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Ljubomir Vucinic Born 1956. Lives in Novi Sad Education Masters degree in printmaking at the academy of arts in Novi Sad. Since 2005 he has been working at the same institution as an associate professor in the field of drawing

Selected solo exhibitions 2015 High Tension / paintings / Art Gallery, Budapest , Baroque MMXV / paintings / Warehouse Magacin-Pro Art Org, Belgrade, Bel Art Gallery, N.Sad, 2013 Austrian – Serbian Dialogue / J.Linschinger – Lj. Vucinic / prints/ Danube Dialogues - Bel Art Gallery Project, Novi Sad, 2012 Black & White Serbia/ Z. Momirov- V. RistivojevicLj. Vucinic / installation / Museum of Contemporary Art, Macedonia, Skopje , Modular / M.Djordjevic- Lj.Vucinic/ prints / Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zrenjanin, 2011, 2009 High Tech Drawings/ Ulus, Blok Gallery, Belgrade, 2008 Iner Angel /Installation/ Gallery of Cultural Centre of N.Sad, Inscriptions / objects / Gallery 73, Belgrade, 2006 Eye field mutations / paintings/ Student Cultural Center Novi Beograd, Suluv, N.Sad, 2005 Reminitation – Defragmention / paintings / Gallery of Contemporary Art Niš, Ls Subotica, Gallery of Contemporary Art Zrenjanin, 2004 Moduls / partitiones modular paintings / Gallery of Contemporary Art, Pancevo, 2003 Drawings 1982 MMIII / objects/ Golden Eye Gallery, N.Sad, 2002 Cut/ pictorial siluethes-installation/ Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, N.Sad, 1999 Black Objects/ in situ- installation/ Infant International Festival of Alternative and New Theater, N.Sad

Selected group abroad exhibitions 2015 Intermission 0115/ Galerie Klasan, Vienna, 2014 Vorahnung,Blut,Hoffnung /Kunstbeispiele in der Vojvodina und Serbien ( 1914-2014 ), Kunstlerhaus,Wien, 2014 Toward a better world Arte Contemporain Serbe, Geneve , 2013 The exhibition of the Hungarian and Serbian middle generation artists, Graphisoft Park, Budapest, Digital transfer/ Olomouc, Czech R., 2012 The Third Graphic/ Novo Mesto, Slovenia, 2010 Force of colour - Change in Scale/ Pecs, Hungary, 2009 De (Et Dans) La Transition/ Serbian Cultural Center Gallery, Paris, A book about the Balkans/ collegium artisticum, Sarajevo, Bosnia , Herzegovina

2009. A book about the balkans/ collegium artisticum, sarajevo, bosnia and herzegovina

2013. Digital transfer/ olomouc, czech republic

Shadow Maker Light Decoder, object, 2008, pictorial plates, 300 x 170 cm ., colection of Museum of Contemporary Arts Vojvodina

SOW SOW SOUND Digital prints - diptych, positiv-negativ, 2016, paper, ink , 390 x 90 cm.

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