Jcn 1013

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JEWISH FEDERATION OF THE DESERT 69-710 Highway 111 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (760) 324-4737 Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #113 Santa Ana, CA

Together we do the Extraordinary! Jewish Federation :

See Annual Report Pages 11-13

On the cover.... CeLIa NORIAN President

Jewish Federation :

JEWISH FEDERATION OF THE DESERT 69-710 Highway 111 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (760) 324-4737

Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #113 Santa Ana, CA

Together we do the Extraordinary!

See Annual Report Pages 11-13

JEWISH FEDERATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers and Executive Committee Celia Norian, President Sondi Green & Libby Hoffman, Vice Presidents, Campaign Vernon Kozlen, Treasurer Bernard Reiter, Secretary Lainie Weil, President, Women’s Philanthropy Allan Lehmann & Phil Glass, Allocations Nancy Ditlove, Major Gifts Roberta Nyman, Immediate Past President Howard Levy, Immediate Past President


Joseph Bernstein Sandra Borns elliott Cohen ellen glass James graff-radford Fran Kaufman Marvin Lewis

Jason Novack allan Nyman Dr. Paul ross Stephanie Ross elisa Schwartz Sandy Seplow Amy Stone

every now and then, you may have an “aha moment” that makes you think about something differently than you have, or gives new meaning to some activity that you have done time and time again. I had one while sitting in Temple during rosh Hashanah services. rabbi was talking about a discussion he had in Israel this summer with other rabbis who were there to study. at the end of their time together they talked about what were their impressions of Israel this visit.

Those words made me think about our Jewish Federation. We feed the hungry, take care of the vulnerable, provide educational opportunities and provide for Jews all over the world. We are not complex. We are simple. We can be the one place where you can make your donations and we will do the rest! In this issue is our annual report. It shows you where we have allocated the funds raised and how we have been able to meet the needs of Jews here and around the world. Your donations go a long way. I hope that you will consider how you can make a difference and how Federation can help to simplify your philanthropy. Thank you in advance for your contribution to the upcoming Jewish Federation’s annual Campaign.

Vlada Bolotinsky New Coordinator of j-connect Programs Bruce Landgarten, Jewish Federation CeO, announces the appointment of Vlada Bolotinsky as the new coordinator of the Federation’s Young adult Division j-connect programs. a recent transplant to the Coachella Valley from Los angeles, Vlada was raised in Israel and is fluent in english, Hebrew and russian. She is a graduate of The Marshall School of Business at uSC. Warm and outgoing, Vlada

Bruce Landgarten, Chief executive Officer

Table of Contents Vol. 39 • No. 3

Calendar Federation annual report Endowment Women's Philanthropy Young adults (j-connect) Jewish Family Service Schools Simchas & Classifieds Temples Tolerance education Center Tributes

They talked about the “complexity of life in Israel. Look at all the different peoples and situations that Israel has to deal with on nearly a daily basis: various religious denominations, immigrants from many different countries speaking many different languages, social problems, high cost of goods, and, unfriendly neighboring countries.” He mentioned that if we looked at other areas of the world, things are also complex but with different problems and situations. We live in a complex world! Nothing is easy. We must look to keep a balance in our lives. We can’t solve every situation, but we can’t ignore them either. We can try to keep our lives simple, but the problems don’t always go away. We have to look for what we can handle and do the best we can.

8-9 2, 3, 19 11-13 14 4 2 6, 16 20 22 8 16 15

2 • JCN • October 2013 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 • www.jfedps.org

enjoys reading, swimming, dancing (she used to perform and compete as a belly dancer!) and spending time with friends and family. Vlada is looking forward to meet j-connect’s participants from past

years and invites those who haven’t attended programs in the past to come to the j-connect Season Kickoff on Thursday, November 21, at 6:00 pm at the Jewish Federation building. Featuring sushi and sake, it will be an evening to see old friends, renew acquaintances and meet newcomers. rSVP to Vlada at vlada.bolotinsky@ jfedps.org or call the Federation Office at 760-324-4737.

From the CEO Bruce Landgarten Jewish Federation Chief Executive Officer

Federation helps to impact and touch the lives of hundreds and hundreds of people with whom we and our beneficiary agencies come in contact each and every day. Federation is a powerful reality in Jewish life. What we do is of critical importance. We support organizations to help open doors that provide opportunities, nurture skills and teach people to get along and work together. This is not an accident; it is why we are in this business. Over the years you have learned a great deal about how significant the Desert Jewish community is, but

Israel Statistics 2013 by Kochava Rozenbaum, Arutz Sheva

Two days before Rosh Hashanah, Israel’s Interior Ministry's Population Registry released its statistical review for the Jewish year 5773. • According to their records, during this year a total of 160,749 babies were born in Israel with a count of 82,437 boys and 78,312 girls. • The official count of Israel’s population grew to 8,730,562 people,

we realize we have to do more. We have to work strategically to change the perception of everyone in our Jewish community, both the current and potential supporters. The more people we inspire, the more we train leadership to think differently, the more obvious it will be to everyone around us that the Jewish Federation is making a significant impact and that it is a key asset of the community. To this end, our Federation shall concentrate its efforts to develop new strategies for creating a reality where everyone in the community will clearly see and feel and recognize its impact on individuals, families, and the entire fabric of the community. We need your enthusiastic engagement and your excitement about participating in telling this story Look around the community at others who do what you do, who believe what you believe, and realize how much we have in common. We have much to gain by utilizing our

power together: in the way we talk about what we do, in the way we can reposition ourselves and truly inspire Jewish journeys. We have an opportunity and responsibility that each of us has to assure in a real way – not through campaign, slogan or philosophy, but through action and results – that the

next generation of Jews is offered the richest, most complete Jewish experience that can be had, and that the legacy of this generation of leaders is a Federation that is responsive, committed, strong and connected. Our vision is clear, our values are powerful, and our mission is compelling.

in comparison to last year’s count of 8,632,250. • 16,968 people were officially recorded as Israel’s newest immigrants in the year 5773. • Israel’s most common baby names were Noa, Shira, Tamar, Talia, and Yael for girls. The most popular of the boy names were Itai, Daniel, Ori, Yosef, and Noam. • This year, Nearly 64,000 couples got married and more than 14,000 got divorced.

JCN • October 2013 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774• www.jfedps.org • 3

Women's Philanthropy “Israel is an Island in a Sea of Instability” – Alon Ben-David Education Day: Monday, December 9, 2013 alon Ben-David, Senior Defense Correspondent for Israel 10 News and Middle east Correspondent f o r av i a t i o n Week will be coming from Israel for education Day. He recently wrote us, “I am excited to revisit your vibrant desert community and provide an update on

the dramatic changes in the region.” He went on to say, “Israel is an island in a sea of instability, with several historic battles taking place around us, battles on the future of the Middle East.” Ben-David will give us an insider’s perspective on the latest news from Syria and egypt. However, he wrote, “Overshadowing all developments, is Iran’s persistent pursuit of nuclear capabilities. In summer 2014, Iran will ignite a new nuclear reactor, which will make any future strike

much more complicated.” To hear this and much more, please join us at the uCr Palm Desert Center auditorium on December 9, 2013 at 10:00 am. Men are cordially invited to attend. An array of mid-morning refreshments will be served. Couvert is $25 per person, a percentage of which will be designated to the Jewish Federation’s Tzedakah Fund. Seating is limited. Make your reservation now by calling Linn Menne at 760-3244737.

Featuring America’s Premier Mentalist Sidney Friedman Sidney Friedman has been featured on NBC-TV’s TODAY SHOW, aBC-TV’s THE VIEW, CBS-TV’s THE EARLY SHOW. Here is your chance to experience america’s premier mentalist, and a favorite of Federations across the country!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014 11:30 aM The Westin Mission Hills resort $180 Minimum Contribution to the 2014 annual Campaign

For more information contact Women’s Philanthropy Director Barbara Ben-David at 760-324-4737 or barbara.bendavid@jfedps.org.

JEWISH COMMUNITY NEWS A Publication of the Jewish Federation of the Desert VOL. 39, No. 3

EDITORIAL Bruce Landgarten, Chief executive Officer Miriam H. Bent, Editor Bailey & Co., Layout & Design JCN STATEMENT The Jewish Community News seeks to provide news and feature material of special interest to its readership, and to create a heightened sense of Jewish identity through the dissemination of information about people, events and issues at home and abroad. The JCN seeks to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas and opinions in the Jewish community. The JCN is published monthly, ten months a year by the Jewish Federation of the Desert, 69-710 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270, 760-324-4737, fax 760-324-3154. ARTICLES & ADVERTISING, Miriam H. Bent, Editor 760-323-0255, fax 760-320-6085, e-mail-mhbentjcn@earthlink.net ADVERTISING The JCN does not endorse the goods or services advertised in its pages and makes no representation as to the kashrut of food products and services in such advertising. The publisher shall not be liable for damages if, for any reason whatsoever, it fails to publish an advertisement or for any error in an advertisement. acceptance of advertisers and of advertising copy is subject to the publisher’s approval. The JCN is not responsible if ads violate applicable laws and the advertiser will indemnify, hold harmless and defend the JCN from all claims made by government agencies and consumers for any reason based on ads carried in the JCN.

Ancient Golden Treasure Found at Foot of Temple Mount by Arutz Sheva

In summer excavations at the foot of the Temple Mount, Hebrew University of Jerusalem archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar made a stunning discovery: two bundles of treasure containing thirty-six gold coins, gold and silver jewelry, and a gold medallion with the menorah (Temple candelabrum) symbol etched into it. Also etched into the 10-cm medallion are a shofar

Gold coins

(ram’s horn) and the image of a Torah scroll. The medallion may be the oldest Torah ornament ever found in archaeological digs. A third-generation archaeologist working at the Hebrew University’s Institute of Archaeology, Dr. Mazar directs excavations on the City of David’s summit and at the Temple Mount’s southern wall. Calling the find “a breathtaking, once-in-a-lifetime discovery,” Dr. Mazar said: “We have been making significant finds from the First Temple Period in this area, a much earlier time in Jerusalem’s history, so discovering a golden sevenbranched Menorah from the seventh century CE at the foot of the Temple Mount was a complete surprise.” The discovery was unearthed just five days into Mazar’s latest phase of the Ophel excavations, and can be dated to the late Byzantine period (early seventh century CE). The gold treasure was discovered in a ruined Byzantine public structure a mere 50 meters from the Temple Mount’s southern wall. The menorah, a candelabrum with seven branches that was used in the Temple, is now the national symbol of the state of Israel and reflects the historical presence of Jews in the area.

The position of the items as they were discovered indicates that one bundle was carefully h i d d e n underground while the Gold medallion s e c o n d bundle was apparently abandoned in haste and scattered across the floor. Given the date of the items and the manner in which they were found, Mazar estimates they were abandoned in the context of the Persian conquest of Jerusalem in 614 CE. After the Persians conquered Jerusalem, many Jews returned to the city and formed the majority of its population, hoping for political and religious freedom. But as Persian power waned, instead of forming an alliance with the Jews, the Persians sought the support of Christians and ultimately allowed them to expel the Jews from Jerusalem. Hanging from a gold chain, the menorah medallion is most likely an ornament for a Torah scroll. In that case it is the earliest Torah scroll ornament found in archaeological excavations to date. It was buried in a small depression in the floor, along with a smaller gold medallion, two pendants, a gold coil and a silver clasp, all of which are believed to be Torah scroll ornamentations. The Ophel cache is only the third collection of gold coins to be found in archaeological excavations in Jerusalem, said Lior Sandberg, numismatics specialist at the Institute of Archaeology. “The thirty-six gold coins can be dated to the reigns of different Byzantine emperors, ranging from the middle of the fourth century CE to the early seventh century CE,” said Sandberg. Found with the coins were a pair of

large gold earrings, a gold-plated silver hexagonal prism and a silver ingot. Remnants of fabric indicated that these items were once packaged in a cloth purse similar to the bundle that contained the menorah medallion. In praising the work of Dr. Mazar and her team, Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu observed, "This is a magnificent discovery. Nationally, it attests to the ancient Jewish presence and to the sanctity of the place; this is as clear as the sun and it is tremendous." He continued, “This is very moving. This find is the essence of our heritage.”

JCN • October 2013 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774• www.jfedps.org • 5

Will Israel be the World's First 'No Cash' Society? by David Lev, Arutz Sheva

On September 17th the Israeli government authorized establishment of a committee that will examine ways to eliminate cash from the Israeli economy – the better to prevent citizens from cheating on their taxes. The committee will be chaired by Harel Locker, director of the Prime Minister's Office. Cash is easily passed from individual to individual, and transactions using cash can take place without the tax man's supervision. Not so electronic transactions; with modern computers, banks can keep tabs on how much people deposit into their accounts and how much they withdraw, while credit card companies have an up to the second record of how much people spend. Members of the panel will include top staff from the Israel Police, the Tax authority, the chairman of the government authority on Money Laundering and Terror, the Bank of Israel's income and payments director, State attorney's office officials, and more. According to many of these

officials, cash is bad – because it allows individuals to get out of their tax payment responsibilities. Today, an enterprising tax collector cannot easily compare income and outflow. While he may suspect that a person living beyond his reported means is cheating on his taxes, there is no way to know for sure, without solid evidence. In a cashless economy, all records will be electronic, and checking who makes what and how much they owe in taxes – and collecting it before it gets to their account – will be a much simpler matter, the theory goes. Officials in the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) declared that “around the world, it is recognized that cash is a key element of the illegal economy and money laundering. It allows a wide gap between reported and actual incomes, with the corresponding effect on tax revenues.” By eliminating cash, the PMO said, “it will be possible to expand the tax base, and prevent money laundering.” The committee will study the issue from all its perspectives and make recommendations, the PMO

said. One issue the committee will be examining, the PMO said, was the imposing of administrative fees on electronic transactions, common in Israel. Whatever solutions the committee comes up with, the office said, it will ensure that individuals who have no choice in the matter will be able to make transactions in a manner

that will not tack on extra expenses. Observers said that it was hard to imagine the government succeeding in this effort. “a move like this could really weaken the economy,” said one observer. “The only thing declaring cash obsolete will do is to encourage people to use dollars or other foreign currency for financial transactions. unless the government plans on making it illegal to hold foreign currency, there is no way to get rid of cash and the problems that go along with it.”


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Hazzan David Propis Guest Cantor-in-Residence at Temple Isaiah for 7 Shabbat Weekends

William Brodovsky, President of Palm Springs’ Temple Isaiah, is pleased to announce that renowned Hazzan David Propis shall be coming to Temple Isaiah for seven Shabbat weekends between October 2013 and April 2014 as Guest Cantor-inResidence, sharing the pulpit with Rabbi Sally Olins and Alan Scott, Cantorial Intern and Music Director. Considered one of the premier cantors in the United States today for his beautiful voice and interpretation of hazzanut (synagogue music), he is also the founder, creative director, and managing partner of The 3 Jewish Tenors who performed to a soldout house at the McCallum Theatre in Palm Desert four years ago.

Shabbat Weekends: October 25 and October 26, 2013 December 27 and December 28, 2013 January 3 and January 4, 2014 January 31 and February 1, 2014 February 21 and February 22, 2014 March 7 and March 8, 2014 April 4 and April 5, 2014 Concerts at Temple Isaiah Cantors Assembly Concert January 7, 2014 Spring Concert March 30, 2014

The New York Times called Cantor Propis’ performance at Carnegie Hall “stunning ... ebullient.” The Houston Chronicle referred to Propis as a cantor who “sings from the soul and whose strong tenor voice sings out in prayer with power and raw emotion.” Seamlessly blending popular and cantorial music, Cantor

Propis has shared the stage with numerous luminaries including Dave Brubeck, Julie Budd, Jackie Mason, Yaakov Smirnoff, and Marvin Hamlisch, appearing in major halls of the United States, Europe and Israel. Cantor Propis is a past president of The Cantors Assembly, the largest body of cantors in the world. The

Cantors Assembly meets in Palm Springs each January, and Cantor Propis has arranged for the cantors to give a concert at Temple Isaiah on Tuesday evening, January 7th. Everyone is encouraged to save the date and watch for future announcements. Cantor Propis will also be giving a Spring Concert at Temple Isaiah on March 30. In conjunction with his visit to Palm Springs the end of March, Cantor Propis will participate in the opening night presentation of the Temple Isaiah Festival of Film (TIFF) at the Camelot Theatre in Palm Springs, introducing "100 Voices: A Journey Home," a film in which he was a principal participant. TIFF is two days April 2 and 3 - with six films, a “reel experience.”

Egypt: 'Israeli Spy Stork' Killed and Eaten by Elad Benari, Arutz Sheva

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According to latest reports, the latest “Israeli animal spy”, a stork that was detained by Egyptian police in early September on suspicion of spying, has been killed and eaten. Police detained the stork after a man saw a tag on it and caught it, suspecting it was a spying device. The bird was spotted by a fisherman in the Nile River, in the Qena region, as it swam with other birds. The fisherman noticed that the bird had a device attached to its feathers, which he feared could be used to gather information. Experts then examined the device to see if it could have been used to gather intelligence, but it turned out that the stork had been tagged by zoologists to track its migration, according to The Guardian. Nature Conservation Egypt told the newspaper that the White Stork, which they named Menes, was released into a conservation area in southern Egypt but flew to an island in the Nile where it was caught and eaten. The group said on a Facebook post, "Storks have been part of the Nubian diet for thousands of years, so the actual act of eating storks is not in itself a unique practice. However, the short-

lived success story of getting Menes released was not enough to keep him safe till he exited Egypt. The capture of the stork was seen as an example of popular xenophobia and paranoia which has been used as a political tool by the former president, Hosni Mubarak, the deposed president Mohammed Morsi and now the current army-backed regime. In the past, an Egyptian official complained that the Mossad released attack sharks into Egyptian waters. Egypt, however, is not the only country to have caught animals claiming they are Israeli spies. Turkish authorities announced in May 2012 that they had found a bird used by Israel for espionage purposes. In December, officials in Darfur also announced that they had found an Israeli “spy eagle.” Israeli officials confirmed that the eagle bore a tracking device, but explained that it was for the simple purpose of tracking the bird itself, as part of a study to ensure the safety of the rare species. Palestinian Authority Arabs have made claims regarding attack boars and anti-Arab rates, also allegedly operated by Israel.

JCN • October 2013 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774• www.jfedps.org • 7

Local Temples

October Shabbat Schedule


(Member, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism) Ken Hailpern, Spiritual Leader 79-733 Country Club Drive Bermuda Dunes bethshalom18@wordpress.com 760-200-3636


(Conservative) Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico Contact: ron Cohen www.judiosdemexicali.com 760-960-3392 US (686) 216-7152 Mexico

CHABAD OF PALM SPRINGS & DESERT COMMUNITIES rabbi Yonason Denebeim 425 Ortega, Palm Springs www.chabadpalmsprings.com 760-325-0774

CHABAD OF PALM DESERT a project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities rabbi Mendy Friedman www.chabadpd.com 760-969-2153 / 760-969-2158

CHABAD OF RANCHO MIRAGE a project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities rabbi Shimon Posner 72295 Via Marta, rancho Mirage www.chabadrm.com 760-770-7785

CONGREGATION SHALOM BAYIT (Reform) rabbis Larry and Linda Seidman 1320 Williams ave., Banning Contact 951-769-3678/769-7514


(Member, Union for Reform Judaism) rabbi richard Zionts Har-el Cultural Center 47-535 Hwy 74, Palm Desert www.harelurj.org 760-779-1691


(Conservative) rabbi Sally Olins 332 West alejo road, Palm Springs www.templeisaiahps.com 760-325-2281


(Reform) rabbi glenn ettman 73-251 Hovley Lane West, Palm Desert www.templesinaipd.org 760-568-9699


a project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities (Community Outreach) rabbi Yankel Kreiman www.BikurCholimPS.com 760-325-8076

Beth Shalom

Shabbat Services: 8:00 pm. Oneg follows. Saturdays: Services 9:30 am, followed by kiddush. Morning minyan Mondays and Thursdays at 8:45 am.

Chabad of Palm Springs

Friday Shabbat services: 20 minutes after candle lighting time. Saturday services: Morning - 9:30 am; Women’s Torah Discussion, led by Sussie Denebeim during Kiddush at noon. evening: same as evening before.

Chabad of Rancho Mirage

Friday Shabbat services: 7:50 pm Mincha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat: Shabbat morning: 10:00 am followed by sit down Kiddush. Children’s Program/Service 11:15 am. Daily minyan: Shacharit services Monday-

Friday 7:00 am; Sundays 8:00 am

Desert Hot Springs Jewish Community

Shabbat service Friday, October 4 at 7 pm and Havdallah Plus Saturday, December 19 at 7 pm - Mission Lakes Country Club, 8484 Clubhouse Drive, DHS, officiated by rabbi Faith Tessler.

Har-El Congregation

Member, union for reform Judaism. Kabbalat Shabbat Services Fridays at 5:00 pm followed each week by a speaker or discussion.

Shalom Bayit (Banning) Havdallah the first Saturday of each month at 5:30 pm. Shabbat Services the third Friday of the month at 7:30 pm. Both held 1320 West Williams Street, Banning.

Temple Isaiah

Friday Shabbat services 7:30 pm,

followed by an Oneg Shabbat. Saturday mornings: Services 10:00 am. Kiddush following. Friday, October 25/Saturday, October 26: Hazzan David Propis guest Cantor-inResidence. Morning minyan 8:30 am Mondays and Thursdays.

Temple Sinai

Friday Shabbat services at 7:30 pm October 11, 18, 25 Friday, October 4 Noah’s ark Shabbat service at 7:00 pm Friday, October 18 Zimra Shabbat. Saturday: 8:45 am: Torah Study, 10:00 am - Shabbat services. Saturday, October 5: Bar Mitzvah of Danny Murray. Saturday, October 26: Bat Mitzvah of Brianna Herrmann.

Centro Cultural Hebreo de Mexicali

Weekly Shabbat Services Friday at 7:00 pm, followed by dinner. Saturday immediately before sunset: Havdallah.

October Community Calendar Tuesdays 5:30-7:30 pm Chabad rancho Mirage’s weekly BBQ. Lots of fun and another great way to meet great people! Choose your own menu from steak to hot dogs to salmon, veggie burgers and salads! It’s affordable, fun, and kosher! reservations not required, but helpful: 760-770-7785.

8 • JCN • October 2013 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 • www.jfedps.org

Wednesdays 10:00 am and 1:30 pm The Tolerance education Center offers free movies every Wednesday. Call for schedule: 760-328-8252. Wednesdays 3:30-5:00 pm Jewish Family Service Jewish Bereavement Group. Meets weekly at the JFS Palm Springs Office, 801

east Tahquitz Canyon. Free to local community and reservations not required. Tuesdays, October 1 & 15 Noon. Jewish Family Service “Lunch In and Out Program.” Semi- monthly activity program for homebound seniors at the Joslyn Center, Palm Desert. Transportation is provided and participants take

October Community Calendar Continued part in activities and lunch. Some restrictions apply. To register and obtain further information contact Lisa Schmid. 760-325-4088, ext. 104. Volunteers needed. See ad page 6.

Wednesday, October 2, 9, 16 3-4:30 pm Har-el galen Trimester Course “The Book of Proverbs: a Look at early Jewish Folk Wisdom.” Instructor: Rabbi Hillel Cohn. Fee. Call 760-779-1691.

Thursday, October 3 9:00 am Sun City Hadassah Meeting.

Monday, October 7, 14, 21, 28 7:00 pm Chabad of rancho Mirage Men’s Torah Class with rabbi Benny Lew. For more information call 760-6362897 or email rabbibenny@ chabadrm.com

Tuesday, October 8 10:00 am Temple Isaiah Book Club. Book: “The Invisible Bridge” by Julie Orringer. everyone welcome.

Tuesday, October 8 11:30 am Temple Sinai Women’s Text and Torah Study.

Tuesday, October 8 11:30 am Rimona Hadassah Meeting. Thursday, October 10 6:00 pm Temple Sinai Brotherhood Dinner & Movie “The Jazz Singer” $15 adults/$10 children. Movie only: $5.

information call 760-321-9941. Tuesday, October 15, 22, 29 10 am Temple Sinai Yiddish Club Tuesday, October 15 11:30 am Temple Sinai Sisterhood Book Club.

Friday, October 11 4:00 pm Tolerance education Center Tribute to Vaudeville Acts: “You ain’t Heard Nothing Yet” with Lili rose and Larry Capeloto. $15. Seating limited. See details page 16.

Thursday, October 17 11:30 am Na’amat golda Meir Chapter Season Opener Fashion Show by Carol Lovy at the asian Bistro, 362 South Palm Canyon, Palm Springs. everyone welcome. Couvert: $15. rSVP to goldie Kretchman, 760-408-0532.

Monday, October 14 2:00 pm Café Europa - Program for Holocaust Survivors, held at the Tolerance education Center, coordinated by Jewish Family Service. Transportation available. For more information call Julie Hirsh, JFS at 760-325-4088, ext. 109.

Monday, October 21 10:30 am Har-el galen Trimester Book Course. Book: “When general grant expelled the Jews” by Jonathan Sarna. Fee. Call 760-779-1691.

Monday, October 14 5:30 pm Tamar Hadassah Dinner Meeting. Speaker: Shaindy Friedman “Sunshine Circle’s project with local Holocaust Survivors. Mission Hills CC Clubhouse. Couvert: $20. Prepay by October 11. For

Thursday, October 24 5:00 pm Tolerance education Center Special Movie: “Where Do We go Now?” $10. See page 16 for information. Sunday, October 27 2:30 pm Temple Isaiah presents Jim Borax’s California Cabaret and Broadway Sing-along. $30. Call 760-844-7305 to RSVP. Wednesday, October 30, November 6, 13, 20 10:30-11:30 am Har-el galen Trimester Course “World affairs: Key Places and People; the u.S. and World affairs, Islam, BrIC Countries and Immigration.” Instructor: Prof. Penny Rivin (COD, ret). Fee. Call 760-779-1691. See ad page 20.

Tuesday, October 22 11:30 am Temple Sinai Sisterhood Luncheon - Palm Valley Country Club. Speaker: rabbi glenn ettman. Thursday, October 24 9:30 am Brandeis Showcase Event at the Classic Club. $29 Call Linda Seligman for details 760-565-6880.

JCN • October 2013 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774• www.jfedps.org • 9

Historic Pro-Judea and Samaria Conference at EU

by Arutz Sheva

a historic conference in support of the Jewish settlement enterprise in Judea and Samaria took in mid-September inside one of the bastions of opposition to the Jewish presence in the region – the european Parliament. The conference was organized by the Deputy Chairman of the european Parliament's Foreign affairs Committee, Dr. Fiorello Provera of Italy, who became a supporter of the Jewish communities after touring Samaria (Shomron), and by senior MeP Bastiaan Belder of Holland, who has also become a friend of Samaria in recent years. The Israeli delegation included Samaria (Shomron) regional Council Head gershon Mesika, acting Council Head Yossi Dagan, and the Director of Shomron Foreign Department, Shay atias. MK ayelet Shaked (Bayit Yehudi) was also a part of the delegation. David Walzer, Israel's ambassador to the eu, delivered an address at the conference – the first time he has done so alongside

the Samaria representatives. In the two days that preceded the conference, members of the Israeli delegation met with influential MePs including germany's elmar Brok, Chairman of the eu's Committee on Foreign affairs, and alejo Vidal Quadras, Vice-President of the european Parliament. about 20 MePs took part in the historic conference, in the Foreign affairs Committee hall, and many media representatives attended it as well. Samaria regional Council Head gershon Mesika said in his speech that “the european union needs to carry out some serious soul searching, as regards its treatment of the Jewish people throughout history, in general, and specifically in recent years. The bad old anti-Semitism is cloaked in a costume of anti-Israelism nowadays.” Mesika's deputy, Yossi Dagan, also addressed the gathering. “The most important thing is to come out and see things with one's own eyes. For years,

we have been talking in this building about Judea and Samaria, and yet most people have not been there and have not seen the reality," he said. Dagan also took the opportunity to call on the eu to end its funding for radical anti-Israel organizations. "The eu must stop funding the extreme leftist organizations that are sabotaging the coexistence in the factories of Judea and Samaria. This is a great waste of money and it harms coexistence as well as relations between the eu and Israel.” MK Shaked called for a change in the very terminology employed within the context of the arab-Israeli conflict. “It is time to say the truth: Judea and Samaria are not occupied territory, but disputed territory. That is the truth as far as international law is concerned, as well.” The Israelis' speeches were marked by applause from the audience. MeP adrian Severin of romania said that the EU needs to rethink its

new policy regarding marking products from Judea and Samaria. “although there are disputes, we must think if this is the right time to place pressure on the only stable place in the Middle East.” Dr. Provera summed up the conference, saying that “MEPs in this house are not familiar with the facts. Did you know that Jews and arabs work side by side in the factories of Samaria? The idea of putting pressure on Israel and slapping sanctions on it is unacceptable. It will not bring peace, but may only bring unemployment to the Palestinians, as a result of which they might turn to terror.” The conference was organized by the Foreign affairs Bureau of the Samaria regional Council, which has been working with the eu for the past 18 months and which assembled the rare coalition of 20 MePs. The Samaria regional Council has hosted more than 70 MePs for tours of Samaria in the past 18 months, as well as 100 foreign journalists.

California Artists’ Working Tour of Israel By Abigail Klein Leichman, Israel 21c

We’ve come here to draw,” declared Prof. ruth Weisberg, who led a group of artist and architect colleagues on a recent working trip to Israel under the aegis of the university of Southern California’s Dornsife College of Letters, arts and Sciences. Weisberg, a former dean of uSC’s roski School of Fine arts, founded and directs the school’s new Initiative for Israeli arts and Humanities. an exhibition of works resulting from the trip will be displayed at the uSCHillel art gallery in mid-November through early 2014. The uSC group of seven participants had four days in Tel aviv and nearly a week in Jerusalem. Their Jerusalem itinerary included a full day at the Jerusalem Print Workshop; a tour of the Israel Museum and its related Ticho House Museum; a walk through the Machane Yehuda Market, hiking at Sataf park and historical site, and 10 • JCN • October 2013 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 • www.jfedps.org

plenty of time to explore and draw the incomparable sights of the Old City’s four quarters. In Tel aviv-Jaffa, the visiting men and women toured Mira Maylor’s glass studio and the Tel aviv Museum of art. They met with Israeli art collector Bill gross, attended a performance of renowned violinist Itzhak Perlman at the Israel Philharmonic; and spent a day drawing amid the archaeological ruins of Caesarea. “I’ve been to Israel before with my family, but this is my first time here viewing Israel as an artist and sharing my past experience with our friends who had not been here before. I’m enjoying their reactions,” says Susie gesundheit of Sherman Oaks, who does water media paintings and monotype printing. “There is kind of a wonderment. I think it’s been enlightening.”

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The Strength of a People. The Power of Community. Dear Friends and donors, We are proud to present our 2013 annual report, providing you with a snap shot of a year of challenge, change and renewed commitment to this community and our campaign. Our efforts to build a thriving Jewish Desert Community is about more than survival or continuity, it is about continuing to build a vibrant, accessible, welcoming and attractive Jewish Community that inspires Jewish identity among future generations, meets our spiritual, physical and social needs and provides meaning and joy. This year we also witnessed enormous geological changes with monumental implications-some known, others not - for the ability of Israel and the Jewish people to thrive, globally. Whether locally or globally, our Federation provides leadership, convening the community to face challenges, and develop or adopt best practice strategies and tactics to meet them head on. Our Federation system has partnered with the Jewish Community relations organizations across the country. We support the Israel action Initiative to counter efforts to delegitimize Israel. We also support the Secure Communities Network, which works with Homeland Security and law enforcement to monitor and respond to threats against Jewish institutions. achieving our vision will depend on the quality of our human resources. This year continued a planned transition in professional and volunteer leadership, to position our organization for the future, and align our human resources. Our Federation's commitment to strength and welfare of the entire Jewish community is illustrated by our efforts with our new Leadership Council. While maintaining strong relationships with our historic beneficiaries, we are expanding our network to encompass an Interfaith (Community relations) group, enhance our relationship with aDL, La Consul general of Israel, etc. Our Initiative to engage newcomers demonstrates efforts to enhance Jewish identity and build community that is attractive to young adults and young families with children. We fund organizations addressing these challenges. We are investing in programs available to community members, such as One Happy Camper program, which provides subsidies to families choosing a Jewish summer camp. Birthright Israel sends young adults 18-26 on their first free trip to Israel. We are committed to an increased focus on donor cultivation and exciting events for our Jewish community. More Jewish organizations are eligible to submit funding requests, and we look forward to reporting to you on the impact of your dollars. The needs in our community continue to rise, whether for the vital social services that care for the most vulnerable, or for creative programs to build and sustain Jewish identity. We know that Jews in Israel, the former Soviet union and other parts of the world count on us for many of the basics of life. We are dedicating our work to developing and delivering the vision, leadership, programs and resources necessary to create a vibrant, thriving Jewish community. We are all in this together. Our experience over the past year has demonstrated that cooperation among all members of the Jewish community can be a powerful tool to advance innovative and creative programs. We can achieve great things by supporting one another, imagining the positive community in which we want to live and worship, and respecting the diversity of the Jewish people. Thank you for your continued support of the Jewish Federation. Shalom,

Celia Norian President

Bruce Landgarten Chief executive Officer

69-710 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270, 760-324-4737



CREATING a Jewish legacy empowers you to support the Jewish causes you care about. Because all of us, regardless of age, wealth, or affiliation, have the ability to secure our people’s traditions, promote Jewish values, and create a strong future for generations to come.

To learn more about Legacy Giving, contact Bruce Landgarten, Jewish Federation Chief Executive Off icer, at 760-324-4737. 69-710 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760-324-4737

The Strength of a People. The Power of Community.

Tribute Card Donations Sending tributes and memorials is a meaningful way to honor loved ones.

Honorarium Tributes –

In Appreciation For:

• Mr. and Mrs. Ken Block, In honor of Ken and Lisa (60-50-20 Party) from Ted and Elaine Stein.

• Nancy and Dennis Ditlove, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Carolyn and Don Shagrin.

• Suzanne and Jeffrey Feder, Mazel tov on your milestone anniversary from Judy and Marty Cohn.

• Julie and Gabe Joanes, Mazel tov on the birth of your third Sabra child, love, Uncle Paul and Aunt Stephanie Ross.

All contributions received by the Jewish Federation for Tribute Cards are placed in our special Tzedakah Fund, which provides direct monetary intervention for needy Jews living in the Coachella Valley.

• Lila Rauch, Best wishes for a Happy Birthday, from Cora and Ted Ginsberg.

Memoriam Tributes –

Condolences Sent To:

• Myra and Ted Rowe, Mazel tov on your • Alyce Klein Family, In memory of your milestone anniversary, from Judy and wonderful mother Alyce, from Dale Marty Cohn. and George Rotner.

Refuah Shleimah –

Get Well Wishes To:

• Larry Wolf, Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery, from Toni and Bobby Garmisa and Susie and Bob Diamond.

• Gala Percal and Family, In memory of Fred, from Betty and Allan Donen. • Edmond Zisook, Our condolences on the passing of your brother Seymour, from Ella and Arieh Ohana. • Jerry Zisook, Our condolences on the passing of your brother Seymour, from Ella and Arieh Ohana.

Scientists Discover Handwriting Can Diagnose Parkinson’s

time to complete the task. Rosenblum said the most striking A new Israeli study suggests an innovative and noninvasive method of diagnosing Parkinson’s at a fairly early stage. difference was the length of time By Abigail Klein Leichman, Israel 21c the pen was in the air between the A new Israeli study comparing diagnosis of the illness and neurological was conducted in cooperation with writing of each letter and each word. the handwriting of healthy people to intervention at a critical moment,” Dr. Ilana Schlesinger, head of the “This finding is particularly important those with Parkinson’s disease (PD) explained Prof. Sara Rosenblum Center for Movement Disorders and because while the patient holds the holds out the promise of providing a of the university’s department of Parkinson’s Disease at Rambam, pen in the air, his mind is planning simple diagnostic tool at the earliest occupational therapy. She reported and occupational therapists at the his next action in the writing process, stages of the progressive disorder that publication of results in the hospital. Half of the 40 participants and the need for more time reflects caused by the death of nerve cells in journal of the European Neurological were known to be in the early the subject’s reduced cognitive ability. the brain’s muscle-movement control Society aroused great interest at the stages of Parkinson’s disease, before Changes in handwriting can occur areas. International Congress of Parkinson’s obvious motor signs are visible. The years before a clinical diagnosis and As many as 10 million people Disease and Movement held last subjects were instructed to write their therefore can be an early signal of the worldwide suffer the tremors, impaired summer in Sydney, Australia. names and to copy addresses — two approaching disease,” she said. balance and rigidity associated Near-perfect Accuracy everyday tasks that require cognitive Validating these findings in a with PD, which has no cure. The Rosenblum initiated the study, abilities. The writing was done on broader study could pave the way handwriting study is the latest in many which compared handwriting a regular piece of paper placed on for this method to be used for a Israeli investigations into causes, samples from 40 PD and disease-free an electronic tablet, using a special preliminary diagnosis of the disease diagnosis and treatment for PD. subjects. She was building on previous pen with pressure-sensitive sensors. in a safe and non-invasive fashion. Unfortunately, physicians can research that has shown unique and A computerized analysis of the results “This study is a breakthrough toward diagnose PD definitively only by distinctive differences between the compared writing form (length, an objective diagnosis of the disease,” observing clinical symptoms that handwriting of PD patients and that width and height of the letters), time said Schlesinger, noting that this appear at a relatively advanced stage, of healthy people. However, most of required, and the pressure exerted method would reduce the load on or by administering a test called SPECT, those studies focused on motor skills on the surface while performing the the health system, because the test which uses radioactive material to (drawing spirals, for instance) and assignment. can be performed by a professional image the brain. But researchers at not on writing that involves cognitive There were significant differences other than a doctor. The researchers the University of Haifa and Rambam abilities, such as signing a check or between the PD patients and the are currently applying the same Medical Center in Haifa believe their copying addresses. healthy group, and all subjects, method in a new experiment, using study shows how the disease can be According to Rosenblum, PD except one, had their status correctly handwriting analysis to evaluate the detected sooner, noninvasively and patients notice a change in their diagnosed (97.5% accuracy). The degree of functional improvement in without radiation. cognitive abilities even before they Parkinson’s disease patients wrote their PD patients who have received brain“Identifying the changes in experience a change in their motor letters smaller, exerted less pressure implanted pacemakers. handwriting could lead to an early abilities. Her handwriting research on the writing surface and took more JCN • October 2013 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774• www.jfedps.org • 15

Jewish Family Service of the Desert “Count on us… for life”

801 east Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite 202 Palm Springs, Ca 92262 (760) 325-4088 www.jfsdesert.org

We show free movies each week on Wednesdays, at 10:00 am and 1:30 pm. Call for October schedule.

PROGRAMS & SERVICES For further information about these services and others, please call the JFS offi ce, 760-325-4088.

COUNSELING & FAMILY SUPPORT: experienced therapists help individuals, couples, and families address life's challenges.


INTENSIVE OUTPATIENT DRUGTREATMENT FOR ADOLESCENTS: Five week course for teens that are at risk or have been expelled from school due to substance abuse.


a tribute to the vaudeville acts of Sophie Tucker, al Jolson, eddie Cantor and more. Special guest performer: Larry Capeloto

SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM: JFS counselors serve elementary school children in Palm Springs unified School District with on-site counseling and now with a new 5th grade curriculum to teach drug refusal and interpersonal skills to prepare them for success in middle school.

Friday, October 11, 2013 4:00 pm - $15.00 Wine and cheese and “Meet & greet” after show. Seating is limited. reservations encouraged.

SOLUTIONS FOR SENIORS: Serves older adults to maintain independence and help them enjoy a higher quality of life. Please call the office for information.

Screening of the movie


In a remote Lebanese village a group of women, trying to ease religious tensions between Christians and Muslims, band together and cleverly scheme to prevent their men from killing each other. Thursday, October 24, 2013 5:00 pm - $10.00 Maria Mouchati will lead Q & A after film. Seating is limited. Reservations encouraged.


JFS EXPRESS SENIOR RIDE PROGRAM -If you know someone homebound and needing transportation to a medical or important appointment, please have them contact JFS express for assistance. JEWISH BEREAVEMENT GROUP: Free to the local community. This group meets every Wednesday at the JFS Palm Springs office, 3.30-5.00 p.m. No registration necessary. FRIENDLY VISITORS: For seniors who are isolated and would like companionship, a JFS volunteer can bring care and friendship. Friendly Visitors can also provide companionship and celebration during the Shabbat observation. Call for more information. CAFÉ EUROPA GROUP: Programming for holocaust survivors. Monday October 21, 2013 at the Tolerance education Center 2:00pm. Transportation available, please call Julie Hirsh for more information 760-325-4088 X 109. LUNCH IN & OUT PROGRAM: Bi- monthly activity program for homebound seniors. Next Sessions Tuesday, October 1 & Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at the Joslyn Center, Palm Desert. Transportation is provided and participants take part in activities and lunch. Some restrictions apply. To register and obtain further information contact Lisa Schmid 760779-9400. X 205.

The Desert Holocaust Memorial is located in the Palm Desert Civic Center Park at San Pablo avenue & Fred Waring Drive. Residents and visitors are encouraged to visit this moving memorial, a place of remembrance and monument of hope. 16 • JCN • October 2013 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 • www.jfedps.org

NEW* CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP: “Learn to care for yourself, as you care for your loved one” Offered at the JFS Palm Desert office located at 73-750 Catalina Way, Ste a. For more information please call Terra at 760-7799400.

Israel Ranks 4th Globally in Health Care Efficiency Times of Israel

In a new ranking of countries with the most efficient health care, Israel came in fourth, while the uS ranked — behind Iran — in 46th position. among advanced economies, the United States spends the most on health care on a relative cost basis with the worst outcome. The countries were ranked based on three criteria: life expectancy;

relative per capita cost of health care (percentage of gDP per capita); and the absolute per capita cost of health care (expenditures covering preventive and curative services, family planning, nutrition and emergency aid). The countries included had populations of at least five million, life expectancy of at least 70 years and gDP per capita of at least $5,000.

Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan took the top three spots in the rankings. Israel came next. The uK came 14th, Canada 17th, Iran 45th, and the uS 46th. Israel’s life expectancy is 81.8 years, and health care costs per capita were calculated at $2,426 (or approximately NIS 8,800). The rankings also noted that Israel has the

longest life span in the Middle east and africa, and that Israelis have the 12th longest retirement in the world (lasting 17.81 years). By comparison, americans have a life expectancy of 78.6 years and spend $8,608 (NIS 31,100) in health care costs per capita.

Former PM Sharon Undergoes Stomach Surgery by Elad Benari, Arutz Sheva

Former Prime Minister ariel Sharon underwent a planned surgery at the Tel Hashomer Hospital on September 3rd. During the operation, the feeding tube connected to Sharon's digestive system and through which he receives fluid solutions was replaced. The surgery lasted for about an hour and ended successfully. The former prime minister is in recovery and will be returned to the rehabilitation center at the Tel Hashomer Hospital, where he has been hospitalized in recent years. There is no change in his condition. Sharon suffered a stroke in 2006 which left him in a coma. He was admitted to the Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem after the massive stroke on January 4, 2006. He was subsequently moved to Tel Hashomer and has remained there in serious but stable condition ever since. In January it was reported that hospital brain scans appeared to give a glimmer of hope for some improvement in Sharon’s condition. Sharon had been examined by

To apply for Emergency Funds from the

TZEDAKAH FUND call the Jewish Federation 760-324-4737

experts at Ben gurion university and the Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheva, where he underwent an MrI scan. During the two-hour test, Sharon was showed pictures of his family members, and a recording of the voice of his son gilad was played for him. According to the reserachers, there was a “definite reaction” in Sharon's brain when he saw the images and

heard the voice. However, there was no way to tell if Sharon was aware of the images, and if so how aware he actually was, experts explained. gilad Sharon claimed in a 2011 interview that his father is occasionally awake and responds to speech. “He looks at me and moves fingers when I ask him to,” gilad said. “I am sure he hears me.”

Sharon, once a Likud leader, was behind the 2005 disengagement plan in which 8,000 Jews were expelled from their homes in gush Katif and Northern Samaria (Shomron). The government claimed that leaving gush Katif would result in peace and quiet, but rocket and missile attacks from gaza-based terrorists continued despite the expulsion.

Education Day Monday December 9 2013

Major Gifts Dinner Thursday January 23 2014

Pomegranate Event Monday February 17 2014

Lion of Judah Luncheon Wednesday February 5 2014

INSIGHTS Wednesday February 26 2014

69-710 Highway 111 Rancho Mirage CA 92770 (760) 324-4737 • www.jfedps.org

JCN • October 2013 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774• www.jfedps.org • 17

Palestinian Authority Demands Israel Provide it with Gas Masks by Ari Soffer, Arutz Sheva

A Palestinian Authority official has demanded that Israel provide civilians living in PA-controlled areas with gas masks in the event of a spillover of violence from Syria. Israel has been distributing gas masks to its citizens since late August amid fears of reprisals against the Jewish state, following anticipated US military intervention in neighboring Syria. Syrian officials have repeatedly declared that in the event of a westernled intervention against the regime, they would respond by attacking

Israel. "If there is any war in the region, the responsibility (for ensuring that the Palestinian Authority's constituents are prepared) falls upon Israel, because it is the occupying authority," quoted Palestinian Authority security services spokesman Adnan al-Dumayri . "Israel must provide to all citizens living under its occupation the necessary security equipment, be that gas masks or other items, especially if Israel gets into a war we have no connection with," he said. Israelis last

week scrambled to collect gas masks provided by the state, queuing up sometimes for hours at distribution centers - mostly post offices - across the country. Arabs living under Palestinian Authority rule have not received any such safety equipment, a situation al-Dumayri blamed on Israel. “We are living under occupation, we have no sovereignty over our borders [sic. referring to Judea, Samaria and the Gaza - ed], and we can't import gas masks," he claimed.

The basis for his claim that the PA is prevented from obtaining gas masks is unclear. PA-controlled regions are the world's highest recipients of international aid per capita, and under the terms of the Oslo agreements, the PA leadership has full responsibility over providing for the people it governs. In Gaza as well, Hamas authorities have overseen the import of countless goods to the territory, including those banned by the Israeli blockade - from luxury cars to advanced weaponry.

Israeli Students Design Gadget to Reduce Pain in IV Needle Procedure By Viva Sarah Press, Israel 21c

Parents know that watching their children be hooked up to an intravenous catheter is one of the most stomach churning episodes in life. The motor coordination required to insert an IV catheter is very demanding, particularly in children and infants, and more often than not causes pain, distress and frustration. And now for the good news. Hebrew University of Jerusalem students and Hadassah Medical Center clinicians, attending the joint Biodesign program, created a semi-automatic handheld device for rapid and safe IV insertion. Called SAGIV, the device uses infrared sights and electrical sensing to identify

veins, insert the needle into the correct location, and withdraw it in a single, rapid robotic movement. “Some caregivers simply don’t have the dexterity to insert IV catheters successfully,” said Dr. Yotam Almagor, the group’s clinical expert. “This leads to a lot of pain and frustration.” The group’s prototype, developed by engineering graduate student Lev Lavy, has already been tested successfully on children at the pediatric ward of Hadassah Medical Center. “We had a lot of excited parents asking that we use the device,” said Almagor. “Children that used to be pricked numerous times in every visit can now

18 • JCN • October 2013 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 • www.jfedps.org

be connected in a single attempt.” Other students in the group include Gahl Levy, founder of EnergySmart Solutions, as well as Yifat Castel and Alex Wainshtok, SAGIV, Hebrew University's robotic IV insertion prototype means who are completing less pain for kids their MBA degrees. Biodesign is a multi-disciplinary, takes outstanding medical fellows, team-based approach to medical bioengineering and business graduate innovation, created by the Hebrew students, and tutors them in the University of Jerusalem and Hadassah science and practice of bringing a Medical Center in partnership with medical innovation to the market. Stanford University. The program

The Jewish Federation


e do the w r e h t e g o T ry! Extraordina

2012 Honor Roll of

y s (JCN) to sta the JCN, f w o e s N d y n it e n ri u F r Celebrating Shabbat Dea h Comm 0 years. ur local Jewis e been doing it for over 5 ultural o g in d a re t we – we’v u care abou ories, the c We know yo nected and strong. So do rst class Jewish news st fi n informed, co line the JCN brings you so much more. on d N In print and ycle announcements an ecoming a JC r b c r fe e li d r, si a n d o n c le l u ca ope you wil can help us expand o h e w d n a JCN , you r reading the ts per week Thank you fo little more than 36 cen or r supporter. F d our capabilities. dwide or ou rl o il w u s b w d n Je a g reach Jewish impactin d american wish rtant events n o a p ty im ti n n e o id g our reportin informed Je ce of Jewish Whether it is erage of the changing fa that makes you a more s v expanded co eration delivers the new y. ed e life, Jewish F esert Jewish Communit will help as w D n e o ti th u f o ib tr n n e o iz cit e. Your c munity’s voic ry. m o c r u o y vesting in N’s histo ting Help us by in citing new chapter in JC r by contribu x o e , w n a lo e in b r ss e ush e addre your gift to th g in d n se y b your support Please show .jfedps.org. w online at ww hoices. ou several c y s e iv g to ard Below is a c Thank you, Annual Meeting: Incoming President Celia Norian (center) thanks Co-Presidents Howard Levy and Roberta Nyman

Chairs Don Stein and Stephanie Ross with keynote speaker Jeanne Smith (center)

Celebrating Purim “And You Shall Teach Your Children ...” Making a World of Difference… Doing a World of Good.


JEWISH FEDERATION OF THE DESERT 69-710 Highway 111 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (760) 324-4737

arten Bruce Landg e Officer tiv Chief execu As our 2013 campaign gets underway, we are asking you to do something meaningful right now.

Address __________________________________________

The Strength of a People. The Power of Community.

Step Up Luncheon: Chairs Judy Cohn (left) and Stephanie Ross (right) with Associate chair Lainie Weil


Name ___________________________________________

Only by working together can we begin to repair our world.

Major Gifts: Chairs Libby Hoffman and Elliott Cohen with speaker (center) Professor Dan Ben-David

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Your donation now will help pay for food and medicine for a destitute family. It will help an unemployed father get back on his feet. It will pay for other things you can’t put a price on, like connecting our children to the richness of our heritage and to Israel.

Lion of Judah: Women’s Philanthropy Co-President Celia Norian, LOJ Chair Gail Scadron, VP Campaign Margot Halperin and Co-President Judith Cohen

Women’s Philanthropy Education Day: Chair Dr. Rennie Wrubel (second left) with Panelists Dr. Ralph Nurenberger, Joey Freeman and Jordan Fructman

Pomegranate: Speaker Gina Waldman with WP Director Mary Levine and Pomegranate Chair Bobbie Rosenberg

A Building of Our Own: In November we moved into our beautiful office building in Rancho Mirage

Ensuring a _________________________________________________ Jewish Future for

Together we can ensure that community programs and activities that build Jewish identity remain vibrant and shining. And we can fight poverty, hunger and despair right now. Share the light. Donate. Volunteer. Make a difference.

The Jewish Community News, 69-710 Hwy 111,Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

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Majority of Palestinians Support Use of Suicide Terrorism Zionist Organization of America

A new Pew Research Survey has shown that a significant majority 62% - of Palestinians justify the use of suicide terrorism. In the words of the Pew Survey, "in some countries, substantial minorities of Muslims say attacks on civilians are at least

Community Schools RELIGIOUS/ HEBREW SCHOOLS Chabad Hebrew School A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities Director: Sussie Denebeim 73550 S. Rosa Way, Palm Desert, CA 92260 www.chabadpd.com 760-341-6501 Temple Isaiah Principal: Rabbi Sally Olins 332 West Alejo Road Palm Springs, CA 92262 www.templeisaiahps.com 760-325-2281, ext. 203

from its enemies; in the Palestinian territories, a majority of Muslims hold this view." Among Palestinians, 37% said suicide bombing was often justified and 25% said it was sometimes justified. Only 16% of Palestinians said that suicide bombing is never justified (Pew Research Survey, September 10, 2013). This chilling finding replicates results in numerous other surveys in recent years showing strong Palestinian support for terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians: • October 2010: A Palestinian Survey (PSR) Research Unit poll found that 49% of Palestinians support suicide bombing attacks upon Israelis, while a virtually equal number (49.2%) oppose such attacks. 14% of Palestinians strongly favored such acts of terrorism, while 6% of Palestinians strongly opposed them. • March 2009: A joint Israeli-Palestinian poll has shown that a majority of Palestinians - 54% - support terror attacks upon Israelis inside Israel, as opposed to only 42% who oppose

• March 2008: 83.5% of Palestinians approve of the March 6 terrorist attack on the Mercaz Harav seminary in Jerusalem in which 8 people, mainly teenagers, were murdered and a further 40 wounded; 63.6% support rocket attacks on Israeli towns, as against 32.6% who oppose it. (Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research poll, March 2008). • September 2006: 57% of Palestinian Arabs support terrorist attacks upon Israeli civilians; 75% support the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers in a bid to obtain the release of jailed Palestinians terrorists; 63% are inspired by the Lebanese Islamist terror group Hizballah and seek to emulate it. (Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research poll, September 2006). • September 2006: 61.3% of Palestinian Arabs support terrorist attacks upon Israeli civilians; 52.5% support rocket attacks upon Israeli population centers (Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies at

Temple Sinai Director: Miri Ketayi 73-251 Hovley Lane West, Palm Desert, CA 92260 www.templesinaipd.org 760-568-9699

NURSERY SCHOOLS Temple Sinai Tikvah Pre-School Director: Debbie Midcalf 24 mos - Pre-K 73-251 Hovley Lane West, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-568-6779 sometimes justified to defend Islam

such attacks.

20 • JCN • October 2013 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 • www.jfedps.org

An-Najah University).

• December 2005: 69% of Palestinians see terrorism as legitimate; 65% support Al-Qaeda actions in the USA and Europe (Fafo poll, December 22, 2005). • April 2003: 75.6% of Palestinian Arabs support terrorism against Israeli civilians (Jerusalem Media and Communications Center (JMCC) poll). ZOA National President Morton A. Klein commented, "This latest poll, tragically, merely confirms the results of innumerable earlier polls, some of which we have cited above, showing Palestinians to approve of terrorism that targets innocent Jewish men, women and children and rejecting peace or co-existence with Israel as a Jewish state. "These findings, like those of dozens of other polls showing Palestinian attitudes towards Israel, negotiations and violence, simply underscore the fact that concessions to Mahmoud Abbas' Palestinian Authority (PA), especially concessions leading to Palestinian statehood, would only help to produce the world's newest terrorist state. "It would be folly for either Israel or the United States to support the establishment of a Palestinian state under such conditions and it noteworthy that the former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff, Lt.-Gen. Moshe Yaalon, former CIA director R. James Woolsey and pre-eminent Middle East historian Bernard Lewis have all come out in opposition to the establishment of a Palestinian state under present conditions."

France’s National Front Party Suspends Candidate for anti-Semitic Posts On September 9th France’s ultranationalist National Front party suspended one of its candidates for posting anti-Israel photos and antiSemitic statements on his Facebook page. Francois Chatelain of Neuville-enFerrain, near Lille, who is running in municipal elections, posted a photo earlier this month on the social networking site with a caption reading “This is France here!” according to the Le Figaro daily newspaper. another picture showed a masculine hand

pulling away an Israeli flag to reveal the French tricolor. One post concerned suspicions of sexual abuse at Beth Hanna, a Jewish school in Paris. Chatelain wrote: “Well, that’s a Jew.” another showed former French President Nicolas Sarkozy with a rabbi and warned against “the lobby which runs the media, finance and provokes wars for colonialist and economic reasons (the greater Israel project and the elimination of Iran and Syria).”



The Jewish Community News welcomes letters to the editor Publication will Shalom be based on appropriateness of material and available space, at the discretion of the editorial staff. We reserve the right to edit submissions. Submit letters in of Jewish Living The finest 250 words or less by e-mail to: mhbentjcn@earthlink.net, fax to 760-320-6085 or mail to the Jewish Federation, 69-710 Hwy. 111, rancho Mirage, Ca 92270, attn: editor, JCN.

JCN • October 2013 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774• www.jfedps.org • 21

Simchas This Simchas column shares happy news and every occasion is special. However the bar was raised over the summer with the exciting Noah Zweig-Pilon news from Linda Zweig of the adoption of her new grandson, Noah Zweig-Pilon, son of Kim and Ryan Zweig-Pilon. Kim is a cancer survivor but this precluded her bearing children. Enter Noah,

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the country to celebrate ... Congratulations to Dr. Paul and Stephanie Ross on the birth of their “sabra great nephew” Dov Ber Joanes, Danny Murray Harriet & Marvin Goldberg son of Julie and who was born in Tennessee on July G a b e Jo a n e s , 19 and was in the arms of his new who live in Kiryat Yearim, west of parents moments after birth. Mazel Jerusalem ... Mazel tov to Jennifer tov the all ... Happy news is good Leah Schwartz, daughter of Elisa to mention any time, so a belated and Ken Schwartz, who was called congratulations to Harriet and to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Marvin Goldberg, who celebrated September 21 at Temple Israel of their 60th anniversary in May. Family Hollywood. (Elisa is a member of our and friends came from around Federation Board) ... Temple Sinai JFS VOLUNTEERS WELCOME: Rewarding Volunteer Opportunities; Interested in expanding your life by volunteering? JFS has volunteer openings and is now accepting applications for the following positions: Lunch In & Out Driver, Lunch In & Out Program Volunteer, Friendly Visitors, JFS Express Senior Ride Transportation p r o g ra m , p r ov i d e r i d e s f o r seniors to medical appointments. For more information and to apply now contact Julie Hirsh, 760-3254088 X109. See ad page 6. HAR-EL, MEMBER URJ, INAUGURATES a decade of study, worship and creating community. Galen Fall Trimester Course presenters include: Professor Penny Rivin, Rabbi Richard Zionts, Rabbi Hillel Cohn, Steve Moyer, Attorney-atLaw and Dr. Jerry Argovitz, Author. To inquire about the October/ November/December courses, contact Har-El at harelurj@aol.com or call 760-779-1691. Kabbalat Shabbat services Fridays, 5 pm, followed by Oneg, presentation and discussion. PRIVATE DUTY NURSE LVN available for home health care. Extensive hospital and doctor’s office experience. Call Joanie 760-776-6752.

22 • JCN • October 2013 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 • www.jfedps.org

FOR ALL OF YOUR CLOTHING NEEDS – call Arlene, at Rosenthal of Palm Springs. From casual to couture, for men and women. Can make and or copy anything. Huge variety of fabrics. In your home appointments. Since 1989 – making people look and feel good in perfectly fitted clothing. 760-323-8353. TRAVELING NOTARY PUBLIC for all your Health, Financial and Real Estate Documents. Available 7 Days. Ernest Sussman 760-408-9338.

is celebrating both a Bar and Bat Mitzvah in October. Mazel tov to Danny Murray, son of Beth Caskie and Ian Murray, who will be called to the Torah as Brianna Herrmann a Bar Mitzvah on October 5 th and to Brianna Herrmann, daughter of Rhonda Kaufman, who will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on October 26th. Share your Simchas with us. Email Miriam Bent at mhbentjcn@ earthlink.net or call her at 760-3230255.

KRISTINE A. KAUFFMAN - SENIOR CARE SPECIALIST. Driving for appointments, shopping, dining, etc; Errands (groceries, banking, etc); Bill paying and other miscellaneous tasks; Companionship. Dog sitting, walking. References available. 4-hour minimum 760-902-3490. M A L E LV N AVA I L A B L E F O R PRIVATE DUTY in Palm Springs, 20 hours per week. 20 years work in long term care. (I also clean the house!) Strong, athletic, intelligent. David 760-486-5627.

Candle Lighting Times Friday, October 4 Friday, October 11 Friday, October 18 Friday, October 25

Shabbat Noah Shabbat Lech Lecha Shabbat Vayera Shabbat Chaye Sarah

5:45 pm 5:36 pm 5:27 pm 5:20 pm

Where Israeli Runaways Find a Home By Abigail Klein Leichman, Israel 21c

On the streets at 14, raped at 17 and living with a boyfriend at 19, Mariuma Klein does not fit the profile of someone likely to succeed in life. Yet she has succeeded big time, raising three healthy daughters and winning awards and international recognition for nurturing tens of thousands of Israeli runaways over the past 29 years in her unique Shanti House. “I do have a degree in psychodrama,” she tells ISRAEL21c in her colorful office at the main Shanti House in Tel Aviv’s Neveh Tzedek neighborhood. “But that came later. My ‘degree’ is 30,000 children.” At the beginning, at not quite 20 years old, her goal was to provide a proper Shabbat evening meal for the many runaways who find themselves in Tel Aviv. She and her partner Dino didn’t have much money, so they collected leftovers from vendors in the Carmel Market on Friday afternoons, and their ragtag group of guests helped them turn the groceries into a meal. Many would stay for the night. “From Friday to Friday, there were so many children stuck with no place to eat or sleep,” she recalls 30 years later. “One girl said she got raped and I was the first one she told, and I told her I also got raped. In this moment, I understood this is my destiny.” In 1984, one of their guests remarked that she felt “shanti” there, using a Sanskrit word for tranquility. Another runaway immediately picked up a can of spray paint and wrote “Welcome to Shanti House” on the wall. It wasn’t exactly a business plan. But it worked. In 1992, Klein established the Shanti House Association, a non-profit that today gets 20 percent of its annual $2.2 million budget from the Israeli government. The rest must be solicited from individual donors; a 501(c) organization was established in the United States for accepting tax-deductible

Under the guidance of 30 gave me land. It was a realization of my dream, but I couldn’t do it without employees – 18 in Tel Aviv and 12 others,” Klein says. “It’s something in the Negev — residents share that has never been done before, household chores and are expected not in Israel and not in the world. to go to school or work. Clothing, food, supplies and pocket money are It’s completely out of the box.” She splits her time equally among all provided. The highlight of the week at the two sites, where sheltering the runaways is just the beginning. Shanti House remains the traditional Klein’s therapeutic model, dubbed Shabbat dinners that started it “Shantherapy,” includes classes, trips, all. Many of the kids who spent a vocational training, enrichment and significant amount of time at Shanti volunteering activities, 12 Steps, House return there on holidays such Reiki, agriculture and animal therapy, as Passover, year after year. Even if drumming, psychodrama and one- they’re living independently, Shanti contributions. Her ultimate vision is to on-one counseling among other House remains their home. expand into a worldwide umbrella offerings. association. For now, Shanti House is the only Laugh out institution in Israel that takes in youth Loud ages 14-21 (usually the cap is 18) every day of the year around the clock — kids Stories in the news that bring a smile! on the brink of becoming victims of LOOKING FOR A GREEK NAMED ‘MIVTACHUS’ physical violence, sexual abuse, crime, prostitution and drug addiction. It also In 1953, a 7.3 earthquake devastated the Greek island of Kefalonia, hosts prevention programs annually for killing 600 persons. Within 24 hours, a fleet of four Israeli navy vessels thousands of soldiers and at-risk youth. on a training exercise in the Aegean, anchored their ships at Kefalonia and pitched in, saving countless people buried in the rubble, and “They come from all levels of society: transporting 300 badly injured by boat to a hospital. The residents very rich to very poor, religious, not never forgot and in gratitude named the main street “Israel.” religious, Russians, Ethiopians, Bedouins, Recently Kafalonia commemorated the 60th anniversary of Druze. They come from backgrounds of the miraculous arrival of the Israeli sailors ‘out of the blue’ in their sex abuse, violence or neglect. They are hour of need, with Israeli ambassador to Greece Areh Mekel present. lone soldiers, orphans or children whose The 30,000 Kefalonians are also hoping Israeli tourists will get the parents can’t afford to support them or message that they welcome Israelis with open arms, and make the kicked them out of the house,” she relates. island the destination of their next vacation. “They feel rejected day by day; it’s a kind of According to Israeli diplomat David Saranga (whose father was death.” She knows what this feels like. “I one of the sailors) back in 1953 a pregnant woman who gave birth was a kid who went through all the things on one of the ships, named her son Mivtachus after the vessel that that the kids we accept in Shanti House came to her rescue: the Israeli frigate Mivtach. The Israeli diplomatic go through,” she says. corps in Greece and the former Israeli sailors – now in their 80s and In 2001, Shanti House moved out of 90s – are searching for 60-year old Mivtachus to offer him a free Klein’s home to its present site. Eight years tour of Israel. later, she opened Desert Shanti House Youth Village in the Negev. “In Israel there NEW PHONE APP? are currently 330,000 children and youth Yigal Sokrofa’s family decided to spend the four-day day Rosh at risk, 28,000 of them in the country’s Hashanah holiday camping on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. But, south,” she explains. “From Beersheva instead of keeping close to camp, on Thursday evening, the 27-year to Eilat there aren’t many places for old decided to get on his air mattress and float on the lake to relax. welfare.” Within minutes he found himself floating a full kilometer into the Through Ramat Hanegev Regional lake without a paddle. Council Mayor Shmuel Rifman, she Luckily, Sokrofa had naturally taken his trusty (and apparently obtained 133 acres in a secluded but waterproof) cell phone with him. He called his wife, who called accessible location in 2002. The Rashi the police. The lost mariner turned his cell phone monitor into a Foundation and other donors helped her beacon, successfully alerting beach manager Aharon Ben-Na’im of his build a spectacular “green” living quarters whereabouts, who went looking for him on a chasika (a 1930s-vintage whose grounds include a large Bedouinhollow one-man float made of wood or fiberglass with an ‘stretched’ style tent where residents and guests can kayak paddle, a cross between an inner tube, surfboard, kayak and share music, art and poetry. flat Arab fishing ‘boat’ still extensively used by Israeli lifeguards). “They opened their hearts to me, they JCN • October 2013 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774• www.jfedps.org • 23




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