Dedicated to the
Lubavitcher Rebbe Visit Our Website May 2013/Sivan 5773 VOL. 16 NO. 5
Let My People Know OUR 80th Issue!!
Published and mailed 5 times a year to 3,500 homes in Palm Springs
Bikur Cholim of Palm Springs A Project of Chabad of Palm Springs P.O. Box 2934 Palm Springs, CA 92263 Rabbi Yankel A. Kreiman
Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #113 Santa Ana, CA
Happy Shavuos
Shavuos Issue is Sponsored by: Dr. Ozer & Yaffa Platt & Family In Honor of their Grandchildren, Rivka Esther & Pinchas Yaakov
Best wishes to everyone for a Happy & Healthy Shavuos!
A Shavuot Message Editors note: The Rebbe, of righteous memory, would periodically issue a pastoral letter in preparation for the Shavuot holiday. Below we bring you one such message addressed to youth. For additional letters and insights from the Rebbe please choose from the menu on the right. Dear Friend, Following Pesach -- the Festival of Our Liberation -- comes Shavuot -- the Festival of the Receiving of Our Torah. The days of Sefirah (Counting of the Omer), beginning immediately on the morrow of the first day of Pesach and ending on the eve of Shavuot,
connect these two great festivals. Many significant lessons can be learned from this, of which I will point out but one: Our Sages tell us that when Moshe was about to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt, he told them of G-d’s promise to give the Torah to His beloved people following their liberation from bondage. At once they asked when would that happy day be, and Moshe replied that it would be fifty days later. Every day the children of Israel counted: One day is gone, two days, three, and so on, and eagerly looked forward to the fiftieth day. The children of Israel understood that there could be no real freedom -- freedom from any fear of oppression by others, and freedom from one’s own evil inclinations -- except through laws of justice and righteousness, which only the Creator of all mankind could make, because He knows best what is good for them. It is not surprising, therefore, that they
were so eager to receive the Divine Torah, containing those wonderful laws to guide them and all the world. Let us also remember that we cannot be truly free men, nor would we be worthy of such freedom, unless we take upon ourselves to observe and do all that G-d commanded us in His holy Torah. Like our ancestors at Mount Sinai, we also must proclaim: Naaseh vnishmah -- we will do and learn; and only then will we have lasting freedom. Indeed, it was their determination, while still in Egypt, to accept the Torah that merited them their liberation from enslavement. Likewise at this time, our return to the Torah and its observance, while awaiting for the Redemption, will hasten the coming of Mashiach and merit us the true and complete Redemption in our own day. Wishing you a happy Shavuot, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson
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‘A Message From the Rabbi’
B’H Dear Friends, This Shavuos issue is Baruch HaShem our 80th issue. We would like to thank HaShem & everyone for making this possible. 80 is a very special number. it says in Pirke avos (Ethics of our Fathers) Chapter 5, Mishnah 22,'Ben Shmonim L'Gevurah', when a person is 80 years old- its a special strength. The Rebbe says that every year should bring an addition in a person's service of HaShem. There is a ruling, 'one must add & increase in matters of Holiness'. Beginning with the age of 80, their will be an increase in a special strength. Namely a 'strength' to prevail over all obstacles. May HaShem Bless you all with this 'special strength' & may you all go 'from strength to strength' in your Spiritual service & also in your Physical & Materialistic needs.
Best Wishes for a Happy & Healthy Shavuos!
Shavuos is the “Marriage” between G-d and the Jewish People. It’s that time of year again to renew our “Wedding vows”. This celebration takes place at your local Synagogue, on the 1st day of Shavuos. Please be there to hear the ‘10 Commandments’ once again, which is the renewal of our commitment to G-d every year. Please enjoy our current Shavuos issue which includes the laws, customs, recipes & stories of this special Holiday. We wish all of our readers, a very Happy, Healthy, & “Cool”’ summer.
Rabbi Yankel & Rochel Kreiman
Chag Samayach, Rabbi Yankel & Rochel Kreiman
Dr. Amy Austin
Arlene Morse
Judy Gornbein
Celia & Sandy Norian
Joan & Harold Kramer
Barbara Roberts
Lenore Leon
Howard Schreiman
Ruth & Herb Levitsky Harriet Lindsay Art & Joan Markovits
Geri & Don Shaevel
Joyce & Irwin Yarmo LET MY PEOPLE KNOW • MaY 2013/SivaN 5773 n 3
Blintzes By Tuvia Bolton
One cold winter day in Chicago a poor Jewish man was slowly walking home from the factory when he passed by a fancy, expensive restaurant. He stopped before the huge glass window and gazed for several minutes at the rich people sitting in the plush warm room talking and laughing while eating delicious cheese blintzes, completely oblivious of him as though they were on another, higher plane of existence. “Blintzes,” he muttered to himself as he turned and continued home. “Sarah,” he announced to his wife as he closed the door behind him and threw his coat over a chair, “Sarah, I’ve been thinking, do you think you could
make me blintzes? I would really like some blintzes.” “Of course Max,” she answered. “I’ll try my best.” Sarah took out her old cookbook and opened it up to “Blintzes”. “Aha!” She happily exclaimed. “Here they are… blintzes!” Two cups of flour, a cup of water... “Oh, look here, Max, it says we need cream cheese. We don’t have cream cheese,” she said sadly. “Listen Sarah, you know what? Forget the cheese,” consoled Max. “Look here” she called out again. “It says we need walnuts, honey and raisins!” “Forget that stuff, too,” he advised. “Oh you are such a good husband Max! But, what’s this? What about
cinnamon and brown sugar,” she read out from the book. “Not necessary!” he decreed. “Just please start baking already, Sarah, I’m really hungry.” So she ceremoniously lit the oven, mixed the flour and water, rolled it into cigar shapes put them in to bake and in just minutes there they were, sitting on a plate before a very happy Max, napkin tucked into his collar. His knife and fork immediately went to work and within seconds he was actually doing it! He was
eating blintzes just like the rich guys in their fancy restaurant. Sarah watched him proudly as he slowly swallowed. After several seconds of complete silence she couldn’t resist. “Nu, what do you think? Do you like it?” “You know, Sarah,” said Max. “You know, I don’t understand what those rich people see in blintzes.”
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Bikur CHoliM
PalM SPringS
Rabbi Yankel Kreiman
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4 n LET MY PEOPLE KNOW • MaY 2013/SivaN 5773
is available to the entire Palms Springs/Desert Community for putting up Mezuzahs, putting on Tefilin, Mee-she-bay-rachs (get well prayers), Kaddish prayers, Funerals & Unveilings
Call the Rabbi Today • (760) 325-8076
A Father Reflects on the Tragedy in Boston By Rabbi Nechemia Schusterman | April 16, 2013 02:24 PM
I am sitting with my laptop as the older boys bounce a ball back and forth safely between themselves, and my heart is finally beginning to stop racing. My wife called me at 3 PM and told me to pick up the kids right away—two bombs had exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. The kids go to New England Hebrew Academy, just a mile or so from the blasts. We live in a suburb of Boston, some 15 miles north of the city, and it is usually a traffic crawl the entire way. But today was “I kept thinking, this stuff doesn’t happen here. We associate bombs, Patriots’ Day, a Massachusetts sadly, with Israel or Iraq, not Boston. Alas, we all have our “reality holiday, and thankfully there bites” moments.” were no cars on the road. The whole way in, driving and headed back north. Trying offering a place to rest or stay, at speeds I don’t care to to field their questions, i realized since the city was in virtual mention, all I could think about that their world, and mine, lockdown and many could not was my kids. The radio was won’t ever be the same. The get to their homes or hotels. I reporting that more bombs terrible, heartbreaking reality is heard of participants in the race had been found—the panic that evil exists and can touch running straight from the finish was mounting by the minute. them even here, at home. line to area hospitals to donate As I crossed the bridge into The school nurse sent out blood. In addition, I heard from Boston, my cell phone stopped an e-mail advising us to avoid colleagues of mine rushing working, heightening the the news and not share too to area hospitals to assist the anxiety. Thankfully the phone much with the kids, so as not to families of the wounded. kicked back in, and an e-mail overwhelm them. Wise advice, An e-mail arrived from Rabbi came through from the school but almost impossible to follow. Shmuel Posner, who runs the announcing that all the kids The flood of calls and texts Chabad center close to the were accounted for and safe. didn’t stop. bombing: I kept thinking: this stuff Then, only hours after the doesn’t happen here. We explosions, I began to hear The Chabad House and the associate bombs, sadly, with stories about the greatness of Posner family are okay, thank Israel or Iraq, not Boston. Alas, the human spirit, about people G-d. we all have our “reality bites” along the marathon route who moments. were coming out of their homes TWO THINGS: I loaded my kids into the car to give out water or food, or 1. If anybody is in the area
Happy Shavuos
Sheina Gilbert, Boaz McNabb, Peninah & Ber Baumgarten (including Menucha Rochel, Reuven Daniel, Yisroel Gavriel Noach & Shimon) Nissa Brocha & Avraham Shlomo HaKohen Yarmush (including Reuven Gavriel & Dovid Aryeh Hacohanim) Chaya-Morasha, Hershel-Elyahu & NoaMiriam Gilbert-McNabb & and our dog Zoe.
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that needs help, a runner/family that needs a place to stay, a hot drink, a hug or wants to pray, whatever, OUR DOORS ARE OPEN. 2. Thank you so much to all who texted, called, e-mailed, FB messaged to see how we are! We love you. Shmuel and Chana It hit me: this is the appropriate response to my kids’ questions. Thank G-d everyone here is okay. Now, what can I do to help those who are not okay? Without diminishing our pain at this tragedy and our deep compassion for those who are suffering, we can show our children an additional response. A disaster like this, while very frightening, is an opportunity to grow and give, rather than cower and run. If I can model this attitude myself, if I can point out to my children the countless small acts of heroism that are taking place, then at least as a parent I will have given them something strong and positive to hold onto. May G-d comfort those who have lost loved ones. May He heal the injured, and may we speedily be ushered into the era when “death will be swallowed up forever, and G-d will wipe away tears from all faces.” May we know only happy times.
Windsor Court Assisted Living
201 South Sunrise Way • Palm Springs, CA 92262 (760) 327-8351 • Fax (760) 327-8259 • Lic. #336403366 LET MY PEOPLE KNOW • MaY 2013/SivaN 5773 n 5
Bikur Cholim At Work holim’s a partner in Bikur C be to ne yo er ev te We invi send in your enclosed envelope to e th e us se ea Pl . ll our es activiti earn miles, please ca to t an w u yo If n. it cards. Shavuos donatio e take all major cred W n. io at rm fo in e or milies. office for m bless you and your fa -d G ay m n, ai ag e nc O
We would like to thank the Jewish Federation of the Desert for their generous help and support toward our ongoing activities. 6 n LET MY PEOPLE KNOW • MaY 2013/SivaN 5773
W O R K LET MY PEOPLE KNOW • MaY 2013/SivaN 5773 n 7
Gold and Silver By Bentzion Elisha
Originally told by the Bobover Rebbe, Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam, at a community gathering. A follower of the chassidic leader Reb Mottel of Chernobyl had a particular habit which came to light when he visited Reb Mottel to request a blessing. Reb Mottel asked the visitor to recount his typical daily schedule. The young man explained that he began each day by buying goods for his business from the local landowner. Following that, he would recite the morning prayers, after which he began to sell his wares. He didn’t know where to hide his money bags“Why do you buy your merchandise before you pray in the morning?” asked Reb Mottel. The young man explained, “Why, if I waited until after prayers, the only goods remaining would be of inferior quality, if not sold out entirely!” Upon hearing that, Reb Mottel shared a story with his follower. There was once a teacher of Jewish studies, whose livelihood entailed traveling far from his hometown to teach Jewish children in distant cities. He was often away from his home for a year or more at a time. Meanwhile his wife and children lived the year without him, borrowing and living on credit. This teacher was paid for
his services with coins. The wealthy gave him gold coins, the middle class paid with silver coins, and people of more modest means paid with copper or nickel coins. The teacher had made a belt for himself where he would hang the various bags. Each bag carried a different type of coin. He had a bag for his gold coins, a bag for his silver coins, a bag for his nickel coins and a bag for his copper coins. After the year of teaching was up, he headed back home. as the first Shabbat on his voyage approached, he knew he would have to remove his belt, as carrying money on Shabbat is forbidden. But he didn’t know where to hide his money bags. He decided to bury his earnings in the ground, and retrieve them after Shabbat. But just as he was about to finish his digging, he heard some people in the distance. Paranoia set in, and he became alarmed by the possibility that if he could hear them, they could probably see him, and his money wasn’t safe. Now pressed for time, he grabbed the belt with the bags of coins and ran to the local Jewish inn, where he handed the innkeeper the entire bundle in a furious hurry for safekeeping. Shabbat began, and the teacher was livid with himself. He had just given
8 n LET MY PEOPLE KNOW • MaY 2013/SivaN 5773
the innkeeper his entire year’s earnings without even a note or receipt mentioning the amount of money being held. It would be so easy for the innkeeper to deny safeguarding the coins, and his whole year’s pay would be lost. Thoughts of his wife and children flooded his mind. What would they do? How would they face the creditors? His imagination took off, leaving him worried and on edge for the entire Shabbat. The innkeeper sensed his guest’s troubled condition and, as soon as Shabbat departed, he recited the evening prayers very quickly, and placed the belt with the bags of coins in front of the teacher, who was still reciting the silent Amidah prayer. To the amazement of the innkeeper, in the middle of his supplications the teacher opened the bag of gold coins and started counting them one by one. He saw that all the coins were still there. Nevertheless, he took out the bag with the silver coins and started counting them next. All the silver coins were also still there, yet his concern and worry did not dissipate. He then started counting the nickel coins, and then the copper coins, and finally returned to his prayers. The innkeeper, who had observed the entire process, was taken aback and perplexed. When the teacher finished
his prayers, the innkeeper confronted him. “After you saw I hadn’t taken any of your gold coins, why did you not trust that I hadn’t taken any of your silver coins, which are much less valuable? And after you counted the silver coins too, and saw I took nothing, why didn’t you trust me then? You continued to count the ridiculously less valuable nickel and copper coins.” I want to ask you the same question the innkeeper asked the teacherReb Mottel of Chernobyl turned to the young man before him and said, “I want to ask you the same question the innkeeper asked the teacher. Every single morning, G-d has given you back your soul, your body, your very life—the equivalent of gold and silver coins. What makes you think he won’t also give you your livelihood—your nickel and copper coins? You should increase your trust, and believe that G-d will give you your physical sustenance too. There is no need to rush off to buy goods before morning prayers.”
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Bikur Cholim Of Palm Springs P.O. Box 2934 Palm Springs, CA 92263 (760) 325-8076
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Customs of Shavuos Adorning the Home with Greenery & Flowers
sprouted flowers.
Since Shavuos is also called the “Harvest Festival,” it is customary to adorn the home and synagogue with fruits, flowers and greens. Furthermore, our Sages relate that although Mount Sinai was situated in a desert, when the Torah was given the mountain bloomed and
NOTE: all floral arrangements should be done early on Friday, before the onset of the holiday, to respect the sanctity of Shavuos.
The Ten Commandments
The holiday of Shavuos is the day on which we celebrate the great revelation of the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, 3325 years ago, and this year on Wednesday, May 15, 2013. You stood at the foot of the mountain. Your grandparents and greatgrandparents before them. The souls of all Jews, from all times, came together to hear the Ten Commandments from G-d Himself. This year, on Wednesday, May 15, 2013, go to your local synagogue to hear the Ten Commandments and reaffirm the covenant with G-d and His Torah. Since we all stood at Mount Sinai, we must all reaffirm our commitment. Babies, young children, the elderly, all that are able should attend.
The Book of Ruth
In many synagogues the Book of Ruth is read on the second day of Shavuos. There are several reasons for this custom: a) Shavuos is the birthday and yahrtzeit (anniversary of passing) of King David, and the Book of Ruth records his ancestry. Ruth and her husband Boaz were King David’s great-grandparents.
10 n LET MY PEOPLE KNOW • MaY 2013/SivaN 5773
B) The scenes of harvesting described in the book of Ruth are appropriate to the Festival of Harvest. C) Ruth was a sincere convert who embraced Judaism with all her heart. On Shavuos all Jews were converts -- having accepted the Torah and all of its precepts.
Learning on Shavuos night
On the first night of Shavuos (this year Tuesday night, May 14, 2013), Jews throughout the world observe the centuries-old custom of conducting an all-night vigil dedicated to Torah learning, and preparation for receiving the Torah anew the next morning. One explanation for this tradition is that the Jewish people did not rise early on the day G-d gave the Torah, and it was necessary for G-d Himself to awaken them. To compensate for their behavior, Jews have accepted upon themselves the custom of remaining awake all night.
Eating Dairy Foods
It is customary to eat dairy foods on the first day of Shavuos. There are a number of reasons for this custom; here are a few: * On the holiday of Shavuos, a two-loaf bread offering was brought in the Temple. To commemorate this, we eat two meals on Shavuos -- first a dairy meal, and then, after a short interruption, we eat the traditional holiday meat-meal. * With the giving of the Torah the Jews now became obligated to observe the laws of Kosher. As the Torah was given on Shabbat no cattle could be slaughtered nor could utensils be koshered, and thus on that day they ate dairy. * The Torah is likened to nourishing milk. Also, the Hebrew word for milk is “chalav.” When the numerical value of each of the letters in the word chalav are added together - 8, 30, 2 - the total is forty. Forty is the number of days Moses spent on Mount Sinai when receiving the Torah.
Preparations By Isaac Jacobs
On the first of Sivan, the first day of the third month after the exodus from Egypt, the children of Israel reached the desert of Sinai and camped near the mountain. During the few weeks of traveling in the desert under Divine protection, with daily miracles, such as the manna and the quail, the miraculous sweetening of the water, the defeat of Amalek, and the crossing of the Red Sea, the Jewish people had become more and more conscious of G-d. Their faith grew more intense daily, until they attained a standard of holiness, solidarity and unity, never achieved before
or after by any other nation. Moses ascended Mount Sinai, and G-d spoke to him the following words: “Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel: ‘You have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto Myself. Now, therefore, if you will hearken unto My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be Mine own treasure from among all peoples; for all the earth is Mine. You shall be unto Me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation.’” Moses returned from Sinai and called for the elders of the people and put all these words of
G-d before them. Unanimously, with one voice and one mind, the people answered: Naaseh Venishma, “Everything G-d has said, we shall do and understand.” Thus they accepted the Torah outright, with all its precepts, not even asking for a detailed enumeration of the obligations and duties it involved. When Israel had voiced its eagerness to receive the Torah, G-d spoke to Moses again: “Go unto the people, and sanctify them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments, and be ready for the third day; for on the third day the L-rd will come down in the sight of all the
people upon Mount Sinai. And you shalt set bounds unto the people round about saying: Take heed to yourselves, that you go not up onto the Mount, or touch the border of it; whatsoever touches the Mount shall surely die.”
LET MY PEOPLE KNOW • May 2013/Sivan 5773 n 11
The First Rothschild By Nissan Mindel Published and copyrighted by Kehot Publication Society In the small town of Tschortkow in Galicia (Poland) there lived a learned and saintly man called Rabbi Hershelle Tschortkower. He was busy night and day, for he never refused his help to those who needed him. Some people sought his advice; others his blessing. And then there were the poor widows, orphans, sick people, and old ones who needed money for their daily bread. He was forever collecting money for those who were unable to help themselves. One day Rabbi Hershelle Tschortkower decided that he needed an assistant, for there was too much work for him to do alone. So he hired a shamash (secretary) to share his responsibilities. Anschel Moses Rothschild, who was then a poor young man, was happy to accept this job. The Rabbi and the shamash became dear friends. But, after a few years, Anschel Moses decided to get married. He went to live in the nearby town of Sniatyn, where his father-in-law opened a store for him. The Rabbi was happy about the marriage, but he was sad to see his shamash leave, for he had been a faithful, devoted assistant. Several months later, on the night before Passover when a solemn search for leaven is conducted in the Jewish home, a terrible thing happened. Rabbi Hershelle Tschortkower was examining the drawers in his desk, when he discovered that his purse with five hundred guldens was missing! That was
money that had been collected to help orphans, widows and others in need. The Rabbi pulled out the entire drawer and checked the desk more carefully. Then he pulled out the rest of the drawers to search them again. He looked under the desk and behind the desk, but the purse was not to be found. The Rabbi’s heart was filled with pain. it took a long time to collect all that money, and now he had no way of helping unfortunate, helpless poor people. Then he began to feel even more sad, for he suddenly realized that the only one who had known about the purse was Anschel Moses. The Rabbi had always trusted him; but who else could have taken the money? There was no other explanation. Yet the Rabbi found it hard to believe that Anschel Moses might be a thief. Perhaps, thought the Rabbi, there was an explanation for the whole thing. Maybe Anschel Moses had borrowed the money when he went to Sniatyn to get married. Maybe he was already planning to return it? The Rabbi decided not to tell anyone about the missing money. He did not want to embarrass Anschel Moses, or let people know that he even suspected him. He decided to travel to Sniatyn to discuss the matter with Anschel Moses and give him an opportunity to clear up the matter. Immediately after the festival, the Rabbi hired a wagon and went to visit Anschel Moses. Anschel Moses was very pleased to have such an honored visitor. Then the Rabbi told him the reason for his visit. The Rabbi said that he was sure Anschel
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Moses had only meant to borrow the money, and he was sure would return it now. G-d would forgive him for his wrongdoing, and no one would ever know about it. If it had been his own money, the Rabbi said, he would not have been so concerned, but this was money collected for people who otherwise might starve or suffer hardships, G-d forbid. And he himself had little money, so the stolen money had to be found immediately. As the Rabbi spoke, Anschel grew pale and frightened, and his eyes filled with tears. He went to his money-box, emptied it, and without a word gave all the money to the Rabbi. The money was counted, but it was only half of the total sum. With deep regret, Anschel Moses promised to give the rest of the money to the Rabbi as quickly as possible. The Rabbi was both relived and saddened. Anschel had not said word in self-defense. He had offered no excuses for his conduct. The tears in his eyes were proof of his shame and guilt. That made the Rabbi sad. He was happy, however, that Anschel Moses had realized his mistake and was returning the money. The Rabbi thanked Anschel Moses. They shook hands and
embraced, and the Rabbi said that everything was forgiven and forgotten. During the next few months, Anschel Moses worked longer hours than ever and saved his money carefully to repay the Rabbi. The Rabbi realized that Anschel Moses was an honest and fine young man who had indeed deserved his trust and respect. Anschel Moses had made a mistake, but he was eager to make amends. One morning, there was a loud knock on the Rabbi’s door. He was surprised to see the Chief of Police standing there. The Chief asked the Rabbi to come with him to the Police Station on some important business. A horse and carriage were waiting in front of the house. The Rabbi was very puzzled. He was afraid that there might be a serious problem. He prayed to G-d it should not be connected with any danger to the Jewish community. The Police Chief brought the Rabbi to his office and in a very friendly way asked him if anything had been stolen from his house recently. The Rabbi who had never spoken to anyone about the missing money was completely surprised. He told the Police Chief about the missing purse, but assured him that the one who took it had since returned the money. It was a young man who was getting married and needed the money. He really only meant to borrow it. The Police Chief asked a few more questions and he looked very bewildered by the entire story. “You Jews are a wonderful people,” the Police Chief said
with respect and admiration. “Never in my life have I heard of anything like this!” Then he opened the drawer of his desk, pulled out a purse and handed it to the Rabbi. Do you recognize it?” he asked. It was now the Rabbi’s turn to look bewildered. This was certainly his missing purse, but how did it come here? The door opened and a police officer brought in a handcuffed peasant woman. “Do you recognize her?” asked the Chief of Police. The Rabbi shook his head. “No, I’m afraid I don’t,” he answered, still mystified by the happenings. “Well, I suppose you are busy with your work and do not notice the cleaning woman who comes to clean your house. Anyway, it does not matter. She has confessed.” And then the Chief of Police told his story. When the woman was cleaning the house before Passover, she happened to find the purse. She took it to her house and buried it in the
garden near a tree. A few days later, she took some golden coins and went to buy new clothes. Then she decided to stop working, for now she had plenty of money. A week passed, and she took some more guldens to buy new boots and shoes. The neighbors became suspicious and reported it to the police. It didn’t take long for them to catch her. They found her digging in the garden, and when she was opening the purse, the police arrested her. There were only four coins missing. “Here you are, Rabbi,” said the Chief of Police with a friendly smile. “But you know,” he said, “I just can’t understand what you said. Why did that young man pay for the theft when he was not guilty? And why didn’t he explain to you that he was not at fault?” The Rabbi shook his head. This was something he could not explain. The next day the Rabbi traveled to Sniatyn. He rushed
Happy Shavuos Alona & Josh Salama & Family
We Still Make HouSe CallS
Bikur CHoliM
PalM SPringS
Rabbi Yankel Kreiman
is available to the entire Palms Springs/Desert Community for putting up Mezuzahs, putting on Tefilin, Mee-she-bay-rachs (get well prayers), Kaddish prayers, Funerals & Unveilings
Call the Rabbi Today • (760) 325-8076
out of the wagon, ran up to Anschel Moses, and tearfully asked his forgiveness. “Why did you not tell me that you were innocent?” asked the Rabbi in a trembling voice. Anschel Moses explained that the sadness and worry of the Rabbi had deeply touched him. He knew that if the truth were told, and he offered to help, the Rabbi would have refused to accept it, knowing that Anschel Moses was far from a rich man. So Anschel Moses and his wife gave everything they owned to the Rabbi, and for many months they saved every penny to complete the missing amount. The Rabbi embraced Anschel Moses and blessed him to have great riches so that he might always be able to help the poor and needy of his people. “Here is the money you so kindly paid out of your pocket. Go to Frankfort, Germany, where you will have a better chance to succeed in business, as well as to do good deeds. May G-d be with you and your wife and
children for generations to come.” The blessing of Rabbi Hershelle Tschortkower was fulfilled. Anschel Moses became a successful merchant and banker in Frankfort. His son, Mayer Anschel Rothschild, was even more successful. His five sons settled in different capitals in Europe, and they carried on their banking business in partnership and their wealth increased from generation to generation. A grandson of Mayer Anschel, Baron Edmund de Rothschild of France, head of the House of Rothschild, earned the name of Hanadiv Hayadua -- “The Famous Benefactor.” He helped many Jews in many different ways. He died in Paris in 1934 at the age of ninety. So this was the secret of the Rothschilds’ success -- the unselfish generosity of an ordinary man, a man who gave charity without letting anyone know of his great sacrifice. BUY SELL TRADE GAMACH ROOMATES RENTALS JOBS SERVICES ANTIQUES JEWELRY CARS…
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Rabbi Yankel Kreiman for your wonderful & timeless work. We appreciate you & your Mitzvahs.
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In Loving Memory of
Milton Gornbein
Remembered by: Hershal, Leiba, Rachel, Aaron, Yehuda & Emunah Gornbein Sharon, Joey, Jeffrey & Jacob Eliot Howard, Carol, Jackie & Danielle Gornbein Cindy, Richard, Tim, Andy & Jeremy Golding Judy Gornbein 14 n LET MY PEOPLE KNOW • May 2013/Sivan 5773
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LET MY PEOPLE KNOW • May 2013/Sivan 5773 n 15
Happy Shavuos Judge Jacqueline Drucker
in your will.
Bikur Cholim Of Palm Springs, P.O.B. 2934, Palm Springs, Ca. 92263
(760) 325-8076
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Everyone is Reading Let My People Know For a free subscription call 760-325-8076 or Please send your address to: Let My People Know, P.O.B. 2934, Palm Springs, Ca. 92263
LET MY PEOPLE KNOW • MaY 2013/SivaN 5773 n 17
Kamtza and Bar Kamtza The Story of Tisha B’av-Monday, Evening July 15-Tuesday, July 16 Because of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza, Jerusalem was destroyed. It happened this way: A certain man had a friend named Kamtza and an enemy called Bar Kamtza. He once made a party and said to his servant, “Go and bring Kamtza.” The man went and brought Bar Kamtza. When the man who gave the party found Bar Kamtza there he said, “See, you are my enemy; what are you doing here? Get out!” Said the other: “Since I am already here, let me stay, and I will pay you for whatever I eat and drink.” Because of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza, Jerusalem was destroyed Said the host: “Absolutely not.” “Then let me give you half the cost of the party.” The host refused. “Then let me pay for the whole party.” Still the host refused, and took him by the hand and threw him out. Said Bar Kamtza, “Since the Rabbis were sitting there and did not stop him, this shows that they agreed with him. I will go and inform against them to the government.” He went and said to the emperor, “The Jews are rebelling against you.” Said the emperor, “How can I know that this is true?” “Send them an offering,” said Bar Kamtza, “and see whether they will offer it on the altar.” So he sent with him a fine calf. While on the way he made a blemish on its upper lip (or as some say, on the white of its eye)—in a place where we count it a blemish but they do not. “Because of the scrupulousness of Rabbi Zechariah, our House has been destroyed . . .” The rabbis were inclined to offer it in order not to offend the government. Said Rabbi Zechariah ben Avkulas to them: “People will say that blemished animals are offered on the altar.” They then proposed to kill Bar Kamtza so that he should not go and inform against them, but Rabbi Zechariah ben Avkulas said
to them, “Is one who makes a blemish on consecrated animals to be put to death?” Rabbi Yochanan thereupon remarked: “Because of the scrupulousness of Rabbi Zechariah ben Avkulas our House has been destroyed, our Temple burnt, and we ourselves exiled from our land.” The emperor dispatched Nero the Caesar against the Jews. As he was coming he shot an arrow towards the east, and it fell in Jerusalem. He then shot one towards the west, and it again fell in Jerusalem. He shot towards all four points of the compass, and each time it fell in Jerusalem. “G-d desires to lay waste his House and to lay the blame on me . . .” He said to a certain boy: “Repeat to me the verse of Scripture you have learnt.”1 The child quoted: “And I will lay my vengeance upon Edom by the hand of my people Israel” (Ezekiel 25:14). Said Nero: “G-d desires to lay waste his House and to lay the blame on me . . .” So he ran away and converted to Judaism, and Rabbi Meir was descended from him. The Emperor then dispatched vespasian the Caesar, who came and besieged Jerusalem for three years. There were in Jerusalem three men of great wealth: Nakdimon ben Gurion, Ben Kalba Savua, and Ben Tzitzit Hakeseth. Nakdimon ben Gurion was so called because the sun continued shining for his sake.2 Ben Kalba Savua was so called because one would go into his house hungry as a dog (kalba) and come out full and satiated (savua). Ben Tzitzit Hakeseth was so called because his fringes (tzitzit) used to trail on cushions (keseth). Others say he derived the name from the fact that his seat (kisei) was among those of the nobility of Rome.
18 n LET MY PEOPLE KNOW • MaY 2013/SivaN 5773
One of these three rich men said of the people of Jerusalem, “I will keep them in wheat and barley.” A second said, “I will keep them in wine, oil and salt.” The third said, “I will keep them in wood.” The rabbis considered the offer of wood the most generous, since Rabbi Chisda used to hand all his keys to his servant save that of the wood, for Rabbi Chisda used to say, “A storehouse of wheat requires the fuel of sixty stores of wood.” These men were in a position to sustain the city for twenty-one years. The biryoni (Zealot bands) were then in the city. The rabbis said to them: “Let us go out and make peace with the Romans.” The Zealots would not let them, but on the contrary said, “Let us go out and fight them.” The rabbis said: “You will not succeed.” The Zealots then rose up and burnt the stores of wheat and barley (so as to force the people to fight the Romans). a famine ensued. Martha the daughter of Boethus was one of the richest women in Jerusalem. She sent her manservant out, saying, “Go and bring me some fine flour.” By the time he went the fine flour was sold out. He came and told her, “There is no fine flour, but there is white flour.” She then said to him, “Go and bring me some.” By the time he went he found the white flour sold out. He came and told her, “There is no white flour but there is dark flour.” She said to him, “Go and bring me some.” By the time he went it was sold out. He returned and said to her, “There is no dark flour, but there is barley flour.” She said, “Go and bring me some.” By the time he went this was also sold out. Rabbi Tzadok fasted for 40 years so that Jerusalem should not be destroyed She had taken off her shoes, but she said, “I will go out
and see if i can find anything to eat.” Some dung stuck to her foot and she died. Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai applied to her the verse, “The tender and delicate woman among you, who would not adventure to set the sole of her foot upon the ground.”3 Some report that she ate a fig left by Rabbi Tzadok, and became sick and died. (For Rabbi Tzadok had fasted for forty years so that Jerusalem might not be destroyed, and he became so thin that when he ate anything the food could be seen as it passed through his throat. When he wanted to restore himself, they used to bring him a fig, and he used to suck the juice and throw the rest away.) When Martha was about to die, she brought out all her gold and silver and threw it in the street, saying, “What is the good of this to me?” thus giving effect to the verse, “They shall cast their silver in the streets.”4 Abba Sikra, the head of the Zealots in Jerusalem, was the son of the sister of Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai. Rabban Yochanan sent to him saying, “Come to visit me privately.” When he came he said to him, “How long are you going to carry on in this way and kill all the people with starvation?” He replied: “What can I do? If I say a word to them, they will kill me.” Rabban Yochanan said, “Devise some plan for me to escape the city. Perhaps I shall be able to save a little.” Shall the Romans say, “They have pierced their master”? Abba Sikra said to him: “Pretend to be ill, and let everyone come to inquire about you. Bring something foul-smelling and put it by you, so that they will say you are dead. Let then your disciples carry your bed, but no others, so that they shall not notice that you are still light, since it is known that a living being is lighter than a corpse.” He did so, and Rabbi Eliezer carried the bier from one side and Rabbi Joshua from the other. When they reached the gate, some men (from the Zealot
party) wanted to put a lance through the bier. One of the disciples said to them, “Shall the Romans say, ‘They have pierced their master’?” They wanted to give it a push. He said to them, “Shall they say that they pushed their master?” They opened a town gate for them, and Rabban Yochanan got out. When he reached the Roman camp he said to Vespasian: “Peace to you, O king; peace to you, O king.” Vespasian said: “Your life is forfeit on two counts: one, because I am not a king and you call me king; and again, if I am a king, why did you not come to me before now?” If I am a king, why did you not come to me before now? Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai: “As for your saying that you are not a king, in truth you are a king, since if you were not a king, Jerusalem would not be delivered into your hand, as it is written, ‘And Lebanon (a reference to the Holy Temple) shall fall by a mighty one.’5 . . . As for your question why, if you are a king, I did not come to you till now, the answer is that the biryoni among us did not let me.” Said Vespasian to Rabban Yochanan: “If there is a jar of honey round which a serpent is wound, would one not break the jar to get rid of the serpent?”6 He could give no answer. Rabbi Joseph, or as some say Rabbi Akiba, applied to him the verse, “[G‑d] turns wise men backward and makes their knowledge foolish.”7 He ought to have replied to him: We take a pair of tongs and grip the snake and kill it, and leave the jar intact. At this point, a messenger arrived from Rome to Vespasian, saying: “Arise, for the emperor is dead, and the notables of Rome have decided to make you head.” “Good tidings make the bone fat” Vespasian had just finished putting on one boot. When he tried to put on the other, he could not. He tried
to take off the first, but it would not come off. He said, “What is the meaning of this?” Rabban Yochanan said to him: “Do not worry: the good news has done it, as it is written, ‘Good tidings make the bone fat.’8 What is the remedy? Let someone whom you dislike come and pass before you, as it is written, “A broken spirit dries up the bones.’”9 He did so, and the boot went on. Said Vespasian to Rabban Yochanan: “Seeing that you are so wise, why did you not come to me till now?” He said: “Have I not told you?” He retorted: “I, too, have told you.” Vespasian said: “I am now going, and will send someone to take my place. You can, however, make a request of me and I will grant it.” “Give me Yavneh and its sages” Rabban Yochanan said: “Give me Yavneh and its sages, and the family chain of Rabban Gamaliel, and physicians to heal Rabbi Tzadok.” Rabbi Joseph, or as some say Rabbi Akiba, applied to him the verse, “[G‑d] turns wise men backward and makes their knowledge foolish.”10 He ought to have said to him: “Let the Jews off this time.” Rabban Yochanan, however, thought that so much he would not grant, and even this little would not be saved. FOOTNOTES 1. There is a tradition that asking a schoolchild to repeat a verse of Torah he had learned that day yields a prophetic answer. 2. The story is told in the Talmud, Taanit 19b. 3. Deuteronomy 28:57. 4. Ezekiel 7:19. 5. Isaiah 10:34. 6. Meaning: So you should have broken down the walls to get rid of the Zealots. 7. Isaiah 44:25. 8. Proverbs 15:30. 9. Ibid. 17:22. 10. Isaiah 44:25.
Candle Lighting Times
for Palm Springs, California DATE
Friday May 10th, 2013
6:54 P.M.
Tuesday, May 14th ,2013
6:57 P.M.
BLESSING #1 #2 & #3
Wednesday, May 15th, 2013 After 8:23 P.M. #2 & #3 Thursday, May 16th, 2013 - Yizkor Prayers
1. BA-RUCH A-TAH ADO-NAI E-LO-HE-NU ME-LECH HA-OLAM ASHER KID-E-SHA-NU BE-MITZVO-TAV VETZI-VA-NU LE-HAD-LIK NER SHEL SHABBAT KO-DESH. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the light of the holy Shabbat. 2. BA-RUCH A-TAH ADO-NAI E-LOHE-NU ME-LECH HA-OLAM ASHER KID-E-SHA-NU BE-MITZ-VO-TAV VETZI-VA-NU LE-HAD-LIK NER SHEL YOM TOV. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the Yom Tov light. 3. BA-RUCH A-TAH ADO-NAI E-LOHE-NU ME-LECH HA-OLAM SHEHECHE-YA-NU VE-KI-YE-MA-NU VE-HIGI-A-NU LIZ-MAN HA-ZEH. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who has granted us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this occasion.
LET MY PEOPLE KNOW • May 2013/Sivan 5773 n 19
Happy Shavuos
Dr. Ozer & Yaffa Platt & Family
We Still Make WHousecalls e Still Make
ouSeofC allS HCholim Bikur Palm Springs
Bikur CHoliM
PalM SPringS
Rabbi Yankel Kreiman
is available to the entire Palms Springs/Desert Community for putting up Mezuzahs, putting on Tefilin, Mee-she-bay-rachs (get well prayers), Kaddish prayers, Funerals & Unveilings
Call the Rabbi Today • (760) 325-8076 Alan J. Goldstein
Associate Vice President-Investment Office CA Insurance Lic #OE12519
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC 71-703 Hwy 111, Suite 2C Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Toll Free: 866-811-5343 Direct: 760-836-3398 Office: 760-568-2694 Fax: 760-346-2741
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20 n LET MY PEOPLE KNOW • May 2013/Sivan 5773
Happy ShavuoS Isaac & Selma Friedman
in your will.
Bikur Cholim Of Palm Springs, P.O.B. 2934, Palm Springs, Ca. 92263
Serving Coachella Valley’s Business Needs for Over 28 Years
Happy Shavuos
Mark, Elaine, Chloe & Gwynne Gershenson
Tr a d i T i o n a l r i T u a l C i r C u m C i s i o n Rabbi Nachman B. Kreiman Certified Mohel
180 South Highland Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90036 Home 323-934-9329 Cell 323-896-5098
Happy Shavuos May the coming year be filled with health and happiness for all our family and friends. Dr. David & Linda Morrow, Daniella, Yehoshuah Yosef Morrow, Shaya, Dina, Yakira Ettel, Elyon, Neriyah Zaddok Guttenberg, and Ariella, Michael & Yisroel Hirsh Novack
REMEMBER Since 1984 • 773-4701
BikurCholim ofPalmSprings In your will.
Bikur Cholim Of Palm Springs P.O. Box 2934 Palm Springs, CA 92263 (760) 325-8076
LET MY PEOPLE KNOW • May 2013/Sivan 5773 n 21
Blintzes are a traditional dish for the holiday of Shavuot. Top with sour cream, apple sauce or cinnamon and sugar. BATTER 4 eggs 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup water 1 cup flour 1/4 cup sugar 1 package vanilla sugar Pinch of salt 1 Tbsp. oil CHEESE FILLING I 1/2 pound farmer cheese 4 ounces cream cheese 4 Tbsps. honey or maple syrup juice of 1/2 lemon 1 egg yolk
CHEESE FILLING II 1 pound cottage cheese, strained 2 egg yolks 2 Tbsps. flour 2 Tbsps. sugar 1 tsp. vanilla sugar 1/4 cup raisins (optional)
USE: 7 inch skillet YiELDS: 12 blintzes
By Shifra Devorah Witt Also called Salsa Cruda, Salsa Fresca, or Pico de Gallo. No matter what you call it, it’s a great addition to any Mexican meal. Serves: 6-8, Ingredients 2 1/4 pounds of tomatoes, diced (5 tomatoes) 1/4 cup chopped green onion 1 tablespoon fresh lemon or lime juice 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped 1 clove fresh garlic, minced 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste Optional: To spice up your salsa, add any of the following: 1-2 tablespoons fresh or bottled jalapeno peppers 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon fresh anaheim chili peppers, diced fine 1/2 teaspoon red chili pepper flakes
BATTER: In a large mixer bowl combine eggs, milk, water and blend well. Gradually add flour, then both sugars, salt and oil. Beat well until there are no lumps in the batter.
Directions: Mix all ingredients. Chill for an hour. Serve and enjoy.
FILLING I: Combine all ingredients in a bowl and beat well. Or combine all the ingredients in a blender container and blend until smooth.
Chocolate Chip Cheesecake
FILLING II: Combine all ingredients, except raisins, in a bowl and beat well. Or all the ingredients can be combined in a blender container and blended until smooth. Then add raisins. TO aSSEMBLE CREPES: 1. Prepare batter and filling of your choice. Using a paper towel or basting brush, apply a thin coating of oil to a 7 inch skillet. Place skillet over medium heat until skillet is hot but not smoking. 2. Ladle approximately 1/3 cup of batter into the skillet. Tilt pan to swirl the batter so it covers the bottom of the skillet. 3. Fry on one side until small air bubbles form, and top is set. Bottom should be golden brown. When done, carefully loosen edges of crepe and slip out of skillet onto a plate.. 4. Repeat the above procedure until all the batter is used. Grease the skillet as needed.. 5. Turn each crepe so that golden brown side is up. Place 3 tablespoons of filling on one edge in a 2 1/2 inch long by 1-inch wide mound.. 6. Roll once to cover filling. Fold the sides into the center and continue rolling until completely closed..
Tomato Salsa
7. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in the skillet and place each crepe seam side down in the skillet and fry 2 minutes on each side, turning once. vaRiaTiON: Whole wheat pastry flour can be used instead of white flour.
22 n LET MY PEOPLE KNOW • MaY 2013/SivaN 5773
By Jamie GellerPrep Time: 7 minutes Cook Time: 40 to 50 minutes Chill Time: 4 hours Yield: 6 to 8 servings
1½ (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, softened ¼ cup sugar ¼ cup light brown sugar, packed 2 eggs 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1 cup chocolate chips 1 (9-inch) prepared chocolate or plain graham cracker crust ½ cup pie filling or ½ cup sour cream (optional) 1. Preheat oven to 350° F. 2. Using an electric mixer at medium speed, mix cream cheese and sugars together until smooth. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing into batter. When fully blended, mix in vanilla. 3. Using a silicone spatula, fold in chocolate chips. 4. Pour into graham cracker crust. 5. Bake at 350° for 40 to 50 minutes or until just slightly jiggly in the center. The cake will finish cooking from the retained heat after you take it out of the oven. 6. Chill in refrigerator at least 4 hours before serving. 7. Before serving top with either a layer of sour cream or your favorite flavor pie filling, if desired. Suggested Wine: Hagafen 2005 Napa valley Late Harvest Zinfandel Chocolate demands late-harvest Zinfandel. The oak and fruit, plus the residual sugar, will make the chocolate more intense.
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Happy Shavuos May the coming year be filled with health and hapiness for all our family and friends
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LET MY PEOPLE KNOW • MaY 2013/SivaN 5773 n 23
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Deadline for ads: August 5, 2013
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For More Information Please Call
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