Name__________ ___________________________Block:_____
Zentangles- Doodle Project 21st Century Learning Expectations • Communicate effectively in written, oral, and visual forms • Solve problems creatively and effectively • Demonstrate responsibility through ownership of personal actions
In this project you will create a work of art made up of many different repetitive patterns, textures, designs and doodles. Inspiration for art is everywhere around you! Here are some examples:
Doodle Brainstorming Sheet This worksheet will help you come up with ideas that have personal significance to you and make your project different from everyone else’s. The competence of an artist is suggested not only by technical skills but also by the unique attributes that characterize their works. A significant style of form, color implementation, and modes of expression give clues to the artist's identity. Continually creating and expressing your ideas in new ways is a significant aspect of making art. Try analyzing some of the everyday objects that surround you and create small blocks of line, shape and textures of your own. a geometric shape:
An organic shape:
Marine life:
Your favorite song:
Your initials:
Detail on your clothing/ shoes:
Your hobby:
Your favorite subject:
An architectural detail:
Your favorite food:
A mechanism:
Your heritage:
A vacation you took:
A book you’ve read:
An object in this classroom:
The date of your birthday:
An event from history:
A texture:
An animal:
The current time, date or year:
Other ideas you have:
Putting it all together… Now that you have brainstormed lots of unique patterns and textures, the next step is to assemble your designs into a larger composition. Here are some examples of how to do that: 1. Pick a subject for your drawing. In this case the statue of liberty has been used. Leave the subject white and fill in all of the negative space with your doodle designs.
2. Make a light pencil outline of large abstract shapes, then fill in with your various doodles. This format is from
3. Make a line drawing of a realistic portrait or object. Fill it in with your various doodles.
Sketch out your idea here:
More room to sketch…
Name__________ ___________________________Block:_____
Zentangles- Doodle Project This is your chance to reflect upon your process and finished product. In each of the categories, circle one box that you feel most accurately matches the amount of work you did for this project. Category
Planned carefully, designed effectively, used space effectively.
Student made an effective design. Showed an awareness of filling the space adequately.
C Developing Average/ Good Did the assignment adequately, yet it shows lack of planning.
Creativity/ Originality
Tried unusual combinations; demonstrated outstanding problem-solving skills.
Made decisions after referring to one source; solved the problem in a logical way.
Tried one idea, and carried it out adequately, but it lacked originality.
Effort/ Perseverance
The project was continued until it was as complete as the student could make it; took pride in going well beyond the requirement.
Worked hard and completed the project, but with a little more effort it might have been outstanding.
Craftsmanship/ Consistency
The artwork was beautifully and patiently done; it was good as hard work could make it.
With a little more effort, the work could have been outstanding; lacks the finishing touches.
Project was finished, but it could have been improved with more effort; chose an easy project and did it indifferently. Average craftsmanship; adequate, but not as good as it could have been; a bit careless.
Followed through on commitments, was sensitive to the feelings of others, willingly participated in necessary work. ALWAYS respectful.
Participated enthusiastically, followed through on commitments, performed more than adequately, assisted in prep and cleanup. ALWAYS respectful.
Intricacy of designs
Exemplary Outstanding
Proficient Very Good
Exemplary Outstanding
Proficient Very Good
Original, creative doodles
Exemplary Outstanding
Proficient Very Good
A Exemplary Outstanding
B Proficient Very Good
Did his or her share of work adequately, assisted in preparation and cleanup when asked. Not always on task. Developing Average/ Good Developing Average/ Good Developing Average/ Good
D Beginning Below Average
Assignment was completed and turned in, but showed little evidence of design or planning.
Did the minimum or the artwork was never completed.
Fulfilled the assignment, but gave no evidence of trying anything unusual.
Showed no evidence of original thought.
The project was completed with minimum effort.
Did not finish the work adequately. The student did not put in enough effort.
Below-average craftsmanship, lack of pride in finished artwork.
Poor craftsmanship; evidence of laziness or total lack of understanding.
Allowed others to do most of the work, did participate minimally, did the minimum amount. Was spoken to by the teacher. Beginning Below Average
Poor attitude. Was spoken to multiple times by the teacher or written up. Often disrespectful.
What would you do differently next time?
Unsatisfactory /Poor
Beginning Below Average
Unsatisfactory /Poor
Beginning Below Average
Unsatisfactory /Poor
Please explain your idea for this project. What is it based on? What are you trying to get across?
In your opinion, what is the most successful part of your project?
F Unsatisfactory /Poor
What grade would you give yourself for this project and why?