jewish federaTiOn Of The deserT 69-710 Highway 111 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (760) 324-4737 Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #113 Santa Ana, CA
Together We Do Extraordinary Things Caring for the
Campaign 2014 Partnering with Israel & Overseas
Celebrating Jewish Life
On the cover.... Together We Do Extraordinary Things Caring
CElia Norian
for the Vulnerable
Campaign 2014
Partnering with Israel & Overseas
Celebrating Jewish Life
jewish federation BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers and Executive Committee Celia Norian, President Sondi Green & Libby Hoffman, Vice Presidents, Campaign Vernon Kozlen, Treasurer Bernard Reiter, Secretary Lainie Weil, President, Women’s Philanthropy Allan Lehmann & Phil Glass, Allocations Nancy Ditlove, Major Gifts Roberta Nyman, Immediate Past President Howard Levy, Immediate Past President
Joseph Bernstein Sandra Borns Elliott Cohen Ellen Glass James Graff-Radford Fran Kaufman Marvin Lewis
Jason Novack Allan Nyman Dr. Paul Ross Stephanie Ross Elisa Schwartz Sandy Seplow Amy Stone
Bruce Landgarten, Chief Executive Officer
Table of Contents Vol. 39 • No. 5
Calendar 12-13 Federation 2, 3, 6, 16, 24 Endowment 21 Women's Philanthropy 4 Jewish Family Service 15 Schools 18 Simchas & Classifieds 22 Temples 12 Tolerance Education Center 15 Tributes 14
"When I arrived in Israel in 1990, people who did not know me, offered to help Luba and I with food and clothes. They said that ‘we were family’ because we were Jewish and this is what Jews do.” These words were spoken by Dmitri of the famed Duo Dmitri duet at the Kick Off event for the 2014 Campaign of Jewish Federation of the Desert. In his inspirational speech, Bruce Landgarten, CEO, shared with the attendees that the funds raised assist in feeding the hungry, helping the unemployed, and supporting families with special needs both here in the desert and around the world. This Federation has been doing this for over 50 years. This is what we Jews do. We are a family and we take care of each other no matter where we live. The Kick Off event held at the Jewish Federation set the stage for our efforts in this year’s campaign. We are ready to raise funds to help those who face challenges and obstacles that we can’t imagine. Spearheaded by our Campaign Chairs, Libby Hoffman and Sondi Green, we are focused on raising more dollars than we did last year. They have an ambitious team working with them on the Major Gifts event. Co-Chairs Nancy Ditlove and Margie Kulp, have planned a spectacular evening with an inspirational Israeli speaker, a former IDF Helicopter pilot who has won a Para-Olympic gold medal in tennis. Women’s Philanthropy, under the leadership of Lainie Weil, has set an ambitious agenda of fundraising events for this year. Joanne
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Chunowitz and Barbara Weisberg have found the perfect venue for the Lion of Judah event while Stephanie Ross and Judith Cohen will assure that all pledges are secured. Sherry Salzman will share her story at the Pomegranate event that will enhance the efforts of Brenda Weinstock to encourage more women to participate in the campaign at this level. The INSIGHTS luncheon, chaired by Judy Cohn and Evelyn Binsky
will be the culmination event for campaign this year. All of these events are the works of volunteers who are focused on helping the Federation of the Desert to fulfill our mandate – to help Jews in need no matter where they are because we are FAMILY! Please join us in these efforts. Participate at whatever level you feel comfortable. You never know when you may be a recipient. Thank you.
From the CEO
The Most Important Gathering of Jewish Communal Leaders Bruce Landgarten Jewish Federation Chief Executive Officer
Thousands of Jewish community leaders from across the globe convened in Israel for the Jewish Federations of North America's General Assembly (GA) November 10-12 in Jerusalem. This year’s focus: “A Marketplace of Dialogue and Debate.” The Jewish Federations of North America represents 153 Jewish Federation's and over 300 network communities, which raise and distribute more than $3 billion annually for social welfare, social services and educational needs. The Federation movement, collectively among the top 10 charities nationally, protects and enhances the well-being of Jews worldwide. Although I was not able to attend this year’s GA, I kept apprised via line streaming on a daily basis. The GA gathered over 3000 participants from 93 different communities across North America, Israel and Europe. People who attended had the opportunity to hear 140 speakers from the political, philanthropic, business, religious and cultural worlds. In holding the GA in Jerusalem this year, the Jewish Federation movement saw an opportunity to spark a dialogue between Israeli and North American Jews. Federation leaders believe the concerns facing the Israeli and North American communities today are universal, and the GA provided a chance to delve into these issues. The conference focused on two futures: The future of Israel and its relationship with Jewish communities outside of Israel; and the challenges facing North American Jewry today, which the recent Pew Research Study* put into sharp relief. Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu, Ministers Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett, and opposition leader Shelly Yacimovich headed a list of VIP speakers, including a new wave of Israeli political leaders plus trailblazers in philanthropy, business, religion and culture. Other speakers included President Shimon Peres, Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon, Finance Minister Yair Lapid, Minister for Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs Naftali Bennett, U.S. Ambassador Dan Shapiro, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat and a host of members of Knesset, including Stav Shaffir, its youngest member. This year’s dynamic program had Israel at its heart. From provocative FedTalks to innovative breakout formats, each session was designed to
encourage an active exchange of ideas about the pressing issues affecting Israel -- its success and challenges, its place in the world, and its relationship with world Jewry. Attendees were inspired at Jerusalem’s institutes of Jewish learning and thought, as they took part in Jewish learning facilitated by some of Jerusalem’s leading scholars at well-known institutions throughout the city, from across the religious spectrum. These discussions provided the opportunity to learn from historical and modern Jewish texts on important issues facing Israel and the global Jewish community today. Participants explored our partners’ programs around Jerusalem. They visited projects funded by the Jewish
Agency for Israel, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the Ethiopian National Project, the Azrieli Foundation and Hillel. The GA concluded with a walk to the Western Wall for what was called a "dramatic celebration of Jewish unity and of Jerusalem's centrality to the Jewish people." The Jewish Federation thanks Margie Kulp for traveling to Israel at this important time and participating in the GA on behalf of our community along with her JFNA national committee commitments. * We are sharing the findings of this important report in a two part article appearing in this issue and next month’s JCN.
JCN • December 2013 • Kislev/Tevet 5774• • 3
jewish federation of the desert's
Women's Philanthropy women’s Philanthropy Offers full slate of exciting Programs
Women’s Philanthropy’s programs and events this season offer a dynamic balance between important fundraising events and stimulating education programs and activities. Women’s Philanthropy provides significant opportunities for all women to affirm their Jewish identity through acts of tzedakah and chesed. We are dedicated to the vitality and future of our Desert community, Israel and the Jewish people.
education day with alon Ben-david
December 9, 2013, at 10:00 am is the highly anticipated return of Alon BenDavid, Israel’s Channel 10 Senior Defense Correspondent, who will present his analysis of Mideast current events. Couvert $25, includes mid-morning refreshments. Education Day will be held at the UCR Palm Desert Center. Call Linn Menne at 760-324-4737, to reserve your seat.
Lion of judah
One of the opportunities for Jewish women is the internationally recognized program, the Lion of Judah. Created in 1972 in Miami by Norma Kipnis-Wilson and Toby Friedland, the Lion of Judah program has brought together women of all ages and from many walks of life to play an essential role in creating social justice, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, preserving human dignity and building Jewish identity. Today, almost 17,000 women world-wide are Lions of Judah. Lion of Judah requires a financial commitment of at least $5,000 to the Annual Campaign ($1100 for out-of-town Lions). Joanne Chunowitz and Barbara Weisberg are co-chairs of this year’s Lion of Judah Luncheon. The Luncheon is Wednesday, February 5, 2014, at the JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort in Palm Desert. Keynote speaker is American born Leah Stern, an international correspondent with over ten years’ experience in the Middle East. Her most recent position, for the past two years, has been serving as a liaison between the Israeli government and the Vatican, based in Rome.
On Monday, February 17, 2014, Women’s Philanthropy will celebrate the women who embrace our Pomegranate program, which requires a minimum $1500 gift to the annual campaign. Jewish tradition teaches that the pomegranate is a symbol of righteousness because it is said to have 613 seeds, which corresponds with the
613 mitzvot, or commandments, of the Torah. Today, in cherishing the symbolism of the pomegranate in our lives, we can equate the red juice from the pomegranate seeds, that leave a permanent mark when touched, to the good works of our Pomegranate women as they continue to touch Jewish lives here in our Valley and throughout the world. Sherry Salzman, the Chair of this event takes the symbolism one step further, seeing the pomegranate’s red mark as not only permanently “touching the hearts of those people we touch, but our own hearts as well.”
who is sidney friedman? Sidney Friedman is America’s premier mentalist and will be our guest speaker/entertainer at the INSIGHTS luncheon on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at the Westin Mission Hills Resort, Rancho Mirage. For over 18 years, Friedman has been mesmerizing audiences across America, Europe, Canada and the Caribbean with his amazing talent for reading minds, ESP, telepathy and premonition. He is a favorite of Jewish Federations across America. TODAY SHOW host Hoda Kotb states, "A few people are better at seeing the future than others, like mentalist Sidney Friedman. We love Sidney." The CHICAGO TRIBUNE writes, "Sidney Friedman is the master of all things psychic."
awaY fOr a day Trip #2
Join us for a trip to the “Life and Legacy of anne frank” Exhibit at the Museum of To l e r a n c e , L o s Angeles, on Monday, March 31, 2014. Open to the community. For information please contact Barbara Ben-David, Director of Women’s Philanthropy at 760-324-4737.
for more information contact women’s Philanthropy director Barbara Ben-david at 760-324-4737 or
jewish COMMUniTY news A Publication of the Jewish Federation of the Desert VOL. 39, no. 5
ediTOriaL Bruce Landgarten, Chief Executive Officer Miriam h. Bent, Editor Bailey & Co., Layout & Design jCn sTaTeMenT The Jewish Community News seeks to provide news and feature material of special interest to its readership, and to create a heightened sense of Jewish identity through the dissemination of information about people, events and issues at home and abroad. The JCN seeks to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas and opinions in the Jewish community. The JCN is published monthly, ten months a year by the Jewish Federation of the Desert, 69-710 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270, 760-324-4737, fax 760-324-3154. arTiCLes & adVerTisinG, Miriam h. Bent, Editor 760-323-0255, fax 760-320-6085, adVerTisinG The JCN does not endorse the goods or services advertised in its pages and makes no representation as to the kashrut of food products and services in such advertising. The publisher shall not be liable for damages if, for any reason whatsoever, it fails to publish an advertisement or for any error in an advertisement. Acceptance of advertisers and of advertising copy is subject to the publisher’s approval. The JCN is not responsible if ads violate applicable laws and the advertiser will indemnify, hold harmless and defend the JCN from all claims made by government agencies and consumers for any reason based on ads carried in the JCN.
'hot Microphone' Catches Un disbelief at anti-israel stance by Tova Dvorin, Arutz Sheva
On November 14th a United Nations interpreter expressed on a "hot mic" (live microphone) the thoughts of many UN observers: that the incessant emphasis on condemning Israel - for
crimes real or alleged - is uncalled for and excessive. As recorded on video, a SpanishEnglish translator appears to stop her simultaneous translation to note the oddity to a colleague. She is seen and heard stating "I mean, I think when you have five statements, not five, like a total of ten resolutions on Israel and Palestine, there's gotta be something, c'est un peu trop, non? [It's a bit much, no?] I mean I know... There's other really bad stuff happening [around the world], but no one says anything, about the other stuff," she said. A few seconds into her rant the interpreter realized that her remarks
were heard by the diplomats in attendance, some of whom couldn't help but laugh at the mishap. “The interpreter apologizes,” the interpreter said, after realizing her mistake. A Geneva-based organization, UN Watch, caught the mishap and posted it on social media sites, as did Israel's UN mission. Israel's Foreign Ministry has been cited as being delighted at the video, which has gone viral. As UN Watch notes, the international governing body will have released over 22 condemnations of Israel by the end of the next assembly, and only four on the rest of the world combined - including any possible resolutions regarding the Syrian Civil War, a nuclear Iran, and other conflicts which have the potential to metastasize out of the Middle East. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addressed the mishap on Sunday at a cabinet meeting. "I hope nothing happens to the translator as a result, but I can assure her of a job here in the State of Israel, should it come to that," he stated. "Sometimes someone can rip away at the veil of hypocrisy that exists in the ever-present attacks against us, and this interpreter had the courage to do just that."
Philippines: first Baby 'israel' Born at idf field hospital by Ari Yashar, Arutz Sheva Staff
On November 15th the first baby was born at the Israel Defense Force field hospital set up the day before in the Philippines to help deal with the destruction Typhoon Haiyan has left in its wake. The mayor of Bogo City where the hospital was established announced the baby will be named "Israel." The new life follows the Philippines' massive loss of life. The IDF delegation's field hospital began treating the sick and injured on November 15th, delivering its first baby the same day. "Israel," the male baby, was born in his eighth
an evening of Cantors in Concert World Famous Hazzanim Singing Israeli, Yiddish and Cantorial Favorites roslyn Barak - Congregation Emanu-el - San Francisco, CA Phil Baron - Valley Beth Shalom - Encino, CA Tifani Coyot - Temple Isaiah - Los Angeles, CA susan deutsch - Kehillat Horim at Heritage Pointe, Mission Viejo, CA Paul dorman - Los Angeles, CA Marcus feldman - Sinai Temple - Los Angeles, CA judy Greenfeld - Nachshon Minyan - Encino, CA Mimi haselkorn - Temple Aliyah - Woodland Hills, CA Linda Kates - Leo Beck Temple - Los Angeles, CA nathan Lam - Stephen Wise Temple - Los Angeles, CA jackie Mendelson - Temple Israel Center - White Plains, NY alberto Mizrahi - Anshe Emet Synagogue - Chicago, IL Penny Myers - Temple Beth Zion, Buffalo, NY juval Porot - Beth Chayim Chadashim - Los Angeles, CA david Propis - Congregation Shaarey Zedek - Southfield MI eva robbins - Congregation N’vay Shalom - Los Angeles, CA aviva rosenbloom - Temple Israel of Hollywood, CA richard schwartz - Temple Beth David - Temple City, CA Mike stein - Temple Aliyah - Woodland Hills, CA joel e. smith - Shomrei Torah Synagogue - West Hills, CA Lance Tapper - Congregation Beth Shalom of Whittier, CA Billy Tiep - Temple Solel - Cardif By The Sea, CA jason van Leeuwen - B’nai Hayim - Sherman Oaks, CA Cory winter - Temple Ner Tamid - Rancho Palos Verdes, CA alison wissot - Temple Judea - Tarzana, CA
Plus Cantorial students from the Academy for Jewish Religion singing with the cantors in a mammoth chorus! Accompanist - Chris hardin - Valley Beth Shalom - Encino, CA
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month, weighing 4.7 pounds . He was delivered by 5 members of the delegate's gynecological staff, including 3 doctors and 2 midwives. The field hospital includes x-ray and delivery rooms, and is able to absorb 500 patients a day.
Number of seats _____ at $____ per tickets. Total enclosed: $____________ Make check payable to “Temple Isaiah” and mail to 322 West Alejo Road, Palm Springs, CA 92262. Visa and MasterCard will be accepted for orders in excess of $50. __ Visa __ MasterCard #________________________________________________________ Exp.______ 3 digit security code_____ Name as it appears on the card______________________________________
JCN • December 2013 • Kislev/Tevet 5774• • 5
Dutch Christian Zionists to unveil Europe’s largest Menorah The Jewish
Christian Zionists in the Netherlands are building what they believe will be Europe’s largest menorah as a Chanukah gift to the country’s Jewish community. The Chanukah candelabrum, or chanukiyah, will be approximately 36 feet tall and made out of metal, according to Sara van Oordt of the Netherlands headquarters of the Christians for Israel organization. It will be placed near the group’s offices in Nijkerk, 30 miles east of the Dutch capital. “We think that this is a good way to show our support and solidarity for the Jewish community worldwide,” van Oordt said. Shaped like a Star of
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David, the giant candelabrum will have nine branches running along its top beam. According to Christians for Israel, it will be both Europe’s largest chanukyiah and its largest menorah. It is scheduled to be inaugurated at Nijkerk on the eve of Chanukah November 27, by Binyomin Jacobs, a chief rabbi of the Netherlands, who has agreed to light the first candle of Chanukah at a public ceremony that is expected to draw several hundred people. The chanukiyah cost just over $30,000 to make and is currently being manufactured in Friesland in the northern Netherlands, under the supervision of Arjen Lont, the Christian Zionist owner of a construction firm. Lont, who also participated in the reconstruction of Jerusalem’s Montefiore windmill last year, has sponsored a part of the chanukiyah’s cost, according to van Oordt. “We did not approach Jewish or Israeli businesses and donors, only Christian ones, because this is supposed to be our gift to the Jewish people,” van Oordt said. The Netherlands has several large menorahs and chanukiyahs that became popular with local Jews and Christians about 10 years ago. “Not everyone was enthusiastic at first, but they kept popping up,” Rabbi Jacobs said. “It brings people who would not normally celebrate Chanukah to partake and it shows the world in general that we, Jews, are also here and a part of this society.” Large menorahs or chanukiyahs can be found in 18 Dutch cities including Amsterdam, The Hague, Maastricht, Haarlem, Groningen and Rotterdam.
BGU Receives $1 Million Grant for Brain Disorders & Memory Study
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) Researchers Receive $1 Million Grant to Pursue Breakthroughs in Brain Disorders and Memory Study Researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Beer-Sheva, Israel are teaming up with researchers from the University of Heidelberg and Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin to investigate the impact of mitochondria on memory and brain disorders. The team has been awarded a $1 million German-Israel Project-Cooperation Grant. Nuclear calcium (Ca2+) signaling is essential for memory formation and neuronal survival when there is an inadequate supply of blood in the brain caused by partial or total blockage of an artery (known as ischemia). Recent discoveries by the researchers provide a basis to devise specific molecular tools to control the mitochondrial function. The grant to support "The Interplay of Mitochondrial and Nuclear Ca2+ Signaling and its Implication for Memory and Brain Disorders" will enable the researchers to expand upon their research in as yet unprecedented depth. Only four Israeli researchers receive these cooperation grants annually. The BGU grant-winners are Drs. Israel Sekler, Ilya A.
Fleidervish and Michal Hershfinkel of the Department of Physiology and Cell Biology. Their German collaborators are Dr. Hilmar Bading of the Department of Neurobiology, University of Heidelberg and Dr. Michael Bader of the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC), Charité. This project received its initial seed money from BGU's Research Excellence Initiative to promote biomedical research within its Faculty of Health Sciences. The matching grant competition on "Convergence in Bio-medical Research as a Route to Medical Breakthroughs" provides important seed money that the researchers could leverage to obtain more significant research grants. "Ben-Gurion University is committed to providing $6 million to its Research
Excellence Initiative and we expect to support this fund significantly, raising as much as half the funds to encourage the discovery of solutions to some of the world's most challenging problems," explains Doron Krakow, executive vice president of American
Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (AABGU). "This German-Israel grant will help BGU provide groundbreaking research on debilitating brain disorders," he added.
JCN • December 2013 • Kislev/Tevet 5774• • 7
nGO Monitor awarded the 2013 Begin Prize The prestigious Begin Prize, in recognition of "their strong stance in the defense of Israel and the Jewish people," will be awarded to NGO Monitor on December 4, 2013. Founded in 2002 by Professor Gerald Steinberg and the Wechsler Family Foundation, NGO Monitor is an independent research institute based in Jerusalem and the primary source of expertise on activities and funding of political non-governmental organizations (NGOs) involved in the Arab-Israeli conflict. NGO Monitor was nominated by 2010 Begin Prize recipient Professor Alan Dershowitz and Jewish Agency head Natan Sharansky, among others. "NGO Monitor humbly appreciates the recognition by the Begin Heritage Center for our contributions and years of hard work," stated Prof. Gerald Steinberg, president of NGO Monitor. "Menachem Begin fought against
the moral hypocrisy that denied the Jewish nation the same rights granted to others, including self-defense and sovereign equality in our homeland. in this spirit, NGO Monitor was founded to expose and end the double standards among powerful organizations that exploit the banners of human rights and democracy." In his letter to the award committee, Dershowitz wrote that "NGO Monitor has become one of the leading organizations devoted to correcting
Representing Buyers and Sellers throughout the desert for more than 23 years When you think of real estate, "Just Ring a Bell"
the deliberate falsehoods that have become routine in the systematic effort to delegitimate Israel." Reflecting the skills of NGO Monitor's highly professional investigative team, systematic and fully documented reports have been presented in the Knesset, the U.S. Congress, and the Parliaments of the U.K., Ireland, Spain and European Union, and are widely cited. These reports focus on a wide range of NGOrelated issues, including European Funding for Political NGOs Active in the Arab-Israeli Conflict, NGO Lawfare, BDS (boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) campaigns on campuses and via churches, NGO Malpractice-The Political Abuse of Medicine, Ethics, and Science, and NGOs and the Negev Bedouin Conflict in the Context of Political Warfare. In addition, the publication of Best Practices for Human Rights
and Humanitarian NGO Fact-Finding (Martinus Nijhoff, 2012) has had global impact. "NGO Monitor's research has dramatically changed the perception of political NGOs, leading to demands for accountability, transparency and credibility, while groups that exploit moral principles have been 'named and shamed,'" continued Steinberg. "Based on these reports, responsible funders - both governmental and from the private sector - have changed policies and in many cases, halted major grants that had been provided to NGOs that violated moral principles by demonizing Israel." NGO Monitor was founded in 2002 in the wake of the World Conference Against Racism in South Africa. At this conference, 1,500 NGOs formulated the “Durban Strategy” which aims to isolate Israel through measures such as boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaigns, lawfare, delegitimization and demonization.
Please Join us for our 8th annual Desert Hot Springs Chanukah Dinner Extravaganza Glatt Kosher Chicken dinner with all the trimmings Potato Latkes, Chanukah gelt & dreidels galore entertainment sunday, december 1, 2013 at desert Crest Country Club 69-402 south Country Club dr. desert edge, Ca. 92241
4:00 P.M. • FREE for Everyone sponsored by: jewish federation of the desert and Bikur Cholim of Palm springs
Please call to r.s.V.P.: Bikur Cholim 760-325-8076 or nikki engel @ 949-751-8383 A Special Thanks To Judie & Mitchell Atlas & To Nikki Engel Who Helped A Great Deal To Make This Event Take Place
8 • JCN • December 2013 • Kislev/Tevet 5774 •
Biggest Children’s Book Publisher Erases Israel from Map Senior VP Promises to Stop Sales and Amend Book by Elhanan Miller for the Times of Israel
Arab textbooks are not the only ones erasing Israel from their maps. Scholastic, the world’s largest publisher of children’s books, has also eliminated the Jewish state in a book. “Thea Stilton and the Blue Scarab Hunt,” part of the popular Geronimo Stilton children’s series translated from Italian and published by Scholastic in 2012, tells the story of a group of investigative journalists involved in a treasure hunt in Egypt. The story commences with a map of modern Egypt and its neighboring countries. While Sudan, Libya and Saudi Arabia appear clearly on the map, the territory of Israel is completely covered by Jordan, painted red. Adina Golombek, a Jerusalem resident who immigrated to Israel
from Canada last year, said she was shocked to discover Israel’s absence while reading the book with her 7-year-old son. “I wanted to show my son where we lived in the Middle East, but it didn’t say Israel on the map; instead it said Jordan,” Golombek told The Times of Israel. “I showed him the problem and drew in the border of where Israel is today.” Founded in Pennsylvania in 1920, Scholastic has grown to become the world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books through its book clubs, teaching resources and popular book fairs held inside many North American schools. The company has exclusive publishing rights for the Harry Potter series in the United States. Kyle Good, a senior vice president
for corporate communications at Scholastic, told The Times of Israel in an email that her company would stop selling the book until the error was amended in the book’s next edition. “The President of Trade Publishing who was on a plane yesterday returning from Europe has confirmed for me this morning that we are stopping shipments on this title, making the
correction and going to reprint. We regret the error,” Good wrote. A recent study carried out by Israeli and Palestinian researchers found that 96 percent of Palestinian school textbooks did not mention Israel by name in their maps. Similarly, 87 percent of Israeli school textbooks did not designate the Palestinian Territories by name.
The Jewish Community News welcomes letters to the editor Publication will be based on appropriateness of material and available space, at the discretion of the editorial staff. We reserve the right to edit submissions. Submit letters of 250 words or less by e-mail to:, fax to 760-320-6085 or mail to the Jewish Federation, 69-710 Hwy. 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270, attn: Editor, JCN. JCN • December 2013 • Kislev/Tevet 5774• • 9
hungarian Officials doubt anti-semitism Poll Public Diplomacy Network
Hungarian officials have questioned the methodology behind a survey that showed a greater fear of anti-Semitism among Jews in Hungary than in any other European country. The head of the Hungarian delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance doubted whether the survey was representative in nature because it did not have a randomly selected sample. The survey published by the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency in early November showed Hungarian Jews were especially concerned by
discrimination and nearly half were considering emigrating. Some 90% of 517 Hungarian Jewish respondents on the survey said anti-Semitism was a "fairly big problem" or "very big problem" compared to an average across all polled nations of 66 percent. Hungary is estimated to have around 100,000 Jews in total. Hungary is currently home to a growing ultranationalist movement led by the far-right political party Jobbik. A member of parliament for the group infamously called for a list of Jews who pose a threat to national
security to be drawn up. To highlight the growing antiSemitism in the country the World Jewish Congress held their 14th Plenary Assembly in the capital Budapest. Jobbik opposed the move and accused Israel of trying to "buy up Hungary". Attendees at the conference were also disappointed when the Hungarian prime minister did not directly name Jobbik while condemning anti-Semitism in his country. The EU survey also found that apart from Hungary, France and Belgium
are among the most anti-Semitic European countries. In Latvia, only 8% felt that the Israeli/Arab conflict had a large impact on how they felt. But the figure rose to 28% in Germany and 73% in France. The survey’s authors said this reflects "recent immigration patterns", suggesting this is due to the waves of Muslim immigrants that have come to Europe in recent years and who hate Israel, while in general Jews living in countries with fewer Muslims felt less at risk.
survey among jews in 9 eU Countries: anti-semitism is Getting worse
Yossi Lempkowicz, European Jewish Press
Results of a survey conducted in nine European Union countries among Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions show that three-quarters of respondents feel that anti-Semitism has gotten worse in the past five years
particularly as concerns anti-Semitic comments and hate speech online. The survey by the Vienna-based Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), an EU agency which provides the EU institutions and Member States
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with independent, evidence-based advice on fundamental rights, was presented on November 8, on the eve of the anniversary of the anti-Jewish pogroms that took place 75 years ago. The results will be published alongside FRA's annual overview of anti-Semitism in the EU, which brings together statistical data on anti-Semitic incidents collected by governmental and non-governmental sources. The objective is to help EU decisionmakers develop effective measures to counter the recurrent problem of anti-Semitism. Other issues included in the survey concern anti-Semitic violence experienced by respondents, their families or friends, avoidance of wearing or displaying Jewish symbols in public –such as the kippah, the head covering- and the impact of events in the Middle East on the safety of Jews
living in Europe. Almost a quarter of respondents said they avoid visiting places and wearing symbols that identify them as Jews for fear of anti-Semitism. This was particularly evident in Sweden, where 49 percent of the respondents said they refrained from such actions. In France, 40 percent of the Jews who responded said they avoided wearing kippah in public, followed by Belgium with 36 percent, the results showed. In total, 22 percent of respondents said they avoided “Jewish events or sites” because of safety concerns. The survey also addressed exposure to stereotypes such as Jewish responsibility for the economic crisis or that Jews are not integrated into the societies of the countries in which they live. According to FRA, the results indicate ‘’the EU still faces serious challenges in the form of ongoing racism, discrimination and anti-Semitism’’. The survey is the first to collect the experiences and perceptions of Jews on fundamental rights issues such as anti-Semitic discrimination and hate crime across the EU. It was launched in September 2012, was conducted online and covers nine EU countries: France, Britain, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Hungary, Romania and Latvia.
New Technology May be Key to Set ‘Chained Women’ Free By Renee Gjert-Zand, The Times of Israel
The ‘social agitator’ behind the recent headlines made by agunah (a woman unable to get a Jewish divorce from her husband) Gital Dodelson says it’s a mitzvah to use social media to subvert abuse. Gital Dodelson and her ongoing fight to convince her husband Avrohom Meir Weiss to give her a get, or Jewish decree of divorce, made international headlines after a widely read recent New York Post article. Like that of most women in her situation, the story of her struggle isn’t one likely to attract traditional press attention. Luckily, it went viral first on social media. Luck has nothing to do with it, says public relations professional Shira Dicker. Dicker, who calls herself “an innovative social agitator,” says she planned from the start to use Facebook and other social media platforms to gain initial public interest for Dodelson’s situation. Four-and-a-half years ago, Gital, now 25, married Weiss, the greatgrandson of leading Orthodox rabbinical authority Moshe Feinstein, after being set up by a matchmaker. They were engaged just two months after having first met. The young couple followed the strict customs of Orthodox dating, first meeting in a public place to talk over a soda, and eventually graduating to having dinner or visiting a museum together.
They were engaged just two months after having first met. Dodelson claims that as soon as they were married shortly thereafter, her husband became controlling and manipulative. Ten months after the wedding, she left together with the couple’s newborn son. Dodelson and Weiss were civilly divorced in October 2012, but Weiss has since refused to give his wife a get.
Outrageous Demands
Living with her parents and studying law at Rutgers University, Dodelson, who has no wish to leave the Orthodox community and way of life, longs to be free to remarry and move on. According to the Post, she cannot and will not accede to Weiss’s demands that she relinquish her rights to custody of their son and pay Weiss $350,000 in return for a get. Dodelson has the support of the Organization for the Resolution of Agunot (ORA), a New York-based nonprofit. “The refusal to issue a get is never justified and is defined in Jewish law as domestic abuse,” Rabbi Jeremy Stern, executive director of ORA, told the Post. The organization condemns all forms of violence and extortion used to attain a get. The Facebook page Dicker set up for Dodelson last August has more than 12,000 “likes.”
Dicker claims that “Free Gital: Tell Avrohom Meir Weiss to Give His Wife a ‘Get’” is the first Facebook page set up for an agunah. Dicker also had a complimentary “Set Gital Free” website built, which provides additional information and specific instructions on how to get in touch with Weiss, his parents, and grandparents. Weiss’s father, Yosaif Asher Weiss, was an editor for the major Orthodox publisher Artscroll, until his resignation on November 7th citing pressures from the email campaign against his son by Dicker. Weiss’ grandfather, Rabbi Reuven Feinstein, heads the Yeshiva of Staten Island, where Weiss studies. On Rosh Hashanah, Dicker sent out an e-blast with an image of an apple in chains. The combination of these targeted missives, together with viral marketing of the anti-agunah message,
has reaped (as of yet unpublished) interviews of Dodelson by a New York Times reporter and for NPR’s “This American Life” program. For Dicker, Dodelson is more than just a client. “This is a cause,” Dicker says. “I saw what this girl was up against, and I also saw the tremendous opportunity, the celebrity endorsement aspect,” she said, referring to the potential impact this particular campaign could have for other agunot. Dicker is grateful to the Dodelsons for giving her “creative license” to use cutting-edge tools in the campaign to free Gital. “Social media is absolutely phenomenal,” she says. “The technology of the 21st century is helping to reverse the subversion of a law that is centuries old. It is a mitzvah to utilize it.”
JCN • December 2013 • Kislev/Tevet 5774• • 11
Local Temples
December Shabbat Schedule
BeTh shaLOM
(Member, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism) Ken Hailpern, Spiritual Leader 79-733 Country Club Drive Bermuda Dunes 760-200-3636
CenTrO CULTUraL heBreO de MeXiCaLi
(Conservative) Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico Contact: Ron Cohen 760-960-3392 Us (686) 216-7152 Mexico
ChaBad Of PaLM sPrinGs & deserT COMMUniTies Rabbi Yonason Denebeim 425 Ortega, Palm Springs 760-325-0774
ChaBad Of PaLM deserT A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities Rabbi Mendy Friedman 760-969-2153 / 760-969-2158
ChaBad Of ranChO MiraGe A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities Rabbi Shimon Posner 72295 Via Marta, Rancho Mirage 760-770-7785
COnGreGaTiOn har-eL
(Member, Union for Reform Judaism) Rabbi Richard Zionts Har-El Cultural Center 47-535 Hwy 74, Palm Desert 760-779-1691
COnGreGaTiOn shaLOM BaYiT (Reform) Rabbis Larry and Linda Seidman 1320 Williams Ave., Banning Contact 951-769-3678/769-7514
TeMPLe isaiah
(Conservative) Rabbi Sally Olins 332 West Alejo Road, Palm Springs 760-325-2281
TeMPLe sinai
(Reform) Rabbi Glenn Ettman 73-251 Hovley Lane West, Palm Desert 760-568-9699
A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities (Community Outreach) Rabbi Yankel Kreiman 760-325-8076
Beth shalom
Shabbat Services: 8:00 pm. Oneg follows. Saturdays: Services 9:30 am, followed by kiddush. Morning minyan Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30 am.
Chabad of Palm springs
Friday Shabbat services: 20 minutes after candle lighting time. Saturday services: Morning - 9:30 am; Women’s Torah Discussion, led by Sussie Denebeim during Kiddush at noon. Evening: same as evening before.
Chabad of rancho Mirage Friday Shabbat services: 4:15 pm Mincha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat: Shabbat morning: 10:00 am followed by sit down Kiddush. Children’s Program/Service 11:15 am. Daily minyan: Shacharit services Monday-Friday 7:00 am; Sundays 8:00 am.
Congregation har-el
Member, Union for Reform Judaism. Kabbalat Shabbat Services Fridays at 5:00 pm followed by a speaker or discussion.
desert hot springs jewish Community
Shabbat service Friday, December 6 at 7 pm and Havdallah Plus Saturday, December 21 at 7 pm - Mission Lakes Country Club, 8484 Clubhouse Drive, DHS, officiated by Rabbi Faith Tessler.
shalom Bayit (Banning)
Havdallah the first Saturday of each month at 5:30 pm. Shabbat Services the third Friday of the month at 7:30 pm. Both held 1320 West Williams Street, Banning.
Temple isaiah
Friday, December 6 Kabbalat Shabbat Service at 6:00 pm,
preceded by challah, cheese and wine at 5:30 pm Friday Shabbat services December 13, 20, 27 7:30 pm, followed by an Oneg Shabbat. Friday, December 27 & Saturday, December 28 – Cantor David Propis will be Guest Cantor in Residence. Saturday mornings: Services 10:00 am. Kiddush following. Morning minyan 8:30 am Mondays and Thursdays.
Temple sinai
Friday Shabbat services at 7:30 pm Saturday: 8:45 am: Torah Study, 10:00 am - Shabbat services.
Centro Cultural hebreo de Mexicali
Weekly Shabbat Services Friday at 7:00 pm, followed by dinner. Saturday immediately before sunset: Havdallah.
December Community Calendar Tuesdays 5:30-7:30 pm Chabad Rancho Mirage’s weekly BBQ. Reservations not required, but helpful: 760-770-7785. wednesdays 10:00 am and 1:30 pm The Tolerance Education Center offers free movies every Wednesday. Call for schedule: 760-328-8252. wednesdays 3:30-5:00 pm Jewish Family Service jewish Bereavement Group. Meets weekly at the JFS Palm Springs Office, 801 East
12 • JCN • December 2013 • Kislev/Tevet 5774 •
Tahquitz Canyon. Free to local community and reservations not required. sunday, december 1, 15 Chabad of Rancho Mirage CTeens program. Call 760-7707785 for more information. sunday, december 1 4:00 pm Desert Hot Springs Chanukah dinner extravaganza sponsored by Bikur Cholim and the Jewish Federation of the Desert. See ad page 8 for details. Monday, december 2 10:30-11:45 am Har-El Galen
Trimester Bonus Book Course. dr. jerry argovitz will present his 2013 book “super agent” Meyers Hall, St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, Palm Desert. No fee, but registration required. Call 760-779-1691 or email Monday, december 2 5:00 pm Chanukah Party at Boomers, Cathedral City. Fun for all ages, sponsored by Bikur Cholim and Jewish Federation. See ad page 23.
December Community Calendar Continued Monday, december 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 7:00 pm Chabad of Rancho Mirage Men’s Torah Class with Rabbi Benny Lew. For more information call 760-636-2897 or email Tuesday, december 3,10, 17 10 am Temple Sinai Yiddish Club Tuesday, december 3, 17 noon Jewish Family Service “Lunch In & Out” program for homebound seniors at Jocelyn Senior Center. Call 760-3254088, ext. 205 to register. See details page 15. Tuesday, december 3 3:30-5:15 pm Chabad Rancho Mirage “Chanukah in Bubbleland.” Children’s Discovery Museum, 71-701 Gerald Ford, Rancho Mirage. wednesday, december 4, 11, 18, 25, 31 10:00 am Chabad Rancho Mirage women’s program “Caffeine for the soul.” Call 760-770-7785 for more information. wednesday, december 4, 11, 18 10:00 am Temple Isaiah adult education class intermediate hebrew. Instructor: Rabbi Sally Olins. wednesday, december 4, 11, 18 12 noon Temple Sinai adult education course “judaism Today” wednesday, 4, 11, 18 1 pm Temple Sinai Bereavement Group
wednesday, december 4, 11, 18 4:00 pm Temple Isaiah adult education class: “The Kings: saul, david & solomon.” Instructor: Rabbi Sally Olins. wednesday, december 4 4:00 pm Temple Sinai “hanukkah at westfield Mall” wednesdays, december 4, 11, 18 4:00-5:30 pm Har-El Galen Trimester Course “Great Trials in jewish history: alfred dreyfuss, Mendel Bellis and adolf eichmann” Presenters: Steve Moyer, J.D. and Rabbi Richard Zionts, Ph.D. Fee. Registration required. Call 760-779-1691 or email wednesday, december 4 5:00 pm Jewish Federation and ADL sponsored program 100 Years of anti-semitism. See page 3 for details. Space limited. Reservations required. wednesday, december 4, 11, 18 5:00 pm Temple Isaiah adult education class: Learning haftorah. Instructor: Rabbi Sally Olins. wednesday, december 4 6:45 pm women’s rosh Chodesh society, with ‘Latkes, Lattes & Light’ in honor of Chanukah. Discussion topic: Finding Faith: A Jewish Perspective on Pain and Suffering.” Chabad of Rancho Mirage. RSVP 760-770-8835. Thursday, december 5 9:00 am Sun City Hadassah Meeting. Program: julie hirsh, Jewish Family Service
Community Program Coordinator “jfs Programs” $5. RSVP to 760-772-4610.
Tuesday, december 10 11:30 am Temple Sinai Sisterhood Book Club.
friday, december 6, 13, 27 9:30 am Temple Isaiah Torah study
Tuesday, december 10 11:30 am Temple Sinai women’s Text and Torah study.
friday, december 6 10:30 am Desert Area Hadassah Donor Luncheon, preceded by gift boutique. Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort. sunday, december 8 11:00 am Shalom Group LGBT holiday Latkes and Champagne Brunch. At Temple Isaiah, Palm Springs. $18. Pre-paid reservations required. For information call 760-972-4422. Monday, december 9 10:00 am Jewish Federation Women’s Philanthropy education day with alon Bendavid. UCR Palm Desert Center. $25. Space limited. See page 4 for reservations. Monday, december 9 5:30 pm Tamar Hadassah Dinner Meeting, Mission Hills CC. installation of Officers by Miriam Bent, followed by violin and piano concert with Judy Krasnow and Sook Lee. Mission Hills Country Club. Couvert $20, prepaid. Contact 760-321-9941. Tuesday, december 10 10:00 am Temple Isaiah Book Club. Everyone welcome. Tuesday, december 10 10:00 am Rimona Hadassah Light breakfast meeting. Montecito Clubhouse, Shadow Hills
Thursday, december 12 6:00 pm Temple Sinai Brotherhood dinner and Movie. Call 760568-9699 for more information. Thursday, december 12 6:30-7:45 pm am Chabad Rancho Mirage women’s evening option for “Caffeine for the soul.” Call 760-770-7785 for more information. Tuesday, december 17 5:00 pm Jewish National Fund 7th annual Love of israel dinner honoring jim and donna Levitas and Leonard sherman¸ with keynote speaker rabbi david wolpe. See ad page 7 for more information. Thursday, december 19 11:30 am Na’Amat Golda Meir Chapter Luncheon at the Asian Bistro, 362 South Palm Canyon, Palm Springs. Everyone welcome. Couvert: $15. RSVP to 760-408-0532. friday, december 20 4:00 pm Tolerance Education Center Cabaret Series: Yve evans “welcome to My world” Concert. $15. Seating limited. See page 15 for information.
Email (preferred) Miriam Bent at or call 760-323-0255 to have your events included in the community calendar. • Deadline is December 6th. JCN • December 2013 • Kislev/Tevet 5774• • 13
Tribute Card Donations Sending tributes and memorials is a meaningful way to honor loved ones.
Honorarium Tributes –
In Appreciation For:
• Bette Cooper, In honor of your Special Birthday, from Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ehrlichman, Judy and Mel Hecktman, Frances Horwich, Carol and Woodgie Reich, Susan and Bob Smith, and Lainie and Tom Weil. • Les Cooper, Wishing you a Happy Birthday, from Lainie and Tom Weil. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Diamond, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Jane Sherman. • Jane Effress and Harvey Lambert, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Jane Sherman. • Dr. And Mrs. Michael Ellis, Mazel Tov on 30 years of marriage, from Nancy Joseph. • Ted Ginsberg, Happy Birthday, from Loreen and Herbert Jacobson. • Gloria Guttman, Congratulations on the birth of your new grandchild, from Phyllis and Marvin Eisenberg. • Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Halperin, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Jane Sherman. • Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hirsch, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Jane Sherman. • Libby and Buddy Hoffman, Thank you for a wonderful evening, from Susie and Bob Diamond, Nancy and Dennis Ditlove, Barbara Fremont, Barbara and Bernie Fromm, Cora and Ted Ginsberg, Muriel and Ron Goldberg, Margot and Jerry Halperin, Pat and Howard Levy, Ruth and Mal Kaufman, Joan and Pat Kerns, Marilyn Malkin, Harold and Mimi Paley, Barbara Platt, Gail and Bob Scadron, Carolyn and Don Shagrin, and Susan and Burt Sunkin. • Mrs. Frances Horwich, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Jane Sherman. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hubbard, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Jane Sherman. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jacobson, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Jane Sherman. • Lois and Mitchell Johnson, Thank you for a wonderful evening, from Susie and Bob Diamond, Nancy and Dennis Ditlove, Barbara Fremont, Barbara and Bernie Fromm, Cora 14 • JCN • December 2013 • Kislev/Tevet 5774 •
All contributions received by the Jewish Federation for Tribute Cards are placed in our special Tzedakah Fund, which provides direct monetary intervention for needy Jews living in the Coachella Valley.
and Ted Ginsberg, Muriel and Ron Goldberg, Margot and Jerry Halperin, Pat and Howard Levy, Ruth and Mal Kaufman, Joan and Pat Kerns, Marilyn Malkin, Harold and Mimi Paley, Barbara Platt, Gail and Bob Scadron, Carolyn and Don Shagrin, and Susan and Burt Sunkin. • Vern Kozlen, Warmest birthday wishes from Myrna and Ron Ghitter. • Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kulp, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Jane Sherman. • Seymour Levinthal, Wishing you a Happy Birthday, from Phyllis and Marvin Eisenberg. • Seymour and Sonia Levinthal, Happy Anniversary from Phyllis and Marvin Eisenberg. • Harold Paley, Wishing you a Happy Special Birthday, from Phyllis and Marvin Eisenberg. • Bernie Plack and Shelli Goodman, Thank you for a wonderful evening, from Susie and Bob Diamond, Nancy and Dennis Ditlove, Barbara Fremont, Barbara and Bernie Fromm, Cora and Ted Ginsberg, Muriel and Ron Goldberg, Margot and Jerry Halperin, Pat and Howard Levy, Ruth and Mal Kaufman, Joan and Pat Kerns, Marilyn Malkin, Harold and Mimi Paley, Barbara Platt, Gail and Bob Scadron, Carolyn and Don Shagrin, and Susan and Burt Sunkin. • Maddie Redstone, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Jane Sherman. • Stan Richards, Happy 80th Birthday, from Loreen and Herb Jacobson.
• Geri and Jim Sherman, Thank you for a wonderful evening, from Susie and Bob Diamond, Nancy and Dennis Ditlove, Barbara Fremont, Barbara and Bernie Fromm, Cora and Ted Ginsberg, Muriel and Ron Goldberg, Margot and Jerry Halperin, Pat and Howard Levy, Ruth and Mal Kaufman, Joan and Pat Kerns, Marilyn Malkin, Harold and Mimi Paley, Barbara Platt, Gail and Bob Scadron, Carolyn and Don Shagrin, and Susan and Burt Sunkin. • Jane Sherman, In honor of your big birthday, from Elaine and Ted Stein.
• Cecille and Albert Silberman, Thank you for a wonderful evening, from Susie and Bob Diamond, Nancy and Dennis Ditlove, Barbara Fremont, Barbara and Bernie Fromm, Cora and Ted Ginsberg, Muriel and Ron Goldberg, Margot and Jerry Halperin, Pat and Howard Levy, Ruth and Mal Kaufman, Joan and Pat Kerns, Marilyn Malkin, Harold and Mimi Paley, Barbara Platt, Gail and Bob Scadron, Carolyn and Don Shagrin, and Susan and Burt Sunkin. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Silverman, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Jane Sherman. • Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stein, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Jane Sherman. • Dr. and Mrs. Barry Usow, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Jane Sherman. • Jean Willens, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Jane Sherman.
• Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schahet, Congratulations on the marriage of your daughter, from Frances Horwich.
• Larry Zoll, Happy 80th Birthday, from Susie and Bob Diamond, Nancy and Dennis Ditlove, Libby and Buddy Hoffman, Lois and Mitchell Johnson, Ruth and Mal Kaufman, Pat and Howard Levy, and Mimi and Harold Paley.
• Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schahet, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Jane Sherman.
Memoriam Tributes –
• Beverly Schoenfeld, Thank you for a lovely afternoon, from Susie Diamond. • Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schwartz, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Jane Sherman. • Marilyn Schwartz, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Jane Sherman. • Sandy Schwartz and Dick Leshgold, Thank you for a beautiful evening, from Jane Sherman.
Condolences Sent To:
• Maxine and Tom Collins, In memory of your dad, Sidney, from Lunne and Herb Levine. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holleb, In memory of your nephew Daniel, from Frances Horwich.
• The family of Susan Marchand, In memory of Susan, from Phyllis and Marvin Eisenberg.
jewish family service of the desert “Count on us… for life”
801 East Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite 202 Palm Springs, CA 92262 (760) 325-4088
We show free movies each week on Wednesdays, at 10:00 am and 1:30 pm. Call us for the December schedule.
deCeMBer CaBareT series PrOGraM Rubinsky/Gaiber Proudly Present Award Winning Singer, Pianist, Entertainer
YVe eVans in “welcome to My world”
PrOGraMs & serViCes for further information about these services and others, please call the JFS offi ce, 760-325-4088.
COUnseLinG & faMiLY sUPPOrT: Experienced therapists help individuals, couples, and families address life's challenges. inTensiVe OUTPaTienT drUG TreaTMenT fOr adOLesCenTs: Five week course for teens that are at risk or have been expelled from school due to substance abuse. sChOOL COUnseLinG PrOGraM: JFS counselors serve elementary school children in Palm Springs Unified School District with on-site counseling and now with a new 5th grade curriculum to teach drug refusal and interpersonal skills to prepare them for success in middle school. sOLUTiOns fOr seniOrs: Serves older adults to maintain independence and help them enjoy a higher quality of life. Please call the office for information.
Yve will be featuring tributes to Ella Fitzgerald, Shirley Horn, Sarah Vaughn, Nat King Cole, Lena Horne, and more. Yve Evans, is one of the great international performers, winning accolades for her Jazz, Blues and Standard shows. Her many awards consist of: Great Ladies of Jazz, Sun Valley Jamboree, Desert Theatre League, Lifetime Achievement award, and Monterey’s Jazz Musician of the Year. friday, december 20, 2013 4:00 pm $15. seating limited. reservations required. Call 760-328-8252. Please join us for a wine and cheese “Meet & Greet” after the show Coming friday, january 17, Mara Getz & richard Leibell in “The Best is yet to Come”
jfs eXPress seniOr ride PrOGraM - If you know someone homebound and needing transportation to a medical or important appointment, please have them contact JFS Express for assistance. jewish BereaVeMenT GrOUP: Free to the local community. This group meets every Wednesday at the JFS Palm Springs office, 3:30-5:00 p.m. No registration necessary. friendLY VisiTOrs: For seniors who are isolated and would like companionship, a JFS volunteer can bring care and friendship. Friendly Visitors can also provide companionship and celebration during the Shabbat observance. Call for more information. CafÉ eUrOPa: Social programming for holocaust survivors. Transportation available, please call Julie Hirsh for dates, times & more information 760-325-4088 X 109. LUnCh in & OUT PrOGraM: Bimonthly activity program for homebound seniors. Next Sessions Tuesday, December 3 & Tuesday December 17, 2013 at the Joslyn Center, Palm Desert. Transportation is provided and participants take part in activities and lunch. Some restrictions apply. To register and obtain further information contact Lisa Schmid 760-7799400. X 205 JCN • December 2013 • Kislev/Tevet 5774• • 15
To apply for emergency funds from the
TZedaKah fUnd Call the jewish federation 760-324-4737
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16 • JCN • December 2013 • Kislev/Tevet 5774 •
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Pew Research Center Report on Jewish Identity in America, Part I American Jews overwhelmingly say they are proud to be Jewish and have a strong sense of belonging to the Jewish people, according to a major new survey by the Pew Research Center. But the survey also suggests that Jewish identity is changing in America, where one-in-five Jews (22%) now describe themselves as having no religion. The percentage of U.S. adults who say they are Jewish when asked about their religion has declined by about half since the late 1950s and currently is a little less than 2%. Meanwhile, the number of Americans with direct Jewish ancestry or upbringing who consider themselves Jewish, yet describe themselves as atheist, agnostic or having no particular religion, appears to be rising and is now about 0.5% of the U.S. adult population.
U.S. Adult Jewish Population, 2013 22% Jews of no religion
78% Jews by religion
Jewish Identity by Generation Jews by religion %
Jews of no religion %
Silent (born 1928-1945)
Boomer (born 1946-1964)
Gen X (born 1965-1980)
Millennial (born after 1980)
Greatest (born 1914-1927)
The changing nature of Jewish identity stands out sharply when the survey’s results are analyzed by generation. Fully 93% of Jews in the aging Greatest Generation identify as Jewish on the basis of religion (called “Jews by religion” in this report); just 7% describe themselves as having no religion (“Jews of no religion”). By contrast, among Jews in the youngest generation of U.S. adults – the Millennials – 68% identify as Jews by religion, while 32% describe themselves as having no religion and identify as Jewish on the basis of ancestry, ethnicity or culture. This shift in Jewish self-identification reflects broader changes in the U.S. public. Americans as a whole – not just Jews – increasingly eschew any
religious affiliation. Indeed, the share of U.S. Jews who say they have no religion (22%) is similar to the share of religious “nones” in the general public (20%), and religious disaffiliation is as common among all U.S. adults ages 18-29 as among Jewish Millennials (32% of each).
Being Jewish More About Culture and Ancestry than Religion % saying being Jewish is mainly a matter of... Ancestry/culture
Net Jewish
Jews by religion
Jews of no religion
Religion, Ancestry/ Religion culture
15% 23% 17
26 6 11
Note: "Ancestry/culture" is the net percentage saying that being Jewish is mainly a matter of ancestry, mainly a matter of culture or volunteering that it is both ancestry and culture. "Religion, ancestry/culture" is the percentage volunteering that being Jewish is a matter of both religion and either ancestry or culture, or all three of these.
Secularism has a long tradition in Jewish life in America, and most U.S. Jews seem to recognize this: 62% say being Jewish is mainly a matter of ancestry and culture, while just 15% say it is mainly a matter of religion. Even among Jews by religion, more than half (55%) say being Jewish is mainly a matter of ancestry and culture, and two-thirds say it is not necessary to believe in God to be Jewish. Compared with Jews by religion, however, Jews of no religion (also commonly called secular or cultural Jews) are not only less religious but also much less connected to Jewish organizations and much less likely to be raising their children Jewish. More than 90% of Jews by religion who are currently raising minor children in their home say they are raising those children Jewish or partially Jewish. In stark contrast, the survey finds that twothirds of Jews of no religion say they are not raising their children Jewish or partially Jewish – either by religion or aside from religion. Intermarriage is a related phenomenon. It is much more common among secular Jews in the survey than among Jews by religion: 79% of married Jews of no religion have a spouse who is not Jewish, compared with 36% among Jews by religion. And intermarried Jews, like Jews of no religion, are much less likely to be raising their children in the Jewish faith. Nearly all Jews who have a Jewish spouse say they are raising their children as Jewish by religion (96%). Among Jews
with a non-Jewish spouse, however, 20% say they are raising their children Jewish by religion, and 25% are raising their children partly Jewish by religion. Roughly one-third (37%) of intermarried Jews who are raising children say they are not raising those children Jewish at all. Moreover, intermarriage rates seem to have risen substantially over the last five decades. Among Jewish respondents who have gotten married since 2000, nearly six-in-ten have a nonJewish spouse. Among those who got married in the 1980s, roughly four-in-ten have a non-Jewish spouse. And among Jews who got married before 1970, just 17% have a non-Jewish spouse.
Jewish Child Rearing Among those who are parents/guardians of minor children in their household, % raising their children... Jewish by religion
Net Jewish 59 Jews by religion 71 Jews of no religion 8 Among Jews Married to...
Jewish Spouse Non-Jews spouse
96 20
Partly Jewish Jewish not by by religion or religion mix
NOT Jewish
14 15 11
8 7 11
18 7 67
1=100 *=100 2=100
907 764 143
2 25
1 16
1 37
0=100 1=100
551 257
Source: Pew Research Center 2013 Survey of U.S. Jews, Feb 20-June 13, 2013. Figures may not sum to 100% due to rounding. *Includes those who are raising their children Jewish but not by religion as well as those who are raising multiple children Jewish but in different ways (Jewish by religion, partly Jewish by religion and/or Jewish but not by religion).
It is not clear whether being intermarried tends to make U.S. Jews less religious, or being less religious tends to make U.S. Jews more inclined to intermarry, or some of both. Whatever the causal connection, the survey finds a strong association between secular Jews and religious intermarriage. In some ways, the association seems to be circular or reinforcing, especially when child rearing is added into the picture. Married Jews of no religion are much more likely than married Jews by religion to have non-Jewish spouses. Jews who have nonJewish spouses are much less likely than those married to fellow Jews to be raising children as Jewish by religion and much more likely to be raising children as partially Jewish, Jewish but not by religion, or not Jewish at all. Furthermore, Jews who are the offspring of intermarriages appear, themselves, to be more likely to intermarry than Jews with two Jewish parents. Look for the continuation of this report in the January issue of the JCN. JCN • December 2013 • Kislev/Tevet 5774• • 17
Italian Police Launch Crackdown on Neo-Nazi Internet Group Stormfront Public Diplomacy Network
Police also uncovered weapons and a swastika flag in the home of a man in Mantova, and they confiscated at least one anti-Semitic video, according to reports. “This is a dangerous organization under an ideological profile that finds its roots in a historical period that apparently seems distant,” prosecutor Giancarlo Capaldo told a news conference. “We must deal with the ideological extremism that is stirring in Europe.”
Earlier this year Stormfront made headlines when saying offense statements regarding Italian soccer player Mario Balotelli, indicating that because he is part Jewish he should ‘play in Israel, not Italy.’ The operation comes one year after a similar widespread operation against Stormfront. That time, the Italian version of the group’s website was blocked, and four arrests were made on charges of inciting racial and ethnic hatred, and anti-Semitism.
Ministers Approve 'One Chief Rabbi' Bill
the bill. It appears that in the end, MK Feiglin's bill will be united with the one presented by the two ministers, thus speeding up the process of its legislation. There are currently two chief rabbis in Israel: one Sephardic and the other Ashkenazi. The distinction between the Sephardic and Ashkenazi streams in Judaism came into existence during the near-1,800-year period of exile between the quashing of the last Jewish rebellions against the Romans in the second century CE, and the large scale return of Jews to their homeland in the 19th and 20th centuries. Ashkenazi Jews were initially concentrated in the area of modern Germany and migrated eastward over the centuries, while Sephardic Jews lived under Islamic rule. They developed diverging customs and traditions, including some differences in prayer formulations.
Italian police have launched a widespread operation against the neo-Nazi Internet hate organization Stormfront. On November 14th police searched the homes of 35 people aged 17-51 in more than 20 towns and cities up and down the Italian peninsula on suspicion of spreading ideas on the Internet “based on racial and ethnic hatred and incitement to commit acts of discrimination and violence for racist and ethnic reasons.”
by Gil Ronen, Arutz Sheva
On November16th the Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved a bill presented by MKs (Members of the Knesset) Moshe Feiglin (Likud), Rabbi Dov Lipman (Yesh Atid) and Aliza Lavie (Yesh Atid), which would unite the two Chief Rabbi positions into one. Bills that are approved by the Ministerial Committe for Legislation have a good chance of passing, since they are guaranteed Coalition support and hence are expected to enjoy a majority. The bill's initiators said that the bill “carries a message of unity, and of ending the Diaspora existence, which involves separation. We hope that the decision will influence the next generation of rabbis, who will be attempt to be meaningful for everyone in Israel.” "This is why I entered the Knesset,”
said MK Feiglin. “It is time that we disconnected ourselves from the Diaspora, just as there is one president and one prime minister, it is time that there will be one chief rabbi.” MK Lipman added: “The polarization starts at the top and filters down to the entire nation. This law is an important step toward the fulll and complete unification of the nation. I congratulate MK Feiglin and thank him for the opportunity given to me, to work with him on this important bill.” Ministers Naftali Bennett (Bayit Yehudi) and Tzipi Livni (Hatnua) recently distributed a memorandum for a bill similar to Feiglin's. While MK Feiglin's bill preceded their initiative, the fact that they are ministers gives them added clout, and there was some fighting over who will get credit for
18 • JCN • December 2013 • Kislev/Tevet 5774 •
Community Schools RELIGIOUS/ HEBREW SCHOOLS Chabad Hebrew School A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities Director: Sussie Denebeim 73550 S. Rosa Way, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-341-6501 Temple Isaiah Principal: Rabbi Sally Olins 332 West Alejo Road Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-325-2281, ext. 203 Temple Sinai Director: Miri Ketayi 73-251 Hovley Lane West, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-568-9699
NURSERY SCHOOLS Temple Sinai Tikvah Pre-School Director: Debbie Midcalf 24 mos - Pre-K 73-251 Hovley Lane West, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-568-6779
No Homosexuals in Beit Shemesh, Mayor Asserts
By Gavriel Fiske & Stuart Winer, The Times of Israel
Beit Shemesh Mayor Moshe Abutbul asserted November 8 that there are no homosexuals in his “holy and pure” city and suggested that it was the responsibility of the Health Ministry and the police to “take care of them.” Ultra-Orthodox Abutbul, of the Shas party, narrowly won reelection in October against secular challenger Eli Cohen, although voting irregularities caused a citizen protest and a police investigation into voter fraud. Beit Shemesh in recent years has been a flashpoint for secular-religious tensions. In an interview on Channel 10, Abutbul, when asked about the presence of homosexuals in the city, said that “we have no such things… Thank God this city is holy and pure.” The mayor said that he “was not
involved” in the issue, and it was up to the Health Ministry and the police to “take care of them.” The same segment featured an interview with a gay man, a resident of Beit Shemesh, who said there were actually “a lot” of LGBT citizens in the city. Abutbul insisted that “you will hear only good things” from him about Beit Shemesh, which he called a “garden of Eden.” Abutbul also asserted that there are no women on the Shas party list because they “don’t want” to be
involved in politics, but rather prefer to stay at home to “raise and educate their children… each one according their nature, what can you do?” RabbiYitzhak Hagar, a Beit Shemesh resident, told Channel 10 that as far as “gays” are concerned, “the central problem is a psychological problem, which needs treatment… in our community the problem is treated very, very well.” In response to the Channel 10 report, Beit Shemesh native Elinor Sidi, head of the Jerusalem Open House, told Ynet News that “I can only regret the change the city has undergone in recent years,” which she characterized as “hatred, ignorance, homophobia and racism.” The LGBT community was in the city “before Abutbul,” whose “Judaism is not the Judaism I was raised on,” she added.
Beit Shemesh, a city of 75,000 in the Judean hills west of Jerusalem, has become deeply divided in recent years as neighborhoods have seen a large influx of ultra-Orthodox residents. The city has been the scene of sometimes violent tensions between the Haredi population and other residents. In July 2012, Egged Busses was ordered to compensate a young girl who was forced by ultra-Orthodox passengers to sit at the back of a bus in the city. The presiding judge ruled that gender segregation on a public bus was illegal and it was the driver’s responsibility to prevent it. In July of this year, a group of Haredi men reportedly smashed the windows of a bus after a women refused to give up her seat and sit in the back.
Brooklyn: Anti-Semitic Attacks Continue in 'Game' to Hurt Jews By Tova Dvorin, Arutz Sheva
Anti-Semitic violence has been rising in Brooklyn, New York since the middle of September, a Brooklyn rabbi reported to CBS News. The culprit: a systemic "game", by local gangs, to "knock out" Jews. Brooklyn police say that over 8 attacks against local Jews have been reported within the past two and a half months. Many of them appear to be similar to the September 29th attack of Tzvika Tzuker: a barrage of
punches to the face and torso. One man, who wished to remain anonymous, reported to CBS that his 12 year-old son was attacked the same way earlier in November. It was “one, full strength with his fist, whacked him, punched him, on the side of the face, full force,” the man said. The child went to the ground as he heard the group of five to six teens yell out. They shouted a “hysterical, happy shout, ‘We got him,’” he said.
A Hasidic man was also shot two weeks ago, in what police initially said was an attempted robbery. In that case, a man of hispanic background approached the victim and demanded money. The victim responded that he had none, as it was the Sabbath; the attacker shot him in the leg and fled the scene. Another video shows footage of a gang attack on a 19 year-old Jewish man. The man was carrying an expensive camera, but
was not approached for the object or for money. Rabbi Yaacov Behrman stated to CBS News that he believed that the crime wave shows signs of a new game among local gangs, to "knock out the Jews." Enough incidents have been reported to prompt the NYPD Hate Crime division to open an ongoing investigation into the incidents.
JCN • December 2013 • Kislev/Tevet 5774• • 19
Shalom The Desert Holocaust Memorial is located in the Palm Desert Civic Center at Sanin Jewish Living ThePark finest Pablo Avenue & Fred Waring Drive. residents and visitors are encouraged to visit this moving memorial, a place of remembrance and monument of hope.
20 • JCN • December 2013 • Kislev/Tevet 5774 •
CREATING a Jewish legacy empowers you to support the Jewish causes you care about. Because all of us, regardless of age, wealth, or affiliation, have the ability to secure our people’s traditions, promote Jewish values, and create a strong future for generations to come.
To learn more about Legacy Giving, contact Bruce Landgarten, Jewish Federation Chief Executive Off icer, at 760-324-4737. 69-710 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760-324-4737
The Strength of a People. The Power of Community.
year’s holiday parade in Desert Hot Springs even more exciting. Paul has been a chiropractor in DHS for over 33 years. He and his wife Stephanie have been active, committed, caring leaders within our Jewish community and, clearly, in Desert Hot Springs as well. Currently Paul and Stephanie are members of the Board of the Jewish Federation of the Desert and Stephanie is Campaign Vice President of Women’s Philanthropy. Warmest congratulations to both ... Mazel tov, mazel tov to Rabbi Yankel and Rochel Dr. Paul Ross Kreiman on the engagement of their
Simchas How many times have you personally known the Grand Marshall of a parade? That uniqueness makes the news that Dr. Paul Ross will be the Grand Marshall at this
Classifieds PERSONAL ASSISTANT/PERSONAL AFFAIRS MANAGER Excellent local references. Bill paying, reconcile bank statement, run errands, drive to appointment. Computer help: MS Office, QuickBooks, emails. Notary. 2 hours minimum. Trustworthy, discreet, dependable. 760-408-5260. DAV ID ’ S C O NS T R U C T I O N Conscientious licensed, insured, bonded, general contractor. Catering to all your home repair needs. No job too small or big. Room additions, remodeling, patio covers, decks, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, masonry, drywall, cement, wood floors, tile, fences, painting, sprinklers, landscaping, swamp coolers, custom homes and more. License #506-370. 760671-4476 . TEMPLE SINAI GIFT SHOP : One of a kind and largest Judaica shop here in the desert. For all your traditional needs and unique gift items. Special orders available. For information call the Temple office at 760-568-9699. JFS VOLUNTEERS WELCOME: Rewarding Volunteer Opportunities; Interested in expanding your life by volunteering? JFS has volunteer openings and is now accepting applications for the following positions: Lunch In & Out Driver, Lunch In & Out Program Volunteer, Friendly Visitors, JFS Express Senior Ride Transportation program, provide rides for seniors to medical appointments. For more information and to apply now, contact Julie Hirsh, 760-3254088 X109.
AFFORDABLE ALTERNATIVE ASSISTANCE In-Home Care. Coordination of Medical Services. Preparation of home cooked meals and holidays. Assistance with activities of daily living. Customized solutions for your loved one(s). 24 hour/7 day home health, critical care, post-op and hospice. Provided by Annelyse Battista and Andrea Lawrence, serving the desert communities for 22 years. 760-636-4611. FOR ALL OF YOUR CLOTHING NEEDS – call Arlene, at Rosenthal of Palm Springs. From casual to couture, for men and women. Can make and or copy anything. Huge variety of fabrics. In your home appointments. Since 1989 – making people look and feel good in perfectly fitted clothing. 760-323-8353. Pamper yourself at Temple Sinai’s MAH JONGG TOURNAMENT Sunday, December 8, 2013. Fabulous door prizes and raffle items. Continental breakfast, plated sit down lunch and afternoon snacks. Cash prizes. Goodie bags for everyone. 8:30 am. Mission Hills Country Club, 43600 Mission Hills Drive, Rancho Mirage. $50. Contact Pixie Glast at or 432-413-1011 for entry form. KRISTINE A. KAUFFMAN - SENIOR CARE SPECIALIST. Driving for appointments, shopping, dining, etc; Errands (groceries, banking, etc); Bill paying and other miscellaneous tasks; Companionship. Dog sitting, walking. References available. 4-hour minimum 760-902-3490. TRAVELING NOTARY PUBLIC for all your Health, Financial and Real Estate Documents. Available 7 Days. Ernest Sussman 760-408-9338.
22 • JCN • December 2013 • Kislev/Tevet 5774 •
son Baruch Yosef to Esther Pearl Marks of Sherman Oaks, California ... Temple Sinai has two Bat Mitzvah celebrants in December. Mazel tov to Alana Mittleman, daughter of Mary Beth Mittleman and Stuart Mittleman, who will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on December Alana Mittleman 14 th … Mazel
tov to Joanna Berkowitz, daughter of Naomi and D r. N e l s o n Berkowitz, who will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on December 21 st Joanna Berkowitz ... ... Share your Simchas with us. Call or email Miriam Bent at 760-3230255 or
CAREGIVER AVAILABLE. Let me give you a helping hand at a reasonable rate. Experienced in personal care. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Stroke cases. Cooking, errands and light housekeeping. Strong. Reliable. References and background check available. 760-668-6764.
ROOMMATE TO SHARE GATED EXECUTIVE HOME in Palm Springs. Private suite and bath with den. Includes full use of home’s amenities; pool, spa, plus garage and much more. $1800 monthly. Call 760-323-8025.
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CONGREGATION HAR-EL, Member URJ, offers GALEN TRIMESTER COURSES year-round taught by Professors and Rabbis. On Wednesdays, December 4, 11 and 18, 4 pm to 5:30 pm, you have an opportunity to participate in a contemporary presentation and discussion on “Great Trials in Jewish History” including the trials of Alfred Dreyfus, Mendel Beilis and Adolf Eichmann. Steve Moyer, J.D. and Instructor, together with Rabbi Richard Zionts will lead the class. Call Har-El to Register (760-779-1691) or e-mail P RI VAT E D U T Y N U RSE LV N available for home health care. Extensive hospital and doctor’s office experience. Call Joanie 760-776-6752. PARTTIME CLERICAL POSITION at Temple Isaiah. Primary responsibility assisting Rabbi. Computer skills/MS Word required. Send resumes to Larea Pettersen at or call 760-844-7306.
Candle Lighting Times Friday, December 6 Friday, December 13 Friday, December 20 Friday, December 27
Shabbat Vayigash Shabbat Vayech Shabbat Shmot Shabbat Vaerah
3:54 pm 3:55 pm 3:58 pm 4:01 pm
We Mourn the Passing of... Willie Weinberg. Our deepest sympathies to Ruth, his family and friends. May his memory endure for a blessing.
U.s. removing navy from Mid-east as russia enters by Ari Yashar, Arutz Sheva
The American aircraft carrier USS Nimitz was recalled from the Persian Gulf in early November, along with the destroyer USS Graveley from the Mediterranean Sea. The move comes less than a week after Russia sent its most powerful warships the Mediterranean. Al Jazeera reports the Nimitz moved through the Suez Canal into the Red Sea, and is anticipated to reach the U.S. in late December. It was scheduled to return in August but was left in the region for a military presence. The U.S. ships were assigned to the region months ago as US President Barack Obama considered a military strike
on Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime. On November 8th the US Defense Department announced their removal, signaling the Obama
Laugh out Loud Stories in the news that bring a smile!
LeaVes Of Grass
It seems that the overabundance of veterinarians in the vicinity of the town of Kiriyat Malachi led a 60-year old vet in a neighboring moshav to augment his income with a lucrative ‘side business.’ When someone made an appointment for their sick dog Mitch, the unsuspecting veterinarian let them in, but once the black Labrador entered the small animal clinic, all it took was one sniff: Instead of trying to turn tail and head for the door like any sensible dog would do, Mitch began barking like crazy and headed for the door to the attic, with his escorts – two undercover detectives – in tow. The vet and his accomplice - a professional gardener - swore all 36 potted marijuana plants found upstairs were for their ‘personal use,’* which begged the question - how the very potted physician managed to run his practice in such a state. * hash for personal use is not a ‘federal offence’ in Israel, only peddling drugs (or growing commercial quantities).
dead reCKOninG
As the Ministry of Finance scrambled to identify additional sources of revenue to cover the country’s budgetary deficit and bolster local municipalities with additional operating capital, someone came up with a brilliant scheme: to tax the dead. Or, to be more precise – tax their heirs by imposing arnona (local property taxes) on cemeteries ‘til hell freezes over… Based on current property taxes, critics estimated tombstone taxes would range from 209 NIS ($58.87) in Dimona to 1,222 NIS ($344.23) for cemetery plots in the Tel-Aviv metropolitan area’s expensive Holon cemetery. What on earth would authorities do if people failed to pay? No one knows, but it didn’t take long for the public to react, leading the Ministry of Finance to drop the hot potato and beat a hasty retreat.
administration's total abandonment of a Syrian military option. The move further signals a weakening of U.S. military presence in the Middle East, precisely as Russia stands to heighten its influence. Following cooling American relations with both Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to visit Egypt later this month, which many see as an attempt to replace America's role as military provider to the country. America partially froze military aid to Egypt after former President Mohammed Morsi was deposed. Putin is expected to announce
an arms deal during his visit, which coincides with earlier reports of a 15 billion dollar arms deal in the works for Egypt, partially funded by Saudi Arabia. US Navy presence in the Middle East was increased following the chemical weapon strike on Damascus August 21. After deliberating a military reaction, Obama announced on August 31 that he would ask for approval first from Congress, where the move met opposition. Still in the region for America are the USS Harry S Truman aircraft carrier in the North Arabian Sea, along with two destroyers and a cruiser in the eastern Mediterranean, according to Al Jazeera.
Chanukah Party at Monday, December 2nd, 2013 at 5:00 pm EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
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Chabad of Palm springs ‘Photography courtesy of Richard Harp Photography’
JCN • December 2013 • Kislev/Tevet 5774• • 23
This Chanukah, serve an extra helping of Thanks
Transp ortatio n to d octor’s visits f One m $75 or a se onth o nior f jewi sh cam p f or a c Ukrain hild in e an ind $100 epend ent for a d living skills isable works di hop One m $150 sraeli onth o f fo a need od vouche rs for y fam One m $200 ily onth a ssistan ce to d One m $415 esert aids Projec onth a t id to a nge jewish home l View’s $1800 s
This year, for the first time ever, Chanukah starts on Thanksgiving. Both holidays are about gratitude and giving. So as you plan your holiday meal, please give to the Jewish Federation of the Desert. Even a small donation can do so much for a grateful person in genuine need. donate now while you’re thinking about it. send your check to the jewish federation of the desert, 69-710 highway 111, rancho Mirage, Ca 92270 or via our secure website:
69-710 highway 111, rancho Mirage, Ca 92270 760-324-4737
The strength of a People. The Power of Community.