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Flying Under the Radar: How to Disguise Your Interest in the Craft
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Flying Under the Radar: How to Disguise Your Interest in the Craft
James Kambos
Ihave a crystal ball. Genuine crystal. I love to pick it up and feel its heft. Its smoothness. When I’m not scrying with it, I’ll stop and admire it. I even love the inclusions trapped inside the otherwise smooth, clear sphere. On the hottest day, it still feels cool to the touch. But, as I handle it and admire it on this summer afternoon with sunlight streaming through the window, I realize something. If I had possessed a magical tool such as this centuries ago, or any item that could be used for magic, I could have been burned at the stake. Or drowned. Or put on trial for witchcraft. Or ostracized by my community. At the
very least, I could have been blamed for a bad harvest—or blamed because Miss Annie’s cow down the road stopped giving milk. And who knows what else!
It sounds crazy, doesn’t it? But the sad thing is that even now in the twenty-first century, many of us magical folk still have to be careful. How many of you feel the need to hide your magical tools, or anything that could be remotely associated with magic, before family and friends come to visit? Sad but true. Many of us still have to stash away our pointed black hats so we can fly under the radar, as I’m fond of saying, without being detected as a magical practitioner. Even sadder, people other than Witches and Pagans have been targeted. I have even had teachers tell me that they’ve faced backlash from parents for reading a Harry Potter book aloud in class, or for even having a Harry Potter book in their classroom. We have to become So, just as Witches of times skillful at blending past have had to do, we have to our magical tools/ become skillful at blending our magical tools/supplies into our supplies into our surroundings so we don’t raise surroundings so we suspicion that we might be don’t raise suspicion practicing some type of black that we might be magic. practicing some type What follows are ideas, tips, and advice on how to live a of black magic. magical life at home or work, complete with your magical tools at hand—but maybe camouflaged a little. You can still practice your magic and spirituality while flying discreetly under the radar.
To make it easy, I’ve grouped magical tools and supplies. Under each heading, I give advice on how to use or display your magical items without causing a raised eyebrow. When practical, I also mention how to use some of these items at work.
Brooms, or besoms, as they were once known, are a cleaning tool. But they’re also a common magical tool. A broom is also the form of transportation that has traditionally been associated with Witches in occult lore. Being a typical household item, it’s a magical tool that can easily be left out in plain view without raising suspicion. Some Witches use their magic broom as a regular cleaning broom as well. They feel it strengthens their connection with their broom. So no one will ever know the broom leaning by your back door is actually a magical broom.
Candles are easy to blend into your décor without drawing attention to them as a magical aid. However, you probably won’t be able to use them in the workplace, considering the many fire safety codes that are in place. At home, though, candles can easily be both practical and magical. Before burning, simply dress or rub your candles to magically charge them, then safely light before company arrives. Your guests will never know that your candles are working their magic in the background as they burn. Scented candles, even when unlit, can infuse a space with magical energy.
Cauldrons and Bowls
You may think a cauldron would be hard to disguise as a regular household item, but it isn’t. I have an antique, black iron cauldron. I painted the exterior black. When the cauldron is not in magical use, I simply place a potted plant inside of it. Presto—instant planter! When the cauldron is needed on the altar, just remove the potted plant. In the fall, it looks awesome with a potted chrysanthemum sitting in it. The best part is that no one knows its true magical purpose.
Bowls, especially dark bowls, make a great stand-in for a cauldron. And, when filled with water, they double as an effective scrying tool. When an ordinary bowl is left out on the kitchen counter, no one will ever suspect it leads a double life as a magical helper.
Crystals and Gems
Crystals and semiprecious gems in the form of beads or crystal clusters are highly potent magical tools. Luckily, they’re also easy to incorporate into everyday décor. They’re very portable as well. If you feel the need for a specific crystal or gem, just put it in your purse or pocket, and you have mobile magical energy. Besides, this is the one magical accessory you can have safely on display at home or work. A crystal cluster on your desk or shelf at work won’t draw attention to you. Today, many people collect rocks and crystals. Also, the mystical powers of crystals and gems are known and accepted by many non-magical people. You can leave them out at home or work, and no one will know that you’ve magically charged them. For example, a rose quartz crystal will release calming energy at home or on your desk at work. A dish of aquamarine beads will bring peace to the most stressful home or work environment.
If you’re afraid a genuine crystal ball may “out” you as a magical person, try this. In place of a crystal ball, magically charge an attractive glass paperweight. Use it in place of a crystal ball. Glass paperweights are great to use for scrying at home or work.
Herbs and Flowers
You may have herbs, flowers, or other plants already as houseplants or in the garden. While they aren’t exactly a household or magical item, they do have a direct link to magic. For that reason, I think they should be mentioned.
Since most plants have some magical properties, many herbalists and Witches of times past grew cottage gardens overflowing with magical plants. And they did so without fear. Who could tell if those roses spilling over a fence were being raised for their beauty or were leading another life as components in love spells? What about that patch of sage by the kitchen door? Was it only used as a flavoring in tasty recipes? Or, on a moonlit night, was it used to contact spirits of the dead? The point is, herbs and flowers are the one area where you can cut loose and plant them for beauty as well as magic without having to explain. You can also feel safe having potted plants Herbs and flowers on display at work without draware the one area ing attention. where you can cut Drying herbs in your home is loose and plant another way to activate magical them for beauty energies without anyone knowing. For instance, drying basil is as well as magic a good way to banish evil. Mint without having drying near a window helps to to explain. You draw protective energies into the can also feel safe home. Hanging a bunch of beauhaving potted tiful yarrow to dry in the home creates a loving atmosphere. It plants on display can also be used in love spells. at work without Dried herbs can also be used drawing attention. to bring calm, protective energy to the workplace without anyone noticing. Here’s a situation I found myself in, and how I used dried herbs to change the situation for the better. Years ago, a difficult coworker was fired. After the firing, the entire workplace was filled with tension. That night at home, I blended a mixture of dried sage (a cleanser) and dried rose petals (for calming). I arrived at work early the next morning. I put the herbal mixture in a small dish, placed it in