War II. New exhibit: “Anne,” explores the legacy of Anne Frank, separate ticket required. 9786 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles. National Museum of Animals and Society (323) 928-2652 Rotating exhibits with family-friendly activities. 4302 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles.

Museum of Flying (310) 398-2500 Features two dozen aircraft chronicling the beginning of flight, including a replica Wright Flyer, BD-5 micro jet and the FedEx 727 nose section. Plus, an interactive flight simulator. Wednesday - Sunday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Adults, $10; kids (6-12), $6. 3100 Airport Ave., Santa Monica.

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (213) 763-3466 The Nature Gardens allow visitors to spot birds and butterflies and observe and track species. The Nature Lab features live animals, touchable specimens, citizen science projects and multi-media. Dino Lab allows visitors to watch the assemblage of real dinosaur fossils. Visit the seasonal Spider Pavilion, September 21 - November 2 (separate ticket required). Exposition Park, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles. www. Free admission day: first Tuesdays.

Museum of Music Making (760) 438-5996 Explore how and why instruments develop—who makes them, how we gain access to them, and what they sound like in the hands of masters, covering 1890s to today. New exhibit: The Banjo. Tuesday - Sunday, 10

Norton Simon Museum (626) 449-6840 Free family programs focus on the permanent collection and exhibits. Kids are free. 411 Colorado Blvd., Pasadena. Free adult admission: first Fridays, 6-9 p.m.

Kidspace Children’s Museum (626) 449-9144 Interactive activities in the arts, sciences and humanities, including water features, plus family nights and special events. 480 N. Arroyo Blvd., Pasadena. www. Long Beach Museum of Art (562) 439-2119 Free family art workshops every third Sunday. 2300 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach. Free admission days: Thursdays, 3-8 p.m.; and Fridays, all day. Los Angeles County Museum of Art (323) 857-6000 Family Guides for kids (6-12) available at the box office. lots more fun at

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Page Museum at the La Brea Tar Pits (323) 934-7243 Interactive displays of the Tar Pits and Southern California during the Ice Age. Visitors can watch fossil excavation and assembly. Hancock Park, 5801 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles. Free admission: first Tuesdays. Pennypickle’s Workshop Temecula Children’s Museum (951) 308-6376 7,500 square feet cluttered with hands-on inventions, gadgets and experiments. Workshops, events and parties available. Closed Mondays. $5 per person. 42081 Main St., Temecula. Petersen Automotive Museum (323) 930-2277 More than 300 vehicles, photographs, artwork and the Hot Wheels Hall of Fame. Monthly kids’ Discovery Days and special events. 6060 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles.

Expires 3-31-15

Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology (909) 624-2798 A diverse collection of dinosaur fossils, footprints and trackways. Family Day on second Saturdays, November - May. Closed Sundays. 1175 W. Baseline Road, Claremont.

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1515elebra YeYaea ting rrss! Family Music Classes for Ages Newborn to Five Bring your newborn, toddler, or preschooler to one of our researchbased, fun-filled music and movement classes. Explore musical play, child-friendly instruments, songbooks, and CDs that you use at home. 45 minutes of pure fun with your child every week!

(310) 850-5453 Nurture Your Baby’s Inner Musician! Babies classes for families with infants up to 8 months old. Meet other parents of infants and learn some fascinating musical activities you can recreate with your child at home, guided by Early Childhood Music Specialist Kendra Cogert. Visit our website to learn more.

40 • fall/winter 2014/15

Planes of Fame Air Museum (909) 597-3722 Museum dedicated to historical aircraft with annual air shows, tours and monthly living-history events. 7000 Merrill Ave., #17, Chino.

Skirball Cultural Center (310) 440-4500 Features a museum, changing exhibitions, music, theater, comedy, film, family and literary programs, Zeidler’s Café and Audrey’s Museum Store, plus Noah’s Ark, where kids can play, climb and problemsolve. 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles. www. Free admission day: Thursdays. Tankland American Military Museum (626) 442-1776 Tanks and military vehicles on display. 1918 Rosemead Blvd., South El Monte. Paley Center for Media (310) 786-100 Features U.S. Olympic 1960-2012 Archive that gives public access to the first comprehensive archive full of historic Olympic moments; and “Television Out of the Box,” a 60-year retrospective of Warner Bros’ TV shows. Visitors can also see animation cels from cartoon classics, such as the Flintstones and ScoobyDoo, Lynda Carter’s original Wonder Woman costume, plus they can sing-along with the “TV Theme Song Theatre.” The center also offers a radio listening room, a working radio station and computer terminals with more than 100 years of television, radio and new media programs. Wednesday - Sunday, 12-5 p.m. 465 N. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills. Wells Fargo History Museum (213) 253-7166 Features an original Concord Coach, a historically recreated agent’s office, working telegraphs, Western artifacts and a 27-ounce gold nugget. Free admission and audio guide. 333 South Grand Ave., Los Angeles. Western Museum of Flight (310) 326-9544 Aircraft displays and exhibits. Family-friendly events throughout the year. Tuesday - Sunday, 10 a.m. - 3 lots more fun at

p.m. Adults, $5; kids, free. 3315 Airport Drive, Red Baron #3, Torrance. Zimmer Children’s Museum (323) 761-8984 Kids can be a star at the Mann Theater, pilot the Zimmer Plane, explore music at Rhythms of the World, make a splash at Water Ways and more. Located at the lobby level of the Goldsmith Jewish Federation Building at 6505 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 100, Los Angeles.

music Instrument and voice instruction, bands, orchestras, choirs, camps and music-appreciation classes. Also see: “Theater Arts” for more vocal instruction and “Calendar” for live performances. • Alley Kat Music Center 11642 Knott St., #19, Garden Grove (714) 229-8528 Private music lessons with experienced and highly recommended teachers including MTAC certification if so desired. Offered for ages 4 through adult. Areas of expertise include: piano, flute, sax, clarinet, oboe, French horn, trumpet, guitar and bass. All rentals are school-approved instruments and come with an option to buy. Receive a free accessory kit with rental! See ad this page. • Applied Music Studio 10900 Los Alamitos Blvd., Ste. 203, Los Alamitos (562) 596-1287 Enhance your child’s (3+) education by trying a free lesson at Applied Music Studio. They offer instruction in viola, violin, voice, piano, guitar, drums, woodwinds, theory, as well as a “Keyboard for Kids” program, all taught by degreed professionals. Applied Music Studio has new and used instruments for sale, and school-approved instruments for rent with an option to buy. Mention Kidsguide to book your free lesson today! Located at the corner of Florista and Pine. Email: See ad this page. Bands and Orchestras Bellagio Strings Youth Orchestra with Arts and Learning Conservatory - Opportunity for young musicians (9-14) to develop orchestral and musical skills. Rehearsals are in South Orange County, Mondays 6-7:15 p.m., with performances held throughout Orange County, including Disneyland. Students are welcome to audition by appointment. Scholarships available. (714) 728-7100. www. Four Seasons Youth Orchestra - Three orchestras for kids (6-25). Performances throughout Orange County, including the Irvine Barclay Theatre. Rehearsals are held at Saddleback College. The 2014 - 2015 season highlights include an international performance tour to Japan, open to lots more fun at

Applied Music Studio Violin • Voice • Guitar Piano • Drums • Woodwinds “Keyboard for Kids” Ages 3+ • Private, Semi-private & Group Lessons • School Approved Instrument Rentals • Rent with an Option to Buy • New & Used Instrument Sales • Music Professionals with Degrees

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Students only

students in all orchestras. Students are welcome to audition (by appointment) and try one rehearsal for free. Scholarships are available. (714) 374-3766. Irvine Classical Players and Seraphim Symphony Based in Irvine for kids ages 9 and older. Call for auditions. (949) 705-7539. Also see Los Alamitos Youth Center listed in this section. For more regional youth orchestras, visit Boys and Girls Club Buena Park (6-18): piano (keyboard attached to computer). Fullerton: Teen music studio. Long Beach: guitar, drums, bass, keyboard and digital recording (6-18). Garden Grove: music classes for a variety of instruments. Huntington Valley: guitar (8+), piano (6+), violin (4-14), voice for all levels and Glee (7+). Stanton: youth choir, school year only. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • California Music Studios Jennifer Paterson, President (877) 279-1206 Did you know that music students have better math and science skills, score 61% higher on the SATs, and are 52% more likely to attend college than the average student? California Music Studios invites your family to enjoy all the benefits that learning

42 • fall/winter 2014/15

music has to offer through private instruction in the comfort of your home or in one of over 300 locations. CMS offers lessons in all instruments and styles of music, and will find you the highly trained, university graduate teacher that best suits your needs. Their friendly staff is available to assist students seven days a week, and their teachers are happy to set a lesson schedule that is convenient for you. California Music Studios’ free recital program keeps students motivated, and with over 65 performances a year, students are able to perform regularly. Please call or visit their website today to see what makes them different. See ad on page 40.

classes and concerts. Instruments include violin, viola, cello, drums, trombone, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, tuba, piano, keyboard, guitar, electric bass and more; beginning to advanced. Auditions for Jazz Band and Learners Orchestra are ongoing. Financial assistance available for qualifying families.

• Jazz Angels (310) 850-5453 Level specific jazz bands comprised of young musicians ages 9-17. Musicians learn to play (or improve how they play) this great American music through a unique method of music mentoring. Three, eightweek sessions throughout the school year. Email:

Suzuki Association of the Americas - The method emphasizes teaching by sound and repetition before learning to read music. Free instructor referral. (888) 378-9854.

• Kelly Summer Vocal Studio Long Beach (562) 833-6444 Voice lessons for kids and adults who want to improve their singing ability are offered by Kelly Summer Vocal Studio. Kelly Summer is a career singer and voice teacher with a Masters Degree in vocal performance from USC and over 20 years experience in the music business. Her specialization is in contemporary jazz, rock and hip hop/R&B. Students learn vocal technique, repertoire, audition/performance skills and musicianship—all in a private studio setting. Also see “Special Needs.” See ad on page 40. • Kick It Up 8129 East Wardlow Road, Long Beach (562) 430-1812 Learn to play the piano, guitar, or sing at Kick It Up. Their noncompetitive environment allows students to achieve and excel in music. Beginning at age 5 and through adults, their students enjoy practicing, become involved in school orchestra and bands, participate in the OCSHA program and perform with the CSULB madrigal choir. Classes are affordable, family-priced based, offered seven days a week, and offer the opportunity to perform in a spring recital. Also see “Dance” and “Parties.” See ad on page 27. • Long Beach Community Youth Choir (310) 850-5453 Do you love to sing? The Long Beach Community Youth Choir offers an opportunity for young people (ages 8-17) to explore their love of music and singing in a group setting. Under the direction of Kendra Wayker Cogert, singers learn a variety of musical styles and perform with live bands. Your first rehearsal is free! Los Alamitos Youth Center 10909 Oak St., Los Alamitos (562) 493-4043 School-year program for kids (grades K-8) with

Music Associations Music Teachers’ Association of California - Free referrals to qualified instructors in keyboard, winds, guitar, strings and vocals. Contact Mary Inui at (562) 594-5806.

• Music Together at the Beach (310) 850-5453 Celebrating 15 years of family music-making in Long Beach and Huntington Beach. Music Together is an internationally recognized early childhood music and movement program for children from birth through age 5—and the grownups who love them. Weekly 45-minute classes incorporate a fun-filled, research-based, developmentally appropriate music curriculum based on the recognition that all children are musical. Activities include songs, rhythmic rhymes, movement and instrument play. Parent-child classes for children newborn to age 5. For information about other Music Together locations, visit their website. See ad on page 40. • Pacific Conservatory, Music & Arts Education Costa Mesa and Orange (714) 545-1217 Group and private instruction is available for piano, guitar, drums, flute, recorder, singing and musical theater. Piano classes (ages 3-12) and Instrumental classes (ages 3-16) feature reading, theory, ear training, technique and performing opportunities. Private lessons are available for all instruments. Classes and private lessons are available for beginning through advanced levels. Comprehensive Musicianship programs provide pre-professional training, skill enhancement, OCSA and Certificate of Excellence, Certificate of Merit. Call today to schedule a free introductory class! Locations: 151 Kalmus, G-1, Costa Mesa, 92626; and 1311 E. Katella Ave., Orange, 92867. See ad on page 41. Recreation Departments and Colleges Cerritos College - Introduction, beginning and intermediate piano (6-14) and beginning guitar (grades 3-6). (562) 467-5050. • Cypress College, Kids’ College - Bass Guitar for Kids (10+), Playing the Cello (7+), KeyboardPiano, beginning through intermediate (7+), Guitar, beginning to advanced (6+), Violin (4+), Vocal for Kids (7+) and Songs of Guitar Hero (7+); sixweek sessions. $60-75. Also offered at Anaheim and Fullerton Centers. (714) 808-4909. www. lots more fun at

• Lakewood Recreation and Community Services - Babies Love Music (4-14 mos), Toddlers Love Music (1-2), Kids Love Music (3-7), Drums for Fun (612), Violin (7+) and Piano, beginning and intermediate (6-14). (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Kids Love Music (1-4), Kids Love Music for Babies (4 mos-1), Kids Love Music for Toddlers (1-2), Little Music Makers (2½-5), Melody Time (1-2), Mixed Music Makers (1-4), Music and Movement (1½ 3½), Piano (4-17), Exploring Instrumentals (7-10), Group Piano (7-12), Guitar (8-17), Glee Club (714), Keyboard Kids (5-6) and Rockin’ Guitar (817). (562) 570-3111. Homeland Cultural Center: Drums, Tuesdays, 4-6 p.m.; Guitar, Thursdays, 4-6 p.m.; Music Improvisation Jam, Saturdays, 4-6 p.m., free for all ages. (562) 570-1655. www. Most city recreation departments offer music classes that may include drums, guitar, piano, parent and me, singing/voice/choir and music appreciation. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. • RockStars of Tomorrow 5465 E. Carson St., Long Beach (562) 429-7682 RockStars of Tomorrow has combined an incredible music program within a creative and inspiring environment run by instructors who understand how important it is to connect with their students. The result is great musicians with high self esteem and confidence playing their favorite songs. When music is taught by the right people, there really is no limit to how far you can go. Also see “Calendar.” See ad with coupon on page 42. Youth Choirs Also see Long Beach Community Youth Choir in this section. For more regional youth chorales, visit International Children’s Choir - Dressed in costumes from around the world, members (5-18) learn and perform song and dance, promoting peace and cultural unity. (562) 421-8776. International Peace Choir - Peace Ambassadors (518) performing songs and dances from around the world. Community service hours given. Open auditions are ongoing. Call Pam Aki at (562) 500-9106. Rehearsals at Cultural Alliance of Long Beach (CALB) Art Gallery, 728 Pine Ave., Long Beach. Southern California Children’s Chorus - Vocal and choral instruction (5-20); themes range from classics to folk and contemporary music. Weekly rehearsals are held September to May. $370-809 per year. (949) 250-9114. Young Singers of Orange County - YSOC provides a choir experience for kids (grades K-10), performing concerts at schools, hospitals, elderly-care facilities and community events. Rehearsals in Costa Mesa. (949) 413-3914. lots more fun at

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are designed to allow different types of play to overlap and interact as your child creates, learns and grows. Also see “Play Groups.” See ad on page 63.

parent education & support groups Parenting classes and workshops and a resource library, plus support groups for parents and caregivers. Also see: “Emergency and Family Services” and “Play Groups.” AD/HD Support Group (800) 233-4050 Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) offers resources to find support groups and professional services. • American Health and Wellness Institute 5580 E. 2nd St., Ste. 101, Long Beach (562) 439-3425 The Planting Seeds Program is a parenting community for expectant and new families. It is a community-based place to learn and grow together, providing support, education, and activities that promote interaction and enrich the parent-child relationship. At the heart of the program is their infant, toddler and preschool play groups for parents and children that

Boot Camp for New Dads (949) 754-9067 An interactive workshop for first-time dads-to-be that gives them a chance to get their questions answered and concerns addressed in an all-male setting. New dads and their babies provide their expertise and a coach leads the discussion. Offered at five Orange County locations. Breast-Feeding Support Breast Feeding Clinic - Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m.; preregistration required. Columbia Memorial Pediatrics, 2840 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach. (562) 427-3782. Granola Babies - Wednesdays, 1 p.m. 3315 Hyland Ave., Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4948. www. La Leche League - Free support and information for women who are or want to learn more about breastfeeding. Bilingual. (800) 525-3243. Tiny Eco Urbanite - Monthly meetings, call for schedule. 3403 East Broadway, Long Beach. (562) 6687914. Child Support Services The following organizations offer assistance, infor-

• Marriage Connie Wax, Counselor Individual Family & Children

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Expertise in working with gifted children and adults. LCSW#27430

(714) 300-3163 • fall/winter 2014/15 • 43

mation and referrals relating to child support and custody: Orange County Child Support Services, (866) 901-3212,; and Los Angeles County Child Support Services, (866) 9013212,

riety of mom and baby support classes. (714) 5098887.

• Children’s Home Society of California (CHS) Resource and Referral (562) 256-7490, Greater Long Beach (714) 543-2273, Orange County Resource and Referral offers a variety of child care resources to the community, such as child-care referrals, resources for assessing the quality of child care services, workshops, and a lending library that offers age-appropriate activities, toys and parenting videos. 249 E. Ocean Blvd., Ste. 300, Long Beach; 333 South Anita Drive, Ste. 350, Orange. See ad on page 23.

La Palma Intercommunity Hospital - Mom and baby support classes. (714) 670-7400. www.

• Connie Wax, LCSW #27430 Individual, Couple, Family & Child Counselor 3351 Florista St., Ste. 1-D, Los Alamitos (714) 300-3163 Specializing in therapy for gifted and talented children, adults and their families. Connie came to appreciate the unique needs of this group while raising her own gifted children. Her personal experience blossomed into a passion for helping parents of the gifted guide and support their children towards a fulfilling and meaningful life. Connie is committed to assisting parents in navigating the often rough waters of child rearing. Her own personal experiences, along with 13 years of clinical expertise, make her a unique resource for the community. Connie is certified to facilitate SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted) parent groups. In addition to working with the gifted, she treats all life issues. See ad on page 43. Doulas of North America (888) 788-3662, Ext. DONA Referrals to certified doulas, individuals providing support for women and their families during pregnancy, labor/delivery and post-partum. English and Spanish. Helping Kids Cope (with Divorce) 500 S. Main St., Ste. 1100, Orange (714) 543-4333 A one-time workshop designed to teach parents how to minimize the negative effects of separation or divorce. Support group referrals are also available. LGBT Support Support programs for gay fathers and lesbian mothers as well as a support group for LGBTQ teens (1318). Long Beach, 2017 E. 4th St., (562) 434-4455,; Los Angeles, 1625 N. Schrader Blvd., (323) 993-7400,; and Orange County, 1605 N. Spurgeon St., Santa Ana, (714) 953-5428, Mom and Baby Support Groups Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) - A va-

Hoag Hospital - Mom and baby support classes and hotline. (949) 764-BABY.

Memorial Medical Center - Ongoing, nurse-led support group for new mothers; moms are encouraged to bring their baby. Tuesdays, 10 a.m. - noon. Free. (800) 636-6742. MIller’s Children Hospital, Long Beach. MOMS Orange County - Provides access to prenatal care, health screenings, education and referral services to low-income pregnant women; services are offered at no cost to Orange County residents who qualify for the program. 1128 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana. (800) 787-5858. OC Mommy and Me - Mom’s Circle support groups; eight-week sessions, $275. Working Mom’s Circle support groups; four-week sessions, $150. 200 Newport Center Drive, Ste. 308, Newport Beach. (949) 679-4872. Mom and/or Dad (Parents) Support Groups MOMS - Making Our Mothering Significant meets Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m.; school year only. Coop, alternated child care provided. Bethany Church, Long Beach. (562) 597-2411. MOMS Club - Moms Offering Moms Support is an international support group with more than 70 Southern California chapters. Activities include play groups, Mom’s Night Out, cooking clubs, community service and field trips. MOPS - Mothers of Preschoolers. Child care available during meetings. (800) 929-1287. Mothers and More - Also provides advocacy for fair parenting policies and practices in the workplace. Mothers of Multiples - Provides information and resources, plus meet-up groups for mothers of multiples.,, The Mom-E Club - Meets once a month to network, support each other, share business and marketing tips, and learn from experts to grow their businesses and balance their lives. www. Parenting Classes Through Community Agencies Boys and Girls Clubs - Garden Grove offers classes in parenting skills. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Casa Youth Shelter - Classes for parents of teenagers. Bilingual. 10911 Reagan St., Los Alamitos. (714) 995-8601. CASA. Center for Living Peace - Classes for parents and families. 4139 Campus Drive, Irvine. (949) 8545500.

44 • fall/winter 2014/15

• Cypress College School of Continuing Education Joyful Parenting (parents and kids, 1½-5). Free. Offered at Anaheim, Cypress, Fullerton and Yorba Linda locations. (714) 808-4909. Exchange Club Family Support Center - Three and nine-week parenting sessions. Bilingual. $40 per person; $50 per couple. 8320 Iowa St., Downey. (562) 904-9590. • Long Beach Parks Recreation and Marine - Parents and Preschoolers Learn Together (2-4), and Parent Talk: Family Communication 101 (parents only); six-week sessions, $65. (562) 570-3100. Mariposa Women and Family Center - Parenting classes for families dealing with life experiences such as divorce. Adults only, child care available. Locations in Orange, (714) 547-6494; and San Juan Capistrano, (949) 429-6888. OC Child Abuse Prevention Center - Parent-toParent Program offers a network with other parents (in their own neighborhood) in ten-class sessions. Open to parents with children ages newborn through 12. Bilingual. Free; registration required. Child care at select locations, (855) 955-5900. School Readiness offers in-home child development assessments and helps kids achieve social and emotional health to prepare for school success. 500 S. Main St., Ste. 1100, Orange. (855) 955-5092. Parenting Classes at Hospitals - Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC), (714) 509-8887, www.; MemorialCare Hospitals, (800) 636-6742,; and UC Irvine Healthcare, (714) 456-7890, School District Parent Education Classes - Most districts offer adult schools that provide parent education and/or resource centers that offer classes, programs and materials for parents and families. Call your local district for referrals and/or visit Families and Communities Together at • Pretend City Children’s Museum 29 Hubble, Irvine (949) 428-3900 Special monthly events provide parents with important resources to help them stay on track of their child’s healthy development. Parents with children (0-18 months) are invited to Pretend City every second Monday for Baby Steps through the City. Way to Play Days on the second Friday of each month are also excellent opportunities for gathering information and resources. See “Museums” for complete listing. See ad on page 21. Seriously Ill and Bereavement Support Groups Support for children and families who have lost or are losing a loved one. Art and Creativity for Healing, (949) 367-1902,; Kids Konnected, (949) 582-5443,; New Hope Grief Support Community, (888) 490-HOPE, (562) 429-0075, includes Kids Grief Support Groups (512), Teen Grief Support Groups (13+) and New Hope Family Camp, 3443 San Anseline, Long Beach, www.; and Pathways Volunteer Hospice, (562) 531-303, lots more fun at

SHARE! Self-Help and Recovery Exchange (310) 846-5270 Provides free referrals to more than 700 self-help support groups serving all needs. Weekdays, 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Multilingual. Single-Parenting Support Group Parents Without Partners - Provides single parents and their children with an environment for support, friendship and the exchange of parenting techniques. www. UP of Southern California 17802 Irvine Blvd., Ste. 123, Tustin (657) 200-8772 Up of So Cal provides training, education advocacy, consultation, clinical services (therapeutic support groups, family therapy) and certification services on Collaborative Problem Solving to help parents, educators, therapists and other caregivers who have individuals in their life with challenging behaviors or who are in Special Education. In-home services also offered.

parties Party packages and entertainment at your home or party facility. Also see: your area of interest. Party packages are listed throughout Kidsguide.

• Adventure City 1238 S. Beach Blvd., Anaheim (714) 236-9300 What a day of excitement! Play in Adventure City as long as you like; enjoy one-hour in the whimsical Party Station eating pizza and other treats served by your own party hostess; take a private train ride with your child as the engineer, and much more. Adventure City provides everything from invitations to wonderful memories. Parents can relax and enjoy the party. See “Attractions” for more information. See discount coupon on page 73. • Adventures with Reptiles (562) 484-8460, Brandy, Party Coordinator (562) 761-4342, Reptile Randy If you’re looking for the ultimate birthday adventure— look no further! Have Adventures with Reptiles come to your next party! Parties are fun and educational with plenty of photo opportunities and hands-on fun. Parties include: gentle, exotic reptiles from around the world in a one-hour interactive presentation––guaranteed to amaze your guests! They offer in-home and classroom parties, school assemblies, picnics, corporate events and much more. Fully insured. Call or text for more information. See ad on page 49. • Ann’s Lakewood Pony Rides and Ponies for Parties (626) 350-3049 Clean, decorated ponies delivered to your home, school, fair or company picnic. Birthday parties

are their specialty! Petting zoos, too. Studio rentals are also offered. Burbank party location available. Ann’s Lakewood Pony Rides was formerly located on Carson St. in Lakewood. Serving LA and Orange counties since 1976. See ad on page 46. • Aquarium of the Pacific 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach (562) 951-1630 Let the Aquarium supply all the ingredients for an unforgettable party, with the selection of a shark, marine mammal, or turtle theme! Birthday parties include a one-hour classroom program featuring animal touch time, bio-fact discovery and a takehome souvenir craft project. The party concludes with an additional half-hour in the classroom for the birthday celebration. Guests are welcome to bring their own cake; juice and ice cream can be provided for an additional $5 per person. All you need to do is call at least two weeks prior to reserve a date (subject to availability) and then invite your guests. Cost: $39 per person (minimum 15 guests). Birthday sleepovers are also offered. Members discount available. See ad on page 13: coupon on page 68. • Arena Soccer Parties 13631 Deodara Drive, GG (714) 890-0259 2190 N. Canal St., Orange (714) 974-1993 Rental times available for parties or team practice in both their large and small arenas. Open seven days a week. See ad on page 61.

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46 • fall/winter 2014/15

• Big Air Trampoline Park 23251 Avenida de la Carlota, Laguna Hills 92653 (949) 305-9788 Big Air Trampoline Park has quickly become South Orange County’s premier birthday party location. Basic party package includes one hour of jump time and 40 minutes of reserved table time with pizza and beverages served for ten guests. Additional guests may be added for an additional charge. Other options include extended jump time, private rooms, Big Air socks and apparel as well as gift cards for jump time––a great party favor idea! Reservations are required and may be made online or over the phone with Event Sales. See ad with party package discount on page 47. • Blue Submarine (888) 218-8085 The Blue Submarine offers fun, educational adventures in marine biology. They bring live tidepool animals to you, adding an unforgettable experience to your birthday party or special event. The Blue Submarine allows your guests to visit the tidepool without getting wet! English/Spanish bilingual programs also available. Call today to book your party or special event! See ad on this page. • Bowers Kidseum 1802 N. Main St., Santa Ana (714) 480-1520 Bowers Kidseum offers an exciting and unique hands-on cultural arts environment for children to interact with objects from around the world (see “Museums”). You will have the best birthday party ever or a special festive celebration at Kidseum! Customize your party—hire storytellers and face painters, have unique art projects centered on your celebration theme! Enjoy Bowers Kidseum with its handson treasures, including international masks, musical instruments, dress-up costumes and more! See ad on page 37. • Columbia Memorial Space Center 12400 Columbia Way, Downey (562) 231-1200 The only Challenger Learning Center in the greater Los Angeles area where you can: “Return to the Moon,” “Rendezvous With a Comet,” or go on a “Voyage to Mars,” and experience the real-life excitement of working in Mission Control or in the Spacecraft. Available for field trips, team-building exercises and parties of 16 or more. Also see “Attractions,” “Calendar,“ “Museums,“ and “STEM.” See ad on page 15. • Dream Come True Party Room 3962 Studebaker Road, Ste. 204, Long Beach (562) 270-1400 Step into a picture-perfect party at the Dream Come True Party Room. This is not your typical party place—it’s a whimsical setting that both adults and children will love! They also offer storytelling sessions, play dates, Kids’ Happy Hour, weekly tea time, family music programs and special events (see “Calendar”). Choose from more

than a dozen unique and magical themes for your party, including Tower Princess, Woodland, Mermaids, Pretty in Pink, Pirates, Bollywood/Arabian Nights, Ice Princess and many more. Parties include use of the party room, magical decorations and props, tableware, dress-up outfits and face painting, plus crafts, storytelling, games and music. Food is provided. Add-ons can include colorful invitations, balloon art, glitter hair-dos, a crowning ceremony, party favors or fairytale character appearances. Also see “Beauty and Etiquette.” See ad on page 47. • East West Ice Palace 11446 Artesia Blvd., Artesia (562) 809-6200 Fun party package includes public skating admission, private party room, pizza, cake, soft drinks, party decor, plus skate time. Skating lessons available upon request. Also offers public skating and skating classes for kids (3+) and adults. See “Skating and Hockey.” See ad on page 61. • Frogg’s Bounce House 16121 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley (714) 418-0442 Party guests will bounce, slide and leap at the newest 9,000-square-foot indoor inflatable play zone. They’ll also enjoy the playhouse, train table and disco karaoke tiki hut. There’s even a special toddler-only area for younger guests. Have your next birthday party or special event in Frogg’s Bounce House’s large party room, complete with dance area. Comfortable seating and free WiFi for the grown-ups. Also see “Calendar” for Date Nights and “Playgrounds.” See ad with coupons on page 48. • The Glam Factory! 3450 E. Spring St., #112, Long Beach (323) 345-4848, (562) 331-8029 Glam birthday parties and themed art parties are perfect for boys and girls ages 5+. Party packages include Glam Spa Party, Glam Diva Party, Glam Diva Fashion Show Party and Themed Art Parties. Visit their website for full details of each party package. Combine with add-on services: cute hairstyles with embellishments, jewelry craft, goody bags, professional photography, and extra time for food and opening gifts. The Glam Factory also offers rental space for parties, baby and bridal showers, and meetings. See ad on this page. • Golf N’ Stuff Family Fun Park 10555 E. Firestone Blvd., Norwalk (562) 868-9956 Have your child’s next birthday party, team party or scouting event at Golf N’ Stuff Family Fun Park! Pizza Party packages can include easy or challenging miniature golf and exciting rides, including go-karts, bumper boats, bumper cars, Disk’O Thrill ride and kiddie train. While there, guests also enjoy the latest in arcade games, great prizes, snack bar and party facilities. Where the 5 and 605 freeways meet. Also see “Attractions.” See ad with discount coupons on page 12. lots more fun at

• Gryphon Fencing & Fitness Studio 971 Via Rodeo, Placentia 92870 (714) 519-1343 Knights, pirates, Jedi, Zorro or Robin Hood? Fencing and archery are fun activities for all ages. Gryphon offers fencing or archery-themed birthday parties for kids and adults. The birthday person and guests will play games, learn basic fencing moves and cap the event with a fencing match using Olympic-style electric scoring equipment. For archery-themed events, participants will learn safe shooting skills, play games and shoot balloons. The typical birthday party is two hours with 90 minutes for the fencing or archery activities and the last 30 minutes set aside for cake or refreshments. Call for rates and availability. Email: See ad on page 29. • Holiday Skate Center 175 N. Wayfield Drive, Orange (714) 997-5515 Have your next party at Holiday Skate Center, one of the premier family fun entertainment centers in the Orange County area. They pride themselves on providing a clean, safe, friendly and fun facility for your entire family. Skating for all ages is offered at their birthday parties, private parties and fundraiser options. Call today to book your event! See ad on page 61.

Storytime • Happy Hour • Weekly Tea Time • Play Dates • Meeting Space • Parties Specializing in theme parties with style and charm!

Upcoming Events

(562) 270-1400 3962 Studebaker Road, Ste. 204, Long Beach

Ice Princess Dinner: Oct. 15 Wizards & Witches Dinner: Oct. 29 Ice Princess Tea Party: Nov. 9 Princess School: Nov. 15 Sugar Plum Fairy Tea Party: Dec. 20 Ice Princess Academy: Jan. 10 Sweetheart Fairy Breakfast: Feb. 14

• Irvine Lanes 3415 Michaelson Ave., Irvine (949) 786-9625 Irvine Lanes bowling center offers fun, easy-toplan, and affordable birthday parties for kids of all ages. With 40 lanes of bowling, they can accommodate parties of any size. Their catering kitchen offers many items that can be added to your birthday party, including fruit and veggie platters. Also see “Bowling.” See ad on page 19. • Jessica Lake Photography 4549 Cerritos Ave., Ste. A, Cypress JLP makes enjoying—and preserving—your little one’s first birthday as easy as can be! Their “First Birthday Cake Smash” with a real cake is the perfect way to celebrate! Little one’s personalities shine and it’s a fun event all around. They also have the JLP Calendar Club that includes monthly sessions with various payment plans which is great for new moms. Be sure to visit their website to see the variety of services and specialty sessions they have available. Also see “Photography.” See ad on page 51. • Kick It Up 8129 East Wardlow Road, Long Beach (562) 430-1812 A variety of parties and options are offered, including the Enchanted Princess Ballerina’s Ball, Fairy Dream Dance, Pineapple Princess Hula Party, Pop Princess Hip Hop Party, Go...Fight...Win Cheer Party and the Dancing Princess Party! All birthday parties include exclusive use of their decorated studio, glitz and glam session, fun dancing and games, and a personalized cookie cake! Great for your daughter’s birthday, scout troop or soccer team. Customized parties are also available lots more fun at


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for tweens, teens and adults. Also see “Camps,” “Dance” and “Music.” See ad on page 27. • Kidnastics Birthday Parties 10712 Reagan St., Los Alamitos (562) 431-1102 Kidnastics has always been the place to be for your child’s birthday party. With over 23,000 square feet of gymnastics equipment, your child and their friends can enjoy over several hours of active-play in a fun and safe environment. With exciting attractions like astro-jumps, tumbling trampoline, castle playhouse, interactive games and so much more, your child will enjoy their best birthday party yet! Come join them for a fun-filled and most memorable event of your

child’s life. Their birthday party sessions are very popular so hurry and call to reserve your spot today! Please visit the website or call the number listed for more program information. See ad on page 31. • Leeway Sailing Center 5437 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach (562) 570-1719 Custom designed parties (7+) to fit your needs and desires. Choose between canoeing, kayaking, sailing, beach play and barbecuing, or do them all! Groups up to 30 may be accommodated. Perfect for youth groups, scout merit badges and adult groups too. Parties available January - May and September - December. • Let’s Have a Cart Party (310) 578-2278 (CART) Since 1969, Lets Have a Cart Party has been preparing fresh food at your party site in front of your guests. Kenny Baines, owner and head chef, handselects only the finest produce for your occasion. Meats are fresh and never frozen. Carts include: kosher hot dogs, gourmet pizza, chicken nuggets, french fries, baked potato bar, cotton candy, ice cream sundaes, fresh hot cookies, crepes, chocolate fountains and many more. Their antique-style carts add a unique character to any celebration. See ad on page 47; discount coupon on page 66. • Life of the Party (562) 860-7797, (714) 903-7689, (626) 333-8764 “The best children’s entertainers in Southern California!” Their expert staff features top performers, including magicians, clowns, super heroes, princesses, and fairy tale and holiday characters. Plus, they offer karate parties, dress-up/glamour parties, karaoke sing-alongs, puppet shows, reptile shows, pony rides/petting zoos and much more. Over 20 years of experience. Call for a free consultation on how to make your party great! See ad on page 49. • Lil’ Chef School 15435 Jeffery Road, #132, Irvine (949) 679-8390 Teddy Bear Pic-Nic is for little ones (3-5) and their teddy bear. Pizza-Palooza allows kids (4-13), to make their own dough add their own toppings. From Wok on the Wild Side to Harry Potter Wizard Menu, their parties let

parents relax and enjoy the show! Add-ons include cupcake decorating, sundae bar, goody bags and aprons. Also see “Camps” and “Cooking.” See ad on page 24. • Mad Science (714) 668-9174 Mad Science Birthday Parties entertain children of all ages with electrifying, high energy shows that come to you. Their no-mess, hassle-free parties typically last one hour, and will leave your guests breathless! Extra value add-ons are available, such as cotton candymaking, bubbling potions, and rocket launches. Also see “Camps” and “STEM.” See ad on page 49. • My Gym Children’s Fitness Center Long Beach 3287 Industry Drive, near Redondo and Stearns (562) 986-0066 Easy, fun, all-in-one parties! Exclusive use of the entire gym. Convenient and easy for parents. Games, games, games...and so much more. With a birthday right around the corner, why not give your child the experience of a lifetime. Celebrate at My Gym with captivating games, rides and unique activities customized for your child. The caring and energetic staff will handle everything. See ad on page 19. • Parties By Erin & Co. (562) 901-0111 With more than 15 years of experience, Parties By Erin and her team of talented performers can make your child’s dream a reality. What sets them apart from the rest? They custom-build every party according to your theme and age group, so they grow with your child each year. From face painting and magic with Cinderella to “combat training” and relays with a Super Hero, or dancing and sports with a cool party host, Parties by Erin and Co. will make sure your party is exactly what your child had hoped for, while relieving your partyplanning stress! There’s no character too unusual, no theme too extravagant! Send Parties by Erin and Co. your idea and let them create the party your child has always wanted. See ad on page 49. • Party By Number Entertainment (714) 316-8826 Party By Number Entertainment is Orange Counties full-service, one stop entertainment company. Now you can hire any character, princess, clown, or celebrity impersonator you want to appear and perform at your child’s birthday party, store openings, block party, or special event—making it a party everyone will always remember. PBNE Entertainment also provides DJ and karaoke host services for your special event with three-time Orange and LA County karaoke host of the year Sergio, or any other of their highly trained professionals. Visit their website and book early to insure you get the best for less! See ad on page 45. • Picasso on the Go (714) 363-8676 Picasso on the Go is a mobile pottery and ceramic studio serving the Orange County and Long Beach areas. They bring all of the paint, brushes and pottery you need to host any special event including birthday parties, holiday parties, mom’s night out, scouts and school fund-

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lots more fun at

raisers. Rates start as low as $12/person. Available all hours, seven days a week. See ad on this page. • Pretend City Children’s Museum Parties 29 Hubble, Irvine (949) 428-3900 Exciting and engaging parties for children (infant-8). With a variety of packages and customized offerings, your child’s party is sure to be memorable and unique. See “Museums” for complete listing; ad on page 21. • Shared Science (562) 522-0595 Shared Science will help you design a physical science or robotics workshop to suit your event needs. Shared Science provides kids (grades K-9) with unique engineering fun that includes LEGO construction, contraption builds, or even robotics. Workshop content can be tailored to group age, interests and take-away projects. Greater Long Beach locations. Also see “Camps” and “STEM.” See ad on page 63. • Skateboarding Parties with Skatedogs (714) 313-8787 Skatedogs comes to your home with portable ramps and rails to create a custom skatepark for a one-ofa-kind birthday party. Guests can ride ramps and get skateboarding tips from an experienced instructor. All parties include a T-shirt for the birthday boy or girl, with the option of including a T-shirt for all participants. Also see “Camps” and “Skateboarding.” • Social Scribbles Caricatures (562) 360-5499 Social Scribbles Caricatures serves the Orange and Los Angeles County area. Send your guests home with a memorable one-of-a-kind cartoon drawing of them. Your guests will also have a fun time watching others be drawn and will be amazed at how fast their artist works. They keep their caricatures kind and flattering. Book a talented caricature artist for your special event today. See ad on page 48.

Picasso On The Go

mobile pottery and ceramic studio Bringing Pottery and Paint to Your… Birthday Parties Holiday Parties Mom’s Night Out Sports Events Scouts and 4-H Day Care Centers School Festivals School Fundraisers Preschools

(714) 363-8676 lots more fun at

• The Rinks Anaheim ICE (714) 535-RINK Huntington Beach Inline (714) 901-2629 Irvine Inline (949) 559-9949 Lakewood ICE (562) 429-1805 Westminster ICE (714) 248-9611 Yorba Linda ICE (714) 692-8776 Put your party plans on ice at The Rinks! They offer packages with cake, refreshments, balloons and party decorations in their private party rooms. Then take to the ice for the coolest fun, including an exclusive group skating lesson for you and your birthday party guests! For party package prices and information, visit them online or call. See listing in “Skating and Hockey” for locations. See ad on page 60.

part of their party packages. Guests will enjoy the many sights to see along the Palos Verdes Peninsula with their guided horseback rides, including hillside views, meadows of wildflowers and wildlife. Their horses are gentle and suited for the beginner to experienced riders, no matter the age. Open 365 days a year. For more information, call anytime. See “Horseback Riding” for complete listing.

• Vans Skatepark Birthday Parties 20 City Blvd. West, Orange (714) 763-3800 The Vans Skatepark is a great place to have a birthday party. The skatepark has a few different party packages to choose from. Some even include private lessons. There is plenty of room for parents to watch as well as a video game area. Please contact the park for details. See ad on page 59. • Wagonwheel Ranch Horseback Rides 4057 Via Opata, Palos Verdes (310) 567-3582 Offers one- and two-hour Western trail riding as

The ultimate PArty Experience Adventures with Reptiles Gentle, Exotic Reptiles • Fun & Educational

562-761-4342 or 562-484-8460 Parties by Erin & Co.

Birthdays Picnics Events Bringing dreams to life, one party at a time.

562-901-0111 Ask about our Acting Camps & Workshops! fall/winter 2014/15 • 49

night out may be offered. Check websites for discounts and special days. Also see Frogg’s Bounce House listed in this section.

photography Photography studio specializing in children, families and maternity. • Jessica Lake Photography 4549 Cerritos Ave., Ste. A, Cypress JLP makes preserving the memories of your child’s early years stress-free. This studio specializes in maternity and newborn all the way through elementary-school age. They provide the digital images from the portrait session so that you can print and frame all of your favorites. First birthdays are perfect for their “Cake Smash” session. Their 1,000-square-foot studio has multiple sets up at a time and their holiday sets are a favorite. Be sure to visit their website and sign up for the free newsletter to see the variety of services and specialty holiday sessions they have available. They also offer monthly sessions when you become a JLP Calendar Club member! Custom photography never got so affordable. Also see “Parties.” See ad on page 51.


AdventurePlex - 1701 Marine Ave., Manhattan Beach. (310) 546-7708. BounceU - Huntington Beach, 5445 Oceanus Drive, #115, Huntington Beach, (714) 892-4842, www. Orange, 428-A W. Katella, Orange, (714) 744-JUMP, Fun City Bounce - 14545 Valley View Ave., Ste. F, Santa Fe Springs. (562) 926-7864. Jump ‘N’ Jammin - 27741 Crown Valley Parkway, Mission Viejo. (949) 582-5890. Kid Concepts U.S.A. - 22844 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance. (310) 465-0075. My Giggle Place - 160 E. Imperial Hwy., Fullerton. (714) 525-7529. Oodles - 17420 Carmenita Road, Cerritos. (562) 888-1496. Playland Cafe - 880 Roosevelt, Irvine. (949) 8292789. Pump it Up - Anaheim Hills, (714) 693-9663; Huntington Beach, (714) 847-9663; Irvine, (949) 2617867; and Lake Forest, (949) 951-9663. www.

Indoor and outdoor playgrounds with unique facilities. Also see “Recreation and Parks.”

Scooter’s Jungle - 921 Via Rodeo, Placentia, (714) 223-5730; 25 Journey, Aliso Viejo, (949) 349-9090; and 606 Hawaii St., El Segundo, (888) 516-1983.

• Big Air Trampoline Park 23251 Avenida de la Carlota, Laguna Hills 92653 (949) 305-9788 Over 17,000 square feet of jumping space at South Orange County’s best indoor trampoline park. For details, see listing on page 14; ad on page 47.

Trampoline Parks - Jump on trampoline floors and walls. Sky High Sports, 2970 Airway Ave., Costa Mesa, (714) 437-5867, Sky Zone, 1301 N. Kellogg Drive, Anaheim, (714) 4418999, Also see Big Air Trampoline Park listed in this section.

• Frogg’s Bounce House 16121 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley (714) 418-0442 Bounce, slide and leap at the newest 9,000-square-foot indoor inflatable play zone. Kids can also enjoy the playhouse, train table, disco karaoke tiki hut, frog-themed books, bean bags and toys. They even have a special toddleronly area. Check out their party packages online, complete with a large party room and dance area (see “Parties”). Comfortable seating and free WiFi for the grown-ups. Walk-ins always welcome. See ad with discount coupon on page 48. Playgrounds - Indoor Indoor playgrounds offering play equipment with unique features. Parties, family sessions, scout/ group programs, open play, camps and parents’

50 • fall/winter 2014/15

We Play Loud Kids’ Indoor Playground - 24350 Swartz Drive, Lake Forest. (949) 328-9616. www. Playgrounds - Outdoor For a list of unique playgrounds, visit the “Playground” directory at

play groups Classes and groups for young children with varying parent participation. • American Health and Wellness Institute 5580 E. 2nd St., Ste. 101, Long Beach (562) 439-3425 The Planting Seeds Program is a parenting com-

munity for expectant and new families. It is a community-based place to learn and grow together. They provide support, education, and activities that promote the interaction between developmental domains and enrich the parent/child relationship. At the heart of their program are their infant, toddler and preschool play groups for parents and children that are designed to allow different types of play to overlap and interact as your child creates, learns and grows. Also see “Parent Education and Support Groups.” See ad on page 63. • Babyccino Mommy and Me 19045 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda (714) 225-2903 New! Join Babyccino for Mommy and Me every Wednesday, 9-10 a.m. Activities include circle time, Jewish lullabies, crafts, snacks and lots of fun! The first class is free. Looking for a Tot Shabbat? Join the fun every second and fourth Saturday of the month, 12-12:45 p.m., and celebrate with songs, crafts and Shabbat Kiddush. Ages 0-5 years old. Held at Chabad Beth Meir HaCohen, preschool room. RSVP by the day before the class to Naomi at, or call. Mom and/or Dad (Parents) Play Groups Meetup Play Groups - A web resource that offers links to local specialized play and parent groups, such as “Surf City Mommies,” “CBT Kinderlach” and “Gen X Moms of North OC.” www.playgroup. Parent-Participation Play Groups and Preschools See “Schools.” • My Gym Children’s Fitness Center Long Beach 3287 Industry Drive, Signal Hill (562) 986-0066 Join in the fun and attend one of their wonderful My Gym classes or call to set up a play date for your play group. Ask about their new Preschool Prep class, a great way to prepare your child for preschool success. Choose one, two or three days, depending on the age of your child; four-week sessions. See ad on page 19. Play-Group Gyms Gymboree Play and Music - Parent participation with age-appropriate play, music and arts classes (newborn - 5 yrs). Party packages available. Locations in Aliso Viejo, Anaheim Hills/Yorba Linda, La Habra/Fullerton, Lakewood/Long Beach, Irvine/Tustin, San Juan Capistrano and Torrance. My Gym - Huntington Beach, 6030 Warner Ave., (714) 842-2486; Long Beach (see listing in this section and ad on page 19); Newport Beach, 2040 Quail St., (949) 261-5252; Rancho Santa Margarita, 31991 Dove Canyon Drive, Ste. G, (949) 459-8559; Torrance, 3511 Pacific Coast Hwy., (310) 530-7200; Tustin, 3061 Edinger Ave., (949) 552-5446; and Yorba Linda, 18510 Yorba Linda Blvd., (714) 695-0440. lots more fun at

Cypress Recreation and Parks 5700 Orange Ave. (714) 229-6780

The Little Gym - 15891 Goldenwest, Huntington Beach, (714) 373-0700; and 21203-A Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance, (310) 543-2333. • Play’s The Way - Pretend City Play Groups Early learning play program focused on healthy development, early learning and social skills building. Agespecific classes are formed monthly. See “Museums” for contact information. Recreation Departments / College Play Groups • Cypress College School of Continuing Education Kinder Gym (1-4½) and Joyful Parenting: Creative Art, Music and Movement (1½-5); ten-week sessions, year round. Free. Anaheim and Fullerton centers. (714) 8084909. Many city recreation departments offer parent/child classes that may include music, movement and play. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. • The Hebrew Academy Mommy and Me 14401 Willow Lane, Huntington Beach (714) 898-0051, Ext. 204 Mommy and Me, a weekly group for moms with children age newborn to 3 years, is a great way to meet moms from Orange County and Long Beach. Classes take place every Thursday from 9:30-11 a.m. Join them for Challah baking, Shabbat songs, stories and more. First class is complimentary, then only $10 per class. See ad on page 56.

lots more fun at

recreation departments

Downey Parks and Recreation 7850 Quill Drive (562) 904-7238

Local city recreation departments. Visit their website or call to inquire about classes and events. Aliso Viejo Parks and Recreation 12 Journey, Ste. 100 (949) 425-2550 Anaheim Community Services 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 4th Floor (714) 765-5191 Bellflower Parks and Recreation 16600 Civic Center Drive (562) 804-1424, Ext. 2268 Buena Park Recreation 6688 Beach Blvd.

(714) 562-3860

Costa Mesa Recreation Services 77 Fair Drive (714) 754-5300

Fountain Valley Community Services 16400 Brookhurst St. (714) 839-8611 Fullerton Parks and Recreation 303 W. Commonwealth Ave. (714) 738-6575 Garden Grove Community Services 11222 Acacia Parkway (714) 741-5200 Huntington Beach Community Services 2000 Main St., 5th Floor Irvine Community Services Department 1 Civic Center Plaza

(714) 536-5486

(949) 724-6600

Lake Forest Community Services 25550 Commercentre Drive (949) 461-3450

fall/winter 2014/15 • 51

• Lakewood Recreation and Community Services 5050 Clark Ave. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408

Fullerton Arboretum (657) 278-3407 $3 suggested donation for entry. 1900 Associated Road, Fullerton.

• Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine 2760 Studebaker Road (562) 570-3100

Los Angeles County Arboretum (626) 821-3222 Adults, $9; kids (5-12), $4. 301 North Baldwin Ave., Arcadia.

Los Alamitos Recreation and Community Services 10911 Oak St. (562) 430-1073

South Coast Botanic Garden (310) 544-1948 Adults, $9; kids (5-12), $4. 26300 Crenshaw, Palos Verdes Peninsula.

Mission Viejo Recreation 200 Civic Center (949) 470-3000

Cleveland National Forest Spans from Orange County to San Diego County (858) 673-6180 Wilderness areas, water falls, observatory, camping, hiking, fishing, interpretive areas, ranger-led programs and scenic drives. Passes and permits are required; visit their website for more information.

Newport Beach Recreation Services 100 Civic Center Drive (949) 644-3151 Orange Community Services 230 E. Chapman Ave.

(714) 744-7274

Saddleback Recreation (Mission Viejo area) 25631 Peter A. Hartman Way (949) 768-0981, Ext. 1 Seal Beach Community Services 211 8th St. (562) 431-2527, Ext. 1344 Signal Hill Community Services 2175 Cherry Ave. (562) 989-7330 Tustin Parks and Recreation Department 300 Centennial Way, Tustin (714) 573-3326 Westminster Community Services and Recreation 8200 Westminster Blvd. (714) 895-2860

recreation & parks Arboretums, parks and nature centers, plus ongoing activities for kids and families. Also see “Playgrounds.” Arboretums, Garden and Wetlands The following locations offer walking and self-guided tours, workshops, family and kids’ programs, and special events. Bolsa Chica Wetlands Free; donations welcome. 3842 Warner Ave., Huntington Beach.,

52 • fall/winter 2014/15

Nature Centers • El Dorado Nature Center (562) 570-1745 Family and kids’ workshops, art and science classes, evening campfires, museum, gift shop and bird-watching all on a 102½-acre site, with more than two miles of trails, two lakes and a stream featuring California native plants. Vehicle entry fee, $5-8. 7550 E. Spring St., Long Beach. Environmental Nature Center (949) 645-8489 Workshops, classes and guided tours. Camps available during school vacations. 1601 E. 16th St., Newport Beach. Nix Nature Center (949) 923-2235 Workshops, family days and ranger-led hikes. Laguna Coast Wilderness Park, 18751 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. Oak Canyon Nature Center (714) 998-8380 Hiking and walking trails are open daily. Family events, programs and tours. 6700 E. Walnut Canyon Road, Anaheim Hills. San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary (949) 261-7963 Guided walks, classes and special events. 5 Riparian View, Irvine. Shipley Nature Center (714) 842-4772 Walking trails, wildlife exhibits and special events. Parent and Me Time on Wednesdays, 11 a.m. 17851 Goldenwest St., Huntington Beach. Turtle Rock Nature Center (949) 724-6738 Self-guided trails, workshops, family programs, group tours and school-break camps. 1 Sunnyhill Drive, Irvine. Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve (949) 923-2290 Trails, workshops and guided tours. Plus, an interpretive center with wildlife exhibits. 2301 N. University Drive, Newport Beach. www.ocparks. com/parks/newport Parks in Long Beach Metro and Los Angeles • El Dorado Regional Park East (562) 570-1771 West (562) 570-3225 El Dorado East’s 870 acres include the El Dorado Park

Express Railroad, a duck pond, trails for biking, skating and walking, an archery range, public library, fishing lakes, paddle boat rentals and two playgrounds. El Dorado West offers a community center, disc golf, ball fields, roller hockey, tennis center, a golf course and skatepark. Parking fees may apply. Santa Fe Springs Heritage Park (562) 946-6476 A historic site with buildings and ranch from the late 1800’s. Exhibits include the Tongva/Gabrieliño Indians, trains, an adobe home, and the Carriage Barn, which houses a museum. 12100 Mora Drive, Santa Fe Springs. Los Angeles Griffith Park (323) 913-4688 An antique carousel, playgrounds, picnic areas, golf courses, including a kids’ course with driving range, tennis courts, pony rides, an equestrian center, hiking trails, a bird sanctuary, the Batman bat cave in Bronson Canyon and train rides. The park is also home to the historic locomotive museum Travel Town, the Western-themed Autry National Center, the Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens, and the Griffith Observatory. 4730 Crystal Springs Drive. Whittier Narrows Recreation Area (626) 575-5526 Fishing lakes, playgrounds, BMX course, nature center, equestrian facility, trails, a military museum, sport fields and courts, and archery, skeet, pistol, rifle and trap ranges. Boats, surreys, bikes and picnic areas are also available. Vehicle entry, $6. 823 Lexington-Gallatin Road, South El Monte. Parks in North Orange County Carbon Canyon Regional Park (714) 973-3160 Sport fields and courts, five playgrounds, bike and walking trails, horseshoe pits, picnic areas, and a four-acre lake with two fishing piers, plus a ten-acre grove of Coastal Redwoods. 4442 Carbon Canyon Road, Brea. Craig Regional Park (714) 973-3180 Three playgrounds, including a handicapped-accessible playground, sports fields and courts, hiking trails, horseshoe pits, stocked lakes for fishing and a lake for model sail boating (electrical only). 3300 North State College Blvd., Fullerton. Huntington Beach Central Park (714) 960-8847 Disc-golf course, fishing, equestrian center, playgrounds, picnic tables and barbecues, trails, public library and the Shipley Nature Center. Golden West St. and Talbert Ave. Irvine Regional Park (714) 973-6835 Features the Orange County Zoo, train rides, equestrian center and pony rides, nature center, and paddle boat and tandem bike rentals. Parking rates vary. 1 Irvine Park Road, Orange. Mason Regional Park (949) 923-2220 Picnic areas, model sail boating, horseshoe pits, hiking and bicycling trails, sport field and courts, a physical fitness vita course, three tot-lot playgrounds, amphitheater and a nine-acre lake, plus a butterfly habitat. 18712 University Drive, Irvine. Orange County Great Park (866) 829-3829 Great Park Balloon and carousel rides, art gallery and lots more fun at

special events, such as kids’ programs, music events, movie nights and a farmers market. Visitors can also stroll the 2,600-foot Walkable Historical Timeline, play at Kids Rock Playground with tunnels and misters, and tour the Farm + Food Lab. Park entrance, Sand Canyon and Marine Way, Irvine. Pearson Park (714) 765-5274 Cactus and water gardens, an amphitheater, sports fields and courts, playgrounds, swimming pool, lagoons, barbecues and picnic areas. 400 N. Harbor Blvd., Anaheim. Ralph B. Clark Regional Park and Interpretive Center (714) 973-3170 Playgrounds, sport fields and courts, horseshoe pits, a fishing lake and a lake for model sail boating, plus a paleontology museum. Free Family Fossil Day features a journey through fossil history conducted by the park’s paleontologist (held four times a year). 8800 Rosecrans Ave., Buena Park. Santiago Regional Park (714) 973-6620 Hiking and walking trails with views of surroundings, plus orange groves. 2145 N. Windes Drive, Orange. Talbert Regional Park (949) 923-2250 Six separate plant groups, identified as “zones” and based upon the progression of plant groups and changing conditions found along the Santa Ana River. The trail system allows linkage to other parks up and down a stream along the Santa Ana River. 1298 Victoria Ave., Costa Mesa.

lots more fun at

Tri-City Regional Park (714) 973-3180 Fishing, model sail boating (no motors), playground and trails. 2301 Kraemer Blvd., Placentia. www. Parks in South Orange County Aliso and Wood Canyons Park (949) 923-2200 Trails and ranger-led family programs. 28373 Alicia Parkway, Laguna Niguel. Caspers Wilderness Park (949) 923-2210 Camping, hiking, tot lot, showers and interpretive center. Plus, ranger-led family programs. 33401 Ortega Hwy., San Juan Capistrano. Crystal Cove State Park (949) 494-3539 Hiking trails, plus tide pools, guided hikes and a wildlife gallery. Vehicle entry fee, $15 (annual pass $185). Camping is available at Moro and three miles inland, reservations required. 8471 Pacific Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. Fossil Reef Park (949) 707-2680 A preserved portion of fossil reef in Orange County is 17 million years old and has 48 species of marine fossil vertebrates, including shark teeth and Desmostylus. Plus, kids’ playground and picnic areas. 25555 Alicia Pkwy., Laguna Hills. Heritage Hill Historical Park (949) 923-2230 Historic interpretive center, Serrano Ranch Adobe, El Toro Grammar School from 1890 and St. Georges Mission. Programs and events also offered. 25151 Serrano Road, Lake Forest.

Laguna Niguel Regional Park (949) 923-2240 Boating, fishing, hiking, horseshoe pits, playground, radio-controlled glider area, tennis and volleyball courts, plus guided walks and hikes. Boat rentals available. 28241 La Paz Road, Laguna Niguel. www. O’Neill Regional Park (949) 923-2260 Camping, horseshoe pits, playground, interpretive center, hiking trails and ranger-led family-friendly programs and walks. Camping reservations are required. 30892 Trabuco Canyon Road, Trabuco Canyon. Riley Wilderness Park (949) 923-2265 Butterfly garden, interpretive center, hiking trails and guided walks. Parking, $3. 30952 Oso Parkway, Coto De Caza.

safety Also see “Emergency and Family Services.” • WhoTats (310) 370-7850 WhoTats are temporary tattoos that keep your children safe whenever they’re out and about: at camp, the beach, amusement park, museum, zoo, play

fall/winter 2014/15 • 53

Theatre for Preschoolers “How the Camel Got His Hump” Jan. 30th

date, etc. Like a mini emergency card that keeps your kids connected to whoever’s in charge. Personalize them with a phone number or special need reminder for everyone’s peace of mind. WhoTats come in mom-friendly, kid-approved designs, and in several formats. They’re perfect for your active or special needs child. See ad on page 53.

schools Child development centers, preschools, elementary and secondary schools. Also see: “Academics and Tutoring” and “Child Care and Baby Sitting.” • Creative Day Academy 8740 Ramona Ave., Bellflower (562) 634-7527 Creative Day Academy offers an accelerated academic program with a hands-on approach to learn-

ing. Students learn computer skills and go on educational field trips. Enrichment activities such as karate, swimming, piano, dance and gymnastics are offered. Age 2 through 1st grade. Lic. 191598510. See ad on this page; discount coupon on page 66. • EduCare 4300 Bellflower Blvd., Lakewood (562) 377-1300 5730 South St., Lakewood (562) 461-7311 EduCare Preschools of Lakewood are private, nonprofit preschools, and accept children ages 24 months through Kindergarten. Each school is licensed for 70 children. Each facility leases space in a church, and both are attractive and well-maintained. There is a stable staff with very little turn-over. Parents and visitors at the school often comment on the relaxed atmosphere, and say that the children seem happy. EduCare has an open-door policy. Please feel free to just stop in, or you can call for information. See ad on page 58. • Grace First Presbyterian Church Preschool 3955 Studebaker Road, Long Beach (562) 425-0080 Grace First Presbyterian Church Preschool was

established in 1957 as an outreach to serve the children (2½-5) and families of the community. They provide developmentally appropriate curriculum by providing a balance of activities that meets the cognitive, social, emotional, physical and spiritual needs of children. At Grace First Preschool, they recognize each child as a unique gift, and emphasize the development of the whole child. Their curriculum provides the opportunity to discover, explore and to express their curiosity, through a balance of child discovery and teacherguided activities; children make discoveries that build knowledge, awareness and self-confidence. The qualified staff of warm and loving educators is dedicated to making a positive difference in the life of each child; the teachers are your partners, assuring that your child is safe and has fun in a setting where each child can be his best self! Flexible schedules available, in both full and half-day programs; Monday - Friday, Monday/Wednesday/ Friday or Tuesday/Thursday; open year round. Stop by for a visit and join in the fun! See ad on page 56. • Kid Works Children’s Center 3621 E. Broadway, Long Beach (562) 438-4904 Kid Works offers preschool, pre-K, pre-K enrichment and after-school Kindergarten programs. Curriculum and environment are designed to stimulate, challenge, and allow children time and space to work. Kid Works’ definition of the child’s day of work is “Play with a Purpose.” Everything they do or offer children has a purpose, which is key to the child’s development. The staff is dedicated to the idea that children develop and learn best in an atmosphere that is warm, safe, encouraging, understanding, motivating and fun! Visit their website for detailed information, including daily activity schedules. Email: See ad on page 57. • Lakewood Christian Schools 5336 E. Arbor Road, Long Beach (562) 425-3358 With over 35 years of excellence in Christian education, Lakewood Christian Schools uniquely lights the path to excellence in academics, faith and service for preschoolers through eighth graders. In a nurturing and loving environment, they assist parents in the maturing


• Reading • Phonics • Computer • Math • Science • Music • Piano & Keyboard • Foreign Languages

• Gymnastics • Dance • Karate • Field Trips • Hot Lunches • Summer Programs: Academics • Field Trips & Swimming




1710 Redondo Ave., Long Beach • 597-8611

8740 Ramona Ave., Bellflower • 634-7527

3850 Long Beach Bl., Long Beach • 426-6264

Age 2 thru Kindergarten 54 • fall/winter 2014/15

Age 2 thru 1st Grade

Age 2 thru 5th Grade

lots more fun at

Belmont Shore Children’s Center Belmont Shore Children’s Center 30 S. Termino Ave., Long Beach 30 W. Termino Ave., Long Beach 562-439-3369 (562) 439-3369 Cerritos Lane Preschool Cerritos Learning Tree Preschool and After-School Care 1902320223 Norwalk Blvd., Cabrillo Lane,Artesia Cerritos (562) 562-865-0482 860-6302 Ages 2 to 12 years

Cypress Early Learning Center Early Learning Preschool 4539 Cerritos Ave., Cypress 4539 Cerritos Ave., Cypress 714-828-9000 (714) 828-9000 Cypress Learning Tree Cypress Learning Tree 5417 Bishop Street, Cypress 5417 Bishop St., Cypress 714-527-2744 (714) 527-2744 18 months to 6 years

Cerritos Lane Preschool AcaciaFullerton Tree Preschool Child & After-School Care Development Preschool Cerritos Learning Tree Preschool 1701 E. Chapman Ave., Fullerton 2022319023 Cabrillo Lane, Cerritos 1701(714) E. Chapman Ave., Fullerton Norwalk Blvd., Artesia 526-7855 714-526-7855 (562) 562-860-6302 865-0482

Rossmoor Children’s Center Rossmoor Children’s Center 4161 Green Ave., Los Alamitos 4161 Green Ave., Los Alamitos (562) 431-6553 562-431-6553 Town & County Preschool Willow Lane Preschool 14203 Ln., Westminster Westminster 14203 Willow Willow Lane, (714) 894-4036 714-894-4036

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Las Flores Home Education Independent Study Academy Exciting Options for Home School Families Grades K-8 Choose to be taught at home five days a week or attend school three days a week and be taught at home two days. Enrichment Fridays with hands-on learning experiences available. Plus, access to standards-based curriculum, use of site facilities, and support from credentialed teachers.

10039 E. Palm St., Bellflower 90706 56 • fall/winter 2014/15


of their students spiritually, socially and academically. Lakewood Christian Schools is accredited by ASCI and WASC. Quality instruction is led by their credentialed teachers who focus on challenging students to reach their highest potential. Finding and expanding each student’s God-given talents is realized through their award-winning fine arts, athletic and elective programs. Contact LCS to schedule a personal tour of the campus at (562) 425-3358. See ad on page 54. • Las Flores Home Education Independent Study Academy 10039 E. Palm St., Bellflower 90706 (562) 804-6565 Bellflower Unified School District’s Home Education Independent Study Academy offers a unique learning experience for K-8 students. With assistance from credentialed teachers, technology, and access to standards-based curriculum, two distinct learning options are offered: Classic Model students receive parent-guided instruction at home, while Core Model students attend school Tuesday through Thursday and are homeschooled Monday and Friday. Additional hands-on learning is offered on Enrichment Fridays. The program enhances student academic abilities through strong parent/teacher partnerships. See ad on this page. • Long Beach Day Nursery 3965 Bellflower Blvd. (562) 421-1488 1548 Chestnut Ave. (562) 591-0509 Long Beach Day Nursery is dedicated to providing the finest programs and services for young children. Since 1912, LBDN has offered the highest quality early care and education with the most affordable rates possible, thanks to the support of many individuals and foundations in the community. The Nursery’s nationally accredited program combines elements of a well-trained staff, optimum teacher/ child ratios, nutritious meals, parent education, and spacious facilities to enrich the lives of the children enrolled and their families. See ad on page 58. • Lycée International de Los Angeles (LILA) Orange County Campus 2625 North Tustin Ave., Santa Ana (626) 695-5159 LILA is an international, preschool through 12th school with five campuses: Orange County, Los Feliz, Pasadena, West Valley and Burbank. LILA provides a nurturing and intimate environment that encourages personal initiative, creativity and curiosity. Students are challenged to achieve excellence through the rigorous and well-balanced bilingual curriculum promoted by the French and International Baccalaureate. The school’s goal is to develop confident, caring, and open-minded critical thinkers who will thrive in a diverse competitive world. See ad on page 57. • Montessori Children’s House Preschool & Elementary School 5550 Atherton St., Long Beach (562) 431-8880 5454 Atherton St., Long Beach (562) 494-3777 Year-round program for children (2-12) in preschool and kindergarten through grade 6. Students are in a multiage group environment working individually and independently. Without a traditional grading system, classes lots more fun at

help students to progress at their own pace. Curriculum emphasizes reading phonetically and early exposure to mathematics. Art, music, geography and social science are also included. Conveniently located with large play areas. Montessori Children’s House has been serving the community for more than 45 years. See ad on page 58. • Oak Tree Preschool and Kindergarten 1710 Redondo Ave., Long Beach (562) 597-8611 Oak Tree Preschool and Kindergarten offers an accelerated academic program with a hands-on approach to learning. Students learn computer skills and go on educational field trips. Enrichment activities such as karate, swimming, piano, dance and gymnastics are offered. Lic. 191601050. See ad on page 54; discount coupon on page 66. • Oakwood Preschool and Academy 3850 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach (562) 426-6264 Oakwood Preschool and Academy offers an accelerated academic program with a hands-on approach to learning. Students learn computer skills and go on educational field trips. Enrichment activities such as karate, swimming, piano, dance and gymnastics are offered. Ages 2 through 5th grade. Lic. 198011608. See ad on page 54; discount coupon on page 66. Parent-Participation Play Groups and Preschools Play groups and preschools (33 mos-5 yrs) are run independently by parents with a certified director at each session. Levels of parent commitment vary. Visit the website for a list of local schools. • Preschools - Long Beach and Orange County Belmont Shore (562) 439-3369 Cerritos (562) 865-0482 Cerritos/Artesia (562) 860-6302 Cypress, south (714) 828-9000 Cypress, north (714) 527-2744 Fullerton (714) 526-7855 Los Alamitos/Rossmoor (562) 431-6553 Westminster (714) 894-4036 Year-round preschools, for ages 2-5 years, offer an accelerated academic program that includes science, math and language development. Potty training, hot lunches, pre-kindergarten and summer camp program are available. Instruction is provided by skillful, creative teachers that offer part-day and full-day classes. See ad on page 55. • Play with a Purpose

CHILDREN’S CENTER Pre-K Programs 7am-5:55pm or 8:30-Noon After School Kindergarten Program: Noon-5:30 pm

3621 E. Broadway, Long Beach • 562.438.4904

• The Hebrew Academy Preschool 14401 Willow Lane, Huntington Beach (714) 863-0757 The Hebrew Academy preschoolers are provided lots more fun at

fall/winter 2014/15 • 57

Children’s House Since 1967


Ages 2-6 • Year-Round Program Individualized Instruction • Open 7 am to 6 pm


Grades K-6 • Phonics, Art, Music, Geography Social Science • Year-round Program

Long Beach Locations: 5550 Atherton St., (562) 431-8880 5454 Atherton St., (562) 494-3777 a rich program in academics and Jewish culture together with the skills and knowledge that they will use as a foundation for all future education. In the Pre-K class, the children are introduced to the “Reading Street” literacy program as a gateway to kindergarten. The teachers are both professional and caring, so that your child will be happy and stimulated while in their care. Preschool hours are from 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. or 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., with before and after care from 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Please call for more information. See ad on page 56. • Valley Christian Schools Bellflower, Cerritos and Long Beach (562) 860-0556 Valley Christian Schools offers outstanding educational outcomes through a well-rounded approach to learning. Preschoolers benefit from research-based developmental education. Kindergarten - 12th grade, on three separate campuses, have a wide variety of opportunities experiencing training in music, art,

sports and technology. 97% of Valley Christian High School students go on to universities and colleges. 30% of the Class of 2014 was accepted at the nation’s Top 100 Colleges and Universities. Five campuses include two preschools (one with infant care), elementary, middle school (grades 7 and 8) and high school, and are located near the Los Angeles and Orange County border. Bus service is offered to Gardena, La Mirada, Downey, Naples and Westminster. The school-wide average student-to-faculty ratio is 14-to-1 and the student body and faculty are ethnically diverse. See ad on page 57.

California Amateur Skateboard League (909) 883-2576 Regional association promotes skateboarding while helping communities provide skaters with safe skateboarding environments. Hosts ongoing competitions.

• Westerly School of Long Beach 2950 E. 29th St., Long Beach (562) 981-3151 What makes Westerly School the right choice for an inspiriting and engaging K-8 education? For starters, its mission statement, which addresses the school’s belief in a whole child approach to education. Consider the schools progressive and balanced program with a focus on the arts, physical education, technology integration, and foreign language. Imagine the benefit to students of small class sizes, while being taught by a caring and engaged faculty. Imagine also the impact on students who are exposed to projectbased learning, collaboration and service learning. Be comforted in knowing that students at Westerly enjoy coming to school each day, feel free to take academic and emotional risks, and establish lifelong friendships amongst a diverse group of fellow students. A key result for students is an inner confidence realized through a well-rounded education delivered in a small nurturing community. See ad on page 55.

• Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Skatedogs Challenge (5-13) and Skateboarding class (6-13); four-week sessions, $125. Heartwell Park. (562) 5703100.


Skateparks The following locations offer skateboarding, inline skating and/or scootering facilities, some offer BMX sessions. Most parks are open during daylight hours, free and unsupervised. Helmets, knee and elbow pads are required. For additional parks and park information, visit

Lessons, camps and party packages for skateboarding, plus skateparks.

6:30am - 6pm • Year Round West: 18 mos-6 yrs • East: 6 wks-6 yrs Registration Fee Waived with Ad • New Enrollees only West Branch 1548 Chestnut Ave. (562) 591-0509

East Branch 3965 Bellflower Blvd. (562) 421-1488


PRESCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN “The Best in Education & Care For Your Child”

4300 Bellflower Blvd., Lakewood, 90713 Lic#198006164 • Methodist Church Lkwd.

(562) 377-1300

58 • fall/winter 2014/15

Ages 2-6 7am-6pm Mon-Fri POTTY TRAINING 2 LOCATIONS 5730 South St., Lakewood, 90713 Lic#198008598 • Trinity Church

(562) 461-7311

Recreation Departments • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Skateboarding (6+); five-week sessions, $125. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408.

Some city recreation departments offer skateboarding classes and camps. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. • Skatedogs (714) 313-8787 After-school and weekend classes in skateboarding, one of the world’s fastest growing sports. Offered in conjunction with the recreation departments of Arcadia, Beverly Hills, Brea, Cerritos, Cypress, Glendora, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Lakewood, Long Beach, Los Alamitos, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Redondo Beach, Seal Beach and Tustin. They offer classes for all ability levels. Kids (6-13) will make new friends, advance their skateboarding skills, and most importantly, have fun––all in Skatedogs’ private skatepark. They also offer private lessons, birthday parties (see “Parties”) and camps during school breaks (see “Camps”).

Anaheim - Downtown Skate Zone, Broadway Ave., between Olive and Philadelphia streets, (714) 7654501. Anaheim West (Brookhurst Park), 2271 W. Crescent Ave., (714) 765-4501. Bellflower Skatepark (562) 866-5684 Caruthers Park, 10500 E. Flora Vista Brea Arovista Skatepark (714) 990-7100 Elm St. and Sievers Ave. Buena Park Peak Park (714) 236-3860 7225 El Dorado Drive. Carson’s Veterans Sports Complex (310) 830-9997 22400 Moneta Ave. Cerritos Skatepark (562) 916-8590 19900 Bloomfield Ave. Costa Mesa Volcom Skatepark (714) 754-5326 900 Arlington Drive. lots more fun at

Cypress Veterans Park Skatepark (714) 229-6780 4554 Avenida Grenada. Downey Independence Skatepark (562) 803-0402 12334 Bellflower Blvd. Fullerton’s Independence Park (714) 738-5365 801 West Valencia Drive. Garden Grove Skatepark (714) 741-5200 9301 Westminster Blvd. Huntington Beach - Oak View Skatepark, 17261 Oak Lane, (714) 536-5486; and Murdy Community Center, 7000 Norma Drive, (714) 960-8895. www. Irvine Harvard Skatepark (949) 337-6577 14701 Harvard Ave. La Habra Skatepark (562) 905-9700 La Bonita Park, 1208 Fahringer Way Laguna Hills Skatepark (949) 707-2600 25555 Alicia Parkway, Laguna Hills Laguna Niguel Skatepark (949) 916-7755 Fees apply, $10-80. 27745 Alicia Pkwy. Lake Forest Etnies Skatepark (949) 916-5870 Skateboard lessons, classes, parties, band nights, year-round camps and an after-school skate club. $5 ID card to use park required. 20028 Lake Forest Drive. • Long Beach - Bixby Park, 130 Cherry Ave., (562) 570-1601; Michael Green Skatepark,14th St. Playground, (562) 570-1600; Silverado Park Skate Plaza, 1545 W. Santa Fe Ave., (562) 570-1675; Drake Park Skate Plaza, 951 Maine Ave., (562) 570-1625; El Dorado Skatepark, 2800 Studebaker Road, (562) 570-3225; McBride Skatepark, 1550 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., (562) 570-1608; Houghton BMX Bike/ Skatepark, skate and BMX bike park with ramps, rails and other obstacles, 6301 Myrtle Ave.; and Orizaba Skatepark, Orizaba and Spaulding, (562) 570-1640. Mission Viejo Skatepark (949) 470-3000 Beebe Park, 24190 Olympiad Road Norwalk Skatepark (562) 929-5566 13000 Clarkdale Ave. • Orange - Vans Skatepark (714) 769-3800 See listing in this section; see ad on this page.




Paramount Village Skatepark (562) 220-2121 7718 Somerset Blvd. Santa Ana Skatepark (714) 571-4254 Centennial Regional Park, 3000 W. Edinger Ave. Simi Valley Skate Lab (805) 578-0040 Air-conditioned, indoor skatepark. On-site skate lots more fun at


Expires on 12/31/2015. Valid only at location listed above. Offer only valid on a scheduled RIDEMAKERZ Party. 5 or more guests are required to qualify for a Party. Coupon cannot be combined, bought, sold or exchanged for cash. Not valid online. Not valid on prior purchases or RIDEMONEY® gift cards. Not valid with any other offer. Local and state taxes, as applicable, are payable by bearer. Must present original coupon at time of purchase. Limit 1 coupon per person, per visit. Non transferable. Offer good while supplies last. Void where prohibited or restricted. Where required, cash value 1/100 of 1 cent.





For more information visit fall/winter 2014/15 • 59

school, skateboard museum and hall of fame. 4226 Valley Fair St. Westminster Liberty Park (714) 895-2860 13900 Monroe St. Whittier Skatepark (562) 567-9430 7630 Washington Ave. Start Your Own Skatepark KABOOM is an organization that will assist individuals in planning and building skateparks and playgrounds in “child-rich, playground-poor” neighborhoods. • Vans Skatepark 20 City Blvd. West, Orange (714) 769-3800 Vans Skatepark is a 40,000-square-foot facility featuring a full skate and BMX course for all skill levels, ages six and older. The location also houses a full Vans retail store and skate pro shop. Birthday party packages (see “Parties”), private lessons and skate camps (see “Camps”) are available. Vans Skatepark is open seven days a week from 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. (9 p.m. on Sundays). Please go to for more information. See ad on page 59.

skating & hockey Roller/ice skating and hockey classes, camps and leagues, plus skating rinks, skating paths and national referral agencies. Also see: “Skateboarding.” Boys and Girls Club Indoor hockey pick-up play (3-14) is available at most branches. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.

Woohoo Wednesday Give-Aways

Enter to Win

60 • fall/winter 2014/15

• East West Ice Palace 11446 Artesia Blvd., Artesia (562) 809-6200 Ice rink offers public skating, skating classes for kids (3+) and adults, freestyle sessions, in-house hockey, hockey classes, youth travel hockey league, adult hockey league, stick time and broomball. Competitive synchronized skating teams and classes also available. A collection of Michelle Kwan memorabilia is available in the gallery. Fitness center is open to the public and offers group exercise classes. Check website for details on ice schedule and events. Also see “Parties.” See ad on page 61.

• Holiday Skate Center 175 N. Wayfield Drive, Orange (714) 997-5515 Holiday Skate Center is one of the premier family fun entertainment centers in the Orange County area. They pride themselves on providing a clean, safe, friendly, and fun facility for your entire family. They offer skating for all ages, as well as birthday parties, private parties and fundraiser options (see “Parties”). Call today to book your event! See ad on page 61. Recreation Departments • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Ice Skating: Tot Beginning (4-6) and Beginning (714); four-week sessions, $41. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Skating clinics and peewee, Mommy and Me Ice Skating (3-6), and ice hockey (3-14). (562) 570-3100. Most city recreation departments offer ice/roller skating classes, and hockey classes and leagues. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. Roller Derby Los Angeles Junior Derby Dolls - Girls (7-17). 1910 W. Temple St., Los Angeles, (805) 218-9807, www. OC Roller Girls - Girls (8-18). (714) 847-9097, Skating Associations USA Roller Skating Association (317) 347-2626 National association provides referrals to coaches and rinks. USA Roller Sports Association (402) 483-7551 Provides information on competitions, including speed skating, hockey, figure skating, inline and roller derby. Skating Paths For paved trails/paths in Los Angeles and Orange counties, visit:

Hockey Associations Southern California Amateur Hockey Association Organization oversees an ice hockey league (6-18), September - March. Tryouts are usually in June; there are occasionally in-season openings.

• The Rinks Anaheim ICE (714) 535-RINK Huntington Beach Inline (714) 901-2629 Irvine Inline (949) 559-9949 Lakewood ICE (562) 429-1805 Westminster ICE (714) 248-9611 Yorba Linda ICE (714) 692-8776 Guests of all ages enjoy skating at The Rinks. With several daily public skating sessions, skate rentals and fullservice snack bars, they offer the coolest fun for you and your friends! Plus, The Rinks offer a variety of learn-toskate and hockey programs for all ages and skill levels. For skating session times, prices and class information, visit them online or call. Locations: 300 W. Lincoln Ave., Anaheim; 5555 McFadden Ave., Huntington Beach; 3150 Barranca Parkway, Irvine; 3975 Pixie Ave., Lakewood; 13071 Springdale, Westminster; and 23641 La Palma Ave., Yorba Linda. See ad on this page.

USA Hockey and USA Hockey Inline (719) 576-8724 National governing body offers referrals to local programs.

More Skating Rinks The following rinks offer roller or ice skating and hockey (3+), including classes, clinics, camps and leagues, lots more fun at

plus public and specialty skating sessions. Pick-up play and party packages may be available. Check websites for discounts. Also see East West Ice Palace, Holiday Skate Center and The Rinks in this section. Aliso Viejo Ice Palace (949) 643-9648 Skating and hockey (2½+). 9 Journey, Aliso Viejo. Fountain Valley Skating Center (714) 847-0022 Roller only. Family Night Saturday, 6-8:30 p.m.; and Sunday, 5-7:30 p.m. 9105 Recreation Circle. www. KHS Ice Arena (714) 422-1236 Hockey clubs, plus free four-week, learn-to-play hockey clinics throughout the year. 1000 E. Cerritos Ave., Anaheim. Lake Forest Ice Palace (949) 305-9658 Ice only. Figure skating and hockey available. 25821 Atlantic Ocean Drive, Lake Forest. Paramount Iceland (562) 633-1171 Ice only. Skating school, freestyle, broomball and hockey. 8041 Jackson St.

• Arena Soccer Parks 13631 Deodara Drive, GG (714) 890-0259 2190 N. Canal St., Orange (714) 974-1993 (888) 273-6248 (ARENA-4-U) Arena soccer leagues and classes for kids (4-17) and adults of all skill levels, plus Arena Soccer Stars program for little ones (18 mos-9 yrs). Rental times are also available for parties (see “Parties”) or practicing in their large and small arenas. Open seven days a week. See ad on this page.

Indoor and outdoor soccer leagues, clinics, classes and camps. • Alpert JCC Mini Kickers 3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach (562) 426-7601, Ext. 1035 Mini Kickers is a developmental soccer program for boys and girls ages 2-6 years old. The program starts September 8th and is held on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:40-3:20 p.m. and 3:20-4 p.m. Register at Email kbrimacombe@ for more information.

• Public Session • Skating School • Party Packages • Figure Skating & Private Lessons • California Wave Youth Hockey • Adult Hockey League • Fitness Center • Group Exercise Classes • Broomball • Private Ice Rental

Soccer Associations The following associations offer boys’ and girls’ leagues (4-19), camps and special-needs programs. American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO), (800) 872-2976,; and California Youth Soccer Association, (714) 778-2972, www.

Boys and Girls Club Indoor soccer pick-up play (3-14) is available at most branches. Some locations offer leagues. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Recreation Departments and Colleges • Cypress College, Kids’ College - Pee Wee Soccer (4-8) offered year round; six-week sessions, $50. (714) 808-4909. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Kidz Love Soccer; six-week sessions, $41. (562) 8669771, Ext. 2408. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Biddy Soccer (2-5), Soccer Techniques and Teamwork (5-6), Soccer Skills and Scrimmages (7-10), Mini Kickers (2-5), Mommy and Me (2-3½), Tot (3-4) and Pre-Soccer (4-6); eight-week sessions, $108+. Futsal (5-17); six-week sessions, $95. (562) 570-3100.


Most city recreation departments offer leagues/clinics. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information.

175 N. Wayfield, Orange • (714) 997-5515 Public Sessions Birthday Parties Private Parties Fundraisers Skating Classes Video Games Snack Bar Skate Shop Group Discounts


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fall/winter 2014/15 • 61

Soccer Centers Also see Arena Soccer Parks listed in this section. Deft Touch Soccer Center - 3842 Catalina St., Los Alamitos, (562) 354-7592; and 7680 Talbert Ave., Unit H, Huntington Beach, (714) 848-4625. LA Galaxy Soccer Center - 540 Maple Ave., Torrance. (888) 576-2237. Misty-Mae Treanor Sports Center (MMTSC) 14522 Myford Road, Irvine. (714) 389-7900. www. Signal Hill Soccer Indoor Center -1138 E. Willow St., Signal Hill. (562) 209-8498. Surf City Futsal - 16091 Gothard St., Huntington Beach. (714) 274-5120. YMCA Indoor soccer teams: Anaheim (3-6) and WeingartLakewood. Fullerton, Laguna Niguel, Newport-Mesa and Santa Ana offer soccer classes. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.

special needs Referral agencies, support groups and activities. Programs listed throughout Kidsguide are often open to those with special needs. Family Resources and Referrals Comprehensive directories and/or referrals are available for parents of children with special needs through the following agencies: Family Support Network, (714) 447-3301,; Family Resource Center at Miller Children’s Hospital, (800) 636-6742; Harbor Regional Center, (310) 5401711,; Help Me Grow, (866) 4769025,; Regional Center of OC, (714) 796-5100,; Team of Advocates for Special Kids (TASK), (866) 828-8275,; and Life Without Limits, (949) 3336400, • Foreign Languages Academy and Tutoring Services (714) 504-0235 Foreign Languages Academy and Tutoring Services specializes in working with students (K-12 and college level) with special needs. They cover all academic subjects as well as foreign language tutoring. Try a demo class today! Also see “Academics and Tutoring” and “Languages.” • Kelly Summer Music Therapy Studio Long Beach (562) 833-6444 Music therapy for children with developmental

disabilities is offered with Kelly Summer Music Therapy Studio. Music therapy is the clinical and evidenced-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic environment. Music therapy can help your child to reach educational/IEP goals, improve communication, improve gross/fine motor skills, express feelings, and improve emotional and affective development. Also see “Music.” See ad on page 40. Learning Disabilities and Autism Programs Information and resource organizations for autism, dyslexia and ADD/ADHD. Autism Behavior Services, (855) 581-0100,; Autism Society of America, (800) 328-8476, www.; Autism Speaks, (888) 288-4762,; Dyslexia Foundation, (941) 807-0499,; Dyslexia Resources,; International Dyslexia Association, (410) 296-0232,; Learning Disabilities Association, (909) 621-1494, www.; National Resource Center on ADHD, (800) 233-4050,; and TACA, Talk About Curing Autism, (949) 640-4401, • Pretend City Children’s Museum 29 Hubble, Irvine (949) 428-3900 Special events are offered monthly for families with children whose developmental abilities fall on the Autism Spectrum. These events allow children and their parents/caretakers to play in an autism-friendly environment along with other families. Also see “Calendar” and “Museums.” See ad on page 21. • Rancho Rio Verde 1000 W. Carson St., Long Beach (310) 830-2060, (714) 624-5754 Special-need students of all ages can participate in a vaulting program (gymnastics on horseback); Mondays, 2-7 p.m. No experience necessary. See ad on page 34. Special Olympics Sports training and competition for children (8+) with intellectual disabilities. Competitive divisions based on age and performance; everyone may participate regardless of ability. Visit their website for locations. Recreation Departments Most cities offer special-needs programs. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information.

sports, miscellaneous Unique sports that do not fit into Kidsguide’s traditional categories. Disc Golf The following parks offer courses for disc golf.

62 • fall/winter 2014/15

Most courses are open daily until sunset. Cerritos, Liberty Park, nine-basket course, (562) 9168565; Huntington Beach, Central Park, 18-basket course, disc rental available, (714) 425-9931; Irvine, Deerfield Park, nine-basket course, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., free disk rental, (949) 724-6725; and Long Beach, 18-basket course, El Dorado Park West, (562) 570-3225. Lacrosse Beach Cities Youth Lacrosse - Girls and boys (grades 3-8). Serves Los Alamitos, Cypress, Seal Beach, Long Beach and surrounding areas. www. US Lacrosse - Find local teams and leagues, plus information about the sport. (410) 235-6882. www. Rock Climbing Indoor climbing facilities that offer classes, camps and party packages. Boys and Girls Club Buena Park offers a rock wall climbing and instruction program (6-18). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Cal State Fullerton’s Rockwall (657) 278-7529 Family Climbs, call for days and times. www.asi. ClimbX Indoor Rock Climbing (714) 843-9919 Kids’ climbing club also offered. 18411 Gothard St. Unit 1, Huntington Beach. Funtopia at Sender One (714) 881-3386 Climbing-themed challenges. 1441 S. Village Way, Santa Ana. Hangar 18 2599 E. Willow St., Signal Hill, (562) 981-3200; and 23812 Via Fabricante, Ste. A4, Mission Viejo, (949) 454-8043. Rockcity Climbing Center (714) 777-4884 Ropes course and zip line also available. 5100 E. La Palma St., Ste. 108, Anaheim. Rockreation Sport Climbing Center (714) 556-ROCK 1300 Logan Ave., Costa Mesa. Southern California Youth Rugby Youth rugby for boys and girls (grades K-12) in LA and Orange counties. USA Badminton Visit the website for local club contacts. USA Cricket Association (561) 839-1888 Referrals to regional coaches, youth leagues and teams. USA Curling Resources and referrals to camps and leagues, plus lots more fun at

a junior merit program. Local OC Curling Club in Westminster, USA Field Hockey Find local teams and leagues. USA Table Tennis USATT-affiliated table tennis clubs offer training, tournaments and camps. Visit the website for local club contact information.

stem Science, technology, engineering and math classes, camps and related destinations. Also see: “Academics and Tutoring,” “Attractions,” “Camps,” “Museums” and “Zoos.” For nature-related science camps and classes, see Nature Centers listed under “Recreation and Parks.” AIAA OC Rocketry List of local organizations that sponsor launches in Southern California, some also offer clubs and workshops to educate students about rocketry. Plus, information about robotics and NASA education. • Aquarium of the Pacific 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach (562) 590-3100 The Aquarium offers numerous year-round programs: Aqua Tots (ages 2-3, with parent), $40; Saturday Family Fun (ages 4-6, with parent), $40; Junior Biologist (ages 7-12), $29; Job Shadow (grades 7-12), $39; Seals and Sea Lions/Sea Otter/ Penguin Encounter (ages 10+), and Shark Encounter (ages 13+), $109. Whale watching (in season) and family sleepovers are also offered. Hour-long, behind-the-scenes tours (ages 7+) offer a look at running a world-class aquarium, $19 (plus admission). Pre-registration is required for all programs. Ocean exploration is available for school field trips, with hands-on, grade-specific programs. Member discounts are available. See “Attractions” for more information. See ad on page 13: coupon on page 68. • Blue Submarine (888) 218-8085 The Blue Submarine is a marine biology outreach program offering classes and activities for students pre-K through 8th grade. Topics are presented in an interactive format and live tidepool animals are available for certain classes. Let The Blue Submarine take your students on a field trip to the beach without leaving school! English/Spanish bilingual programs available. For more information, call the number listed above. See ad on page 46.

mental programs. Costa Mesa features a STEM program. Huntington Valley offers math and science programs. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. Cabrillo Marine Aquarium 3720 Stephen M. White Drive, San Pedro (310) 548-7562 Ongoing science programs include tours, marine science workshops, ocean outreach classes and annual events. Programs also include youth docents (grades 7-12), Sea Rangers (grades 5+) and Sea Clubs (grades K-6). California Science Center 700 Exposition Park Drive, Los Angeles (323) 724-3623 Permanent exhibits include Ecosystems, Air and Space, World of Life and Creative World. Separate tickets needed for the Shuttle Endeavor and Pompeii exhibit. Free admission (excludes IMAX and special paid exhibits). Parking, $10. • Columbia Memorial Space Center 12400 Columbia Way, Downey (562) 321-1200 Hands-on learning center that is dedicated to bringing the wonder and excitement of space science to children of all ages. It also serves as the national memorial for the Space Shuttle Columbia’s seven crew members, lost in 2003. The 20,000-square-foot visitor center is equipped with not only amazing technology and visual teaching exhibits, it is constantly holding classes and workshops (see “Calendar”). The Space Center also hosts the only Challenger Learning Center in the greater Los Angeles area where you can: “Return to the Moon,” “Rendezvous With a Comet,” or go on a “Voyage to Mars,” and experience the reallife excitement of working in Mission Control or in the Spacecraft; available for field trips, team-building exercises and parties of 16 or more. Tuesday - Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Sunday and Monday. $5 per person (3+). Also see “Attractions,” “Calendar,” “Parties” and “Museums.” See ad on page 15. Computer Classes and Use Apple Computer Classes and Camps - Apple stores offer free computer workshops (5+) teaching the basics of Macs and their software. Classes fill quickly. Some stores also offer camps and field trips for schools and groups. Brea, (714) 255-5610; Cerritos, (562) 356-1555; Costa Mesa, (714) 424-6331; Newport Beach, (949) 729-4433; Irvine, (949) 2551500; and Mission Viejo, (949) 325-6426. www.

Planting Seeds Program Activites, education and support for families. Come play, learn and grow with us!

Family Education & Enrichment Center 5580 E. 2nd St. Ste. 101 Long Beach 562.439.3425 Boys and Girls Club - Computer instruction and use (5+) is available at most branches. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • Cypress College, Kids’ College - Computer Keyboarding (8+), Microsoft Word, Power Point and Excel (9+), Photoshop Magic (grades 4-8), Adventures in Web Page Creations (grades 4-6), and Intro to Computer Animation and Games (grades 5-8). (714) 808-4909. • Discovery Cube See listings in “Museums” for information about Discovery Cube Orange County and Discovery Cube Los Angeles. See ad on back inside cover. ExplorOcean 600 East Bay Ave., Newport Beach (949) 675-8915 Enjoy hands-on activities from mapping the ocean floor to manning an ROV. Plus, visit the Ocean Literacy Center, Innovation Lab and Touch Tank. Griffith Observatory 2800 E. Observatory Road, Los Angeles (213) 473-0800 The observatory offers astronomy exhibits, a planetarium, a theater featuring shows and news programs, plus a high-powered refracting telescope and three solar telescopes. Free monthly Star Parties are offered throughout the year.

Boys and Girls Club Buena Park and Tustin offers a variety of environlots more fun at

fall/winter 2014/15 • 63

Jet Propulsion Laboratory (818) 354-1260 Various science clubs, tours, programs and competitions, plus web activities and resources for kids. Open house: October 11 and 12, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. in Pasadena. • Mad Science (714) 668-9174 Mad Science is the world’s leading “fun” science provider, and they are on a mission to spark the imagination of children everywhere, with exciting, live, interactive programs that instill a clear understanding of what science is really all about. They are proud to offer a large selection of after-school, summer and preschool programs, as well as workshops, special events and birthday parties. All of their programs are led by highly qualified instructors using unique equipment, and are performed at the location of your choice. Also see “Camps” and “Parties.” See ad on page 49. Ocean Institute 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point (949) 496-2274 Interactive exhibits, marine life, touch tanks and ecology cruises, plus presentations and Sunday tours aboard the tallship Pilgrim. Odyssey of the Mind (856) 256-2797 Groups purchase a membership and form small teams (grades K-college) to solve competitive problems. Teams work on solutions throughout the school year and present them in spring competitions. Recreation Departments and Colleges • Cypress College, Kids’ College - Workshops include: Chemistry for Young Scientists (grades 1-3), Sea Animal Adventures (grades 1-2), Jammin’ Chemistry (grades 3-5), Designing with Science (grades 4-6), Science Explorers (grades 2-4), Toy Factory (grades 2-4), Fun with Magnets (grades 2-6), Popping, Colliding and Flashy Physics (grades 3-6), Awesome Air and Water Pressure (grades 3-6), Shockingly Fun Electronics (grades 4-6), Hands-on Biology (grades 7-10), and LEGO Robotics (ages 8-12). (714) 808-4909. Many city recreation departments offer science classes, workshops and camps. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. Robotics Kids use robot kits and programming to study STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). Also see Shared Science in this section. BrainStorm Studios - Minecraft and Lego workshops also offered. 31105 Rancho Viejo Road, Ste. C8, San Juan Capistrano. Digital Revolution - Lego Robotics classes and workshops for kids and teens. 4242 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach. (562) 595-9454.

64 • fall/winter 2014/15

Mathobotix - 1000 Roosevelt, Ste. 200, Irvine, (949) 857-1419; and 10900 Los Alamitos Blvd., Ste. 111, Los Alamitos, (562) 594-5000. Robotis Kidslab - Lessons, classes and walk-in workshops (6-12). 1 Technology Drive, Ste. F213, Irvine. (949) 336-8566. • Shared Science (562) 522-0595 Kids engineer fun through inventive and playful classes, camps and competitive robotics. “Crazy Constructors” classes combine LEGO Ed with simple machines and physical science concepts that captivate K-5 brains. In “Creative Computing” kids use Scratch to learn beginning programming concepts, create animations, and build games. For kids grades 4-9, they offer robot programming and mission design, putting fun mathematics to work. Kids can join one of their sponsored FIRST LEGO League robotics teams. Greater Long Beach locations. Also see “Camps” and “Parties.” See ad on page 63.

Tutoring (grades 7+), Pre-Calculus (grades 10+), Calculus (grades 10+), Improve Your Reading and Writing (grades 7-10), Intensive Writing Camp (grades 7+), Grammar for Successful Grades (grades 7+), Introduction to American Poetry (grades 7-12), Famous Short Stories (grades 7-12), Photoshop for Teens (grades 9-12), Teen Baking Camp (13+), Dance Performance Camp (grades 9-12), Jazz Hip-Hop Dance, LEGO Robotics (ages 13-17), Engineering of Aerospace (ages 13-17) and Engineering of Cities (ages 13-17). Classes offered at Anaheim, Cypress and Fullerton Centers. (714) 808-4909. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine Teen Centers - Teen classes include: Driver’s Ed (1519), Elements of Narrative Writing (12-16), SAT Prep and Test Strategies (13-18) and Argumentative Essay (12-17). The following parks offer teen centers featuring a variety of activities on a drop-in basis, free of charge. Centers are open weekdays, 3-7 p.m. Call parks for a schedule. California Recreation Center, (562) 570-1606; Chavez Park, (562) 570-8890; Houghton Park, (562) 570-1640; and Silverado Park, (562) 5701675.


• Lakewood Youth Center - Teen Scene, (562) 4297472. Teen Resource Center at Bloomfield Park (562) 865-1717.

Resources and activities geared specifically for teens. Also see your area of interest as teen activities are listed throughout Kidsguide.

Most recreation departments offer teen classes, events and centers. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information.

Boys and Girls Clubs Most branches offer teen centers and/or programs that typically include games, movies, field trips, community service activities and tutoring. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.

Teen Volunteer The following organizations offer volunteer programs for teens: Assisteens (grades 7-12), www.; Casa Youth Shelter Youth Development Program, peer-support program, (800) 914-2272,; and Rancho Los Cerritos, (562) 570-1755, www.rancholoscerritos. org. For a variety of volunteer opportunities, visit www.

Camp Fire 1505 E. Seventeenth St., Ste. 118, Santa Ana (714) 547-5200 Sharing Healthy Adolescent and Parent Experiences (S.H.A.P.E.) classes are designed to educate preteens (9-12 and 13-16) and their parents about issues such as puberty, personal hygiene, self-esteem and peer pressure. Smart Choices is a life-skills program for middle schoolers that focuses on personal values, selfesteem, peer pressure, decision-making, goal setting, friendship, communication and healthy relationships. A Gift of Giving is a community-based service-learning program. Camp Money $mart is an education program which focuses on teaching teens the importance of financial responsibility. Classes are fee-based. Recreation Departments and Colleges Cerritos College - SAT/PSAT Preparation (grades 1012). (562) 467-5050.

Toastmasters International Youth Leadership (949) 858-8255 Chairmanship, public speaking, listening and vocabulary development for teens (11-18).

tennis Lessons, camps, leagues and teams. For table tennis, see “Sports, Miscellaneous.”

Claire Trevor School of the Arts at UCI - Saturday academies for middle and high schoolers include dance, drama, digital filmmaking and sound design. (949) 8248976.

Recreation Departments and College • Cypress College, Kids’ College - Beginning to advanced tennis (6+) and QuickStart Junior Tennis for Beginners (5-8); six-week sessions, year round, $55. (714) 808-4909.

• Cypress College, Kids’ College - Teen Ballroom Dancing, Clothing Construction (grades 7-12), Fashion Illustration (12+), Algebra and Geometry

• Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Classes (4+); three to eight-week sessions, $44-162. (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. lots more fun at

• Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Clinics and classes. (562) 570-3100. Most recreation departments offer tennis programs. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. • Southern California Tennis Academy 2800 Studebaker Road, Long Beach (562) 704-2241 Academy Director Mitch Bridge and USC Mens’ Head Coach Peter Smith, both LBSU alums, run the SC Tennis Academy, complete with an elite-level boarding academy, high performance after-school program and a developmental after-school program for the beginner - intermediate players (ages 5-16). Weekly Holiday Camps (ages 5-16) are also offered during winter, spring and summer vacation. Instruction is provided by USPTA-certified teaching professionals with college-playing experience. All kids are taught competitive technical and mental skills while training in a fun and challenging environment. Be a part of the tennis wave hitting Long Beach/Los Alamitos. See ad on this page. Southern California Tennis Association (310) 208-3838 Programs for players (10-18), including teams, clinics and tournaments. Scholarships available. Visit their website to find youth tennis programs and leagues.

theater arts Classes, camps and performing groups. Also see: “Calendar,” “Camps,” “Dance” and “Music” for related activities. • Acting Out (562) 901-0111 Save your “drama” for camp! This weeklong, school-break camp celebrates creativity through drama skills workshops, ensemble building and a whole lot of fun. Activities include improv, scene study, stage combat, costumes, props, movement, voice over, monologue and dance. Every child gets their chance to shine at the end of the week with a showcase in front of a live studio audience made up of family and friends. Email: Boys and Girls Club Cypress offers TNT Drama Matters (grades 3+). Huntington Valley offer acting classes as well as ClubHouse Theatre (8-18) and Glee (7+). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information. • Fullerton Children’s Repertory Theater 2500 East Nutwood Ave., Fullerton (714) 671-1084 Offers two shows per year that are led by a professional, paid staff. Children (grades 5-8) play all roles; former members, now teenagers, act lots more fun at

as technical crew. Membership in the company is by audition, with permanent status obtained after one show. A unique aspect of FCRT’s productions is that all students are assigned lines and parts rather than being part of just a chorus. Additionally, every third summer, the troupe has traveled to perform a musical revue of American Broadway song and dance to Japan, parts of Europe and Australia. For over 25 years, Fullerton Children’s Repertory Theater has truly been a family experience. See ad on this page. • Musical Theatre Academy of Orange County 3935 Birch St., Newport Beach (949) 955-3737 For over 30 years, Musical Theatre Academy of Orange County (MTA), a 501(c)3 nonprofit group, has been providing the youth of our community an in-

Fullerton Children’s Repertory Theater January 8-17, 2015

novative performing arts education program that not only nurtures their talents in music and theater but also develops their abilities to excel in school and life. As a result, more than 2,000 boys and girls (418) have benefited from their program. In offering youth a special opportunity to explore and enjoy the arts through live theatre performances, MTA is helping them to develop the imagination, confidence and important life skills they will need in order to better understand themselves and the world around them. Upcoming productions include Peter Pan, Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr., and Les Miserables, School Edition. See ad on this page. • Pacific Conservatory, Music & Arts Education Costa Mesa and Orange (714) 545-1217 Students in musical theater vocal and/or perfor-

See what a


Jan. 9-11 Jan. 16-17

Kids in Grades 5-8, Play All Roles!


Travel opportunities! Produced by a professional staff.

Rehearsals at Hope International University

(714) 671-1084

949.955.3737 3935 Birch St. Newport Beach


23-25 29-31



fall/winter 2014/15 • 65

Gourmet Food Prepared Fresh in Front of Your Guests on Antique Style Food Carts. See our ad & listing on pages 47 & 48.

theatre is a way to bond families and unite our diverse community through this collaborative art form. All who enroll and complete the training are guaranteed a role in the show. Upcoming performances include Honk! The musical tale of the Ugly Duckling and a Spring show TBD (see “Calendar”). See ad on page 67.

Call (310) 578-2278 (CART)

More Youth Theater Production Programs Also see additional theater arts programs listed in this section.

Let’s Have A Cart Party! Order 2 Carts and Get the 3rd Cart FREE.

Acting Academy for Kids - Classes in musical theater, acting, voice and dance (4+). Camino Real Playhouse, 31776 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano. (714) 747-4915.

Biola Youth Theater - Open auditions for all productions (6-18). 14540 San Cristobal Drive, La Mirada. (562) 906-4574.

Complimentary Infant Exam Under Age 2

Broadway on Tour Children’s Theatre - Open auditions for all productions. 625 French St., Santa Ana. (714) 542-6939.

245 N. Glassell St., Orange • 714.538.5582 mance classes experience the thrill of performing scenes from Broadway musicals. Students focus on scripts, acting and stage directions in addition to vocal technique, stage presence and choreography. Classes are year round with three to four showcases per year. Call today to schedule your complimentary class. See “Camps” for theater classes during school vacations. See ad on page 41. • PBNE Films (714) 316-8826 Orange County’s premier production company is now auditioning children and young adults ages 5-17 for the Acting Academy! Classes are limited to only 10 students per class. At PBNE Films Acting Academy students will learn and fully understand every aspect of acting and performing arts so that they can successfully become aware of what it takes to succeed in this challenging business, while learning and perfecting their performing skills. PBNE Films is currently producing both a full length independent film and a full length Broadway musical. Come and be a part of the PBNE experience! See ad on page 45. Recreation Departments and Colleges • Cypress College, Kids’ College - Musical Theater (7+); year-round, six-week sessions, $50. (714) 808-4909. Some city recreation departments offer theater arts programs. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information.

• Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts 9390 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills (310) 746-4000 In late fall of 2014, The Wallis begins a year-round program of professional theater classes and workshops for young people (8-18), with classrooms located in what used to house the Historic Beverly Hills Post Office. Drawing from the rich talent of Los Angeles’ local entertainment industry, a faculty of professionals and theater educators serve as the directors and teachers of the program providing a diverse curriculum of the arts. The school will offer exciting, unique opportunities for students to study with guest artists appearing on the main stage, as well as in the Lovelace Studio Theater, which is located in the original mail sorting room. Unique and engaging child-oriented performances occur throughout the year, ideal for a young person’s first theater experience (see “Calendar”). See ad on back cover. • YaYa’s Performance Academy (562) 355-2004 YaYa’s Performance Academy is a youth- and familybased program that provides the community with the opportunity to actively participate in and explore the art of musical theatre in a safe, positive and nurturing environment. They strive to keep the performing arts alive at the local level by producing high-quality productions and by training participants in singing, acting and dancing. They welcome participants of all backgrounds, abilities and levels of experience, and believe


Long Beach & Bellflower Locations (562) 426-6264 Limit 1 per student • Exp 3/15/15

See our ad & listings on pages 54 and 57. 66 • fall/winter 2014/15

$30 OFF Registration New Students Only

Buena Park Youth Theatre - Productions for kids in grades 4-12 (limited programs for ages 5-8). 8150 Knott Ave., Buena Park. (714) 562-3860. California Arts Center at OCSA - Musical theatre training and audition technique classes (grades 4+). 1010 N. Main St., Santa Ana. (714) 560-0900, Ext. 5630. Children Theatre of Long Beach - Open auditions for productions, plus a drama club. (562) 999-4691. Creative Kids Playhouse Children’s Theatre of Orange County - Musical theater programs for kids (3-14). GO-FAME - Acting, musical theater, show choir and stage craft (8-18). Productions throughout the year. 3960 N. Studebaker Road, Unit 106, Long Beach. (562) 884-7077. Laguna Playhouse Youth Theater - Kids classes (617), Acting, Musical Theatre and Conservatory (10+). 606 Laguna Canyon Road. (949) 497-2787, Ext. 202. Musical Theatre Orange County - Open auditions for productions where kids are cast with seasoned actors. Rehearsals in Orange. (714) 637-0186. Musical Theatre West - Year-round classes and summer conservatory (7-18). 4350 E. 7th St., Long Beach. (562) 856-1999, Ext. 232. MYART (Musical Youth Artists Repertory Theatre) Classes culminating in productions. 4431 Corporate Center, Ste. 125, Los Alamitos. (800) 400-2985. Mysterium Theater - Youth programs including summer camp (7+). Plus, theater for young audiences. 19211 Dodge Ave., Santa Ana. (714) 5053454. lots more fun at

Orange County Children’s Theatre - Auditions open to kids ages 5 and up. Rehearsal locations vary. (714) 502-2244. The Kids Theater Company - Productions and workshops for kids (grades K-8). (562) 209-1894. The Theatre Guild and Southeast Civic Light Opera Children’s repertory and classes (7-17). Open auditions, call for dates and times. (714) 827-9141. Arnold Cypress Park, 8611 Watson St., Cypress.

offered at this resale shop. Items are gently used and in very good condition. Contact them about their buying program for cash or store credit! They also offer an exclusive shopping event for the whole family every other month (see “Calendar”). Also see “Clothing.” See ad on page 24.

track & field Instructional clinics, clubs and meets.


Boys and Girls Clubs Buena Park and Huntington Valley offer running clubs (5+). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.

Educational toys available through resale shops and a toy lending center.

Recreation Department and College Classes CSULB - Clinics (8+) year round. Email: asythe@csulb. edu. (562) 618-1020.

• Belmont Kidz, Children’s Consignment Boutique 2734 E. Broadway, Long Beach (562) 433-9151 As the premier source for upscale, gently-used children’s items, Belmont Kidz Boutique offers new and resale toys, clothing, shoes, books and baby equipment for infants, toddlers, girls and boys. And, because they’re “recycling” gentlyused products, they’re also helping the environment. For a consignment appointment, please call ahead. See “Clothing” for details. See ad on page 23. • Children’s Home Society’s Educational Resource Lending Library Long Beach (562) 256-7490 Orange County (714) 543-2273 Educational Resource Lending Library at Children’s Home Society of California offers a toy loan for all ages, where toys are loaned for up to four weeks. 249 E. Ocean Blvd., Ste. 300, Long Beach; and 333 South Anita Drive, Ste. 350, Orange. See ad on page 23. • Kidz Head 2 Toe 5467 E. Carson St., Long Beach (562) 627-5438 Kidz Head 2 Toe is the largest children’s resale shop in Long Beach. They specialize in gentlyused name-brand fashions and accessories for boys and girls, infant through size 8. They also have a large selection of baby gear, transports, toys, books and handmade accessories. Contact them for more information about selling your gently-used clothing, toys and baby equipment. See ad on page 25. • Oh Very Young 4378 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach (562) 492-6200 Large selection of carefully curated pre-loved toys, books, gear, handmade goods and more is lots more fun at

• Lakewood Recreation and Community Services Youth clinics (6-15). (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. www. Triathlon and Running Clubs Resources for kids’ fun runs, and running and triathlon clubs: Girls on the Run,; Road Runners Club of America,; and Running in the USA, For a calendar of fun runs, go to USA Track and Field Association (562) 941-2621 Referrals to youth track clubs and competitions. YMCA Newport-Mesa offers Track and Field (5-12). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.


Capistrano and other cities are available from local stations in Anaheim, Fullerton, Irvine and Santa Ana. Kids (2-15) ride half-price every day; two discounts per paying adult. Infants under 2 ride free on laps. Metro-Railway (323) 466-3876 Trains run daily and frequently, 4 a.m. - 1 a.m. The website features a trip planner to help plot routes to and from popular family destinations.

Train rides and travel, plus train museums.

Train Museums and Rides The following locations offer exhibits of working, model and replica locomotives, cabooses and trolleys, and/or rides and party packages.

Amtrak One-Day Train Rides (800) 872-7245 Short day-trips to Los Angeles, San Diego, San Juan

Angels Flight Railway - The shortest railway in the world. Connects 351 South Hill St. and 350 Grand Ave. Open daily, 6:45 a.m. - 10 p.m. 50¢. (213) 6261901.

$165 Value

Two Weeks FREE

Baseball Specific Training with coupon code KGQuakes Email to redeem coupon

See listing on page 16.

Exp. 3-15-15

25332 Jeronimo Road, Lake Forest • • fall/winter 2014/15 • 67

volunteering Local volunteer opportunities, plus web resources.

El Dorado Park Express Railroad - El Dorado Regional Park, Long Beach. (562) 824-7725. www. Fillmore & Western Railway - Themed train rides including holiday rides and Mystery Murder Trains. 364 Main St., Fillmore. (805) 524-2546. Griffith Park - Travel Town Museum, (800) 438-1297, Ext. 806,; and Griffith Park and Southern Railroad, (800) 438-1297, Ext. 805. www. Irvine Park Railroad at Irvine Regional Park - 1 Irvine Park Road, Orange. (714) 997-3968. www. Lomita Railroad Museum - 2137 W. 250th St., Lomita. (310) 326-6255. Los Angeles Live Steamers Railroad Museum Griffith Park - 5202 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles. (323) 6628030. Orange County Model Engineers - Free train rides conducted on the third weekend of each month, 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.; donations welcomed. Fairview Park, 2480 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa. (949) 54-TRAIN. Orange Empire Railway Museum - Demonstrations, tours and rides. 2201 South A St., Perris. (951) 9433020. Heritage Park Train Exhibit - Climbable engine, caboose and engineer equipment, plus a museum. 12100 Mora Drive, Santa Fe Springs. (562) 9466476. Ports O’ Call Village - Waterfront Red Car 1½-mile vintage trolley line connecting the World Cruise Center with attractions along the San Pedro waterfront. Friday - Sunday, noon - 9 p.m., $1 (unlimited rides for the day). San Pedro. (310) 732-7678. Santa Ana Zoo at Prentice Park - Train is inside the zoo. 1801 E. Chestnut Ave., Santa Ana. (714) 836-4000. San Diego - San Diego Model Railroad Museum, features a large model railroad display and train memorabilia, (619) 696-0199,

68 • fall/winter 2014/15

Boys and Girls Club Most locations offer pick-up play (6+). See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.

• Junior League of Long Beach 3515 Linden Ave., Long Beach (562) 989-6400 Women’s charitable organization focusing on the welfare of children in Long Beach and the surrounding communities. Junior League of Long Beach is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. Members support community impact programs serving issue areas of self-esteem, including anti-bullying and childhood obesity. Informational meetings are held in the late summer and early winter for women interested in membership; visit the website for details. See ad on page 43.

Recreation Departments and Colleges • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine - Indoor Volleyball (10-17); four-week session, $16. (562) 5703100.

Volunteer Searches The following websites offer a search to find volunteer opportunities for kids and families: and

Balboa Park Miniature Railroad, a three-minute, half-mile trip on a model train, (619) 239-4748,

volleyball Instruction, leagues and club teams.

Many city recreation departments offer leagues and/ or clinics. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. • United States Youth Volleyball League (888) 988-7985 USYVL provides an eight-week instructional youth volleyball league for boys and girls, ages 7-15. This is a great opportunity for children to learn and play volleyball in a fun and positive environment. Every site has a volleyball instructor (clinician) who guides the volunteer coaches and the players in a structured teaching method to ensure participants are developing proper volleyball skills. USVL offers many locations in Orange County, including: Aliso Viejo, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Laguna Niguel, Lake Forest, Mission Viejo and San Clemente. See ad on page 69. Volleyball Associations Calif. Beach Volleyball Association (800) 350-2282 Boys’ and girls’ (18 and under) beach volleyball tournaments; four age divisions, all levels. So. California Volleyball Assoc. (714) 917-3595 Club indoor volleyball teams for boys and girls (1018). YMCA Downey offers indoor volleyball (11-14). Fullerton and Laguna Niguel (8-16) offer volleyball classes. See “Youth and Family Groups” for contact information.

youth & family groups Groups offering activities, camps and/or child care. Also see: your area of interest, as youth group activities are listed throughout Kidsguide. 4-H Youth Development Program (626) 586-1971, (714) 708-1612 Los Angeles and Orange County programs (5-19) offer guidance in good citizenship, leadership and life skills through projects and community service. Big Brothers, Big Sisters Local branches of the national organization match boys and girls with adult mentors who provide friendship and guidance. Volunteers are extensively screened. Catholic Big Brothers offers bilingual, deaf and hearing-challenged programs. Free. Greater LA County

(213) 481-3611

Orange County

(714) 544-7773

Catholic Big Brothers

(213) 251-9800

lots more fun at

Jewish Big Brothers

(323) 456-1157

Boy Scouts Long Beach Area Council (562) 427-0911 Orange County Council (714) 546-4990, Cub Scouts (grades 1-5) and Boy Scouts (grades 6-12) participate in a variety of activities and earn badges. Cub Scouts tie knots, set up a tent, cook at a campfire, build a birdhouse, visit the fire station, build a pinewood derby car and more. Summer day camp is also offered. Boy Scouts provide leadership and citizenship training through outdoor activities such as kayaking, fishing, competitive events, hiking and more. Career-based exploring programs are offered for young men and women (14-21), such as fire fighting, law enforcement and animal care services. Annual registration fees apply. Boys and Girls Club Supervised activities (5 or 6-18) after school and during school vacations (see “Camps”), including crafts, field trips, homework help, career development, dance classes, sports, teen programs, leadership groups, clubs, community service, and beforeand after-school care. Some branches offer meals and/or snacks. Continuous enrollment; scholarships are available for qualifying families.

Fountain Valley (714) 531-2582 ClubHouse Academy (714) 593-0753, Huntington Beach also offers two preschool child development centers: Robert Mayer Child Development Preschool at Goldenwest College, 15744 Goldenwest St., (714) 899-5900; and Learning Center Preschool, 17565 Los Alamos St., (714) 593-0753. Irvine

(949) 551-8214

Anaheim C.V. Taormina (714) 491-3617 J Mac Extension (714) 350-2617 Schweitzer Elementary (714) 527-3390 W. Anaheim Youth Center (714) 761-2422 Langhorst (714) 204-9309

Long Beach Admin. Office (562) 595-5945 Cowan/Washington (562) 591-1133 Eastman/Fairfield (562) 428-9188 Wallace/Petrolane (562) 599-2916 Fairfield/Westside (562) 435-1621

Buena Park (714) 522-7259

Newport Beach (949) 640-6650

Costa Mesa West Side (949) 631-7724 Lou Yantorn (Upper Bay) (949) 642-8372

Santa Ana

Cypress (714) 527-2697 Fullerton Commonwealth School (714) 871-5428 Richman (714) 992-2933 Valencia Park (714) 992-1912 Garden Grove ACRHES (714) 532-7940 Clinton Branch (714) 537-8833 School IMPACT (714) 530-5399 Edgar Branch (714) 898-5254 Family Campus Preschool (714) 741-0970 Family and Youth Outreach Program (714) 741-5895 Main Branch (714) 537-1465 Patton Branch (714) 893-0649 Stanford Branch (714) 539-8380 Huntington Valley Huntington Beach (714) 374-2600 lots more fun at

(714) 543-7212

Stanton (714) 891-0740 Tustin (714) 838-5223 Special needs inclusion, teen leadership and legal awareness programs are available. Westminster (714) 379-0097 Whittier Main Clubhouse (562) 945-3787 Camp Fire 7070 E. Carson St., Long Beach (562) 421-2725 1505 E. 17th St., #118, Santa Ana (714) 547-5200, Long Beach Area Council - Programs include small club/groups, camping, arts and service programs. Orange County Council - Kids and teens can participate in community service opportunities. Afterschool clubs and camps are available for participating school districts; some open enrollment may be offered.

Girl Scouts Greater Los Angeles/Long Beach (888) 474-5248 Orange County (800) 979-9444, Girls (5-17) participate in projects in arts, science, community awareness, health, safety, nature study, leadership and career exploration. Choose from many flexible ways to participate, including troops, camps, travel and events. Continuous registration; $12 annual fee. Local adult volunteers are needed to form new troops. Girls Inc. of Orange County 1815 Anaheim Ave., Costa Mesa (949) 646-7181 Year-round programs for girls (4½-18). After-school, spring-break and summer camp programming includes educational enrichment, economic literacy, college prep, career and life planning, health and fitness, leadership and character development, personal safety, STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and more. Jewish Community Centers The following centers offer enrichment classes, preschools, family events, support groups, vacationbreak camps and teen-specific programming. • Barbara and Ray Alpert Jewish Community Center (562) 426-760 3801 East Willow St., Long Beach. www.alpertjcc. org. See ad on page 11. Chabad Jewish Center (949) 721-9800 2865 E. Coast Highway, Corona Del Mar. Merage Jewish Center of OC (949) 435-3400 1 Federation Way, Irvine. Police Activities League (PAL) Year-round youth (5-17) program sponsored by police departments. Activities include arts and crafts, sports, computers, community service, homework help and field trips. Chapters in Anaheim, Lakewood and Norwalk. Chapter contact information is found on their website under the “Membership” tab. Free. Power 4 Youth (562) 435-2352 Middle-school students are matched with a volunteer fall/winter 2014/15 • 69

for one-on-one academic mentoring at supervised locations in Lakewood and Long Beach; year round. Regular field trips are offered, plus career guidance for teens. $10 registration fee. YMCA Programs for the entire family include child-care, fitness, teen clubs, day and resident camps (see “Camps”), youth sports, aquatics and gymnastics. Parent/child programs (grades K+) are also offered to promote companionship between parents and their children (father/mother and son/daughter). The Trailblazer program is available for older children (917) and their parents. Many YMCAs also offer off-site programs at schools and recreation facilities, and accept third-party funding such as GAIN or CAL Works. Anaheim 240 S. Euclid St. (714) 635-9622 2000 W. Ball Road (714) 393-7308 100 S. Atchison (714) 774-5437 Teen Center with ping-pong, book club and Wii. Also serves Buena Park, Cypress, La Palma and Stanton. Bellflower Los Cerritos: 15530 Woodruff Ave. (562) 925-1292 Also serves Paramount, Cerritos and Artesia. Downey 11531 Downey Ave. (562) 862-4201 Also serves South Gate, Norwalk and Pico Rivera. Lakewood (Weingart-Lakewood) 5835 E. Carson St. (562) 425-7431 Gymnastics Center: 4118 E. South St. (562) 272-4884 Offers a Kids’ Club (6 weeks+), parents must remain in the facility. Free for members, $2 per hour for nonmembers. Call for hours. Long Beach Camp Oakes (Big Bear) (909) 585-2020 Fairfield: 4949 Atlantic Ave. (562) 423-0491 Los Altos*: 1720 Bellflower Blvd. (562) 596-3394 Los Cerritos: 15530 Woodruff Ave. (562) 925-1292 Preschool - Early Education: 3605 Long Beach Blvd. (562) 279-1700 *Also serves Belmont Shore, Los Alamitos, Rossmoor and Seal Beach. and for camping services, Orange 2241 E. Palmyra (714) 633-9622 YMCA of Orange County: Fullerton Family YMCA 2000 Youth Way

(714) 879-9622

Huntington Beach Family YMCA 8875 Adams Ave.

(714) 378-4784

Laguna Niguel Family YMCA 29831 Crown Valley Parkway

(949) 495-9622

70 • fall/winter 2014/15

Mission Viejo Family YMCA 27341 Trabuco Circle

(949) 859-9622

Newport-Mesa Family YMCA 2300 University Drive, Newport Beach (949) 642-9990 Santa Ana Family YMCA 2100 W Alton Ave.

(714) 444-4004

Yorba Linda/Placentia Family YMCA 4672 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda (714) 701-0604

zoos Zoos, habitats, farms and animal care centers. Also see: “Attractions” and “STEM.” Animal Care Centers and Exotic Rescue Marine Mammal Care Center - Outreach and educational programs. Open daily, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Free, donations encouraged. 3601 S. Gaffey St., San Pedro. (310) 548-5677. Pacific Marine Mammal Center - Classes and presentations for groups, schools and scouts. Open daily, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Free, donations encouraged. 20612 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. (949) 494-3050. Star Eco Station - Hands-on ecology lessons and encounters with tropical birds, exotic reptiles, wildcats and ocean life in a tropical jungle setting. Annual events and school-break camps are also offered. Adults, $8; kids, $6. 10101 Jefferson Blvd., Culver City. (310) 842-8060. Living Desert Zoo and Botanical Gardens 47-900 Portola Ave., Palm Desert (760) 346-5694 Encounter over 500 wild animals, live shows, a children’s discovery center, an animal carousel, tranquil gardens, hiking trails and a G-scale model train. Seasonal hours through September 30, 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.; then October 1 - May 31, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Adults, $17.25; kids (3-12), $8.75. Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens 5333 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles (323) 644-4200 Covering 133 acres, the zoo is home to more than 1,100 animals from around the world. Picnicking is permitted. Family overnights and special events also offered. Open daily, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; last admission at 4 p.m. Admission: adults, $19; kids (2-12), $14. Orange County Zoo Irvine Regional Park, 1 Irvine Park Road, Orange (714) 973-6847

A variety of animals and a petting area, plus an audio tour. Check website for story times, special events and classes. School tours and scout programs available. Open daily, weekdays, 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m; weekends, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. General admission: $2; free for ages 3 and under. Parking, $3-10. Petting Zoos and Farms Amy’s Farm (909) 393-2936 Farm group tours of 10+, smaller groups (2+) can be added on to other tours. Call for availability. Includes: milking cows, feeding farm animals, grooming horses and picking fresh herbs. $8 per person. Families are welcome to tour the farm with a purchase from the farm stand. Educational workshops also available. 7698 Eucalyptus Ave., Ontario. Centennial Farm (714) 708-1500 A three-acre working farm at the OC Fair and Event Center created to educate youth about agriculture and its importance to daily life. Visitors can view pigs, chickens, cattle, goats and more. Tours during general public hours. Monday - Friday, 1-4 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. The farm is closed on holidays and during property-wide events. OC Fair and Event Center, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. Zoomars Petting Zoo (949) 831-6550 Kids can ride a pony, hop on board the miniature train and bounce between petting pens. Parties, camps and special events are also offered. Open daily, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Adults, $10; kids, $8. 31791 Los Rios St., San Juan Capistrano. San Diego Zoo 2920 Zoo Drive, San Diego (619) 231-1515 Home to more than 3,700 rare and endangered animals. Camps, sleepovers and family events are offered. Open daily. Kids are free during the month of October. San Diego Zoo Safari Park 15500 San Pasqual Valley Road, Escondido (760) 747-8702 Like a safari, guests can see herds of African animals, such as rhino, giraffe, antelope and gazelle. Camps, sleepovers, zip line and a ropes course are also offered. Open daily. Kids are free during the month of October. Santa Ana Zoo Prentice Park, 1801 E. Chestnut Ave., Santa Ana (714) 836-4000 “Home of the 50 Monkeys” with over 150 animals (some endangered), plus a children’s farm, train and carousel. Family events throughout the year. Open daily. The Reptile Zoo 18818 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley (714) 500-0591 More than 100 exotic species of reptiles, amphibians and arachnids, including a two-headed snake (from Disney Channel’s Jessie), alligators and a 200 year old snapping turtle. Plus interactive hands-on opportunities. Monday - Saturday, 11 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday, 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Adults, $10; kids (3-11), $5. lots more fun at

• American Health and Wellness Institute 5580 E. 2nd St., Ste. 101, Long Beach. (562) 4393425. See ad on page 63.

15: Fort Magic: Build a Boat, Thursday, 3:30-4:30 p.m. January 23: Airplane Time, 11 a.m. - noon. January 27: Painting with Trains, Tuesday, 4-5 p.m. February 4: What Makes Me, Me?, Wednesday, 10-11 a.m. February 11: Make a Self-Portrait, Wednesday, 10:30-11:30 a.m. February 19: What Makes Us Unique: Exploring Fingerprints, Thursday, 10-11 a.m. March 4: How Things Grow, Wednesday, 4-5 p.m. March 10: Flower Painting: A Sensory Experience, Tuesday, 11 a.m. - noon. March 19: Exploring Seeds, Thursday, 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Monthly Themes: October: Fall into Autumn. November: How My Community Works. December: Dinosaurs and Fossil Digs. January: Trains, Planes, Bikes and Boats. February: All About Me. March: How Do Things Grow?

• Aquarium of the Pacific 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach. (562) 590-3100. See ad on page 13; coupon on page 68.

Playgroup Events: Story, craft and educational play allows children to develop their imagination, listening, vocabulary and social skills. $15. October 7: Arnold’s Apple Tree, Tuesday, 10-11 a.m. October 15: Painting Gourds, Wednesday, 11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. October 28: Monster Mash Dress Up Party, Tuesday, 3:30-5 p.m. November 5: Role Play: A Trip to the Post Office, Wednesday, 11 a.m. - noon. November 11: Fort Magic: Build a Fire Engine, Tuesday, 10-11 a.m. November 18: Role Play: A Trip to the Doctor, Tuesday, 9-10 a.m. December 3: Dinosaurs and the Ice Age, Wednesday, 9-10 a.m. December 11: Make Your Own Dinosaur Fossil, Thursday, 10:30-11:30 a.m. December 17: Dinosaur Theme, Wednesday, 4-5 p.m. January 6: Race Car Alphabet Practice, Tuesday, 10-11 a.m. January

Free Shark Lagoon Nights - Fridays through December 26: The public is invited to get up close with the ocean’s ultimate predators for free. Guests will have the opportunity to touch more than 150 sharks and see large sharks such as the sand tiger shark. Guests can touch and learn, shop, purchase drinks and snacks, and enjoy live music. Fridays, 6-9 p.m. Free.


More events: October 11: Aquarium Kids Fun Run. October 25-26: Scarium of the Pacific. October 4: Southeast Asia Day. October 24: Halloween Family Sleepover. November 15: NOAA Day. November 11: Veteran’s Day. November 8-9: Autumn Festival. November 27: Thanksgiving Lunch. December 6-7: Holiday Treats for the Aquarium’s Animals. January 10: Underwater Parks Day.

January 24-25: Festival of Human Abilities. February 21-22: African Heritage Festival. March 8: Autism Family Night. March 14: International Children’s Day. • Babyccino Mommy and Me Weekly: Mommy and Me is every Wednesday from 9-10 a.m. Activities include circle time, Jewish lullabies, crafts, snacks and lots of fun! First class is free. Tot Shabbat is every second and fourth Saturday of the month, 1212:45 p.m. Celebrate with songs, crafts and Shabbat Kiddush. For kids ages 0-5. RSVP by the day before the class to Naomi at, or call (714) 225-2903. Chabad Beth Meir HaCohen, 19045 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda. • Buena Park Exhibitions: Titanic and Bodies Ongoing: Bodies explores the systems of the human body: skeletal, muscular, nervous, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive, endocrine and circulatory. Titanic The Experience features over 250 authentic artifacts that have been recovered from the wreck site of the Titanic, plus recreations of famous rooms as well as actors dressed in period clothing portraying notable passengers and crew members. 7711 Beach Blvd., Buena Park. (657) 529-7224., www. See ad on page 76. • Bowers Kidseum Children’s Museum The following family events are free. 1820 N. Main St., Santa Ana. (714) 567-3600. See ad on page 37.

The Insider Scoop on School Choice State and federal laws generally ensure that your child can transfer to any school, as long as the campus has space for him. The process can be a little daunting, but here are insider tips from Heidi Cisneros, Executive Director of Pupil Support Services for Orange County’s largest school system, Santa Ana Unified School District. •

An “intradistrict” transfer is a move to a school within the same district, while an “interdistrict” transfer means you’re jumping to another district entirely.

Every district has slightly different terminology, policies and deadlines that can be easily misunderstood. Cisneros recommends calling the Student Services Office (sometimes called Pupil Services or Child Welfare Attendance Office) right off the bat. “Families call us, we find out their circumstances and we facilitate the process,” she said. “That’s what these offices are built for. We take care of it for you.”

“If you know a school is very popular, you need to plan ahead,” she said. “Start calling in January. Some schools have waiting lists in the hundreds.”

If you have an incoming kindergartner or have just moved to the neighborhood, remember that “just because you live across the street doesn’t mean they have space for you. If the school is full the day you arrive, they have to refer you to another campus.” Check early.

Districts are not mandated to accept Special Education students from other districts if their program is impacted, Cisneros said. But if they do, they’re required to fully support their needs. If your child has special needs, call the Special Education Office in both districts before counting on a transfer.

Likewise, be sure to mention to your school of choice if your child has tested as gifted, is an English language learner, or needs special accommodations for a learning or health issue (called a “504 request.”) to make sure they can meet your child’s needs.

Remember that if you submit fraudulent paperwork, such as a bogus address, to get your kid into a school of choice and the fraud is discovered, Junior can legally be asked to leave, even if it’s the middle of the school year.

If your transfer’s approved (yay!), be sure to ask whether the approval is permanent or temporary. Some districts require annual renewals.

Your new school may give transfer priority to incoming younger siblings, but maybe not. Ask up front.

Remember that school districts have the right to revoke an interdistrict transfer if the student is not meeting academic, behavioral or attendance standards.

If you have a high school athlete, check with the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) before attempting a transfer. CIF rules keep schools from unfairly stacking their teams with superstars from other districts.

If your child lives in a public school’s attendance area but is moving to a private school or other arrangement in the fall, it’s a good idea to call the public school as a courtesy. “That lets us know we can open the space for other students,” Cisneros said. “We can also expedite the student’s records to their transition is more successful.”

lots more fun at

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golf Junior golf classes, camps and referrals. For miniature golf, see Family Fun Centers under “Attractions.” For disc golf, see “Sports, Miscellaneous.” Long Beach Jr. Golf Association Year-round Program - Kids (7-17) receive instruction in techniques, rules, score keeping and course etiquette; Fridays, 3-6 p.m. $5, plus a $50 annual fee. Group instruction and vacation camps are also available at El Dorado, (562) 430-5411; and Recreation Park Nine, (562) 494-5000. Recreation Departments and Colleges • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services - Golf instruction provided for all ability levels (4-17). (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. Many city recreation departments offer golf programs. See “Recreation Departments” for contact information. SCPGA Foundation Junior Golf Program (951) 845-4653 Competitive playing opportunities, instructional programs and vacation camps for youth SCPGA members (5-18) at various golf courses.

October 5: Italian and Mediterranean Family Festival. Traditional music, dance and a special marionette show. Sunday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. November 2: Family Fun Day of Dead. Catch multicultural entertainment, art projects and dancing. Sunday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. December 20: Las Posadas. A traditional Mexican Christmas celebration re-enacting Mary and Joseph’s journey. Traditional music, dance and food, including Mexican hot chocolate and pan dulce (sweet bread). Mexican dress is encouraged. Saturday, 5-7 p.m. Museum and gallery store will be closed. February 1: Lunar New Year. Year of the Sheep. Allday activities include face painting, Chinese Calligraphy demonstration, Asian paper lantern art projects, Lion Dancers and more. Sunday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Burgess Cotillion March 16: Free Dance Class. Shamrock Shuffle is a free class for anyone new to cotillion. Come try it out! Dancing, refreshments, games, prizes and manners. Your kids will have so much fun, they’ll want to join for an entire season. Monday, grades 3-5, 4:30-6 p.m.; grades 6-8, 6:15-7:45 p.m.; and grades 9-12, 8-9:30

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p.m. Party dress code: Boys: coat and tie, hard-soled shoes, no athletic shoes. Girls: party dress or skirt and blouse. No pants, bare midriffs, or strapless, please. All: Please, no jean, jean skirts or sandals. 6285 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Long Beach. (323) 874-7393. • Columbia Memorial Space Center Third Saturdays: All Ages Astronomy Club welcomes aspiring astronomers of all ages to join monthly meetings. Meetings include a fascinating program about the night sky and a chance to talk about all things astronomy, plus information on how to pick the proper telescope, how to use a telescope, how to build a telescope, and how to identify different celestial objects. Saturday, 7-9 p.m. $2 fee required for all non-members. 12400 Columbia Way, Downey. (562) 231-1200. See ad on page 15. • Discovery Cube Orange County 2500 North Main St., Santa Ana. (714) 542-2823. See ad on back inside cover. Fall/Winter Exhibits: October 4 - January 4: Thomas & Friends: Explore the Rails Exhibit: Hop on board and discover the engineer within. A hands-on STEM exhibit based on the adventures of Thomas, his engine friends and the Island of Sodor. Help Thomas and his friends solve a variety of challenges, from simple sorting and shape identification to more complex engineering obstacles. October 4 - November 2: Spooky Science: Giant bugs, creepy crawlers and friendly spooks. Explore bugs of all colors and sizes among over-sized exhibit sets and hands-on learning stations. November 28 - January 4: Science of Gingerbread: Features hands-on kitchen science activities, decorating demonstrations and award-winning gingerbread houses on display.

Wednesdays - Thursdays: Happy Hour. Stop by for happy hour and play dress-up from the Castle Wardrobe,face painting, snacks and crafts. Offered most Wednesdays and Thursdays, 3-4 p.m., contact to confirm. $8. Wednesdays: Storytelling. Listen to your favorite stories and some new favorites. 1-2 p.m. $5, per child; includes refreshments. No reservation required. Offered most Wednesdays, contact to confirm. Wednesdays: Weekly Tea Time includes dress-up play from the Castle Wardrobe, mini muffins, tea or juice in fancy teacups, etiquette and storytelling. 4-5 p.m. $12, per child; reservations required. Contact to confirm. October 29: Wizards and Witches Dinner Party. Spooktacluar festivities include costume contest, giveaways, Halloween crafts, games, face painting and singalongs. Wednesday, 6:30-8 p.m. $25 per adult and per kid, registration is required; space is limited. November 8: Ice Princess Tea Party. Tea with an Ice Queen and Princess, including a full-service high tea with fancy sandwiches, scones, desserts, loose-leaf tea, craft and more. Saturday, 10:30 a.m. - noon. $35 per adult and per kid, registration required, space is limited. November 15: Princess School. Enjoy a fun-filled morning of princess training, including princess crafts, dressup, face painting, recess with snacks, games and more. Saturday, 10 a.m. - noon. $35 per child; includes one free adult, registration is required; space is limited. December 20: Sugar Plum Fairy Tea Party. A proper sitdown tea party filled with winter wonder. A family event for adults and children featuring high-quality loose leaf tea, dainty tea sandwiches, scones, fancy desserts and more. Plus, dress-up costumes, sparkle make-up, storytelling and a craft. Saturday, 10:30 a.m. - noon. $28 per adult and per kid, registration required, space is limited. January 10: Ice Princess Academy. Learn about being an ice princess! Call for time and price. Space is limited.

January 24 - May 10: LEGO Travel Adventure Exhibit: A spaceship that sails under the sea? A blimp that ferries a boat? In LEGO Travel Adventure, you’re not just along for the ride! Choose an amazing destination and build your dream machine. So, what will you build?

February 14: Sweetheart Fairy Valentine’s Breakfast featuring food, drinks and play—in a magical setting with dress-up costumes, sparkle make-up, storytelling and a craft. Saturday, 10:30 a.m. - noon. $28 per adult and per kid, registration required, space is limited.

Events: November 1: Pumpkin Launch 2014: A fun event filled with family-friendly activities, hands-on challenges and flying pumpkins. Bring your lawn chairs. Plus, some of OC’s best food trucks. Saturday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. California State University Fullerton, Titan Field.

• East West Ice Palace 11446 Artesia Blvd., Artesia. (562) 809-6200. www. See ad on page 61.

December 30-31: Noon Year’s Eve. Ring in 2015 like a Hollywood superhero! Dress as your favorite superhero and celebrate the new year with a balloon drop and ginger-ale toasts at noon and 2 p.m., photo opportunities in front of a green-screen, a sound-effects studio, dance party and take-home hats and horns. Tuesday and Wednesday. Included with admission. • Dream Come True Party Room 3962 Studebaker Road, Ste. 204, Long Beach. (562) 270-1400. See ad on page 47.

December 14: Figure Skating Show. Features skaters from their basic skills Learn-to-Skate program in choreographed group numbers, as well as solo performances by EWIP singles and pair skaters who are regional, sectionals and national level competitors. Sunday. Contact for times and admission; kids 5 and under free. December 22 - January 3: Extended Skate Session. For winter break, public session hours will be extended to celebrate the holidays with festive decorations and music. Come and join in on the fun! Call or visit their website for details and schedules. December 26 and January 2: U.S. Figure Skating Association’s National Skating Month Celebration. Find lots more fun at

discounts for new skating school registrants, public skating admission and gym memberships, plus proshop and snack bar specials. Plus raffles, giveaways and more! Free ice skating lessons, 6-6:30 p.m. Fridays. Discounts on select services will be offered throughout January and February in honor of the sport’s celebration; call for details. • Frogg’s Bounce House Fridays: Date Night: Every Friday night is Date Night. Parents drop the kids off and enjoy a night out, while kids enjoy a night of fun. 5-8 p.m. $10 per hour for first child, $8 per hour for additional children within same family; includes pizza dinner. 16121 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley. (714) 418-0442. See ad on page 48. • Fullerton Children’s Repertory Theater January 8-10, 15-17: Cats! Kids (grades 5-8) play all roles in this classic rendition. Composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, and based on the book by T. S. Eliot, the show is told completely through music with virtually no spoken dialogue. Set in an oversized junk yard, the cats are at first suspicious of the audience. In “The Naming of Cats,” however, they begin to reveal who they are. Thursday and Friday, 7:30 p.m.; and Saturday, 1:30 and 7:30 p.m. $10. Pacific Auditorium at Hope International University, 2500 E. Nutwood Ave., Fullerton. (714) 671-1084. See ad on page 65. • Golf N’ Stuff Family Fun Park 10555 E. Firestone Blvd., Norwalk. (562) 868-9956. See ad on page 12. October 4, 11, 18 and 25: Fall Festival Days. Kids (14 and under) enjoy a bounce house, free temporary tattoos and visit from King Putt! Saturday, 2-6 p.m. Activity and food prices vary. October 25: Halloween Fair. Kids pick up free candy and enjoy karaoke, carve a pumpkin and costume contests. Saturday, 2-9 p.m. Free with admission. December 1-31: North Pole Fun Pack. With Golf ‘N’ Stuff’s “North Pole Fun Pack,” the kids enjoy two full hours unlimited use of: go-karts, bumper boats, bumper cards, Disk’O Thrill ride and kiddie train. Plus, enjoy one round of miniature golf, a cool cookie and a 12 oz. soda. All for just $16 per person (prices subject to change without notice). Park opens daily at 10 a.m.; they’re even open on Christmas Day at 2 p.m. December 25: Start a holiday tradition. Bring family and friends for Christmas fun with miniature golf, rides including go-karts, bumper boats, bumper cars, Disk’O Thrill ride and kiddie train. Thursday, opens at 2 p.m. • Holiday Skate Center 175 N. Wayfield Drive Orange. (714) 997-5515. See ad on page 61. Saturdays and Sundays: Family Night. A family up to five can skate, including skate rental, for a special deal. Saturdays, 7-9:30 p.m., $7 each; and Sundays, 6:30-8:30 p.m., $5.50 each.

$2 OFF ADMISSION Coupon must be surrendered at ticket window. Good for up to six general admissions — the more the merrier!

1238 S. Beach Blvd., Anaheim • (714) 236-9300 Admission includes unlimited use of all 17 rides, shows & attractions (except climbing wall & arcade). Discount applies to full price admission of $14.95. Cannot be combined with any other discounts, offers, or used in combination with our birthday party program. #KG01. Expires 3/31/15.

Saturdays: Kids Skate. Kids skate to kid’s music, and play games. Recommended for ages 10 years and under, with a parent. Saturdays, 10 a.m. - noon. Admission, $6; skate rental, $3. • Japanese American National Museum Events listed below are free; excludes specially ticketed exhibits. 100 North Central Ave. Los Angeles. (213) 625-0414. See ad on page 39. October 11 - April 26: Hello! exhibit explores the super-cute world of Hello Kitty. Visit their website for specialty events. November 8: Target Free Family Saturday Giving Thanks. Join several activities to show appreciation for the nation’s veterans at its Giving Thanks Target Day. Saturday, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. December 13: Target Free Family Saturday Holiday Cheer. Join winter-themed fun including taking a picture with an Asian American Santa Claus, folding origami and more. Saturday, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. January 4: Oshogatsu Family Festival. Ring in the New Year and the Year of the Sheep with exciting cultural performances, special foods, and fun crafts. Sunday, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Junior League of Long Beach (562) 989-6400. See ad on page 43. Contact for dates: Confidence & Me Event. Selfesteem and anti-bullying programs for to-be-teens. Do you have a son or daughter in grades 5-8 who is interested in turning up their inner confidence? This event is for them. Find more information on their website and visit to receive additional information. Also offered in April and May. November 5, December 3 and January 7: Junior League of Long Beach’s Membership Mixers. Interested in becoming a member? JLLB hosts a series of Open Mixers for women interested in learning more about the JLLB. Call or visit their website for details and locations. Wednesdays, 6:30-8 p.m. January 25: Annual Lunafest® Film Festival. The fundraising film festival is dedicated to promoting awareness about women’s issues. All proceeds benefit JLLB and Breast Cancer Fund. Art Theater, 2025 East 4th St., Long Beach.

February 28: Especially Me! for 5th Grade Girls. An interactive workshop to teach 5th grade girls the skills they need to be happy and confident, to make good decisions, to be assertive, to express themselves and to have a strong sense of self. Trained JLLB volunteers cover age-appropriate topics. Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be provided, as well as a short physical activity. Saturday, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Free. Visit their website for registration and details. March 7: Kids in the Kitchen. Junior League of Long Beach and the LB Department of Heath and Human Services’ Healthy Active Long Beach Project invite you to the 10th annual Kids in the Kitchen Healthy Eating and Exercise Fair. This free event encourages youth and families to make healthy food and lifestyle choices, offers tasty snacks and recipes, fitness challenges, exercise demonstrations, health screenings, games, prizes and more. Saturday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. MLK Jr. Park, 1950 Lemon Ave., Long Beach. • Kick It Up’s Free Class Week January 5-11: They offer a wide variety of dance classes, starting at age 3 through adult, plus numerous adult fitness and dance classes that coincide with kids classes so that parents can work out too. Every class on the schedule is free. 8129 East Wardlow Road, Long Beach. (562) 430-1812. See ad on page 27. • Lakewood Christian School’s “How the Camel Got His Hump” January 30: Free community event. Preschoolers will love this adaptation of Kipling’s “Just So Stories.” Specially created for preschooler and Kindergarten children, full of action and written specifically for this age. Includes a coloring activity and the cast will be available for pictures. Tours of the campus after the play are available. If you are part of a mom’s group, tot-lot, day care, or preschool, please call or email to reserve a spot, to receive flyers, and receive a complimentary group photograph. Friday. Two shows, 9 and 10 a.m. 5336 Arbor Road, Long Beach. Contact: Beth Sunny, (562) 425-3358 or See ad on page 54. • Lakewood Recreation and Community Services (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408. recreation

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magic Instruction, clubs, stores and magicians for hire. Also see: “Parties.” • Life of the Party (562) 860-7797, (714) 903-7689 (626) 333-8764 Owned and operated by magician Dave Skale, this company features a network of LA’s best magicians. Performers offer a variety of specialities, including birthday parties, educational school shows (anti-drug, nutrition, etc.), fairs and festivals, company picnics and events, and much more. Over 20 years of experience. Call for a free consultation on how to make your party great! See ad on page 49. Magic Clubs The following clubs offer activities and instruction (7-18). Monthly meetings and club offerings vary. Annual dues may apply. International Brotherhood of Magicians, (636) 724-2400, www.magician. org; Society of Young Magicians, www.magicsym. com; and The Magic Castle, auditions held twice a year for teens (13-19), juniors, (323) 851-3313. Magic Stores The following locations offer supplies and lessons for young magicians: Best Magic, Gags and Costume, 625 S. Magnolia Ave., Anaheim, (714) 827-6442,; Magic Galore and More, 6471 Westminster Ave. (inside Westminster Lanes), Westminster, (714) 8916488,; and Magicopolis, theater and party packages, 1418 Fourth St., Santa Monica, (310) 451-2241,

October 3: FUN-tastic Family Nights. A night of juggling and storytelling with Izzi Tooninsky’s Little Giant Theatre. Bean and cheese burritos, Spanish rice, lemonade and a dessert will be served prior to the show. Friday, doors open at 5:45 p.m. $8; kids under 3, $5. October 7: College Fair. Meet face-to-face with representatives from colleges, universities, trade, technical and career schools. Learn about admissions, campus life, scholarships, loans and financial aid. Tuesday, 6-8:30 p.m. Free. (562) 429-7472. Lakewood High School. November 14: Bubble Extravaganza. A night of bubble tricks and sculptures. Chicken fingers, mac and cheese, lemonade and a dessert will be served prior to the show. Friday, doors open at 5:45 p.m. $8; kids under 3, $5. • Lango Fall Demo Week January 12-17: Tryout free classes for all at Lango’s Fall Demo Week. LangoKids Irvine helps kids (1-10) acquire Spanish and French in a very natural way. Join them

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for an entire week of free demo immersion classes and see how they make language acquisition possible and fun. Visit their website to submit your RSVP. 9070 Irvine Center Drive, Ste. 135, Irvine. (714) 864-4680. www. See ad on page 35. • Lil’ Chef School 15435 Jeffery Road, #132, Irvine. (949) 679-8390. See ad on page 24. Workshops: October 16: Happy Harvest (pumpkin themed). October 23: Halloween Cupcake. October 25: Haunting Halloween. Mommy and Me Workshops: October 17 and 18: Pumpkin Cookie Dough Ice cream. November 15: Pumpkin Cookies with hot cocoa. December: Cinnamon Sugar Buns with butter and cinnamon sugar. Parents Night Out: Parents drop kids off for a night of cooking. Kids make their own dough from scratch and personal pizza, including three different toppings, plus the cookie of the month from scratch. Friday, 6:30-9 p.m. $45 per child with $20 for additional sibling. 30-minute early drop off is $10 per child. Call or visit their website to register. Cookie of the month: September 26: Apple Waffle Cookies. October 24: Halloween Cake Pops. November 28: Pumpkin Spice Cookies with cream cheese frosting. December 26: Infamous Wilton’s Sugar Christmas Cutout Cookies. • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine (562) 570-3100. Saturdays: Free Archery Instruction at El Dorado Park. Equipment provided. Saturday classes include, advanced, 9 a.m. and beginner 10:30 a.m. Safety class required. Groups of five or more, call (562) 688-9666. Vehicle entry fees, Monday - Friday, $5; weekends, $7; and holiday, $8. 7500 E. Spring St., Long Beach. Saturdays: Bike Saturdays. Ride your bike to participating local shops and eateries in Long Beach on Saturdays to receive a special discount or offer. Visit their website for details, bike workshops and events. • Museum of Latin American Art (MOLA) The following events are free. 628 Alamitos Ave., Long Beach. (562) 437-1689. See ad on page 39.

January 9-11: Peter Pan. Come enjoy the enduring story of Peter Pan, the boy who never wanted to grow up. Friday, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, 2 and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. January 16-17: The Little Mermaid. Disney’s timeless tale of hope, dreams and romance between two people from different worlds. Friday, 7 p.m. and Saturday, 2 and 7 p.m. January 23-25, 29-31: Les Miserables: School Edition. MTA brings to life the story of prisoner 24601, Jean Valjean, as he runs from the ruthless Inspector Javert. January 23-25, Friday and Saturday, 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday, 2 p.m. January 29-31, Thursday and Friday, 7:30 p.m.; and Saturday, 2 p.m. • My Gym Long Beach’s Parents’ Night Out Days vary: Kids play games and enjoy pizza, juice and snacks. Discounts for members and siblings. Dates and times vary, call for details. 3287 Industry Drive, near Redondo and Stearns. (562) 986-0066. www. See ad on page 19. • Oh Very Young 4378 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach. (562) 492-6200. See ad on page 24. Monthly: Mommy Happy Hour is offered every other month. The event is designed with mommies in mind, but everyone in the family is welcome. Free refreshments and appetizers, raffle prize opportunities, and you can take advantage of discounts on items in the store. Contact for dates. November 1 - December 30: Holiday BOGO Sale. Stop in and take advantage of the holiday BOGO Sale, where you can buy one item, and get one item half off! Visit their Facebook page for more upcoming events. • Pretend City Children’s Museum Most events are included with admission, call or visit their website to confirm. 29 Hubble, Irvine. (949) 4283900. See ad on page 21. Last Mondays: Family Autism Play Days. Spend a few hours enjoying family play, for families with children on the Autism Spectrum. Most last Mondays of the month, call for times. Free admission. RSVP required. Third Fridays: Home School Days. Special days for home-school field trips.

Sundays: Target Free Sundays offer visitors the opportunity to learn about Latin American culture through art workshops, live performances, food and gallery tours. Programs vary. 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Themes: October: Creepy Crawlers. November: Fall Farm Fest. December: City Express-Sending Holiday Wishes. January - March: Good to Go from Head to Toe.

November 2: Dia De Los Muertos. Enjoy a vibrant celebration of life and loved ones at MOLAA’s annual festival. Art workshops, live performances, gallery tours, face painting, unique craft vendors and an altar display. For more information, call or visit their website.

Events: October 31: Halloween Bug Bash. November 11: Veterans’ Day Event. November 26: Celebrate Thanksgiving. December 1-19: CHOC Toy Drive. December 12-24: Christmas Countdown. December 16: Las Posadas Fiesta. December 1624: Hooray For Hanukkah. December 16: Sensory Sensitive Holiday - Autism Friendly Event. December 21: Winter Solstice Celebration. December 26-30: Festival of Kwanzaa. December 31: New Year’s Eve Party. February 19: Chinese New YearYear of the Sheep.

• Musical Theatre Academy of Orange County (MTAOC) Visit their website for tickets. The Rose Center Theater, 14140 All American Way. (949) 551-4236. www. See ad on page 65.

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• Queen Mary 1126 Queens Highway, Long Beach. (877) 4372934. See ad on page 5. October 31: Dark Harbor Little Monsters Ball. Looking for a fun and safe place to take the kids on Halloween? The Queen Mary’s Dark Harbor serves up treats and not tricks. Kids of all ages are invited to enjoy Dark Harbor’s less scary side as their talented cast is enlisted to serve up candy to young guests. Plus, a maze, a Halloween contest with prizes and a magic performance. Friday. 4-6 p.m. Kids are free with paid $10 adult admission. November 21 - January 11: CHILL at the Queen Mary. Now, one ticket gets you unlimited access! So bring your gloves and parkas and head down to the Queen Mary for some chilly winter fun at SoCal’s only frozen winter holiday event. See the Ice Kingdom, hand carved from more than two million pounds of ice, and walk through magnificent ice sculptures and slides. Zip down CHILLs ice tubing run and take a spin on the outdoor ice skating rink. And with one unlimited-access ticket, you can go as many times as you wish. Plus enjoy same day admission to the majestic Queen Mary. Open daily, excluding December 1, December 8, and January 5, 6 and 7. Online tickets: adults, $34.99-39.99; kids (4-11), $24.99-29.99. December 3: 20th Annual Queen Mary Tree Lighting. Enjoy live entertainment, a visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus, refreshments and the annual lighting of the Queen Mary Christmas tree at this festive event at the Holiday Village at CHILL. Wednesday. 8 p.m. February 14-15: Scottish Festival. Experience Scottish heritage with parades, Highland dance competitions, games and a Kids’ Zone. The Queen Mary exemplifies fine Scottish craftsmanship and is proud to be the most famous ship built on the River Clyde in the small town of Clydebank, Scotland. Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Visit their website for schedule and tickets. • Rock Stars of Tomorrow Open House and Parkview Village Street Fair Fourth Fridays: Find out about rockin’ like a rock star with Rock Stars of Tomorrow Musicians Academy. Celebrate live music, food and giveaways. Friday, 4 p.m. 5465 E. Carson St., Long Beach. (562) 429-7682. See ad on page 42. • Skatedogs Ongoing: Skate Park Tours. Kids (6+) visit three local skateparks with Skatedogs instructors and then all grab a bite at Subway and discuss tips and tricks. Kids should bring water, a snack, skateboard, helmet, knee and elbow pads. Boards and safety gear are available to borrow upon request. Contact for dates. $100 (cash or check at drop-off), includes prizes, lessons and lunch. RSVP required; seats are limited. Email: (714) 313-8787. • South Coast Repertory Fall/Winter Productions: November 28 - December 27: A Christmas Carol. November 7-23: Charlotte’s

Web (recommended for 5+). February 6-8, 13-15, 20-22: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane (recommended for 5+). January 23 - February 22: Kneehigh’s Tristan & Yseult (recommended for middle school and up). Visit their website for show days, times and tickets. 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 708-5555. • Valley Christian Schools Admissions Open House Events November 1, February 7 or 21: Visit the Valley Christian Schools campuses. Valley Christian offers an extraordinary education where Christian students develop in a variety of areas: academics, including AP and Honors courses; fine arts, robotics and sports; missions and service—all with Christ at the center. Contact Dianne at (562) 860-0556 for more information. Saturdays, High School, Cerritos campus, November 1 and February 7, 2 p.m.; Middle School, Cerritos campus, February 7, noon; Elementary School, Bellflower campus, February 21, 10 a.m. (562) 860-0556. • Wagonwheel Ranch Christmas Trail Rides December 25: Start a Christmas tradition with a trail ride. On Christmas day, enjoy the many sights to see along the Palos Verdes Peninsula with their guided horseback rides, including hillside views, and meadows of wildflowers and wildlife. Thursday, call for times and pricing. 4057 Via Opata, Palos Verdes. (310) 567-3582. • Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts 9390 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills. (310) 7464000. See ad on back cover. October 11-12, 18-19: “The Man Who Planted Trees.” Scotland brings us “The Man Who Planted Trees,” a multi-sensory theatrical adaptation of an environmental classic. It tells the inspiring story of a shepherd who plants a forest, acorn by acorn, transforming a barren wasteland. As much a touching tale as it is a hilarious puppet show, “The Man Who Planted Trees” shows us the difference one man (and his dog!) can make to the world. Recommended for kids (7+). 65 minutes with no intermission. Visit website for performance times. $25-35.

pet queen ventures into her kingdom to experience the personalities of each color of the rainbow, and we soon learn that while fun comes in all colors, too much of a good thing can turn into a mucky, yucky mess. “The Queen of Colors” is a whimsical story about choosing not to color within the lines, and unleashing creativity. Lovelace Studio Theater. Fridays, 6 p.m.; Saturdays and Sundays, noon and 2:30 p.m. $25-35. February 25 - March 1: “Potted Potter,” The Unauthorized Harry Experience - A Parody by Dan and Jeff. Playing to sold-out houses all over the world, all seven Harry Potter books (and a real life game of Quidditch) are condensed into seventy hilarious minutes. Even if you don’t know the difference between a horcrux and a Hufflepuff, “Potted Potter” is perfect for ages six to Dumbledore (who is very old indeed). Wednesday - Thursday, 8 p.m.; Friday, 5 and 8 p.m.; Saturday, noon, 4 and 8 p.m.; Sunday, noon, 3 and 7 p.m. $20-79. March 13-15, 20-22: “Lifeboat.” Catherine Wheels Theatre Company’s “Lifeboat” is the extraordinary true tale of courage and friendship between Bess Walder and Beth Cummings, who as young teens in 1940 set sail on a ship from Liverpool to Canada to escape the relentless bombing in war-torn Britain. Four days into the journey, their ship was torpedoed and sank. Bess and Beth spent nineteen terrifying hours in the water on an upturned lifeboat through a pounding storm, living to tell their story of survival and friendship. Recommended for ages 10+. 70 minutes with no intermission. Lovelace Studio Theater. Fridays, 6 p.m.; Saturdays and Sundays, noon and 2:30 p.m. $25-35. • Westerly Community Visits October 14, November 4, December 9, January 13, February 10 and 24, March 18, April 14 and May 5: The community visit is an opportunity for visitors to tour the Westerly campus and experience classrooms during the school day. The visit also includes a brief presentation on Westerly’s history, curriculum, and culture. The visit starts in the Westerly Library. When you arrive, you can enter through the office and will be directed where to go. 10:15 a.m. Reservations are recommended and can be scheduled online by clicking the desired date or by calling the Admission Office. 2950 E. 29th St., Long Beach. (562) 981-3151. www. See ad on page 55.

October 19: Dan Zanes and Friends. Dan Zanes occupies a unique place in American music where sea shanties, English music hall, North American and West Indian folk music, play party songs and the spirit of early rock ‘n’ roll and soulful originals collide. With his band, Dan Zanes and Friends, the Grammy awardwinner has toured the world sharing handmade 21st century social music with enthusiastic crowds of kids and kids at heart, and his widely-acclaimed music has been featured on Sesame Street, Playhouse Disney, Nickelodeon, HBO Family and Sprout. Recommended for all ages. 45 minutes with no intermission. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. $25-35.

January 9-11, 16-18: Honk! A Musical Theater Tale of the Ugly Duckling. Since it first hatched, HONK! has winged its way around the world with its heart-warming celebration of being different. Check their website for performance times and ticket prices. CSULB’s Link Theater, 2892 N. Bellflower Blvd., #302.

January 9-11, 16-18: “The Queen of Colors.” Color takes on a giant rainbow of meaning in a smart and sweet tale for young children (recommended for ages 4-7). Based on the German children’s book, “The Queen of Colors” uses ingenious puppetry to weave a simple story about kindness and originality. The feisty little pup-

February 21: Spring rehearsals start today for performers who would like to participate in the spring show. Rehearsals are held at Lakewood Village Community Church. The twelve-week program culminates with performances at CSULB’s Link Theater. $225. Enroll online.

• Yaya’s Academy Long Beach. (562) 355-2004. www.yayasacademy. com. See ad on page 67.

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