Mirko Autobiography

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A dream I never had

Author: Mirko Josifovski

A dream I never had 1

Table of Contents Assignment 1 Letter of introduction ............... 3 Assignment 2 Adjectives that describe me ........ 4 Assignment 3 Likes and dislikes ..................... 6 Assignment 4 Color your world ...................... 7 Assignment 6 Personal Metaphors ................. 8 Assignment 7 Symbolic Recipe ..................... 10 Assignment 8 Synectics ............................... 11 Assignment 9 Cheer Yourself Up!................. 12 Assignment 10 One Medium Suitcase ........... 13 Assignment 11 Extraordinary Pet ................ 14 Assignment 12 The Examined Life ............... 15


Assignment 1 Letter of introduction Hi! I’m Mirko Josifovski, the author of this book. I’m born on 6/26/2001 in Skopje, Macedonia. I live with my family, my dad Goran, my mom Daiela and my older sister Sara. I go to a primary school that it’s called OU ”Blaze Koneski”. And remember that you can’t judge a man or a friend by his looks. Maybe he looks like a bad boy, but maybe he is a kind and not selfish.

P.S. If you want to meet me in person here is my address: Anastas Mitrev - 27/2/16. And I live in Skopje Macedonia. 3

Assignment 2 Adjectives that describe me A - Agreeable B - Bossy C - Careful D - Dependable E - Efficient F - Fabulous G - Generous H - Honest I - Important J - Jealous (sometimes) K - Kind L - Liable (sometimes) M - Mighty N - Nice O - Organized P - Perfect (not really) Q - Quick R – Recommendable (for some things) 4

S - Spontaneous T - Tranquil U - Unstoppable V - Victorious W - Wise (‘ish) X - (There is no adjective here to describe me.) Y - Young (for now) Z – Zesty


Assignment 3 Likes and dislikes


Assignment 4 Color your world

Color – blue One day in Bluesvill like all the others everyone was happy, but the Blues had an unhappy day. There son died. This was the hardest case for Bluesvill police. The head paramedic was shocked when he saw the victims blood. It was red instead of blue. Pom, pom, pommmmmmmm. Sadly the police didn’t fund the killer, and the Bluesvill hospital didn’t save the boy. The Blues luck has turned once again. The police told the Blues that there son wasn’t killed. And the body in the hospital was a fake. The Blues quickly asked where is their son. The police said that he is found and he is in Bluesvill police department.

Another happy ending. 7

Assignment 6 Personal Metaphors 1. If I would be an animal I would be a tiger. Because I have an eye of a tiger. 2. If I be a car I would be a Dodge Viper. Because it’s really fast and they make it in beautiful colors. 3. If I would be a clothing article I would be a Paul Shark jacket. Because it’s really expensive like my services. 4. If I would be a day of the week I would be Sunday. Because you can rest all day on Sunday. 5. If I would be any kind of food I would be pizza. Because it’s Italian and it’s delicious. 6. If I would be any color I would be blue. Because the color blue is the color of the ocean. 7. If I would be a movie I would be “The Avengers”. Because the film is really exiting and it has all the Marvel heroes. Well most of them. 8. If I would be a fragrance I would be grated chilly. Because I like spice. 9. If I would be type of building I would be a computer shop. Because I know all the computer part. 10. If I would be a plant I would be Dracuunculus Vulgaris. Because it’s very rare like me 11. If I would be a musical instrument I would be a base guitar. Because it has a great beat. 8


If I would be a geometric shape I would be a pyramid. Because pyramids where made a long time ago. 13. If I would be a peace of furniture I would be a rocking chair. Because It’s fun. 14. If I would be a song I would be “Difficult”. Because It has a great beat. 15. If I would be a season I would be summer. Because my birthday is in summer. 16. If I would be a TV character I would be “Danny Crane” from “Boston Legal”. Because he’s funny. 17. If I would be a cartoon character I would be Mickey Mouse. Because he has the same name a s me. 18. If I would be an electrical appliance I would be a coffee maker. (I don’t have a reason). 19. If I would be a natural phenomenon I would be a lighting. Because there is a spark when it happens. 20. If I would be a “word” I would be “friend”. Because I am a friend.


Assignment 7 Symbolic Recipe

How to make Mike stew 1. First you put A Positive blood in a deep pot and boil it. 2. You put half a cup of brains and smarts. 3. 1kg sense of humor and a ton of friendship. 4. You mix it all up and there you have it Mike stew.


Assignment 8 Synectics 1. A pencil is wiser because you can erase your mistakes. 2. Sidewalk is easier to forgive because there are no cars driving on a sidewalk. 3. A clock is smarter because we use it every day. 4. An answer is easier to teach (I don’t have an explanation) 5. Math is more like a promise because we will use it a lot in the future. 6. A nightmare is more difficult because it has a lot of scary things. 7. A mirror is more like a legend because you can see your reflection on it. 8. An autobiography has less charm because a signature is way cooler. 9. A friend is more useful because you can thrust you friend. 10. Music is happier because it is an easier way to express your feelings.


Assignment 9 Cheer Yourself Up!

Play games on my laptop Play basketball with my friends Watch comedy films Ride a bike (the crazy way) Write songs with a lot of rimes Listen to music for inspiration Build projects from internet Annoy my bigger sister


Assignment 10 One Medium Suitcase The day has come for me to leave my home forever ant this is what I took with me: Some clothes because I can’t were the same clothes forever; All of my money ($) because I need to survive when I’m on my own; My clock because I need an alarm to help me get up in the morning; My phones (I don’t have an explanation here); A bottle of water because I don’t want to dehydrate ; A bottle of juice because I can’t drink water forever; And my diary so I can remember by journey.


Assignment 11 Extraordinary Pet I had a pet hamster once, he died thanks to my younger cousins Mila and Nela. Its name was Ciki. He It was very smart and feisty. In one corner he ate, in the other corner he drank water, In the third corner he slept and in the last corner was his bathroom. He slept all day and he ran all night on his wheel. He looks exactly like this hamster picture (down).

R.I.P. Ciki He was so young. 14

Assignment 12 The Examined Life

The time has come for me to tell you my good and bad side. Good things about me I forgive people I am a friend I am helpful I care about others

Bad things about me I easily get mad I exterminate sisters I am lazy (no really) When I’m mad I punch my sister I often clean my I often destroy my room sisters room


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