2014 Product and Pricing Guide

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2014Pr i ci ng ||Cowl i cksandKi s s esPhot ogr aphy

WhyCowl i cksandKi s s esPhot ogr aphy? T hankyouf ors el ect i ngme. Yourex per i anceatCowl i cksandKi s s es Phot ogr aphywi l l beacus t om hi ghendex per i anceunl i keanyot her . Apr econs ul t at i ont oout l i net hedet i al sofyours es s i on andgi veyouachancet ovi ew al l t hecus t om pr oducs taval i bl et oyou! Neverf eel ner vousf oryourphot os es s i onagai n, wi t hCowl i cksandKi s s esPhot ogr aphyyoucanr es t as s ur edt hatal l yourwant sandneedswi l l bemet ! Hai randMakeuppr ovi dedatnoex t r acos tt oyou! T i r ed?Wor nout ?S t r es edaboutl ooki ngandf eel i ngyourbes t ? Noneedt of r et ,we’ vegotyoucover edt her e Acces st oex cl us i vepr i ntpr i ci ngonal l pr i nt s8x 10ands mal l er f r om mypr of es s i onal l ab! T i r edofyourWal mar tor angef unkycol or edpr i nt s ?Paper t hatwon’ ts t andt het es toft i me?L ooknof ur t her !Ever yi mage youpur chas ei ncl udest hehi ghr es ol ut i onf i l e.T hehi ghr es ol ut i on f i l eal l owsyouacces st ocus t om pr i ci ngonpr i nt sf oryou andyourl ovedones ! T hes evendayt ur nar oundt i mei sal s oahugebonus whenchoos i ngCowl i cksandKi s s esPhot ogr aphy. Weal l know youar edyi ngt os eeyourpi ct ur esand s oyouror der i ngs es s i onwi l l bes chedul edappr ox i mat el y 7daysaf t eryourphot os es s i on. Wi t h30beaut i f ul l yhandedi t edi magest ochoos ef r om, or der i ngs es s i onsar ees s ent i al t ohel pyoupi ckout yournew wal l ar tf oryourhome.I ncl udedwt i hever yphot o s es s i oni st heor der i ngs es s i on.Iwi l l s endyouagui de i nbet weenyourphot os hootandor der i ngs es s i on t ohel ppr epar eyout odei s gnhow yourwal l swi l l l ook.

Choos ewhatyouwant .Getwhatyoul ove.

S owhatdoesi tal l cos t ? Ar et ai nerof$199i sal l i tt akest os ecur eyours pot ! { Di gi t al f i l esar enoti ncl udedi nt hepr i ceoft hes es s i on}

Mos tcl i ent st ypi cal l yi nves tbet ween$600$1200ont hei r Cowl i cksandKi s s espr oduct s .

L et ss i tdownandchat ,noobl i gat i on, i fwedeci dewe’ r eagoodf i tf oreachot hert he$199 i sdueatt het i meofbooki ng. Bes tpar t :T he$199i sappl i edt oanyCowl i cksandKi s s es pr oductpur chas eyoumake! Cal l met odayt oar r angeat i met opl anyour nex ts es s i onwi t hCowl i cksandKi s s esPhot ogr aphy!

Canvas Hi ghqual i t y,11/ 2i ncht hi ck,r eadyt ohangwi t hapr ot ect i ve l us t ercoat i ngt hes ewi l l nevergooutofs t yl e

11x 14 16x 20/ 24 20x 30 30x 40 32x 48

$150 $180 $240 $350 $400

10x 10 12x 12 20x 20 24x 24 30x 30

$110 $135 $230 $250 $350

Pr i nt s T r uet ocol or ,Hi ghqual i t yar chi val paper , yourpr i nt sar edes i gnedt owi t hs t andt het es toft i me. Al l pr i nt s11x 14andl ar gercomemount ed,andr eadyt ohangorf r ame

11x 14 16x 20/ 24 20x 30 30x 40

$90 $125 $210 $325

10x 10 $90 12x 12 $95 16x 16 $140 20x 20 $210 30x 30 $320

Mount edCol l age { youdes i gn} 10x 20 20x 20

$150 $200

Al bums Bas i c $250 10x 10Har dcoverwi t h20s of tpagesandcus t om phot ocover S t andar d $400 8x 8or10x 10har dcoverwi t h20l ayf l atpagesand ei t hergenui nel eat herorcus t om phot ocover Del ux e $500 10x 10or12x 12har dcoverwi t h30l ayf l att hi ckpagesand ei t hergenui nel eat herorcus t om phot ocover

Cus t om Bout i queI t ems ( 3)3x 3mi ni accor di anal bum $100 Cus t om T i n( 20i mages / 10mount eddoubl es i dedpr i nt s $400 ( 2)5x 7Phot oMagnent s $20 ( 25)Doubl es i dedannouncment s $60

Hi ghRes ol ut i onDi gi t al Negat i ves 10i mages $500 20i mages $600 30i mages $700

As kabouts peci al packagepr i ci ng Wecancus t om des i gnapackaget of i tyourneeds { Don’ ts eeani t em you’ r el ooki ngf or ?As kme! }

I nt er es t edi nbooki ng? Iwoul dl ovet os i tdownandchat wi t hyouabouti deas ! Woul dyoubei nt er es t edi na compl i ment ar ycons ul t at i on? T hi swi l l gi veyouanoppor t uni t y t os eemys etup,di s cus si deas , s eeex ampl esofmy wor k,br ows et hr oughmypr oduct s andpr i ci ng, andIcanans weranyques t i onsyou mi ghthave. T her ei snoobl i gat i ont obookas es s i on wi t hmebuti fyouar econf i dentaf t er wemeett hatI ' mt hephot ogr apher f oryou,I ' dl ovet o s etupadat ef oryourphot o s es s i onwi t hme!

WHATT O EXPECT BEF OREYOURS ES S I ON OnceI ’ ver ecei vedyourdepos i tpayment , we’ l l s t ar tpl anni ngyours es s i on.I ’ l l cal l you t ogoovert hedet ai l sofyourpacket .I ’ l l keepaneyeont heweat herf or ecas tand cont actyou( t hedayofordaybef or eyour s es s i on)i fIf eel t hes es s i onmayneedt o bemovedear l i erorl at eri nt hedayor r es chedul ed. Wewi l l t henmeetf oryourphot ogr aphy s es s i on,havel oadsoff unandcapt ur e gr eati mages .Addi t i onal f eesmaybe i ncur r edi nt heeventacl i entr es chedul es .

AF T ERYOURS ES S I ON Af t eryours es s i onwewi l l s chedul eat i mef ort he nex tweekf oryout ohavei nof f i cevi ewi ng appoi nt mentwher eyouwi l l pr evi ew yourbeaut i f ul l y edi t edphot osandchoos eyournew Cowl i cks andKi s s esPhot ogr aphypr oduct s . T heappoi nt mentgener al l yt akes anhourort wo.Youcanex pectdel i ver yof al l yourpr oduct swi t hi n3weeks{ unl es s youhavechos enapaymentpl an,andwe f ur t herdi s cus st hedet ai l soft hat . I ’ l l pos tmyf avor i t est omybl og& f acebookpage.It henputt oget her , package& del i veryourcus t omi z edphot os andanyadddi t i onal pr oduct syou’ ve or der ed.


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