Dean's letter of support
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What is CroMSIC? Croatian Medical Students ’International Committee (CroMSIC) is a non-governmental and non-profit association of medical students in the Republic of Croatia. Since 1992, she has been one of the 130 full members of IFMSA - the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations, which has over one million members worldwide. The goals of the association are: promoting humane ideas, ethical principles and human rights, and contributing to the education of medical students popularizing all forms of health education and education of the general population additional education of medical students through international exchange of medical students performing other permitted activities necessary to achieve the goals of the Association, primarily in the field of human health
Mirjam Majstorović, project manager
Barbara Bzik, project manager
Third year student of the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka. Currently LEO and LORE exchange assistant at CroMSIC.
Fifth year student at the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka. Currently a local medical education official at CroMSIC.
CroMSIC Rijeka
Project development Encouraged by the fact that in Croatia there is no equal representation of medical doctors in all parts of it and consequently there is a lack of them, with this project we want to introduce medical students to all employment opportunities offered by Croatian health care. Taking into account that there is currently a trend in Croatia of doctors leaving the Croatia, with this project we want to encourage students, as future young doctors, to stay in Croatia. In addition, the devastating results of a survey conducted among medical students in 2020 show that more than 70% of students rate their knowledge of clinical skills as insufficient (1) and sufficient (2). We find the reason for such devastating results in the lack of clinical skills during the studies as well as the abolition of the mandatory one-year internship after joining the European Union. For this reason, we believe that this project is an ideal basis for the education of future employees in the Croatian health system. In order to confirm a good basis for the development of this project, a survey from 2021, more than 76% of students showed interest in participating in the project "Summer Internship".
more than 70% of students rate their knowledge of clinical skills as insufficient (1) and sufficient (2)
Project description The project is designed on the principle that a group of 4 students, from 3rd to 6th year of the Medical Faculty of Rijeka, in a period of 7 days, perform professional practice in separate departments in the same health institution. In the desired department, the student would be assigned a mentor.
The student spends five working days in the desired department in the hospital / clinic on a full-time basis of 8 hours. During the working day, the student accompanies his / her mentor in daily responsibilities such as visits, diagnostic procedures or outpatient treatment, and if necessary including field work (eg on islands).
In addition to the assigned mentor, the student would be involved in the daily responsibilities of nurses such as blood sampling, ECG, urinary catheter and the like, so that during the "Summer Internship" the student participates in all aspects of clinical work in health care. Also, if it were possible with regard to the health institution, the student would be placed in an emergency room on one of the planned days so that the experience at the "Summer Internship" would be complete.
Proposal of work Day 1 - introduction to the organization of work Day 2 - ambulance Day 3 - department Day 4 - work with sister Day 5 - emergency room
o e f u t l h a e v p l r a o r ject u t l Cu During the time when the student is not in the health institution, he can spend his free time according to his own wishes. Prior to the internship, the student will be given a booklet with suggested attractions, restaurants, museums as well as a social program in collaboration with the local community in order for the student to explore local history, culture and community.
Expected results During the "Summer Internship" students are expected to apply the acquired knowledge, show resourcefulness in new circumstances they will encounter after their studies, meet students from other parts of Croatia and expand their own perspectives on health care opportunities within Croatia.
All students participating in the project are required to have a valid EU digital certificate.
Our contribution to the community All our medical students who come to the summer internship are educated for independent: pressure measurement sugar measurement the importance of early cancer prevention programs the importance of sun protection During the summer internship, the possibility is offered that, in cooperation with the health institution, students measure blood pressure and sugar in the morning to interested citizens. In addition, students can bring with them brochures on prevention programs that they can present and share.
Project evaluation: Students > Students of the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka are recognized by the Faculty for completing the Summer Internship with 1.5 ECTS credits
Healthcare professionals > In cooperation with the Croatian Medical Chamber, we will try to secure points for the Medical Card of doctors participating in the project
A place for sponsors