3 minute read
Why All the Secrets?
You’re not alone in living out this part of your life in a secret fashion, but it can sometimes be a mystery as to why it feels like this experience needs a secret safe space to evolve and bloom. There are various reasons why that may be.
When you are beginning a new project, some people believe that you shouldn’t share about it, but instead should wait at least until you’ve developed it into something more substantial. Otherwise, in sharing, you divide up the energy and may end up expending what otherwise would have been put to use in creating. Sometimes when we overshare and talk about things too early on, we find that the initial spark of inspiration dwindles and fades. When we hold our inspiration close, letting it warm us from within, we feed that flame until it’s a roaring fire that can then sustain its energy to warm others as well. Right now, your secret psychic experience may be that inner spark that you need to keep for yourself. At a later point you’ll begin to sense if and when the time is right to share your inner world with others.
Another key reason why you probably feel the need to keep things secret is because you don’t want others to think there is something mentally wrong with you. If you start telling people you’re hearing voices or seeing visions, it’s easy for others who don’t get it to assume that you’re just hallucinating. They may suspect that you have a psychological or neurological issue, like schizophrenia. For some people this is in fact the case, but in instances of hearing or seeing via our intuitive senses, that’s not what’s going on. It’s not a disorder; it’s a healthy and natural experience of the subtle senses.
Throughout time and all around the world, people have shared their subtle skills and were even celebrated for them, playing important roles in society in ways that made use of their gifts. Even in the Bible there’s mention of such skills. For example, in the book of Daniel, the king of Babylon called on people with these skills to interpret his dreams. In one instance, the king was unwilling to give out the details of the dream he’d had. But even without any details, a man named Daniel still had the ability to interpret the dream for the king after receiving the information and meaning from Spirit.
Daniel became known as someone who was able to interpret visions and dreams.4
Another example can be found in the book of Genesis. In this story, Pharaoh had a dream that he called on diviners to interpret. Eventually, a man named Joseph (who had demonstrated an ability to interpret dreams successfully before) was able to interpret it for him after the meaning was revealed to him from Spirit.5
Psychic and spiritual teacher Echo Bodine shares in her book The Gift that in the Bible there is a plethora of positive references to prophets/seers and subtle abilities, as well as explanation for the “Gifts of the Spirit,” or special abilities (including prophecy, which comes about from psychic abilities), that have been imparted to all of us by the Holy Spirit.6
In more recent history, the pendulum swung the other way, especially in the Western world. Instead of openness and appreciation for subtle abilities, there was suspicion and contempt. These abilities aligned with accusations of witchcraft and the persecution that came along with it. Psychic abilities and spiritual wisdom that was gained outside the boundaries of religion began to be associated with working with the devil. Laws were passed making the practice illegal in many places. As a result, the use of subtle abilities was lost, or what remained largely went underground and was practiced in secret.
When the Spiritualist movement began in the mid-1800s, appreciation for psychic skills grew. People participated in demonstrations of various skills, including readings by mediums, which opened up discussion about afterlife possibilities. But once again, the movement declined as magicians and scientists sought to explain away these experiences by claiming that people were being duped. While in some instances this was surely true, as one person puts it, “This is akin to saying that now that we can duplicate diamonds, all diamonds must be fake.”7
4. Daniel 2: 1–49 (New International Version). 5. Genesis 41:1–57 (New International Version). 6. Echo Bodine, The Gift: Understand and Develop Your Psychic Abilities (Novato, CA: New
World Library, 2003), 36–42. 7. Andy Jackson, “The Persecution of Psychics Throughout History,” Psychics Directory, accessed
Aug. 31, 2021, https://www.psychicsdirectory.com/articles/persecution-psychics-history/.