Jewish Federation of the Desert
Community Observance of Yom HaShoah
JEWISH FEDERATION OF the desert 69-710 Highway 111 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (760) 324-4737
Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #113 Santa Ana, CA
Claire Goldstein Simmons Keynote Speaker
Sunday, April 27, 2014 3-5 PM Galen Auditorium at the Annenberg Center, Eisenhower Medical Center, Rancho Mirage
On the cover.... Jewish Federation of the Desert
Community Observance of Yom HaShoah
CElia Norian President
Claire Goldstein Simmons Keynote Speaker
Sunday, April 27, 2014 3-5 PM Galen Auditorium at the Annenberg Center, Eisenhower Medical Center, Rancho Mirage
jewish federation BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers and Executive Committee
"Tzedakah" is the Hebrew word for the acts that we call "charity" in English: giving aid, assistance and money to the poor and needy or to other worthy causes. However, the nature of tzedakah is very different from the idea of charity. The word "charity" suggests benevolence and generosity, a magnanimous act by the wealthy and powerful for the benefit of the poor and
Celia Norian, President Sondi Green & Libby Hoffman, Vice Presidents, Campaign Vernon Kozlen, Treasurer Bernard Reiter, Secretary Lainie Weil, President, Women’s Philanthropy Allan Lehmann & Phil Glass, Allocations Nancy Ditlove, Major Gifts Roberta Nyman, Immediate Past President Howard Levy, Immediate Past President
Board Joseph Bernstein Sandra Borns Elliott Cohen Ellen Glass James Graff-Radford Fran Kaufman
Jason Novack Allan Nyman Dr. Paul Ross Stephanie Ross Elisa Schwartz Sandy Seplow
Bruce Landgarten, Chief Executive Officer
Table of Contents Vol. 39 • No. 9
Calendar 18-19 Federation 2, 3, 11, 24 Women's Philanthropy 17 Young Adults Division 8 Food 23 Jewish Family Service 10 Schools 21 Simchas & Classifieds 22 Temples 18 Tolerance Education Center 10 Tributes 14 2 • JCN • April 2014 •Nissan/Iyar 5774 •
needy. The word "tzedakah" is derived from the Hebrew root meaning righteousness, justice or fairness. In Judaism, giving to the poor is not viewed as a generous, magnanimous act; it is simply an act of justice and righteousness, the performance of a duty. Within our desert community, the annual Jewish Federation campaign is the conduit for tzedakah, the “one stop” for giving, the entity that assesses the requests for funds from the many Jewish – and some non-Jewish – institutions and organizations, and prioritizes needs, so that those with the greatest need get the help they require to survive. Our annual campaign is entering
the last quarter. So far, we have done well and we thank you for your contributions to it. We still have a way to go for us to have the requisite funds to fulfill the many valid requests from those in need, both here in the Coachella Valley and around the world. Do not let this annual campaign “pass over” without making a pledge to help those less fortunate. At the Passover season, be grateful for your blessings and, as you prepare to join family and friends around the Passover table, remember there are still too many in our community that need our help. Thank you in advance for your contribution. Wishing you and yours a HAPPY PASSOVER.
From the CEO
Our Federation Annual Campaign is our community’s bread and butter. So many, and so much, relies upon its success. The economic downturn these past few years has profoundly impacted our country and community, transforming the scope of human service delivery. Responding to the financial realities, we have rolled up our sleeves and gone into overdrive, impelled by our commitment simply to be of service
to the Jewish people. These past tough economic few years have been unnerving, and by no means are we completely out of the woods yet. Wallets that once held credit cards now hold food stamps. Formerly stable families are now asking for emergency assistance through the Federation’s Special Tzedakah Fund and are going to recipient agencies for the basics: housing, utilities, medicine and groceries. Desert area food banks need constant replenishing, and all this unfolds as our own Federation system is stretched by decreased income from all sources. This year, through our Federation, hundreds of Jews and non-Jews alike were served meals, received support for health care including prescription medicines, were given support for mortgage or rent payments, utilities and other necessities. Our community’s impressive
system of services is fueled by the Annual Campaign. To date over $2.2 million has been raised for our 2014 Annual campaign, which means our agencies will continue to receive our funds for services. While we can all hope that the economy will continue to recover, we have to face the fact that we are dealing with a new economic reality. Notwithstanding some of the particular accomplishments that were realized during this past year, the challenges ahead are daunting. We can’t plug every hole. But, make no mistake, this Federation will NOT allow Jews to go hungry or be put out into the street. We are able to make this pledge first and foremost because so many generous people trust and rely on us to do the right things in the right ways on their behalf, effectively and efficiently, with rachmonous on our part and dignity
for those we help. Jewish Federation will continue to stay true to our mission…to sustain and enhance Jewish life at home and around the world. And while we continue moving forward and uphold our mission, we must also be about sharing power and linking institutions, ideas and funding from a variety of partners to nurture creativity and facilitate change. A wise person once said that "power diminishes if you give it away – but influence only grows the more you share it.” Our goal is not to monopolize money or power in the hands of the Jewish Federation; it is to influence the direction of our community in the service of our Jewish dreams and aspirations. It is our job to do this everywhere … every day. May we continue to go from strength to strength.
Our community observance of Yom HaShoah will be Sunday, April 27, 2014, at the Galen Auditorium of the Annenberg Center on the Eisenhower Medical Center grounds. Community leaders and clergy will participate in the solemn program remembering the Holocaust. This annual event brings together our Jewish community to remember and to resolve “Never Again.” We are fortunate to welcome Claire Goldstein Simmons as our keynote speaker this year. Simmons is a noted historian and educator driven by a passion to empower the next generation of Jews to embrace their history and solidify their future. The child of Holocaust survivors, born of the generation that came out of the ashes to create the Jewish state, Simmons spent the first ten years of her life in Israel. A graduate of the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, she established the Hebrew Department at American University in
Washington, DC, and was a leading force behind the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School, one of the largest Jewish Day Schools in the country, where she served as Chairperson of their Jewish Studies department for 17 years. She has educated thousands of students in her academic career and written and lectured widely on Jewish civilization, American Jewish memory, the Holocaust, and ‘Klal Israel’ the unity of the Jewish people. Building upon her expertise in Jewish history and goals as an educator, Ms. Simmons founded Jewish History Study Tours and Jewish History Travels - intense, thought-provoking sojourns to engage American Jews of all ages in an exploration of the major cities
around the globe where the Jewish people and Jewish culture made their most profound impact upon the western world. Today she is one of a handful of American guides who has successfully ventured deeply inside Eastern European cultures to reveal the layers of the Jewish people’s contributions to western civilization. Her signature is the
stunning perspective by which she illuminates the brilliance of Jewish heritage and translates the encounter with that heritage into a deepened appreciation of the magnificence of being part of the Jewish people. Fluent in Hebrew and Yiddish, Claire Simmons is a sought-after speaker and Scholar-in-Residence based in Washington, DC.
Financial Realities Bruce Landgarten Jewish Federation Chief Executive Officer
JCN • April 2014 • Nissan/Iyar 5774 • • 3
An Instant Test to Diagnose Your Illness Research Now Directed to Identifying Pandemic Diseases From Israel 21c
Imagine waking up one morning with a cough or a sinus headache. Should you go into the office? Instead of trying to get a doctor’s appointment to find out if you are contagious, you go to the nearest pharmacy for an instant test to determine what kind of virus, bacteria or fungus you may have. This scenario is not far from becoming reality, thanks to the Jerusalembased subsidiary of Azure PCR. The company’s disruptive technology has streamlined the process of detecting, diagnosing and tracking infectious diseases. “This is really important in terms of drug-resistant diseases,” says Britishborn CEO Aron Cohen, recalling how Muppets founder Jim Henson died in 1990, at age 53, from a drug-resistant bacterial infection before doctors had time to pinpoint the disease strain. “Had he been diagnosed right away, he might still be alive today.” At this early stage, however, the company is not focusing on that future consumer application but on using its automatic DNA analysis technology in
major global collaborations aimed at curbing the spread of viruses such as H1N1 or avian flu, in real time. Global Child Health Study Azure PCR is participating in the largest-ever child health study, the Johns Hopkins-based PERCH (Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health), bankrolled by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This multi-country study of hospitalized pediatric patients with severe pneumonia intends to advance new lab techniques in order to better determine causes and risk factors, as well as guide the development of new vaccines and treatments. The Israeli company’s role in this $260 million study is its unique capability for fast and automated data analysis. Cohen tells ISRAEL21c that real-time PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is the most popular molecular diagnostic technique in use today, accounting for more than $2.8 billion in sales. There are three steps to this process: extracting the DNA from the urine or blood sample, testing the DNA, and analyzing the results. The first two steps were automated before Azure PCR came on the scene. Their breakthrough is automating
the analysis step, greatly speeding up the process, removing the need for specially trained technicians (a particularly acute issue for developing countries where skilled professionals can be hard to find) and eliminating room for error in interpreting results. “We make the subjective objective,” says Cohen, who founded the company with CTO Ze’ev Russak. “We can provide standardized results without the need for skilled personnel.” Disease Early-Warning System The ability to provide near-instant answers could enable much faster appropriate treatment for everyday maladies such as respiratory or urinary infections. More globally, it could allow future pandemics to be managed using immediate information rather than almost useless data from two or three days earlier. Automated analysis provided by Azure PCR can be fed into a database to help world health authorities stay on top of deadly disease outbreaks. “With major global pandemics such as SARS and swine flu, we saw a 6- to 18-month lag in diseases that start in developing nations until spreading to the West, so being able to track these in real time can make prevention through vaccination and other methods possible,” Cohen explains.
JEWISH COMMUNITY NEWS A Publication of the Jewish Federation of the Desert VOL. 39, No. 9
EDITORIAL Bruce Landgarten, Chief Executive Officer Miriam H. Bent, Editor Bailey & Co., Layout & Design JCN STATEMENT The Jewish Community News seeks to provide news and feature material of special interest to its readership, and to create a heightened sense of Jewish identity through the dissemination of information about people, events and issues at home and abroad. The JCN seeks to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas and opinions in the Jewish community. The JCN is published monthly, ten months a year by the Jewish Federation of the Desert, 69-710 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270, 760-324-4737, fax 760-324-3154. Articles & Advertising, Miriam H. Bent, Editor 760-323-0255, fax 760-320-6085, ADVERTISING The JCN does not endorse the goods or services advertised in its pages and makes no representation as to the kashrut of food products and services in such advertising. The publisher shall not be liable for damages if, for any reason whatsoever, it fails to publish an advertisement or for any error in an advertisement. Acceptance of advertisers and of advertising copy is subject to the publisher’s approval. The JCN is not responsible if ads violate applicable laws and the advertiser will indemnify, hold harmless and defend the JCN from all claims made by government agencies and consumers for any reason based on ads carried in the JCN.
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Jewish Studies Chair Announced at UC Riverside Jewish Federation Gives Final Funding to Complete Project By Bettye Miller, UCR
The establishment of the endowed 000 Maimonides Chair in Jewish Studies at the University of California, Riverside, announced February 20, 2014, assures a permanent place for Judaism in the academic and community life of the campus. It will foster academic study of Judaism and provide support for Jewish students Bruce Landgarten, Bob Fey attending the university. Jewish Federation CEO Nearly three dozen individuals, foundations and organizations said Stephen Cullenberg, Dean of contributed a total of $504,000 to the College of Humanities, Arts and endow the chair, which will fund Social Studies. “Campus support of research and other activities aimed this chair comes from the highest at fostering better understanding of levels of leadership and sends a very Judaism and the history and heritage clear and strong message about the importance of having a world-class of Jewish people. “For nearly a decade the campus academic in Jewish Studies to the has worked toward the creation of ranks of our faculty.” The appointment of a scholar to an endowed chair in Jewish studies,”
the chair is expected to be announced by spring. Establishing an endowed chair in Jewish Studies will help enable Jewish students to find renewed pride in their heritage and for others to better understand the religion; create a friendly, non-threatening space for students to discuss and practice Judaism; anchor a cross-campus, multidisciplinary and pluralistic curriculum of Jewish studies; and share leadership, counsel and knowledge with surrounding Jewish communities, Cullenberg added. “The establishment of an endowed chair in Jewish Studies adds great distinction to the Department of Religious Studies,” said Pashaura Singh, department chair and holder of the Saini Chair in Sikh Studies.
“It is an honor that fosters academic excellence and affords many mutual benefits to both the university and the chair holder. The endowed chair provides invaluable financial support that the chair holder uses in research, teaching and outreach activities.” Desert community leader Bob Fey has spent the past several years promoting the establishment of a Jewish Studies Chair, and has been instrumental in the project’s success, raising much of the funding. With the goal close, he approached the Jewish Federation of the Desert this past year, and received the final funds needed. The chair in Jewish Studies is named for Moses Maimonides, a Spanish Sephardic Jew who was a rabbi, scholar, philosopher, astronomer and physician in medieval Spain and Egypt. Born in Córdoba, Spain, in 1135, he is regarded as one of the foremost philosophers in Jewish history.
JCN • April 2014 • Nissan/Iyar 5774 • • 5
Jerusalem to Have its Own “Hyde Park” Chelm-on-the-Med Israel will soon have its own “Hyde Park”! The amenities of the 40 acre Sachar Park in Jerusalem include two play areas for children, basketball courts, tennis courts, soccer pitches, a skateboarding park, a dog area, a walking/running path, and two tunnels which seem to serve as the communal canvas of Jerusalem's graffiti artist community. The park is often host to huge concerts during holidays and yearly festivals, and every inch of it is covered by grillbearing families committed to having fun onYom Ha-Atzmaut, Independence Day. Jerusalem’s leadership also see the park as a perfect site for spirited debates, similar to London’s Hyde Park.
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But forget about soap boxes; the Israeli Hyde Park debate corner will boast a small amphitheater with benches for an audience of kibitzers. The forum will boast a moderator who will assure every speaker gets his turn, no one will hog the stage, and everybody can have their say, while ushers will assure exchange of ideas won’t escalate to exchange of blows. In deference to the Israeli lifestyle, the amphitheater will be augmented by an adjacent café.
Israel Prize for Researcher Who Developed Drug to Slow Dementia The Jerusalem Post
Hebrew University Emeritus Prof. Marta Weinstock-Rosin, developer of a drug to slow dementia caused by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, will receive the Israel Prize for Medicine on Yom Ha’atzmaut/ Independence Day. Weinstock-Rosin, of the HU School of PharmacyInstitute for Drug Research in the Faculty of Medicine, is best known for developing the “blockbuster” drug named Exelon. She was born in Vienna, Austria before the Holocaust, and after her father was arrested for being Jewish, the family decided to flee to England in 1939. Weinstock-Rosin received her bachelor’s and master’s degree in pharmacology at the University of London, at St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School. She became a lecturer in pharmacology at the University of London, and in 1969, she came on aliyah to Israel with her husband, Prof. Arnold Rosin, a leading gerontologist who was co-founder of the Melabev Organization that helps victims of dementia and their families; he is an Emeritus Professor of Gerontology at Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center. Weinstock joined Tel Aviv University’s medical faculty, and from 1976-77 she took a research sabbatical at the U.S. National Institutes of Health and received a grant from its National Institute on Drug Abuse for her research on the mechanism of action of opiates. She became a professor at HU in 1981 and head of its School
of Pharmacy in 1983. Her current research is focused on drugs that improve brain function and memory in patients with degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. Exelon been shown to be an effective medicine for treating the symptoms of mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease, but it does not cure it. The drug is manufactured by the drug company Novartis, which acquired it from the HU’s technology transfer company, Yissum. She is also the co-developer, with Prof. Moussa Youdim of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, of Ladostigil. During its development, Weinstock- Rosin discovered that at low doses Ladostigil prevents brain degeneration and memory impairment in aged rats. The drug is now undergoing Phase II clinical trials in Israel and Europe for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. She has spent much of her professional career on the development of novel drugs for the treatment of chronic infectious and neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and multiple sclerosis), as well investigating morphine’s suppression of the breathing process (a major problem in its use as a painkiller), as well as the structural, neurochemical and behavioral effects of prenatal stress.
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“INTO THE LIGHT” Opening Night Reception April 3, 2014 • 5:30 - 7:30PM
Meet the Artist and enjoy live music and light hors d'oeuvres, wine and champagne
73-655 El Paseo • Palm Desert, CA 92260
JCN • April 2014 • Nissan/Iyar 5774 • • 7
Paying Tzedakah Forward The Jewish Community News, like the many Jewish newspapers across the country, includes articles about the many and diverse needs of our community and, often, stories about how your money is spent. But what is the long term effect of what we do? We make a difference in people’s lives by responding to immediate crises, but what does it mean for the future of those we help? Let us introduce you to a member of our desert community where the “tzedakah” extended to his family decades ago is being “paid forward” today. Michael Neu is the CEO of K-9 Friendly Visitors, based in Rancho Mirage. It provides services for the deaf, hard of hearing, disabled and special needs individuals, plus similar services for the elderly. But we need to go back to Michael’s childhood to understand what has motivated Michael to want to give back. Michael writes:
some volunteer work with the dogs, the disabled community and Jewish “I am a success story, seniors. Well three years later, and my thanks to The Jewish little volunteering quickly became an Federation. At the age official 501 C3, and over two hundred of 7, my father killed people a month receive service from himself and left my K-9 Friendly Visitors. mother with 3 kids “Our program focuses on increasing and 15 dollars. The self-esteem, academic excellence, Jewish Federation of motor skills and memory function in Chicago provided the special needs disabled population assistance to our of the desert, using animal assisted January 28, 2014 family and gave me therapies. Our sessions use tested a life. For five years animal centric lesson plans, basic tasks the Federation paid with the Area animals (walking, Jewish Federation of Palm Springsperforming and Desert for me to go to Camp grooming, learning commands). K-9 69-710 Highway 111 Chi (the Chicago also helps develop life skills and Hebrew Institute) vocational training.” Rancho Mirage, California 92270 summer camp Michael came to our Jewish located in Reedsburg, Federation and met with CEO Bruce Wisconsin. I spent Landgarten, who later visited Michael K-9 Friendly Visitors 20 years at that great place, as camper, profoundly deaf, and the only disabled and his dogs, and came away very reporter who reports Laneon disabilities for impressed. “K-9 Friendly Visitors is counselor, unit head, 36531 specialty Palomino ABC-TV) at the JCC. instructor, and advisor. During my Mirage, Rancho California 92270 unlike any program I’ve seen. This is “I vowed that as I became successful, college years, I worked at Camp Chi, not a passive program of bringing dogs the Jewish Community Centers of I would repay the Federation, the to a venue to be hugged or petted. Jewish Community and people in Chicago, (Bernard Horwich Center) Re: Grant Application These dogs become instrumental who paid for my college education, need. As a successful businessman in growing the skills of those with in exchange for which I worked as in Chicago, I sent many campers to whom they interact. Kudos to such Camp Chi year after year. I supported a paid intern at the JCC. My whole Dear Federation Grant Committee, an exciting, innovative and dynamic the JCC and was an active alumni and existence was a result of these Jewish project. What a tremendous addition organizations. I even met my wife of representative for the camp. to our community.” “In my retirement the desert Ito knew I am story, tothanks The Jewish Federation. almost 40 years, Karen Meyer, (whoais success Michael is offering his services At and that there was more to do. I wanted energiesThe to theJewish Jewish Federation of my mother with 3 kids and 15 dollars. Federat to give back to the community, but the Desert, fulfilling his promise to fill a need not me beingamet. Hence, K-9five years the Federation p family, and gave life. For himself to “pay tzedakah forward.” Friendly Visitors was born. Having For more information aboutWis the Hebrew Institute) summer camp located in Reedsburg, a deaf wife we already had special program, check out his website at needs’ canines. I thought do specialty instructor, and a as camper, counselor, unitI could head,
at Camp Chi, the Jewish Community Centers of Chicago, ( college education, in exchange that I worked as a paid inte result of these Jewish Organizations. I even met my wife o profoundly deaf, and the only disabled reporter who report
I vowed that as I became successful, I would repay the Fed in need. As a successful businessman in Chicago, I sent m supported the JCC and was an active alumni and represent
8 • JCN • April 2014 •Nissan/Iyar 5774 •
In my retirement, to the desert I knew that there was more community but fill a need not being met. Hence, K-9 Frien we already had special needs’ canines. I thought I could d disabled community and Jewish Elders. Well three years l
Another Big Exit: Viber Sold for 900 Million Dollars Maya Yarowsky,
VOIP. The CEO of Viber stated that, “Rakuten is one of the most important internet companies in the world. It is a very dominant company within Japan and is only beginning to spread out internationally. This fact points to an amazing opportunity for Viber, to gain users within existing and new markets”.
Representing Buyers and Sellers throughout the desert for more than 27 years When you think of real estate, "Just Ring a Bell"
000Last month, the Viber application, an Israeli start-up which created a popular platform for video and voice chat, was sold to the Japanese Internet company Rakuten Inc. for $900 million, one of the leading companies in internet services on the market. The sale was originally reported by local Japanese press. Viber’s offices are registered in Cyprus and Los Angeles, and not in Israel, but the successful company is managed by an Israeli, Talmon Marco and his partners, Igor Megzinik, Sani Maroli and Ofer Smocha. In addition, the company has a small development office in Israel which employs numerous employees. The Viber application became popular for allowing its users to make free internet calls, video and voice, to locations around the world, and now they have developed computer software for Windows and Macintosh, hoping to compete with video-chat giant Skype. However, unlike Skype, Viber also allows for quick text messaging for free over the internet. Viber is able to identify the user’s device, be it a phone, tablet or computer, and will only send messages to the device that is in use. Over the years, Viber has collected over 300 million users in 193 countries because of the comfortable and easy nature of the application. Rakuten Inc. described the importance of the Viber purchase as the chance to improve their company’s strategy in cracking the Voice over Internet Protocol, or JCN • April 2014 • Nissan/Iyar 5774 • • 9
Jewish Family Service of the Desert “Count on us… for life”
801 East Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite 202 Palm Springs, CA 92262 73750 Catalina Way, Ste. A, Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760) 325-4088
Jewish Family Service of the Desert is pleased to announce our upcoming exciting events:
A Lecture-Recital
“One Night Only” April 23, 2014 McCallum Theater
Contact JFS at 760-325-4088 for more information
PROGRAMS & SERVICES For further information about these services and others, please call the JFS office, 760-325-4088.
Brian Nedvin, DMA
COUNSELING & FAMILY SUPPORT: Experienced therapists help individuals, couples, and families address life's challenges.
Brian Nedvin presents a repertoire of songs that is part of the legacy, the very soul of the Jewish people, and reminds the world that these people lived, suffered, longed for vengeance, loved, dreamed, prayed and, tragically, died.
Sunday, April 13, 2014 – 3 pm $25. Reservations required. 760-328-8252 Tonia Bern-Campbell
Winner of Italy’s Passerella D’Oro, England’s St. James Royal Guards Singer of the Year Award & Desert Theatre League Star Award
FRIENDLY VISITORS: JFS volunteers visit home bound seniors to provide companionship and support. SHABBAT- IN- A- BAG: JFS volunteers provide companionship and celebration during the Shabbat observance to home bound seniors. For more information please contact Julie Hirsh at 760-325-4088 X 109.
Peter Harris & Ruthanna Metzgar TEVYE & HIS DAUGHTERS
With music from Fiddler on the Roof.
SOLUTIONS FOR SENIORS: Serves older adults to maintain independence and help them enjoy a higher quality of life. JEWISH BEREAVEMENT GROUP: Free to the local community. This group meets every Wednesday at the JFS Palm Springs office, 3.30-5.00 p.m.
THE COLORS OF MY LIFE With Joel Baker on piano Friday April 18, 2014 – 4 pm $20. Reservations required.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014 – 4 pm $20. Reservations required.
SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM: JFS counselors serve elementary school children in Palm Springs Unified School District with on-site counseling and now with a new 5th grade curriculum to teach drug refusal and interpersonal skills to prepare them for success in middle school.
CAFÉ EUROPA GROUP: Social programming for holocaust survivors. Transportation available, please call Julie Hirsh for dates, times & more information 760-325-4088 X 109.
The Desert Holocaust Memorial is located in the Palm Desert Civic Center Park at San Pablo Avenue & Fred Waring Drive. Residents and visitors are encouraged to visit this moving memorial, a place of remembrance and monument of hope.
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LUNCH IN & OUT PROGRAM: Bi- monthly activity program for homebound seniors. Participants take part in social activities; transportation and lunch are provided. Some restrictions apply. Please call Lisa Schmid for further information and to register 760-7799400. X 205.
Steven Platt Mission Fund was created by Steve Platt, for decades our community’s most committed and devoted liaison between the Jews of the Coachella Valley A less known fund is the Jewish Federation and the developing communities of Holocaust Memorial Fund. The funds are Israel. He created his fund to subsidize used to maintain the Holocaust Memorial teens participating in The March of the located in the Palm Desert Civic Park. Living, a program that takes teens to first In addition to covering the cost of the visit the remnants of concentration camps (fortunately rare) graffiti/defacing of the in Poland for Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Memorial, the fund pays for monthly Remembrance Day) and then flies them maintenance of the site. This month we are highlighting four other to Israel for Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Israel special funds. Best known is the Special Independence Day). Two of the funds were created to bring our Tzedakah Fund, established by Helene Berman Seidenfeld and Dennis Seidenfeld community’s youth to Israel. The Kitsis Contributions may be made to any of these in September 2006. The fund was created Youth Experience Fund was created by funds by calling the Jewish Federation of specifically to be able to intervene at times philanthropist Louis Kitsis to help local the Desert. youth with the transportation costs of of crisis facing Jewish full-time residents of the Coachella Valley. It was established visiting Israel and/or subsidizing the cost Next month: Our Endowment Programs with a substantial financial commitment by of participating on an Israel Mission. The Last month we featured the Jewish Federation’s Tribute Wall, one of the special vehicles available to allow contributors to become a permanent part of the Jewish Federation’s Legacy. In the same issue we featured the story behind the creation of the Barbara and Bernie Fromm Youth Enrichment Fund, established by Barbara and Bernie’s children in honor of their parents’ special birthdays this year.
the Seidenfelds; and afterwards the Jewish Federation made the decision to credit all Tribute card donations to this fund as well.
For more information and to participate in this mitzvah, contact the Jewish Federation of the Desert at 760-324-4737 or visit JCN • April 2014 • Nissan/Iyar 5774 • • 11
ADL Anti-bullying Program, Funded by Jewish Federation, Impacts Desert Area Schools
Students Transform Their Schools through ADL’s A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute By Dave Reynolds, Project Director, A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute
The last year has been an exciting one for elementary, middle and high school students across the Desert Area as they learned to challenge bias and stop bullying in their schools. Thanks to generous and ongoing support from the Jewish Federation of the Desert, the AntiDefamation League’s A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute has been able to directly impact more than 3,500 students in just the last year! These students then took what they learned to positively transform their school climates for thousands of additional students. Last May, nearly 120 4th graders participated in ADL’s Becoming an Ally workshops in the Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) where they gained a deeper understanding of bias and bullying, learned about the difference between tattling and reporting, and developed skills to be an ally to those targeted in bullying situations. The schools that participated then launched antibullying clubs for the 2013-14 school year. From October through December
2013, four high schools in DSUSD received ADL’s anti-bias and antibullying assembly program Names Can Really Hurt Us. More than 2,500 high school students altogether at Amistad High School, La Quinta High School, Palm Desert High
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School, and Shadow Hills High School participated in the program. This assembly program relies on the power of students’ leadership and voices to create a safe forum for students to examine tough issues and initiate positive changes in their own behavior and in their school. Palm Desert High School Assistant Principal Renée Iñiguez observed, “The students at PDHS really felt like the assembly was a safe place where they could tell their story and not be criticized. PDHS students comment about how the culture on our campus is changing for the better and the bullying is diminishing. PDHS students feel they can be themselves and not worry about being bullied at school. They know they have allies on their side.” Most recently, in March 2014, nearly 750 elementary school students at
Johnson and Lincoln Elementary Schools in DSUSD participated in ADL’s STEP UP! assembly programs to create more allies in schools and lay the foundation for ADL’s more in-depth program Becoming an Ally in the coming school year. Through the assemblies, students learned the definition of bullying and how to respond. They learned the importance of stepping up to be an ally as well as other ways they can stop bullying if it happens in their schools. Students also learned about stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. As Principal Barry Stockhamer of Johnson Elementary School said “The kids were fully engaged and I was impressed with both the presentation and the level of involvement of our students. I spoke to many students afterwards and many of the key concepts opened the doors to further discussion. Healthy, frank discussion.” Thanks to continued funding from the Jewish Federation of the Desert, ADL will be able to bring the Becoming an Ally programs for rest of the school year and into the next for upper elementary school students. With new skills and training for 4th and 5th grade students, they will be able to set the norms in their elementary schools that bullying and bias have no place there or online. Further, they will be able to take these valuable skills into their middle school years, where the risk of bias and bullying behaviors increase. The ADL ‘World of Difference’ program is one of the major projects supported by the Tamarisk Country Club Men’s and Women’s Golf Tournaments held each year on behalf of the Annual Federation Campaign.
JCN • April 2014 • Nissan/Iyar 5774 • • 13
Tribute Card Donations Sending tributes and memorials is a meaningful way to honor loved ones.
All contributions received by the Jewish Federation for Tribute Cards are placed in our special Tzedakah Fund, which provides direct monetary intervention for needy Jews living in the Coachella Valley.
Honorarium Tributes –
• Jim Mills, Happy 80th birthday, from Judith and Elliott Cohen.
• Mr. and Mrs. Miles Berger, Thank you for another memorable party, from Carolyn and Don Shagrin.
• Charlotte and Lester Morris, Thank you for a lovely evening, from Judith and Eilliott Cohen.
• Marion and Dale Cowle, Thank you for a wonderful evening, from Stephanie and Paul Ross.
• Annette and Larry Novack, Thank you for a lovely evening, from Barbara Schrayer and Cal Levin, Ginger and David Smerling.
• Joel and Sherry Fishman, Thank you for a wonderful evening, from Judith and Elliott Cohen, Susie and Bob Diamond, Edith and Arnold Familian.
• Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reich, Wishing you many happy years of married bliss, from Rhoda Brickell.
In Appreciation For:
• Robert Fraiman, Love to you on your special birthday, from Loreen and Herb Jacobson. • Mel and Ellen Gold, Thank you for inviting us to your wonderful party, from Arnie and Sue Gillman, Rochelle and Harvey Goldstein.
• Jane and Larry Sherman, Thank you for a lovely evening, from Lilo and Leslie Cooper. • Arnie and Diane Simon, Thank you for inviting us to your wonderful party, from Arnie and Sue Gillman, Rochelle and Harvey Goldstein.
• Robert Goodfriend, In honor of your birthday, from Lilo and Leslie Cooper.
• Susan and Burt Sunkin, Congratulations on your granddaughter’s Bat Mitzvah, from Judith and Eilliott Cohen.
• Lois Goodman, Thank you, from Mary Levine.
• Lainie Weil, Congratulations on all of your hard work, from Lilo and Leslie Cooper.
• Rosee Hertz, Thank you for your extraordinary assistance and a lovely afternoon, from Harriet Bernstein.
• Sid and Donna Weiss, Thank you for inviting us to your wonderful party, from Arnie and Sue Gillman, Rochelle and Harvey Goldstein.
• Libby Hoffman, Congratulations on receiving the Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Award, from Judith and Eilliott Cohen.
• Robbie and Marvin Winick, Thank you and congratulations, from Loreen and Herb Jacobson.
• Nora Kaufman, In honor of your special birthday, from Barbara Schrayer and Cal Levin.
Refuah Shleimah –
• Dr. and Mrs. Paul Lubar, Thank you for a beautiful party honoring our friend, from Carolyn and Don Shagrin.
• Arthur Jacobson, Congratulations and continue on your speedy recovery, from Lilo and Leslie Cooper.
Get Well Wishes To:
• Carol Horwich Luber, We hope you have a speedy recovery, from Judith and Elliott Cohen. • Sherry Salzman, Wishing you a speedy recovery. My prayers are with you, from Brenda Weinstock.
Memoriam Tributes –
Condolences Sent To:
• Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Axelband, Our condolences on the loss of your daughter, from Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bernhard. • Mrs. William Becker, In memory of your beloved husband Bill, from Marilyn Karish. • Rochelle Gluckman, My deepest sympathy on the loss of your husband, from Judy Torodor. • Robert Judelson, In memory of your beloved wife Joan, from Ruth and Mal Kaufman. • Mrs. Morris Sable, In memory of Morris Sable, MD, from Laine and Tom Weil. • Harriet Sherr, Our deepest condolences on the loss of your husband, from Lilo and Leslie Cooper. • Claude and Chickie Steinberger, In memory of your beloved mother, Alice, from Judy and Marty Cohn, Lainie and Tom Weil. • Janine Tarlow, Sincere condolences to your family, from Fran Kaufman.
To apply for Emergency Funds from the TZEDAKAH FUND Call the Jewish Federation 760-324-4737
14 • JCN • April 2014 •Nissan/Iyar 5774 •
Russian Search Engine Giant Yandex Acquires Israeli Company “KitLocate” The Moscow-based company is opening an R&D center in Israel after its purchase of the geolocation start-up By David Shamah, The Times of Israel
Yet another multinational is setting up shop in Israel. Two weeks ago Russian search engine giant Yandex acquired Israeli location technology start-up KitLocate. Details of the deal were not revealed, but sources close to KitLocate said that Yandex paid as much as $20 million for the Tel Avivbased company. Whatever it paid for his company, said KitLocate CEO Omri Moran, Yandex is going to get its money worth, and more. “Yandex is like Google, in that they are a search engine and have a lot of apps that provide many services, many of them geolocation and map based.” KitLocate’s approach to geolocation is different than that of others doing location technologies — resulting in not only a new set of services KitLocate can offer customers, but also in substantial battery savings, said Moran. “That’s actually how we got together with Yandex,” Moran told The Times of
Israel in an exclusive interview. “They have been looking for technology to extend battery life for some time, and we came across each other, resulting in a deal that is going to benefit both entities, as well as customers.” KitLocate gets its battery saving abilities (according to Moran, phones using the KitLocate platform can get as many as 24 hours of normal use out of a single battery charge) by looking beyond the GPS chip for location information. In addition to GPS, KitLocate collects data about a user’s activities via wifi, accelerometers, and other sensors in the device. “In order to do location properly, you need statistics and information about a user’s habits that you can analyze to keep track of what a person is doing,” Moran said. “This allows apps to anticipate needs and spring into action when necessary, and it also reduces the strain on the battery, because not all sensors have
16 • JCN • April 2014 •Nissan/Iyar 5774 •
to be running at all times in order to ensure that a user gets the services they want.” Data is another important element in the KitLocate toolkit. The system makes novel use of geo-fencing, a system that takes specific actions based on where a user is located. Using data the system collects on habits, KitLocate allows businesses to proactively offer users services and experiences they could otherwise not offer. The information is collected from the apps that use the KitLocate system, and analyzed by the powerful big data apps. As a search company, Yandex is naturally interested in big data, although Moran said he could not say at this point exactly what missions KitLocate would be assigned. The company will now become the nucleus of Yandex’s new Israel R&D center, and presumably the current staff of 8 will be expanded, perhaps
substantially, as Yandex integrates KitLocate into its development projects. KitLocate is barely a year old, and was a graduate of the most recent class of start-up graduates of Microsoft Ventures Accelerator in Israel. It was, in fact, through the program that Yandex found KitLocate, said Moran. “They did a presentation at MS Ventures listing the things they were looking for, and on their presentation was a bullet point on ”power efficient geolocation’ — and as it happens, we had a bullet point with that exact same name on our presentation.” It was a meeting of the minds — or the bullet points that those minds created — that brought the two companies together, said Moran, adding that “we’re very glad to be a part of Yandex, and I know they are happy to have us as well.”
1 4
8 10
11 12 14
15 16
21 22
5 Lola Pawer, Lana Landa & Debbie Orgen-Garrett 6 Heidi Arzt & Julie Fey Clark 7 Stephanie Ross, WP Fundraising Vice President, & Gail Sachs 8 Brenda Weinstock, Barbara Platt & Marcia Stein Fragen, Renee 24 9 Carol Mayer & Carole Bookman 10 Ann Osterman, Joyce 1 Mentalist Sidney Friedman with Lozow & Lucy Meepos Women’s Philanthropy President 11 Judy Torodor & Deanne Lainie Weil & WP Education Carnick Vice President & INSIGHTS 12 Lillian Fox, Ziva Chair Judy Cohn Kammerer & Rhoda 2 Sidney Friedman, Sheri Borax, Brickell Irene Spero & Jewish Federation 13 Joan Strouse, JoAnn CEO Bruce Landgarten. Heiman, Judith Wallis & 3 Beverly Ross, Sidney Friedman & Bonnie Carmell Lainie Weil 14 Celia Norian, Federation 4 Mitzi Olshansky & Annette Novack President, & Miriam Bent
20 15 & Sherry Salzman 16 Dana Lin Bernstein 17 Sheila Freeman & Judy Cohn 18 Sidney Friedman & Rina Eliashar 19 Suzanne Feder & Reva Levy 20 Helen Silverman 21 Phyllis Eisenberg & Evelyn Shukur 22 Judy Brown & Sheri Borax 23 Bobbie Rosenberg & Dolly Levy 24 Miriam Paley & Ruth Fairfield 25 Lilo Cooper & Judith Cohen 26 Lilo Cooper & Susan Goldfine 27 Mary Levine & WP Director Barbara Ben-David
JCN • April 2014 • Nissan/Iyar 5774 • • 17
Local Temples
April Shabbat Schedule
(Member, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism) Ken Hailpern, Spiritual Leader 79-733 Country Club Drive Bermuda Dunes 760-200-3636
Centro Cultural Hebreo de Mexicali
(Conservative) Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico Contact: Ron Cohen 760-960-3392 US (686) 216-7152 Mexico
CHABAD OF PALM SPRINGS & DESERT COMMUNITIES Rabbi Yonason Denebeim 425 Ortega, Palm Springs 760-325-0774
CHABAD OF PALM DESERT A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities Rabbi Mendy Friedman 760-969-2153 / 760-969-2158
CHABAD OF RANCHO MIRAGE A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities Rabbi Shimon Posner 72295 Via Marta, Rancho Mirage 760-770-7785
Congregation HAR-EL
(Member, Union for Reform Judaism) Rabbi Richard Zionts Har-El Cultural Center 47-535 Hwy 74, Palm Desert 760-779-1691
Congregation Shalom Bayit (Reform) Rabbis Larry and Linda Seidman 1320 Williams Ave., Banning Contact 951-769-3678/769-7514
Beth Shalom
Shabbat Services: 8:00 pm. Oneg follows. Saturdays: Services 9:30 am, followed by sit down kiddush. Morning minyan Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30 am, followed by light breakfast. Passover services: April 15, 21, 22 - 9:30 am. Yizkor April 22 at 10:30 am.
Chabad of Palm Springs
Friday Shabbat services: 20 minutes after candle lighting time. Saturday services: Morning - 9:30 am; Women’s Torah Discussion, led by Sussie Denebeim during Kiddush at noon. Evening: same as evening before. Call for Pesach Services schedule.
Chabad of Rancho Mirage
Friday Shabbat services Mincha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat Shabbat morning: 10:00 am followed by sit down Kiddush. Children’s Program/Service 11:15 am. Daily minyan: Shacharit services Monday-Friday 7:00 am; Sundays 8:00 am.
(Conservative) Rabbi Sally Olins 332 West Alejo Road, Palm Springs 760-325-2281
(Reform) Rabbi Glenn Ettman 73-251 Hovley Lane West, Palm Desert 760-568-9699
A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities (Community Outreach) Rabbi Yankel Kreiman 760-325-8076
Community Seders 8:15 pm April 14 and 15. Limited seating. Call 760-770-7785. Call for Pesach Services schedule.
Desert Hot Springs Jewish Community
DHS/High Desert Community Seder Thursday, April 17 5:00 pm Mission Lakes Country Club, 8484 Clubhouse Drive, DHS, officiated by Rabbi Faith Tessler. See ad page 5.
Har-El Congregation
Member, Union for Reform Judaism. Kabbalat Shabbat Services Fridays at 5:00 pm followed by a speaker or discussion. Congregational Seder April 14.
Shalom Bayit (Banning)
Havdallah the first Saturday of each month at 5:30 pm. Shabbat Services the third Friday of the month at 7:30 pm. Both held 1320 West Williams Street, Banning.
Temple Isaiah
Friday, April 4 Kabbalat Shabbat Service at 5:45 pm, preceded by challah, cheese and wine at
5:00 pm. Friday Shabbat services April 14, 21, 28 - 7:30 pm, followed by an Oneg Shabbat. Friday, April 4/Saturday April 5 – Cantor David Propis will be Guest Cantor in Residence. Saturday mornings: Services 10:00 am. Kiddush following. Community Seder first night/ Monday, April 14. See ad page 5. Pesach Service schedule: April 15 - 10:00 am; April 16 - 8:30 am; April 21 - 8:30 am; April 22 10:00 am /Yizkor. Morning minyan 8:30 am Mondays and Thursdays.
Temple Sinai
Friday Shabbat services at 7:30 pm Friday, April 11: Sisterhood Shabbat. Friday, April 18: Shabbat Zimra Service. Saturday: 8:45 am: Torah Study, 10:00 am - Shabbat services. Community Seder second night/ Tuesday, April 15. See ad page 4.
Centro Cultural Hebreo de Mexicali
Weekly Shabbat Services Friday at 7:00 pm, followed by dinner. Saturday immediately before sunset: Havdallah.
April Community Calendar Wednesdays 10:00 am and 1:30 pm The Tolerance Education Center offers free movies every Wednesday. Call for schedule: 760-328-8252. Wednesdays 3:30-5:00 pm Jewish Family Service Jewish Bereavement Group. Meets weekly at the JFS
18 • JCN • April 2014 •Nissan/Iyar 5774 •
Palm Springs Office, 801 East Tahquitz Canyon. Free to local community and reservations not required. Tuesday, April 1, 29 5:30-7:30 pm Chabad Rancho Mirage’s weekly BBQ. Reservations not required, but helpful: 760-770-7785. (Note: Not held immediately before and during Pesach).
Tuesday, April 1, 8, 22, 29 10 am Temple Sinai Yiddish Club Wednesday, April 2, 9, 23, 30 9:30 am Temple Isaiah adult education class Intermediate Hebrew. Instructor: Rabbi Sally Olins.
April Community Calendar Continued Wednesday, April 2 10 am/1 pm/6:30 pm: Temple Isaiah’s Jewish Film Festival at the Camelot Theatres. Day One: “AKA Doc Pomus”, “Hava Nagila”; “100 Voices: A Journey Home” Wednesday, April 2 6:45-8:00 pm Chabad of Rancho Mirage Women’s Rosh Chodesh Society. Illuminating our lives through the Jewish Holidays. This month: “Free at Last: Redefining Freedom in the 21st Century.” Register with Chaya Posner, 760272-1923. Wednesday, April 2, 9, 23, 30 10:00 am Chabad Rancho Mirage women’s program “Torah and Tea Class.” Call 760-770-7785 for more information. Wednesday, April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 12 Noon Temple Sinai adult education course “Rabbi’s Lunch Class” with Rabbi Glenn Ettman. Wednesday, April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 1 pm Temple Sinai Bereavement Group Wednesday, April 2, 9, 23, 30 4:00 pm Temple Isaiah adult education class: “The Kings: Saul, David & Solomon.” Instructor: Rabbi Sally Olins. Wednesday, April 2, 9, 23, 30 5:30 pm Temple Isaiah adult education class: Basic Judaism/ Conversion Class. Instructor: Rabbi Sally Olins. Thursday, April 3 9:00 am Sun City Hadassah. “Securing Israel’s Future Through Peace.” Speaker: David Pine. Sunset View Clubhouse, Sun City. Couvert $5. Thursday, April 3 10 am/:1:30 pm/6:30 pm: Temple
Isaiah’s Jewish Film Festival at the Camelot Theatres. Day Two: “Say Amen”; “The Flat”; “David the Movie” Thursday, April 3, 10, 24 6:30-7:45 pm Chabad Rancho Mirage women’s evening option for “Torah and Tea Class.” Call 760-770-7785 for more information. Friday, April 4, 11, 25 9:30-10:30 am Temple Isaiah Torah Study with Rabbi Sally Olins. Sunday, April 6 2:00-4:00 pm Temple Sinai Town Hall Forum with Congressman Dr. Raul Ruiz “How I Came to Understand Israel, A Personal Journey.” Everyone welcome. No charge. Monday, April 7, 28 7:00 pm Chabad of Rancho Mirage Men’s Torah Class with Rabbi Benny Lew. For more information call 760-636-2897 or email. Monday, April 7 5:30 pm Tamar Hadassah Dinner Meeting. Program: “Sephardic Pesach Customs and Music” with Tamar Benshalom and Nicole Raphael. Mission Hills Country Club. Couvert $25. Pre-paid reservations required. Contact Phyllis at 760-321-9941. Tuesday, April 8 10:00 am Rimona Hadassah Light breakfast meeting. Montecito Clubhouse, Shadow Hills. Tuesday, April 8 10 am Temple Isaiah Book & Bagels. Book: Pam Jenoff’s “The Hidden Affair.” Everyone welcome.
Tuesday, April 8 11:30 am Temple Sinai Women’s Text and Torah Study. Friday, April 11 3:30 pm Congregation Har-El Symposium, Friday with a Scholar. Presenter: Dr. Marvin Sweeney, “The Twelve Prophets Hosea and Malachi.” (First lecture 3:30 pm/Second lecture after 5:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services). Sunday, April 13 3:00 pm Tolerance Education Center Lecture-Recital “Music and the Holocaust” with Brian Nedvin. $25. Reservations required. See page 10 for more information. Wednesdays, April 23, 20, May 7 4:00-5:30 pm. Har-El Galen YearLong Course, Spring Trimester Session on “Enjoying the Bible as Literature” - 2nd Book of Samuel. Presenter: Rabbi Richard Zionts. Registration open. Call 760-7791691 or email to harelurj@gmail. com
Night Only at the McCallum Theater. Contact JFS at 760-3254088 for ticket information. Thursday, April 24 11:30 am Na’Amat Golda Meir Chapter Luncheon. RSVP to 760408-0532. Sunday, April 27 3:00-5:00 pm Jewish Federation of the Desert Community Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance) Observance. Speaker: Historian and Second Generation Survivor Claire Goldstein Simmons. Galen Auditorium at the Annenberg Center at Eisenhower Medical Center, Rancho Mirage. Monday, April 28 10:30-11:45 am Har-El Galen Book Course: The Catcher Was a Spy: The Mysterious Life of Moe Berg by Nicholas Dawidoff. Reviewed by The Hon. Lewis Kent. New registrants welcome. Register with the Har-El Office. 760-779-1691.
Friday, April 18 4:00 pm Tolerance Education Center: “The Colors of My Life” with Tonia Bern-Campbell, accompanied by Joel Baker. $20. Reservations required. See page 10 for more information.
Monday, April 28 11:00 am Yom HaShoah Commemoration for Holocaust Survivors held at the Desert Holocaust Memorial in the Palm Desert Civic Park; officiated by Rabbi Yankel Kreiman.
Tuesday, April 22 4:00 pm Tolerance Education Center: “Tevye & His Daughters” performance with Peter Harris and Ruthanna Metzgar. $20. Reservations required. See page 10.
Monday, April 28 Brandeis National Committee Installation and Empowerment Luncheon. Miramonte Resort, Indian Wells. Contact Sally Markowitz (760) 200-2951for more information.
Wednesday, April 23, 30 5:30-6:30 pm Temple Sinai Happy Hour Judaism with Rabbi Ettman. See ad page 6.
Tuesday, April 29 Brandeis National Committee Palm Springs Art Museum & Lunch. Contact Gail Baum 760-636-0963 for more information.
Wednesday, April 23 Jewish Family Service gala One
JCN • April 2014 • Nissan/Iyar 5774 • • 19
Chile’s Palestino Soccer Club Fined for “Palestine Map” on Uniforms The uniforms of Palestino Soccer Club in Chile prominently feature a map of “Palestine” that encompasses all of present-day Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. Their first uniforms, which were worn for three games earlier this year, featured the map in place of the number “1" on the backs of players. Chile’s top soccer league, the National Association of Professional Football of Chile, or ANFP, fined the team for the old uniforms, ruling that the team must redesign the uniforms to include only numerals for player numbers. The new uniforms have acerbated the issue. The new uniforms have the map on the front and in a smaller size on the back of the jerseys. In punishing the Palestino team,
the ANFP said it was opposed to “any form of political, religious, sexual, ethnic, social or racial discrimination.” The decision followed a complaint by Patrick Kiblisky Fried, the Jewish president of Chile’s Deportivo Nublense SDAP club, which plays in the same league. “The fact that the Palestinian soccer Uniforms of Chile’s Palestino Soccer Club feature controversial maps encompassing all of presentclub chose to keep the map of Israel day Israel, the West Bank and Gaza as “Palestine” on both front and back. on their shirt, claiming all of it as Federation of Chile. community any time soon.” Palestinian territory, provides further The club was founded in 1920 “As a matter of fact, even when they proof that the ideology of the leaders cannot use the previous shirt anymore, by Palestinian immigrants to Chile. of the Palestinian community of Chile they’ve taken advantage of media The Palestinian community in Chile is very extremist, and it is based coverage to sell more than 7,000 of is believed to be the largest outside on the denial of all connection of them around the globe. With this kind of the Middle East. At least 300,000 the Jewish people with the land of of attitude, it is very unlikely that we Chileans are of Palestinian descent, Israel,” Maximiliano Grass, director are able to reestablish constructive according to reports. Shalom of the Chile-Israel Council, the Zionist dialogue with the local Palestinian
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20 • JCN • April 2014 •Nissan/Iyar 5774 •
U.S. House Declares Israel a ‘Major Strategic Partner’
Legislation calls for expanded cooperation in several sectors, but does not admit Israel into the U.S. Visa Waiver Program By Spencer Ho, The Times of Israel
The U.S. House of Representatives on March 5th overwhelmingly passed the United States-Israel Strategic Alliance and Security Act, which is aimed at further enhancing the two countries’ already strong defense relationship. The bill names Israel as a “major strategic partner” of the U.S. — no other nation has this status — and includes measures that would expand cooperation on areas such as missile development, homeland security, energy and agriculture. The measure also calls for expanding the reserve of U.S. weapons stockpiled in Israel and asks the Secretary of State to look into whether Israel has satisfied requirements to join the U.S. Visa Waiver Program, which would allow for unfettered travel between the countries. The final vote was 4101, and the legislation now moves to the U.S. Senate, where a similar bill is already being formulated. AIPAC said in a statement that the House bill would “dramatically strengthen the relationship between the two allies as they work to confront new threats and challenges in the Middle East.” “Today, the House once again reaffirmed its commitment to an unbreakable U.S.-Israel relationship
and Israel’s right to defend itself by itself,” Republican Congressman Peter Roskam said in a statement. “From Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons to the civil war in Syria and political turmoil in Egypt, ongoing volatility in the Middle East underscores the importance of a secure and stable Jewish State of Israel,” he said. ”I look forward to working with my Senate colleagues to send this long overdue bill to the President’s desk.” Roskam is a ranking member of the Republican Israel Caucus and was one of the early co-sponsors of the legislation. The fact that the bill advanced out of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs to the House floor without language that would admit Israel into the Visa Waiver Program was a setback, according to observers. As of today, 37 countries are part of the U.S. Visa Waiver Program, which enables their citizens to travel to the U.S. without applying for a visa prior to their trip and stay for a period of up to 90 days. One of the key requisites for countries wishing to join the program is to have a rejection rate of less than 3 percent for citizens who apply for a U.S. visa. Almost 10 percent of Israeli applicants (12,000
people) were rejected last year, up from 5.4% in 2012 and 2.5% in 2007. The Obama administration and some lawmakers had expressed concern the proposed legislation didn’t do enough to eliminate discrimination against Palestinian and Arab Americans seeking to enter Israel’s borders. They also say Israel still fails to meet other legal requirements for the program. The language in the Senate bill, proposed by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), requires that the Homeland Security Secretary grant Israel visa waiver status after certifying with the Secretary of State that Israel “has made every reasonable effort, without jeopardizing the security of the State of Israel, to ensure that reciprocal travel privileges are extended to all United States citizens.” House staffers say that lawmakers, pro-Israel leaders among them, have raised objections to the clause, “without jeopardizing the security of the State of Israel,” because it
appears to validate what they see as Israel’s tendency to turn away Arab Americans without giving a reason. None of the other 37 countries currently in the Visa Waiver Program has such a caveat written into law. According to former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren, 142 Americans in all were denied entry to Israel in 2012, while about 626,000 were allowed in. That amounts to a refusal rate of 0.023 percent, or about 1 in every 4,400 people.
Community Schools RELIGIOUS/ HEBREW SCHOOLS Chabad Hebrew School A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities Director: Sussie Denebeim 73550 S. Rosa Way, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-341-6501 Temple Isaiah Principal: Rabbi Sally Olins 332 West Alejo Road Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-325-2281, ext. 203 Temple Sinai Director: Miri Ketayi 73-251 Hovley Lane West, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-568-9699
NURSERY SCHOOLS Temple Sinai Tikvah Pre-School Director: Debbie Midcalf 24 mos - Pre-K 73-251 Hovley Lane West, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-568-6779 JCN • April 2014 • Nissan/Iyar 5774 • • 21
Simchas What a ‘fun’ surprise to get the latest Eisenhower Medical Center’s Healthy Living magazine and see Sandy Norian on the cover! Sandy, husband of our Federation
Classifieds PERSONAL ASSISTANT/PERSONAL AFFAIRS MANAGER Excellent local references. Bill paying, reconcile bank statement, run errands, drive to appointment. Computer help: MS Office, QuickBooks, emails. N o t a r y. 2 h o u r s m i n i m u m . Trustworthy, discreet, dependable. 760-408-5260.
President Celia Norian, was featured sharing his story of how participating in a screening program for l u n g c a n c e r,
Sandy Norian
PASSOVER PRODUCTS AVAILABLE at Temple Sinai Gift Shop. Hours 10-3 Tuesday through Friday. For further information call Pixie Glast 432-413-1011. A wide assortment of home and gift items for your use. Shop early. DAVID’S CONSTRUCTION Conscientious licensed, insured, bonded, general contractor. Catering to all your home repair needs. No job too small or big. Room additions, remodeling, patio covers, decks, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, masonry, drywall, cement, wood floors, tile, fences, painting, sprinklers, landscaping, swamp coolers, custom homes and more. License #506-370. davidsconstruction@ 760-671-4476 . KRISTINE A. KAUFFMAN - SENIOR CARE SPECIALIST. Driving for appointments, shopping, dining, etc; Errands (groceries, banking, etc); Bill paying and other miscellaneous tasks; Companionship. Dog sitting, walking. References available. 4-hour minimum 760-902-3490. DOOR PROS We specialize in repair of garage doors, sliding glass and screen doors. Reasonable pricing. Same day service. Fully insured and licensed #889442. 760-360-9300. SHARE EXECUTIVE HOME in a upscale neighborhood in Palm Springs. Pool, spa, and garage are only a few of the great amenities in this 3 bedroom 3 bath home. Monthly or lease available. 760-3238025; 760-219-2155.
22 • JCN • April 2014 •Nissan/Iyar 5774 •
offered at Eisenhower Hospital’s Lucy Curci Center, led to his early detection, ultimately saving his life … Those who attended the 2010 Major Gifts Dinner will remember the performances of the three Yaghoubian siblings, Jonah, Hannah and Esther. Hannah and Esther THE SAGE: A monthly cartoon in the Jewish Community News created by Congregation Har-El. Please see Page 16. Registration open for Har-El Galen Spring Trimester Courses. Call 760779-1691 or e-mail harelurj@gmail. com today for information on courses, upcoming events and membership. Har-El offers study and worship four seasons a year. CAREGIVER AVAILABLE. Let me give you a helping hand at a reasonable rate. Experienced in personal care. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Stroke cases. Cooking, errands and light housekeeping. Strong. Reliable. References and background check available. 760-668-6764. JFS VOLUNTEERS WELCOME: JFS has rewarding volunteer opportunities available and is now accepting applications for the following positions: Lunch In & Out Driver, Lunch In & Out Program Volunteer, Friendly Visitor, JFS Express Senior Ride Transportation driver, Front Office Assistant. For more information contact Julie Hirsh, 760-3254088, extension 109.
Yaghoubian were just lauded in The Desert Sun for their performances at the Coachella Valley Repertory Theater and Steinway Society of Riverside County joint concert of Joe Giarrusso’s compositions ... Share your Simchas with us. Call or email Miriam Bent at 760-323-0255 or TRAVELING NOTARY PUBLIC for all your Health, Financial and Real Estate Documents. Available 7 Days. Ernest Sussman 760-408-9338. GLADYS BECKER, MSW, LCSW. Over 35 years experience counseling/ providing therapy for couples, adults, seniors and adolescents. Let me help you with your depression, anxiety, family, marital and relationship issues. Call 760-320-4377 or email for a confidential assessment. Medicare Provider Sliding Fee Scale. Licensed Clinical Social Worker #17882 - Board Certified Diplomat. WANT TO BUY: Crown Derby English Bone China - Imari pattern. 760-674-0900. OWNER MOVED AWAY. For sale at a reduced price a crypt in Forest Lawn Mausoleum, Jewish Section. 530-318-4510 or 775267-3443.
Candle Lighting Times Friday, April 4 Friday, April 11 Monday, April 14 Tuesday, April 15 Friday, April 18 Friday, April 25
Shabbat Metzora Shabbat Acharei First Seder Second Seder Shabbat Pesach Shabbat Kedoshim
6: 26 pm 6: 31 pm 6:33 pm After 7:55 pm 6:36 pm 6:41 pm
We Mourn the Passing of... Ruth Larner, Lynn Pearlman, Roland Richman, Jules Rosenberg and Len Uslaner. Our deepest sympathies to their families and friends. May their memories endure for a blessing.
Laugh out Loud
Have A Nosh With Miriam
Pesach Recipes
By Miriam H. Bent
I love Pesach. I love having a houseful of guests to share our Seders. I found a couple new recipes I plan to try and if they turn out well I’ll share them with you in next year’s Passover column. Meanwhile, I have three easy recipes you may want to try this year. The photo shows the Chocolate Chip Miracle Bars, which just have four ingredients. And the Sugar Free Chocolate Pecan Torte has only 2 grams of carbohydrates per serving, a real boon to those of us who need to watch our carbs. Hag samayach! Have a wonderful Pesach, surrounded by family and friends. MHB.
Spaghetti Squash Kugel 1 spaghetti squash 1 Tablespoon oil 2 onions, finely diced 1 garlic clove, minced
4 eggs, lightly beaten ½ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon coarse black pepper
Cut spaghetti squash in half lengthwise. Scrape out the seeds with a spoon. Place cut side down in a pyrex dish and add ½ inch water. Cover with plastic wrap and microwave on high for 8-10 minutes. Using a fork, scrape the strands of squash into a large bowl. Heat oil in a sauté pan over medium heat. Add onions and garlic. Sauté until onions are soft, 5-7 minutes. Add onions to spaghetti squash. Add eggs, salt and pepper. Pour into a 9" X 13" baking pan. Bake until kugel is crispy on top, about an hour.
Chocolate Chip Miracle Bars
2 cups ground almonds (see note) 1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs 1 cup chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease a 9" x13" pan. Mix ingredients together and spread in pan with spatula. Batter will be thick but do not add water. Just mix it well. Bake for 23 minutes. Note: Grind almonds in your food processor but watch carefully as you grind them so they don’t become almond butter! Adding a little of the sugar in with the almonds helps with controlling the grinding.
Sugar Free Chocolate Pecan Torte
2 cups pecans 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/3 cup cocoa Artificial sweetener equivalent 1/4 teaspoon salt to 1 cup sugar 4 eggs ½ cup diet cola or water ½ cup (1 stick) pareve unsalted margarine, melted Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 8" or 9" round pan or springform pan. Line bottom with wax or parchment paper and grease it too. Process pecans in food processor until a fine meal consistency. Add the rest of the dry ingredients and pulse again. Add the wet ingredients and process until well-blended. Pour into pan and bake. The exact time will vary with the pan. Start checking at about 25 minutes until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cut when cool. If desired, serve with non-dairy whipped topping, fresh berries and/or chocolate sauce.
Stories in the news that bring a smile!
Make Work
Almost everyone has a pet peeve. Uri Zaguri’s was the use of the word ma’avid on income tax forms (which literally means someone who ‘makes somebody work’) instead of ma’asik (an employer) . But, the kibbutznik from Merchavia saw no way of rectifying the situation so he continued to complain for another six years about the degrading term* until he ran into ‘the right person with connections’ … in a very typical Israeli fashion. Discussing his favorite complaint with a friend at a café, Zaguri turned to the waitress serving his table, to share his pet peeve with her as well. The waitress, Chagit Shemtov, replied that her mother, Lia Shemtov, was a Knesset member (and Deputy-Speaker of the House, to boot). The waitress wrote her mother’s e-mail on a café napkin and handed it to Uri Zaguri … leading to a bill to end the use of the demeaning term ma’avid which “introduces an uncalled-for element of aggressiveness in employer-employee relationships,” according the preamble to the proposed law. * Originally adopted as a functional counter to the term for a worker (oved) in defining employer-employee relationships.
Orthodox Observance Saved Traveler’s Life
A Jewish passenger was not booked onto the missing Malaysia Airlines plane because his Orthodox Jewish travel agent in Israel refused to book him on an itinerary that would have him traveling on Shabbat. Under Orthodox Jewish law, facilitating someone else’s Sabbath desecration — boarding an airplane — is as forbidden as desecrating the Sabbath oneself. In mid January the passenger asked his travel agent to change his flight from Kuala to Beijing so that he could stay in Kuala an extra day for business. The agent replied “I wish I can give you a day later, but you know I just don’t like flying Jews on Shabbat. I can take that leg out if you want and you book yourself.” The passenger originally decided to book the flight himself but changed his mind, telling the agent, “I reconsidered, you are right I should be more observant, I’ll manage without that day in Kuala. "
At the Western Wall: We didn’t know Spiderman was Jewish!
The Jewish Community News welcomes letters to the editor Publication will be based on appropriateness of material and available space, at the discretion of the editorial staff. We reserve the right to edit submissions. Submit letters of 250 words or less by e-mail to:, fax to 760-320-6085 or mail to the Jewish Federation, 69-710 Hwy. 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270, attn: Editor, JCN. JCN • April 2014 • Nissan/Iyar 5774 • • 23
The Jewish Federation of the Desert invites you to Israel’s 66th birthday party
CELEBRATE YOM HA’ATZMAUT Sunday, May 4, 2014 11 am to 1 pm
UC Riverside Palm Desert Campus Auditorium Cook Street & Frank Sinatra Drive
featuring the fabulous
Gilat Rapaport
and the In-Joy Orchestra
The concert is the Jewish Federation’s gift to the Jewish community. There is no charge but we request your RSVP to 760-324-4737 or email
The Strength of a People. The Power of Community. 69-710 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760-324-4737