So Paris, visitor in the Atreids'" palace, dishonored the laws that bind guest and host: ate the king's bread, then eloped with his wife. Behind her she left a vengeful clangor of shields, of citizen spearmen, of seamen in arms. Brineina as dowry destruction of Ilium,"
Atreidr: The 'sons of Atreus," hlenelaiis and Agamemnon.
Ilzum: Another name for Troy.
the sack of a Bronze Age city near the Hellespont around 1200 BC (see Chapter 20). However, on present evidence we cannot definitely know the relationship between stories told by poets beginning around 800 BG and historical events hundreds of years before. The songs of Homer and later ancient poets are not about historical events, but about the difficult choices and sometimes tragic consequences that face all human beings as they attempt to answer the demands of society and their own desires. In this chapter we consider the events leading up to the war and the story that Homer tells in his Iliad;in the next two chapters we consider what happened when Troy fell and the heroes returned home.