Logosnet_Ethics and Business

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Barbara Bertagni is a trainer and a people developer, an anthropologist, an epistemologist and a clinical psychologist. A founder and managing partner of LKN-LOGOS Knowledge Network (Switzerland and European Union) and of GWKGrowth Wisdom Knowledge (Hong Kong). Michele La Rosa is a professor of Sociology of work and of Sociology of Economics by the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Bologna. In the same university, he is also the President of the Sociology degree program and of the Occupation, market and environment master program. He manages CIDOSPEL – The International Center for Documentation and Sociological Studies on Work Issues. Fernando Salvetti specializes in skills for global business, cross-cultural intelligence and people development as a founder and managing partner of LKNLOGOS Knowledge Network (Switzerland and European Union). He is also a founder and a managing partner of GWK-Growth Wisdom Knowledge (Hong Kong) and of some other parent companies, based in several countries.

1529.2.111 B. Bertagni, M. La Rosa, F. Salvetti (edited by) ETHICS & BUSINESS

Ethics and business: the main challenge. The key issues: sustainability, social responsibility and the ethical instruments. But what are the instruments of ethics? How do we recognize a form of behaviour as ethically correct? What is a social responsible organization? At the European Union level, what are the main directives and guidelines? What about at the international level?

Ethics & Business Sustainability, Social responsibility and Ethical instruments edited by Barbara

Bertagni, Michele La Rosa, Fernando Salvetti

Works by E. Argante, P. Bassetti, S. Battisti, C. Belli, A. Benetton, B. Bertagni, F. Bocchi, L. Caselli, G. Castelli, M. Esposito, G. Fortuna, G. Gosetti, A. Guzzini, R. Jackall, H. Laroche, M. La Rosa, J.-L. Laville, J. Leys, G. Lombardo, J. Lozano, G. Magli, F. Merloni, M. Monaci, M. Monaco, F. Monteverde, L. Morri, F. Mostaccio, L. Nannini, M.L. Parmigiani, R. Penn, G. Principato, E. Quargnolo, L. Radi, S. Renna, G. Riccioni, C. Romiti, A. Salmon, F. Salvetti, C. Stanzani, S. Tonfi, E. Toniutti, P. Van Parijs

Sociology of work



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