Llewellyn's 2019 Witches' Spell-A-Day Almanac

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Copyright 2018 Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd. Cover Design: Kristi Carlson Editing: Andrea Neff Background photo: © PhotoDisc Interior Art: © 2011, Steven McAfee pp. 9, 29, 47, 69, 87, 105, 125, 145, 165, 187, 207, 225 Spell icons throughout: © 2011 Sherrie Thai You can order Llewellyn books and annuals from New Worlds, Llewellyn’s catalog. To request a free copy of the catalog, call toll-free 1-877-NEW WRLD or visit our website at www.llewellyn.com. ISBN: 978-0-7387-4617-3 Llewellyn is a registered trademark of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd. 2143 Wooddale Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 Printed in the United States of America

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Contents A Note on Magic and Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Spell-A-Day Icons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Spells at a Glance by Date and Category. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2019 Year of Spells January . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 February. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 March. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 April. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 August. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 September. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 October. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 November. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 December. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Daily Magical Influences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Lunar Phases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Astrological Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 The Moon’s Sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Glossary of Magical Terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 About the Authors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252

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A Note on Magic and Spells

he spells in the Witches’ Spell-A-Day Almanac evoke everyday magic designed to improve our lives and homes. You needn’t be an expert on magic to follow these simple rites and spells; as you will see if you use these spells throughout the year, magic, once mastered, is easy to perform. The only advanced technique required of you is the art of visualization. Visualization is an act of controlled imagination. If you can call up in your mind a picture of your best friend’s face or a flag flapping in the breeze, you can visualize. In magic, visualizations are used to direct and control magical energies. Basically the spellcaster creates a visual image of the spell’s desired goal, whether it be perfect health, a safe house, or a protected pet. Visualization is the basis of all good spells, and as such it is a tool that should be properly used. Visualization must be real in the mind of the spellcaster so it allows him or her to raise, concentrate, and send forth energy to accomplish the spell. Perhaps when visualizing you’ll find that you’re doing everything right, but you don’t feel anything. This is common, for we haven’t been trained to acknowledge—let alone utilize—our magical abilities. Keep practicing, however, for your spells can “take” even if you’re not the most experienced natural magician. You will notice also that many spells in this collection have a somewhat “light” tone. They are seemingly fun and frivolous, filled with rhyme and colloquial speech. This is not to diminish the seriousness of the purpose, but rather to create a relaxed atmosphere for the practitioner. Lightness of spirit helps focus energy; rhyme and common language help the spellcaster remember the words and train the mind where it is needed. The intent of this magic is indeed very serious at times, and magic is never to be trifled with. Even when your spells are effective, magic won’t usually sparkle before your very eyes. The test of magic’s success is time, not immediate eyepopping results. But you can feel magic’s energy for yourself by rubbing your palms together briskly for ten seconds, then holding them a few inches apart. Sense the energy passing through them, the warm tingle in your palms. This is the power raised and used in magic. It comes from within and is perfectly natural. Among the features of the Witches’ Spell-A-Day Almanac are an easyto-use “book of days” format; new spells specifically tailored for each day Page 3

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of the year (and its particular magical, astrological, and historical energies); and additional tips and lore for various days throughout the year— including color correspondences based on planetary influences, obscure and forgotten holidays and festivals, and an incense of the day to help you waft magical energies from the ether into your space. Moon signs, phases, and voids are also included to help you find the perfect time for your rituals and spells. (All times in this book are Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Time.) Enjoy your days, and have a magical year!

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Spell-A-Day Icons New Moon

Meditation, Divination

Full Moon

Money, Prosperity







Clearing, Cleaning

Travel, Communication


Air Element

Grab Bag

Earth Element

Health, Healing

Fire Element


Spirit Element

Heart, Love

Water Element Page 5

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3, 12

8, 14, 23, 26


3, 5, 16, 29

9, 15, 18, 19, 21






3, 27




2, 4, 28







8, 19, 28

12, 20


5, 26


14, 21



*List is not comprehensive.

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3, 13, 15, 17, 24, 26


7, 19, 28

22, 28


2, 25, 28 1

6, 9, 13, 27


7, 11, 17, 29




3, 7, 14, 22, 26, 30


Sept. Oct.

Meditation, Divination




Clearing, Cleaning

2, 11, 14, 18, 31

Heart, Love



Health, Healing


Spells at a Glance by Date and Category*


1, 21, 27


9, 20, 22

6, 15




8, 23, 25

15, 24

2, 19

14, 16


1, 10, 16, 17, 26

3, 13 13, 15, 18

5, 10, 17, 19, 30, 31

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Year of Spells

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appy New Year! The calendar year has begun and even though we may be in the depths of winter (in the Northern Hemisphere) or the height of summer (in the Southern Hemisphere), we stand at the threshold of fifty-two weeks filled with promise. Legend has it that this month is named to honor the Roman god Janus, a god of new beginnings and doorways, but it is also associated with Juno, the primary goddess of the Roman pantheon. Juno was said to be the protectress of the Roman Empire, and Janus (whose twin faces look to both the past and the future simultaneously) encourages new endeavors, transitions, and change in all forms. Since this month marks the beginning of the whole year, we can plant the seeds for long-term goals at this time, carefully plotting the course of our future success. In the United States, there are three important holidays occurring in January: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and Inauguration Day. Each of these days exemplifies powerful change and transition. The dawn of a new year heralds a fresh start, and whether snow-covered or bathed in summer heat, January offers renewed possibilities for all. Michael Furie

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January 1 Tuesday

January 2 Wednesday

4th H a v/c 5:26 pm

4th H a → I 3:58 am

Color of the Day: Scarlet Incense of the Day: Geranium

Color of the Day: Brown Incense of the Day: Lilac

New Year’s Day - Kwanzaa ends

Bay Leaf Blessing appy New Year! Bless this new beginning by preparing a delicious stew or soup to warm the bellies and hearts of your friends and family. Add some magickal intentions for the coming year to the dish with bay leaves. In folklore, the bay leaf is believed to grant wishes. In day-to-day use, it is a common kitchen herb, added to savory stews and soups while they simmer to add flavor. The bay leaf is removed prior to eating due to its fibrous texture. Using a toothpick dipped in water, draw or write a wish on a bay leaf. A simple word is enough, such as love, luck, or health. Simmer the bay leaf in the stew as usual, and remove before serving. The symbol or word will have dissolved into the stew along with the intent behind it, spreading blessings to those who share your table.


Kate Freuler

Beat the Blues Spell or most of us, the holiday season is officially over. Like many of us, you’ve also probably been on a whirlwind schedule of holiday festivities since November. But now the holiday decorations come down and life returns to normal. So it’s easy to feel blue at this time of year. Let this spell help you overcome the blues. You’ll need a cinnamon-scented candle, a sheet of pink construction paper, a red crayon, and a pen. First, light the candle and relax. Next, with the crayon draw a large heart on the paper. Inside the heart write this charm with the pen: Season of goodwill and cheer, Family, friends, and all that I hold dear, May you remain in my heart throughout the year. Let the candle burn out safely. Keep the paper in a special place. Read it when you need a lift. Remember to keep in touch with everyone who made your holidays special.


James Kambos Page 10

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January 3 Thursday

January 4 Friday

4th I

4th I a v/c 12:41 pm a → J 1:55 pm

Color of the Day: White Incense of the Day: Nutmeg

The Waters of Purity (Simplified) or this spell you will need your chalice filled with water. Ground and center. Contemplate that which troubles you and imagine that it takes the form of a black smoke, which you now direct into the water with each exhale. Continue this until you feel the water has become dark and “poisoned.” Enchant the water, saying: Poison I have held within, Fear or anger, shame or sin, Transform by breath of witches’ flame. My power shines. I here reclaim. Take a cleansing breath and imagine breathing white fire directly into the water as you intone the sound of a low, vibrant hum. With each exhale, the darkness in the cup begins to transform in your mind’s eye, becoming a brilliant crystalline luminescence. When you feel this is at its peak, reverently drink the water, feeling this light of transformation working its magic within you. Go about your day remembering this light within.


Color of the Day: Coral Incense of the Day: Vanilla

The Number Four for a Balanced Beginning agic is often associated with  the number three in witchcraft, but four can be a powerful magical number as well. Think of the four quarters, balanced and equal, for instance. In numerology, the number four signifies foundation and order, a practical approach to problems, and steady growth. What better way to start off the new year than to do a spell on the fourth day to tap into the magical power of four? Light four candles, one at a time, as you say this spell. ( You can do this on the fourth of any month.) Four the quarters, full of power, Earth and air, fire and water. Four the seasons, turning slowly, Winter, spring, summer, fall. Four for balance in my life, Work and play, dark and light. Four for a year filled with growth, In measured pace, with joy for all.


Storm Faerywolf

Deborah Blake

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January 5 Saturday

January 6 Sunday

4th J New Moon 8:28 pm

1st J

Color of the Day: Gold Incense of the Day: Frankincense

Color of the Day: Black Incense of the Day: Sandalwood Solar Eclipse

Bad Habits, Fly Away! new moon and a solar eclipse:    this is a time to welcome in and a time to banish. Such contradictions may seem impossible to resolve. The days begin to be longer, indicating an awakening, but we are in the time of the wheel of the year for introspection. The first time you perform this casting, choose something simple, like a minor bad habit. Prepare your space, get comfortable, and envision your favorite bird. This friendly bird is awaiting your request. Next, envision the bad habit as well as the good habit that will replace it. After you write the bad habit on a piece of paper, your little bird puts out a leg and you tie the paper on. Fly away, bad habit! Now imagine that bird returning to you with the new good habit, or just the lack of the bad habit. Say: Little bird of feathers and flight, Take this bad habit and make it right. Little bird of feathers and fun, Bring me a good habit, now it is begun.


Stone Spell for Reaching Goals rite your goal on a small slip of  paper and fold it in half. Visualize yourself completing your goal—see yourself being successful. Place the paper on your altar or other special place and set a stone on top of the paper. Use either aqua aura quartz, aventurine, or a clear quartz crystal. As you put the stone in place, chant: Success will come with motivation, planning, and determination. Setting forth with heart and soul, I know I will achieve my goal. Repeat this spell for each goal, each time seeing yourself achieving it successfully. Leave the stone and paper in place until you have achieved the goal. Let it serve as a reminder to keep working toward it.


Ember Grant

Emyme Page 12

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January 7 Monday

January 8 Tuesday

1st J a v/c 1:20 am a → K 1:46 am

1st K

Color of the Day: Lavender Incense of the Day: Neroli

Star Light, Star Bright inter skies are exceptionally clear.   The cold air keeps pollutants at bay and gives us the opportunity to gaze at the stars, unparalleled in other seasons. Science teaches that the starlight we see comes from stars that may have burnt out many light years ago. But does that really matter? Perhaps it would if you were a scientist, but most of us are not astronomers. We simply appreciate the ability to be awed by the beautiful night sky. An old children’s rhyme reads: Star light, star bright, The first star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight. What could be more perfect than the sincere wish of a child? Tonight, stand beneath the winter sky and find a star that calls to you. Close your eyes and make a wish. May all your wishes come true.

Color of the Day: Red Incense of the Day: Cedar

All Is Well e’re a week into the new year.   How’s it going so far? While it can be hard to deal with change, it’s best to remember that change is always with us. It’s the way of the world! If it’s not too cold where you live, go outside early this morning and look around. See the rising sun and know there’s always a new dawn. Look at the trees and imagine the tiny leaves curled up inside the branches. These leaves will awaken and unfurl. Look at your garden and imagine the fruits and veggies sleeping under the earth (and maybe under snow) and know that they will stretch and rise and bloom. Back inside, sit quietly and meditate with this paraphrase of the words of the medieval English mystic Dame Julian of Norwich: All is well. All things are well. All manner of things are well. All can only be well.



Najah Lightfoot

Barbara Ardinger Page 13

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January 9 Wednesday

January 10 Thursday

1st K a v/c 11:53 am a → L 2:44 pm

1st L

Color of the Day: White Incense of the Day: Bay laurel

Soul-Baring Spell he Sumerian goddess Inanna’s birth was celebrated in early January. In an early descent myth, Inanna journeyed to the underworld, stripping away her armor and clothing at seven points during her descent. Baring herself, Inanna faced illness, grief, loss, regret, and death, seeing them as part of the great wheel of life. Invoke Inanna. Bare your soul. Dispel your worries. Seven times, let your mind rest on your troubles, whispering: Inanna, brave warrior, please be near, Walk with me through ___ and fear. Stripped of worry and deep-held dread, I face life bare, open, and ready instead. With each whisper, symbolically remove a piece of clothing or jewelry. When you are naked, know that, like Inanna, you must face whatever life brings. As you put your clothes back on, understand that facing your fears enables you to survive them. It is all part of the cycle of the wheel of life.

Color of the Day: Purple Incense of the Day: Carnation

Spell for Stability hoose four rocks that appeal  to you. Hold each one in your hands individually as you focus your thoughts on something that helps you feel secure and grounded. You might think of family, wealth, shelter, love, health, or other concepts. As you hold each rock, imagine that you have an abundance of whatever that rock represents. Conjure up the emotions of security and project these feelings into each rock. Place the rocks at each corner of your property, or hide them near the corners of a room where a stabilizing force is most needed. This spell will help settle erratic energies to bring a grounded, centering energy to your home.


Melanie Marquis


Dallas Jennifer Cobb

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January 11 Friday


1st L a v/c 9:25 am

Color of the Day: Pink Incense of the Day: Cypress

A Dab Will Do Vanilla Spell hose who work the standard business week look forward to Fridays as the end of the work week. We all hope for a pleasant and smooth Friday. Vanilla resonates with Friday’s energies, and its scent is known to have a calming effect and improve the mood. Making ourselves and those around us calmer can’t be a bad thing. So with the aim to end the week on a pleasant note, put on a couple dabs of vanilla extract or essential oil, take three deep breaths in and out, and then say to yourself: Vanilla, sweet and relaxing, Help make the day less taxing. Unwind and calm, For any sore mood you are a soothing balm. May all our cares float away. To all a pleasant Friday!


Blake Octavian Blair

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January 12 Saturday

5. Go outside. Look up toward the clouds of Asgard (Frigg’s home). 6. Spin clockwise, visualizing your yarn in the clouds. Envision them holding keys to your life, home, and happiness.

1st L a → A 3:18 am

Color of the Day: Blue Incense of the Day: Patchouli

7. Stop briefly.

Frigg Altar and Ritual rigg is an important Norse goddess, emblematic of the northern housewife. Her domain includes love, fertility, marriage, domesticity, destiny, and protection. Today, set aside time to honor Frigg. Altar In the bathroom, set out a silvery cloth, roses in a vase of water, a censer, and a skein of sky-blue yarn. Light some charcoals in the censer. Sprinkle with sandalwood chips— an incense for remembrance. Ritual

8. Spin counterclockwise.


9. Recite: Praise Frigg! Show me the future. Help me fulfill my destiny. Blessed be! Stephanie Rose Bird

1. Take a shower, using soap containing birch essential oil. 2. Clarify your thoughts with sips of feverfew tea. 3. Wear a white robe (dress). Cinch the waist with gold cord from which keys hang, representing silence and forgetfulness. 4. Pin feathers in your hair, forming a crown. (Colors: white, gray, or green.) Page 16

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Almanac / Witchcraft & Wicca

Bring More Magic into Your Life with 365 Quick and Powerful Spells Transform your magical practice, improve your daily life, and so much more with Llewellyn’s 2019 Witches’ Spell-ADay Almanac. Spellcasters of all levels can use these easy bewitchments, recipes, rituals, and meditations. Created by popular practitioners like Melanie Marquis, Deborah Blake, Devin Hunter, Elizabeth Barrette, and Storm Faerywolf, these 365 spells require minimal supplies and are helpful for every occasion. Use the convenient cross-reference table to quickly find the spells you desire, or follow along day by day and work the spells that are most relevant to you. Discover beginner-friendly advice on the best time, place, and tools for performing each spell. Apply astrological data and daily color and incense recommendations to enhance each day’s magic. And with space to jot down notes, this unique spell book can be used as a Book of Shadows. Llewellyn Leading publisher of mind, body, spirit books since 1901 $12.99 US / 16.99 CAN ISBN 978-0-7387-4617-3 51299


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