P a Desi rt B gn S A tudio ir
B1 Research Fields Our Engergy: Dye Solar Cells
The difference between a traditional solar power and Dye Solar Cells (DSC) is that the latter operates on a biometric level; acting as an Artificial Photosynthesis. Dye SC have a number of advantages* over first generation silicon solar panels. Additionally DSC can be directly incorporated into glass or steel.1 Unlike traditional solar panels that needed to be attached to a roof facing the sun at X degrees2, DSC now can be used directly for aesthetic design intent as well as being part of the buildings form.3 Examining how this affects the LAGI; the opportunity for a unique and interactive installation increase dramatically rather than being constricted to a linear form.
*Produces more electricity in
lower light conditions. Lower manufacturing costs. Lower embodied energy. Smaller materials required. Non toxic materials.
When gaining insight into how other buildings have successfully incorporated solar designs derived from computational modeling, our team focused on examining precedent such as Endesa Pavilion. The IAAC design stems from detailed study of the suns activity around this building. Each panel and extrusion of the building is a calculated response to the collected data, aimed at generating maximum solar gain: “Form follows Energy�.4
Figure 1 (Left): DSC performace against traditional solar cells over a cloudy day Figure 2 (Right): Lotte Tower, Seoul
Another building is the Lotte Tower in Seoul; here parametric modeling has been used to analyze angles of solar incidence on the facade and the thermal comfort of the building’s occupants.5 These two different approaches both demonstrate how computational design can assist the integration of energy efficient methods to produce maximum results.
Figure 3 (Left): Endesa Pavilion displaying solar panels Firgure 4 (Right): Computational modeling of the sun path
From the readings and precedents discussed in Part A, there is an understanding that computation and parametric modeling can be used to maximise sustainable design (Schumacher, 2011)6. As such when presented with the possible research fields, consideration of the chosen energy source was needed to ensure the selected material system was complimentary. Solar cells are traditionally represented in heterogeneous panels, thus systems such as Patterning or Tessellation immediately presented themselves to be obvious choices.
Figure 5 (Left) Patterinig Example: McCormack Tribune Campus Center, OMA Firgure 6 (Right)Tessalation Example: Articulated Cloud, Ned Khan
However, it was decided that if either of these were adopted the design exploration would be possibly limited and confined to the geometric and linear form, potentially lacking in the desired interaction. Exploration of the more organic and abstract fields was conducted; three subjects in particular (Strips/ Folding, Sectioning and Biomimcry) presented very
Figure 7 (Left) Strips /Foling : Serioussi Pavilion, biothing Figure 8 (Centre) Sectioning: Banq Restaurant, Office dA Firgure 9 (Right) Biomimicry: Nature Boardwalk, Studio/ Gang
Selecting a material system
Figure 10: Mesonic Fabrics, biothing
The biothing Seroussi Pavilion, was fascinating with the organic composition and the changing radial waves. The Sectioning the undulating lines presented by the Banq project were also very attractive in the initial phase. Biomimcry was particularly interesting; forms mimicking a natural process such the Studio Gang Nature Boardwalk at the Lincoln Park Zoo7. This research held a certain appeal as it presented a certain juxtaposition with the a traditional solar design. In the end we selected the Strips/Folding method as it produced the most interesting results and the particular case study also incorporated elements of biomimcry. Initial experimentation presented also yielded possible designs that would be compatible with our DSC energy; maximizing advantages such as producing stable electricity in lower light conditions.
B2 Case Study 1.0 About the selection criteria
As was discussed in the Oxman (2014) article, one of the many benefits of computational modeling is the numerous iterations that can be produced and the unexpected results and design opportunities that can follow8. However to ensure the iterations remained purposeful and insightful we outlined 3 specific criteria:
Surface Area - maximizing energy generated
through larger solar exposure Visual Intrigue - the installation provokes exploration from viewers and is also visible drawing attention to the site Human Interaction - stimulates and challenges visitors , engaging and encouraging them to interact with the structure.
Figure 11: Mesonic Fabrics, biothing
These iterations have been selected as the most successful variations addressing the three criteria (opportunities for solar exposure, visual intrigue and human interaction). 1. The driving ideas behind this iteration was to follow the path of arranging the divided curves in a different form. Experimenting with sweep component along the rails and then using a pipe to more prominently demonstrate this. 2. Experimenting with different graph types to see how easily you can dramatically you can alter this design. 3. This was part of the fourth species and also the reverse engineering process and assisted from the inclass algorithmic sketches. Arrayed curves were created and very similar process to lots of other inclass tasks, the important aspect of this iteration is the spin force through first field line with roughly 800 samples. Opposed to others members of its species and species 5 it provides the greatest area for solar gain and human interaction. 4. This iteration utilizes spin force but also incorporates a new element: rectangles. In a venture away from piping to express a curve several attempts have been made to use boxes or rectangles however most of these have produced fairly lackluster results. This version however captures visual intrigue and depending on the scale could be a highly interactive design.
Figures 12 - 15: Four most succseful iterations from inital matrix
Species 1 Explored the distance and height of the curves in the algorithm.
Species 2 How the curves could be disected and arranged differently. Also explore sweep function and started to explore changing the graph.
Species 3 Different graph types including beizer, conic/sine and patch.
Species 4 Arraying the curves, introducing spin force, line charge rectangular and populate geometry.
Species 5 Spin force from another arrangement of circles, incorporating rectangles.
B3 Case Study 2.0 biothing
Figure 16: Mesonic Fabrics, biothing
biothing is a cross discplinary lab founded by Alisa Andrasek. The laboratory’s purpose is to address how computation can help to develop and systems for design. A new way of approaching design is being explored which examines architecture on a scale above designing a room or a house, this is where computational methods can now provide the Opportunity to produce new expressions at different scales. biothing specialices in parametric design but collaborates with other disciplines such as robotics, structural engineering software writers; indeed many plug ins/algorithms specifically for each individual project.9
Mesonic Fabrics 2007/09, “Drifts between distinct characters of rigid geometrical states and more organic states.” Comprised of three main algorithmic components; firstly the roof ’s structural movement under the action of the Electro Magnetic Field plug-in. Secondly pattern has been imprinted to the ground which affects the radial wave influence. Finally this wave data is reprocesses. What is personally quite interesting is the lack of scale with this project; realistically could be a pavilion but the shape and with the added accuracy of the computational modeling this project could be microscopic.10
Reverse Engineering The process of reverse engineering was developed from the basics of grasshopper that have been taught over the last 8 weeks. Firstly start with curve and divide it into a number of points. The radius of the curve divisions along the way indicated that these initial curves could ultimately be in any particular order, so the curve was arrayed to create another iteration. A simple circle was added to each division, with a point charge. A computed line through a field was also introduced with 800 samples. Spin force was then applied. The field lines were divided again and a graph was added. Finally interpolate curve and a pipe finish was added to provide surfaces. As expected there were a vast number of differences between reverse engineered outcome and the original. Importantly the original is affected by three algorithms; where as the selected iteration (IA) only has one. Another difference is the form; Mesonic Fabrics is more of an open structure where as IA is centralised with far less opportunity for space between. This could be a limitation in terms of interaction with people however the surface for solar gain that is presented is far greater. The number of samples that produce the pipes within pipes is likely to be reduced for practicality in the future however it should not affect the overall form of IA.
Figure 17 (Vertical Series): Reverse engineered project Figure 18 (Horizontal Series): Final images of rendered rhino model
B4 Technique Development In this stage of the process more iterations are produced, this time of IA looking at how to further develop this model to extend Surface Area, Visual Intrigue and Human Interaction. Kalay’s method of searching for an unknown outcome has been very successful; operating by selecting one option from many, then back tracking and starting again from that one species. In actuality our matrix (displayed on the following pages) does strictly follow this principal, rather uses it as guidelines, in hindsight this is probably why we generated many unsuccessful results. The matrix should have been guided strictly by our own criteria and that of LAGI which was to “the design and construction of a public art installation that uniquely combine aesthetics with utility scale clean energy generation.” 12 Highlighted are some of the key iterations. Whilst these appeared to be the most successful in different aspects such as the first iteration shown has a great Visual appeal they seemed to fall short in some area. The second iteration presented a large opportunity for human interaction however failed to provide adequate surface area. The third and fourth iterations we the most successful; presenting options for interaction and intrigue. Visitors would be able to move around the ‘arm’s of these itterations also shade would be provided in the morning and afternoon.
Figures 19 - 15: Four most succseful iterations from matrix
However all of these iterations presented a challenge when it came to fabrication. An important new criteria for selecting a model was the possibility of physical construct ion. There were lots of interesting itterations that produced more potentially interactive installations however prototyping was not a viable option.
Iteration feedback
We produced the 50 iterations however none of them were as successful at meeting the criteria as the original AI, followings Kalay’s discussion on searching: “generating results and selecting the right result.�13 However for the future it was be prudent to reconsider development (more purposeful iterations as seen to the right) to produce a more architecturally meaningful result. Some useful feedback which the group received was to reconsider the matrix; there were some successful itterations but we need to further consider them in terms of design opportunities. Such as how the light could pass through the model or DSC and what opportunities would that present. Consider the connections within each model; the joinery could this be influenced by the industrial terrain Position on the site, architecturally informed. Following this discussion it is clear before more prototypes are constructed more thought into how the are connected and how each element positively contributes to the overall design. How can the in class algorithms help further extrapolate the design. Could some of the lofted piping surfaces have a delaunay triangulation or voronoi mesh or other such paneling tools.
B5 Technique: Prototype 1.Prototype -Perspex
This page. Figures 29, 30 (clockwise from top right): Photos of prototype 1 Figure 31: Model section where fabricating originated Opposite page . Figures 23 - 26 (clockwise from top right): new iterations which could be potentially explored. Figure 27: sample of a voroni grid on a lofted surface Figure 28: sample of a Delaunay triangulation on a lofted sruface.
Exploring multi methods of construction, several prototypes were developed. The first was made our of Perspex and steel was a pipe section from the IA model. Originally cut with the discs situated next to each other, however it was found far more appropriate to disconnect them gathering more surface area other opportunities for interaction. At 1:1 scale the largest disc was 2 meters in diameter. During fabrication another opportunity to move each “arm� was presented allowing it to be easily manipulated. This model was deemed the most successful in terms of aesthetics, opportunity and also meeting our design criteria.
2. Prototype- Perspex
The second prototype was also constructed out of Perspex but did not fully represent the selected model. It also highlighted thick panels very similar to Traditional solar panels, something effectively making our decision to chose an organic abstract form null. However it did highlight how dye could be used effectively on the Perspex to represent the colours used in DSC.
A third prototype was fabricated using paneling tools and card cutter. The time taken to unroll each arm was highly arduous and not efficient. The final result of the prototype also displayed that the model did not actually fulfill the criteria of Surface Area.
3.Prototype- Card // 4. Resin
The final prototype was theoretically meant to be constructed out of resin. A very rough ‘pipe arm’ molds were created out of plasticine. This fabrication method failed due to the resin mixing with the plasticine to have a very unexpected reaction and also the plasticine possibly acting as a thermal barrier around the thin area of resin thus preventing it from freezing correctly.
New direction for fabrication The interim presentation provided the group with much to consider especially in terms of prototype development. One method of fabrication that will be explored again is using resin, however the mold will be from a 3Dprinter. This ensures a much higher level of accuracy translating from algorithmic formula to mold. Given the highly complex nature of our existing IA this may have to be simplified before importing it into 3D Coat to create a joined mesh/mold. How people interact with this form is also something to consider more thoroughly. Examining the first prototype with the Perspex discs, finding a new way to connect the discs and also a meaningful layout of the arms (in context to the site) could help produce a more persuasive model. Again considering energy being solar, how are these discs positioned, to gain optimal energy efficiency. Coloured dye is used in the manufacturing of this product; possibility to explore how we can use the reds, oragnge and yellow colours more dramatically in our project and what opportunities they yield; do they create more shaded areas.
A possible limitation is the desire to utilise as much of the surface as possible as a potential solar cell. The exterior of the pavilion could ultimately be entirely made up of glass with embedded DCS. However how would this impact of user experience. Would a greenhouse effect be created/ where would there be shade/ how will people spend their time here are important aspects that our design is not considering. Reconsider the original Endesa Pavilion and the calculated placement of each solar panel.
B6 Technique: Proposal The benefits of DSC are that unlike regular solar power, during cloudier periods of time energy will still be produced. Similarly it is a more consistent source energy compared to projects run by kinetic energy; what happens when there are no visitors to the site how will enough energy be produced. Another innovation is that our energy installation will be a place of interaction and information. People can learn about the possibilities of Dye Solar techniques and fostering a new understanding of sustainanle design solutions that can be incorporated into every day life.
This page. Figures 48 (Top): Ariel view of the site Figure 49 (Bottom): View from the site
Opposite page . Figures 42 - 44 (clockwise from top right): Endesa Pavilion, Algorithmic modeling and sun path Figures 45 - 46: Attempts at using dye in fabrication Figure 47: initial experimentation with 3D Coat program using one single pipe and experimenting on single meshed surface
As one of the criteria is for our individual purpose is to increase surface area, there is a focus on size; the project has the potential to become a monolithic structure just placed on the flat terrain. It is important to consider views to and from the site, paths of entry and the existing industrial landscape to insure the structure is purposefully placed. Building models that demonstrate the scale in relation to the site have been suggested as one way to really understand how the structure fits within the landscape.
B7 Learning Outcomes I feel that further more purposeful itterations are needed to explore how the IA model can be successfully fabricated. Also iterations should specifically highlight options for the DCS incorporation verses structural elements of the installation. However due to the benefits of computational modeling, producing itterations is daunting and is a quicker option than protytyping and then trying to discover what works. In terms of fabrication and prototyping, it was obvious that the models presented in the interim proposal were lacking and failed to express our design intent to the panel. However embracing the new methods of fabrication that have been addressed will lead to creating more convincing prototypes. Also more accurate, models as well that reflect the level of precision that parametric modeling ensures such is evident in the biothing Seroussi Pavillion. It is clear that a far greater understanding of the context of the site is required and needs to be applied to the positioning of the structure. Reconsider precedents such as the Lotte Tower and Al Bhar Towers in Dubai to examine how each building is specifically designed for solar efficiency.
Figure 50 (Left): Lotte Tower, Seoul Figure 51 (Right): Al Bhar Towers, Dubai
Figures 52 - 54 (Above) Seroussi Pavilion, biothing.
1.http://www.dyesol.com/about-dsc/advantages-of-dsc 2. Solar 3. http://www.dyesol.com/about-dsc/advantages-of-dsc 4 http://www.iaac.net/archivos/project/pdf/endesa-brocheng.pdf 5 http://www.aecbytes.com/viewpoint/2007/issue_32.html 6 Schumacher, Patrik (2011). The Autopoiesis of Architecture: A New Framework for Architecture (Chichester: Wiley), pp. 1-28 pdf 7 http://studiogang.net/work/2005/lincolnparkzoo 8 Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge), pp. 1–10 pdf 9 http://www.biothing.org/?page_id=2 10 www.biothing.org/?p=51 11 Kalay, Yehuda E. (2004). Architecture’s New Media: Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), pp. 5-25 pdf 12 Ferry, Robert & Elizabeth Monoian, ‘Design Guidelines’, Land Art Generator Initiative, Copenhagen, 2014. pp 1 - 10 link 13 Kalay, Yehuda E. (2004). Architecture’s New Media: Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), pp. 5-25 pdf IMAGES Figure 1 DSC performace against traditional solar cells over a cloudy day. Image Accessed http://www.dyesol.com/about-dsc/advantages-of-dsc Figure 2 : Lotte Tower, Seoul Image Accessed http://www.aecbytes.com/viewpoint/2007/issue_32.html Figure 3 : Endesa Pavilion displaying solar panels Image Acessed http://www.iaac.net/archivos/project/pdf/endesa-brocheng.pdf Firgure 4: Computational modeling of the sun path Image Acessed http://www.iaac.net/archivos/project/pdf/endesa-brocheng.pdf Figure 5: Patterinig Example: McCormack Tribune Campus Center, OMA, Image Acessed http://openbuildings.com/buildings/mccormick-tribune-campus-center-profile-1315 Firgure 6: Tessalation Example: Articulated Cloud, Ned Khan Image Acessed http://nedkahn.com/portfolio/articulated-cloud/ Figure 7 : Strips /Foling : Serioussi Pavilion, biothing Image Acessed http://www.biothing.org/?cat=5 Figure 8: Sectioning: Banq Restaurant, Office dA Image Acessed http://www.archdaily.com/42581/banq-office-da/ Firgure 9: Biomimicry: Nature Boardwalk, Studio/ Gang Image Acessed http://studiogang.net/work/2005/lincolnparkzoo Figure 10: Mesonic Fabrics, biothing Image Acessed : www.biothing.org/?p=51 Figure 11: Mesonic Fabrics, biothing Image Acessed : www.biothing.org/?p=51 Figures 12 - 15: Four most succseful iterations from inital matrix Figure 16: Mesonic Fabrics, biothing Image Acessed: www.biothing.org/?p=51 Figure 17: Reverse engineered project Figure 18 Final images of rendered rhino model Figures 19 - 22: Four most succseful iterations from matrix Figures 23 - 26: new iterations which could be potentially explored. Figure 27: sample of a voroni grid on a lofted surface Figure 28: sample of a Delaunay triangulation on a lofted sruface. Figures 29, 30: Photos of prototype 1 Figure 31: Model section where fabricating originated
Figures 42 - 44: Endesa Pavilion, Algorithmic modeling and sun path Image Acessed: http://www.iaac.net/archivos/project/pdf/endesa-brocheng.pdf Figures 45 - 46: Attempts at using dye in fabrication Figure 47: initial experimentation with 3D Coat program using one single pipe and experimenting on single meshed surface Figures 48 : Ariel view of the site Image Acessed: http://www.landartgenerator.org/ Figure 49: View from the site Image Acessed: http://www.landartgenerator.org/ Figure 50: Lotte Tower, Seoul Image Acessed: http://www.aecbytes.com/viewpoint/2007/issue_32.html Figure 51: Al Bahar Towers Responsive Facades, ArchDaily: <http://www.archdaily.com/270592/al-bahar-towers-responsivefacade-aedas/> Figures 52 - 54 Seroussi Pavilion, biothing Image Acessed: