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Co w l i c k s a n d K i s s e sP h o t o g r a p h y “Ican’ ti magei nget t i ngmyphot ost akenbyanyoneel s ebutKel l i .S hewasabs ol ut el yamaz i ng!” -AMANDAB.

HEL L O & WEL COME T hankyous omuchf orchoos i ngCowl i cksandKi s s esPhot ogr aphy,i tmeanst hewor l dt ome! Iam ex ci t edf orours es s i onandal l t hef unwe’ r egoi ngt ohave,

Ican’ twai tt ocapt ur eyourmemor i esf oryou!

Is er i ous l yl ovet aki ngphot os ,Il ovet hei nt er act i onIgett ohavewi t hmycl i ent s ,andt hegenui nebondsI f or m wi t ht hem.Mygr eat es tj oyi sbei ngabl et ogi veyoui magest hatyoucanhol dont oandt r eas ur ef or manyyear st ocome.Iam a l i f es t yl ephot ogr apherandIcombi net r adi t i onal por t r ai t ur ewi t h phot oj our nal i s mt ocr eat ei magest hatt el l yours t or y. T hatl i t t l et oddl et hatal l t ooqui ckl ybecomesar un,t hos echubbycheekeddi mpl es ,ort hatex pr es s i on ofcompl et ei nnocence— Ibel i eveever yl i t t l ebi tofl i f ei swor t hcel ebr at i ng— f r om t heever ydayt ot he ex t r aor di nar y.Il ovet ocapt ur er eal moment swi t hyourchi l dandbet weenyouandyourf ami l y.Iwi l l capt ur eavar i et yofl oos el ypos edandcompl et el ycandi dmoment st oens ur et hemoment sand r el at i ons hi pst hatmat t ert oyoucanbecel ebr at edf oral i f et i me. Iwantmyi magest ot ugatyourhear t ,t obr i ngt ear st oyoureyesandt os how youhow beaut i f ul and wonder f ul yourf ami l yi s .Iwantt ocr eat eat i mel es si maget hatcapt ur est hef l eet i ngl ook–youwoul d know t hel ookImean–t hepr eci ousl ookyourchi l dgi vesyouandt hewor l ds t ops .J us tf orabeatof t i meort wo.Butyourbr eat hi sgoi ngandl i f ei smagi c. Pl eas er eadt hr ut hi sbi tofi nf or mat i onandi fyouhaveanyques t i onsatal l ,donothes i t at e t ocont actme!Iwantyours es s i ont obes omet hi ngyoul oveandt r eas ur ef or ever ! F eel f r eet omes s agemeonF acebookorcont actmeatanyt i me,I ’ l l getbackt oyouasqui ck asIcani fI ’ m bus y,Il ovemycl i ent s ! !( 208)6040680||cowl i cks andki s s es @gmai l . com

WHATT O EXPECT BEF OREYOURS ES S I ON Oncewe’ ver ecei vedyourdepos i tpayment , we’ l l s t ar tpl anni ngyours es s i on.I ’ l l mes s ageor cal lyout ogoovert hedet ai l sofyourpacket . I ’ l l keepaneyeont heweat herf or ecas tand cont actyou( t hedayofordaybef or eyour s es s i on)i fwef eel t hes es s i onmayneedt o bemovedear l i erorl at eri nt hedayor r es chedul ed. Wewi l l t henmeetf oryourphot ogr aphy s es s i on,havel oadsoff unandcapt ur e gr eati mages .Addi t i onal f eesmaybe i ncur r edi nt heeventacl i entr es chedul es .

AF T ERYOURS ES S I ON Aweekors oaf t eryours es s i onwewi l l cont act yout os chedul eyouri nof f i cevi ewi ng appoi nt mentwher eyouwi l l pr evi ew t hei mages andchoos eyourf avor i t est obedi gi t al l y enhanced.T heappoi nt mentgener al l yt akes anhourort wo.I naweekors oyourf avor i t e i mageswi l l bedi gi t al l yenhanced. I ’ l l pos tmyf avor i t est omybl og& f acebookpage.Remembert os har e wi t hal l yourf ami l yandf r i ends !Wet hencr eat e, package& del i veryourcus t omi z edphot os andanyadddi t i onal pr oduct syou’ ve or der ed.

T I PST O MAKEYOUR S ES S I ONAS MAS HI NG S UCCES S J US THAVEF UN Pl eas ef eel ateas eatyours es s i on.I fpr es s ur edt o“s mi l e” ,nat ur al ex pr es s i onsmaybel os t .Manyof t hegr eati mageswecapt ur ear et he“i nbet ween”s hot s ,whent hes ubj ectr el ax es& s mi l es . Phot os es s i onsar ewor kf orbot hs ubj ectandphot ogr apherbutwe’ vegott r i ckst hatmakei tf un& eas ys odon’ twor r yanddon’ tt r yt oohar d!Rel ax ,i t ’ syourday!

WHATT O WEAR Goodchoi cesi ncl ot hi ngi soneoft hekeyel ement sofagr eatphot os es s i on!F orgr oups es s i ons , cl ot hi ngs houl dbecoor di nat ed.Cl ot hi ngs houl dbes i mpl eandt i mel es s .F avor i t esar ej eans ,khaki col or edpant s ,whi t e,bl ackorneut r al col or eds hi r t s ,s undr es s es ,gowns ,hat sandbar ef eet .( L ar ge, bus ypr i nt s ,checker edpat t er ns& geomet r i cdes i gnsdon’ tphot ogr aphwel l ) .I ’ l l bechecki ngi n wi t hyout o chataboutcl ot hi ngchoi ces .I t ’ sagr eati deat opl ant heout f i t s2weeksbef or et he s es s i on.L ayt hem outonabed,s t epbackandt akeal ook.Onceyou’ r ehappywi t hyourchoi ces , makes ur et heyar ecl eanandwr i nkl ef r ee,t hens ett hem as i def oryours es s i on.Don’ tf or getabout s hoesandt hemos tover l ookedi t em . . .t hes ocks !Yes ,t hes ocksar ei mpor t ant . . . ( t hecol or ) .T hi swi l l l oweryours t r es sl evel ons es s i onday!Cl i ent sar eencour agedt oi ncl udet hei rownpr ops .Ex ampl es ar e:Amus i cal i ns t r ument ,s por t sequi pment ,abookandr eadi nggl as s esoraf ami l ypet .

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