Editor's note
Ihopeyouguysenjoyedthissummerandarereadyforthenew schoolyear!I'mveryexcitedtodoallmysenioractivitiesand justtohavefunbeforeOctoberhitswhereIgocrazyovermy collegeapps(I'vebeenforcingmyselftositincafesforthem). I’llbeseeingWavetoEarthandBlackpinkthismonthsoImvery excitedforthosetohappen.
Ihopewecangatherupmembersasthecheerpartoffrnis reallywhenweshowspiritthemost.Lastyearabitroughforme sinceIdon’tlikeridingrollercaisters…butI’llbecatchingallthe kidsridesthistime. I’dlovetoseeallthepurpleshirtsandthe pictureswe’llhaveontheflickr!
LTG's note
Sadly,Summeriscomingtoanend,butthatissimplysomethingwe areforcedtoaccept.It'sbeenfilledwithunforgettableevents whetherit'sgettingpiedintoface,makingover$1100forPTPwith bakesales,forcingmyselftodoall-nighterstofinishupwork, strugglingonahike,laughingatR9Olympics,orwearingabraat RelayforLifeinhonorofbreastcancerawareness.I'lllikelylookback atthisSummerfortherestofmylife!Thatisnottosaythattherest ofthetermwon'tbefun.Wehaveplentyofeventscomingupwithin thenextfewmonthssomakesuretostayupdated!
Inthefirstmonthortwooftheterm,Iwasveryanxiousabouthaving majoritynewofficersonKeyClubboards.Lastterm,themajorityof experiencedofficersgraduated.Iamverymuchrelievedtoseehow allofyouhavegrownasleadersandincreaseddivisionbonds.I continuetolookforwardtocontinueservingyouall!
Ipromisetonotburnout!!Though collegeappsareintimidating.
Officerofthemonth: KatieLeung
Member of the month: Brieanna Ngyuen
Clubofthemonth: Alameda
Kiwanis Advisor of the month: Patricia Rosano
Faculty Advisor of the month: Tomas Wong
WehadtheannualR9OlympicsatAlamedaCrab Cove! Region 9, consisting of 5 divisions, gathered together on July 23rd to compete in our Nintendo-themed Olympics. Competitors were faced with challenges in the games of egg race, pass the parcel, line charades, and a scavenger hunt. Our Encinal x Alameda team, named"510troopers",won3rdplaceoverall!It also presented clubs with the opportunity to fundraise for PTP and the YES Initiative. There were a amazing variety products such as tiramisu,thaitea,cakeboxes,andsupercuter9 stickers sold at nintendo-olympics. It was an amazing opportunity for all divisions to get familiar with each other! Good game R9! We shallwinnexttime!
On July 16th we had our July DWS beach clean up at Marina Park. Althoughwedidn'thaveahugecrowd,nearbymembersandofficers from Kipp King, Encinal, Castro Valley, and San Lorenzo showed up in order to better the beach's environment. As we met, we spilt and madegroupsof2-3eachandwentthroughoutthecoastlinetopick up any trash or things that were harmful to the park.Attheendwepicked up almost 10 bags worth of trash! Some of our words finds included an entirebedmattress,abag full of maggots, and a large battery. Throughout, we had fun finding and cleaning up absurdly strange or large items on thebeach.
Articles and graphics
(Part 1)JulyUpdate
For the month of July, we had a total of three events. This included the Ploughshares Nursery, the Charity Miles Hike & Picnic, and the Lincoln Summer Nights. Lincoln Summer Nights was an interclub event with Alameda with a total of five participants. We had some volunteers help make snacks and foods such as cotton candy and popcorn, while others ran booths and helped out with games. As the event was coming to an end, we finished up by helping the organizers clean up and had food provided for our volunteers after their shifts.We are hoping to do more fun interclub events like LincolnSummerNightsaswefindmoreevents!
Arroyo High School Editor - Keira TanArticles and graphics
(Part 2)
San Leandro Key Club and Kipp King hosted an interclub! With the purpose of searching for marrow donors specifically for blood cancer patients, volunteers met at Foodieland on July 1st. Kipp and San Leandro bonded together and had a memorable time! San Leandro, Alameda, and Encinal’ s Key Club also held an event together on July 12 at the REAP center.Volunteerswhowereinterestedinempoweringaction for local impact helped animals in mind by painting, building, ormoredependingontheassignedtask!
San Leandro High School Editor - Aileen DangArticles and graphics (Part
On July 15, San Lorenzo Key Club helped out at a food shelter in Oakland, where we prepared and gave out lunches. These lunches weremainlyforthoseinneed,500 bags of lunches were made. In these lunches a main meal would be a sandwich, pasta, or salad, they also included some fruits like anorangeorapples.
On July 23 multiple clubs from multiple regions came together to compete and participate in Nintendo-themed gamesaswellassupportthePediatricTraumaprogram.
This was such a fun experience for everyone involved and gives everyone a deeper connection to what it means to be in Key Club creating a lifetimebondwitheachother.
Kipp King High School
Editors - Katie Guan
Wanyi (Joey) WongSan Lorenzo High Editor - Dana Vidal
Articles and graphics
(Part 4)
OnFriday,July21st,AlamedaandEncinalKeyClubberspartookin aTreeMulchingEventinWashingtonPark.Theycarriedbuckets andwheelbarrowsfullofmulch,amixtureofcompost,tocover theareaaroundtrees.Doingsoimprovessoilqualityalongwitha rangeofotherbenefits.Althoughtheprocessoftreemulching wasstrenuous,theenvironmentalbenefitsKeyClubmembers wereabletoconductwereincredible.Itwas agreatopportunity forKeyClubberstobondwithoneanotherwhilebringingpositive changetotheworld.
Christopher Quan Editor Alameda High SchoolC N H C N H N E W S L E T T E R S N E W S L E T T E R S
Division Leadership Team
Lieutenant Governor | Sean Phu d02s.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org
Executive Assistant | Laurie Ho d02s.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com
Executive Assistant | Katlynn Nguyen d02s.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com
Division News Editor | Vincent Haoxuan Zeng d02s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com
Division Media Editor |Nathaniel De La Torre ndelatorre054@gmail.com
Division Technology Editor | Caitlin Tran caitlintran610@gmail com
Interclub Facilitator | Emily Nguyen enguye578@gmail.com
Service Projects Coordinator | Samantha Lee samalee2992@gmail.com
Service Projects Coordinator | Jeremy Sagurit jeremysagurit@gmail.com
Fundraising Projects Coordinator | Korey Dang koreydslkc@gmail.com
Spirit Coordinator | Debby Li debbyli667@gmail.com
Spirit Coordinator | Brieanna Ngyuen blahsumforever@gmail.com
Spirit Coordinator | Yuying Huang hyuying14@gmail.com
Kiwanis Outreach and Recognition | Aileen Dang aileenslkc@gmail.com
Arroyo | Hannah Zeng
Castro Valley | Allen Chin achin.cvkey@gmail.com
Encinal | Avery Ko
KIPP King | Yuying Huang hyuying14@gmail.com
San Leandro|Korey Dang
San Lorenzo| Jason Cai jasoncai2007@gmail.com
Alameda | Katie Leung
Hayward | Andrea Garduno hy.garduno.andrea@leadps.org