5 minute read
The Ethical Witch and the Noble Quest for Knowledge
a secluded spot, and said some Words of Power. When anyone asked what it was, I said it was potpourri. The situation improved. We filled the position with a great employee, and I was able to use my magic and my magical supplies while remaining under the radar.
Final Tips and Tricks
As you’ve been reading, you’ve probably thought of some other tricks to disguise your magical ways. Here are a few final tips of my own.
One of the easiest tools to hide in plain sight is a magic mirror. You can use it as an everyday mirror. Then, when it’s needed for magic, spray a soft cotton cloth with some bottled spring water and simply wipe the mirror off. This will remove any negative energy from your mirror. Now you can use it as a magic mirror. Also, a small hand mirror kept at work is a great way to deflect any bad vibes coming your way. Just place it so the mirror is facing away from you.
Finally, a word about cards for divining. Tarot cards are a sure sign that you probably practice magic. To avoid this, have you ever thought about learning to read ordinary playing cards? That way you can leave them out, play with them, and divine with them.
It’s not easy living a magical life. Until magical folks are completely accepted, we’ll have to keep our magic under our pointed hats and fly our magic brooms under the radar.
James Kambos has written essays and articles about folk magic, herbs, and spellcrafting for twenty-five years. He has a degree in the social sciences and geography from Ohio University. He gardens, writes, and paints from his home in the beautiful hill country of southern Ohio. Illustrator: Tim Foley
Magical Self-Care
Nurture Your Body, Mind & Spirit
Witchy Workouts
Autumn Damiana
Ugh, I think to myself for the hundredth time after passing a mirror. It’s 2021 and I’ve been mostly sedentary for the last year and a half, and I can’t help but notice how much rounder and flabbier I’ve become. The COVID-19 pandemic forced most people inside for many months, and conservative estimates claim that the average person gained somewhere between fifteen and twenty pounds during this time period. I am certainly no exception, and it shows. My weight and fitness level have definitely suffered, and I need to get back in shape.
Starting a new workout regimen is hard, so I’ve decided that this time I am going to do it the witchy way. I will, of course, do the physical work required, but I will also use magic and spellcraft to help me along. Any Witch can similarly apply their talents to reach their fitness goals.
First, you need to ask yourself why you want to work out. Maybe you want to lose weight or get better sleep, or perhaps your doctor recommended it. Maybe you have multiple reasons. I personally hope to drop some pounds, but I also want to manage my stress levels and treat my dog to some longer walks and hikes. If you want to start working out or need help motivating yourself to keep going, think about all the reasons you should do it, not just one. What if eventually you want to learn a new sport, train for a marathon, boost your immune system, or lower your blood pressure? I make this point because if you want to use Witchcraft to achieve your goals, it is exponentially helpful if you can apply it on multiple levels.
Keep a Workout Journal
Whether you are an exercise newbie or a seasoned pro, the first place to start a witchy workout is with a journal. Writing in a journal is a way to give yourself guidance by recording your successes and failures and jotting down ideas, questions, feelings, and strategies. This will keep you motivated and on track, help you monitor your progress, and allow you the space to problem-solve. Think of it as a Book of Shadows for your fitness quest. Before I started a witchy workout, I kept a food journal where I recorded what I ate and how many calories I consumed and sometimes included a brief entry about what was going on that day or in my life in general. I learned so much about myself from just that small amount of information! Here are some journal prompt examples with a witchy focus to get you started writing:
1. Daily affirmations or mantras: “I believe in myself” or “I am healthier today than I was yesterday.” These are words of power and should inspire you.
2. Words of gratitude: “I’m so happy I saw that sunset during my jog” or “I give thanks that I can afford nutritious food.”
3. Magical meals: Use a versatile recipe where you can pick and choose ingredients based on their magical correspondences.
Examples include smoothies, soups, stir-fries, and quiches. 4. Write a prayer to a deity: “I thank you, Aphrodite, for the beautiful body I have been given. Please help me to love myself as
I am.”
5. Make a mini vision board: Draw a representation of yourself in the middle of the page, then sketch all the things you would like to attract around you. Use symbols to keep it simple.
Use an hourglass for slimming down, a calendar with a date depicted of an event for which you want to get fit, a leaf for growth, a barbell for strength, etc. Draw large, exaggerated arrows from each symbol pointed toward the drawing of you.
Visualize each of these things coming into your life.
6. Daily tarot card (or other oracle card) reading: Pick one card right after you get up to give you guidance and insight into your workout for that day.
7. Create a magical sigil defining your fitness goals, then inscribe it at the top of every page. 8. List a helpful witchy website: How are you using this information in your workout? One that I use is mountainroseherbs.com.
They have a variety of wellness products, like essential oils, tea blends, and natural bath and body supplies. Their blog and podcasts are also full of healthy herbal tips and recipes.
Witchcraft Essentials
Practices, Rituals & Spells