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JEWISH FEDERATION OF the desert 69-710 Highway 111 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (760) 324-4737 Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #113 Santa Ana, CA

Pray for Peace

L’Shanah Tovah Happy New Year

On the cover....

Pray for Peace

CElia Norian President

L’Shanah Tovah Happy New Year Cover photo by: Rudy Mareel / Shutterstock.com

jewish federation BOARD OF DIRECTORS Celia Norian, Chairman of the Board Sondi Green, Co-chair, Campaign Libby Hoffman, Co-chair, Campaign Vernon Kozlen, Treasurer Bernard Reiter, Secretary Howard Levy, Immediate Past President Roberta Nyman, Immediate Past President

I am writing this message with mixed feelings. My friends in Israel live in the southern part of the country, not that far from Gaza. While we were reading, listening and viewing the news, they have been living with the sounds of rockets, staying in safe rooms, worrying about their safety and the future of their business. This Jewish community came together as one. Saddened by what was happening, again, to our beloved Israel, we recognized the need to assist those in the southern

Board Joseph Bernstein William Chunowitz Elliott Cohen Nancy Ditlove Ellen Glass Phil Glass Marjorie Kulp Ron Langus

Allan Lehmann Allan Nyman Dr. Paul Ross Stephanie Ross Elisa Schwartz Sandy Seplow Andrew Teitel Lainie Weil

Bruce Landgarten, Chief Executive Officer

Table of Contents Vol. 40 • No. 2

Calendar 16-17 Federation 2, 3, 4, 6, 32 Women's Philanthropy 4 Legacy 29 Young Adults 20 Have a Nosh 31 Holiday Ads 21-24 Jewish Family Service 19 Schools 28 Simchas & Classifieds 30 Temples 16 Tolerance Education Center 19 Tributes 18 2 • JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org

part of Israel to get away from the terror and find some respite. We made donations to provide what was needed then and will be needed for months to come, to get lives back to normal. We thank all of you who participated in the Emergency Campaign. The truces have been repeatedly broken, but I can hope that by the time you read this, perhaps peaceful co-existence will have returned. Despite this news and that of growing anti-Semitism in the world, we must look forward and think about how we can make this a better world. As Jews, tikum olam is a part of who we are. It is ingrained in our teachings. Federation is driven by this value. We are here to help the vulnerable. We are here to make

this world a better place. Our work never ends. Our annual campaign will be in high gear soon. We can’t forget about Israel even if the rockets into Israel stop. We can’t forget about those in our community who need help with food, rent or bills because we can’t see them. The needs are still there. They don’t go away. As you attend High Holy Day services or contemplate these “days of awe” please think about the needs of those who are served by Federation. Become one of the many who help to make this world a better place. Make a contribution to Federation. It is what we do – take care of each other. Sandy and I wish you each and everyone a “L’Shana Tova Tikateivu.”

From the CEO

THE DAY AFTER Bruce Landgarten Jewish Federation Chief Executive Officer

The past year has been challenging for the Jewish people. • Crisis in Israel … again. Millions affected by rocket fire, including tens of thousands of children and the most vulnerable in Israeli society. The trauma still goes on, through nightmares and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). • A spike in anti-Semitism worldwide … with dangerous trends in Western and liberal countries. Jews are keeping a low profile and assessing options. • Violence threatens the Jewish c o m m u n i t i e s o f U k ra i n e , who, sadly, have known much violence in their history. Tens of thousands are being helped by our international partners. • And at home: one challenge after another… from the increasing and urgent needs of the most vulnerable in our community who are getting on in years and need

more assistance, to addressing anti-Semitism in the schools. There is one constant in all of these situations. Those in need turn to the Jewish community, and in particular the Jewish Federation, for help. We are there, providing support and resources from day one. We are there the day after… helping rebuild lives and communities, providing rescue and a safe haven and, most importantly, never letting any Jew stand alone. Helping our extended Jewish family in need is one of the hallmarks of what we do. At times like these, this is an even more critical role than our other key mission areas – solving the problems.

And the reality is that today our resources are stretched to the limit. That is why I am seeking your urgent support for our Jewish Community Campaign, the core vehicle that enables us to do all of our critical work. This funding is what enables us to be there when people in need turn to us for help – and especially to continue providing that help the day after these crises and beyond.

lives of our fellow Jews in need! Your contribution will go right to work making a difference where most needed. Our overhead is low and we are focused on having smart and strategic impact in the community. We have been doing a lot this year – but we need to do more. And we need your support. Thank you for your generosity. Sincerely,

But, in a year like this, our normal funding just does not cut it. We need additional support – and we need you to step up and help us make this crucial difference in the

Bruce Landgarten Chief Executive Officer

JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org • 3

Women's Philanthropy


IDF Col. (Res.) Miri Eisin WP Education Day Speaker

With so much focus on the defense of Israel these past weeks, Women's Philanthropy is particularly excited to bring Colonel Miri Eisin as the speaker for our December 8th Education Day. Miri Eisin served in the Israeli intelligence community, retiring from active duty in the Israel Defense Force in 2004 with the rank of full colonel. Over her twenty year career in the military she served as the deputy head of the combat intelligence corps, assistant to the director of Military intelligence

and as the intel officer in combat units and research departments. Miri is a member of the small group of women to achieve the rank of colonel in the Israeli Military (less than 2 %). After leaving the IDF she was appointed as the Israeli government spokesman during the second Lebanon

war and then took the position of the Israeli Prime Minister’s international media advisor. She served in that position until December 2007. She continues to be Israel's face and voice, presenting Israel's case to the media worldwide. Judy Cohn, Women’s Philanthropy Education Chair, advises “Ms. Eisen is an articulate, engaging and compelling speaker, and I urge you to put this event on your calendar. It will be a very special morning.”

JEWISH COMMUNITY NEWS A Publication of the Jewish Federation of the Desert VOL. 40, No. 2

EDITORIAL Bruce Landgarten, Chief Executive Officer Miriam H. Bent, Editor Bailey & Co., Layout & Design JCN STATEMENT The Jewish Community News seeks to provide news and feature material of special interest to its readership, and to create a heightened sense of Jewish identity through the dissemination of information about people, events and issues at home and abroad. The JCN seeks to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas and opinions in the Jewish community. The JCN is published monthly, ten months a year by the Jewish Federation of the Desert, 69-710 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270, 760-324-4737, fax 760-324-3154. Articles & Advertising, Miriam H. Bent, Editor 760-323-0255, fax 760-320-6085, e-mail-mhbentjcn@earthlink.net ADVERTISING The JCN does not endorse the goods or services advertised in its pages and makes no representation as to the kashrut of food products and services in such advertising. The publisher shall not be liable for damages if, for any reason whatsoever, it fails to publish an advertisement or for any error in an advertisement. Acceptance of advertisers and of advertising copy is subject to the publisher’s approval. The JCN is not responsible if ads violate applicable laws and the advertiser will indemnify, hold harmless and defend the JCN from all claims made by government agencies and consumers for any reason based on ads carried in the JCN.

4 • JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org

Double Standard? Syria Death Toll 100 Times Higher Than Gaza by Ari Yashar, Arutz Sheva

Outgoing UN human rights commissioner Navi Pillay on August 21st condemned the UN Security Council for failing in Syria, as a UN report indicated the death toll there has reached over 191,369 people, spurred by horrific war crimes. "I firmly believe that greater responsiveness by this council would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives," Pillay told the council in the final briefing of her six-year term, reports Reuters. She will be replaced by Jordan's Prince Zeid Ra'ad Zeid al-Hussein. Through April just shy of 200,000 people have been killed in Syria's four-year bloody conflict, according to a UN report released Friday by Pillay's office. That figure is more than double the death toll of a year ago, and likely still falls short of the actual

toll according to Pillay, as an extra 51,953 killings were left out due to insufficient data. Syria's civil war has "dropped off the international radar," lamented Pillay, noting "the killers, destroyers and torturers in Syria have been empowered and emboldened by the international paralysis." Ironically the UN has been very not paralyzed when it comes to Israel's defensive Operation Protective Edge in Gaza, now in its sixth week, despite that Hamas claimed the death toll there is just over 2,000 - a full 100 times less than the Syrian casualty count. In fact, 2,000 Syrians, the same number as those killed in Gaza, were killed in the first five months of 2014 by indiscriminate "barrel bombings" on Aleppo, in which cheaply improvised

explosives were randomly tossed on civilian centers by the Syrian army. The UN has been very unconcerned about accuracy in the Gaza death toll, although Israeli reports show that despite Hamas's manipulation of figures and inflation of civilian counts, there is a roughly 1:1 death toll of combatants to civilians, which would be an almost unprecedented achievement in urban warfare. Nevertheless, Pillay has herself led the charge against Israel, even slamming the Jewish state for not sharing its antimissile Iron Dome technology with the terrorist organization peppering its civilians with rockets. Already European nations are pushing for a UN Security Council resolution to stop the fighting in Gaza, and force Israel back into peace talks on the basis of the 1949 Armistice lines.

Likewise, UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has tasked an investigative committee to look into "war crimes" allegations against Israel, headed by anti-Israel Canadian law Professor William Schabas who the UN has "double standards" against Israel.


JOIN US FOR THE HIGH HOLY DAYS Rabbi Steven Chester Randy Tichauer, Cantorial Soloist Temple Sinai Choir Instrumental Accompaniment

Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, September 24 • 7:00 pm Rosh Hashanah Thursday, September 25 10:00 am

Kol Nidre (Erev Yom Kippur) Friday, October 3 • 7:00 pm Yom Kippur Saturday, October 4 10:00 am

Tickets: $250

Break the Fast with a delicious Dairy Buffet at the conclusion of Yom Kippur Services Reservations please. 760-568-9699 JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org • 5

Todah Rabbah. Thank you

to all who gave to the ‘Stop the Sirens’ Emergency Campaign, recognizing that while we cannot silence the sirens, together we can help mitigate their impact on Israelis living under fire. As of August 22, 2014 (as we prepare to go to press) our Federation has received and sent out $111,345.00 from 230 households. Heidi & Noam Arzt Amy Austin Sheila & Chuck Bailin Janet & Richard Ball Pat & Dr. Stuart Barton Barbara Beaty Becky Benaroya Naomi & Saul Berger Sarah & Marshall Berger Audrey & Joseph Bernstein Ruth & Morris Beschloss Eleanor Blank Ricarda Blaschke Rosalie & Charles Booke Sheri & Jim Borax Barbara & Herbert Borovsky Marcia Brodsky Joy Brower Pearl Busch Bonnie Carmell Naomi & Jeffrey Caspe Renee & Ernie Charney David Cheifetz Evie Chersky Max & Gloria Chodak William & Joan Chunowitz Harold Clumeck Mary Coco Judy Cohn Martin Cohn Martha & Everett Combs Mimi David Barbara Davis Janet DeMint Nancy & Dennis Ditlove Gerald Dorman Alan Douglas Rose & Murray Dunst Margaret & Fred Fabricant Edith & Arnold Familian Joan & Robert Feldman Shirley Fine Doreen & Harold Fishbein Michael Fisher Janice & Robert Flamer Georgia & Jerry Fogleson Barbara Fremont Barbara & Bernie Fromm Barbara Fuller Marshall Gelfand Bernard Gertz Lesley Getz Karen & Roger Getz Susan & Arnie Gillman Cora & Ted Ginsberg Ellen &Philip Glass Gerald Gleason Morris Glesby

Ellen & Dr. Melvin Glick Morton Godlas Jan Gold Harriet Goldberg Joyce & David Goldberg Yona & David Goldberg Susan & Stuart Goldfine Alan J. Goldstein Laurence J. Goodman Joyce Gorney Helen Gottschalk Carol Graff-Radford Sharon Granowitz Sondi & Bruce Green Perry & Gloria Green Peggy & James Greenbaum Silvester Greenberger Maxine & Robert Greenstein Frances & Donald Griffiths Joan & Stephen Grossman Rachel & Edward Gubman Bud Hailperin Kenneth Hailpern Margot & Jerry Halperin Sandra & Roger Harris Arlene & Jerome Harris David Harris Greg Harris Laverne & Martin Hecht Ira & Jo Ann Heiman Karen Held Harry Herz Marilyn Hirshleifer Libby & Buddy Hoffman Joan Holland Greta Honigsfeld Carol Horwich-Luber Gordon & Pat Hubbard Sandra Hursey Helga & Bryan Isaacs Deborah & Arthur Jacobson Dolores Jaffe Ilse Jamin Ziva & Bob Kammerer Frances & Mark Kaufman Connie & George Keiter Helen & Lewis Kent Gail & Bryan Kocen Gloria Korngold Joan & Harold Kramer Rabbi Yankel & Rochel Kreiman D'vora & Esmond Kronick Marjorie & Stephen Kulp Bruce Landgarten Charlene & Greg Lane Susan & Ronald Langus Gladys & David Layne

6 • JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org

Sheryl & Allan Lehmann Elaine Leib Marla Leventhal Mary Levine Patricia & Howard Levy Dolly & Julian Levy Irene & Marvin Levy Rhoda & Marvin Lewis Norman Lewis Freya Libby Estelle Lieb Harriet L. Lindsay Robbie Lomes-Walters Jeffrey Louis Phyllis Lyman David Lyons Ayala Paula Marks Kent McCoy Linn Menne Jim Miringoff Florence & Leo Mittler Bebsabe Morrison Doug Morton Chy & Bill Nach Marci & Irwin Narter Beverly Nathan Phyllis & Philip Nathanson Phyllis Newman Marie & Robert Nierman Celia & Sanford Norian Todd Norian Annette & Larry Novack Roberta & Allan Nyman Irene & Dr. Leonard Osias Carol Page Mimi & Harold Paley Nancy & Graham Paull Chris & Irv Pearlstein Barbara Platt Arlette Poland Brenda Porvin Marilyn & Herbert Posner Beth Pressman Bruce Pringle Nathalie Probst Shirley Randolph Bernard Reiter Rella & Monroe Rifkin Daniel Robbins Rosalind Roniss Robert Rosenberg Stephanie & Dr. Paul Ross Susan & Robert Rosser Dale & George Rotner Tobye & Harvey Rubin Gloria & Ed Rudetsky Wendy & Dr. Ron Rudlin Jacqueline Rudman

Vicki Salvin Gail & Robert Scadron Sandy Schachter Maureen & Mark Scharader Toby Scherer Babs Schrager Sandi Schreiber Elisa & Ken Schwartz Trudy & Edward Schwartz Barbara Senescu Sandford Seplow Lila & Joseph Shelden Esther & Milton Shepard Lenore & Bruce Sherman William Shovers Estelle & Sanford Silberman David R. Silberstein Rosalind & Jerome Sipher Simha Skinner Harriet Sloan Iris & Tom Smotrich Elaine & Richard Snyder Hannah & Jerome Solomon Larry Stahl Debra & Milton Star Susan Stefanoski Nicholas Stefanoski Marcia & Rick Stein Pearl Stewart Goldie & Albert Strauss David S. Suss Tamarisk Men's Golf Tournament Judith Torodor Marcia Trager Jim Trew Linda & Howard Vogel Andrea Wallis Judith & Walter Wallis Audrey &Peter Warshawsky Wednesday Mahjettes Lainie & Tom Weil Lee & Harold Weinstein Barbara & Sheldon Weisberg Steven & Dale Weiss Pat & Marvin Weiss Donna & Sidney Weiss Sheila Weissberger Laurie & Bruce Wilcox Laura Winking Elle & Philip Winn Jeannie Y. Kendrick Winston Barbara Wishner Eilean Wuhl Lynn & Michael Zaifert Maurice Zaslawsky Rabbi Isaiah Zelden

JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org • 7

Jewish Agency Bringing Ukrainian Jews to Israel by Tova Dvorin, Arutz Sheva

Dozens of Jewish teenagers from Ukraine have been brought to summer camp in Israel as a relief from the raging conflict in Donetsk, through a special Jewish Agency for Israel project funded by the Jewish Federations of North America and UJA Federation of Greater Toronto. At the same time, there has been a significant increase in the number of immigrants to Israel from southeastern Ukraine, the Jewish Agency reports and inquiries to the immigration process have continued to pour in. Chairman of the Executive of The Jewish Agency Natan Sharansky reflected on the situation. "I grew up in southeastern Ukraine at a time when our lives were devoid of Judaism and Zionism was a dirty word," Sharansky

said. "Today we at The Jewish Agency are able to help children in that same region connect to Jewish life and strengthen their ties to Israel." "This is important not only from a Zionist perspective, but from a humanitarian perspective, as well," he continued. "Today we are fulfilling that sacred mission in Ukraine and we will continue to do whatever we can to ensure that Jews are safe and secure no matter where they are." Some 40 teenagers between the ages of 14 and 17 from Donetsk and other embattled areas of Ukraine are currently participating in the ZMAN. IL summer camp, located on Kibbutz Kalia near the Dead Sea. During their time in Israel, they will tour the country, be immersed in Israeli culture, and learn

about Jewish history. At the same time, Jewish Agency representatives are working intensively to provide individuals who wish to immigrate to Israel with immediate assistance. Since tensions flared in May, some 400 individuals have been rescued from the embattled areas and brought to Israel thanks to Christian organizations and the Jewish community of Dnepropetrovsk. The

Wishing You a Happy New Year

8 • JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org

new immigrants were flown to Israel via Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, and Kiev. According to Jewish Agency figures, the number of new immigrants from Ukraine has more than tripled since the beginning of the year, reaching some 2,000 individuals by the end of July, compared to 600 during the equivalent period in 2013. Jewish immigration from Ukraine is being organized by The Jewish Agency in partnership with various Israeli government ministries - including the Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - and organizations such as EZRA, along with the support of the Jewish Federations of North America and the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.

U.S./Israel Issue Landmark Agreement for Mutual Investor Visas by Tova Dvorin and Hezki Ezram, Arutz Sheva

The Knesset Interior Committee approved a landmark visa decision in mid-August, allowing for U.S. citizens to receive investor visas in Israel on the one hand, and for Israeli citizens greater access to U.S.A E-2 investor visas on the other. Through a reciprocal agreement with U.S. officials, the move allows U.S. citizens to obtain visas to invest and conduct business in Israel, and vice versa. The visa pact is aimed at encouraging economic growth in both countries and strengthening relations between the two. An inter-ministerial team led by Interior Minister Gideon Sa'ar (Likud) found that there is a need for the provision of economic and social investor visas to citizens of the United States. Granting the visa would allow the citizens of Israel and the United States to make joint investments as well, and encourage and develop economic investment in the Israeli economy, as well as increasing the number of employment opportunities in Israel. The Israeli investment visa allows U.S. citizens to stay and work in Israel for as long as needed for the investment, along with any essential employees and family. "The investor visa approval is expected to contribute to Israel's

economy and create jobs for the citizens of Israel in the future," Sa'ar said. "This is a process that allows U.S. investors to work in Israel on the one hand and Israeli investors to invest in the American market on the other hand, opening new avenues for investment in the joint Israeli-American economy." The U.S. technically offered the E2 visa - the American equivalent to the Israeli license to Israeli nationals in 2012, but its implementation has been on hold until U.S. President Barack Obama and other Administration officials could solidify the final terms of the visa.

visa crisis was close to coming to an end several days later. Earlier this year, Israeli security officials also claimed they were being targeted by the U.S., and that hundreds of defense officials were turned away from making important visits to Washington. Major Israeli politicians

claimed in May that the U.S. had been "humiliating" them during the visa application process for years, according to a report in Yediot Aharonot, and had been forced to endure long wait times for acceptance and allowed only brief visits to their alleged ally.

Sudden turnaround? The decision surfaces despite an ongoing visa crisis, which reared its head again in late June after the U.S. was found to have restricted Israeli citizens from receiving tourist visas until further notice. In April, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced an internal review into claims that hundreds of young Israelis were being barred from entering the U.S. for political reasons. An initial investigation found that the rejection rate of visa applications for young Israelis ages 21-26 had doubled, from 16% in 2009 to 32% in 2014; Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro stated that the

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760.902.9206 rng.bell@aol.com/www.beverlybell.com JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org • 9

The IDF’s Answer to Tunnels from Gaza By Jacob Northbrook, Jerusalem Online

An IDF source announced that the army is prepared to initiate a network of sensors which will be able to alert to the digging of a tunnel from Gaza. The plan is expected to cost between 2 to 3 billion shekels and will extend

68 kilometers around the border with Gaza. Designed to protect the citizens living near the border with Gaza, it would include advance technology for locating tunnels, as well as physical barriers intended to

impede construction of such tunnels in especially sensitive areas near the border and neighboring communities. The program is expected to be operational within one year, once the budget has been approved.

The Defense Ministry as well as the IDF’s Southern Command are leading the project. If the R&D phase proves successful, the program could be ready within one year, according to IDF sources.

Romantic Proposal on Gaza Border By Linda Lovitch, Jerusalem Online

Somehow, in between finding terror tunnels and battling Hamas in Gaza, Itai Hoffman, a reserve officer in the Nahal Brigade, found time to organize a very special marriage proposal for his beloved. "It wasn't easy," Itai explains, "but a lot of people helped and I was able to surprise Ilana." He managed to recruit others from his unit somewhere near the Gaza border to help in operation "Proposal". Luckily Ilana, his girlfriend of 2 years, was also stationed near the Gaza border. The "Proposal" crew included a stills photographer, video photographer and driver to bring Ilana to the designated location on the beach at Ashdod. Ilana excitedly explained, "At first I thought he just wanted to surprise me and then I looked down and saw the red carpet and champagne." It was clear that the mission was successful. Beyond having future mementos from TV interviews together holding hands, the couple also had a message for the international community. "It was really important to us that so many people wrote that we had made their day. We also want to show the world that the IDF sees life as sacred, that the IDF is made up of human beings." At this point the wedding plans are put on hold. Ilana adds, "As soon as everything is over and everyone returns home, we will plan our wonderful wedding." 10 • JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org

JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org • 11

Israel’s Leading Ebola Expert Funded by U.S. Military By Dyana So and Maya Yarowsky, NoCamels

Africa is currently facing its worst Ebola outbreak in history, with over 1,600 officially reported cases of infection, a death toll of 880 and rising, and a startling mortality rate of up to 90 percent. One of the reasons that the Ebola virus is so deadly is that there is still no proven vaccine or treatment, and only a handful of researchers around the world are currently working on a cure. Dr. Leslie Lobel, an Israeli researcher at Ben Gurion University and one the world’s few experts on the Ebola virus, is currently ahead of many of his international colleagues when it comes to discovering a vaccine that would make humans immune to the virus. According to Dr. Lobel, the present lack of interest in Ebola in medical circles is due to two main factors: big pharmaceutical companies not finding long-term treatments to

regional viruses profitable, and the viral infections being overshadowed by more widespread diseases like cancer and diabetes. “What has happened is that therapies have not been developed for infectious diseases for many years. Suddenly there’s an outbreak and people get scared. I think this is more of a wakeup call.” Despite the fact that the United States has classified Ebola a ‘Category A’ potential bioterror agent, big pharmaceutical companies don’t deem an Ebola drug ‘profitable’, says Lobel, because according to their assessments, the disease affects a specific group

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of people in mainly impoverished countries with poor medical care. Therefore, these companies do not see profitable returns they would like for an Ebola cure, causing pharmaceutical executives to ask, “Who are they going to sell it to?” The economic concerns of the pharmaceutical companies are what force Dr. Lobel and others to turn to other sources of research funding, like the United States Military. “One of the great Achilles Heels of any military is infectious disease,” explained Dr. Lobel. “I think the American military, in particular, is heavily invested in developing defences against biological pathogens, both from nature and from potential bioweapons.” Lobel, Israel’s preeminent Ebola researcher immigrated to Israel in 2002 from the U.S., making it easier for him to gain the confidence of one of world’s only military, besides Canada, investing in an Ebola cure. Currently, doctors are using a U.S. Military-grant funded passive Ebola therapy, the “cocktailed antibody method,” tested on monkeys and used to treat the two American aid workers infected with the virus. However, the success of this method is still not proven, but offers the best ‘local’ approach to treating the virus, according to Dr. Lobel. Meanwhile, Dr. Lobel’s own passive

therapy, developed together with his co-principal investigator Dr. Victoria Yavelsky, is the most promising option on the market for a long-term Ebola treatment. Applying human monoclonal antibodies, Dr. Lobel hopes that his vaccine will eventually be used to immunize against the deadly virus, a far-off dream for the Western African countries currently dealing with the epidemic. To create the vaccine, Dr. Lobel and his research team travel to their partnering lab at the Uganda Virus Research Institute in Entebbe five times a year to take blood samples of healthy Ebola survivors. The patients that Dr. Lobel studies are Ebola survivors who managed to self-generate antibodies that effectively fought off the virus. By visiting with these survivors, who unfortunately are considered pariahs in African society due to their history of infection, Lobel not only seeks to isolate the antibodies in their blood for the development of his vaccine, but to make sure that they retain a sense of social self-importance fostered through his regular visits. Dr. Lobel believes that his survivor blood-based method will prove most effective in immunizing against the disease, but it will take nearly five years until an early form of the vaccine is ready.

Iron Dome Becomes New Shabbat Outing By Linda Lovitch, Jerusalem Online

Despite the threat of rocket attacks, Israelis hate to cancel their Shabbat outings. While some stayed home, others refused to skip a Shabbat outing with their families. And that is how the missile batteries of the Iron Dome became a draw for Israelis. Michael Sabag arrived at 7:30 in the morning in the hopes of photographing the Iron Dome launching interceptors for rockets. "We want to be part of the experience," he said. Niso Hai felt that it was important for his children to see where they are being protected. “They’ll feel safer if they see this.” Yoav came for his 7th birthday to see where the iron dome missile interceptors are being launched. “The Iron Dome is one of my favorite things of the IDF. If the Hamas fires rockets on us, the army sends the interceptors from the Iron Dome without harming Hamas,” he explained. Iron Dome selfies have become a new trend. But what happens when

a rocket is launched? Shlomo Mitzri explained, "You see the rocket, the Iron Dome launched and you understand how strong we are." Many Israelis have stayed away from local entertainment areas in the center of the country for fear of being caught outdoors when the sirens sound. Most entertainment sites in Tel Aviv are empty. Meanwhile, the batteries of the Iron Dome were so popular the police had to disperse the local tourists. At least Israelis found a new way to spend a relaxed Shabbat.

JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org • 13

London Times Refused to Run Elie Wiesel Ad Denouncing Hamas’ Human Shields

The ad, which specifically refers to children, has run in The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal, among other U.S. newspapers. Ha’aretz & The Observer

The London Times refused to run an ad featuring Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel speaking out against Hamas’ use of children as human shields. The ad sponsored by The Values Network, which was founded by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, has run in The New York Times, Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal, among other U.S. newspapers. The refusal was first reported by the New York Observer. The London Times refused the ad because “the opinion being expressed is too strong and too forcefully made and will cause concern amongst a significant number ofTimes readers,” according to a statement from a representative of the newspaper. This is the same paper that previously marked Holocaust Day in January 2013 with an editorial cartoon of Israel’s prime minister “cementing peace” with a wall built with Palestinian bodies as bricks and Palestinian blood as mortar. Headlined “Jews rejected child sacrifice 3,500 years ago. Now it’s Hamas turn,” the ad began running the first week of August. It reads, in part: “In my own lifetime, I have seen Jewish children thrown into the fire. And now I have seen Muslim children used as human shields, in both cases, by worshippers of death cults indistinguishable from that of the Molochites. “What we are suffering through today is not a battle of Jew versus Arab or Israeli versus Palestinian. Rather, it is a battle between those who celebrate life and those who champion death. It is a battle of civilization versus barbarism.” Countering the London Times statement, Boteach said “Elie Wiesel is one of the most respected human beings alive, a Nobel Peace

Elie Wiesel

Laureate, and is the living face of the Holocaust. No greater expert on genocide exists in the whole world. His call for the end of child sacrifice by Hamas, who use children as human shields, and a stop to their genocidal charter, which calls for the murder of Jews everywhere, could only offend the sensibilities of the most die-hard anti-Israel haters and anti-Semites.” The Times cited concern for reader sensitivities as its reasoning for rejecting the advertisement. A Times representative told the media buyer for Jewish Values Network, “In brief, [The Times] [feels] that the opinion being expressed is too strong and too forcefully made and will cause concern amongst a significant number of Times readers.” The buyer later asked if the ad could be edited to meet The Times‘ standards and was informed, “The editorial decision not to accept The World ad is not open for a negotiation regarding the content of the ad. So, I don’t want to waste your time with possible revisions. Many thanks for thinking of The Times to begin with.” Curiously, England’s The Guardian, known as the newspaper most hostile to the current Israeli government, accepted the ad. Long known as biased against Israel, and a public editor acknowledged the paper’s reputation of anti-Semitism in 2011, the Guardian marks the sixth major news source that has run the advertisement without incident.

14 • JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org

“The Guardian may be left wing but they obviously believe in free speech and allowing their readers to

hear the voice of a Nobel Laureate about a very important issue,” the source told the Observer.

Anti-Semitism on Rise Around World Excerpts from Carolyn B. Glick’s article in The Jerusalem Post 8-14-14

Outside the U.S., throughout the Western world, anti-Semitism is becoming a powerful social and political force. And its power is beginning to have a significant impact on Israel’s relations with other democracies. Consider South Africa. Following a lopsided vote by the University of Cape Town’s Student Union to boycott Israel, Jewish students fear that their own student union will be barred from operating on campus. Carla Frumer from the South African Jewish Student Union told The Times of Israel, “If they prove we are a Zionist organization and support Israel, they can have us banned and seek to de-register us.” In Sydney, Australia, Jewish families received a triple blow last week when Jewish children on a chartered school bus were assaulted by eight antiSemitic drunken teenagers. The first shock was that their children, some as young as five, were terrorized on their school bus. The second shock was that the bus driver made an unscheduled stop to allow the anti-Semites to board the bus and harass the children. The third shock was that after catching six of the eight assailants, the police let them out of jail the same evening. Taken together, the incident revealed an obscene comfort level among Australian authorities with the terrorization of Jewish children. Jewish families cannot assume that their children will be protected by non-Jews, whether they are school bus drivers or the police. Unfortunately, these stories do not begin to scratch the surface of the rising tide of anti-Semitism in the developed world. From Paris to San Paulo, from Berlin to Boston the public space Jews can enjoy without fear is becoming more and more limited. In Briton, after Labor Party leader Ed Miliband sided with the majority of the party membership and against Israel in Operation Protective Edge, Kate Bearman, the former director of Labor Friends for Israel, published an article in the Jewish Chronicle announcing that she was quitting the Labor Party. Bearman wrote, “I feel Ed Miliband’s rush to a condemnation of Israel’s ground incursion into Gaza gave me no choice but to say goodbye to the party I have always voted and campaigned for.” A survey of Britons taken at the

end of last month by YouGov showed that 62 percent believed that Israel had committed war crimes in Gaza. This includes 72% of Labor supporters and 57% of Conservatives. In other words, nearly two-thirds of Britons believe that Israel has no right to defend itself. And since Israel is surrounded by forces that seek its destruction, we can extrapolate that nearly two-thirds of Britons would, at a minimum, have no problem with Israel being wiped off the map. This rising political force of antiSemitism is already impacting previously supportive governments’ policies toward the Jewish state. Bowing to the anti-Israel positions of his Liberal-Democrat coalition partners, British Prime Minister David Cameron decided that arms exports to Israel will be suspended if Hamas continues its current round of war with Israel. The primary engine propelling Western nation after Western nation to abandon their support for Israel and deny the protection of law to Jewish communities is the rising power of Muslim minority communities in these countries. As Douglas Murray explained in an essay published by the Gatestone Institute this week, when it comes to Israel and Jews, otherwise integrated, moderate Muslims in Europe are quick to join jihadists in denouncing Israel and rallying behind anti-Semitic curses and threats. The unanimity of anti-Semitic prejudice among Muslim communities in the West, and its impact on the politics of Western nations, indicates that in the future, Western nations’ policies toward Israel may have more in common with the positions of Sunni Arab states than with those of the U.S. Since the dawn of modern Zionism more than a century ago, Arab societies have united around the cause of destroying Zionism as a political force and Israel as a physical entity. As a result, the default position of Arab governments has been to support Israel’s destruction. They have advanced this goal through various means, including going to war against the Jewish state, supporting proxies and other irregular forces in their efforts to kill Jews and harm Israel, and using international organizations – first and foremost the United Nations

– to institutionalize international anti-Semitism directed against the Jewish state and to criminalize Israel with the aim of expelling it from the international community. In recent years, we have seen a gradual, quiet disassociation of various Sunni Arab regimes from the war against Israel as they viewed their interests as more aligned with Israel than with its battlefield foes. The first time this occurred was during Hezbollah’s war with Israel in 2006. In the opening weeks of the war, Egypt and Saudi Arabia were demonstrably excited at the prospect of an Israeli rout of Iran’s proxy army in Lebanon. As they saw it, an Israeli victory over Hezbollah would deal a powerful blow to Iran’s hegemonic designs over the Persian Gulf and Egypt. It would end the Muslim Brotherhood’s romance with the mullahs in Tehran. This Sunni Arab support for Israel only abated when then prime minister Ehud Olmert’s serial blundering in his leadership of the war convinced Sunni leaders that Israel would not score a strategic victory.

Over the past six weeks of Operation Protective Edge, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates have been even more open about their preference for an Israeli victory, which they view as a blow to the Muslim Brotherhood. Today these regimes feel far more threatened by the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran than they did eight years ago. Indeed, so great is their desire for an Israeli victory over the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza that they are willing to publicly express their position for the first time. It is not that “the Arab street” in Mecca and Cairo has stopped hating Jews. It is simply that the regimes are willing to neutralize the political influence of Jew-hatred in order to ensure their survival. In the future, such a commonality of interests may be the only way for Israel to cultivate strategic cooperation with Western nations. All of this is greatly disturbing. But at least today, it is not Israel’s most pressing concern. The political salience of anti-Semitism in the West will have no impact on how the fighting ends.

JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org • 15

Shabbat and Weekday Service Information Check the websites or call for times of services.

Erev Rosh Hashanah First day Rosh Hashanah Second day Rosh Hashanah Kol Nidre Yom Kippur

Wednesday, September 24 Thursday, September 25 Friday, September 26 Friday, October 3 Saturday, October 4

Erev Sukkot Sukkot Shemini Atzeret Yizkor Erev Simchat Torah Simchat Torah

Wednesday, October 8 October 9-15 Thursday (AM) October 16 Thursday (PM) October 16 Friday, October 17

Contact the synagogues directly for schedule of their holiday services and programs. Please refer to the ads of Temple Isaiah, Temple Sinai and Har-El for their holiday information. BETH SHALOM

(Member, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism) Ken Hailpern, Spiritual Leader 79-733 Country Club Drive, Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 bethshalom18.wordpress.com 760-200-3636 8 pm Friday/9:30 am Saturday Shabbat Services. Morning Minyan on hiatus. Resumes in November.

CENTRO CULTURAL HEBREO DE MEXICALI (Conservative) Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico Contact: Ron Cohen www.judiosdemexicali.com 760-960-3392 US (686) 216-7152 Mexico


Rabbi Yonason Denebeim 425 Ortega, Palm Springs, CA 92264 www.chabadpalmsprings.com

760-325-0774 Shabbat services Friday/Saturday; daily morning and evening minyan.

CHABAD OF PALM DESERT A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities Rabbi Mendy Friedman www.chabadpd.com 760-969-2153 / 760-969-2158


A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities Rabbi Shimon Posner 72295 Via Marta, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 www.chabadrm.com 760-770-7785 Shabbat services Friday/10 am Saturday; daily morning and evening minyan.

CONGREGATION HAR-EL (Member, Union for Reform Judaism) Rabbi Richard Zionts 47-535 Hwy 74, Palm Desert,

16 • JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org

CA 92260 harelurj@aol.com 760-779-1691 5 pm Friday evening Kabbalat Service, followed by speaker or discussion, Rosh Hashanah through end of May.


(Reform) Rabbis Larry and Linda Seidman 1320 Williams Ave., Banning Contact 951-769-3678/7697514 Shabbat Service 3rd Friday/ Havdallah 1st Saturday evening.

Desert Hot Springs

Monthly Friday Shabbat Service Rosh Hashanah through May. September service is the 12th. See ad this page for High Holiday Services provided by the Jewish Federation as part of its community outreach. Contact 760-324-4737 for more information.


(Conservative) Rabbi Sally Olins 332 West Alejo Road, Palm Springs, CA 92262 www.templeisaiahps.com 760-325-2281 7:30 pm Friday/10 am Saturday Shabbat Services; morning minyan Mondays & Thursdays. Bat Mitzvah of Dani Hjerpe on September 6th.


(Reform) 73-251 Hovley Lane West, Palm Desert www.templesinaipd.org 760-568-9699 7:30 pm Friday/10 am Saturday Shabbat Services


A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities (Community Outreach) Rabbi Yankel Kreiman www.BikurCholimPS.com 760-325-8076

September Community Calendar Monday, September 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 6:30 pm Chabad of Rancho Mirage Men’s Talmud Class given by Rabbi Benny at Chabad of Rancho Mirage. For more information call 760-636-2897 or rabbibenny@ chabadrm.com. Wednesdays, September 3, 10, 17, 24 10:00 am and 1:30 pm Tolerance Education Center free movies. See page 19 for September and October movies plus special events. Wednesday, September 3, 10, 17 5:00 pm Temple Isaiah Introduction to Judaism course led by Rabbi

Sally Olins. Call 760-844-7302 for more information. Wednesday, September 3, 10, 17 7:00-8:00 pm Chabad of Rancho Mirage Torah and Tea. Everyone welcome. For more information call 760-770-7785 or www.chabadrm.com. Sunday, September 7 12:30 pm Beth Shalom “Taste of Tishrei” High Holy Day workshop, led by Ken Hailpern. Brunch - $18 for members, $22 for non-members with paid reservations. Call 760-200-3636 for information.

Wednesday, September 10, 17, October 1 4:00-5:30 pm Har-El Galen Trimester Course “Two Who Changed the Western World: Jesus and Paul.” Instructor: Rabbi Richard Zionts. Fee. Call or email for information and to register: 760-779-1691 or harelurj@gmail.com. See ad page 30. Thursday, September 11 6:00 pm Temple Sinai Brotherhood Dinner and a Movie. Showing of “Duddy Kravitz.” Dinner & movie: Adults $15; children $10. Popcorn and movie only: $5. Call 760-568-9699 for reservations.

Sunday, September 14 Noon-2:00 pm Temple Sinai Open House. See ad page 10. Monday, September 15 10:30-11:45 am Har-El Galen Trimester Course: SeptemberApril Book Course. September’s book: “50 Children” by Steven Pressman. Fee. Call or email for information and to register: 760-779-1691 or harelurj@gmail.com. Tuesday, September 16 11:00 am Temple Sinai Sisterhood Book Club.

To apply for Emergency Funds from the

TZEDAKAH FUND call the Jewish Federation 760-324-4737 JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org • 17

Tribute Card Donations Sending tributes and memorials is a meaningful way to honor loved ones.

Honorarium Tributes –

In Appreciation For:

• Marvin Cohn, Thank you from Paula and Vern Kozlen. • Herb Cook, Wishing you a wonderful birthday, from Cora and Ted Ginsberg. • Arnold and Edith Familian, Mazel Tov on the marriage of your granddaughter, from Barbara Platt. • Nancy and Harry Field, In honor of your 45th anniversary, from Lynn and Michael Zaifert. • Bruce and Susan Konheim, Happy 50th Anniversary, from Margot and Jerry Halperin. • Neal Levy, In honor of your 59th birthday, from Rose and Ben Levy.

All contributions received by the Jewish Federation for Tribute Cards are placed in our special Tzedakah Fund, which provides direct monetary intervention for needy Jews living in the Coachella Valley.

• Melissa Wald, In honor of your Bat Mitzvah, from Rose and Ben Levy. • Robert Welling, A very happy, healthy birthday, from Libby and Buddy Hoffman.

Refuah Shleimah –

Get Well Wishes To:

• Ruth Kaufman, We hope you get well soon, from Libby and Buddy Hoffman. • Pearle Rae Levey, We are thrilled it all went so easily, from Cora and Ted Ginsberg.

Memoriam Tributes –

Condolences Sent To:

• Ro’ee Levy, Celebrating your 5 year scholarship to Yale University, from Rose and Ben Levy.

• Harriet Buckman, In memory of your beloved husband, from Marnie Miller.

• Celia Norian, Happy 65th Birthday from Janet DeMint, Stephanie and Paul Ross.

• Pat Eichenbaum Family, We are sorry for your loss, from Bud and Margery Steiner.

• Sandy Norian, Happy 80th birthday from Janet DeMint. • Larry Novack, In honor of your 80th birthday, from Nancy and Dennis Ditlove. • Renee Rubin and David Civens, In honor of your wedding, from Rose and Ben Levy.

• Harriet Goldberg, In memory of your beloved husband Marvin, from Celia and Sandy Norian, Roberta and Allan Nyman. • Lynn Goldberg-Wool, In memory of Helen Ball, from Janet and Richard Ball.

• Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Greenbaum, In loving memory of Tom Greenbaum, from Peggy, Jim, Bobby, Jim Jr. and Cliff Greenbaum. • Loreen Jacobson, In memory of your beloved husband Herb, from Bonnie Carmell, Susie and Joel Cohen, Nancy and Dennis Ditlove, Edith and Arnold Familian, Toni and Bobby Garmisa, Cora and Ted Ginsberg, Muriel and Ron Goldberg, Peggy and Jim Greenbaum, Sanford and Rosemary Hertz, Libby and Buddy Hoffman, Barbara Platt, Barbara Schrayer, Esther and Milton Shepard. • Neda Michels, In memory of your beloved husband Mike, from Cora and Ted Ginsberg. • Renee and Denny Porvin, Sorry for the loss of Herbie, from Brenda Porvin. • Greta Rickoff, In memory of your husband Nat, from Estelle Silberman. • Mr. and Mrs. Peter Samuels and Family, In memory of your dear mother, Hannah Samuels, from Barbara Fuller, Barbara Platt, Elaine and Ted Stein, Lainie and Tom Weil. • Marcia Selikson, We will all miss Nat. He was a great guy, from Edith and Arnold Familian. • Elyse Spielberg, In memory of Helen Ball, from Janet and Richard Ball.

L’Shanah Tovah Tikateivu

18 • JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org

Jewish Family Service of the Desert “Count on us… for life”

801 East Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite 202 Palm Springs, CA 92262 73750 Catalina Way, Ste. A, Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760) 325-4088 www.jfsdesert.org

We show free movies on Wednesdays at 10:00 am and 1:30 pm


Help us help seniors by providing companionship to the home bound as a Friendly Visitor. Help us help seniors with transportation needs as a Volunteer Driver. Make a Difference. Contact us now: 760-779-9400 Ext. 204.

September Films September 3 – INSOMNIA (2002) 118 min., R September 10 – GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (1987) 119 min., R September 17 – CESAR CHAVEZ (2014) 101 min., PG-13 September 24 – CRASH (2004) 113 min., R

PROGRAMS & SERVICES For further information about these services and others, please call the JFS office, 760-325-4088.

COUNSELING & FAMILY SUPPORT: Experienced therapists help individuals, couples, and families address life's challenges.

October Films (October 15 - November 15, Hispanic Heritage Month) October 1 – INNOCENT VOICES (2004) 120 min., R October 8 – MY FAMILY (MI FAMILIA) (1995) 125 min., R October 15 – GODS AND MONSTERS (1998) 106 min., R October 22 – THE RAILWAY MAN (2013) 116 min., R October 29 - WHAT DREAMS MAY COME (1998) 115 min., PG-13


SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM: JFS counselors serve elementary school children in Palm Springs Unified School District with on-site counseling and now with a new 5th grade curriculum to teach drug refusal and interpersonal skills to prepare them for success in middle school. SOLUTIONS FOR SENIORS: Serves older adults to maintain independence and help them enjoy a higher quality of life. BEREAVEMENT GROUP: Free to the local community. This group meets every Wednesday at the JFS Palm Springs office, 3.30-5.00 p.m.

Transgender Film Festival, October 10-12 (more in next issue)

FRIENDLYVISITORS: JFS volunteers visit home bound seniors to provide companionship and support. For more information please call 760-779-9400 Ext. 204. SHABBAT- IN- A- BAG: JFS volunteers provide companionship and celebration during the Shabbat observance to home bound seniors. For more information please call 760-7799400 Ext. 204. CAFÉ EUROPA GROUP: Social programming for holocaust survivors. Transportation available, for dates, times & more information please call 760-779-9400 Ext. 204.

The Desert Holocaust Memorial is located in the Palm Desert Civic Center Park at San Pablo Avenue & Fred Waring Drive. Residents and visitors are encouraged to visit this moving memorial, a place of remembrance and monument of hope.

LUNCH IN & OUT PROGRAM: Bimonthly activity program for homebound or isolated seniors. Participants take part in social activities; transportation and lunch are provided. Some restrictions apply. Please call Lisa Schmid for further information and to register 760-779-9400 Ext. 205.

JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org • 19

Israeli Ambassador Invited to UK's 'Israel-free Zone' The Jerusalem Post

Israel’s ambassador to the United Kingdom visited a city whose representative to Parliament declared an “Israel-free zone.” Daniel Taub came to Bradford, in northern England, on Monday at the invitation of community members, the local Telegraph and Argus newspaper reported. Taub met with local lawmakers, faith leaders and representatives of other community organizations. George Galloway of the Respect party announced at a party meeting on Aug. 2, “We have declared Bradford an Israel-free zone.” “I am here because I was invited to come by the people of Bradford, who sent a clear message that George Galloway does not represent them,” Taub said during his visit, according to the newspaper. “I don’t believe George Galloway is the real voice of Bradford. There is a long history of cooperation between Bradford and

Fatah Brags it Killed 11,000 Israelis Fatah Facebook page boasts about leading Palestinians in terror by Itamar Marcus, Palestinian Media Watch

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah is the [Israeli] nuclear reactor," which is challenging those who try to minimize actually reference to a bus hijacking its leadership role in the Palestinian and murder of three Israeli civilians conflict with Israel. To show its on their way to work at the nuclear prominence it did not choose to cite plant. Throughout the current Gaza any actions seeking peace but only actions of violence and terror, even war, Palestinian Media Watch has claiming fictitiously that its attacks documented that the Fatah movement have killed 11,000 Israelis. One of the has used its Facebook page to promote Israel.” Galloway in his comments had actions it bragged about was being violence and terror against Israelis, said, “We don’t want any Israeli the "first Palestinian faction to reach both in Gaza and in the West Bank. goods, we don’t want any Israeli The following is the August 10, 2014 post celebrating and bragging about services, we don’t want any Israeli Fatah's murder of Israeli civilians. academics coming to the university or the second Intifada (i.e., PA "Listen well! To whoever does not the college, we don’t even want any terror campaign 2000-2005). know Fatah and argues with this Israeli tourists to come to Bradford, even if any of them had thought of Baha Al-Sa'id, an officer in giant movement: doing so.” the Preventive Security Forces, • Fatah has killed 11,000 Israelis A Galloway spokesman told the infiltrated an Israeli settlement on • Fatah has sacrificed 170,000 British media that his remarks were the border with Gaza** Martyrs (Shahids)... in reaction to Israel’s operation in • Fatah was the first to carry out • Fatah was the first to defeat Gaza. the Zionist enemy (Battle of operations (i.e., terror attacks) Several complaints were filed El-Karameh***) during the first Intifada (i.e., against Galloway for the comments Palestinian violence and terror • Fatah led the Palestinian attack on and he is under police investigation. Israel in the UN against Israel, 1988-1993), and it was the first Palestinian faction • Fatah leads the peaceful popular resistance against Israel... to reach the nuclear reactor in Stop and think before you attack Dimona* Fatah." • Fatah was the first to fight in * Mothers' Bus attack - On March 7, 1988, 3 Fatah terrorists hijacked a bus carrying workers to the Negev Nuclear Research Center in Dimona, and murdered 3 civilians - Miriam Ben-Yair, Rina Shiratky and Victor Ram. The attack is referred to as the Mothers' Bus attack because many of the passengers were working mothers. The terrorists were all killed by an Israel Police counter-terrorism unit that stormed the bus. ** Baha Sa'id was a terrorist active in the Popular Resistance Committees. On Nov.

20 • JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org

18, 2000, he infiltrated the community of Kfar Darom in the Gaza Strip, and killed two Israeli soldiers, Snir Flum and Sharon Shitoubi. Shitoubi shot the terrorist, who later died of his wounds. *** The Karameh battle, or Al-Karameh In 1968, Israeli army forces attacked the Al-Karameh village in Jordan, where Fatah terrorists were launching attacks on Israel. Arafat used the event for propaganda purposes, declaring the battle a great victory that erased the disgrace of the 1967 Six Day War defeat.

L’Shanah Tovah Tikateivu

Happy New Year

Assemblyman Brian & Gina Nestande and Family

A wonderful opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Happy New Year

Jacqueline S. Drucker & Family

Order your eetings today! A wonderful pportunity to sh everyone a ppy New Year!

Order your eetings today! A wonderful pportunity to sh everyone a ppy New Year!

Order your greetings today! Order your A wonderful Sandy & Estelle greetings today! Silberman & opportunity A Family wonderfulto wish everyone opportunity to a Order your Happy New Year! wish everyone a greetings today! Happy New Year! Wishing You A Sweet Year

May you be blessed with a year of health & happiness

Ron & Heather Wallis

Wishing You A Sweet Year

Florence & Sid Bogin

Buddy & Libby Hoffman

Lucy Meepos JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org • 21

May you be blessed with a year of health & happiness

Happy New Year

May you be blessed with a year of health & happiness

Judy & Marty Cohn

Paula & Vernon Kozlen

Happy New Year

Lenore Leon & Family

Order your eetings today! y! A wonderful !pportunity to oish everyone a a New Year! ppy

ar! a r!

Beatrice & Bahman Eslamboly

Happy New Year

Gerry Rossman & Family

May you be blessed with a year of health & happiness

Elaine D. Kravitz

Happy New Year

Lee Nokleby D.G. Cook Alex Wender Frank Kron Douglas & Beverley Jackson

Happy New Year

Arthur Bishop

You can order Holiday Greetings for the October issue. See page 25. 22 • JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org

O gre A op wis Hap

L’Shanah Tovah Tikateivu Happy New Year

May you be blessed with a year of health & happiness

Order your greetings today! Order your A wonderful greetings today! opportunity A wonderfulto wish everyone opportunity to a Happy New Year! wish everyone a Happy New Year!

May you be blessed with a year of health & happiness

Mary Levine and Alan Goldstein

Dr. David & Linda Morrow & Family

Order your greetings today! A wonderful Order youropportunity to wish everyone a greetings today! Order your Happy New Year! A wonderful

greetings today! opportunity A wonderfulto wish everyone opportunity to a Happy New Year! wish everyone a Happy Marnie Miller & Joseph NorenNew Year!

May you be blessed with a year of health & happiness

Barbara & Bernie Fromm

Earl Greif

May you be blessed with a year of health & happiness

May we all be blessed with a year of health, happiness & peace Barbara Platt & Family

JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org • 23

L’Shanah Tovah Tikateivu

Happy New Year Order your greetings today! Order your A wonderful greetings today! opportunity A wonderfulto wish everyone opportunity to a Happy New Year! everyone a Happywish New Year Happy New Year!

y! ! o a ar! a r! Norma Stempler & Family

May you be blessed with a year of health & happiness

Harold, Joan & Brian Kramer

Happy New Year

Nat, Miriam & David Bent

May you be blessed with a year of health & happiness

Rose Gonzalez

Howard and Pat Levy

Happy New Year

Roger & Brenda Weinstock

Judy & Elliott Bernstein

Don't Miss This Opportunity to Send Your Holiday Greeting In Our Next Issue... Trevor and Lynda Bailey 24 • JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org

See Next Page

wish everyone a Happy New Year!

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(A) $150

OrderA wonderful greetings today! Ayour wonderful greetings today! A wonderful opportunity opportunity to opportunity to A wonderful Order your wish wish aa toeveryone wish opportunity toeveryone Happy New Year! greetings today! wish Happy everyone a Order your New Year! everyone Happy New greetings Year! A wonderful today!

a Happy opportunity A wonderfulto New Year! wish everyone opportunity to a

Happy New Year! wish a Ordereveryone your Happy today! New Year! greetings


Order your greetings today! A wonderful opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

A wonderful opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Wishing You A Sweet Year

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(C) $60

May you be blessed with a year of health & happiness

(E) $45

Happy New Year

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Amazing App ‘TalkItt’ Allows People With Speech Impairments To Speak Clearly By Michael Lefkoe, NoCamels

Speech is perhaps the most primary form of communication among humans, with some research showing that the average person speaks up to 16,000 words a day. However, this basic skill is a struggle for the 1.5 percent of the world’s population living with varied forms of speech impairments, which is why one Israeli company came up with a technology that allows everyone to speak freely. In 2010, Danny Weissberg, the CEO and co-founder of VoiceItt, struggled to have a conversation with his beloved grandmother after she had a stroke—a frustrating process for Weissberg, but an embarrassing one for his grandmother. Weissberg was further frustrated when he realized there was no solution on the market that allowed people with speech impairments to speak clearly and be understood using their own voice. As a result, Weissberg made it his mission to improve the lives of people with speech impairments, their families and caretakers – and that’s when VoiceItt was born. VoiceItt is currently developing a product called TalkItt, a speech technology app that is able to recognize unintelligible speech and translate it into any understandable language in the speaker’s own voice. “This isn’t standard speech recognition. We are using pattern recognition that is personalized for the speaker. For example, a person with Cerebral Palsy might say

‘sho-ko-la’ when he really means to say chocolate. The app will recognize that based on the user’s own personalized, pre-recorded dictionary,” Weissberg said. “To get started, the person speaks a word, and that person or the caregiver associates it with a word on the app in any language they

26 • JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org

choose. The tablet and smartphone app recalls this translation from the calibrated dictionary and the system is ready to use immediately,” Weissberg explained. According to VoiceItt, TalkItt’s systems are able to recognize any language spoken to it, from Chinese to Klingon, without any need for additional programing.

While the TalkItt team is currently working out of Boston, Massachusetts as part of the MassChallenge Accelerator, one of the largest accelerators in the world, their technology was developed by researchers and engineers in Israel. The software is currently under testing in Israel and Europe at hospitals and universities. Up until now, much of the funding for TalkItt’s development has been provided by development grants from Israel’s Office of the Chief Scientist. The company just announced that it is attempting to raise $50,000 in seed money through Indiegogo, a popular crowdsourcing platform. Pending the success of this campaign, TalkItt should be ready for release in six months, according to Eisenberg. The software will be available through their app, which will have both an iOS and Android version for a subscription fee of $19.99 per month. Weissberg and the rest of the VoiceItt team hope that TalkItt will begin to improve the lives of the speech impaired as soon as the app is developed. “For millions of people it is very frustrating to order a cup of coffee. We are trying to help them integrate into society using their own personal translator,” Weissberg said. In the future, the company wants to adapt their speech-to-text technology to help people with heavy accents and small children.

Good to use on social media sites and in debates about general Arab world/radical Islam. http://www.memri.org/middleeast-media-research-institute. htm MEMRI's general website. This is a good source for general information. Articles come from different sources, but most are from Arab World sites and TV channels, social media, etc. http://www.standwithus.com/ StandWithUs (SWU) has great material for college campuses and students, including a number of fact sheets http://www.standwithus. com/factsheets/?wc=11.) They give great background on the Israeli perspective and have opportunities for high school and college students to join the organization.

Th e f o l l o w i n g i n f o r m a t i o n was compiled by Yoav Cohen, Community Shaliach for the Westchester Jewish Council of the UJA Federation of New York, and shared with Federations around the country via the Jewish Federations of North America. We believe this is an extremely valuable resource and have put the information onto our Federation’s website, so that the links will be readily available to everyone at any time. Please particularly share the information with any college students in your family or of friends.

as well as any high school and college-aged children you may know, with the resources to develop knowledge and an in-depth understanding of what is an extremely complex reality, (certainly more complex than reported in mainstream media outlets around the world) we have created this e-communication. In addition to the information below, college students should seek out their campus Hillel chapter (http:// www.hillel.org/) for support in dealing with any difficult situations they may encounter.

Bruce Landgarten, CEO, Jewish Federation of the Desert

Below is a comprehensive list of links to different websites. Each provides a different angle on the Middle East through local media, personal accounts and stories, research and think tanks.

http://www.friendasoldier.com/ en Archive of questions sent to former IDF soldiers from around the world. The archive holds over 2000 questions and answers on different subjects and has questions from every country hostile to Israel.

http://www.memritv.org: Middle East Research Institute (MEMRI) TV Monitor Takes clips from around the world (mostly Arab/ Muslim TV channels) and translates them into English.

http://nocamels.com This site focuses on Israeli innovation news - rather than conflict. The site (based at IDC Herzliya- my college) showcases the latest in Israeli technology.

This summer we have witnessed once again how violence in the Middle East ricochets here in the United States. No place is this more evident than on college campuses where Jewish and Israel-related organizations face hardships when speaking up for Israel. In an effort to provide you,

http://www.unwatch.org UN Watch This organization follows what happens at the UN against Israel. They offer excellent videos as a way to share information.

http://makomisrael.org/ Makom is a wing within the Jewish Agency that offers a wide range of educational materials on a variety of subjects. http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/ Times of Israel blogs, a 'market place of ideas' where many Israelis and people around the world give their point of view (including me.) A great grassroots project that has taken off and is full of varied perspectives. Students/ adults can open up their worldviews from here by reading opinions of experts and non-experts alike. h t t p : / / w w w. c a m e r a . o r g / Committee for Accurate Middle East Reporting The organization watches reports coming from the Middle East and critiques news channels and papers. h t t p : / / w w w. p a l w a t c h . o r g / Palestinian Media Watch This site is similar to CAMERA/ MEMRI. It specifically focuses on Palestinian media news outlets and what they are reporting in Arabic. It is likely you or your teens have seen videos and reports from them on Facebook. http://www.davidproject.org/ resources/israel-discussionguides/ The David Project Provides a number of resources to help you further investigate historical and contemporary issues related to Israel.

JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org • 27



Chabad Hebrew School A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities Director: Sussie Denebeim 73550 S. Rosa Way, Palm Desert, CA 92260 www.chabadpd.com 760-341-6501

Temple Sinai Director: Miri Ketayi 73-251 Hovley Lane West, Palm Desert, CA 92260 www.templesinaipd.org 760-568-9699

NURSERY SCHOOL Temple Sinai Tikvah Pre-School Shalom The finest in Jewish Living

28 • JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org

Director: Debbie Midcalf 24 mos - Pre-K 73-251 Hovley Lane West, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-568-6779

Fortune 500 Company Boycotts Glasgow Over Palestinian Flag VP cancels six-day trip to Scottish city after its council flies PLO flag 'in solidarity with Gaza.' By Tova Dvorin, Arutz Sheva

Six hundred Americans have decided to boycott Glasgow but this time, the move is in support and solidarity for Israel. A Fortune 500 company was due to bring the American delegation into the city - as well as thousands of dollars of tourist revenue - as a reward for the salesmen and women and their spouses, according to the Scottish Express. However, the Vice President of the corporation, Richard Cassini, cancelled the trip entirely after Glasgow's city council decided to fly Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO, or the terror umbrella group behind the Palestinian Authority) flags in "solidarity with the people of Gaza." “I was, until I read the article in the Scottish Express, and substantiated by the press all over the world, spearheading an event in Glasgow for 600 business visitors to be guests of your wonderful city," Cassini wrote to Glasgow’s Lord Provost, Sadie Docherty. “We were scheduling six days in Glasgow, three for business and three for leisure time." “Having read your statement endorsing Hamas and its leadership due to the number of Muslims in your city, I have decided to cancel all plans for our trip," he continued. "We are a Fortune 500 Company, so costs were really not a serious consideration, location was." “Hopefully, the Muslim population that you so sincerely endorse will have the spending power of the very people you have chased away so well," he

concluded. Over 1,500 emails and calls have been sent to the Glasgow City Council over the move, according to a spokeswoman, and the council claims that a delay in responses is due to the need to respond to each complaint individually. But Cassini has taken Docherty to task for not responding to the move, several days after the trip was cancelled, and sent her a follow-up email firing, “It appears that being Provost of a wonderful city such as Glasgow does not require the holder of said title to have any manners, or upbringing whatsoever.” Councilor Archie Graham eventually responded, stating that “Glasgow utterly abhors and rejects any forms of discrimination, including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.” However, silence continues from Docherty herself, who elected to

fly the flag on August 8. Glasgow is "twinned" with the PA city of Bethlehem. “Glasgow is home to many friends of

Palestine and this is a deeply distressing time for them," Docherty said at the time. “They represent a variety of ethnicities, political persuasions, faiths and none. However they are united by a common desire to support the Palestinian people." “In solidarity with Bethlehem and Palestine, Glasgow City Council will raise the Palestinian flag on Friday 8th August," she continued. "We hope that peace can be found to ensure the human rights for the people of Palestine.” Jewish leaders condemned the gesture, with Jewish Representative Council President Paul Morron saying that "flying the flag is the worst kind of gesture politics" and noting that it "does nothing to alleviate the suffering on either side of the conflict."

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The Strength of a People. The Power of Community.

JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org • 29

Simchas Mazel tov! Mazel tov to the Denebeim and Kreiman families on the marriages of their sons! Rabbi Yankel and Rochel Kreiman’s son Mendy married Chaya Dinerman, daughter of Rabbi Yisroel and Rochel Dinerman of San Diego,

Classifieds KRISTINE A. KAUFFMAN - SENIOR CARE SPECIALIST. Driving for appointments, shopping, dining, etc; Errands (groceries, banking, etc); Bill paying and other miscellaneous tasks; Companionship. Dog sitting, walking. References available. 4-hour minimum 760-902-3490. PERSONAL ASSISTANT/PERSONAL AFFAIRS MANAGER Excellent local references. Bill paying, reconcile bank statement, run errands, drive to appointment. Computer help: MS Office, QuickBooks, emails. N o t a r y. 2 h o u r s m i n i m u m . Trustworthy, discreet, dependable. 760-408-5260. DOOR PROS We specialize in repair of garage doors, sliding glass and screen doors. Reasonable pricing. Same day service. Fully insured and licensed #889442. 760-360-9300.

on August 20, 2014 ... and Rabbi Yonason and Sussie Denebeim’s son Arik will marry Chaya Friedman, daughter of Rabbi Shlomo and Brocha Friedman, at Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn, New York on September 3, 2014 ... Mazel tov to Dani Hjerpe, daughter of Sharon and Dr. David Hjerpe, on being called to the Torah as a Bat MEMBERSHIP OPEN: Congregation Har-El , Member Union For Reform Judaism is now in its second decade. Follow The Sage , a cartoon created by Har-El, and is in monthly JCN. See page 26. Har- El Galen courses begin September 10. Diverse topics, qualified presenters and content offer contemporary approaches to life and our changing world, including a popular monthly Book Course. For information on High Holy Day Services, Holiday receptions, Shabbat Services and Dinners, Galen courses, programs and more call: 760-7791691 or e.mail harelurl@gmail.com. Har-El 2014-15 brochure available. CAREGIVER AVAILABLE. Let me give you a helping hand at a reasonable rate. Experienced in personal care. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Stroke cases. Cooking, errands and light housekeeping. Strong. Reliable. References and background check available. 760-668-6764.

Candle Lighting Times Friday, September 5 Friday, September 12 Friday, September 19 Wednesday, September 24 Thursday, September 25 Friday, September 26

Shabbat Ki Tetze 6:24 pm Shabbat Ki Tavo 6:15 pm Shabbat Nitzavim Vayelech 6:05 pm Erev Rosh Hashanah 5:58 pm 2nd day Rosh Hashanah After 7:16 pm Shabbat Haazinu 5:55 pm

30 • JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org

Mitzvah at Temple Isaiah on Shabbat K i Te t z e / September 6, 2014 ... Rose and Ben Levy are

Mor Zoran and Ro’ee Levy

Save the Date: Sunday, November 9 for Hadassah’s SHOPPING E X T R AVAG A N Z A A N D LUNCHEON; 10:00 am to 2:00 pm; Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort; Details soon. TEMPLE SINAI GIFT SHOP: One of a kind and largest Judaica shop here in the desert. For all your traditional needs and unique gift items. Special orders available. For information call the Temple office at 760-568-9699. D e s e r t C h a p t e r o f B ra n d e i s National Committee Showcase 2014 Luncheon: Monday, October 20, 2014 at the Miramonte Resort & Span, Indian Wells. Join us for the opportunity to sign up for our many Learning Opportunities/Study Groups/Special Events. Couvert $38. Registration starts at 9:45 am. For additional information, contact Bailey Rubenstein-Herz (760) 360-5196 / e-mail: itsbaileyr@aol. com.

shepping naches from their grandson Ro’ee Levy being admitted to Yale University on a five year scholarship for his doctorate in Economics. The photo is of Ro’ee and his girlfriend Mor Zoran taken in flight from Israel two weeks ago ... Share your Simchas with us. Call or email Miriam Bent at 760-323-0255 or mhbentjcn@earthlink.net. DAVID’S CONSTRUCTION Conscientious licensed, insured, bonded, general contractor. Catering to all your home repair needs. No job too small or big. Room additions, remodeling, patio covers, decks, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, masonry, drywall, cement, wood floors, tile, fences, painting, sprinklers, landscaping, swamp coolers, custom homes and more. License #506-370. davidsconstruction@ymail.com 760-671-4476 . JFS VOLUNTEERS WELCOME: JFS has rewarding volunteer opportunities available and is now accepting applications for the following positions: Lunch In & Out Driver, Lunch In & Out Program Volunteer, Friendly Visitor, JFS Express Senior Ride Transportation driver, Front Office Assistant. For more information contact 760-779-9400 Ext. 204. Call 760-323-0255 to place your Classified ad today!

We Mourn the Passing of... Jeanette Berman, Ninette Fruma Freed, Cecilia Grossman, Herbert Jacobson, Marcia Lechtick, Nancy Mathews and Joyce Ann Underberger. Our deepest sympathies to their families and friends. May their memories endure for a blessing.

Laugh out Loud Stories in the news that bring a smile!

Special Items while “Israel Under Siege” SINS OF COMMISSION

I f yo u t h i n k yo u ’ve s e e n everything, in a truly marvelous line of logic, Navi Pallay, the United Nation’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, charged that Israel is guilty of war crimes against civilians of Gaza because it refuses to share its Iron Dome ballistic missile defense shield with the "governing authority" of Gaza (Hamas) shooting rockets at Israel … a truly original interpretation of “all is fair in love and war.” (Channel 2 TV)


A pet parakeet spooked by sirens and falling and intercepted rockets in Ashkelon, flew the coop. But, far from taking wing for calmer climes like any sane bird would do, the budgie, named Quickie, flew straight from the frying pan into the fire, landing on the shoulder of a surprised IDF reservist in the midst of the battle. When the unit pulled back for some R&R, Quickie ‘hitched a ride’ with them, where the patriotic parakeet was photographed roosting on the top of the floppy fatigue hat of one of the tank crew. The bird was reunited with its owner - Inbal Barbibi after she recognized Quickie on the back page of Yediot Aharonot.


Aware that an avalanche of socks and skivvies already threatened to bury Israeli soldiers alive, Kal Auto Ltd. sought a new way to support the troops. Exploiting the drop in demand for its rental cars due to the war, the chain

dedicated 100 cars from its fleet to ferry soldiers home for free on short 24-hour leaves, just like a “taxi special.” Calling for ‘volunteer drivers’ to step forward, CEO Shmulik Klein asking rhetorically: “When a soldier lives in Ma’alot-Tarshecha [in the Galilee] how much time remains at home if he travels by public transportation?” (Yediot)


Half the summer vacation went down the tubes due to the war? Help is on the way: Nestia Froussman, a 16 year-old from Beersheva has established a Facebook petition calling on the Minister of Education to extend the summer vacation to make up for lost time. (Yisrael HaYom).


Have A Nosh With Miriam

By Miriam H. Bent

Looking over my past columns, I saw it had been seven years since I gave you this wonderful Cranberry Chicken recipe for Rosh Hashanah. It was an enormous hit then, and for those who didn’t get our paper in 2007, misplaced or forgotten about the recipe, this is a great, easy and delicious main course for Rosh Hashanah. If you prefer serving a plainer main course, consider this double apple kugel to accompany your holiday meal. The third recipe, the Apple Pudding Cake has been in my husband’s family for at least 65 years ... and is an easy to make, delicious ending to your holiday meal. Enjoy! Warmest wishes for the New Year. – MHB!


10 chicken pieces Pepper and garlic powder to season 1 16-oz. can whole cranberry sauce 2 boxes long grain and wild rice mix with seasonings 1 cup water

Season chicken with pepper and garlic powder. Place rice and its seasonings in bottom of a 9 X 13 -inch glass baking dish. Top with chicken. Place cranberry sauce, water, margarine, soy sauce and lemon juice in a saucepan. Cook over low heat until cranberry sauce has melted. Pour over chicken and cover with foil. Bake in a preheated 325 degree oven for 75 minutes. Remove foil and bake an additional 15 minutes, or until chicken is browned. Garnish with almonds, if desired. Serves 6.

DOUBLE APPLE KUGEL 16 oz. wide or extra wide egg noodles 4 Tbsp. (1/2 stick) pareve margarine 1 cup unsweetened applesauce 4 whole eggs + 2 egg whites ¾ cup sugar

On August 17th, while waiting for his meal at Taste of Europe restaurant in his hometown of Arlington, Texas, David Bent (son of Nat & Miriam Bent) noticed the following ad in a Russian newspaper lying on the table. A quick photo with his cell phone and email to Mom and, thanks to modern technology, we can share this with you in the JCN!

3 tablespoons pareve margarine 4 tablespoons soy sauce 2 tablespoons lemon juice Optional garnish: ½ cup sliced, toasted almonds

1 teasp. vanilla extract 1-1/2 teasp. cinnamon ½ cup raisins 4 medium apples, such as Granny Smith, peeled, cored and thinly sliced (Non-stick cooking spray)

Cook noodles several minutes less than package directions, until barely tender. Drain and return to saucepan. Add butter or margarine and applesauce. Toss to coat. In a medium bowl, combine eggs, egg whites, sugar, vanilla and cinnamon until blended. Stir into noodles, along with raisins and apples. Mix well. Pour into a casserole dish. Spray a piece of aluminum foil with non-stick cooking spray and place on top of noodles. Bake, covered, at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Raise heat to 375 degrees, remove foil and spray top of kugel with cooking spray. Bake for 15-20 minutes longer, until lightly golden. Let sit for 10-15 minutes before serving. Serves 12.

APPLE PUDDING CAKE 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup Crisco 1 egg, beaten 1 cup flour 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon salt 2-3 apples, grated 1/2 cup nuts, chopped (optional)

Combine sugar and Crisco. Stir in egg. Sift dry ingredients together and add. Combine into smooth batter. Add apples and nuts. Stir well. Bake in 9" X 9" cake pan for 30 minutes at 375 degrees. JCN • September 2014 • Elul/Tishri 5774 • www.jfedps.org • 31


Our Jewish Federation in the desert has been supporting, sustaining and revitalizing Jewish life for over half a century. Today our work is far from finished. And we need your support. Your contribution helps to care for our entire Jewish community, enabling us to use your gift whenever it’s needed most … at home, in Israel and around the world. As we prepare for our 2015 campaign, we ask that you give generously. The needs are great. The time is now.

The Strength of a People. The Power of Community. 69-710 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760-324-4737 • www.jfedps.org

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