2020 Fall Commencement Program

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2020 Virtual Commencement Cuyahoga Community College Thursday, December 17, 2020


Virtual Commencement Exercises THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2020 6 P.M.


CUYAHOGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Fall 2020 Virtual Commencement Thursday, December 17, 2020 • 6 p.m.


Opening Remarks.................................................................................................................................. Brian Zoldessy, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Faculty Marshal Invocation................................................................................................................................................ Rev. Dr. Terry Webb Pastor, Christian Unity Baptist Church National Anthem.................................................................................................................................................. Ava Preston Tri-C JazzFest Academy Student Welcome and Introduction..................................................................................................................... Alex Johnson, Ph.D. President Andrew E. Randall Chair, Board of Trustees Introduction of Student Speaker...................................................................................................................... Alex Johnson


Student Address.................................................................................................................................................. Jason Caruso Western Campus Student Conferring of Honorary Degree Carol Cartwright, Ph.D. ..................................................................................................................... Robert Johnson, Ph.D. Professor, Counseling Alex Johnson Recognition of Honors Graduates ..................................................................................................................... Karen Miller Provost and Executive Vice President Access, Learning and Success Presentation of Candidates for Graduation................................................................................................ Robert Johnson Conferring of Degrees.................................................................................................................................. College Trustees, College President and Provost Alumni Pledge........................................................................................................................................ Aba Amissah Paintsil Board Student Scholar Closing Comments............................................................................................................................................ Alex Johnson Benediction ............................................................................................................................................ Rev. Dr. Terry Webb

Share your Tri-C commencement experience on Twitter @TriCedu #TriCgrad


Associate of Arts Degree

Nadia Abdul-Kareem

Amiol Arop

Mitchell Ray Benkey

Raihannah Yasmeen Abdullah

‡ Thomas Michael Arthur

Nicole Bentley

Scott Abel

Brianna Ash

† Jessica Lee Betancourt

§ Nina Abercrombie

§ Malak Asraf

† Carly Marie Bevacqua

Zahraa Fathi Abid

Ariel Austin

Divya Bhardwaj

† Alexandra Abouabdallah

† Abanoub Atef Awad

Matthew James Bickford

Radhames Abreu

‡ Esmeil Mustafa Ayad

§ Matthew A. Bielawski

Nathan Acevedo

Yetunde Babalola

Steven Billak

Kelly Renet Acoff

† Aleena Babar

‡ Layla Theresa Blackburn

Camila Alejandra Acuna

‡ Natalie Marie Baker

Sadie Marie Black

‡ Hailey Adams

Sean Michael Baker

Brionna Blair

Katherine Adams

‡ Alexandrea Marie Ballash

Jason Blair

Jena Nicole Agapetus

§ George Balog

† Ryann Noelle Blakkolb

Tayler Agosto

Sekou Bamba

Kimberly Mariah Blatnica

Nicholas Agriesti

Shirley Michelle Banks

‡ Brooke Blatnik

Dena Ahmad

Brenna Ann Baran

Tyler Blystone

Mohamed Alsalih Ahmad

Andrew Barlow

Michelle Bogard

Rahaf Atef Ahmad

Jacob Hunter Barlow

Christopher Hogan Boker

Bilqis Mousa Khali Al-Shafei

† Aaron Barnard

‡ Jessica Bold

Jenna Al-Zarraq

Kristen Michelle Barnard

Sebastian Elliot Bolton

Jeremy Albert

Darcell Patrise Barnes

Ashley Bond

Neamah Aldobaishi

Amanda R. Barnett

Ebony Bonner

Heba H. Ali ‡ Magedaldine Alkacace

Madison Paige Bartczak

‡ Taelyr Jeanai Bonner

Brett Bartone

Rachel Boosinger

Alexandria Simone Allen

Phillip A. Basiewicz

Sophie Borione

† Amanda Rose Allen

Joe Bates Jr.

Lia Borojevich

Curtis Craig Allen

Stephanie Bates † Jacob Bauer

† Maci Bowman

Yahya Alnagi

Kaitlynn Rose Boykin

Sierra Ambers

Cieraka S. Beard

Joshua David Bradley

§ Olivia Jean Anderson

Eric Joseph Beard

† Alia Brandenburg

Mario Anderson Jr.

Allyssa Ann Behrendt

Max Xavier Brandt

Madeline Andrews

Linda L. Belcher

Jennifer Brantley

Nicole Marie Andrews

Hallie Bell

Letisha Brazzell

Jennifer Androsko

Jordyn Ashlee Bell

† Bianca Nicole Breed

Luke Ryan Andrus

§ Elise Marie Benedict

§ Brianna Rose Bretz

Isabella Frances Anthony

Kristi Benjamin

Michael Breychak

† Kin Aramil

Patricia Ann Benjamin

Lyrik Briggs

§ Summa Cum Laude

‡ Magna Cum Laude

† Cum Laude


* Graduate of the Honors Program

Associate of Arts Degree Kalimah K. Carter

Nicolas Melvin Crawford

Susan Casler

† Kayla Crowder

§ Costantino Catalano

Latisha K. Crowe

† Lisa Brown

De'Nasha Catchings

† Anthony John Crozier

Sierra Brown

† Arif Caushaj

Jared Cruz

Tara Brown

Griffin Cecelich

§ Melina Cuesta

Calvin Lamar Brown Jr.

Tiffany Centa

Dawn Christine Culp

Indigo Elizabeth Brown-Barrett

Sharnetta Chandler

Nikolina Cvijanovic

§ Ellen Bryant

Pathadon Channa

Nina Dancy

Felicia Buchanan

Ashley Nicole Charles

Natasha Daniels

Ervis Budo

§ Julia Marie Chick

Daina D. Dasher

Darla Bundus

§ Janice Rose Chislow

Matthew Davey

Natalie Grace Bunevich

Kayla Cierniak

Alyssa Marie Davis

§ Joseph Burns

‡ Katherine Clair

Dayshawn Davis

Amanda Buschow

NaTasha Clark

Kyle Patrick Deegan

Jennifer Brill Aymia Browder Amanda Brown

† Angelo Manuel Butera

Regina Ornella-Rochelle Clark

Jenny Deighton

Jamiya Wilnesha Buttram

§ Carey Lynn Clarkson

† Stephanie Deleon

McKenzi Buttrey

§ Stacey Clemence

Kara Nicole Dement

James Pat Butts Jr.

Brittany Cleveland

Jillian Paige Dennison

Victoria Bzdak

Edward Cleveland

‡ Bethany Victoria Diaz

Caleb N. Cade

§ Traci Ann Cogar

† Anthony Didonato

Dominic Sergio Cadorini

§ Elizabeth Clare Colborn

Kasey Elizabeth Dighero

† Magdalena Cajigas

Alexis Lois Coleman

‡ Patrick Joseph Dimarco

Brandy N. Caldwell

Daniel Collier

Danielle Marie Dittrich

Joseph Caldwell

Kristen Collier

Amanda Ditty

Lania Imani Calhoun

Gabey L. Colon

Aleksandar Djukanovic

‡ Conner Icarus Tristan Callahan

Michael H. Conant

Mileka M. Dobson

‡ Roni Callahan

Madifing Conde

Melissa Domann

Cristina Camacho

Andrew Cooper

† Jazmine Nicole Doss

Andriana Campbell

‡ Judi Jane Cooper

† Marissa Dotson

Mariah Cannaday

Sydney Taylor Cooper

Melanie Downey

† Dagny Canton

Marykate Corum

Rachel Leigh Cantwell

Gillian Marie Costello

Robyn Dubinsky

Christina Alexis Capeles

William Cotton

† Hayley JoMarie Dufresne

Hillary Ann Duchnowski

† Thomas Carlo

Amanda Cox-Jordan

Lydia Cavanagh Duluk

Alyssa Christine Carlson

Amanda Coyne

Geneva Duncan

§ Tyler Carlton

§ Sydney Marie Crago

Amy Dziak

§ Summa Cum Laude

‡ Magna Cum Laude

† Cum Laude


* Graduate of the Honors Program

Steven Dzurisin

Associate of Arts Degree Rebecca Rose Fitzwilliam

Leah M. Goble

§ Katie Flynn

Kevin Golobic

Jacob Foley

§ Jolisa Lee Gonalez

Carla Edmonds

Rebecca Ford

‡ Seomara Gonzalez

Greta Edwards

Kelly A. Forsch

Miaya Goodson

§ Ashley Kara Eging

Albert Forster

Tatum Grace

§ Brian Ehlert

‡ Jack Johnston Forsythe

Mark D. Grasso

Sarah Monique Elgaali

Rachelle Nicole Fragedakis

Darby Gravino

Amber Elliott

Jason Fraley

Monae Shantel Green

Denise Marie Ellis

Connor Matthew Francis

McKenna Rose Greywacz Alexis Grace Gricar

Porchia Eaton ‡ Sarah Dyan Eckert

Donald Ellis Jr.

Samantha Mae Franco

† Arwa Abdulbaset Elmashae

† Theresa Frazier

Chantrell Laterise Griffin

Terriyon Lynnese Elmore

Candice Freeman

‡ Will Griffin

Brandon Emmert

Marquise C. Freeman-Jones

Kelly Grospitch

† Amanda Marie Enderlein

Tyler Lauren Frisco

Cody Ryan Gulasey

† Maria Engle

Jillian Furry

† Michael Louis Gunkelman

‡ Amanda Erickson

Niccole Mariah Lynn Furst

Michael Shane Gurr Jr.

Lindsey Estrada

Brittany Furyes

Julie Ha

§ Paul Fabek

Danai Gakuru

‡ Erica Marie Hackett

Susan Faber

Maria Rose Gallo

Robert Kostos Hagan

† Leslie Fallon

Page Alexis Gallon

Joshua Thomas Halter

§ Caroline Elizabeth Fanta

§ Robert Hamilton

† Joseph Febus

Thisanjali Tharaka Gangoda § Christine Noelle Gardner

§ Miriam Feld

‡ Julianna Maria Garganta

Tanisa Marie Hammond

Christine Feleppelle

† Hayley Emily Garrett

Kathleen Hanna

Adela Amy Feliciano

Aimee Patricia Gasper

§ Charlene A. Hanson-Lake

† Cassandra Joanne Fendrick

Hannah Gaul

§ Zachery Hardman

§ Gregory Michael Fesz

Christina Gavlak

James Hatano

Hortensia Raluca Filip

§ Cindy Gedeon

† Grant David Hawkins

Juanita Ann Hawkins

Mustafa Hammad

Thomas Finn

Androniki Giakoumakis

‡ Kelsey Finnen

Jennifer Gil

Jasmine Nicole Hawthorne

Demetria Finney

‡ Mary Gill

† Katie Haynes

Lauren Ashley Fioritto

† Willa May Gillespie-Hill

Rebecca Haynik

† Michael John Fischer

Jessica Helene Gipson

Kimberly Hein

Aaron Fisher

Brianna Chelayne Glenn

‡ Brooke Mikaila Hein

Alisha Maria Fisher

Hannah Marie Glenny

Nathan Adam Heiser

Nicole Elizabeth Fisher

Todd Glinka

Lovie Kristine Hendon

§ Summa Cum Laude

‡ Magna Cum Laude

† Cum Laude


* Graduate of the Honors Program

Associate of Arts Degree Ariana Jester

‡ Annabella Reese King

Kayla Marie Nicole Henry

Eric Jiles

Jermainisha E. King

‡ Lisa Herchick

Lauren Henn

Ingrid Jimenez

Olivia King

† Julia Rose Herman

Dionna Johnson

§ Robin Christine Klein

Jennifer Hernandez

Enjoli Johnson

James David Kline Jr.

Gillian Lee Hevesi

Gemeire Johnson

† Michelle Kmit

Sarah Elizabeth Heyduk

Sara Johnson-Joseph

Lorine Lynn Knish

Eric J. Hibbitt

Ashala Jones

Helena Knotek

Yasmeen Hicks

Ayeshah Jones

‡ Alicia C. Knowles

Kaitlynn Elizabeth Hintz

Breanna Jones † Dia Jones

† Mandy Kolonick

Mithqal Mahdi Kona

Elissa Marie Jones

‡ Maureen Korosec

Shatara Aaliyah Jordan

Igor Kostyukov

Ben Ross Horowitz

Brian Petru Groza Jovic

‡ Angela Marie Kovac

§ Robert Horrocks Jr.

† Cheyenna Marie Just

Meghan Kovach

Robisha Ann Horton

Melanie Justice

Katlyn Kovacs

Moira Ann Horvath

† Abdallah Jwayyed

Rebecca Ann Kovanitz

Rachael Leah House

Sophia Elizabeth Kadoutchek

Clay Krafft

Caitlin Hogan Kimberly Holliday † Tanner Ferraro Hoose

Erin Breanne Kahl

§ Allison Kreiner

Briana Kayla Hrstic

Jacquelyn Kalemba

Kevin R. Krimmel

† Kyle Joseph Hrutkay

† Jennifer Ann Kaminski

Miranda Krumhansl

Christopher D. Hubbard

Peter Kang

John Christopher Krystowski

Heather Leigh Huff

Jason Karlosky

‡ Joseph David Krzysik

Rachel Kaylene Huff

† Anhelina Kashtanava

Laila Kubulins

† Connor Hughes

Zoe Kasputis

Brent Joseph Kundrat

Eavionte Hughes

Curtis Kassnel

† Tichaona Kunota

Erica M. Hughes

Gurjeet Kaur

Alexandra Kushnersky

Katherine R. Hughes

Erin Lynn Keeling Kurincic

Seth M. Kusper

Alyssa Hunt

§ Bretton Luree Keenan

Kevin Lam

Brianna T. Hunter

‡ Amanda Kelly

Tameka Landon

§ Juhee Hwang

Brian Kennat

Jennifer Lang

Terika Hyneman

† Laurie Kennedy

Karen Langdon

Jazmine Irizarry

§ Kristina Lauren Keown

Jalilurahman Abdul Lateef

† Shantrice Jackson

§ Elizabeth Kerns

§ Analise Marie Laughlin

Jaclyn Ann Jankovsky

‡ Lia Kilgore

Kayla Laverdiere

Caroline Jarrous

† Boram Kim

Kimberly Lee

Jesse Collin Kimber

§ Nathan D. Lee

Chase Hrivnak

Rachel Jennings § Summa Cum Laude

‡ Magna Cum Laude

† Cum Laude


* Graduate of the Honors Program

‡ Sana Htway Lehri

Jessica Lekstutis

Associate of Arts Degree † Tamika Martin

† Kyle Moenich

Dimas Martinez

Liviya Moga

Bryan Kirk Lemasters

Jennifer Nicole Martinez

Aisha Mohamed

Jakob Lenos

† Glory Martinez-Brown

† Jessica Mohan

Kristine Leonard

Matthew Stephen Mata

‡ Isaiah Michael Mojica

Amy Lesko

Audrey Marlen Matsika

Jameelah Monroe

Monique Lewis

Alex Matuscak

Katie Montalvo

Shalimar Renee Lewis

Daniel Maynard

Aleaha Montelone

Ruth Lian

† Kelly McBride

§ Jake Michael Montgomery

Michael Light

Aleila McCaleb

Michael Moore

Christine Linde

Tanisha Tiffany McCloud-Shepard

Ambrosia Moraco

Rasheeda Lindsey § Morgan Frances Llorens

§ Patrick McConnell

‡ Ellen Morrell

‡ Bridget McCoy

§ Christopher Michael Morris

Alexandra Lohn

† Sean Patrick McCoy

§ Maria Camila Morris

Brittany Paige London

Taylor Jamal McCoy

Sydney Morrow Felicia Moss

Kyle Long

Erin McCue

‡ Alexis Marianna Lopez

Alex James McDaniels

Christina Mountry

Maria Angeli Lopez

Gared McGlothan Sr.

† Ismail B. M. Muhammad

‡ Christopher Lozano

Trayton Colin McHale

† Andrew Louis Muller

Kirsten M. Lund

Stephanie McLeod

Ariel Mumford

Sara Luongo

Melanie McMeen

‡ Sirinat Blessing Mumuni

Caitlin Mackin

§ Celia Ann Melillo

‡ Jamillah R. Murdock

Erin Elizabeth Mackin

† Emily Grace Merkosky

Michael Patrick Murdock

§ Claire Macosko

Rikki Lee Metzler

Michael Murtaugh

Julia Maher

Christopher Scott Michel

‡ Layla Harbi Mustafa

Matthew Joseph Mahoney

AnnMarie Miesowitz

‡ Sarah Emily Myers

Melissa Majid

Josh Mikolajczyk

Junghye Na

§ Christopher Thomas Malick

† Krista Mikolay

† Tracy Lynne Nagel

§ Anthony Lucas Malinak

§ Jessica Mikovich

Teresa Nammavong

‡ Valeria Mantuano

Danielle C. Milkovich

Blaise Dominic Nardone

Kevin A. Marable

Carlisa Miller

Samantha Navicky

‡ Emily Marek

§ Jennifer Michelle Miller

† Brooke Elise Nekich

‡ Andrew Markelonis

Rachel Ann Miller

Shanta Nelson-Oliver

‡ Larissa Markus

Camryn Elizabeth Minadeo

Thomas Neumeister Emily Mary Newman

Marshall W. Marler

Tammi L. Minoski

† Cassandra Tani Martell

Tyler Jordan Mitchell

Audriana Thao Nguyen

Abbey Martin

‡ Olivia Kate Moe

‡ Peter Nikolenko

§ Summa Cum Laude

‡ Magna Cum Laude

† Cum Laude


* Graduate of the Honors Program

Associate of Arts Degree Claire Pereira de Souza

Nathan Allan Reyes

Kimberly Perkins

Alicia Reynolds

Madeline Anne Novak

† Elena Petruk

Christopher Reynolds

† Rhiannon Lea Nunez

Kayla Elizabeth Pettry

Zackary Lee Rich

Trisha N. O'Keefe

‡ Amelia Marie Pfaffel

LaVysia Richmond

Ta'Leeyah Chanel O'Neal

Katie Phillips

Claudia Rindal

Brooke Obojski

Lynne M. Phillips

§ Monica Ann Rios

† Musa Ahmad Odetallah

§ Shannan Erika Phillips

Nicholas R. Risty

Sophia Ujunwa Okoroafor

Isaac Alexander Plett

Natalie M. Rivera

† Patrick Ogbonnaya Okoroafor Jr.

† Teresa Polatajko

Julian Olexa Rivera

Jack V. Norwillo Christine Novak

Esther Onyundo

Mary Alison Pollack

‡ Barbara L. Robertson

† Johan Miguel Ordonez

Nethaneel Pollard

§ Ashley Jeanine Robinson

Joshua Orosz

Kara Porvasnik

Brandon Robinson

Ashley Erin Ortiz

‡ Lindsay Powelson

Deeda A. Robinson

† Maria Elena Ortiz

Abigail C. Preiszig

Sharde M. Robinson

Kaitlyn Osorio

§ Claire Whitney Pressler

Sarah K. Roche

‡ Karin Ostroske

Juanita Sharon Price

Alyssa Rodriguez

Sara Anne Owens

London Price

Allison Rogalski

Steven Lee Owens

§ Cynthia Lynn Prioletti

Alexandra Rogers

Wendi Owens

Chelsea Trullie Pryor

† Jonathan Rogers

‡ Noel Lyann Pacheco

Morgan Bryanne Puthoff

Shawntel Marie Rogers

† Antonio Pagan

Diana Puts

‡ Jiyeon Roh

Eric James Pahls

Zoryana Puts

Nereyda Roldan

Kellie Yvonne Palmer

Justin Miles Quesenberry

Maribel Romero

Kaleigh Shannon Palya

Jacqualine Wendy Raczka

‡ Jessica Rooma

§ Elsa Zhao Parker

Shetonna Rainey

Jill Rosa

Brittany Michelle Parks

† Anna Maria Ramos

‡ Ashley Rose Rosenkranz

† Julia Partem

Diana Arelis Ramos

Tyler Charles Rosner

Sha'Cour V. Patterson

Charlestine Randle-Pride

Breonna Marie Ross

Dominique Patton

Nakeyia Ransaw

Elizabeth Roulston

Fredrick Alexander Paul

Maxwell Stanton Rapkin

Sarah Routt

‡ Renee Paul

Richard Rathjens

Ashley Rozman

† Samantha Pechkurow

Abbey Reagle

Annaliese Rozsahegyi

Andrea N. Peck

James Thomas Regan

Suzanne Rudowsky

‡ Janiese Pelton

Brenna Faith Reid

Sarina Rose Ruggiero

† Holly Joy Pender

Jonathan Charles Resnik ‡ David Reszegi

§ Isabel Ruiz Flint

Alaina Pereces § Summa Cum Laude

‡ Magna Cum Laude

† Cum Laude


Olivia Ruiz

* Graduate of the Honors Program

Alyssa Rukavina Elissa Rump

Associate of Arts Degree § Keeley Shilo

Meagan Spurgeon

§ Alexandria Christine Shinn

§ Jaimee Elizabeth Squires-Das

Qusain Haider Shirazi

Josie Srnka

† Mariam Sajjad

§ Laila Imani Shotwell

Antanisa Monai Stanley

† Joel Salling

Juliana Marie Showman

Josh Benjamin Stark

Asad Ayman Saad

Nathan Salmoni

Jenna-Star Verna Shranko

Megan Stash

† Caitlyn Rosemary Salo-Pressler

Shilpa Shrestha

† Marley Long Steele

Linda Samuelraj

Kevin Shugart

Andrew Steen

Bryanna Sanders

Tya Sibert

Jh'ayona Mairiel Stennies

Dayna Sanders

Trevor David Silverblatt

Aziza M. Stiner Cranfield

Lisa Ann Santiago

‡ Natalie Simmons

Brittney Strandahl

Kayla Ann Sargin

† Hannah Victoria Simon

Michaela Rose Stryffeler

Emily Elizabeth Sasack

Warren C. Simpson

§ Meghan Dwyer Sturges

§ Sabrina Jo Ann Sathre

† Noam Yehuda Singer

‡ Zainab Suleiman

Talia Sawyer

Gurtej Singh

Kasondra Sutfin

Sarah Jane Scarbro

Ravi Singh

Pete Swanson

Amber Mae Scarbrough

§ Rishiram Devanand Singh

Ashlyn Nicole Sydorenko

Emily R. Schaffner

Chionne Singleton

† Phillip Symons

Melissa Faith Schillinger

Elise Skidmore

§ Rebecca Bryan Szanyi

§ Stephani Jean Schoewe

§ Kimberly Ann Skolmutch

§ Christine Elizabeth Szokai

‡ Lauren Schrader

Megan Maria Slattery

§ Megan Tabar

Michael John Schuller

‡ Amanda Slone

Nicole Marie Talboo

Angelina Schwartz

Ulyana Smetana

Jean Paul Tannous

Crystal Danielle Scott

A'Laiya Smith

Adam Tayeh

Shante Scott

‡ Brittany Elizabeth Smith

Brittany Taylor

Elizabeth Marion Scott

Kayla Marie Smith

Ryan Taylor

Michael Scrima

Nicole Marie Smith

§ Jacqueline Rene Teare

Michael David Seaton

‡ Patience Smith

Kimberly Tegarty

‡ April Gaia Sellman

‡ Tamara Smith

‡ Brian Tesch

‡ Rebekah Semus

Zaria Smith

Amanda Theobald

† Amy Senkus

† Megan Sopko

‡ Aaron Thomas

Brianna Taylor Senz

§ Alayna Morgan Soukup

Blayke Kaliyah Thomas

Troy Shaffer

‡ Daniel Dean Spade

† Gertrude Thomas

† Ireny Ayman Shawky

Kashe Thomas

Ashley Charmayne Sparks

Jazmine Kiyamatice Shearer

Tracey Lynn Spears

Natasha Nichole Thomas

§ Dina Shehadeh

Ashley Speight

Tyler Devon Thomas

§ Emily Sheppard

Mason Spelich

Shonnay Letrice Thomas-Carthon

§ Summa Cum Laude

‡ Magna Cum Laude

† Cum Laude


* Graduate of the Honors Program

Kimika Thorpe

Associate of Arts Degree

§ Betty Ruth Williams

Veronica Wagner

Isra Maner Wahdan

Cavell Eugene Williams

† Jake Alan Walker

‡ Jerad Williams

Stacey Marie Tomaro

Meeco Rick Walker

Marlena Williams

Moira Toomey

† Laquatta Shariza Wallace

Omar S. Williams

Sergio Toro

Thomas Cory Wallace

Taniya Leanne Williams

‡ Veken Torosian

Nicholas Walters

† Thomas Williams

Aliza Torres

Anthony Washington

† Micaela Wilson

Benedek Toth

† Erin Catherine Waters

Tazieana Mone Wilson

Erin E. Tracy

Da'Nisha Watkins

Michelle Witchey

§ Tuyet Yen Tran

§ Paige Harriet Watkins

Yvonne Wolf

‡ Christie Amanda Tripp

Ryann Weber

§ Brett Wondrak

† Jodi Tristano

† Jason Weimer

‡ Bennett Woomer

Hein Thai Truong

Erin Weiner

Brittney Irene Woznicki

Justin Christopher Turner

Daniel Weiss

† Jordan N. Wright

Kevin James Uhler

Karen Wendland

Samantha Wright † Yudai Yamamoto

† Karl Tipple

Annette Veronica Titchenell

Francis Paul Umeana

Amanda Wendzicki

§ Shannon Underwood

Winter Noelle Werner

Benjamin William Yanke

‡ Jacob Vadini

§ Elizabeth Whipple

† Diana Yanosko

Michelle Vadovski

Nora White

Rachana Mikna Yem

Ashlynn M. Valentik

Shakoora West

‡ Margaux Yerian

‡ Jeannie Vall

§ Andrew White

Kayla Youmans

Siobhan Irene Van Horn

Bridgette Olivia White

Carly Marie Young

Andrew Vanas

Devin White

Keith Yurgionas

Michele Verhest

Farren White

† Victoria Zakharchuk

§ Brooke Visalden

Hailyene Ashley White

Ioannis Zani

Jamie Joseph Vitullo

Sarah E. White

† Nagina Zaralam

Jodi Christine Von Gundy

Timara Danielle White

Jennifer Zarnesky

§ Tyler Vorst

Chanel L. Whitehead-Stewart

Qiao Zheng

Dalibor Vukalo

§ Allison Joelle Wierzbowski

Victoria Annette Zick

Khristina Vysotska

Jaclyn Lila Wilkes

Nodira Zokirova

† Ashton Wade

Caitlyn Williams

Nolan Zubin

§ Summa Cum Laude

‡ Magna Cum Laude

† Cum Laude


* Graduate of the Honors Program

Associate of Science Degree

Baiyina Abdul-Khaliq

Victoria Bzdak

Clenise Danielle Glenn

Yasmin Abdul-Khaliq

Brandy N. Caldwell

Kevin Golobic

Lana Alaa Abedel Majid

Lania Imani Calhoun

‡ Valerie Jane Green

† Alexandra Abouabdallah

Sherise Nicole Callahan

† Michael Louis Gunkelman

Kelly Renet Acoff

Mikayla Marina Campbell

Robert Kostos Hagan

Katherine Adams

Janelle Johari Cavin

Mustafa Hammad

Esther Oluwajuwonlo Adejumo

Sharnetta Chandler

Kathleen Hanna

Rofiat Olajumoke Adeniran

Madeline Chapman

† Kathleen Ann Hanratty

Tayler Agosto

Ashley Nicole Charles

Alexander Thomas Harris

Mohamed Alsalih Ahmad

† Michael Chelnick

† Caitlin A. Harwood

Rahaf Atef Ahmad

Sara J. Chong

Myreka YuVette Hassen

Heba H. Ali

Kayla Cierniak

Jasmine Nicole Hawthorne

Saif El-Deen Ali

NaTasha Clark

Lauren Henn

Mansour Alim

Shauna J. Clayton

† Sam Patrick Herman

‡ Magedaldine Alkacace

Joseph Xavier Clementson

Zri Kilese Hitchcock

‡ Reem Adel Atyeh

† Taylor Combs

Caitlin Hogan

Donielle Austin

Arielle Copeland

Virginia Marie Holtwick

‡ Esmeil Mustafa Ayad

† Jillian Lee Czerny

Moira Ann Horvath

Yetunde Babalola

Claire Rose Danko

Rachael Leah House

† Aleena Babar

Kmari Renee Dates

Latonia Yevette Houston

Madison Paige Bartczak

Alyssa Marie Davis

MaKayla Lynn Howard

† Wendy Beerup

Kyle Patrick Deegan

Lauren Hrobat

Allyssa Ann Behrendt

Jourdan Diamantis

Rachel Kaylene Huff

§ Elise Marie Benedict

Amanda Ditty

Alyssa Hunt

† Amber Bennett

Amanda Lynn Dorsey

Amanda Leigh Hurley

Nicole Bentley

‡ Daniel Joseph Doucette

§ Joshua Jacob

§ Michael Robert Besenfelder

‡ Sarah Dyan Eckert

Nicole Latrice James

Younis Khaled Bikawi

‡ Amanda Erickson

Justin Jicha

‡ Bikram Bista

Christianah Olayemi Falola

† Dia Jones

Alexis R. Bitterman

Mohammad Rami Faraj

Kira Tashiro Jones

§ Dean V. Bizga

Candace Marie Farmer

Galina P. Kalutskaya

Sandra Bolok

Allen Keith Finley III

Gretchen Lynn Kantzes

Sophie Borione

§ Katie Flynn

Zoe Kasputis

Kaitlynn Rose Boykin

Marissa Gamble

† Daliah Muhanad Kassim

Letisha Brazzell

‡ Brenda Garskie

Monica Ann Marie Kearney

‡ Clifford William Brown

§ Christopher Giancola

‡ Neal Kelly

§ Summa Cum Laude

‡ Magna Cum Laude

† Cum Laude


* Graduate of the Honors Program

Associate of Science Degree

Kemp Noun Khay

† Brooke Elise Nekich

Brianne Rowles

Jessica May Kirallah

Jennifer Nelson

† Mariam Sajjad

† Mandy Kolonick

§ Anh Trang Tu Nguyen

Rasmia F. Salti

Clay Krafft

Danielle Nimrichter

Jena Marie Samoylicz

† Amanda Elizabeth Lanham

Judith Norman

Lisa Anne Santiago

‡ Julianne Lebo

Sabrina Samir Odetallah

‡ Nicholas Alessandro Sauto

Jessica Lekstutis

Sophia Ujunwa Okoroafor

Adams Sawadogo

Bryan Kirk Lemasters

† Patrick Ogbonnaya Okoroafor Jr.

Sarah Jane Scarbro

Ruth Lian

† Desean Oliver

Amber Mae Scarbrough

Michael Light

Ashley Olsen

Desiree Scherer

Sarah Grace Lippert

Abby Marie Olszewski

§ Brandon Christopher Schramm

Kyle Long

Tammy Marie Omerza

Michael John Schuller

‡ Alexis Marianna Lopez

Jessica Sing Pang

Michael David Seaton

Rochelle Theresa Loya

Dhruvil Shirishkumar Patel

Charity Shannon

Kirsten M. Lund

Luis Roberto Perez

Gurtej Singh

Iyana Marie Lynch

Stephanie Perez-Sanchez

Emily Skinner

Emad Mafargeh

Amanda Perfetto

Ulyana Smetana

Kevin A. Marable

Kara Porvasnik

§ Matthew Wayne Smith

Enrique Mares

Abigail C. Preiszig

† Vanessa Smith

Marshall W. Marler

London Price

Scott Snyder

† Ramir Leliah Martin

William David Pugh

Khadijah Spears

† Glory Martinezbrown

Diana Puts

Tanesha Speed

Naddie N. Mathkour

Zoryana Puts

Mason Spelich

§ Cheikh Ahmadou Mbow

Jacqualine Wendy Raczka

† Nicolas Serg Starobinets

Aleila Mccaleb

Ayatt Rahman

Deborah A. Stash

§ Celia Ann Melillo

Richard Rathjens

‡ Joshua Thomas Steiber

Porsche M. Mercer

§ Jeffrey Alan Raynor

§ Meghan Dwyer Sturges

Patricia Metzger

Marcus Reid

Alec Suehrstedt

Ashleigh Olivier Miller

† Troy Anthony Reid

† Fatat Tadbir

Letitia B. Montes

Dakota James Reinhart

‡ Nadine Tayeh

Gary S. Montgomery

LaVysia Richmond

Madeleine Alescia Taylor

Jasmine Morales

‡ Sarah Riedthaler

† Daniel Joseph Theriault

§ Christopher Micheal Morris

‡ Barbara L. Robertson

‡ Aaron Thomas

Mostafa Moualem

‡ Danielle Robinson

Shonnay Letrice Thomas-Carthon

Ariel Mumford

Monae Christine Robinson

Alysha Vernice Thompson

Julia Namoski

Shai-Ann Robinson

Kimika Thorpe

§ Summa Cum Laude

‡ Magna Cum Laude

† Cum Laude


* Graduate of the Honors Program

Aleaha Thrower

Associate of Science Degree

Olalekan Abdulai Tiamiyu § Madan Tirwa

Jessica Walsh-Frazier

Stephanie Williams

Anthony Washington

Connie Francis Wright

† Caleb Waybright

† Jordan N. Wright

Andrew Tompkins

Andrew Weitzel

Carly Marie Young

Moira Toomey

Amanda Wendzicki

Tatyana Anatolivna Yuskiv

Tamika Tucker

Shakoora West

† Nagina Zaralam

Andrew Vanas

Caitlyn Williams

§ Prisca Zenda

Jolina Ven

‡ Jerad Williams

† Peng Le Zhou

§ Summa Cum Laude

‡ Magna Cum Laude

† Cum Laude


* Graduate of the Honors Program

Associate of Applied Business Degree

Fawziyah Abdul-Khaliq

§ Brian Cray

Latrice J. Johnson

‡ Aisha Arinola Adeleye

† Marie Cully

Monica Lois Jolly

Mohamed Alsalih Ahmad

Alyssa Evelyn Dinardo

Richard Jones

Abigail Allen

‡ Matthew Duplessie

Lucas Perry Judy

Hassan Allen

Maria Eades

† Arielle Djeumeni Kameni

Asia M. Anderson

Kristen M. Edie

Jasmin Devi Keshwar

‡ Oksana Anishchenko

Logan Elliott

Cynthia Klobusnik

Christiane Antonio

‡ Frida Marie-Natalie Etchell

John Kocisko

Devantia Austin

Dominic Andrew Ferretti

† Diana Kostos

Serge Abdon Awono

Christopher Pyne Fitzgerald

§ Allison Kreiner

Emily Krueger

Tamisha Michele Bacon

† Taylor Rose Fletcher

† Yang Bai

† Ashley Frank

Steve Andrew Latsko

Cathy Peteet Bailey

Kelly Funaro

† Cheyenne Rose Lee

‡ Neil Balishin

Maxwell E. Gabor

† Jessica Elizabeth Leihenseder

Jacob Balyer

§ Kelly Gasper

Jenna Lewis

Trinity Lanette Banks

§ Diana Christine Gavris

Shara Ariana Lively

William Gregory Bates

Daniela Giriti

Jasmine Estacio Naikazi Lubandi

Patricia Ann Benjamin

† Brandi Michelle Glenn

‡ Sandra Natalia Maciak

Malana Bey

† Andres Eduardo Gonzalez Herrera

Matthew Stephen Mata

Divya Bhardwaj

‡ Angel A. Gonzalez II

Kennedy Kristen Matty

§ Matthew A. Bielawski

† Chase Gorgan

Daniel E. McCaskell

Kaitlynn Rose Boykin

‡ De'Vryon Monte Gray

§ Barbara Lee McGuire

§ Karen Marie Brej

Alyssa Margarette Green

‡ Chad Michael Meadows

§ Stephanie Brooks

Barbara Ann Gulley

Jasmine H. Medina

Megan Theresa Campbell

† Jessica Rachelle Gunnoe

Miranda Merico

Aaron Carney

† Regina Anne Gustafson-Ewing

Ashley Marie Merk

§ Mackenzie Taylor Carr

Dedric Seth Hall

§ Patrick Thomas Metsch

† Courtney Ann Carruthers

Emily Marie Harding

† Mark Mihalek

Haowei Chiu

Leslie Anne Higgins

Deanna Mitchell

Roxana Cisneros

Samantha Kaye Hutchinson

§ Margaret Ann Mitchell

Jordan Monet Clark-Banks

Allie Hvizdos

Martha Morales

Lanesha Miracle Clemente

† Tyler Lloyd Jenkins

Christina Mountry Ismail Mousse

Kali Comerford

§ Jiyun Jeong

‡ Sheila Conway

Chanel Sincere Johnson

Destiny Mulugata

§ Robert Micheal Cooper

‡ Jordan E. Johnson

‡ Joslyn Iliana Muniz

§ Summa Cum Laude

‡ Magna Cum Laude

† Cum Laude


* Graduate of the Honors Program

Associate of Applied Business Degree

Rasmieh Mustafa

Annaliese Rozsahegyi

§ Kevin Daniel Swofford-Price

‡ Rachel Katherine Myers

Anthony Rubino

Morgan-Leigh Tufts

† Mark Edward Netzel

† Ami Rae Ryman

Madysen Rebecca Valentine

‡ Leslie Ann Nutt

Neyvalis Saez

‡ Temberlett Walton

Chris Don Nuwe

† Marletta Samuels

† Eliza Rae Watson

§ Lusine Ohanyan

§ Vita Sanchez

§ Karen M. Webster

Jeannie A. Olschlager

Rajpreet K. Sangha

† Jason Weimer

Osarodion E. Osula

Emerson James Schwarz

Allison Whitt

Dillon Palecek

Aaron Scott

April Williams

† Arju Parajuli

Crystal Danielle Scott

Daleah Williams

Lopa Patel

Kevin Sefl

‡ Donna Williams

Amber Eve Pecek

‡ April Gaia Sellman

† Zaevonna Williams

Kristina Pinkhasova

Tiffany N. Sheppard

‡ Kristina K. Wilson

Mershayde Carlisha Powell

Jocelyn Javonne Smith

Alexandria Grace Wimberly

‡ Chad Allen Rach

Daniela Sretenovic

‡ John Wozniak

† Rechelle Ray

John Paul Stout

Malali Yadgari

Kendall Render

§ Lora J. Strongosky

Dawn Yarmusch

‡ Nicholas Reyes

Katie Stupka

Alex Keegan Roth

‡ Megan Elizabeth Swanson

§ Summa Cum Laude

‡ Magna Cum Laude

† Cum Laude


* Graduate of the Honors Program

Associate of Applied Science Degree

Baiyina Abdul-Khaliq

Alexander Cashman

Brianna Marie Exton

Esther Oluwajuwonlo Adejumo

Alexandra Lynne Chambers

Christianah Olayemi Falola

Rofiat Olajumoke Adeniran

† Ashley Nicole Chambers

Candace Marie Farmer

Tayler Agosto

† Gabrielle Chapman

Natalia Fedoruk

Racquel Ariel Allen

Ashley Nicole Charles

Jonathan Figula

Breanna MacKenzie Ashworth

† Michael Chelnick

Nicole Elizabeth Fisher

Serge Abdon Awono

Sara J. Chong

Amy E. Flinn

Brian Mark Bailey

Ashley N. Clark

Lydia L. Franklin

Ilda Bakiaj

Joshua Clark

Candice Freeman

Ricky Joe Ball

Shauna J. Clayton

Brian Thomas Frontczak

Shirley Michelle Banks

Carmen Colagiovanni

Maria Rose Gallo

Ursla Edwards Banks

Gabey L. Colon

Kayla Gardner

† Amber Ann Barbeck

Jessica Comella

Tongale Manu Corine Gbadieu

Amanda R. Barnett

Mathew Cooper

Danielle Gibson

Madison Paige Bartczak

Kyra Rose Coundourides

Ansley Gilcher

Linda L. Belcher

Latisha K. Crowe

Paula Ann Gill

Patricia Bender

Amy Elizabeth Darkovich

Jayasia Glanton

Andrea Bennett

Aeisha Davis

Randy Glass

§ William Bennett

Jillian Paige Dennison

Leah M. Goble

Kaitlyn Nicole Berry

Gabrielle Anna Diaczyk

Wilfredo J. Gonzales

§ Michael Robert Besenfelder

Jourdan Diamantis

† Andres Eduardo Gonzalez Herrera

Matthew James Bickford

Gilitza Marie Diaz

Yaffa Tamar Gorman

Rozalyn Bilek

Lauren Elizabeth Distler

Erin M. Graham

‡ Brenna Lynn Blake

Sarah Downer

Alexis Grace Gricar

Akua E. Boadi

Christopher J. Dudas

Lindsey Marie Gunka

Cassandra Lee Bock

Kylie Kathleen Dugan

Julie Ha

Kaitlynn Rose Boykin

† Ajhasia E. Dumas

Alex Hackworth

Jennifer Brantley

Sarah Elizabeth Edeburn

Abbas Hamideh

‡ Richard Samuel Brantley

Tyesha Edwards

Jasmine Nicole Hawthorne

Megan S. Brenner

‡ Tyler William Eiben

Rebecca Haynik

Salahudeen Brooks

Stephanie Elias

Hayley Elizabeth Heinbaugh

† Ana Bulat

Tahanea Amanea Elkalifa

Brittney Taylor Hewston

Anthony Nathaniel Calapa

Elizabeth Ellam

Jill M. Hill

Alyssa Christine Carlson

Dawn Ellis

Taylor Hill

Calvin Reese Evans

§ Ryan Hilty

Stefanie Carroll

§ Summa Cum Laude

‡ Magna Cum Laude

† Cum Laude


* Graduate of the Honors Program

Associate of Applied Science Degree

Kelsey Hoeller

† Zachary Thomas Krebs

Jessica Lynn Moore

Caitlin Hogan

Kathleen Kreps

Jasmine Morales

† Briana Marie Holloway

Neville Lacey Sr.

Jacob E. Morgan

Katelyn Hornsby

† Rachel Lane

† Gwendolyn M. Mullins

Daniel J. House

Sara Lanzer

Ariel Mumford

Rachael Leah House

Nicole Frances Lavu

† Timothy Victor Musat

MaKayla Lynn Howard

Caroline Elizabeth Leslie

Amna Sayed Mustafa

Keith E. Howard III

Stephanie Jean Ling

Joyce Naddaf

§ Rachel Elizabeth Hozjan

Kyle Long

Hayat Salim Najjar

David E. Hrach

Michelle Louis

Gedeon Nitunga

Heather Leigh Huff

Jocelynn Marie Lucas

Kevin Patrick O'Malley

Casandra Alease Huggins

† Tyler David Macy

Laura Ann Oslin

Alyssa Hunt

Nichole Catherine Magrey

Sara Anne Owens

Channon Hunter

Bryan Patrick Mahoney

Taleatha Doreen Peoples

Amanda Leigh Hurley

Melissa Majid

Luis Roberto Perez

Scott Monroe Inman

Michal Makuszewski

Amanda Perfetto

Charmaine Delores Jackson

McKenna Marcus

Tiffany Ann Poshedley

Yongming Jin

† Francesca Jean Marino

Mershayde Carlisha Powell

† Jalyssa Johnson

Anissa Renee Martin

Morgan Bryanne Puthoff

Melnisha Champagne Johnson

Dimas Martinez

Maxwell Stanton Rapkin

Stephen Andre Johnson

Antonia Jessamyn Ila Matthews

Abbey Reagle

Brina Jones

Emily Joan McComas

‡ Marissa Cora Reid

Latasha S. Jones

§ Patrick McConnell

Gabrielle S. Roberts

Shirley Marshae Jordan

Megan Marie McKinsey

Carl Lawrence Robinson Jr.

Erin Breanne Kahl

Jayla Ann McNeal

Alicia Rodrigues Maria

† Natasha Karan

Stacy Marie McPherson

Heather Marie Rogers

‡ John Kearns

‡ Tamara Medeiros

† Jonathan Rogers

Jenna A. King

Christine Megyesi

Breonna Marie Ross

Jeremy A. King

Porsche M. Mercer

Lauren Rowe

Olivia King

Patricia Metzger

Brianne Rowles

Aubrey Kingsboro

Jasmine Marie Mihalski

Elissa Rump

Jessica May Kirallah

Samantha Elizabeth Milner

§ Ibrahim Sackey

Makayla Kirk

‡ Carl Miranda

Phillip Salem

Mary J. Kirkpatrick

† Bridget K. Mohr

Michelle E. Sanchez

La'Toya Kirksey

Joel Monts

Emily Elizabeth Sasack

§ Summa Cum Laude

‡ Magna Cum Laude

† Cum Laude


* Graduate of the Honors Program

Associate of Applied Science Degree

§ Modupeola Yetunde Sawyerr

Michaela Rose Stryffeler

† Matthew Whited

Jillian Suzanne Schneck

Kevin David Swagler II

‡ Mark Spencer Wiebusch

‡ Lauren Schrader

Chardae Swain

Alexander Steve Wilk

Marissa M. Scuro

Michael Tankersley

‡ Jerad Williams

‡ Rebekah Semus

Brittany Taylor

Sergio Michael Sgobbo

† Daniel Joseph Theriault

Danielle Anjanette WillinghamCampbell

Kimberly Ann Sheats

Blayke Kaliyah Thomas

Derasha Sherman

Alyssa Nicole Tick

Benjamin Shipley

Jacy Morgan Todorovich

Kristi Lynn Skinner

Antoinette Tolbert

† Lauren Kelsey Sloan

Kyle T. Trunk

Curtis Smiley II

Corri Uchaker

Avery Smith

† Garret Uterhark

Joshua Spanulo

† Charity Vealey

Tanesha Speed

Leah Vida

† Stacey Spikes

‡ Fayelice Virden

Cheryl Ann Stanowick

Jamie Joseph Vitullo

Deborah A. Stash

† Erin Catherine Waters

Tyler Stevens

Velvey C. Waters

Tyra LaShaun Stover

Victoria Olivia Wells

Rhonda Stover-Kilian

Amanda Wendling

§ Summa Cum Laude

Savanna M. Windsor Samantha Rosemary Woloszyn ‡ Thomas Woodward

Naychelle Wright Jenna Elizabeth Wylie Hassede Yisrael Kathleen Young Samantha Yu-Gay † Casey Todd Zale

Luke R. Zapotosky

‡ Magna Cum Laude

† Cum Laude


Fadia Youssef Zein Victoria Annette Zick Kseniya Zozulya

* Graduate of the Honors Program

Associate of Technical Studies Degree Jennifer Wyman

Fawziyah Abdul-Khaliq Jessica Marie Adkins

Certificate of Proficiency Gabrielle Craider

Kimbrielle Hudson

Danielle Craig

Tameka Huey-Barkley

Jeremy Albert

LaQuita L. Creel

Dustin Hunter

Hassan Allen

Peggy Cruz

Daniel Hutson

Abdulaziz Hamad Al-Mutairi

Amanda Cunningham

Joseph Anthony Iacona

Gregory Steven Alston

Cristina Florina Dalu

Eric Impion Ibani

Jasmine Kazsmir Anderson

LaMar Davis

Kelly Lynn Ingram

Leonard Joe Antonelli

Timothy Davis

Esmeralda Islamaj

Dennis J. Arndt

Catherine Dennard

Sarah Nizar Iwais

Angelina Rose Atherton

Trisha Anne Dinardi

John'Asia M. Jackson

Neil Balishin

Gary R. Dinger

Sarah Jawhari

Mariyah Balog

Cody Michael Dodds

Jordan E. Johnson

Jacob Balyer

Melissa Domann

Brandon Darnell Jones

Keith Barth-Walter

Christopher Ryan Dougan

Mike Joyner

Abigail Beatty

Samantha Echeverria

Desirae Denise Kaim

Malana Bey

John Carl Faranda

Jason Karlosky

Anthony Joseph Bittala

Michael W. Farrar

John Kearns

Richard Samuel Brantley

June Fertig

Timothy James Keck

Christina Lynn Bridges

Tiffany Foster

Anika Kent

Richard Jose Burgos

Taylor Ann Furlo

Josh Adam Kent

Alex Byers

Michael Gaston

Mohammed Khanfar

Mackenzie Carr

Sawyer Gatesman

Keara Ann Kilbane

Courtney Carruthers

Diana Christine Gavris

Alexander Talbot Killey

Julia Marie Chick

Connor L. Gibb

Jasmine Mae Kimbro

Shannon Clark

Carl Everton Henderson

Victoria Kistol

April Renee Collier

John Henderson

Michael Allen Kline

Joshua James Committe

Gillian Lee Hevesi

Michelle Kolcun

§ Summa Cum Laude

‡ Magna Cum Laude

† Cum Laude


* Graduate of the Honors Program

Certificate of Proficiency

John Christopher Krystowski

Denise Olszewski

Thomas John Scott

Matthew Kucinich

Emma Opdycke

Michael William Selby

Helen Isphording Ladrick

Jaslene Marie Ortiz

Nicole L. Settonni

Eileen Lake

Jessica Jean Owens

Gabrielle Nicole Shipta

Kevin Eric Layer

Mitchell Stephen Palmer

Arthur Shirman

Alfonso Leon

Benjamin Mark Palsha

Virender Singh

Christian D. Leon

Alyssa Nichole Peebles

Debra Michelle Sisson

Jenna Lewis

Phillip A. Pekarcsik

Bianca Smith

Shara Ariana Lively

Ryan Peterson

Kayli Jean Smoley

Hector Llapa

Thomas Stephen Pettry

Joseph Matthew Sodys

Kimberly P. Lopez

Kimberly Petty

Dylan Matthew Soltis

Mischalae' Shaunice Love

Vicheka Phat

Joshua Spanulo

Jasmine Estacio Naikazi Lubandi

Jacob Plocica

Paul Stewart Spitz

Claire Macosko

Alexandru Popa

Megan Elizabeth Swanson

Tyler David Macy

Mershayde Carlisha Powell

Kevin Daniel Swofford-Price

Taylor Malm

Greg Prohaska

Anthony J. Tango

Connor Mares

Catherine C. Rainey

Michael Tankersley

Kennedy Kristen Matty

Ambar Reynoso Suero

Kimberley Denise Teague

Liam Joseph McMillan

Marshe Robinson

Brett A. Thomas

Javonna Nicole Mcwilliams

Carl Lawrence Robinson Jr.

Brian Allen Tiedjen

Jasmine H. Medina

Kimyatta Lenise Rusely-Hayward

Edward L. Triebsch II

Payton R. Meeks

Shirley Ann Rytlweski

Hien Thai Truong

Baryalai Mohammad Zahir

Neyvalis Saez

Madysen Rebecca Valentine

Gene Monai

Rebecca Salamon

Austin R. Wagner

Tameka Montgomery

Phillip Salem

Temberlett Walton

Ismail Mousse

Vita Sanchez

Kathryn Watkins

Sirinat Blessing Mumuni

Joann Sanders

Eliza Rae Watson

Dominique Sharee Myrick

Rajpreet K. Sangha

Jessica Elyse White

Melissa Nahrstedt

Jed Dela Torre Santo Domingo

Zaevonna Williams

Peter Nikolenko

Patcharaporn Sanworanath

Taylor Nicole Wilson

Gedeon Nitunga

Brandon Edward Sauer

Thomas Woodward

Kouakou Nzi

Bryan J. Schultz

Timothy Wright

Martin Emmett O'Connor II

Mason Lee Schuster

Issraa Ali Zein

Kennedy O'Hara-Gilbert

Aaron Scott


Rovena Bahiti

Post-Degree Certificate Brian Ehlert

Karin Ostroske

Lynda M. Jeffers

April Lynn Reisinger

Ayodeji Adegbite Jegede

Megan Tabar

Amber Counihan

Tina Long

David Tobias

Anthony John Crozier

Dennis Phillip Malberti

Andrew Weitzel

Camelia M. Cuevas

Freddie Mowery

Mark Wyrzykowski

Kanu Dev

Andrew Louis Muller

Tiffani Louise Camp Ben Cohen

Angel Damian Acosta

Short-Term Certificate Nashan Chunn

Andreia Frincu

Shannon Clark

Jarrod Fritz

Esther Oluwajuwonlo Adejumo

Amber Counihan

Eric James Frost

Jessica Marie Adkins

Aaron Andrew Crew

Jacob Fuchs

Sierra Ambers

Anthony John Crozier

Jennifer Therese Gaid

Andreanna Anderson

Victor Junior Cruz II

Aimee Gay

Jazzmin Anderson

Jonathan Cutler

Hannah Graf

Durell Koni Asongwed

Nicholas Vincent D'Andrea

Herschel Greenspan

Allen Au

Kenneth R. Darby Jr.

Cody Ryan Gulasey

George Robert Baker

Lauren David

Jonathan Gabriel Gum

Shirley Michelle Banks

Jeffrey Dawson

Nasjier Hall

Michael Chad Bell

Kanu Dev

Jack Christopher Hann

Jnoy Bennett

Carlos Josue Diaz

Brianna Lee Hannum

Coleen Marie Biehl

Nathan John Dorn

Williams David Hernandez

Kimberly Billue

Mae Fahim Eddir

Tameka Huey-Barkley

Brian Biscoff

Elizabeth Ellam

Cory Huntington

Jason Michael Brown

Harvett Ellington

Shafeeqa Hussein-Bey

Briana Cannon

Brenda Eugene

Benjamin Adam Huston

Tyler Carlton

John Carl Faranda

Eric Impion Ibani

Journee Carnegie

Nisreen Faris

Meredith Irwin

Aaron Carney

Alysha Fernandez

Gigi Jackson

Robert Chorba III

Matt John Frimel

Nicole Latrice Jackson

Justin Allen Adams


Jameelah Johnson Rhonda R. Jordan Taylor Ann Kirby

Short-Term Certificate Andrew Louis Muller

Daniel Adam Simko

Christian Xavier Murray

Kalon Smith

Anna Elizabeth Nagirnyak

Kayli Jean Smoley

Tricia Rose Kirby

Chris Don Nuwe

Olayibo Adesubomi Sodipo

Jasmine Ieshia Lang

Desean Oliver

Ping Song

Erin Lange

Rowan David Pappenhagen

Joshua Spanulo

Cheyenne Rose Lee

Laverne Paskett

Daniel Jason Spoto

Joo Eun Lee

Lopa Patel

John Paul Stout

Cherita Lester

Jaclyn Pavlick

Katie Maura Strauchon

Shannon Lienerth

Camera Peterson

Katie Stupka

Sarah Grace Lippert

Kara Porvasnik

Christie Amanda Tripp

Collin Lucas

Sullivan Prementine

Crystal Rose Turner

Grace Margaret Lyons

Marcela Radan

Tina Valentine

Rose Fouad Maana

Kyle Blair Ratliff

Milagros Angelica Velazquez

Claire Macosko

John Lawrence Ribich

Tarhonda Ward

Tashonda Matthews

Diana Rios Guerrero

Timothy West

Taylor McCluskey

Kelsey Roberts

Miya Williams

Rayshaun McCurdy

Jody Robinson

Shenell Williams

Elizabeth Ann McDonald

Marcia Kay Romoser

Alesica Lee Wilson

Aaron McMaster

Ali Rousan

Kristina K. Wilson

Nyki McShane

Phillip Salem

Marissa Deborah Wolf

Patrick Thomas Metsch

Komoni Santos

Rochelle Wolff

Patrick Anthony Midea

Kathryn Rebecca Sass

Daniel Aaron Woods

Thomas Mikeo

Matt Aaron Sasser

Thomas Woodward

Adam P. Miller

Jordan Javier Segura

Jared Yocabet

Zariah Pareese Mitchell

April Gaia Sellman

Nicholas Joseph Ziolkowski

Kevin Moehring

Dawn Semelsberger

Nina Christine Zola

Rosina Montalvo-Coles

Latasha Sheffey


Phi Theta Kappa Graduates

Nina Abercrombie

Kayla Marie Nicole Henry

Patrick Ogbonnaya Okoroafor Jr.

Aisha Arinola Adeleye

Kelly Lynn Ingram

Noel Lyann Pacheco

Saif El-Deen Ali

Shantrice Jackson

Phillip A. Pekarcsik

Reem Adel Atyeh

Joshua Jacob

Ryan Peterson

Allen Au

Ayodeji Adegbite Jegede

Cynthia Lynn Prioletti

Aleena Babar

Cheyenna Marie Just

Zoryana Puts

Patricia Bender

Natasha Karan

Anna Maria Ramos

Amber Bennett

Daliah Muhanad Kassim

Marcus Reid

Jessica Lee Betancourt

John Kearns

Marissa Cora Reid

Rozalyn Bilek

Boram Kim

Monica Ann Rios

Dean V. Bizga

Annabella Reese King

Gabrielle S. Roberts

Ryann Noelle Blakkolb

Amanda Elizabeth Lanham

Barbara L. Robertson

Sebastian Elliot Bolton

Analise Marie Laughlin

Isabel Ruiz Flint

Stephanie Brooks

Kevin Eric Layer

Shirley Ann Rytlweski

Clifford William Brown

Jessica Elizabeth Leihenseder

Ibrahim Sackey

Joseph Caldwell

Stephanie Jean Ling

Linda Samuelraj

Lania Imani Calhoun

Christopher Lozano

Dayna Sanders

Katherine Clair

Sandra Natalia Maciak

Patcharaporn Sanworanath

Robert Micheal Cooper

Valeria Mantuano

Nicholas Alessandro Sauto

Amber Counihan

McKenna Marcus

Modupeola Yetunde Sawyerr

Anthony John Crozier

Glory Martinezbrown

Jillian Suzanne Schneck

Bethany Victoria Diaz

Audrey Marlen Matsika

Kevin Sefl

Matthew Duplessie

Cheikh Ahmadou Mbow

April Gaia Sellman

Arwa Abdulbaset Elmashae

Javonna Nicole McWilliams

Rebekah Semus

Christianah Olayemi Falola

Jasmine Marie Mihalski

Amy Senkus

Michael John Fischer

Bridget K. Mohr

Ireny Ayman Shawky

Jack Johnston Forsythe

Isaiah Michael Mojica

Keeley Shilo

Christine Noelle Gardner

Maria Camila Morris

Laila Imani Shotwell

Julianna Maria Garganta

Jamillah R. Murdock

Kristi Lynn Skinner

Kelly Gasper

Sarah Emily Myers

Lauren Kelsey Sloan

Paula Ann Gill

Anna Elizabeth Nagirnyak

Patience Smith

Brandi Michelle Glenn

Mark Edward Netzel

Alayna Morgan Soukup

De'Vryon Monte Gray

Martin Emmett O'Connor II

Lora J. Strongosky

Kelly Grospitch

Ta'Leeyah Chanel O'Neal

Chardae Swain

Erica Marie Hackett

Sophia Ujunwa Okoroafor

Megan Tabar


Fatat Tadbir

Phi Theta Kappa Graduates Jeannie Vall

Jordan N. Wright

Madeleine Alescia Taylor

Temberlett Walton

Yudai Yamamoto

Brian Tesch

Eliza Rae Watson

Diana Yanosko

Natasha Nichole Thomas

Jason Weimer

Hassede Yisrael

Madan Tirwa

Mark Spencer Wiebusch

Nagina Zaralam

Jack, Joseph and Morton

Mandel Scholars Academy Graduates Esther Adejumo

Kayla Crowder

Jiyun Jeong

Aisha Adeleye

Sarah Downer

Jennifer Nelson

Rofiat Adeniran

Arwa Elmashae

Barbara Robertson

Balqis Al-Shafei

Christianah Falola

Modupeola Sawyerr

Kaitlynn Boykin

Julianna Garganta

Brianna Senz

Stephanie Brooks

Erika Hackett

Lora Strongosky

Calvin Brown

Zri Hitchcock

Adam Tayeh


College Administration Board of Trustees

Andrew E. Randall, Chair

Phoebe Lee

Helen Forbes Fields, Vice Chair

Geralyn M. Presti

Ann M. Frangos

Victor A. Ruiz

J. David Heller

John Skory

The Rev. Cory C. Jenkins

President's Cabinet Alex Johnson, Ph.D. President William H. Gary Sr. Executive Vice President Workforce, Community and Economic Development Division

David Kuntz, CPA Executive Vice President/Treasurer Administration and Finance

Karen Miller, Ph.D. Provost and Executive Vice President Access, Learning and Success

Donna Imhoff, Ph.D. President, Western Campus

Denise McCory, Ed.D. President, Metropolitan Campus

Terri Pope, Ph.D. President, Westshore Campus

Lisa Williams, Ph.D. President, Eastern Campus

Jenny Febbo Vice President, Integrated Communications

Claire Rosacco Vice President, Government Affairs and Community Outreach

Ronna McNair Chief of Staff/Executive Assistant to the President

Renee Tramble Richard, J.D. Vice President, Legal Services

Megan O'Bryan Vice President, Development and President, Tri-C Foundation


College Administration Deans

Wendy Batch-Wilson, DNP, RN Nursing Center of Excellence Collegewide

Chief Clayton Harris Public Safety Center of Excellence Collegewide

Ray Nejadfard Manufacturing Center of Excellence Collegewide

G. Paul Cox, Ph.D. Creative Arts Center of Excellence Collegewide

Janice Taylor Heard, Ph.D. Academic Affairs Western Campus

Amy Parks Academic Affairs Metropolitan Campus

William Cunion, Ph.D. Academic Affairs (Interim) Eastern Campus

Michael Huff General Manager Hospitality Management Center of Excellence Collegewide

Kris Walz, Ed.D. Student Affairs (Interim) Westshore Campus

Timothy Dorsey, Ph.D. Student Affairs Western Campus Felisa Eafford, Ph.D. Student Affairs (Interim) Eastern Campus

Matthew Jordan, Ph.D. Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Humanities Center Collegewide

Robert Searson Academic Affairs Westshore Campus

Ralonda Ellis-Hill Student Affairs Metropolitan Campus

Associate Deans Miria Batig Health Careers Western Campus (Interim) Ormond Brathwaite, Ph.D. STEM Western Campus Courtney Clarke, Ed.D. Social Sciences Western Campus Ann Conrad Business, Math and Technology Eastern Campus Abigail Dohanos Liberal Arts Metropolitan Campus Talisha Cottingham, DNP, RN Nursing Center of Excellence Collegewide

Charles Dull, Ph.D. Information Technology Center of Excellence Collegewide Radiah Blanton Liberal Arts (Interim) Western Campus Constance Edwards, D.M.A. Creative Arts Center of Excellence Collegewide Pamela Grant Business and Applied Technologies Western Campus Dwayne Keeney Liberal Arts (Interim) Eastern Campus Michael Kenney, Ph.D. Health Careers and Sciences (Interim) Metropolitan Campus


Gregory Malone Health Careers and Sciences Eastern Campus Claire McMahon, Ph.D. Learning, Engagement and Transitions Westshore Campus Karen Monath Hospitality Management Center of Excellence Collegewide James Ploskonka, Ph.D. Public Safety Center of Excellence Collegewide David Rahn Business, Math and Technology Metropolitan Campus Anne Marie Yunker, Ph.D. STEM Westshore Campus

College Administration Faculty Marshal

Brian Zoldessy, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Theatre Arts Eastern Campus

Faculty Senate Chairpersons Robert Johnson, Ph.D. Joint Faculty Senate Theresa Gromek Westshore Campus

Stephanie Kasuboski Eastern Campus

Matt Laferty Western Campus

Robert Shirilla, Ed.D. Metropolitan Campus

Constituent Group Leaders Michael Boyko, J.D. President American Association of University Professors (AAUP) John Buettner President AFSCME Local 2678

Carol Stennis Chair Technical, Supervisory and Confidential Employees (TSC&E)

Beverly Owens Executive Board Leader SEIU District 1199

Board Student Scholar Aba Amissah Paintsil Eastern Campus

Joint Student Council Officers Brendan Madden President Joint Student Council Eastern Campus Timothy Guy Vice President Joint Student Council Eastern Campus

Esther Adejumo Secretary Joint Student Council Metropolitan Campus


Recipient of Honorary Degree Carol Cartwright, Ph.D.

Carol Cartwright is a highly respected voice in higher education. Her 45-year career has been distinguished by innovative teaching, pioneering research and national leadership. Following her retirement from the presidency of Bowling Green State University in 2011, Cartwright joined the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges as a senior consultant. In this role, she works with governing and foundation boards of higher education institutions to develop and implement best practices in governance, fundraising, and board and presidential assessment.

President, Kent State University 1991-2006 President, Bowling Green State University 2008-2011 Senior Consultant, Association of Governing Boards 2011-present

Prior to her time as president of BGSU, Cartwright served as the president of Kent State University for 15 years. She was the first female president of a state college or university in Ohio, with an extensive list of achievements. They include the implementation of new colleges and academic programs in a wide range of high-demand fields, introduction of pioneering technologies to enhance learning, increases in enrollment, an extensive construction and renovation program including the complete renovation of historic campus buildings, and the successful completion of Kent State’s first major fundraising campaign. Cartwright has also served as vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of California, Davis, and dean for undergraduate programs and vice provost of The Pennsylvania State University. She served as a member of the Penn State faculty from 1967 to 1988, where she led a variety of research projects, and authored numerous books, professional publications and technical reports. Throughout her career, Cartwright has held prominent leadership roles in higher education’s most influential national organizations, chairing the board of directors of the American Association for Higher Education and serving on the boards of directors of the American Council on Education, the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, and the Association of American of Colleges and Universities. She chaired the National Collegiate Athletic Association Executive Committee and served as a member of the NCAA board of directors. She also served as a presidential appointee on the board of trustees of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and as a founding board member of the National First Ladies’ Library. In November 2012, Cartwright completed an eight-year term on the board of directors for National Public Radio, serving as vice chair during her last two years. She is co-chair of the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics, serves on the board of directors for the Collegiate Women Sports Awards, and is vice chair of the NCAA Committee on Infractions. In June 2013, she was elected as a trustee of Heidelberg University. The scope of her contributions to higher education led to Cartwright’s induction in the Ohio Women’s Hall of Fame in her first year of eligibility. She has received distinguished alumni awards from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, where she earned her bachelor’s degree, and the University of Pittsburgh, where she earned master’s and doctoral degrees. Other honors include the Clairol Mentor Award in Education, Northeast Ohio ATHENA Award, March of Dimes Franklin Delano Roosevelt Humanitarian Award for Excellence and the ACE Mentor of the Year Award. She received an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from Heidelberg University in 2012. Upon Cartwright’s retirement from both Kent State and Bowling Green, she was named President Emeritus.


Honorary Degree Recipients

Fall 2013

Morton Mandel

Spring 2014 Shelley Roth Dr. Otis Moss Jr.

Fall 2014 Norma Lerner

Spring 2015 Carole Carr Tommy LiPuma

Fall 2015 Betty Rosskamm

Spring 2016

Jerry Sue Thornton, Ph.D.

Fall 2016 Margot Copeland Mayor Frank Jackson

Spring 2017 Margaret Wong Rick Chiricosta

Fall 2017 None

Spring 2018 Carole Hoover Albert Ratner


Fall 2018

Jules Belkin Paul Clark John Skory

Spring 2019 Delos M. Cosgrove, M.D. George L. Forbes Esq.

Fall 2019 Robert L. Lewis Sam Petros Robert P. Madison

Fall 2020 Carol Cartwright, Ph.D.

Student Speaker Jason Caruso Student Speaker

Jason Caruso is an aspiring law student who earned an Associate of Arts degree from Tri-C this summer. He is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in political science at Cleveland State University. Outside of academia, Caruso manages a cellphone repair store and works as an independent tutor. He passionately supports the Cleveland Browns as a lifelong fan and three-year season ticket holder. The second-oldest of four brothers — and one of 35 cousins — Caruso values family above all else. His infant daughter, Emma, provides inspiration for his personal, academic, and professional growth. While at Tri-C, Caruso enrolled in honors English, history, psychology and political science courses, emphasizing research on internal and external factors that contribute toward success. However, he believes that the true measure of his success will come from his performance as a father. A survivor of both cancer and mental illness, Caruso acknowledges the presence of unique challenges in each individual’s journey through life and believes that it’s the opportunities that accompany these hardships that make our journeys worthwhile. Without an unsuccessful first attempt at college, Caruso may never have experienced success the second time around. In light of that experience, he remains committed to embracing vulnerability and adversity.


Commencement History Academic Regalia

Traditional academic regalia originated in 12th-century England with the robes worn by the monks who administered Oxford University. In the United States, the use of academic regalia dates to 1754 and the founding of Columbia University. The standards for academic regalia styles and colors were established in 1895 and are maintained by a commission of college and university officials. As seen today, regalia typically consists of three items: the robe, the mortarboard and the hood. The robe is usually black, although institutions may sanction the use of other colors. The style of the robe Brown: Architecture and Fine Arts Citron Yellow: Social Work Dark Blue: Philosophy Green: Medicine Lemon Yellow: Library Science Light Blue: Education

changes for associate, baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral degrees. The width and style of the sleeve and the length of the hood increase with each advanced degree. The mortarboard is adorned with a tassel; black for those who have earned an associate, bachelor’s or master’s degree, and gold for those who have earned a doctorate or are governing officers of an educational institution. In the hood, the color of the velvet border identifies the academic field in which the degree was earned, and the colors of the lining are the official colors of the institution that granted the degree.

Light Brown: Business Lilac: Dentistry Olive: Pharmacy Orange: Engineering Peach/Apricot: Nursing Peacock Blue: International Affairs

Students who have achieved academic honors wear a gold honors cord. The honors cord indicates that the graduate has a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or greater. U.S. military veterans wear a red, white and blue medallion.

Phi Theta Kappa, founded in 1918, is recognized as the official honor society for community colleges by the American Association of Community Colleges. Members of Phi Theta Kappa may wear the Society’s Honors Stole, made of gold satin and embroidered with the Society’s Greek letters.

Pink: Music Purple: Law Scarlet: Theology White: Arts and Letters, Journalism Yellow: Science

The Legend of the Stole of Gratitude Every graduate has had a special person who, through moral or financial support, made a big difference in his or her life. The Stole of Gratitude offers an opportunity to say "Thanks for making it possible for me to succeed!" After the ceremony, the new graduate presents the Stole of Gratitude to someone who provided extraordinary support or who has helped with

wisdom, words of encouragement, or financial assistance. Immediately after graduation, the graduate may take the stole from around his/her neck and place it around the neck of the recipient. If more than one stole is worn during commencement, they symbolize multiple persons who will receive Stoles of Gratitude.

Congratulations, Graduates!


Presenters often write a few words of love and appreciation on the back of the stole using a permanent, fine-tipped marker. Friends and family of the graduate may autograph the front or back. The Stole of Gratitude is a lasting symbol of love, appreciation and academic accomplishment.

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