EUP-0126 Annual Report 2011-2012

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Š Jim Prokell

Strength and Value in Higher Education Edinboro University 2011 Annual Report

Drs. James Moran and Philip Ginnetti, Alumni House

An Enduring Commitment to Student Success Edinboro University, one of 14 Universities in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, has nearly 8,700 students who hail from 39 states and 22 countries around the globe. They include 1,950 graduate students and 850 employees (88 percent full-time), of which 419 are faculty members (82 percent full-time). One in five undergraduate students are over the age of 25; 10 percent are underrepresented minorities and 45 percent of first-year students qualify for federal grants. Edinboro is situated on 585 acres and has an annual operating budget of $93 million. The University offers more than 100 degree programs to students at its Edinboro, Erie and Meadville campuses, while at the same time offering a robust distance education program. Athletic

The benchmark by which we – the administrators, faculty and trustees of Edinboro University – measure our performance is student success. Of course this raises the question of what we mean by “success?” Is it the percentage of graduates who go on to pursue careers in their chosen fields? Is it how far they will advance? How well they will be rewarded for their achievements? The answer to these questions is yes. But the connotation of success requires further explanation. Even as we prepare students to pursue careers that hopefully will bring personal satisfaction and financial success, we also strive to cultivate the knowledge and skills they will need to live as productive citizens. In this sense, successful students are those who readily integrate into – and help to shape – their communities.

teams compete in NCAA Division II, with

Using data such as degrees awarded and career advancement, we measure our performance in preparing students for future careers. We also assess the character of our students: their capability to collaborate, to think independently, to innovate, to empathize and to understand how culture and heritage shape perspective. Education at Edinboro University is about professional competence and achievement. It is also about personal growth and awareness. Our theme, “Great Things Happen Here,” encompasses both connotations of success. Great things happen here as individuals obtain degrees and go on to secure satisfying, rewarding jobs. Great things also happen here as Edinboro students develop the compassion, understanding, awareness and philanthropic spirit to positively impact their communities and the lives of others. Great things happen here because great people happen here!

the exception of the Division I men’s wrestling program.

James D. Moran, PhD, Interim President


Philip E. Ginnetti, PhD, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Ensuring Academic Quality Accreditation is a key indicator of academic quality and imperative to objectively evaluating a university’s curricula, technology, faculty and facilities as they compare to peer institutions.

Presently, more than 80 percent of Edinboro University’s academic majors and departments are accredited by nationally recognized agencies. This is an increase from 62 percent just five years ago and underscores the vitality, relevance and quality of these programs. Edinboro University’s overall accreditation by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools ensures adherence to national standards of excellence that range from leadership and governance to facilities and resource allocation to faculty capability and educational offerings. Accreditation is an ongoing process, a benchmark for measuring our progress as we continue to expand our enrollment, facilities and academic programs in the pursuit of continuing excellence.


As one of the 14 universities comprising the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE), Edinboro is dedicated to creating and shaping policies and programs directed to student success – to making improvements in how students learn, faculties teach, and courses are delivered. Being part of a system enables Edinboro to collaborate in quality assessment initiatives and to evaluate our performance relative to similar schools with shared missions. Edinboro students are able to share the resources of other PASSHE universities. They may take courses from any member university and receive credit at Edinboro; transfer with an associate of arts or science degree from a community college and receive 60 hours of credit toward their degrees at Edinboro; access digital library resources across the System; and have access to joint university programs such as foreign languages and physics. This gives students access to all the resources in the PASSHE, while preserving the uniqueness that is Edinboro.

Biology field class, Conneauttee Creek

Nursing Simulation Lab, Jeremy D. Brown Human Services Building

A Vibrant Environment for Learning Ongoing campus development at Edinboro reinforces an environment of learning and strengthens student life and culture.

Soon the University will complete renovation

The University also offers a nationally

and expansion of Cooper Hall, dramatically

acclaimed Art program. The opening of the

improving the facilities and learning

Start-Up Incubator, where art, technology and

technologies available to students in biology,

manufacturing come together in the Edinboro

chemistry, health services and physics. This

community, is another step in securing

vital renovation is complemented by the newly

resources and opportunities for artists to

constructed Jeremy D. Brown Human Services

develop business acumen as entrepreneurs.

Last fall the University unveiled the

Building that houses the University’s nursing

Fighting Scot Plaza, a symbol of the

program, featuring an advanced patient

Edinboro prides itself on being an inclusive

University’s spirit and a tribute to the entire

care simulation laboratories, computer labs,

community. In keeping with our mission,

Edinboro community – alumni, students,

skills lab, classrooms and offices. Edinboro’s

the University assists in the matriculation

faculty and friends who manifest our values

Nursing program is fully accredited by the

of international students and fosters

and preserve our culture. The Fighting Scot

Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.

relationships with international institutions

embodies integrity, character, resiliency,

It is one of many degrees available through

to create opportunities for study abroad.

tenacity and perseverance.

the University that prepares students to meet

Last year students from 22 countries attended

widespread regional and local needs for skilled

Edinboro along with those representing 39

health care workers.

states and the District of Columbia.


Expanding Accessibility to Higher Education To sustain the economic vitality of our nation, projections are that 57 percent of Pennsylvania’s young adults will need post-secondary credentials.

Equally important, the University supports

The University sees itself as a resource

external learning sites and alternative

for community outreach and personal

educational services tailored to the specific

enrichment, sponsoring camps, non-credit

needs of communities within its service area.

courses and seminars on such vital social

Edinboro University in Erie – The Porreco

issues as art therapy, fiscal responsibility, and

Center, and Edinboro University in Meadville

retirement planning. These courses enable

– The Joseph T. Buba Center, offer students

non-students to have access to the knowledge

an array of degree options as well as specific

and insight of Edinboro’s faculty and

Edinboro University is committed to achieving

courses and programs targeted to regional

administration, as well as University facilities

this level of educational preparation in our

employer needs and designed to improve

and learning technologies.

region by providing the opportunity for higher

individual employability.

education to more people than ever before. Edinboro has the largest percentage of students

Edinboro’s commitment to student access

over the age of 25 in the State System and is

is evidenced by our investment in distance

nationally recognized for its accessibility and

education to serve those students who have

accommodation of students with disabilities.

time or travel restrictions. In fact, there

The University’s participation in the national

are now nearly 3,000 students enrolled in

Access to Success initiative confirms its

distance education, nearly double the number

commitment to the success of first generation,

of only several years ago.

lower-income and underrepresented students by 2015.


Classroom building, Edinboro University in Erie – The Porreco Center

Computer animation lab, Wiley Arts and Sciences Center

A Shared Vision The people of Edinboro University set it apart. The personal passage that we call the “Edinboro Experience” is foremost the product of a shared belief in the promise and possibilities of our institution.

At the heart of the Edinboro Experience is our

Alumni and friends of the University are

faculty, over 400 educators whose commitment

also invaluable in preserving our mission,

to student learning and development

and their philanthropic support ensures

epitomizes the value of an Edinboro

accessibility and opportunity for current

education. Many have achieved regional and

and future students. Indeed, scholarships

national renown for scholarly research and

supported through gifts to the University make

achievements within their fields of expertise.

“The Edinboro Experience” a reality for many

Their ability to instruct and inspire is helping

who would otherwise be unable to participate

thousands of students secure the knowledge

in this transforming event. Over the past few

and integrate the values necessary for

years, the University has increased its financial

successful careers and productive lives.

aid by 43 percent, a tribute to the vibrancy of the philanthropic spirit in this community. External contributions not only help students, but also maintain excellence and distinction of Edinboro’s programs.


Fiscal Responsibility and Impact In terms of its direct economic impact in Erie County, Edinboro University employs more than 850 people and accounts for nearly $101 million in spending.

In keeping with the philosophy of the State

Edinboro’s commitment to fiscal responsibility

System, the cost of tuition at Edinboro and

goes hand-in-hand with its environmental

the 13 other PASSHE universities is the

stewardship and resource conservation

lowest in the Commonwealth for four-year

practices. All current construction and

institutions. Tuition fees are more than $600

renovation projects integrate advanced

below the national average of four-year public

technologies, ensuring inherently efficient

universities in the U.S. and nearly $2,500

and safe uses of resources and energy, some

below the average in the Middle States Region

of which include Leadership in Energy and

that includes Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey,

Environmental Design (LEED) certification.

In addition, it is estimated that the

New York, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.

Geothermal heating and cooling, innovative

By combining reasonable tuition costs with an

water conservation devices and renewable

excellent faculty and superior quality facilities,

energy sources, such as solar energy panels,

Edinboro University ensures optimal value for

are among the campus-wide “green”

its students.

technologies aimed at reducing the University’s

University’s presence in the community contributes more than $80 million annually to the local economy.

carbon footprint.





Degrees Awarded







82.3 Million


90.6 Million


1,754 1,537


Financial Aid











Geothermal facade, Cooper Hall

Admissions staff, Academy Hall

Strength in Leadership President’s Executive Council (PEC – as of August 2011) Dr. James D. Moran, Interim President

Dr. Andrew Lawlor, Associate Vice President for Technology and Communications

Dr. Philip Ginnetti, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dr. Alan Biel, Dean of Graduate Studies and Research

Mr. Gordon Herbst, Vice President for Finance and Administration

Dr. Nomsa Geleta, Dean of Education

Dr. Kahan Sablo, Vice President for Student Affairs

Dr. Michael Hannan, Dean, School of Business

Mr. Sid Booker, Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Faculty Relations

Dr. Terry Smith, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Dr. Donald Dilmore, Associate Vice President for University Libraries

Ms. Valerie Hayes, J.D., Director of Social Equity and University Ombudsperson

Edinboro University Council of Trustees (As of August 2011) Mr. John E. Horan, Chairperson

Mr. Daniel E. Higham

Mr. Terry J. Darcangelo, Student Trustee

Mr. Dennis R. Frampton, Vice Chairperson

Ms. Virginia L. McGarvey

Dr. John C. Cavanaugh, Chancellor (ex officio)

Mr. John A. Pulice, Secretary

Mr. Harold C. Shields

Dr. Raymond L. Dombrowski

Mr. Harry K. Thomas, Esq.



Edinboro University is a community where intellectual engagement and

To become an internationally recognized university known for its innovation,

opportunity challenge and empower individuals. We are inspired to serve and lead

leadership, and commitment to excellence.

as active citizens of our global society through collaborative learning experiences emphasizing campus activities, community outreach, and practical applications.


These factors combine to ignite the excitement of discovery and create a thirst for

Opportunity, Excellence, Respect, Integrity, Leadership.

lifelong learning and a pursuit of excellence.


Š Jim Prokell

Edinboro University 219 Meadville Street Edinboro, PA 16444 (814) 732-2711

One of the 14 universities in Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or other prohibited bases in its activities, programs or employment practices as required by Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, Section 504 and the ADA.

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