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In October and March 2022 and 2023, the university set up a three day charrette project where all years from construction based courses could attend. We learnt about biophilic design approaches, re-wilding and how to integrate it in a sustainable way.
3rd Year Immersive Project: Rewilding
For This project, the site was the HoneyBourne Line in Cheltenham and we spilt into three group to tackle either low, moderate or intense rewilding approaches. I was in the ‘Moderate’ group where we had to balance ‘wilding’ with societal use.
Year 3 Design Iterations
2nd Year Immersive Project: Biophilia
The site was Boots Corner in Cheltenham and it is set within the central area of the high street. Hundreds of people flow through it everyday but only a few stop to eat, chill and use it as a meeting space.
Yar 2 Design Iterations
The final design and images from the day
Year 1 Essay Title:
What are the Design Influences of the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut?
Year 2 Essay Title:
What Coastal Soft Engineering Strategies could be implemented in the UK that would promote Eco and Socio-economic Sustainability?
An image to show how the gardens of the Temple of Hatshepsut could have looked.
This drawing is my interpretation of what the temple’s gardens could have looked like in regards to the research I collated and the positioning of the drawing. There would be a lot of ‘sanctuary space’ for prayer and shade for respite.
An image to show how soft engineering strategies could look like.
This quick Photoshop collage is my interpretation of what coastlines could look like in regards to the research I collated and analysis of case studies. The sand dunes evolving into their carrying capacity.