2018-19 Gratitude Report

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2018-2019 G R AT I T U D E R E P O R T

MEET DOMINION For Dominion Whitaker, there’s no dream that’s too big. When Dominion began the Wings for Kids afterschool program at Heritage Elementary as a third grader, he knew right away that he’d found a community where he belonged. “I liked how the WINGS Leaders were so kind. If I ever got in trouble, they always helped me and gave me a second chance.” Now a graduating fifth grader, Dominion looks back on his time at WINGS as a critical part of his academic success. “WINGS taught me to think positively about school. For all of the kids that are new to WINGS, I would tell them to work together with each other instead of picking fights.” In many ways, Dominion is your typical, happy-golucky nine-year-old boy. He loves to play basketball and football. His favorite subject is math. He looks forward to going on field trips with his friends. But beneath his huge smile, Dominion has some serious plans for his future. As Dominion begins middle school this year, he’ll be soaring to new heights.

Recently, Dominion was accepted into The Ron Clark Academy, a highly acclaimed middle school in Atlanta that is internationally recognized for its academic rigor, passion, and creativity. The WINGS Program Coordinator at Heritage Elementary, Miranda Densley-Bope, shared The Ron Clark Academy’s recruitment information with WINGS families. Dominion decided to apply, despite the challenging and highly competitive admissions process. Dominion still remembers the day he found out he was accepted, “I was so proud when I found out I got into The Ron Clark Academy. When I tried out there were 300 kids, but The Ron Clark Academy only accepted 30 students. It’s my best accomplishment, so far.” Dominion is only one example of how WINGS helps students develop the social emotional skills they need to achieve their dreams and lead successful lives. For Dominion, The Ron Clark Academy is only the beginning of his success. When asked what his future holds, Dominion replies, “When I grow up, I want to join the United States Army. It’s important to me to work and live for a good cause. I think WINGS will help me in the Army because WINGS taught me to work together with others and to be a good leader.”


E A DY O F LY Dominion WINGS Alum

A MIGHTY FORCE: YOU & WINGS BECAUSE OF YOU, Dominion is reaching his full potential - and thousands of 2019 WINGS kids will reach theirs, too. Your support has put WINGS at the forefront of social emotional learning for more than 23 years. Many of you encouraged the early vision of WINGS as a girls summer camp in 1996 and continued your support as we became an afterschool program. You championed our dream to expand throughout the Southeast and rallied around us as we began partnering with organizations across the country. Last year alone, because of you, WINGS reached 5,520 kids nationwide! Time and again we hear “All kids need WINGS!” We agree. And we can’t wait to share with you how this is finally becoming a reality. Illustrated throughout this Gratitude Report is the impact of your giving and the hope perched on the horizon. You’ve met Dominion and learned how you helped him soar to new heights. You will also discover our bold, new initiative – an opportunity to give kids across America the life-changing magic of WINGS! ALL OF THIS IS POSSIBLE BECAUSE OF YOU. You are part of our history and our future. As we begin the newest WINGS adventure, there is no one we’d rather have by our side. Thank you for growing with us. Thank you for believing in the power of social emotional learning. Thank you for trusting WINGS. We are honored to be the recipients of your time, talent, and treasure. It is because of you that we can continue to dream big and fly high! Overflowing with gratitude,

Bridget Laird, CEO

Judith Ranger Smith, Chair

CHARGING FORWARD, TOGETHER WE ARE SO GRATEFUL TO BE SURROUNDED BY PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO CARE ABOUT GIVING CHILDREN THE TOOLS THEY NEED TO SUCCEED. EVERY DAY, KIDS IN WINGS ARE LEARNING TO UNDERSTAND THEIR EMOTIONS, CONTROL THEIR IMPULSES, STEP INTO THE SHOES OF OTHERS, AND WORK AS A TEAM–SKILLS THAT WILL LAST A LIFETIME. YOUR SUPPORT IS HELPING KIDS, LIKE DOMINION, BELIEVE ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE AND THAT THEY HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO DO BIG THINGS. YOU ARE GIVING KIDS HOPE FOR A BRIGHT FUTURE. At the heart of everything we do is our mission to equip at-risk kids with the skills they need to succeed in school, stay in school, and thrive in life. Demand for social emotional learning by schools and organizations across the country is at an all-time high. Because of your support over the years, we are positioned to meet this growing demand. Last spring, we partnered with Discovery Education, the leader in standards-based digital content for K-12 classrooms worldwide, to help us adapt our evidence-based afterschool curriculum for use in the school classroom.

HELP THEIR The new program, Soar with Wings, provides educators with all the resources they need to deliver social emotional learning, aligned with academic standards, to students in K-5. Because of your support, this new program is taking flight in elementary classrooms nationwide! Your big-hearted investment in WINGS is bringing to life a vision of a world where there is equity in academics, opportunity, and emotional well-being for all children, regardless of socioeconomic status. Thank you for giving kids in our community, and now in schools all over the country, the opportunity to soar in school and life!




- Pat Ilderton, WINGS Board Member

2018-2019 IN NUMBERS




Direct Service Programs throughout the Southeast

WINGS Leaders provided social emotional mentoring s e r v i c e s o n a d a i ly b a s i s




Pa r t n e r P r o g r a m s a c r o s s t h e c o u n t ry

O f k i d s w h o at t e n d e d W I N G S all year were promoted to the next grade level

O f W I N G S pa r e n t s i n d i c at e d t h e y believe WINGS helped improve t h e i r c h i l d ' s b e h av i o r



N e a r ly


of WINGS kids met school at t e n d a n c e e x p e c tat i o n s

kids served throughout the year

o f W I N G S pa r e n t s s u r v e y e d s a i d t h at w i t h o u t W I N G S t h e i r c h i l d would be home alone after school

o f W I N G S k i d s d e m o n s t r at e d a n i n - d e p t h u n d e r s ta n d i n g o f t h e s o c i a l emotional learning objectives









FEDERAL ..............................................$2,985,408


FOUNDATIONS ...................................... $1,409,157

MANAGEMENT ..........................................$658,871

IN KIND..................................................... $879,159

FUNDRAISING ..........................................$330,330

STATE & LOCAL........................................ $266,620 INDIVIDUALS .............................................$144,107 EARNED INCOME ......................................$112,785 CORPORATIONS......................................... $44,152 TOTAL................................................. $5,841,388



WINGS ACROSS AMERICA Visiting a WINGS program is always a wonderfully life-affirming experience. You get to see up-close the individuality of each child. And every single one steals your heart. Then you realize that there are millions of kids just like them. Just think about it! There are almost 30 million elementary school students in our nation’s public schools. About half of them – almost 15 million - are in Title I schools. Each one of those millions of kids is distinctive and deserving of social and emotional learning skills. Since WINGS is the preeminent provider of these vital skills, it seems to me that WINGS has a responsibility to share them with as many kids and as many teachers as possible. Because WINGS has this capability. Because social and emotional learning skills are more appreciated and needed than ever before. And because if WINGS doesn’t provide them, some inferior provider will do so, and then how will we feel? I believe we must spread our wings. We must have WINGS Across America. It is our responsibility. In Pomona, in Wyoming, and in Detroit, where WINGS already has a presence beyond its

outstanding programs in South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia. And now with this ambitious and extraordinary collaboration with Discovery Education. The WINGS leadership and staff have approached this Discovery Education opportunity with an awesome level of enthusiasm, commitment, and hard work. Preliminary results have already exceeded expectations! This is a moment when all of us who are interested in and passionate about WINGS should double-down (or triple-down!) our commitment, as we help make WINGS Across America a reality. - David Rawle, WINGS Champion and Supporter


THE KINDEST HEARTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Judith Ranger Smith, Chair David Morley, Immediate Past Chair Becky Marson, Secretary John Roberts, Jr., Treasurer Marc Brackett, Ph.D. Toya Hampton Heather Hough Pat Ilderton Deborah Kennedy Kennard Steve Parker, Jr. Arthur Rosen Kelly Sach Allie Simmons Vicky Sullivan Neil D. Thomson Mike Tollin Steve Ward Lucy Weathers Suzan Zoukis


Rusty Bennett Ginny Deerin Kate Huey Hayes Mizell Chad Walldorf


Mike Bailin, Former President, The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation Foley Hoag LLP David E.K. Hunter, Ph.D., Hunter Consulting Kristin Moore, Ph.D., Child Trends Karen Walker, Ph.D.


Atlanta Public Schools Boys and Girls Club of Metro Atlanta Camp Fire Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit Charleston County School District Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools College of Charleston Discovery Education Douglas County School District Education First Fulton County School District Holy Innocents Episcopal School Horizons Atlanta Illinois Afterschool Network Laurens School District 55 Oxford Circle Christian Development Association Pomona Unified School District - TLC Reno Sparks Indian Colony Westmark School Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Wyoming Department of Education YMCA Greenville Youth Policy Institute


Abrakadoodle Art Buzz Art of Esteem Atlanta Youth Rugby Born II Dance Sharon Burke (Technology) Capoeira Academy Jayida of Che Herbal Tea Spot Childrenʼs Theater Charlotte Coastal Lacrosse D.O.A. Crew DJ OneNate Engineering for Kids Enrich Kids Now Y.E.S. First Tee Mr. Gray (STEAM) Lango Kids LaTiera J Dance Legacy Martial Arts Mad Science Marcus Blackwell of Make Music Count Ms. McMillan Rosser (Culinary Arts) Mr. Menger (Basketball) Nerd Ninja Coding NExplore Makers Club

Nutrition and Sports Wellness by Coach Leslie Palmetto Kids Cooking Mr. Peacock and Mr. Barnett (Chess) Science Olympiad Soccer Shots South Atlanta Community Tennis Association Spanish Exploration Weil Fitness Ms. Coaxum of When the Music Stops WINGS Kids Records by Zachary Jackson

VOLUNTEERS Dedicated groups and individual volunteers who gave their time, talent and energy to support WINGS. Christopher Newport University Kimberly Daniels Priscilla Irizarry Chelsie Lang Reese Laird Izzi Lindon The Lovett Group North Charleston Wells Fargo Krysta Perry Nicholas Schrieber



GI FTS MADE FROM JU LY 1, 2018 – JU NE 30, 2019

$500,000 +

$15,000 +

AmeriCorps National, a program of the Corporation for National & Community Service Georgia Department of Education North Carolina Department of Public Instruction NoVo Foundation South Carolina Department of Education

Belk Foundation Big Lots Dorothy D. Smith Charitable Foundation John and Kate Huey** Pat and Cheryl Ilderton** Roper Saint Francis Physicians Endowment Singing for Change Foundation**

$200,000 + Georgia Division of Family and Children Services Mecklenburg County Susan Crown Exchange W.K. Kellogg Foundation

$100,000 + Fulton County Dept. of Housing and Community Development Trident United Way

$50,000 + Foundation For The Carolinas The Mary Alice Fortin Foundation PACE Foundation** Women’s Impact Fund Stephen and Suzan Zoukis**

$35,000 + Rusty and Anne Bennett** Bright from the Start The Leon Levine Foundation Jean & James Rion Endowment* Stranahan Foundation

$5,000 + Charleston County Community Development and Building Grant Bakker Family Fund* The Barter Family Fund* Bennett Thrasher Foundation Blackbaud Fund* John and Elizabeth Cleveland Crescent Homes The Daniel J. and Victoria D. Sullivan Charitable Fund** Ginny Deerin** Piedmont Natural Gas Foundation George Lucas Family Foundation Anonymous Herzman-Fishman Foundation Kennedy Kennard Family Fund** The Mark Elliott Motley Foundation Dave and Cheryl Morley** Pathfinder Foundation The Pitney Bowes Foundation Poe’s Tavern

Rite Aid Foundation The Roberts Family Charitable Fund** Arthur and Candace Rosen** Sartain Lanier Family Foundation Scott Hudgens Family Foundation** Read and Allie Simmons** Volvo Car USA Operations * Lucy Weathers** Steve and Julie Ziff

$1,000 - $4,999 The Bill, Jennie & Harry Ackerman Foundation Trust Renee Black Blackbaud Corporate Philanthropy in Honor of Becky Marson Boeing Employees Community Fund Christ Our King Church Coastal Carolina Combined Federal Campaign Colbert Family Fund* Brian and Gwyn Conway** Daltorio Family Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation Todd Davis Albert and Linda Estee Grace Episcopal Church Henry and Sylvia Yaschik Foundation Kinder Morgan Foundation Jan and Larry Lipov Kevin and Tracy McDearis Hayes Mizell and Kate Swanson** Judith Neilson Steve and Deanna Parker**

Richard C. Munroe Foundation Donald and Michelle Richards Harriet Ripinsky in Memory of Linda Ripinsky Ross Stores Foundation Saul Alexander Foundation* Cheves and Isabella Smythe South Carolina Federal Credit Union South Carolina Ports Authority Synovus Financial Corporation Gary and Mary Beth Thornhill United Way of Greater Atlanta Steve and Bethney Ward**

$5 - $999 Jalissa Adger Chrissy Alexandrea Christian Allen Allstate Employee Giving Amazon Smile Harold and Gloria Askins Cameron Bantz Andro Barac Martha Barkley Darin Bernardi Tony Bertauski Lydia Blanton Matthews Tom Blazer and Elizabeth Pennewill Botany Bay Landscaping, Inc Shekia Bradford Christian Broucqsault Robin Brown

Madrian Bryan Daniel Buffington Camilla Calhoun Katherine Cantrel Ryan Carpenter Jessica Chandler Katoria Chanyasubkit Samantha Chapman Lynn Chiappone Susan Chu Kristin and Darryl Cobb Corporate Volunteer Council of Atlanta Peter and Marion Cotton James Crocker and Betty Mueller-Roemer David and Megan Crotts Christian Curry Jessica Danielle Kayla Dash Alison Davis Connie Deerin John and Carole Deerin Chris Delahunt Ashley Demosthenes Jay Glenn and Christine Deviney Sue Duckworth Kim Duckworth Dufford Young Architects William Dufford Nikiah Dulac Gabrielle Dunlap

OUR DONORS Joe and Anita Durkan Randy and Naomi Durkan Nancy Dynes Fabric Developers, LLC Mollie Fair Emily Farr Maureen Fay Robert and Esther Flower Rich Forster Danielle Freeman Bridget French Hunter Gatewood Lauren Gellatly Rick and Connie Gentzler Andrea German Andrea M. Giblin Gleaming Glass Window Washing, LLC Benjamin Goldwasser Sue Graff Foster Antionette Green Elle Green-Kelly James Gregory Katherine Guadamud Nancy Hadley Brew and Libby Hagood Wendy Hall T.P. Harvey David and Louisa Hawkins Steven and Rhesa Hecker Pat Hettche

Iris Hill Blair Hodson Stephen and Susan Hoffius Patricia Holsclaw Sarah Huefner*** Tom and Susan Huefner Tim and Gail Hughes Elizabeth Ilderton Camilla Calhoun Barbara Jenkins Melanie Katsur Ted Keller Patrice Kelly*** Mary Kennemur Knights of Columbus Council 704 Charity Tammy Knope Randy and Kaye Koonce John and Katherine Kotz Kroger Community Rewards Bridget Laird*** Walter and Judith Limehouse Jean Linney Jolie Logan*** Jill Lovecchio Nicole Lovecchio*** Ronald and Nancy Luzier Kelsey Lynn Clarence and Judy Manning Jay Manning Jr. Tony and Gillian Mark

Jessica Marohn Becky Marson** TK Martin Matthew McAulay Shana McCabe Paul and Cindy McElhinney*** Kevin and Barbara Bottorff Elaine Mckiever Kevin and Deirdre McMurtry Diane Melton Liz Mester*** Henry Miller Jerrold and Debbie Miller Susan Miller Angie Mooney Cheryl Moore*** Linda Morlock Thomas Morlock North Charleston High School Joan O’Day Alexander and Tina Opoulos Ron and Myriam Owens Jimmy Palassis George A. Panos Tom and Mary Lee Parrington Michele Perlzweig Linda Pettersson Martina Polidoro Adam and Jessie Pomerantz Missy Poskin Honeychuck

Darrell Potter Kristen Powell Yost PricewaterhouseCoopers Mike and Tamatha Psenka Morgan Ralko Christy Reinold Erica Reynolds Amy Robinson Dave and Louise Rogers Carla Rugg Karen Rugg Karen Rutter Hal S. Currey and Margaret P. Schachte Sara Schack Russell and Laura Schaible Kevin Schmonsees School Psychology Graduate Program at The Citadel Cynthia Seabrook Robert Selinsky Katherine Sieh-Takata Jaquelin Simons Dr. Sarah L. Skinner Gary and Sally Smith L’Quesha Smith Evelyn Stanley Bradley Steinberg and Ruth Graff Sunday Brunch Farmers Market SunTrust United Way Campaign Jennifer Sweney Bob Mester and Leona Taylor

Jim Thompson Clyde and Carlin Timmons Julisa Tindall Pam Tolhurst Toots for Books Dr. Merle J. Tyroler and Dennis Christensen United Technologies Micah Utt Nancy Vick Kay Walker Julia Wang David and Sharon Ward Susan Waters Anne Wheelock Andrew and Kate White Nancy Whitehair Bink Whiteside Mike Williams Deborah and David Williamson Henry and Laura Wilson Laura Wuertz-Barac Kristen Young Logan Zeigler Jiaxin Zhang

MONTHLY DONORS Brandon Arnold Sally Ehrenfried Mary Mester Karla Moore Julian and Julie Raney Kristin Zettlemoyer

IN KIND Artist and Craftsman Supply Downtown Dick’s Sporting Goods Allison LaSalle Leora McAuliffe Pamela McIver Brittany Motley Pet Helpers Publix Supermarket Charities, Inc. Smartpress Stanton Design, Inc. SunTrust Bank *Fund at Coastal Community Foundation **WINGS Board Member or Lifetime Member *** WINGS Staff

I soar with WINGS. Let me tell you why. I learn lots of skills that help me reach the sky. I love and accept who I am on the inside and know my emotions are nothing to hide. Life’s full of surprises that make me feel different ways. If I can control myself, I’ll have much better days. I understand the choices I make should be what’s best for me to do, and what happens is on me and not any of you. I understand others are unique. I want to learn more about everyone I meet. I want to step into their shoes and see what they are going through. I am a friend. I support and trust. Working together is a must. Kind and caring I will be. I listen to you. You listen to me. I soar with WINGS. I just told you why. All of these things are why I fly high.

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