MSc Advanced Practice at LJMU

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Application Year 2025-2026


Our MSc Advanced Clinical Practice postgraduate degree offers learners the opportunity to undertake a programme that is aligned to the Multi-professional Framework for Advanced Clinical Practice in England standards and capabilities (Health Education England, 2017). The programme aims to develop advanced clinical practitioners who can deliver autonomous, evidence-based, and holistic patient-centred care in complex clinical scenarios, underpinned by the four pillars of advanced practice: clinical practice, research, education, and leadership and management. It has been designed to enable students to individualise their advanced clinical practice learning journey with a choice of contemporary option modules reflecting a range of clinical specialties and areas of interest.

Course Overview

n Two-year masters degree with an annual September intake

n Year 1 is specifically designed to support knowledge development equally across the four pillars of advanced clinical practice

n In Year 2, you will have the opportunity to choose optional modules tailored to your role development and will complete your final assessments

n Both apprenticeship and nonapprenticeship routes are closely aligned to ensure a cohesive student experience and learning opportunities that are comparable to each other n The programme is focused and designed to reflect the student’s development as a clinical practitioner



You will study for 90 credits of the 180 credit total.

You will undertake the following core (mandatory) modules:

n Underpinning Principles of Advanced Clinical Practice

n Clinical Assessment and Decision Making

n The Research Pillar in Practice

n Multiprofessional Leadership and Management

n Principles of Clinical Education and Supervision


You will undertake a module in either:

n Independent Supplementary Prescribing OR

n Developing the Specialist Practitioner


During the second half of Year 2, you will have a choice of one optional module and will be required to undertake two core modules, including the final assessment module.

The core modules that you will undertake are:

n Advanced Clinical Practice Inquiry (30 credits)

n Advanced Clinical Practice Proficiency (20 credits) - final assessment module

Please continue to page 5 for the list of optional modules.


The Advanced Clinical Practice Proficiency module is designed to confirm that the student is of the standard required to meet the Multiprofessional Framework for Advanced Clinical Practice capabilities (HEE, 2017). This module is the culmination of the student’s journey through the Advanced Clinical Practice programme and is supported by tutorials and assessment development.

On successful completion of this assessment, students will proceed to be awarded an MSc Advanced Clinical Practice masters degree.

Optional Modules:

The optional modules will be one from the following list that will run in either January or April to enable you to undertake study around your other commitments. All modules, unless stated otherwise, run for 15 weeks.

Applied Pathophysiology

This module will be facilitated through a combination of face-to-face delivery and online learning. This module will provide an opportunity for interprofessional learning in the application of pathophysiology to practice. Students will explore a series of clinical cases, covering a range of conditions and disease and will provide a deeper level of understanding of pathophysiology.

Start Month Delivery day AM or PM

January Wednesday AM

Acute Medicine: Presentations and Management

This module is designed to support the student who may wish to work within acute medicine. It will be facilitated through keynote lectures and problem-based workshops on a range of acute medical case histories. Students will work collaboratively with their peers to develop their knowledge of acute medical presentations and the pertinent diagnostic investigations associated with each case. Students will develop their decision-making skills to safely manage patients with acute medical conditions.

Start Month Delivery Day AM or PM

January Wednesday PM

Acute Surgery: Presentations and Post-operative Management

This module is designed to support students who may wish to work within a surgical environment. It will be facilitated through keynote lectures and problem-based workshops on a range of acute surgical case histories. Students will work collaboratively with their peers to develop their knowledge of a range of acute surgical presentations and the pertinent diagnostic investigations associated with each case. Students will develop their decisionmaking skills to safely manage and refer patients and consider the post-operative management and management of associated complications.

Start Month Delivery day AM or PM

January Wednesday PM Assessment and Management of Urgent Care Presentations

This module will be facilitated through a combination of face-to face delivery and online learning. This module develops students’ knowledge as applied to primary and urgent care services who see patients with acutely presenting symptoms across the lifespan. Students will work collaboratively with their peers to develop their knowledge of and skills in relation to common conditions that are seen within these clinical settings and will critically explore the decisionmaking process to manage patients.

Start Month Delivery day AM or PM

January Wednesday AM

Paediatric Clinical Examination and Minor Illness

This module focuses on the major physiological systems, building on prior knowledge and expertise. It will inform greater understanding of the causes and management of common childhood illnesses and their diagnosis. It aims to provide an educational package meeting the needs of nurses and other allied professions required to act autonomously within a variety of ambulatory settings, improving the skills and knowledge of those who are the first point of contact for children, young people, and their families.

Start Month Delivery day AM or PM

January and September Thursday 9:30 - 15:30

Suicide Prevention in adults: A Psychosocial Approach

This module will help you to develop a critical understanding of psychosocial suicide prevention approaches. You will be able to critically appraise and reflect on the application of these approaches in practice. The module includes the following areas of knowledge development: legal, ethical, and professional aspects of psychological suicide prevention; philosophy of risk management and evidencebased approaches; understanding the influence of risk factors; risk formulation; safety planning; effective person-centered care: collaboration, compassion, and hope.



Developing practice in Cardiac Care

This course will enable participants to develop their knowledge and skills so that they are able to provide high quality care that is based upon sound clinical judgement and robust evidence including the following topics: The evolution of cardiovascular care; Advanced anatomy and physiology of the heart and circulation; Physical assessment of the cardiac patient; Haemodynamic assessment and intervention; ECG interpretation; Introduction to biochemistry and haematology; Cardiac pharmacology; Care of the patient post cardiac intervention; Managing patients with Acute and chronic heart failure and device therapy; Advanced management; Promoting healthy behaviour change through cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention; Supporting patients from diverse backgrounds to navigate the healthcare systems; End of life and supporting grieving families.

Start Month Delivery day AM or PM

January Wednesday PM

Managing the Deteriorating Patient

Managing the deteriorating patient allows the learner to explore the complexity associated with recognising and responding to early signs of deterioration in patients across a range of settings. Based on national patient safety guidance it entails in-depth exploration of the factors that influence incidents relating to deterioration and the underlying causes. It also enables the student to develop knowledge in the early recognition of signs and symptoms that present during early deterioration across a range of systems including deteriorating neurological, respiratory, renal, and septic patients, and compensatory mechanisms, and considers patient examples and how to escalate and manage care within different settings.

Start Month Delivery day AM or PM

April Wednesday AM

First Episode Psychosis: Assessment and Treatment

The aim of the module is to explore the potential causes and symptomatology of mental health conditions. Critically review the choice of treatment options and their appropriateness in accordance with evidence-based practice. The module includes development of knowledge in the following: common mental health conditions; precursors to psychosis including anxiety and depression; acute mental health presentations; prescribing and intervention management; early and therapeutic intervention; applications across the lifespan.

Emergency Management

This module enables the student to explore the drivers, both political and policy related, in relation to the management of the emergency presentation. The module enables the consideration of contemporary management of patients presenting with emergency conditions, and these will be explored across the systems. The module incorporates learning in the following areas: trauma management; policies and drivers for trauma responses; reflections on national incidents and incident planning theory; system-based presentations including bleeding, head injury, cardiovascular collapse, drowning hypothermia, overdose, and reduced consciousness; mental health assessment and metabolic emergencies. The module runs over 14 weeks and is 12 x 3-hour face to face sessions that are lecture/seminar based in delivery with the opportunity for workshops and tutorial support as well as discussion.

Start Month Delivery Day AM or PM

April Wednesday PM



An alternative award is available for those wishing to complete only 120 credits or unable to meet the requirements of the final module assessment.

The award of Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Practice will be conferred.


To be successful with your application it is important that you are aware of and meet the requirements for entry onto this programme.

Entry requirements:

n BA/BSc (Hons) in relevant field at 2:2 or above, or evidence of potential to study at masters level.

n All applicants must have achieved GCSE Mathematics and English Language Grade C/4 or above or Level 2 Functional Skills Mathematics and English or equivalent.

n If unable to obtain GCSE certificates, replacements can be requested via the website: Please note that it can take up to 30 days for certificates to be delivered.

n If you are unable to provide evidence of GCSE English and Maths at Grade C/Grade 4 or above, you may meet this requirement by obtaining Functional Skills Level 2 qualifications (GCSE equivalent). These courses can be undertaken at local providers, including:

- Wirral Metropolitan College

- Warrington and Vale Royal College

- Hugh Baird College

n We encourage applicants to explore these options promptly to ensure they meet the application requirements.

n Evidence of current and active registration with an appropriate professional body related to health (eg Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC), Social Work England (SWE).).

n Applicants must have a minimum of three years post-registration experience and be employed in a patient-facing or clinical setting with access to an advanced practice working environment.

n Applicants must have confirmation of support from appropriate workplace and/or employer to enable access to relevant workplace opportunities to achieve Multiprofessional Framework Capabilities for Advanced Clinical Practice (HEE, 2017) including appropriate supervision.

n All applicants must have a named workplace supervisor who is able to meet the Advanced Practice Workplace Supervision - Minimum Standards for Supervision (HEE, 2021).

There are additional requirements for the undertaking of the Independent and Supplementary Prescribing (7100NPAPP) option module within this programme:

n Applicants who wish to undertake module 7100NPAPP during the programme must also be registered with either the NMC as a Nurse (level 1)/ Midwife/SCPHN, with a minimum of one year post-registration experience in the clinical field in which they are intending to prescribe, OR with HCPC with three years relevant post-qualification experience in the clinical area in which they are intending to prescribe, and working at an advanced practitioner or equivalent level.

n Confirmation of satisfactory references and DBS checks are also required as well as completion of the North West Non-Medical Prescribing Education Group (NWNMPEG) application form.


I have already undertaken some study at masters level, can this count towards my programme?

The university offers learners the opportunity to apply to gain recognition for prior learning (RPEL) as part of their application. There are strict criteria that need to be met in order to accept credits from another course or higher education institution and evidence must be provided for this claim to be successful. There is however no guarantee that prior learning will be approved, and all the criteria below must be met. Decisions taken in respect for claims of credit transfer/prior learning are informed by the following criteria:

n Credit must be for learning that has been undertaken within the prior five years (with exceptions).

n Credit must be learning that is relevant to the programme to which it is being applied.

n Credit must match the level and volume of learning that it replaces.

n Credits awarded will align with LJMU credits. For example, if you have completed the Independent and Supplementary Prescribing module at 40 credits, you will only be approved for 20 credits in accordance with LJMU’s policy.

Certificate of completion of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Level 7 (masters level)

Transcripts with credit amount and marks awarded

Evidence to support clinical currency

(if award is over five years old)

n Letter or email from current employer which identifies that you are still using and are demonstrating currency with the knowledge and skills relating to the qualification

Learning outcomes of the module/ credit bearing claimed for (you can obtain these from their website)

C ertificates that are:

n Photographs that are blurry or unreadable

n Do not contain clear title of the award

n Watermarked certificates that state ‘draft’ of ‘provisional’

Level 6 (bachelors degree level learning) or any other level of learning that is not equivalent to masters level

Draft or provisional transcripts that have not been approved through standard HE awards boards at the time of submission

Any qualification that is over five years old without accompanying evidence of clinical currency

Apply Online

For information about applying for postgraduate study at LJMU, please visit:

You can view and complete the online application form by visiting: or scanning the QR code below:

Claim for credit from another institution without accompanying learning outcome

Compile (merge) all documents into ONE single PDF

Any RPEL claims that are submitted without the required information will be returned as not approved.

Once you have submitted your online application form, you will receive an email containing a pro-forma. This must be completed with evidence of how you meet the entry requirements and returned by the deadline stated.

Online application submission must be completed by:

Wednesday 23 July 2025

For further information, please contact:

Faculty of Health Admissions Team


Tel: 0151 231 5829


Tithebarn Building, 79 Tithebarn Street, Liverpool L2 2ER Course Enquiries

tel: +44 (0)151 231 5090 email:

The information in this publication is correct at the time of going to press (January 2025). Some changes will inevitably occur between publication and the academic year to which the publication relates and the university reserves the right to withdraw or make alterations if necessary.

Information contained in this publication is a general guide. It does not constitute or form part of any contract and it is not binding on prospective students, students or the university.

Applicants should therefore not rely solely on this publication and should use it in conjunction with information provided on our website:

For further information on the LJMU admissions policy please visit:

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