Playing Card Divination for Beginners, by Richard Webster

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New NewAge Age/ /Divination Divination/ /Playing PlayingCards Cards

Chances Chancesare areyou youalready alreadyown ownaapowerful powerfuldivination divinationtool—a tool—acommon common pack packofofplaying playingcards. cards.So Soinstead insteadofof sitting sittingdown downfor foranother anotherevening evening ofofbridge bridgeororpoker, poker,why whynot nottry tryyour yourhand handatatpredicting predictingthe thefuture? future? This Thisbook bookisisaacomplete completeguide guidetotoreading readingfortunes fortuneswith withany anystanstandard darddeck deckofofplaying playingcards. cards.You’ll You’lllearn learnaaunique uniqueand andsimple simplemethod method for formemorizing memorizingindividual individualcard cardmeanings, meanings,asaswell wellasashow howto tointerpret interpret groups groupsofofcards. cards.Answer Answercommon commonquestions questionsfor foryourself, yourself,your yourfamily, family, ororyour yourfriends. friends.Detailed Detailedsample samplereadings readingsshow showyou youstep stepby bystep stephow how totoput putititall allinto intothe thecontext contextofofaacomplete completereading. reading. Playing PlayingCard CardDivination Divinationfor forBeginners Beginnersincludes includesmore morethan thanaadozen dozen different differentcard cardspreads spreadsdesigned designedto toanswer answer specific specific questions questions about about love loveand andromance, romance,career careeropportunities, opportunities,what whatthe the coming coming week week or or month monthwill willbring, bring,or oreven evengeneral general“yes “yesor orno” no”queries. queries. Be Be prepared prepared for forsudden suddenpopularity—in popularity—inno notime timeyou’ll you’llhave havepeople peoplelining liningup upto tosee see what’s what’s“in “inthe thecards” cards”for forthem! them! Many Manypeople peoplebelieve believethat thatthe thefuture futureisisnot notset setininstone, stone,and and that that practicing practicingdivination divinationactually actuallygives givesyou youmore morecontrol controlover overyour yourlife. life.IfIf you youdon’t don’tlike likewhat whatyou yousee seeininthe thecards, cards,adjust adjustaccordingly, accordingly,or orask askthem them what whatyou youcan cando dototochange changethe thecurrent currentcourse courseofof events. events.Why Whygamble gamble with withthe thefuture? future?Grab Grabaadeck deckand andsee seewhat’s what’sininthe thecards cardsfor foryou! you! Richard RichardWebster Webster(New (NewZealand) Zealand)isisaahypnotherapist hypnotherapistand andteacher teacher who who travels travelsaround aroundthe theworld worldlecturing lecturingand andconducting conductingworkshops workshopson onpsychic psychic subjects. subjects. He He isis the the author author ofof more more than than fifty fifty books books published published by by Llewellyn, Llewellyn,including includingDowsing Dowsingfor forBeginners, Beginners,Pendulum PendulumMagic Magicfor forBeginners, Beginners, and andFeng FengShui Shuifor forBeginners. Beginners. $12.99 $12.99US US/ /$14.95 $14.95CAN CAN ISBN ISBN978-0-7387-4739-2 978-0-7387-4739-2• •• •Twitter:@LlewellynBooks Twitter:@LlewellynBooks

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