Mastering Magick, by Mat Auryn

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magick and psychic ability in the same manner. The four come together to create a genuine conversation with the Universe, one in which we are co-creating in sovereignty and service. In the Witches’ Rede, the advice is given “soft of eye and light of touch, speak ye little, listen much.” This passage seems to be saying to try not to be judgmental of or harsh toward others, to be gentle in your actions, and listen more than you speak. Perhaps that is precisely what it means and all it means. Upon meditating on this passage, though, I’ve gained other insights on it. For me, this passage is also about a balanced approach to psychic ability (the soft gaze used when looking at energy or scrying) and magick (the touching and manipulating of subtle energy) for the witch’s path of mastery. It’s about consciously listening more than speaking in our conversation with the Universe. Of course, this is only my interpretation, and “Rede” simply means advice. However, I find merit in this interpretation. That is why most of the spells and magick within this book are aimed at the psychic arts in one way or another, to deepen our connection to the Universe around us, seen and unseen, and to come to know our True Will and our role we play in the intricate web of existence. As a follow-up to Psychic Witch, I will continue to share my understanding, knowledge, experience, insights, practices, meditations, and spells. Know that these are my personal approaches and understandings, not necessarily those of every witch or magickal practitioner. Find what resonates with you and incorporate it into your practices; modify and adjust them; make them reflect your spiritual path, your relationship with magick, and your connection to the world of spirit. Find which key practices really speak to you and discern whether these are to be integrated as daily, weekly, monthly, or seasonal practices for you. It is my hope that through sharing how I approach magick, I will inspire you to begin formulating your own magickal practice or to incorporate new approaches to your already existing practice, and, of course, to become more proficient at casting spells that work. In some ways, I am not so very different today from that little boy who wandered into that metaphysical shop all those years ago. I hungered for knowledge about the occult and the powers of the Universe. I devoured books, practiced spells, and experimented with my powers whenever I had the opportunity. I am constantly learning and growing, and I am hopeful

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