Religion August 2017

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Christian Lifestyles The Newsletter Celebrating Christian Life in Your Community

“Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed.� Jeremiah 17:4

Volume 6, Issue 2 August, 2017


Prayers for Healing Your Body, Mind and Soul! “Are you facing a difficult disease, illness or malady and want to cry out to God for healing, but don't know what to pray? If you feel scared, alone, unsure of the future, or don't understand how healing works, pray these words below in faith today! Below are four prayers for healing, an interview with Max Lucado explaining how we should pray for healing, and some of our favorite Bible verses on healing.

thorough, deep-down cleansing and strengthening—a whole-hearted renewal of all that I am. Because all that I am is yours. Use this trial to strengthen me from a "what-if" faith to a "no-matter-what" faith. And no matter what, I choose to honor you and give you glory. In Jesus's name, Amen. ~ Rebecca Barlow Jordan

God tells us that through prayer, He can speak to us and use us to work miracles for His glory. When you use this prayer for healing you are coming to God completely surrendered and expectant to let His Holy Spirit work in and through you. I pray that you will find miraculous healing as you seek God's plan for your life - His plan to prosper you and to give you a hope and future!

A Prayer for Healing for Friends

Lord, your Word speaks promises of healing and restoration and I thank you for the miracles you still perform today. Today I claim those promises over my friend. I believe in the healing power of faith and prayer and I ask you to begin your mighty work in the life of my friend. Please reach down and surround my friend with supernatural peace and strength and give her the faith to believe that all things are A Prayer for Personal Healing God, you know me so well. You created me. You know the possible for you. Protect her from Satan's lies and discournumber of hairs on my head, and you even know the agement and let her miraculous healing begin. Amen. ~ Max Lucado thoughts conceived in my heart before I ever vocalize them. You've told us to come to you and ask for every need of life. A Prayer for Healing and Grace You are Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals, and you have Dear God, the final word on my destiny, the We confess our need for you tonumber of years I'll live and serve day. We need your healing and you on earth. your grace. We need hope reI'm coming to you today as your child, longing to hear from you and asking for your divine healing. There's so much I don't understand about life. But I do know that with one touch, one word, you can make me whole. Please forgive me of my sins, cleanse me of my unrighteousness, and begin your healing from the inside out.

stored. We need to be reminded that you work on behalf of those you love, constantly, powerfully, completely. Forgive us for trying to fix our situations all on our own. Forgive us for running all different directions and spinning our wheels to find help, when true help and healing must be found first in You. Forgive us for forgetting how much we need you, above everyone and everything else. We come to you and bring you the places we are hurting. You see where no one else is able to fully see or understand. You know the pain we've carried. The burdens. The cares. You know where we need to be set free. We ask for your healing and grace to cover every broken place. Every wound. Every heartache. Thank you that you are Able to do far more than we could ever imagine. Thank you for your Mighty Power that acts on behalf of your children. We reach out to you, and know that you are restoring and redeeming every place of difficulty, every battle, for your greater glory. Thank you that you will never waste our pain and suffering. We love you. We need you today. In the Mighty and Matchless name of Jesus, Amen. ~ Debbie McDaniel


I don't always know what your will is Lord, especially in times like now, when I desperately seek your face. I offer you no promises, no bargains, no deals to exchange for my health. I simply bow my heart before you to tell you the desire of my heart: that I want to spend as many years as I can loving you here, loving others, and wanting to become more like you. However you choose to accomplish that is up to you—and okay with me. If you use doctors to provide healing, give them wisdom to know what to do. Regardless of how you accomplish it, the healing you give is always miraculous. And you deserve all the praise.

I absolutely believe you have the power to heal. You demonstrated that on earth, and you still heal in miraculous ways today. Even when my faith is weak, you say it is enough, and my love for you is strong. And I know you alA Prayer for Healing Sick Family and Friends ready hold my heart and life in your hands. It's up to you. If I can bring you more glory through healing, then that's what I Lord Jesus, thank you that you love [name of person who ask for. That's what I desire. needs healing]. I know that you hate what their illness is doBut if your answer is no, or not now, I know that your grace ing to them/me. I ask that you would heal this disease, that is sufficient for me. Ultimately, I want your will to be my will. you would have compassion and bring healing from all sickI look forward to spending an eternity with you. But Lord, if ness.

you have planned still more for me to do here on this earth, I Your word says in Psalm 107:19-20 that when we call out to not only need and want your physical healing, Lord, but a you the Eternal one you will give the order, heal and rescue continues on page 7

Pouring Out His Spirit On All! “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.” Joel 2:28-29


according to the letter in the first days of the gospel; but this promise is rather of a comparative meaning, thus, By pouring out of the Holy Spirit on your sons and your daughters, they shall have as clear and full knowledge of the deep mysteries of God’s law as prophets beforetime had. The law and prophets were till John, and during this time the gifts of the Spirit were given in lesser measures, and of all men the prophets had greatest measures of the Spirit; but in these days, the least in the kingdom of God is greater than John.

“It shall come to pass; most certainly this shall be done, afterward; in the latter days, after the return out of Babylonish captivity, after the various troubles and salvations by which they may know that I am the Lord, their God in the midst of them, when those wondrous works shall be second- Your old men shall dream dreams: ed by the most wonderful of all, the sending the Messiah, in no difference of age, to old men who had been long blind in his day and under his kingdom. the things of God the mysteries of grace shall be revealed, I will pour out my Spirit; in large abundant measures will I and these shall know as certainly and clearly as if God had give my Holy Spirit, which the Messiah exalted shall extraordinarily revealed himself to them by dreams sent of send, John 16:7—(“But very truly I tell you, it is for your good God upon them. that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.” ); in extraordinary power and gifts in the apostles and first preachers of the gospel, and in ordinary measure and graces to all believers, Ephesians 4:8-11—(“This is why it says: ‘When he ascended on high, he took many captives and gave gifts to his people.’ (What does “he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions? He who descended is the very one who ascend higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe. So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers”,)

Your young men shall see visions; many young men shall be as eminent in knowledge as if the things known were communicated by vision. In a word, all knowledge of God and his will shall abound among all ranks, sexes, and ages in the Messiah’s days, and not only equal, but surpass, all that formerly was by prophecy dreams, or visions. And also; with equal freeness, upon the servants and upon the handmaids, upon the meanest believers: as related in Galatians 3:28—(“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”) and Colossians 3:11—(“Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.” )

Upon all flesh; before these gifts were confined to a few people, to one particular nation, to a very small people; but now they shall be enlarged to all nations, Acts 2:33 10:45, to all that believe, all that are regenerate.

My Spirit; of sanctification and adoption.” Matthew Pooles’Commentary, http://

Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy; this was in part fulfilled

Heal Me, Lord! “Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be times, from the designs of my enemies; preserve me to thy saved, for you are the one I praise.” Jeremiah 17:14 kingdom and glory; there are none saved but whom the Lord “Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed;.... These are the saves, and those that are saved by him are saved to a purwords of the prophet, sensible of his own sins and backslid- pose; they can never perish: ings, and of the part which he himself had in these corrupt and declining times; and being conscious of his own impotency to cure himself; and being fully satisfied of the power of the Lord to heal him; and being well assured, if he was healed by him, he should be thoroughly and effectually healed; therefore he applies unto him. Sins are diseases; healing them is the forgiveness of them; God only can grant this: or this may have respect to the consolation of him, whose soul was distressed, grieved, and wounded, with the consideration of the sins of his people, and the calamities coming upon them on that account:

save me, and I shall be saved; with a temporal, spiritual, and eternal salvation; save me from the corruptions of the

for thou art my praise; the cause of it, by reason of mercies bestowed; the object of it, whom he did and would praise evermore, because of his favors, particularly the blessings of healing and salvation by him; see Psalm 103:1—“Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name.”

Healed and Delivered—Christian Testi


one of the scariest things that I had ever done in my life. I was giving up my lover, my "family" and all of my friends… “Sometimes, because you have something missing in your and I had to trust God…but would he deliver me? life, you do things to compensate. That's what happened to Tears streaming down both of our faces, I could not beme. lieve, at that moment, what I was hearing. The gay bar douI am a 22 year old woman who has been saved since I was bled as a dance club on Saturday nights, and it was a Satureight years old. Over the past 7 years, my life has been day. Out of haze, in the midst of my drunkenness, I heard the slowly going downhill due to circumstances all around me: Jars of Clay song, belting through the speakers, melting my my mother being diagnosed with anorexia/OCD (Obsessive heart: Compulsive Disorder) / major depression, the "loss" of my father through his withdrawing from our family, quitting col- “Lift me up lege because of depression, endless relationships with men When I'm falling that ended in tragedy. I remember for some time, due to the influence of my mother, I was very conscious of my weight Lift me up and appearance. I always looked at the girls around me, comparing myself to them. Somehow, through the constant I'm weak and I'm dying viewing, comparing, looking, I found myself becoming in- Lift me up terested in women.

Delivered from Lesbianism

I remember, at college, ‘having’ to watch the Ellen ‘coming out’ episode. At that time, I had NO IDEA that I had homosexual feelings, but something was at work within me, and it was a dangerous thing. I left school after 11/2 years due to major depression. I could not concentrate in school, and there were two guys that I had dated that went there, and I couldn't take the stress. When I returned home, something inside me made me post an ad on the Internet. I met Sarah, a lesbian not too far from me. She was looking for someone too, like I was. I had never had a homosexual experience, and quite frankly, never considered one. I can't tell you exactly what made me "discover" my feelings for other women, but it was evident. And I didn't want to ignore it. She brought me to a gay bar, where, over the past 2 1/2 years I have spent my life. I have dated various women there, and ended up dating someone very seriously. I moved in with her after 3 months of dating, and lived with her for about four months. I was ABSOLUTELY convinced that I was gay. The Bible was wrong; I even found myself searching for books on the acceptance of Christianity and Homosexuality. During this period of my life, I cared for no one but myself. I did drugs (cocaine, XTC, pot, mushrooms), did a considerable amount of cigarette smoking, drank continuously. I was so depressed. I was so anxious. And I was so away from God. I don't know if it was the people praying for me, or God Himself, reaching out to me in His mercy, but one day I had decided to leave the lifestyle – and the club, which I had made my home. I knew EVERYONE there, and we were all a "family." I decided that on that night, I would bring my girlfriend to the bar and tell her that I could not see her anymore. I proceeded to get very drunk, knowing that I couldn't handle it sober. And, I sat down with her in a small booth in the back of the restaurant. There, I told her that I could not see her anymore, and that I needed time to think. This was

I need you to hold me Lift me up To keep me from drowning again."

God came to me that night. God heard me, even in my wretched sin. God heard me plead for the life I once knew, and He came to me that night, in the form of a song, bolting through me like lightning. Since then, I have never been the same.

I can proudly say, now, that I have a wonderful relationship with a Christian man. We encourage each other all the time in Christ. For a long time after all of this occurred, I struggled continuously with my lust for women. I truly believe that it was I choice I MADE to bring this sin into my life, and now I am paying the consequences for lost and loved friends, a woman who I hurt very badly due to my selfishness, and lust. Yes, I do still lust, but God is in control! When I feel this way, I PRAY. When I don't feel that way, I pray. And, I can honestly say, that God HAS supplied all of my needs. Trust me friends, homosexuality is not your answer. Trust in the Lord, and he will deliver you, like he delivered me.” –Adelaide, age 22

Healed from Depression at the Brink of Suicide “Hello, My name is Dale Marie, I have enjoyed your web site. And I very much felt lead to share this story with you. I am somewhat a new Christian, although I was saved in 1988, I have come to know the Lord Jesus in a personal relationship in the past 4 years. Most of my life has been a struggle with depression, I have tried to commit suicide so many times I lost count, I was addicted to prescription drugs and most of my days were filled with how I could kill myself. And each time I would try I would fail. I took as many as 150 aspirin to 50 pain killers at a time, but I would awake the next morning and be angry that

imonies – True Stories of God at Work I had failed, only to try again. To make a long story short, I was at the end of my rope so to speak, I had come in contact with a prescription drug that I knew this would be the one, I was tired of feeling all the hurt in my life, I didn't want to feel anymore.


Maryland was seeking the death penalty against me for extenuating circumstances in their case.

In June 1999 I was told I was called and anointed by God himself to preach. It gives me great pleasure to give this testimony in the witness of God through Jesus Christ for whom I owe my life. As earlier stated, this testimony begins on October 4th, 1999 when my wife was brutally raped and murdered while I was nowhere near the rape and murder scene nor aware that any violent acts had occurred. On October 5th I was picked up by the Prince George's County Police and questioned for 33 hours straight about the matter and in the end the police charged me with the murder.

I made one last attempt of calling out to God as I stood in the shower one morning. And pleading for him to help me, I felt something touch the top of my head and move over my entire body, and I felt a release of the depression, it was like the sun had come out. And I knew I was healed, I was on Prozac at the time and the Lord told me to throw it out, I would not ever need that again. It has been 4 years and I am free of depression that plagued my life for nearly 20 years. I began sitting and praying in a quiet place, I wanted so much to see Jesus, to touch his hand and his hair, to be as close to him as I possibly could. As I sat one night in a quiet place, my mind was just on wanting to be near him. And as I sat there I could see him and my hand reaching to touch him, only to be told that I must first praise and worship him before coming to the throne. Being a new Christian I thought I had done something wrong. I didn't know about entering the throne room, I didn't know about giving our Lord praise and worship. But I soon learned that this was the way that the Lord wanted us to approach him. I still remember how strong my will was to see him, and yes seeing him sitting there. From that moment on the Lord showed me many things, that it would take me more pages to write about them than just this one. My life was saved and I can't ever think of being without the Lord in my life, I would surely die without him. God Bless you.” Dale B.

During the time of questioning I never admitted the murder and continued to stand firm that I had nothing to do with anything surrounding their case. I loved my wife no matter what anyone said and wanted them to believe me. The Prince George's County Police twisted my words and added some of their own where they saw fit and concluded that I had given them a full confession that I had in-fact given them what they needed to prosecute me to the fullest extent of the law – THE DEATH PENALTY! I then spent Eight months in the Prince George's County Detention Center on the charge of Murder in the First Degree – a crime I did not commit and had nothing to do with. During my stay in detention I lost everything I owned because the Police would not even let my Pastor, Pastor Randy Gurley of The Tabernacle Church, remove my personal belongings and put them in storage. This request was made shortly before they evicted me from my apartment while I was still in jail and the apartment was still a crime scene. During this entire ordeal I feel that I was severely mistreated and that the Prince George's County Police showed absolutely no respect for even the dead – my dead wife! I thought what kind of demons are these people who affix their minds on one thing and loose sight of all other possibilities? – why won't they believe me and look for the real culprit? – I only knew that I had to make my stand with Jesus. I continually prayed that Jesus would lead the police to the real culprit of this heinous crime and that He grant me the strength to endure my loss, my pain, my ill feelings, my resentment, etc

Then finally my walk with the Lord paid off – I was free – they let me out of jail – but why? – the guards never told me anything – they just came and got me and told me to pack Falsely Arrested for Murder my things that I was being released on June 12, 2000. On November 17, 2000, I was informed that the State of MarOn October 4, 1999 my wife was taken from me through a yland had dropped all charges against me and that they had brutal murder for which I was later accused of committing conclusive DNA evidence against another person and had and subsequently jailed for and informed that the State of made another arrest in the case.

This is only a small portion of my testimony. I have more for God's glory on this. All I had was the word of God and through His grace I stood on it. God spoke to me! He revealed Himself to me in His word. He delivered me from the mouth of the lion. In the name of Jesus, Amen!” Keith A. Longtin


Taking Snake Oil for Healing Your Ailments? At one time snake oil was a legitimate way to relieve pain. But when shysters started peddling other so-called remedies, snake oil got a bad name. “Thus, snake oil without snake extract, has come to refer to any product with questionable or unverifiable quality or benefit. By extension, a snake oil salesman is someone who knowingly sells fraudulent goods or who is a fraud, quack, or charlatan.” 1 “Recently, we have seen a plethora of books promoting new paths to spirituality. Sadly, some of them are little more than snake oil. They masquerade as ways to get a fat bank account, a great relationship, a luxury car, a rewarding job, or a fine home. The Bible warns us about falling for empty promises from people whose motive is to increase their own wealth. The book of Hebrews identifies some important principles God’s people should practice. These principles honor God, benefit others, and bring us genuine fulfillment. We read in Hebrews 13 that we should love each other as brothers and sisters; we should help the needy and remember those in prison. We should remember those who suffer persecution. We should honor marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. We should not love money. Rather, we should remember that God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.”

dled among the Body of Christ! Offended at a realm of ministry manifesting that is beyond comprehension to the mind and revelation, challenging your own personal intimacy with Christ? No problem. Simply create a YouTube channel or another form of communication and spend hours discrediting other ministers and authentic moves of God while inviting others to donate to your ‘ministry’ that is birthing contention instead of intercession. Cure every ailment you have with the supernatural realm and with revival through envenomation rather than prostration before the Lord. Snakes may lie flat, but they are not postured for divine purpose. Please hear those who say ‘Not everything that glitters is gold.’ There are things done in the name of the Lord that are not authorized by heaven, and there is a simple solution to knowing the differ ence. The Mark of Maturity in the Prophetic Test the spirit (1 John 4:1—“Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”). Authentic prophets of God weep and intercede, taking no pleasure in bringing correction, yet understanding that correction is necessary because they have the Father's heart. They stay in their lane of authority. They know that judgment awaits unrepentant hearts, but they long for those very ones to know the time of their visitation and the things that make for peace (Luke 19:42, 44—“… and said, ‘If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes. … They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.’).

Above all, the writers say, we should remember those leaders who taught us the word of God, and follow the example of their faith. Also, as noted in Hebrews 13:9-10, scripture says “Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by eating ceremonial foods, which is of no benefit to those who do so. 10 We have an altar from which those who minister at the tabernacle have no right to eat.” In other words, before we chase after snake oil salespersons, we should listen to those They have submitted themselves to God, and they have beleaders who faithfully teach God’s word and who back up their come seasoned salt, attaining sensitivity to the Holy Spirit to rightly discern what is truth and what is false. They drip with teaching with a godly lifestyle.” 2 the anointing, having their faces wet with tears from intercesThe Latest Snake Oil Being Peddled sion, travailing and the desire to see pure motives manifest Within the Body of Christ within the body of Christ. They are ever mindful to not grieve the Holy Spirit by not wasting their breath on un“… If a person delights in rebuking people and wholesome talk that does not bring grace to those declaring judgment over them while shunning the who listen (Ephesians 4:29—“Do not let any unvery thought of weeping in intercession for others wholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only they wish to correct and judge, that is not the prowhat is helpful for building others up according to phetic. That is a serpent. Natural snakes do not their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” ). shed tears, but they produce an oily substance to lubricate their eyes, which then drains into their Let us be so bold as to make a loving suggesmouth. tion. If you question a move of God, ask the Holy Spirit about it. If you question the character of a These serpentine prophets speak as if their leader, pray. Stay in your lane, and be spiritually tongues are anointed as the ‘oil’ travels from their mature enough to admit that you are not the leadeyes to their mouths. They profess to see and to ing authority on how God moves. Operate in His decree, but their hearts are far from God. They love, and remember that there is a blueprint for shed no tears for those they are rebuking. Their the prophetic office. His name is Jesus.” 3 goal is to suffocate the life out of someone or to inflict such a venomous blow that death 1 comes expediently to the person and to the move 2 of God. They are not interested in advanc3 excerpts from Dawn Hill, http:// ing God's kingdom, but their own, and they relish prophecy/32232-these-dangerous-prophets-are-peddlingin wrath. This is the latest snake oil being pedthe-latest-snake-oil-in-the-body-of-christ

Wheeler Dealers or Healers?


Who Do You Say I Am?

Will Your Pastor and Church: “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.” Psalm 82:3 “… Pervert the justice due an alien or an orphan, nor take a widow's garment in pledge.” Deuteronomy 24:17 “… Vindicate the orphan and the oppressed, So that man who is of the earth will no longer cause terror.” Psalm 10:18 “… Plead the cause of the afflicted and needy;…” Jeremiah 22:16 “ … Judge Your people with righteousness And Your afflicted with justice.” Psalm 72:2 “ … Maintain the cause of the afflicted and justice for the poor.” Psalm 140:12

“Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow.” Isaiah 1:17 “… Judge the poor, And decide with fairness for the afflicted of the earth; And He will strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, And with the breath of His lips He will slay the wicked.” Isaiah 11:4

“… Be a stronghold for the oppressed?”

Psalm 9:9

“… Put to shame the counsel of the afflicted,…” Psalm 14:6 “ …Know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the LORD searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever.” 1 Chronicles 28:9

“… Protect the strangers; He supports the fatherless and the “… Hear in heaven their prayer and their supplication, and widow, But He thwarts the way of the wicked.” Psalm 146:9 maintain their cause.” 1 Kings 8:45

Prayers for Healing Your Body, Mind and Soul

continues from page 2

us from certain death. In the Bible, I have read of miraculous Special Healing Bible Verses healing and I believe that you still heal the same way today. I “My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my believe that there is no illness you cannot heal after all the words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your bible tells of you raising people from the dead so I ask for heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a your healing in this situation. man's whole body.” Proverbs 4:20-22 I also know from my experience of life on earth that not “Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he saved everyone is healed. If that happens here than keep my heart them from their distress. He sent forth his word and healed soft towards you, help me to understand your plan and help them; he rescued them from the grave. Let them give thanks to me to be excited about heaven. the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for God, I thank you that [name of person who needs healing] men.” Psalm 107:19-20 belongs to you and that you are in control of everything that “LORD my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.” happens from our first breath to our last sigh. Amen.” Psalm 30:2 ~ Wendy van Eyck

BLOOD SUGAR AND DIABETES Diabetes is the most widespread endocrine disorder, and can cause blindness, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and poor circulation to the limbs. The pancreas regulates blood sugar levels to fuel your body metabolism. Whenever we overeat, we overload our bloodstream with glucose. This puts the body in a state of hyperglycemia (high blood pressure), and the pancreas must strain itself to produce extra insulin to take care of it. Constant strain on the pancreas can lead to development of type 2 diabetes. prayers/a-prayer-for-personal-healing.html

body get what it needs: 1. High fiber fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, berries, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, asparagus, apples, and beans. 2. Cinnamon—1 or 2 teaspoons per day can help the body process insulin. 3. Swiss chard, pumpkin seeds, blackstrap molasses—these have high levels of magnesium. 4. Complex carbohydrates—whole oats, brown rice, quinoa and whole wheat—takes time to be converted into glucose in the body, causing a slower and steadier release of insulin. 5. Apples, broccoli, corn, grapefruit, sweet potato, tomatoes— each supplies the requirement of chromium, a mineral that helps cells decrease the buildup of excess blood sugar.

The key to a healthy blood sugar level is consistency and Whenever you take any kind or recommended foods or moderation, making sure blood sugar levels never get too high herbs, it’s wise to check with your health provider to make or too low. The efficiency of insulin regulation is directly related sure the foods or herbs are safe and have no adverse effect on to what and how we eat. Consuming these foods may help your any prescribed medicine you might be taking.


Christian Lifestyles The Newsletter Celebrating Christian Life in Your Community

Our Human Conditions on “Weeping and Healing.” “Jeremiah is called “the weeping prophet”; he wept over Judah. Jesus wept over Jerusalem. The community of faith weeps over a broken world . The tears are holy tears. Weeping can be a sentimental escape from reality, but it can also bring involvement. Weeping can lead to repentance, a changed life, an entrance into the city of pain and compassion.” - from the Disciple Study Manual, 3rd Edition “In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, ‘This is what the Lord says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover.’

Ingredients 8 oz. tilapia fillets ½ teaspoon Chinese 5-spice powder (see Tip below) 2 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce 1 tablespoon plus 1½ teaspoons light brown sugar 1½ teaspoons canola oil 2 scallions, thinly sliced

through and the sauce has thickened slightly, about 2 minutes more. Add scallions and remove from the heat. Serve the fish drizzled with Directions Sprinkle both sides of ti- the pan sauce. lapia fillets with five-spice Tip: 5-spice powder is a powder. Combine soy blend of cinnamon, cloves, sauce and brown sugar in a fennel seed, star anise and small bowl. Szechuan peppercorns. Heat oil in a medium or Look for it in the spice seclarge nonstick skillet over tion at the market or with medium-high heat. Add the other Asian ingredients.

Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord, ‘Remember, Lord, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your tilapia and cook until the eyes.’ And Hezekiah wept bitterly. outer edges are opaque, Before Isaiah had left the middle court, the word of about 2 minutes. Reduce the Lord came to him: ‘Go back and tell Hezekiah, the ruler of my heat to medium, turn the people, “This is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says: fish over, stir the soy mixI have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you. On ture and pour into the pan. the third day from now you will go up to the temple of the Lord. I Bring the sauce to a boil and will add fifteen years to your life. And I will deliver you and this cook until the fish is cooked city from the hand of the king of Assyria. I will defend this city for my sake and for the sake of my servant David.” Whenever my wife starts Then Isaiah said, ‘Prepare a poultice of figs.’ They did so and to sing those old down home applied it to the boil, and he recovered.” 2 Kings 20:1-8 Gospel songs, I always go outside and do some garden work so our neighbors can should be drawn to what is see there's no domestic viogood by a child-like hope of lence going on. God's favor, than that we be An absent minded husfrightened to it by a slavish fear of his wrath. The blessing band brings the child home is promised, upon condition from kindergarten and asks that they diligently hearken to his wife, "He’s been crying the voice of God. Let them the whole way home. Isn’t he keep up religion, the form and sick or something?" “No," power of it, in their families replies the wife, "he was just and nation, then the provi- trying to tell you he isn’t our dence of God would prosper Frankie.” all their outward concerns. Last night, a Chinese man stop by my church. I asked from him if he knew Kung Fu or Matthew Henry’s some other form of martial Concise Commentary arts. He said, “Why do you This chapter is a very large ask me that? Is it just beexposition of two words, the cause I’m Chinese?!” “No it’s blessing and the curse. They because you’re sitting in MY are real things and have real pew seat!“ effects. The blessings are here put before the curses. God is Two men are playing golf. slow to anger, but swift to One of them is about to take show mercy. It is his delight to a swing when a funeral probless. It is better that we cession appears on the road

People with celiac disease or gluten-sensitivity should use soy sauces that are labeled "gluten-free," as soy sauce may contain wheat or other gluten-containing sweeteners and flavors.

next to the course. He stops mid-swing, takes off his cap, closes his eyes, and bows his head in contemplation. His opponent comments: "That must be the most touching thing I’ve ever seen. You are a very religious and feeling man." The man, recovering himself, replies, "Yeah, well, we were married for 35 years." Father O'Grady was saying his goodbyes to the parishioners after his Sunday morning service when Mary Clancey came up to him in tears. "What's bothering you so, dear?" said Father O'Grady. "Oh, father, I've got terrible news," replied Mary. "Well what is it, Mary?" "Well, my husband, passed away last night, Father." “Tell me Mary, did he have any last requests?" “Well, yes he did father. "What did he ask, Mary?" Mary replied, "He said, 'Please, Mary, put down the gun...'"

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