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Trend Booklet for Spring/Summer 2014 Opulent Future Minimal Impact Fitness Fresh

Elizabeth Fisher Bethanie Lane Laura Hannah

Executive Summary Each of the three trends that we will go into depth within this trend book have clear key strengths and elements within them. The main points within the Opulent Future trend are about showing your strength, having obviously dramatic looks and demonstrating a strong sense of a luxurious lifestyle. The key elements within the minimal impact trend revolve around a blend of modern designs, functionality and simplicity visualised with a cool steel colour palate. The key points within the Fitness Fresh trend are about exuding confidence and individuality through a healthy lifestyle. The trend also revolves itself around worldwide sustainability through the use of natural products.

Introduction This trend booklet is to document the three most important trends that will be key to MAC this next season. The trend journey and development will be detailed in order to gain a much deeper understanding of each the trends and how they will progress in the future. In addition each trend will express how they can be transferred to meet the beauty industry needs. These three trends, that are going to have the biggest impact within make-up for this next season are: Opulent Future Minimal Impact Fitness Fresh

Objectives of trend booklet The main objectives of this booklet are: To detail the upcoming trends, and how they integrate within the MAC brand. Demonstrate how to best apply each trend. Showcase how different trends can work well together. Express development of emerging and future trends.

Opulent Future This trend is all about showing drama and making a strong impact. This can be done through a bold choice of colours, patterns or creating designs that combine both. While the focus is about being dramatic and luxurious, it also has strong references to a futuristic space-age theme, in particular the shapes. The drama is used to represent not only a strong character but to place the yourself in a strong social position. It’s all about being glamorous whilst demonstrating wealth, and worshipping that sense of wealth.

Drivers Opulence is making a strong come back across all creative mediums from cinema to designer collections and everything in-between. Demonstrated by the bold shapes being designed that reflect both the overly dramatic yet futuristic nature of the trend. One of the key brands that I’ve noticed really enforcing this in a high-fashion way is Burberry; with their Burberry Kisses campaign through Christmas. It was a clear way to appear with a higher sense of wealth. The way this will have a strong impact within make-up is that it will contain strong bold colours that make an instant statement. Also a number of patterns will begin to emerge with eye and lip designs. Constantly pushing for bigger and better within every aspect of our lives. It was only going to be a matter of time until it impacted the way we approached our makeup.

Opulent Future: Elizabeth Fisher

Consequences The effect this trend will have on the mass consumer market is that it will allow them to no longer be afraid to make a dramatic statement. Be it with their fashion choices, their car or even their jobs. It will show not only bold colours and rich tones within their make up palette, but also in the clothing the consumers buy. They will encorporate strong patterns and memorable colours across all spectrums of their lives.

Opulent Future: Elizabeth Fisher

Highly dramatic, attention grabbing eye designs, either 3-D decorations or simply eyeliner. Combining bold colours across the entire look, demanding attention in each area. Whilst pairing two dramatic statements; eyes and lips, they need to compliment one another.

Opulent Future: Elizabeth Fisher

Opulent Future: Elizabeth Fisher

Futures The way this trend will continue to evolve in the future is that it will no longer be limited to covering a bold range of colours, but instead will incorporate a number of 3-D elements. In terms of makeup ideals it will range from subtle bindis, to more dramatic diamonte lip designs. It will transcend to being about making a statement rather than emphasise the natural elements within the face. Instead of complimenting a consumers outfit, it will become the main componant when creating an entire look.

Opulent Future: Elizabeth Fisher

What it means to mac The colour palette within this trend is bold colours, but rather than just bright they will be in rich tones. It’s all about highlighting the best features of your face in the boldest way, almost as though you’re showing off how incredible of a bone structure you have. Using strong lines to accent these bones and create a sense of royalty. It also incorporates the idea of creating a more 3-dimensional look, and layering stones and decorations on top of the make-up products themselves. The idea is to make the face shine, both in the colours used and reflections bouncing off of the decor. This inclusion of 3-D not only makes the look more opulent, but draws more attention to the wear themselves.

Opulent Future: Elizabeth Fisher

minimal impact The minimal trend stems from a future era of sleek and effortless design with integrated advanced technology and innovation. Functionality remains key as simple designs are laced with contemporary yet practical features to promote the most chic, stylish and easy going lifestyle. The Minimal Impact trend will emerge in the form of comfortable structured designs in a range of enticing textures including matte metal finishes contrasting with smooth high gloss white.

drivers Minimal has been influenced by a wave in opinions of individuals within the technology industry who argue that design and technology is becoming over complicated and harder to use to its full potential. As a result, they are perusing a future in simple and functional products with the additional benefit of modern innovation with a practical focus.

minimal impact: Laura Hannah

consequences Industries throughout the spectrum will adopt this new minimal theme in order to meet the new demand for high tech products that are easy to use. With this, bold effects will be kept to the minimum with a few selected statement colours and textures to set off the consistently sleek and minimalistic simplicity of the greyscale. Traditional purposes of products will be revisited with increasingly basic adaptations of industry advancements in products.

minimal impact: Laura Hannah

Mixing up smooth and 3d effects around the eye with metal textures such as crackle liquid. The grey scale colour palette is used to create the perfect sculptured look adapted to suit each individual. High white gloss provides an edgy and contemporary high fashion look.

minimal impact: Laura Hannah

minimal impact: Laura Hannah

futures Minimal will develop its key focus on simplicity and functionality with relevance to innovative advanced modern technology. The minimal future trend is all about using high tech products to the best of their ability through easy to use design and systems. In time to come the Minimal Impact trend will foresee a future of chic, simple products, which also encapsulate the elegance, and multi functionality of innovative design.

minimal impact: Laura Hannah

what it means to mac Difference and variety in textures on the face are used to highlight key features such as the eyes and lips whilst maintaining smooth and metallic finishes forming the ultimate sculptured base. The minimal trend can be pulled off by anyone as different consumers can adapt the look to suit them, whether they take the literal minimalistic approach to very little make up or prefer to experiment with new advances. Advanced technology will provide make up with ultimate stay-put power as well as creative textures which both look and feel like no other make up on the market. In addition, the metal grey colour pallet will combine effectively to set off these invigorating looks.

minimal impact: Laura Hannah

Fitness Fresh The Fitness Fresh trend is about showing how a person can adjust their current lifestyle in a way which allows them to be healthy and image conscious to such an extent that they are completely happy with the way that they look and feel about themselves. The trend itself epitomises a fresh and simple look through subtle tones and clean lines. It also draws strong references to sustainability and aspects of a ‘greener’ lifestyle. This trend is all about showing confidence in the way that a person lives and carries themselves throughout all aspects of their life, but doing this in a lively and natural way.

DRIVERS Fitness Fresh has been influenced and driven by social media and the rise in celebrity interest. Celebrities and their dramatic weight loss stories overshadow other stories within the media, therefore making them at the forefront of different publications. Stories such as these are designed to create a sense of inferiority; consequently encouraging an individual to adapt their lifestyle in a healthier way. Also an important trend influence, the London 2012 Olympic Games allowed strong, fit women to present themselves to the world and show that they were proud of their healthy lifestyle. Athletes such as Jessica Ennis and Beth Tweddle managed to demonstrate that being interested in health and fitness doesn’t mean that femininity has to be compromised. Additionally, the Olympic Games successfully combined two of the biggest industries in the world when Stella McCartney, the accomplished fashion designer, was chosen to design the Team GB outfits. Once again demonstrating that fitness and femininity can come together as one.

Fitness Fresh: Beth Lane

Consequences In terms of the consumer effect, this trend will have a huge impact on the cosmetic beauty industry. Due to the Fitness Fresh trend promoting a more natural lifestyle, the current attraction to change one’s self to appear more generically ‘beautiful’ will cease to exist. There will also be an apparent increase of feminine attitudes towards appearance and health and fitness. Women will knowingly want to be associated in the same way as men in terms of staying fit and active.

Fitness Fresh: Beth Lane

Have a clear emphasis on the eyes, whilst still not incorporating much colour. Strong contouring on the cheeks, making them the focal point of the look. Lips that make a statement with colour, without being overpowering

Fitness Fresh: Beth Lane

Fitness Fresh: Beth Lane

futures The future for Fitness Fresh lies mainly in the increase in worldwide sustainability and an all round better way of living. The future will also see a decrease in obesity and a rise in the purchase of ‘health approved’ food and drink, which will consequently cause the fitness industry to continue going from strength to strength. Practicality will become ever more important as opposed to what is fashionable, in terms of the way we dress and our lifestyles as a whole. An all round natural look lies in the future of this trend, along with new ‘green’ materials which increase the sustainability consciousness of a variety of different brands and companies.

Fitness Fresh: Beth Lane

what it means to mac The colour palette for the Fitness Fresh trend is mainly soft pastel colours which have little or no texture. As the trend is all about being natural and accentuating personal features in a subtle way, an overall fresh faced palette would be appropriate. Smooth and sleek contouring of products with minimal layering will form a natural look. Small elements of warmth and brightness will be applied through the use of blush and powders to help emphasize features. The use of gloss or shine will be at a consumer’s preference, however on the whole the emphasis for the Fitness Fresh trend will be on a simple overall ‘bare faced’ look that will assert a natural beauty.

Fitness Fresh: Beth Lane

Methodology & Sources The main areas of research used to pull these trends together included industry trend sites such as WGSN, newspapers, magazines and innovative design blogs. Links between industries were taken from these to see what is beginning to emerge and make an impact as potential future trends. To begin, research was conducted by looking through a broad spectrum of different magazines to find correlations between emerging trends. The variety of publications covered a multitude of areas with some related topics coming through, for example the minimal impact trend developed through contemporary, minimalistic fashion design featuring in future trend magazine articles. Furthermore, research into magazines showed beneficial evidence of cross cultural trends, for example Wallpaper* focused in on what areas of film and cinema were making a big impact, explanations through each element and why it is making such a strong impact. We then moved our research focus away from magazines in order to concentrate more on specific industry areas to see what the newest advances were in each field and how they

have recently changed, in order to discover if there were correlations between seemingly unrelated fields. These industry areas included technological advances, scientific changes, education trends, political evolutions and retail trending. Research into the health and fitness trend sector was completed through accessing websites such as In researching these websites we were able to discover any future trends within the health industry such as changes regarding dietary influences and popular crazes involved in the fitness industry. From this information, we were able to pull together strong connections in relation to up and coming trends and draw up confident reasoning on the impact the connections were creating. Design blogs such as provided good insight when researching into other industry areas, especially technological advances through posts reporting from the latest trade shows. Looking at future innovative design allowed us to relate back and compare to new trends emerging within the magazines, therefore creating solid future trend forecasts. Research showed that a number of political changes retail trends, most notably how ethics is becoming ample in politics the ideal of our ‘environmental ecological footprint resulting in retail consumers

have had quite a strong impact on integral within our lives. For exsustainability’ in the form of an believing that their products have

been made in an eco-friendly environment. Research within the interior and architecture industry included looking at emerging trends on WGSN, as well as ‘home’ magazines such as ELLE Home and design innovation blogs and websites. This demonstrated both ends of the spectrum when it came to interior research whilst WGSN provided materials used to create the harder structures needed, whereas ELLE Home showed the key pieces to make a bold statement, and themes you can apply to specific rooms.

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Opulent Future: Elizabeth Fisher

minimal impact: Laura Hannah

Fitness Fresh: Beth Lane

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