LAURAMASCHINO i n teri o r d es i gn p o r tfo l i o
c o n te n ts
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Laura Maschino getting to know me
Gucci Flagship luxury retail space
educational sensory environment
Serene Studios
coworking office and studios
Creative Getaway luxury vacation home
Personal Work
drawings and graphic design
Hello, my name is Laura Maschino, and I am a junior studying Interior Design at Iowa State University. My design interests are in historical restoration, sustainable systems, and inclusive environments. The following pages are a collection of my academic and personnal work. 319.540.9904
GU CCI FLAGS H I P lux ur y r et a il sp a c e
R e vi t , Ens c ap e , Phot os hop Fal l 2020, G r oup Pr oje c t Using a historic building in Rome, currently the Fendi Flagship store, we were expected to create a high end luxury shopping experience for a brand of our choice. My group member, Kayla Ropp, and I choose Gucci and used their new creative director Alessandro Michele as our main source of inspiration. Michele has re-branded Gucci as extravagance, maximalist, and eccentric. The drama associated with the Gucci house was applied to the store using elements commonly seen in theatre or performance art. Front Entrance
1. Fr ont D i s p l ay
2. C as h and W r ap
3. S t age /R unw ay 4. Bac k D i s p l ay
5. 6. 7. Fl oor Pl an
N o rt h S e c t io n
1. 8. 8.
5. Fi t t i ng R oom 6. Br e ak R oom 7. O ffi c e 8. Bat hr oom
Fr ont Ent r anc e
Back Di spl ay
Dr essi ng Room
S t age / R unw ay
B ack D isp la y
ed uc a t iona l sensor y envir onm ent
Hand R e nde r i ng Fal l 2019, G r oup Pr oje c t Renewal, a learning center for those on the Autism Spectrum, incorporates ideas of gradual growth and transformation. The term “gradation” is used as design infl uence. This is applied through smooth transitions between colors and spatial layout and with reinforced stimuli such as the vine-like path. Calm color schemes will be seen in the front of the building with the smooth transition to more exciting, stimulating colors in the back, which correspond to the room’s function and difficulty. Fl oor Pl an
Mul t i p ur p os e
Ent r anc e
Eas t S e c t io n
S ERENE STU DI OS of fic e a nd st ud io sp a c es
Hand R e nde r i ng Fal l 2019 Field measuring, spatial organization, and concept development were points of focus. Design on Main, the site building, is transformed into Serene Studios which is a tranquil, relaxing space to maximize comfort and creative thought. Areas which focus on the individual are kept separate from spaces which concentrate on the group. Natural materials, neutral colors, and direct, understandable circulation will create a feeling of serenity.
Fl oor Pl an
Ent r anc e and S t udi o
O ffi c e and L oc k e r s
K it c h e n E lev ation
CREATI V E GETAW AY lux ur y va c a t ion hom e
R e vi t , Ens c ap e , Phot os hop S p r i ng 2020 Luxury, high-end residential, and research based design were points of focus for the Creative Getaway project. We were asked to select a celebrity and location, develop a floor plan with no constraints, and create renderings to showcase material selections. I selected the multi-talented, Tyler the Creator who is a rapper, producer, writer, and fashion designer. He is non-conforming, unpredictable, highly fashionable, influential, and artistic. The project is inspired by Tyler the Creator’s classic yet modern artistic expressions. L i brary
1. L aundr y 2. Bat hr oom 3. Mus i c R oom 4. L i b r ar y 5. Mas t e r Be d 6. Mas t e r Bat h 7. L i vi ng R oom 8. Bar 9. D i ni ng R oom F lo o r P la n
10. K i t c he n T Y LE R , T HE CREATOR Known for his progressive modern production yet nostalgic sound, Tyler, the Creator is pushing the music industry forward. His style includes a mix of streetwear and classic pieces.
C lie n t
Mood B oard
Mas t e r Bat h El e vat i on
K i t c he n El e vat i on
Mas t e r Be d r o om
CREATI V E W ORKS d ra w ing s a nd g ra p hic d esig n
Cont e Draw i ng
G r a d u ation Ca r d
Abst ract i on
THANK YOU 319.540.9904