2015 College Pathways College Programs Brochure

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Cuyahoga Community College

College Pathway Programs

www.tri-c.edu/pathway • 216-987-6408

Cuyahoga Community College

Dear Community, Throughout its history, Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-CŽ) has been committed to providing top-level educational services to Northeast Ohio. Access to higher education is a key focus of Tri-C. Youth and early college programs at Tri-C are designed to help even more high school students graduate prepared for college-level English and math, allowing them to earn their degrees or certificates more efficiently. One way Tri-C does this is by having its faculty work with high school teachers to implement the new Common Core State Standards, a challenging revision to math, science, English, language arts, and social studies curricula in the high schools. Expect more innovative partnerships beyond our work with K-12 schools. In addition, we are working throughout the community to connect students of all ages with relevant programs that match employer needs with a skilled workforce. We are committed to helping students start and complete technical or academic programs. Tri-C will continue its steadfast and long tradition of community partnerships to help even more students finish high school and go to college through innovative dual-enrollment programs. Critical to the access mission is the challenge to help more members of our community enter college academically prepared. We are changing the way our community has access to learning, and as a consequence of that commitment, we are shaping Northeast Ohio’s workforce. Join us! Sincerely, Dr. JaNice Marshall

Associate Vice President, Access and Community Engagement


College Pathway Programs

Tri-C’s Commitment to our Community Tri-C has implemented many community and K-12 programs that help raise the educational attainment rates necessary for a strong economy. In his inaugural address, Tri-C President Dr. Alex Johnson identified five priorities for the College’s community engagement efforts. These include:

1) Focusing on completion with a continued effort toward educational access

2) Working more closely with employers to provide degrees and certificates that have labor market value

3) Communicating the College’s message in effective and innovative ways

4) Making the most effective use of resources for the benefit of students

5) Nurturing and growing the College’s legacy of collaboration and community engagement

Along with these priorities, a focus on access, learning, and success will help more Northeast Ohio students gain critical skills and experiences to prepare them for broader success in our community. Over the past few years, a heightened focus on connecting College and community has helped more people throughout our region access, progress, and succeed in high-quality academic and technical training. College Pathway programs are meeting and exceeding several recommendations from the Complete College Ohio Task Force. These programs engage students and families prior to enrollment in college, broaden awareness of connections between college completion and career opportunities, and expand opportunities for earning college credits that count towards a degree or certificate before graduating from high school. Tri-C annually serves more than 11,000 high school students through various programs on campus or through partner programs at the schools.

Tri-C Fact: More than 11,000 community members are reached through Tri-C’s youth and early college programs each year.

Tri-C Fact: Tri-C serves more than 60,000 students in more than 140 certificate and degree programs each year.


Cuyahoga Community College

Table of Contents Tri-C’s College Pathway Programs Overview ���������������������������������������������������������� 5

INNOVATING AND EMERGING PROGRAMS Ohio College Tech Prep Northeast Regional Center ��������������������������������������������������� 7 College Success Program ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Gateway to College Program ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 Central State & HBCU Transfer Initiative ����������������������������������������������������������� 10

YOUTH AND EARLY COLLEGE PROGRAMS North Coast Tech Prep �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 High Tech Academy ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 High Tech Academy’s Health Career Pathway Program ������������������������������������������������ 13 Science, Engineering, Mathematics, & Aerospace Academy ������������������������������������������� 14 Educational Talent Search (TRiO) ����������������������������������������������������������������� 15 Upward Bound Math & Science (TRiO) ������������������������������������������������������������� 16 Upward Bound (TRiO) ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17

SUPPORTIVE PROGRAMS Educational Opportunity Center (TRiO) ������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Women In Transition ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 Student Support Services (TRiO) ������������������������������������������������������������������ 20 Promise Connection ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 Adult High School Diploma Program ���������������������������������������������������������������� 22 ACCESS Program �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23

COMMUNITY BASED PROGRAMS Saturday Family Academy ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 24 Community and Faith-Based Initiative �������������������������������������������������������������� 25 Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act �������������������������������������������������� 26 Invest in People ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27 THANK YOU TO OUR SUPPORTERS ���������������������������������������������������������������� 28 4

College Pathway Programs

Tri-C’s College Pathway Programs Overview Tri-C serves more students in grades K-12 than any other institution of higher learning in Ohio. There is no-cost for participation in our College Pathway programs. External grants fund them. Tri-C’s College Pathway programs all share common goals: • To increase educational opportunities for youth • To assist students in gaining access to higher education • To motivate students to participate in college courses while in high school • To provide opportunities to foster student success through interventions such as assessment, coaching, and mentoring Strategic partnerships with area school districts enable College Pathway programs to customize academic and support services to meet the needs of students from diverse backgrounds. Other fee-based Tri-C K-12 programs operate under divisions or departments including Workforce, Community and Economic Development Division. A list of these programs can be found at www.tri-c.edu/summercamps. Adult-Serving Programs The goal of our adult programs is to give community members access to resources that help them successfully complete academic and workforce programming. Tri-C, with partner organizations throughout Cuyahoga County, offers community engagement, outreach, recruitment, and support. Adult programs target those who may traditionally have had a difficult time accessing higher education. We are expanding partnerships with a variety of agencies and organizations to collectively meet the workforce and academic needs of residents throughout Cuyahoga County. Internal Resources like Student Support Services, and the Hispanic Council, help Tri-C expand external programming to engage more community allies. Tri-C is committed to personal and educational excellence through its affordable and efficient approach to higher education.


Cuyahoga Community College

Innovative and Emerging Programs

Youth and Early College Programs

Supportive Programs

Community-Based Programs 6

College Pathway Programs

Innovative and Emerging Programs Ohio College Tech Prep Northeast Regional Center | Founded in 2011 The Ohio College Tech Prep Northeast Regional Center guides area technical schools and public colleges to offer curricula that align with the needs of local companies. Based at Tri-C, the center serves, among others, Tri-C, Lakeland Community College, and Lorain County Community College. Services include facilitating: • The expansion of enrollment in Tech Prep programs • College credit opportunities • Industry-curricula alignments • High school-to college-pathways (programs of study) • Professional development that relates to career and technical education

For more information, visit www.techprepnecenter.com.

Tri-C Fact: In 2012, more than 1,000 local companies hired Tri-C students or contracted with Tri-C to train their workers.


Cuyahoga Community College

Innovative and Emerging Programs College Success Program | Founded in 2012

The College Success Program is a partnership between TRI-C and the Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD). Many high school graduates do not place into college-level math or English courses, costing them additional time and money to take the necessary remedial courses and making it less likely that they finish college. The ultimate mission of College Success is to increase the number of CMSD students who successfully progress through high school, graduate, enroll in college, and succeed in their college coursework. College Success has three components: • College Success Outreach Centers • Tri-C staff on-site • College Success Summer Academy, a six-week summer academy held at the Metropolitan Campus for 11th- and 12th-grade students To participate, a student must: • Be a current CMSD high school student enrolled at one of the district’s participating schools • Plan to pursue post-secondary education upon graduating from high school The American Association of Community Colleges found that less than 15% of high school students have the opportunity to take placement exams before they finish high school. Tri-C’s College Success program helps students prepare for college math and English courses. The CMSD Transformation Plan is focused on: • Transforming urban education • Providing high quality choices for families • Earning a reputation for excellence • Partnering for a stronger community • Engaging families and neighborhoods • Investing in Cleveland’s youth

For more information, please call 216-987-4196, or visit www.tri-c.edu/collegesuccess.


College Pathway Programs

Innovative and Emerging Programs

Gateway to College Program | Founded in 2012

Gateway to College is designed for young adults ages 16 to 21 who have dropped out of high school or are significantly behind in credits and unlikely to graduate on time. This dual-credit program allows students to complete their high school requirements while simultaneously progressing toward a college degree or certificate. During their enrollment, students receive wrap-around support, one-on-one advising, and mentoring from resource specialists who will keep students on track, while at the same time assisting them with transitioning to college. To be eligible to apply for Gateway to College, students must be interested in completing a high school diploma; be willing to make a long-term commitment to earn a college degree; be behind in high school credits (for age and grade), with a history of absenteeism and low GPA; be able to earn their diploma by age 21; and read at an eighth-grade level or higher. This program is funded by the Gateway to College National Network, which was founded in 2000. Tri-C began its extension of the program in 2012. One of the main goals of Tri-C’s Gateway to College program is to extend the network to other schools within Cuyahoga County.





Why Tri-C’s GTCNN Matters: • Families headed by dropouts are more than twice as likely to be in poverty. • 38% of recent dropouts younger than age 24 are jobless. • Compared to a high school graduate, a dropout is more than eight times as likely to go to jail or prison.

Gateway to College is designed for young adults ages 16 to 21 who have dropped out of high school or are significantly behind in credits and unlikely to graduate on time. This dual credit program allows students to complete their high school requirements while simultaneously progressing toward a college degree or certificate.

To be eligible to apply for Gateway to College, you must: n n

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For more information, please call 216-987-3843, or visit www.tri-c.edu/gateway.


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Be interested in completing a high school diploma Be willing to make a long-term commitment to complete high school and progress on to a college degree Be 16 to 20 years old Attend Promise Academy Be behind in high school credits (for age and grade), with a history of absenteeism and low GPA Be able to complete high school diploma requirements by age 21 Reading at an eighth grade level or higher

9 For more information www.tri-c.edu/gateway

Cuyahoga Community College

Innovative and Emerging Programs

Central State & Historically Black College or University (HBCU) Transfer Initiative www.centralstate.edu | twitter: @StudentLifeCSU The Central State & HBCU Transfer Initiative is a partnership between Tri-C and Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio. Students are urged to complete their associate degree at Tri-C and then move directly into their junior year at Central State. Students majoring in most areas can also earn credits through dual enrollment, and transferring credits is seamless. The Central State & HBCU Transfer Initiative is committed to helping students from Cuyahoga County complete college degrees in science, technology, engineering, and math. Students are using scholarship funds from two sources to complete associate degrees at Tri-C and transfer to Central State. The goal of the Central State partnership is to increase the number of undergraduate students from underrepresented groups who earn degrees in STEM and STEM education. The program also includes academic program models. The first model is the Urban Teacher Institute, which allows students from urban areas to begin their college career at Tri-C, complete their professional training at Central State University, and return to their home communities as professional educators. A major advantage for students is saving thousands of dollars by beginning their coursework while in high school or at Tri-C.

For more information, please call 216-987-3260 or visit www.tri-c.edu/hbcu.

Tri-C Fact: About half of all Tri-C graduates go on to earn degrees at other institutions. More than 41,000 students have transferred successfully to other institutions in the past five years.


College Pathway Programs

Youth and Early College Programs North Coast Tech Prep |

Founded in 1990

The Tri-C and Tech Prep partnership prepares students for high-skill, high-demand technical careers in a competitive global economy. A rigorous curriculum emphasizes math, science, and technology, and leads students to college. Educators, employers, and communities collaborate to develop and deliver opportunities to Tech Prep students. The curriculum reflects real-world technical careers that are in high demand. Programs may be offered in: • Agriculture • Environmental Systems • Arts and Communication • Business and Administrative Services • Construction Technologies • Education and Training • Engineering and Science Technologies • Finance • Government and Public Administration • Health Sciences • Hospitality and Tourism • Human Services • Information Technology • Law and Public Safety • Manufacturing Technologies • Marketing • Transportation Systems Tri-C serves as a higher-education partner of the Ohio College Tech Prep Northeast Regional Center, offering college credits to Tech Prep students. Tech Prep enables a smooth transition from high school to two and four-year colleges. Students have the opportunity to earn college credit while enrolled in a Tech Prep program at their high school.

For more information, visit www.techprepnecenter.com. Tri-C Fact: Cuyahoga Community College was recognized in 2012 as one of the 10 best training organizations in North America by trainingindustry.com


Cuyahoga Community College

Youth and Early College Programs High Tech Academy | Founded in 2000

High Tech Academy (HTA) is a dual-enrollment program in which Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD) students in grades 10-12 attend a half day of school at their home school and then attend classes at Tri-C.

HTA offers students a rigorous curriculum and helps develop students’ academic and technical skills as well as leadership skills. Students can choose classes from various HTA pathways, including college preparatory (liberal arts), engineering technology, information technology, etc. HTA graduates are able to continue working toward an associate degree at Tri-C, transfer to four-year colleges and universities, or enter the workforce. Most tuition costs are paid through a state-supported plan entitled College Credit Plus (formerly Post Secondary Enrollment Options Program or PSEOP), which allows college-level classes to also count toward a student’s graduation requirements in high school. Established in 2000, with major support from PNC Bank and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, the program has allowed more than 850 high school students to earn college credit.

For more information, please call 216-987-3549, or visit www.tri-c.edu/hta.


College Pathway Programs

Youth and Early College Programs

High Tech Academy’s Health Career Pathway Program | Founded in 2014 High Tech Academy (HTA), an innovative dual-enrollment educational partnership between Tri-C and the Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD), now offers a new Health Career Pathway. Funded by PNC Bank, the Harold C. Schott Foundation, and supported by the Kaiser Permanente Foundation, the High Tech Academy’s Health Career Pathway program provides opportunities for high school students to explore health career options and enroll in college-level courses required for health careers. Students in the program who continue their education at Tri-C following high school graduation, will benefit from special support services and guidance as designated by the College’s Completion Agenda Initiative. Students who have an interest in transferring to four-year institutions after graduation, will be linked with counseling staff who will assist them in preparing for their transition. In addition, scholarships will be available for qualified students who have unmet financial need to assist them in continuing their enrollment at Tri-C during their summer semesters and after high school graduation. It is expected that the new High Tech Academy’s Health Career Pathway program will help to prepare more talented youth for health care careers, one of Northeast Ohio’s largest employment sectors.

For more information, please call 216-987-3006, or visit www.tri-c.edu/htahealth.


Cuyahoga Community College

Youth and Early College Programs

Science, Engineering, Mathematics, & Aerospace Academy | Founded in 1993 The Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Aerospace Academy (SEMAA) is a national, innovative program designed to increase the participation and retention of historically under served and underrepresented K-12 youths in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. SEMAA’s ultimate goal is to increase the number of these students who enroll in technology-related majors in college. A hands-on, inquiry-based, cooperative learning environment is implemented through seven weeks of Saturday classes during the fall and spring semesters at Tri-C. During the summer semester, students attend a one-week, half-day summer camp. Middle and high school students learn activities in the SEMAA Aerospace Education Laboratory (AEL), computerized classroom that uses cutting-edge technologies to model real-world challenges in aviation, robotics and microgravity research. Established as the first SEMAA site in the nation, with generous support from NASA, the program serves a minimum of 625 students during the academic year and approximately 500 during its summer session. The program is also supported by the Alcoa Foundation and the Thomas H. White Foundation.

For more information, please call 216-987-6301 or visit www.tri-c.edu/semaa.


College Pathway Programs

Youth and Early College Programs

Educational Talent Search | Founded in 1968

Educational Talent Search (ETS) is a federally funded pre-college program created in 1965 as part of the Higher Education Act. It is designed to motivate and develop the skills necessary for students to be successful in high school, graduate, and enroll in college. Being among the pioneer TRiO programs in the country, Tri-C Educational Talent Search program has been in existence since 1968. Students in grades six through 12 are eligible to participate. Students who are low-income and potential first-generation college students are targeted for participation. Students at the following schools are eligible to participate: Charles A. Mooney, East Tech High School, James Ford Rhodes High School, Lincoln-West High School, Scranton High School, Health Careers High School, Martin Luther King, Jr. High School, and John Adams High School. ETS serves more than 1,250 students each year. Academic Services: • Academic advising • ACT/SAT/PSAT test preparation • Ohio graduation test preparation • Study skills workshops • Personal development • Summer enrichment program • Tutoring Career Information Services: • Career counseling, fairs, and exploration • College admissions assistance • College fairs and tours • Financial aid counseling and application assistance • Scholarship information

For more information, please call 216-987-6310, or visit www.tri-c.edu/ets. Tri-C Fact: More than 85% of Tri-C graduates continue to work and live in our region.


Cuyahoga Community College

Youth and Early College Programs Upward Bound Math/Science | Founded in 1966

Upward Bound Math/Science (UBMS) is a federally funded, pre-college program designed to assist high school students interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers. UBMS serves Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD) high school students at East Technical High School, Garrett Morgan Cleveland School of Science Academy, and Lincoln-West High School. UBMS provides individualized and small-group educational services that support students in building a mastery of core content. In addition to year-round academic planning and advising, students are engaged in hands-on, project-based learning, monthly educational workshops, and a six-week Summer STEM Academy. To prepare students for academic success in STEM in high school and college, UBMS provides an academically enriching and rigorous math and science curriculum year-round. Students receive computer and technology training along with standardized test preparation. College, career, financial literacy, and scholarship assistance also provides students and families with information and resources to support their pursuit of a college education.

For more information, please contact the Upward Bound Math/Science office at 216-987-4927, or visit www.tri-c.edu/ubms.


College Pathway Programs

Youth and Early College Programs

Upward Bound TRiO | Founded in 1965

Upward Bound is a federally funded TRiO college-preparatory program for eligible high school students attending Glenville, John Marshall, and East Technical high schools. Tri-C Upward Bound program has helped prepare students for college since 1989. The program helps students to develop the skills and motivation needed to succeed in college. Students attend a six-week summer session and graduating seniors attend an eight-week bridge component to assist them in transitioning to college. The Upward Bound program serves 80 students annually.

Services Available: • Weekly tutoring in core academic subjects • Preparation for the Ohio Graduation Test and college admissions tests • Assistance and guidance in following a college-preparatory curriculum • Information and assistance completing college applications and financial aid forms • Exploration of educational and career opportunities • Monthly Saturday seminars with guest speakers • Educational, cultural, and college field trips • Monthly stipend

For more information, please call 216-987-4958 or visit: www.tri-c.edu/upwardbound.


Cuyahoga Community College

Supportive Programs

Educational Opportunity Center | Founded in 1972 The Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) at Tri-C provides information regarding financial aid and academics to individuals who want to pursue post-secondary education. Additionally, it provides assistance to those applying for admission to college, including help in preparing necessary applications. The program is funded by the U.S. Department of Education and the Office of Federal TRiO Programs.

To be eligible, participants must be Cuyahoga County residents, 19 years old or older, who are low-income individuals and/or potential first-generation college students. Participants may be U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or refugees. EOC provides referrals to social service and community resources. All services are offered at no cost. Services include: • Assistance in identifying and applying for scholarships • Advice on secondary school re-entry or the General Education Development (GED)®Program • Guidance on the use of information technology as a college student • Assistance in exploring and making career choices • Assistance in resolving student loan default

For more information, please call 216-987-6305, or visit www.tri-c.edu/eoc. Tri-C Fact: For every $1 invested in Tri-C by Cuyahoga County residents, the College provides $10 in economic benefit to the county.


College Pathway Programs

Supportive Programs Women in Transition | Founded in 1978

Women In Transition (WIT) is a free non窶田redit course designed to help adult women move their lives forward. Upon completing the program, students will be equipped to continue education, understand financial aid options, and identify marketable skills and career opportunities. Women In Transition is funded by Tri-C, the Raymond and Rita Foos Family Charity Foundation, the GROW foundation, Ohio Board of Regents, Ohio Department of Education, Reminger Attorneys at Law, the S.K. Wellman Foundation, TJX Foundation, and others. The mission of the program is to assist women in our community through a period of transformation and empower them through education and training. The curriculum comprises computer training, career exploration, financial literacy, personal development, and soft-skills training.

For more information, please call: Eastern Campus: 216-987-2272 Metropolitan Campus: 216-987-4187 Western Campus: 216-987-5091 Westshore Campus: 216-987-2270 or visit www.tri-c.edu/wit.


Cuyahoga Community College

Supportive Programs

Student Support Services (TRiO) | Founded in 1968 Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded higher education program created in 1968 during an amendment to the Higher Education Act of 1965 for low-income, first generation college students. SSS provides opportunities for academic development, assists students with basic college requirements, and motivates students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education. Student Support Services began at Tri-C’s Metropolitan Campus in 1979 and, the Western Campus in 2011, and the Eastern Campus in the fall of 2015. The focus of the program is to increase the college retention, graduation and transfer rates of its participants. This is achieved through intensive academic advising, career planning, financial literacy, social engagement and personal development. Participants are full time Tri-C students with academic potential who are in need of academic support to prepare for graduation and transfer to a 4-yr institution. Additionally, participants have less than 40 credit hours toward their first associate degree, and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 and above. Services include: • Academic advising - course selection • Tutoring in English, math, science, computer literacy, and study skills • Supplemental instruction in high-risk courses • Information on student financial aid programs, benefits and resources for locating public and private scholarships • Assistance with navigating college resources • Advising and assistance in transferring to four-year institutions • Assistance in completing financial aid applications • Financial aid, economic literacy and scholarship workshops • Personal development workshops • Career advising • Summer enrichment • Cultural activities • Grant aid

For more information, please call 216-987-5360 (Western Campus), 216-987-4291 (Metropolitan Campus), 216-987-2700 (Eastern Campus) or visit www.tri-c.edu/sss.


College Pathway Programs

Supportive Programs Promise Connection | Founded in 2010

Promise Connection is a collaboration between Promise Academy—a Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD) charter school, and Tri-C. It opens windows of opportunity for continued education and training beyond high school and prepares students to enter the workforce. The education they receive provides real-world experience connected to their lives, families, and jobs. Promise Connection students have the following opportunities: • Pursue a college degree • Enroll in a certificate program • Gain valuable workforce skills The partnership between the Promise Academy and Tri-C is an ideal arrangement to fill the many open jobs in our region with eager, prepared, and skilled workers. “This partnership is dedicated to helping more non–traditional students access a high-quality and innovative academic experience. Above all, promises were made and promises were fulfilled to help students earn their high school diploma…regardless of life circumstances.” – Dr. JaNice Marshall Associate Vice President Access & Community Engagement

For more information call 216-987-0242, or visit www.tri-c.edu/promiseconnection.


Cuyahoga Community College

Supportive Programs

The Adult Diploma Program | Founded in 2015

The Adult Diploma Program at Tri-C is available to members of our community age 22 or older and wish to complete an Ohio high school diploma. The Adult Diploma Program at Tri-C offers FREE: • Career advisement • A National Career Readiness Certificate • Preparation for in-demand careers in Northeast Ohio requiring a high school diploma Students will complete their Ohio high school diploma requirements by participating in a competency-based learning program, and demonstrating a mastery of skills to prepare for in-demand career fields such as healthcare services, manufacturing, logistics and construction.

Visit www.tri-c.edu/adultdiploma, email us at adultdiplomaprogram@tri-c.edu, or call 216-987-0610 for more information. Funding for the Adult Diploma Program at Tri-C is provided by the Ohio Department of Education.


College Pathway Programs

Supportive Programs ACCESS Program | Founded in 1979

The Americans with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.) defines a disability as any mental, physical or learning condition that substantially limits any major life function. The A.D.A. mandates access to higher education for those self-identifying as disabled. Cuyahoga Community College serves about 1,700 students and visitors with disabilities annually. The students who choose Tri-C do so because of its continued commitment to serving their needs. The Access Program supports students with disabilities at any Tri-C campus, site, location or online course. Common disability types include learning disabilities, sensory limitations, psychiatric conditions, physical mobility conditions and chronic health issues. All matters related to a person’s disability are kept confidential. To receive services, students must schedule an intake appointment with an Access student advisor and provide documentation of disability. Typical academic disability accommodations include extended time for testing, assistive hardware and software, sign language interpreters, disability advising, advocacy and referral to appropriate College programs and community agencies.

For more information visit or call: Eastern Campus - ESS 1202 | 216-987-2052 Metropolitan Campus - MLA - 103 216-987-4344; TTY 216-987-4048 Western Campus and Brunswick University Center: WLA - 102 216-987-5079; TTY 216-987-5117 Westshore Campus: S-HCS and S-CCW | 216-987-5079; TTY 216-987-5117 Or visit www.tri-c.edu/access.


Cuyahoga Community College

Community-Based Programs Saturday Family Academy | Founded in 2013

Saturday Family Academy is the College’s “whole-family engagement” strategy that responds to the belief that parental involvement in education is critical and necessary. Saturday Family Academy engages the entire family, from young children beginning at age 4 through adulthood, and offers innovative and engaging instruction and advising in the areas of: • Education and literacy • College and career readiness • Analytical and critical thinking skill development • Personal development • Leadership development • Communication • Financial education The program is also a strategic College response to the recommendation of the State of Ohio’s Complete College Ohio’s Task Force that schools should “intensify engagement of students and families prior to students’ enrollment in college.” Furthermore, Saturday Family Academy is aligned with the College’s key objective of nurturing and growing the College’s legacy of collaboration and community engagement. Hundreds of families have already participated, and benefited from Tri-C’s Saturday Family Academy since its inception. The program sessions are held on seven bi-weekly Saturdays, from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., at the Metropolitan Campus. Funding for Saturday Family Academy is provided by the Saint Luke’s Foundation, the Treu-Mart Fund, and the Urban League of Greater Cleveland.

To register, or for more information, please call 216-987-4949, or visit www.tri-c.edu/familyacademy.


College Pathway Programs

Community-Based Programs

Community and Faith-Based Initiative

The College-wide Community and Faith-Based Initiative is meant to strengthen the exchange between the College and the faith community. Organizers believe that people who receive information about education and jobs in a familiar location from someone they know are more likely to attend and succeed in college.

“When faith-based organizations join with institutions such as Tri-C to support equal opportunities for higher‑learning experiences, we fulfill the moral mandate to, do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God, (Micah 6:8). Tri-C has consistently and historically exhibited a willingness to partner with faith-based entities to help all persons in general, and under-served populations in particular, to achieve their career goals and expand economic opportunities through a quality education.� - Rev. Christine A. Smith, senior pastor, Covenant Baptist Church, executive director, of Covenant Outreach Through Advocacy and Agency Networking

For more information, please call 216-987-3260 or visit www.tri-c.edu/faith-based. Tri-C Fact: More than 500,000 residents attend Tri-C-sponsored cultural and community programs each year.


Cuyahoga Community College

Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act

The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act is the federal law that funds Career and Technical Education (CTE). The purpose is to develop the academic, career, and technical skills of secondary education students and post-secondary education students. This is done by: • Developing challenging academic and technical standards and assessments that prepare students for high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand occupations • Increasing state and local flexibility to develop, implement, and improve career and technical education • Promoting leadership, preparation and professional development at the state and local levels and improving the quality of career and technical education teachers, faculty, administrators and counselors • Providing individuals with opportunities throughout their lifetime to develop the knowledge and skills needed to keep the United States competitive

For more information, call 216-987-2270, or visit www.tri-c.edu/cte

Current programs supported by this grant are the ACCESS Program (for students with disabilities), Women in Transition, Automotive Technology, Captioning & Court Reporting, Optical Technology, and Health Careers Assessment.


College Pathway Programs

Invest in People As regional employers are reporting critical shortages of qualified workers, the need to increase the number of students who complete high school and continue on to higher education is significant to regional economic development. Thanks to the support received from corporations, foundations, individuals, and governmental agencies, Tri-C is able to offer a wide array of Youth and Early College Programs. These programs are more important than ever before and will improve Ohio’s college-going rate. Through your investment, more Tri-C students will have the ability to pursue higher education as a way to a better future. Your return on investment will be realized in a vibrant regional economy that is nourished by an educated and well-trained workforce. Please join other community members who have invested in Tri-C’s Youth and Early College Programs.

For more information on supporting Tri-C’s Youth and Early College Programs, please contact the Cuyahoga Community College Foundation at 216‑987‑4868.


Cuyahoga Community College

A Special Thank You to Our Supporters Abington Foundation Alcoa Foundation BJ’s Charitable Foundation Bruening Foundation Cleveland Chapter of CHUMS, Inc. Cleveland Foundation Betty H. and Jean E. Fairfax Fund The Foundation of Community Betterment Gateway to College National Network Great Lakes Community Investment Martha Holden Jennings Foundation Kaiser Permanente Foundation NASA Glenn Research Center National Science Foundation Ohio Board of Regents Ohio Department of Education Paragon Tec Pentair Foundation Carl D. Perkins Vocational & Technical Education Act PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Fred E. Scholl Charitable Foundation Harold C. Schott Foundation Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland Time-Warner Cable Thomas H. White Foundation TJX Foundation Treu-Mart United Black Fund of Greater Cleveland, Inc. United Way of Cleveland Urban League of Greater Cleveland U.S. Department of Education (TRiO) The Weal Foundation The S.K. Wellman Foundation Westfield Insurance


College Pathway Programs

Campus Locations

Metropolitan Campus

Eastern Campus

2900 Community College Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115

4250 Richmond Road Highland Hills, OH 44122

Western Campus

Westshore Campus

11000 Pleasant Valley Road Parma, OH 44130

31001 Clemens Road Westlake, OH 44145

www.tri-c.edu/pathway • 216-987-6408 • Email us at collegepathways@tri-c.edu 29 15-0797

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