Petsguide Magazine • Summer/Fall 2008

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publisher’s note

Adoption & Rescue.............................5

Service Animals................................37

“Properly trained, a man can be a dog’s best friend.”* That’s basically what we learned from our extensive research on the subject of pet training. We interviewed a team of seven experts on the most important aspects of training. What we found out is that it is all about us! Our beloved pets are just waiting for us to do our part so they can do theirs: b e h ave! I come from a dog-loving household, where my mother’s method of housebreaking was to give in and buy a urinecolored carpet. According to our research, that was completely unnecessary! If only we had the tools outlined in p ages 3 and 4. There you will find our pet training editorial offering six basic steps that can give you the pet (and the unspoiled carpeting) you’ve always dreamed of. The advice is simple, practical and can change your relationship with your dog or cat . We’ve also included basic training tips throughout this issue, along with some interesting (and bizarre) trainingr e l ated facts and products. The summer/fall Petsguide also features four new sections: “Pet A s s i s t a n c e ,” with info r m ation on financial help for pet owners; “Equine Services,” covering sanctuaries to daycare; “Service Animals,” including those who train pets to read with kids, work in hospitals or star in the entertainment industry; and our favorite, “Products for Pets,” with everything from cat toilet-training kits and animal IQ tests to dog scooters. Plus we’ve added and updated hundreds of listings and events in all of our chap t e r s . With each issue we’re hoping to gr o w to better serve the needs of you and your pets. Please call or e-mail us if you have any requests!


*Corey Ford, American Writer

Animal Communicators......................7 Aquariums & Ponds............................8 Bakeries & Goodies ............................9 Beaches ............................................10 Birds..................................................10 Boarding & Kennels..........................11 Boutiques..........................................12 Breeders ...........................................14 Calendar............................................49 Clubs & Associations .......................14 Coupons ..........................46, 47, 50, 51 Daycare.............................................15 Dog Sports ........................................16 Dog Walkers .....................................17 Emergency Services.........................52 End of Life.........................................18 Equine Services ................................19 Groomers ..........................................20 Identification ....................................23 Insurance..........................................23 Licensing ..........................................24 Low-Cost Services ...........................24 Nutrition............................................25 Parks & Recreation ..........................26 Parties...............................................27 Pet Assistance ..................................28 Pet-Friendly Places ..........................28 Pet Sitters .........................................29 Pet Stores .........................................31 Pet Therapy.......................................33 Photography & Art............................34 Poop Removal...................................34 Products for Pets..............................35 Reptiles & Exotics ............................37 Safety................................................37


advertisinginfo If you would like info r m ation on affo r d able and e ffective advertising in Petsguide, give us a call at (562) 799-0140. We would be hap py to send you one of our snazzy ad packets, or fax/e-mail you some basic rates. The deadline to advertise in winter/spring is November 1, 2008.

legalstuff Petsguide™ Copyright 2008 Liz Dav i s . All rights reserved. No portion of this magazine may be used for a derivat i v e work, reproduced or copied–mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopy i ng–d i s t r i buted, or displayed without prior written permission of the publisher. The materials herein are provided on an "as is" basis and the publisher of this magazine, KIDSGUIDE, Inc., expressly disclaims all warranties, including without limitation the warranties of currentness, correctness, completeness, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, noninfringement of intellectual property, and freedom from errors. KIDSGUIDE, Inc. assumes no liability or responsibility for any loss or injury arising out of errors, omissions, uses, or participation as a result of publicat i o n of all magazine editions to the fullest extent permitted by l aw. KIDSGUIDE, Inc. is not in any way recommending or endorsing any progr a m , business, activity, or advertiser listed within this magazine. Names, addresses, fees, descriptions, and services listed in PETSGUIDE are subject to change. We sincerely request that any errors be brought to the publisher's attention so that they may be corrected in future editions.

Taxi Service ......................................39 Trails .................................................40 Training Programs............................41 Veterinary Services ..........................44 Volunteering .....................................48 4 petsguide summer/fall

To comment on editorial or program changes, call (562) 799-0140 or e-mail: 10313 Los Alamitos Blvd., Los Alamitos, CA 90720

oems have been written of dogs’ boundless loyalty and cats’ endearing curiosity. Less c e l e b r ated are the behind-the-scenes behaviors that often leave pet owners with hours of frustration, partially digested shoes and smelly little gifts left in inopportune places. Luckily, destructive behaviors like chewing and marking don’t have to be part of the pet package. “Dogs don’t really chew in the wild,” s ays Paul Yevilov of K-9 City (see listing on page 43). “Most of the time, it can be attributed to other things, including a learned behavior.” In order to help pet owners free themselves and their pets of negat i v e b e h av i o rs— or avoid them altogether — we asked seven professional animal trainers what they think are some of the most important things pet owners should know about their pets. The results? Six simple steps that can help promote the perfect pet-human relationship (no matter what degree of perfection you’re after).



Step Two: Don’t Change The Rules To your pet, there is no such thing as situational behavior. They cannot tell the difference between the couch when you’re watching TV in your sweatpants and the couch when you’re entertaining your in-laws. So if you ask them to snuggle up when you’re in sweats, they will assume they’re welcome to snuggle everyone who sits on the couch, includ-

six steps

by Sé Reed

Step Three: You’re the Boss Like humans, animals retain the psychological inclinations of their ancestors. Even after hundreds of years of domesticat i o n , dogs still maintain the packanimal mentality. Cats, while not as pack-oriented as dogs, often form coope r ative colonies. But both packs and colonies share one overriding characteristic: There is only one alpha. T h at means much of your interaction with your pet boils down to just one question: Who is the alpha in your pack? At first, alpha status may seem to be an inconsequential notion. But all of our experts agree that it is at the root of the most common pet behavior problems, including pulling on the leash, jumping up on people and excessive barking or meowing. “Most dogs don’t want to be the leader,” says Tracy Thomson of Bark Busters (see listing on page 41), “but they’ll take over the role if they don’t see that in you.” When a dog is pulling his owner by the leash, the dog is, quite literally, leading the pack. When pets jump up on new people, they are letting the newcomers know that they are in the pet’s domain. And when barking or meowing excessively, pets are demanding their owners pay attention to them …and if they make enough noise, they generally get it, further reinforcing their alpha status. “Psychologically, they are demonstrating that they are number one,” Yevilov says. Of course, in mild doses, many pet owners don’t mind all that much if their dog runs ahead, or if their cat ambushes their houseguests. But since the behaviors are rooted in the pets’ assumption of alpha status, problems begin to arise when you —the real alpha — assert your alpha status. As we learned in Step Two, lack of consistency in the rules means your pet won’t understand the rules. Similarly, lack of consistency in your roles means your pet won’t understand those either. “Destructive behav i o rs—d i ggi n g , barking, c h e w i ng—are all stuff the dog does to entertain itself when he doesn’t know what his job is or what he’s supposed to do,” Welsh explains. Even some pet behaviors that can seem positive are alpha-status tests, such as when your cat sits on your keyboard while you type or your dog interrupts your movie for some slobbery kisses. “We think it’s cute because we think they’re seeking our affections out of love,” Botello says, “but really, it’s a demonstration of control.” Though it may seem counter-intuitive, the more ways you demonstrate your dominance, the more confident your pet will become (see “Demonstrate Your Dominance” on page 4).

to a (mostly) perfect pet

Step One: Pets Aren’t People Dogs are canines, cats are felines and people are humans. Sounds simple, right? But before you skip to Step Two, ask yourself a few questions. • Do you tell your pet the reasons for your rules? Example: “You can’t poop on the rug because the carpet cleaner will dissolve the dye.” • Do you use polite social conventions and/or complete sentences when disciplining your pet? Example: “Would you please stop scratching the brand-new couch?” • Do you occasionally give the rules a break? Example: Allowing your pet to jump on your bed/counter/neighbor because “they have been extra good lately.” • Do you immediately respond to your pet’s requests for attention? Example: Feeding your pet when he “tells” you he’s hungry, whether or not it’s close to feeding time. If you replied yes to any of these (and likely, even if you didn’t) you’re falling prey to one of the most common mistakes pet owners make: treating pets like people. “People use human psychology on a canine and it doesn’t work,” says Theresa Botello from Brat Dog (see listing on page 42). “People forget that they’re a whole other species. You can’t deal with them like a human.” Of course, people have been assigning human characteristics to non-human things for thousands of years, from Aesop’s talking animals to the man on the moon. And if it’s so easy for us to see smiley faces on a giant rock thousands of miles aw ay, is it really any wonder that we attribute human traits to our pets, who are so full of movement and life? The simple truth, however, is that pets are hard-wired differently than humans are, no matter how much it looks like they understand you.

ing your mother-in-law and her new silk blouse. “You don’t tell your kids ‘You’ve been good, go ahead and knock off that convenience store.’” Botello says. “It’s the same with dogs. You can’t say ‘You’ve been good not jumping up on the couch, now go ahead and jump on the couch.’” Cats need consistency too, according to Mollie Hogan of Cat Business (see listing on page 42). In fact, consistency was cited by all of our experts as the most important aspect of working with pets, whether you’re trying to keep your dog off the couch or teach your cat to roll over. “The biggest problem with pet owners is that t h ey give mixed signals,” s ays Tim Welsh of Redefined Dog Training (see listing on page 44). “They don’t like a behavior, but they think it’s cute, or they give up trying to enforce it.”

Consistent boundaries can help your pet understand what you want and need from them. To help establish some ground rules, consider taking a basic obedience class or setting aside some time to work on commands with your pet. Even if you don’t care if your dog can walk on its hind legs or if your cat can use the toilet instead of a litter box (they can! See tip on page 24), training will strengthen your bond with your pet, which will come in handy the next time you go to the vet (or the next time your mother-in-law comes over).

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“It’s the way you live with them every d ay,” Botello stresses, “Otherwise, it’s as if we’re say i n g ‘Why don’t you be a human for a while and I’ll get back to you on that dog thing.’ Affection, p l ay, walks, feeding, t r e ats ...t h ey all need to be on your terms.”

Step Four: Interspecies Communication Part of Step One is accepting that your pet doesn’t speak English. But if you can’t explain to your pet what you want them to do or not do, how can you get them to do-or-not-do it? According to Thomson, one of the most successful approaches to interspecies communication comes through three main vocal tones that animals can consistently interpret correctly: • Regular tone: A normal voice, used to give commands and for everyday interaction. • Correction tone: A low and staccato tone, approximating a growl, used to correct negative behaviors at the moment they happen. • Praise tone: A light tone, higher in pitch than the regular tone, used to reward positive behavior and express affection. “The tone you use is much more important than the words you use,” says Thomson. The physical signals you project are also important. Pets may not possess verbal communication skills, but they are fluent in body language. “Body language is the dog’s main form of communication,” explains Thomson. “They look at your body language to see what you’re thinking.” The same is true for cats. “Their senses are so much more enhanced than ours, they can really pick up on the slightest movement,” Hogan says. That sensitivity means that your pet can easily learn to associate a hand cue with a particular behavior. The words you use are also important. Pets can recognize verbal commands, but since people often talk around— and to —their pets, it’s important to make a distinction between everyday conversation and a command. Some trainers recommend forgoing English altogether, instead substituting a seldom-used foreign word or even making up a word from a random syllable or two. For the best of both worlds, consistently pair a simple hand cue with a unique, simple command. That way, your pet can understand your command even if they look away or if there is a lot of background noise. Whatever command you choose, the key to is to keep it simple.

Step Five: What’s Their Motivation? “Undoing an ingrained behavior in an older dog is diff i c u l t ,” s ays Debbie Kendrick of Animal Behavior College (see listing on page 41), “but teaching a new behavior is just as easy as with a young dog.” In other words, yes, you can teach old dogs new tricks. You can also teach a terrier to herd like a shepherd or a poodle to sit like a bulldog. But though both age and breed play a role in determining an animal’s natural inclination to behave in a 6 petsguide summer/fall

certain way, they are not a determining factor. “Each has a different disposition and learns at different rates,” says Mary Thompson of Gold Touch Dog Training (see listing on page 42), “but it always goes back to being consistent.” Far more important than assessing your pet’s natural talent is figuring out his motivation for obeying your commands. According to Welsh, animals will do things for only two reasons. “One, because you tell him to,” he explains. “Two, because he’s going to get something.” While the first reason is ideal, the second is more realistic, but figuring out what your pet wants can be a challenge. “What will work with one dog will not necessarily work effectively with another,” Kendrick says. “Some dogs are people-driven. They want to be petted and touched and loved, through physical contact or even verbal contact. Some dogs are prey-driven. They love their toys and their ties and they like interaction.” The reward you provide for a job well done should be based along similar lines. If your pet revels in your brushing sessions, he might be happy with a few ear scratches as praise. If romping in water is your pet’s idea of heaven, following up with a session in the sprinklers might be enough. “Ideally, attention from the owner is the best reward,” Welsh says. To motivate cats, Hogan says, you always use food. Dogs are motivated by food as well, but since you won’t always have a treat on you, some trainers recommend not using food as a training reward. For others, it’s on a case-by-case basis. “Initially, I think training needs to use what motivates the dog most,” Kendrick says. And what about negative motivation?

“The consequences need to be just great enough to enforce the command,” Welsh explains. “If you tell the dog to go lie down on its bed and it doesn’t go, get up and take the dog to the bed. The idea is to get the dog to do what you want by demonstrating that you have the power to make them do it.” All of our experts agree that pet owners should not use physical or verbal negative reinforcement beyond a correcting command to startle them out of the unwanted behavior or physically removing them from the problem. Animals respond to physical force and loud yelling with increased fear and stress levels, which often result in more unwanted behavior. This is especially true with cats. “Even if a cat is aggressive, you can’t use much negative reinforcement,” says Hogan. “They’ll become afraid of you much more quickly than a dog would.” To curb a negative behavior, such as sleeping on the couch, it’s most effective to reward the pet when it demonstrates the corresponding positive behavior, such as sleeping on their pet bed. No matter what your training goals are for your pet, random positive reinforcement will keep the rewards from being predictable, which will help keep your pet motivated.

Step Six: Pay Attention Step Six might be the simplest step, but it’s also the most important: Pay attention to your pet. In addition to the enjoyment you’ll get out of a strengthened bond and a happier pet, taking 10 minutes a day to play with your cat and some string can mean the difference between your shoe and a litter box. The same is true for dogs (although they will probably need a little more string).

demonstrateyourdominance A simple primer to let your pet know you’ve got things under control! • Use vocal tones to convey your commands • Strictly enforce your own rules • Walk through doorways before your pet • Stand tall when addressing your pet • Lead when walking your dog and keep the leash loose • Periodically put your pet in its crate or kennel, even if you’re not going anywhere • Randomly praise your pet when it’s exhibiting positive behavior • Always close a training session with a release command, like “all done” • Take responsibility for your pet’s behavior • Proactively introduce your pet to new animals and people you encounter • Make gentle, direct eye contact when addressing your pet


• Use physical punishment (ever!) • Let your dog walk past the seam of your pant leg (when leashed) • Issue a command while smiling, laughing or using a soft voice • Pick up your pet or crouch down when correcting • Discipline your pet for a behavior unless you caught them doing it • Repeat yourself when issuing commands • Respond to demands for attention (except to correct) • Stare aggressively into your pet’s eyes • Give your pet the run of the house (until they prove they can handle it)


adoption&rescue The following organizations offer pets for adoption and referrals for adoption; many have pictures of available pets on their We b sites. An application process is required prior to adoption. Many of the organizations also provide rescue services and volunteer opportunities, such as foster care (see listing in this section). Also see: “ Pet Stores” and“ S h e l t e r s . ” Adopt-A-Saint (888) 231-8713 St. Bernards stay with foster families until they are adopted. 90% of dogs are relinquished by owners and 10% are rescued from shelters. $300-500. Foster homes needed. E-mail: Animal Network of Orange County (949) 759-3646 Rescued pets are vaccinated, s p ayed or neutered, microchipped, given veterinary care if necessary and reside in private homes, u s u a l ly those of the rescuers. Public adoption is held every Saturday and Sunday, noon - 4 p.m., rain or shine, at Fashion Island in Newport Beach. Adoption fee: $175-350. Basset Hound Rescue of Southern California (805) 524-9353 Sanctuary, healing and placement of distressed, abandoned, injured or homeless Basset Hounds. Volunteer opportunities. Beagles and Buddies 2661 Strozier Ave., El Monte (626) 444-9664 Rescues purebred and mixed Beagles, as well as other hounds and small dogs, from pounds, humane societies and off of the street. Some dogs have been relinquished by their owners. Open: Wednesday, Thursday, S at u r d ay and Sunday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Blue Bell Foundation for Cats 20982 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach (949) 494-1586 Founded in the 1960s, this non-profit organizat i o n provides a permanent home and sanctuary to ownerrelinquished or sponsored stray cats who are accepted for placement with the organization. Adoption process requires at least one visit prior to adoption and an agreement to return the cat to the foundation if the cat can no longer be kept. Volunteer opportunities available. Appointments are required for visitors. E-mail: California Turtle and Tortoise Club Adoption and rescue of turtles and tortoises. E-mail

only: Orange County,; and Long Beach, Capistrano Animal Rescue Effort (949) 240-1735 A rescue organization for stray cats and dogs found within San Juan Capistrano’s city limits. All animals are spayed or neutered, blood tested fo r communicable diseases, vaccinated and microchipped before adoption. Rescued cats are av a i l able for adoption every Sat u r d ay, noon - 4 p.m at the PetSmart of San Juan Capistrano or at the Ortega Animal Care Center. Adoption of dogs is by appointment and some can be seen at local adoption events. Cats In Need (909) 622-0121 Promoting the adoption of cats for 16 years. Visit the Web site for adoption locations, dates and times around Southern California. Coastal German Shepherd Rescue (714) 528-4730 Rescues and places German Shepherds throughout Southern California. Cuddly Canines Rescues (562) 242-5318 A non-profit rescue dedicated to saving pregnant dogs and unwanted litters under eight weeks old from area shelters. All puppies live in foster homes until permanent homes are found. Visit the Web site for an application. Foster Care for Animals Fostering is a highly rewarding experience that improves the animals’ chances for adoption and helps to save lives. Foster families take in animals in need of a permanent home. Most adoption and rescue organizations need foster families and will provide for the needs of animals, such as food and medical care if needed. Application process required for most organizations. For details, inquire at any of the adoption and rescue facilities listed in this section. Friends of Orange County’s Homeless Pets (714) 280-4993 Rescued pets are spayed or neutered, vaccinated, dewormed and dogs are microchipped. Visit the Web site for adoption locations and donation information.


16389 Bolsa Chica Street Huntington Beach, CA 92649 714 • 377 • 7630

STORE HOURS MON–SAT 10am–7pm SUN 10am–6pm German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County (714) 974-7762 A non-profit organization that rescues and places purebred German Shepherds. Visit the Web site to

469tricks! What’s the most tricks on record a dog has been trained to do? 469! Chanda-Leah, a Toy Poodle, can untie a knot in your shoelace, put her toys away, perform on the piano and fetch a Kleenex if you sneeze, plus 465 more tricks too!

petsguide summer/fall 7

Pet Pro LIfe (714) 964-3593 Since 1994, volunteers have been finding new homes for misplaced pets, referring owners to lowcost clinics, e d u c ating the public about animal welfare, and rescuing animals from high-kill shelters. Adoptions of dogs and puppies are held every weekend, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., at PetSmart in Fountain Va l l ey. All animals are spayed or neutered and up-to-date on vaccinations before placement. PetSmart, 17940 Newhope St., Fountain Va l l ey.

donate, adopt, volunteer or surrender a dog. Adoptions are held every Sat u r d ay at various PetSmart locations, see Web site for locations. Greyhound Pets of America (800) 298-5743 The organization is dedicated to finding homes fo r retiring race hounds. Adoption locations, d ates and times are av a i l able on the Web site. Locations vary across Southern California. Volunteer opportunities. Hearts for Hounds A non-profit organization that rescues unwanted dogs from shelters. Adoption events are held every Sunday, 10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., at Alamitos Bay Marina Farmer’s Market, East Marina Drive, Long Beach. Hemopet 11330 Markon Drive, Garden Grove (714) 891-2022 Licensed facility, houses adoptable Greyhound donors of the universal animal blood type (DEA 4). Dogs are screened for an inclusive list of pathogens and current on all vaccinations. All dogs are rescued G r eyhounds deemed unsuitable for the racing indust ry. T h ey have been neutered and receive on-site, 24 hours-a-day veterinary care and maintenance. Jindo Project (888) 343-4364 Dog rescue and educational organization dedicated to saving the lives of Korean Jindo dogs in the U.S. and Canada. Adoptable dogs found on Web site. Leonberger Rescue (866) 443-4542

Assists in rescue and placement of Leonberger dogs. Foster and volunteer opportunities. Lily Sanctuary (714) 442-9474 A parrot rescue and retreat that promotes rescue, education, adoption and rehabilitation. MASH Rescue 20773 Riverside St., Perris (951) 505-7871 As a public charity, MASH is a multi species haven that welcomes donations to provide feed and care for horses, burros, potbelly pigs, emus, dogs and farm-raised rescued deer. Some of these animals are available for adoption. National Cat Protection Society 6904 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach (949) 650-1232 Prior to adoption, cats are spayed or neutered, tested for feline Leukemia, given vaccinations or annual boosters and dewormed. Adoptees receive a certificate for a free veterinary exam. Open Tu e s d ay Saturday, noon - 4:30 p.m. Orange County Cavy Haven (714) 242-7548 Promotes the adoption of guinea pigs from shelters in Orange and Los Angeles Counties. Pet Orphans of Southern California 7720 Gloria Ave., Van Nuys (818) 901-0190 Non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of animal welfare through rescue, adoption, e d u c ation and training. Open daily, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

nobegging–justcaving! “A well-trained dog will make no attempt to share your lunch. He will just make you feel so guilty that you will not enjoy it.” –– Helen Thomson, Dog Trainer 8 petsguide summer/fall

Pet Rescue Center 25800 Jeronimo Road, Suite 100, Mission Viejo (877) 277-7938 PRC is an adoption center that works with the community and animal rescue groups to provide a no-kill, temporary sanctuary for pets in need. Volunteer opportunities. Pups and Pals (562) 713-5103 A small group of volunteers in Orange and Los Angeles Counties who focus on rescuing dogs and cats and placing them into appropriate homes. Most animals are rescued from high-kill shelters around Southern California; some are surrendered by their owners. Volunteers and foster homes are needed. Reptile and Amphibian Rescue Network (310) 815-1318 Rescues sick or injured reptiles and amphibians only, mostly from shelters and other agencies. Reptile and Wildlife Rescue and Shelter (775) 622-5983 No-kill reptile rescue includes venomous and nonvenomous capture and relocation of snakes, scorpions, lizards and frogs. Works with the Department of Wildlife and other agencies to ensure the safety and care of all reptiles including the capture and release of wildlife. Unwanted cages and tanks welcome. Owner relinquished pets accepted. Sam Simon Foundation 30765 Pacific Coast Highway, #113, Malibu (310) 457-5898, (310) 457-9312 A non-profit organization privately funded by Sam Simon, co-creator of The Simpsons. Dogs are rescued to be trained as Hearing Dogs for people deaf or hard-of-hearing. Dogs that are released from the program are adopted as companion pets. Shelter Adoption Most shelters offer adoption of healthy animals housed in their facilities if they are not claimed. There is usually a small fee; spay or neuter and other veterinary services are often included or discounted. Unless it is a no-kill shelter, animals who are not adopted are euthanized after a set period of time. See “Shelters” for location information.

Southern California Bulldog Rescue (714) 612-0265 Rehabilitates and finds homes for homeless bulldogs. Villalobos Rescue Center (661) 268-0555 Villalobos Rescue Center is a 10-acre rescue, rehabilitation and placement facility for abused and abandoned Pit Bulls. For assistance in placing your dog, e-mail: For training programs or training advice, e-mail: To volunteer or intern, email: For other questions and comments, e-mail: Visits are by appointment only. Additional Resources: The following Web sites offer up-to-date listings of adoptable pets: and

animal communicators Animal communicators use various methods of communication, including telepathy, to “talk� with animals. Communicators may receive pictures, feelings, thoughts or emotions from animals, including reasons for undesirable behavior; overall physical, emotional and mental state; and their likes and dislikes, such as opinions on food, family members, other animals, leashes or saddles, sitters, etc. Animal communicators can also determine if your pet is ready to pass on, or if the animal you are looking to adopt will enjoy your lifestyle.

Animal Talk Penelope Smith offers links to her publications, courses, calendar of events and extensive information about interspecies communication. Brigitte Noel (619) 295-5504 With a Masters in Metaphysics from the University of M e t aphysics in Los Angeles, B r i gitte Noel offers suggestions or recommendations based on the info r m ation shared by the pet, including steps that can be made to improve companionship. She also provides referrals to holistic veterinary health practitioners. Charlene Boyd (877) 907-1741, (949) 858-6717 In addition to interspecies communicat i o n , Charlene Boyd offers flower-essence therapy for animals and Animal Communication 101, which is

petsguide summer/fall 9

gooddog! Keep training sessions short, especially at first. Start with 10 minutes and work up to 20. And always end sessions on a positive note! a home-tutorial with CDs, workbook and online community interaction with instructor and fellow students. Price range: $95-165. Dr. Monica Diedrich (714) 772-2207 A certified animal care specialist for pets and wildlife. Specialties include cosmic healing, Reiki, guided imag e ry and meditation guidance. Home, phone, email and group sessions are an av e r age of one hour. Workshops and classes may be available. Lydia Hiby (760) 796-4304 For more than 20 years, Lydia Hiby telepathically communicates with pets on the phone or in person. Lydia does not work with lost pets or those that have crossed over. Sessions are $40 for 15 minutes. Classes and seminars available. • Messages from your Animal Companion by Angelica Del Mar, 55 Card Deck Beautiful deck of 55 cards lovingly created to help people better understand their animal companions. M a ny different types of animals are featured, including dogs, cats, birds, r abbits, fish and horses. It works for all types of animals, including companion, farm, wild and sea. It is simple to learn and easy to use and m ay be used regularly or periodically. Combined with your intuition, you can get meaningful and helpful information. Topics include Emotional Stat e : Hap py, Sad, Fear; Needs: Variety (food or toys), Gear (new leash, collar or bowl), Cleansing (bath, milder shampoo); and Desires: Playtime, Exercise. Sometimes the messages are more about you than your best buddy (calm, work imbalance). The deck won a best new product award at SuperZoo and was a Pick-Of-TheLitter by Modern Dog Magazine. Visit the Web site to view samples of the cards, to read testimonials, and to see the list of stores that carry them. A portion of the proceeds benefit animal rescue and advocacy organizations. Wholesale opportunities available. Email: Pet Talk with Erika (714) 738-8255, (714) PET-TALK Intuitive readings specializing in pets of all sorts and people too, along with those “on the other side.” Sessions can be done on the phone. Also offers tracking of lost pets and various classes.

10 petsguide summer/fall

Pet Whispering (888) 432-5738 Intuitive services for pets, equine and exotic animals, and people as well. They specialize in working with those in trauma, those that are ill, or who have passed on. 15-60 minute phone sessions. Workshops also available. Local contacts: Marla Lombard, (562) 2129000; and Leeann Austin, (714) 336-2236.

Coral Island Tropical Fish and Pets (714) 939-8797 1711 West Chapman Ave., Orange

Stephanie L. Brown (310) 370-3381, A veterinary technician with a Ph.D. in Metaphysics, Stephanie L. Brown has been working with animals for more than 20 years. Half-hour or one-hour consultations over the phone or in person, by appointment only.

Laguna Koi Ponds (949) 494-5107 20452 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach

• Terri Steuben (714) 875-7194 Terri Steuben gives voice to animals through Animal Communication, Medical Intuition and as a Reiki Master. Animal Communication is as simple as tuning into the senses …sight, smell, hearing, thoughts, touch and taste. Medical Intuition allows Terri to feel in her body where her clients are feeling pain or discomfort in their bodies. She is a trained Reiki Master of the Usui method. Reiki is a form of hands-on healing that originally comes from Japan, which helps to heal the emotional energy bodies (Auras) around the physical body. Terri's gifts give you a better understanding of your pet, including behavior problems such as biting, chewing, jumping, separation anxiety, scratching, sibling disputes and trauma. Other areas include new puppy education, health issues, locating lost pets, passing pets or connecting with deceased pets. Terri's work extends to disaster animal response, including the rescue of many animals with the Humane Society of the United States and SCART (see page 37) during Katrina and the San Diego and Trabuco Canyon fires. In-home and phone sessions available. “All she needs is a name.” Rates begin at $30. See ad on page 6.

aquariums&ponds Aquarium and pond retail stores and services, including maintenance and design. Also see: “Pet Stores.” Aquarium and Pond Retail Stores The following retail stores offer fish, and aquarium and pond supplies for the novice or expert fish owner.

Discount Tropical Fish (562) 691-2037 561 W. La Habra Blvd., La Habra Jeff's Exotic Fish 2330 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (714) 540-0880 804 North Tustin St., Orange (714) 771-2073

New Wave Tropical Fish 1960 North Tustin St., Orange

(714) 998-8209

OC Aquatic Tropical Fish (714) 965-7888 10110 Adams Ave., Huntington Beach P and P Tropical Fish 5020 Ball Road, Cypress

(714) 828-3872

The Reef Room (949) 248-3333 34085 Pacific Coast Highway, #105, Dana Point Reef Tropical Fish (714) 635-1123 1048 North State College Blvd., Anaheim Strictly Fish 6903 Carson St., Lakewood

(562) 421-9106

The Sand Bar Pet Shop (949) 768-0422 25571 Marguerite Parkway, #1-J, MIssion Viejo Toyoma Koi 17721 Anglin Lane, Tustin

(714) 832-8967

Aquarium and Pond Services The following businesses provide aquarium/pond maintenance and/or design. Advanced Reef Concepts (714) 526-5595 1056 South Cypress St., Suite #C, La Habra. All About Fish (562) 438-4148 Also offers a retail store for all aquatics. 2535 E. Broadway, Long Beach. Alpha Dog Walking Services (562) 234-8016 Aquarium maintenance and design. Serving Long Beach area. Gold Coast Aquarium, Inc. (949) 831-8649 Showroom visits by appointment only. 1259 South Wright St., Santa Ana.

7 Seas (562) 421-9519 5472 Del Amo Blvd., Long Beach

OC Aquatic Tropical Fish (714) 523-1003 Also offers a retail store for all aquatics. 10110 Adams Ave. Huntington Beach.

Andrew's Koi International (714) 778-8888 1650 South Brookhurst St., Anaheim

So Cal Aquatic Life Service, Inc. (714) 632-9494 700-C South Van Buren St., Placentia.


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w w w. D o g Po o p B a g s . c o m Strictly Fish (562) 421-9106 Also offers a retail store for all aquatics. 6903 Carson St., Lakewood. Wally’s Aquarium Services (714) 638-8757 Mobile service for aquariums and ponds only.

bakeries&goodies Bakeries offering baked goods and other treats for cats and dogs. Also see: “Boutiques” and “Nutrition.” Bark Avenue Pet Bakery (714) 875-9833 Local Web-based shop offers all-natural, p r e s e rvative-free, gourmet dog treat s . All dog biscuits and treats are hand-made using quality, humangrade ingredients and are veterinarian-approved. Build your own gift baskets online, av a i l able for as low as $10. Best Friends Bakery (562) 862-0043 Business run by two middle-school entrepreneurs. The bakery offers online ordering or local delivery of gourmet dog treat s , including dough-mutts, schnauzer scones, custom party cakes and seasonal treat s . Chateau Le Pooch Store 391 South State College Blvd., Suite O, Brea (714) 482-0452 Specializing in all-nat u r a l , h u m a n - grade baked goods, treats and holistic dog food. All treats are protein-based with no wheat, corn, soy or by-products.

Grandma Lucy’s (800) 906-5829 Grandma Lucy’s is a Web-only shop that offers 100% natural, freeze-dried dog and cat treats. Dog flavors include chicken parmesan, cheeseburger, philly cheesesteak and pot roast; cat fl avors include mahi mahi and roasted chicken. Baked treats are also available. Le Woof Bakery and Boutique 18306 Imperial Highway, Yorba Linda (714) 985-0046 Healthy dog treats fresh baked daily, such as pupcakes, peanut butter bones and carob chips ahoy. Birthday or special occasion cakes are made to order. Paws Bakery and Canine Boutique 6545 Greenleaf Ave., Whittier (562) 789-5740 Specializes in all-natural food and bakery items such as birthday cakes, peanut butter cups, cannolis and other treats for furry friends. Boutique offers a full line of pet products, including custom dog houses made by the owner. Salt Water Licks 16543 22nd St., Sunset Beach (562) 592-0875, (866) 552-3641 Specializing in treats such as Poodle-Knoodles or Parsley Poppers for dogs that have allergies, bad breath, love to chew or those that just like treats. They also feature made-to-order cakes and birthday parties, plus cat treats such as Catnip Cigars and Kitty Caviar. All items are free of preservatives, chemicals, salt, sugar and chocolate. The Barkery on Balboa Island 322 Marine Ave., Balboa Island (949) 675-0364

Mention Code “Petsguide” on Checko ut.

Get 100 bags, including shipping, for just $7.65 with the Petsguide discount!

Pet treats and special-occasion cakes are baked instore each day. Three Dog Bakery 924 Avocado, Newport Beach (949) 760-3647 Freshly baked treats for dogs and cats, such as “Pup Tarts,” plus gift baskets, made-to-order celebration cakes, seasonal treats and daily specials. Also offers pet accessories, clothes and toys. Wiskers Pet Beastro and Bowteek 4818 E. 2nd St., Long Beach (562) 433-0707 Homemade treats for cats and dogs, specializing in made-to-order cakes and bite-size “Pup-Cakes.” Also offers pet accessories, clothing, grooming and a pet spa.

sneezingoncue! Higgins (aka “Benji”) was probably the most talented dog actor of the 1960s and 1970s. Discovered as a puppy by legendary animal trainer Frank Inn at the Burbank Animal Shelter, Higgins learned one new trick or routine per week, retaining these routines from year-to-year, making it possible for him to take on increasingly complex roles. His repertoire included climbing ladders, opening a mailbox and removing a letter, and yawning and sneezing on cue. petsguide summer/fall 11

top10! What are the top 10 dog tricks in the United States? Sit, shake, speak, roll over, lie down, stand on hind legs, beg, dance, sing and fetch a newspaper! How many can your pup do?

beaches Southern California beaches that welcome dogs, both on- and off-leash, plus Web sites listing beaches throughout the country. Corona Del Mar, Newport and Balboa Beaches Dogs are allowed on these beaches before 9 a.m. and after 5 p.m. year-round, provided they are on a leash six-feet or shorter. Tickets will be issued if your dog is off-leash, and owners are required to clean up after their pets. Fresh water is av a i lable at all beaches. Dog-waste bags are av a i l ab l e at Corona Del Mar Beach. Corona Del Mar Stat e Beach, Iris St. and Ocean Blvd., Corona Del Mar, (949) 644-3151; Newport and Balboa Beach, Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, (949) 644-3211. Huntington Beach - Dog Beach (714) 841-8644 Dogs may be off-leash in the water and on wet sand across this three-quarter-mile dog beach open daily, 5 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fresh water and dogbags are available. Free and open to the public, although people can support the beach with a donation-based membership. Remember to bring quarters for parking meters. Pacific Coast Highway between 21st and Seapoint streets. Laguna Beach (949) 497-3311 Dogs are allowed on this beach before 8 a.m. and from 6-10 p.m., June 1 - September 15. The rest of the year, they are allowed on the beach from daw n until dusk. Dogs are never allowed south of the M o n t age Hotel. Dogs must be on a leash at all times. D o g - b ags are available. Bring quarters for metered parking. Pacific Coast Highway, L aguna Beach. Long Beach - Dog Beach Zone (562) 570-3100 The Long Beach Dog Zone is a 3-acre, non-fenced site open daily, 6 a.m. - 8 p.m., and is the only legal,

12 petsguide summer/fall

off-leash dog beach in LA County. O n ly one dog per adult; no water or dog-bags available. For details and beach rules, visit the Web site. Bring quarters fo r metered parking. Belmont Shore, between Argonne and Roycroft avenues in Long Beach. Additional Resources: For a list of dog-friendly beaches in the U.S. and Canada, visit and click on the link “Beaches.” For a list of Southern California beaches (including San Diego), visit and click on the link “Off-Leash Parks.”

birds Retail stores offering a variety of birds and supplies for tamed and wild birds. Also see: “Pet Stores.” Bird Stuff 210 South Tustin St., Orange (714) 639-6039 A full bird supply store, complete with seed, treats, toys, cages and more (does not sell actual birds). Bird boarding available. Exotic Bird Grooming (949) 586-2373 For more than 27 years, t h ey been providing professional services to birds of all feathers. James J. Durant Enterprises Bird Cages (949) 673-5625 Hand-crafted, custom-made bird cages in various sizes, wire gauges and spacings to accommodate birds of every size, from finches to macaw s . Durant b i r d c ages are showcased by many top hotels, and can be found in celebrity homes, and in the pages of Neiman Marcus and Hammacher Schlemer catalogs. Jedds 1165 North Red Gum, Anaheim (714) 630-5921 Retail and wholesale equipment and supplies for race and show pigeons. Catalog available. Lily Sanctuary (714) 442-9474 A parrot rescue and retreat that promotes rescue, education, adoption and rehabilitation. Magnolia Bird Farm 8990 Cerritos Ave., Anaheim (714) 527-3387 The store sells birds of all breeds and sizes, from canaries and finches to parrots and macaw s . They also carry all bird supplies, including seed mixes blended in their huge seed warehouse. Bird grooming and boarding av a i l able.

Omar’s Exotic Birds 23690 El Toro Road, Lake Forest (949) 472-3962 1192 E. Imperial Hwy., Placentia (714) 572-8353 Complete bird supplies, plus more than 30 species of hand-fed birds, including cockat i e l s and African gr eys. Birds are not caged and customers are free to interact with birds in the store. The store periodically offers classes about birds and bird care. Paradise Birds 7201 Greenleaf Ave., #D, Whittier (562) 698-2546 Bird only pet store including their supplies. They o ffer canaries and African gr eys to name a few. • Pet Country 22485 El Toro Road, Suite A, Lake Forest (949) 951-7387 Pet Country specializes in hand-tamed exotic birds. All of their birds are hand-selected by the owner, Keith, and his daughter, K at i e . As a part of their shared commitment to healthy pets, Pet Country has now partnered with the “Animal and Bird Clinic of Mission Viejo.” When you purchase a bird at Pet Country, you may take it to the Animal and Bird Clinic of Mission Viejo for a free wellness check. The store also sells supplies fo r all pets including small animals and reptiles, plus holistic dog and cat food. Va c c i n ations and training classes also av a i l able. Open Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.; Sat u r d ay, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.; and Sunday, 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. See ad on page 33; discount coupon on page 46. Rainbow Feathers 4100 E. Anaheim St., Long Beach (562) 597-7099 Complete bird store selling hand-fed birds of every breed, plus supplies. Military families with ID receive a 5% discount. The Purple Parrot (888) 300-1110 With more than 35 years in the bird breeding profession, Purple Parrot developed two products for the bird lover, The Protector and a non-toxic Bird Dropping Remover. Visit the Web site for product and breeding information, including a humorous skit starring The Purple Parrot. Wild Birds Unlimited Huntington Beach (714) 963-8300 Mission Viejo (949) 472-4928 Yorba Linda (714) 985-4928 A bird feeding and nature store focusing on bringing nature and people together through backyards. Call for wild bird advice and upcoming educational events. Locations: 19680 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach; 24481 Alicia Parkway, #1-A, Mission Viejo; and 17611 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda.

2-Hour Dog Beach or Park Visit & Dirty Dog Wash Session Would you like to come home to a happy, tired & clean dog?

ONLY $55 per dog

( $45 for additional )

C a l l M e g a n : 9 0 9 . 48 9 . 6 2 2 3 p l ayed 24 hours a day. Local veterinarian available. Open every d ay; closed holiday s . Grooming, day care, swimming, pickup/delivery and training available.

boarding&kennels Day, overnight and extended boarding and care for dogs, cats and other pets. Pet interviews may be required prior to boarding. Vaccinations must be current; many facilities will require copies. Also see: “Daycare” and “Pet Sitters.” All Paws Daycare, Boarding and Hospice 18918 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley (714) 964-9304 Veterinarian owned and operated, All Paws specializes in medically fragile pets with 24-hour supervision, climate control, fresh sod in potty area and air purifier. Also offers daycare and hospice care. Animal Friends Pet Hotel and Grooming 13220 Euclid St., Garden Grove (714) 537-4500 Open 365 days a year with 80 private all-indoor dog suites, 45 private cat apartments with sunning windows and 20 kitty penthouse apartments with skylights. Services include cookie time, d a i ly playtime in yard with covered pat i o , fleece bedding, prescription diets, n atural lighting with central air and heat. Additional services offered include pet photography, frozen yogurts, grooming and bathing, soothing massage sessions and extra playtimes for your pets. Dog obedience group classes or private lessons are also available. T h ey offer veterinarian care for your pet at Community Veterinary Hospital, Inc. E-mail: BZY Feet Kennel 20321 Riverside Drive, Newport Beach (714) 545-9116 Exercise and socializat i o n several times a day. Indoor/outdoor runs are heated and air conditioned depending on season. Multiple dog discounts. Music

Camp Bow Wow (714) 533-2267, (949) 218-7387 Anaheim and San Clemente locations. See “Daycare” for information. Coast Canine Resort Ranch 606 West Collins, Orange (714) 639-0219 Coast Canine specializes in terriers. Indoor/outdoor runs and food provided. No poodles or fancy dogs. Grooming is also available. Country Care Pet Resort, Inc. 4691 Valley View Ave., Yorba Linda (714) 985-1330 An indoor kennel featuring dog suites with a bedroom and play area; cat condos, with or without a view; a year-round temperature of 68-70º; individual playtime for each animal; and staff on-site 24 hours a day. Food and treats are provided unless furnished by owner. They will board any pet that does not require to be fed live food. One-month advance reservations are recommended during the summer and for holidays; one to two weeks are recommended during the winter. One night stay averages $20-35, depending on the size of the suite or condo. Multiple pet discounts available. Crossroads Country Club Pet Resort 10832 Knott Ave., Stanton (800) 823-4283



first visit “Bed and Breakfast” boarding for dogs and cats. Other animals also considered. Optional programs include social play time, home-like accommodations with staff living on-site, private exercise time and review of basic training skills. Grooming also offered. E-mail: Doggietown USA 7466 Edinger Ave., Huntington Beach (714) 841-3330 5,000-square-foot indoor climate-controlled facility. Pets sleep in an open area on provided cots with other similarly sized overnight guests. The facility is staffed 24/7 by staff certified in pet first aid and CPR. • K-9 City 28052 Camino Capistrano, #101, Laguna Niguel (949) 364-3300 “Creating peace of mind for you...and your dog.” You can have peace of mind that they provide a safe, comfortable and caring environment for your dog during their stay. All boarding dogs get to socialize and visit with old friends or make new ones. They spend their day relaxing, playing and being pampered by the caring family. Bedding and plenty of toys are provided. The kennels are heated or air-conditioned as needed. Dogs can also get individualized one-on-one training. Grooming services also available. See ad on page 41. • Katella Animal Clinic 10712 Katella Ave., Anaheim (714) 535-6791 Boarding is av a i l able at Katella Animal Clinic. While boarded at the clinic, each dog is given a complimen-

housetraining101! If your pup has an accident indoors and you catch him in the act of eliminating, do something to interrupt him and immediately take him to his bathroom spot. Don’t punish, as animals don’t understand punishment after the fact, even if it’s only seconds later. Also, clean the soiled area thoroughly. Puppies are likely to continue soiling in areas that smell like urine or feces.

petsguide summer/fall 13

dogs seven days a week. Separate wing for cats; dogs are exercised twice a day with supervised play. One- to two-month advance reservations for holiday boarding is recommended. Mrs. Petlove’s Bed and Breakfast Inn 951 West Bastanchury Road, Fullerton (714) 871-3000 Veterinary practice that offers boarding for cats and dogs. Grooming and veterinary care also available. • Pet Suites 19 Journey, Aliso Viejo (949) 425-0700 Deluxe accommodations for dogs and cats with color television in each pavilion of suites, which also feature individual themes. Nine secure play and exercise yards for individual, s u p e rvised playtime. Food is included, unless furnished by owner. Veterinarianowned. Member of the American Boarding Kennel Association. Also see "Boarding and Kennels" and "Grooming." See ad on this pag e . Shaleen Kennels 2299 N. Batavia St., Orange (714) 637-0866 All-breed boarding facility. Owners live on property for around-the-clock supervision. Indoor and outdoor kennels with air conditioning or heating as needed. 24-hour veterinarian on call. spcaLA’s Pet Hotel 7700 East Spring St., Long Beach (562) 570-3079 The boarding facility consists of indoor kennels with outdoor access for dogs, and private, r o o my c at condos for feline guests. C ats have a large “outdoor” cat atrium for play time. Dogs have big p l ay yards with real gr a s s . Boarding services are av a i l able only to spcaLA donors who have gi v e n $75 or more within the 12 months prior to boarding date. To become a donor, call the Fund Development Department at (323) 730-5300, Ext. 233 or visit Proceeds from the Pet Hotel benefit spcaLA’s programs.

t a ryexam by the veterinarian. Food is provided, dogs are walked two or more times a day, and the facility is clean and sanitized daily. Veterinarian appointments and grooming services can be scheduled along with your dog's boarding visits, or independently. All dogs must be vaccinated, and vaccinations can be brought up-to-date by the clinic if needed. A free Capstar tablet for flea prevention can be administered if necessary. Also see "Grooming," "Low-Cost S e rvices," and "Veterinary Services." See ad with discount on page 44. Mar Mel Inn 1374 Gladys Ave., Long Beach (562) 439-2993 Full-service boarding and grooming for cats and 14 petsguide summer/fall

The Bone Adventure 1629 Superior Ave., Costa Mesa (949) 650-2692 Cage-free dog boarding, indoor and outdoor play areas with Webcams. Food is provided by owner or av a i l able for $2 per meal. Pet pickup is offered for an additional fee. S u p e rvised overnight care starts at $50, discounts av a i l ab l e . D aycare and grooming also offered. The Pet Set 3960 Cherry Ave., Long Beach (562) 595-5889 An indoor and outdoor facility with private or communal boarding for cats and dogs. Food is provid-

ed unless furnished by the owner. No additional charge for oral doses of medication for dogs; oncall veterinary services provided. All animals older than six months must be spayed or neutered. Rates start at $35 per single suite. Reservations recommended at least two weeks in advance and at least one month around major holidays. Webcam accessible. Grooming available. Yorba Regional Animal Hospital 8290 East Crystal Drive, Anaheim (714) 921-8700 Boarding for canines and felines. Dogs choose from canine or luxury suites, which offer themed rooms with TVs and raised beds. Cats reside in C at Condos with a separate play area. Specialneeds boarding also off e r e d . 24-hour staff i n g , veterinarians on-duty. Webcams av a i l able.

boutiques Shops offering pet supplies and accessories, including clothes, jackets, leashes and collars, booties, goodies, bowls, beds and more. Also see: “Bakeries” and “Pet Stores.” • Bark and Sniff Boutique 1330 South Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach (949) 715-DOGS (3647) Bark and Sniff Boutique specializes in fun and fashionable clothing and accessories for your furry friend, including the latest in Juicy Couture, genuine Swarovski Crystal Collars, toys, beds, feeders and lots more! They also put an emphasis on holistic nutrition and organic goodies. Stop by and purchase a fresh baked treat! Open Monday Saturday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; and Sunday, 11 a.m. 5 p.m. See ad on page 13. Chateau Le Pooch Store 391 South State College Blvd., Suite O, Brea (714) 482-0452 This boutique offers a wide variety of harnesses, clothing and pet accessories for teacup to smallbreed dogs. All natural dog food, treats, chews and b a k e ry items. Small breed puppies also available, specializing in Yorkies, Maltese, Pomeranian and Shih Tzu. Join “Club Pooch” to get info r m ation on m o n t h ly store events, parties and promotions. House of Pets 2122 East Lincoln Ave., Anaheim (714) 817-7387 The store carries a variety of accessories for dogs and cats. Grooming services available. Le Woof Dog Bakery and Boutique 18306 Imperial Highway, Yorba Linda (714) 985-0046

The boutique carries hard-to-find items such as Juicy Couture pet fashion and John Paul pet grooming products. Fresh treats baked daily. Muttropolis Dog and Cat Boutique 865 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach (949) 717-6888 “A Utopia for Pets and Their Parents,” Muttropolis, located in Fashion Island, offers a variety of pet accessories, including eco-friendly clothes and toys. They specialize in parties for dogs and cats, whether for birthdays or four-legged socials.

A Unique Place for People and their Pets

• Paws at the Coffee MIll 7561 Center Ave., #38, Huntington Beach (714) 898-5111 or (714) 402-7327 Novel dog boutique located in Old Wo r l d , s p e c i a lizing in harnesses, including mesh and Hawaiian print, for small and medium dogs. Browse their unique doggie gi f t s , fl ag s , accessories and apparel for various dog breeds. Purses, wallets, signs, stickers, mugs, jewelry, pillows, throws and dishtowels av a i l able in many breed designs. Call for store hours. Dachshund races are held m o n t h ly, see “ C a l e n d a r.” See ad on this page. Pet Treasures U-Wash Pet Spa and Boutique 653 Camino De Los Mares, #100, San Clemente (949) 493-7297 Boutique offers toys, pet apparel, collars, pet carriers, beds, bowls, holistic treats and dog food, plus a self-serve spa to bathe your pet. • Puppy Shop Boys 688 Baker St., #5, Costa Mesa (714) 641-1717 The newest trendy and luxurious boutique shop for canine pets, Puppy Shop Boys is the place to browse for small dog clothing and accessories, or relax and have a cup of coffee in the Pet Lounge. They have Miniature Maltese, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua and Shih Tzu av a i l able for sale, all from reputable breeders. Their many accessories include imported fashions, sparkling collars, s t y lish carrier bags, comfy bedding, and more. Their staff will hap p i ly assist you with your questions regarding dog breeds, gr o o m i n g , nutrition and potty training, and will help you choose the perfect best friend for you and your entire family. Visit their online Poochie Portrait to see adorab l e pictures of av a i l able puppies. Open Tuesday Friday, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Sat u r d ay, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sunday, 12-6 p.m.; and closed Monday. Also see “Grooming” and “Pet Stores.” See ad on this page; coupon on page 51.

fun & fashionable clothing & accessories holistic food & organic goodies fresh baked treats (949) 715 DOGS (3647) 1330 South Coast Hwy Open Monday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. ic and raw foods. A canine dental clinic is held on the last Friday of every month.

products from dog treats to attire, plus unique and hard-to-find products.

The Barkery on Balboa Island 322 Marine Ave., Balboa Island (949) 675-0364 In addition to fresh-baked pet treats and special in-store events, t h ey offer designer clothing, accessories, toys and custom dog houses. You can even have your pet’s portrait painted by a local artist.

Three Dog Bakery 924 Avocado, Newport Beach (949) 760-3647 Specializing in distinct collars, clothing, toys and other accessories. This location also offers instore baked treat s .

The Laguna Beach Dog Company 384 Forest Ave., Laguna Beach (949) 494-7200 The Laguna Beach Dog Company carries a variety of

Wiskers Pet Beastro and Bowteek 4818 E. 2nd St., Long Beach (562) 433-0707 A “bowteek” of unique pet clothing and accessories, Wiskers also offers “fur styling” and a bakery with homemade treats.

Something to Chew On 30100 Town Center Drive, Suite C, Laguna Niguel (949) 249-9663 Specializing in unique accessories for dogs and dog-themed gifts, as well as a selection of organ-

petsguide summer/fall 15

• Admiration Standard Poodles (714) 234-6367 Working with Poodles as well as other breeds for over 30 years, they have an extensive background in all facets of canine care. All of their puppies have guarantees and first immunizations. Puppies are raised in-home, gorgeous, well-socialized and have excellent stable temperaments. Services also include: complete training (from home manners to AKC titles), bed-andbreakfast style boarding, precision grooming, nutrition and wellness counseling. Admiration Ranch is five acres of Poodle Paradise. Call (714)234-6367 E-mail: See ad on this pag e . Calico Golden Retrievers (714) 525-4838, (714) 788-8806 Breeding quality Golden Retrievers since 1982. Puppies are raised in a loving home environment and well socialized. Pet and show puppies are av a i l able with champion AKC pedigrees and health clearances on parents. Puppies are started on first vaccinations and receive health exams. Stud services are also av a i l able. See Web site fo r photos. E-mail:

Additional Resources: The following Web sites offer pet wear and accessories. Also see the “Calendar” on page 50 for Web resources selling costumes: (sports apparel for dogs) (political bandannas) (outdoor gear for dogs)

breeders Local breeders and Web resources to locate breeders throughout the country. Also see: “Adoption and Rescue,” “Pet Stores” and “Shelters” for resources for adopting or purchasing specific breeds.

16 petsguide summer/fall

Fancy Friends (949) 499-3932 Specializes in Himalayan and exotic cat breeds. Registered with CFA and TICA. Visit the Web site for virtual cattery of available breed and show cats. Shaleen Kennels 2299 N. Batavia St., Orange (714) 637-0866 Breeds Scottish Terriers for show and purchase. Email: Vom Haus Gochi German Shepherds Huntington Beach (310) 502-4699 Since 1989, Vom Haus Gochi has bred 100% German bloodline German Shepherds. Wee-r-Yorkies and Maltese (949) 597-0085 Lake Forest breeder specializing in Yorkshire Terriers and Maltese dogs. Parents are normally on the premises and most come from champion lines. All puppies are registered with the AKC, receive their first shots and a veterinary health check, and are guaranteed. Interview required for interested parties. E-mail: Additional Resources: The following Web sites offer sources to find specific breeds and breeders of dogs and cats throughout the U.S.: or

clubs&associations Pet and animal clubs and associations, m a ny of which provide educational resources for pet ow n e r s . American Animal Hospital Association (800) 252-2242 The AAHA provides information about accreditation for animal hospitals, as well as medical information for pet owners, such as regulations for vaccinations, medication details and dental care. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (212) 876-7700 Founded in 1866, ASPCA provides local and national leadership in animal-assisted therapy, animal behavior, animal poison control, anti-cruelty, humane education, l e gi s l ative services and shelter outreach. In the “About the ASPCA” section of their Web site, click “Contact Us” for topic-specific resources. American Veterinary Medical Association (847) 925-8070 Established in 1863, the AVMA represents more than 76,000 veterinarians working in private and corporate practice, as well as government, industry, academia and uniformed services. The AVMA Web site provides animal medical resources and current scientific data. Association of Pet Dog Trainers (800) 738-3647 Professional organization of individual dog trainer members seeking continuing education. Pet owners can search the online dat abase for local dog trainers, as well as for info r m ation about choosing a trainer. National Association of Professional Pet Sitters (800) 296-7387 NAPPS, an association for pet sitters and pet owners, provides a Web site with a pet-sitter search and educational information about pet sitting and pet care. Click on “For Pet Owners.” Online Communities The following Web sites offer online social networking communities for dogs and their people, similar to MySpace: w w w. d o g p h o r i a . c o m , and

Pet Sitters International (336) 983-9222 PSI offers education, membership and accreditation to pet sitters. They also provide information for pet owners such as tips for traveling, disaster preparedness, what to look for in a pet sitter, and a free online pet sitter locator service. spcaLA 5026 West Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles (888) 772-2521 The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Los Angeles is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention of cruelty to animals through education, law enforcement and intervention. Their Web site provides information on adopting pets, humane education, animal protection services and animal training. Volunteer opportunities, programs and other services available.

ORANGE COUNTY EMERGENCY PET CLINICS Specializing in Emergency Medicine and Critical Care GARDEN GROVE

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American Kennel Club American Rat Fancy Association Avicultural Society of America California Hamster Association California Turtle and Tortoise Club Cat Fanciers’ Association Rat and Mouse Club of America Southwestern Herpetologists Society The American Rabbit Breeders Association The International Cat Association Inc. The Rat Fan Club The Humane Society of the United States (202) 452-1100 The Humane Society’s mission is “Celebrating

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AFTER HOURS CARE NIGHTS: 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. Mon-Fri WEEKENDS: Noon Sat to 8 a.m. Mon HOLIDAYS: All day

Nights • Weekends • Holidays • www. e r 4 y o u r p e t . c o m Animals, Confronting Cruelty.” Their Web site contains info r m ation and resources about the humane treatment of animals, including current legi s l ation and legal actions; disaster services; and useful info rm ation about pet care.

Specific Breed and Species Clubs The following Web sites offer searches for local clubs for specific breeds and species: American Cat Fanciers Association


daycare The following daycare facilities provide a place for your dog to socialize and play while you are away from home for full or half days. Dogs must be current on all vaccinations, i n cluding rabies, DHTPP and bordatella; spaying or neutering may be required after a certain age. Interviews with the dog are often required. Grooming and shuttle service may be available. Also see: “Boarding and Kennels” and “ Pet Sitters.” All Paws 18918 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley (714) 964-9304 Veterinarian owned and operated, All Paws specializes in medically fragile pets with 24 hour supervision, climate control, fresh sod in potty area and air purifier. Also offers boarding and hospice care. Animal Friends Pet Hotel and Grooming 13220 Euclid St., Garden Grove (714) 537-4500 See “Boarding and Kennels” for detailed information. Camp Bow Wow (714) 533-2267, (949) 218-7387 Camp Bow Wow, with locations in Anaheim and San Clemente, provides a fun, safe environment for your dog. Canine Campers receive their own food to avoid an upset stomach; medications and extra treat s . The facilities also offer overnight boarding. Additional s e rvices may be available, including grooming, training, d o ggy massag e , swimming in the pup pool, and an assortment of retail items. The camp staffers are trained in dog behavior, safety and health manag ement. Webcam accessible. Open 365 day s .

Crossroads Country Club Pet Resort 10832 Knott Ave., Stanton (800) 823-4283 Fun social time for puppies and dogs. Large areas accommodating six to ten dogs per social group, plus two daily outings to a large grass play-yard. There is no size, age limit or breed restriction, but dogs must be healthy and a socialization test is required. Separate play area for puppies and small dogs. Open Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. and Saturday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Daily, weekly and monthly pricing. E-mail: Doggie in the Window 4106 E. Anaheim St., Long Beach (562) 494-7085 Socialized play for all dogs. Daily, weekly and monthly pricing. Daycare is offered Monday Friday, starting at 7 a.m. Webcam on site. Full supply pet store and grooming also available. • K-9 City 28052 Camino Capistrano, #101, Laguna Niguel (949) 364-3300 “Creating peace of mind for you ... and your dog.” You can have peace of mind that your dog is safe and having fun visiting with old friends or making new ones. D aycare provides play t i m e , games,

situbusit! The most common trick to teach a dog is "sit." Simply hold a treat in your fingers and put it near your dog's nose and slightly backward (toward the tail). As the dog watches the treat go back over his head, his rear end should naturally go dow n . When his rear end hits the floor, immediately say "sit" and give him a treat. petsguide summer/fall 17

do-it-yourselftraining! H ow about getting the whole family—especially the kids— involved in training the dog? Local recreation departments offer l ow-cost training classes in four to six-week sessions. Classes include “Frisbee Fun For Dogs,” “Crash Course in Basic Canine Manners,”“Puppy Kindergarten” and “Help! My Dog is Driving Me Crazy.” See “Dog Sports,” “Training” and “Trails” in Petsguide to see what’s offered. snack and naptime so by the time you pick your dog up, they will be ready for dinner, hugs and a good night’s sleep. This is home away from home offering companionship, affection and fun for your dog while you are at work or away from home. Your dog can also receive individualized one-on-one training during the day. Grooming services also available. See ad on page 41. Muttmates Doggie Daycamp (949) 831-6888 Muttmates has provided doggie daycare for bored dogs since 1986. Serves Aliso Viejo, L aguna Niguel, Dana Point and San Juan Capistrano. Pick-up and drop-off included; no overnights. Rates start at $30 per day. Open Monday - Friday. My Doggies Daycare and Overnight Boarding 30314 Esperanza, Rancho Santa Margarita (949) 709-4600 Exercise and socialization in a dog-park environment; separate play areas for small and big dogs. Overnight boarding available. Doggie cams on site. First day is a lw ays free. Visit Web site for internet specials. • Pet Suites 19 Journey, Aliso Viejo (949) 425-0700 Pet Suites has two daycare options depending on the dog and owner's preferences. D o ggie Camps are a socialized daycare where dogs play in a group setting with dogs of similar size. D o ggie Daycare is designed for dogs that prefer not to mingle with other dogs or need one-on-one care. All camp dogs receive four hours of free-play time and are given a healthy treat during "Yap py Hour." R ates vary depending on dogs' needs. Monday Friday, 6:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.; Sat u r d ay and Sunday, 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Also see "Boarding and Kennels" and "Grooming." See ad on page 12. The Bone Adventure 1629 Superior Ave., Costa Mesa (949) 650-2692 Indoor and outdoor, cage-free facility where small or shy dogs are separated from big or active dogs. Shuttle services av a i l able for nearby cities. Daycare starts at $22 for a half-day and $37 for a full-day.

18 petsguide summer/fall

Webcam accessible. Boarding, grooming and discounts av a i l ab l e . The Pet Set 3960 Cherry Ave., Long Beach (562) 595-5889 An indoor/outdoor doggie daycare in Long Beach with more than 14,000 square-feet of play space. Two separate areas for small and big dogs. Webcam accessible. Open Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.; and Saturday, 8 a.m. - noon. Grooming av a i l ab l e . Wags and Wiggles Rancho Santa Margarita (949) 635-9655 Tustin (714) 368-7077 An indoor/outdoor dog-park environment where dogs can play freely; large and medium-sized dogs hav e separate play areas from smaller dogs. The air-conditioned facility offers Webcam viewing and a “Fluff and Fresh” s e rvice to clean dogs before they are picked up. They also specialize in training, behavior modification and agility classes. Additional serv i c e s include boarding and obedience and puppy classes. Locations: 23171 Arroyo Vista, Rancho Santa Margarita; 14402 Chambers Road, Tustin.

dogsports The following organizations provide dog sport classes or clinics, including agility, herding, mushing, frisbee and flyball, plus information on referrals and competitions. All-Breed Herding Training Classes are av a i l able year-round to teach all breeds of dogs how to herd sheep. Jerome Stewart has been teaching herding classes since 1988, and currently teaches three classes per week in Long Beach, Anaheim and Perris. Each class is 2 1⁄2 hours for $30; pre-registration is not required. No previous experience necessary. E-mail: American Kennel Club (919) 233-9767 The American Kennel Club provides information about competitions and dog sports training nationwide, including dog shows.

Disc Dogs in Southern California DDISC organizes a series of informal play days and clinics throughout the year where members and prospective members can exchange training ideas. They also plan several competitions and a variety of shows throughout the year for dog-related charities, humane societies, sporting events and schools. Members include regional, national and world competition finalists. Clinic dat e s , event schedules and contact information are available on the Web site. Flyball Fun for Dogs The following city recreation departments offer sixor eight-week courses for ball-loving dogs, from $50-72. Dogs learn to jump over hurdles and retrieve a ball from a spring-loaded box. Dogs should be at least eight months old and have some basic training skills. Costa Mesa, (714) 327-7525; Dana Point, (949) 248-3530; Garden Grove, also o ffers Beginning Flyball and Flyball Team Strategies, (714) 741-5200; Irvine, (949) 7246610; Laguna Niguel, (949) 425-5100; Mission Viejo/Saddleback, (949) 768-0981; and San Clemente, (949) 361-8264. Frisbee Fun for Dogs The following city recreation departments offer a oned ay seminar, $39-65, that includes instruction on proper frisbee throwing techniques and how to get your dog motivated to catch a disc and bring it back to you. An introduction to teaching your dog various stunts, such as spins, twists and weaving between your legs, is also offered: Anaheim, also offers a 6week frisbee course, (714) 765-5191; Buena Park, (714) 236-3860; Fullerton, (714) 738-6317; Fountain Va l l ey, (714) 839-8611; Garden Grove, (714) 741-5200; La Hab r a , (562) 905-9700; Long Beach, (562) 570-6555; Placentia, (714) 993-8232; Seal Beach, (562) 431-2527; San Clemente, (949) 361-8264; Westminster, (714) 898-3311; and Yorba Linda, (714) 961-7160. Jump Start Dog Sports 4691 Valley View, Yorba Linda (714) 985-1555 Classes include agility, frisbee, competition, rally, conformation and musical freestyle. They also offer family pet classes, including basic puppy training and tricks for kids and their puppies. North American Flyball Association (800) 318-6312 O fficial site for flyball includes a listing of regional teams, a national and international tournament calendar, world records and statistics, news and official rules. Orange Crush Flyball Club ”The heart of flyball in Orange County.” The Web site provides local listings of tournaments, practices and classes.

Rally Obedience and Canine Agility Games Course The following city recreation departments offer sixor nine-week courses for dogs that already have basic training and owners that want more activity in their dog’s life, from $59-78: Anaheim, (714) 7655191; Dana Point, (949) 248-3530; Fullerton, (714) 738-6317; Irvine, (949) 724-6610; Laguna Niguel, (949) 425-5100; Long Beach, also offers advanced agi l i t y, (562) 570-6555; Mission Viejo/Saddleback, also offers advanced agi l i t y, (949) 768-0981; Placentia, (714) 993-8232; San Clemente, (949) 361-8264; and Yorba Linda, also offers advanced agility, (714) 961-7160. Urban Mushing Home of the Southern California Working Snow Dogs, a group of humans and their canine companions indulge in different fun dog-powered activities for the working dog, through various “mushing” type activities such as dog scootering, carting, bikejoring, canicross, skijoring, weight-pulling and even dogsledding. Clinics and meetings offered. Email:

dogwalkers Dog walking for areas throughout Orange County and Long Beach metro; services may include park or beach trips, feeding and inhome visits. Most providers are bonded, insured and members of professional associations, such as Pet Sitters International and the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters; some are animal-CPR and first-aid certified. Always ask a dog walker for their qualifications and check their references. Also see: “Pet Sitters” and “Taxi.” Alpha Pet Care 866-SIT-FIDO (866-748-3437) Serves Orange County and Long Beach metro. A zip code service search is provided on their Web site to determine location availability. Private and semiprivate walks, specializing in puppies, seniors and antisocial dogs. Animal Amour (949) 631-5771 Serves Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Irvine. Free consultation. Customized walks in your pet’s neighborhood, including training reinfo r c e m e n t using your command words and following your practices. Brooke’s Prancing Paws (916) 747-0531 Dog walking/pet sitting in Huntington Beach and

surrounding areas. Rates start at $15 with your first walk free! E-mail: Brookesprancingpaws@gmail. Critter Sitting Individuals (949) 274-6130 Serves Laguna Niguel, Laguna Woods, Laguna Hills, Aliso Viejo, Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, Ladera Ranch, Dana Point and San Juan Capistrano. Midday dog walking. Free consultation and interview. Daisy’s Doggie Daycare (562) 843-3721 Serves parts of Long Beach, Seal Beach and Huntington Beach. Dog walking, Monday - Friday, plus play groups, private walks or custom visits. Caters to special-needs dogs. Rates start at $20. E-mail: Dog Walking Groups at Socialize, get exercise and walk your dog too. Visit the Web site, type in "dog walk" in the interest area, then enter your zip code for a list of groups you can join. • Fetch! Pet Care “We’ve Got Your Tail Covered” ™ (866) FETCH-ME, (562) 472-0422, (714) 881-4511 Fetch! Pet Care offers the following dog waking services: Private Dog Walks - Dogs need exercise and fresh air. If you’re too busy to walk your canine friend, let Fetch Pet Care do it for you! Walks provide your dog with the exercise and human interaction that will keep them happy and healthy. Group Dog Exercise - Is your pooch a social butterfly or does he/she need to work on his/her social skills? Try a one-hour off leash or on-leash social hike and park run. Go exercising, socializing and sniffing with other dogs that have been screened for compatibility. They will come home healthier, happier, socialized and tired! For the Brea, Fullerton, La Habra, La Habra Heights La Mirada, Fullerton and Whittier areas, call (866) FETCH-ME or (562) 472-0422. For Huntington

Your An i mals YourAn Best Friend Services Serving Orange County

In-Home Pet Sitting Dog Walking Waste Pick-Up and Removal Animal Sleepovers Home Sitting Plant Care Errand Services Customized Services

Bonded and Insured (714) 230-6541 or (949) 375-1832 Beach/Seal Beach and surrounding areas, call (714) 881-4511. See ad on page 29; coupon on page 46. • Gone Dog Walking Huntington Beach (714) 658-6536 Gone Dog Walking customizes walks for each dog’s needs, with love, love, love (belly rubs included). Schedule from three times a week, or take advantage of their specially priced packages for five times a week. As a special treat, they also offer the “Dog Beach Birthday” (see “Parties”). Gone Dog Walking is licensed, insured and bonded with 10 years of veterinarian experience. Rates: $20 for one dog, $25 for two. Also see: “Pet Sitting” and

... and


Pet Sitting Dog Walks and Playtime Mid-day Walks • Pet Taxi Insured • Bonded • Member Pet Sitters Intl.

(714) 658-6536 • www. g o n e d o g w a l k i n g . c o m

petsguide summer/fall 19

ain’ttooproud tobeg! Here are six tips to keep your dog from begging: 1) Avoid feeding your dog at the table. 2) Train your dog to perform a long “down, stay” command. 3) Ignore your pup completely while you eat –no eye contact, no talking, no reprimanding. 4) While you are eating, give your dog a rolling toy filled with food that drops out as the dog plays (like the “Kong”). 5) After you’re done eating, reward your dog with plenty of praise and a treat (away from the table). 6) Be consistent in your training. Giving in now and then will only confuse your dog. “Taxi.” E-mail: See ad on page 17. Home Buddies Pet Sitting (714) 378-5925, (760) 342-1844 Serves Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and surrounding cities. Daily visits and midday walks. It’s Not Just a Walk in the Park (562) 708-1700 Serves a five-mile radius of Arbor Dog Park in Seal Beach. Visits to dog parks included; residential boarding and pet sitting av a i l able. Luv Those Dogs (562) 760-7385 Serves Long Beach and surrounding cities. Specializes in private walks; rates begin at $20. Email: New Pup City (562) 388-3174 Serves Long Beach and surrounding cities. Private dog walks, starting at $15, and doggi e field trips. Free consultation. Pet clothing and accessories on Web site. Pet sitting av a i l able. Nicole’s Pet Sitting (714) 337-4644 S e rves Orange County. Daily dog walks, plus overnight stays and in-home hospice care for elderly pets. OC Pet Companions (949) 709-2707 Serves Orange County. Dog walkers are certified in 20 petsguide summer/fall

animal-CPR and first aid. Specializes in pets with special needs, large breeds and puppies. Pet sitting, pet taxi and in-home boarding available. Pals and Paws Pet Services (714) 345-3802 Serves Huntington Beach, Huntington Harbor, Fountain Valley, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and portions of Sunset Beach and Seal Beach. Daily walks, starting at $15; park visits available. E-mail: Pampered Pet Care (949) 307-2135 Serves Corona Del Mar, Newport Beach, Newport Coast and Laguna Beach. Individualized private walks, starting at $25. Petropolis (562) 843-4221 Serves the Long Beach area. Walking services include “Potty Break,” “Mix N’ Mingle” and “Walk N’ Talk.” Rates start at $15. • Play Relief by Dogstar (714) 788-7992 Serving Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach (92646 and 92648), Fountain Valley and south Santa Ana. Dogstar provides dog walking and play relief for your puppy while you are at work. Also see “Pet Sitters” and “Training.” • Sandy Tails Dog Care Serving Huntington Beach and Surrounding Areas (909) 489-6223 Sandy Tails Dog Care specializes in helping your hound become the healthiest and happiest dog in town! Does your pooch have a pooch? Do you find yourself too busy to give your special pup the exercise they desire? Well, Sandy Tails is here to help release all of their daily energy with fun activities. Sandy Tails provides several services including: Fun Runs, Bike Rides, Ol’ Dog Tune-ups, Dog Park Outings (a canine favorite!), and Sandy Beach Outings (see ad on page 11; coupon on page 50). Please call Megan at the number listed above to get your dog the exercise and fun they deserve! Tracie’s Pet Service (714) 642-1462 Serves Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach and Sunset Beach. D a i ly walks for individual or multiple dogs, medication a d m i n i s t r ation and dog beach runs upon request. Watch Dogs Pet Sitters (949) 500-6022 www. w S e rves Corona Del Mar. P r i v ate dog walks, small group trail trots, p u p py socialization and training reinforcement. Additional services include nutrition, behavioral issues and consultations on selecting the right dog for your family.

While You R Away (949) 388-6458, (949) 542-PETS Serves South Orange County. Morning and evening visits and midday walks. Walking programs are individualized for each animal whether a puppy, senior or special-needs dog. For Ladera Ranch, Coto De Caza and MIssion Viejo, call (949) 3886458. For Irvine, Newport Coast and Tustin Ranch, call (949) 542-PETS. You Leave’em, We Love’um (949) 903-3295 Serves Newport Beach, Newport Coast and Costa Mesa. Daily dog walks. • Your Animals Best Friend Services (714) 230-6541 or (949) 375-1832 Customized services include: taking your dog for a walk in your neighborhood, picking up waste during walk, providing fresh water upon return home, giving treats (if you permit), p l aying with your dog and giving him or her love andat t e n t i o n . Walks start at only $15 with discounts for additional dogs. Additional charges may ap p ly for large or aggr e s s i v e dogs. Inquire about monthly dog walking rates. If you get a competitive quote with the same services offered please give them the opportunity to match or beat it. See ad on page 17. Your Pet’s Friend Pet Care (562) 365-1252 Serves La Habra Heights and surrounding areas. Lunch-break dog walks and individual neighborhood walks.

endoflife Cremation, burial and euthanasia services, plus pet loss support groups and bereavement counseling. Also see: “Emergency Services” and Mobile Vets listed under “Veterinary Services.” Hospice Care and Euthanasia Counseling When a pet is fighting a terminal disease or in the advanced stages of cancer, k i d n ey failure or neurological disorders, there may come a point where the cost of treatment can become more than its benefit. Pet owners have the option of stopping aggressive treatment and letting their pets end their life comfo r t ab ly in the surroundings of their own home through hospice care. There may also come a time when pet owners are faced with the decision of euthanasia. The following people offer counseling concerning

hospice care and euthanasia. C o n s u l t ation is required before hospice care is started. Also see Mobile Vets in “ Ve t e r i n a ry Services.” Tara Haddad D.V.M. (714) 964-9304 Founder of All Paws Daycare and Boarding in Fountain Valley. 2 Dawg Nite (949) 515-4222 Certified veterinarian technicians that provide hospice care and counseling. Los Angeles Pet Memorial Park 5068 N. Old Scandia Lane, Calabasas (818) 591-7037 A non-profit cemetery specializing in individual care for burials and cremations, including a variety of caskets, headstones, urns, granite markers and concrete vaults. Pre-need plans are available. The ten-acre park offers a 24-hour pick-up service, single or multiple in-ground burial sites and individual cremations. Certificates are issued with all cremations and burials. Markers can be inscribed in a variety of languages and embossed with symbols of various religious faiths and images of pets. Open for visitation daily, Monday - Saturday, 8 a.m - 5 p.m.; and Sunday and holidays, 8 a.m. - dusk. Pet Haven Cemetery and Crematory 18300 South Figueroa St., Gardena (310) 532-2477 For more than 60 years, Pet Haven has offered preneed plans, cremation, burials, markers and borders. Each pet is cremated individually and cremains can be returned to the owner, scattered in the Memory Garden at no cost, or interred in the cemetery in waterproof or satin-lined wooden caskets. Open Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.; and Saturday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. After-hours phone service provided. Pet Loss Counseling and Support Groups Andrea Keith, M.A., C.E.A.P. - Psychotherapist specializing in pet loss; confidential sessions are avail-

able for individuals, children, couples or families. Support groups designed to assist with the grief process meet bi-monthly and are limited in size; four-week workshops are also offered. A sliding scale fee is available. Sessions are held at CGI Counseling Center, University Tower Building, 4199 Campus Drive, Suite #E, Irvine. (949) 650-2442. ASPCA Grief Counseling - For pet loss support and bereavement counseling at the ASPCA, contact Dr. Stephanie LaFarge, senior director of Counseling Services, at the 24-hour hotline; she will return your call within two day s . E-mail: (217) 337-9773.

harddogstotrain Although every dog is unique, here's a list of breeds that are reported to be the most difficult to train: Chow Chow, Fo x Te r r i e r, Afghan Hound, B u l l d o g , Basset Hound and the Beagle.

For additional info r m ation regarding pet loss, including support groups and counselors, contact: Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement, or; Animal Love and Loss Network,; and Pet Loss Grief Support,,,, or

Sea Breeze Pet Cemetery 19542 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach (714) 962-7111 L awn burials are offered with separate burial grounds for cats. Cremations are completed on an individual basis; cremains may be taken home in an urn or interred on the grounds; granite headstones, urns, caskets and flower containers are available. Pre-need plans are offered. Monday Friday, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. and Saturday, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Visitors are welcome 24 hours a day.


Additional Resources: For listings of pet cemeteries and crematories outside of California, including Australia, Canada, Hong Kong and Puerto Rico, contact the International Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematories at (518) 594-3000 or For more information regarding memorial or funeral merchandise such as caskets, urns, journals, books, memorial cards, or poems and prayers, visit

Day care, chiropractic service and sanctuaries for horses. Also see: “Pet Stores” for supplies. 2 Dawg Nite (949) 515-4222 With an equine specialist on duty, services include grooming, training, exercise, feeding, clipping, braiding, tack care, show preparation and more. Pet hospice care is also available. Equus Sanctuary (818) 935-7477 Equus Sanctuary is a home for formerly slaughter-bound horses, ponies and burros. The majority of the residents are not adoptable as riding horses but the sanctuary is open to placing them as pasture buddies.


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receives a customary treat and stamp on the Frequent Washer card where every 10th wash is free! The store also carries Front Line flea treatment. Open Tuesday - Friday, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. (winter hours, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.); and Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. See ad on page 21; coupon on page 47.

Horse Lover’s Haven Daycare 18381 Goldenwest St., Huntington Beach (714) 231-5251 Full service equine daycare. Services, seven days a week, include daily and vacation care, wound care and treatment, and emergency care. Hauling also available. Southern California Equine and Canine Chiropractic (949) 400-5100 Dr. Norman “Rod” Block has more than 35 years of animal chiropractic experience. Post-surgical rehabilitation and seminars also available. The Golden Carrot 44700 Terwilliger Road, Anza (951) 763-0800 Sanctuary for manageably disabled, elderly, mistreated and retired horses and ponies. Horses are not available for adoption, only sponsorship.

groomers The following facilities provide grooming s e rvices and instruction. Animal Friends Pet Hotel 13220 Euclid St., Garden Grove (714) 537-4500 Open 365 days a year for your pet's special needs. Services include bathing and hair styling, quality shampoos and conditioners, soothing massage sessions, nail trims, ear cleaning and anal glands expressed. E-mail: • Animalia 16389 Bolsa Chica St., Huntington Beach (714) 377-7630 Animalia offers self-serve bathing for dogs and

22 petsguide summer/fall

c ats in three levels ranging from basic to luxury. All baths include shampoo and conditioner, b l u eb e r ry facials, ear cleaning pads, b r u s h e s , Furminator, towels and aprons – all you have to do is bring the dog! Bathers have a choice of shampoos: spa, m a s s ag e , flea control and nochemical for sensitive skin. The luxury level bat h s also include top-of-the-line products, plus toothpaste and toothbrush and cologne. All bath stations are completely disinfected from top to bottom after every wash. Last bath starts one hour b e fore closing. Animalia is only minutes from dog beach, making it the perfect destination befo r e heading home. Hours: M o n d ay - Sat u r d ay, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.; and Sunday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. See ad on page 5; coupon on page 46. • Celebrity Paw Spa 145 W. Whiting Ave., Fullerton (714) 447-0141 Celebrity Paw Spa is a luxury spa offering in-store grooming, day care and a boutique, plus mobile grooming services. Mobile services are offered in the Anaheim and Anaheim HIlls, Brea, Buena Park, Fullerton, La Habra Heights, Orange, Placentia and Yorba Linda areas. The spa, fo r m e r ly Lisha's Grooming salon, is professionally run with over 23 years experience. A state-certified grooming school is also offered; see O.C. Academy of Pet Styling listed in this section. See ad on page 22. • Dirty Dog Wash 504 Main St., Huntington Beach (714) 960-7002 Dirty Dog Wash offers five raised cast-iron antique tubs, perfect for large and small breeds. Warm water sprayers offer the perfect water temperature, and come complete with a massage setting. They provide all natural products from shampoos to conditioners plus ear cleaner, cottonballs, toothbrushes, towels, blow dryers, brushes/combs and cologne. The mosaic-tiled shop is just three blocks from the beach, making it the perfect destination after your trip to dog beach. No more stress of dropping the dog off at the groomer. You’ll enjoy bonding time with your dog and won’t have to clean up the mess! Self-serve wash is only $15; no additional charge for specialty shampoos (such as oatmeal and flea and tick) or conditioners. Full service washes are available for $25-55. Each dog

• Dirty Dog Wash and Sandy Tails Dog Care Location: Huntington Dog Beach and Park (909) 489-6223 Would you love to have a clean, happy and exercised dog waiting for you when you return home? Dirty Dog Wash and Sandy Tails Dog Care have come together to provide customers with the benefits of both services. Your furry friend will be picked up from your home, taken to the dog beach or park, bathed at Dirty Dog Wash and returned to your home clean, happy and exhausted! Give your special pup the grooming experience he dreams of. Your lucky dog will receive a two-hour dog beach or park visit and professional Dirty Dog Wash for only $55! Call today to make an appointment! Mention this ad and receive a $10 discount! See ad on page 11; coupon on page 50. • Good Dogma Pet Spa 9037 Atlanta Ave., Huntington Beach (714) 965-2130 Good Dogma Pet Spa is your one-stop place to pamper your dog or cat. T h ey offer self-serve dog and cat wash, drop-off wash, and full-service grooming. No appointments are needed for self-service (starts at $15) or drop-off wash (starts at $20) – you can just walk-in to wash your pet yourself and have some fun. T h ey provide everything you need, including aprons, shampoos, towels, brushes, colognes and even dryers; they'll even clip your dog's nails for free when you are self-washing. The best part is, t h ey'll clean up after you. Good Dogma Pet Spa also offers: all nat ural products; training by Pawsitive Pet Coaching; pet photography by Hamilton Photogr aphy; and anesthesia-free dental cleaning. Open Monday - Sat u r d ay, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; and Sundays, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Last wash starts half hour before closing. See ad on this page. • K-9 City 28052 Camino Capistrano, #101, Laguna Niguel (949) 364-3300 “Creating peace of mind for you ... and your dog.” You can have peace of mind that your dog can be pampered by one of their professional groomers in a loving environment. You can also choose to do self grooming. Self grooming helps to establish a good relationship between you and your dog. Let K9 City show you some effective techniques in trimming the nails and handling the dogs in the tubs. See ad on page 41. • K9 Krazy Grooming and Do-It-Yourself Dog Wash 21991 El Toro Road, #3, Lake Forest (949) 768-PETS Your pet is alw ays treated with kindness and respect

at K9 Krazy Grooming. Owned and operated by Jeni Vessell and Salah Fletcher, the salon specializes in all-breed dog grooming with a variety of services, including hand-scissorred cuts, pawdicures, teeth brushing, flea baths (Frontline available), a shed-less program, plus bow/bandanna and cologne. With more than a combined 20 years of experience, t h ey are best known for their ability to handle dogs that appear difficult for others to groom. All bathing is done gently by hand. New to the facility is the selfwash area with elevated tubs, shampoo and conditioner, ear cleaner, brushes and combs, towels and blow dry e r s . Self-bathing is av a i l able during all open hou r s . Visit their Web site to view their hap py customers! They love what they do and it shows! Member of National Dog Groomers Association. Grooming hours: M o n d ay - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sat u r d ay, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Please call for anappointment. See ad on page 23. • Katella Animal Clinic 10712 Katella Ave., Anaheim (714) 535-6791 K atella Animal Clinic offers grooming serv i c e s , which can be scheduled along with your veterinarian services or boarding visits, or independently. A free Capstar tablet for flea prevention can be administered if necessary. Mention "Petsguide" for a $5 discount off grooming services. Also see "Boarding and Kennels," “Low-Cost Services” and "Ve t e r i n a ry S e rvices." See ad on page 44. • LaunderPet Belmont Heights 3429 E. Broadway, Long Beach (562) 433-3605 Seal Beach 318 Main Street, Seal Beach (562) 430-7196 Bixby Knolls 4102 Orange Ave. #113, Long Bch (562) 427-2551 Full-service gr o o m i n g , food and supplies are offered at all three LaunderPet locations. Their grooming staff provides gentle and expert care and pampering for your best friend(s). Call them today for an appointment and let one of their talented groomers spoil your pet. Walk-ins are welcome as space and time permit. Self-service dog and cat wash is available at the Belmont Heights location only, for just $10; provided supplies include towels, ear cleaner, brushes and a forced air dryer. You can bring your own shampoo, or other products are available for an additional fee: shampoos, conditioners, nail trimming and kennel dryers. Their selfservice wash has elevated tubs with warm water; you make the mess and they clean it up. Food and supplies are available for purchase at all three locations, and they also offer pick-up and delivery – call for details. Call or visit the Web site for each location's hours. Visit their Web site for a discount coupon. Also see “Pet Stores.” See ad on this page. • O.C. Academy of Pet Styling 145 W. Whiting Ave., Fullerton (714) 883-3440 Learn a rewarding career in pet styling. O.C.

Academy offers a state-certified grooming school. Lindell and the instructors are trained in the "Golden Paw Method" which is a step-by-step method designed and refined over a 35 year period. Students of all ages can master all of the basic grooming skills with an emphasis on fine finishing. Tool usage and maintenance, safety, cleaning and sanitation, prepping, bathing, blow drying, styling and speed techniques are covered in depth. Classes are limited to eight students. See ad on page 22. • Pet Hospital 3411 East Chapman Ave., Orange (714) 771-3261 Pet Hospital offers full-service grooming for both dogs and cat s . All pets are bathed with the Hydrosurge system, which is a deep cleansing, mass aging bat h , and then hand dried. E v e ry pet in fo r grooming is checked by their qualified staff to ensure there are no medical concerns, such as ear infections, d ry skin, bumps, etc. If anything is found, you are notified right aw ay. Along with the bathing, additional services offered include haircuts, Hot Oil treatments, Blueberry Facials, Furminator treatments and teeth brushing. Open daily. Also see “Photography” and “Ve t e r i n a ry Serv i c e s . ” See ad on page 45; coupon on page 50.

bathing and grooming needs. Featuring state-ofthe-art HydroSurge bathing and gentle Snyder dryers, their expert staff of professional groomers are skilled in caring for all breeds of dogs. Also see “Boarding and Kennels” and “Daycare." See ad on page 12. • Prestige Mobile Salon for Dogs (714) 680-3295; Cell, (714) 318-9943 Serving North Orange County, down to Newport Beach and all points in between! Professional groomer with over 31 years experience comes to your home or office with a new state-of-the-art, climate controlled van. Grooming appointments are taken Tuesday through Friday or on select Sundays – early evening appointments too! Top-ofthe-line, all-natural shampoos and conditioners are

• Pet Suites 19 Journey, Aliso Viejo (949) 425-0700 Pet Suites is ready to satisfy all of your pet's

drugsniffin’pup! As you may know, dogs can be trained as excellent drug detectors. But, did you know that United States Custom’s Labrador Retriever, Snag, partnered with Jeff We i t z m a n n , made 118 drug seizures, worth a canine record of $810 million? petsguide summer/fall 23

thoseamazinghounds! F o rmerly Lisha’s G rooming Salon Since ’85 New name & location to serve you 145 W. Whiting Ave., Fullerton

Call for an appointment

714- 447-0141 AL SO O FFE R I N G


State Certified Program

145 W. Whiting Ave., Fullerton

714-883-3440 Learn a rewarding Career in Pet Styling Call Now! Classes limited to 8 students!

used, plus de-shedding, flea control and sensitive skin treatments. Prestige specializes in hand-scissored/blended correct breed or personality cuts. Special care for older dogs and puppies. There is an 80 pound size limit. See ad on page 23. • Puppy Shop Boys 688 Baker St., #5, Costa Mesa (714) 641-1717 At Puppy Shop Boys, they believe bathing and grooming are essential to a healthy pet. They offer state-of-art dog grooming facilities with professional grooming stylists. From shampoos, hair cuts and flea treatment, to exotic styling and moisturizing treatments, your pampered poochie will go home looking great as well as feeling great. Their entire line of dog grooming services are available by daily appointment. Also see "Boutiques" and "Pet Stores." See ad on page 13; coupon on page 51. • Wags to Whiskers Pet Grooming 5505 Stearns St., Long Beach (562) 430-5161 Wags to Whiskers Pet Grooming has been voted the best in Long Beach for five years. They specialize in all-breed pet gr o o m i n g , de-matting, flea treatments, dental care, nail trimming and polishing, and the FURminat or ®! The FURminat or® will help reduce your pet’s shedding 60-80%. Wags to Whiskers has a professional grooming staff with 50 years experience to groom your poodles, Shih Tzus, Yorkies, Morkies, Malteses, Maltipoos 24 petsguide summer/fall

Dogs can be trained to assist the disabled by guiding, fetching or alarming their owners that the telephone is ringing or that a baby is crying. They can even be trained to sniff out oncoming epileptic fits or diabetic comas! and more. Please call for questions or checkout Mobile Groomers Always at Your Bark and Call (714) 532-4909 Serves Orange, Tustin and Villa Park areas. For more than 10 years, specializes in medium and large breed dogs. No toy or small breeds. Aussie Pet Mobile (800) 738-6624 Serving all of Southern California. Full service mobile grooming for all breeds of dogs and cats. Appointments av a i l able by phone or online.

• Prestige Mobile Salon for Dogs (714) 680-3295 See complete listing under “Grooming” in this section; see ad on page 23. Red Rover Mobile Grooming (949) 306-6459 Serves Mission Viejo, Coto de Caza and Ladera Ranch areas. All dogs and all breeds, grooming for cats too. Super Mutts Mobile Make-Overs (949) 683-6029 Serves Aliso Viejo and surrounding cities. Offers all natural products.

Bathing Beauties (714) 973-6284 Serving all of Orange County. Specializing in nervous and elderly pets, plus shedless treatments.

Self Grooming • Animalia (714) 377-7630 16389 Bolsa Chica St., Huntington Beach. See complete listing under “Grooming” in this section; see ad on page 5.

Bow Wow Meow (714) 537-3792 Serves all of Orange County with organic products, non-toxic flea shampoo and all-hand drying, no cages.

• Dirty Dog Wash (714) 960-7002 504 Main St., Huntington Beach. See complete listing under “Grooming” in this section; see ad on page 21.

• Celebrity Paw Spa (714) 447-0141 See complete listing under “Grooming” in this section; see ad on this page.

Doggie Spa (714) 374-8777, (949) 559-DOGG Self-service starts at $15. $10 “ Yap py Hour” special on weekdays after 4 p.m. Full service baths available start at $25; haircuts start at $48. Two locations: 19365 Main St., #103, Huntington Beach, (714) 374-8777; and 5405 Alton Parkway, #B, Irvine, (949) 559-DOGG.

Coastal Dog Grooming (562) 244-0942 Serving Los Alamitos, Long Beach and Seal Beach. Mobile grooming for dogs and cats. Specializing in large breed dogs. Fritzy’s Pet Care Pros (949) 387-9393 Serves all Orange County. Discount coupon on Web site. Groomingdales Express (949) 552-9003 Serves Irvine, Tustin/Tustin Ranch, Mission Viejo and Coto De Caza areas. With more than 20 years experience, Groomingdales Express grooms cats and dogs. Specializes in large dogs and lion clips for both cats and dogs. Alw ays cage free. Pampered Pups (949) 461-7877 Serves Laguna Hills and surrounding areas. Dogs only. Specializing in geriatrics and those with fear issues, plus offers late-day appointments. Pinky’s Mobile Grooming (949) 643-1010 Serves Rancho Santa Margarita, Mission Viejo, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Aliso Viejo and parts of Coto de Caza and Dana Point. Cat grooming also available.

• Good Dogma Pet Spa (714) 965-2130 9037 Atlanta Ave., Huntington Beach. See complete listing under “Grooming” in this section; see ad on page 20. • K9 Krazy Grooming and Do-It-Yourself Dog Wash (949) 768-7387 21991 El Toro Road, #3, Lake Forest. See complete listing under “Grooming” in this section; see ad on page 23. • LaunderPet (562) 433-3605 3429 E. Broadway, Long Beach. See complete listing under “Grooming” in this section; see ad on page 21. Pet Treasures U-Wash Pet Spa (949) 493-7297 Self-serve pet spa with large, private stalls and ramps for easy access. Spa provides shampoo, conditioner, ear cleaner, towels, d ryers and cologne; $15. 653 Camino De Los Mares, #100, San Clemente. Soggy Dog (562) 432-6934 Self-serve dog wash offers tubs to accommodate large dogs up to 300 pounds. $15 wash includes

dryers, brushes, combs, ear cleaner and choice of shampoos and conditioners. Nail trimmer, clippers or scissors can be rented for additional cost. Additional services include full-service wash, grooming, de-shedding and dental cleaning, as well as a pet store on-site. 344 East 4th St., Long Beach. Tidy Dog (562) 433-1330 S e m i - p r i v ate washing stations can accommodat e any size dog. All supplies are provided at no additional charge, including ap r o n s , brushes, hair dryers, ear cleaner, hair and nail clippers, and treats for your friend! $15 per wash. A n t i - s h e dding treatments av a i l able, along with full gr o o ming services. Kids play area, too! 4110 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach.

identification Microchips, GPS collars and pet tags for pet identification. GPS Collars GPS pet collars allow pet owners to locate their cat or dog anytime, anywhere. Most collars can locate a pet within a mile, d i s p l ay a pet’s position and movement and track up to three pets simultaneously. The following Web sites offer collars:;; and Microchips Most veterinarians offer microchip identification. Contact your local vet for fee information. Veterinarians - The vet injects a tiny chip about the size of a grain of rice under a pet’s skin between the shoulder blades. The number on the chip is then entered into the microchip company ’s dat ab a s e . When a lost pet is fo u n d , any animal hospital, shelter or humane society can use a special handheld microchip scanner to read the microchip’s unique ID number. A one-time fee of ap p r o x i m ately $50 includes the microchip and its injection. Side effects possible. Have site of injection checked at pet’s yearly exam. Microchip companies - The vet chooses a microchip company (usually AVID or HomeAgain) t h at offers additional services, t h at may include a network of professionals looking for your pet if he or she should become lost; e-mail alerts (including your pet’s picture) instantly sent to shelters; vet clinics and other members of the network; counselors to guide and assist you until your pet is recovered; medical information upon recovery of your pet to facilitate immediate medical care if needed; a “lost pet poster” with your pet’s picture; your contact info r m ation; and the location where your pet was lost so you can immediat e ly begin the search for your pet. These additional

services range from monthly fees (approximately $15) to a one-time fee (ap p r o x i m at e ly $50) depending on the company. Animal Assistance League of Orange County - The league offers an AVID Microchip that contains a personal, one-of-a-kind identification number. The cost is $45, which includes AVID microchip placement by a veterinarian and AVID registration to the owner. All net proceeds from the microchip program will help ill or injured animals in the AALOC community. 15102 Jackson St., Midway City. (714) 373-0771. Pet Tags The following Web sites offer a variety of pet identification tags engraved with three or four lines of text such as name, address and phone number. Automated pet tag machines may be found at your local pet store, such as PetSmart or PetCo.


Do-It-Yourself Dog Wash! Monday-Friday, 8am - 5pm Saturday, 9am - 5pm Sunday, 9am - 3pm

insurance The following businesses offer pet health insurance where you are allowed to choose your own vet. After your vet visit you send the insurance company a health claim along with your vet bill for reimbursement by the insurance company according to the plan you have selected. Free online quotes are usually offered. Most insurance policies have excl u s i o n s , be sure to find out what they are. Also ask about any available discounts. Also see: “ Pet Assistance.” AKC Pet Healthcare Plan (866) 725-2747 Choice of comprehensive coverage options for dogs and cats including wellness benefits for preventative care and spay/neuter. You choose your veterinarian. Monthly or annual payment options.

Embrace Pet Insurance (800) 511-9172 Customizable pet insurance based on age, breed, location, and needs of pets and their owners. Hartville Group, Inc (800) 799-5852 Hartville is the parent company of ASPCA Pet Health Insurance and Petshealth Care Plan. Multiple plans are av a i l able for your cat or dog. Annual deductible and 80/20 coverage. Pet Assure (888) 789-7387

PRESTIGE MOBILE SALON FOR DOGS “Experience Makes The Difference” • Owner/Groomer Operated • A Trusted Groomer Since 1976 • Top Quality Service & Dependability

• New State-Of-The-Art, Climate Controlled Van • Serving North Orange County, down to Newport Beach & all points in between!

714-680-3295 or 714-318-9943 (Cell) petsguide summer/fall 25

toilet-trainingforcats! Did you know that you can toilet-train your cat? Simple eight-step instruction is offered in the book “ H ow to Toilet-Train Your Cat” by Eric Brotman, Ph.D. Some cats can learn in as little as three weeks, but most take a couple of months. Or try the Citi Kitty Toilet Training Kit, which comes with a special training seat (see the “Products for Pe t s ” for details). Pet Assure is an alternative to pet insurance. They offer a pet care savings program for a variety of animals. Annual and monthly premiums av a i l able. Petcare Pals (866) 275-7387 Multi-levels of insurance for dogs and cats. Pets Best Insurance (877) 738-7237 Founded by Jack Stephens, DVM, founder and pioneer of pet insurance in the United States. Pets Best Insurance offers multiple health insurance plans for dogs and cats. They also offer a lost pet recovery program. Additional Resources: The following Web site offers the opportunity to compare pet insurance rates and benefits for your pet:

licensing The following city agencies provide licenses for dogs and cats. All dogs in Orange County over the age of four months are required by law to be licensed and vaccinated against rabies. The licensing law was implemented as a response to rabies as a public health issue. As such, all dog owners must provide proof of a California-approved rabies vaccination to receive a license (OCCO 4-1-70). Residents owning or having custody of any dog must license the dog within fifteen days of acquisition or within fifteen days after the license becomes due. License discounts are often offered to senior citizens or for spayed or neutered anim a l s . Applications and fees can be accessed through Web sites. Coastal Animal Services Authority 221 Avenida Fabricante, San Clemente (949) 492-1617 Serves San Clemente, Dana Point and Capistrano Beach. Licenses can be issued through the mail by calling and requesting an ap p l i c ation and schedule of fees. Licensing may also be completed in-person. 26 petsguide summer/fall

Costa Mesa City Animal Control 99 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa (714) 754-5311 Serves Costa Mesa. Dog licenses are issued through the mail. Applications are av a i l able on the Web site or may be picked up at the police department. Irvine Animal Care Center 6443 Oak Canyon, Irvine (949) 724-7740 Serves Irvine only. Licensing is available in-person, online or by mail. La Habra Animal Control (562) 905-9150 Serves La Habra and Buena Park. Licensing through La Habra Police Department. Call fo r schedule of fees. Licenses may be obtained through the mail or in person. La Mirada Community Services 13716 La Mirada Blvd., La Mirada (562) 902-2960 Residents of the City of La Mirada may obtain pet licensing in person at the sheriff’s station. Laguna Beach Animal Shelter 20612 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach (949) 497-3552 Serves Laguna Beach. Application and list of fees can be requested by phone. Licensing may be completed in-person or by mail. Long Beach Animal Control 7700 E. Spring St., Long Beach (562) 570-7387 Serves Long Beach, Los Alamitos, Seal Beach and Signal Hill. Applications and list of fees may be requested by phone or found online. Licensing can be completed in-person or by mail. Mission Viejo Animal Services Center 28095 Hillcrest, Mission Viejo (949) 470-3045 S e rves Mission Viejo and Laguna Niguel. Residents can download an application and a list of fees from the Web site and either complete in-person or by mail.

Newport Beach Animal Shelter 2075 Newport Blvd., #112, Newport Beach (949) 722-8301 Serves Newport Beach, Newport Coast, Corona Del Mar, Balboa and Monarch Beach. Initial licensing in-person only, option to renew by mail thereafter. Orange County Animal Services 561 The City Drive South, Orange (714) 935-6848, (949) 249-5160 Licensing may be completed in-person or by mail. Santa Ana Dog Licensing (714) 647-5257 Serves Santa Ana. Licensing may be done by mail, or in-person at city hall. Southeast Area Animal Control Authority 9777 SEAACA St., Downey (562) 803-3301 Licensing for the cities of Bellflower, Lakewood and Southgate. Fees vary by city. Westminster Animal Control (714) 898-3315 Serves Westminster only. Licensing can be completed in-person or by mail.

low-costservices The following organizations provide low-cost spay and neuter serv i c e s , vaccinations and pet medications. Also see: “Pet Assistance” and the “Petsguide Calendar” for pet stores that offer monthly low-cost clinics. • AAA Animal Hospital (714) 536-6537 AAA Animal Hospital has been providing veterinarian care to Orange County for 35 years. Vaccinations start at $29 for cats and $39 for dogs. Spay and neuter starts at $30 for cats and $80 for dogs. No appointment necessary, walk-ins only. AAA believes that gr e at service can be given while still being able to offer low prices. T h ey want everyone to be able to get the care their pet needs. Open Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.; and Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. The hospital also provides various comprehensive veterinary services, including dental, d i agnostic serv i c e s , microchipping, s u r g e ry, boarding and grooming; see “Veterinary Services” for details. See ad on the back inside cover; coupon on page 50. Animal Discount Clinic 13252 Euclid St., Garden Grove (714) 537-0570 Providing low-cost spay/neuter for cats and dogs.

Other available services include dental cleaning, vaccinations, deworming, microchips and flea control products. E-mail: Fullerton Hills Pet Clinic 1805 North Euclid St., Fullerton (714) 879-5560 Low-cost spay and neuter for dogs and cats as a service for the community. Female dogs start at $178 and male dogs start at $131. Female cats start at $108 and male cats start at $72. Golden State Humane Society 555 Artesia Blvd., Long Beach (562) 423-8406 11901 Gilbert St., Garden Grove (714) 638-8111 Low-cost spay and neuter services for cats and dogs, by appointment only. Low-cost vaccines and basic veterinary services are offered on a walk-in basis. • Katella Animal Clinic 10712 Katella Ave., Anaheim (714) 535-6791 Mention "Petsguide" for a free exam on your pet's first visit, and receive 20% off Katella Animal Clinic's already affo r d able prices for spay/neuter and vaccinations. We e k d ays only. Also see "Boarding and Kennels," "Grooming" and "Ve t e r i n a ry Services." See ad with discount coupon on page 44. Low-Cost Online Pet Medication The following Web sites offer modestly-priced pet medication. Some sites also offer toys, clothes, food, treats, leashes, collars and more. Mission Viejo Animal Services Center 28095 Hillcrest, Mission Viejo (949) 470-3045 Vaccination clinic is held four times a year. Shots include: Rabies, $6 (dogs and cats, 4 months and older); 6-in-1, $14 (dogs 4 weeks and older); Bordetella, $11 (dogs, 4 weeks and older); and 4in-1 (FVRCPP), $14 (cats 8 weeks and older). Call for clinic dates and times. Rates may change. Orange County Animal Care Service 561 The City Drive South, Orange (714) 935-6848 Low-cost rabies vaccination on the first Tuesday of each month, 7-8:30 p.m. Call for a schedule of fees. Pet Stores Check the following pet stores for info r m ation about low-cost vaccination clinics at select locat i o n s : Centinela Feed and Pet Supplies,; Petco,; and PetSmart, Pet Supply Warehouse 23854 Via Fabricante, #E-1, Mission Viejo (949) 951-1284 Low-cost vaccination clinic is held every Sunday and every other Wednesday evening. Call for times. Tri-City Pet Hospital 1145 South Placentia, Fullerton (714) 870-9090 Pets must be in good health and have had a physical exam from a veterinarian within the past year. Vaccination clinics are held on Sundays, 9-11 a.m. The clinic hours are no-appointment and on a firstcome, first-serve basis. Call for fees. Yorba Lake Pet Clinic (714) 693-0911 Low-cost spay and neuter for dogs and cats as a service for the community. Female dogs start at $142 and male dogs start at $105. Female cats start at $87 and male cats start at $58. Call for low-cost vaccine and microchip clinic dates.

nutrition The following pet stores and pet food providers specialize in pet nutrition, often offering hard-to-find products such as organic and raw foods or homemade dinners. Also see: “Bakeries” and “Pet Stores.”

• Animalia 16389 Bolsa Chica St., Huntington Beach (714) 377-7630 Animalia specializes in raw and organic diets for dogs and cats. They carry foods that do not contain wheat, corn or soy. Three brands of raw food and fresh refrigerated food are available, along with high quality treats provided by two local bakers; nutritional supplements too. Animalia is a full pet store (see “Pet Stores”) and offers self-grooming (see “Grooming”). Open Monday - Saturday, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.; and Sunday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. See ad on page 5; coupon on page 46. • Bark and Sniff Boutique 1330 South Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach (949) 715-DOGS (3647) Bark and Sniff Boutique carries top-of-the-line holistic nutritional food and organic treats, such as Orijen, Honest Kitchen, Timberwolf, etc. Bark and Sniff Boutique also offers fresh baked goodies for your pooch. Come by and sniff them out! See ad on page 13. Collar and Leash Pet Shop 9772 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove (714) 530-4490 Alternative pet foods such as organic, no by-products, raw and more. They also carry books on pet holistic alternatives and nutrition, plus a variety of hard-to-find pet products. Doggie in the Window 4106 East Anaheim St., Long Beach (562) 494-7085 Dog and cat foods for holistic, raw, prescription and all-natural food diets.

goodtrainermust-haves! 1) Good reputation: always ask for —and check— references. 2) Experience with animals: the more the better. 3) Positive, reward-based training: avoid those with harsh methods. 4) Love of animals. 5) Education: a strong knowledge of animals and their behavior. 6) Good communication skills and training-class teaching experience. 7) A hearty sense of humor!

petsguide summer/fall 27

webtraining! The following Web sites are great sources for training tips: w w Homemade Doggy Dinners (949) 690-2587 Homemade all-natural dog food using 100% human-quality ingredients. T h ey specialize in frozen dog food, baked cookies and treats, including doggy pizza, homemade Chicken Jerky Treats, Peanut Butter Puffs, custom-order birthday cakes and cupcakes. Orders are taken by phone or via their Web site. Delivery available anywhere in Orange County. They can also be found at the UCI Marketplace Farmers Market every Saturday. I Love Dogs (888) 456-9663, (310) 539-7400 I Love Dogs offers a variety of dog vitamins and supplements disguised as treats for all sizes and breeds. Le Woof Dog Bakery and Boutique 18306 Imperial Hwy., Yorba Linda (714) 985-0046 All-natural and holistic dog and cat foods such as Innova, Wellness and Merrik. Noah’s Essentials Pet Emporium 577 South Coast Highway, Laguna Beach (949) 376-6716 Fresh food from original family recipes. Free dinner and dessert for pups on Wednesdays, 4-7 p.m.; menu varies by week. Pet Chef Express (800) 549-1777, (949) 515-9600 Local company delivers all-natural, private label pet foods for dogs and cat s . S e rves Orange County, Inland Empire and Long Beach areas. Tr e ats and pet supplies are also av a i l ab l e . Call for free samples. • Pet Country 22485 El Toro Rd. Suite A, Lake Forest (949) 951-7387 The store specializes in holistic nutrition for cats and dogs, featuring dehydrated raw, freeze-dried and grain-free food brands. Visit their Web site for helpful

28 petsguide summer/fall

nutrition information, such as “What’s Really In Your Pet’s Food,” “Foods to Avoid,” “ K i bble versus Raw ” and “Grade Dog and Cat Food.” Pet Country also carries exotic birds and reptiles. Va c c i n ations and training classes available. Open Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. 8 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.; and Sunday, 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. See ad on page 33; discount coupon on page 46. • Petlane - Terry Gunn, Pet Advisor (714) 841-0742, (714) 381-7174 Petlane sells their own brand of dog food, Pure Woof, made from two sources of antibiotic-free, hormonefree protein: chicken and pork meal. All grains are pesticide free and excellent natural sources of Omega 6 fatty acids to help keep your dog’s skin and c o at healthy and shiny. Pure Woof contains human grade fruits and vegetables such as carrots for BetaCarotene, Peas for Vitamin A, and Blueberries, an incredible source of antioxidants. The food for older dogs even features pharmaceutical grade glucosamine to renew and rebuild joint cartilag e , improve joint flexibility, and help reduce pain in arthritic dogs. P u p py food and a variety of all-natural, high-quality treats and bones are also available. Petlane has a 100 % money back guarantee on every product and has its own “bottomless bag ” pet food program to auto ship food on your own schedule. Also see “Parties” and “Products for Pets.”See ad on pag e 25; coupon on page 46. Simon and Huey's Doggoned Tasty Treats (888) 757-9663 Tr e ats include biscuits, chips and soft training treat s that contain no wheat , corn or soy; most treats are low-fat. VIP Pet Food Delivery (714) 847-7387 Certified canine specialist offers pet food delivery to Orange County and gr e ater Long Beach residents. Rolling pet store offers over 30 different brands of dog food, specializing in better foods at competitive prices. Toys, treats, flea control, collars and Oxyfresh products also available. Additional Resources: The following Web sites offer advice and information about pet nutrition: and, go to “Pet Care.”

parks&recreation Dog parks in and around Orange County and Long Beach metro. Park use requires that your dogs are current on vaccinations and that you clean up after your dog, keep them on leash before you go into the park and when you exit, and that you do not bring female dogs in heat. Park Web sites list additional rules and regulations.

A Place for Paws Ridge Route at Peralta Drive, Laguna Woods (949) 639-0500 The dog park is open seven days a week. No big dogs allowed from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.; small dogs o n ly. From 1-7 p.m., big and small dogs are welcome to socialize together. Fresh water and two dog waste bag dispensers are available. The park will be partly closed for renovations in summer 2008. Arbor Dog Park in Arbor Park 4665 Lampson Ave., Seal Beach (562) 431-2527 Open dawn to dusk, seven days a week. Closed Thursdays, 8 a.m. - 12 p.m., for maintenance. Arbor Dog Park is entirely fenced. Dog waste bag dispensers and drinking fountains for both dogs and their owners are available. Best Friend Dog Park Huntington’s Central Park 18551 Pueblo Circle, Huntington Beach (714) 394-7610 Open weekdays from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and weekends from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. This fenced, off-leash dog park is an acre-and-a-half with separate areas for small and large dogs. Parking and entry is free, donations are welcome. Central Bark 6405 Oak Canyon, Irvine (949) 724-7740 Open 6:30 a.m. - 9 p.m., daily. Closed Wednesdays for maintenance. The park features almost three acres of open field for off-leash play. The park also includes a watering facility for dogs, a main yard with a separate fenced area for small or frail dogs, and portable toilet facilities. Dog waste bag dispensers available. Costa Mesa Bark Park TeWinkle Park Arlington Ave. and Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 733-4101 Open from dawn to 9 p.m.; closed Tu e s d ay s . Facilities include double-gated entrance, parking, benches, w ater dispensers for the dogs, dog waste bags and a restroom. The park also has a separate area for small, e l d e r ly and disabled dogs. There is a limit of four dogs per adult, per visit. No food of any kind is allowed. Fullerton Pooch Park Next to Hunt Branch Library 201 S. Basque Ave., Fullerton (714) 738-6575 Open daily, dawn to dusk. Closed We d n e s d ays for maintenance. An off-leash dog park with fresh w ater and dog waste bag dispensers. Two parks in one: a park for small, timid, senior or disabled dogs, and a larger park for big, active and highe n e r gy dogs. No more than three dogs per adult.

Laguna Beach Bark Park 20652 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach (949) 497-3311 Open dawn to dusk. Closed Wednesdays for maintenance. Professional dog training, spike or pinched collars, sports activities, bicycles and picnics are not permitted. Fresh water and dog waste bag dispensers are available. Laguna Niguel Pooch Park 31461 Golden Lantern, Laguna Niguel (949) 362-4300 Open dawn to dusk. This park is a fully fenced, oneacre, o ff-leash dog park including picnic tables with shade shelters and restrooms. There is also a water facet with hose, a non-functional fire hydrant and dog waste bag dispensers. The park may be accessed from the trail that runs behind the Fire Station, or from the sidewalk area along Golden Lantern. Long Beach Recreation Dog Park 5201 E. 7th St., Long Beach (562) 570-3100 Open daily, 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. This 1 3⁄4 acres, off-leash park is located in Recreation Park. It is enclosed with a 5-foot chain-link fence. There is also a small-dog park located at the far west end of the park.There are watering stations, b ag boxes and a few pooperscoopers along the fences. People may join the Long Beach Recreation Dog Park A s s o c i ation to help fund the park. Be advised, dogs that enjoy fetching may ingest gr avel. Be sure to wipe tennis balls off after each throw or switch to a frisbee. Orange Dog Park 190 South Yorba St., Orange (714) 633-2980 Open daily, dawn to dusk. Closed Wednesdays for maintenance. Small dogs have their own fenced-off area. Lawn chairs may be brought into the park and set along the fence that separates the big and small dog areas. Chairs must be taken out each night. Benches, fresh water and dog waste bag dispensers available. This park is supported by members of Orange Dog Park Association. Rancho Santa Margarita Dog Park 24328 Antonio Parkway, Rancho Santa Margarita (949) 635-1800 Open daily, d awn to dusk. The dog park is leash-free and gated. Maximum of three dogs per person. Water and dog waste bags av a i l ab l e . San Clemente Dog Park 310 Avenida La Pata, San Clemente (949) 361-8264 Open from 6 a.m. to dusk. Closed Tuesdays until 1 p.m. for maintenance. San Clemente Dog Park has two fenced areas, one for large dogs and one for small. The larger area is about two acres of decomposed granite. The smaller area is a nice grass enclosure for smaller, less active or mature dogs. Water and dog waste bags are available.

Out of Area Dog Parks The following is a list of out-of-the-area dog parks. Laurel Canyon Dog Park (818) 756-8060 8260 Mulholland Drive, Los Angeles Open dawn to 10 p.m. The park offers fresh water fo r dogs, picnic tables, shade, a separate area for small dogs, and on weekends there is a hot dog vendor. Pasadena Off-Leash Dog Park (626) 744-4321 3026 East Orange Grove Blvd., Pasadena Open dawn to dusk. The Alice Frost Kennedy off leash dog area is a total of 2.5 acres of the Vina Vieja Park. There are no herbicides used in any of the park areas. Within the park are separate areas for large and small dogs and two recycled fire hydrants. Bring your own dog waste bag s . Fresh water available. Redondo Beach Dog Park (310) 376-9263 Corner of Flagler Lane and 190th, Redondo Beach The off-leash park is open from dawn to dusk. Closed Wednesdays until noon for maintenance. Check the Web site for list of rules, event activities and volunteer and donation opportunities. Bring dog waste bags and wat e r. Runyon Canyon Dog Park (323) 666-5046 Franklin and Fuller Ave., Los Angeles Open dawn to dusk. This park has a dog-friendly exercise environment making it popular among hikers. The 90-acre, o ff-leash portion of the park/trail starts at the southern entrance on Fuller Blvd.; a second entrance is on Vista Street. The paved path is approximately two miles, and takes about an hour. There’s no running water, be sure to bring bottled water for you and your dog. Bring dog waste bag s . Additional Resources: The following sites offer information on dog parks

throughout California and the United States: and

parties The following locations offer to host pet parties or offer party supplies. Also see: “Bakeries.” Chateau Le Pooch 391 South State College Blvd. Suite O, Brea (714) 482-0452 Wide variety of party supplies, including made-toorder party goodie bags and birthday cakes (bakery not on premises). • Gone Dog Walking - Dog Beach Birthday (714) 658-6536 The birthday dog will be taken to Huntington Beach Dog Beach for two hours of one-on-one fun. The outing includes an Xpress Bath with warm water, birthday biscuits and a photo of the day. Call now to reserve your dog’s special day. Rate $150. Also see: “Dog Walking,” “Pet Sitting” and “Taxi.” See ad on page 17. Muttropolis Dog and Cat Boutique 865 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach (949) 717-6888 Located in Fashion Island, the store specializes in parties for dogs and cats: birthdays or a four-legged social. After-hours parties are av a i l ab l e .

litterboxingyourcat! 1) Pick an easy-access location for the litter box, not too close to their food, and not close to something that might scare them (noisy furnace, washing machine). 2) You may need to confine the cat to the room where his box is for a few days (keep in mind, most cats like a little privacy). 3) Keep the box clean! Remove solid litter daily, and disinfect weekly.

petsguide summer/fall 29

basictricks–playdead! Have your dog lie down on his stomach. As you gently roll him over on his side, say “play dead.” Don't give him a treat yet. Encourage him to stay there for a couple of seconds. Then say, "ok" or "wake up!" Let him stand up and give him his reward. Remember, don't give your dog the reward while he is lying dow n . Only give him the treat after he's completed the trick. Good dog!

• Petlane - Terry Gunn, Pet Advisor (714) 841-0742, (714) 381-7174 Host a Petlane Pawty. Petlane opens the door on a new era of fun, intellectual stimulat i o n , safety, and healthy diets for America’s dogs, c ats and birds. Petlane markets its unique products through independent Pet Advisors who offer home d e m o n s t r ations (parties) and personal shopping, to better serve and educate the consumer, and online at Petlane has a 100 % money back guarantee on every product. Also see “Nutrition” and “Products for Pets.” See ad on page 25; coupon on page 46. Salt Water Licks 16543 22nd. St., Sunset Beach (562) 592-0875 B i r t h d ay parties with "Barkday" cakes are offered for your dog’s special day. Games and contests are also provided at the store. All items are free of preservatives, chemicals, artificial fl avors, salt, sugar and chocolat e . Bakery also av a i l able. Additional Resources: The following list contains books and Web sites about hosting pet parties including tips, etiquette, ideas for games and party favors: Web sites: (click “articles” and scroll down). Books: “Let’s Have a Dog Party!: 20 Tailwagging Celebrations to Share with Your Best Friend” by Ingrid E Newkirk; “Dog Parties: How to Party with Your Pup” by Arden Moore; and “Dog Parties: Entertaining Your Party Animals” by Kimberly Schlegel Whitman.

petassistance The following organizations offer free to lowcost services, medical or financial assistance or referrals. Also see: “Low-cost Services.”

30 petsguide summer/fall

CareCredit (800) 677-0718 CareCredit is a GE Money company that offers people and their pets healthcare financing when procedures and treatments aren’t covered by insurance. It’s like a credit card, with no interest financing for a specified period of time (3-18 months depending on the plan). CareCredit is accepted by most veterinary providers. A p p ly online for instant approval.

petfriendlyplaces Entertainment and dining destinations that welcome pets. Also see: “ B e a c h e s ,” “Calendar,” “Parks & Recreation” and “Trails.” Alice’s Breakfast in the Park 6622 Lakeview Drive, Huntington Beach (714) 848-0690 Dogs are always welcome on the patio. Homemade dog biscuits, plus home-style breakfast, lunch and baked goods for humans. Open daily, 7 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Downtown Dog Rescue (818) 407-4145 Designed to assist the homeless community of dog owners, specifically aiding in spay/neuter, vaccination and licensing of their dogs, as well as offering a variety of services including crisis care for the life of the dog.

Catalina Express (800) 481-3470 Take your pet to Cat a l i n a . Pets are to be leashed and muzzled or in a pet carrying case while waiting to board and for the duration of the trip. Pets must be kept close to the owner on the deck and are not allowed in passenger seats or in the aisles. One pet per passenger. Catalina Express will not store or care for pets at ports, docks or on-board vessels. Departs from Berth 95, San Pedro; The Queen Mary and Downtown Catalina Landing, Long Beach; and Dana Point Harbor, Dana Point.

Friends of Long Beach Animals (562) 988-7647 Friends of Long Beach Animals promote spay and neutering, humane education of animals to the community, sponsor adoption events, and assist local shelters by providing funds for supplies and medical bills. They also provide vouchers to lowincome pet households for Long Beach and Signal Hill residents.

Fashion Island 401 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach (949) 721-2000 Leashed pets are allowed on the premises except in or near food courts and restaurants. Most Fashion Island stores allow leashed pets, provided the dog is curbed prior to entering. Be sure to visit Muttropolis Dog and Cat Boutique and Russo’s Pet Experience while you are there!

Paws of The Planet (888) 315-4994 Become a member and help “promote animal welfare and prevent animal cruelty through grass roots project-based fund-raising and humane education.” Funded projects include medical equipment and emergency supplies for shelters and sanctuaries, and rescue and rehab i l i t ation for native wildlife and homeless animals.

Madison Square and Garden Cafe 320 North Coast Highway, Laguna Beach (949) 494-0137 Built more than 10 years ago with dog patrons in mind, dogs are more than welcome in their outdoor seating area. Water bowls and treats a vailable. Serves breakfast and lunch.

Pet Assistance Foundation (877) 772-9738 Since 1955, Pet Assistance Foundation refers concerned pet owners to cooperating Southern California veterinarians who offer low-cost services to low-income households such as senior and disabled persons. Press #3 for Long Beach metro and press #7 for Orange County. Long Beach branch offers adoption and rescue events; see Adoption Events in the “Ongoing” section of Petsguide Calendar.

Sky Bark 1026 South Santa Fe Ave., Los Angeles (213) 891-1722 The Sky Bark is the only dog-friendly night club of its kind. Dogs are made as comfo r t able as people as they enjoy a large sod area, dog toys, cocktail waitresses serving dog treat s , and water served in martini glasses. The facility is open to the public four to five times a year, and av a i l able for private party rental. Terra Nova’s “Paws and Claws Breakfast” Wyndham Hotel 3550 Avenue of the Arts, Costa Mesa (714) 442-8593

Hang out with your furry friend while enjoying Wyndham’s paws-itively delightful weekend breakfast spot, Terra Nova. B u ffet includes fruits and produce, m u ffins and croissants, cooked-to-order omelets, “Bubbles and Bones” champagne fountain and doggy treats ($4 additional). “ P aws and Claw s Personality Photo Contest” is held every weekend; submit a four- by-six picture featuring your dog’s unique personality and you could win a “ P aws and C l aws Breakfast for Two” gift certificate. Saturdays and Sundays, 7 a.m. - noon. Adults, $15.50.Walk-ins welcome, r e s e rv ations recommended (buffet not av a i l able most holiday s ) . A portion of breakfast proceeds benefit Greyhound Pets of America. Wyndam Hotel also offers a “ P aws and Claw s ” overnight package with extra amenities for guests’ pets. The Park Bench Cafe 17732 Goldenwest St., Huntington Beach (714) 842-0775 S e rves breakfast and lunch for dogs and their owners. Dogs can choose from plates such as the “Wrangler Roundup” or “Rover Easy” and for dessert, “ C h i l ly Paws” or “Peanut Butter Churro Bites.” Check Web site for menus (dog and human). Closed Mondays and Tuesdays. Travel Resources: The following Web sites offer directories for out-ofthe-area, pet-friendly places including hotels, destin ations and airline policies:;;; www. p e t f r i e n d ly t r;; and (international information).

petsitters The following businesses offer in-home pet sitting services. Day sitting refers to daytime visits that generally include feeding, walking and playing with your pet; “home care,” such as switching on and off lights and watering plants, is often available. Most providers are bonded, insured and members of professional associations, such as Pet Sitters International and the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters; some are animalCPR and first-aid certified. Always ask a pet sitter for their qualifications and check their references. Also see: “Boarding and Kennels,” “Daycare” and “Dog Walkers.” 2 Dawg Nite (949) 515-4222 Serves Orange County. 2 Dawg Nite has a certified veterinarian technician on staff. Services include sitting for special-need pets, overnight sitting, d a i ly walks, feeding, pet hospice care and equine services.

A+ Critter Sitters (562) 985-0025 Serving Long Beach area and surrounding cities. Feedings, exercise, p l ay time and medicat i o n administration may be included with appointments. E-mail: Alpha Pet Care 866-SiT-FiDO (866-748-3437) Serves Orange County and Long Beach metro. A zip code service search is provided on their Web site to determine location availability. Day and overnight sitting is offered, administration of pet medication and home care is also available. Animal Amour (949) 631-5771 S e rves Newport Beach, Newport Coast, Corona Del Mar, Costa Mesa and Irvine. Pet sitting care in your home, plus they’ll bring in your mail and papers, and adjust lights for security. Any animal considered. Free consultation.

• Reliable & Professional • Daily dog walking service • Vacation cat & small pet visits • Off leash doggie play dates & park trips

• Overnight pet sitter in-your-home • Private Boarding • Pet taxi to daycare, vet or groomer • Yard poop scoop • House sitter

Critter Sitting Individuals (949) 274-6130 Serves Laguna Niguel, Laguna Wo o d s , Laguna Hills, Aliso Viejo, Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, Ladera Ranch, Dana Point and San Juan Capistrano. D ay sitting rates start at $18 and include home care (bringing in papers, mail and taking out the trash). Free consultation and sitter interview. Daisy’s Doggie Daycare (562) 843-3721 Serves parts of Long Beach, Seal Beach and Huntington Beach. Pet sitting for dogs, cats, birds and fish. Overnight care is offered at the sitter’s residence. Free initial consultation. Denise Cooke’s Pet Sitting Service (714) 697-9600 Serves Newport Beach, Newport Coast, Corona Del Mar and Irvine. Day sitting and overnight stays. Email: • Dogstar Pet Care Service (714) 788-7992 Serving Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach (92646 and 92648), Fountain Va l l ey and south Santa Ana. Care in your home for dogs, cats, fish, birds and some reptiles. Services include walks, p l ay and administration of medicat i o n . One of her unique services is providing play relief and training for your dog while you are at work. She specializes in daytime services for puppies, seniors and recovering pets needing extra care. Free initial consultation. First visit free to new pet sitting clients. No overnight stay s . Bonded and insured. Member, N ational A s s o c i ation of Professional Pet Sitters. Also see "Dog Walkers" and "Training."

1-866-FETCH-ME For pampered pets in the:

Brea, Fullerton, La Habra, La Habra Heights, La Mirada & Whittier Areas (562) 472-0422 or

Huntington Beach, Seal Beach & Surrounding Areas (714) 881-4511 Pet CPR & First Aid Certified • BONDED • INSURED • WE'VE GOT YOUR TAIL COVERED™

w w w. F e t c h P e t C a re . c o m

balancingact! Trainer Alex "Po p e y e " Rothacker taught his dog Sweet Pea to climb stairs. Sure, a lot of dogs can do that, but Sweet Pea is the only dog in the world that can climb stairs —backward and forward —with a glass of water on her nose! See for yourself on YouTube under “Super Dog Sweet Pe a . ” petsguide summer/fall 31

don’tbite! Dogs bite because they're teething, injured, feel threatened, have a history of abuse or are in heat. Provide dogs with plenty of chew toy s . If they nip or bite, fill a can or bottle with coins or rocks. Shake the can while saying "no" firmly. The noise will startle them.

• Fetch! Pet Care “We’ve Got Your Tail Covered” ™ (866) FETCH-ME, (562) 472-0422, (714) 881-4511 Fetch! Pet Care offers the following pet sitting services:

and keeping with their normal routine, you’ll be able to return home to a content and hap py pet. Their cat care visits include feedings, litter box upkeep, a d m i n i s t r ation of medicine, personal at t e n t i o n , as well as minor house sitting services. Licensed, insured, bonded and 10 years of veterinarian experience. Rates: $20-25 per visit. Also see: “Dog Walkers,” “Parties” and “Taxi.” E-mail: See ad on page 17. Home Buddies Pet Sitting (714) 378-5925 Serves Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and surrounding cities. Day and overnight sitting, includes home care. Animal-CPR certified. Julie’s Pet Care (949) 939-4145 Serves San Clemente, Talega, San Juan Capistrano and Dana Point. In-home care for your pets.

In-Home Overnight Sitting - Is your pooch more comfortable in his own environment? Do you want your house looked after too? If so, then their inhome overnight sitting service is for you! This service includes evening and morning private walks, feeding, litter or cage cleaning, mail and newspaper retrieval, plant watering and light rotation, opening/closing blinds, and home security checks.

Kathi’s Critter Care (714) 525-0556 S e rves Fullerton, Brea and Placentia. F a m i ly owned and operated. Day sitting includes feedings, medication administrat i o n , home care, and litterbox and yard cleaning; rates start at $14. Free consultation. E-mail:

Private Boarding - Tired of kennels? Fetch offers a more personal approach to dog boarding. They only take in a few dogs at a time so your pet is sure to get plenty of attention and play time.

Luv Those Dogs (562) 760-1385 Serves Long Beach and surrounding cities. Day and overnight sitting. Private boarding and exercise also available. E-mail:

Daily Home Pet Visits - Let Fetch come to you at your convenience for a 30-minute minimum visit to check in with your pet and say “hello.” When applicable, visits include play time, feeding, litter box and/or cage cleaning, yard waste clean-up and home security check. For the Brea, Fullerton, La Habra, La Habra Heights La Mirada, Fullerton and Whittier areas, call (866) FETCH-ME or (562) 472-0422. For Huntington Beach/Seal Beach and surrounding areas, call. (714) 881-4511. See ad on page 29; coupon on page 46. Fur and Feathers (714) 972-3188 S e rves North Orange County. D ay sitting includes feeding, playing, yard cleaning, dog walks and home care; fl at rat e . E-mail: • Gone Dog Walking Huntington Beach (714) 658-6536 Pets suffer separation anxiety while their owners are aw ay. By having them remain in their own familiar surroundings, their stress is limited. Gone Dog Walking comes to your pet’s environment. Since your pet is at home enjoying play time, cuddle time (belly rubs included), exercise 32 petsguide summer/fall

New Pup City (562) 388-3174 Serves Long Beach and surrounding cities. Day sitting for all animals, includes medication administration, home care and dog walking. Newport Pet Sitting (949) 721-9024 Serves Newport Beach, Newport Coast and Corona Del Mar. In-home pet sitting and overnight care for dogs, cats, birds and some exotics. Licensed and insured. Nicole’s Pet Sitting (714) 337-4644 Serves South Orange County. D ay visits and overnight sitting; home care included. Also offers in-home hospice care for elderly pets and medication administration. OC Pet Companions (949) 709-2707 S e rves Orange County. Day and overnight in-home

sitting; also offers overnight care at the sitter’s residence. Specializes in pets with special needs, diabetic and senior pets, large breeds, puppies, kittens and exotics. OC Pet Sitters Networking Group An Orange County networking group for pet sitters and dog walkers that provides referrals to pet owners wishing to find a pet professional in their neighborhood. Pals and Paws Pet Services (714) 345-3802 Serves Huntington Beach, Huntington Harbor, Fountain Valley, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, and portions of Sunset Beach and Seal Beach. Day and overnight sitting; home care included. Pampered Pet Care (949) 307-2135 Serves Corona Del Mar, Newport Beach, Newport Coast and Laguna Beach. Day and overnight care available. Pampered Pet Sitting (949) 285-7612 Serves Saddleback Va l l ey, Tustin and Irvine. D ay sitting; rates start at $15 and include feeding, walks and home care. Free consultation and sitter interview. Paw Pals Pet Sitters (949) 709-7043 S e rves Irvine south to San Clemente. Full-service pet sitting care for both your pets and home. Petropolis (562) 843-4221 Serves the Long Beach area. Day and overnight sitting; rates start at $15, home care included. Regal Paws In-Home Pet Sitting (949) 466-3520 Serves Aliso Viejo, Foothill Ranch, Irvine, Ladera Ranch, Lake Forest, Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, Las Flores, Mission Viejo, Rancho Santa Margarita and Trabuco Canyon. Day and overnight sitting; rates start at $20 and includes home care. • Sandy Tails Doggie Vacations Serving Huntington Beach and Surrounding Areas (909) 489-6223 Sandy Tails Dog Care works hard to make sure that when you aren’t able to be with your dog they still get the attention, exercise and love that they need and desire. We want to make leaving your dog as pleasurable of an experience as possible. We realize that most dogs have a daily regi m e n t , so Sandy Tails tries their best to keep them as c o m fo r t able and hap py as possible during their time aw ay from their “parents.” Sandy Tails works

closely with the “parents” to create a plan that is best for your special pup. T h ey can do daily visits to your home, including visits to the dog park or dog beach (see ad on page 11; coupon on page 50). Megan, owner of Sandy Tails, can also host a “ D o ggie Sleepover,” which includes all of her daily dog park visits and walks, along with lots of cuddling! Call Megan at the number listed to start planning your dog’s vacat i o n ! Tracie’s Pet Service (714) 642-1462 Serves Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach and Sunset Beach. Daily visits, overnight stays and administration of medicine. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. While You R Away Ladera Ranch, Coto De Caza and MIssion Viejo (949) 388-6458 Irvine, Newport Coast and Tustin Ranch (949) 542-PETS Serves South Orange County. Day and overnight pet and home care. Medication administration for special-needs animals. Rates start at $20 per visit. You Leave’em, We Love’um (949) 903-3295 Serves Newport Beach, Newport Coast and Costa Mesa. Pet sitting, includes home care. Dog walking, pet taxi and pet massage also available. • Your Animals Best Friend Services (714) 230-6541 or (949) 375-1832 Customized services include: feeding your pet on schedule, providing fresh water, taking your dog for a walk, scooping yard and/or cat litter box, bringing in mail and newspaper, turning lights on and off for security, putting trash cans out and bring in on trash day, watering plants and keeping the house tidy. Medications can be administered and post surgical care can be provided. Your Animals Best Friend Services also offers animal photo sessions and errand services customized to your needs. Animal sleepovers also av a i l able for approved clients. See ad on page 17.

Your Pet’s Friend Pet Care (562) 365-1252 S e rves La Habra Heights and surrounding areas. Day sitting rates start at $20 and include home care. Additional Resources: The following Web site offers searches for local pet sitters:

petstores The following stores provide food and supplies for animals; live animals, including puppies and kittens, are available at many locations. Also see: “Adoption and Rescue,” “Aquariums,” “ B o u t i q u e s ,” “ B i r d s ,” and “Reptiles and Exotics.” Anaheim Feed Store and Pet Supply 1730 North Lemon St., Anaheim (714) 992-2012 Anaheim Feed carries food and supplies for barn and household animals. A low-cost vaccination clinic is offered every other Sunday. Printable coupons are available on the Web site. • Animalia 16389 Bolsa Chica St., Huntington Beach (714) 377-7630 A store for dogs and cats only, offering a variety of specialty foods, toys, apparel and treats from basic to luxury. Large selection of US made toys, organic and raw foods containing no wheat, corn or soy, clothing items for teacups to XXX large dogs, puppy gear, collars, treats from local bakers, healthy goodies, flower essences and much more. In-store anesthesia-free teeth cleaning clinics are held monthly. Pets are welcome on a leash or in a carrier. Special orders are welcome too! Animalia is open Monday - Saturday, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.; and Sunday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. See additional listings in “Grooming” and “Nutrition.” See ad on page 5; coupon on page 46.

don’tjump! To keep dogs from jumping on people, consistently discourage the practice at early age. Ignore the dog and avoid eye contact when he jumps up. Tell the dog to "sit" and reward him with affection and treats when he obeys. Be sure to give your dog daily exercise to reduce excess energy. Barkworks Brea Mall (714) 256-4393 Los Cerritos Center 562) 402-9237 The Shops Mission Viejo Mall (949) 364-4384 Westminster Mall (714) 892-8367 Barkworks carries registered and unregistered purebred puppies and kittens, cross breeds, flea medications and pet supplies. A licensed veterinarian technician is on staff and a free veterinary visit is included with each puppy purchased. Barkworks offers a 15d ay guarantee on all pets against any medical problem and a one-year warranty against any hereditary or congenital problem. Special orders available. Email: Bird Stores For a listing of local stores, see “Birds.” Blacksmith’s Corner 17647 Lakewood Blvd., Bellflower (562) 531-0386 If you are in the market for a goat , rabb i t , peacock, goose or duck, this is your store. They also carry a variety of supplies for common pets too. Specializing in rabbit supplies, they offer free rabbit nail clippings; call for an appointment. Be sure to check out the Red Wagon Specials as you walk through the door. California Pets 1807 E. Chapman Ave., Orange (714) 289-7755

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monkeybusiness! Sure, dogs can be trained to help humans in need, but what about monkeys? Organizations like Helping Hands in Boston train capuchin monkeys to assist in the day-to-day activities of quadriplegics, such as microwaving food, opening drink bottles and washing their master’s face. A full-service pet store selling puppies, kittens, parrots, fish and supplies, including custom leather leashes from local craftsman. Puppies are trained and socialized. Nail and/or wing trimming is offered for a small fee, Monday - Thursday, 1-7 p.m.

Healthy Paws 11151 First Ave., Whittier (562) 902-5700 Healthy Paws carries premium pet food for dogs and cats. Grooming and pet massage also available.

Centinela Feed and Pet Supplies 2320 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (714) 540-4036 4700 PCH, Long Beach (562) 494-1660 In addition to a wide range of pet supplies for all animals, select stores offer adoption, veterinary services, training and grooming.

• LaunderPet Belmont Heights 3429 E. Broadway, Long Beach (562) 433-3605 Seal Beach 318 Main Street, Seal Beach (562) 430-7196 Bixby Knolls 4102 Orange Ave. #113, Long Bch (562) 427-2551 LaunderPet offers an extensive line of pet food and supplies, including PetaPotty. They carry supplies for all of your dog's and cat's needs, and carry some supplies for reptiles, fish, birds and small animals at the Belmont Heights store. If they do not have something in stock, they are happy to order it for you. They also offer pick-up and delivery – call for details. Call or visit the Web site for each location's hours. Visit their Web site for a discount coupon. Also see “Grooming.” See ad with a discount coupon on page 21.

Chateau Le Pooch 391 South State College Blvd., Suite O, Brea (714) 482-0452 This boutique offers a variety of harnesses, clothing and pet accessories for teacup to small breed dogs. All-natural dog food, treats, chews and bakery items. Small section of small breed puppies also available for sale, such as Yorkies, Maltese, Pomeranian and Shih Tzu. Join “Club Pooch” to get info r m ation on m o n t h ly store events, parties and promotions. Coast Pet Supply 880 North Coast Highway, Laguna Beach (949) 497-6580 Pet supplies and all-natural, organic pet food. Collar and Leash Pet Shop 9772 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove (714) 530-4490 F a m i ly owned and operated for more than 35 years, the pet store offers holistic, organic and raw pet foods, plus a variety of hard-to-find pet products. Grooming av a i l able byappointment. Doggie in the Window 4106 E. Anaheim St., Long Beach (562) 494-7085 Pet supplies and speciality dog and cat food, including holistic, r aw, prescription and natural foods. Teeth cleaning clinic conducted by a veterinarian every Thursday at 4 p.m. Daycare and grooming av a i l ab l e . Dogma Irvine (949) 737-5950 Newport Coast (949) 640-6072 Dogma offers premium pet foods, treats and nutritional supplements, as well as high-quality pet products and supplies, such as car seats and pet stairs. Locations: 6755 Quail Hill Parkway, Irvine; 21113 Newport Coast Drive, Newport Coast. 34 petsguide summer/fall

Moe Toys 630 S. Grand Ave., Suite 115, Santa Ana (714) 689-3344 Warehouse store for all your pets’ needs, such as toys, treats, crates, beds and more. Shop online, order by phone or stop by (call for hours). My Pets 14537 Telegraph Road, La Mirada (562) 903-7400 Puppies for sale, plus pet hotel and grooming. Discount coupons are available on their Web site. P.D. Pitchford Companion Animal Village Pet Supply Center 7700 East Spring St., Long Beach (562) 570-4926 spcaLA’s Pet Supply Center carries pet food, toys and supplies. Clothing and accessories are also offered, including spcaLA merchandise. Proceeds benefit spcaLA’s programs and services, including cruelty investigation, disaster animal response team, humane education and a variety of shelter services. Grooming and boarding also available. Paw Shoppe Pet Center 6416 E. Spring St., Long Beach (562) 425-5131

Since 1976, the Pet Center offers high-end dog, cat, fish, bird and reptile food including live food and treats too. Other supplies, such as flea-control, and collars and leashes, are also available. Pet City 3010 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (714) 966-6674 11011 Brookhurst, Garden Grove (714) 533-2800 7041 Katella Ave., Stanton (714) 229-9969 14718 Whittier Blvd., Whittier (562) 698-3277 Each of their stores feature purebred puppies, exotic mixes and designer pups. T h ey also offer a full range of pet supplies and food for every animal. Other services, which vary by store, include grooming, selfwash, tropical fish department, on-site training classes and low-cost vet clinics. • Pet Country 22485 El Toro Road, Suite A, Lake Forest (949) 951-7387 Specializing in hand-tamed exotic birds and parrotlets, the smallest parrot in the world, as well as many types of reptiles. The Parrotlets are bred on site and all are hand-tamed. The store also sells supplies for all pets including small animals, birds and reptiles, plus holistic dog and cat fo o d . Vaccinations and training classes also available. Open Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.; and Sunday, 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. See ad on page 33; discount coupon on page 46. Pet Junction 27261-J La Paz Road, Laguna Niguel (949) 643-0100 Specializes in selling small dog breeds, as well as hard-to-find dog and cat foods. Pet Partners 1062 Broadway, Long Beach (562) 590-7200 Complete pet center. Free delivery to local area. Grooming also available. Pet Supply 18545 Brookhurst St., FV (714) 964-5585 7051 Yorktown Ave., HB (714) 969-2800 21612 Plano Trabuco Road, TC (949) 216-9081 Pet Supply specializes in high-quality cat and dog foods, including raw diets, and supplies for small animals, fish, reptiles and birds. Local delivery av a i l ab l e . Pet Supply Warehouse 23854 Via Fabricante, #E-1, Mission Viejo (949) 951-1284 Family owned and operated pet store for more than 20 years. The store specializes in pet nutrition, such as raw diets and organic products. PetCo (888) 824-7257 In addition to pet supplies, selected stores include s e rvices such as grooming, canine educat i o n , adop-

tions, low-cost vaccinations, pet insurance and boarding. 19 locations throughout Orange County and Long Beach metro. Pets Plus San Clemente (949) 361-8907 Mission Viejo (949) 951-1126 Full-service pet store providing supplies for small animals. Dog training classes are offered. Printable coupons on Web site. L aguna Niguel location opening soon. 415 Avenida Pico, Suite O, San Clemente; 25502 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo. PetSmart 12 locations throughout Orange County and Long Beach metro. In addition to pet supplies, select stores o ffer grooming, training, boarding, d ay care, adoptions, veterinary services and equestrian supplies. Precious Paws Shoppe 3848 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach (562) 612-3015 Boutique-style pet store carries puppies, apparel and accessories. • Puppy Shop Boys 688 Baker St., #5, Costa Mesa (714) 641-1717 P u p py Shop Boys is the place to browse for small dog clothing and accessories, or relax and have a cup of coffee in the Pet Lounge. They hav e M i n i ature Maltese, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua and Shih Tzu av a i l able for sale, all from reputable breeders. Their many accessories include imported fashions, sparkling collars, stylish carrier bag s , comfy bedding and more. Their staff will hap p i ly assist you with your questions regarding dog breeds, gr o o ming, nutrition and potty training, and will help you choose your perfect best friend for you and your entire family. Open Tu e s d ay - Friday, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sunday, 12-6 p.m.; and closed Monday. Also see “Grooming” and “Boutiques.” See ad on page 13; coupon on page 51. Pure Pet O.C. 3601 Jamboree Road, #17, Newport Beach (949) 251-0019 Puppies and kittens, plus supplies and boutique outfits and accessories. Reptile Stores For a listing of local reptile stores, see “Reptiles and Exotics.” Royal Pet Center 12218 La Mirada Blvd., La Mirada (562) 902-3030 Full service pet store that carries dogs, cats, birds, fish and reptiles, and all of their supplies. Russo’s Pet Experience Fashion Island, Newport Beach Irvine Spectrum, Irvine

(949) 644-0980 (949) 453-1951

Russo’s carries accessories for dogs and cats, specializing in Angel Eyes and Merrick dog products. They also carry live animals, including dogs, Guinea pigs, hamsters, cats and birds. Soggy Dog 344 E. 4th St., Long Beach (562) 432-6934 S o ggy Dog carries supplies for dogs and cats, and specializes in items for Bully dog breeds. Self-service and full-service dog grooming also av a i l able. • The Pet Pantry 1500 E. Village Way, Suite 2248, Orange (714) 998-2060 With more than 28 years in pet industry, The Pet P a n t ry can be your family's complete pet destination. A full-line pet store, The Pet Pantry offers puppies, kittens, birds, reptiles and fish, and their supplies too. The owner is proud to be the third generation of a family in the pet industry, and takes gr e at care to make certain that customer satisfaction is number one. T h ey eag e r ly accept special orders, and also offer free wing trimming for birds. Monday Friday, 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.; Sat u r d ay, 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.; and Sunday, 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. See ad on page 31; coupon on page 46. The Sand Bar Pet Shop 25571 Marguerite Parkway, #1-J, Mission Viejo (949) 768-0422 The Sand Bar carries pet supplies and pets, including puppies, kittens, fish, birds, rodents and reptiles. They specialize in dogs and saltwater fish; they also offer aquarium maintenance. The Zoo Pet Store 23062 Alicia Parkway, #B, Mission Viejo (949) 595-0757 Family owned and operated for 13 years, the store carries puppies, kittens, fish, birds and reptiles, plus their supplies. Special orders available. Wild’s Animal Supplies Laguna Niguel (949) 831-8678 Dana Point (949) 488-0025 F a m i ly owned and operated for more than 19 years, Wild’s offers birds, fish, reptiles and small animals such as hamsters. They also carry all natural products for all pets. Two locations: 27932 La Paz Road, Suite A , Laguna Niguel; and 32880 Pacific Coast Highway, #30, Dana Point.

pettherapy Homeopathic, massage and chiropractic services for dogs, cats and horses. Also see: “Animal Communicators.”

thewave! If your dog knows how to shake, the “wave” is the perfect follow-up. Face your dog and hold out your hand as if you are going to shake. When your dog lifts her paw to shake, don't grab it, just pull back your hand and say "wave." Then give your dog a treat.

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stopchewing! Chewing is often part of the natural teething process in puppies. It also occurs from boredom, separation anxiety, undernourishment and lack of exercise. Give your dogs plenty of chew toys as an alternative, particularly puppies. Older dogs should have varied chew-toy options. If your dog is chewing on furniture or cords, spraying a deterrent such as Bitter Apple can be very effective. Saying "no" and using a shake can (see tip on page 30) can also work if you catch the dog in the act. The best solution is to figure out the cause and go from there. Consult a vet to make sure there isn’t a diet problem. BlackWing Farms (760) 742-3434 With over 34 years experience in flower essences and homeopathic remedies, Black Wing Farms offers behavior and training blends to help pets with separation anxiety, grief, panic, fears and more. • CanineChiro 10832 Los Alamitos Blvd., Los Alamitos (562) 598-8621 Dr. Wasserman's chiropractic care for pets focuses on the nervous system, which controls the function of e v e ry cell, tissue, organ and system of the body. M a ny of your pet's every d ay activities and injuries can cause the spinal bones to lose their normal position or normal motion, which may ultimat e ly alter your pet's health and/or cause pain. Dr. Wasserman's philosophy to relieve suffering through chiropractic care, and thereby restore quality of life, has been his goal for more than 25 years. As a chiropractitioner fo r pets, his life work is devoted to the health and well being of your canine companion. The helpful Web site is full of useful tips on your pet's nutrition, health, home products and recommended reading. See ad on page 7. Dog Paddle Hydrotherapy and Wellness 2695 East Foothill Blvd., Pasadena (626) 792-8433 Dog Paddle is a full-service canine rehabilitation clinic providing alternative therapies such as chiropractic, acupuncture, m a s s age and swim therapy, including underwater treadmill with ozonat o r, therapy pool, physio-ball exercises, cavaletti rail exercises, PST (Pulsed Signal Therapy), Reiki and nutritional counseling. Also offers raw foods and supplements. Open Monday - Saturday by appointment only. Hands on Paws (949) 235-3320 Services include massage therapy, Reiki and nutritional consultation. Pet first aid and care certification workshops are available. Healthy Paws 11151 First Ave., Whittier (562) 902-5700 Specializes in pet massage: 30-minute treatments for animals with athletic, elderly or hip/joint dis36 petsguide summer/fall

comforts. Grooming, teeth cleaning and skin conditioning treatments also available. Lend A Paw: Pet Therapy Many recreation departments offer a six-week course designed for dog owners looking to become certified pet therapy volunteers with their dog. See “Training”’ for details. Pawsitive Feelings Canine and Equine Massage (949) 872-3000 Te r ry Senko is a certified Equine/Canine Massag e Provider from the Rocky Mountain School of Animal Acupressure and Massag e . She is a member of the International Association of Animal Massage and Bodywork, and organizer of OC Active Dogs Meetup. S e rvice areas include Corona Del Mar, Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Irvine, L aguna Beach and Newport Beach; out-of-area arrangements may be possible for multiple dogs or with a travel fee. Classes and doit-yourself DVD alsoav a i l ab l e . Southern California Equine and Canine Chiropractic (949) 400-5100 Dr. Norman “Rod” Block has more than 35 years of animal chiropractic experience. Post-surgical rehabilitation and seminars also available. Yorba Regional Animal Hospital 8290 East Crystal Drive, Anaheim (714) 921-8700 The hospital offers acupuncture and physical rehabilitation. Also see “Boarding and Kennels” and “Veterinary Services” for additional services. You Leave ‘em, We Love ‘um (949) 903-3295 Certified in pet massage and Rieki. Insured, bonded and pet first-aid certified. Additional Resources: The following Web sites include further info r m ation about pet therapy, including massage and a c u p r e s s u r e : w w w. p e t m a s s and

photography&art The following photographers and artists specialize in animal portraits and art. Pet Art The following sites offer commissioned artwork of your pet: www. a r t p;;;;; • Pet Hospital 3411 East Chapman Ave., Orange (714) 771-3261 Photos of your pets can be taken at Pet Hospital. A variety of fun costumes and backgrounds are av a i lable. On most day s , photos can be done after gr o o ming, vet visit, or by scheduling an appointment. Pet photos make wonderful keepsakes and gifts. Also see “Grooming” and “Veterinary Services.” See ad on page 45; coupon on page 50. • Pet Photography at Good Dogma Pet Spa 9037 Atlanta Ave., Huntington Beach (714) 965-2130 Good Dogma Pet Spa offers family and pet photography through Hamilton Photography. They specialize in holiday photos, in-studio or on location. Also see “Grooming” and “Training.” See ad on page 20. • Your Animals Best Friend Services (714) 230-6541 or (949) 375-1832 Remember your best friend for a lifetime! Pet photo sessions are av a i l able with a professional photographer (Stephanie) who has over 15 years experience in photography and design. Please call for a customized quote and availability. To view samples of work, visit: See ad on p age 17.

poopremoval The following businesses provide waste removal services, primarily for dogs and cats. Costs vary depending on frequency of visits and number/species of animals. Doggy Duty (714) 329-0600 S e rves Orange County and Long Beach. Provides complete clean-up and removal of all pet waste from residential, commercial and community properties. T h ey also offer cleaning, disinfecting and deodorizing of decks, patios, dog runs and kennels. Insured.

• Dog Poop Bags for Easy Clean-Up makes picking up after your pet easy, affo r d able and environmentally responsible. Try their EZ Tie Handled Bag s , the highest quality, lowest cost, opaque dog waste clean-up bags on the market. The bags are eco-friendly : t h ey have a 10-year d e grade time, and offers a 100% money-back, “no questions asked” guarantee. Petsguide readers save 15% when you use code “Petsguide” on checkout. That means you'll get 100 bag s , including shipping, for just $7.65 with the Petsguide discount. Also, you'll get the automatic "loyal customer" 5% discount after three purchases. See ad on page 9; coupon on page 47. Harley’s Poop Patrol (714) 628-6100 Serves Orange and Riverside counties. Provides weekly removal of dog waste from yards, kennels, dog runs, private associations, businesses and events. Discounts offered on Web site. • Pet Butler (800) PET-BUTLER (738-2885) Wanna be “poop free?” Leave the dirty job to Pet Butler, which provides professional pet waste cleanup and removal services. T h ey come to your home and cleanup after your pet, making life more convenient, enjoyable, and safe for pets and their owners, as well as giving you more quality time with your pets and f a m i ly– simply put, it’s what they “doo.” Pet Butler also provides pet stations and supplies to individual yards, parks and multi-family communities across North America. As the world’s largest, oldest, most respected and first coast-to-coast poop scooping service, t h ey have been cleaning up poop and deodorizing the outdoors for close to 20 years. T h ey provide reliable, professional service to over 10,000 clients each week in over 1,500 towns nationwide ( o n ly about 29,000 more to go!). Yes, Pet Butler really is #1 in the “ # 2 ” business. Discounts for seniors, disabled and pet care professionals. Additional services include all-natural odor eliminator spray fo r yards, don’t “go there” training aids for dogs, all-natural flea, tick and mosquito spray for yards, l aw n repair for yellow dog spots, l awn disinfectant, patio spray - o ff and even small trash cleanup. See ad on this page; coupon on page 47.

Poop Removal Accessories The following Web sites offer accessories for poop removal: w w w. d o g p o o p b ag s . c o m , bags, d i spensers and accessories;, 100% biodegradable, corn-based dog waste bags;, biodegradable and compostable dog waste bags;, a scooper container and a carrier made from 100% recycled materials; and, a dogshaped, all-in-one dispenser with scooper, holder and flashlight. • Your Animals Best Friend Services (714) 230-6541 or (949) 375-1832 Are you a busy executive, overloaded mom or just someone whom needs a hand? Going out of town for business, v a c ation or an emergency? Your Animals Best Friend Services offers waste pick up and removal, plus a variety of other services such as home sitting, plant care, errand running and project help. All services are customized to your needs. See ad on page 17.

productsforpets Petsguide’s favorite pet products, from the unusual to the efficient.

Bow Wow Popcorn (877) 374-7987 Producer of the Dog Sitter Video (a video for your dogs to watch with fo o t age of squirrels, etc.) created “the fun treat that dogs love to eat” in fl avors such as Crisp Bacon, Roasted Chicken and Roast Beef. Meowee Wowee organic catnip alsoav a i l ab l e . Canine Covers (866) 592-6837 Protection for automobile seats and extra padding fo r canine travelers with a variety of colors, sizes and accessories. P o r t able dog beds also offered. Citi Kitty Cat Toilet Training Kit (866) 635-4889, (866) 63-KITTY Each kit includes a CitiKitty training seat (works with all toilets), Quick Start Training Guide and a training tips and tricks brochure. For cats of all ages, sizes and breeds. All kits include free cat nip. • Comfortis – Month-long Chewable Tablet Flea Protection In the recent 8th Annual Holistic Ve t e r i n a ry Medicine Symposium, Dr. Doug Coward and his colleagues discussed the prevention and treatment of cancer in pets. Dr. Coward maintains that preventive measures can be done to increase a pet's longevity that include avoiding the toxins found in some commercially made foods, vaccines and flea

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trainingchickens! Apparently the real heavy hitters in the animal training world get their practice through training chickens. According to Bob Bailey of Animal Behavior Enterprises, chicken training has become a way for trainers (particularly dog trainers) to perfect their training techniques. In Bob’s seminars, trainers teach poultry how to discriminate between shapes and navigate an obstacle course. treatments and the feeding of home prepared organic foods, utilizing conservative vaccination protocols and controlling fleas without pesticides. An environmentally friendly "green" flea treatment was introduced by Lilly. Comfortis is a non-toxic pill given once a month to dogs. Fleas are killed rapidly, before they can lay eggs. This product also brings relief to dogs who are allergic to flea bites that cause common dermatological disorders. See your veterinarian for more info r m ation on Comfortis. See ad on the back outside cover and summary on page 38. • DanJo Patio Pet Doors 16632 Burke Lane, Huntington Beach (714) 847-0330 P atio doors custom built for your pet’s needs – screen doors too! DanJo builds custom sliding doors with a built-in pet door in five sizes for pets up to 120 pounds. Their pet doors are made of impact-resistant, super-strong thermoplastic, and have a clear flap that allows pets to see if the slide is in place, a floating bottom threshold for a perfect seal, plus are energy efficient with magnetically secured flaps that reduce escaping air. DanJo also offers custom pet screen doors with pet flaps and pet-proof screens. Visit their Web site or showroom to see the complete line. See ad on page 19; discount coupon on page 47. Diggler Dog Scooters (707) 775-2452 Dog scootering is a new way to give your dog the exercise it needs while having fun and enjoying the outdoors together, either a quick evening run around the neighborhood or compete in the dog scooter championships. Good for single or multiple dogs. Accessories also available. Dog Traveling Products From Kurgo (877) 847-3868 Kurgo offers traveling accessories for your dog such as a backseat barrier, Skybox Booster Seat and Tru-fit Smart Harness that has a seatbelt attachment. Doggles (530) 344-1645 D o ggles goggles provides eye protection specific a l ly for dogs. Other products also offered such as pet sunscreen, wearable pet ionizer, outdoor gear, walking harnesses and pet jewelry. 38 petsguide summer/fall

• Dog Poop Bags for Easy Clean-Up makes picking up after your pet easy and affordable with their eco-friendly EZ Tie Handled Bags. See “Poop Removal” for details. See ad on page 9; coupon on page 47. Doolittle’s Pet Products (503) 753-7850 Unique pet products such as a portable folding crat e , a Booster Bath grooming tub and soft sided pet carriers with or without wheels for airline travel. Games for Pets and Their People Games to play with family and friends, including the dog! Funagle is a new board game where players have one minute to “funagle” their dog into performing activities called out on removable tags. Do You Mind is a portable card/dice game where humans roll the pawprint dice, pick a matching pawprint card, and earn points by getting their dogs to do the activity described on the card. (888) 811-PETS The Web site offers products, services and support for elderly, disabled and handicapped pets such as wheelchairs, diapers, special-needs beds, portable pet pottys, referrals to rehabilitation facilities, grief counseling and newsletters. • Hot Bows Hot Bows are hip, trendy and blingy hair bows fo r your pets that love to express their fun side. Hot Bows all have two latex bands and are easy to attach to top knots, ears or collars. Hot Bows will keep their stylish design and dazzling color. Fashionably priced Hot Bows are a must for all dogs. Visit the Web site to view their online catalog. See ad on page 27. Indoor and Portable Dog Pottys The following products offer a potty for dogs when outside relief is unavailable. Dog pottys are also used for apartments, high-rise buildings, recreational vehicles, boats and any place where a dog might need relief. PetaPotty, (866) 738-7297,; Pooch Potty, (866) 265-5826,; and Pup Head, (866) 7817877,

• Messages From Your Animal Companion by Angelica del Mar - 55 Card Deck Easy to use, beautiful deck of 55 cards lovingly created to help people better understand their animal companions. Combined with your own intuition, the cards help you get meaningful info r m ation from your pet on topics such as their emotional stat e , needs, desires and more. See “Animal Communicat o r s ” fo r details. • Petlane - Terry Gunn, Pet Advisor (714) 841-074, (714) 381-7174 Petlane opens the door on a new era of fun, intellectual stimulat i o n , safety and healthy diets fo r America’s dogs, c ats and birds. Petlane products are unique, durable, a ffordable and nutritious as toys, accessories, t r e ats and food. Petlane currently o ffers 252 products; 163 for dogs, 74 for cats and 15 for birds. Petlane has a 100 % money-back guarantee on every product and has its own “ b o ttomless bag ” pet food program to auto-ship food on your schedule. Petlane regularly teams up with animal charities and philanthropies to raise funds fo r shelters and other rescue activities. For more info rmation on fund-raising, Petlane products, setting up a Petlane party or franchise opportunities, please call the number listed. Also see “Nutrition” and “Parties.” See ad on page 25; coupon on page 46. Pooch IQ Test (866) 822-6760 The IQ test lets you test your pooch’s intelligence level while having loads of fun with your pup. Pooch apparel and bumper stickers also available. Purrfect Fence (888) 280-4066 Cats can enjoy outdoor safety in custom cat enclosures that allow indoor cats access to outdoors. Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed by Meowme (877) 763-6963 Sleepypod is a mobile pet bed that is available in a variety of colors and sizes. A 3-in-1 product that alleviates some stress that may be associated with uncomfortable confinement in hard boxes. • Solo Pet Doors 1654 Tustin Ave, Costa Mesa (877) 766-3900, (949) 646-4404 Solo Pet Doors manufactures motorized electronic automatic pet doors, keeping indoor pets in and gi ving indoor/outdoor pets the freedom of a pet door by using a small door activation sensor attached to their collar. Five sizes available, including doors for pat i o sliders and kennels. The grooved, sliding door feature provides weather and safety protection not offered by fl apping doors. The doors eliminate drafts which prevents air conditioning and heat loss, guaranteed. Also, they keep unwanted intruders outside! Only your pet can activate the door, so strays, raccoons, opossums and other unwanted visitors are left out. Solo Pet Doors are locked in the closed position fo r

added security and can be connected to your home security system. Solo Pet Doors can be easily installed by the homeowner, a handyman or contractor. Installers available. Call Solo Pet Door factorydirect for ordering and technical installation info r m ation, even on weekends. Same day shipping av a i lable. See ad on page 35. Sticky Sheets (866) 431-8898 An easy way to remove pet hair from large areas . T h ey guarantee it works.

Red Sea Fish and Reptiles 15041 Leffingwell Road, Whittier (562) 944-9787 A variety of snakes, turtles, lizards, fish and more. Reptile Island 3960 Prospect Ave., Ste. S, Yorba Linda (714) 524-8442 Extensive selection of reptiles, amphibians, turtles, tortoises, arachnids and invertebrates, and their supplies. Animals can also be provided for children’s birthday parties.

The Strock (720) 940-6892 Sheath-like leg coverings for dogs, cats and other larger pets. Works to break the obsessive paw chewing habit that leads to lick granulomas.

Reptiles Unlimited 4218 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach (562) 426-1090 Specializes in family-friendly exotic pets, including lizards, snakes, turtles and spiders, plus a full invent o ry of supplies and food. Also provides animals fo r children’s birthday parties.


Reptropolis 1502 N. El Camino Real, San Clemente (949) 492-6598 An all-reptile and amphibian store that carries snakes, spiders, lizards, turtles, tortoises and more, including accessories.

The following stores offer a variety of exotic reptiles and amphibians, collectively known as herptiles. Most stores offer special orders. Also see: “Adoptions and Rescues,” “Clubs and Associations” and “Pet Stores.” • Pet Country 22485 El Toro Road, Suite A, Lake Forest (949) 951-7387 Pet Country believes in only offering the best when it comes to the reptiles! That is why, when you shop there, you will only find hand-selected reptiles by in-store reptile expert (Brock). All the reptiles are housed in terrariums similar to the natural environment of each species. Due to their natural environments, they find that some of the reptiles are even breeding! Visit their Web site for details of the selection of reptiles, snakes and supplies. The store also sells supplies for all pets including small animals and birds, plus holistic dog and cat food. Vaccinations and training classes also available. Open Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.; and Sunday, 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. See ad on page 33; discount coupon on page 46. Prehistoric Pets 18822 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley (714) 964-3525 Reptile “super store” that carries pet supplies and pets, including pythons, geckos, boas, turtles, tortoises, amphibians and inverts. Parties available. Radical Reptiles 7157 Katella Ave., Stanton (714) 826-6600 Various types of reptiles, from snakes and lizards to scorpions and tarantulas. P r i v ate breeding, traveling shows for parties and educational events av a i l ab l e .

The Zoo Pet Store 23062 Alicia Parkway, #B, Mission Viejo (949) 595-0757 The store carries a variety of reptiles, plus all their supplies.

safety Resources to keep pets safe, i n cluding firstaid classes and safety products. Also see: “ E m e r g e n cy Services.” American Red Cross Pet First Aid 3150 East 29th St., Long Beach (562) 595-6341 Four-hour course that provides the skills needed to issue temporary care to injured or sick animals until a veterinarian can give medical care. Hands on Paws (949) 235-3320 Group classes and workshops covering pet CPR and first-aid techniques. Workshops are offered and can be scheduled for private and community groups. PET-PAC (213) 999-3490 Emergency survival packs for your dog or cat . D u ffle includes 3 to 4-day food and water supply,

can opener, potty bags, toys, treats, sleeping pad, pet first-aid book and more. Survival pack for cats also features a pet carrier and portable litter box. Other safety and travel items available. Sunny Dog Ink (818) 951-7962 Animal first aid and CPR classes throughout Southern California. Web site features pet safety information and tips, as well as pet safety products, including first-aid kits and nutritional supplements. Surf City Animal Response Team (SCART) 18685-A Main St., Huntington Beach (714) 349-1047 Classes offered in Animal Disaster Preparedness, Sheltering in a Disaster, and Beginning and Intermediate Search and Rescue, plus pet first-aid and CPR. They also provide support for search and rescue and animal sheltering after a disaster. Volunteer opportunities available. Additional Resources: The following Web sites are good sources for pet safety products:, www. p e and

serviceanimals Programs that sponsor dogs to work with children or assist the blind, hearing impaired or disabled, plus an organization for those interested in the animal entertainment industry. Animal Health Foundation Pet Partners (714) 710-9114 AHF sponsor’s Pet Partner Teams that visit hospi-

trainingfish! Fish schools really do exist. Our aquatic buddies are as trainable as dogs. They may not be able to fetch the paper (soggy paper is unreadable), but you can teach your fish to swim through hoops and tunnels, do the limbo, eat from your hand, and play soccer, football and basketball. All this and more is part of the R2 Fish School Training Kit at

petsguide summer/fall 39

staygooddoggie! The trick "stay" has two parts: the stay and the release. Stay: Have your dog sit, then tell him to "stay" in a firm voice while putting your hand in front of his face. Wait a few seconds, then praise. Release: After the reward for the "stay," give a release word such as "go" or "okay," while encouraging him to move out of the stay position. Remember to always reward the stay first, then release. tals and care facilities on an ongoing basis, interacting with patients, their families and medical staff, helping to relieve stress and create a sense of well-being. AHF R.E.A.D. volunteers visit school sites promoting literacy and encouraging students to read aloud to their companion therapy dog. Volunteering opportunities available. Beach Animals Reading with Kids (562) 235-8835 BARK (Beach Animals Reading with Kids) provides certified therapy dogs to elementary schools and libraries. Teachers find that children who read to therapy dogs increase their reading skills, self-esteem and test scores. E-mail: Canine Companions for Independence (800) 572-2275 or A national non-profit organization that provides free, trained, assistance dogs and continued support fo r people with disabilities. Donations, membership and opportunities to raise a puppy are av a i l ab l e . Guide Dogs of America (818) 362-5834 GDA provides guide dogs and instruction in their use, free of charge, to blind and visually impaired men and women from the Untied States and Canada. Donations welcome and puppy raising opportunities available. Hollywood Paws (888) 781-7827 Pet owners receive a free evaluation with Hollywood studio animal trainers to see if their dog or cat has what it takes to be an animal actor in film, TV, commercials or print. Vocational program also available for people looking into a career with animals. Works with TDI (Therapy Dog International) for those interested in having their pet become a certified therapy dog. Paws for Healing Non-profit, all volunteer organization. Members and registered pets provide animal-assisted therapy fo r assisted-living and convalescent homes, hospitals and shelters. R.E.A.D. program provides therapy animals to schools and libraries to increase literacy.

40 petsguide summer/fall

shelters The following government, non-profit or private animal shelters (commonly called “the pound”) provide shelter and care for stray, lost or abandoned animals. All shelters offer healthy animals for adoption; there is usually a small fee. Animals are kept at the shelter until claimed by their owners; adopted to new owners; placed with a rescue or adoption organization; or euthanized. No-kill shelters will keep all healthy animals until adopted. Most shelters accept animals from residents of specific cities only. Also see: “Adoption and Rescue” and for animal control services, including found/stray animals, “Emergency Serv i c e s . ” Animal Assistance League of Orange County 15102 Jackson St., Midway City (714) 893-4393 This is a no-kill shelter; all adoptable animals stay until reclaimed or adopted. The organization offers pets for adoption, helps with pet related problems, promotes pet population control and provides care to stray animals. Adoption fee for dogs is $90; cats, $70. Animals are spayed or neutered, microchipped, vaccinated and dewormed prior to adoption. Adoption hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; and Sunday, 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Closed Monday and Wednesday. Irvine Animal Care Center 6443 Oak Canyon, Irvine (949) 724-7740 S e rvices include pet adoption, as well as temporary care for stray animals found in Irvine or Costa Mesa. Animals are av a i l able for adoption seven days after being brought in. The Web site offers a search fo r a d o p t able animals. Open Monday, We d n e s d ay, Thursday and Friday, noon - 7 p.m.; and weekends, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Tu e s d ay. LA County Downey Animal Shelter 11258 S. Garfield Ave., Downey (562) 940-6898 A branch of the LA Department of Animal Care and Control, contracted to provide animal control and

shelter services to many LA County cities. Services include pet adoption; licensing; humane investigations; emergency rescues during natural disasters; enforcement of animal control laws; and temporary care for stray animals. Open Monday - Thursday, noon - 7 p.m.; Friday and Sat u r d ay, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; closed Sunday and holidays. Laguna Beach Animal Shelter 20612 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach (949) 497-3552 Provides pet adoption, as well as temporary care for stray, sick or injured animals found in Laguna Beach or Laguna Woods only. Animals are available for adoption seven days after being brought in; adoptable pets are viewable on the Web site. Does not accept owner-surrendered pets, but can provide alternative options. Open daily, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. with play yard hours, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Mission Viejo Animal Services Center 28095 Hillcrest, Mission Viejo (949) 470-3045 Provides pet adoption and licensing; also temporary care for stray animals from Mission Viejo and Laguna Niguel. Check Web site for adoption events and vaccination clinics. Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Wednesday, 12-6 p.m.; and Sunday, 12-3 p.m. National Cat Protection Society 6904 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach (949) 650-1232 This is a no-kill shelter; all healthy animals stay until adopted. Accepts owner-relinquished cats and kittens only for a $50 fee. Acceptance is dependent upon available space. Also offers permanent retirement homes for cats whose owners have passed away or can no longer care for their pet. Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Animal Shelter 2075 Newport Blvd., #112, Costa Mesa (949) 722-7387 Provides pet adoption; also temporary care for stray animals found in Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. Shelter services are provided by the Dover Shores Pet Care Center. Open Tuesday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; and Monday - Saturday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.; closed Sunday. Call for updated information. Orange County Animal Care Services 561 The City Drive South, Orange (714) 935-6848 The organization provides animal control and shelter services for many Orange County cities (see “Emergency Services” for a complete list of cities). S e rvices include pet adoption; licensing; lost and found listings; and temporary care of stray animals found in the designated cities. Found exotic pets, including reptiles and birds, are adopted by drawing e v e ry Wednesday at 4 p.m. Visit the Web site fo r additional services and information, such as Orange County pet law s . E d u c ational tours available. Open

daily, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; closed major holidays. For after-hours information, call (714) 935-7158. • Orange County Humane Society 21632 Newland Ave., Huntington Beach (714) 536-8480 Orange County Humane Society is a non-profit, no-kill adoption shelter whose main purpose is to find each one of their pets a permanent, loving home. OCHS has been providing shelter for lost and unwanted animals throughout the O.C. since 1949. Each animal that is adopted from the shelter is provided with a health exam by a AAA Animal Hospital veterinarian, vaccinations, spay/neuter, and microchip and chip enrollment. Each animal is also given one month of free shelter insurance to cover any unexpected illness and a free follow-up exam. T h ey also have a trainer on s t a ff , so follow-up visits with the trainer may be av a i l able once the pet is adopted. Their staff is trained to match potential owners to the right pet. OCHS requires that every potential adopter provide proof of home ownership or a pet rental agr e e m e n t , ensuring that each of their pets will alw ays have a permanent, s t able home. Come by to meet your perfect match today. Staffed by both employees and volunteers; volunteers are alw ay s needed. Accepts owner-surrendered pets from Costa Mesa and Westminster. No wildlife is handled at the facility. A percentage of all purchases made through go to the shelter. Open daily, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. See ad on the back inside cover. P.D. Pitchford Companion Animal Village 7700 East Spring St., Long Beach (562) 570-7722 This is a no-kill shelter; all healthy animals stay until reclaimed or adopted. Services include state-of-theart, humane care for animals found in Long Beach; pet adoption; and dog training and agility classes. Educational tours and children’s summer camp are available. Boarding, grooming and pet supplies are also offered. Open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.; and weekends, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; closed Monday, Tu e s d ay and holidays. San Clemente-Dana Point Animal Shelter 221 Avenida Fabricante, San Clemente (949) 492-1617 This is a pro-humane shelter; all adoptable animals stay until reclaimed or adopted. Funded by the Pet Project Foundation and the cities of San Clemente and Dana Point, which provides food, housing and medical care. Services include pet adoption, as well as care for animals found in San Clemente and Dana Point. Open Wednesday, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday,10 a.m. - 4 a.m.; and Sunday, noon - 3 p.m.; closed Tuesdays. Seal Beach Animal Care Center 1700 Adolofo Lopez Drive, Seal Beach (562) 430-4993 This is a no-kill shelter; all healthy animals stay until

movietraining! Ever thought about training your dog or cat to be a TV or movie star? Hollywood Paws offers a free evaluation to see if your pet has what it takes to be in the business. Who k n ows? You could have the next “ E d d i e ,” the Jack Russell Terrier that appeared on the TV show, “ Fr a s i e r.” That dog earned more than $10,000 per episode and is worth over $3 million! For information about Hollywood Pa w s , see “Service Animals.” reclaimed or adopted. S e rvices include pet adoption ( a d o p t able pets on Web site), as well as care for stray or owner-surrendered dogs and cats from Seal Beach. S t a ffed by volunteers. Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 1-5 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday, 2-4 p.m.; and weekends, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Southeast Area Animal Control Authority 9777 SEAACA St., Downey (562) 803-3301 SEAACA provides animal control and shelter s e rvices for various LA County cities (see “Emergency Serv i c e s ” for a list of cities). Services include pet adoption (adoptable pets can be viewed on their Web site), licensing and low-cost veterinarian services for the public, as well as temporary care for animals found within the designated cities. Open Tu e s d ay - Friday, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.; and Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; closed Sunday and Monday. For after-hours or holidays, call (562) 940-6898.

taxiservice The following businesses offer pet shuttle s e rv i c e s . Also see: “Daycare”and “ D o g Wa l k e r s . ” Critter Sitting Individuals (949) 274-6130 Serves Laguna Niguel, Laguna Woods, Laguna Hills, Aliso Viejo, Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, Ladera Ranch, Dana Point and San Juan Capistrano. Pickup and drop-off for groomer or veterinarian appointments within five-mile radius of pet’s home; rates start at $25. Free consultation.

petsguide summer/fall 41

The Fullerton area offers the following dog trails. Dogs must be on leash at all times. Trails are open 7 a.m. - sunset. East Coyote Hills Trail - Three miles round trip. Skill level: Moderate. Estimated hike time: 1.5 hours. The trail starts in Trail Rest Park and ends in Craig R e gional Park. Trail Rest Park, Brea Blvd. and Bastanchaury Blvd. Fullerton Panorama Trail - Three miles round trip. Skill level: Moderate. Hike time: 1.5 hours. Trail head in Coyote Hills Golf Course. Hiltscher Park Trail - Three miles round trip. Skill level: Easy. E s t i m ated hike time: 1.5 hours. Bastenchury and West Valley View Drive. • Fetch! Pet Care “We’ve Got Your Tail Covered” ™ (866) FETCH-ME, (562) 472-0422, (714) 881-4511 Need to get your pooch to the vet, groomer, trainer, airport or any other location? For the Brea, Fullerton, La Habra, La Habra Heights, La Mirada, Fullerton and Whittier areas, call (866) FETCH-ME or (562) 472-0422. For Huntington Beach/Seal Beach and surrounding areas, call (714) 8814511. See ad on page 29; coupon on page 46. • Gone Dog Walking (714) 658-6536 If your dog or cat has a scheduled appointment at your veterinarian or gr o o m e r, or if you have pet errands (even while you’re at work), Gone Dog Walking will be hap py to accommodate your pet with their taxi service. Licensed, insured, bonded and 10 years of veterinarian experience. Also see: “Dog Wa l k e r s ,” “Parties” and “Pet Sitting.” Email: See ad on page 17. Home Buddies Pet Sitting (714) 378-5925, (714) 342-1844 Serves Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and surrounding cities. Pick-up and drop-off for groomer or veterinarian appointments. L.A. Pet Taxi Serves Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Provides 24-hour airport, emergency and non-emergency transportation for animals. OC Pet Companions (949) 709-2707 Serves Orange County. Pick-up and drop-off for groomer or vet appointments. Pals and Paws Pet Services (714) 345-3802 S e rves Huntington Beach, Fountain Va l l ey, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and portions of Sunset Beach and Seal Beach. Pick-up and drop-off for groomer or veterinarian appointments. 42 petsguide summer/fall

Petropolis (562) 843-4221 S e rves the Long Beach area. Pick-up and drop-off of pets for any pet appointment, including groomers, veterinarians and daycare; rates start at $12. While You R Away Ladera Ranch, Coto De Caza and MIssion Viejo (949) 388-6458 Irvine, Newport Coast and Tustin Ranch (949) 542-PETS Serves South Orange County. Pick-up and drop-off for pets up to 80 pounds for any pet appointment, including groomers, veterinarians and daycare.

trails Dog-friendly hiking trails in and around Orange County and Long Beach metro. All distances are approximate. Unless otherwise noted, no water or dog waste bags are provided. Doggy and Me Trail Hikes (714) 738-6317 The City of Fullerton recreation department offers a one-day course, $18, to introduce you to hiking with your dog. All participants must be able to walk between one to two miles. Dogs must be current on their shots and at least one year old. Fairview Park Trail Corner of Placentia and Adams, Costa Mesa (714) 754-5300, (714) 754-5698 Six miles round trip. Skill level: Easy. Hike time: 2.5 hours. Begin along an asphalt trail parallel to the parking lot and continues through the Talbert Nature Preserve. Water fountain and dog-waste bags available. Open sunrise to sunset. Fullerton Dog Trails (714) 738-6575

Holy Jim Falls Trail Cleveland National Forest Live Oak Canyon Road, H o ly Jim lot, Trabuco Canyon (909) 736-1811 Three miles round trip. Skill level: Moderate to strenuous. Hiking time: 1.5 hours. As this trail is located in a national forest, hikers must purchase a $5 day parking pass or pre-purchase an Adventure Pass, av a i l able at local sporting good stores. Dogs must be on leash at all times. Open dawn to dusk. Juanita Cooke Greenbelt and Trail Laguna Lake Park, 3120 Lakeview Drive, Fullerton (714) 738-6575 Five and a half miles round trip. Skill level: Easy. Hike time: 2.5 hours. Open 7 a.m. - sunset. Oso Creek Trail 27301 La Paz Road, Mission Viejo (949) 470-3000 Three miles round trip. Skill level: Easy. Hike time: 1 hour. Partially paved; slight incline at the loop. Free parking area. Dogs must be kept on leash at all times; this is a wilderness area, be cautious of wildlife, including coyotes. Open dawn to dusk. REI Outdoor School: Hiking with Dogs (Outing) (800) 426-4840 You and other dog owners will embark on an afternoon hike through the hills. Learn trail etiquette, ways to avoid distractions, doggy social skills and basic dog safety. Fee and registration required. Trabuco Canyon Trail Live Oak Canyon Road in Holy Jim lot Trabuco Canyon, Cleveland National Forest (951) 736-1811 Five miles round trip. Skill level: Moderate. Hike time: 3 hours. As this trail is located in a national forest, hikers must purchase a $5 day parking pass or pre-purchase an Adventure Pass, available at local sporting good stores. Dogs must be on leash at all times. Open dawn to dusk. Upper Newport Bay Irvine and University Ave., Newport Beach (949) 923-2290 Three miles round trip. Skill level: Easy. Hike time:


1.5 hours. Dogs must be on a leash no longer than six feet. Dog-waste bags and water are available.

trainingprograms Behavior training, from basic socialization to advanced obedience, for pet owners and those interested in a career working with animals. Also see: “Dog Sports” and the editorial on pages 3 and 4. A.K.C. Canine Good Citizen Training The following city recreation departments offer a one-hour Canine Good Citizen Training class, $2129, a ten-part certification course open to dogs that already have basic obedience training: Anaheim, (714) 765-5191; Cerritos, (562) 860-0311; Costa Mesa, (714) 327-7525; Fullerton, (714) 7386317; Huntington Beach, (714) 536-5542; Lakewood, (562) 866-9771 (summer only); Long Beach, (562) 570-6555; Mission Viejo/Saddleback, (949) 768-0981; Tustin, (714) 573-3326; and Yorba Linda, (714) 961-7160. Allen’s Sandstone Dog Training (714) 639-4443 H a rv ey Allen trains dogs in services such as obedience, behavior modification, protection and scent

trailing. His background includes state-licensed protection dog trainer, training of service dogs for law enforcement and the disabled. • Animal Behavior College (800) 795-3294 Animal Behavior College (ABC) is where animal lovers pursue animal careers. The Certified Dog Obedience Instructor course is designed to teach you to become a professional dog trainer. The Certified Veterinary Assistant course will train you to be able to work at a veterinary clinic or hospital as a veterinary assistant. This in-home study with hands-on training course has locations nationwide and in all fifty states, call today! See ad on page 43: coupon on page 51. • Bark Busters (877) 500-2275 Developed in Australia, Bark Busters’ training techniques leverage the same communications methods (body language and voice control) that dogs follow as part of their instinctual pack mentality. Their in-home training is ideal for solving behavioral issues such as aggression, breaking habits including barking, jumping, scratching and whining, creating an obedient dog or puppy or to reduce stress and anxiety. Training is also available for people and dogs that have basic obedience skills, but want to challenge themselves with topics such

DOG TRAINING SPECIALIZING IN • Obedience • • Problem-solving • • Dog/People Aggression • • Territorial Aggression •

–– Plus Speciality Dog Training For Service • Therapy • Movies Puppy Testing and Evaluation Personal and Property Protection

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(949) 364-3300

(562) 439-0799 www.RedefinedDogTra i n i n

C reating Peace of Mind for you …. and your dog! petsguide summer/fall 43

scubadivingpets! Gene Alba wanted to combine his two favorite passions: scuba diving and spending time with his cat, Hawkeye. So he built tiny scuba gear and trained Hawkeye to dive. Hawkeye loved it so much that Gene decided to train his canine buddy, Mutley, too! Now Gene spends quality scuba time with both pets. (Need proof? Visit YouTube and type in “Scuba Cat.”) as off-leash recall and walking off-leash at heel. All training takes place in the home. All-natural methods are effective with any dog, any age – including puppies. No breed is un-trainable. No dog is too old to learn new tricks. See ad on page 40. • Brat Dog (714) 745-6287 Theresa Botello began working as a professional dog trainer in 1987. Over the years, she has worked with thousands of dogs of all breeds and skill levels (and their people) in group classes and p r i v ate training situations throughout Orange County. As a behaviorist, she focuses on skills to effectively communicate with your dog in terms that they can understand. In doing so, you will have the ability to achieve important goals such as stopping unwanted behavior, creating an appropriate ranking system and bonding with your dog. Theresa addresses any and all behavioral issues from aggression to fear to simple in-home manners. Each training program takes into account the age and nature of the dog. Structure, follow-through, assertion and consistency delivered with patience, kindness and compassion are the cornerstones of her training method. See ad on page 41. Carleton’s Place: Animal Behavior Services (949) 683-4886 Jill A. Goldman, Ph.D., CAAB, a certified applied animal behaviorist, provides services to veterinarians, private clients and animal rescue organizations. S e rvices include consultation and training, as well as e d u c ational workshops and seminars. Cat Business (310) 455-0550 Personalized training and behavior problem solving services for felines and their humans. In-home visits and phone consultations available. Coastal Dog Training (562) 244-0651 Private, in-home dog training, specializing in obedience, behavior modification and protection work. Trainer is retired from the K9 Police Academy. Crash Course in Basic Canine Manners The following city recreation departments offer a

44 petsguide summer/fall

four-week training course for dog owners seeking to get the basics in training or to bring behavior problems under control, $59-64: Anaheim, (714) 7655191; Brea, (714) 990-7100; Buena Park, (714) 236-3860; Costa Mesa, (714) 327-7525; Cypress, (714) 229-6798; Dana Point, (949) 248-3530; Fountain Valley, (714) 839-8611; Fullerton, (714) 738-6317; Garden Grove, (714) 741-5200; Huntington Beach, (714) 536-5542; Irvine, (949) 724-6610; Laguna Niguel, (949) 425-5100; Lakewood, (562) 866-9771; Long Beach, (562) 5706555; Los Alamitos, (562) 430-1073; Mission Viejo/Saddleback, (949) 768-0981; Placentia, (714) 993-8232; Norwalk, (562) 929-5566; San Clemente, (949) 361-8264; Westminster, (714) 8983311; and Yorba Linda, (714) 961-7160. Crossroads Country Club Pet Resort 10832 Knott Ave., Stanton (800) 823-4283 Specializes in resolving dogs’ behavior problems through private training in your home or at the center through their boarding and training or daycare with training programs. Group classes include manners, obedience, agility and specialty classes such as “Tricks for Treats” and “Walking on Leash.” Custom Canine Solutions (562) 230-4200 Specializes in socialization, advanced obedience, nuisance behaviors, protection and competition for dogs. Classes for trainers available. Dog Obedience The following city recreation departments offer a nine-week basic dog training course, $52-73: Anaheim, also offers graduate obedience training, (714) 765-5191; Buena Park, (714) 236-3860; Cerritos, (562) 916-1254; Costa Mesa, also offers obedience review and drill workshop, (714) 3277525; Cypress, (714) 229-6798; Dana Point, (949) 248-3530; Fountain Va l l ey, (714) 839-8611; Fullerton, (714) 738-6575; Garden Grove, (714) 741-5200; Huntington Beach, also offers obedience review and drill workshop, (714) 536-5542; Irvine, also offers drill-refresher workshop, (949) 724-6610; La Hab r a , (562) 905-9700; Lakewood, (562) 8669771; La Palma, (714) 690-3350; Laguna Niguel, (949) 425-5100; Long Beach, also offers obedience review and drill workshop, (562) 570-6555; Los Alamitos, (562) 430-1073; Mission Viejo/ Saddleback, also offers obedience review and drill workshop, (949) 768-0981; Placentia, (714) 9938232; San Clemente, (949) 361-8264; Seal Beach, (562) 431-2527; Tustin, (714) 573-3326;

Westminster, (714) 898-3311; and Yorba Linda, also o ffers graduate obedience training, (714) 961-7160. Dog Services Unlimited (714) 532-3647 Training classes through local recreation departments, in addition to private dog training for novice or advanced canines. Downey Dog Obedience Group (562) 869-5213, (562) 420-2972 Eight-week beginning obedience training course in a group setting for dogs over five months old. Advance obedience and rally classes also available. Dubdubdog Animal Behavior Services (949) 497-7050 Group classes include puppy kindergarten, dog school and AKC Canine Good Citizen, plus a variety of specialty classes, including tricks, private lessons and a board-and-train program. For a Civilized Dog (714) 612-6723 All breeds and training levels welcome. Boarding, grooming, day care and swimming also available. Four Paws U (714) 710-9114 Certified dog trainer, AKC Canine Good Citizen and Delta Society evaluator provides in-home private dog training including basic obedience, behavior modification and therapy dog. Group socialization classes also available. • Gold Touch Dog Training by Mary Thompson (714) 788-8806, (714) 537-4500 Basic obedience and problem solving for your dogs to bring them out of the backyard and into your home. Mary Thompson helps you to create a wellbalanced dog that is easy to live with and a joy to behold. Group and private lessons are available. Email: See ad on page 43. Good Dog University (949) 631-2720 P u p py-selection counseling, as well as in-home training, including puppy socializat i o n , obedience training, behavior problem solving, preparing a dog for a new b aby and canine good citizen evaluations. • Good Dogma Pet Spa 9037 Atlanta Ave., Huntington Beach (714) 965-2130 Small group and private dog training is offered at Good Dogma Pet Spa, through Pawsitive Pet Coaching. Good Dogma Pet Spa is your one-stop place to pamper your dog or cat. Beginning, intermediate and advanced obedience as well as an all-tricks class is off e r e d . Also see: “ G r o o m i n g ” and “ P h o t o gr ap h y. ” E-mail: See ad on page 20.

Grateful Dogs USA (714) 420-4754 Serves Orange County. Basic obedience, puppy training, behavior issues, rehabilitation, board and train and in-home consultations. Help! My Dog is Driving Me Crazy (714) 738-6317 The City of Fullerton offers this one-day course which covers corrective measures for behavior problems: chewing, hole digging, house soiling, etc. IC Pawsabilities (949) 492-1924 The “Tellington TTouch Method” r e flects the belief that animals are intelligent and can easily understand human needs without threats, pain or anxiety. It is used to support training and behavior modificat i o n and augment veterinary care. Small group training and private in-home sessions av a i l ab l e . In-Home Training for Your Dog or Puppy The following city recreation departments offer three, one-hour private dog or puppy training sessions, $198: Fountain Va l l ey, (714) 839-8611; Garden Grove, (714) 741-5200; Huntington Beach, (714) 536-5542; Laguna Niguel, (949) 425-5100; La Habra, (562) 905-9700; Mission Viejo/Saddleback, (949) 768-0981; Newport Beach, (949) 644-3151; and Westminster, (714) 898-3311. Jump Start Dog Sports 4691 Valley View, Yorba Linda (714) 985-1555 Training facility offers classes covering puppy aw a r eness, manners, therapy dogs, tricks, p u p py confidence and basic dog training for kids. Agility classes include musical freestyle, conformation, r a l ly, agility, competition rally, obedience and frisbee.


Touch Dog Training By Mary Thompson Phone: 714-788-8806 Email:

Group Classes & Private Less ons with their dog. This is not a basic obedience class. The program is strictly designed to prepare owner and dog to visit hospitals, hospices and assistedliving facilities. Dogs must be at least one year of age, completed a basic obedience class, and have a current license and vaccinations. Handler/owner must be at least 18 years old. Anaheim, (714) 7655191; Irvine, (949) 724-6610; Tustin, (714) 5733326; and Yorba Linda, (714) 961-7160. Pawsitive Obedience (949) 631-5771 Private, in-home or group training to help owners understand their dog’s behav i o r, communicate in a positive way, and set appropriate boundaries to modify problem behaviors. Free consultation.

Puppy Kindergarten The following city recreation departments offer a six-week training course for puppies between the ages of two and five months, $45-68: Anaheim, (714) 765-5191; Buena Park, (714) 236-3860; Costa Mesa, (714) 327-7525; Cypress, (714) 229-6798; Dana Point, (949) 248-3530; Fountain Va l l ey, (714) 738-6317; Fullerton, (714) 738-6317; Garden Grove, (714) 741-5200; Huntington Beach, (714) 536-5542; Irvine, (949) 724-6610; Lakewood, (562) 866-9771; Long Beach, (562) 570-6555; Los Alamitos, (562) 4301073; Placentia, (714) 993-8232; Mission Viejo/Saddleback, (949) 573-3326; San Clemente, (714) 361-8264; Tustin, (714) 5733326; Westminster, (714) 898-3311; and Yorba Linda, (714) 961-7160.

• K-9 City 28052 Camino Capistrano, #101, Laguna Niguel (949) 364-3300 “Creating peace of mind for you...and your dog.” Have peace of mind that whatever program you choose will be right for you and your dog. Dog training begins the day you get your dog. They offer puppy training, in-kennel training, group classes, and private training. Training includes self-control exercises (working on issues like digging, barking, chewing, house breaking, separation anxiety, etc.), lay downs, call backs and boundary controls are some examples of what you will learn. They will provide you with the effective tools and techniques to create the family dog you always dreamed of. K9 City also specializes in puppies and aggressive dogs. See ad on page 41. Lend A Paw: Pet Therapy The following city recreation departments offer a six-week course, $50-67, designed for dog owners looking to become certified pet therapy volunteers

petsguide summer/fall 45

• Redefined Dog Training (562) 439-0799 Redefined Dog Training offers you access to the highest quality trainers who bring with them more than seven generations of experience. Known as the most knowledgeable trainers in the industry, including extensive instruction in animal psychology and nutrition, their animal trainers offer beginning and advanced training and problem solving. They specialize in treating dog aggression, whether directed at other dogs or toward people. They also offer obedience and protection training, and work with all breeds of dogs. Redefined Dog Training can provide specialty training including search work, entertainment, service and therapy, tracking, tricks and agility. Private, in-home lessons are available, as well as in-kennel training. See ad on page 41; coupon on page 51. Sirius K9 Training (714) 296-9714 Private, group or in-kennel training including basic obedience, therapy dog, agility, trick, personal protection, detection and canine good citizen. All breeds and all ages welcome. Discounts and seminars available. Free evaluations. Solutions! Pet Services (714) 404-9314 Private in-home dog training and group obedience classes. Specializes in family manners and behavioral problems. No aggressive dogs.

Steve Welch’s Dog Training 24331 Muirland Blvd., Suite D4-402, Lake Forest (800) 400-6239 Basic obedience and specialty training services such as Police K-9, narcotics detection, protection, Schutzhund, search and rescue, sports and private, group and in-kennel training. He also provides dogs for the disabled as well as a summer camp for kids. • Training Reinforcement by Dogstar (714) 788-7992 Serving Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach (92646 and 92648), Fountain Valley and south Santa Ana. Dogstar provides play relief and training reinforcement for your puppy while you are at work. Also see “Dog Walkers” and “Pet Sitters.”

veterinaryservices The following clinics and hospitals offer veterinary care, particularly specialized treatment pertaining to specific animals or fields of medicine. Also see: “Emergency Services.” • AAA Animal Hospital (714) 536-6537 AAA Animal Hospital has been providing veterinarian

Katella Animal Clinic 10712 Katella Ave., Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 535-6791 • Established 1950

Providing surgical and medical veterinary care for your dogs, cats, exotics, birds, and reptiles. Specializing in orthopedics, declaw, neuter, spay, and all surgical needs. Grooming & boarding also available. ❥ Get a FREE EXAM on first visit. ❥ Receive an extra 20% OFF our already affordable prices for spay, neuter and all vaccines on weekdays.

❥ FREE pre-op blood screen with our low price dental care. ❥ $5 OFF next groom visit plus FRE E vet exam, and a FRE E Capstar tablet for flea prevention.

Open Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Saturdays, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

We See EMERGENCIES and WALK-INS during business hours. 46 petsguide summer/fall

care to Orange County for 35 years. Vaccinations start at $29 for cats and $39 for dogs. Spay and neuter starts at $30 for cats and $80 for dogs. No appointment necessary, walk-ins only. The hospital also provides various comprehensive veterinary services, including dental, d i agnostic serv i c e s , microchipping, s u r g e ry, boarding and kennels. AAA believes that gr e at service can be given while still being able to offer low prices. T h ey want everyone to be able to get the care their pet needs. If they cannot provide it, they will refer you to those who can. Their greatest concern is you and your pet. The hospital’s community involvement includes veterinarian care for the Orange County Humane Society. All of these animals, m a ny of them sick or hurt, receive free treatment from AAA doctors and are checked daily for illness and treated as needed while waiting for homes. AAA Animal Hospital will welcome you like family. E v e ry pet is treated as one of their own. T h ey have an extensive Web site that is full of valuable resources and references, plus a prescription renewal request service. Open Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.; and Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. See ad on the inside back cover; coupon on page 50. Advanced Veterinary Specialty Group 2965 Edinger Ave., Tustin (949) 653-9300 AVSG is a coalition of individual specialty practices assembled in one location to help pet owners and local veterinarians manage difficult or special cases. They offer services in surgery, oncology, dermatology, ophthalmology, internal medicine, dentistry, nuclear imaging and 24-hour emergency care. Visit the Web site for in-depth descriptions of each specialty practice. All About Cats Health and Wellness Center 23661 La Palma Ave., Yorba Linda (714) 692-8228 Specializes in feline health, providing dietary guidelines, and vaccinations dictated by lifestyle. Preventative care and wellness with an emphasis on carnivore ap p r o p r i ate diet. Treatment specialist in diabetes management, k i d n ey and thyroid disease of the older cat . American Animal Eye Care Center 1301-F South Beach Blvd., La Habra (562) 943-3728, (714) 526-6600 Clinic provides animals with ophthalmic services; specialized procedures include microsurgery, prostheses, contact lenses, cataracts and glaucoma. Canine Eye Registration Foundation exams are also performed. Emergency services available. Care credit and pet insurance accepted. • Animal Dental Care (949) 258-4402 Imagine how your teeth would look and feel if you didn't brush them daily. The same applies to your pets' teeth. Bad breath and stained teeth are unap-

pealing, but many pet owners aren't aware that these may be symptoms of serious gum disease. Unless you are regularly providing some form of dental care, you are neglecting an important factor in the overall health of your pet. Animal Dental Care (ADC) provides anesthesia-free dental care to dogs and cats through licensed veterinary facilities throughout California. They strive to provide the best possible oral care for pets and to help educate pet owners on how good dental care contributes to the overall good health of pets. For the past 15 years, they have established a solid reputation among a network of over 300 veterinarians for their professionalism and gentle way with animals. To learn more about them and to watch an informational video, visit their Web site. See ad on the front inside cover; coupon on page 47. • Belmont Shore Veterinary Hospital 6222 Pacific Coast Hwy., Long Beach (562) 961-0028 For more than 35 years, Belmont Shore Veterinary Hospital has been providing Long Beach area pets and their owners with compassionate, professional care. Their doctors and staff are focused on providing outstanding veterinary care while exceeding expectations of service. The Vet Store offers home delivery for many products including medications. Veterinary services include physical exams, preventative medicine, radiology including x-ray and ultrasound, palliative care, anesthesia free dental cleaning, vaccinations and more. Their innovative Pet Portals system allows you to manage your pets health care and medication schedule, to communicate with doctors and staff online, and to learn more about your pet’s individual health and lifestage issues. See ad on page 45. Bird Clinic 200 South Tustin St., Suite E., Orange (714) 633-2910 This veterinary office only treats pet birds, including chickens, ducks and geese. Pet insurance accepted. Appointments required. • CanineChiro 10832 Los Alamitos Blvd., Los Alamitos (562) 598-8621


We Treat Your Pets Like Family Dr. William I. Wiatt See The Doctor Today!

Call ( 714) 771-3261 ORANGE 3411 E. Chapman Avenue OPEN LATE 7 DAYS Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8am – 7pm Sat. & Sun. 8am – 6pm DOGS • CATS • EXOTICS Chiropractic • Grooming EMERGENCY CARE AVAILABLE Dr. Wasserman's chiropractic care for pets focuses on the nervous system, which controls the function of every cell, tissue, organ, and system of the body. Many of your pet's everyday activities and injuries can cause the spinal bones to lose their normal position or normal motion, which may ultimately alter your pet's health and/or cause pain. Dr. Wasserman's philosophy to relieve suffering through chiropractic care, and thereby restore quality of life, has been his goal for more than 25 years. As a chiropractitioner for pets, his life work is devoted to the health and well being of your canine companion. The helpful Web site is full of useful tips on your pet's nutrition, health, home products and recommended reading. See ad on page 7.

Cat Clinic of Orange County 1680 Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa (949) 631-1454 A full-service medical center and boarding facility exclusively for cats, since 1988. The clinic offers comprehensive physical examinations, diagnostic testing, dental care, and wellness services for each life stag e . American Animal Hospital Association accredited. • K9 EyeScan sm 1-877-4K9-SCAN (1-877-459-7226) Introducing K9 EyeScan. More and more doctors are incorporating Integrative Medicine into their

Your pet’s health is our top priority and excellent service is our goal.

VCA Los Altos Animal Hospital WE OFFER: FULL SERVICE VETERINARY CARE 24 hours nursing • Dentistry • Surgery Vaccinations • Radiology/Ultrasound • Endoscope HOSPITAL HOURS: Monday – Thursday 7 am – 7 pm Friday 7:00 am – 6 pm Saturday 8:00 am – 4 pm Closed every Wednesday 12 pm to 2 pm

3080 Woodruff Ave. Suite B Long Beach

562-421-3749 petsguide summer/fall 47

d a i ly practice rather then relying strictly on conventional methods, and K9 EyeScan is designed with this in mind. K9 EyeScan uses specific characteristics of the pupil and the iris to provide a stat i s t i c a l ly based assessment of deviations from norms among each major canine anatomical system and organ. For more information, please visit their Web site at E-mail: See ad on page 1; discount coupon on page 47. Cut here and tape by the phone.

Animal Ambulance, Inc. 1-(866) 4PET-911 Toll Free / 1-(866) 473-8911 Toll Free 24 Hours • www. M y P e t 2 Ve t . c o m • 24 Hr. Emergency Pet Ambulance • Hospital Transfers with Oxygen • Home Euthanasia / Body Removals

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48 petsguide summer/fall

• Katella Animal Clinic 10712 Katella Ave., Anaheim (714) 535-6791 K atella Animal Clinic provides surgical and medical veterinary care for dogs, cats, exotics, birds and reptiles. T h ey specialize in orthopedics, de-clawing, spay/neuter, and surgical procedures. The clinic treats emergency and walk-in patients during business hours. For special discounts, including a free exam and discounts off their already affordable prices, see their ad. Also see "Boarding," "Grooming" and “Low-Cost Services.” See ad on page 44. Mobile Vets The following is a list of mobile veterinarians. Mobile vets typically provide hospice to elderly or sick pets and home euthanasia. A benefit of mobile veterinarians is to keep pets comfortable in their own environment. A Mobile Vet (949) 495-5475 Dr. Paul Lynch (714) 309-6372 Pacific Mobile (714) 612-9116 • Orange County Emergency Pet Clinic Garden Grove (714) 537-3032 La Habra (714) 441-2925, (562) 690-2925 Founded in 1975 by 41 local veterinarians, the clinic is committed to providing quality, after-hours emergency care for pets. Both hospital locations are equipped with the latest emergency medical technolo gy, and offer an on-site pharmacy, l ab and radiology. All doctors and technicians specialize in emergency/critical care. The clinic is open nights, weekends, and 24 hours on the major holiday s : M o n d ay Friday, 6 p.m. - 8 a.m.; Saturday, noon - Monday, 8 a.m. Appointments are not necessary. The Web site o ffers quick and easy-to-understand tips for treating your pet on their “Emergencies” page. Major credit cards accepted. Member of the American Animal Hospital Association. Locations: 12750 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove; and 1474 S. Harbor Blvd., La Habra. See ad on page 15. • Pet Hospital 3411 East Chapman, Orange (714) 771-3261 Pet Hospital believes in placing a strong emphasis on preventative health care for pets as well as providing thorough client education for the pet owner. In addition to their traditional full-service veterinary and hospital services, Pet Hospital offers specialty services, including chiropractic care, surgical (including laser) procedures, a vaccine clinic, microchipping, pet photography, dental services,

boarding and grooming. They treat cats, dogs, birds, rodents and reptiles, and carry a wide variety of products for your pets. Visit their Web site for valuable coupons, including savings on grooming services, spay/neuter discounts, as well as a free physical exam for your pet. Open daily. Also see “Grooming” and “Photography.” See ad on page 45; coupon on page 50. The Cat Hospital 3069 Edinger Ave., Tustin (949) 733-2287 Advanced medicine for feline health issues. Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 7:30 a.m. 6 p.m.; and Saturday, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.; closed Wednesday and Sunday. Call for an appointment. VCA All Care Animal Referral Center 18440 Amistad St., Fountain Valley (714) 963-0909 Emergency services provided 24 hours, 365 day s a year. Also offers non-emergency services, including acupuncture, chiropractic, physical rehabilitation, neurology, oncology, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and medial patellar luxation. Financial aid av a i l able through Care Credit and All Care Animal Foundat i o n . • VCA Los Altos Animal Hospital 3080 Woodruff Ave., Suite B, Long Beach (562) 421-3749VCA Los Altos Animal Hospital has been committed to providing excellent veterinary services for over thirty years in the Long Beach area. They are a fivedoctor, small animal practice with highly skilled technicians and very experienced support staff. The hospital is open six days a week, and includes 24hour nursing for hospitalized patients. VCA is equipped with state-of-the art equipment and provides a multitude of services, such as in-house diagnostic testing, dentistry, ultrasound, radiology and endoscopy. See ad on page 45; discount coupon on page 51. Yorba Regional Animal Hospital 8290 East Crystal Drive, Anaheim (714) 921-8700 Hospital provides primary, s u r gical and dental services. Specialized services include endoscopy, reproductive services, exotic care, orthopedic surgery, ultrasound, soft tissue laser surgery, laparoscopic spaying, physical rehabilitation and acupuncture. Boarding for cats and dogs alsoav a i l ab l e . Additional Resources: PetSide,, is a Web site that offers Pet Vet, powered by the ASPCA, a helpful medical search concerning cats or dogs. Simply enter your pets symptoms, such as physical abnormalities or changes in behavior, and find possible conditions. The site also offers information for the pet community through tabs on their home page, such as “Tips and Treats,” “Services” and “Breeds.”

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New customers only • 1 dog per family 504 Main St., Huntington Beach 714-960-7002 petsguide summer/fall 49

yougodogs! A German Shepherd guide dog led her blind companion along the entire 2,100 mile Appalachian Trail. U.S. Customs dogs “Rocky” and “Barco” were so good at patrolling the border that drug lords put a $300,000 bounty on their heads.

volunteering Animal-centered organizations offering volunteer opportunities. Also see: Adoption and Rescue” and “Service Animals.” Animal Health Foundation Pet Partners (714) 710-9114 AHF sponsors Pet Partner Teams that visit hospitals and care facilities on an ongoing basis, i n t e racting with pat i e n t s , their families and medical s t a ff , helping to relieve stress and create a sense of well-being. AHF R.E.A.D. volunteers visit school sites promoting literacy and encouraging students to read aloud to their companion therapy dog. Animal Network of Orange County (949) 759-3646 Volunteers needed for fostering rescued animals, care and adoption events. Blue Bell Foundation for Cats 20982 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach (949) 494-1586 Volunteer program for cat lovers to groom, play with and socialize cats on a regular basis. Hours are set in advance; volunteers must be 18 years of age or older. E-mail: German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County (714) 974-7762 Rescue volunteers often assist in adoption events, g a r age sales, bake sales, transportation of dogs from local kennels, veterinarians, event organizing, fund-raising, phone calls, fostering and more. Interested people need to be 18 years or older. Application form may be found on the Web site. IDA’s The Guardian Campaign (415) 388-9641, Ext. 225 In Defense of Animals sponsors campaigns to 50 petsguide summer/fall

increase awareness of pet adoption, decrease animal abuse and abandonment and change society’s lang u age of companion animals from pet “owners” to “guardians.” You can become involved by creating a new chapter in your city. Visit the Web site for details. Irvine Animal Care Center 6443 Oak Canyon, Irvine (949) 724-7740 Volunteer opportunities available for interested parties, age 14 and older. Requires a commitment of at least eight hours per month. Marine Mammal Care Center 360 South Gaffey St., San Pedro (310) 548-5677, (310) 832-4352 A treat-and-release rescue hospital for ill, injured and orphaned marine mammals, including California sea lions, northern elephant seals, harbor seals and northern fur seals. Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and commit to one year of volunteer work; applications are available on the Web site. School groups and community educational group tours are also offered.

(949) 494-3050 The Pacific Marine Mammal Center rescues, medically treats and rehabilitates marine mammals stranded along Orange County beaches. Healthy animals are then released into their natural habitat. The center also increases public awareness of the marine environment through education and research. Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and commit to at least one shift a week. Paws 4 Healing (714) 542-9433 Non-profit, all volunteer organization. Members and registered pets provide animal-assisted therapy for assisted-living and convalescent homes, h o s p i t a l s , schools and shelters. E - m a i l : i n fo @ p Pet Pro LIfe (714) 964-3593 Pet Pro Life Adoption and Placement is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization established in 1994. Foster homes are alw ays needed.

National Cat Protection Society 6904 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach (949) 650-1232 Cat lovers wanted! Volunteers are needed to spend time playing, grooming, and socializing cats and kittens. Children are welcome to volunteer when accompanied by an adult. School and community group tours are also offered. Call for requirements.

SCART Surf City Animal Response Team 18685-A Main St., PMB 458, Huntington Beach (714) 349-1047 SCART educates the public about animal disaster preparedness and provides support for animal sheltering and search and rescue during or after a disaster. Monthly meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month.

Opossum Society of the US (714) 536-3538 A non-profit, wildlife rehabilitation and educational organization that provides treatment and release of injured wild opossums. They also aim to educate the public about the opossum, which is a marsupial, such as the kangaroo and the koala.

Songbird Care and Education Center (714) 964-0666 The Songbird Center is dedicated to the rehab i l it ation of sick, orphaned and injured songbirds, usually a small indigenous bird with a wide range of vocals. Rehabilitation is based in a home environment.

Orange County Bird of Prey Center (949) 837-0786 The center educates the community about raptors, also known as birds of prey, such as owls, eagles, falcons, condors, hawks and ospreys. They also rehabilitate injured raptors and releases them back into the wild.

Southeast Area Animal Control Authority 9777 SEAACA St., Downey (562) 803-3301 Volunteer opportunities, including staffing educational booths and on-site displays, are av a i l ab l e for adults and kids age 15 or older, with parent consent. Applications are av a i l able on the We b site.

• Orange County Humane Society 21632 Newland St., Huntington Beach (714) 536-8480 Volunteers are needed to cuddle cats and walk dogs. Drop by for an application, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. or Monday, 1-4:30 p.m. Must be 18 years or older and have medical insurance. See ad on the back inside cover. Pacific Marine Mammal Center 20612 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach

Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center of Orange County 21900 Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach (714) 374-5587 The center’s mission is to educate the public about human impact on the environment, especially fragile coastal wetlands, and mitigate that impact through care and rehabilitation of native wildlife. Prospective volunteers (18+) are required to take a class provided by the center.

petsguidecalendar ongoing Adoption Events Weekends: The following organizations provide dog and/or cat adoption events on Saturdays or Sundays: Capistrano Animal Rescue Effort at PetSmart, (949) 240-1735; Pet Assistance Foundation of Long Beach at PetCo in Lakewood and at Centinela Feed and Pet Supplies in Long Beach, (310) 732-1230; Hearts fo r Hounds, Marina Farmer's Market in Long Beach; and Animal Network of Orange County at Fashion Island, Newport Beach, (949) 759-3646. Low-cost Vaccination Clinics Sundays: The following locations offer low-cost vacc i n ation clinics on select Sundays: Anaheim Feed and Pet Supply, (714) 992-2012; and Pet Supply Warehouse in Mission Viejo, (949) 951-1284. Free Dog Walk in Brea Every Thursday: Enjoy an evening walk with other canines and their companions. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Gather at Chateau Le Pooch, 391 South State College Blvd., Suite O. (714) 482-0452. Monthly Breed Meet-ups in Newport Beach Monthly: Call to find out when your breed party will be. Muttropolis at Fashion Island, 865 Newport Center Drive. (949) 717-6888. Yappy Hour in Laguna Beach Wednesdays: People enjoy half-price bottles of wine and appetizers at The Cliff restaurant and pups partake in free pooch-friendly dishes. 5-7 p.m. The Shops at Laguna Village. (949) 494-1956. • Anesthesia-Free Dental Cleaning at Good Dogma Pet Spa Ongoing: Anesthesia-free dental cleaning for dogs and cats is offered the fourth Monday of every month. June 23, July 28, August 25, September 29, October 27, November 24. $125. See ad on page 27.

june Yappy Hour in Brea June 19: Relax while sipping a glass of wine while your pooch samples a selection of doggie treats. Thursday, 7-8 p.m. C h ateau Le Pooch Store, 391 South State College Blvd., Suite O. (714) 482-0452. Furry Fashionista Fashion Show in Newport June 20: Bring in your favorite four-legged friend in their most stylish duds to preview new fashions. Delicious treat tasting for pups and a 10% discount for their parents. 7-8:30 p.m. Muttropolis, 865 Newport Center Drive. (949) 717-6888.

Cat-and-a-Movie Adoption Event in Irvine June 21: Join the Irvine Animal Care Center for cat adoptions, vendors, food and when the sun goes down, a family feature film (G rated) will be shown in the meadow area. Saturday, 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. 6443 Oak Canyon Road. (949) 724-7740. Pet Adoption Day KLOS’ Mark and Brian in Long Beach June 21: Mark and Brian host the spcaLA pet adoption, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 7700 E. Spring St., Long Beach. (562) 570-7722. Animal Communication Workshop in Anaheim June 21: “Understanding and Healing Your Pets Through Animal Communication” with Dr. Monica Deidrich, animal communicator. 10 a.m. Pre-registration is encouraged. Learning Light Foundation, 1212 W. Lincoln Ave. (714) 533-2311. So. California Disc Dog Challenge June 21-22: World Cup tournament on Saturday and UFO Longshot tournament on Sunday. 9 a.m. both days. La Mirada Regional Park, 13701 Adelfa Drive, La Mirada. Contact Jim Safford at International Take Your Dog to Work Day June 27: According to, more than 5,000 companies join in the celebration. Annual Dawg Walk, Pet Faire and Adoption June 28: Bring your leashed, well-mannered pooch for a fund-raising pet adoption and fair. Register online or by phone. Saturday, 8 a.m. - noon. World Cup Soccer Fields, 27301 La Paz, Mission Viejo. (949) 470-3045.

july Summer Pooch Party in Newport Beach J u ly 12: Tasty frozen treats for all four-legged attendees, goody bags for the first 30 customers, fun games and contests. 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Muttropolis, 865 Newport Center Drive. (949) 717-6888. US Disc Dog West Coast Nationals July 12-13: Dogs and their disc compete. Hosted by Disc Dogs in Southern California. Regi s t r ation starts at 8 a.m. E-mail: Bruce Brantley, Otay Mesa High School, Chula Vista. • Wiener Dog Races at Old World July 13: Dozens of dachshunds scramble in pursuit of fame and their handlers' imagi n ative lures as hundreds of spectators cheer them on along a 20-yard cobblestone track. Handlers encourage, cajole and plead with the willful little dogs to focus on racing to the finish line, instead of the interesting sights, sounds and smells along the route. The scrap py little

call to confirm all dates & activities

dogs chase their “lure” to the finish line until the winners are determined. The top three winners of each race day receive trophies and gift certificat e s for the wiener dog store, “ P aws at the Coffee Mill.” Sundays, 2 p.m. Also offered August 17; September 7, 14, 21 and 28; October 5, 12, 19 and 26; November 16; and December 7. Paws at the Coff e e Mill at Old World, 7561 Center Ave., #38 Huntington Beach. (714) 898-5111, (714) 402-7327. See ad on page 13. Animal Communication Workshop in Anaheim July 16: Wednesday, 7 p.m. at the Euclid Library. Call for fees. Preregistration encouraged. See “June 21” for details. Anaheim Euclid Library, 1340 S. Euclid St. (714) 772-2207. Pet Portraits by Pet Pix in Brea July 17: By appointment only. Thursday, 4-8 p.m. Various photo packages available. C h ateau Le Pooch Store, 391 South State College Blvd., Suite O. (714) 482-0452. www. c h Yappy Hour in Brea July 17: See “June 19” for details. Wiener Dog Nationals at Los Alamitos Race Track July 19: The 13th annual Wiener Nationals! Come see doxie races and help raise money for the Seal Beach Animal Care Center. Tickets for sale at the center in advance. 4961 Katella Ave., Los Alamitos. (562) 430-4993. Animal Communication Workshop in Downey J u ly 19: S at u r d ay, noon. Call for fees and location. Preregistration encourag e d . See “June 21” for details. (714) 772-2207. Pool Party at Three Dog Bakery July 26: For the dog days of summer, the party will h ave several kiddie pools for dogs to play and wade in. Also games, contests and photography. 12-3 p.m. 924 Avocado, Newport Beach. (949) 760-3647. For the Love of Animals Pet Adoption Event July 27: Orange County’s largest pet adoption event including vendors, rescue gr o u p s , fo o d booths, low-cost vaccination clinics and discounts on adoptions and spay and neuter. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Irvine Animal Care Center, 6443 Oak Canyon, Irvine. (949) 724-7740.

august Bastille Day August 9: Fund-raising dog wash and pet fair with vendors and games! Bring your pooch for a fun outing while helping the Bark Park. Saturday, 9 a.m. 3 p.m. TeWinkle Park, corner of Arlington Ave. and Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 733-4101. petsguide summer/fall 51

2-Hour Dog Beach or Park Visit & Dirty Dog Wash Session

ONLY $55 per dog C a ll M e g a n : 9 09 . 48 9 . 6 2 2 3

Dog Days of Summer August 14: A doggone good summer afternoon, with a dog show and a dog contests, including best pet trick, fastest eater and loudest bark, plus vendors, a pet adoption fair and live entertainment. Thursday, 4-8:30 p.m. Free. Fullerton Downtown Plaza, 121 E. Wilshire Ave. (714) 738-6545. S.C.A.R.T Pet Fair August 17: Surf City Animal Response Team’s 2nd Annual Pet Fair in the Park. Vendors for pets, police K-9 demonstrat i o n s , dog agility course and demonstrations, disaster preparedness, $20 micro-chipping and more. Free goodie bag to the first 1,000 attendees. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Park Bench Cafe, 17732 Golden West St., Huntington Beach. • Wiener Dog Races August 17: See “ J u ly 13” for details. Also offered September 7, 14, 21 and 28, October 5, 12, 19 and 26 November 16 and December 7. See ad on pag e 13. National Dog Day August 36: It’s national dog day today. Make it a special day with your canine. Go to a favorite place or try somewhere new! See “Beaches,” “Parks,” “Pet Friendly Places” and “Trails” for suggestions.


First Visit S ee o u r a d o n p a g e 11

( $45 for additional )

Dog Days of Summer Party in Brea August 10: Join Chateau Le Pooch for lots of treats, sniffs, barks and a dip in the pooch pool. S u n d ay, 24 p.m. 391 South State College Blvd., Suite O. (714) 482-0452. www. c h



september Interfaith Blessing of the Animals Call for date: All well-behaved pets of any kind will be blessed. Olive branches and holy water available. Noon. Hartwell Park, Long Beach. (562) 4393316. • Wiener Dog Races September 7, 14, 21 and 28: See “ J u ly 13” fo r details. Also offered October 5, 12, 19 and 26, November 16 and December 7. See ad on page 13. 12th Annual Pet Parade and Chili Cook-Off in Laguna Beach September 14: Bring your talented pet for a contest that includes most talented, most handsome male, prettiest female, cutest baby pet, best costume and more. Noon - 3 p.m. R e gister early. (949) 497-2474. Walk for the Animals in Huntington Beach September 14: Hosted by Orange County SPCA. Well-mannered dogs, on leashes, are encouraged to attend. No puppies under six months. Activities include entertainment, vendor booths, goodie bags and more. S u n d ay, 9 a.m. - noon. R e gi s t r ation begins July 15. Huntington Beach Central Park, 18000 Goldenwest St. (714) 374-7738. Yappy Hour in Brea September 18: See “June 19” for details.


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Howl-o-ween Pet Costume Resources Check out the following Web sites for great costumes:;;;; and www. c o s t u m e s i n c . c o m . Wigs can be found at:; and just for cats, 13th Annual Wag ‘n’ Walk in Seal Beach Call for dat e : Help raise money and awareness for the pets in residence at the SBACC. Join the walk with or without a canine companion. Event also includes raffles, a SBACC adoptable dog show, a training demons t r ation and contests for dogs and their people. Seal Beach Pier. (562) 430-4993. Dogue Vogue in Ladera Ranch October 4: Dogue Vogue is a fashion and fund-raising event in combination with Oktoberfest. Register early for the fashion contest. Saturday, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Town Green Park. (949) 874-4030 • Wiener Dog Races October 5, 12, 19 and 26: See “July 13” for details. Also offered November 16 and December 7. See ad on page 13. Celebrate National Pet Wellness Month October 11 and 12: C o o r d i n ated by the Animal Assistance League of Orange County, local animal adoption groups gather to provide info r m ation on spaying and neutering and how create a healthy environment for adopted pets. S at u r d ay and Sunday, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. Orange County Market Place, 88 Fair Drive. (714) 977-5360. Howl-i-day Pictures October 12: By appointment only. Sunday, 11 a.m. 3 p.m. Chateau Le Pooch Store, 391 South State College Blvd., Suite O. (714) 482-0452.

Expires 11/30/08

AAA Animal Hospital, 21632 Newland, Huntington Beach (714) 536-6537 •

FREE Doctor’s Exam For Any Animal Adopted From Any Shelter (within one month of adoption)

$10 Doctor’s Exam For Any New Client With This Coupon (value: $15. Regular exams are $25)

Additional charges will be added for any treatment/procedures performed • Payment due at service • Exp. 12/15/08 52 petsguide summer/fall

Pet Trek and Toy Sale September 27: Join the walkathon event that features vendors, food, a silent auction and gr e at entertainment. All funds raised will help homeless animals at the Irvine Animal Care Center. Saturday, 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Wo o d b r i d g e Community Park, 20 Lake Road, Irvine. (949) 724-7740. w w w. i

October 19: Sunday, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Muttropolis at Fashion Island, 865 Newport Center Drive. (949) 717-6888. Howl-o-ween Pawty in Brea October 19: Join the Scariest, Funniest and Most O r i ginal costume contest. S u n d ay, 2-4 p.m. Chateau Le Pooch Store, 391 South State College Blvd., Suite O. (714) 482-0452.

call to confirm all dates & activities

Halloween Party at Three Dog Bakery October 25: Costume contest for dogs with stage and runway. Treats, games and photography also available. Bring the whole family. Free. 12-3 p.m.; judging starts at 1 p.m. 924 Avocado, Newport Beach. (949) 760-3647. National Cat Day October 25: It is national cat day today! Celebrate with your favorite feline by making a special dinner and adding more play time to their day! Cats a lw ays love presents, see “Pet Products,” “Boutiques” and “Pet Stores” to find your kitty a special gift. “Spooktacular” Howl-O-Ween Pooch Party in Newport Beach October 25: Pets enjoy “barks and crafts” and games. Costumes highly encouraged. Proceeds benefit the Irvine Animal Care Center. S at u r d ay, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Muttropolis at Fashion Island. 865 Newport Center Drive. (949) 717-MUTT. Howl’oween Parade and Pet Adoption Fair October 26: Fair includes adoption and vendors, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Pet costume parade (500+ dressed dogs) at 2:30 p.m. on 2nd Street. Kids’ Costume Contest at 4:30 p.m. in the park, $2 per entrant. Dress your pooch and join in the fun. Livingston Park, Long Beach. (562) 439-3316.

november Paws for a Cause in Seal Beach Call for dat e : P aws for a Cause involves having cat s and dogs put paws to canvas to create fantastic art ($15 per artist), held in conjunction with pet photos with Santa Claus. The canvases are auctioned at the annual Wine Tasting Event the following year. (562) 430-4993.

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december Holiday Celebration in Mission Viejo Call for date: 6th Annual Holiday Celebration at The Zoo Pet Store. Giveaways, r a ffles and vendors. Santa will be on hand for photos with children or pets. 23062 Alicia Parkway, #B. (949) 595-0757. Howl-i-day Pictures Call for date and time: Three Dog Bakery, 924 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. (949) 460-3647. December 2: By appointment only. Tuesday, 4-8 p.m. Chateau Le Pooch Store, 391 South State College Blvd., Suite O. (714) 482-0452. December 6 and 7, 13 and 14, 20 and 21: Weekends, noon - 4 p.m. PetSmart, 33963 Doheny Park Road, San Juan Cap i s t r a n o . (949) 240-7135.


Operation Santa Paws December 1-19: An annual collection of pet toys, shelter supplies and treats that are delivered to shelters and rescues. Program details and drop-off locations at Contact Justin Rudd at or (562) 439-3316. • Wiener Dog Races December 7: See “ J u ly 13” for details. See ad on page 13. Christmas Pooch Party in Brea December 14: Join other dog lovers and their pooches for early holiday festivities! Games, treats, a costume contest and light refreshments. Sunday, 2-4 p.m. Chateau Le Pooch Store, 391 South State College Blvd. Suite O. (714) 482-0452. Home for the Holidays Adoption Event December 14: The Irvine Animal Care Center hosts an adoption event with vendors, food and more. 6443 Oak Canyon Road. (949) 724-7740.

Howl-i-Days and Pet Portraits November 8: Fund-raising “Howl-i-Day” pet portraits with back drops and pet fair with vendors. No appointment necessary. Saturday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. TeWinkle Park, Costa Mesa. (949) 733-4101. • Wiener Dog Races November 16: See “July 13” for details. Also offered December 7. See ad on page 13. Yappy Hour in Brea November 20: See “June 19” for details. Mutt Mingle in Newport Beach November 20: Complimentary wine and appetizers for you and your pooch–that’s right, wine for dogs too! Plus, enjoy 10% off your purchase, lots of mutt mingling and a special guest. Thursday, 7-9 p.m. Muttropolis at Fashion Island, (949) 717-MUTT.

call to confirm all dates & activities


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emergencyservices Also see: "Adoption and Rescue," "End of Life," "Safety," "Shelters" and "Veterinary S e rvices." For animal assistance organizations, see “Pet Assistance” and "Volunteering."

Mission Viejo Animal Services ......(949) 470-3045 Serves Mission Viejo and Laguna Niguel.

• Animal Ambulance (866) 473-8911, (866) 473-8911 Animal emergency services are provided 24 hours a d ay, 365 days a year, with eight fully equipped units. S e rvices include emergency care, such as oxygen, suction, i n t u b ation and IV treatment; emergency, inter-hospital and long-distance transports; in-home euthanasia; body removal; and cremation services. Ambulance stations in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego counties. All staff are registered veterinarian technicians, and emergency medical technicians trained in animal first aid and CPR. The company is operated under a veterinarian license. See handy coupon you can cut out and put by your phone in case of emergency, on pag e 46. See ad on this pag e .

OC Animal Care Services ............(714) 935-6848 Serves Aliso Viejo, Anaheim, Anaheim Hills, Brea, C apistrano Beach, Coto de Caza, Cypress, Dove C a ny o n , El Modena, Foothill Ranch, Fountain Va l l ey, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Laguna Hills, La Palma, Lake Forest, Las Flores, Midway City, Orange, Orange Park Acres, Placentia, Portola Hills, Rancho Santa Margarita, San Juan Capistrano, Silverado, Stanton, Sunset Beach, Trabuco Cany o n , Tustin, Tustin Foothills, Villa Park and Yorba Linda.

Animal Control Emergency animal control services for the cities indicated, including rescuing stray, trapped, injured, deceased or wild animals; and investigating animal cruelty, animal bites and noise complaints. Most animal control services are provided by local police departments; the number listed may be a police dispatch. For non-emergency services and local and regional shelter information, see “Shelters.”

Southeast Area Animal Control .....(562) 803-3301 Serves Bellflower, Downey, Lakewood, Norwalk and Paramount.

Costa Mesa City Animal Control ......(714) 754-5311 Irvine Animal Services..................(949) 724-7092 LA County Shelter, Downey ..........(562) 940-6898 Serves Artesia, Cerritos, Hawaiian Gardens, La Habra Heights and La Mirada. La Habra Animal Control ..............(562) 905-9150 Serves Buena Park and La Habra. Long Beach Animal Control ..........(562) 570-7387 Serves Cerritos, Long Beach, Los Alamitos, Seal Beach, Surfside and Rossmoor.

Newport Beach Animal Control. . . . . . . .(949) 644-3717

San Clemente-Dana Point Shelter . . .(949) 492-1617 Serves Dana Point, Monarch Beach, San Clemente and Talega. Santa Ana Animal Control ............(714) 245-8792

Westminster Animal Control .........(714) 898-3315 Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA) (888) 426-4435 A 24-hour hotline for any animal poison-related emergency. A consultation fee may apply. Deceased Animal Pickup/Removal The following organizations provide animal body removal: Orange County Animal Care Services, (714) 935-6848; LA County Bureau of Sanitation, (800) 773-2489, press 3; and LA County Department of Animal Care and Control, (562) 940-6898. Also see "Animal Control" on this page. Emergency Animal Hospitals When possible, notify staff of your situation prior to arrival. For information on non-emergency and specialty care, see "Veterinary Services."

Animal Ambulance, Inc. 24 Hr. Emergency Pet Ambulance 1-(866) 4PET-911 Toll Free

1-(866) 473-8911 Toll Free

Emergency Ambulance • Open 24 Hrs. to your home • Oxygen for emergencies • Stretchers for large pets • Trained AEMT Staff • Hospital Transfers with oxygen and care en-route

Home Euthanasia • Letting your pet stay at home • Less stress on your family • Less fear for your pet • Gentle and caring staff • Veterinarian administered

w w w. My P e t 2 Ve t . c o m 54 petsguide summer/fall

Advance Critical Care and Internal Medicine ..................(949) 654-8950 Veterinary facility providing 24-hour emergency, t r a uma management, s u r g e ry, internal medicine and critical care. 3021 Edinger Ave., Tustin. Animal Emergency Referral Center............................(310) 325-3000 24-hour emergency services. 3511 PCH, Suite A, Torrance. Animal Urgent Care of South OC .....(949) 364-6228 Emergency and urgent care. M o n d ay - Friday, 6 p.m. - 8 a.m.; Saturday, noon - Monday, 8 a.m. Open 24 hours on holiday s . 28085 Hillcrest, Mission Viejo. • Orange County Emergency Pet Clinic Garden Grove ..............................(714) 537-3032 La Habra...........(714) 441-2925, (562) 690-2925 Founded in 1975 by 41 local veterinarians, the clinic is committed to providing quality, after-hours emergency care for pets. Both hospital locations are equipped with the latest emergency medical technology and offer an on-site pharmacy, lab and radiology. All doctors and technicians specialize in emergency/critical care. The clinic is open nights, weekends and 24 hours on the major holidays: Monday - Friday, 6 p.m. - 8 a.m.; Saturday, noon Monday, 8 a.m. Appointments are not necessary. The Web site offers quick and easy-to-understand tips for treating your pet on their “Emergencies” page. Major credit cards accepted. Member of the American Animal Hospital Association. Locations: 12750 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove; 1474 S. Harbor Blvd., La Habra. See ad on page 15. VCA All Care Animal Referral .......(714) 963-0909 24-hour emergency services; financial aid available. 18440 Amistad St., Fountain Valley. Yorba Regional Animal Hospital .......(714) 921-8700 24-hour, emergency serv i c e s . Also offers, primary, surgical and dental care, along with a variety of specialty services. 8290 East Crystal Drive, Anaheim. If you have lost your pet: 1) Call your local animal control. 2) Visit shelters in your area and neighboring cities. 3) Search and register your pet at (free), and visit, an "Amber Alert" for lost or stolen pets (registration fees apply). If you have found a pet without tags: 1) Register the pet as found at 2) Look for a shelter (see “Shelters”) that will accept animals found in your city; if possible, take the animal to a no-kill shelter. 3) Call your local animal control to report the animal as found. 4) For additional no-kill options, contact the appropriate rescue organizat i o n (see "Adoption and Rescue").

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